Uses 11217K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (30435L/185K).
!7 set flag JDA40. set flag DynModule. import java.util.function.Consumer; import net.dv8tion.jda.api.requests.restaction.*; // Note: Bot is always started & logs lines, // but doesn't respond when enabled is false. cm DiscordBot > DynPrintLogAndEnabled { transient JDA bot; transient new Set<Long> msgsReactedTo; transient double deleteDelay = 60.0; transient bool doDelete; transient int maxMonologue = 5; transient bool selfTalk = false; transient Color imageEmbedMysteriousLineColor = colorFromHex("36393f"); transient new InheritableThreadLocal<MessageChannel> currentChannel; transient new InheritableThreadLocal<Message> respondingTo; transient new L<Long> lastPosted; transient GazelleContextCache_v2 contextCache; transient Set<S> acceptablePurposes = litciset(""); switchable S gazoogleDefaultCountry = "us"; switchable S powerWordURL = ""; transient LS voice9speakers = tok_splitAtComma("p225, p226, p227, p228, p229, p230, p231, p232, p233, p234, p236, p237, p238, p239, p240, p241, p243, p244, p245, p246, p247, p248, p249, p250, p251, p252, p253, p254, p255, p256, p257, p258, p259, p260, p261, p262, p263, p264, p265, p266, p267, p268, p269, p270, p271, p272, p273, p274, p275, p276, p277, p278, p279, p280, p281, p282, p283, p284, p285, p286, p287, p288, p292, p293, p294, p295, p297, p298, p299, p300, p301, p302, p303, p304, p305, p306, p307, p308, p310, p311, p312, p313, p314, p316, p317, p318, p323, p326, p329, p330, p333, p334, p335, p336, p339, p340, p341, p343, p345, p347, p351, p360, p361, p362, p363, p364, p374, p376"); transient Consumer<Throwable> onQueueError = error -> { temp enter(); printStackTrace(error); }; // map user command message id to bot message id // (for editing) Map<Long> cmdToResponse = syncMap(); start-thread { vm_cleanPrints(); logModuleOutput(); dm_useLocalMechListCopies(); print("Making cache"); time "Made cache" { contextCache = new GazelleContextCache_v2(me()); ownResource(contextCache.listenToMessages()); contextCache.fill(); } // TODO: log JDA output bot = discordBot40(new ListenerAdapter { public void onMessageUpdate(MessageUpdateEvent e) pcall { temp enter(); ret if !enabled || !licensed(); long msgID = e.getMessage().getIdLong(); S content = e.getMessage().getContentRaw(); print(content := quote(content)); O lineConcept = dm_discord_lineForMsgID_unimported(msgID); S rendered = msgID + ": " + content; if (lineConcept == null) ret with print("Weird: Message author, but not found: " + rendered); call(lineConcept, '_setField, editedText := content); print("Message edited: " + rendered); handleMessage(e, e.getAuthor(), e.getMember(), e.getMessage(), false); } public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent e) pcall { temp enter(); ret if !licensed(); handleMessage(e, e.getAuthor(), e.getMember(), e.getMessage(), true); } void handleMessage(GenericMessageEvent e, User author, Member member, Message message, bool newMsg) { bool bot = author.isBot(); long msgID = message.getIdLong(); long userID = author.getIdLong(); S userName = member == null ? null : member.getNickname(); // the changeable nick name - null sometimes? if (userName == null && member != null) userName = member.getEffectiveName(); if (userName == null) userName = author.getName(); final Message msg = message; print("Channel type: " + e.getChannelType()); bool isPrivate = e.getChannelType() == ChannelType.PRIVATE; S content = trim(backtickUnquote(trim(msg.getContentRaw()))); print("Msg from " + userName + ": " + content); if (empty(content)) ret; fS originalContent = content; O user = userConcept(author); if (newMsg) { S crud = dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(); O channel = dm_call(crud, 'uniqChannel, msg.getChannel().getIdLong()); dm_call(crud, 