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< > BotCompany Repo | #1016081 // Welcome Screen v2 [dev.]

JavaX source code (Dynamic Module) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: Stefan's OS

Uses 911K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (8109L/45K).


!include once #1020738 // Base Include

sS html = [[
  <img src="#1101435">
  <font size="6">
  Hi. I am a <b>new kind</b> of open-source operating system.
  You can <b>talk</b> to me!

module WelcomeScreen {
  visualize {
    ret centerAndSouthWithMargins(
      fontSize(18, jCenteredLabel("What would you like to do?")),
      fontSize(20, dm_mergeWithTopInput(jCenteredTextField("Eat some cake"))),
  enhanceFrame { minFrameSize(f, 450, 450); }

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1016067

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Snippet ID: #1016081
Snippet name: Welcome Screen v2 [dev.]
Eternal ID of this version: #1016081/28
Text MD5: 3c66bf3c330d532fe34c61803c6b18d5
Transpilation MD5: 84b980cf7b02cdce62c4f2c293a81e28
Author: stefan
Category: javax / stefan's os
Type: JavaX source code (Dynamic Module)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2019-01-01 20:13:12
Source code size: 732 bytes / 29 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 648 / 7520
Version history: 27 change(s)
Referenced in: #1016478 - Stefan's OS v6
#1019946 - Test Module [OK]
#1022729 - Stefan's OS v6 - copy for transpiler test
#1024922 - programPackager_standardExcludedSnippets
#1024932 - Stefan's OS v7 [LIVE]
#1031320 - Stefan's OS v7 [backup before allowing dynamic main classes]