Download Jar. Uses 2039K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (18571L/138K).
!1006722 //!7 !include once #1025802 // optimized findCodeTokens set flag AllowMetaCode. //set flag tok_forUnnull_debug. // ifdef in cached includes? => i think cached includes still contain the ifdefs, so it's fine. tok_ifdef is not called within localStuff1 set flag noAI. set flag isQuoted_dirty. // should be OK, we're dealing with tokens static bool autoQuine = true; static int maxQuineLength = 80; sbool assumeTriple = true; sbool quickInstanceOfEnabled; // interferes with things // _registerThread usually costs nothing because we need // the registerWeakHashMap mechanism anyway for ping(). // Anyway - no forced functions for now :) static L<S> functionsToAlwaysInclude = ll( //"_registerThread", //"asRuntimeException" ); // classes with two type parameters that can written with just one // e.g. Pair<S> => Pair<S, S> static Set<S> pairClasses = lithashset("Pair", "Either", "Map", "AbstractMap", "HashMap", "TreeMap", "LinkedHashMap", "MultiMap", "CompactHashMap", "WrappedMap", "F1", "IF1", "AllOnAll", "AllOnAllWithUpdates"); sS transpilingSnippetID; //static new AtomicInteger varCount; static new ThreadLocal<AtomicInteger> varCountByThread; static new Map<S, S> snippetCache; sbool useIndexedList2 = false, useTokenIndexedList = true; sbool opt_javaTok = true; static bool cacheStdFunctions = true, cacheStdClasses = true; static new HashMap<Long, CachedInclude> cachedIncludes; static ExecutorService executor; static L lclasses; static long startTime, lastPrint; // These variables have to be cleared manually for each transpilation static new HashSet<Long> included; static Set<S> definitions = ciSet(); static new HashMap<S> rewrites; static new HashSet<S> shouldNotIncludeFunction; static new HashSet<S> shouldNotIncludeClass; static new HashSet<S> doNotIncludeFunction; static new HashSet<S> addedFunctions; static new HashSet<S> addedClasses; static new HashSet<S> hardFunctionReferences; static new HashSet<S> mapLikeFunctions; static new HashSet<S> mapMethodLikeFunctions; static new HashSet<S> nuLikeFunctions; static SS extraStandardFunctions; sbool quickmainDone1, quickmainDone2; static new TreeSet<S> libs; sS mainBaseClass, mainPackage, mainClassName; sbool localStuffOnly; // for transpiling a fragment sbool asInclude; // for transpiling an include (auto-close scopes) sbool allowMetaCode = false; // run any embedded meta code static LS metaPostBlocks, metaTransformers; sbool dontPrintSource; sbool dontLoadCachedIncludesFromVM; // for benchmarking sclass CachedInclude { S javax; Future<S> java; S realJava; S java() { ret realJava != null ? realJava : getFuture(java); } Future<S> javaFuture() { ret realJava != null ? nowFuture(realJava) : java; } void clean { if (java != null) { realJava = getFuture(java); java = null; } } } p { startTime = lastPrint = sysNow(); pcall { if (!dontLoadCachedIncludesFromVM) vmKeepWithProgramMD5_get('cachedIncludes); } executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(numberOfCores()); transpilingSnippetID = or(getThreadLocal((ThreadLocal<S>) getOpt(javax(), 'transpilingSnippetID)), transpilingSnippetID); print(+transpilingSnippetID); set transpileRaw_dontCopyFromCreator; fO oldPrint = or(print_byThread()!, f print_raw); temp tempInterceptPrint(new F1<S, Bool>() { Bool get(S s) { long now = sysNow(); long time = now-lastPrint; // -startTime; lastPrint = now; callF(oldPrint, "[" + formatInt(time/1000, 2) + ":" + formatInt(time % 1000, 3) + "] " + s); false; } }); try { _main(); } finally { interceptPrintInThisThread(oldPrint); if (executor != null) executor.shutdown(); executor = null; localStuffOnly = false; asInclude = false; } } svoid _main() ctex { if (sameSnippetID(programID(), defaultJavaXTranslatorID())) setDefaultJavaXTranslatorID(#7); //reTok_modify_check = true; //if (useIndexedList) findCodeTokens_debug = true; javaTok_opt = opt_javaTok; //findCodeTokens_indexed = findCodeTokens_unindexed = 0; findCodeTokens_bails = findCodeTokens_nonbails = 0; javaTok_n = javaTok_elements = 0; S in = loadMainJava(); print("759 STARTING " + identityHashCode(main.class)); included.clear(); definitions.clear(); rewrites.clear(); definitions.add("SymbolAsString"); shouldNotIncludeFunction.clear(); shouldNotIncludeClass.clear(); doNotIncludeFunction.clear(); addedFunctions.clear(); addedClasses.clear(); hardFunctionReferences.clear(); mapLikeFunctions = cloneHashSet(tok_mapLikeFunctions()); mapMethodLikeFunctions = cloneHashSet(tok_mapMethodLikeFunctions()); nuLikeFunctions.clear(); extraStandardFunctions = new HashMap; libs.clear(); mainBaseClass = mainPackage = mainClassName = null; varCountByThread.set(null); quickmainDone1 = quickmainDone2 = false; metaPostBlocks = new L; metaTransformers = new L; dontPrintSource = false; //L ts = findTranslators(toLines(join(tok))); //print("Translators in source at start: " + structure(ts)); L<S> tok = jtok(in); try { tok_definitions(tok); // add m { } if (!localStuffOnly && !hasCodeTokens(tok, "m", "{") && !hasCodeTokens(tok, "main", "{") && !hasCodeTokens(tok, "class", "main")) { //tok = jtok(moveImportsUp("m {\n" + in + "\n}")); if (l(tok) == 1) tok = singlePlusList(first(tok), dropFirst(javaTok("m {}"))); else { replaceTokens_reTok(tok, 1, 2, "m {\n\n" + unnull(get(tok, 1))); replaceTokens_reTok(tok, l(tok)-2, l(tok)-1, unnull(get(tok, l(tok)-2)) + "}"); } tok_moveImportsUp(tok); } // standard translate //ts = findTranslators(toLines(join(tok))); //print("Translators in source: " + structure(ts)); if (tok_hasTranslators(tok)) tok = jtok(defaultTranslate(join(tok))); //print("end of default translate"); //print(join(tok)); //tok_autoCloseBrackets(tok); tok_metaTransformNow(tok); tok_processEarlyIncludes(tok); tok_earlyGeneralStuff(tok); tok = tok_processIncludes(tok); // before standard functions if (processConceptsDot(tok)) tok = tok_processIncludes(tok); tok = localStuff1(tok); if (!localStuffOnly) { int safety = 0; boolean same; do { // BIG LOOP S before = join(tok); // do the non-local stuff (flags and rewrites, things that correlate across includes like tok_selfType) tok_selfType(tok); tok_mainClassNameAndPackage(tok); tok_definitions(tok); tok_ifndef(tok); tok_ifdef(tok); defineMapLikes(tok); if (tok_applyMapLikeFunctions(tok, mapLikeFunctions)) functionReferences(tok); defineMapMethodLikes(tok); tok_applyMapMethodLikeFunctions(tok, mapMethodLikeFunctions); defineNuLikes(tok); tok_applyNuLikeFunctions(tok, nuLikeFunctions); tok_dropExtraCommas(tok); // from e.g. tok_applyMapMethodLikeFunctions tok_delegateTo(tok); tok_replaceWith(tok); tok_findRewrites(tok); tok_processRewrites(tok); // main bla(...) => mainClassName.bla(...) jreplace(tok, "main <id>(", or(mainClassName, "main") + ".$2("); try { if (safety == 0) tok = quickmain(tok); } catch e { printSources(tok); rethrow(e); } tok_collectMetaPostBlocks(tok, metaPostBlocks); tok_collectTransformers(tok, metaTransformers); tok_metaTransformNow(tok); // Hack to allow DynModule to reimplement _registerThread /*if (tok.contains("DynModule") && !addedClasses.contains("DynModule")) addStandardClasses_v2(tok);*/ defineExtraSF(tok); tok = standardFunctions(tok); tok = stdstuff(tok); // all the keywords, standard S diff; long startTime = now(); //diff = unidiff(before, join(tok)); //print("unidiff: " + (now()-startTime) + " ms"); //same = eq(diff, ""); same = tok_sameTest(tok, before); if (!same) { print("Not same " + safety + "."); //print(indent(2, diff)); } if (safety++ >= 10) { //print(unidiff(before, join(tok))); printSources(tok); fail("safety 10 error!"); } } while (!same); // END OF BIG LOOP print("Post."); if (mainBaseClass != null) { jreplace1(tok, "class main", "class main extends " + mainBaseClass); mainBaseClass = null; } print('moveImportsUp); tok_moveImportsUp(tok); print('Indexing); tok = indexTokenList(tok); // POST-PROCESSING after stdstuff loop if (transpilingSnippetID != null) jreplace_dyn(tok, "class whatever", func(L<S> tok, int cIndex) -> S { pcall { ret "class " + stringToLegalIdentifier(getSnippetTitle(transpilingSnippetID)); } ret "class Whatever"; }); //print("Type<A, A>"); // Type<A> to Type<A, A> print('extendClasses); tok = extendClasses(tok); print('libs); libs(tok); print('sourceCodeLine); sourceCodeLine(tok); tok_overridableFunctionDefs(tok, null); // escaping for lambdas //jreplace(tok, "-=>", "->"); // Stuff that depends on the list of inner classes (haveClasses) HashSet<S> haveClasses = haveClasses_actual(tok); print('innerClassesVar); innerClassesVar(tok, haveClasses); fillVar_transpilationDate(tok); haveClasses_addImported(tok, haveClasses); print('ifclass); tok_ifclass(tok, haveClasses); print('slashCasts); slashCasts(tok, haveClasses); print('newWithoutNew); newWithoutNew(tok, haveClasses); if (!assumeTriple) { print('Triple); if (tok.contains("Triple") && !haveClasses.contains("Triple")) { jreplace(tok, "Triple", "T3"); haveClasses.remove("Triple"); haveClasses.add("T3"); slashCasts(tok, lithashset("T3")); tok_quickInstanceOf(tok, lithashset("T3")); } expandTriple(tok); } if (hasDef("SymbolAsString")) jreplace(tok, "Symbol", "String"); print('classReferences); expandClassReferences_lazy(tok, haveClasses); if (metaCodeAllowed()) runMetaPostBlocks(tok); // Error-checking print("Error-checking"); Set<S> functions = new HashSet(findFunctions(tok)); for (S f : hardFunctionReferences) if (!functions.contains(f)) fail("Function " + f + " requested, but not supplied"); print('autoImports); tok = autoImports(tok); // faster to do it at the end print("definitions=" + sfu(definitions)); if (containsOneOfIC(definitions, "allpublic", "reparse", "PublicExceptTopClass")) { // Fire up the Java parser & pretty printer! print(containsIC(definitions, "allpublic")? "Making all public." : "Reparsing."); //try { S src = join(tok); try { if (containsIC(definitions, "PublicExceptTopClass")) src = javaParser_makeAllPublic(src, notTopLevelClassDecl := true); else if (containsIC(definitions, "keepComments")) src = javaParser_makeAllPublic_keepComments(src); else if (containsIC(definitions, "allpublic")) src = javaParser_makeAllPublic(src); else src = javaParser_reparse_keepComments(src); } catch e { extractAndPrintJavaParseError(src, e); File f = javaxCachesDir(""); saveTextFileVerbose(f, src); dontPrintSource = true; throw e; } tok = jtok(src); /*} catch e { S src = join(tok); if (!dontPrintSource) print(src); print(f2s(saveProgramTextFile("", src))); throw rethrow(e); }*/ } // Do this after JavaParser (because it doesn't like package after class) if (mainPackage != null) { print('mainPackage); tokPrepend(tok, 1, "package " + mainPackage + ";\n"); reTok(tok, 1, 2); } if (mainClassName != null) { print('mainClassName); jreplace(tok, "class main", "class " + mainClassName); jreplace(tok, "main.class", mainClassName + ".class"); //tokPrepend(tok, 1, "class main {}\n"); // so main.class is generated and compiler sanity checks succeed. we can later skip it in the JavaXClassLoader } if (nempty(libs)) { print("Adding libs: " + libs); tok.add(concatMap_strings(func(S s) -> S { "\n!" + s }, libs)); } } // if (!localStuffOnly) } catch e { S src = join(tok); if (!dontPrintSource) print(src); print(f2s(saveProgramTextFile("", src))); throw rethrow(e); } /*if (useIndexedList) print("Indexed/unindexed lookups: " + findCodeTokens_indexed + "/" + findCodeTokens_unindexed + ", lists made: " + IndexedList2.instances); print("findCodeToken bails: " + findCodeTokens_bails + "/" + findCodeTokens_nonbails); print("javaToks: " + javaTok_n + "/" + javaTok_elements);*/ print("Saving."); // for dexcompile.php if (mainClassName != null) tokPrepend(tok, 0, "//FILENAME: " + (mainPackage != null ? mainPackage.replace(".", "/") + "/" : "") + mainClassName + ".java\n"); if (mainJava != null) mainJava = join(tok); else if (tok.contains("package")) splitJavaFiles(tok); else saveMainJava(tok); } static L<S> localStuff1(L<S> tok) { int safety = 0, i; boolean same; tok = indexTokenList(tok); tok_scopes(tok, autoCloseScopes := true); do { S before = join(tok); //print("localStuff loop " + safety); earlyStuff(tok); // EARLY local stuff goes here tok_earlyGeneralStuff(tok); conceptDeclarations(tok); tok_recordDecls(tok); tok = multilineStrings(tok); tok_singleQuoteIdentifiersToStringConstants(tok); inStringEvals(tok); tok_listComprehensions(tok); tok_for_single(tok); tok_for_unpair(tok); // Do this... tok_doubleFor_v2(tok); // ...before this tok_forUnnull(tok); tok_ifCast(tok); forPing(tok); tok_directSnippetRefs(tok); quicknu(tok); //tok_juxtaposeCalls(tok); jreplace(tok, "LLS", "L<LS>"); jreplace(tok, "LS", "L<S>"); jreplace(tok, "ES", "Ext<S>"); jreplace(tok, "ExtS", "Ext<S>"); jreplace(tok, "dispose <id>;", "{ cleanUp($2); $2 = null; }"); jreplace(tok, "do ping {", "do { ping();"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "swing", "{ swing(r {", "}); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "androidUI", "{ androidUI(r {", "}); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "withDBLock", "{ withDBLock(r {", "}); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "afterwards", "temp tempAfterwards(r {", "});"); for (S keyword : ll("tokcondition", "tokCondition")) replaceKeywordBlock(tok, keyword, "new TokCondition { bool get(final L<S> tok, final int i) {", "}}"); jreplace(tok, "synced <id>", "synchronized $2"); jreplace(tok, "sync <id>", "synchronized $2"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "answer", "static S answer(S s) {\nfinal new Matches m;\n", "\nret null;\n}"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "static-pcall", "static { pcall {", "}}"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "loading", "{ temp tempShowLoadingAnimation(); ", "}"); replaceKeywordPlusQuotedBlock(tok, "loading", new O { S[] get(L<S> tok, int i) { S text = tok.get(i+2); ret new S[] { "{ temp tempShowLoadingAnimation(" + text + "); ", "}" }; }}); while ((i = jfind(tok, "visualize as")) >= 0) { int j = tok_findEndOfStatement(tok, i); // expression, rather tok.set(i+2, "{ ret"); tok.set(j-1, "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j); } jreplace(tok, "visualize {", "public JComponent visualize() {", tokCondition_beginningOfMethodDeclaration()); jreplace(tok, "visualize2 {", "JComponent visualize2() {", tokCondition_beginningOfMethodDeclaration()); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "start-thread-printDone", "start-thread {", "printDone(); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "start-thread", [[start { thread "Start" { temp enter(); pcall {]], "}}}"); jreplace(tok, "start {", "void start() { super.start();", tokCondition_beginningOfMethodDeclaration()); // run { ... } => public void run() { ... } jreplace(tok, "run {", "public void run() {", tokcondition { ret neqGet(tok, i-1, "void"); }); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "html", "static O html(S uri, fMap<S, S> params) ctex " + "{\n", "}"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "afterVisualize", "visualize { JComponent _c = super.visualize();", "ret _c; }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "enhanceFrame", "void enhanceFrame(Container f) { super.enhanceFrame(f);", "}"); if (assumeTriple) { jreplace(tok, "Triple", "T3"); expandTriple(tok); } tok_shortFinals(tok); tok_moduleClassDecls(tok); jreplace(tok, "static sync", "static synchronized"); jreplace(tok, "sclass", "static class"); jreplace(tok, "srecord", "static record"); jreplace(tok, "record noeq", "noeq record"); jreplace(tok, "asclass", "abstract static class"); jreplace(tok, "sinterface", "static interface"); jreplace(tok, "ssynchronized", "static synchronized"); jreplace(tok, "ssvoid", "static synchronized void"); jreplace(tok, "sbool", "static bool"); jreplace(tok, "fbool", "final bool"); jreplace(tok, "sint", "static int"); jreplace(tok, "snew", "static new"); jreplace(tok, "sv <id>", "static void $2"); jreplace(tok, "pvoid", "public void"); // "sS" => static S jreplace(tok, "sS", "static S"); // "sO" => static O jreplace(tok, "sO", "static O"); // "sL" => static L jreplace(tok, "sL", "static L"); // "toString {" => "public S toString() {" jreplace(tok, "toString {", "public S toString() {"); jreplace(tok, "Int", "Integer"); jreplace(tok, "Bool", "Boolean"); jreplace(tok, "BigInt", "BigInteger"); jreplace(tok, "Char", "Character"); jreplace(tok, "Sym", "Symbol"); jreplace(tok, "SymSym", "SymbolSymbol"); jreplace(tok, "SS", "Map<S>"); jreplace(tok, "SymbolSymbol", "Map<Symbol>"); jreplace(tok, "PairS", "Pair<S>"); jreplace(tok, "LPairS", "L<Pair<S>>"); jreplace(tok, "T3S", "T3<S>"); jreplace(tok, "F1S", "F1<S>"); jreplace(tok, "ItIt", "IterableIterator"); jreplace(tok, "CloseableItIt", "CloseableIterableIterator"); jreplace(tok, "class <id> > <id> {", "class $2 extends $4 {"); jreplace(tok, "class <id> > <id><<id>> {", "class $2 extends $4 $5 $6 $7 {"); jreplace(tok, "ISegmenter", "IF1<BufferedImage, L<Rect>>"); // IPred<A> => IF1<A, Bool> jreplace(tok, "IPred<<id>>", "IF1<$3, Bool>"); // "on fail {" => "catch (Throwable _e) { ... rethrow(_e); }" replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "on fail", "catch (Throwable _e) {", "\nthrow rethrow(_e); }"); // "catch {" => "catch (Throwable _e) {" jreplace(tok, "catch {", "catch (Throwable _e) {"); // "catch print e {" => "catch e { _handleException(e); " jreplace(tok, "catch print <id> {", "catch $3 { _handleException($3);"); // "catch print short e {" => "catch e { printExceptionShort(e); " jreplace(tok, "catch print short <id> {", "catch $4 { printExceptionShort($4);"); // "catch X e {" => "catch (X e) {" jreplace(tok, "catch <id> <id> {", "catch ($2 $3) {"); // "catch e {" => "catch (Throwable e) {" (if e is lowercase) jreplace(tok, "catch <id> {", "catch (Throwable $2) {", tokcondition { S word = tok.get(i+3); ret startsWithLowerCaseOrUnderscore(word); }); jreplace(tok, "+ +", "+", tokcondition { //printStructure("++: ", subList(tok, i-1, i+6)); if (empty(_get(tok, i+2))) ret false; // no space between the pluses if (empty(_get(tok, i)) && eq("+", _get(tok, i-1))) ret false; // an actual "++" at the left if (empty(_get(tok, i+4)) && eq("+", _get(tok, i+5))) ret false; // an actual "++" at the right //print("doing it"); ret true; }); // some crazy fancy syntax jreplace(tok, "set <id>;", "$2 = true;"); // single underscore (not allowed in Java anymore) to double underscore jreplace(tok, "_", "__"); // [stdEq] -> implementation of equals() and hashCode() jreplace(tok, "[stdEq]", "public bool equals(O o) { ret stdEq2(this, o); }\n" + "public int hashCode() { ret stdHash2(this); }"); // [concepts] "concept.field!" for dereferencing references jreplace(tok, "*!", "$1.get()", tokcondition { S l = tok.get(i+1); if (!(isIdentifier(l) || eq(l, ")"))) false; if (tok.get(i+2).contains("\n")) false; // no line break between <id> and ! if (nempty(tok.get(i+4))) true; // space after = ok S t = _get(tok, i+5); if (t == null) ret false; if (isIdentifier(t) || eqOneOf(t, "=", "(")) false; true; }); jreplace(tok, "for (<id> <id>)", "for ($3 $4 : list($3))"); jreplace(tok, "for (final <id> <id>)", "for (final $4 $5 : list($4))"); // "continue unless", "break unless" for (S phrase : ll("continue unless", "break unless")) while ((i = jfind(tok, phrase)) >= 0) { S keyword = tok.get(i); int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+4, ";"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+4, "{ if (!("); tok.set(j, ")) " + keyword + "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // "continue if", "break if" for (S phrase : ll("continue if", "break if")) while ((i = jfind(tok, phrase)) >= 0) { S keyword = tok.get(i); int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+4, ";"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+4, "{ if ("); tok.set(j, ") " + keyword + "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // "return if" while ((i = jfind(tok, "return if")) >= 0) { int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+4, ";"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+4, "{ if ("); tok.set(j, ") return; }"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // "return unless" while ((i = jfind(tok, "return unless")) >= 0) { int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+4, ";"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+4, "{ if (!