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< > BotCompany Repo | #1015620 // timeJumpDetector (notices wake-up from suspend/hibernate mode)

JavaX fragment (include)

static long timeJumpDetector_lastTimeJump; // in sys time
static long timeJumpDetector_lastTimeJumpLength;
sbool timeJumpDetector_verbose;
static L timeJumpDetector_onTimeJump = synchroList();
static int timeJumpDetector_minJump = 5000;

static void timeJumpDetector() {
  doEvery(1000, new Runnable {
    long diff = now()-sysNow();
    long lastSysNow = sysNow();
    public void run() {
      long sysNow = sysNow();
      long newDiff = now()-sysNow;
      long d = newDiff-diff;
      if (timeJumpDetector_verbose)
        print("timeJumpDetector: sysNow=" + sysNow + ", diff=" + newDiff);
      if (abs(d) <= timeJumpDetector_minJump && /*isWindows() &&*/ sysNow-lastSysNow >= 10000)
        d = sysNow-lastSysNow-10000;
      if (abs(d) > timeJumpDetector_minJump) {
        diff = now()-sysNow();
        timeJumpDetector_lastTimeJump = sysNow();
        timeJumpDetector_lastTimeJumpLength = d;
        printAndProgramLog(ymd_hms() + ": Time jump occurred! (" + formatDouble(toSeconds(d), 1) + " seconds)");
        if (nempty(timeJumpDetector_onTimeJump)) thread {
      diff = newDiff;
      lastSysNow = sysNow;

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1015617

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Snippet ID: #1015620
Snippet name: timeJumpDetector (notices wake-up from suspend/hibernate mode)
Eternal ID of this version: #1015620/20
Text MD5: 16d4cdfc3f6537e917feb56c7289ef80
Author: stefan
Category: javax / os
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-11-12 16:29:35
Source code size: 1267 bytes / 33 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 454 / 538
Version history: 19 change(s)
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