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< > BotCompany Repo | #1023240 // Ontology Bot ["Is" Bot, LIVE in @Monkey]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

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concept Comment {
  Concept commentingOn;
  S comment;
  S source;

concept Is {
  S globalID = aGlobalID();
  S a, b; // what is what?
  S mod; // 'yes, 'no, 'sometime, ...
  S linkWord; // "is", "are" (or null)
  S source; // where is the info from
  Bool useful;
  S render() {
    ret a + " " + linkPhrase() + " " + b;
  toString { ret "[" + globalID + "] " + render(); }
  S linkPhrase() { ret makeLinkPhrase(this); }
  void setUseful(Bool useful) { cset(this, +useful); }

cmodule IsBot > DynAttractorBot {
  transient SimpleCRUD<Is> crud;
  // word -> language
  transient SS linkWords = reversePseudoMultiMapAsCIMap(litmap(
    "english" := splitAtSpaceToCISet(/*"is are am"*/"is are"),
    "german" := splitAtSpaceToCISet(/*"ist sind bin bist seid"*/"ist sind")));
  // magic sentence splitter
  PairS splitIt(S s) {
    LS tok = wordTok(s);
    int i = -1;
    if (l(tok) == 2*2+1) // two words
      i = 3;
    else {
      L<Int> determiners = indicesOfAny(tok, combinedMechSetsCI("Determiners", "German | Determiners"), 3);
      if (l(determiners) == 1)
        i = last(determiners);
    ret i < 0 ? null : pair(joinSubList(tok, 1, i-1), joinSubList(tok, i, l(tok)-1));
  void storeAnswer(PairS p, S mod, S linkWord, S huh) {
    if (p == null) {
      // emitAnswer(huh);
    } else {
      Collection<S> mods = lookup(p.a, p.b);
      if (containsIC(mods, mod))
        emitAnswer("I know");
      else {
        Is entry = uniqCI_sync Is(a := p.a, b := p.b, +linkWord, +mod);
        emitAnswer("Stored: " + p.a + " " + makeLinkPhrase(entry) + " " + p.b);
  // returns mods
  Collection<S> lookup(S a, S b) {
    ret collect mod(findConceptsWhereCI(Is, +a, +b));

  AttractorBot makeBot() {
    ret testBot(new SingleAttractorBot {
      PairS lastPair; // persistent
      void process(S s) { // MAIN ANSWER FUNCTION
        new Matches m;
        s = dropTrailingPunctuation(s);
        temp ai_setLanguages("english", "german");
        /*s = ai_userSpaceToObjective(s);
        print("Got objective space input: " + s);*/
        if (matchX_any(mL("Is Bot | Yes Phrases"), s))
          storeAnswer(lastPair, 'yes, null, "Yes what?");
        if (matchX_any(mL("Is Bot | No Phrases"), s))
          storeAnswer(lastPair, 'no, null, "No what?");
        LS tok = wordTok(s);
        S linkWord = second(tok);
        S language = linkWords.get(linkWord);
        if (language == null) {
          L<Int> linkIndices = indicesOfCodeTokensContainedInMap(tok, linkWords);
          if (l(linkIndices) != 1) ret with lastPair = null;
          int idx = first(linkIndices);
          linkWord = tok.get(idx);
          language = linkWords.get(linkWord);
          PairS p = pair(joinSubList(tok, 0, idx-1), joinSubList(tok, idx+2));
          if (eqicOneOf(p.a, "what", "who", "was", "wer")) {
            lastPair = null;
            ret with emitAnswer(whatIs(p.b, language));
          if (!ai_ontologyBot_tester1(p)) ret with print("Skipping: " + p);
          lastPair = p;
          storeAnswer(p, 'yes, linkWord, null);
        bool g = eq(language, 'german);
        PairS p;
        if (flexMatchIC("is it true that * is *", s, m))
          p = pair($1, $2);
        else {
          // tautological case
          S s2 = joinSubList(tok, 3);
          if (matchDoubleRest("", s2))
            ret with emitAnswer(g ? "Ja, natürlich" : "yes, obviously");
          p = splitIt(s2);
          if (p == null) ret/* with emitAnswer(g
            ? "Ich verstehe diesen Satz nicht"
            : [[I can't parse that sentence. Please try rephrasing with "Is it true that..."]])*/;
        lastPair = p;
        S a = p.a, b = p.b;
        Collection<S> mods = lookup(a, b);
        if (nempty(mods))
          emitAnswer(join(" and ", mods));
            ? "Ich weiß nicht, ob " + a + " wohl " + b + " " + linkWord
            : "I don't know if " + a + " " + linkWord + " " + b));
  // test for the empty bot
  AttractorBot testBot(AttractorBot bot) {
      "is green green?", "yes, obviously",
      "is a man a child?", "I don't know if a man is a child",
      "is sleep pleasant", "I don't know if sleep is pleasant");
    ret bot;
  start {
    dbIndexingCI(Is, 'a, Is, 'b);
    crud = SimpleCRUD<Is>(db_mainConcepts(), Is);
  afterVisualize {
    addTab(tabs, "CRUD" := crud.make_dontStartBots());
        "Useful", r { cset(crud.selected(), useful := true) },
        func -> bool { neq(crud.selected().useful, true) } ));
        "Not useful", r { cset(crud.selected(), useful := false) },
        func -> bool { neq(crud.selected().useful, false) } ));
    replaceAWTComponent(crud.buttons, func(Component c) -> JComponent {
        jrightalignedlabel("Note: 'Useful' means grammatically correct and context-free, not necessarily 'true statement'"))
  S whatIs(S thing, S language) {
    L<Is> l = conceptsWhereIC(Is, a := thing);
    L<Is> l2 = conceptsWhereIC(Is, b := thing);
    if (empty(l) && empty(l2)) ret isGerman(language) ? "I don't know" : "Keine Ahnung";
    if (randomlyChooseFirstList(l, l2))
      ret random(l).b;
    else {
      Is entry = random(l2);
      ret entry.a + " " + makeLinkPhrase(entry) + " " + thing;
  // API
  L<Is> concepts() { ret list(Is); }
  L<Is> searchForA(S entity) { ret conceptsWhereIC(Is, a := entity); }
  L<Is> searchForB(S entity) { ret conceptsWhereIC(Is, b := entity); }
  L<Is> searchForAny(S entity) { ret mergeConceptLists(searchForA(entity), searchForB(entity)); }
  L<Is> unclassifiedConcepts() { ret conceptsWhere(Is, useful := null); }
  L<Is> conceptsWithUsefulness(Bool usefulness) { ret conceptsWhere(Is, useful := usefulness); }

sS makeLinkPhrase(Is entry) {
  S linkWord = or2(entry.linkWord, "is"), mod = entry.mod;
  if (eqic(mod, 'yes)) ret linkWord;
  if (eqic(mod, 'no)) ret linkWord + " not";
  ret linkWord + " " + mod;

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1023179

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Snippet ID: #1023240
Snippet name: Ontology Bot ["Is" Bot, LIVE in @Monkey]
Eternal ID of this version: #1023240/123
Text MD5: c2d837ef4cf301d0fa90ab5392fd1663
Transpilation MD5: 1842ae2b3602e41520c1722af5628006
Author: stefan
Category: javax / a.i.
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2019-06-26 01:32:47
Source code size: 6777 bytes / 207 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 537 / 10604
Version history: 122 change(s)
Referenced in: #1023465 - dm_ontologyBot