Download Jar. Uses 1177K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (27941L/221K).
!759 set flag InOSCore. set flag NotifyingPrintLog. sS defaultBackground = #1101488; //#1101303; //#1101465; //#1101438; //#1101355; // #1009931; sS background = defaultBackground; sS backgroundMode = 'fit; sS mainIconID = #1101432, moduleDefaultIconID = #1101337; sS laf; static double minLoadScreenShowingTime = 2; sbool loadBackgroundLater = true; sbool showLoadingScreen = false; static JDesktopPane desktop; static int autoSaveInterval = -10000; // 10 seconds plus slowdown logic static int persistenceDelayPerModule = 10000; // 10 seconds static int systemErrorsToKeep = 10; static ReliableSingleThread rstUpdateModules = new(r { systemQ.add(r updateModules) }); sS lastTopInput; static ReliableSingleThread rstTopInputChanged = rstWithDelay(250, r { S s = getText(tfTopInput); if (neq(lastTopInput, s)) vmBus_send('topInputChanged, lastTopInput = s); }); static volatile long updateCycles; static L systemErrors = synchroList(); static int systemErrors_pointer; static new Flag stopRequested; static SimpleLiveValue<S> systemStatus = stringLiveValue("loading"); static bool firstModuleShown; static Map<O, GhostModule> ghostModules = weakHashMap(); // key is main class (if dynamic module) or instance (if static module) static Q systemQ; static AccessControlContext globalACC; static volatile Module activeModule; static JTextField tfTopInput; // the input field in the OS menu bar static long tfTopInput_dontSelectAll; // sysNow timestamp static StefansOS_ConnectToServer connector; static Map generalMap = synchroMap(); static L<Component> trayAreaComponents = synchroList(); sbool printOnPersistContents, verboseCleanUp; static JMenuBar menuBar; sbool katze_send = true, katze_sendTyped; sO makeReloadingComponent; // F1<Module, Component> static long startTime; // if you want other initial modules sO initialModules_override; // VF1<OS reference> static Runnable restarter_override; p { startTime = sysNow(); vm_generalMap_put(stefansOS := mc()); if (!headless()) showControls(jbutton("TROUBLESHOOTING", r { stopRequested.raise() })); noRegularGC(); // not while we're loading if (onLocallyInferiorJavaX()) { print("Restarting to use standard JavaX"); restart(); } checkMaxWindowBoundsBug(); if (!eq("0", trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("compile-on-server"))))) set hotwire_compileOnServer; /*if (isLinux() && isRoot()) addToDefaultVMArgs("-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy");*/ if (java10OrHigher()) { addStandardAddOpensFlags(); addPermitIllegalAccessesFlag(); if (!hasPermitIllegalAccessesFlagInCurrentVM()) { print("RESTARTING with proper JDK 11 arguments"); restart(); } } if (java8OrHigher()) addToDefaultVMArgs(smallHeapArgs()); //laf = 'webLAF; // Let's not generally use it, is sluggish on my machine //laf = 'nimbus; laf = 'platform; //if (isMac()) laf = 'platform; // because if (isMac()) vmGeneralMap_set('iconifyBroken, true); if (isLinux()) laf = 'jtattoo; /*if (vmArgs().contains("-XX:+PrintAssembly")) pcall { teeSystemOutAndErrToFile(programFile("os.log")); }*/ if (!hasClass("x30_pkg.x30_util")) { if (!zipFileContains_falseOnError(pathToJavaxJar(), "x30_pkg/x30_util.class")) upgradeJavaXAndRestart(); else restart(); } _handleException_addHandler(voidfunc(Throwable e) { try { synchronized(systemErrors) { listSet(systemErrors, systemErrors_pointer, e); systemErrors_pointer = (systemErrors_pointer+1) % systemErrorsToKeep; } } catch e2 { printStackTrace(e2); } infoBox("Error: " + exceptionToStringShort(e)); LastErrors lastErrors = first(staticModulesOfType(LastErrors)); if (lastErrors != null) lastErrors.addError(e); }); timeJumpDetector(); vm_generalMap_put('consoleInUse, true); // bots made by modules should not handle console monitorThreadAllocatedMemory(); // Solve deadlocks every 10 to be sure doEvery(10000, r printDeadlocksAndSolve); print("Data dir: " + javaxDataDir()); vm_setGlobalACC(globalACC = acc_current()); if (swic(activateFramesOf(programIDPlusHome()), "OK")) { print("OS already running!"); cleanKill(); } framesBot(); makeBot("Stefan's OS."); S printLogSize = trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("os-print-log-size.txt"))); if (isInteger(printLogSize)) printLogMaxChars(parseInt(printLogSize)); vm_generalMap_put('newSwingComponentRegistry, voidfunc(Component c) { allAWTComponents_extraList.add(c) }); connector = new StefansOS_ConnectToServer; connector.start(); //substance(); final SimpleLiveValue<S> lvDetails = stringLiveValue(); lvDetails.onChange(r { print(lvDetails!) }); stefansOS_loadingAnimation_fullScreen = startInFullScreen() && !isWindows() /* bug */; final Component loadingAnim = showLoadingScreen ? stefansOS_loadingAnimation(r { stopRequested.raise() }, lvDetails) : null; try { long start = sysNow(); systemQ = startQ("System Q"); useDBOf(#1015871); lvDetails.set("Loading database"); db(autoSaveInterval); if (!headless()) { // if you use Processing JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); lvDetails.set("Loading