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< > BotCompany Repo | #1024530 // RangeSlider

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (706L/5K).

import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;

 * An extension of JSlider to select a range of values using two thumb controls.
 * The thumb controls are used to select the lower and upper value of a range
 * with predetermined minimum and maximum values.
 * <p>Note that RangeSlider makes use of the default BoundedRangeModel, which 
 * supports an inner range defined by a value and an extent.  The upper value
 * returned by RangeSlider is simply the lower value plus the extent.</p>
sclass RangeSlider extends JSlider {
   * Constructs a RangeSlider with default minimum and maximum values of 0
   * and 100.
  public RangeSlider() {

   * Constructs a RangeSlider with the specified default minimum and maximum 
   * values.
  public RangeSlider(int min, int max) {
      super(min, max);

   * Initializes the slider by setting default properties.
  private void initSlider() {

   * Overrides the superclass method to install the UI delegate to draw two
   * thumbs.
  public void updateUI() {
      setUI(new RangeSliderUI(this));
      // Update UI for slider labels.  This must be called after updating the
      // UI of the slider.  Refer to JSlider.updateUI().

   * Returns the lower value in the range.
  public int getValue() {
      return super.getValue();

   * Sets the lower value in the range.
  public void setValue(int value) {
      int oldValue = getValue();
      if (oldValue == value) {

      // Compute new value and extent to maintain upper value.
      int oldExtent = getExtent();
      int newValue = Math.min(Math.max(getMinimum(), value), oldValue + oldExtent);
      int newExtent = oldExtent + oldValue - newValue;

      // Set new value and extent, and fire a single change event.
      getModel().setRangeProperties(newValue, newExtent, getMinimum(), 
          getMaximum(), getValueIsAdjusting());

   * Returns the upper value in the range.
  public int getUpperValue() {
      return getValue() + getExtent();

   * Sets the upper value in the range.
  public void setUpperValue(int value) {
      // Compute new extent.
      int lowerValue = getValue();
      int newExtent = Math.min(Math.max(0, value - lowerValue), getMaximum() - lowerValue);
      // Set extent to set upper value.
  void setValues(int value, int upper) {

 * UI delegate for the RangeSlider component.  RangeSliderUI paints two thumbs,
 * one for the lower value and one for the upper value.
sclass RangeSliderUI extends BasicSliderUI {

    /** Color of selected range. */
    private Color rangeColor = Color.GREEN;
    /** Location and size of thumb for upper value. */
    private Rectangle upperThumbRect;
    /** Indicator that determines whether upper thumb is selected. */
    private boolean upperThumbSelected;
    /** Indicator that determines whether lower thumb is being dragged. */
    private transient boolean lowerDragging;
    /** Indicator that determines whether upper thumb is being dragged. */
    private transient boolean upperDragging;
     * Constructs a RangeSliderUI for the specified slider component.
     * @param b RangeSlider
    public RangeSliderUI(RangeSlider b) {
     * Installs this UI delegate on the specified component. 
    public void installUI(JComponent c) {
        upperThumbRect = new Rectangle();

     * Creates a listener to handle track events in the specified slider.
    protected TrackListener createTrackListener(JSlider slider) {
        return new RangeTrackListener();

     * Creates a listener to handle change events in the specified slider.
    protected ChangeListener createChangeListener(JSlider slider) {
        return new ChangeHandler();
     * Updates the dimensions for both thumbs. 
    protected void calculateThumbSize() {
        // Call superclass method for lower thumb size.
        // Set upper thumb size.
        upperThumbRect.setSize(thumbRect.width, thumbRect.height);
     * Updates the locations for both thumbs.
    protected void calculateThumbLocation() {
        // Call superclass method for lower thumb location.
        // Adjust upper value to snap to ticks if necessary.
        if (slider.getSnapToTicks()) {
            int upperValue = slider.getValue() + slider.getExtent();
            int snappedValue = upperValue; 
            int majorTickSpacing = slider.getMajorTickSpacing();
            int minorTickSpacing = slider.getMinorTickSpacing();
            int tickSpacing = 0;
            if (minorTickSpacing > 0) {
                tickSpacing = minorTickSpacing;
            } else if (majorTickSpacing > 0) {
                tickSpacing = majorTickSpacing;

