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!759 !include #1011665 // WebNode v3 //!include #1011668 // WebNode v2.5 //!include #1007689 // WebNode v2 sbool greetCookies, theoryOn; static new L thoughtBots; static long started; static Class theoryModule; static Lock theoryLock = lock(); static double delay = 0; static S selectedWord; static int myPort = 4678; static double speculationTimeoutForHttp = 5.0; // 5 seconds static Queue<S> speculationQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue; // save space sclass E {} set flag noCLParse. p { started = sysNow(); db(); load('selectedWord); autoRestart(5); typicalDownload(); serveHttp(myPort); bot("Smart Bot."); loadPage_forcedTimeout = 70000; thoughtBots.add(mc()); //loadBots(#1010753, #1010821, #1010825, #1001951); loadBots(#1010825, #1001951); stefansChat_n_onChange(r { clearTransientWebs(); addTransientWeb(webFromTriple("Latest chat line", "is", "Chat line " + stefansChat_n_value)); }); stefansChat_onLine_lookback = 2; stefansChat_onLine_onHistoryRead.set(f onHistoryRead); stefansChat_onLine_safe(voidfunc(S text) { sleepSeconds(delay); pcall { int nr = toInt(mapGet(stefansChat_onLine_fullParams!, "nr")); print("> [" + nr + "] " + text); if (nr != 0) { S x = "Chat line " + nr; ai_postTriple(x, "is", quote(text)); ai_postTriple(x, "is", "recent"); stefansChat_n_notify(nr); ai_speculate(x); } } S answer = scanMultipleBots(thoughtBots, text); if (nempty(answer)) postToStefansChat(answer); }); //stefansChat_post("Smart Bot Upgraded! Boot took: " + formatDouble(fromMS(sysNow()-started), 1) + " s"); if (greetCookies) runInNewThread(#1010793); // Post on UAIP // Do the slow stuff addVirtualNodeIndex(hugeEnglishDictionary_virtualNodeIndex()); loadTheory(); cachedNodeIndex(); // make index ai_onNewIndexedText_do(func(S s) { speculationQueue.add(s) }); thread "Speculator" { speculatorLoop(); } } svoid loadTheory { lock theoryLock; cleanUp(theoryModule); theoryModule = null; if (!theoryOn) ret; theoryModule = run(#1010963); setOpt(theoryModule, 'onUpdate, r { call(theoryModule, 'react) }); call(theoryModule, 'react); print("Theory module loaded."); } static int lineCount; sbool authed() { ret isTrue(mapGet(stefansChat_onLine_fullParams!, 'auth)); } sbool byBot() { ret isTrue(mapGet(stefansChat_onLine_fullParams!, 'botMark)); } answer { try { ++lineCount; bool authed = authed(); lock dbLock(); s = ai_dropDroppableStuff(s); int safety = 0; replaceloop: while (safety++ < 10) { s = trim(s); try answer answer_inner(s, lineCount); for (WebNode node : indexedNodes(s)) { S x = web_operandText(node, "replace with"); if (x != null && neq(s, x)) { print("Replacing with " + x); s = x; continue replaceloop; } } break; } //if (ai_isQuestion_1(s)) ret "No idea"; } catch print e { ret exceptionToStringShort(e); } } sS answer_inner(S s, int lineCount) { final new Matches m; if (authed()) { if (lineCount >= stefansChat_onLine_lookback) { if (eqic(s, "!restart")) { restart(); ret "Yo"; } if (eqic(s, "!theory")) ret "OK" with loadTheory(); if (swic_trim(s, "!theory ", m)) ret callAnswerFunction(theoryModule,; if (eqic(s, "!peep")) { runAndCleanUp(#1010980); ret "OK, got " + fileLength(ai_chatAnalysis_peepHoleFile()) + " bytes"; } if (swic_trim(s, "!subst-web ", m)) { L<S> tok = javaTokC(; if (l(tok) == 2) ret ai_subst_web_charBasedReplace(first(tok), selectWord(unquote(last(tok)))); else ret ai_subst_web(; } if (eqic(s, "!idle-patterns")) { time2 { Either<Int, Thread> e = (Either) evalWithTimeoutReleasingDBLock(60.0, f ai_idle_matchPatterns); } ret e.isA() ? "Made " + nWebs(e.a()) + " in " + toSeconds(lastTiming(), 1) + "s" : "Timeout"; } if (swic_trim(s, "!experiment ", m)) { File outFile = directNohupJavax(; ret "OK, " + f2s(outFile); } if (eqic(s, "!rotate")) { rotateSoftwareMadeWebs(); ret "OK"; } if (swic_trim(s, "!speculate-all ", m)) { time2 { Either<Int, Thread> e = (Either) evalWithTimeoutReleasingDBLock(10.0, r { ai_speculate_all( }); } int n = 0; pcall { n = e.isA() ? e.a() : websMadeInThread(e.b()); } ret "Made " + nWebs(n) + " in " + toSeconds(lastTiming(), 1) + "s"; } if (eqic(s, "!quick-transpile yourself")) ret transpileMyself('quick); if (eqic(s, "!medium-transpile yourself")) ret transpileMyself('medium); } if "unlearn * *" ret "OK, was: " + uniq(MatchLearner, pattern := $1).examples.put($2, 'rejected); } if (ai_isQuestion_1(s) && !byBot()) { selectWord(s); ai_postTriple(s, "should be", "answered in the chat"); } if "Are you online?" ret "Yes"; if (eqicOneOf(s, "!question", "!gac")) ret random_gac36k(); if (swic_trim(s, "!word ", m)) { selectWord(; ret "OK " + unicode_rightPointingTriangle() + unicode_rightPointingTriangle(); } if (swic_trim(s, "!search ", m)) { selectWord("[search] " +; ret "OK " + unicode_rightPointingTriangle() + unicode_rightPointingTriangle(); } if (swic_trim(s, "!bench-search", m)) { T3<S> t = ai_parseArrowTriple(; time2 { int n = l(ai_search_dollarX(t)); } ret n(n, "result") + ", " + lastTiming() + " ms"; } if (swic_trim(s, "!google ", m)) ret join(" - ", swapPair(first(quickGoogle($1)))); if (swic_trim(s, "!has-triple ", m)) { Triple<S> t = ai_parseArrowTriple(; ret yn(ai_cache_hasTriple(t)); } if (swic_trim(s, "!triple ", m) || swic_trim(s, "!triples ", m)) { L<S> elements = trimAll(splitAt(, "->")); if (l(elements) != 3) ret "3 parts please"; ret "[IMAGE] " + "" + urlencode(lines(elements)); } if (swic_trim(s, "!web ", m)) { S id = $1; Web web = indexedWebWithGlobalID(id); if (web == null) ret "Not found"; ret "[IMAGE]" + myPort + "/diagram?id=" + id; } if (swic_trim(s, "!parse ", m)) ret ai_renderTriple(ai_tripelize(; if (eqic(s, "!uptime")) ret n(secondsSinceSysTime(started), "second"); if (eqic(s, "!typical-set")) ret sfu(diagramServer_typicalSet()); if (eqic(s, "!num-unverified")) ret lstr(ai_unverifiedWebs()); if (eqic(s, "!num-true")) ret lstr(ai_trueWebs()); if (eqic(s, "!version")) ret autoRestart_localMD5(); if (swic_trim(s, "!blob ", m)) { S a = postNodeFromInput(, s); selectWord(; ret a; } if (swic_trim(s, "!store ", m)) ret postTripleFromInput(ai_tripelize(, s); if (swic_trim(s, "!store-triple ", m)) ret postTripleFromInput(ai_parseArrowTriple(, s); if (swic(s, "!nodes ", m)) { if (dropSuffixTrim("...",, m)) ret lstr(indexedNodesStartingWith(; ret lstr(indexedNodes(; } if (eqic(s, "!webs")) ret lstr(allIndexedWebs()); if (swic(s, "!webs ", m)) ret joinWithSpace(collect(indexedWebs($1), 'globalID)); if (swic(s, "!splitAtBaseFormVerb ", m)) ret sfu(splitAtBaseFormVerb($1)); if (swic(s, "!maxRunlengthOfRepeatingChars ", m)) ret str(maxRunlengthOfRepeatingChars($1)); if (swic(s, "!collapseWord ", m)) ret collapseWord($1); if (swic(s, "!gac ", m)) ret or2(first(scoredSearch(m.get(0), keys(gac36k()))), "-"); if (eqic(s, "!vms")) ret computerVMs_text(); if (swic_trim(s, "!count-triple ", m)) { T3<S> t = ai_parseArrowTriple(; print("Searching: " + sfu(t)); Pair<Int> p = ai_countBoth_dollarX(t); ret eq(p.a, p.b) ? str(p.a) : p.a + " (+" + (p.b-p.a) + " unverified)"; } pcall { try answer ai_sfCommands(s); } if (swic_trim(s, "!macmillan ", m)) try { Pair<S, L<S>> p = macmillanDefinitions3(; ret toUpper(p.a) + "\n" + lines(prependAll("-", p.b)); } catch e { printShortException(e); ret "Macmillan is quiet today."; } try answer ai_answerFromCache(s); S _s = s; s = ai_dropLeadingAdditions(s); if (neq(_s, s)) try answer ai_answerFromCache(s); if "cache size" ret n(keys(cachedNodeIndex()), "different term") + ", " + n(web_countNodes(allWebs_cached()), "node") + ", " + n(allWebs_cached(), "web"); if "give me subtypes of ..." ret ai_renderList(ai_subtypesOf(; if "give me a third person verb" ret random(thirdPersonVerbs()); if (learnedFlexMatch("give me some *", s, m)) { S query = singular($1); ret ai_renderNodesList(concatLists( ai_index_search_dollarX("$X", "is a", query), ai_index_search_dollarX("$X", "is", a(query)))); } if "authed?" ret authed() ? "You are authed." : "You are not authed."; if "what is the singular of *" ret or2(getSingularFromWordHippo($1), singular($1)); if (learnedFlexMatch("what is the relation between * and *", s, m)) { L<S> l = ai_getRelation($1, $2); //ret ai_renderList(l); if (nempty(l)) ret $1 + " " + first(l) + " " + $2; } if "what unix day is it" ret str(unixDay()); if "show me the ..." ret "What " + $1 + "?"; if (learnedFlexMatch("What do * have?", s, m)) ret ai_renderNodesList(ai_index_search_dollarX($1, "have", "$X")); if (learnedFlexMatch("What does * do?", s, m)) ret ai_renderList(map(f web_nodePairToText, webs_search_dollarXY(webFromTriples($1, "$X", "$Y"), indexedWebs($1)))); if (learnedFlexMatch_multi(s, m, "What is *", "Who is *", "Was ist *", "Wer ist *")) try answer ai_renderNodesList(ai_whatIs(selectWord($1)), ""); S sf = web_text(first(ai_search_dollarX_verified("$X", "implements", quote(s)))); if (startsWith(sf, "sf ", m)) ret str(makeAndCall($1)); if (learnedFlexMatch("* how many visitors *", s) || match("how many visitors", s)) ret str(ai1_cookiesToday_int()); // Once more with generated webs (replacing $ vars) if (learnedFlexMatch("What is *", s, m)) { L<Web> extendedWebs = indexedWebsAfterVariableSubstitution($1); print("Have " + n(extendedWebs, "extended web") + " for " + quote($1)); ret ai_renderNodesList(webs_search_dollarX(webFromTriples($1, "is", "$X"), extendedWebs), "I don't know"); } if (!ai_isQuestion_1(s) && learnedFlexMatch_multi(s, m, "* is *", "* ist *")) try answer postTripleFromInput(triple(m.get(0), "is", m.get(1)), s); null; } svoid loadBots(S... botIDs) { for (S id : botIDs) pcall { thoughtBots.add(runSubBot(id)); } } static O html(S uri, SS params) { time { ret html_2(uri, params); } } static O html_2(S s, SS params) { if (eqic(s, "/favicon.ico")) ret serve404(); if "thoughts" ret serveHTML(html_thoughts()); if "diagram" { S id = params.get("id"); Web web = indexedWebWithGlobalID(id); ret serveJPEG(webToCAL(web).makeImage(600, 400)); } if "log" ret serveText_direct(printLog()); if "learners" ret serveText_direct(renderConcepts(list(MatchLearner))); // Serve Web With Global ID s = dropPrefix("/", s); if (possibleGlobalID(s)) { L<Web> webs = allWebsByID().get(s); if (nempty(webs)) { ret h2_title("Web " + s) + pre(htmlencode(renderWeb_multiLine(first(webs)))) + p(himg(ai_webImage_link(s), title := "Web " + s)) + (l(webs) > 1 ? p("Warning: Multiple webs") : ""); } /*if (theoryOn && theoryModule == null) ret serveHTML("Loading theory module"); Map<S, O> map = (Map) getOpt(theoryModule, 'theoryForLineMap); if (map.containsKey(toLower(s))) ret serveHTML("A line in the chat.");*/ ret serveHTML("Unknown: " + s); } new Matches m; if (swic(s, "e/", m)) { S topic = urldecode(; time2 { bool timeout = ai_speculateWithTimeout(topic, speculationTimeoutForHttp); } long time = lastTiming(); ret h1_title(htmlencode_noQuote("Topic: " + topic)) //+ p("Have " + n(indexedWebs(topic), "web"))) + ai_html_wordThoughts(topic) + p("Speculated for " + time + " ms" + (timeout ? " (TIMED OUT)" : "")); } if (eqic(s, "alphabetical")) ret html_alphabetical(); if (eqic(s, "latest-webs")) { int n = toInt(params.get('n)); ret html_latestWebs(min(1000, max(n, 10))); } // Home Page Collection<S> keys = multiMapKeysByPopularity(cachedNodeIndex()); ret h1_title("Smart Bot's Encyclopedia (" + n_fancy(keys, "entry") + ")") + p("Most occurring | " + ahref("/alphabetical", "Alphabetical") + " | " + ahref("/latest-webs", "Latest")) + ul(map(func(S s) { ahref(smartBot_encyclopediaLink(s), htmlencode(or2(s, "-"))) + " [" + ai_approximateIndexedNodesCount(s) + "]" }, keys)); } static S html_alphabetical() { ret h1_title("Smart Bot's Encyclopedia :)") + ul(map(func(S s) { ahref(smartBot_encyclopediaLink(s), htmlencode(or2(s, "-"))) }, keys(cachedNodeIndex()))); } static S html_latestWebs(int n) { ret h1_title("Smart Bot's Encyclopedia - Latest Webs") + ul(map(func(Web web) { ai_html_linkedWeb(web) + htmlencode(" [" + web.created + " - " + renderGMTDate(web.created) + "] " + web.source + ": ") + ai_html_renderWebShort(web) }, takeFirst(n, sortByFieldDesc('created, allWebsFromCachedNodeIndex())))); } sS html_thoughts() { S html = /*hrefresh(5) +*/ hGoogleFontOswald(); S status = ""; Pair<Int> p = evalWithTimeout_numberOfCalculations(); if (p.a > 0) status = p(n(p.a, "calculation") + (p.b == 0 ? "" : ", " + p.b + " timed out")); ret html + wordThoughts() + status; /* if (theoryModule == null) ret html + "Loading theory module..."; S thoughts = (S) call(theoryModule, 'html_thoughts); if (nempty(selectedWord)) ret html + tag('table, tr(td_top(thoughts, style := "background: #CCC") + td_top(wordThoughts(), style := "padding-left: 20px"))); ret html + thoughts; */ } sS wordThoughts() { try { if (empty(selectedWord)) ret ""; ret html_addTargetBlank(ai_html_wordThoughts(selectedWord)); } catch e { printStackTrace(e); ret "Erreur"; } } sS postTripleFromInput(T3<S> triple, S input) { if (swic(input, "OK, stored")) null; if (!ai_tripleAllowedToPost(triple)) null; selectWord(triple.a); if (ai_cache_hasTriple(triple)) ret "I know"; else { Web web = webFromTriple(triple); web.unverified = !authed(); postSoftwareMadeWeb(web, +input); ret "OK, stored" + (web.unverified ? " (unverified)" : "") + ": " + ai_renderTriple(triple); } } sS postNodeFromInput(S node, S input) { if (!ai_nodeNameAllowedToPost(node)) null; if (hasIndexedNode(node)) ret "I know"; else { Web web = oneNodeWeb(node); web.unverified = !authed(); postSoftwareMadeWeb(web, +input); ret "OK, stored" + (web.unverified ? " (unverified)" : "") + ": " + node; } } svoid processSelectedWord { fS word = selectedWord; if (empty(word)) ret; ai_withMaker('processSelectedWord, r { //ai_speculate(word); pcall { ai_greetingRule1(word); if (ai_hasTriple(word, "should be", "answered by me") && ai_postTriple(word, "was", "answered by me") != null) { S text = firstQuoted(web_texts(ai_search_dollarX(word, "is", "$X"))); postToStefansChat((nempty(text) ? text + " << " : "") + "Greetings back to you!"); } } }); } svoid makeChatLinesUnrecent { new Matches m; for (WebNode node : ai_search_dollarX("$X", "is", "recent")) if (web_match("Chat line *", node, m)) pcall { int n = parseInt($1); if (n <= stefansChat_n_value-100) { print("Unrecenting " + n); ai_invalidateWeb(node.web); } } } svoid onHistoryRead { lock dbLock(); print("History read."); processSelectedWord(); pcall { makeChatLinesUnrecent(); } } sS selectWord(S word) { if (nempty(word)) { selectedWord = word; save('selectedWord); processSelectedWord(); } ret word; } sS transpileMyself(S mode) { postToStefansChat("Transpiling..."); Pair<Bool, S> p = transpileOnServer(programID(), 'medium); ret p.a ? "OK" : "Not OK"; } svoid speculatorLoop { repeat with sleep 1 { ai_speculate(selectedWord); ai_speculate(randomIndexedTerm()); ai_activeSpec(selectedWord); S s; while ((s = speculationQueue.poll()) != null) { long time = sysNow(); ai_speculateWithActive(s); done2_always(time, "Speculation Queue > " + s); } } }
Began life as a copy of #1010745
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Travelled to 14 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, onxytkatvevr, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt
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Snippet ID: | #1011666 |
Snippet name: | Smart Bot with WebNode v3 (dev.) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1011666/7 |
Text MD5: | 8e627093042613a3de72f05a4f92f677 |
Transpilation MD5: | 71f2fb7d788d93efce76c6de4d82871d |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / chat |
Type: | JavaX source code (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2017-11-02 03:33:48 |
Source code size: | 17687 bytes / 600 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 565 / 1087 |
Version history: | 6 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |