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!7 cmodule TestWordRecognizers > DynSingleFunctionWithPrintLog { S scoreModule; long maxMBs = 256; // save dat memory transient L<Result> results = syncList(); new Best<S> best; transient int maxDiff = 2; transient long dataSize; transient new L<TestImage> images; transient JProgressBar progressBar; transient Map<S, BufferedImage> preloadedImages; srecord Recognizer(S name, IF1<BufferedImage, S> function, long size) { toString { ret name; } } // result for recognizer srecord noeq Result( Recognizer recognizer, double score, Map<TestResult, Double> individualScores) {} // individual test result srecord noeq TestResult( TestImage test, S line, long time ) { void showDetails { activateFrame(quickShowImage(test.img)); } Map<S, O> extraColumns() { ret litorderedmap("Image" := test.img); } } srecord noeq TestImage(S caseName, BufferedImage img, S interpretation) { toString { ret caseName + ": " + interpretation; } } bool spaceToSpare() { ret toMB(dataSize) < maxMBs; } void doIt { prepare(); results.clear(); dm_rcall clear(scoreModule); SimpleRecognizer r = simpleRecognizer(); testRecognizer("simpleRecognizer", r); r = simpleRecognizer(); r.wordImagePreprocessor = lambda1 bwAutoContrast; testRecognizer("simpleRecognizer autoContrast", r); } void testRecognizer(S desc, SimpleRecognizer r) { testRecognizer(new Recognizer( desc + " (" + r.sizeStats() + ")", img -> r.recognize(BWImage(img)), guessObjectSize(r))); } void prepare runInQAndWait { if (empty(images)) loadImages(); setField(scoreModule := dm_loadOrActivateScoreMatrixModule(scoreModule)); } Result scoreRecognizer(Recognizer rec) { Result result = new(rec, 0, new LinkedHashMap); try { new Scorer scorer; for (TestImage img : images) { long time = sysNow(); S out = rec.function.get(img.img); time = sysNow()-time; int diff = leven_limited(img.interpretation, out, maxDiff); //double score = eq(out, img.groupedChars) ? 1 : 0; // TODO double score = 1.0-doubleRatio(diff, min(l(img.interpretation), maxDiff)); scorer.addZeroToOne(score); result.individualScores.put(new TestResult(img, out, time), score); } print(scorer); result.score = scorer.score(); } catch print e { print("RECOGNIZER TOTAL FAIL"); } ret result; } void loadImages { File dir = screenClipsDir(); L<File> in = asLinkedList(listFilesWithExtension(".line", dir)); while (nempty(in)) { if (!spaceToSpare()) break with print("Out of space (" + toM(dataSize) + " MB used), skipping " + nImages(in)); File f = popFirst(in); File fImg = replaceExtension(f, ".png"); if (!fileExists(fImg)) continue; S desc = firstLineOfFile(f); new Matches m; if (!find3("the images * are the grouped characters *", desc, m)) continue; S interpretation = dropSpaces($2); // why drop spaces? interpretation = join(map deSquareBracket(ocr_parseGlyphs(interpretation)); //LS characters = ocr_parseGlyphs(interpretation); pcall { BufferedImage img = or_func(mapGet(preloadedImages, fileName(fImg)), () -> loadImage2(fImg)); images.add(new TestImage(fileName(fImg), img, interpretation); dataSize += bufferedImageDataSize(img); print("Have " + nImages(images) + ", data size: " + toM(dataSize) + " MB"); } } print("Loading done"); } start { setFunctionName("Run tests"); } visual centerAndSouthWithMargin(super, withMargin(progressBar = jProgressBarWithText())); void testRecognizer(Recognizer rec) { prepare(); Result r = scoreRecognizer(rec); print("Score for " + rec + ": " + r.score); results.add(r); if (best.put(name, r.score)) print("NEW BEST!"); change(); dm_rcall add(scoreModule, dm_rcall newEntry(scoreModule, r.recognizer, r.score, r.individualScores)); } Map<S, BufferedImage> _getReloadData() { ret mapFieldToField('caseName, 'img, images); } void _setReloadData(Map<S, BufferedImage> map) { preloadedImages = map; } }
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Snippet ID: | #1026088 |
Snippet name: | Test Word Recognizers |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1026088/38 |
Text MD5: | e40cc0367a21a554ec36e9e0843db4c2 |
Transpilation MD5: | 334b07ea55cfc6f55e78c0f318bd96ac |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / ocr |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2019-11-21 22:20:08 |
Source code size: | 4437 bytes / 138 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 332 / 654 |
Version history: | 37 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |