1 | set flag NoAWT. set flag Android. |
2 | |
3 | import android.app.*; |
4 | import android.content.*; |
5 | import android.os.Bundle; |
6 | import android.view.View; |
7 | import android.view.View.OnClickListener; |
8 | import android.speech.RecognitionListener; |
9 | import android.speech.RecognizerIntent; |
10 | import android.speech.SpeechRecognizer; |
11 | import android.widget.Button; |
12 | import android.widget.TextView; |
13 | import android.util.Log; |
14 | import android.media.*; |
15 | |
16 | sS earURL = "http://botcompany.de:8083"; |
17 | |
18 | static SpeechRecognizer sr; |
19 | static final String TAG = "MyStt3Activity"; |
20 | static S language = "en-US"; |
21 | static int extraResults = 1; |
22 | |
23 | static bool fastSynthesis = false; // use device voice (faster) |
24 | static bool noSpeech = false; // disable speech output |
25 | |
26 | static bool manualMode = false; // Start recognition on click only |
27 | sbool muteAlways, printErrors; |
28 | sbool listenAfterTalk = true; // it works now |
29 | |
30 | static volatile bool listening, recognitionCancelled; |
31 | |
32 | static new L<S> history; |
33 | static Lock speechLock = lock(); |
34 | |
35 | static boolean showPicture = true; // global switch. if false, you get the normal text display instead of the smiley |
36 | |
37 | static L<S> emotions = litlist( |
38 | "#1001283", "happy", |
39 | "#1001284", "unhappy", |
40 | "#1001285", "oh", |
41 | "#1001286", "bored", |
42 | "#1001287", "wide mouth"); |
43 | |
44 | static float statusFontSize = /*25*/17; |
45 | static float userFontSize = 25; |
46 | static float myFontSize = 25; |
47 | static int borderColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; |
48 | static int waitColor = /*0xFFFF0000*/ 0xFFFFFF00; // yellow |
49 | static S lastEmotionImage, lastEmotion /*, onScreenText = ""*/; |
50 | static ImageView emoView; |
51 | static TextView statusView, userTextView, myTextView, lblInputView; |
52 | static LinearLayout leftFlag, rightFlag; |
53 | sS statusText; |
54 | static EditText inputView; |
55 | sbool recogOnActivate = true; // start listening when app activated |
56 | sbool hideTitleBar; |
57 | static CatConnector connector; |
58 | static LS postponed = syncList(); // output lines postponed because user is speaking |
59 | |
60 | svoid androidCatMain { |
61 | if (androidIsAdminMode()) { |
62 | print("Going admin."); |
63 | androidUnsetAdminMode(); |
64 | removeMyselfAsInjection(); |
65 | aShowStartScreen(); |
66 | ret; |
67 | } |
68 | |
69 | if (hideTitleBar) aHideTitleBar(); |
70 | |
71 | androidSay_keepEngine = true; |
72 | |
73 | if (muteAlways) androidMuteAudio(); |
74 | |
75 | S hello = null; |
76 | |
77 | /*if (args.length != 0 && args[0].equals("nogfx")) |
78 | setOpt(getMainClass(), "showPicture", false);*/ |
79 | |
80 | try { |
81 | history.add("*"); |
82 | //hello = callStaticAnswerMethod("*", history); |
83 | if (hello == null) hello = german() ? "hallo" : "hello"; |
84 | } catch (Throwable e) { |
85 | e.printStackTrace(); |
86 | return; |
87 | } |
88 | |
89 | if (!androidIsAdminMode()) |
90 | aClearConsole(); |
91 | |
92 | listening = true; // so user can cancel early |
93 | //if (!noSpeech) say(hello); |
94 | justASec(); // show interface |
95 | callOptMC('happy); |
96 | |
97 | connector = new CatConnectorImpl(androidAssistant_token()); |
98 | connector.startEar(vf<S> say); |
99 | |
100 | // setLanguage(language); |
101 | |
102 | aAddMenuItems("Switch to manual mode", "Switch to auto mode"); |
