Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (9584L/64K).
sclass PhilosophyBot1 { static transformable record LogicRule(lhs, rhs) { int n; // when added O trail; toString { ret (n == 0 ? "" : "[" + n + "] ") + lhs + " => " + rhs; } } static transformable record And(a, b) {} static transformable record If(condition, thenBlock, elseBlock) {} static transformable record For(var, condition, body) {} // don't need var actually static transformable record ForIn(var, expr, body) {} static transformable record Assignment(var, expr) {} static transformable record While(condition, body) {} replace NPRet with O. // native predicate return type (Bool/SS/null) // like a native predicate, but doesn't return anything sclass CodeFragment { S head; IVF2<SS, Env> body; bool keepBrackets; *(S *head, IVF2<SS, Env> *body, bool *keepBrackets) {} *(S *head, IVF2<SS, Env> *body) {} toString { ret stdToString(this); } } sclass Env { bool wantAlternatives; bool wantAlternatives() { ret wantAlternatives; } } srecord WithAlternative(IF0<O> alternative, O result) {} // body takes variable mapping // body can return // Bool => immediate result (ok or fail) // SS => variable mapping // WithAlternative // Iterator<NPRet> // null => not applicable // For "for $x in ..." statements, return a Iterable<stringable>? srecord NativePredicate(S head, IF2<SS, Env, NPRet> body) {} replace ProcedureToRun with Proc. replace Proc with L. // procedures are a list of statements // trail of a transformed fact srecord TTransformed(S fact, IF1<S> transformer) {} transient S program; transient bool programLoaded; transient int maxRounds = 1000; transient int maxFacts = 1000; transient Set<S> facts = syncLinkedCISet(); transient Set<S> originalFacts = ciSet(); transient new LinkedHashSet<LogicRule> logicRules; // modified with sync transient new AllOnAll<LogicRule, S> rulesOnFacts; transient new AllOnAll<CodeFragment, S> codeOnFacts; transient new AllOnAllWithUpdates<IVF1<S>, S> anyCodeOnFacts; transient new AllOnAll/*WithUpdates*/<IVF1<LogicRule>, LogicRule> anyCodeOnRules; transient new L<ProcedureToRun> proceduresToRun; // parsed procedures transient long proceduresExecuted; transient new L<NativePredicate> nativePredicates; transient bool debugNativeCalls = true, debugAllCmds = true; transient bool verbose = true; transient bool printStackTraces; transient new L onProcedureEnded; transient new L<IVF1<LogicRule>> onLogicRuleAdded; transient new L<IVF1<S>> onFactAdded; transient bool printNonMatches, debugContradictionChecks; transient bool standardImportsLoaded; transient bool curryAllRules = true; // rewrite "a & b => c" to a => b => c transient int logicRulesCounter; transient bool thoughtBegun; transient bool printFactsAfterThinking = true; transient bool noteSimplificationsAsFacts; // not a good idea - leads to endless loops transient bool parsing; // return true when you handled adding the rule transient new L<IPred<LogicRule>> logicRulePreprocessors; // return true when you handled adding the fact transient new L<IPred<S>> factPreprocessors; // extra stuff that is done every round transient new L<Runnable> extraLogicOperations; transient Set<S> vars = litciset("x", "y", "z"); // phrase replacements that are made in every fact. // functionality is enabled by philosophyBot1_addDeepReplacement transient SS deepReplacements; transient L<IF1<S>> deepTransformers; transient L<IF1<S, WithTrail<S>>> trailEnabledDeepTransformers; // fact -> trail. to enable, initialize with ciMap() transient MapSO trails; Map extensions; *() { // find contradictions anyCodeOnFacts.newA(fact -> { Bool b = checkNativeCondition(fact); if (debugContradictionChecks) print("Fact check: " + b + " - " + fact); if (isFalse(b)) addFactWithTrail("contradiction", trails == null ? null : fact); }); _standardHandlers(); } *(S *program) { this(); } void addRule(S s) { PairS p = splitAtFirstDoubleArrow(javaTokWithBrackets(s)); if (p == null) if (verbose) print("addRule failed: " + s); addLogicRuleWithTrail(new LogicRule(splitAtAmpersand2(p.a), p.b), litorderedmap(op := "addRule", +s)); } void addRules(Iterable<S> l) { fOr (S s : l) addRule(s); } O splitRuleRHS(O rhs) { if (rhs cast S) { PairS p = splitAtFirstDoubleArrow(javaTokWithBrackets(rhs)); if (p != null) ret splitRuleRHS(new LogicRule(splitAtAmpersand2(p.a), splitRuleRHS(p.b))); ret splitAtAmpersand2(rhs); } ret rhs; } LogicRule curryLHS(LogicRule rule) { while licensed { O lhs = rule.lhs; if lhs is And(O a, O b) { LogicRule r = rule; rule = new LogicRule(a, new LogicRule(b, rule.rhs)); rule.trail = r.trail; } else break; } ret rule; } void addLogicRuleWithTrail(LogicRule rule, O trail) { rule.trail = trail; addLogicRule(rule); } void addLogicRule(LogicRule rule, S originalText) { //print("originalText=" + originalText + " for " + rule); addLogicRuleWithTrail(rule, originalText); } void addLogicRule(LogicRule rule) { rule.rhs = splitRuleRHS(rule.rhs); if (curryAllRules) rule = curryLHS(rule); for (IPred<LogicRule> p : logicRulePreprocessors) if (p.get(rule)) ret; // has been preprocessed rule.n = ++logicRulesCounter; if (printStackTraces) printStackTrace(str(rule)); if (trails != null && rule.trail == null) if (parsing) rule.trail = "initial rule"; else fail("No trail for rule: " + rule); // is LHS a native predicate? then eval immediately // TODO: multiple conditions Bool b = checkConditionOpt(rule.lhs); if (isFalse(b)) ret; // drop rule if (isTrue(b)) addRewrittenRHS(rule.rhs, rule); if (syncAdd(logicRules, rule)) { if (verbose) print("Got logic rule", rule); pcallFAll(onLogicRuleAdded, rule); anyCodeOnRules.newB(rule); rulesOnFacts.newA(rule); // to combine it with the facts } } void addFacts(Iterable<S> l) { fOr (S fact : l) addFact(fact); } void addFactWithTrail(WithTrail<S> fact) { if (fact != null) addFactWithTrail(fact!, fact.trail); } void addFactWithTrail(S fact, O trail) { S cleaned = addFact(fact); setTrail(cleaned, trail); } void setTrail(S fact, O trail) { mapPut(trails, fact, trail); } // return cleaned version S addFact(S fact) { ping(); fact = trim(fact); if (empty(fact)) null; if (l(facts) >= maxFacts) null; fact = tok_deRoundBracket(fact); if (printStackTraces) printStackTrace("Adding fact: " + fact); if (parsing && getTrail(fact) == null) setTrail(fact, "initial fact"); for (IPred<S> p : factPreprocessors) if (p.get(fact)) null; // has been preprocessed // Check if it's a procedure LS tok = mainTokenize(fact); if (countCodeTokens(tok) == 2 && firstTokenEqic(tok, "proc") && isCurlyBracketed(getCodeToken(tok, 1))) pcall { // It's a procedure! S proc = uncurly_keepSpaces(getCodeToken(tok, 1)); if (proceduresToRun.add(parseProcedure(proc))) { if (verbose) print("Got procedure:"); if (verbose) print(indentx("> ", proc)); } } /*else if (countCodeTokens(tok) == 2 && firstTokenEqic(tok, "java") && isCurlyBracketed(getCodeToken(tok, 1))) pcall { // It's Java code }*/ else // It's a fact, not a procedure if (facts.add(fact)) { if (verbose) print("Got fact: " + fact); pcallFAll(onFactAdded, fact); rulesOnFacts.newB(fact); // to combine it with the rules codeOnFacts.newB(fact); anyCodeOnFacts.newB(fact); } ret fact; } void addRewrittenRHS(O o, O trail) { if (o cast LogicRule) addLogicRuleWithTrail(o, trail); else if o is And(O a, O b) { addRewrittenRHS(a, o); addRewrittenRHS(b, o); } else if (o != null) addFactWithTrail((S) o, trail); } void addFactFromProgram(S fact) { if (countJavaTokens(fact) == 0) ret; fact = javaDropAllComments(fact); originalFacts.add(fact); addFact(fact); } void runProcedure(S proc) pcall { if (verbose) print("Running procedure."); runParsedProcedure(parseProcedure(proc)); } void runParsedProcedure(Proc commands) { runParsedProcedure(commands, proceduresToRun); } void runParsedProcedure(Proc commands, L<Proc> whereToPostCode) { ++proceduresExecuted; new Env env; L remainingCommands = cloneLinkedList(commands); O cmd; while not null (cmd = popFirst_ping(remainingCommands)) { if (cmd cast L) continue with runParsedProcedure(cmd); if (cmd cast Runnable) continue with; if (debugAllCmds) print("Running cmd: " + sfu(cmd)); if cmd is If(O condition, O thenBlock, O elseBlock) { O blockToRun = checkCondition(condition) ? thenBlock : elseBlock; runParsedProcedure(ll(blockToRun)); } else if cmd is For(O var, O condition, O body) { // make a new logic rule and add it // assume the variable is globally declared as a variable addLogicRuleWithTrail(new LogicRule(condition, "proc {\n" + body + "\n}"), litorderedmap(op := "for")); } else if cmd is While(O condition, O body) { bool b = checkCondition(condition); if (!b) continue; whereToPostCode.add(ll(body, cmd)); } else if cmd is Assignment(S var, S expr) { S result = cast runNativePredicate(expr, new Env); SS mapping = litcimap(var, result); remainingCommands = mapToLinkedList(remainingCommands, c -> replaceVars(c, mapValues optRound(mapping))); } else if cmd is ForIn(S var, S expr, O body) { // XXX O result = runNativePredicate(expr, new Env); if (!result instanceof Iterable) { if (verbose) print("Warning: result of " + expr + " not iterable (" + shortClassName(result) + ")"); continue; } Iterator it = iterator((Iterable) result); Runnable step = r { if (!it.hasNext()) ret; S value = str(; SS map = litcimap(var, value); O body2 = replaceVars(body, map); //print("ForIn: " + map + " => " + body2); whereToPostCode.add(ll(body2, this)); };; } else if (cmd cast S) { O result = runNativePredicate(cmd, env); if (result != null) { result = unpackWithAlternativeOrIterator(result); if (isFalse(result)) ret; if (isTrueOpt(result)) continue; if (result cast S) continue with addFact(result); SS mapping = cast result; // assume it's a variable mapping // apply to all remaining commands and continue L remainingCommands2 = mapToLinkedList(remainingCommands, c -> replaceVars(c, mapValues optRound(mapping))); if (verbose) print("Applying var mapping " + mapping + " to " + remainingCommands + " => " + remainingCommands2); remainingCommands = remainingCommands2; } else addFact(cmd); } else if (cmd != null) fail("Unimplemented command: " + cmd); } pcallFAll(onProcedureEnded, commands); // notify listeners } // return var mapping (SS), Bool or null for no matching predicate // or result verbatim (e.g. Iterable) O runNativePredicate(S s, Env env) { for (NativePredicate np : nativePredicates) { SS map = zipIt(np.head, s); if (map != null) { try { O result = np.body.get(mapValues tok_deRoundBracket(map), env); if (debugNativeCalls) print("Native predicate result: " + np.head + " => " + result); if (result instanceof Map && nempty(map)) { result = mapKeys((SS) result, var -> lookupOrKeep(map, var)); if (debugNativeCalls) print("Rewrote native predicate result: " + result); } try object result; } catch e { handleException(e); } } else if (printNonMatches) print("Non-match: " + quote(np.head) + " / " + quote(s)); } null; } // returns false if unknown bool checkCondition(O o) { ret isTrue(checkConditionOpt(o)); } // returns null if unknown Bool checkConditionOpt(O o) { if (o cast S) { if (contains(facts, o)) true; try object Bool b = checkNativeCondition(o); } //print("Ignoring condition: " + o); null; } Bool checkNativeCondition(S o) { O result = runNativePredicate(o, new Env); result = unpackWithAlternativeOrIterator(result); if (result cast Bool) ret result; if (result instanceof Map) true; // TODO null; } !include #1025614 // parsePythonesqueProcedure Proc parseProcedure(S s) { ret parsePythonesqueProcedure(s); } O splitAtAmpersand2(S s) { LS l = tok_splitAtAmpersand(s); if (l(l) == 1) ret s; ret new And(first(l), splitAtAmpersand2(join(" & ", dropFirst(l)))); } // "zip" a condition with a fact (match word-by-word) SS zipIt(S cond, S fact) { SS map = zipIt_keepBrackets(cond, fact); if (map == null) null; // no match map = mapValues tok_deRoundOrCurlyBracket(map); // handle special case, e.g. "i am x", "i am (x)" removeFromMapWhere(map, (k, v) -> eqic(k, v)); ret map; } SS zipIt_deBracket(S pat, S s) { SS map = zipIt(pat, s); ret map == null ? null : mapValues tok_deRoundOrCurlyBracket(map); } // "zip" a condition with a fact (match word-by-word) SS zipIt_keepBrackets(S cond, S fact) { SS map = gazelle_deepZip_keepBrackets(cond, fact); if (map == null) null; // no match if (!all(keys(map), s -> isVar(s))) null; /*with print("Non-variable changes, exiting")*/; ret map; } bool isVar(S s) { ret s != null && (vars.contains(s) || s.startsWith("var_") || isDollarVar(s)); } O replaceVars(O o, SS map) { if (empty(map)) ret o; ret transform(x -> replaceVars_base(x, map), o); } O replaceVars_base(O o, SS map) { if (o cast S) ret replaceCodeTokensUsingMap(o, map); null; } S format(S s, SS map) { ret replaceCodeTokensUsingMap(s, mapValues optRound(map)); } // if f returns null, go through structure O transform(IF1 f, O o) { ret transform_understandsTransformableAndList(f, o); } void applyLogicRuleToFact(LogicRule rule, S fact) { O lhs = rule.lhs, rhs = rule.rhs; O cond, remaining = null; if lhs is And(O a, O b) { cond = a; remaining = b; } else cond = lhs; // now we match the condition with the fact SS map = zipIt_keepBrackets((S) cond, fact); if (map == null) { if (printNonMatches) print("Non-match: " + quote(cond) + " / " + quote(fact)); ret; // no match } // Now we have a proper mapping with the keys being variables! if (verbose) print("Match: " + quote(cond) + " / " + quote(fact)); // drop round brackets // XXX? map = mapValues tok_deRoundBracket(map); // Apply mapping to right hand side O rhs_replaced = replaceVars(rhs, map); if (verbose) print(+rhs_replaced); Map trail = litorderedmap(op := "applyLogicRuleToFact", +rule, +fact, +rhs_replaced, +remaining); if (remaining == null) { // No more conditions. Add as fact / new rule addRewrittenRHS(rhs_replaced, trail); } else { // Apply mapping to remaining condition O remaining_replaced = replaceVars(remaining, map); trail.put(+remaining_replaced); addLogicRuleWithTrail(new