a-shiver abandoned abdominal aberrant abhorrent abiding abject ablaze able able-bodied abloom abnormal abominable aboriginal abortive abrasive abrupt absent absolute absorbent absorptive abstemious abstentious abstinent abstract abstracted abstruse abundant abusive abutting abysmal abyssal abyssinian academic academicals acatalectic accelerando acceptable accepted accessible accessory accidental accommodating accomplished according accountable accumulate accurate accursed accurst accusative accusing accustomed ace acetic achaean achievable achromatic acicular acid acid-proof acidic acknowledged acoustic acoustical acquainted acquiescent acquisitive acrimonious acrobatic acting active actual acute acyclic adagio adamantine adaptable additional additive addle addle-brained addle-headed adept adequate adhesive adiabatic adipose adjacent adjectival adjective adjoining adjustable adjutant administrative admirable admiring adorable adrenal adrift adroit adulatory adult advanced advantageous adventist adventitious adventives adventurous adverbial adversative adverse advisable advised advisory aerial aerobe aerodynamic aerodynamical aeronautic aeronautical aery aesthetic aesthetical afeard affable affected affecting affectionate affianced affined affirmative afflicted affluent afire aflame afloat afoot afore-mentioned afraid african aft agape aged ageless aggressive aggrieved aghast agile agleam aglow agnostic agog agonic agonistic agonizing agrarian agreeable agreed agronomic agronomical aground ailing aimless air-minded air-tight airless airworthy airy ajar akimbo akin alarmed alarming alarmist albanian alert alexandrine algerian algonquian alien alienable alight alike alimentary aliquant aliquot alive alkaline all all-around all-embracing all-important all-inclusive all-out all-round all-time alleged allegoric(al) allergic allied alliterative allotropic allover allowable alluring allusive alluvial almighty alone aloof alphabetical alpine alternate alternating alternative altruistic alveolar amateur amateurish amatory amazed amazing amazonian ambassadorial amber ambidextrous ambient ambiguous ambitious ambivalent ambrosial ambulant ambulatory amenable american amiable amicable ammoniac amok amoral amorous amorphous amphibian amphibious ample amuck amusable amused amusing anaerobic anal analgesic analogous analytical anarchical anatomical ancestral ancient ancillary andante andantino androgynous anecdotal anemic aneroid anfractuous angelic angelical anglican anglo-norman angry anguished angular anhydrous animate animated annoying annual annular anodic anodyne anomalous anonymous another answerable antagonistic antarctic antecedent antediluvian anterior anthropoid anthropological anti-aircraft antic anticipatory anticlerical antiquarian antiquated antique antiseptic antislavery antisocial antitank antitoxic antiwar antonymous anxious any apathetic aphoristic aphrodisiac apish apocalyptic apolitical apologetic apoplectic apostolic appalling apparent appealing appetizing applausive applied appointive apposite appositive appreciable appreciative apprehensive approachable apt aquatic aqueous aquiline arab arabesque arabian arabic arbitrary archaeological archaic arched archiepiscopal architectural arctic ardent arduous argent argumentative argus-eyed arian arid aristocratic aristotelian arithmetical armed armenian armor-clad armored armorial aromatic arrant arrogant arsenic arterial artful arthurian artificial artiste artless arty aryan ascendant ascribable aseptic asexual ashamed ashen ashore ashy asian asinine aslant asleep aspiratory assertive assessable assiduous associative assorted assumed assuming assured assyrian asthmatic astir astonishing astrakhan astral astray astride astringent astrological astronomic astute asunder asymmetric atavistic athenian athirst athletic atlantic atmospheric atonal atrabilious atrocious attainable attentive attic attractive attributive atypical auburn audacious audible audio-visual auditory august augustan aural auricular auriferous auspicious austere austral australian austrian austro-hungarian authentic authoritarian authoritative authorized authorless autochthonous autocratic autographic autographical automatic automotive autonomous autumnal auxiliary available avaricious averse avid avoidable avowed avuncular awake aware awash awe-struck awesome awful awkward awry axiomatic azoic aztec azure babbling baby-like babyish bacillary back-handed backless backmost backstage backstairs bacteriological bad bad-tempered baffling bagged baggy balanced balconied bald-headed balkan balking ball-shaped ballistic bally balmy baltic banal bandy bandy-legged baneful bang-up bangle-cared bankable bankrupt bantu baptismal barbarian barbarous barbary barbed bare bare-bodied bare-faced bare-handed bare-headed bare-legged barefooted baric baritone barking barmy barometric barometrical baronial baroque barred barren basal basaltic base base-born baseless bashful basic bass bated batty bauble bavarian bawdy bay beady beaked beaming bearable bearded bearing bearish beastly beaten beauteous beautiful bedfast bedight bedlamite bedridden beechen beef-headed beef-witted beery beetle-browed befitting beforehand beggarly behaviorist behindhand beholden beige belated belgian believable bellicose belligerent beloved benefic beneficent benevolent bengal benighted benign benumbed berber berried beseeching besetting bespectacled best bestial betrothed better biannual biblical bibliographic bibliographical bicentenary bicolor biconvex bicuspid biennial bifurcate big big-bellied biggish bigoted bilabial bilateral bilingual billowy bimensal binary binding biochemical biographic biographical biologic biological bipartisan bipartite biped bipetalous biphasic birchen bird-eyed bissextile biting bitter bitter-tongued bituminous bivalent biweekly bizarre black black-eyed black-faced black-haired black-hearted blackguard blackish bladdery bladed blamable blameful blameless blameworthy bland blank blasphemous blasted blasting blasé blatant blazing bleak blear blear-eyed bleary bleeding blessed blind blinded blindfold blinding blistered blistery blithesome bloated blond blonde blood-colored blood-curdling blood-stained blood-thirsty blooded bloodless bloody-minded blooming bloomy blotchy blowing blowzy blubber-lipped blue blue-blooded blue-eyed bluff bluish blundering blunt blurry blushful blustering board boastful bobbed bodiless bodily boding bodleian boer boggy bogus bohemian boiled boiling boisterous bold bold-faced bold-hearted bolivian bolshevist bombastic(al) bona bondless bone-lazy boned bonny bony bookish boon boorish bootless boozy boreal bored boric boring born bosky bossy botanic(al) both bothersome bottomless bottommost bouffant bouncing bound bounden boundless bounteous bountiful bovine bow-legged bowery boyish brachial bracing brackish brainless brainsick brainy bran-new branched branchiate branchy brand-new branny brash brassy brave brawny brazen brazen-faced brazilian bread-and-butter breakable breakneck breath-taking breathed breathing breathless breezy breton bribable brief briery bright brilliant brimful brindled briny brisk british brittle broad broad-backed broad-minded broad-shouldered broke broken broken-down broken-hearted bronchial bronze brotherly brown brushy brusque brutal brute brutish bubbly buckish bucolic budding budgetary built-in built-up bulbous bulgarian bulging bulgy bulky bull-headed bull-voiced bullet-headed bullet-proof bullish bullying bumble-footed bumbling bumptious bumpy bunchy buoyant burdensome bureaucratic burglarious burly burmese burnable burning burnt burst bushy business-like bustling busy butcherly butter-fingered buttery button button-down button-up buttoned buxom byelorussian bygone byronic byzantine cabalistic cacophonous cadastral cadaverous caddish caduceus cagey calamitous calcareous calciferous calculable calculated calculating caledonian californian calligraphic callous callow calm calming caloric calorific calumniating cambrian camphorated canadian cancerous candid candied canine cankerous canned cannibalistic canny canonical cantankerous cantilevered canting cantonal cantonese cap capable capacious capillary capital capitalist capped capricious capsulated captious captivating captive carbolic carboniferous cardiac cardinal care-laden care-worn carefree careful careless caretaker caribbean carmine carnal carnivorous caroline carolinian carpathian carping carriage carsick cartesian carthaginian cartilaginous caryophyllaceous casehardened cast-off castaway castellated castilian casual casuistic cat-eyed cataclysmal cataclysmic catalan catalectic cataleptic catalonian catastrophic catchable catching categorical catholic catlike catoptrical cattish catty caucasian caudal caudate causal causative causeless caustic cautionary cautious cavernous ceaseless cedarn celestial cellular celtic cenozoic censorial censorious censurable centenarian centenary centennial centered centesimal central centrifugal centripetal centuple cerebral cerebrum-spinal ceremonial cerise certain certifiable certificated cerulean cervical cesarean cetacean ceylonese chaffy chaldean chalky chalybeate chameleonic chanceful changeable changeful changeless chaotic chap-fallen characteristic characterless chargeable charitable charmed charming chartist chartless chary chaste chatty chauvinist chauvinistic checked cheeked cheeky cheep cheerful cheerless cheery cheesy chemical cherubic chestnut chic chicken-hearted chief chilblained childish childless childlike chilled chilly chimerical chinese chipper chirpy chitty chivalric chivalrous chock-block chockfull choking choky choleric choosy chopping choppy choral chosen christian chromatic chronic chronologic chronological chubby chuckle-headed chummy chunky churchless churlish chuvash ciceronian cinematographic circuitous circular circumambient circumambulatory circumflex circumfluent circumfluous circumjacent circumpolar circumspect circumstantial cisalpine citable citied citric citrus city-born city-bred civic civic-minded civil civilizable civilized clairvoyant clamant clammy clamorous clandestine clangorous clannish claret class-conscious classable classical classifiable classified classless classy clayey clean clean-cut clean-fingered clean-handed clean-shaven cleanly clear clear-cut clear-eyed clear-headed clear-sighted cleavable cleft clement clerical clever cleverish cliffy climacteric climactic climatic climbing clinging clingy clinking clipping cliquey cliquish clockwise cloddish cloddy cloggy cloistered cloistral close close-at-hand close-fisted close-grained close-hauled close-lipped close-mouthed closed closet closing cloud-capped cloudless cloudy cloven-hoofed clownish club-footed club-shaped clubbable clumpish clumsy co-operative coal-bearing coaly coarse-grained coastal coaxial cock-a-hoop cock-eyed cocked cockish cocksure cocky coded coelenterate coequal coercive coeval coexistent cogent cogged cogitative cognate cognitive cognizable cognizant cognoscible coherent cohesive coincident coincidental cold cold-blooded cold-hearted collapsible collateral collected collective collegial collegiate colloidal colloquial colonial color-blind colored colorful colorless coltish comatose combative combinative combustible come-at-able comely comestible