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< > BotCompany Repo | #1017752 // Telegram Facts Bot v4 [Dyn Module, with entities, old]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 408K of libraries. Compilation Failed (22400L/168K).


set flag DynModule.

sclass TelegramFactsBot > AbstractTelegramThinkBot {
  S evalExp(Exp e, NLLogicChecker_v2.Matching m) {
    S code = nlLogic_text(e);
    print("Eval'ing: " + code);
    temp tempAdd(hotwire_copyOver_after, voidfunc(Class c) { copyFields(mc(), c, 'telegram_msg_tl) });
    S result = str(evalWithDollarVars(code, m.matches));
    print("Result: " + shorten(result, 100));
    ret result;

  void thinkAbout(fS s) {
    final Map msg = telegram_msg();
    NLLogicChecker_v2 c = new NLLogicChecker_v2 {
      L<S> entities;
      bool checkExpression(Exp e, Matching m) {
        new Matches mm;
        if (e cast Func) {
          if (eq(, "verbPhraseFromThirdPerson"))
            ret nlLogic_stringFunction(f ai_verbPhraseFromThirdPerson, e, m.matches);
          else if (eq(, "singular"))
            ret nlLogic_stringFunction(f singular, e, m.matches);
          else if (eq(, 'eval))
            ret eq("true", evalExp(e.arg, m));
          else if (eq(, 'entity)) {
            if (entities == null) {
              long time = sysNow();
              fS switched = switcheroo(s);
              print("Switched >> " + switched);
              entities = evalWithTimeoutOrNull(5000, func -> LS {
                mapMethod('text, ai_extractEntities_v1(switched))
              print("Entities (" + elapsedMS(time) + " ms): " + joinWithComma(entities));
              if (entities == null) entities = new L;
            for (S entity : entities)
              if (matcher.match(nlLogic_text(e.arg), entity, m.matches)) true;
          } else if (startsWith(, "line", mm) && isInteger( {
            int n = parseInt(>in);
            S line = n == 0 ? s : getString(get(recentHistory, l(recentHistory)+n), 'text);
            print("Recent: " + recentHistory);
            S pat = nlLogic_text(e.arg);
            print("n=" + n + ", Matching " + e + " with " + line);
            ret matcher.match(pat, line, m.matches);
          } else if (eq(, 'unknownIf)) {
            S statement = nlLogic_text(apply(e.arg, m));
            print("Checking statement: " + statement);
            ret !cic(facts, statement) && !cic(facts, "Untrue: " + statement);
          } else if (eq(, 'inputContainsTokens))
            ret call_verbose jcontains(s, nlLogic_text(e.arg));
          else if (eq(, 'inputStartsWith))
            ret call_verbose startsWith(s, nlLogic_text(e.arg));
          else if (eq(, 'followingUpOn)) {
            S text = nlLogic_text(e.arg);
            // e.g. "lhnshnhcklhabvmu with input=$input"
            if (!match("* with input=*", text, mm) || !isDollarVar(mm.get(1))) false;
            S ruleID = mm.unq(0), dollarInput = mm.get(1);
            Map /*prev = last(recentHistory),*/ prevPrev = nextToLast(recentHistory);
            S msgID = getString(prevPrev, 'globalID);
            S input = getString(prevPrev, 'text);
            print("followingUpOn: msgID=" + msgID + ", input=" + input);
            S pat = "Rule " + ruleID + " fired on message " + msgID + " ";
            print("pat=" + pat);
            for (S ruleFired : mL("Telegram Rule Fires"))
              if (swic(ruleFired, pat))
                ret print("result=", strictPutIC(m.matches, dollarInput, input));
        if (e cast Eq) {
          Exp r = e.right;
          S var = nlLogic_text(e.left);
          if (r cast Func) pcall {
            if (eq(, 'eval))
              ret new NLStringMatcher_singleDollarVar().match(var, evalExp(r.arg, m), m.matches);
        if (e instanceof Literal) {
          // TEXT CONDITIONS
          S text = nlLogic_text(e);
          if (eq(text, "authorized"))
            ret telegram_amIAuthorized();
        ret super.checkExpression(e, m);
    c.matcher = new NLStringMatcher_dollarVars_underscores;
    c.input = s;
    c.facts = mL_facts();
    LS unparsedRules = ai_unparsedTalkRules();
    for (S listName : mL("Rule & Fact Lists"))
      for (S x : splitAtEmptyLines(mL_raw(listName)))
        if (anyJavaTokens(x))
          if (nlLogic_parseRule(x) != null)

    unparsedRules = sortedByCalculatedField(unparsedRules, func(S s) { jcontains(s, "entity(") });
    L<IfThen> rules = map_pcall nlLogic_parseRule(unparsedRules);
    for (IfThen r : rules) {
      continue if r == null;
      Exp out = r.out;
      if (out cast Func)
        if (eq(, "sayIfTrue")) {
          r.out = Func('output, out.arg);
 = And(, Func('fact, out.arg));
    fS msgGlobalID = getString(msg, 'globalID);
    if (nempty(msgGlobalID))
      applyNLLogicFacts_v3_onRuleFired.set(voidfunc(IfThen rule, NLLogicChecker_v2.Matching m) {
        if (empty(rule.globalID)) ret;
        S fact = format("Rule * fired on message * at *", rule.globalID, msgGlobalID, localDateWithMilliseconds());
         if (nempty(m.matches))
           fact += " with vars " + dropPrefix("lhm", struct(m.matches));
        addToMechList("Telegram Rule Fires", fact);

    applyNLLogicFacts_v3(c, voidfunc(Exp e) {
      // Rule fired!
      if (e cast Func) {
        if (eq(, 'output))
        else if (eq(, 'fact)) {
          S fact = nlLogic_text(e.arg);
          if (!contains(mL("Random facts"), fact) && mech_changed(addToMechList("Derived facts", fact)))
            postMessage("Storing fact: " + fact);
        } else if (eq(, 'storeRule)) {
          S rule = nlLogic_text(e.arg);
          if (mech_changed(appendToMechList_noUniq("NL Logic Examples", "\n" + rule)))
            postMessage("Rule stored");
    }, rules);

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1017701

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Travelled to 15 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, gwrvuhgaqvyk, irmadwmeruwu, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, onxytkatvevr, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1017752
Snippet name: Telegram Facts Bot v4 [Dyn Module, with entities, old]
Eternal ID of this version: #1017752/59
Text MD5: 74cdb48e93b8615e689af20c00000d74
Transpilation MD5: 71f1de8dea77719f4851de143bdef3b7
Author: stefan
Category: javax / telegram
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-08-14 12:04:49
Source code size: 6354 bytes / 158 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 540 / 1217
Version history: 58 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]