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< > BotCompany Repo | #1007159 // A. I. Game 3.1 - Dark/Bright [REFACTORED, WORKS]

JavaX source code [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

Uses 3874K of libraries. Click here for Pure Java version (8718L/62K/220K).


!include #1006891 // Click AI Include

static int spacing = 10; // space between the two images

p {
  w = h = 150;
  imageZoom = 1;

extend AI {
  Rect leftRect() { ret main.leftRect(image); }
  Rect rightRect() { ret main.rightRect(image); }
  L<Rect> clickLeft() { ret submit(leftRect()); }
  L<Rect> clickRight() { ret submit(rightRect()); }
  L<Rect> clickLeftIf(bool b) { ret b ? clickLeft() : clickRight(); }
  L<Rect> clickRightIf(bool b) { ret b ? clickRight() : clickLeft(); }
  RGBImage leftImage() { ret image.clip(leftRect()); }
  RGBImage rightImage() { ret image.clip(rightRect()); }

static int singleImageWidth(RGBImage img) { ret (img.w()-spacing)/2; }

static Rect leftRect(RGBImage img) {
  int iw = singleImageWidth(img);
  ret new Rect(0, 0, iw, h);

static Rect rightRect(RGBImage img) {
  int iw = singleImageWidth(img);
  ret new Rect(iw+spacing, 0, iw, h);

// Test AIs. Just add your own here //

AI > ClickOnBrighterImage {
  void go {
    clickLeftIf(rgbAverageBrightness(leftImage()) > rgbAverageBrightness(rightImage()));


static Puzzle makePuzzle() {
  S instruction = "Click on the brighter image";
  RGBImage img = rgbImage(0xeef3e6, w*2+spacing, h);
  double l = random(10)/10.0, r = random(10)/10.0;
  Rect lr = leftRect(img), rr = rightRect(img);
  rgbFill(img, lr, new RGB(l));
  rgbFill(img, rr, new RGB(r));
  L<Rect> solution = l > r ? ll(lr) : l == r ? ll(lr, rr) : ll(rr);
  ret new Puzzle(instruction, img, solution);

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1006837

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Snippet ID: #1007159
Snippet name: A. I. Game 3.1 - Dark/Bright [REFACTORED, WORKS]
Eternal ID of this version: #1007159/7
Text MD5: f15733e55f0a887ba4315a27b9d04ea5
Transpilation MD5: 8d9f7636718cd120527f4143c799de15
Author: stefan
Category: javax / gui
Type: JavaX source code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2017-03-08 17:22:58
Source code size: 1686 bytes / 59 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 503 / 623
Version history: 6 change(s)
Referenced in: [show references]