103 | |
104 | // init engine? |
105 | if (german()) androidSayInGerman(""); else androidSayInEnglish(""); |
106 | |
107 | if (recognitionCancelled) recognitionCancelled = false; |
108 | else |
109 | androidUI(f newRecognizer); |
110 | |
111 | noMainDone(); |
112 | } |
113 | |
114 | static void newRecognizer() { |
115 | //print("listening"); |
116 | listening = true; |
117 | sr = SpeechRecognizer.createSpeechRecognizer(androidActivity()); |
118 | sr.setRecognitionListener(new listener()); |
119 | recog(); |
120 | } |
121 | |
122 | static class listener implements RecognitionListener { |
123 | public void onReadyForSpeech(Bundle params) { |
124 | if (recognitionCancelled) { |
125 | recognitionCancelled = false; |
126 | sr.stopListening(); |
127 | ret; |
128 | } |
129 | callOptMC('setBorderAndStatus, 0xFF66FF66, |
130 | german() ? "JETZT SPRECHEN!" : "TALK NOW!"); |
131 | callOptMC('oh); |
132 | //showText(german() ? "SAG WAS." : "TALK NOW."); |
133 | } |
134 | |
135 | public void onBeginningOfSpeech() { |
136 | //showText("User talks"); |
137 | //callOptMC('oh); |
138 | if (!manualMode && !muteAlways) |
139 | androidMuteAudio(); // Mute now, so we don't hear the end-of-speech sound |
140 | } |
141 | |
142 | public void onRmsChanged(float rmsdB) {} |
143 | public void onBufferReceived(byte[] buffer) {} |
144 | |
145 | public void onEndOfSpeech() { |
146 | ping(); |
147 | //showText("onEndOfSpeech"); |
148 | callOptMC('setBorderAndStatus, aWhite(), baseStatus()); |
149 | } |
150 | |
151 | public void onError(int error) { |
152 | ping(); |
153 | listening = false; |
154 | if (printErrors) |
155 | if (error == 6) // timeout |
156 | print("speech timeout"); |
157 | else |
158 | print("error " + error); // screw the errors! |
159 | try { |
160 | sr.destroy(); |
161 | } catch (Throwable e) { |
162 | print(e); |
163 | } |
164 | if (!manualMode) |
165 | newRecognizer(); |
166 | else |
167 | callOptMC('setBorderAndStatus, aWhite(), baseStatus()); |
168 | callOpt(getMainClass(), "happy"); |
169 | } |
170 | |
171 | public void onResults(Bundle results) { |
172 | ping(); |
173 | listening = false; |
174 | //showText("onResults"); |
175 | ArrayList<S> data = results.getStringArrayList(SpeechRecognizer.RESULTS_RECOGNITION); |
176 | fS s = data.get(0); |
177 | onInput(s, false); |
178 | } |
179 | |
180 | public void onPartialResults(Bundle partialResults) { |
181 | print("onPartialResults"); |
182 | } |
183 | |
184 | public void onEvent(int eventType, Bundle params) { |
185 | print("onEvent" + eventType); |
186 | } |
187 | } |
188 | |
189 | svoid onInput(S _s, final bool typed) { |
190 | fS s = trim(_s); if (empty(s)) ret; |
191 | thread "onInput" { |
192 | connector.sendLine(s, typed); |
193 | aSetText(userTextView, lang("You: ", "Du: ") + s); |
194 | aPutViewBehindOtherView(userTextView, myTextView); |
195 | |
196 | showText( |
197 | (typed |
198 | ? lang("You typed: ", "Du schrubst: ") |
199 | : lang("I heard: ", "Ich habe geh\u00f6rt: ")) + quote(s)); |
200 | |
201 | // TODO: fix the java strings umlaut problem |
202 | |
203 | final boolean goodbye = match3("goodbye", s) || match3("bye", s) || match3("tsch\u00fcss", s) || match3("tsch\u00fcss ...", s); |
204 | |
205 | // get answer |
206 | |
207 | history.add(s); |
208 | |
209 | handleCommand(s); |
210 | |
211 | S answer; |
212 | try { |
213 | answer = goodbye ? "tsch\u00fcss" : callStaticAnswerMethod(s, history); |
214 | } catch (Throwable e) { |
215 | e.printStackTrace(); |
216 | appendToFile(getProgramFile("errors.txt"), getTheStackTrace(e)); |
217 | answer = "Fehler"; |
218 | } |
219 | |
220 | if (answer != null) |
221 | print(answer); |
222 | |
223 | androidUI(r { |
224 | if (goodbye) { |
225 | print("\nGOODBYE!"); |
226 | sr.destroy(); |
227 | |
228 | callOpt(getMainClass(), "disappear"); |
229 | } else { |
230 | sr.stopListening(); |
231 | listening = false; |
232 | //newRecognizer(); // always make a new one - gives endless errors |
233 | if (!manualMode) |
234 | recog(); |
235 | } |
236 | }); |
237 | } // end of thread |
238 | } |
239 | |
240 | svoid recog() { |
241 | if (sr == null) ret with newRecognizer(); |
242 | print("recog"); |
243 | listening = true; |
244 | justASec(); |
245 | Intent intent = new Intent(RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH); |
246 | intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL,RecognizerIntent.LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM); |
247 | intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_LANGUAGE, language); |
248 | intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE,"voice.recognition.test"); |
249 | |
250 | intent.putExtra(RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS, extraResults); |
251 | |
252 | // customize recognition time settings |
253 | callOpt(mc(), "recogTimeSettings", intent); |
254 | |
255 | sr.startListening(intent); |
256 | print("started listening"); |
257 | } |
258 | |
259 | svoid say(fS s) { |
260 | ping(); |
261 | lock speechLock; |
262 | showText(">> " + s); |
263 | aSetText(myTextView, lang("Me: ", "Ich: ") + s); |
264 | aPutViewBehindOtherView(myTextView, userTextView); |
265 | if (manualMode && listening) { |
266 | print("User is speaking, postponing speech output."); |
267 | postponed.add(s); |
268 | ret; |
269 | } |
270 | androidUI_wait(f stopListening); |
271 | history.add(s); |
272 | if (!noSpeech) { |
273 | androidUnmuteAudio(); |
274 | callOptMC('oh); |
275 | if (fastSynthesis) { |
276 | if (german()) androidSayInGerman(s); else androidSayInEnglish(s); |
277 | } else { |
278 | File mp3 = cereproc_silent(german() ? "Leopold" : "Jack", s); |
279 | androidPlayMp3(androidActivity(), mp3); |
280 | } |
281 | callOptMC('happy); |
282 | if (listenAfterTalk) |
283 | //androidUI_noWait(r startListening); // works, but freezes UI |
284 | androidUI_noWait(r newRecognizer); |
285 | } |
286 | if (muteAlways) |
287 | androidMuteAudio(); |
288 | } |
289 | |
290 | static void stopListening() { |
291 | listening = false; |
292 | if (sr != null) |
293 | sr.stopListening(); |
294 | } |
295 | |
296 | svoid startListening() { |
297 | if (listening) ret; |
298 | listening = true; |
299 | recog(); |
300 | } |
301 | |
302 | sbool german() { |
303 | ret swic(language, "de"); |
304 | } |
305 | |
306 | svoid switchToManual { |
307 | stopListening(); |
308 | manualMode = true; |
309 | androidUnmuteAudio(); |
310 | } |
311 | |
312 | svoid switchToAuto { |
313 | manualMode = false; |
314 | startListening(); |
315 | androidUnmuteAudio(); |
316 | } |
317 | |
318 | svoid onMenuCommand(S s) { |
319 | //print("menu cmd: " + s); |
320 | handleCommand(s); |
321 | } |
322 | |
323 | // spoken, typed or through menu |
324 | svoid handleCommand(S s) { |
325 | if "stop listening|Switch to manual mode" switchToManual(); |
326 | if "Switch to auto mode" switchToAuto(); |
327 | if "german|deutsch" setLanguage("de-DE"); |
328 | if "english|englisch" setLanguage("en-US"); |
329 | } |
330 | |
331 | svoid cleanMeUp_leo { |
332 | if (sr != null) { |
333 | sr.destroy(); |
334 | sr = null; |
335 | } |
336 | } |
337 | |
338 | sS baseStatus() { |
339 | ret !manualMode ? "" : |
341 | } |
342 | |
343 | sS lang(S en, S de) { |
344 | ret german() ? de : en; |
345 | } |
346 | |
347 | svoid setLanguage(S l) { |
348 | language = l; |
349 | setCurrentBotLanguage(l); |
350 | aSetText(lblInputView, inputViewLabel()); |
351 | androidUI_noWait(r newRecognizer); |
352 | } |
353 | |
354 | svoid justASec { |
355 | callOptMC('setBorderAndStatus, waitColor, |
356 | german() ? "BITTE WARTEN" : "JUST A SEC"); // (initializing speech recognizer) |
357 | } |
358 | |
359 | // Don't use - freezes UI |
360 | svoid _cancelRecognition { |
361 | //print("Cancelling recognition " + listening + " " + (sr != null)); |
362 | recognitionCancelled = true; |
363 | //stopListening(); |
364 | //listening = false; |
365 | //if (sr != null) sr.cancel(); |
366 | //callOptMC('setBorderAndStatus, aWhite(), baseStatus()); |
367 | } |
368 | |
369 | static void showText(S text) { |
370 | print(text); |
371 | /*if (neq(onScreenText, text) && lastEmotion != null) { |
372 | onScreenText = text; |
373 | emo_show(); |
374 | }*/ |
375 | } |
376 | |
377 | static void emo(S emotion) { |
378 | if (!showPicture) return; |
379 | int i; |
380 | for (i = 0; i < emotions.size(); i += 2) |
381 | if (emotions.get(i+1).equalsIgnoreCase(emotion)) |
382 | break; |
383 | if (i >= emotions.size()) { |
384 | print("Emotion not found: " + emotion); |
385 | // use the last one from the list as default |
386 | i -= 2; |
387 | } |
388 | lastEmotionImage = emotions.get(i); |
389 | lastEmotion = emotions.get(i+1); |
390 | emo_show(); |
391 | } |
392 | |
393 | static void emo_show() { |
394 | if (!showPicture) return; |
395 | |
396 | androidUI { |
397 | Runnable onClick = r { |
398 | if (!manualMode) ret; |
399 | |
400 | //if (listening) |
401 | if (borderColor != -1) { |
402 | //androidLater(500, r { stopListening(); }); |
403 | //showText("stop"); |
404 | stopListening(); |
405 | } else { |
406 | //showText ("start"); |
407 | newRecognizer(); |
408 | } |
409 | }; |
410 | |
411 | if (statusView == null) { |
412 | // init UI |
413 | |
414 | statusView = aFontSize(statusFontSize, aSetForeground(aBlack(), aCenteredTextView())); |
415 | inputView = aSingleLineEditText(); |
416 | aOnEnter(inputView, r { onInput(aGetText(inputView), true) }); |
417 | //aOnChange(inputView, f cancelRecognition); // freezes!? |
418 | //aOnChange(inputView, r { listening = false }); |
419 | //aOnChange(inputView, f cancelRecognition); |
420 | lblInputView = aFontSize(20, aBottomTextView(inputViewLabel())); |
421 | userTextView = aFontSize(userFontSize, aSetForeground(0xFF000055, aTextViewWithWindowFocusChangeNotify(voidfunc(Bool windowFocused) { |
422 | if (windowFocused && recogOnActivate) newRecognizer(); |
423 | }))); |
424 | myTextView = aFontSize(myFontSize, aSetForeground(0xFF005500, aRightAlignedTextView()); |
425 | androidShow(aVerticalLinearLayout( |
426 | statusView, |
427 | aWestCenterAndEast/*_alignTop2*/( |
428 | leftFlag = aVerticalLinearLayout(androidClickableImage(#1101639, 0 /*transparent*/, r { setLanguage("en-US") })), |
429 | emoView = androidClickableImage(lastEmotionImage, aWhite(), onClick), |
430 | rightFlag = aVerticalLinearLayout(androidClickableImage(#1101638, 0 /*transparent*/, r { setLanguage("de-DE") })) |
431 | ), |
432 | userTextView, |
433 | myTextView, |
434 | androidPrintLogScrollView(), |
435 | aWestAndCenter(lblInputView, inputView))); |
436 | } |
437 | |
438 | if (statusText == null) statusText = baseStatus(); |
439 | aSetText(statusView, statusText); |
440 | aSetImageFromSnippet(emoView, lastEmotionImage); |
441 | aSetBackground(emoView, borderColor); |
442 | aSetBackground(eq(language, "en-US") ? borderColor : 0xFFCCCCCC, leftFlag); |
443 | aSetBackground(eq(language, "de-DE") ? borderColor : 0xFFCCCCCC, rightFlag); |
444 | |
445 | |
446 | /*doEvery(1000, new Runnable { |
447 | S text = ""; |
448 | |
449 | public void run() { |
450 | S s = aGetText(inputView); |
451 | if (eq(s, text)) ret; |
452 | text = s; |
453 | cancelRecognition(); |
454 | } |
455 | });*/ |
456 | } |
457 | } |
458 | |
459 | static void setBorderAndStatus(int color, S status) { |
460 | if (color != borderColor || neq(status, statusText)) { |
461 | borderColor = color; |
462 | statusText = status; |
463 | if (lastEmotion != null) |
464 | emo(lastEmotion); |
465 | if (!(manualMode && listening) && nempty(postponed)) |
466 | for (S s : getAndClearList(postponed)) |
467 | say(s); |
468 | } |
469 | } |
470 | |
471 | static void setBorderColor(int color) { |
472 | if (color != borderColor) { |
473 | borderColor = color; |
474 | if (lastEmotion != null) |
475 | emo(lastEmotion); |
476 | } |
477 | } |
478 | |
479 | static void happy() { emo("happy"); } |
480 | static void unhappy() { emo("unhappy"); } |
481 | static void oh() { emo("oh"); } |
482 | static void bored() { emo("bored"); } |
483 | static void wideMouth() { emo("wide mouth"); } |
484 | |
485 | static void disappear() { |
486 | if (!showPicture) ret; |
487 | happy(); |
488 | androidLater(1000, r { |
489 | androidShowFullScreenColor(0xFFFFFFFF); |
490 | androidLater(1000, r { |
491 | System.exit(0); // totally unrecommended but works |
492 | }); |
493 | }); |
494 | } |
495 | |
496 | sS inputViewLabel() { |
497 | ret lang("Or type here:", "Oder hier tippen:"); |
498 | } |
499 | |
500 | sinterface CatConnector { |
501 | void sendLine(S line, bool typed); |
502 | AutoCloseable startEar(VF1<S> onLine); |
503 | } |
504 | |
505 | sclass CatConnectorImpl implements CatConnector { |
506 | S token; |
507 | |
508 | *() {} |
509 | *(S *token) {} |
510 | |
511 | public void sendLine(S line, bool typed) { |
512 | postPage(earURL + "/heard", +token, +line, typed := typed ? "1" : null, +language); |
513 | } |
514 | |
515 | public AutoCloseable startEar(final VF1<S> onLine) { |
516 | thread "Long-Poll" { |
517 | repeat with sleep 1 { |
518 | pcall { |
519 | // TODO: interrupt connection on cleanup |
520 | S action = postPageSilently(earURL + "/poll", +token); |
521 | for (S s : lines(action)) |
522 | pcallF(onLine, s); |
523 | } |
524 | } |
525 | } |
526 | null; |
527 | } |
528 | } |
Began life as a copy of #1023361
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Travelled to 7 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, cfunsshuasjs, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt
No comments. add comment
Snippet ID: | #1023371 |
Snippet name: | Android Cat Include (v5, multi-user, not used anymore) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1023371/17 |
Text MD5: | c0b63b7fab2925cd04b56d9cf5559d88 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / a.i. |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2019-06-13 12:46:32 |
Source code size: | 14665 bytes / 528 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 258 / 310 |
Version history: | 16 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |