Uses 9211K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (15916L/92K).
!7 set flag DynModule. cmodule DiscordBot > DynPrintLogAndEnabled { transient JDA bot; transient new Set<Long> msgsReactedTo; transient double deleteDelay = 60.0; transient Color imageEmbedMysteriousLineColor = colorFromHex("36393f"); transient new InheritableThreadLocal<MessageChannel> currentChannel; start { logModuleOutput(); // TODO: log JDA output bot = discordBot(new ListenerAdapter { public void onMessageReceived(MessageReceivedEvent e) pcall { ret if !enabled || !licensed(); bool bot = e.getAuthor().isBot(); Message msg = e.getMessage(); print("Channel type: " + e.getChannelType()); bool isPrivate = e.getChannelType() == ChannelType.PRIVATE; print("Msg from " + e.getAuthor().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage().getContentDisplay()); S content = trim(msg.getContentRaw()); if (empty(content)) ret; O user = userConcept(e.getAuthor()); S crud = dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(); O channel = dm_call(crud, 'uniqChannel, msg.getChannel().getIdLong()); dm_call(crud, 'cset, channel, litobjectarray(name := msg.getChannel().getName())); O lineConcept = dm_call(crud, 'uniqConcept, litObjectArrayAsObject(msgID := e.getMessage().getIdLong())); dm_call(crud, 'cset, lineConcept, litobjectarray( text := content, +bot, +isPrivate, author := user, +channel)); ret if bot; final MessageChannel ch = e.getChannel(); if (swicOneOf(content, "!eval ", "!fresh ", "!real-eval", "!safe-eval ") || eqic(content, "!fresh")) { O safetyCheck = null; bool authed = dm_discord_userCanEval(e.getAuthor().getIdLong()); new Matches m; if (swic(content, "!safe-eval ", m)) { content = "!eval " +; authed = false; } if (!authed) { //ret with postInChannel(ch, "Sorry, you're not authed to eval"); safetyCheck = func(S code) -> S { S safety = joinWithComma(getCodeFragmentSafety(code)); if (eq(safety, 'safe)) ret ""; S s = "Sorry. Safety level is " + safety; Set<S> unknown = codeAnalysis_getUnknownIdentifiers(code); if (nempty(unknown)) s += ". Unknown identifiers: " + joinWithComma(unknown); ret s; }; } temp tempSetTL(currentChannel, ch); ret with dm_bot_execEvalCmd(voidfunc(S s) { if (s != null) postInChannel(ch, shorten(s, 1000)) }, content, +safetyCheck); } GazelleEvalContext ctx = dm_gazelle_stdEvalContext(dm_gazelle_allRulesWithComment("discord")); GazelleTree tree = new(ctx, content); L<GazelleTree> l = dm_gazelle_getChildren(tree); if (empty(l)) ret; for (GazelleTree t : takeFirst(10, l)) postInChannelWithDelete(ch, t.line); } public void onMessageReactionAdd(MessageReactionAddEvent e) pcall { ret if !enabled || !licensed(); MessageReaction r = e.getReaction(); bool bot = e.getUser().isBot(); long msgID = r.getMessageIdLong(); add(msgsReactedTo, msgID); print("User " + e.getUser() + (bot ? " (bot)" : "") + " reacted to message " + msgID + " with " + r.getReactionEmote()); if (bot) ret; S crud = dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(); O lineConcept = dm_call(crud, 'uniqConcept, litObjectArrayAsObject(+msgID)); L reactions = cast get(lineConcept, 'reactions); print("lineConcept=" + lineConcept); print("reactions=" + reactions); O reaction = dm_call(crud, 'nuReaction, litObjectArrayAsObject( user := userConcept(e.getUser()), emoji := r.getReactionEmote().getName(), created := now())); print("reaction=" + reaction); dm_call(crud, 'cset, lineConcept, litobjectarray( reactions := listPlus(reactions, reaction))); } }); dm_registerAs('discordBot); print("Started bot"); } void cleanMeUp { if (bot != null) pcall { print("Shutting down bot"); bot.shutdown(); print("Bot shut down"); } bot = null; } O userConcept(User user) { S crud = dm_gazelle_linesCRUD(); O userConcept = dm_call(crud, 'uniqUser, user.getIdLong()); dm_call(crud, 'cset, userConcept, litobjectarray(name := user.getName())); ret userConcept; } // API void postInChannel(long channelID, S msg) { postInChannel(bot.getTextChannelById(channelID), msg); } void postInChannel(MessageChannel channel, S msg) { channel.sendMessage(msg).queue(); } void postInChannel(S channel, S msg) { long id = dm_discord_channelID(channel); if (id == 0) fail("Channel not found: " + channel); postInChannel(id, msg); } void postInChannelWithDelete(MessageChannel channel, S msg) { channel.sendMessage(msg).queue(msg2 -> { final long msgId = msg2.getIdLong(); print("I sent msg: " + msgId); doLater(deleteDelay, r { ret if contains(msgsReactedTo, msgId); print("Deleting msg " + msgId); msg2.delete().queue(); }); }); } void postImage(S url) { postImage(currentChannel!, url); } void postImage(S url, S title) { postImage(currentChannel!, url, title); } void postImage(MessageChannel channel, S url) { postImage(channel, url, ""); } void postImage(MessageChannel channel, S url, S description) { channel.sendMessage( new EmbedBuilder() .setImage(absoluteURL(url)) //.setTitle(unnull(title)) .setDescription(unnull(description)) .setColor(imageEmbedMysteriousLineColor) .build()).queue(); } }
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Snippet ID: | #1021659 |
Snippet name: | Discord Bot [v7, with !eval] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1021659/21 |
Text MD5: | f2ed2740c528fb86541460957ee67c11 |
Transpilation MD5: | 62c01b4a37c18640ef898884f27a02c2 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / discord |
Type: | JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2019-02-24 00:01:28 |
Source code size: | 6119 bytes / 176 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 303 / 612 |
Version history: | 20 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |