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< > BotCompany Repo | #1009117 // directNohupJavax - start new independent JavaX VM [direct version]

JavaX fragment (include)

static bool directNohupJava_loggingOn = true;

static File directNohupJavax(S javaxargs) {
  ret directNohupJavax(javaxargs, javaxDefaultVMArgs());

static File directNohupJavax(fS _javaxargs, fS _vmArgs) {
  if (directNohupJava_loggingOn)
  //thread {
    //S title = "?";
    //pcall { title = getSnippetTitle(parseFirstInt(javaxargs)); }
    appendToLocalMechLog("nohupJavax Log", sfu(dropSecondIfEmpty(str(parseFirstInt(_javaxargs)), _vmArgs)));
  // TODO: handle "-case 123 1009326"
  S javaxargs = _javaxargs.trim();
  if (javaxargs.startsWith("#")) javaxargs = javaxargs.substring(1);
  S snippetID = javaTok(javaxargs).get(1);
  int idx = javaxargs.indexOf(' ');
  S args = idx < 0 ? "" : javaxargs.substring(idx+1).trim();
  S vmArgs = trim(_vmArgs);
  if (empty(vmArgs) && usePreSpunVMs()) {
    S line;
    if (args.length() != 0)
      line = format3("please start program * with arguments *", snippetID, args);
      line = format3("please start program *", snippetID);
    S answer = sendToLocalBotOpt("A pre-spun VM.", line);
    if (match3("ok", answer)) {
      print("OK, used pre-spun VM.");
    if (answer != null)
      print("> " + answer);
    print("Using standard nohup.");
  ret classicNohupJavax(javaxargs, vmArgs);

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Began life as a copy of #1001372

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Snippet ID: #1009117
Snippet name: directNohupJavax - start new independent JavaX VM [direct version]
Eternal ID of this version: #1009117/15
Text MD5: be8fb9b768467561aff8ae56b57bcef6
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-06-13 14:11:19
Source code size: 1327 bytes / 39 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 683 / 700
Version history: 14 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]