LogicRule(remaining_replaced, rhs_replaced), trail); } } run { think(); } !include #1025615 // smartParser1 void parseProgram { if (programLoaded) ret; set programLoaded; loadProgram(program); } void loadProgram(S program) { set parsing; try { smartParser1(program); } finally { parsing = false; } } bool doSomeLogic() { bool anyAction; Pair<LogicRule, S> p; while not null (p = { ping(); set anyAction; //print("Combination: " + p); applyLogicRuleToFact(p.a, p.b); } Pair<CodeFragment, S> p2; while not null (p2 = { ping(); set anyAction; //print("Combination: " + p2); applyCodeFragmentToFact(p2.a, p2.b); } Pair<IVF1<S>, S> p3; while not null (p3 = { ping(); set anyAction; //print("Combination: " + p3); pcallF(p3.a, p3.b); } Pair<IVF1<LogicRule>, LogicRule> p4; while not null (p4 = { ping(); set anyAction; pcallF(p4.a, p4.b); } ret anyAction; } void applyCodeFragmentToFact(CodeFragment cf, S fact) { SS map = cf.keepBrackets ? zipIt_keepBrackets(cf.head, fact) : zipIt(cf.head, fact); if (map != null) cf.body.get(mapValues tok_deRoundBracket(map), new Env); } // indicator for end of thought process (when this stays stable) long size() { ret l(logicRules) + l(facts) + proceduresExecuted; } void think { parseProgram(); set thoughtBegun; int round = 0; while ping (round++ < maxRounds) { long lastSize = size(); if (verbose) print("Logic round " + round + ", size: " + lastSize); while (doSomeLogic() && round++ < maxRounds && l(facts) < maxFacts) {} for ping (Proc proc : getAndClearList(proceduresToRun)) runParsedProcedure(proc); callFAll(extraLogicOperations); if (size() == lastSize) { if (verbose) print("No changes, exiting"); break; } } // We're done logicking, so print all the facts gathered Cl<S> madeFacts = factsDeduced(); if (printFactsAfterThinking) pnlWithHeading("Facts I deduced", madeFacts); // Print say () and print () separately new LS output; for (S fact : madeFacts) { LS tok = mainTokenize(fact); if (countCodeTokens(tok) == 2 && eqicOneOf(getCodeToken(tok, 0), "print", "say")) // For the user, we print without all the round brackets output.add(tok_dropRoundBrackets(getCodeToken(tok, 1))); } pnlWithHeadingIfNempty("Bot Output", output); } void addNativePredicate(S head, IF0 body) { nativePredicates.add(new NativePredicate(head, (map, env) -> body!)); } void addNativePredicate(S head, IF1<SS, O> body) { nativePredicates.add(new NativePredicate(head, (map, env) -> body.get(map))); } void addNativePredicate(S head, IF2<SS, Env, NPRet> body) { nativePredicates.add(new NativePredicate(head, body)); } // when you only need one result O unpackWithAlternativeOrIterator(O result) { if (result instanceof Iterator) ret first((Iterator) result); if (result instanceof WithAlternative) ret ((WithAlternative) result).result; ret result; } void onFactDo(S head, IVF2<SS, Env> body) { codeOnFacts.newA(new CodeFragment(head, body)); } void onFactDo_keepBrackets(S head, IVF2<SS, Env> body) { codeOnFacts.newA(new CodeFragment(head, body, true)); } LS filterByPattern(S pat, Iterable<S> items) { ret filter(items, i -> zipIt(pat, i) != null); } // pat = pattern with variables // results are mappings with debracketed values L<SS> matchFacts(S pat) { ret matchStrings(pat, facts); } SS matchString(S pat, S input) { ret zipIt_deBracket(pat, input); } L<SS> matchStrings(S pat, Iterable<S> items) { new L<SS> out; for (S s : items) { SS map = zipIt_deBracket(pat, s); if (map != null) out.add(map); } ret out; } LPair<S, SS> matchFacts2(S pat) { ret matchStrings2(pat, facts); } // returns items too LPair<S, SS> matchStrings2(S pat, Iterable<S> items) { new LPair<S, SS> out; for (S s : items) { SS map = zipIt_deBracket(pat, s); if (map != null) out.add(pair(s, map)); } ret out; } LS matchFacts(S var, S pat) { ret map(matchFacts(pat), map -> map.get(var)); } // pat = pattern with variables // results are mappings with debracketed values L<SS> matchFacts_keepBrackets(S pat) { new L<SS> out; for (S fact : facts) { SS map = zipIt_keepBrackets(pat, fact); if (map != null) out.add(map); } ret out; } void openAllTheories { for (SS map : matchFacts_keepBrackets("theory $x $y")) openTheory(tok_deRoundOrCurlyBracket(map.get("$x")), map.get("$y")); } void openTheory(S name) { for (SS map : matchFacts_keepBrackets("theory $x $y")) if (eqic(properUnquote(tok_deRoundBracket($x(map))), name)) ret with openTheory(name, $y(map)); fail("Theory not defined: " + quote(name)); } void openTheory(S name, S body) { //print("Raw theory: " + quote(s)); loadProgram(withoutLeadingLinesEmptyAfterTrim_autoUnindent(tok_deRoundOrCurlyBracket_keepFirstSpacing(body))); if (verbose) print("Opened theory " + name); } void autoOpenTheories { onFactDo_keepBrackets("theory $x $y", (map, env) -> openTheory(tok_deRoundOrCurlyBracket(map.get("$x")), map.get("$y"))); } // returns number of expectations checked int checkExpectations() { int n = 0; // check if all expect (...) facts are met for (SS map : matchFacts("expect $x")) { assertContains(facts, firstValue(map)); ++n; } // check if all don't expect (...) facts are met for (SS map : matchFacts("don't expect $x")) { assertDoesntContain(facts, firstValue(map)); ++n; } ret n; } void standardImports() { if (standardImportsLoaded) ret; set standardImportsLoaded; registerImport("math", () -> philosophyBot1_math(this)); registerImport("bool", () -> philosophyBot1_bool(this)); registerImport("or", () -> philosophyBot1_orHandler(this)); registerImport("iota", () -> philosophyBot1_iotaHandler(this)); registerImport("tlft_honoringBrackets", () -> addNativePredicate("tlft_honoringBrackets $x", map -> printIf(verbose, "tlft output", tlft_honoringBrackets($x(map))))); addNativePredicate("printNonMatches", () -> { printNonMatches = true; true; }); philosophyBot1_enableAddSimplifier_withTrails(this); } void addFactPreprocessor(IPred<S> f) { factPreprocessors.add(f); } void addLogicRulePreprocessor(IPred<LogicRule> f) { logicRulePreprocessors.add(f); } void registerImport(S name, Runnable handler) { S line = "import " + name; factPreprocessors.add(s -> { if (eqic(s, line)) { if (verbose) print("Importing " + name);; true; } false; }); } bool hasFact(S fact) { ret contains(facts, fact); } bool hasContradiction() { ret hasFact("contradiction"); } LS mainTokenize(S s) { ret javaTokWithBrackets(s); } // sanitize untrusted input - overly safe version S sanitizeInput(S s) { ret joinWithSpace(antiFilter(words2_plusApostrophe(s), w -> isVar(w))); } void deleteFacts(Iterable<S> l) { Set<S> set = asCISet(l); facts = filterCISet(facts, f -> !contains(set, f)); } Cl<S> factsDeduced() { ret listMinusList(facts, originalFacts); } Cl<S> deducedFacts() { ret factsDeduced(); } Cl<S> factsDeducedAfterThought() { think(); ret deducedFacts(); } bool containsDollarVars(O o) { // abuse transform function new Flag flag; withCancelPoint(cp -> { transform(x -> { if (x cast S) { if (main containsDollarVars(x)) { flag.raise(); cancelTo(cp); } ret x; } null; }, o); }); ret flag!; } L<LogicRule> allLogicRulesWithoutLHSVars() { ret filter(logicRules, r -> !containsDollarVars(leftmostCondition(r.lhs))); } O leftmostCondition(O o) { while (o instanceof And) o = ((And) o).a; ret o; } void _standardHandlers { philosophyBot_autoOpenTheoriesHandler(this); addFactPreprocessor(s -> { if (eqic(s, "standard imports")) ret true with standardImports(); false; }); } void runAndCheckExpectations { run(); checkExpectations(); } void addDeepTransformer(IF1<S> transformer) { if (deepTransformers == null) { deepTransformers = new L; // enable transformers anyCodeOnFacts.newA(fact -> addFactWithTrail(gazelle_deepTransform( s -> firstTransformersResult(deepTransformers, s), fact), trails == null ? null : new TTransformed(fact, transformer))); } deepTransformers.add(transformer); } void addTrailEnabledDeepTransformer(IF1<S, WithTrail<S>> transformer) { if (trailEnabledDeepTransformers == null) { trailEnabledDeepTransformers = new L; // enable transformers anyCodeOnFacts.newA(fact -> { WithTrail<S> simplified = gazelle_deepTransform_withTrail( s -> firstTransformersResult_trailEnabled(trailEnabledDeepTransformers, s), fact); if (simplified == null) ret; addFactWithTrail(simplified); if (noteSimplificationsAsFacts) addFact(format("$x simplifies $y", litmap($x := fact, $y := simplified!))); }); } trailEnabledDeepTransformers.add(transformer); } O getExtension(O key) { ret mapGet(extensions, key); } void addExtension(O key, O value) { if (extensions == null) extensions = new Map; extensions.put(key, value); } void enableTrails() { if (trails == null) trails = ciMap(); } O getTrail(S fact) { ret mapGet(trails, fact); } // get trail for arbitrary object (fact/rule) O getTrail(O o) { if (o cast LogicRule) ret o.trail; if (o cast S) ret mapGet(trails, o); null; } void printDeducedFactsWithTrails() { printAsciiHeading("Deduced facts with trails"); for (S fact : factsDeduced()) { print(fact); printUnlessNull(" << ", getTrail(fact)); } } L<WithTrail<S>> deducedFactsWithTrails() { ret map(factsDeduced(), s -> WithTrail(getTrail(s), s)); } void setTrailForAllLogicRules(O trail) { for (LogicRule r : logicRules) r.trail = trail; } L<LogicRule> logicRules() { ret cloneList(logicRules); } Pair<Set<LogicRule>, Set<S>> rulesAndFactsUsedForMaking(O factOrLogicRule) { Set l = thingsUsedForMaking(factOrLogicRule); ret pair(instancesOfAsSet LogicRule(l), setIntersection(asCISet(stringsOnly(l)), facts)); } Set thingsUsedForMaking(O factOrLogicRule) { ret philosophyBot1_visitTrailsTree_gen(this, null, factOrLogicRule); } void addExtraLogicOperation(Runnable r) { extraLogicOperations.add(r); } void addCodeOnFact(IVF1<S> f) { anyCodeOnFacts.newA(f); } void updateCodeOnFact(IVF1<S> f) { anyCodeOnFacts.updateA(f); } void addCodeOnRule(IVF1<LogicRule> f) { anyCodeOnRules.newA(f); } /*void updateCodeOnRule(IVF1<LogicRule> f) { anyCodeOnRules.updateA(f); }*/ void handleException(Throwable e) { print("BOT", e); } }
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Snippet ID: | #1025597 |
Snippet name: | PhilosophyBot1 (LIVE) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1025597/302 |
Text MD5: | dfbe0bae82c887f0a85d81c1ce1aebb5 |
Transpilation MD5: | c182a034605304c1003fea5f1aa4aee8 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2020-04-26 01:28:23 |
Source code size: | 28551 bytes / 930 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 862 / 2801 |
Version history: | 301 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |