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< > BotCompany Repo | #1022289 // Gazelle: Statement Fulfillments v2 [as CRUD]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

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concept GFulfillment {
  !include #1022288

cmodule StatementFulfillments > DynCRUD<GFulfillment> {
  transient ReliableSingleThread rstSearch = dm_rst(this, r search);
  transient Flag cancel;
  transient GazelleContextCache_v2 contextCache;
  start {

    print("Making cache");
    time "Made cache" {
      contextCache = new GazelleContextCache_v2(this);
      contextCache.grabRules = func -> L<T3<S>> { dm_gazelle_rulesOnFacts() };

    dm_vmBus_onMessage_q('newDiscordLine, voidfunc(O line) {
      new L<GazelleFulfillment> list;
      gazelle_gatherFulfillments(ll(dm_discord_importLine(line)), list, maxEntries := 100);
    dm_vmBus_onMessage('gazelleRuleCreated, rstSearch); // TODO: optimize
  visualize {
    ret withCenteredButtons(super.visualize(), "Search Chat", rstSearch);
  void search {
    new Flag cancel;
    this.cancel = cancel;
    new L<GazelleFulfillment> list;
    // "john doe is a guy"
    L<GazelleLine> lines = dm_discord_allLines();
    print("Scanning " + n2(lines, "line"));
    gazelle_gatherFulfillments(lines, list, maxEntries := 1000, +cancel, ctx := contextCache!);
    L preprocessed = cast dm_call(gazelle_preprocessedLinesCRUD(), 'concepts);
    L<GazelleLine> preprocessedLines = map gazelle_importPreprocessedLine(preprocessed);
    new L<GazelleFulfillment> list2;
    gazelle_gatherFulfillments(preprocessedLines, list2, maxEntries := 1000, +cancel, ctx := contextCache!);
    for (GazelleFulfillment f : list2)
      f.context += " (preprocessed)";
    print("Scan yielded " + n2(list, "entry", "entries"));
  void toConcepts(L<GazelleFulfillment> l) {
    Collection<S> fields = conceptFields(GFulfillment);
    if (l != null) for (GazelleFulfillment f : l) {
      GFulfillment c = ccopyFields2_fromGen(f, new GFulfillment, fields);
      assertSame(c._concepts, conceptsObject());

  // API
  L<GFulfillment> entriesForRule(S ruleID) {
    ret conceptsWhere GFulfillment(rule := ruleID);
  L<GFulfillment> entriesForContext(S context) {
    ret conceptsWhere GFulfillment(+context);
  void triggerSearch {

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1021745

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Travelled to 7 computer(s): bhatertpkbcr, cfunsshuasjs, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1022289
Snippet name: Gazelle: Statement Fulfillments v2 [as CRUD]
Eternal ID of this version: #1022289/9
Text MD5: f1a93d18ae89f374aa0c832cd6baa68f
Transpilation MD5: 7a68d4d6fa313e84016edd6d2056640e
Author: stefan
Category: javax / a.i.
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2019-03-12 21:43:47
Source code size: 2474 bytes / 82 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 339 / 5767
Version history: 8 change(s)
Referenced in: #1022112 - dm_gazelle_fulfillmentsCRUD
#1022160 - gazelle_dataProgramIDs