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< > BotCompany Repo | #1027304 // Eclipse Collections [Include]

JavaX fragment (include)

lib 1400346
lib 1400348

import org.eclipse.collections.impl.set.mutable.primitive.*;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.tuple.primitive.*;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.iterator.*;

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Snippet ID: #1027304
Snippet name: Eclipse Collections [Include]
Eternal ID of this version: #1027304/4
Text MD5: 83b4ab779de498a65f97a0ed984cc19b
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2020-07-30 00:17:52
Source code size: 253 bytes / 7 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 153 / 4425
Version history: 3 change(s)
Referenced in: #1027305 - lazyBWImage - IBWImage with on-demand pixel generation. not synchronized
#1028186 - LineCompCompressor, faster version [LIVE]
#1028247 - LineComp_PairIndex - helper for LineComp compressor [LIVE]
#1028519 - LineComp_PairIndex [byCount pointing to sets, dev.]
#1028521 - LineComp_PairIndex [v2, finally replacing all LinkedHashSets in the critical path]
#1028523 - LineComp_PairIndex [v3, getting rid of Node object headers, dev.]
#1029107 - LCStreamingCompressor [seems to work]
#1029237 - ManagedIntObjects_v1_Collector [compacting collector for managed memory]
#1029327 - LCMerger [OK]
#1029336 - ManagedIntObjects64_Collector [dev., compacting collector for managed memory]
#1029353 - LCMerger [working backup]
#1029357 - LCMerger [working backup]
#1029369 - BufferedDiskIntMemory
#1029393 - MapDB Include
#1029423 - LCMerger_v2 [with sorted pair index, uses less memory, dev.]
#1029446 - BufferedDiskIntMemory64 [handles files > 16 GB, memory-mapped]
#1029456 - BufferedDiskIntMemory64 [working backup before memory-mapped IO]
#1029532 - BufferedDiskByteMemory64 [handles files > 16 GB, dev.]
#1029539 - RAMByteMemory64
#1030401 - LineComp_PairIndex - helper for LineComp compressor [backup before IntPairTreeSet]
#1030946 - unstructure (v17, with base classes)
#1034649 - unstructure (v18, with enums, LIVE)
#1035484 - unstructure (v19, LIVE)
#1035798 - unstructure (v20, introducing the Unstructurer class, LIVE)