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< > BotCompany Repo | #1015422 // Movie Review Cat!

JavaX source code (desktop) [tags: archive use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

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static double zoom = 1.5;
static volatile BufferedImage img, recognizedImage;
static L<RecognizedText> texts;
static ImageSurface is, isWord;
static volatile int score;
static volatile L<RecognizedText> posTexts, negTexts;
static Set<S> dontPrint;

//static int coresToUse() { ret numberOfCores()/2; }

p-subst-autorestart {
  ocr_recognizeMultiLine_scored_maxPixels = 20000;
  dontPrint = mechSetCI("Movie Review Cat | Negative/positive words don't print list");
  thread "The Loop" { theLoop(); }
svoid theLoop {
  repeat with sleep 0 {
    //img = shootScreenHidingConsole();
    img = shootScreen2();
    long recTime = sysNow();
    texts = ocr_recognizeMultiLine_scored(img);
    recTime = sysNow()-recTime;
    time "Post" {
      L<S> lines = mapMethod('text, texts);
      MultiSet<S> multiSet = asCIMultiSet(onlyStringsLongerThan(1, words(lines(lines))));
      Set<S> positiveWords = mechSetCI("Movie Review Cat | Positive words");
      Set<S> negativeWords = mechSetCI("Movie Review Cat | Negative words");
      Set<S> set = asCISet(keys(multiSet));
      final MultiSet<S> plus = multiSetSetIntersection(multiSet, positiveWords);
      final MultiSet<S> minus = multiSetSetIntersection(multiSet, negativeWords);
      score = l(plus)-l(minus);
      posTexts = [RecognizedText r : texts | containsOneOfTheWords(r.text(), setMinusSet(keys(plus), dontPrint))];
      negTexts = [RecognizedText r : texts | containsOneOfTheWords(r.text(), setMinusSet(keys(minus), dontPrint))];
      L<S> popPlus = mostPopularEntriesFromMultiMap(3, plus);
      L<S> popMinus = mostPopularEntriesFromMultiMap(3, minus);
      S text = "Score: " + score;
      if (score >= 0 && nempty(popPlus))
        text += "\n" + joinWithComma(popPlus);
      if (score <= 0 && nempty(popMinus))
        text += "\n" + joinWithComma(popMinus);
      flatInfoBox(recTime + " ms | " + escapeNewLines(text));
      S imageID = score == 0 ? #1101256
        : score > 0 ? #1101255
        : #1101254;
      recognizedImage = img;

    bool first = is == null;
    is = showImage_hcentered(is, loadImage2_cached(imageID));
    if (first) {
      addToWindowWithMargin(is, jfullcenter(isWord = jImageSurface()));
      enlargeFrameLeftAndBottom(is, 50);
      awtEvery(isWord, 333, f cycleWord);

svoid cycleWord {
  if (recognizedImage == null) ret;
  RecognizedText hilite = null;
  if (score > 0) hilite = random(posTexts);
  else if (score < 0) hilite = random(negTexts);
  if (hilite != null) {
    final RecognizedText _hilite = hilite;
    final BufferedImage clip = clipBufferedImage(recognizedImage, hilite.r);
    swing {
      BufferedImage scaledClip = scaleBufferedImage(clip, zoom);
      JWindow win = makeWindow(jImageLabel(scaledClip));
      Pt p = centerOfRect(_hilite.r);
      int w = scaledClip.getWidth(), h = scaledClip.getHeight();
      win.setBounds(p.x-w/2, p.y-h/2, w, h);
      disposeWindowAfter(win, 0.5);
  } else
    isWord.setImage(newBufferedImage(1, 1, Color.white));

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1015266

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Travelled to 4 computer(s): cfunsshuasjs, gwrvuhgaqvyk, mqqgnosmbjvj, tvejysmllsmz

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Snippet ID: #1015422
Snippet name: Movie Review Cat!
Eternal ID of this version: #1015422/64
Text MD5: 42cc758a2a783f9df13ae39967c0f4fe
Transpilation MD5: 21b870cf3eacc6ccc40209a10e7e154c
Author: stefan
Category: javax / ocr
Type: JavaX source code (desktop)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): Yes
Created/modified: 2018-06-16 13:31:19
Source code size: 3604 bytes / 100 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 632 / 1881
Version history: 63 change(s)
Referenced in: #1015468 - Movie Review Cat [shortened]