("); tok.set(j, ")) return; }"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // "return <id> if" while ((i = jfind(tok, "return <id> if")) >= 0) { int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+4, ";"); tok.set(j, ") return " + tok.get(i+2) + "; }"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+6, "{ if ("); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // "return with <statement>" / "continue with <statement>" / "break with <statement>" while ((i = jfind(tok, "<id> with", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(tok.get(i+1), "return", "continue", "break"); })) >= 0) { int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+4, ";"); tok.set(j, "; " + tok.get(i) + "; }"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+3, "{"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // return "bla" with <statement> while ((i = jfindOneOf(tok, "return <quoted> with", "return <id> with")) >= 0) { S result = tok.get(i+2); int j = scanOverExpression(tok, getBracketMap(tok), i+6, ";"); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+5, "{"); tok.set(j, "; return " + result + "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } tok_debugStatements(tok); // while not null (...) / if not null (...) while ((i = jfind_check not(tok, "<id> not null (", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+1), "if", "while"); })) >= 0) { int closingBracket = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i+6)-1; replaceTokens(tok, i+2, i+6, "("); tok.set(closingBracket, ") != null)"); reTok(tok, i, closingBracket+1); } // while null (...) / if null (...) while ((i = jfind_check null(tok, "<id> null (", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+1), "if", "while"); })) >= 0) { int closingBracket = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i+4)-1; replaceTokens(tok, i+2, i+4, "("); tok.set(closingBracket, ") == null)"); reTok(tok, i, closingBracket+1); } // Replace $1 with m.unq(0) etc. - caveat: this blocks identifiers $1, $2, ... for (i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { S s = tok.get(i); if (s.startsWith("$")) { s = substring(s, 1); if (isInteger(s)) { tok.set(i, "m.unq(" + (parseInt(s)-1) + ")"); reTok(tok, i); } } } // instanceof trickery jreplace(tok, "is a <id>", "instanceof $3"); jreplace(tok, "!<id> instanceof <id>.<id>", "!($2 instanceof $4.$6)"); jreplace(tok, "!<id> instanceof <id>", "!($2 instanceof $4)"); jreplace(tok, "<id> !instanceof <id>", "!($1 instanceof $4)"); // map func1 func2 func3(...) => mapFGH(f func1, f func2, f func3, ...) jreplace(tok, "map <id> <id> <id>(", "mapFGH(f $2, f $3, f $4,"); // map func1 func2(...) => mapFG(f func1, f func2, ...) jreplace(tok, "map <id> <id>(", "mapFG(f $2, f $3,"); // "ref->bla" for dereferencing Concept.Ref or ThreadLocal or other // For lambdas, use SPACES on the left or right of the arrow! //jreplace(tok, "<id> ->", "$1.get()."); jreplace(tok, "->", ".get().", tokcondition { ret empty(tok.get(i)) // no space on left of arrow && empty(tok.get(i+2)) // no space inside of arrow && empty(tok.get(i+4)) // no space on right of arrow && !eq(_get(tok, i-1), "-"); // i-->0; }); // shortened subconcept declaration (before star constructors!) shortenedSubconcepts(tok); // "case" as a variable name ( => _case) caseAsVariableName(tok); // "do" as a function name ( => dO) tok_doAsMethodName(tok); // "continue" as a function name ( => _continue) continueAsFunctionName(tok); tok_extend(tok); jreplace(tok, "pn {", "p-noconsole {"); // Do these BEFORE awt replacement! ("p-awt" contains "awt" token) replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "r-awt", "r { awt {", "}}"); if (hasCodeTokens(tok, "p", "-")) tok_p_old(tok); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "awt-messagebox", "awt { pcall-messagebox {", "}}"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "awt", "swingLater(r {", "});"); jreplace(tok, "p-android {", "set flag Android. p {"); unswing(tok); lockBlocks(tok); tempBlocks(tok); tok_switchTo(tok); // trim x; jreplace(tok, "trim <id>;", "$2 = trim($2);"); // iterate with index jreplace (tok, "for <id> over <id>:", "for (int $2 = 0; $2 < l($4); $2++)"); jreplace (tok, "for <id> backwards over <id>:", "for (int $2 = l($5)-1; $2 >= 0; $2--)"); jreplace (tok, "for <id>, <id> <id> over <id>: {", "for (int $2 = 0; $2 < l($7); $2++) { $4 $5 = $7.get($2);"); jreplace (tok, "for <id>, <id> <id> backwards over <id>: {", "for (int $2 = l($8)-1; $2 >= 0; $2--) { $4 $5 = $8.get($2);"); jreplace (tok, "for <id> to <id>:", "for (int $2 = 0; $2 < $4; $2++)"); jreplace (tok, "for <id> to <int>:", "for (int $2 = 0; $2 < $4; $2++)"); tok = expandShortTypes(tok); tok_equalsCast(tok); tok_equalsOptCast(tok); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "r-thread-messagebox", "r-thread { pcall-messagebox {", "}}"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "thread-messagebox", "thread { pcall-messagebox {", "}}"); jreplace(tok, "rThread {", "r-thread {"); jreplace(tok, "rThreadEnter {", "r-thread { temp enter(); "); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "r-thread", "runnableThread(r {", "})"); rNamedThread(tok); // only works in the scope of a DynModule jreplace(tok, "rEnter {", "r { temp enter(); "); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "r-messagebox", "r { pcall-messagebox {", "}}"); jreplace(tok, "r <id> + r <id>", "r { $2(); $5(); }"); // runnable and r - now also with automatic toString if enabled for (S keyword : ll("runnable", "r")) { while ((i = jfind(tok, keyword + " {")) >= 0) { int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx); L<S> contents = subList(tok, idx+1, j-1); replaceTokens(tok, i, j+1, "new Runnable {" + " public void run() ctex { " + tok_addSemicolon(contents) + "\n}" + (autoQuine ? tok_autoQuineFunc(contents) : "") + "}"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } while ((i = jfind(tok, keyword + " <quoted> {")) >= 0) { int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx); L<S> contents = subList(tok, idx+1, j-1); replaceTokens(tok, i, j+1, "new Runnable {" + " public void run() ctex { " + tok_addSemicolon(contents) + "\n}" + " toString { ret " + tok.get(i+2) + "; }" + (autoQuine ? tok_autoQuineFunc(contents, '_shortenedSourceCode) : "") + "}"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } } replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "expectException", "{ bool __ok = false; try {", "} catch { __ok = true; } assertTrue(\"expected exception\", __ok); }"); while ((i = tok.indexOf("tex")) >= 0) { tok.set(i, "throws Exception"); tok = jtok(tok); } // shorter & smarter whiles jreplace(tok, "while true", "while (true)"); jreplace(tok, "while licensed", "while (licensed())"); jreplace(tok, "repeat {", "while (licensed()) {"); tok_repeatWithSleep(tok); // null; => return null; etc. O cond = tokcondition { ret tok_tokenBeforeLonelyReturnValue(tok, i-1); }; jreplace(tok, "null;", "return null;", cond); jreplace(tok, "false;", "return false;", cond); jreplace(tok, "true;", "return true;", cond); jreplace(tok, "this;", "return this;", cond); // ok <cmd> => ret "OK" with <cmd> jreplace(tok, "ok <id>", "return \"OK\" with $2"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "ok", "{", " return \"OK\"; }"); // "myFunction;" instead of "myFunction();" - quite rough // (isolated identifier as function call) cond = new TokCondition { bool get(L<S> tok, int i) { S word = tok.get(i+3); //print("single word: " + word); ret !eqOneOf(word, "break", "continue", "return", "else", "endifdef", "endif"); } }; for (S pre : litlist("}", ";")) jreplace(tok, pre + " <id>;", "$1 $2();", cond); // shorter match syntax for answer methods jreplace(tok, "if <quoted> || <quoted>", "if (matchOneOf(s, m, $2, $5))"); // "bla * bla | blubb * blubb" jreplace_dyn(tok, "if <quoted>", func(L<S> tok, int cIdx) -> S { S s = unquote(tok.get(cIdx+2)); //print("multimatch: " + quote(s)); new L<S> l; for (S pat : splitAtJavaToken(s, "|")) { //print("multimatch part: " + quote(pat)); if (pat.contains("...")) l.add("matchX(" + quote(trim(pat)) + ", s, m)"); else if (javaTok(pat).contains("*")) l.add("match(" + quote(trim(pat)) + ", s, m)"); else l.add("match(" + quote(trim(pat)) + ", s)"); } ret "if (" + join(" || ", l) + ")"; }, tokcondition { ret javaTokC(unquote(tok.get(i+3))).contains("|"); }); // "...bla..." jreplace(tok, "if <quoted>", "if (find3plusRestsX($2, s, m))", tokcondition { ret startsAndEndsWith(unquote(tok.get(i+3)), "..."); }); // "bla..." jreplace(tok, "if <quoted>", "if (matchStartX($2, s, m))", tokcondition { ret unquote(tok.get(i+3)).endsWith("..."); }); // "bla" jreplace(tok, "if <quoted>", "if (match($2, s))", tokcondition { ret !javaTokC(unquote(tok.get(i+3))).contains("*"); }); // "bla * bla" jreplace(tok, "if <quoted>", "if (match($2, s, m))"); jreplace(tok, "if match <quoted>", "if (match($3, s, m))"); jreplace(tok, "if <id> eq <quoted>", "if (eq($2, $4))"); tok_dropExtraCommas(tok); // additional translations (if necessary) jreplace(tok, "pcall ping {", "pcall { ping();"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, ") pcall", ") { pcall {", "}}"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "pcall", "try {", "} catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "pcall-short", "try {", "} catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "pcall-silent", "try {", "} catch (Throwable __e) { silentException(__e); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "pcall-messagebox", "try {", "} catch __e { messageBox(__e); }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "pcall-infobox", "try {", "} catch __e { infoBox(__e); }"); tok = dialogHandler(tok); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "exceptionToUser", "try {", "} catch (Throwable __e) { ret exceptionToUser(__e); }"); if (hasCodeTokens(tok, "twice", "{")) replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "twice", "for (int __twice = 0; __twice < 2; __twice++) {", "}"); while ((i = findCodeTokens(tok, "bench", "*", "{")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i+4)-1; S time = makeVar("time"); S v = makeVar("bench"); S n = tok.get(i+2); tok.set(i, "{ long " + time + " = sysNow(); for (int " + v + " = 0; " + v + " < " + n + "; " + v + "++)"); tok.set(i+2, ""); tok.set(j, "} printBenchResult(sysNow()-" + time + ", " + n + "); }"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } replaceKeywordBlockDyn(tok, "time", new O { S[] get() { S var = makeVar("startTime"); ret new S[] { "{ long " + var + " = sysNow(); try { ", "} finally { " + var + " = sysNow()-" + var + "; saveTiming(" + var + "); } }"}; }}); // version without { } replaceKeywordBlockDyn(tok, "time2", new O { S[] get() { S var = makeVar("startTime"); ret new S[] { "long " + var + " = sysNow(); ", " " + var + " = sysNow()-" + var + "; saveTiming(" + var + "); "}; }}); // time "bla" { // time msg { replaceKeywordPlusQuotedOrIDBlock(tok, "time", new O { S[] get(L<S> tok, int i) { S var = makeVar("startTime"); ret new S[] { "long " + var + " = sysNow(); ", " done2_always(" + tok.get(i+2) + ", " + var + "); "}; }}); if (hasCodeTokens(tok, "assertFail", "{")) { S var = makeVar("oops"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "assertFail", "boolean " + var + " = false; try {", "\n" + var + " = true; } catch (Exception e) { /* ok */ } assertFalse(" + var + ");"); } replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "yo", "try {", "} catch (Exception " + makeVar("e") + ") { ret false; }", tokcondition { ret neqOneOf(_get(tok, i-1), "svoid", "void"); }); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "awtIfNecessary", "swingNowOrLater(r " + "{", "});"); ctex(tok); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "actionListener", "new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { " + "public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { pcall-messagebox {", "}}}"); for (S keyword : ll("autocloseable", "autoCloseable")) /*replaceKeywordBlock(tok, keyword, "new AutoCloseable() { public void close() throws Exception {", "}}");*/ replaceKeywordBlock_dyn2_legacy(tok, keyword, new O { S[] get(LS tok, int iOpening, int iClosing) { LS contents = subList(tok, iOpening+1, iClosing); ret new S[] { "new AutoCloseable() { toString { ret " + quote(shorten(maxQuineLength, trimJoin(contents))) + "; } public void close() throws Exception {", "}}" }; } }); // try answer (string, test with nempty) while ((i = findCodeTokens(tok, "try", "answer")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); S v = makeVar(); bool needCurly = !eqGet(tok, i-2, "{"); tok.set(i, (needCurly ? "{" : "") + " S " + v); tok.set(i+2, "="); tok.set(j-1, "; if (!empty(" + v + ")) ret " + v + "; " + (needCurly ? "}" : "")); reTok(tok, i, j); } // try bool[ean] (try answer with Bool type) while ((i = findCodeTokens(tok, "try", "boolean")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); S v = makeVar(); tok.set(i, "{ Bool " + v); tok.set(i+2, "="); tok.set(j-1, "; if (" + v + " != null) ret " + v + "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j); } // S s = bla(), return if null; => S s = bla(); if (s == null) return; while ((i = jfind(tok, ", return if null;")) >= 0) { int j = tok_findBeginningOfStatement(tok, i); print("Found statement " + j + "/" + i + " - " + joinSubList(tok, j-1, i+5*2-1)); S var = getVarDeclarationName(subList(tok, j-1, i)); replaceTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+5*2-1, "; if (" + var + " == null) ret;"); } // <statement>, print "..."; => { <statement>; print("..."); } while ((i = jfind(tok, ", print <quoted>;")) >= 0) { int j = tok_findBeginningOfStatement(tok, i); replaceTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+4*2-1, "; print(" + tok.get(i+4) + "); }"); tokPrepend_reTok(tok, j, "{ "); } // return if null <expression> => if (<expression> == null) return; while ((i = jfind(tok, "return if null")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); clearTokens(tok, i, i+2); tok.set(i+4, "(("); tok.set(j-1, ") == null) ret;"); reTok(tok, i, j); } // return optional (return if not null) while ((i = jfind_check optional(tok, "return optional <id> =")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); S v = tok.get(i+4); clearTokens(tok, i+2, i+4); tok.set(i, "{"); tok.set(j-1, "; if (" + v + " != null) ret " + v + "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j); } // try object (return if not null) while ((i = jfind_check object(tok, "try object")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); clearTokens(tok, i, i+3); bool isDecl = isIdentifier(get(tok, i+4)) && isIdentifier(get(tok, i+6)) && eqGet(tok, i+8, "="); if (isDecl) { S v = get(tok, i+6); tok.set(i, "{"); tok.set(j-1, "; if (" + v + " != null) ret " + v + "; }"); } else { S v = makeVar(); tok.set(i, "{ O " + v + "="); tok.set(j-1, "; if (" + v + " != null) ret " + v + "; }"); } reTok(tok, i, j); } // try Int i = ...; (return if not null, shorter version of "try object") while ((i = jfind(tok, "try <id> <id> =")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); S type = tok.get(i+2), v = tok.get(i+4); tok.set(i, "{"); tok.set(j-1, "; if (" + v + " != null) ret " + v + "; }"); reTok(tok, i, j); } // debug print ...; => if (debug) print(...); while ((i = jfind(tok, "debug print")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfStatement(tok, i); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+4, "if (debug) print("); tok.set(j-1, ");"); reTok(tok, i, j); } functionReferences(tok); tok_expandLPair(tok); tok_expandPairL(tok); tok_expandLT3(tok); quicknew2(tok); // X x = nu(+...) => X x = nu X(+...) jreplace(tok, "<id> <id> = nu(+", "$1 $2 = nu $1(+"); // X x = nu(a := ...) => X x = nu X(a := ...) jreplace(tok, "<id> <id> = nu(<id> :=", "$1 $2 = nu $1($6 :="); tok_expandVarCopies(tok); // AFTER the lines just above tok_replaceColonEqualsSyntax(tok); // ditto tok_unpair(tok); tok_cachedFunctions(tok); tok_simplyCachedFunctions(tok); tok_optPar(tok); throwFailEtc(tok); tok_typeAA(tok, pairClasses); // do this after expanding sclass etc. tok = tok_expandStarConstructors(tok); tok_kiloConstants(tok); //tok_colonMessages(tok); while ((i = jfind(tok, "shit:")) >= 0) { int j = tok_findEndOfStatement(tok, i); tok.set(i+2, "("); tok.set(j-1, ");"); reTok(tok, i, j); } jreplace("shit(", "ret with print("); tok_virtualTypes(tok); tok_autoLongConstants(tok); // common misordering of type arguments jreplace("boolean <A>", "<A> boolean"); tok_unimplementedMethods(tok); tok_switchableFields(tok); tok_autoDisposeFields(tok); tok_shortVisualize(tok); tok_whileGreaterThan(tok); tok_ifThenEnd(tok); tok_autoInitVars(tok); tok_fixBadTypeParameterOrder(tok); // shortened method declarations BEFORE standardFunctions jreplace(tok, "svoid", "static void"); jreplace(tok, "void <id> {", "$1 $2() {"); jreplace(tok, "void <id> thread {", "$1 $2() thread {"); jreplace(tok, "String <id> {", "$1 $2() {"); jreplace(tok, "Object <id> {", "$1 $2() {"); jreplace(tok, "List <id> {", "$1 $2() {"); namedThreads(tok); threads(tok); //tok_maxEquals(tok); tok_questionDot(tok); tok_embeddedFunctions(tok); jreplace("<id>[] <id> = new[", "$1[] $4 = new $1["); jreplace("<id> ifNull =", "if ($1 == null) $1 ="); jreplace("class <id> extends <id><.<id>>", "class $2 extends $4<$2.$7>"); tok_once(tok); // must come before next line so you can combine them tok_ifRecordMatch(tok); jreplace(tok, "<id> ||=", "$1 = $1 ||"); // magicValue followed by a numerical constant jreplace("magicValue", "", (_tok, _i) -> { S t = _get(_tok, _i+3); ret eqOneOf(t, ".", "-") || isInteger(t); }); // end of local stuff tok_processMetaBlocks(tok, metaCodeAllowed()); if (metaCodeAllowed()) runMetaTransformers(tok); same = tok_sameTest(tok, before); /*if (!same) print("local not same " + safety + " (" + l(tok) + " tokens)");*/ if (safety++ >= 10) { printSources(tok); fail("safety 10 error!"); } } while (!same); ret tok; } static L<S> reTok_include(L<S> tok, int i, int j) { ret reTok_modify(tok, i, j, f localStuff1); } static L<S> includeInMainLoaded_reTok(L<S> tok, int i, int j) { ret reTok_include(tok, i, j); } static L<S> stdstuff(L<S> tok) { //if (++level >= 10) fail("woot? 10"); print("stdstuff!"); int i; new L<S> ts; tok_findTranslators(tok, ts); if (nempty(ts)) print("DROPPING TRANSLATORS: " + structure(ts)); print('quickmain); tok = quickmain(tok); print('includes); tok = tok_processIncludes(tok); print('conceptsDot); if (processConceptsDot(tok)) tok = tok_processIncludes(tok); //print('starConstructors); tok = tok_expandStarConstructors(tok); // drop Java 8 annotations since we're compiling for Java 7 jreplace(tok, "@Nullable", ""); // STANDARD CLASSES & INTERFACES print("standard classes"); final Set<S> haveClasses = addStandardClasses_v2(tok); tok_quickInstanceOf(tok, haveClasses); // concept-related stuff // auto-import concepts bool _a = tok_hasClassRef2(tok, /*"extends",*/ "Concept") || tok_hasClassRef2(tok, "Concepts"), _b = !haveClasses.contains("Concept"); //print("auto-import: " + _a + ", " + _b); if (_a && _b) { print("Auto-including concepts."); if (shouldNotIncludeClass.contains("Concepts")) { print(join(tok)); fail("Unwanted concepts import"); } printStruct(haveClasses); tok = includeInMainLoaded(tok, "concepts."); reTok(tok, l(tok)-1, l(tok)); //processConceptsDot(tok); } ret tok; } // end of stdStuff! static L<S> multilineStrings(L<S> tok) { for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) { S t = tok.get(i); if (isQuoted(t)) if (t.startsWith("[") || t.contains("\r") || t.contains("\n")) tok.set(i, quote(unquote(t))); } ret tok; } static void inStringEvals(L<S> tok) { bool change = false; for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) { S t = tok.get(i); if (!isQuoted(t)) continue; if (t.contains("\\*") && !t.contains("\\\\")) { // << rough tok.set(i, inStringEval(t)); change = true; } } if (change) reTok(tok); } static S inStringEval(S t) { t = dropPrefix("\"", dropSuffix("\"", t)); new L<S> l; int idx; while ((idx = t.indexOf("\\*")) >= 0) { int j = indexOf(t, idx, "*/"); if (j < 0) break; if (idx > 0) l.add("\"" + substring(t, 0, idx) + "\""); l.add("(" + trim(substring(t, idx+2, j)) + ")"); t = substring(t, j+2); } if (nempty(t)) l.add("\"" + t + "\""); ret "(" + join(" + ", l) + ")"; } static L<S> quickmain(L<S> tok) { if (quickmainDone1 && quickmainDone2) ret tok; int i = findCodeTokens(tok, "main", "{"); if (i < 0) i = findCodeTokens(tok, "m", "{"); if (i >= 0 && !