            if (tickSpacing != 0) {
                // If it's not on a tick, change the value
                if ((upperValue - slider.getMinimum()) % tickSpacing != 0) {
                    float temp = (float)(upperValue - slider.getMinimum()) / (float)tickSpacing;
                    int whichTick = Math.round(temp);
                    snappedValue = slider.getMinimum() + (whichTick * tickSpacing);

                if (snappedValue != upperValue) { 
                    slider.setExtent(snappedValue - slider.getValue());
        // Calculate upper thumb location.  The thumb is centered over its 
        // value on the track.
        if (slider.getOrientation() == JSlider.HORIZONTAL) {
            int upperPosition = xPositionForValue(slider.getValue() + slider.getExtent());
            upperThumbRect.x = upperPosition - (upperThumbRect.width / 2);
            upperThumbRect.y = trackRect.y;
        } else {
            int upperPosition = yPositionForValue(slider.getValue() + slider.getExtent());
            upperThumbRect.x = trackRect.x;
            upperThumbRect.y = upperPosition - (upperThumbRect.height / 2);
     * Returns the size of a thumb.
    protected Dimension getThumbSize() {
        return new Dimension(12, 12);

     * Paints the slider.  The selected thumb is always painted on top of the
     * other thumb.
    public void paint(Graphics g, JComponent c) {
        super.paint(g, c);
        Rectangle clipRect = g.getClipBounds();
        if (upperThumbSelected) {
            // Paint lower thumb first, then upper thumb.
            if (clipRect.intersects(thumbRect)) {
            if (clipRect.intersects(upperThumbRect)) {
        } else {
            // Paint upper thumb first, then lower thumb.
            if (clipRect.intersects(upperThumbRect)) {
            if (clipRect.intersects(thumbRect)) {
     * Paints the track.
    public void paintTrack(Graphics g) {
        // Draw track.
        Rectangle trackBounds = trackRect;
        if (slider.getOrientation() == JSlider.HORIZONTAL) {
            // Determine position of selected range by moving from the middle
            // of one thumb to the other.
            int lowerX = thumbRect.x + (thumbRect.width / 2);
            int upperX = upperThumbRect.x + (upperThumbRect.width / 2);
            // Determine track position.
            int cy = (trackBounds.height / 2) - 2;

            // Save color and shift position.
            Color oldColor = g.getColor();
            g.translate(trackBounds.x, trackBounds.y + cy);
            // Draw selected range.
            for (int y = 0; y <= 3; y++) {
                g.drawLine(lowerX - trackBounds.x, y, upperX - trackBounds.x, y);

            // Restore position and color.
            g.translate(-trackBounds.x, -(trackBounds.y + cy));
        } else {
            // Determine position of selected range by moving from the middle
            // of one thumb to the other.
            int lowerY = thumbRect.x + (thumbRect.width / 2);
            int upperY = upperThumbRect.x + (upperThumbRect.width / 2);
            // Determine track position.
            int cx = (trackBounds.width / 2) - 2;

            // Save color and shift position.
            Color oldColor = g.getColor();
            g.translate(trackBounds.x + cx, trackBounds.y);

            // Draw selected range.
            for (int x = 0; x <= 3; x++) {
                g.drawLine(x, lowerY - trackBounds.y, x, upperY - trackBounds.y);
            // Restore position and color.
            g.translate(-(trackBounds.x + cx), -trackBounds.y);
     * Overrides superclass method to do nothing.  Thumb painting is handled
     * within the <code>paint()</code> method.
    public void paintThumb(Graphics g) {
        // Do nothing.

     * Paints the thumb for the lower value using the specified graphics object.
    private void paintLowerThumb(Graphics g) {
        Rectangle knobBounds = thumbRect;
        int w = knobBounds.width;
        int h = knobBounds.height;      
        // Create graphics copy.
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();

        // Create default thumb shape.
        Shape thumbShape = createThumbShape(w - 1, h - 1);

        // Draw thumb.
        g2d.translate(knobBounds.x, knobBounds.y);


        // Dispose graphics.
     * Paints the thumb for the upper value using the specified graphics object.
    private void paintUpperThumb(Graphics g) {
        Rectangle knobBounds = upperThumbRect;
        int w = knobBounds.width;
        int h = knobBounds.height;      
        // Create graphics copy.
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g.create();

        // Create default thumb shape.
        Shape thumbShape = createThumbShape(w - 1, h - 1);

        // Draw thumb.
        g2d.translate(knobBounds.x, knobBounds.y);



        // Dispose graphics.