'cset, channel, litobjectarray(name := msg.getChannel().getName())); O lineConcept = dm_call(crud, 'uniqConcept, litObjectArrayAsObject(+msgID)); dm_call(crud, 'cset, lineConcept, litobjectarray( text := content, +bot, +isPrivate, author := user, +channel)); vmBus_send('newDiscordLine, lineConcept); } ret if !enabled; final MessageChannel ch = e.getChannel(); long channelID = ch.getIdLong(); L<GazelleLine> linesInChannel = dm_discord_linesInChannel(channelID); // monologue prevention if (bot) { int monologueLength = cast dm_call(dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(), 'monologueLength, channelID); if (monologueLength >= maxMonologue) ret; //Long last = get(lastPosted, l(lastPosted)-3); //if (last != null && now() < last+10000) ret; } temp tempSetTL(currentChannel, ch); temp tempSetTL(respondingTo, msg); // module meta ("gazelle stop" etc.) S userForModulesManager = "discord user " + userID; if (!bot) { for (T3S t : dm_gazelle_allRulesWithPurpose("moduleMeta")) { PairS p = splitAtDoubleArrow_pair(t.a); if (eqic(p.b, "stop module") && nempty(p.a) && matchX2(p.a, content)) { print("Stopping modules"); postText((S) dm_call(dm_gazelle_modulesManager(), 'deleteAllModulesForUser, userForModulesManager, silentIfEmpty := true)); } } } new Matches m; try { content = fixNewLines(content); content = replacePrefix("!eval\n", "!eval ", content); content = regexpReplace_direct(content, "^=" + regexpLookahead("[\\.\\w0-9\\s\\]\\{]"), "!eval "); // g me if (eqic(content, "g me")) ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, author.getId()); // G command - power word search if (regexpFindIC("^g\\b", content)) { S answer = loadPageWithParams(powerWordURL, text := content, user := userName); if (nempty(answer)) ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, answer); } // GAZOOGLE command - TODO: find out when it's just a sentence starting with "gazoogle" S googleQuery = regexpFirstGroupIC("^gazoogle\\b[,:.!]*\\s*(.*)", content); if (nempty(googleQuery)) { /*if (newMsg)*/ sendTyping(); MapSO urlParams = litmap(gl := gazoogleDefaultCountry); ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, or2_rev("Gazoogle doesn't know :(", lines(map(dm_webSearch_all(googleQuery, urlParams), result -> result! + " <" + result.url() + ">")))); } // GAZTUBE/GAZELLETUBE command (YouTube search) S ytQuery = regexpFirstGroupIC("^gaz\\w*tube\\b[,:.!]*\\s*(.*)", content); if (nempty(ytQuery)) { /*if (newMsg)*/ sendTyping(); ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, or2_rev("GazelleTube is showing a black screen :(", mapSingle(dm_youTubeSearch(ytQuery), result -> result.url()))); } // GPIC/GAZPIC command (Pixabay search) S picQuery = regexpFirstGroupIC("(?:gpic|gazpic)\\b[,:.!]*\\s*(.*)", content); if (nempty(picQuery)) { sendTyping(); S imgURL = cast mapGet(first(pixabaySearch(picQuery)), "webformatURL"); ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, or2(imgURL, "No image found on Pixabay")); } // gsay / gazsay / gazellesay / !say S toSay = regexpFirstGroupIC("(?:!say|gsay|gazsay|gazellesay)\\b[,:.!]*\\s*(.*)", content); if (nempty(toSay)) { sendTyping(); S fileName = "speech.mp3"; toSay = shorten(trim(toSay), 500); if (eqic(toSay, "voices")) ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, "Voice list:"); LS groups = regexpFirstGroupsIC("voice\\s*(\\d+)\\b[,:.!]*\\s*(.*)", toSay); S voiceNr = null, speaker = null; if (groups != null) { voiceNr = first(groups); toSay = second(groups); groups = regexpFirstGroupsIC("speaker\\s*(\\S+)\\b[,:.!]*\\s*(.*)", toSay); if (groups != null) { speaker = first(groups); if (eqic(speaker, "random")) { speaker = random(voice9speakers); fileName = "voice-9-" + speaker + ".mp3"; } toSay = second(groups); } } File f = programFile(fileName); postBinaryPageToFile(f, "", page := 0, +voiceNr, +speaker, text := toSay); ret with uploadFileInChannel(f); } S evalHelp = regexpFirstGroupIC("^\\!eval[\\s:\\-]*help\\s+(.*)", content); if (evalHelp != null) ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, htmlDemo(javaxSourceToHTML(evalHelp))); if (swicOneOf(content, "!eval ", "!fresh ", "!real-eval ", "!safe-eval ") || eqic(content, "!fresh")) { O safetyCheck = null; bool authed = dm_discord_userCanEval(userID); if (swic_trim(content, "!safe-eval ", m)) { content = "!eval " +; authed = false; } if (regexpMatches("![a-z\\-]+\\s+again", content)) { GazelleLine last = dm_discord_nextToLastEvalByUser(userID); if (last == null) ret with postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, "No last eval found"); content = replaceSuffix("again", afterSpace(last.text), content); } if (!authed) safetyCheck = botEval_strictSafetyCheck(); /*if (newMsg)*/ sendTyping(); var post = voidfunc(S s) { if (s != null) postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, shorten(ifEmpty(s, [[""]]), 1000)) }; if (startsWith(content, "!eval ", m)) ret with dm_bot_execFreshRealEval(post,, +safetyCheck); else ret with dm_bot_execEvalCmd(post, content, +safetyCheck, alwaysFresh := true); } if (eqic(content, "!rule")) { LS lines = linesInChannelBy(channelID, userID); if (contains(nextToLast(lines), "=>")) content = "!rule " + nextToLast(lines); else { if (l(lines) < 3) fail("Too few lines"); content = "!rule " + nextToNextToLast(lines) + " => " + nextToLast(lines); } } if (swicOneOf(content, m, "!rule ", "!rule\n")) { S s = trim(; print("Processing rule: " + s); S opt = leadingSquareBracketStuff(s); s = dropActuallyLeadingSquareBracketStuff(s); if (startsWith(s, "=>")) s = assertNotNull("No last line in channel", nextToLast(linesInChannelBy(channelID, userID))) + "\n" + s; LS comments = ll("made by user", "discord", "tokenize out with javaTok"); if (cic(pairB(tok_splitAtDoubleArrow_pair(s)), userName)) { s = optCurly(userName) + " says: " + s; comments.add("with user name"); } gazelle_parsePublicRuleOptions(opt, comments); s = replace(s, " + ", "\n+ "); s = jreplace1(s, "=>", "\n=>"); s = gazelle_processSquareBracketAnnotations(s, comments); temp tempSetTL(dm_gazelle_addRuleWithComment_renderWithoutComments, true); dm_gazelle_addRuleWithComment(s, lines_rtrim(comments)); ret with postText(dm_gazelle_addRuleWithComment_msg!); } if (swic_trim(content, "!phrase ", m)) { gazelle_createRuleForPhrase(; ret with postText(dm_gazelle_addRuleWithComment_msg!); } // Go into normal reasoning if (bot && !selfTalk) ret; S purpose = null; bool debug = false, skipBad = true; Set<S> restrictToRules = null; bool change; do { change = false; if (swic_trim(content, "!withBad ", m)) { skipBad = false; content =; set change; } if (swic_trim(content, "!preprocess ", m)) { purpose = 'preprocess; content =; set change; } if (swic_trim(content, "!debug ", m)) { set debug; content =; set change; } if (swic(content, "!using[", m)) { int i = indexOf(, ']'); restrictToRules = litset(substring(, 0, i)); content = trimSubstring(, i+1); } } while (change); print("debug=" + debug + ", content=" + content); LS preContext = takeLast(2, dropLast(collect text(linesInChannel))); print("preContext=" + preContext); GazelleContextCache_v2 contextCache = DiscordBot.this.contextCache; if (restrictToRules != null) { contextCache = gazelle_cloneContextCache(contextCache); Set<S> _restrictToRules = restrictToRules; print("restrictToRules=" + restrictToRules); contextCache.cachedCtx.engine.dropRulesWhere(r -> !contains(_restrictToRules, r.globalID)); print("Using rules: " + collect globalID(contextCache.cachedCtx.engine.rules)); } O[] params = litmapparams(+userName, +skipBad, +preContext, badComments := mechCISet("Knock-out rule comments"), acceptablePurposes := nempty(purpose) ? litciset(purpose) : acceptablePurposes, respondingToHuman := !bot, +debug, +userID, contextMaker := contextCache, debugPreprocessing := true, sendToModules := func(S input) -> L<GazelleTree> { gazelle_wrapLinesAsTree(gazelle_answersFromModules(userForModulesManager, input)) }); if (eq(purpose, 'preprocess)) ret with postText(lines_rtrim(takeFirst(10, gazelle_preprocess(content, params)))); L<GazelleTree> l; if (nempty(purpose)) l = gazelle_postprocess(dm_gazelle_reasonAboutChatInput_v2(userName, content, params)); else l = gazelle_reason_repeat(content, params); int idx = 0; for (final GazelleTree t : l) { final int _idx = idx++; if (eqic(t.lineType, "temporary fact")) { if (dm_gazelle_hasTempFact(t.line)) continue; print("Saving temp fact: " + t.line); dm_gazelle_addTempFact(t.line, "discord msg " + msgID); } if (eqic(t.lineType, "eval")) { S code = t.rule().out; if (!mechSet("Gazelle | Allowed Evals").contains(code)) print("Eval not allowed: " + code); else { /*if (newMsg)*/ sendTyping(); S out = strOrNull(dm_javaEvalOrInterpret(code)); if (nempty(out)) postInChannelWithDelete(ch, out, voidfunc(Message msg2) { Gazelle_ReasoningForLine reasoning = nu(Gazelle_ReasoningForLine, outMsgID := msg2.getIdLong(), outText := out, inMsgID := msg.getIdLong(), inUserID := userID, inChannelID := channelID, inText := originalContent, tree := t, treeIndex := _idx); dm_gazelle_saveReasoningForLine(reasoning); }); } continue; } // Now that we actually post, store recently used mapping gazelle_storeRecentlyUsedMappings(ll(t), context := "discord channel " + channelID); fS out = tok_dropCurlyBrackets(t.line); print(">> " + t); print("POSTING: " + out); postInChannelWithDelete(ch, out, voidfunc(Message msg2) { Gazelle_ReasoningForLine reasoning = nu(Gazelle_ReasoningForLine, outMsgID := msg2.getIdLong(), outText := out, inMsgID := msg.getIdLong(), inUserID := userID, inChannelID := channelID, inText := originalContent, tree := t, treeIndex := _idx); dm_gazelle_saveReasoningForLine(reasoning); }); } } catch print error { postInChannel(ch, newMsg, msgID, exceptionToStringShort(error)); } } public void onMessageReactionAdd(MessageReactionAddEvent e) pcall { temp enter(); ret if !enabled || !licensed(); MessageReaction r = e.getReaction(); bool bot = e.getUser().isBot(); long msgID = r.getMessageIdLong(); add(msgsReactedTo, msgID); print("User " + e.getUser() + (bot ? " (bot)" : "") + " reacted to message " + msgID + " with " + r.getReactionEmote()); if (bot) ret; S crud = dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(); O lineConcept = dm_call(crud, 'uniqConcept, litObjectArrayAsObject(+msgID)); L reactions = cast get(lineConcept, 'reactions); print("lineConcept=" + lineConcept); print("reactions=" + reactions); O reaction = dm_call(crud, 'nuReaction, litObjectArrayAsObject( user := userConcept(e.getUser()), emoji := r.getReactionEmote().getName(), created := now())); print("reaction=" + reaction); dm_call(crud, 'cset, lineConcept, litobjectarray( reactions := listPlus(reactions, reaction))); dm_discord_gatherFeedbackFromLine(dm_discord_importLine(lineConcept)); } }); dm_registerAs('discordBot); print("Started bot"); } void cleanMeUp { if (bot != null) pcall { print("Shutting down bot"); bot.shutdown(); print("Bot shut down"); } bot = null; } O userConcept(User user) { S crud = dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(); O userConcept = dm_call(crud, 'uniqUser, user.getIdLong()); dm_call(crud, 'cset, userConcept, litobjectarray(name := user.getName())); ret userConcept; } // API MessageChannel getChannel(long channelID) { ret bot.getTextChannelById(channelID); } /*void postInChannel(long channelID, S msg) { postInChannel(getChannel(channelID), msg); }*/ void postInChannel(MessageChannel channel, S msg) { postInChannel(channel, true, 0, msg); } void postInChannel(MessageChannel channel, bool newMsg, long userMsgID, S msg) { if (!newMsg) { Long responseID = cmdToResponse.get(userMsgID); if (responseID != null) { editMessage(channel.getIdLong(), responseID, msg); ret; } } S postID = cast dm_call(gazelle_postedLinesCRUD(), 'postingLine, channel.getId(), msg); channel.sendMessage(msg).queue(m -> { dm_call(gazelle_postedLinesCRUD(), 'donePosting, postID, "discord msg " + m.getId()); cmdToResponse.put(userMsgID, m.getIdLong()); change(); }); if (l(lastPosted) > 5) popFirst(lastPosted); lastPosted.add(now()); } /*void postInChannel(S channel, S msg) { long id = dm_discord_channelID(channel); if (id == 0) fail("Channel not found: " + channel); postInChannel(id, msg); }*/ void postInChannelWithDelete(MessageChannel channel, S msg, VF1<Message> onPost) { S postID = cast dm_call(gazelle_postedLinesCRUD(), 'postingLine, channel.getId(), msg); channel.sendMessage(msg).queue(msg2 -> { dm_pcall(gazelle_postedLinesCRUD(), 'donePosting, postID, "discord msg " + msg2.getId()); pcallF(onPost, msg2); final long msgId = msg2.getIdLong(); print("I sent msg: " + msgId); if (doDelete) doLater(deleteDelay, r { ret if contains(msgsReactedTo, msgId); print("Deleting msg " + msgId); msg2.delete().queue(); }); }, error -> _handleException(error)); } void postText(S text) { postInChannel(currentChannel!, text); } void postImage(S url) { postImage(currentChannel!, url); } void postImage(S url, S title) { postImage(currentChannel!, url, title); } void postImage(MessageChannel channel, S url) { postImage(channel, url, ""); } void postImage(MessageChannel channel, S url, S description) { channel.sendMessage( new EmbedBuilder() .setImage(absoluteURL(url)) //.setTitle(unnull(title)) .setDescription(unnull(description)) .setColor(imageEmbedMysteriousLineColor) .build()).queue(); // TODO: posted lines } LS linesInChannelBy(long channelID, long userID) { ret collect text(dm_discord_linesInChannelBy(channelID, userID)); } MessageChannel currentChannel() { ret currentChannel!; } Message respondingTo() { ret respondingTo!; } void sendTyping() { currentChannel().sendTyping().queue(); } // for testing, outdated L<GazelleTree> reasonAbout(S line, O... _) { ret gazelle_reasonAbout(line, paramsPlus(_, ctx := contextCache!)); } void rebuildCache { contextCache.fill(); } void editMessage(long channelID, long msgID, S text) { getChannel(channelID).editMessageById(str(msgID), text).queue(); } S respondingToUserID() { ret respondingTo! == null ? null : "discord user " + respondingTo->getAuthor().getIdLong(); } void uploadFileInChannel(File file) { uploadFileInChannel(file, "", null); } void uploadFileInChannel(File file, S msg, IVF1<Message> onPost) { if (!isFile(file)) fail("Not a file: " + file); var channel = currentChannel!; S fileName = fileName(file); MessageAction a = empty(msg) ? channel.sendFile(file, fileName) : channel.sendMessage(msg).addFile(file, fileName); a.queue(onPost == null ?: m -> onPost.get(m), onQueueError); } }
Began life as a copy of #1022193
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Snippet ID: | #1022488 |
Snippet name: | Discord Gazelle [v13, LIVE] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1022488/86 |
Text MD5: | a28f0c0a35fa58bcc4b2bec42eb22242 |
Transpilation MD5: | 80ab60721d94bd0f686bba617bfdb592 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / discord |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2021-10-18 08:31:12 |
Source code size: | 23860 bytes / 602 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 555 / 26159 |
Version history: | 85 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1022660 - Discord Bot [Gazelle-based, v14, refactoring, dev.] #1022869 - Discord Module [just Discord reading & posting, OLD, use v2 instead] |