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!7 sS background = #1009931; static JDesktopPane desktop; static JTextField tfInput; //static L<Module> modules; static ReliableSingleThread rst = new(f updateModules); p-noconsole { autoRestart(5); db(); desktop = jTiledBackgroundDesktopPane(background); autoFixDesktopPane(desktop); cleanExitOnFrameClose(showMaximizedFrame(desktop)); final JInternalFrame f = showCenteredInternalFrame(desktop, "Hello", 700, 150, setFontSize(20, tfInput = jcenteredtextfield("Find me some stuff"))); packInternalFrameVertically(f); centerInternalFrame(f); swing { f.setLocation(f.getX(), 40); } cset(uniq(ModuleClasses), on := true, visible := true); for (Module m : onModules()) startModule(m); addConceptIndex(simpleConceptIndex(rTrigger(rst))); } svoid updateModules { for (Module m : onModules()) pcall { m.update(); } } svoid cleanMeUp { print('cleanMeUp); for (Module m) if (m.vis != null) pcall { print(m); m.unvisualize(); } print("done cleanMeUp"); } static L<Module> onModules() { ret conceptsWhere(Module, on := true); } sbool hasModuleWithFields(Class c, O... params) { ret hasConcept(Module, c, concatArrays(new O[] {on := true}, params)); } svoid startModule(Module m) { //addIfNotThere(modules, m); lock m.lock; if (m.started) ret; m.started = true; m.start(); if (m.visible) showModule(m); } svoid showModule(final Module m) { startModule(m); lock m.lock; cset(m, visible := true); pcall-messagebox { if (m.vis == null) m.vis = m.visualize(); } if (m.vis != null) swing { Rect r = m.frameRect; if (r == null) randomRect(desktop.getWidth(), desktop.getHeight(), 10, 150, 100); if (r == null) r = Rect(10, 10, 200, 100); print("Showing frame at " + r); S frameTitle = humanizeFormLabel(shortClassName(m)); onInternalFrameClosing(showInternalFrame(desktop, frameTitle, r.x, r.y, r.w, r.h, m.vis), r { cset(m, visible := false); m.unvisualize(); }); } } concept Module { transient Component vis; transient bool started; transient Lock lock = lock(); bool on = true, visible; Rect frameRect; JComponent visualize() { ret jCenteredMultiLineLabel(sfu(this)); } void unvisualize() { unvisualize1(); unvisualize2(); } void start() {} void unvisualize1() { print("unvisualize1"); JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(vis); if (f != null) cset(this, frameRect := toRect(getBounds(f))); vis = null; print("done unvisualize1"); } void unvisualize2() {} void update() {} void delete() { unvisualize(); cleanUp(this); super.delete(); } } sclass InterestingStringModule extends Module { S theString; } sclass InputToInterestingString extends Module { transient java.util.Timer timer; void start { timer = doEvery(1000, r { S s = getTextTrim(tfInput); if (!hasModuleWithFields(InterestingStringModule, theString := s)) startModule(nu(InterestingStringModule, theString := s)); }); } void cleanMeUp() { cancelTimer(timer); } } sclass ModuleCount extends Module { transient JLabel label; void update { if (label != null) setText(label, lstr(onModules())); } JComponent visualize() { label = setFontSize(30, jcenteredlabel(lstr(onModules()))); ret label; } void unvisualize2() { label = null; } } sclass ModuleList extends Module { transient JList list; void update() { if (list != null) fillListWithStrings(list, calc()); } JComponent visualize() { list = jlist(calc()); listPopupMenuItem(list, "Delete", voidfunc(fS s) { thread-messagebox { Module m = getConcept(Module, parseFirstLong(s)); removeConcept(m); } }); ret list; } L<S> calc() { ret map(func(Module m) -> S { renderConcept(m) /* contains id as first int */ }, onModules()); } void unvisualize2() { list = null; } } sclass ModuleClasses extends Module { transient L<Class<? extends Module>> classes; void start() { classes = myNonAbstractClassesImplementing(Module); } JComponent visualize() { JList list = jlist(map shortClassName(classes)); listPopupMenuItem(list, "Instantiate", voidfunc(fS s) { thread-messagebox { showModule((Module) nu(classForName("main$" + s))); } }); ret list; } }
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Snippet ID: | #1015803 |
Snippet name: | Cubes Frame [v4, with module persistence, OK] |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1015803/33 |
Text MD5: | b892446d27e85bd981e9e246e39190eb |
Transpilation MD5: | 8d91fb60b05ca51a19bf68c450eb4488 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | |
Type: | JavaX source code (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2018-05-27 23:53:46 |
Source code size: | 4565 bytes / 188 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 590 / 2129 |
Version history: | 32 change(s) |
Referenced in: | -