(i-2 > 0 && tok.get(i-2).equals("class"))) { tokSet_reTok(tok, i, "class main"); quickmainDone1 = true; } i = findCodeTokens(tok, "psvm", "{"); if (i < 0) i = findCodeTokens(tok, "p", "{"); if (i >= 0) { int idx = i+2; int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx)-1; L<S> contents = subList(tok, idx+1, j); //print("contents: " + sfu(contents)); tok.set(i, "public static void main(final String[] args) throws Exception"); replaceTokens(tok, idx+1, j, tok_addSemicolon(contents)); reTok(tok, i, j); quickmainDone2 = true; } ret tok; } sS makeVar(S name) { AtomicInteger counter = varCountByThread!; if (counter == null) varCountByThread.set(counter = new AtomicInteger); ret "_" + name + "_" + getAndInc(counter); } static S makeVar() { ret makeVar(""); } static L<S> rtq(L<S> tok, S id) { ret runTranslatorQuick(tok, id); } static L<S> expandShortTypes(L<S> tok) { // replace <int> with <Integer> for (int i = 1; i+4 < tok.size(); i += 2) if (tok.get(i).equals("<") && litlist(">", ",").contains(tok.get(i+4))) { String type = tok.get(i+2); if (type.equals("int")) type = "Integer"; else if (type.equals("long")) type = "Long"; tok.set(i+2, type); } // O = Object, S = String, ret = return for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.equals("O")) t = "Object"; if (t.equals("S")) t = "String"; else if (t.equals("L")) t = "List"; else if (t.equals("Cl")) t = "Collection"; //else if (t.equals("F")) t = "Function"; else if (t.equals("ret") && neqOneOf(get(tok, i+2), "=", ")", ".")) t = "return"; else if (t.equals("bool") && i+2 < tok.size() && neq(tok.get(i+2), "(")) t = "boolean"; // bool -> boolean if it's not a function name else if (t.equals("AtomicBool")) t = "AtomicBoolean"; tok.set(i, t); } jreplace(tok, "LL< <id> >", "L<L<$3>>"); jreplace(tok, "LL<?>", "L<L<?>>"); jreplace(tok, "LL", "L<L>"); jreplace(tok, "Clusters< <id> >", "Map<$3, Collection<$3>>"); ret tok; } static L<S> autoImports(L<S> tok) { HashSet<S> imports = new HashSet(tok_findImports(tok)); new StringBuilder buf; for (S c : standardImports) if (!(imports.contains(c))) buf.append("import " + c + ";\n"); if (buf.length() == 0) ret tok; tok.set(0, buf+tok.get(0)); ret reTok(tok, 0, 1); } static String[] standardImports = { "java.util.*", "*", "java.util.List", "java.util.regex.*", "java.util.concurrent.*", "java.util.concurrent.atomic.*", "java.util.concurrent.locks.*", "javax.swing.*", "javax.swing.event.*", "javax.swing.text.*", "javax.swing.table.*", "*", "*", "java.lang.reflect.*", "java.lang.ref.*", "*", "*", "*", "java.awt.*", "java.awt.event.*", "java.awt.image.*", "javax.imageio.*", "java.math.*" }; static L<S> tok_processIncludes(L<S> tok) { int safety = 0; while (hasCodeTokens(tok, "!", "include") && ++safety < 100) tok = tok_processIncludesSingle(tok); //tok_autoCloseBrackets(tok); ret tok; } svoid tok_processEarlyIncludes(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind_check include(tok, "!include early #<int>")) >= 0) { S id = tok.get(i+8); included.add(parseLong(id)); replaceTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+10, "\n" + cacheGet(id) + "\n"); } } static L<S> tok_processIncludesSingle(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind_check include(tok, "!include #<int>")) >= 0) { S id = tok.get(i+6); included.add(parseLong(id)); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+8, "\n" + cacheGet(id) + "\n"); reTok_include(tok, i, i+8); } while ((i = jfind_check include(tok, "!include once #<int>")) >= 0) { S id = tok.get(i+8); bool isNew = included.add(parseLong(id)); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+10, isNew ? "\n" + cacheGet(id) + "\n" : ""); reTok_include(tok, i, i+10); } ret tok; } static void ctex(L<S> tok) { replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "ctex", "{ try {", "} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }"); for (S keyword : ll("null on exception", "null on error")) replaceKeywordBlock(tok, keyword, "{ try {", "} catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } }"); replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "false on exception", "{ try {", "} catch (Throwable __e) { return false; } }"); } static L<S> dialogHandler(L<S> tok) { ret replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "dialogHandler", "new DialogHandler() {\n" + "public void run(final DialogIO io) {", "}}"); } static void quicknew2(L<S> tok) { tok_quicknew(tok); /*jreplace(tok, "new <id> <id>;", "$2 $3 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id><<id>> <id>;", "$2<$4> $6 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>.<id> <id>;", "$2.$4 $5 = new $2.$4();"); jreplace(tok, "new <id><<id>> <id>, <id>;", "$2<$4> $6 = new $2, $8 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id><<id>,<id>> <id>;", "$2<$4,$6> $8 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id><<id><<id>>> <id>;", "$2<$4<$6>> $9 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id><<id>[]> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id><<id>>, <id>> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id><<id>,<id>> > <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id>, <id><<id>> > <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id><<id>,<id>,<id>> > <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id><<id>,<id>>, <id>> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id>, <id><<id>,<id>>> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id>< <id>, <id><<id>,<id>>>> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id>< <id>.<id>, <id><<id>,<id>>>> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 $18 = new $2;"); jreplace(tok, "new <id>< <id>< <id><<id>>, <id><<id>>>> <id>;", "$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9 $10 $11 $12 $13 $14 $15 $16 $17 = new $2;");*/ // [abandoned, confusing, looks like a function definition] with arguments - new A a(...); => A a = new A(...); //jreplace(tok, "new <id> <id>(", "$2 $3 = new $2("); jreplace(tok, "for args " + "{", "for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { final String arg = args[i];"); // Constructor calls without parentheses // So you can say something like: predictors.add(new P1); jreplace1(tok, "new <id>", "new $2()", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+5), "{", ",", ")", ";", ":"); }); jreplace1(tok, "new <id> < <id> >", "new $2<$4>()", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+11), "{", ",", ")", ";", ":"); }); jreplace(tok, "new List(", "new ArrayList("); jreplace(tok, "new Map(", "new HashMap("); jreplace(tok, "new Set(", "new HashSet("); jreplace(tok, "new (Hash)Set", "new HashSet"); // rough jreplace(tok, "new (Tree)Set", "new TreeSet"); jreplace(tok, "new (Hash)Map", "new HashMap"); jreplace(tok, "new (Tree)Map", "new TreeMap"); jreplace(tok, "\\*<id>[<id>] <id>;", "$2[] $6 = new $2[$4];"); // X x = new(...) => X x = new X(...) // X x = new {...} => X x = new X {...} // X x = new => X x = new jreplace(tok, "<id> <id> = new", "$1 $2 = new $1", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+9), "(", ";", ",", ")", "{"); }); jreplace(tok, "<id> <id> = new \\*", "$1 $2 = new $1"); jreplace(tok, "\\* <id> = new <id>", "$5 $2 = new $5"); // TODO: use backward type scanning jreplace(tok, "<id><<id>> <id> = new", "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 = new $1", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+9+3*2), "(", ";", ",", ")"); }); jreplace(tok, "<id><<id>,<id>> <id> = new", "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 = new $1", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+9+5*2), "(", ";", ",", ")"); }); jreplace(tok, "<id><<id><<id>>> <id> = new", "$1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 = new $1", tokcondition { ret eqOneOf(_get(tok, i+9+6*2), "(", ";", ",", ")"); }); } static L<S> extendClasses(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "extend <id> {")) >= 0) { S className = tok.get(i+2); int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx+2); S content = join(subList(tok, idx+1, j-1)); L<S> c = findInnerClassOfMain(tok, className); print("Extending class " + className); clearTokens(tok.subList(i, j+1)); if (c == null) { print("Warning: Can't extend class " + className + ", not found"); continue; } int startOfClass = indexOfSubList(tok, c); // magicIndexOfSubList is broken int endOfClass = startOfClass + l(c)-1; //print("Extending class " + className + " ==> " + join(subList(tok, startOfClass, endOfClass))); while (neq(tok.get(endOfClass), "}")) --endOfClass; //print("Extending class " + className + " ==> " + join(subList(tok, startOfClass, endOfClass))); tok.set(endOfClass, content + "\n" + tok.get(endOfClass)); doubleReTok(tok, i, j+1, endOfClass, endOfClass+1); } ret tok; } // for ping / while ping static void forPing(L<S> tok) { int i; for (S keyword : ll("for", "fOr", "while")) while ((i = jfind(tok, keyword + " ping (")) >= 0) { int bracketEnd = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i+4)-1; int iStatement = bracketEnd+2; int iEnd = findEndOfStatement(tok, iStatement); tok.set(i+2, ""); // turn into block if (!eq(get(tok, iStatement), "{")) { tok.set(iStatement, "{ " + tok.get(iStatement)); tok.set(iEnd-1, tok.get(iEnd-1) + " }"); } // add ping tok.set(iStatement, "{ ping(); " + dropPrefixTrim("{", tok.get(iStatement))); reTok(tok, i+2, iEnd); } } // lib 123 => !123 static void libs(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "lib <int>")) >= 0) { S id = tok.get(i+2); print("lib " + id); if (!libs.contains(id)) { libs.add(id); clearAllTokens(tok, i, i+3); /*tok.set(i, "!"); tok.set(i+1, "");*/ } else { print("...ignoring (duplicate)"); clearAllTokens(tok, i, i+3); reTok(tok, i, i+3); } } print("libs found: " + libs); } // sourceCodeLine() => 1234 static void sourceCodeLine(L<S> tok) { int i ; while ((i = jfind(tok, "sourceCodeLine()")) >= 0) { replaceTokens(tok, i, i+5, str(countChar(join(subList(tok, 0, i)), '\n')+1)); reTok(tok, i, i+5); } } // done before any other processing static void earlyStuff(L<S> tok) { int i; tok_scopes(tok, autoCloseScopes := asInclude); tok_autosemi(tok); tok_autoCloseBrackets(tok); jreplace(tok, "°", "()"); // Note: this makes the word "quine" a special operator // (unusable as a function name) while ((i = jfind(tok, "quine(")) >= 0) { int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, "("); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx+2); tok.set(i, "new Quine"); tok.set(idx, "(" + quote(join(subList(tok, idx+1, j-1))) + ", "); reTok(tok, i, idx+1); } jreplace_check after(tok, "void <id> after super {", "void $2 { super.