     * Returns a Shape representing a thumb.
    private Shape createThumbShape(int width, int height) {
        // Use circular shape.
        Ellipse2D shape = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, width, height);
        return shape;
     * Sets the location of the upper thumb, and repaints the slider.  This is
     * called when the upper thumb is dragged to repaint the slider.  The
     * <code>setThumbLocation()</code> method performs the same task for the
     * lower thumb.
    private void setUpperThumbLocation(int x, int y) {
        Rectangle upperUnionRect = new Rectangle();

        upperThumbRect.setLocation(x, y);

        SwingUtilities.computeUnion(upperThumbRect.x, upperThumbRect.y, upperThumbRect.width, upperThumbRect.height, upperUnionRect);
        slider.repaint(upperUnionRect.x, upperUnionRect.y, upperUnionRect.width, upperUnionRect.height);
     * Moves the selected thumb in the specified direction by a block increment.
     * This method is called when the user presses the Page Up or Down keys.
    public void scrollByBlock(int direction) {
        synchronized (slider) {
            int blockIncrement = (slider.getMaximum() - slider.getMinimum()) / 10;
            if (blockIncrement <= 0 && slider.getMaximum() > slider.getMinimum()) {
                blockIncrement = 1;
            int delta = blockIncrement * ((direction > 0) ? POSITIVE_SCROLL : NEGATIVE_SCROLL);
            if (upperThumbSelected) {
                int oldValue = ((RangeSlider) slider).getUpperValue();
                ((RangeSlider) slider).setUpperValue(oldValue + delta);
            } else {
                int oldValue = slider.getValue();
                slider.setValue(oldValue + delta);
     * Moves the selected thumb in the specified direction by a unit increment.
     * This method is called when the user presses one of the arrow keys.
    public void scrollByUnit(int direction) {
        synchronized (slider) {
            int delta = 1 * ((direction > 0) ? POSITIVE_SCROLL : NEGATIVE_SCROLL);
            if (upperThumbSelected) {
                int oldValue = ((RangeSlider) slider).getUpperValue();
                ((RangeSlider) slider).setUpperValue(oldValue + delta);
            } else {
                int oldValue = slider.getValue();
                slider.setValue(oldValue + delta);
     * Listener to handle model change events.  This calculates the thumb 
     * locations and repaints the slider if the value change is not caused by
     * dragging a thumb.
    public class ChangeHandler implements ChangeListener {
        public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent arg0) {
            if (!lowerDragging && !upperDragging) {
     * Listener to handle mouse movements in the slider track.
    public class RangeTrackListener extends TrackListener {
        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            if (!slider.isEnabled()) {

            currentMouseX = e.getX();
            currentMouseY = e.getY();

            if (slider.isRequestFocusEnabled()) {
            // Determine which thumb is pressed.  If the upper thumb is 
            // selected (last one dragged), then check its position first;
            // otherwise check the position of the lower thumb first.
            boolean lowerPressed = false;
            boolean upperPressed = false;
            if (upperThumbSelected || slider.getMinimum() == slider.getValue()) {
                if (upperThumbRect.contains(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)) {
                    upperPressed = true;
                } else if (thumbRect.contains(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)) {
                    lowerPressed = true;
            } else {
                if (thumbRect.contains(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)) {
                    lowerPressed = true;
                } else if (upperThumbRect.contains(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)) {
                    upperPressed = true;

            // Handle lower thumb pressed.
            if (lowerPressed) {
                switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
                case JSlider.VERTICAL:
                    offset = currentMouseY - thumbRect.y;
                case JSlider.HORIZONTAL:
                    offset = currentMouseX - thumbRect.x;
                upperThumbSelected = false;
                lowerDragging = true;
            lowerDragging = false;
            // Handle upper thumb pressed.
            if (upperPressed) {
                switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
                case JSlider.VERTICAL:
                    offset = currentMouseY - upperThumbRect.y;
                case JSlider.HORIZONTAL:
                    offset = currentMouseX - upperThumbRect.x;
                upperThumbSelected = true;
                upperDragging = true;
            upperDragging = false;
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            lowerDragging = false;
            upperDragging = false;
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
            if (!slider.isEnabled()) {

            currentMouseX = e.getX();
            currentMouseY = e.getY();

            if (lowerDragging) {
            } else if (upperDragging) {
        public boolean shouldScroll(int direction) {
            return false;

