Download Jar. Uses 3310K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (18608L/116K).
!7 sS standardCredentials() { ret ""; } // public snippets only // (transpilation md5, snippetID) => jar file //static new SerializeComputations<PairS, File> computations; // transpilation md5 => jar file static new SerializeComputations<S, File> computations; // jar file => null (not used yet) static new SerializeComputations<File, Void> packagingComputations; static File compileSrcLib(S srcLibID) { new CompilerBot2 subBot; subBot.dontCompile = true; ret assertFileExists(subBot.compileSnippet(srcLibID)); } static Lock lock = lock(); html { // lock lock; // now using SerializeComputations uri = dropPrefixSlash(uri); S snippetID = fsI(uri); if (!isSnippetPublic(snippetID)) fail("Snippet not public: " + snippetID); S transpiledSrc = getServerTranspiled2(snippetID); // md5 check (if parameter supplied) S md5 = params.get('md5); S srcMD5 = md5(transpiledSrc); if (md5 != null && !eq(md5, srcMD5)) ret "md5 mismatch"; bool forceCompilation = eq(params.get("forceCompilation"), "1"); S mainClassForManifest = params.get("mainClassForManifest"); File jar; try { jar = computations.get(srcMD5/*, snippetID)*/, -> { print("Entering compilation (forceCompilation=" + forceCompilation + ")"); new CompilerBot2 bot; //bot.mainClassForManifest = mainClassForManifest; bot.useRenaming = !sameSnippetID(snippetID, #1001638); bot.forceCompilation = forceCompilation; bot.compileSrcLib = lambda1 compileSrcLib; ret bot.compileSnippet(snippetID); }); } catch print e { // dexcompile.php can't handle code 500 ret /*subBot_serve500*/("Error. " + e); } bool forceRepackage = eq("1", params.get("repackage")); bool withLibs = eq("1", params.get("withLibs")); bool noCompiler = eq("1", params.get("noCompiler")); bool withX30 = eq("1", params.get("withX30")); bool x30UtilOnly = eq("1", params.get("x30UtilOnly")); bool noSrc = eq("1", params.get("noSrc")); bool dynamicObjectOnly = eq("dynamicObjectOnly", params.get("mode")); // currently unsupported //bool uncompressed = eq("1", params.get("uncompressed")); S nameForDelivery = params.get("name"); S fileToExtract = params.get("fileToExtract"); L<Map> existingFilesJSON = (L) jsonDecode(params.get("existingFiles")); S existingFilesComp = params.get("existingFilesComp"); if (nempty(existingFilesComp)) existingFilesJSON = (L) jsonDecode(gunzipToText(base64decode(existingFilesComp))); File jar2 = jar; if (withLibs) jar2 = appendToBaseFileName(jar2, ".with-libs"); if (noCompiler) jar2 = appendToBaseFileName(jar2, ".no-compiler"); if (dynamicObjectOnly) jar2 = appendToBaseFileName(jar2, ".dynamicObjectOnly"); if (noSrc) jar2 = appendToBaseFileName(jar2, ".noSrc"); //if (uncompressed) jar2 = appendToBaseFileName(jar2, ".uncomp"); bool withSrc = !noSrc; IPred<S> generalFileFilter = f -> (withSrc || !endsWith(f, ".java")) && !startsWithOneOf(f, "META-INF/versions/", "META-INF/LICENSE"); // see flatlaf jar if (!eq(jar, jar2)) { lock lock; print(+jar2); if (fileLength(jar2) <= 22 || forceRepackage) { print("Repackaging."); for (File f : listFilesStartingWith(fileNameWithoutExtension(jar) + ".", dirOfFile(jar))) { if (!eq(f, jar)) deleteFileVerbose(f); } File tempZip = createTempFileWithExtension(".zip"); { temp tempZipOut = zipOutputStream(tempZip); text2zip(tempZipOut, "source.txt", renderColonProperties( jar := f2s(jar2), packagingDate := dateWithSecondsUTC())); if (nempty(mainClassForManifest)) text2zip(tempZipOut, manifestPathInJar(), manifestTextForMainClass(mainClassForManifest)); } temp Zip2Zip_Zip4j z2z = new(jar2); z2z.inZip = tempZip;; z2z.inZip = jar; z2z.predicate = generalFileFilter; /*if (uncompressed) z2z.modifyZipEntry = e -> { e.setMethod(ZipOutputStream.STORED); e.setCompressedSize(e.getSize()); };*/; if (withLibs) { Pair<S, LS> srcAndLibs = extractLibsFromTranspilation(transpiledSrc); fOr (S libID : srcAndLibs.b) { File fixer = compilerBotDestDir("fixer" + psI(libID) + ".jar"); if (fileExists(fixer)) { println("APPLYING FIXER: " + fixer); z2z.inZip = fixer; z2z.predicate = null;; } z2z.inZip = loadLibraryOrSrcLib(libID, lambda1 compileSrcLib);; } } z2z.inZip = pathToJavaxJar(); if (withX30) { z2z.predicate = null;; } else if (x30UtilOnly) { z2z.predicate = name -> startsWithOneOf(name, "x30_pkg");; } else if (noCompiler) { z2z.predicate = name -> ! startsWithOneOf(name, "org/eclipse/", "META-INF/", "ecj.", "about.html");; } else if (dynamicObjectOnly) { z2z.predicate = name -> contains(name, "DynamicObject");; } z2z.finish(); } jar = jar2; } if (nempty(existingFilesJSON)) { lock lock; print(+jar); L<Map> newFingerprints = zipFileToJSONFingerprint_md5(jar); new SS map; for (Map m : existingFilesJSON) map.put((S) m.get("name"), (S) m.get("md5")); jar2 = createTempFile("partial", ".jar"); { temp ZipOutputStream outJar = zipOutputStream(jar2); temp ZipFile jarIn = new ZipFile(jar); new LS toKeep; for (Map fp : newFingerprints) { S name = (S) fp.get("name"); S oldMD5 = map.get(name); if (!eq(oldMD5, fp.get("md5"))) { outJar.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(name)); ZipEntry entry = jarIn.getEntry(name); copyStreamAndCloseInput(jarIn.getInputStream(entry), outJar); } else toKeep.add(name); } text2zip(outJar, "to-keep", lines_rtrim(toKeep)); } jar = jar2; } if (forceRepackage) sendToSnippetUpdatesBot("/transpileOK/" + psI(snippetID)); print("Serving jar for " + snippetID + ": " + renderFileInfo(jar)); if (eq(params.get("makeJarOnly"), "1")) ret "OK: " + f2s(jar); else if (nempty(fileToExtract)) { // serve one file out of jar file ret "TODO"; } else // serve the whole jar file ret subBot_serveFileWithName(jar, or2(nameForDelivery, psI(snippetID) + ".jar"), "application/java-archive"); }
Began life as a copy of #1018308
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Snippet ID: | #1020140 |
Snippet name: | Jar Web Bot [LIVE at] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1020140/105 |
Text MD5: | fb1f93c60ad367ab74404915e49bf608 |
Transpilation MD5: | 4e1b3f491f8e124067c8a5bdbcc3d41e |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / web |
Type: | JavaX module (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2022-05-12 18:33:33 |
Source code size: | 6837 bytes / 203 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 954 / 3156 |
Version history: | 104 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1013896 - Eleutheria Main for + Stefan's OS (LIVE) #1024026 - Eleutheria Main for (backup without Stefan's OS) #1033462 - Jar Web Bot [backup] #1033533 - Jar Web Bot [old] #1033537 - Jar Web Bot [backup] #1033736 - Jar Web Bot backup #1034361 - Jar Web Bot [backup before zip4j] |