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< > BotCompany Repo | #1020224 // "Alexa Mode" [always listen to speech, OK]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 206K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (15898L/114K).


module ListenOnNoise > DynPrintLogAndEnabled {
  double minLevel = 20; // percent
  double maxPause = 1; // pause allowed while we keep recording, seconds
  double minDuration = 0.5; // min seconds of complete recording to submit
  double maxDuration = 10; // always stop after this many seconds
  double extendAfter = 0.5; // seconds to add at the end
  transient int interval = 100;
  transient long noiseSince, lastNoise;
  transient L<short[]> buffer = synchroList();
  transient bool talking;
  transient TrayIcon externalTrayIcon;
  start {
    onChangeAndNow(r {
      if (enabled && externalTrayIcon == null)
        externalTrayIcon = installTrayIcon(#1101460, "Alexa Mode (continously listening)", r { dm_activateOSAndModule(module()) },
          "Stop Listening", r stopListening);
      else if (!enabled && externalTrayIcon != null) {
        externalTrayIcon = null;
    dm_vmBus_onMessage('talking, r { talking = true });
    dm_vmBus_onMessage('doneTalking, r { talking = false });
    dm_addAudioListener(voidfunc(short[] data) {
      if (noiseSince == 0) clear(buffer);
    dm_onTopInput(voidfunc(S s) {
      if "stop listening|voice of" stopListening()
    doEvery(interval, r {
      if (noiseSince != 0 && elapsedSeconds(noiseSince) >= maxDuration-0.05) {
        // too long, discard, maybe it's constant noise
        printWithSeconds("Recording too long (" + maxDuration + " s), discarding");
        noiseSince = 0;
      float volume = dm_inputVolumeLevel();
      //print("Volume: " + volume);
      if (volume >= minLevel && !talking) {
        // got noise
        lastNoise = sysNow();
        if (noiseSince == 0)
          noiseSince = lastNoise;
      } else if (noiseSince != 0) { // got no noise, but am recording
        if (elapsedSeconds(lastNoise) > maxPause-0.05) {
          double duration = toSeconds(lastNoise-noiseSince+toMS(extendAfter));
          if (duration >= minDuration-0.05) {
            printWithSeconds((enabled ? "Keeping" : "Would keep") + " recording of " + formatDouble(duration, 1) + " seconds");
            if (enabled) {
              L<short[]> chunks = cloneList(buffer);
              // drop last silent chunks
              int len = lengthLevel2_shortArrays(chunks);
              int wantedLengthInSamples = iround(duration*44100*2);
              int dropped = 0;
              while (len-l(last(chunks)) >= wantedLengthInSamples) {
                len -= l(last(chunks));
              //print("Dropped " + n2(dropped, "chunk"));
              File wavFile = anonymousWAVEFile();
              multiShortArraysToWAVE(chunks, wavFile);
              vmBus_send('newRecording, wavFile);
          } else
            printWithSeconds("Discarding recording of " + formatDouble(duration, 1) + " seconds");
          noiseSince = 0;
  void cleanMeUp {
  void stopListening enter {
    if (setField(enabled := false))

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Snippet ID: #1020224
Snippet name: "Alexa Mode" [always listen to speech, OK]
Eternal ID of this version: #1020224/35
Text MD5: 9397adaca5bd892975c943abc831e07b
Transpilation MD5: 8db2957bc85f5958aa7bb93e43652edf
Author: stefan
Category: javax / speech recognition
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-12-12 23:30:51
Source code size: 3453 bytes / 95 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 508 / 1025
Version history: 34 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]