         * Moves the location of the lower thumb, and sets its corresponding 
         * value in the slider.
        private void moveLowerThumb() {
            int thumbMiddle = 0;
            switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
            case JSlider.VERTICAL:      
                int halfThumbHeight = thumbRect.height / 2;
                int thumbTop = currentMouseY - offset;
                int trackTop = trackRect.y;
                int trackBottom = trackRect.y + (trackRect.height - 1);
                int vMax = yPositionForValue(slider.getValue() + slider.getExtent());

                // Apply bounds to thumb position.
                if (drawInverted()) {
                    trackBottom = vMax;
                } else {
                    trackTop = vMax;
                thumbTop = Math.max(thumbTop, trackTop - halfThumbHeight);
                thumbTop = Math.min(thumbTop, trackBottom - halfThumbHeight);

                setThumbLocation(thumbRect.x, thumbTop);

                // Update slider value.
                thumbMiddle = thumbTop + halfThumbHeight;
            case JSlider.HORIZONTAL:
                int halfThumbWidth = thumbRect.width / 2;
                int thumbLeft = currentMouseX - offset;
                int trackLeft = trackRect.x;
                int trackRight = trackRect.x + (trackRect.width - 1);
                int hMax = xPositionForValue(slider.getValue() + slider.getExtent());

                // Apply bounds to thumb position.
                if (drawInverted()) {
                    trackLeft = hMax;
                } else {
                    trackRight = hMax;
                thumbLeft = Math.max(thumbLeft, trackLeft - halfThumbWidth);
                thumbLeft = Math.min(thumbLeft, trackRight - halfThumbWidth);

                setThumbLocation(thumbLeft, thumbRect.y);

                // Update slider value.
                thumbMiddle = thumbLeft + halfThumbWidth;

         * Moves the location of the upper thumb, and sets its corresponding 
         * value in the slider.
        private void moveUpperThumb() {
            int thumbMiddle = 0;
            switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
            case JSlider.VERTICAL:      
                int halfThumbHeight = thumbRect.height / 2;
                int thumbTop = currentMouseY - offset;
                int trackTop = trackRect.y;
                int trackBottom = trackRect.y + (trackRect.height - 1);
                int vMin = yPositionForValue(slider.getValue());

                // Apply bounds to thumb position.
                if (drawInverted()) {
                    trackTop = vMin;
                } else {
                    trackBottom = vMin;
                thumbTop = Math.max(thumbTop, trackTop - halfThumbHeight);
                thumbTop = Math.min(thumbTop, trackBottom - halfThumbHeight);

                setUpperThumbLocation(thumbRect.x, thumbTop);

                // Update slider extent.
                thumbMiddle = thumbTop + halfThumbHeight;
                slider.setExtent(valueForYPosition(thumbMiddle) - slider.getValue());
            case JSlider.HORIZONTAL:
                int halfThumbWidth = thumbRect.width / 2;
                int thumbLeft = currentMouseX - offset;
                int trackLeft = trackRect.x;
                int trackRight = trackRect.x + (trackRect.width - 1);
                int hMin = xPositionForValue(slider.getValue());

                // Apply bounds to thumb position.
                if (drawInverted()) {
                    trackRight = hMin;
                } else {
                    trackLeft = hMin;
                thumbLeft = Math.max(thumbLeft, trackLeft - halfThumbWidth);
                thumbLeft = Math.min(thumbLeft, trackRight - halfThumbWidth);

                setUpperThumbLocation(thumbLeft, thumbRect.y);
                // Update slider extent.
                thumbMiddle = thumbLeft + halfThumbWidth;
                slider.setExtent(valueForXPosition(thumbMiddle) - slider.getValue());

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Snippet ID: #1024530
Snippet name: RangeSlider
Eternal ID of this version: #1024530/5
Text MD5: e41b85e4a252dbfd5758ff28a773dc2f
Transpilation MD5: bd1c702fbf7b67e8a47ab13134216ad3
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gui
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2019-08-17 16:58:22
Source code size: 23416 bytes / 678 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 278 / 695
Version history: 4 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]