background"); background = or2(trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("os-background.txt"))), background); if (!isSnippetID(background)) background = fileToURI(new File(background)); try { if (eq(backgroundMode, 'fit)) desktop = loadBackgroundLater ? jDesktopPaneWithFitPicture_smooth_cacheScaled_loadLater(background) : jDesktopPaneWithFitPicture_smooth_cacheScaled(background); else desktop = jDesktopPaneWithSkyPicture/*_autoUnload*/(background,; } catch print e { desktop = jDesktopPaneWithFitPicture_smooth(defaultBackground); } setMainDesktopPane(desktop); autoFixDesktopPane(desktop); // Allow frame switching from AI bar & similar components installInternalFrameSwitcher_v3(desktop).shouldSwitch = func -> bool { sameComponentOrDeepChildOf(getFocusOwner(), menuBar) }; } long ms = toMS(minLoadScreenShowingTime); long remaining = start+ms-sysNow(); if (remaining <= 0) lvDetails.set("Done loading"); else { S seconds = formatDouble(toSeconds(remaining), 1); lvDetails.set("Done loading, but will wait if you hit the troubleshooting button for " + seconds + " more second" + (eq(seconds, "1") ? "" : "s")); } //if (loadingAnim != null) waitUntilSysTimeOrFlag(start+ms, stopRequested); } catch e { _handleException(e); stopRequested.raise(); } try { bool flag = stopRequested.isUp(); // get before closing animation if (flag) ret with showFrame("Stop screen", centerAndSouthWithMargins( jcenteredlabel("More troubleshooting options will go here."), jcenteredbuttons( "Start Stefan's OS normally", r restart, "Switch to " + otherVersionName(), r startOtherVersion, "Delete session", disableButtonWhileCalcing(func -> bool { if (!fileExists(conceptsFile())) ret false with infoBox("Session already empty."); if (!confirmOKCancel("Really delete your current session?")) false; cleanMeUp_concepts(); renameFileToSomeBackupName(conceptsFile()); infoBox("Session deleted. Starting again."); disableAllButtonsInWindow(heldInstance(JButton)); sleepSeconds(3); restart(); false; })))); //autoRestart(); thread { serverAutoRestartMD5(); } // just a short ping pcall { setLookAndFeel(); } showDesktop(); } finally { disposeWindow(loadingAnim); } initAfterDBLoad(); setOpt(javax(), regularGC_firstDelay := 60000); call(javax(), 'regularGC); if (!headless()) { final NotTooOften hourlyGC = onlyEveryHour(); setOpt(javax(), regularGC_condition := func -> bool { if (hourlyGC! || isInForeground(desktop)) ret true with print("GC"); else ret false with print("Skipping GC (not in foreground)"); }); } hideConsole(); manualConsole(); //clearConsole(); if (headless()) sleep(); } sbool startInFullScreen() { ret eq("1", trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("start-os-in-full-screen.txt")))); } svoid setStartInFullScreen(bool b) { saveTextFile(javaxDataDir("start-os-in-full-screen.txt"), b ? "1" : "0"); } sbool showDesktop_first = true; svoid showDesktop { if (headless()) ret; bool done = false; S title = programName(); S subDir = javaxVirtualSpaceName(); if (subDir != null) title = "[" + subDir + "] " + title; if (showDesktop_first && startInFullScreen()) pcall { showFullScreen(title, desktop); done = true; } if (!done) { showMaximizedFrame(title, desktop); titlePopupMenu_top(desktop, voidfunc(JPopupMenu menu) { addMenuItems(menu, "New Session", rThreadPcallMessageBox(r deleteAllModules), "Restore Initial Modules", r initialModules, ); }); } registerFunctionKey(getFrame(desktop), 1, r { requestFocus(tfTopInput) }); fillMenuBar(); doNothingOnClose(getFrame(desktop)); frameIcon(mainIconID, desktop); showDesktop_first = false; cleanExitOnFrameClose_ifStillInSameFrame(desktop); } sbool inFullScreen() { ret isFullScreen(desktop); } svoid fullScreenOff() { if (inFullScreen()) fullScreenOnOff(); } svoid fullScreenOnOff { // Don't screw up window positions while adjusting from/to fullscreen autoFixDesktopPane_exclude.add(desktop); temp tempAfterwards(r { autoFixDesktopPane_exclude.remove(desktop) }); Window w = getWindow(desktop); if (!inFullScreen()) { showFullScreen(frameTitle(desktop), desktop); pcall { frameIcon(mainIconID, desktop); } cleanExitOnFrameClose_ifStillInSameFrame(desktop); fillMenuBar(); setStartInFullScreen(true); } else { removeFromParent(desktop); showDesktop(); setStartInFullScreen(false); } // Allow closing empty "zombie" windows (why do we have these?) final JFrame f = getFrame(desktop); onFrameClosing(f, r { if (isEmptyFrame(f)) { removeListener(); disposeWindow(f); }}); disposeWindow(w); fixDesktopPane(desktop); } svoid updateMenuBar() swing { //temp tempRememberFocusedComponent(); JMenuBar mb = getMenuBar(desktop); if (mb == null) { mb = addMenuBar(desktop); mb.setLayout(new javax.swing.plaf.basic.DefaultMenuLayout(menuBar, BoxLayout.X_AXIS)); } keepComponentsByPred(mb, func(Component c) -> bool { c instanceof JMenu || c == tfTopInput }); //clearMenuBar(); fillMenuBar(); } svoid fillMenuBar() swing { menuBar = addMenuBar(desktop); set jmenuItem_newThreads; S version = ai_versionFromName(programName()); final bool dev = isDevVersion(); S name = "Stefan's OS " + version; //S subDir = userHomeSubDirName(); //if (subDir != null) name += " [" + subDir + "]"; addMenu(desktop, trim(name), "Screenshot", r stefansOS_screenshot, "Full screen on/off", r fullScreenOnOff, "Switch to " + otherVersionName(), r { innerCleanUp(); startOtherVersion(); cleanKill(); }, "System Version", r { makeOrShowModule("#1016442/SystemVersion") }, "---", "Restart Stefan's OS", r { showConsole(); restart(); }, "Exit", r cleanKill ); addMenu(desktop, "Current Module", "Show Menu", r showCurrentModuleMenu); addMenu(desktop, "Modules", "Other Module...", r stefansOS_addDynamicModuleDialog, "---", jDynamicScrollingMenu("All Modules", voidfunc(JPopupMenu menu) { for (final Module m : sortedByMethodIC('moduleName, onModules())) addMenuItem(menu, m.moduleName(), rThread { showModule(m) }); }), "Welcome Screen", r { makeOrShowModule("#1016067/WelcomeScreen") }, "Quick Module Search", r addQuickModuleSearch, //"Hello (input field for everything)", r { makeOrShowModule("Hello") }, "Task Bar", r { makeOrShowModule("#1019712/TaskBar_dev") }, "System Print Log", r { makeOrShowModule("#1016189/SystemPrintLog") }, jmenu("Internal Types", map(myNonAbstractClassesImplementing(Module), func(final Class c) -> JMenuItem { jMenuItem(shortClassName(c), rThread { makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(c) }) })), "Module Classes", r { makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(ModuleClasses) }, ); // TODO - need to generate menu items differently in enhanceFrame //addFullyDynamicMenu(desktop, "Current module", addMenu(desktop, "More", "Start External JavaX Program...", r stefansOS_startExternalJavaXProgram, "---", "Find memory leaks (PID: " + getPID() + ")", r stefansOS_findMemoryLeaks, "Computer ID: " + computerID(), r { copyTextToClipboard_infoBox(computerID()) }, "Show console", rThread showConsole, "Remove moduleless frames", rThread dm_closeModuleLessFrames); // Add the fancy stuff JMenuBar menuBar = cast call(getFrame(desktop), 'getJMenuBar); if (tfTopInput == null) { tfTopInput = jcenteredtextfield(uniq(TopInput).text); setFontSize(tfTopInput, 16); selectAllOnFocusIf(tfTopInput, func -> bool { elapsedTime(tfTopInput_dontSelectAll) >= 2000 }); onChange(tfTopInput, r { cset(uniq(TopInput), text := getText(tfTopInput)); rstTopInputChanged.trigger(); }); onEnter(tfTopInput, r { S info = cast generalMap.get('topInputInfo); temp dm_generalMap_tempPut(topInputInfo := or2(info, "typed")); S text = getText(tfTopInput); vmBus_send('topInput, text); if (katze_send) if (nempty(info)) katze_userSaid(info, text); else if (katze_sendTyped) katze_userTyped(text); }); } if (getParent(tfTopInput) == null) { menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); menuBar.add(tfTopInput); } if (!containsChildOfType(menuBar, JLabel.class)) { //menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); menuBar.add(onClick(setToolTip([[Simulate pressing Enter key in input field to the left ("AI bar")]], jimage(#1101426)), r { simulateEnter(tfTopInput) })); //menuBar.add(jhgrid(null, tfTopInput)); //menuBar.add(jhgrid(tfTopInput, null)); menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(20)); for i over trayAreaComponents: { Component c = trayAreaComponents.get(i); continue if c == null; menuBar.add(c); menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(i == l(trayAreaComponents)-1 ? 20 : 6)); } menuBar.add(jLiveValueLabel(clockTimeLiveValue())); menuBar.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(6)); } } svoid addQuickModuleSearch { makeOrShowModule("#1016702/LoadedModuleSearch"); makeOrShowModule("#1016932/ServerModuleSearch"); } static tempDisposeInternalFrame_obj<JLabel> tempBusyAnimation(fS text) { ret vmExiting() ? null : tempBusyAnimation(stringLiveValue(text)); } static tempDisposeInternalFrame_obj<JLabel> tempBusyAnimation(LiveValue<S> text) { if (headless()) null; final JLabel anim = jBackground(Color.white, jAnimation_liveValueText(#1101316, text)); swing { addInternalFrame_dontSelect.set(true); addInternalFrame_layer.set(JLayeredPane.POPUP_LAYER); addInternalFrame(desktop, "", null, anim); packInternalFrameInTopRightCorner(anim); JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(anim); //print("Have busy animation: " + f + " in " + getParent(f)); } ret tempDisposeInternalFrame(anim); } svoid allRegularFixes { applyStandardSwingFixes(); cleanDefunctACCsInAllThreads(); cleanDefunctACCsInAllSwingComponents(); } svoid gcWithFixes { allRegularFixes(); gc(); allRegularFixes(); } svoid initAfterDBLoad { doEvery(30000, r allRegularFixes); doEvery(600000, r clearSnippetTitleCacheIfOnline); set cleanUp_interruptThreads; // for Java Chrome classForNameOpt("java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences"); SimpleLiveValue<S> lvText = stringLiveValue(jlabel_textAsHTML_center("Restoring Session")); temp final tempDisposeInternalFrame_obj<JLabel> anim = tempBusyAnimation(lvText); if (anim != null) { onResizeAndNow(anim.component, r { setVerticalAlignment( anim.component.getHeight() >= 150 ? JLabel.CENTER : JLabel.TOP, anim.component) }); growInternalFrameLeft(anim.component, 50); growInternalFrameSouth(anim.component, 50); } initialModules(); UpdateCycles uc = conceptWhere(UpdateCycles); if (uc != null) updateCycles = uc.value; stefansOS_installQuickSearchHelper(); L<Module> modules = startOrder(onModules()); int i = 0; for (Module m : modules) { if (isShuttingDown()) ret; ++i; lvText.set(jlabel_textAsHTML_center( "Starting module " + i + "/" + l(modules) + ":\n" + m.moduleName())); startModule(m); } /*addConceptIndex(simpleConceptIndex(rstUpdateModules)); rstUpdateModules.trigger();*/ if (isShuttingDown()) ret; systemStatus.set("running"); print("== OS BOOTED IN " + iceil(elapsedSeconds(/*vmStartTime_sys()*/startTime)) + " SECONDS =="); } static L<Module> startOrder(L<Module> modules) { ret sortedByComparator( combineComparators( main.<Module> descFieldComparator('visible), main.<Module> fieldComparator('zOrder)), modules); } svoid initialModules { if (initialModules_override != null) ret with pcallF(initialModules_override, mc()); if (headless()) { makeOrShowModule("#1016576/ConnectToServer"); ret; } if (empty(onModules())) { if (isDevVersion()) showModule(new DynamicModule(#1016081, 'main$WelcomeScreen)); else showModule(new DynamicModule(#1016067, 'main$WelcomeScreen)); showModule_noFocus(getModuleByID(makeModule("#1018866/SystemPrintLog"))); showModule_noFocus(getModuleByID(makeModule("#1019954/TaskBar_dev"))); //makeModule("#1016872/SnippetsDB"); makeModule("#1016932/ServerModuleSearch"); makeModule("#1016702/LoadedModuleSearch"); //makeModule("#1018602/QuickAudioRecord"); makeModule("#1019326/WitAILastRecording"); makeModule("#1019400/SpeechRecogConfirmation"); } } svoid triggerUpdate { rstUpdateModules.trigger(); } // not done anymore svoid updateModules { /*++updateCycles; for (Module m : onModules()) updateModule(m);*/ } svoid updateModule(Module m) { if (m == null) ret; temp m.enter(); pcall { m.update(); } } svoid updateModules(final Collection<Module> l) { systemQ.add(r { for (Module m : unnull(l)) updateModule(m); }); } svoid saveZOrder { for (Module m) cset(m, zOrder := getComponentZOrder(getInternalFrame(m.vis))); } svoid cleanMeUp { saveZOrder(); autoConsole(); showConsole(); killProgram(#1019683); // stop watch dog systemStatus.set("shutting down"); temp tempBusyAnimation("Shutting Down"); preCleanUp(list(Module)); for (Module m) { if (m.vis != null) pcall { m.unvisualize(); } cleanUp(m); } cleanedUp = true; } static L<Module> onModules() { ret conceptsWhere(Module, on := true); } sbool hasModuleWithFields(Class<? extends Module> c, O... params) { ret hasConcept(c, concatArrays(new O[] {on := true}, params)); } svoid startModule(Module m) { ping(); pcall { //addIfNotThere(modules, m); temp m.enter(); if (m.started) ret; m.started = true; print("Starting module " + m.moduleName()); try { m.start(); } catch e { m.setError(e); _handleException(e); } vmBus_send('moduleStarted, m.moduleID()); rstUpdateModules.trigger(); if (m.visible) showModule(m); }} static Module showModule(final Module m) { ret showModule(m, true); } static Module showModule_noFocus(final Module m) { ret showModule(m, false); } svoid runInSystemQAndWait(Runnable r) { if (isAWTThread()) ret with callF(r); runInQAndWait(systemQ, r); } static Module showModule(final Module m, final bool focus) { if (m == null) ret m; runInSystemQAndWait(r { startModule(m); if (headless()) ret; temp m.enter(); if (m.vis != null) { if (focus && !isLoading()) activateInternalFrame(m.vis); ret; } csetAndStatusChange(m, visible := true); visualizeModule(m); if (m.vis != null) swing { Rect r = m.frameRect; /*if (r == null) r = randomRect(desktop.getWidth(), desktop.getHeight(), 10, 150, 100); if (r == null) r = Rect(10, 10, 200, 100); print("Showing frame at " + r);*/ S frameTitle = m.moduleName(); final JInternalFrame f; bool toBack = isLoading() && firstModuleShown; bool activate = focus && !toBack; { temp tempSetThreadLocal(addInternalFrame_toBack, toBack); temp tempSetThreadLocal(addInternalFrame_dontSelect, !activate); f = showInternalFrame(desktop, frameTitle, r, m.vis); set firstModuleShown; } if (r == null) centerPackInternalFrame(f); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JInternalFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE); onInternalFrameIconified(f, r { hideModule(m) }); onInternalFrameClosing(f, r { deleteModule(m) }); onInternalFrameActivated(f, r { setActiveModule(m) }); onInternalFrameDeactivated(f, r { if (activeModule == m) setActiveModule(null) }); internalFrameIcon(f, or2(m.iconID, moduleDefaultIconID)); m.enhanceFrame(f); if (activate) setActiveModule(m); } }); ret m; } svoid showModules(L<? extends Module> l) { for (Module m : unnull(l)) showModule(m); } sbool deleteModule(final Module m) { pcall { bool warn = isTrue(callOpt(resolveModule(m), 'warnOnDelete)); if (warn && !confirmOKCancel("Really delete module " + m + "?")) false; } runInSystemQAndWait(r { O m2 = unwrapDynamicModule(m); vmBus_send('deletingModule, m2); ghostModules.put(m == m2 ? m : m2.getClass(), nu(GhostModule, name := m.moduleName(), created := m.created, deleted := now(), instance := new WeakReference(m2))); pcall { m.unvisualize(); } removeConcept(m); // generates oStruct vmBus_send('moduleDeleted, m); pcall { S snippetID = m instanceof DynamicModule ? m/DynamicModule.moduleID : "internal_" + shortClassName(m); logStructure(deletedModulesLogFile(snippetID), litmap( globalID := aGlobalID(), deleted := now(), module := m)); } //triggerUpdate(); }); true; } svoid visualizeModule(Module m) { pcall { if (m.vis == null) m.vis = m.visualize(); } pcall { if (m.vis == null) m.vis = defaultVisualize(m); } vmBus_send('moduleVisualized, m); } svoid hideModule(final Module m) { if (m == null) ret; runInSystemQAndWait(r { temp m.enter(); csetAndStatusChange(m, visible := false); pcall { m.unvisualize(); } }); } svoid csetAndStatusChange(Module m, O... params) { if (cset(m, params) > 0) vmBus_send('moduleStatusChange, m, params); } svoid revisualizeModule(Module m) { pcall { if (m == null) ret; temp m.enter(); JInternalFrame frame = getInternalFrame(m.vis); if (frame == null) ret; m.unvisualize1b(); m.unvisualize2(); visualizeModule(m); setInternalFrameContents(frame, m.vis); } } abstract concept Module { transient JComponent vis; transient bool started; transient Lock lock = lock(); bool on = true, visible; Rect frameRect; int zOrder; S iconID; PersistableThrowable error; //transient Set timers; JComponent visualize() { null; } void unvisualize() { pcall { unvisualize1(); } pcall { unvisualize2(); } vmBus_send('moduleUnvisualized, this); } void enhanceFrame(JInternalFrame frame) {} void start() {} void unvisualize1() { disposeInternalFrame(getInternalFrame(vis)); unvisualize1b(); } void unvisualize1b() { grabFrameRect(); vis = null; } void unvisualize2() {} void update() {} void grabFrameRect() { JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(vis); if (f != null) cset(this, frameRect := toRect(getBounds(f))); } Rect getFrameRect() { grabFrameRect(); ret frameRect; } void cleanMeUp_started() { started = false; } void delete() { unvisualize(); cleanUp(this); super.delete(); } S sourceCode() { ret javaxSourceOfMyClass1(shortClassName(this)); } // for all modules void triggerUpdate { rstUpdateModules.trigger(); } void setModuleIcon(S iconID) { if (eq(iconID, this.iconID)) ret; this.iconID = iconID; internalFrameIcon(vis, iconID); } O resolve() { ret this; } O getError() { ret error; } S moduleID() { ret str(id); } void setError(Throwable e) { cset(this, error := persistableThrowable(e)); } AutoCloseable enter() { null; } JComponent vis() { ret vis; } static bool needsParameters() { false; } S moduleName() { ret humanizeFormLabel(shortClassName(this)); } } // END CONCEPT MODULE static JComponent defaultVisualize(Module m) { ret jCenteredMultiLineLabel(renderConcept(m)); } static <A extends Module> A findModule(Class<A> c) { ret findConcept(c, on := true); } // returns module ID static S findDynModuleOfType(S type) { DynamicModule m = findConcept(DynamicModule, on := true, _className := "main$" + type); ret m == null ? null : m.moduleID(); } sbool moduleTypeIs(Module m, S type) { if (m == null) false; ret eq(moduleResolvedClassName(m), "main$" + type); } sS moduleResolvedClassName(Module m) { if (m == null) null; if (m instanceof DynamicModule) ret m/DynamicModule._className; ret className(m); } // returns module ID sS findClosestModuleTo(O searcher, S type) { JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(dm_getVisualization(searcher)); if (f == null) null; Pt p = centerOfRect(toRect(getBounds(f))); new Lowest<S> best; for (Module m : onModules()) { JInternalFrame f2 = getInternalFrame(m.vis); if (f2 == null || f2 == f) continue; if (type != null && !moduleTypeIs(m, type)) continue; Rect r2 = toRect(getBounds(f2)); best.put(m.moduleID(), rectPointDistance(r2, p)); } ret best!; } static <A extends Module> L<A> staticModulesOfType(Class<A> type) { ret conceptsWhere(type, on := true); } static <A extends Module> L<A> staticModulesOfExactType(Class<A> type) { ret filterByExactType(type, staticModulesOfType(type)); } static L listModules() { ret map unwrapDynamicModule(onModules()); } static int moduleCount() { ret l(onModules()); } static L visibleModules() { ret map unwrapDynamicModule(objectsWhere(onModules(), visible := true)); } static O unwrapDynamicModule(Module m) { ret m instanceof DynamicModule ? or(m/DynamicModule.o, m) : m; } sbool moduleStillThere(O o) { Module m = o instanceof Module ? o/Module : (Module) get(o, '_host); ret isConceptRegistered(mainConcepts, m); } static O getDynModuleByID(S moduleID) { if (moduleID == null) null; ret resolveModule(getConcept(Module, parseLong(moduleID))); } static Module getModuleByID(S moduleID) { if (moduleID == null) null; ret getConcept(Module, parseLong(moduleID)); } sS getInterestingString { InterestingString m = findModule(InterestingString); ret m == null ? getText(tfTopInput) : m.theString; } sS modulesSessionGrab() { grabFrameRects(); ret struct(ll(programID(), localDateWithMilliseconds())) + "\n" + mainConcepts.xfullgrab(); } svoid