$2();"); // do this before func & voidfunc because otherwise they swallow it jreplace(tok, "enter {", "{ temp enter();"); // func keyword for lambdas - now automatically quines toString() if enabled // do func & voidfunc early to preserve original code as toString while ((i = jfind(tok, "func(")) >= 0) { int argsFrom = i+4, argsTo = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, ")"); int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, argsTo, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx); L<S> contents = subList(tok, idx+1, j-1); S returnType = "O"; if (eq(tok.get(argsTo+2), "-") && eq(tok.get(argsTo+4), ">")) returnType = tok_toNonPrimitiveTypes(join(subList(tok, argsTo+6, idx-1))); S toString = autoQuine ? " public S toString() { ret " + quote(shorten(maxQuineLength, trimJoin(contents))) + "; }" : ""; L<S> args = cloneSubList(tok, argsFrom-1, argsTo); tok_shortFinals(args); tok_toNonPrimitiveTypes(args); L<S> types = tok_typesOfParams(args); O type = "O"; if (l(types) <= 3) type = "F" + l(types) + "<" + joinWithComma(types) + ", " + returnType + ">"; S body = tok_addReturn(contents); replaceTokens_reTok(tok, i, j, "new " + type + "() { " + returnType + " get(" + trimJoin(args) + ") ctex { " + body + " }\n" + + toString + "}"); } while ((i = jfind(tok, "voidfunc(")) >= 0) { int argsFrom = i+4, argsTo = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, ")"); int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, argsTo, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx); L<S> contents = subList(tok, idx+1, j-1); L<S> args = cloneSubList(tok, argsFrom-1, argsTo); tok_shortFinals(args); tok_toNonPrimitiveTypes(args); L<S> types = tok_typesOfParams(args); O type = "O"; if (l(types) <= 4) type = "VF" + l(types) + "<" + joinWithComma(types) + ">"; replaceTokens(tok, i, j, "new " + type + "() { public void get(" + trimJoin(args) + ") ctex { " + tok_addSemicolon(contents) + " }\n" + (autoQuine ? " public S toString() { ret " + quote(shorten(maxQuineLength, trim(join(contents)))) + "; }" : "") + "}"); reTok(tok, i, j); } jreplace(tok, "func {", "func -> O {"); jreplace(tok, "f {", "f -> O {"); // swing -> S { ... } => swing(func -> S { ... }) while ((i = jfind(tok, "swing ->")) >= 0) { int bracket = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, bracket); tok.set(i, "swing(func"); tok.set(j-1, "})"); reTok(tok, i, j); } tok_qFunctions(tok); for (S keyword : ll(/*"f",*/ "func")) { while ((i = jfind(tok, keyword + " ->", tokcondition { ret isIdentifier(_get(tok, i+7)); // avoid lambda declaration like: f -> { ... } })) >= 0) { // I think there is a bug here for something like func -> x { new x { } } int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, i, false, "{"); int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx); S returnType = tok_toNonPrimitiveTypes(join(subList(tok, i+6, idx-1))); L<S> contents = subList(tok, idx+1, j-1); replaceTokens(tok, i, j, "new F0<" + returnType + ">() { " + returnType + " get() ctex { " + tok_addReturn(contents) + " }\n" + (autoQuine ? " public S toString() { ret " + quote(shorten(maxQuineLength, trim(join(contents)))) + "; }" : "") + "}"); reTok(tok, i, j); } } while ((i = jfind(tok, "time repeat * {")) >= 0) { int j = findEndOfBlock(tok, i+6)-1; tok.set(i, "time {"); tok.set(j, "}}"); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } // do this before "m {" stuff because "repeat m" [doesn't seem to work yet though) while ((i = findCodeTokens(tok, "repeat", "*", "{")) >= 0) { S v = makeVar("repeat"); tok.set(i, "for (int " + v + " = 0; " + v + " < " + tok.get(i+2) + "; " + v + "++)"); tok.set(i+2, ""); reTok(tok, i, i+3); } } static void throwFailEtc(L<S> tok) { bool anyChange = false; for (int i = 1; i+4 < l(tok); i += 2) if (eqOneOf(get(tok, i+2), "fail", "todo") && eq(get(tok, i+4), "(") && !eqOneOf(get(tok, i), "throw", "RuntimeException", "return", "f", "function")) { tok.set(i+2, "throw " + tok.get(i+2)); anyChange = true; } if (anyChange) reTok(tok); } static void namedThreads(L<S> tok) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, "thread", "<quoted>", "{"); if (idx < 0) idx = findCodeTokens(tok, "thread", "<id>", "{"); if (idx < 0) break; int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx+4); S tName = tok.get(idx+2); S pre = "startThread(" + tName + ", r { "; S post = "})"; if (!tok_tokenLeftOfExpression(tok, idx-2)) post += ";"; tok.set(idx, pre); tok.set(idx+2, ""); tok.set(idx+4, ""); tok.set(j-1, post); //print(join(subList(tok, idx, j))); reTok(tok, idx, j); } } static void rNamedThread(L<S> tok) { for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { int idx = findCodeTokens(tok, "r", "-", "thread", "<quoted>", "{"); if (idx < 0) idx = findCodeTokens(tok, "r", "-", "thread", "<id>", "{"); if (idx < 0) break; int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx+8); S tName = tok.get(idx+6); S pre = "r { thread " + tName + " {"; S post = "}}"; replaceTokens(tok, idx, idx+9, pre); tok.set(j-1, post); reTok(tok, idx, j); } } static void threads(L<S> tok) { replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "daemon", "startDaemonThread(r {", "});"); //replaceKeywordBlock(tok, "thread", "startThread(r {", "});"); // now enclose in { } to allow using like "void bla() thread { ... }" - if it's not used as an expression replaceKeywordBlock_dyn2_legacy(tok, "thread", new O { // don't use func here, it can't be transpiled S[] get (LS tok, int iOpening, int iClosing) { // is the thread clause used as an expression? bool isExpression = tok_tokenLeftOfExpression(tok, iOpening-4); ret new S[] { (isExpression ? "" : "{ ") + "startThread(r {", "})" + (isExpression ? "" : "; }") }; } }); } static SS sf; // standard standard functions (haha) static Bool _761ok; static L<S> standardFunctions(L<S> tok) { if (sf == null) { S _761 = cacheGet("#761"); if (_761ok == null) _761ok = isBracketHygienic(_761); assertTrue("Whoa! #761 truncated?", _761ok); L<S> standardFunctions = concatLists( (L) loadVariableDefinition(_761, "standardFunctions"), (L) loadVariableDefinition(cacheGet("#1006654"), "standardFunctions")); sf = new HashMap; for (S x : standardFunctions) { S[] f = x.split("/"); sf.put(f[1], f[0]); } } SS sfMap = combinedMap(extraStandardFunctions, sf); for (int i = 0; ; i++) { Set<S> defd = new HashSet(findFunctions(tok)); int j; while ((j = jfind(tok, "should not include function *.")) >= 0) { S fname = tok.get(j+8); shouldNotIncludeFunction.add(fname); clearAllTokens(tok.subList(j, j+12)); } while ((j = jfind(tok, "do not include function *.")) >= 0) { S fname = tok.get(j+8); doNotIncludeFunction.add(fname); clearAllTokens(tok.subList(j, j+12)); } doNotIncludeFunction.addAll(tok_importedStaticFunctionNames(tok)); // changes tok Set<String> invocations = findFunctionInvocations(tok, sfMap, hardFunctionReferences, defd, true); /*if (invocations.contains("str")) print("==STR==" + join(tok) + "==STR==");*/ if (!cic(definitions, "leanMode")) invocations.addAll(functionsToAlwaysInclude); //print("Functions invoked: " + structure(invocations)); List<String> needed = diff(invocations, defd); for (S f : doNotIncludeFunction) needed.remove(f); if (needed.isEmpty()) break; print("Adding functions: " + join(" " , needed)); HashSet neededSet = new HashSet(needed); Collection<S> bad = setIntersection(neededSet, shouldNotIncludeFunction); if (nempty(bad)) { S msg = "INCLUDING BAD FUNCTIONS: " + sfu(bad); print(msg); print(join(tok)); fail(msg); } new L<S> added; new L<Future<S>> parts; new L<S> preload; for (S x : needed) if (sfMap.containsKey(x)) preload.add(sfMap.get(x)); print("Preloading: " + preload); cachePreload(preload); for (String x : cloneList(needed)) { if (defd.contains(x)) continue; String id = sfMap.get(x); if (id == null) { print("Standard function " + x + " not found."); needed.remove(x); continue; } //print("Adding function: " + x + " (" + id + ")"); S function = cacheGet(id); //if (("\n" + function).contains("\n!")) print("Warning: " + id + " contains translators."); if (cacheStdFunctions) { long _id = psI(id); CachedInclude ci = cachedIncludes.get(_id); if (ci == null) { cachedIncludes.put(_id, ci = new CachedInclude); //println("Caching include " + _id + ", l=" + l(cachedIncludes)); } function += "\n"; fS _function = function; if (neq(ci.javax, function)) { print("Compiling function: " + x); ci.javax = function; = executor.submit(new Callable<S>() { public S call() { // We assume that variables made with makeVar() will always be local to some block varCountByThread.set(null); ret join(localStuff1(jtok(_function))); } }); ci.realJava = null; } parts.add(ci.javaFuture()); } else parts.add(nowFuture(function + "\n")); added.add(x); Collection<S> newFunctions = new HashSet(findFunctionDefs(javaTok(function))); defd.addAll(newFunctions); for (S f : newFunctions) if (!addedFunctions.add(f)) { printSources(tok); fail("Trying to add function " + f + " again - main class syntax broken!"); } } S text = join(getAllFutures(parts)); tok = includeInMainLoaded(tok, text); // defd = new HashSet(findFunctions(tok)); //print("Functions added: " + joinWithSpace(added)); for (String x : needed) if (!defd.contains(x)) { print(join(tok)); fail("Function not defined properly: " + x); } //print("Iteration " + (i+2)); tok_definitions(tok); tok_ifndef(tok); tok_ifdef(tok); if (i >= 1000) fail("Too many iterations"); } ret tok; } static L<S> findFunctions(L<S> tok) { //ret findFunctionDefinitions(join(findMainClass(tok))); ret findFunctionDefs(findMainClass(tok)); } static S cacheGet(S snippetID) { snippetID = formatSnippetID(snippetID); S text = snippetCache.get(snippetID); if (text == null) { text = loadSnippet(snippetID); // very early processing/checks for includes if (hasUnclosedStringLiterals(text)) fail("Unclosed string literals in " + snippetID); if (regexpContains("\\bscope\\b", text)) { LS tok = javaTok(text); tok_scopes(tok, autoCloseScopes := true); text = join(tok); } snippetCache.put(snippetID, text); } ret text; } static void cachePreload(Collection<S> ids) { new L<S> needed; for (S id : ids) if (!snippetCache.containsKey(formatSnippetID(id))) needed.add(formatSnippetID(id)); if (l(needed) > 1) { L<S> texts = loadSnippets(needed); for (int i = 0; i < l(needed); i++) if (texts.get(i) != null) snippetCache.put(needed.get(i), texts.get(i)); } } static L<S> jtok(L<S> tok) { ret jtok(join(tok)); } static L<S> jtok(S s) { ret indexTokenList(javaTok(s)); } static HashSet<S> haveClasses_actual(L<S> tok) { new HashSet<S> have; for (L<S> c : innerClassesOfMain(tok)) have.add(getClassDeclarationName(c)); ret have; } static HashSet<S> haveClasses_addImported(L<S> tok, HashSet<S> have) { have.addAll(tok_importedClassNames(tok)); have.addAll(usualJavaClassNames()); // for S => S.class ret have; } // works on Java level (no "sclass" etc) // returns list of classes we have (useful for other processing) static Set<S> addStandardClasses_v2(L<S> tok) { if (lclasses == null) { S sc = cacheGet("#1003674"); lclasses = new L; for (S line : tlft_j(sc)) { int idx = line.indexOf('/'); lclasses.addAll(ll(line.substring(0, idx), line.substring(idx+1))); } } L<S> definitions = lclasses; for (int safety = 0; safety < 10; safety++) { HashSet<S> have = haveClasses_actual(tok); have.addAll(tok_importedClassNames(tok)); int j; while ((j = jfind(tok, "should not include class *.")) >= 0) { S cname = tok.get(j+8); shouldNotIncludeClass.add(cname); clearAllTokens(tok.subList(j, j+12)); } new SS need; Set<S> idx = tokenIndexWithoutIfclass_forStdClasses(tok); while ((j = jfind(tok, "please include class *.")) >= 0) { S cname = tok.get(j+6); idx.add(cname); clearAllTokens(tok.subList(j, j+10)); } for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(definitions); i += 2) { S className = definitions.get(i); if (idx.contains(className) && !have.contains(className)) need.put(className, definitions.get(i+1)); } if (hasDef("SymbolAsString")) { print("Have SymbolAsString."); if (need.containsKey("Symbol")) { print("Have Symbol."); need.remove("Symbol"); } } else print("No SymbolAsString."); if (empty(need)) ret have; for (S className : keys(need)) if (shouldNotIncludeClass.contains(className)) { S msg = "INCLUDING BAD CLASS: " + className; print(msg); print(join(tok)); fail(msg); } cachePreload(values(need)); new StringBuilder buf; print("Adding classes: " + joinWithSpace(keys(need))); for (S className : keys(need)) { if (have.contains(className)) continue; // intermittent add S snippetID = need.get(className); //print("Adding class " + className + " / " + snippetID); snippetID = fsI(snippetID); S text = cacheGet(snippetID); assertTrue(cacheStdClasses); long _id = psI(snippetID); CachedInclude ci = cachedIncludes.get(_id); if (ci == null) cachedIncludes.put(_id, ci = new CachedInclude); if (neq(ci.javax, text)) { // TODO: do it in multiple threads print("Compiling class: " + className); ci.javax = text; = null; ci.realJava = join(localStuff1(jtok(text))); } buf.append(; L<S> ct = javaTok(; for (L<S> c : allClasses(ct)) { S name = getClassDeclarationName(c); have.add(name); } if (!have.contains(className)) fail("Wrongly defined class: " + className + " / " + snippetID); if (!addedClasses.add(className)) { printSources(tok); fail("Trying to add class " + className + " again - main class syntax broken!"); } } // for className tok = includeInMainLoaded(tok, str(buf)); } fail("safety 10"); } static Set<S> expandableClassNames = lithashset("BigInteger"); // no reTok - leaves tok dirty // magically append ".class" to class name references static bool expandClassReferences_lazy(L<S> tok, Set<S> classNames) { bool change = false; for (int i = 3; i+2 < l(tok); i += 2) { S t = tok.get(i); // skip implements/extends/throws lists if (eqOneOf(t, "implements", "extends", "throws")) { i = tok_endOfImplementsList(tok, i); continue; } if (classNames.contains(t) || expandableClassNames.contains(t)) { S s = tok.get(i-2); t = tok.get(i+2); // TODO: This whole logic ain't very good // (Hard to distinguish between "Int.class" as an argument // and "Int" as a type parameter.) if (eqOneOf(s, "instanceof", "new", ".", "<", ">", "/", "nu")) continue; if (isIdentifier(s) || isInteger(s)) continue; if (eq(t, ",") && isIdentifier(get(tok, i+4)) && eqGet(tok, i+6, ">")) continue; // e.g. T3<L<S>, S, S> if (eq(s, ",") && isIdentifier(get(tok, i-4)) && eqGet(tok, i-6, "<")) continue; // e.g. T3<S, S, S> if (eq(s, ",") && eqOneOf(_get(tok, i-6), "implements", "throws")) continue; // check for cast if (eq(s, "(") && eq(t, ")") && i >= 5) { if (!eqOneOf(get(tok, i+4), "{", ";")) { S x = tok.get(i-4); if (!isIdentifier(x)) continue; if (eqOneOf(x, "ret", "return")) continue; } } if (eqOneOf(t, ",", ")", ";", ":")) { tok.set(i, tok.get(i) + ".class"); change = true; } } } ret change; } static void expandClassReferences(L<S> tok, Set<S> classNames) { if (expandClassReferences_lazy(tok, classNames)) reTok(tok); } // "<id>/<ClassName>" => "((ClassName) <id>)" static void slashCasts(L<S> tok, final Set<S> classNames) { /*jreplace(tok, "<id>/<id>", "(($3) $1)", tokcondition { ret classNames.contains(tok.get(i+5)); });*/ int n = l(tok)-4; for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) if (tok.get(i+2).equals("/") && isIdentifier(tok.get(i)) && classNames.contains(tok.get(i+4))) replaceTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+5, "((" + tok.get(i+4) + ") " + tok.get(i) + ")"); } // "<ClassName>(...)" => "new <ClassName>(...)" // doesn't work at beginning of statement as we can't easily // distinguish it from a constructor declaration. static void newWithoutNew(L<S> tok, final Set<S> classNames) { TokCondition cond = newWithoutNew_condition(classNames); jreplace(tok, "<id>(", "new $1(", cond); // just one case with type arg for now jreplace(tok, "<id><<id>>(", "new $1<$3>(", cond); } static TokCondition newWithoutNew_condition(final Set<S> classNames) { ret tokcondition { if (!classNames.contains(tok.get(i+1))) false; S prev = _get(tok, i-1); bool ok = eq(prev, ">") ? eqGet(tok, i-3, "-") : neqOneOf(prev, "new", ";", "}", "{", "public", "protected", "private", "."); //print("newWithoutNew: checking " + struct(subList(tok, i-1, i+2)) + " => " + ok); ret ok; }; } static bool processConceptsDot(L<S> tok) { bool anyChange = false, change; do { change = false; for (int i : jfindAll(tok, "concepts.")) if (contains(get(tok, i+3), "\n")) { replaceTokens(tok, i, i+3, "!" + "include once #1004863 // Dynamic Concepts"); reTok(tok, i, i+3); change = anyChange = true; break; } } while (change); ret anyChange; } static void caseAsVariableName(L<S> tok) { if (!tok.contains("case")) ret; for (int i = 1; i+2 < l(tok); i += 2) { S t = tok.get(i+2); if (tok.get(i).equals("case") && !(t.startsWith("'") || isInteger(t) || isIdentifier(t))) tok.set(i, "_case"); } } static void continueAsFunctionName(L<S> tok) { jreplace(tok, "continue(", "_continue("); } // f bla => "bla" - and "please include function bla." static void functionReferences(L<S> tok) { int i; jreplace_dyn(tok, "f-thread <id>", func(L<S> tok, int cIdx) { "dynamicCallableMC_thread(" + quote(tok.get(cIdx+6)) + ")" }); S keyword = "f"; while ((i = jfind(tok, keyword + " <id>", tokcondition { ret !eq(tok.get(i+3), "instanceof"); })) >= 0) { S f = tok.get(i+2); clearTokens(tok, i, i+2); tok.set(i+2, quote(f)); reTok(tok, i, i+2); tok.set(l(tok)-1, last(tok) + "\nplease include function " + f + "."); reTok(tok, l(tok)-1, l(tok)); } // r|rThread|rEnter|rThreadEnter fname => r|rThread|... { fname() } while ((i = jfindOneOf_cond(tok, tokcondition { ret !eq(tok.get(i+3), "instanceof"); }, "r <id>", "rThread <id>", "rEnter <id>", "rThreadEnter <id>")) >= 0) { S f = tok.get(i+2); replaceTokens(tok, i, i+3, tok.get(i) + " { " + f + "(); }"); reTok(tok, i, i+3); } // dm_q fname => r_dm_q(r fname) jreplace(tok, "dm_q <id>", "r_dm_q(r $2)"); // vf<S> fname => voidfunc(S s) { fname(s) } jreplace(tok, "vf<<id>> <id>", "voidfunc($3 a) { $5(a) }"); // vf<L<S>> fname => voidfunc(L<S> a) { fname(a) } jreplace(tok, "vf<<id><<id>>> <id>", "voidfunc($3<$5> a) { $8(a) }"); // construct<S> Entry => func(S s) -> Entry { new Entry(s) } jreplace(tok, "construct<<id>> <id>", "func($3 a) -> $5 { new $5(a) }"); // f<S> fname => func -> S { fname() } jreplace(tok, "f<<id>> <id>", "func -> $3 { $5() }"); // f<S, S> fname => func(S x) -> S { fname(x) } jreplace(tok, "f<<id>, <id>> <id>", "func($3 x) -> $5 { $7(x) }"); // f<S, L<S>> fname => func(S x) -> L<S> { fname(x) } jreplace(tok, "f<<id>, <id><<id>>> <id>", "func($3 x) -> $5 $6 $7 $8 { $10(x) }"); // f<S, L<S>, S> fname => func(S x, L<S> y) -> S { fname(x, y) } jreplace(tok, "f<<id>, <id><<id>>, <id>> <id>", "func($3 x, $5 $6 $7 $8 y) -> $10 { $12(x, y) }"); // if1 fname => a -> fname(a) jreplace_dyn(tok, "if1 <id>", func(LS tok, int i) -> S { S var = makeVar(); ret var + " -> " + tok.get(i+2) + "(" + var + ")"; }); } static void quicknu(L<S> tok) { jreplace(tok, "nu <id>(", "nu($2.class, "); // not needed anymore jreplace(tok, "nu <id>", "new $2"); } // fill variable innerClasses_list static void innerClassesVar(L<S> tok, Set<S> have) { int i = jfind_check myInnerClasses_list(tok, ">myInnerClasses_list;"); if (i < 0) ret; tok.set(i+4, "=litlist(\n" + joinQuoted(", ", have) + ");"); reTok(tok, i+4, i+5); } // fill variable innerClasses_list static void fillVar_transpilationDate(L<S> tok) { int i = jfind_check myTranspilationDate_value(tok, "long myTranspilationDate_value;"); if (i < 0) ret; tok.set(i+4, " = " + now() + "L;"); reTok(tok, i+4, i+5); } // process ifclass x ... endif blocks static void tok_ifclass(L<S> tok, Set<S> have) { if (!tok.contains("ifclass")) ret; int i = l(tok); while ((i = rjfind(tok, 1, i-1, "ifclass <id>")) >= 0) { int j = jfind(tok, i+4, "endif"); if (j < 0) j = l(tok)-1; S name = tok.get(i+2); bool has = have.contains(name); //print("ifclass " + name + " => " + has); if (has) { clearTokens_reTok(tok, j, j+1); clearTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+3); } else clearTokens(tok, i, j+1); } } // set flag *. static void tok_definitions(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind_check flag(tok, "set flag <id>.")) >= 0) { S fname = tok.get(i+4); print("Setting flag " + fname); definitions.add(fname); clearAllTokens(tok.subList(i, i+8)); } while ((i = jfind_check flag(tok, "unset flag <id>.")) >= 0) { S fname = tok.get(i+4); print("Unsetting flag " + fname); definitions.remove(fname); clearAllTokens(tok.subList(i, i+8)); } } static void tok_findRewrites(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "rewrite <id> =")) >= 0) { S token = tok.get(i+2); int repStart = i+6; int repEnd = smartIndexOf(tok, repStart, "."); S replacement = joinSubList(tok, repStart, repEnd-1); clearTokens(tok, i, repEnd+1); rewrites.put(token, replacement); print("Have rewrite: " + token + " => " + replacement); } } static void tok_processRewrites(L<S> tok) { for (S token : keys(rewrites)) jreplace(tok, token, rewrites.get(token)); } // extend *. (set base class of main class) static void tok_extend(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "extend <id>.")) >= 0) { mainBaseClass = tok.get(i+2); clearAllTokens(tok, i, i+7); } } // process ifndef x ... endifndef blocks static void tok_ifndef(L<S> tok) { if (!tok.contains("ifndef")) ret; int i; while ((i = rjfind(tok, "ifndef <id>")) >= 0) { int j = jfind(tok, i+4, "endifndef"); if (j < 0) j = l(tok)-1; S fname = tok.get(i+2); bool has = !definitions.contains(fname); //print("ifndef " + fname + " => " + has); clearTokens(tok, i, i+3); clearTokens(tok, j, j+1); if (!has) clearTokens(tok, i+3, j); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } } // process ifdef x ... endifdef blocks static void tok_ifdef(L<S> tok) { if (!tok.contains("ifdef")) ret; int i; while ((i = rjfind(tok, "ifdef <id>")) >= 0) { int j = jfind(tok, i+4, "endifdef"); if (j < 0) j = l(tok)-1; S fname = tok.get(i+2); bool has = definitions.contains(fname); //print("ifdef " + fname + " => " + has); clearTokens(tok, i, i+3); clearTokens(tok, j, j+1); if (!has) clearTokens(tok, i+3, j); reTok(tok, i, j+1); } } svoid conceptDeclarations(L<S> tok) { for (S kw : ll("concept", "sconcept")) { O cond = tokcondition { tok_addFieldOrder(tok, i+1); true; }; bool re = false; if (jreplace(tok, kw + " <id> {", "static class $2 extends Concept {", cond)) re = true; if (jreplace(tok, kw + " <id> implements", "static class $2 extends Concept implements", cond)) re = true; if (jreplace(tok, kw + " <id>", "static class $2", cond)) re = true; if (re) reTok(tok); } } svoid shortenedSubconcepts(L<S> tok) { jreplace(tok, "<id> > <id> {", "concept $3 extends $1 {", tokcondition { bool b = (i == 0 || tok.get(i).contains("\n")) || eq(_get(tok, i-1), "abstract"); // only at beginning of line or after "abstract" //print("subconcept " + b + ": " + structure(subList(tok, i-1, i+5))); ret b; }); } // -slightly experimental // -do calculation in another thread, then return to AWT thread // -must be placed in a block // -transforms rest of block svoid unswing(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "unswing {")) >= 0) { int idx = i+2; int closingBracket = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, idx)-1; int endOfOuterBlock = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, closingBracket)-1; tok.set(i, "thread"); tok.set(closingBracket, " awt {"); tok.set(endOfOuterBlock, "}}}"); reTok(tok, closingBracket-1, endOfOuterBlock+1); } } // -Syntax: lock theLock; // -lock a lock, unlock at end of current block with finally svoid lockBlocks(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "lock <id>", tokcondition { ret neq(tok.get(i+3), "instanceof"); })) >= 0) { int semicolon = findEndOfStatement(tok, i)-1; S var = makeVar(); int endOfOuterBlock = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, semicolon)-1; replaceTokens(tok, i, semicolon+1, "Lock " + var + " = " + joinSubList(tok, i+2, semicolon-1) + "; lock(" + var + "); try {"); tok.set(endOfOuterBlock, "} finally { unlock(" + var + "); } }"); reTok(tok, i, endOfOuterBlock+1); } } // -Syntax: temp Bla bla = bla(); // -expands to try(Bla bla = bla()) { ... } with rest of block inside svoid tempBlocks(L<S> tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "temp <id>")) >= 0) { int semicolon = findEndOfStatement(tok, i)-1; int endOfOuterBlock = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, semicolon)-1; L<S> sub = subList(tok, i-1, semicolon); int eq = subList(sub, 0, smartIndexOfOneOf(sub, "{", "(")).indexOf("="); S var; if (eq >= 0) var = sub.get(eq-2); else { // no var name, e.g. temp newThoughtSpace(); var = makeVar(); tok.set(i+2, "AutoCloseable " + var + " = " + tok.get(i+2)); } //tok.set(i, "try ("); //tok.set(semicolon, ") {"; //tok.set(endOfOuterBlock, "}}"); tok.set(i, ""); tok.set(semicolon, "; try {"); tok.set(endOfOuterBlock, "} finally { _close(" + var + "); }}"); reTok(tok, i, endOfOuterBlock+1); } } svoid forgetCachedIncludes { cachedIncludes.clear(); } // TODO: when to do this / merge contents if there are multiple transpilers? svoid cleanMeUp { for (CachedInclude ci : values(cachedIncludes)) ci.clean(); vmKeepWithProgramMD5_save('cachedIncludes); } svoid printSources(L<S> tok) { print("----"); print(join(tok)); print("----"); } svoid tok_quickInstanceOf(L<S> tok, final Set<S> haveClasses) { if (!quickInstanceOfEnabled) ret; // "x << X" or "x >> X" => "x instanceof X" for (S op : ll("<<", ">>")) jreplace(tok, "<id> " + op + " <id>", "$1 instanceof $4", tokcondition { ret haveClasses.contains(tok.get(i+7)) && !eqOneOf(tok.get(i-1), "<", "extends", "implements"); }); } sbool hasDef(S s) { ret definitions.contains(s); } svoid expandTriple(L<S> tok) { jreplace(tok, "T3< <id> >", "T3<$3, $3, $3>"); jreplace(tok, "T3< <id><<id>> >", "T3<$3<$5>, $3<$5>, $3<$5>>"); } svoid tok_shortFinals(L<S> tok) { jreplace(tok, "fS", "final S"); jreplace(tok, "fO", "final O"); jreplace(tok, "fL", "final L"); jreplace(tok, "fMap", "final Map"); jreplace(tok, "fRunnable", "final Runnable"); jreplace(tok, "f int", "final int"); } svoid tok_mainClassNameAndPackage(LS tok) { int i; if ((i = jfind(tok, "mainClassName <id>")) >= 0) { mainClassName = tok.get(i+2); if (eqGet(tok, i+4, ".") && isIdentifier(get(tok, i+6))) { mainPackage = mainClassName; mainClassName = tok.get(i+6); clearTokensAndReTok(tok, i, i+7); } else clearTokensAndReTok(tok, i, i+3); } if ((i = jfind(tok, "mainPackage <id>")) >= 0) { mainPackage = tok.get(i+2); clearTokens(tok, i, i+3); reTok(tok, i, i+3); } } svoid defineMapLikes(LS tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "mapLike <id>")) >= 0) { mapLikeFunctions.add(tok.get(i+2)); clearTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+2); } } svoid defineMapMethodLikes(LS tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "mapMethodLike <id>")) >= 0) { mapMethodLikeFunctions.add(tok.get(i+2)); clearTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+2); } } // functions that work like "nu" syntactically (accept a class as "super-first" parameter [left of the bracket]) svoid defineNuLikes(LS tok) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "nuLike <id>")) >= 0) { nuLikeFunctions.add(tok.get(i+2)); clearTokens_reTok(tok, i, i+2); } } svoid defineExtraSF(LS tok) { int i; IntRange reTok = null; while ((i = jfind(tok, "function <id> is in *.")) >= 0) { extraStandardFunctions.put(tok.get(i+2), fsI(unquote(tok.get(i+8)))); clearTokens(tok, i, i+12); reTok = combineIntRanges(reTok, intRange(i, i+12)); } reTok(tok, reTok); } sbool tok_applyMapLikeFunctions(LS tok, final Set<S> mapLikeFunctions) { // map funcname(...) => map(f funcname, ...) // filter funcname(...) => filter(f funcname, ...) // ... ret jreplace(tok, "<id> <id>(", "$1(f $2,", func(L<S> tok, int i) -> bool { contains(mapLikeFunctions, tok.get(i+1)) }); } sbool tok_applyMapMethodLikeFunctions(LS tok, final Set<S> mapMethodLikeFunctions) { // mapMethod funcname(...) => mapMethod('funcname, ...) // collect funcname(...) => collect('funcname, ...) // ... ret jreplace_dyn(tok, "<id> <id>(", func(L<S> tok, int cIdx) -> S { tok.get(cIdx) + "(" + quote(tok.get(cIdx+2)) + "," }, func(L<S> tok, int i) -> bool { contains(mapMethodLikeFunctions, tok.get(i+1)) }); } svoid runMetaPostBlocks(LS tok) { for ping (S code : unnull(metaPostBlocks)) call(hotwireCached(standardFunctionSnippet(assertIdentifier(code))), code, tok); //callF(codeToFunctionOnArbitraryType(code, "LS", L, "tok"), tok); } svoid runMetaTransformers(LS tok) { for ping (S code : unnull(metaTransformers)) tok_runMetaTransformer(tok, code); } sbool tok_applyNuLikeFunctions(LS tok, final Set<S> nuLikeFunctions) { // nu ClassName(...) => nu(ClassName, ...) // ... ret jreplace_dyn(tok, "<id> <id>(", func(L<S> tok, int cIdx) -> S { tok.get(cIdx) + "(" + tok.get(cIdx+2) + ".class," }, func(L<S> tok, int i) -> bool { contains(nuLikeFunctions, tok.get(i+1)) }); } sbool metaCodeAllowed() { ret allowMetaCode || containsIC(definitions, "allowMetaCode"); } static LS indexTokenList(LS tok) { if (useIndexedList2) ret indexedList2(tok); if (useTokenIndexedList) ret tokenIndexedList3(tok); ret tok; } svoid tok_earlyGeneralStuff(LS tok) { tok_standardBot1(tok); tok_processSimplified(tok); tok_compactModules(tok); }
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Snippet ID: | #1025804 |
Snippet name: | Transpiler with TokenIndexedList3 [dev.] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1025804/5 |
Text MD5: | 17173d60b4fb926477587ddc5e6b9377 |
Transpilation MD5: | c93fde82cf662445e3975e9d9c741df4 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX source code (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2019-10-21 14:54:00 |
Source code size: | 91420 bytes / 2733 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 277 / 905 |
Version history: | 4 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1025501 - Benchmark & Profile Transpiler |