comfortable comforting comfy comic comical coming commanding commeasurable commemorative commendable commendatory commensurable commensurate commercial commissioned commodious common commonplace communal communicable communicative communistic commutable compact compacted comparable comparative compassionate compatible compelling compendious compensatory competent competitive complacent complaisant complementary complete complex compliant complicated complimentary component compos composed composedly composing composite comprehensible comprehensive compressed compressible compulsive compulsory compunctious computable comradely concave conceited conceivable concentrated concentric conceptual concerned concerted concessive conciliatory concise conclusive concomitant concordant concrete concurrent condensed condescending condign conditional conditioned conducive conductive confederate confederative confident confidential confiding confirmed conflicting confluent conformable confounded confused congenial congenital congested congratulatory congregational congressional congruent congruous conic conical coniferous conjoint conjugal conjugate conjunctive connate connected connecting connective connubial consanguine consanguineous conscience-stricken conscienceless conscientious conscious conscript consecutive consequent consequential conservative considerable considerate consistent consolatory consonant consonantal conspicuous constabulary constant constituent constitutional constitutive constrained constructional constructive consular consultative consummate consumptive contagious contemplative contemporaneous contemporary contemptible contemptuous content contented contentious conterminous contextual contiguous continent continental contingent continual continuous contra contraceptive contracted contractible contractile contractual contradictious contradictory contrapuntal contrary contributory contrite controllable controversial contumacious contumelious convalescent convenient conventional convergent conversational converse convertible convex convinced convincible convincing convivial convolute convoluted convulsive cool coordinate copious coppery coptic copulative coquettish coralliferous cordial corked corky cornish corny corporal corporate corporeal corpulent correct corrective correlative correspondent corresponding corresponsive corrigible corrosive corrupt corruptible corsican cortical coruscating cosmetic cosmic cosmopolitan cossack costa costal costive costly cotemporary cottony counterfeit countrified country courageous courteous courtly cousinly covenanted covered covetous coward cowardly coy cozy crabbed crack crack-brained cracked crafty cragged cranial cranky crapulous crass craven crazed crazy creaky creamy creasy creative credible creditable credulous creepy crenellated crepuscular crescendo crest-fallen crested cretaceous cretan crimean criminal crimpy crimson crinkly crisp crisscross critical croatian crooked crop-eared cross-bred cross-country cross-cut cross-eyed cross-grained cross-legged crotchety crowed crowned crucial cruciform crude cruel cruising crumbly crushing crusted crusty crying cryptic crystalline cuban cubic cuddlesome cuddy culinary culpable cultural cultured cumbersome cumbrous cumulative cuneiform cunning cupric curable curative curious curly current currish cursed cursive cursory curst curt cushy cussed custom-built cut cute cutting cybernetic cyclic cyclical cyclonic cyclopean cylindrical cynic cynical cyprian cyrillic czech dactylic daedal daemonic daffy daft daily dainty damnable damned damp dancing dandy dangerous danish dank dapper dappled dare-devil daring dark darkish darksome darned darwinian dashing dastardly dated dateless dative daughterly daunted dauntless day-long dazed dazzling dead dead-beat deadly deaf deaf-and-dumb deafening dear deathless deathlike deathly debatable debonair decadent decagonal decasyllabic deceased deceitful decent deceptive decided deciduous decimal decisive deckle-edged declamatory declarative declassed declivitous decorative decorous decrepit decrescendo deducible deductive deep deep-drawn deep-laid deep-rooted deep-seated defamatory defective defenseless defensible defensive deferential deferred defiant deficient definable definite definitive deformed deft defunct degenerate degraded degrading dehiscent deictic dejected delectable deleterious deliberate deliberative delicate delicious delighted delightful delightsome deliquescent delirious delitescent delphic delusive demagogic demagogical demented democratic demographic demoniac demoniacal demonic demonstrable demonstrative demotic demountable demure deniable denominational denominative dense dental dentilabial departed departmental dependable dependent depilatory deplorable depraved deprecatory depreciative depreciatory depressed depressive deprived deranged derelict derisive derisory derivative derived derogatory describable descriptive desert deserted deserved deserving designed designing desirable desirous desolate despairing desperate despicable despondent despotic destined destitute destructible destructive desultory detachable detached detectable determinant determinate determinative deterrent detestable detrimental deuced developmental deviationist devil devilish devious devoid devoted devotional devoured devout dexterous diabolic diabolical diacritic diacritical diagonal diagrammatic dialectal dialectic dialectical diametrical diaphanous dibasic dickensian dicotyledonous dictatorial didactic die-hard dielectric dietetic different differential difficult diffident diffuse diffusive digestible digestive digital dignified dihedral dilapidated dilatable dilatory diligent dim dimensional diminuendo diminutive ding-dong dingy dinky diocesan dionysian diphase diphtheritic diphthongal diplomatic dire directive direful diriment dirt-cheap dirty disabled disadvantageous disaffected disagreeable disappointed disastrous discerning disciplinary disconnected disconsolate discontent discontented discontinuous discordant discouraging discourteous discreditable discreet discrepant discretionary discriminating discursive disdainful diseased disembodied disengaged disgraceful disgruntled disgusted disgustful disgusting disheveled dishonest dishonorable disinclined disinfectant disingenuous disinterested disjointed disjunctive disloyal dismal disobedient disordered disorderly disparate dispassionate dispensable dispirited displeased displeasing disposable disposed disproportionate disputable disquieting disregard disreputable disrespectful disruptive dissatisfied dissimilar dissipated dissoluble dissonant dissyllabic distant distasteful distempered distinct distinctive distinguishable distinguished distorted distracted distraught distressed distributive distrustful disyllabic dithyrambic diuretic diurnal divalent divergent divers diverse diversified diversionary diverting divided divine divisible dizzy docile doctoral doctrinaire doctrinal documentary doddery dodecahedral dog-eared dogged doggish dogs-eared doleful dolichocephalous dolorous doltish domestic domiciliary dominant domineering dominical dominican doomed dormant dorsal doting dotted dotty double double-acting double-barreled double-bedded double-breasted double-dealing double-dyed double-edged double-faced double-hearted double-jointed double-minded double-quick double-tongued doubtful doughty doughy dour dove-colored dowdy down down-east down-hearted downcast downfallen downright downtown downtrodden downward downy drab draconian drafty draggled dramatic drastic draughty dravidian drawn dreadful dreamy drear dreary dressed-up dressy drinkable dripping droll droughty drowned drowsy drunk drunken dry dry-eyed dry-shod dual dubious dubitable ducal ductile due dulcet dull dullish dumb dumbfounded dumpy dun dungy duodecimal duodenal duple duplex durable dusky dust-proof dustless dutch duteous dutiful duty-free dwarfish dyed-in-the-wool dying dynamic dynamical dynamo-electric déclassé décolleté démodé each eager eagle-eyed eagle-like eared earless early earnest earth-born earth-bound earthen earthly earthly-minded earthy ease easeful east-bound east-european easterly eastern easternmost eastward easy easy-going eatable eating ebon ebony ebullient eccentric ecclesiastic eclectic ecliptic ecologic ecological economic economical ecstasied ecstatic ectodermic ecumenical edacious edentate edged edgeless edgy edible editorial educable educated educational educative edwardian eerie effaceable effective effectual effeminate efferent effervescent effete efficacious efficient effluent effortful effortless effulgent effuse effusive egg-shaped egocentric egoistic egoistical egregious egyptian eightfold either elaborate elastic elated elder eldest elective electoral electric electrical electrifiable electrified electro-dynamic electrochemical electromagnetic electromotive electronic electrostatic eleemosynary elegant elegiac elemental elementary elephantine elevated eligible elizabethan elliptic elliptical elusive elusory elysian emancipated embarrassed embarrassing embattled embryonic emeritus eminent emissive emotional emotionless emotive emphatic empiric employable empty empty-handed empty-headed emulous enameled enamored encaustic enchanting enclitic encomiastic encouraging encyclopedic endemic ending endless endocrine endogamous endorsable endothermic endurable enduring energetic energizing enforceable enforced engaged engaging english engrossing enharmonic enigmatic enigmatical enjoyable enlarged enlightened enlivening enormous enough enrapt enraptured ensuing enteric enterprising entertaining enthralling enthusiastic entire entitled entomologic entomological envenomed enviable envious environmental eolithic ephemeral epic epical epicene epicurean epidemic epidermal epigrammatic epigraphic epileptic episcopal episcopalian episodic epistolary epoch-making epochal equable equal equatorial equestrian equidistant equilateral equine equinoctial equipped equitable equivalent equivocal erect eremitical erinaceous erosive erotic errant erratic erring erroneous erudite eruptive escapable esculent esoteric especial essential established estimable estimative estonian eternal ethereal ethic ethical ethiopian ethnic ethnical ethnographic ethnographical ethnologic ethnological etiological etruscan euclidean eulogistic euphemistic euphemistical euphonic euphonical euphuistic euphuistical eurasian eurhythmic european evadable evanescent evangelic evangelical evasive even even-handed even-minded eventful eventless eventual ever-ready everlasting everyday evident evidential evil evil-advised evil-boding evil-hearted evil-looking evil-minded evil-speaking evil-tongued evincive evocative evolutional evolutionist exact exacting exaggerated exasperating exceeding excellent exceptionable exceptional exceptive excessive exchangeable excisable excitable excited exciting exclamatory exclusive excrescent excretive excruciating excusable excusatory excuseless execrable executive exemplary exempt exhausted exhausting exhaustive exhibitive exhilarated exhilarating exhortatory exigent exiguous existent exogenous exorbitant exoteric exothermal exotic expanding expansible expansionist expansive expectant expecting expedient expeditionary expeditious expensive experienced experiential experimental expiatory expiratory expiring explanatory expletive explicable explicit exploded exploratory explosive exportable expositive expository expostulatory expressible expressionless expressive exquisite extant extempore extended extendible extensile extensive exterior external exterritorial extra extra-cellular extra-conjugal extra-terrestrial extra-territorial extra-violet extractive extramural extraneous extraordinary extravagant extreme extrinsic exuberant exultant eyeless fabian fabled fabricated fabulous faceable faced facetious facial facile factional factious factitious factitive factorial factual facultative faddy fadeless fagged fain faint faint-hearted fair fair-dealing fair-haired fair-minded fair-spoken fairly fairy-like faithful faithless fallacious fallen fallible fallow false false-hearted faltering famed familiar famous fanatic fanatical fanciful fancy fanged fantastic far far-eastern far-famed far-fetched far-flung far-off far-reaching far-seeing faraway farcical farinaceous farther farthermost farthest fascicular fascinating fashionable fast fast-moving fastidious fat fat-witted fatal fatalistic fateful fatherly fathomable fathomless fatidic fattish fatuous faultless faulty favorable favored favorite fawning fearful fearless fearsome feasible feather-brained feather-headed feathered feathery featured featureless febrifuge febrile feckless fecund fed federate federative feeble feeble-minded feeling feigned felicitous feline felonious female feminine fenny feral ferny ferocious ferric ferromagnetic ferrous ferruginous fertile fervent fervid festal festive fetching fetid feudal feudalistic feudatory fevered feverish feverous few fibrous fickle fictile fictional fictitious fiddling fidgety fiduciary fiend-like fiendish fierce fiery figurative figured filamentous filial filibuster filigree filled filmy filter-tipped filthy finable final financial fine fine-drawn fine-grained fine-spun fingered finical finicky finished finite finned finnish finno-ugrian finno-ugric fire-proof firm firry first first-class first-hand first-rate fiscal fishy fissile fissured fisted fit fitful fivefold fixative fixed fizzy flabby flaccid flagging flaggy flagrant flaky flamboyant flaming flammable flap flaring flashy flat flat-bottomed flat-footed flat-shaped flatulent flavorless flawless flaxen flea-bitten fledged fleecy fleeting flemish flesh-colored fleshly fleshy flexible flexional flightless flighty flimsy flint-hearted flippant floatable floating floppy floral florentine florid flossy flourishing flowered flowering flowery fluctuant fluent fluffy fluidic flummoxed fluorescent flurried flush fluvial fly fly-away fly-blown fly-by-night flying foamy focal fog-bound fogeyish foliated folksy following fond fontal foolhardy foolish foolproof foot footless footling footsore foppish forbidding forced forceful forcible fordable fore foreboding foregoing foregone forehanded foreign foremost forenamed forensic forgetful forgiving forked forlorn formal formalistic formative former formidable formulary forte forthcoming forthright fortissimo fortitudinous fortnightly fortuitous fortunate forward forward-looking fossil foul foul-mouthed four four-dimensional four-footed four-handed fourcycle fourfold foursquare foxy fractional fragile fragmentary fragmented fragrant franciscan francophile francophobe frangible frank frantic fraternal fratricidal fraudulent fraught freakish freaky free free-hand free-handed free-spoken freeborn freezing french frenzied frequent frequentative fresh fresh-water fretful freudian friable fricative frictional friendless friendly friesian frightened frightful frigid frigorific frilled frisian frisky frivolous frizzy frolicsome front frontal frost-hardy frosted frosty frothy frowzy frozen fructuous frugal fruit-bearing fruitful fruitless fruity frumpish frumpy fugacious fuggy fugitive fulgent full full-blooded full-blown full-bodied full-fledged full-length full-rigged fulminatory fulsome functional fundamental funeral funerary funereal funny furious furry further furthermost furthest furtive fusible fussy fustian fusty futile future futureless fuzzy gabby gabled gaelic gainful galactic galician gallant gallic galling galvanic game gamesome gamy gangrenous gap-toothed gaping gargantuan garish garnet garrulous gas gaseous gastric gastro-intestinal gastronomic gauche gaudy gauge gaunt gauze-like gawky gay gelatinous gelid geminate genealogical general generative generic generous genetic genial genital genitourinary genoese genteel gentile gentle gentlemanlike gentlemanly genuine geodesic geodetic geographic geographical geologic geological geometric geometrical geophysical geopolitical georgian german germane germanic germicidal germinal gestation get-at-able get-here ghanaian ghastly ghost-like ghostly giant gibbous giddy gifted gigantic gilded gilt-edged gimlet gimpy gingerly gingery gipsy girlish girly-girly given glabrous glace glacial glad glamorous glandular glaring glary glass glassy glaswegian gleeful glib glibly gloating global globular glorious glossy glottal glowing gluey glum glutinous gluttonous gnarled gnomic gnomish gnostic go-as-you-please god-fearing god-forsaken godlike gold gold-bearing golden gone good good-for-nothing good-hearted good-humored good-looking good-natured good-sized good-tempered goodish goodly goody-goody goofy goosey gorgeous gory gossipy gothic gouty governable governing government graceful graceless gracious gradual graduate graduated grained grainy grammatical grand grandiloquent grandiose grandmotherly granitic grantable granular graphical grasping grass-grown grassy grateful gratifying grating gratis gratuitous gratulatory grave gravel gravimetric grayish grazing greasy great great-hearted grecian greco-roman greedy greek green green-eyed gregarious grey grey-haired grievous grim grimy grinding griping gripping gristly gritty grizzle grizzled groggy groping gross grotesque groundless growing grown-up grubby grueling gruesome gruff grumbling grumpy guard guarded guiding guileful guileless guilt-stricken guiltless guilty gullible gummy gusty guttural gymnastic gynecological gyratory gyroscope habitable habitual habitudinal hack hackney hackneyed hag-ridden haggard hair hair-brained hair-rising hair-shaped haired hairless hairpin hairsplitting hairy hale half half-alive half-and-half half-asleep half-awake half-baked half-blooded half-closed half-clothed half-cock half-cocked half-dead half-done half-gone half-hearted half-hourly half-learned half-naked half-seas-over half-starved half-weekly half-witted half-yearly halfpenny hallowed hallucinated halogen halt halting hammer-dressed hammer-headed hammerless hand hand-made hand-picked handless handsome handy hangdog hanoverian haphazard happy happy-go-lucky hard hard-and-fast hard-backed hard-bitten hard-boiled hard-covered hard-earned hard-favored hard-featured hard-fisted hard-headed hard-hearted hard-hit hard-mouthed hard-set hard-shell hard-working hardened hare-brained harmful harmless harmonic harmonious harsh hashemite hasty hate hateful hatless haughty haunted hawk-eyed hawk-nosed hazardous hazel head-on headless headlong headmost headstrong heady healing healthful healthy heaped heart heart-felt heart-rending heart-to-heart heartbreaking heartbroken heartless heartsick hearty heated heathen heathenish heaven-born heaven-sent heavenly heavenly-minded heavy heavy-footed heavy-handed heavy-hearted heavy-in-hand heavy-laden heavy-on-hand heavy-set hebdomadal hebraic hebrew hectic hedonistic heedful heedless hegelian heinous heirless helical hellenic hellenistic hellish helmed helpful helping helpless hempen hen-hearted hendecasyllabic henpecked hepatic heptagonal her heraldic herbaceous herbal herbivorous herby herculean here hereditary hereof heretical heritable hermaphroditical hermetic heroic heroic-comic herpetic hesitant hesitating hesperian heterodox heterogeneous heuristic hexagonal hi-fi hidden hidebound hideous hierarchical hieroglyphic high high-flown high-flying high-grown high-handed high-minded high-octane high-pitched high-ranking high-sounding high-spirited high-toned highborn highbred highbrow higher hilarious hillocky hilly hind hinder hindi hindu hindustani hirsute his historic historical historicist histrionic hit-and-miss hit-and-run hit-or-miss hithermost hoar hoarse hobnailed hog hoggish hoist hoity-toity hole-and-corner holey hollow hollow-eyed hollow-hearted holograph holy home home-born home-bred home-grown home-keeping home-made homeless homelike homely homeopathic homeric homesick homespun homeward homey homicidal homiletic homogenous homologous homonymic homosexual honest honest-minded honey honorable honorary honorific hooded hook-nosed hooked hopeful hopeless horary horizontal hormonal horn-rimmed horned hornless horny horrendous horrible horrid horrific horrifying horse horsey horticultural hospitable hostile hot hot-blooded hot-brained hot-headed hot-tempered hothouse hourly house house-to-house house-trained household houseless howling hued huffish huge hulking human humane humanistic humanitarian humble humdrum humeral humid humoristic humorless humorous hump-baked hunchbacked hungarian hungered hungry hunky-dory hurried hurry-scurry hurtful husbandly hush-hush husky hyaline hybrid hydraulic hydrocephalic hydrochloric hydrodynamic hydroelectric hydrofluoric hydrographic hydrological hydrophobic hydrostatic hydrostatical hydrothermal hygienic hygrometric hygroscopic hymeneal hyperacid hyperbolic hyperbolical hyperborean hypercritical hypertensive hypnotic hypochondriac hypocoristic hypocritical hypodermic hypothetical hysterical iambic iberian ice-bound ice-cold icelandic ichthyologic iconoclastic iconographical ideal idealistic identical identifiable ideographic ideographical ideological idiomatic idiotic idle idolatrous idyllic igneous ignitable ignoble ignominious ignorant iliac ill-advised ill-affected ill-at-case ill-boding ill-bred ill-considered ill-disposed ill-fated ill-founded ill-gotten ill-humored ill-judged ill-mannered ill-natured ill-omened ill-spent ill-starred ill-suited ill-tempered ill-timed illative illaudable illegal illegible illegitimate illiberal illicit illimitable illiterate illogical illuminating illusive illusory illustrative illustrious imaginable imaginary imaginative imagistic imbecile imbricate imbued imitative immaculate immanent immaterial immature immeasurable immediate immemorial immense immensurable imminent immitigable immobile immoderate immodest immoral immortal immovable immune impalpable impartial impassable impassible impassioned impassive impatient impeachable impeccable impecunious impending impenetrable imperatival imperative imperceptible imperfect imperial imperialist imperialistic imperious imperishable impermanent impermeable impermissible impersonal impertinent imperturbable impervious impetuous impious impish implacable implausible implicit impolite impolitic imponderable important importunate imposing impossible impotent impoverished impracticable imprecise impregnable impressible impressionable impressionist impressionistic impressive improbable impromptu improper improvable improvident improvisational imprudent impudent impulsive impure imputable in in-going in-house inaccessible inaccurate inactive