autoSaveModulesSession() { infoBox("Auto-saving session."); S grab; logQuoted(javaxBackupDir(fsI(programID()) + "/auto-saved-sessions.txt"), grab = modulesSessionGrab()); infoBox("Auto-save done (" + l(grab) + " chars)"); } svoid deleteAllModules() { autoSaveModulesSession(); deleteConcepts(Module); initialModules(); } svoid restoreModulesSession(S text) { autoSaveModulesSession(); systemStatus.set("shutting down"); infoBox("Releasing session"); cleanMeUp(); cleanUp(mainConcepts); mainConcepts = null; //sleepSeconds(1); infoBox("Loading session"); systemStatus.set("loading"); mainConcepts = new Concepts().load(dropFirstLine(text)); initAfterDBLoad(); infoBox("Session restore done"); } svoid grabFrameRects { for (Module m : onModules()) m.grabFrameRect(); } sclass DynamicModule extends Module { // moduleID is the snippet ID // "className" is taken by DynamicObject; _className == null for old-style dyn module S moduleID, _className; S oStruct; // serialized dynamic object sbool reload_replaceFrame = true; transient Class c; transient O o; transient bool contentsDirty = true; transient ReliableSingleThread rstPersist = rstWithDelay(persistenceDelayPerModule, r persistContents); transient O reloadData; // data held for module during reload *() {} *(S *moduleID, S *_className) {} *(S *moduleID, S *_className, Class *c) {} static bool needsParameters() { true; } AutoCloseable enter() { ret castForTemp(callOpt(o, 'enter)); } JComponent visualize() { temp enter(); ret (JComponent) callOpt(o, 'visualize); } void enhanceFrame(final JInternalFrame f) { final WeakReference<JInternalFrame> fRef = new(f); final WeakReference<DynamicModule> mRef = new(this); S idText = str(id); if (isTrue(vmGeneralMap_get('iconifyBroken))) internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(f, "Hide/Minimize", r { hideModule(mRef!) }); idText += "/" + moduleLibID(); internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(f, "Source code [Module ID: " + idText + "]", r-thread { pcall { if (empty(mRef->moduleID)) ret with infoBox("No source code found"); dm_openSnippetInEditor(mRef->moduleID); }}); internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(f, "Reload", r reload); internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(f, "Duplicate", rThread { duplicateModule(DynamicModule.this) }); if (isDevVersion()) internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(f, "Medium Retranspile", rThread { transpileOnServerWithErrorWindow(moduleID, true, r reload) }); internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(f, "Pop Out", r { stefansOS_popOutModule(DynamicModule.this) }); { temp enter(); pcallOpt(o, 'enhanceFrame, f); } internalFrameTitle(f, moduleName()); } S moduleLibID() { ret moduleID + "/" + dropPrefix("main$", _className); } S moduleName() { S name = (S) callOpt(o, 'moduleName); if (nempty(name)) ret name; ret originalModuleName(); } S originalModuleName() { S title = snippetTitle_cached(moduleID); //ret dropSuffixICTrimOneOf(title, "[Dyn Module]", "[Dyn Module, OK]", "[Dyn Module, shortened]"); ret stefansOS_cleanModuleName(title); } void start() { try { start_impl(); } catch e { setError(e); _handleException(e); } } void start_impl { if (moduleID == null) ret; if (c == null) c = hotwireModule(moduleID); replaceACCInClassLoader(c, globalACC); if (oStruct != null) pcall { Map<S, O> renames = cast getOpt(c, '_renameClasses); //print("Class renames: " + sfu(renames)); S renamed = migrateClassesInStructureText(oStruct, renames); //print("Renamed: " + renamed); o = unstructureInRealm(renamed, c); } if (o == null) if (_className == null) o = c; else o = nu(_getClass(c, _className)); setOptAll(o, _host := this, lock := lock); temp enter(); if (o instanceof Class) callMain(o); else callOpt(o, 'start); } void unvisualize2() { callOpt(o, 'unvisualize); } void update() { callOpt(o, 'update); } // XXX - only when called from DynModule // (works for now, but should be renamed) void _change() { super._change(); contentsDirty = true; if (rstPersist != null) rstPersist.trigger(); } void persistContents() { temp enter(); if (_concepts != null && contentsDirty) { contentsDirty = false; //oStruct = null; pcall { if (o != null && !o instanceof Class) { cset(this, oStruct := struct(o)); if (printOnPersistContents) print("Persisted contents: " + moduleID + " - " + l(oStruct) + " chars"); callOpt(o, 'onPersisted); } } } } void cleanMeUp() { persistContents(); if (verboseCleanUp) print("o: " + className(o) + ". Cleaning up main class: " + mainClass(o)); cleanUpObjectAndItsMainClass(o); o = null; c = null; } void reload() { reloadModuleInBackground(this); } // don't call directly void reload_impl() { if (reloadData == null) reloadData = callOpt(o, '_getReloadData); JInternalFrame frame = getInternalFrame(vis); unvisualize1b(); unvisualize2(); if (o != null) ghostModules.put(o.getClass(), nu(GhostModule, name := moduleName(), created := created, deleted := now(), instance := new WeakReference(o))); cleanUp(this); // also sets started to false if (frame != null) setInternalFrameContents(frame, makeReloadingComponent != null ? callF(makeReloadingComponent, this) : makeStandardReloadingComponent(this) ); visible = false; startModule(this); if (reloadData != null) { callOpt(o, '_setReloadData, reloadData); reloadData = null; } if (frame != null) { if (reload_replaceFrame) { // avoids some bugs cset(this, frameRect := toRect(getBounds(frame))); disposeInternalFrame(frame); showModule(this); } else { csetAndStatusChange(this, visible := true); visualizeModule(this); //print("New content: " + vis); setInternalFrameContents(frame, vis); } } rstUpdateModules.trigger(); } S sourceCode() { ret loadSnippet(moduleID); } O resolve() { ret o; } O getError() { if (o != null) { O error = callOpt(o, 'getError); if (error != null) ret error; } ret super.getError(); } toString { ret "DynModule " + moduleID + "/" + shortenClassName(_className); } void setError(Throwable e) { if (o != null && isTrue(callOpt(o, 'setError, e))) ret; super.setError(e); } } /*static L resolvedModules() { new L l; for (Module m : onModules()) l.add(m.resolve()); ret l; }*/ static S moduleID(Module m) { ret m == null ? null : m.moduleID(); } static O resolveModule(O m) { ret m instanceof Module ? m/Module.resolve() : m; } static S makeModule(Class<? extends Module> moduleClass) { ret makeModule(shortClassName(moduleClass)); } static S makeModule(S moduleLibID) { ret makeOrShowModule(moduleLibID, false); } static S makeOrShowModule(S moduleLibID) { ret makeOrShowModule(moduleLibID, true); } sS makeOrShowModule(fS moduleLibID, final bool orShow) { ret //evalInQ(systemQ, func -> S { makeOrShowModule_impl(moduleLibID, orShow) /*})*/; } sS makeOrShowModule_impl(fS moduleLibID, final bool orShow) { // makes dynamic & static modules if (isIdentifier(moduleLibID)) ret moduleID(makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(moduleLibID, orShow)); L<S> l = splitAtSlash(moduleLibID); if (!isSnippetID(first(l))) fail("Unknown module lib ID: " + moduleLibID); S snippetID = first(l), className = second(l); className = className == null ? null : "main$" + className; DynamicModule m = findConcept(DynamicModule, on := true, moduleID := snippetID, _className := className); if (m == null) { Class c = hotwireModule(snippetID); m = DynamicModule(snippetID, className, c); vmBus_send('moduleLoaded, m); } if (orShow) showModule(m); else startModule(m); ret moduleID(m); } static S makeNewModule(S moduleLibID, bool show) { print("Loading module " + moduleLibID); if (isIdentifier(moduleLibID)) ret moduleID(makeNewStaticModuleOfType(moduleLibID, show)); L<S> l = splitAtSlash(moduleLibID); if (!isSnippetID(first(l))) fail("Unknown module lib ID: " + moduleLibID); S snippetID = first(l), className = second(l); className = className == null ? null : "main$" + className; Class c = hotwireModule(snippetID); Module m = DynamicModule(snippetID, className, c); startModule(m); if (show && !isTrue(getOpt(unwrapDynamicModule(m), '_startMinimized))) showModule(m); ret moduleID(m); } // dynamic only static S findModuleByLibID(S moduleLibID) { L<S> l = splitAtSlash(moduleLibID); if (!isSnippetID(first(l))) fail("Unknown module lib ID: " + moduleLibID); S snippetID = first(l), className = second(l); className = className == null ? null : "main$" + className; L<DynamicModule> list = findConcepts(DynamicModule, on := true, moduleID := snippetID); DynamicModule m = firstWhere(list, _className := className); if (m != null) ret moduleID(m); if (className != null) null; ret moduleID(first(list)); } static Module makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(S s) { ret makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(s, true); } static Module makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(S s, bool orShow) { ret makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(classForName("main$" + s), orShow); } static Module makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(Class<? extends Module> c) { ret makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(c, true); } static Module makeOrShowStaticModuleOfType(Class<? extends Module> c, bool orShow) { final L<? extends Module> l = staticModulesOfExactType(c); Module m = empty(l) ? nu(c) : first(l); if (orShow) showModule(m); else startModule(m); ret m; } static Module makeNewStaticModuleOfType(S type, bool show) { Class c = classForName("main$" + type); Module m = cast nu(c); if (show) showModule(m); else startModule(m); ret m; } //!include once #1016217 // Sticky Libs !include once #1020744 // Sticky Libs & Src Libs static Class hotwireModule(S snippetID) { hotwire_autoStickyLibs(); ret hotwire(snippetID); // give each their own local_log } // Make modules print with their module ID set flag hotwire_copyOver_extend. svoid hotwire_copyOver_extend(Class c) { S progID = getProgramID(c); if (nempty(progID) && fieldType(c, 'print_log) == Appendable.class) setOpt(c, 'print_log, _SubModulePrint("[" + progID + "] ")); } sbool isLoading() { ret eq(systemStatus!, "loading"); } sbool isShuttingDown() { ret eq(systemStatus!, "shutting down"); } svoid doInGlobalContext(final Runnable r) { final new Flag flag; systemQ.add(r { callF(r); flag.raise(); }); flag.waitUntilUp(); } !include once #1015842 // SavedSessions !include once #1015885 // Standard Modules !include once #1015959 // More Standard Modules please include function renderConcept. please include function restart. svoid setLookAndFeel() { if (eq(laf, 'webLAF)) installWebLAF(); else if (eq(laf, 'nimbus)) nimbus(); else if (eq(laf, 'jtattoo)) jtattoo_mcWin(); else if (eq(laf, 'platform)) systemLAF(); pcall { S scale = trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("os-font-scale.txt"))); if (nempty(scale)) swingFontScale(parseDouble(scale)); } } please include function myTranspilationDate. // should happen in swing thread svoid setActiveModule(Module m) { if (activeModule != m) { activeModule = m; vmBus_send('newActiveModule, m); } } static O unwrappedActiveModule() { ret unwrapDynamicModule(activeModule); } concept TopInput { S text; } svoid nohupJavax(S javaxArgs) { nohupJavax(javaxArgs, javaxDefaultVMArgs()); } sbool cleanedUp; svoid nohupJavax(S javaxArgs, S vmArgs) { if (desktop != null && !cleanedUp) pcall { fullScreenOff(); } directNohupJavax(javaxArgs, vmArgs); } sbool isDevVersion() { ret neq(programID(), #1016005); } svoid startOtherVersion { nohupJavax(isDevVersion() ? #1016005 : #1016478); } sS otherVersionName() { ret isDevVersion() ? "v5" : "v6"; } sS restoreModule(S structure) { O mod = safeUnstructure(structure); if (mod instanceof Map) mod = get((Map) mod, 'module); S shortName = dynShortName(mod); if (!eq(shortName, "DynamicModule")) fail("Can't restore static modules yet [" + shortName + "]"); S snippetID = getString(mod, "moduleID"); S className = getString(mod, "_className"); Class c = hotwireModule(snippetID); DynamicModule m = new(snippetID, className, c); copyFields(mod, m, 'iconID); m.frameRect = (Rect) restruct(getOpt(m, 'frameRect)); m.oStruct = getString(mod, "oStruct"); showModule(m); ret moduleID(m); } sS duplicateModule(DynamicModule m) { if (m == null) null; m.persistContents(); S struct = struct(m); fO resolved = resolveModule(m); if (hasMethod(resolved, '_modifyStructForDuplication, struct)) struct = jreplace_first_dyn(struct, "oStruct=*", func(LS tok, int i) -> S { S s = unquote(tok.get(i+4)); s = callOpt(resolved, '_modifyStructForDuplication, s); if (s == null) fail("Module does not want to be duplicated"); ret "oStruct=" + quote(s); }); ret restoreModule(struct); } static O dm_current_mandatory() { fail(); } // for modules please include function mechList_opt_raw. please include function mechList_clearCache. please include function mechLists_clearCache. // This is only answered from localhost answer { if "swing latency" { ret str(swingLatency()); } if "activate frames" { awt { activateMyFrames(); } ret "OK"; } if "program id" ret programID(); if "enable remote control from *" { O mod = getDynModuleByID(makeOrShowModule("#1017127/RemoteControlled")); call(mod, 'setFields, new O[] {new O[] {controllingComputers := $1, enabled := true}}); ret "OK"; } if "stack traces" ret renderAllThreadsWithStackTraces(); } srecord Service(O module, O worker) {} static new MultiMap<S, Service> registeredServices; static bool callService(S name, O... args) { for (Service service : cloneList(registeredServices.get(name))) if (isTrue(pcallF(service.worker, name, args))) true; false; } static void registerService(O module, S name, O service) { registeredServices.put(name, Service(module, service)); } static void unregisterService(O module, S name, O service) { registeredServices.remove(name, Service(module, service)); } static O dm_os() { ret main.class; } please include function robot_keyPress. please include function robot_keyRelease. please include function robot_safetyKeyReleaser. svoid showCurrentModuleMenu { swing { showInternalFramePopupMenu(desktop.getSelectedFrame()); } } svoid inSystemQ(Runnable r) { systemQ.add(r); } svoid reloadModuleInBackground(final DynamicModule m) { if (m == null) ret; inSystemQ(r { m.reload_impl() }); } svoid deleteModuleInBackground(final DynamicModule m) { if (m == null) ret; inSystemQ(r { deleteModule(m) }); } svoid restart { if (restarter_override != null) ret with callF(restarter_override); restartWithDefaultVMArgs(); sleep(); } static Component makeStandardReloadingComponent(Module m) { ret jcenteredlabel("Reloading..."); }
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Snippet ID: | #1022729 |
Snippet name: | Stefan's OS v6 - copy for transpiler test |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1022729/3 |
Text MD5: | 200d747d28dda646d8b23e1bd3fe1b4c |
Transpilation MD5: | f8e626052561cc21d29d629bf7a6fd39 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / stefan's os |
Type: | JavaX source code (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2019-04-03 15:44:45 |
Source code size: | 44699 bytes / 1513 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 308 / 901 |
Version history: | 2 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |