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< > BotCompany Repo | #1026384 // tok_swappableFunctions [v4, with complex return types, LIVE]

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (6403L/38K).

svoid tok_swappableFunctions(LS tok) {
  jreplace(tok, "swappable static", "static swappable");
  jreplace(tok, "pswappable <id>", "persistently swappable $2");
  jreplace(tok, "persistent swappable <id>", "persistently swappable $3");
  jreplace(tok, "transient swappable <id>", "swappable $3");

  int i;
  while ((i = jfind_any(tok,
    "swappable <id> <id>(", "swappable <id> <", "swappable <id>.", "swappable <id>[")) >= 0) {
    // left-scan for modifiers
    int iModEnd = i;
    bool persistently = eqGet(tok, i-2, "persistently");
    if (persistently) iModEnd -= 2;
    int iMod = leftScanModifiers(tok, iModEnd);
    S modifiers = joinSubList(tok, iMod, iModEnd);
    // scan annotations
    int iAnnot = iMod;
    bool atOverride = subListEquals(tok, iAnnot-4, "@", "", "Override");
    if (atOverride) iAnnot -= 4;
    // scan return type, find function name
    int iEndOfType = tok_findEndOfType(tok, i+2);
    S returnType = joinSubList(tok, i+2, iEndOfType-1);
    S name = assertIdentifier(tok.get(iEndOfType));
    int iArgs = iEndOfType+2;
    assertEquals("(", get(tok, iArgs));
    try {
      int iCurly = indexOf(tok, iEndOfType, "{");
      int iArgsEnd = lastIndexOf(tok, iCurly, ")");
      assertTrue(iArgsEnd >= 0);
      S throwsClauses = joinSubList(tok, iArgsEnd+1, iCurly-1); // TODO
      LS tokArgs = subList(tok, iArgs+1, iArgsEnd);
      LPairS args = tok_typesAndNamesOfParams(tokArgs);
      S args1 = join(tokArgs);
      S args2 = joinWithComma(pairsB(args));
      bool isVoidMethod = eq(returnType, "void");
      LS types = pairsA(args);
      if (!isVoidMethod) types.add(returnType);
      S typeParams = joinWithComma(map(type -> tok_varArgTypeToArray(tok_toNonPrimitiveTypes(type)), types)); // TODO: modifiers
      S base = name + "_base", fallback = name + "_fallback";
      S mods = modifiers + (persistently || containsJavaToken(modifiers, "static") ? "" : "transient ");
      S mainFunctionModifiers = modifiers;
      S baseFunctionModifiers = modifiers;
      if (atOverride) mainFunctionModifiers = "@Override " + mainFunctionModifiers;
      S src;
      if (isVoidMethod)
        if (empty(args))
          // no args, returning void
          src = mods + "Runnable \*name*/;\n" + 
            "\*mainFunctionModifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*name*/(\*args1*/) { if (\*name*/ != null) \*name*/.run(); else \*base*/(\*args2*/); }\n" +
            "final \*modifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*fallback*/(Runnable _f, \*args1*/) { if (_f != null); else \*base*/(); }\n" +
            "\*baseFunctionModifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*base*/(\*args1*/) {";
        else {
          // args, returning void
          S varType = "IVF\*l(args)*/<\*typeParams*/>"; 
          src = "\*mods*/ \*varType*/ \*name*/;\n" + 
            "\*mainFunctionModifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*name*/(\*args1*/) { if (\*name*/ != null) \*name*/.get(\*args2*/); else \*base*/(\*args2*/); }\n" +
            "final \*modifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*fallback*/(\*varType*/ _f, \*args1*/) { if (_f != null) _f.get(\*args2*/); else \*base*/(\*args2*/); }\n" +
            "\*baseFunctionModifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*base*/(\*args1*/) {";
      else {
        // zero or more args, not returning void
        S varType = "IF\*l(args)*/<\*typeParams*/>";
        src = "\*mods*/ \*varType*/ \*name*/;\n" + 
          "\*mainFunctionModifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*name*/(\*args1*/) { ret \*name*/ != null ? \*name*/.get(\*args2*/) : \*base*/(\*args2*/); }\n" +
            "final \*modifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*fallback*/(\*varType*/ _f, \*args1*/) { ret _f != null ? _f.get(\*args2*/) : \*base*/(\*args2*/); }\n" +
          "\*baseFunctionModifiers*/\*returnType*/ \*base*/(\*args1*/) {";
      replaceTokens_reTok(tok, iAnnot, iCurly+1, src);
    } catch e {
      fail("Was processing function " + name, e);

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Snippet ID: #1026384
Snippet name: tok_swappableFunctions [v4, with complex return types, LIVE]
Eternal ID of this version: #1026384/43
Text MD5: bf9453f567ebdb2508dbd67d33431f56
Transpilation MD5: be0c067582e81d8ef2864e23a2c3e0a2
Author: stefan
Category: javax / linux
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2021-10-03 18:20:29
Source code size: 3938 bytes / 76 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 422 / 698
Version history: 42 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]