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< > BotCompany Repo | #1010963 // Chat Theory Module

JavaX source code (desktop) [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

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static Map<S, Web> theoryForLineMap;
static L<S> globalIDList; // msg index to global ID
sbool listen = true;
static O onUpdate;

static L<Web> peepHoleWebs;

p {
  if (isMain()) autoRestart();
  theoryForLineMap = persistentHashMap('theoryForLineMap);
  globalIDList = persistentList('globalIDList);
  if (empty(globalIDList)) loadFullHistory();
  if (listen) {
    print("Listening to chat.");
    stefansChat_onLine(100, voidfunc(S line) {
      ChatMsg msg = mapToObject(stefansChat_onLine_fullParams!, ChatMsg);
  bot("Chat Theory.");
  onFileChangeAndNow(1, ai_chatAnalysis_peepHoleFile(), r {
    peepHoleWebs = ai_chatAnalysis_peepHoleWebs();

svoid loadFullHistory() {
  int max = 10000;
  L<ChatMsg> l = stefansChat_readArchive(max);
  print("Got " + l(l) + "/" + max);
  for (ChatMsg msg : l) pcall { handleChatMsg(msg); }

svoid handleChatMsg(ChatMsg msg) {
  lock dbLock();
  //print("Handling " + msg.globalID);
  listPut(globalIDList,, msg.globalID);
  Web web = theoryForLineMap.get(msg.globalID);
  if (web != null) ret; // No overwrite for now
  WebNode n = simpleWeb().newNode();
  n.addLabel(/*"Text " +*/ quote(msg.text));
  web_addString(n, msg.botMark ? "by bot" : "by user");
  web_addStrings(n, ai_categoriesForChatLine(msg.text));
  web_addString(n, "Time " + msg.time);
  web_addString(n, "Should I react?");
  n.addLabel("Msg " + msg.globalID);
  if (web_contentsDifferent(web, n.web)) {
    if (web != null) print("Overwriting " + msg.globalID);
    else print("Storing " + msg.globalID);
    theoryForLineMap.put(msg.globalID, n.web);

svoid transformers(WebNode n) {
  for (S text : web_texts(n)) {
    for (WebNode a : indexedNodes(quote(text))) {
      WebNode b = web_operand(a, "with");
      if (b == null || !web_hasLabel(n, web_unquote(b))) continue;
      WebNode c = web_operand(b, "transforms to");
      if (c != null)
        web_replaceLabel(n, text, web_unquote(c));

answer {
  if "show *" 
    ret showWeb(theoryForLineMap.get($1)) != null ? "OK" : "Not found";
  if "load full history"
    ret "OK" with loadFullHistory();
  if "size" ret lstr(theoryForLineMap);

static Web lastWeb() {
  ret theoryForLineMap.get(last(globalIDList));

static WebNode lastNode() {
  ret web_firstNode(lastWeb());

sS html_thoughts() {
  lock dbLock();
  Web web = lastWeb();
  if (web == null) ret "";
  WebNode node = web_firstNode(web);
  L<S> texts = web_texts(node);
  S html = ul_htmlencode(texts);
  //new LinkedHashSet<S> expect;
  final new Map<S, Int> expect;
  for (Web pw : unnull(peepHoleWebs)) {
    for (WebNode a : web_allNodesNamed(pw, texts)) {
      WebNode b = web_operand(a, "then");
      if (b != null)
        for (S s : web_texts(b))
          putHigherInt(expect, s, 100);
      b = web_operand(a, "then maybe");
      if (b != null) {
        int percent = 50;
        pcall {
          S ratio = web_string(web_getRelation(a, b), 1);
          percent = ratioToIntPercent(parseFirstInt(ratio), parseSecondInt(ratio));
        for (S s : web_texts(b))
          putHigherInt(expect, s, percent);
  expect.remove("Should I react?");
  if (nempty(expect))
    html += "Expecting:" + ul_htmlencode(
      map(keys(expect), func(S key) {
        int percent = expect.get(key);
        ret key + (percent >= 100 ? "" : " (" + percent + "%)");
  ret html;

svoid react { pcall {
  lock dbLock();
  WebNode n = lastNode();
  if (n == null) ret;
  if (web_hasLabel(n, "I should react") && web_hasLabel(n, "greeting")) {
    web_replaceLabel(n, "I should react", "I reacted");
    postToStefansChat("Hello Bozo");

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Snippet ID: #1010963
Snippet name: Chat Theory Module
Eternal ID of this version: #1010963/40
Text MD5: b17c038fd944f0c27d207971cc159b75
Transpilation MD5: 82af1a3860ed83f24d8cac16fdf3aa44
Author: stefan
Category: javax / chat
Type: JavaX source code (desktop)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2017-10-25 20:31:29
Source code size: 3929 bytes / 141 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 474 / 3563
Version history: 39 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]