inadequate inadmissible inadvertent inadvisable inalienable inalterable inane inanimate inapplicable inappreciable inappreciative inapproachable inappropriate inapt inarticulate inartistic inattentive inaudible inaugural inauspicious inborn inbred inca incalculable incandescent incapable incarnadine incarnate incautious incendiary incentive inceptive incessant incestuous inchoate inchoative incident incidental incipient incisive inclement inclined included inclusive incognito incognizant incoherent incombustible incoming incommensurable incommensurate incommodious incommunicado incomparable incompatible incompetent incomplete incomprehensible incompressible inconceivable inconclusive incongruous inconsequent inconsiderable inconsiderate inconsistent inconsolable inconspicuous inconstant incontestable incontinent incontrollable incontrovertible inconvenient inconvertible incorporeal incorrect incorrigible incorruptible increasing incredible incredulous incriminatory incumbent incurable incurious indebted indecent indecipherable indecisive indeclinable indecorous indefatigable indefeasible indefensible indefinable indefinite indelible indemonstrable independent indescribable indestructible indeterminable indeterminate indicative indicatory indictable indifferent indigenous indigent indigested indigestible indignant indirect indiscernible indiscoverable indiscreet indiscrete indiscriminate indiscriminating indispensable indisposed indisputable indissoluble indistinct indistinctive indistinguishable individual individualistic indivisible indo-chinese indo-european indocile indolent indomitable indonesian indoor indubitable induced inductile inductive indulgent industrial industrious indwelling inebriate inebriated inedible inedited ineffable ineffaceable ineffectual inefficacious inefficient inelastic inelegant ineligible ineluctable inept inequitable inert inescapable inessential inestimable inevitable inexact inexcusable inexhaustible inexorable inexpedient inexperienced inexpert inexpiable inexplicable inexplicit inexpressible inexpressive inexpugnable inextensible inextinguishable inextricable infallible infamous infant infantile infantine infatuated infeasible infectious infective infelicitous inferable inferential inferior infernal infertile infested infidel infinite infinitesimal infinitival infirm inflamed inflammable inflammatory inflated inflationary inflected inflectional inflective inflexible inflowing influent influential infolded inform informal informative informed infra infrequent infusible infusion infusive ingenerate ingenious ingenuous inglorious ingrain ingrained ingratiating ingratiatory ingressive ingrown inguinal inhabitable inhabited inhalant inharmonic inherent inheritable inhibitive inhibitory inhospitable inhuman inhumane inimical inimitable iniquitous initial initiate initiative initiatory injected injudicious injunctive injured injurious ink-blurred ink-kneed inkhorn inky inlaid inmost innate inner innermost innervated innocent innocuous innumerable innutritious inobservant inodorous inoffensive inoperable inoperative inopportune inordinate inorganic inquiring inquisitive insalubrious insane insanely insanitary insatiable insatiate inscrutable insectivorous insecure insensate insensible insensitive insentient inseparable inshore inside insidious insignificant insincere insinuating insipid insistent insolent insoluble insolvent inspectional inspirable inspired inspiring inspiriting instable instant instantaneous instinct instinctive institutional instructional instructive instrumental insubstantial insufferable insufficient insular insulated insulating insulting insuperable insupportable insuppressible insurgent insurmountable insurrectional insusceptible intact intangible integral integrant intellective intellectual intelligent intelligible intemperate intended intending intense intensifying intensive intent intentional inter inter-city inter-veined inter-war inter-zonal interacting interactive interceptive intercessional intercessory interchangeable intercollegiate intercontinental interdenominational interdepartmental interdependent interested interesting interface interfacing interferential interfering interfluent interim interior interlacing interlinear interlocutory intermediary intermediate interminable intermittent internal international internationalist internecine interpretable interpretative interracial interrogative interrogatory interschool intersecting interstate interstitial intertribal interurban intervening intervocalic intestate intestinal intimate intimidating intoed intolerable intolerant intoxicant intoxicated intoxicating intra-molecular intra-mundane intra-national intractable intramural intramuscular intransigent intransitive intrauterine intrepid intricate intriguing intrinsic introductive introductory introspective introverted intrusive intuitional inurbane invading invalid invaluable invariable invasive invective inventive inverse inverted investigative inveterate invidious invigorating invincible inviolable invisible invitatory inviting invocatory involuntary involved invulnerable inward inwrought ionian ionic iranian iraqi irascible irate ireful iridescent irish irksome iron iron-bound iron-clad iron-fisted iron-headed iron-willed ironical irony irradiant irrational irreclaimable irreconcilable irrecoverable irredeemable irreducible irrefragable irrefutable irregular irrelevant irreligious irremediable irremovable irreparable irreplaceable irrepressible irreproachable irresistible irresolute irresolvable irrespirable irresponsible irresponsive irretentive irretrievable irreverent irreversible irrevocable irritable irritant irritating islamic islamite islanded isobaric isochronous isoclinic isolable isolated isolating isomorphic isothermal israeli israelite issueless issuing italian italic itching itchy iterant iterative itinerant its ivied ivory ivy-clad ivy-covered jacobean jaded jagged japanese japhetic jaundiced jaunty javanese jazzy jeering jejune jerky jesuitical jet-propelled jewish jiggered jingoistic jittery jocose jocular jocund joint jointed jolly journalistic jovial jovian joyful joyless joyous jubilant judaic judean judgmental judicatory judicial judiciary judicious jugular juicy jumbo jumpy junior jurassic juridical juristic just justifiable justificatory juvenescent juvenile kantian kaput katabolic kazak keen kentish kentuckian key khaki killing kilted kin kind kind-hearted kindly kindred kinematical kinetic king-size kingly kirghiz kittenish knaggy knarred knee-deep knee-high knobbed knobby knock-kneed knotty knowing knowledgeable korean labeled labial labile labiodentals labiovelar labor-saving labored laboring laborious labyrinthine lachrymal lachrymose lackadaisical laconic lacy ladder-proof laden lady ladylike laevogyrate laical laky lambent lamblike lamellar lamellate lamellibranchiate lamentable lamented laminated land-locked landed landless languid languishing languorous lank lantern-jawed lapidary lapped large large-hearted large-minded large-scale largish larksome larky larval laryngeal lascivious lashing last lasting late latent lateral lathery latin latin-american latish latitudinarian latter latter-day latticed latvian laudable laudatory laughable laughing laureate lavish law-abiding law-making lawful lawless lax laxative lay lazy leaden leading leady leafless leaky leal lean leaning learned leary leasable leathern leathery leaved lebanese lecherous lee leery left left-handed leftist legal legendary legged leggy legislative legitimate leguminous leisure leisured leisurely lengthy lenient leninist lenitive lens-shaped lenten leonine leprous lesbian less lesser lethal lethargic letter-perfect lettered levantine level level-handed lewd lexical lexicographic lexicographical lexicological liable libelous liberal liberian libertine libidinous libyan licentious licit lickerish lidded life-and-death life-giving life-sized lifeless lifelike lifelong light light-fingered light-footed light-handed light-headed light-hearted light-minded lightsome ligneous likable like like-minded likeable likely lilac liliaceous lily-like lily-white limitary limitative limited limiting limitless limp limpid limy lineal linear lined lingering lingual linguistic linsey-woolsey lip lipped liquid liquorish lisping lissome listless literal literally literary literate lithe lithesome lithographic lithuanian litigant litigious littlish liturgical livable live livelong lively liver-colored liveried liverish livid living loaded loamy loath loathsome lobed local locomotive lofty logic logical lone lonely long long-ago long-drawn long-eared long-faced long-figured long-lived long-range long-sighted long-spun long-standing long-suffering long-term long-tongued long-winded longing longish longitudinal loony loose loose-leaf loose-tongued lop-eared lop-sided loquacious lordly losing loud loud-mouthed loud-spoken lousy loutish lovable loveable loveless lovely lovesick loving low low-born low-class low-grade low-minded low-necked low-pitched low-priced low-spirited low-voiced lowering lowermost lowly loyal lubberly lucent lucid luckless lucky lucrative ludicrous lugubrious lukewarm lumbar luminous lumpish lumpy lunar lunatic lunged lupine lurid lurking luscious lush lustful lustrous lusty lutheran luxuriant luxurious lying lymphatic lyric macabre macedonian machiavellian mad mad-up madrilenian maggoty magic magical magisterial magnanimous magnetic magnificent magniloquent magyar maiden maidenly mailed main maintainable majestic major making maladjusted maladroit malagasy malarial malay malayan malcontent male malefic maleficent malevolent malformed malicious malign malignant malleable malodorous maltese mammoth man man-eating man-hating man-made manageable managerial managing manchurian mandatory manful mangy maniac manifold manlike manly mannerly mannish manorial mantic manual manufactured manufacturing many many-colored many-headed many-sided maori marbled marching marginal marine maritime marked marmoreal maroon marriageable married marrowy marshy martian marvelous marxian marxist masculine masked masonic massive massy master masterful masterly mat matched material materialist materialistic maternal mathematical matriarchal matricidal matrimonial matronly matted matter-of-course matter-of-fact mature maudlin mauve mawkish maxillary meager mealy mealy-mouthed mean meandering meaning meaningful meaningless measly measurable measured measureless meat-eating meatless meaty mechanical mechanistic meddlesome median mediate medical medicated medicinal medieval mediocre meditative medium-sized medley meek mega megalithic megalomaniac melancholic melancholy melanesian mellow melodic melodious melodramatic melting member membranous memorable memorial menacing mendacious mendicant menial menshevik menstrual mental mentholated mentionable mentioned mephistophelian mercantile mercenary merchantable merciful merciless mercurial mercuric mere meretricious merited meritorious merovingian merry meshed mesmeric mesozoic messianic messy metabolic metal-bearing metal-clad metallic metallurgical metamorphic metaphorical metaphysical meteoric meteorological methodical methodist meticulous metric metronymic metropolitan mettlesome mexican miasmal miasmic microbial microscopic middle middle-aged middle-sized middlemost middling midget midland midmost mighty migrant migratory milanese mild militant military milk-and-water milk-livered milk-white milky millenary mimetic mimic minatory mincing minded mindful mindless mine mineral mineralogical mingy minimum ministerial minor minus minuscule minute miraculous mirthful mirthless miry misanthropic misbegotten miscellaneous mischief-making mischievous miserable miserly misguided misleading misshapen missionary mistaken mistimed mistrustful misty mitral mixed mnemonic moabite moated mobile mock mock-heroic model moderate moderato modern modernistic modest modifiable modish mohammedan mohican moist molar moldavian molecular momentary momentous monarchal monarchial monastic monetary moneyed moneyless mongol mongolian mongoloid monochromatic monogamous monogenetic monolithic monopolistic monosyllabic monotheistic monotonous monster monstrous monthly monumental moody moon-struck moonless moonlit moony moorish moot moral moravian mordant morganatic moribund mormon moroccan morose morphological mortal mortuary moslem moss-grown mossy most moth-eaten motherless motherly motionless motive motley motor mottled mountainous mounted mournful mourning mousy mouthed mouthy movable moveable moving mucky mucous muddle-headed muddy muffled muggy mulish multicolored multifarious multiform multilateral multiple multiplex multipliable multitudinous mum mundane municipal munificent murderous murk murky muscle-bound muscovite muscular mushy musical musing musky muslim must musty mutable mute mutinous mutual muzzy my myopic mysterious mystic mystical mythic mythical mythological naked namby-pamby nameless nancy napoleonic nappy narcotic narrative narrow narrow-minded nary nasal nascent nasty natal nation-wide national nationalist nationalistic native native-born natty natural naturalistic natured naught naughty nauseous nautical naval navigable navy-blue nazi naïf naïve neanderthal near near-sighted neat nebulous necessary necessitous needful needle-shaped needless nefarious negative neglectful negligent negotiable negroid neighboring neighborly neither neoclassical neolithic neozoic nephritic nerve-wracking nerveless nervous nervy nescient net nether nethermost neural neuralgic neurasthenic neurological neurotic neuter neutral never-ending new new-born new-fangled newish newsy next next-door nice nifty nigerian nigh night-long nightly nightmarish nihilistic nimble nine nip nipping nipponese nippy nit-witted nitrous no noble noble-minded nocturnal nocuous nodal nodular noiseless noisome noisy nomad nominal nominative non non-combatant non-committal non-essential non-ferrous non-productive non-skid non-stop nonalcoholic nonchalant nonconformist nondescript nonpareil nonsensical nordic normal norman normative norse north-east north-easterly north-eastern north-west north-westerly northerly northern northernmost northumbrian norwegian nosey nostalgic nosy notable notational note noted noteworthy noticeable notional notorious nourishing novel novelistic noxious nubile nude nugatory null numb numberless numerable numeral numeric numerical numerous nuptial nut-brown nutrient nutritious nutritive nuts nutty o.k. oafish oaken oared oaten oath-breathing obdurate obedient obeisant obese objectionable objective objectless oblate obligatory obliged obliging oblique oblivious oblong obnoxious obscene obscure obsequious observable observant observational obsessive obsolescent obsolete obstetric obstetrical obstinate obstreperous obstructive obtainable obtrusive obvious occasional occidental occipital occlusive occult occupational occupied oceanic octagonal octahedral octavo octogenarian odd odious odoriferous odorous off off-best off-color off-hand off-handed off-stage offensive official officinal officious offish offshore oily old old-maidish oleaginous olfactory oligarchic olive olympian olympic ominous omissible omnibus omnipotent omnipresent omniscient omnivorous on on-coming once one one-armed one-eyed one-horse one-sided one-way onerous only onomatopoeic onshore ontological onward oozy opalescent opaque open open-air open-and-shut open-eyed open-faced open-handed open-hearted open-minded open-mouthed operable operatic operative ophthalmic ophthalmologic opinionated opponent opportune opportunistic opposable opposed opposite oppressive opprobrious optic optical optimistic optimum optional opulent oracular oral orange oratorical orbit orchestral ordered orderly ordinal ordinary organic organized orgiastic orient oriental original ornamental ornate ornithological orotund orphan orphic orthodox orthogonal orthographic orthographical orthopedic orthorhombic oscillatory osmotic osseous ostensible ostensive ostentatious other other-worldly otherwise otiose ottoman our out out-and-out out-of-date out-of-doors out-of-way outboard outbound outdoor outer outermost outgoing outlandish outlying outmoded outmost outrageous outright outré outside outspoken outstanding outstretched outward outward-bound oval ovarian over over-active over-the-counter overabundant overall overbearing overblown overbold overcast overcautious overconfident overcritical overdue overgrown overhand overhead overjoyed overland overmuch overnice overnight overripe oversea overseas oversensitive overweening overweight overwhelm overwhelming overwrought oviform ovine oviparous ovoid owing owlish own ownerless ox-eyed paced pacific pacifistic packable packaged pagan pained painful painless painstaking painted pakistani palatable palatal palatial pale paleographic paleographical paleolithic paleontologic paleontological palestinian pallid palmate palpable palpitating palsied pan-american pan-european pancreatic panic-stricken panicky panoptical panoramic pantomimic panzer papal paper-baked papery papillary papist papuan parabolic paradigmatic paradisiacal paradoxical parallel paralytic paramilitary paramount paranoiac parasitic parasitical parasympathetic paratactic pardonable parental parenthetic parenthetical parietal parisian parliamentary parnassian parochial paroxysmal parricidal parsimonious parti-colored partial participant participial particular parting partisan party-colored passable passing passionate passionless passive past pastoral pasty pat patagonian patchy patent paternal pathetic pathless pathogenic pathologic pathological patient patriarchal patrician patricidal patrimonial patriotic patristic patronymic paunchy payable paying peace-making peaceable peaceful peach-colored peaked pearly peaty pebbly pecksniffian pectoral peculiar pecuniary pedagogic pedagogical pedal pedantic peddling pedestrian pediatric pedigreed peerless peeved peevish pejorative pelagic pellagrous pellucid penal pendent pending pendulous penetrable penetrating penetrative peninsular penitent penitential penitentiary penniless penny-a-line pensionable pensive pent pent-up pentagonal penultimate peppery peppy peptic perceivable perceptible perceptive percipient perdurable peregrine peremptory perennial perfect perfectible perfective perfervid perfidious perfunctory perilous periodic periodical peripatetic peripheral periphrastic perishable perjured perky permanent permeable permian permissible permissive pernicious pernickety perpendicular perpetual perplexed persevering persian persistent persnickety personable personal perspicacious perspicuous persuasive pert pertaining pertinacious pertinent peruvian pervasive perverse perverted pervious pesky pessimistic pestiferous pestilent pestilential pet petal pettifogging pettish petty petulant phantasmagoric phantasmal pharisaic pharmaceutical pharmacological phenomenal philanthropic philatelic philharmonic philological philosophic philosophical phlegmatic phoenician phonemic phonetic phonic phonologic phonological phony phosphorescent photo-chemical photoelectric photoelectrical photogenic photographic photographical photometric photometrical photosensitive phrasal phrygian phylogenic physical physiologic physiological picaresque pickled pictorial picturesque piddling piebald piecemeal pied piercing pig-headed pigeon-breasted pigeon-food pigeon-hearted piggish piggy pigmented pigmy piled pimping pimpled pimply pin-up pindaric pink pinkish pinky pious piping piquant piratical piscatorial pitch-dark pitchy piteous pith-black pitiable pitiful pitiless pitted pixilated pizzicato placed placental placid plagiaristic plain plain-spoken plaintive plane planet-stricken planetary plangent plano plantar plastered plastic plated platitudinous platonic platonist plausible playable played-out playful pleading pleasant pleased pleasing pleasurable plebeian plenary plenipotentiary plenteous plentiful pleonastic plethoric pleural pliable pliant plosive plucky plumb plump plumy pluperfect plural plus plushy plutocratic plutonian plutonic pluvial pneumatic pock-marked pocket-size pococurante podgy poetic poetical poignant point-blank pointed pointless poisonous poky polar polemic polemical polish polished polite politic political polled polyandrous polyatomic polychromatic polygamous polygenetic polyglot polygonal polymeric polymorphic polymorphous polynesian polynomial polysyllabic polytechnic polytheistic polyvalent pomeranian ponderous pontifical pony poor poor-spirited poorly pop pop-eyed popish popular populous porcine porky pornographic porous portable portative portentous portly portuguese positional positive positivistic possessed possessive possessory possible post-free post-glacial post-graduate post-haste post-mortem post-operative post-paid post-war postal postdiluvian posterior postern postmeridian postprandial pot-bellied pot-valiant potable potash potent potential potted pouring poverty-stricken powdered powdery power-operated powered powerful powerless practicable practical praetorian pragmatic praiseworthy prankish prayerful pre-calculated pre-concerted pre-conquest pre-determinate pre-election pre-eminent pre-existent pre-factorial pre-school pre-scripted pre-war precarious precautionary precautious precedent precedential preceding precious precipitant precipitate precipitous precise preclusive precocious preconceived precursory predatory predicable predicate predicative predictable predominant prefatory preferable preferential preferred pregnant prehensile prehistoric prejudicial preliminary premature premeditated premeditative premier premolar premonitory preoccupied preparative preparatory prepared preponderant prepositional prepossessed prepossessing preposterous prerequisite prerogative presbyterian prescient prescriptive present present-day presentable presentational preservative presidential pressed pressing presto presumable presumptive presumptuous pretended pretentious preternatural pretty prevailing preventative preventive previous priceless prick-eared prickly prideful priest-ridden priestly priggish prim primal primary prime primeval primitive primordial princely princesse principal principled printable prior prismatic pristine private privative privileged privy pro probable probationary probative problematic problematical procedural processional procumbent procurable prodigal prodigious producible productive profane professed professional professorial proficient profitable profligate profound profuse prognostic programmatic progressive prohibitive prohibitory projective proletarian prolific prolix prolonged promethean prominent promiscuous promising promissory prompt prone pronominal pronounceable pronounced proof proper propertied prophetic prophetical propitiatory propitious proportional proportionate proprietary propulsive prosaic prosodic prospective prosperous prostitute prostrate protean protective protestant protoplasmic protractile protuberant proud provable proven provencal proverbial providential provincial provisional provisionary provisory provocative provoking proximal proximate prudent prudential prudish prurient prussian prying pseudo pseudonymous psychiatric psychic psychical psycho-physical psychological ptolemaic public public-spirited puckish pudgy puerile puffed puffy pug-nosed pugilistic pugnacious puissant pulmonary pulpous pulpy punctual pungent punic punishable punitive puny puppyish purblind purchasable pure pure-bred purgative purgatorial puristic puritanical purple purplish purposeful purposive purse-proud pursuant pursy purulent push pushed pushing pusillanimous put-up putative putrescent putrid puzzle-headed pygmy pyramidal pyrotechnic pyrotechnical pythagorean quack quacking quadrangular quadrate quadratic quadrennial quadrilateral quadrilled quadripartite quadrisylabic quadrivalent quadruple quadruplicate quaduped quaint quake-proof quaking quaky qualified qualifying qualitative qualm quantitative quarrelling quarrelsome quarried quarter-bound quarter-hourly quartered quarterly quarto quaternary quavering queasy queen queenly queer quenchless querulous question-less questionable questioning quibbling quick quick-acting quick-eared quick-eyed quick-forgotten quick-handed quick-scented quick-sighted quick-tempered quick-witted quickening quiescent quiet quieting quilted quintuple quit quits quivering quizzical quondam quotable quote quotidian rabbinic rabbinical rabbit-hearted rabid rachitic racial racialist racing rackety racking racy raddled radial radiant radical radio-controlled radioactive radiologic radiological radioscopic raffish rag ragged raging raglan railroad railway rainbow-hued rainless rainproof rainy raised rakish ram rambling rammed ramose ramous rampageous rampant ramping ramshackle rancid rancorous random randy rangy rank ransom ranting rapacious rapid rapid-setting rapt raptorial rapturous rare rascal rascally rasped ratable rated rational rationalist ratting rattle rattle-brained ratty raucous ravening ravenous raving ravishing raw raw-boned ray rayed reach reach-me-down reachable reaching reacting reactionary reactive read readable ready ready-cooked ready-made ready-to-eat ready-to-wear ready-witted real realistic realizable rear rearmost rearward reasonable reasoned reasoning reasonless reassuring rebel rebellious rebounding rebuking recalcitrant recallable recanting receding receivable received recent receptive recessed recessional recessive recherché recipient reciprocal reciprocating recitative reckless reclaimable reclaimed reclining recluse reclusive recognizable recognizant recommendable recommendatory reconcilable reconciliatory recondite recordable recording recoverable recovered recreational recriminatory recrudescent rectal rectangular rectilinear recumbent recuperative recurrent recurring recusant red red-blooded red-eyed red-haired red-handed red-headed red-hot red-necked red-shot red-wood reddish redolent redoubtable redress reduced reducible reducing reductive redundant reduplicate reedy reeking reeling referable refined reflected reflecting reflective reflex reformatory reformed reforming refractive refractory refresher refreshing refrigerant refrigerating refulgent refundable refutable regal regardful regardless regenerate regent regicide regimental regional registered registering regnant regressive regretful regrettable regular regulation regulative reimbursable rein reincarnate reiterative rejoicing related relation relational relative relaxed relaxing releasable relentless relevant reliable reliant relievable religion religious relish reluctant remarkable remediable remedial remediless remindful reminiscent remiss remissible remissive remittent remonstrant remorseful remorseless remote removable removed remunerative renascent renewable renowned rent-free rentable repair repairable reparable repayable repeatable repeated repellent repent repentant repining replaceable replete reposed reposeful reprehensible represent representative repressible repressive reproachable reproachful reproaching reprobate reproducible reproductive reproving republican repugnant repulsive reputed requisite resembling resentful resentfully reserved resident residual residuary resilient resinous resistant resistible resistive resistless resoluble resolute resolvable resolved resonant resounding resource resourceful respectable respectful respiratory resplendent respondent responsible responsive rested restive restless restorable restrain restraining restricted restrictive resultant resurgence retaining retaliatory retarded retentive reticent reticular reticulate reticulated retired retractable retractile retreating retributive retrievable retroactive retrogressive retrospective returnable returned returning reveal revealing revengeful reverberant reverberating reverend reverent reverential reverse reversed reversible reversionary revertible reviling revisionary reviving revocable revolted revolting revolutionary revolving rewarding rhapsodic rhetorical rheumatic rheumy rhodesian rhombic rhomboid rhomboidal rhymed rhyming rhythmic rhythmical ribald ribbed rich rid ridden ridding riddle-like ridge ridged ridiculous riding rife riffle riffled rifted rigged right right-angled right-hand right-hearted right-minded right-principled right-wing righteous rightful rigid rigorist rigorous rime rimless rimmed rimy rind-less ring-formed ring-less ring-necked ringed ringing riotous rip-roaring riparian ripening ripping rippled rippling risible rising risky risqué ritual rival river riverside rivet-less riveted roan roaring roasting robust rock-bound rocky rodent rodomontade roguish rolling roly-poly romaic roman roman-catholic romance romanesque romanian romanic romansh romantic romany romping roof-like roofless roomed roomy root-bound root-fast rooted rootless rooty rope rosaceous rose rose-colored rose-like rose-lipped rosy rosy-bosomed rosy-crowned rosy-fingered rotary rotate rotating rotational rotgut rotted rotten rotund rough rough-and-tumble rough-cast rough-clad rough-dry rough-spoken roughshod round rounded rousing roving rowdy royal royalist rubbing ruby ruby-red rudderless ruddy rude rudimental rueful ruffian rugged ruinous rule ruling rum ruminative rummy rumpled run-of-the-mill run-on runaway runic running runny runty ruptured rural russet russian rust-colored rustic rustproof rusty ruthless rutty sable saccharine sacerdotal sacral sacramental sacred sacrificial sacrilegious sacrosanct sad sadistic safe sagacious sage sage-green said saint salable salacious salaried saleable salient saline salivary sallow salmon salt salt-water salted salty salubrious salutary salutatory samaritan same samoyed sanative sanctified sanctimonious sandaled sandy sane sanguinary sanguine sanitarian sanitary sap-headed sapient sapless sapphic sappy saprogenic saprophytic sarcastic sardinian sardonic sartorial sassenach satanic sated satiable satiated satiny satiric satirical satisfactory satisfied saturated saturnine saucer saucy saurian savable savage saving savory savoyard saxon scabby scalable scalding scalene scaly scandalous scandinavian scant scapular scarce scarlet scary scathing scatological scatter-brain scattered scattering scenic schematic scheming schismatic schistose schizophrenic schizopod scholarly scholastic school scientific sclerotic scorbutic scornful scot-free scotch scots scottish scoundrel scowling scraggy scrappy scratchy scrawny screaming screechy screwed screwy scribal scrimpy scriptural scrofulous scrubby scrumptious scrupulous sculptural scummy scurfy scurrilous scurvy scythian sea-girt sea-going sea-sick sealed seaman-like seamy searching seasonable seasonal seaworthy sebaceous sec secant secluded second second-best second-hand second-rate secondary secret secretarial secretive sectarian sectional secular secure sedate sedative sedentary sedimentary seducible sedulous see-saw seedy seeing seeming seemly segmental seigniorial seismic seismologic seismological seismometric seized select selective seleucid self self-acting self-adjusting self-assertive self-assured self-collected self-colored self-complacent self-composed self-confident self-conscious self-contained self-driven self-educated self-employed self-evident self-explanatory self-important self-loading self-locking self-made self-moving self-opinionated self-possessed self-propelled self-reliant self-righteous self-satisfied self-sealing self-seeking self-sown self-styled self-supported self-supporting self-taught self-willed selfish selfless selfsame selling semantic semeiotic semi-conscious semicircular seminal semiotic semispherical semite semitic senatorial senegalese senescent senile senior sensational senseless sensible sensitive sensorial sensory sensual sensualistic sensuous sententious sentient sentimental separable separate sepia septic septuagenarian sepulchral sequent sequential sequestered seraphic serbian sere serene serial serio-comic serio-comical serious serious-minded seriously serous serpentine serrate serrated serviceable servile set settled sevenfold severable several severally severe sexagenarian sexless sextuple sexual sexy shabby shabby-genteel shabby-looking shadow-proof shadowy shady shaggy shakespearian shaking shaky shallow sham shame-faced shameful shameless shapeless shapely sharp sharp-cut sharp-edged sharp-eyed sharp-sighted shaven shavian sheen sheepish sheer shell-proof shell-shaped shell-shocked shelly sheltered shifting shiftless shifty shilly-shally shimmery shingly shining shiny ship-shape shipping shirt-sleeve shivery shock-headed shocking shoddy shore short short-dated short-haired short-handed short-headed short-signed short-spoken short-tempered short-winded short-witted shot-free shouldered showery showy shrewd shrewish shrill shrubby shrunken shuffling shut shut-in shy siberian sibylline sicilian sick sickening sickly side side-splitting sideling sidelong sidereal sighted sightless signal signatory significant silenced silent siliceous silk silken silky silly silver silver-grey silver-tongued silvery simian similar simple simple-hearted simple-minded simultaneous sincere sinew sinewy sinful sing sing-song singhalese single single-acting single-breasted single-eyed single-handed single-hearted single-minded singular sinhalese sinister sinking sinless sinuous sister-like sisterly sitting situated six six-angled sixpenny sizable sizeable skaldic skeletal skeleton skeptical sketchy skew skew-eyed skewbald skid-proof skilful skill skilled skimpy skin-deep skinny skittish sky-blue sky-high skyward slab-sided slack slanderous slangy slanting slap-bang slap-up slapdash slapping slashing slav slave-born slavic slavish slavonic sleek sleep sleeping sleepy sleety sleeved slender slick sliding slight slighting slim slimy slinky slippery slipshod slobbery sloping sloppy slothful slouching slovak slovene slovenian slovenly slow slow-acting slow-burning slow-witted sludgy sluggish slumberous slurred slushy sluttish sly smacking small small-minded smallish smart smashing smeary smelling smelly smelt smiling smitten smoke-dried smokeless smoky smoldering smooth smooth-faced smooth-running smooth-spoken smooth-tongued smothering smothery smudgy smug smutty snail-paced snaky snap snapping snappish snappy snarling snarly sneaking sneaky sneering snippety snippy snobbish snotty snow snow-bound snow-capped snow-clad snow-white snowy snub snub-nosed snug so-called so-so soaking soapy soaring sober sober-minded sociable social socialistic sociological socratic sodden soft soft-headed soft-hearted soft-spoken softening soggy soilless solar soldierly solemn solicitous solid solitary solo soluble solvable solvent somatic somber sombrous some something sometime somnambulistic somniferous somnolent sonant sonic sonorous sooth soothing sooty sophistic sophistical sophisticated soporific sopping soprano sordid sore sorrel sorrowful sorry soulful soulless sound sound-absorbent/-absorbing sound-proof sounding soundless sour south south-african south-american south-bound south-east south-easterly south-eastern south-westerly south-western southerly southern southernmost southward southwardly sovereign soviet sovran space space-saving spaced spacious spangled spanish spanking spare sparing sparkling sparse spartan spasmodic spastic spavined spawning speaker speaking spear-leafed/-leaved special specific specious speckled spectacled spectacular spectral spectroscopic speculative speechless speedy spellbound spendthrift sphenoid sphere spherical spiced spick-and-span spicy spidery spiked spiky spinal spindle-legged spindly spineless spinning spinster spiny spiral spirant spirited spiritless spiritual spiritualistic spirituous spiteful splashy splay spleenful spleeny splendid splendiferous splenetic splintery split splitting spondaic sponge spongy spontaneous spooky spoon-fed sporting sportive sportsmanlike sporty spotless spotted spotty spousal spread-eagle sprightly spring spring-less spring-like springy spruce spurious spurred squab squally square square-built squashy squatty squeaky squeal squeamish squeezable squint squint-eyed squirmy stable staccato stage-struck stagey stagnant stagy staid stainless stale stalwart stanch stand-offish stand-up standard standing stannic staple star-like star-spangled starched starchy staring stark starless starlit starred starry starting starveling state stated stately statesmanlike static stationary statistic statistical statuary statuesque statutory staunch steadfast steady stealthy steamy steel-hearted steel-plated steep stellar stemmed stentorian step-down step-up stereoscopic stereotyped sterile sterling stern stick-nothing sticky stiff stiff-necked stifling still still-born stilled stilly stimulant stimulating stinging stingless stinking stipendiary stipulated stirring stock-blind stockfish stocky stodgy stogy stoic stoical stolen stolid stomachic stone-blind stone-broke stone-hearted stone-roofed stony-hearted stooping storied storm-beaten storm-bound storm-proof storm-swept storm-tossed stormy stout stout-hearted stoutly straddling straggling straight straight-lined straightforward strained strait strait-laced straitened stranded strange strapping strategic stratospheric stray strayed straying streaky streamlined strengthening streptococcal stretchy striated stricken strict strident striking stringed stringent stringy striped strong strong-minded strong-willed strophic structural stubbly stubborn stubby stuck-up studious stuffy stumpy stunning stunted stupendous stupid sturdy stygian stylish stylistic suave sub-equatorial subalpine subaqueous subconscious subdued subhuman subjacent subject subjective subjunctive sublime subliminal sublunary submersible submissive subnormal suborbital subordinate subsequent subservient subsidiary subsistent substandard substantial substantive subterranean subterraneous subtle subtropical suburban subversive succeeding successful successive succinct succulent such such-and-such suchlike suckling sudanese sufferable suffering sufficient sugared sugary suggestible suggestive sui suicidal suitable suited sullen sultry sumerian summary summer summer-like summery sumptuary sumptuous sun-burnt sun-proof sun-struck sundry sunk sunken sunless sunlit sunny sunshiny sunward super super-able super-mundane superabundant superannuate superannuated superb supercilious supererogatory superficial superfine superfluous superheated superhuman superimposed superincumbent superior superlative supernal supernatural supernormal supernumerary superposed supersonic superstition supine supper-less supple supplement supplemental suppliant supportable supposable supposed suppositional supposititious suppressed suppressive supranational suprarenal supreme sure sure-enough sure-footed surface surgical surly surmountable surpassing surprised surprising surrealistic surreptitious surrounding surviving susceptible susceptive suspect suspended suspenseful suspicious suzerain swampy swanky swarthy swashbuckling swayed sweating sweaty swedish sweeping sweet sweet-scented sweet-tempered sweetish swelling swift swift-footed swift-handed swing swinging swinish swish swiss swivel-eyed swiveling sword-shaped sworn sybaritic syllabic syllogistic sylvan symbiotic symbolic symbolical symmetric symmetrical sympathetic sympathizing symphonic symphony symptomatic synchronic synchronous synonymic synonymous synoptic syntactic syntactical synthetic syphilitic syrian syrupy systematic table-like tabled tabloid taboo tabulated tacky tactful tactical tactile tactless tactual tahitian tailed tailless tainted taintless tajik take take-down taking talented talentless talk talkative talking tall tallish talmudic tame tamil tan tandem tangential tangerine tangible tanked tantalizing tantamount taper tapering tardy tarry tarsal tart tartar tartaric tasmanian tasteful tasteless tasty tatar tattered taunt tautological tawdry tax-free taxable taxonomic teachable tear tear-falling tear-filled tear-off tear-proof tear-shaped tearful technical technological tectonic tee teem teeming teeny teetotal telegraphic teleological telephonic tell telling telltale tellurian telluric temperamental temperate tempered tempest-tossed tempestuous temporal temporary tempt tempting tenable tenacious tenantable tenantless tendentious tender tender-hearted tender-minded tenderly tendril tenebrous tenfold tense tensile tensional tentative tented tenuous tepid tercentenary tercentennial term terminable terminal terminative ternary terrestrial terrible terrific territorial terror-smitten terror-stricken terror-struck terrorist terroristic terse tertiary testable testamentary testate testimonial testy tetchy tetra tetragonal teutonic textile textual thankful thankless thankworthy theatre-going theatric theatrical theban theft-proof their theistic thematic then theocratic theological theoretic theoretical theosophical there thermal thermo-electric thermodynamic thermometric thespian thick-brained thick-eyed thick-grown thick-headed thick-lipped thick-sighted thick-skinned thick-skulled thick-tongued thick-witted thickset thief-proof thievish thin thin-lipped thin-skinned thin-spun thinkable thinking thinly third third-class third-hand third-rate thirsty this thistly thither thoracic thorn thorny thorough thorough-bred thorough-going thorough-paced those thought-laden thought-out thoughtful thoughtless thousand thracian threadbare threadlike threatening three-colored three-cornered three-d three-dimensional three-phase three-pole three-sided three-speed three-square three-storied three-wheeled threefold thriftless thrifty thrilled thrilling thriving throaty throbbing through through-going through-other thumb thumping thunder thunder-like thundering thunderous thunderously thundery thwacking thwart thwarting thyroid tibetan ticked ticklish tickly tidal tide tide-driven tided tidy tight tight-drawn tight-fisted tight-laced tight-lipped tight-packed tillable tilting timber timber-headed timbered time time-expired time-honored time-serving time-stained time-taking timely timorous tin tin-bearing tinder-like tingling tinned tinny tinsel tiny tip tipping tipsy tiptoe tiptop tireless tiresome tiring titan titanic tithe tithe-free title titled titrated titular to-and-fro toad toadyish tobacco-colored tocharian toed toil toil-worn toilsome token tolerable tolerant tonal toneless tongue-shaped tongued tonsorial tony too-too tooth-like toothed toothless toothsome toothy top top-heavy top-hole top-notch top-secret topical topless topographic topping topsy-turvy torpid torrential torrid tortuous torturing tory total totalitarian totemic tottering touch-and-go touchable touched touchy tough touring tourism touristic tousled toward towered towering town toxicological traceable traceless tracing tracked trackless tractable trade traditional tragic tragicomic train trainable trained traitorous tranquil tranquillizing trans-caspian transalpine transatlantic transcendent transcendental transferable transfixed transformable transient transitional transitive transitory translatable translational translucent transmissible transoceanic transparent transversal transylvanian trashy traumatic travel-worn traveled traveling travelled travelling treacherous treasonable treble treeless trefoil trembling tremendous tremulous trenchant triadic triangular triangulate triassic tribal tributary tricky tricolor tried trifocal trig trigger-happy trigonometric trihedral trilateral trilingual trilobite trim tripartite triple triplex triplicate tripod tripping trite triumphal triumphant trivalent trivial trochaic trojan tropic tropical troublesome trout-colored truant truce truculent true true-blue true-born true-bred true-derived true-hearted true-heartedness trumpery trusted trustful trustless trustworthy trusty truth truthful trying tsarist tub-thumping tubercular tuberous tubular tudor tufted tumble-about tumble-down tumbling tumid tumultuous tunable tuneful tuneless tunisian turbid turbine-driven turbo-jet turbo-prop turbulent turf-clad turgid turkish turkmen turn-down turn-up tuscan tutelary tutorial twain tweedy twelvefold twentyfold twice-told twilight twilled twin-born twinned twisted twisty two two-barreled two-bit two-color two-edged two-eyed two-faced two-fisted two-footed two-handed two-handled two-headed two-phase two-piece two-ply two-pole two-sided two-step two-storied two-story two-stroke two-tongued two-way two-wheeler two-wire two-yearly twofold twosome typewriting typical typographical tyrannical tyrannous tyrolean tyrolese tyrrhenian ugandan ugly ugrian ugric uighur ukrainian ulcerous ulterior ultimate ultra ultraistic ultramodern ultramontane ultramundane ultrashort ultrasonic ultraviolet umber umbilical umbrageous umbrian umpteen un-american unabashed unabated unabbreviated unabridged unaccented unacceptable unaccepted unaccommodating unaccomplished unaccountable unaccustomed unacknowledged unacquainted unadjusted unadventurous unadvertised unadvisable unaesthetic unaffected unaffiliated unafraid unaided unalienable unaligned unallowable unalterable unaltered unambiguous unanimated unanimous unannounced unanswered unapparent unappeased unappetizing unappreciated unappreciative unapproachable unapproved unashamed unasked unassigned unassisted unassociated unassuming unattainable unattended unattested unattractive unauthentic unauthenticated unauthorized unavailable unavailing unavoidable unawake unaware unbaked unbalanced unbearable unbecoming unbefitting unbeknown unbeknownst unbending unbleached unblemished unblushing unborn unbound unbounded unbreakable unbridled unbroken unburied uncalled-for uncanny uncared-for uncaring uncertain unchallenged unchangeable unchanged unchanging uncharacteristic uncharitable unchaste unchecked unchristian uncivil uncivilized unclad unclaimed unclassifiable unclean unclear unclothed unclouded uncoiled uncollected uncolored uncombed uncombined uncomely uncomfortable uncomforted uncommitted uncompensated uncomplaining uncompleted uncomplicated uncomplimentary uncomprehending uncompromising unconcealed unconcerned unconditional unconfined unconfirmed unconfused unconnected unconquerable unconscionable unconscious unconsecrated unconsidered unconstitutional unconstrained unconsumed uncontaminated uncontested uncontrollable uncontrolled unconvinced unconvincing uncooked uncooperative uncoordinated uncorked uncorrected uncorroborated uncorrupted uncountable uncounted uncouth uncritical uncrowned unctuous uncultivated uncultured uncurbed uncured uncurious undamaged undated undaunted undecipherable undeclared undecorated undefeated undefended undefiled undefined undemanding undemocratic undemonstrative undeniable undependable under under-developed under-privileged underarm underbred undercover underdone underfed underground underhand underhanded underlying undermost underneath undernourished underpaid undersea undershot undersized understandable understanding understood underwater undeserved undeserving undesigning undesirable undesired undetected undetermined undeterred undeveloped undeviating undifferentiated undigested undignified undiminished undirected undiscerning undisclosed undiscovered undisguised undisturbed undivided undone undoubted undoubting undreamt undue undulate undulated undulating unduly undutiful undying unearned unearthly uneasy uneaten uneconomic unedifying uneducated unembarrassed unembellished unemotional unemployed unemployment unencumbered unending unendurable unenlightened unenthusiastic unenviable unequal unequalled unequivocal unerring unessential uneven uneventful unexceptionable unexceptional unexpected unexpended unexplainable unexplained unexplored unexpressed unexpressive unexpurgated unfailing unfair unfaithful unfaltering unfamiliar unfashionable unfathomable unfavorable unfeeling unfeigned unfermented unfertilized unfinished unfit unflagging unflattering unflavored unfledged unflinching unforeseeable unforeseen unforgettable unforgivable unforgiving unforgotten unformed unfortunate unfounded unfrequented unfriendly unfruitful unfurnished ungainly ungodly ungovernable ungraceful ungrateful ungrounded ungrudging unguarded unguided unhallowed unhampered unhappy unharmed unhealthful unhealthy unheard unheeded unheeding unhesitating unhindered unholy unhurried unicameral unicorn unidentified unidirectional uniform unilateral unimaginable unimaginative unimpaired unimpassioned unimpeachable unimpeded unimportant unimproved uninflammable uninflected uninhabited uninhibited uninitiated uninjured uninspired uninspiring unintelligible unintended unintentional uninteresting uninterrupted union unique unitarian unitary united universal univocal unjust unjustifiable unjustified unkempt unkind unkindly unknowing unknown unladylike unlawful unlearned unlettered unlicensed unlikely unlimited unlit unlooked unlovely unloving unlucky unmanageable unmanly unmannered unmannerly unmarried unmatched unmeaning unmeant unmeasured unmentionable unmentioned unmindful unmingled unmistakable unmitigated unmixed unmodified unmolested unmotivated unmoved unnamed unnatural unnecessary unnoticeable unnoticed unnumbered unobjectionable unobservant unobserved unobserving unobtainable unobtrusive unoccupied unofficial unorganized unorthodox unostentatious unpaid unpaired unpalatable unparalleled unpardonable unparliamentarily unpatriotic unpaved unperturbed unpleasant unpleasantness unpolished unpopular unpractical unprecedented unpredictable unprejudiced unprepared unprepossessing unpresuming unpretending unpretentious unprincipled unprintable unprivileged unprocessed unproductive unprofessed unprofessional unprofitable unpromising unpropitious unprotected unproved unproven unprovoked unpublished unpunctual unpunished unqualified unquenchable unquenched unquestionable unquestioned unquestioning unquiet unread unreadable unreal unreasonable unreasoning unreceptive unrecognizable unredeemed unrefined unrelated unrelenting unreliable unrelieved unreligious unremarkable unremitting unremunerated unrepentant unrepressed unrequited unreserved unresisting unresponsive unrestrained unrestricted unrewarded unrewarding unrighteous unripe unrivalled unromantic unrounded unruffled unruly unsafe unsaid unsalable unsalaried unsanitary unsatisfactory unsatisfied unsaturated unsavory unscathed unschooled unscientific unscrupulous unseasonable unseeing unseemly unseen unselfish unsettled unshakable unshakeable unshaken unshaped unshapely unshod unsightly unsigned unskilled unskillful unsmiling unsociable unsocial unsolvable unsolved unsophisticated unsought unsound unsparing unspeakable unspecific unspecified unspent unspoiled unspoken unsportsmanlike unspotted unstable unsteady unstinted unstinting unstressed unstrung unsubstantial unsubstantiated unsuccessful unsuitable unsuited unsullied unsure unsurpassable unsurpassed unsuspected unsuspecting unsuspicious unswerving unsympathetic untainted untapped untaught untenable untenanted unthankful unthinkable unthinking untimely untiring untitled untold untouchable untouched untoward untranslatable untroubled untrue untrustworthy untruthful unturned untutored untypical unusable unused unusual unutterable unutterably unvalued unvarnished unwanted unwarrantable unwarranted unwary unwashed unwatched unwavering unwearied unwed unwedded unwelcome unwell unwholesome unwieldy unwilling unwise unwitting unwomanly unwonted unworkable unworldly unworthy unwound unwritten unyielding up-and-down up-to-date upmost upper uppermost uppity upright uproarious upset upside-down upstage upstairs upstanding upstart upstream upswept uptown ur- ural-altaic uralian uralic urban urbane urethral urgent urinary uruguayan usable used useful useless usual usurious uterine utilitarian utilizable utmost utopian utter uvular uxorial uxorious uzbek vacant vacillating vacuous vagabond vagarious vaginal vagrant vague vain vainglorious valedictory valetudinarian valiant valid valorous valuable valueless valve vanquish vaporous variable variant varicolored varicose varied various vascular vasomotor vast vaulted vaunting vegetarian vegetative vehement vehicular veiled velar vellum velvet velvety vendible venerable venereal venetian venezuelan vengeful venomous venose venous ventilatory ventral ventricular ventriloquial venturesome venusian veracious verbal verbose verdant vergilian veridical verifiable verisimilar verist veristic veritable vermiform vermilion verminous vernacular vernal versatile versed vertebral vertebrate vertical vertiginous vesical vesicant vesicatory vesicular vesper vesperal vespertine vestal vested vestiary vestibular vestigial veteran veterinarian veterinary vexatious vexed vexing viable vibrant vibrating vibratory vicarious vicegerent vicious victor victorian victorious viennese vietnamese viewable viewless vigilant vigorous viking vile villainous villous vindicatory vindictive vine-bearing vinegarish vinegary viniferous violable violent viperous virgilian virgin virgin-born virginal virginian virile virtual virtue virtuous virulent visceral viscid viscous visible visional visionary visit visual vital vitreous vitriolic vituperative viva vivacious vivid vividly viviparous vocal vocalic vocational vocative voiced voiceless void voidable volatile volcanic volitional voluble volumetric voluminous voluntary volunteer voluptuary voluptuous voracious vote voting votive vowel vulgar vulnerable vulnerary vulpine vulturine vying waggish wagnerian wail wailing waiting wakeful walking walled walloon walloping wan wandering wanting wanton warlike warm warm-blooded warm-hearted warning warrantable warty wary wash-proof washable washed-out washed-up wasteful watchful water-borne waterless waterproof watery waved waxen waxy way wayward weak weak-brained weak-eyed weak-kneed weak-minded weak-sighted weakly wealthy wearable wearied weariless wearing wearisome weary weather-beaten weather-bound weather-proof web-footed webbed wedded wee weekly weeping weighty weird welch welcome weld well-balanced well-behaved well-born well-bred well-chosen well-deserved well-disposed well-doing well-done well-favored well-founded well-grounded well-intentioned well-known well-made well-mannered well-meaning well-meant well-off well-ordered well-preserved well-read well-spoken well-thought-of well-timed well-to-do well-worn welsh wesleyan west westerly western westernmost westward whacking what whatever whatsoever wheaten wheeled wheezy which whichever whimsical whiny whirring whished whispering whistling white white-bearded white-collar white-faced white-haired white-headed white-hot white-like white-livered whitish whole whole-hearted whole-length wholesale wholesome whopping whorish whose wicked wide wide-angle wide-awake wide-eyed wide-mouthed wide-open wide-range wide-spread widowed wieldy wife-like wifeless wifely wigged wiggly wild wild-cat wild-eyed will-less willed willful willing willowy wily wind-blown winding windless windward windy wine-growing wing-footed winged wingless winning winsome wintery wintry winy wire-drawn wireless wiry wise wishful wishy-washy wistful withering withy witless witted witting witty wizened wobbly woeful wolfish woman-like womanish womanly wonder-stricken wonder-struck wonder-working wonderful wondrous wonky wonted wooded wooden wooden-headed woody wool-gathering woolen wooly woozy wordless wordy workable workaday worked working world world-like world-old world-weary world-wide worldly worm-eaten worm-like wormy worse worst worsted worth-while worthless worthy would-be wounded wrapped wrathful wreathed wretched wrinkled written wrong wrong-headed wrongful wroth wrought wrought-up wry yare yarn-dyed yearlong yearly yearning yeasty yellow yellowish yellowy yemenite yeomanly yielding yon yond yonder young youngish your youthful yugoslav yugoslavian zealous zionist zionistic zodiacal zonal zonary zoological zoologoc zymotic
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Snippet ID: | #1011077 |
Snippet name: | List of adjectives |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1011077/2 |
Text MD5: | b769ccaa7e507c3af57c32aade6e34b7 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | nl bots |
Type: | Document |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2017-10-12 02:18:48 |
Source code size: | 99211 bytes / 9256 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 514 / 2583 |
Version history: | 1 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1011079 - knownAdjectives #1024082 - AI Functions [Overview Document] |