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// Wav file IO class // A.Greensted // // File format is based on the information from // // // Version 1.0 sclass GSWavFile implements AutoCloseable { // GS for Greensted... private enum IOState {READING, WRITING, CLOSED}; private final static int BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; private final static int FMT_CHUNK_ID = 0x20746D66; private final static int DATA_CHUNK_ID = 0x61746164; private final static int RIFF_CHUNK_ID = 0x46464952; private final static int RIFF_TYPE_ID = 0x45564157; private File file; // File that will be read from or written to private IOState ioState; // Specifies the IO State of the Wav File (used for snaity checking) private int bytesPerSample; // Number of bytes required to store a single sample private long numFrames; // Number of frames within the data section private OutputStream oStream; // Output stream used for writting data private FileInputStream iStream; // Input stream used for reading data private double floatScale; // Scaling factor used for int <-> float conversion private double floatOffset; // Offset factor used for int <-> float conversion private boolean wordAlignAdjust; // Specify if an extra byte at the end of the data chunk is required for word alignment // Wav Header private int numChannels; // 2 bytes unsigned, 0x0001 (1) to 0xFFFF (65,535) private long sampleRate; // 4 bytes unsigned, 0x00000001 (1) to 0xFFFFFFFF (4,294,967,295) // Although a java int is 4 bytes, it is signed, so need to use a long private int blockAlign; // 2 bytes unsigned, 0x0001 (1) to 0xFFFF (65,535) private int validBits; // 2 bytes unsigned, 0x0002 (2) to 0xFFFF (65,535) // Buffering private byte[] buffer; // Local buffer used for IO private int bufferPointer; // Points to the current position in local buffer private int bytesRead; // Bytes read after last read into local buffer private long frameCounter; // Current number of frames read or written // Cannot instantiate GSWavFile directly, must either use newWavFile() or openWavFile() private GSWavFile() { buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; } public int getNumChannels() { return numChannels; } public long getNumFrames() { return numFrames; } public long getFramesRemaining() { return numFrames - frameCounter; } public long getSampleRate() { return sampleRate; } public int getValidBits() { return validBits; } public static GSWavFile newWavFile(File file, int numChannels, long numFrames, int validBits, long sampleRate) throws IOException { ret newWavFile(null, file, numChannels, numFrames, validBits, sampleRate); } public static GSWavFile newWavFile(OutputStream oStream, File file, int numChannels, long numFrames, int validBits, long sampleRate) throws IOException { // Instantiate new Wavfile and initialise GSWavFile wavFile = new GSWavFile(); wavFile.file = file; wavFile.numChannels = numChannels; wavFile.numFrames = numFrames; wavFile.sampleRate = sampleRate; wavFile.bytesPerSample = (validBits + 7) / 8; wavFile.blockAlign = wavFile.bytesPerSample * numChannels; wavFile.validBits = validBits; // Sanity check arguments if (numChannels < 1 || numChannels > 65535) throw new RuntimeException("Illegal number of channels, valid range 1 to 65536"); if (numFrames < 0) throw new RuntimeException("Number of frames must be positive"); if (validBits < 2 || validBits > 65535) throw new RuntimeException("Illegal number of valid bits, valid range 2 to 65536"); if (sampleRate < 0) throw new RuntimeException("Sample rate must be positive"); // Create output stream for writing data wavFile.oStream = oStream != null ? oStream : new FileOutputStream(file); // Calculate the chunk sizes long dataChunkSize = wavFile.blockAlign * numFrames; long mainChunkSize = 4 + // Riff Type 8 + // Format ID and size 16 + // Format data 8 + // Data ID and size dataChunkSize; // Chunks must be word aligned, so if odd number of audio data bytes // adjust the main chunk size if (dataChunkSize % 2 == 1) { mainChunkSize += 1; wavFile.wordAlignAdjust = true; } else { wavFile.wordAlignAdjust = false; } // Set the main chunk size putLE(RIFF_CHUNK_ID, wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); putLE(mainChunkSize, wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); putLE(RIFF_TYPE_ID, wavFile.buffer, 8, 4); // Write out the header wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 12); // Put format data in buffer long averageBytesPerSecond = sampleRate * wavFile.blockAlign; putLE(FMT_CHUNK_ID, wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); // Chunk ID putLE(16, wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); // Chunk Data Size putLE(1, wavFile.buffer, 8, 2); // Compression Code (Uncompressed) putLE(numChannels, wavFile.buffer, 10, 2); // Number of channels putLE(sampleRate, wavFile.buffer, 12, 4); // Sample Rate putLE(averageBytesPerSecond, wavFile.buffer, 16, 4); // Average Bytes Per Second putLE(wavFile.blockAlign, wavFile.buffer, 20, 2); // Block Align putLE(validBits, wavFile.buffer, 22, 2); // Valid Bits // Write Format Chunk wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 24); // Start Data Chunk putLE(DATA_CHUNK_ID, wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); // Chunk ID putLE(dataChunkSize, wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); // Chunk Data Size // Write Format Chunk wavFile.oStream.write(wavFile.buffer, 0, 8); // Calculate the scaling factor for converting to a normalised double if (wavFile.validBits > 8) { // If more than 8 validBits, data is signed // Conversion required multiplying by magnitude of max positive value wavFile.floatOffset = 0; wavFile.floatScale = Long.MAX_VALUE >> (64 - wavFile.validBits); } else { // Else if 8 or less validBits, data is unsigned // Conversion required dividing by max positive value wavFile.floatOffset = 1; wavFile.floatScale = 0.5 * ((1 << wavFile.validBits) - 1); } // Finally, set the IO State wavFile.bufferPointer = 0; wavFile.bytesRead = 0; wavFile.frameCounter = 0; wavFile.ioState = IOState.WRITING; return wavFile; } public static GSWavFile openWavFile(File file) throws IOException, RuntimeException { // Instantiate new Wavfile and store the file reference GSWavFile wavFile = new GSWavFile(); wavFile.file = file; // Create a new file input stream for reading file data wavFile.iStream = new FileInputStream(file); // Read the first 12 bytes of the file int bytesRead =, 0, 12); if (bytesRead != 12) throw new RuntimeException("Not enough wav file bytes for header"); // Extract parts from the header long riffChunkID = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); long chunkSize = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); long riffTypeID = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 8, 4); // Check the header bytes contains the correct signature if (riffChunkID != RIFF_CHUNK_ID) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Wav Header data, incorrect riff chunk ID"); if (riffTypeID != RIFF_TYPE_ID) throw new RuntimeException("Invalid Wav Header data, incorrect riff type ID"); // Check that the file size matches the number of bytes listed in header if (file.length() != chunkSize+8) { throw new RuntimeException("Header chunk size (" + chunkSize + ") does not match file size (" + file.length() + ")"); } boolean foundFormat = false; boolean foundData = false; // Search for the Format and Data Chunks while (true) { // Read the first 8 bytes of the chunk (ID and chunk size) bytesRead =, 0, 8); if (bytesRead == -1) throw new RuntimeException("Reached end of file without finding format chunk"); if (bytesRead != 8) throw new RuntimeException("Could not read chunk header"); // Extract the chunk ID and Size long chunkID = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 0, 4); chunkSize = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); // Word align the chunk size // chunkSize specifies the number of bytes holding data. However, // the data should be word aligned (2 bytes) so we need to calculate // the actual number of bytes in the chunk long numChunkBytes = (chunkSize%2 == 1) ? chunkSize+1 : chunkSize; if (chunkID == FMT_CHUNK_ID) { // Flag that the format chunk has been found foundFormat = true; // Read in the header info bytesRead =, 0, 16); // Check this is uncompressed data int compressionCode = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 0, 2); if (compressionCode != 1) throw new RuntimeException("Compression Code " + compressionCode + " not supported"); // Extract the format information wavFile.numChannels = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 2, 2); wavFile.sampleRate = getLE(wavFile.buffer, 4, 4); wavFile.blockAlign = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 12, 2); wavFile.validBits = (int) getLE(wavFile.buffer, 14, 2); if (wavFile.numChannels == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Number of channels specified in header is equal to zero"); if (wavFile.blockAlign == 0) throw new RuntimeException("Block Align specified in header is equal to zero"); if (wavFile.validBits < 2) throw new RuntimeException("Valid Bits specified in header is less than 2"); if (wavFile.validBits > 64) throw new RuntimeException("Valid Bits specified in header is greater than 64, this is greater than a long can hold"); // Calculate the number of bytes required to hold 1 sample wavFile.bytesPerSample = (wavFile.validBits + 7) / 8; if (wavFile.bytesPerSample * wavFile.numChannels != wavFile.blockAlign) throw new RuntimeException("Block Align does not agree with bytes required for validBits and number of channels"); // Account for number of format bytes and then skip over // any extra format bytes numChunkBytes -= 16; if (numChunkBytes > 0) wavFile.iStream.skip(numChunkBytes); } else if (chunkID == DATA_CHUNK_ID) { // Check if we've found the format chunk, // If not, throw an exception as we need the format information // before we can read the data chunk if (foundFormat == false) throw new RuntimeException("Data chunk found before Format chunk"); // Check that the chunkSize (wav data length) is a multiple of the // block align (bytes per frame) if (chunkSize % wavFile.blockAlign != 0) throw new RuntimeException("Data Chunk size is not multiple of Block Align"); // Calculate the number of frames wavFile.numFrames = chunkSize / wavFile.blockAlign; // Flag that we've found the wave data chunk foundData = true; break; } else { // If an unknown chunk ID is found, just skip over the chunk data wavFile.iStream.skip(numChunkBytes); } } // Throw an exception if no data chunk has been found if (foundData == false) throw new RuntimeException("Did not find a data chunk"); // Calculate the scaling factor for converting to a normalised double if (wavFile.validBits > 8) { // If more than 8 validBits, data is signed // Conversion required dividing by magnitude of max negative value wavFile.floatOffset = 0; wavFile.floatScale = 1 << (wavFile.validBits - 1); } else { // Else if 8 or less validBits, data is unsigned // Conversion required dividing by max positive value wavFile.floatOffset = -1; wavFile.floatScale = 0.5 * ((1 << wavFile.validBits) - 1); } wavFile.bufferPointer = 0; wavFile.bytesRead = 0; wavFile.frameCounter = 0; wavFile.ioState = IOState.READING; return wavFile; } // Get and Put little endian data from local buffer // ------------------------------------------------ private static long getLE(byte[] buffer, int pos, int numBytes) { numBytes --; pos += numBytes; long val = buffer[pos] & 0xFF; for (int b=0 ; b<numBytes ; b++) val = (val << 8) + (buffer[--pos] & 0xFF); return val; } private static void putLE(long val, byte[] buffer, int pos, int numBytes) { for (int b=0 ; b<numBytes ; b++) { buffer[pos] = (byte) (val & 0xFF); val >>= 8; pos ++; } } // Sample Writing and Reading // -------------------------- private void writeSample(long val) throws IOException { for (int b=0 ; b<bytesPerSample ; b++) { if (bufferPointer == BUFFER_SIZE) { oStream.write(buffer, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); bufferPointer = 0; } buffer[bufferPointer] = (byte) (val & 0xFF); val >>= 8; bufferPointer ++; } } private long readSample() throws IOException, RuntimeException { long val = 0; for (int b=0 ; b<bytesPerSample ; b++) { if (bufferPointer == bytesRead) { int read =, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); if (read == -1) throw new RuntimeException("Not enough data available"); bytesRead = read; bufferPointer = 0; } int v = buffer[bufferPointer]; if (b < bytesPerSample-1 || bytesPerSample == 1) v &= 0xFF; val += v << (b * 8); bufferPointer ++; } return val; } // Integer // ------- public int readFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead); } public int readFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) { sampleBuffer[offset] = (int) readSample(); offset ++; } frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToRead; } public int readFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead); } public int readFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = (int) readSample(); offset ++; frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToRead; } public int writeFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite); } public int writeFrames(int[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) { writeSample(sampleBuffer[offset]); offset ++; } frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToWrite; } public int writeFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite); } public int writeFrames(int[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample(sampleBuffer[c][offset]); offset ++; frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToWrite; } // Long // ---- public int readFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead); } public int readFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) { sampleBuffer[offset] = readSample(); offset ++; } frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToRead; } public int readFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead); } public int readFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = readSample(); offset ++; frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToRead; } public int writeFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite); } public int writeFrames(long[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) { writeSample(sampleBuffer[offset]); offset ++; } frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToWrite; } public int writeFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite); } public int writeFrames(long[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample(sampleBuffer[c][offset]); offset ++; frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToWrite; } // Double // ------ public int readFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead); } public int readFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) { sampleBuffer[offset] = floatOffset + (double) readSample() / floatScale; offset ++; } frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToRead; } public int readFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return readFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToRead); } public int readFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToRead) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.READING) throw new IOException("Cannot read from GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToRead ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) sampleBuffer[c][offset] = floatOffset + (double) readSample() / floatScale; offset ++; frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToRead; } public int writeFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite); } public int writeFrames(double[] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) { writeSample((long) (floatScale * (floatOffset + sampleBuffer[offset]))); offset ++; } frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToWrite; } public int writeFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { return writeFrames(sampleBuffer, 0, numFramesToWrite); } public int writeFrames(double[][] sampleBuffer, int offset, int numFramesToWrite) throws IOException, RuntimeException { if (ioState != IOState.WRITING) throw new IOException("Cannot write to GSWavFile instance"); for (int f=0 ; f<numFramesToWrite ; f++) { if (frameCounter == numFrames) return f; for (int c=0 ; c<numChannels ; c++) writeSample((long) (floatScale * (floatOffset + sampleBuffer[c][offset]))); offset ++; frameCounter ++; } return numFramesToWrite; } public void close() throws IOException { // Close the input stream and set to null if (iStream != null) { iStream.close(); iStream = null; } if (oStream != null) { // Write out anything still in the local buffer if (bufferPointer > 0) oStream.write(buffer, 0, bufferPointer); // If an extra byte is required for word alignment, add it to the end if (wordAlignAdjust) oStream.write(0); // Close the stream and set to null oStream.close(); oStream = null; } // Flag that the stream is closed ioState = IOState.CLOSED; } public void display() { display(System.out); } public void display(PrintStream out) { out.printf("File: %s\n", file); out.printf("Channels: %d, Frames: %d\n", numChannels, numFrames); out.printf("IO State: %s\n", ioState); out.printf("Sample Rate: %d, Block Align: %d\n", sampleRate, blockAlign); out.printf("Valid Bits: %d, Bytes per sample: %d\n", validBits, bytesPerSample); } public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 1) { System.err.println("Must supply filename"); System.exit(1); } try { for (String filename : args) { GSWavFile readWavFile = openWavFile(new File(filename)); readWavFile.display(); long numFrames = readWavFile.getNumFrames(); int numChannels = readWavFile.getNumChannels(); int validBits = readWavFile.getValidBits(); long sampleRate = readWavFile.getSampleRate(); GSWavFile writeWavFile = newWavFile(new File("out.wav"), numChannels, numFrames, validBits, sampleRate); final int BUF_SIZE = 5001; // int[] buffer = new int[BUF_SIZE * numChannels]; // long[] buffer = new long[BUF_SIZE * numChannels]; double[] buffer = new double[BUF_SIZE * numChannels]; int framesRead = 0; int framesWritten = 0; do { framesRead = readWavFile.readFrames(buffer, BUF_SIZE); framesWritten = writeWavFile.writeFrames(buffer, BUF_SIZE); System.out.printf("%d %d\n", framesRead, framesWritten); } while (framesRead != 0); readWavFile.close(); writeWavFile.close(); } GSWavFile writeWavFile = newWavFile(new File("out2.wav"), 1, 10, 23, 44100); double[] buffer = new double[10]; writeWavFile.writeFrames(buffer, 10); writeWavFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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Snippet ID: | #1027001 |
Snippet name: | GSWavFile - helper class for reading/making WAV files |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1027001/6 |
Text MD5: | d6eb43522a2f5e9281fd5e543d980f9e |
Transpilation MD5: | 552d93fdc1fd8910c7706495b4bdb8eb |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / audio |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2020-02-06 18:04:50 |
Source code size: | 25502 bytes / 753 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 288 / 674 |
Version history: | 5 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |