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< > BotCompany Repo | #1010693 // Central Bot for autoRestart - LIVE

JavaX source code (desktop) [tags: ai1-lol butter use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar - homepage - homepage

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concept Log {
  S programID, ip;
  long count, last;

static ConceptFieldIndexDesc lastAccessIndex;

p {
  dbIndexing(Log, 'ip);
  lastAccessIndex = new ConceptFieldIndexDesc(Log, 'last);

static File saltFile() { ret secretProgramFile("salt"); }
sS salt() { ret trim(loadTextFile(saltFile())); }
svoid makeSalt {
  if (empty(salt())) saveTextFile(saltFile(), aGlobalID());

html {
  if (webAuthed(params) && eq(uri, "/logs")) {
    long since = parseLongOpt(params.get("since"));
    //L<Log> l = unlistedCopies(sortedByFieldDesc(Log, 'last));
    Iterator<Log> it = lastAccessIndex.objectIterator();
    new L<Log> l;
    while (l(l) < 500 && it.hasNext()) {
      Log log =;
      if (log.last < since) break;
    S salt = salt();
    for (Log log : l) log.ip = md5(log.ip + salt);
    ret serveText(renderConcepts(l));
    //ret serveText(renderConcepts(list(Log)));
  S id = fsI(params.get("id"));
  S ip = clientIP();
  Log log = uniq(Log, +ip, programID := id);
  cset(log, count := log.count+1, last := now());
  S md5 = getServerTranspilationMD5(id);
  // if transpilation is outdated, hasServerDex will be false
  if (isMD5(md5) && !hasServerDex(id)) md5 = "-";
  if (isMD5(md5))
    ret md5;
    ret "-";

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Snippet ID: #1010693
Snippet name: Central Bot for autoRestart - LIVE
Eternal ID of this version: #1010693/18
Text MD5: 85f4d3cb5aed2e0d8829f4fe88cbec93
Transpilation MD5: 8c248370aa6b10991a210c9dd20500ba
Author: stefan
Category: javax / a.i.
Type: JavaX source code (desktop)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-11-19 13:10:16
Source code size: 1388 bytes / 55 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 713 / 5000
Version history: 17 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]