1 | static L<S> standardFunctions = litlist( |
2 | "#1036542/shootCombinedScreens", |
3 | "#1036541/cloneDropFirst", |
4 | "#1036540/singletonMultiSet", |
5 | "#1036539/findFieldInInterfaces", |
6 | "#1036537/moveItemsFirst", |
7 | "#1036531/test_SynchronizedTypedArrayList", |
8 | "#1036525/closeableIterableIterator", |
9 | "#1036524/dummyIteratorMonitor", |
10 | "#1036522/pairGet", |
11 | "#1036516/classHasMethodNamed", |
12 | "#1036513/cloneSubLongArray", |
13 | "#1036512/cloneSubDoubleArray", |
14 | "#1036511/formatArgumentClasses", |
15 | "#1036510/parseWithDateFormats", |
16 | "#1036509/naN", |
17 | "#1036508/syncFirst", |
18 | "#1036507/test_SynchronizedFloatBufferPresentingAsDoubles", |
19 | "#1036506/hasNext", |
20 | "#1036505/calculatePositionProfit", |
21 | "#1036504/assertEqualsOneOf", |
22 | "#1036503/sortedByIC", |
23 | "#1036502/multiMapSingletonPairs", |
24 | "#1036500/test_leftArrowScript_objectScope", |
25 | "#1036499/appendLineToFile", |
26 | "#1036497/tempAddComponentInFront", |
27 | "#1036496/convertToHeikinAshi", |
28 | "#1036495/mergeEveryNCandles", |
29 | "#1036494/fold", |
30 | "#1036493/joinTimestampRanges", |
31 | "#1036492/takeLastFromIterator", |
32 | "#1036491/closeOpt", |
33 | "#1036490/havingFieldNotNull", |
34 | "#1036487/tok_script_scanType", |
35 | "#1036486/tok_script_findEndOfType", |
36 | "#1036485/buySellText", |
37 | "#1036484/replaceToken_reTok", |
38 | "#1036483/tok_script_settable", |
39 | "#1036482/moveCaretAndScroll", |
40 | "#1036481/changeReceiverToRunnable", |
41 | "#1036479/scrollTextAreaToLineAndCol", |
42 | "#1036478/updateChain", |
43 | "#1036475/toJComponent", |
44 | "#1036473/onComponentShown", |
45 | "#1036468/trueRange", |
46 | "#1036467/negateIf", |
47 | "#1036466/jLines", |
48 | "#1036464/resolvableClassToName", |
49 | "#1036457/shortenNumbers", |
50 | "#1036456/test_MountainsAndValleys", |
51 | "#1036454/minutesInADay", |
52 | "#1036453/longestList", |
53 | "#1036451/test_shortenClassNames", |
54 | "#1036450/shortenClassNames", |
55 | "#1036448/valuesArray", |
56 | "#1036441/bollingerRange", |
57 | "#1036440/doubleRangeAround", |
58 | "#1036438/smoothedMovingAverage", |
59 | "#1036437/reciprocal", |
60 | "#1036436/syncNewSubList", |
61 | "#1036435/averageAndStandardDeviation", |
62 | "#1036433/nCandles", |
63 | "#1036432/scoredMethods_withPrimitiveWidening_onTypes", |
64 | "#1036431/findMethods_withPrimitiveWidening_onTypes", |
65 | "#1036430/arrayClass", |
66 | "#1036429/totalLengthOfTimestampRanges", |
67 | "#1036428/copyField", |
68 | "#1036427/isHardError", |
69 | "#1036426/handleHardError", |
70 | "#1036425/uniquifyWith", |
71 | "#1036423/allCausesIncludingSelf", |
72 | "#1036422/test_leftArrowScript_scriptError", |
73 | "#1036421/caretLineAndCol", |
74 | "#1036420/charIndexToLineAndColumn", |
75 | "#1036419/pollWaitUntilNotNull", |
76 | "#1036418/pollWaitUntil", |
77 | "#1036417/fileAttributes", |
78 | "#1036416/infoBoxConcat", |
79 | "#1036414/test_unstructure_doneLoading", |
80 | "#1036413/callDoneLoadingUnlessUnstructuring", |
81 | "#1036412/putCRUDButtonsNextToSearchBar", |
82 | "#1036293/defaultPCallPolicy_set", |
83 | "#1036410/addGlobalLastErrorsBufferToDefaultPCallPolicy", |
84 | "#1036409/globalLastErrorsBuffer", |
85 | "#1036408/synchronizedCollection", |
86 | "#1036406/assertEqualsV", |
87 | "#1036405/nValues", |
88 | "#1036404/guarantee", |
89 | "#1036403/tempRestoreSCP", |
90 | "#1036401/onlyChars", |
91 | "#1036400/appendPrefix", |
92 | "#1036398/rightAlignTextField", |
93 | "#1036395/formatHours_roundUp", |
94 | "#1036394/negative", |
95 | "#1036393/candleColorOnWhite", |
96 | "#1036392/brCombine", |
97 | "#1036391/jMaxHeight", |
98 | "#1036388/differentByEpsilonRatio", |
99 | "#1036387/vscrollingCenteredLine_noGaps", |
100 | "#1036385/toM_round", |
101 | "#1036384/str_toM_round", |
102 | "#1036383/vmBus_onMessageAndNow", |
103 | "#1036382/contentsOfTab", |
104 | "#1036381/contentsOfTabNamed", |
105 | "#1036377/sysTimeToTimestamp", |
106 | "#1036376/msIntervalToHertz", |
107 | "#1036374/jReloadEvery", |
108 | "#1036372/jOnDemandInQ", |
109 | "#1036371/looselyBindLiveValueToTextComponent", |
110 | "#1036370/str_toGB", |
111 | "#1036369/mapOdds", |
112 | "#1036367/recursiveFontSize", |
113 | "#1036366/black", |
114 | "#1036365/ne", |
115 | "#1036363/executingSwingCode", |
116 | "#1036363/onExecutingSwingCode", |
117 | "#1036363/removeExecutingSwingCodeListener", |
118 | "#1036362/syncClear_trueIfChanged", |
119 | "#1036361/jscroll_horizontal_borderless", |
120 | "#1036360/strongestSignal", |
121 | "#1036349/simpleQuoteOpt", |
122 | "#1036348/multiSetAverage", |
123 | "#1036347/allUpDownSequencesOfLength", |
124 | "#1036346/allWordsOfAlphabetWithLength", |
125 | "#1036344/reformatFloatingPointNumbers", |
126 | "#1036343/regexpForFloatingPointWithoutSign", |
127 | "#1036341/iroundTowardsWithOutwardEpsilon", |
128 | "#1036340/paramIs1", |
129 | "#1036339/allUpDownSequencesOfMaxLength", |
130 | "#1036336/formatDollarProfit", |
131 | "#1036335/tempInc", |
132 | "#1036334/tempInstanceCounter", |
133 | "#1036333/formatWith2OrZeroDecimals", |
134 | "#1036332/formatDollarPrice", |
135 | "#1036331/securelyTossCoin", |
136 | "#1036330/test_TickerSequence", |
137 | "#1036328/test_leftArrowScript_var", |
138 | "#1036327/withDollar", |
139 | "#1036326/hoursToDays", |
140 | "#1036325/lineCombine", |
141 | "#1036324/msToHours", |
142 | "#1036323/pcall_fail", |
143 | "#1036320/rstWithPreDelay_v2", |
144 | "#1036319/withBoldLabelToTheRight", |
145 | "#1036318/dropHashFromClassName", |
146 | "#1036317/_getClass2", |
147 | "#1036316/shortClassName2", |
148 | "#1036315/looselyBindLiveValueToComboBox", |
149 | "#1036314/standardImports_singleClasses", |
150 | "#1036313/hoursToDuration", |
151 | "#1036312/daysToDuration", |
152 | "#1036311/parseDaysOrHours", |
153 | "#1036310/parseHours", |
154 | "#1036309/parseDays", |
155 | "#1036308/jverticalCenter", |
156 | "#1036307/test_leftArrowScript_ifdef", |
157 | "#1036306/tok_ifdef", |
158 | "#1036305/tok_conditionals", |
159 | "#1036302/isValidZipFile", |
160 | "#1036301/fieldContainingIC", |
161 | "#1036300/naNToZero", |
162 | "#1036299/jscroll_vertical_borderless", |
163 | "#1036298/getIfIF0", |
164 | "#1036297/over", |
165 | "#1036296/assertContainsVerbose", |
166 | "#1036295/tok_pcall_script", |
167 | "#1036294/tok_pcall", |
168 | "#1036288/pcallFail", |
169 | "#1036293/defaultPCallPolicy", |
170 | "#1036292/test_leftArrowScript_pcall", |
171 | "#1036291/tempSetPCallPolicyForThread", |
172 | "#1036290/pcallPolicyForThread_tl", |
173 | "#1036289/pcallPolicyForThread", |
174 | "#1036286/test_unstructureMissingClassObject", |
175 | "#1036285/inclusiveIntRangeContains", |
176 | "#1036284/test_SynchronizedLongBufferStoredAsLinearInts", |
177 | "#1036280/subFloatArrayAsDoubleArray", |
178 | "#1036279/doubleArrayToFloatArray", |
179 | "#1036278/takeFirstFromFloatArrayAsDoubleArray", |
180 | "#1036277/floatArrayToDoubleList", |
181 | "#1036275/godMode", |
182 | "#1036273/renderLineAndColumnRange", |
183 | "#1036272/directionToCandleColor", |
184 | "#1036271/signToUpDown", |
185 | "#1036270/notSame", |
186 | "#1036269/formatMarginProfit", |
187 | "#1036265/intDeltas", |
188 | "#1036264/runLengthStats", |
189 | "#1036263/daysToMinutes", |
190 | "#1036262/imageSurfaceWithToolTip", |
191 | "#1036255/geometricPriceDigitizer", |
192 | "#1036254/definedRewrites", |
193 | "#1036253/initHashMap", |
194 | "#1036252/defineRewrite", |
195 | "#1036250/fromHours", |
196 | "#1036248/duration", |
197 | "#1036247/removeTab", |
198 | "#1036246/anyContainsIgnoreCase", |
199 | "#1036245/if2ToF2", |
200 | "#1036242/jText", |
201 | "#1036240/formatMarginPrice", |
202 | "#1036239/test_plusMinusFix", |
203 | "#1018794/test_formatDouble_significant2", |
204 | "#1036238/test_structure_floatingPoint", |
205 | "#1036237/jStruct", |
206 | "#1036236/messageBoxAndFail", |
207 | "#1036234/formatDays", |
208 | "#1036233/checkCast", |
209 | "#1036232/resetFields", |
210 | "#1036230/plusMinusFix", |
211 | "#1036229/roundTo", |
212 | "#1036228/diffRatio", |
213 | "#1036226/iroundTowards", |
214 | "#1036225/test_dropMinusFromZero", |
215 | "#1036224/dropMinusFromZero", |
216 | "#1036223/onHover", |
217 | "#1036222/bold", |
218 | "#1036221/addPlusIfPositive", |
219 | "#1036220/isPositiveNumberString", |
220 | "#1036218/formatPrice", |
221 | "#1036217/addPlusIfStartsWithDigit", |
222 | "#1036216/formatPercentage", |
223 | "#1036213/assertURL", |
224 | "#1036212/fontSizes", |
225 | "#1036203/jBorderlessHigherHorizontalScrollPane", |
226 | "#1036202/validFileName", |
227 | "#1036201/pairIfBNotNull", |
228 | "#1036200/lessOrEq", |
229 | "#1036198/trading_directionToPositionType", |
230 | "#1036197/renderRecord", |
231 | "#1036195/isZip", |
232 | "#1036194/postPageWithGazAICredentials", |
233 | "#1036193/rstDoNow", |
234 | "#1036190/jReloadButton", |
235 | "#1036189/getSecretValue", |
236 | "#1036188/uneditableWordWrappedTextArea", |
237 | "#1036187/growTimestampRange", |
238 | "#1003297/newButton_autoToolTip", |
239 | "#1036180/withBoldLabel", |
240 | "#1036179/applyLeverageToProfit", |
241 | "#1036178/deleteFileIfZippedVersionExists", |
242 | "#1036177/combinePercentChanges", |
243 | "#1036176/formatHours", |
244 | "#1036175/formatMinutes", |
245 | "#1036174/looselyBindLiveValueToSliderWithFactor", |
246 | "#1036173/nPositions", |
247 | "#1036172/lookupDynamicInterface_v2", |
248 | "#1036169/roundToIntRange", |
249 | "#1036165/clampToLength", |
250 | "#1036163/lceil", |
251 | "#1036162/wrapLongArrayAsList", |
252 | "#1036161/exponentialRandom", |
253 | "#1036155/removePlateausFromArray", |
254 | "#1036160/floatArrayToList", |
255 | "#1036159/emptyFloatArray", |
256 | "#1036158/lFloatArray", |
257 | "#1036157/resizeFloatArray", |
258 | "#1036154/addToArrayWithDoublingStrategy", |
259 | "#1036151/limitToSafeArraySize", |
260 | "#1036149/maxAllowingNull", |
261 | "#1036147/isAllLettersAndDigits", |
262 | "#1036146/tailFileLinewiseFromPosition", |
263 | "#1036144/parseDoubleOrKeepObject", |
264 | "#1036142/longArrayFromBytes", |
265 | "#1036141/byteArrayFromLongs_bigEndian", |
266 | "#1036140/longArrayToHex_bigEndian", |
267 | "#1036139/test_structure_longArrays", |
268 | "#1036137/cloneDoubleArray", |
269 | "#1036136/litdoublearray", |
270 | "#1036135/forgetCompiledSrcLib", |
271 | "#1036133/reverseDNSLookup", |
272 | "#1036131/bigLabel", |
273 | "#1036132/bigFontSize", |
274 | "#1036130/escapeSpaces", |
275 | "#1036128/loadCompiledSrcLib", |
276 | "#1036127/jarBotURL", |
277 | "#1036125/zipSingleFile", |
278 | "#1036124/combineWithSeparator", |
279 | "#1036116/listToStringWithLength", |
280 | "#1036112/addIfNotContained", |
281 | "#1036111/nCoins", |
282 | "#1036110/javaModule", |
283 | "#1036109/quoteOrEmpty", |
284 | "#1036108/toSecretValue", |
285 | "#1036102/transformFromZeroToOne", |
286 | "#1036101/joinRects", |
287 | "#1036100/combinedScreenRect", |
288 | "#1036099/screenRects", |
289 | "#1036098/screens", |
290 | "#1036097/newTransparentImage", |
291 | "#1036093/iffNull", |
292 | "#1036092/posterizeToHi15", |
293 | "#1036089/ubyteSum", |
294 | "#1036088/countDifferingBits_1024bit_vectorAPI", |
295 | "#1036086/elementBefore", |
296 | "#1036085/convertPointToScreen", |
297 | "#1036084/ptFromEvent", |
298 | "#1036082/getCyclic", |
299 | "#1036080/lessOrEqual", |
300 | "#1036079/nlToBr_trim", |
301 | "#1036077/binaryImageOutline", |
302 | "#1036078/binaryImageFromFunction", |
303 | "#1036076/getBoolPixelDefaultTrue", |
304 | "#1036075/colorToRGBA", |
305 | "#1036074/transparentColor", |
306 | "#1036073/g22drawScaledMask", |
307 | "#1036072/bufferedImageFromFunctionWithAlpha", |
308 | "#1036071/intArrayToBufferedImageWithAlpha", |
309 | "#1036070/imageFromFunctionWithAlpha", |
310 | "#1036069/twoColorImageWithAlpha", |
311 | "#1036068/posterizerDefinition", |
312 | "#1036067/bufferedImageFromPixels", |
313 | "#1036066/transformBufferedImageWithSimplePixelOp", |
314 | "#1036065/drawPixelSet", |
315 | "#1036064/baseDownZeroToOne", |
316 | "#1036063/takeFirstShuffled", |
317 | "#1036061/twoColorImage", |
318 | "#1036062/bufferedImageFromFunctionWithoutAlpha", |
319 | "#1036060/g22standardRegionToMaskImage", |
320 | "#1036059/optimizedUniqCI", |
321 | "#1036058/bench_G22MakeMaskCorrelationMatrix", |
322 | "#1036055/bench_maskDiffing_justTheBitOp_fixedSize", |
323 | "#1036054/countDifferingBits_1024bit", |
324 | "#1036053/oshi_cpuFrequency", |
325 | "#1036052/ldiv_round", |
326 | "#1036051/longAverage", |
327 | "#1036050/bench_maskDiffing_justTheBitOp_singleArray", |
328 | "#1036049/concatLongArrays", |
329 | "#1036048/bench_maskDiffing_justTheBitOp", |
330 | "#1036047/countDifferingBits", |
331 | "#1036046/bench_binaryImagePixelDifference_sameSize_Image2BAsLongs", |
332 | "#1036045/test_Image2BAsLongs", |
333 | "#1036044/cloneLongArray", |
334 | "#1036043/ubyteToLong", |
335 | "#1036042/longFromBytes_littleEndian_partial", |
336 | "#1036041/longArrayFromBytes_littleEndian_flexLength", |
337 | "#1036039/bench_binaryImagePixelDifference_sameSize_Image2BAsInts", |
338 | "#1036038/bench_binaryImagePixelDifference_sameSize_Image2B", |
339 | "#1036037/test_Image2BAsInts", |
340 | "#1036035/tok_dotPlus", |
341 | "#1036034/liftProbabilityOffGround", |
342 | "#1036032/mapProbabilisticList", |
343 | "#1036029/sysNowPlusSeconds_noPing", |
344 | "#1036028/sysNowPlusSeconds", |
345 | "#1036025/bitGetWSClientBuilder", |
346 | "#1036023/hmacSHA256", |
347 | "#1036021/loadJSONMapPage", |
348 | "#1036016/plusPercent", |
349 | "#1036015/blurImage", |
350 | "#1036014/toBufferedImages", |
351 | "#1036010/patchworkImagesAsSquare", |
352 | "#1036009/patchworkImagesVH", |
353 | "#1036008/mergePatchworkImagesVertically", |
354 | "#1036007/patchworkBufferedImagesHorizontally", |
355 | "#1036005/topLeft", |
356 | "#1036002/filterAntiFilterByBitSet", |
357 | "#1036001/clampUByteInt", |
358 | "#1036000/clampUByte", |
359 | "#1035999/intFromSlider", |
360 | "#1035998/looselyBindLiveValueToSlider", |
361 | "#1035997/stdHash_nonTransient", |
362 | "#1035996/stdEq_nonTransient", |
363 | "#1035993/isSubClassOf", |
364 | "#1035992/test_restructure_CompactHashSet", |
365 | "#1035991/test_restructure_CompactHashMap", |
366 | "#1035990/orIfEmpty", |
367 | "#1035987/g22defaultMaskSideLength", |
368 | "#1035985/mapCloseables_pcall", |
369 | "#1035984/setMuricaPassword", |
370 | "#1035983/bunzipToText", |
371 | "#1035982/bunzipBytes", |
372 | "#1035981/l_n2", |
373 | "#1035980/jMinSize0", |
374 | "#1035978/imageSurfaceCheckerBoardBackground", |
375 | "#1035976/metaSrc", |
376 | "#1035974/cutOutRegionFromImage", |
377 | "#1035973/regionToBinaryImage", |
378 | "#1035972/parsePt", |
379 | "#1035970/concepts", |
380 | "#1035969/g22markPointAnimation", |
381 | "#1035968/tok_skipAnnotations", |
382 | "#1035967/restrictWindowToScreenSize", |
383 | "#1035966/repaintEvery", |
384 | "#1035965/drawSquareAround", |
385 | "#1035964/markPoint", |
386 | "#1035963/addImageScaleOverlay", |
387 | "#1035962/cloneGraphics", |
388 | "#1035961/tok_extractRoundBracketBody", |
389 | "#1035960/tok_findRoundBracketBody", |
390 | "#1035959/changeKeyAndModifyValue", |
391 | "#1035956/g22_allBorderTraces_autoDiagonals", |
392 | "#1035955/zoomGraphics", |
393 | "#1035954/jHigherScrollPane_borderless_center", |
394 | "#1035952/centerImageOnBackground", |
395 | "#1035948/test_VScrollingWrapLayout", |
396 | "#1035947/guessImageSizeInMemory", |
397 | "#1035942/saveQOIVerbose", |
398 | "#1035941/isQOIFile", |
399 | "#1035940/isQOI", |
400 | "#1035937/loadQOI", |
401 | "#1035936/saveQOI", |
402 | "#1035935/qoify", |
403 | "#1035934/looselyBindLiveValueToCheckBox", |
404 | "#1035933/hi15_b", |
405 | "#1035932/hi15_g", |
406 | "#1035931/hi15_r", |
407 | "#1035930/hi15_imageMinusImage", |
408 | "#1035928/hi15", |
409 | "#1035929/hi15_clamp", |
410 | "#1035925/indexOfHighest", |
411 | "#1035924/rotate180", |
412 | "#1035923/test_structure_fileAsKey", |
413 | "#1035921/nListeners", |
414 | "#1035922/printCommaCombine", |
415 | "#1035919/simpleCenteredLabel", |
416 | "#1035918/nColors", |
417 | "#1035917/showingAWTObjectsOfType", |
418 | "#1035916/nPlayers", |
419 | "#1035915/moreThanOne", |
420 | "#1035914/printConcat", |
421 | "#1035913/reversedKeysList", |
422 | "#1035911/centerComboBoxAndItems", |
423 | "#1035910/periodCombine", |
424 | "#1035909/customSeparatorCombine", |
425 | "#1035908/awtObjectsOfType", |
426 | "#1035906/testQOI", |
427 | "#1035905/bitsPerPixel", |
428 | "#1035904/fromQOI", |
429 | "#1035903/toQOI", |
430 | "#1035901/str_megapixels", |
431 | "#1035900/imageOnBackground", |
432 | "#1035899/withFullAlpha", |
433 | "#1035896/getSampleModel", |
434 | "#1035895/jpegRecompress", |
435 | "#1035894/test_AbstractFastRegions_fastMode", |
436 | "#1035893/shortArrayToHex_bigEndian", |
437 | "#1035892/byteArrayFromShorts_bigEndian", |
438 | "#1035891/test_structure_shortArrays", |
439 | "#1035888/toJPEGWithQuality", |
440 | "#1035887/jpegSize", |
441 | "#1035886/huffmanSize", |
442 | "#1035885/pixelIterator", |
443 | "#1035882/looselyBindLiveValueToSpinner", |
444 | "#1035878/test_tok_stages", |
445 | "#1035877/posterizeBufferedImageToHi15", |
446 | "#1035875/arrayGet", |
447 | "#1035874/ptToIndex", |
448 | "#1035873/pixelsByBrightness", |
449 | "#1035872/pixelsByDescendingBrightness", |
450 | "#1035871/ptFromPixelIndex", |
451 | "#1035870/byteArrayForNBits", |
452 | "#1035869/g22pixelCertainty", |
453 | "#1035868/sumOfBinaryImages", |
454 | "#1035866/floatSumAsDouble", |
455 | "#1035865/randomBinaryImage", |
456 | "#1035863/binaryImagePixelDifference_sameSize", |
457 | "#1035862/popCount", |
458 | "#1035859/nMasks", |
459 | "#1035857/pixelsInImage", |
460 | "#1035856/arrayfill", |
461 | "#1035851/hashImage2B", |
462 | "#1035848/floatBWImageFromFunction", |
463 | "#1035847/preciseCertaintyImage", |
464 | "#1035846/preciseAverageOfBinaryImages", |
465 | "#1035845/test_HashedImage2B", |
466 | "#1035841/colorToRGBInt", |
467 | "#1035840/defaultDecolorizer", |
468 | "#1035838/binaryImagesIdentical", |
469 | "#1035837/randomImage2B", |
470 | "#1035836/test_hashBinaryImage_hashBufferedImage_compatiblility", |
471 | "#1035834/hashBinaryImage", |
472 | "#1035833/uniquifyBinaryImages", |
473 | "#1035832/ghostImageCertainty", |
474 | "#1035831/parseDoublesOpt", |
475 | "#1035830/parseDoubles", |
476 | "#1035829/mapsGet", |
477 | "#1035828/listCombine", |
478 | "#1035826/certaintyImage", |
479 | "#1035827/absdiff", |
480 | "#1035825/averageOfBinaryImages", |
481 | "#1035824/scaledIBinaryImage", |
482 | "#1035823/regionToIBinaryImage", |
483 | "#1035821/iBinaryImageFromFunction", |
484 | "#1035822/iBinaryImageToImage2B", |
485 | "#1035819/resizeImage2B", |
486 | "#1035815/formatDoubleX2", |
487 | "#1035814/formatDouble2X", |
488 | "#1035813/jvsplitSections", |
489 | "#1035811/test_MD5", |
490 | "#1035810/test_twoIntsToLong_bigEndian", |
491 | "#1035809/test_longToHex", |
492 | "#1035808/test_longFromBytes_bigEndian", |
493 | "#1035807/test_intFromBytes_bigEndian", |
494 | "#1035806/md5OfFileAsByteArray", |
495 | "#1035805/md5AsByteArray", |
496 | "#1035804/parseHexBytes", |
497 | "#1035801/longFromBytes_bigEndian", |
498 | "#1035802/twoIntsToLong_bigEndian", |
499 | "#1035800/intFromBytes_bigEndian", |
500 | "#1035797/clipboardContainsImage", |
501 | "#1035796/isImageMimeType", |
502 | "#1035795/test_dataURLMimeType", |
503 | "#1035794/dataURLMimeType", |
504 | "#1035793/jvsplit_minZero", |
505 | "#1035792/classIs", |
506 | "#1035790/times", |
507 | "#1035789/ipAddress", |
508 | "#1035788/myIP", |
509 | "#1035787/firstNCubes", |
510 | "#1035786/cubed", |
511 | "#1035785/test_CutListToBudget", |
512 | "#1035783/jLiveValueSlider_double_noScaling", |
513 | "#1035782/jSlider", |
514 | "#1035781/jSliderPlusValue", |
515 | "#1035780/colorToHi15", |
516 | "#1035778/shortenToMaxLines", |
517 | "#1035777/closeAllOpt", |
518 | "#1035776/lenna", |
519 | "#1035775/onEnclosingScrollPaneResize", |
520 | "#1035774/bwImageSimilarityResized_v2", |
521 | "#1035773/iroundAll", |
522 | "#1035772/uneditableTypeWriterTextArea", |
523 | "#1035771/str_toKB_oneDecimal", |
524 | "#1035770/formatDouble1X", |
525 | "#1035769/nlCombine_rtrim", |
526 | "#1035768/toIBWIntegralImage", |
527 | "#1035767/test_BWImage", |
528 | "#1035765/compareBWImagesByScanlineOrdering", |
529 | "#1035764/splitAtSpaceIterator", |
530 | "#1035763/n2_iceil", |
531 | "#1035762/stringWriter", |
532 | "#1035761/bufferedFileWriter", |
533 | "#1035759/readLineFromReader", |
534 | "#1035758/intsToKB", |
535 | "#1035755/megapixels", |
536 | "#1035754/totalSizeInInts", |
537 | "#1035751/nlCombine", |
538 | "#1035750/jMaxSpeedAnimationWithText", |
539 | "#1035749/cbrt", |
540 | "#1035744/safeMul", |
541 | "#1035742/blurBufferedImage", |
542 | "#1035741/posterizeBufferedImage", |
543 | "#1035737/cachePosterizer", |
544 | "#1035734/assertDivisibleBy", |
545 | "#1035733/colonCombine", |
546 | "#1035732/isFullyTransparent", |
547 | "#1035730/test_leftArrowScript_then", |
548 | "#1035729/repIntArray", |
549 | "#1035725/assertPixels", |
550 | "#1035727/assertIntArrayEquals", |
551 | "#1035726/imageToPixels", |
552 | "#1035724/imageFromPixels", |
553 | "#1035723/loadFirstBytesOfFile", |
554 | "#1035722/vectorizeSSIIfBeneficial", |
555 | "#1035720/isTransparent", |
556 | "#1035719/pixelsFromBufferedImage", |
557 | "#1035718/pixelsToBufferedImage", |
558 | "#1035716/pixelsInImageIterator", |
559 | "#1035712/toVectorSSI", |
560 | "#1035710/totalVectorSSIPoints", |
561 | "#1035706/growRange", |
562 | "#1035705/intArrayFromFunction", |
563 | "#1035704/assertLessThanOrEqualTo", |
564 | "#1035701/iroundDoubleArray", |
565 | "#1035696/huffmanCompressionMBPerSecond", |
566 | "#1035698/huffmanDecompressionMBPerSecond", |
567 | "#1035697/huffmanDecompressByteArray", |
568 | "#1035695/huffmanCompressByteArray", |
569 | "#1035694/parentName", |
570 | "#1035693/dropStarPrefix", |
571 | "#1035691/testStringToAndFromHuffmanBytes", |
572 | "#1035690/stringFromHuffmanBytes", |
573 | "#1035689/printHexDump", |
574 | "#1035688/stringToHuffmanBytes", |
575 | "#1035686/numberOfBits", |
576 | "#1035685/byteToHex", |
577 | "#1035684/convertIntArrayToByteArray", |
578 | "#1035683/assertByteArrayEquals", |
579 | "#1035682/wrapByteArrayAsList", |
580 | "#1035681/assertByteArraysEqual", |
581 | "#1035679/printWithStackTrace", |
582 | "#1035677/llSync", |
583 | "#1035676/emptyByteArray", |
584 | "#1035673/toByte", |
585 | "#1035671/litbytearray", |
586 | "#1035670/toUByte", |
587 | "#1035669/codePoint", |
588 | "#1035668/ubyteToHex", |
589 | "#1035666/byteHistogramArray", |
590 | "#1035664/toASCII", |
591 | "#1035660/unixSecondsToTimestamp", |
592 | "#1035658/ymdHMSToTimestamp", |
593 | "#1035657/tok_usualDefaults", |
594 | "#1035656/test_leftArrowScript_tilde", |
595 | "#1035653/urlConnection", |
596 | "#1035652/bitXor", |
597 | "#1035651/imageToIntPixels", |
598 | "#1035650/mapPixels", |
599 | "#1035646/shootLeftScreenHalf", |
600 | "#1035649/iround_blend", |
601 | "#1035648/rectRelative", |
602 | "#1035647/leftScreenHalf", |
603 | "#1035645/test_grabbableIntPixels_withTransparency", |
604 | "#1035644/assertIntArraysEqual", |
605 | "#1035643/tok_isSingleIdentifier", |
606 | "#1035642/intAreaRoot", |
607 | "#1035641/render", |
608 | "#1035638/assertProperStreaks", |
609 | "#1035637/shiftIntRanges", |
610 | "#1035636/byteArrayOutputStream", |
611 | "#1035631/jhsplit_minZero", |
612 | "#1035629/jMinHeight0", |
613 | "#1035628/jMinWidth0", |
614 | "#1035625/n2_noPlural", |
615 | "#1035624/resizeShortArray", |
616 | "#1035623/lShortArray", |
617 | "#1035621/renderKB", |
618 | "#1035620/newShortArrayOrNull", |
619 | "#1035619/toShort_enforce", |
620 | "#1035618/biggestSSIsFirst", |
621 | "#1035617/anonVar", |
622 | "#1035616/takeFirstNSSILines", |
623 | "#1035615/hi15ToRGB", |
624 | "#1035614/areaRoot", |
625 | "#1035613/totalSSILines", |
626 | "#1035612/jMaxSpeedAnimationWithStats", |
627 | "#1035609/jMaxSpeedAnimation", |
628 | "#1035607/renderAll", |
629 | "#1035606/genericStreaks", |
630 | "#1035604/rgbToHi15", |
631 | "#1035602/loadBufferedImagePossiblyFixingGIFs", |
632 | "#1035600/hi15color", |
633 | "#1035599/hi15ToColor_clean", |
634 | "#1035598/hi15ToRGBInt", |
635 | "#1035597/hi15ToRGBInt_clean", |
636 | "#1035596/biggestRegionsFirst", |
637 | "#1035594/castIntToShort", |
638 | "#1035593/hi15ToColor_dirty", |
639 | "#1035592/intToColorOpaque", |
640 | "#1035591/intToHex_fullLength", |
641 | "#1035588/intToBinary", |
642 | "#1035587/rgbIntToHi15", |
643 | "#1035586/hi15ToRGBInt_dirty", |
644 | "#1035569/stupidFib_collab", |
645 | "#1035580/collab_computeLong2", |
646 | "#1035579/longPairCollector", |
647 | "#1035577/newIntArrayOrNull", |
648 | "#1035576/collab_computeLong", |
649 | "#1035575/countIterator_incl", |
650 | "#1035568/secondsToMS_int", |
651 | "#1035560/printN2", |
652 | "#1035559/stupidFib", |
653 | "#1035558/serveHttpFromWebServable", |
654 | "#1035557/nanoHTTPDCurrentSession", |
655 | "#1035554/tok_swapFunctions", |
656 | "#1035552/localCourierFontName", |
657 | "#1035551/tempPrintAlsoToSystemOut", |
658 | "#1035550/tempSetGeneric", |
659 | "#1035549/haveTranspilationPassword", |
660 | "#1035548/transpilationPasswordFile", |
661 | "#1035547/transpilationPassword", |
662 | "#1035546/transpilationCredentials", |
663 | "#1035545/transpilationCredentialsQuery", |
664 | "#1035544/g22_devMode", |
665 | "#1035541/standardCredentialsPassFile", |
666 | "#1035540/standardCredentialsUserFile", |
667 | "#1035539/preciseGetOrCallMethod_sentinel", |
668 | "#1035538/typeCheck", |
669 | "#1035535/test_leftArrowScript_magicSwitch", |
670 | "#1035534/newPreciseCall_sentinel", |
671 | "#1035533/callWithVarargs_sentinel", |
672 | "#1035532/methodNotFound", |
673 | "#1035529/iround_clamp", |
674 | "#1035528/percentIncreaseInt", |
675 | "#1035527/appendPercent", |
676 | "#1035525/tok_identifierSemicolonAsFunctionCall", |
677 | "#1035524/firstNonNull", |
678 | "#1035522/majorJavaVersion", |
679 | "#1035521/eqOrGreaterThan", |
680 | "#1035518/takeFirst_unnull", |
681 | "#1035517/renameFileInfoBox", |
682 | "#1035516/waitForCalculatedValueUsingChangeListener", |
683 | "#1035515/tempOnChange", |
684 | "#1035514/waitForPredicateUsingChangeListener", |
685 | "#1035513/ratioToProbability", |
686 | "#1035512/pairsSortedByADesc", |
687 | "#1035511/regionToBWImage_inverted", |
688 | "#1035509/unquote_relaxedMLS", |
689 | "#1035508/unquoteSingleOrDoubleQuotes", |
690 | "#1035507/spaceTok", |
691 | "#1035506/asPercentIncrease", |
692 | "#1035505/minutesToDays", |
693 | "#1035504/relativeToRange", |
694 | "#1035503/preciseCenter", |
695 | "#1035502/addToIntRange", |
696 | "#1035501/putOrCreateLinkedHashMap", |
697 | "#1035499/bindVarToVar", |
698 | "#1035498/jMenuItemStayCheckedOnClick", |
699 | "#1035497/jAlwaysCheckedMenuItem", |
700 | "#1035495/greaterOrEq", |
701 | "#1035494/toImage2B", |
702 | "#1035493/image2B_growBlack", |
703 | "#1035491/image2BFromFunction", |
704 | "#1035490/timesPercent", |
705 | "#1035489/digitalVariation", |
706 | "#1035488/minusPercent", |
707 | "#1035487/toWidthAndHeight", |
708 | "#1035486/toDimension", |
709 | "#1035485/test_unstructure_jdkObject", |
710 | "#1035483/runResultWithTimestamps_dontPrintStackTrace", |
711 | "#1035482/canonicalFile", |
712 | "#1035481/percentIncrease", |
713 | "#1035479/test_leftArrowScript_antiComma", |
714 | "#1035477/rgbIntFromBrightness", |
715 | "#1035475/jscroll_borderless_center", |
716 | "#1035474/scrollToCenter", |
717 | "#1035472/apacheCommonsExec", |
718 | "#1035471/ffmpegExecutableIfSet", |
719 | "#1035470/tlft_beforeVerticalBar", |
720 | "#1035469/platformQuoteArgs", |
721 | "#1035468/zipMimeType", |
722 | "#1035467/toPt_round", |
723 | "#1035466/lineIntersectionPt", |
724 | "#1035465/perpendicularBisector", |
725 | "#1035463/findMethod_withPrimitiveWidening_onTypes", |
726 | "#1035462/methodApplicabilityScore_withPrimitiveWidening_onTypes", |
727 | "#1035460/subclassDistance", |
728 | "#1035455/componentToFront", |
729 | "#1035454/averageBrightnessImage", |
730 | "#1035452/bindTextComponentToVarWithNotify_noInitialUndo", |
731 | "#1035450/combinedChildBounds", |
732 | "#1035448/addAndRepaint", |
733 | "#1035439/imageWithMarkedBoxes", |
734 | "#1035438/relativeSliderValue", |
735 | "#1035437/waitForFrameClose", |
736 | "#1035436/tempOnFrameClose", |
737 | "#1035435/lastConceptChange", |
738 | "#1035434/toTimestamp", |
739 | "#1035430/compilationDateFromClassPath", |
740 | "#1035428/test_PStack", |
741 | "#1035427/pstackComputeAll", |
742 | "#1035422/test_Frequency", |
743 | "#1035421/zeroToOneToZeroTo255", |
744 | "#1035420/imageToBinary", |
745 | "#1035417/g22cloneMesh", |
746 | "#1035415/drawPixels", |
747 | "#1035414/drawPixel", |
748 | "#1035413/cyclicAdd", |
749 | "#1035412/g22connectAnchors", |
750 | "#1035411/test_unstructureErrorInConstructor", |
751 | "#1035410/structTokWordWrap", |
752 | "#1035409/sfOrSCSnippet", |
753 | "#1035408/scSnippet", |
754 | "#1035407/resolveKeyIC", |
755 | "#1035406/stdClasses_cached", |
756 | "#1035405/lookupStandardFunctionOrClassNameIC", |
757 | "#1035404/resolveKeyCI", |
758 | "#1035403/standardFunctionOrClassSnippetIC", |
759 | "#1035402/snippetIDForStandardClassIC", |
760 | "#1035401/lasTok", |
761 | "#1035400/ctrlLetterKeyListener", |
762 | "#1035399/test_BStack_v3", |
763 | "#1035397/test_BStack_v2", |
764 | "#1035392/assertInnerExceptionOfTypeVerbose", |
765 | "#1035391/assertInnerExceptionOfType", |
766 | "#1035390/stepMaxWithPrintIndentedStruct", |
767 | "#1035389/assertListEqualsVerbose", |
768 | "#1035387/test_BStack", |
769 | "#1035385/lessThanOrEqual", |
770 | "#1035384/stepMaxWithPrintStruct", |
771 | "#1035382/bStackCompute", |
772 | "#1035380/mergeNeighboringRects", |
773 | "#1035379/mergeOverlappingRects", |
774 | "#1035378/test_structure_Color", |
775 | "#1035377/multiSet", |
776 | "#1035376/structAll", |
777 | "#1035375/flipCoin", |
778 | "#1035373/testReversingOnePathWithOrigin", |
779 | "#1035372/reversedByteBuffer", |
780 | "#1035370/g22drawConnectingCurve", |
781 | "#1035368/weakIdentityMap", |
782 | "#1035366/ejmlMatrixToVector", |
783 | "#1035365/ejmlVectorToMatrix", |
784 | "#1035364/ejmlMatrixToArray", |
785 | "#1035363/invertMatrix", |
786 | "#1035362/tempMapPutStrictlyOrFail", |
787 | "#1035361/zeroOrOne", |
788 | "#1035360/mapPutStrictlyOrFail", |
789 | "#1035356/test_structure_TransientObject", |
790 | "#1035355/test_isPersistableClass", |
791 | "#1035349/syncMapRemoveKeyAndValuePair", |
792 | "#1035347/printAfterNL", |
793 | "#1035346/withOrWithout", |
794 | "#1035345/msToDuration", |
795 | "#1035341/shortenJoinSubList", |
796 | "#1035340/shortenJoin", |
797 | "#1035339/copyToClipboardVerbose", |
798 | "#1035338/test_StructureStringIndenter", |
799 | "#1035336/tokenRangeLongerThanNChars", |
800 | "#1035334/test_structure_customSerializer", |
801 | "#1035333/javaTokForStruct", |
802 | "#1035332/test_structure_skipDefaultValues", |
803 | "#1035330/test_structure_shouldIncludeField", |
804 | "#1035328/sysSeconds", |
805 | "#1035327/zeroToOneSine", |
806 | "#1035326/bwImageAsAlpha", |
807 | "#1035324/eigenvaluesOfSymmetricMatrix", |
808 | "#1035321/typeToVMSignature", |
809 | "#1035320/byteArrayToBCEL", |
810 | "#1035318/classNameToByteCodeFormat", |
811 | "#1035317/typeToBCELType", |
812 | "#1035316/getRawTypeClass", |
813 | "#1035314/functionKeyListener", |
814 | "#1035313/scoreForIndexInProbabilisticList", |
815 | "#1035310/saveTextFileWithoutTemp", |
816 | "#1035309/degreesToRadians", |
817 | "#1035308/radiansToDegrees", |
818 | "#1035305/urlFileName", |
819 | "#1035304/invertImageInPlace", |
820 | "#1035301/alphaChannelAverage", |
821 | "#1035299/alphaChannelFromPixels", |
822 | "#1035298/pixelsWithInvertedAlpha", |
823 | "#1035297/blendRGBInts", |
824 | "#1035296/rgbIntFromDoubles", |
825 | "#1035294/sqrUbyte", |
826 | "#1035295/unsignedShortToInt", |
827 | "#1035293/rgbDistanceSquaredInt", |
828 | "#1035292/renderImageOnBackground", |
829 | "#1035291/rgbAlphaZeroToOne", |
830 | "#1035290/rgbAlpha", |
831 | "#1035289/clampToZeroOne", |
832 | "#1035287/leftArrowParseVerbose", |
833 | "#1035286/subListContains", |
834 | "#1035283/indexOfInSortedArray", |
835 | "#1035282/las_profileForToWithAndWithoutReturnValue", |
836 | "#1035279/test_leftArrowScript_returnValueNotNeededOptimization", |
837 | "#1035278/findMethodsNamed_cached", |
838 | "#1035277/transparentImage", |
839 | "#1035276/twoPointAngle", |
840 | "#1035275/test_cyclicDistance", |
841 | "#1035274/cyclicDistance", |
842 | "#1035273/pairWithLowestB", |
843 | "#1035272/bwImageToBinary", |
844 | "#1035271/g22_regionOutline", |
845 | "#1035270/mergeBufferedImagesAsSquare", |
846 | "#1035269/onePathToShape", |
847 | "#1035268/regionToBWImage", |
848 | "#1035267/g22_biggestRegionByBounds", |
849 | "#1035264/assertValidFileName", |
850 | "#1035263/baseDirInZip", |
851 | "#1035262/syncSetAdd", |
852 | "#1035259/drawableToImage", |
853 | "#1035258/idiv_floor", |
854 | "#1035256/hasStaticMethodNamed", |
855 | "#1035254/test_leftArrowScript_comma", |
856 | "#1035252/rgbBlue", |
857 | "#1035251/rgbGreen", |
858 | "#1035250/rgbRed", |
859 | "#1035249/antiFilterToSet", |
860 | "#1034528/g22_loadableUtilsHelper", |
861 | "#1035248/bitAnd", |
862 | "#1035247/bitOr", |
863 | "#1035246/tempHideWindow", |
864 | "#1035245/copyRect", |
865 | "#1035242/mouseEventIsInBorder", |
866 | "#1035239/assertSameImage", |
867 | "#1035238/testBlockOptimizedIntMatrix", |
868 | "#1035236/blurredPixelsFromIntegralImage", |
869 | "#1033658/copyMatrix", |
870 | "#1035235/rshift_ceil", |
871 | "#1035232/byteFromArray", |
872 | "#1035231/byteArrayToBase128Utf8", |
873 | "#1035230/shrinkRectBottomAndRight", |
874 | "#1035229/scaleWidthAndHeight", |
875 | "#1035223/combinedScreenBounds", |
876 | "#1035217/timedFor5", |
877 | "#1035212/virtualNullList", |
878 | "#1035211/countList", |
879 | "#1035210/timedForNSeconds", |
880 | "#1035209/testDirectlyPaintingOnJComponent", |
881 | "#1035208/testWeightlessShuffledIteratorWithSeed", |
882 | "#1035205/tok_replaceVarWith", |
883 | "#1035204/nBits", |
884 | "#1035199/parseHexConstant", |
885 | "#1035198/intToHexConstant", |
886 | "#1035197/reverseBits", |
887 | "#1035195/compressedClassPointersEnabled", |
888 | "#1035193/getHotspotVMOption", |
889 | "#1035192/str_nullIfEmpty", |
890 | "#1035191/test_ShuntingYardParser_v2", |
891 | "#1035188/countIteratorToList_incl", |
892 | "#1035187/test_tempMapPutAll", |
893 | "#1035186/tempRestoreMap", |
894 | "#1035185/tempRestoreCollection", |
895 | "#1035183/replaceRegexp", |
896 | "#1035182/lambdaArgsToString_pureJava", |
897 | "#1035181/lambdaArgsToString", |
898 | "#1035178/toComponent", |
899 | "#1035177/jFilePathButton", |
900 | "#1035176/rightAlignedLabel", |
901 | "#1035175/bindTextComponentToLiveValue_bothWays_noInitialUndo", |
902 | "#1035174/clearTextComponentUndoList", |
903 | "#1035173/clearMetaSrc", |
904 | "#1035171/javaxClassShortcuts", |
905 | "#1035167/jExtendedTabs", |
906 | "#1035166/getTab", |
907 | "#1035164/onTabSelectedAndNow", |
908 | "#1035162/getSliderValue", |
909 | "#1035161/setSliderMax", |
910 | "#1035160/moveCaretToLineAndCol", |
911 | "#1035159/onSliderValueChangedAndNow", |
912 | "#1035158/onSliderValueChanged", |
913 | "#1035157/setSpinnerMax", |
914 | "#1035156/mostApplicableMethod_onTypes", |
915 | "#1035155/nonDefaultInterfaceMethods", |
916 | "#1035154/test_hasMethodNamed", |
917 | "#1035153/profileFor5", |
918 | "#1035152/classNameAndIdentity", |
919 | "#1035151/classNameWithIdentity", |
920 | "#1035149/showDirChooser", |
921 | "#1035148/closeOnComponentHide", |
922 | "#1035147/tempPut", |
923 | "#1035145/fileForLibrary", |
924 | "#1035144/newFloatArray", |
925 | "#1035143/deleteErroneousBinarySnippets", |
926 | "#1035142/jFilePathLabel", |
927 | "#1035141/filesExist", |
928 | "#1035140/currentProgramHasLibraries", |
929 | "#1035138/onEnabledChanged", |
930 | "#1035136/uneditableTextArea", |
931 | "#1035132/memoryPoolMXBeans", |
932 | "#1035131/putOrCreateSyncMap", |
933 | "#1035130/jCenteredRaisedBoldLiveValueSection", |
934 | "#1035129/deriveBoldFont", |
935 | "#1035128/boldLabel", |
936 | "#1035127/lineStartIndexesIterator", |
937 | "#1035125/regexpLastGroupsIC", |
938 | "#1035124/test_parseLineAndColumn", |
939 | "#1035123/parseIntN2", |
940 | "#1035122/parseLineAndColumn", |
941 | "#1035121/regexpN2", |
942 | "#1035119/lengthOfLine", |
943 | "#1035115/loadPDF", |
944 | "#1035113/ubyteToBinary", |
945 | "#1035110/g22_parseCharRanges", |
946 | "#1035109/parseHexRange", |
947 | "#1035108/addOrReplaceTab", |
948 | "#1035107/jcenterNarrowLabel", |
949 | "#1035106/iterator_gen", |
950 | "#1035105/boolIter", |
951 | "#1035104/test_leftArrowScript_forIterator", |
952 | "#1035102/arrayIterator", |
953 | "#1035096/intRangesIterator", |
954 | "#1035101/g22_darkRegions", |
955 | "#1035099/tok_parsedIntegers", |
956 | "#1035098/nFonts", |
957 | "#1035097/getLocalFonts", |
958 | "#1035095/parseHexRanges", |
959 | "#1035093/jVarCheckBox", |
960 | "#1035092/jVarTextField", |
961 | "#1035091/jVarTextArea", |
962 | "#1035090/optimizedUniq", |
963 | "#1035089/deriveBoldItalic", |
964 | "#1035088/preciseGetOrCallMethod", |
965 | "#1035087/disassembleClass", |
966 | "#1035086/newArray", |
967 | "#1035085/getDeclaredConstructors_cached", |
968 | "#1035080/classToBCELType", |
969 | "#1035079/parsePrimitiveType", |
970 | "#1035077/test_leftArrowScript_classDefs", |
971 | "#1035076/jscroll_vertical", |
972 | "#1035075/showFormTitled3", |
973 | "#1035071/isAnonymousClass", |
974 | "#1035070/printIndentedStructIf", |
975 | "#1035067/snappyCompress", |
976 | "#1035069/snappyDecompressString", |
977 | "#1035068/snappyDecompress", |
978 | "#1035066/urlToFileOpt", |
979 | "#1035065/isFileURL", |
980 | "#1035064/printPNGChunks", |
981 | "#1035061/immutableMap", |
982 | "#1035060/immutableSet", |
983 | "#1035057/grabbableRGBBytePixels", |
984 | "#1035055/onePathDirection_long", |
985 | "#1035053/profileSingleThreadToConsole", |
986 | "#1035052/tempProfileSingleThreadToConsole", |
987 | "#1035051/cloneMultiSet", |
988 | "#1035049/isDefaultDecolorizer", |
989 | "#1035048/virtualVar", |
990 | "#1035047/testImage2B", |
991 | "#1035046/verifyImage2B", |
992 | "#1035044/intArrayToNonZeroTable", |
993 | "#1035043/bwImageHistogramArray", |
994 | "#1035042/benchDescendingIntArraySortingMethods", |
995 | "#1035041/reverseIntArrayInPlace", |
996 | "#1035039/sortIntArrayInPlaceDesc", |
997 | "#1035040/cloneIntArray", |
998 | "#1035038/reverseIntArray", |
999 | "#1035037/sortIntArrayInPlaceDesc_crazyNegationAlgorithm", |
1000 | "#1035036/dropAfterLastSlashOrEmpty", |
1001 | "#1035035/jCenteredRaisedLiveValueSection", |
1002 | "#1035034/test_imageSurfaceRevalidationInFullCenter", |
1003 | "#1035033/bindJLabelToTransformedVar", |
1004 | "#1035026/selectButton", |
1005 | "#1035025/ubyteFromBits", |
1006 | "#1035022/str_px", |
1007 | "#1035020/iceil_div", |
1008 | "#1035019/jlabel_noToolTip", |
1009 | "#1035018/combineSteppables_dontDropEnded", |
1010 | "#1035017/combineSteppables", |
1011 | "#1035016/assertSetEquals", |
1012 | "#1035015/printVarsInMultipleLines", |
1013 | "#1035014/renderVarsInMultipleLines", |
1014 | "#1035013/markPointsInImageWithAlpha", |
1015 | "#1035012/concatMapToSet", |
1016 | "#1035011/test_leftArrowScriptCompileErrors", |
1017 | "#1035009/ptFromLong", |
1018 | "#1035006/printStarFormat", |
1019 | "#1035005/smallBWImageToInt", |
1020 | "#1035002/drawPixelChessboard", |
1021 | "#1035001/getGraphics", |
1022 | "#1035000/drawPixelStripes", |
1023 | "#1034996/intToBinary_flexLength", |
1024 | "#1034995/test_G22RegionThinner_fullThinning", |
1025 | "#1034994/applyNTimes", |
1026 | "#1034993/emptyBitSet", |
1027 | "#1034992/bindComboBoxToVar_withUserChangeListener", |
1028 | "#1034991/indexOfSelectedTab", |
1029 | "#1034990/uploadImageFileDialog", |
1030 | "#1034989/cyclicSubList_incl", |
1031 | "#1034987/runnableToDocumentListener", |
1032 | "#1034982/rotatePtLeft", |
1033 | "#1034981/test_G22RegionThinner", |
1034 | "#1034980/regionToBWImage_fullImageSize", |
1035 | "#1034979/bwImageToString", |
1036 | "#1034978/g22_allBorderTraces_withDiagonals", |
1037 | "#1034977/test_RegionBorder_innerPoints_withDiagonals_thinSpike", |
1038 | "#1034975/test_modRange_incl", |
1039 | "#1034974/modRange_incl", |
1040 | "#1034973/repeatingGradient", |
1041 | "#1034972/setPixels", |
1042 | "#1034971/g22_allBorderTraces", |
1043 | "#1034970/cyclicSubList", |
1044 | "#1034969/boundsOfPts", |
1045 | "#1034968/pointsToImage_fromOrigin", |
1046 | "#1034967/pointsToImage", |
1047 | "#1034964/ptPlus", |
1048 | "#1034963/rotatePtRight", |
1049 | "#1034962/onePathDirection", |
1050 | "#1034961/onePathLookupDirection", |
1051 | "#1034960/onePathDirections", |
1052 | "#1034959/test_OnePathShifter", |
1053 | "#1034957/test_evalWithTimeout_with_hijackPrint", |
1054 | "#1034954/runResultWithTimestamps", |
1055 | "#1034953/test_threePointAngle", |
1056 | "#1034952/radianToDegree", |
1057 | "#1034951/threePointAngle", |
1058 | "#1034950/ptBuffer", |
1059 | "#1034949/test_RegionBorder_innerPoints_v2_onePathWithOrigin", |
1060 | "#1034948/idiv_round", |
1061 | "#1034947/rightAlignedLineWithSpacing", |
1062 | "#1034943/jGazelleLogo", |
1063 | "#1034941/virtualCountList_incl", |
1064 | "#1034940/bindCheckBoxMenuItemToVar", |
1065 | "#1034939/jLiveValueCheckBoxMenuItem", |
1066 | "#1034938/spinnerSetNumberList", |
1067 | "#1034937/handleObjectMethodsInProxyInvocationHandler", |
1068 | "#1034935/jlineWithSpacing", |
1069 | "#1034934/removeAllIC_useIterator", |
1070 | "#1034933/comboBoxAction", |
1071 | "#1034931/distanceTransform", |
1072 | "#1034930/bwWhiteBorder", |
1073 | "#1034929/charGridToString", |
1074 | "#1034926/cloneByteArray", |
1075 | "#1034922/checkIntColorWithoutAlpha", |
1076 | "#1034921/getIntColorWithoutAlphaOrMinus1", |
1077 | "#1034920/oshi_systemInfo", |
1078 | "#1034918/test_scrambleAndUnscrambleInt", |
1079 | "#1034917/unscrambleInt", |
1080 | "#1034916/scrambleInt", |
1081 | "#1034915/test_leftArrowScript_binaryOperators", |
1082 | "#1034913/getIntColorWithoutAlpha", |
1083 | "#1034912/spaceIfEmpty", |
1084 | "#1034911/setText_neverEmpty", |
1085 | "#1034910/tempSetRandomSeedUnlessNull", |
1086 | "#1034909/tempUsePredictableRandomizer", |
1087 | "#1034907/getNESWDirection", |
1088 | "#1034906/allMethods", |
1089 | "#1034904/test_RegionBorder_innerPoints_v2_thinSpike", |
1090 | "#1034902/inImage", |
1091 | "#1034901/varyPt", |
1092 | "#1034900/awtStepContinuously", |
1093 | "#1034899/listWithSingleElementChanged", |
1094 | "#1034898/varyList", |
1095 | "#1034897/awtCalcContinuously", |
1096 | "#1034896/rPcall", |
1097 | "#1034895/dec", |
1098 | "#1034894/toDoubleOrNull", |
1099 | "#1034891/rawBufferedImageDistance_sameSize", |
1100 | "#1034892/rawRGBDiff", |
1101 | "#1034890/test_scaledBufferedImageFromIntegralImage_withMeta_height", |
1102 | "#1034887/scaledBufferedImageFromIntegralImage_withMeta", |
1103 | "#1034887/scaledBufferedImageFromIntegralImage_withMeta_height", |
1104 | "#1034886/rgbIntFromDoubles_fullAlpha", |
1105 | "#1034885/scaledPixelsFromIntegralImage", |
1106 | "#1034883/iDoublePtsToDoubleArray", |
1107 | "#1034882/endsWithSpaceEtc", |
1108 | "#1034881/replaceTokenWithSpace", |
1109 | "#1034880/countUnique", |
1110 | "#1034879/test_tok_javaCallsToLeftArrowStyle", |
1111 | "#1034878/javaCallsToLeftArrowStyle", |
1112 | "#1034877/tok_javaCallsToLeftArrowStyle", |
1113 | "#1034875/containsKeyPredicate", |
1114 | "#1034874/setToPredicate", |
1115 | "#1034873/findFunctionInvocations_v2", |
1116 | "#1034871/tok_isMethodDeclarationNotSFInvocation", |
1117 | "#1034868/appendBaseFileName", |
1118 | "#1034867/ffmpeg_mixVideoAndAudio_copy_mp4_mp3", |
1119 | "#1034866/blendMultipleColorsToInt", |
1120 | "#1034864/doublePtsToDoubleArray", |
1121 | "#1034863/getProjectionDistance2", |
1122 | "#1034862/imageFromFunctionWithoutAlpha", |
1123 | "#1034861/color", |
1124 | "#1034860/multiPointGradientPixel", |
1125 | "#1034859/blendMultipleColors", |
1126 | "#1034858/getProjectionDistance", |
1127 | "#1034855/bwRawImageDiff_sameSize", |
1128 | "#1034854/aspectRatio", |
1129 | "#1034851/n2OrStrOrNull", |
1130 | "#1034850/similarEmptyMultiSetMap", |
1131 | "#1034849/mapMultiSetMapKeys", |
1132 | "#1034848/bwImageHexPixelsSingleLine", |
1133 | "#1034847/multiSetMapToMapPairs", |
1134 | "#1034846/orderedMultiSetMap", |
1135 | "#1034845/reversedOrderedMultiSetMap", |
1136 | "#1034844/test_HashedBWImage", |
1137 | "#1034843/reversedOrderedMultiMap", |
1138 | "#1034842/multiMapToMapPairs", |
1139 | "#1034841/toHashedBWImage", |
1140 | "#1034840/hashBWImages", |
1141 | "#1034839/toMultiMap", |
1142 | "#1034835/exceptionForTimeoutedThread", |
1143 | "#1034830/assertSingleMethodInterface", |
1144 | "#1034829/findSingleInterfaceMethodOrFail", |
1145 | "#1034828/leftArrowScript", |
1146 | "#1034827/isStandardClass", |
1147 | "#1015868/standardClassesMap_clearCache", |
1148 | "#1034826/addClassNameToInclude", |
1149 | "#1034825/cnfp", |
1150 | "#1034824/classNameForPrinting", |
1151 | "#1034823/bwImage", |
1152 | "#1034820/tok_defEquals", |
1153 | "#1034819/reportHashCollision", |
1154 | "#1034817/test_hashBWImage_hashBufferedImage_compatiblility", |
1155 | "#1034816/hashBWImage", |
1156 | "#1034814/uniquifyBWImages", |
1157 | "#1034813/bwImagesIdentical", |
1158 | "#1034812/allToBufferedImage", |
1159 | "#1034810/assertSetsEqual", |
1160 | "#1034809/assertListEquals", |
1161 | "#1034807/uniqueBrightnessesInBWImage", |
1162 | "#1034806/addComponentAtIndex", |
1163 | "#1034773/concatStrings", |
1164 | "#1034805/test_uniquifyBufferedImages", |
1165 | "#1034801/hashBufferedImage", |
1166 | "#1034803/uniquifyBufferedImagesUsingMD5", |
1167 | "#1034802/uniquifyUsingHasher", |
1168 | "#1034800/test_UniquifyUsingHasher", |
1169 | "#1034797/boostHashCombine64", |
1170 | "#1034796/jLabelShortCalcedEvery", |
1171 | "#1034795/str_toMB", |
1172 | "#1034794/addOrRemoveComponent", |
1173 | "#1034793/tok_typeAndNameOfParam", |
1174 | "#1034792/jnarrowLabel", |
1175 | "#1034791/powersOfNAsHex", |
1176 | "#1034788/listToSquareishChunks", |
1177 | "#1034787/mergeBufferedImagesInRows", |
1178 | "#1034783/preciseNuObject", |
1179 | "#1034785/test_preciseNuObject", |
1180 | "#1034784/invokeConstructorWithWidening", |
1181 | "#1034782/invokeConstructor", |
1182 | "#1034781/waitForVarPredicate", |
1183 | "#1034779/test_waitUntilNull_VarWithNotify", |
1184 | "#1034778/tempOnChangeAndNow", |
1185 | "#1034777/test_PadImageToAspectRatio", |
1186 | "#1034775/bindChangeListenerToComponent", |
1187 | "#1034774/sortByCalculatedFieldAlphaNumIC", |
1188 | "#1034772/mapToArrayOrNull", |
1189 | "#1034771/toArrayOrNull", |
1190 | "#1034770/test_concatMethodArgs", |
1191 | "#1034769/concatMethodArgs", |
1192 | "#1034768/callWithoutVarargs", |
1193 | "#1034767/findSingleInterfaceMethod", |
1194 | "#1034766/allValues", |
1195 | "#1034765/findNonDefaultInterfaceMethods", |
1196 | "#1034764/getMethodCache", |
1197 | "#1034763/test_leftArrowScript_lambdas", |
1198 | "#1034761/parents", |
1199 | "#1034759/unidiff_rtrim", |
1200 | "#1034758/selectTabComponent", |
1201 | "#1034757/indexOfTabComponent", |
1202 | "#1034756/isGrandChildOf_limitedBy", |
1203 | "#1034755/typeConversionScoreWithUnboxing", |
1204 | "#1034754/canNewPreciseCall", |
1205 | "#1034753/longPlus", |
1206 | "#1034751/convertPrimitiveIfNecessary", |
1207 | "#1034750/boxedToPrimitiveTypeOpt", |
1208 | "#1034749/boxedToPrimitiveType", |
1209 | "#1034748/invokeMethodWithWidening", |
1210 | "#1034747/typeConversionScore", |
1211 | "#1034746/methodApplicabilityScore_withPrimitiveWidening", |
1212 | "#1034745/newPreciseCall", |
1213 | "#1034744/test_newPreciseCall", |
1214 | "#1034743/nLetters", |
1215 | "#1034742/stdFunctionListSnippetIDs", |
1216 | "#1034741/test_starFormat", |
1217 | "#1034740/starFormat", |
1218 | "#1034739/scp", |
1219 | "#1034738/test_leftArrowScriptParseErrors", |
1220 | "#1034736/addFunctionNameToInclude", |
1221 | "#1034735/tok_nextPleaseIncludeFunctionsStatement", |
1222 | "#1034733/getJavaLineCommentsWithoutNestedBlocks", |
1223 | "#1034732/test_FunctionCall", |
1224 | "#1034730/withTopAndLeftMargin", |
1225 | "#1034731/tok_hasBody", |
1226 | "#1034728/squareBracketUnlessEmpty", |
1227 | "#1034727/jVerticalStrut", |
1228 | "#1034726/programNameOrNull", |
1229 | "#1034725/editImageID", |
1230 | "#1034721/jImageButtonScaledToWidth", |
1231 | "#1034719/bcel_methodToInstructions", |
1232 | "#1034717/g22_adaptSyntaxTextAreaForHashRefs", |
1233 | "#1034716/tempAddGlobalCtrlKeyListener", |
1234 | "#1034715/ahrefAnchor", |
1235 | "#1034714/contentsOfH3s", |
1236 | "#1034713/shouldTranspileOnDedi", |
1237 | "#1034708/transpileOnDediServer", |
1238 | "#1034707/snippetTranspileWebBot", |
1239 | "#1034705/initSyntaxTextArea", |
1240 | "#1034704/test_containsReturnWithArgument", |
1241 | "#1034699/test_hashRefTok", |
1242 | "#1034698/hashRefTok", |
1243 | "#1034697/tok_swingBlocks", |
1244 | "#1034696/installCompletionProvider", |
1245 | "#1034695/loremIpsum", |
1246 | "#1034694/filesInDir", |
1247 | "#1034693/f2s_opt", |
1248 | "#1034692/fixFieldValues", |
1249 | "#1034690/test_rstWithPreDelay_overQ", |
1250 | "#1034687/textFileAsVarWithNotify", |
1251 | "#1034685/jVarWithNotify_wordWrapTypeWriterTextArea", |
1252 | "#1034684/bindTextComponentToVarWithNotify", |
1253 | "#1034683/bindHasChangeListenersToComponent", |
1254 | "#1034677/findFunctionDefsAtCurlyLevel_indexed", |
1255 | "#1034676/iteratorOrNull", |
1256 | "#1034674/javaTokIndexed", |
1257 | "#1034673/tok_importedStaticFunctionNamesWithPackages_v2", |
1258 | "#1034672/indicesOf_collectionOfHasIndex", |
1259 | "#1034671/test_tok_findEndOfBlock_IContentsIndexedList2_v2", |
1260 | "#1034670/tok_findEndOfBlock_IContentsIndexedList2_v2", |
1261 | "#1034669/test_tok_findEndOfBlock_IContentsIndexedList2", |
1262 | "#1034668/nRepetitions", |
1263 | "#1034666/tok_findEndOfBlock_IContentsIndexedList2", |
1264 | "#1034663/serveDelayed404", |
1265 | "#1034660/nullIfEmptyRect", |
1266 | "#1034659/rectFromPointsOrNull", |
1267 | "#1034658/getColor", |
1268 | "#1034647/test_structure_enum", |
1269 | "#1034646/setEditable", |
1270 | "#1034644/imageSize", |
1271 | "#1034643/uneditableBlackTextArea", |
1272 | "#1034642/visibleCaretOnDisabledTextArea", |
1273 | "#1034640/removeFile", |
1274 | "#1034639/deleteFile_assertSuccess", |
1275 | "#1034638/createOrRemoveFile", |
1276 | "#1034636/conceptsFileIn", |
1277 | "#1034634/translateLocationBetweenComponents", |
1278 | "#1034633/ptInComponentFromEvent", |
1279 | "#1034631/hasParentOfType", |
1280 | "#1034630/withIdentityHash_inFront", |
1281 | "#1034629/toStringWithIdentity_inFront", |
1282 | "#1034628/printMetaSrc", |
1283 | "#1034623/mainTranspilationSnippetFromSrc", |
1284 | "#1034627/test_mainTranspilationSnippetFromSrc", |
1285 | "#1034626/trimmedJavaLineComments", |
1286 | "#1034625/test_javaTok_producer", |
1287 | "#1034624/javaTok_producer", |
1288 | "#1034622/setMetaAndVerify", |
1289 | "#1034621/componentMetaSrc_verbose", |
1290 | "#1034620/tempGlobalPopupMenu", |
1291 | "#1034619/truncateContainer", |
1292 | "#1034618/pcallF_typed", |
1293 | "#1034617/tempAddPopupButtonListener", |
1294 | "#1034616/test_componentMetaSrc", |
1295 | "#1034615/componentMetaSrc", |
1296 | "#1034614/markVisualizer", |
1297 | "#1034613/uniquifyBufferedImages", |
1298 | "#1034612/uniquifyBy", |
1299 | "#1034611/canFontDisplay", |
1300 | "#1034610/defaultFontSize", |
1301 | "#1034609/fontForName", |
1302 | "#1034608/isLocalFontFamily", |
1303 | "#1034606/localFont", |
1304 | "#1034605/onSelect", |
1305 | "#1034604/fontWithSpacing", |
1306 | "#1034601/showLinesWithCount", |
1307 | "#1034600/showLines", |
1308 | "#1034597/str_pcall", |
1309 | "#1034592/test_structure_IPersistenceInfo", |
1310 | "#1034588/nIterations", |
1311 | "#1034587/convertToSpacesIf", |
1312 | "#1034586/tok_forOver", |
1313 | "#1034585/n2_round", |
1314 | "#1034584/n2_lround", |
1315 | "#1034583/nanosToMilliseconds", |
1316 | "#1034581/iceilRatio", |
1317 | "#1034579/ensureCapacity", |
1318 | "#1034578/secondsToNanos", |
1319 | "#1034577/sysNanos", |
1320 | "#1034569/tokCondition", |
1321 | "#1034565/castTo", |
1322 | "#1034564/assertInstanceOfOrNull", |
1323 | "#1034559/westAndEastWithMargin", |
1324 | "#1034558/testMoreEfficientCopyOnWriteList", |
1325 | "#1034555/linkVarsVerbose", |
1326 | "#1034554/linkVars", |
1327 | "#1034553/scrollIntoView", |
1328 | "#1034551/isDeepContainedInDir_absolute", |
1329 | "#1034550/instaToolTip", |
1330 | "#1034549/jClickableImage_instantToolTip", |
1331 | "#1034547/ctrlKeyStroke", |
1332 | "#1034546/jClickableImage", |
1333 | "#1034545/jcenterlabel", |
1334 | "#1034543/aic_compareEscapeWords", |
1335 | "#1034541/lowerAndUpperCaseAlphabet", |
1336 | "#1034540/test_letterDigitSeqOnlyTok", |
1337 | "#1034539/letterDigitSeqOnlyTok", |
1338 | "#1034538/singlePredTok", |
1339 | "#1034533/benchDrawingImageOnImageWithAlpha", |
1340 | "#1034532/bufferedImageWithoutAlpha", |
1341 | "#1034531/intArrayToBufferedImageWithoutAlpha", |
1342 | "#1034530/hasAlpha", |
1343 | "#1034529/bufferedImageWithAlpha", |
1344 | "#1034519/functionAdjuvantKeywords", |
1345 | "#1034517/toTreeSet", |
1346 | "#1034516/joinNemptiesWithSpacedPlus", |
1347 | "#1034515/varWithNotifyToLiveValue_verbose", |
1348 | "#1034514/printVars_shorten", |
1349 | "#1034513/renderVars_stringifier", |
1350 | "#1034512/printRunningThreads", |
1351 | "#1034509/focusOnFirstShowVerbose", |
1352 | "#1034508/test_findFunctionDefsAtCurlyLevel", |
1353 | "#1034507/eqSubList", |
1354 | "#1034506/containsPred", |
1355 | "#1034505/borderless", |
1356 | "#1034500/findFunctionDefsAtCurlyLevel", |
1357 | "#1004051/findFunctionDefs_step", |
1358 | "#1004051/findFunctionDefs_checkToken", |
1359 | "#1034499/findFunctionDefs_keywords", |
1360 | "#1034496/curlyLevel", |
1361 | "#1034491/g22utils", |
1362 | "#1034489/bindComboBoxToVar", |
1363 | "#1034487/widthAndHeight", |
1364 | "#1034486/nullPlus", |
1365 | "#1034485/jRaisedCenteredSection", |
1366 | "#1034483/test_tok_shortVisualize", |
1367 | "#1034481/setTab", |
1368 | "#1034482/countTabs", |
1369 | "#1034480/getterVarOnly", |
1370 | "#1034479/iterateWithIndex", |
1371 | "#1034476/uploadTranspilation_keepLibs", |
1372 | "#1034475/getServerTranslationLibs", |
1373 | "#1034474/findFieldOfClass", |
1374 | "#1034469/calculatedField_hasChangeListeners", |
1375 | "#1034465/showBigStuffInSnippetTranspilation", |
1376 | "#1034463/cncCorrect", |
1377 | "#1034462/tok_beginningOfLine", |
1378 | "#1034461/tokSubLists", |
1379 | "#1034460/tokSubList", |
1380 | "#1034459/subLists", |
1381 | "#1022187/rangeSubLists", |
1382 | "#1034458/tok_allCurlyBodies", |
1383 | "#1034457/isDeepContainedInDir_canonical", |
1384 | "#1034456/migratePathFromDirToDirVerbose", |
1385 | "#1034455/migratePathFromDirToDir", |
1386 | "#1034454/nameRelativeToPhysicalSubdirectory_nonCanonical", |
1387 | "#1034453/setFrameOrWindowContents", |
1388 | "#1034452/createOrAddToSyncLinkedHashSet", |
1389 | "#1034449/setSelected", |
1390 | "#1034448/jImageToggleButton", |
1391 | "#1034447/basicJToggleButton", |
1392 | "#1034446/jToggleButton", |
1393 | "#1034445/addToButtonGroup", |
1394 | "#1034444/deleteOldConcepts", |
1395 | "#1034443/llPts", |
1396 | "#1034442/test_BresenhamLineDrawer", |
1397 | "#1034439/printTokenContext", |
1398 | "#1034437/bindJLabelToVar", |
1399 | "#1034436/jVarLabel", |
1400 | "#1034435/bindListenerToComponent", |
1401 | "#1034429/revalidateIncludingFullCenterContainer", |
1402 | "#1034428/getSelected", |
1403 | "#1034427/fulltag", |
1404 | "#1034426/htmlCombine_new", |
1405 | "#1034423/rgbIntFromGrayscale", |
1406 | "#1034418/colorPaletteByBits", |
1407 | "#1034417/jColorChooser", |
1408 | "#1034416/conceptsDir", |
1409 | "#1034414/deleteFileVerbose_assertSuccess", |
1410 | "#1034413/renameFileVerbose_assertSuccess", |
1411 | "#1034412/platformName", |
1412 | "#1034411/canAddLibrariesToCurrentProgram", |
1413 | "#1034409/ffmpegLibraryIDForPlatform", |
1414 | "#1034408/waitWhileTrue", |
1415 | "#1034407/volatileImageScalingDemo", |
1416 | "#1034404/scaleToFitInside", |
1417 | "#1034403/awtDoEvery", |
1418 | "#1034399/usingStarter", |
1419 | "#1034398/rectFromPointsInclusive", |
1420 | "#1034395/test_imageDifferenceAsTransparentOverlay", |
1421 | "#1034394/checkPixelArray", |
1422 | "#1034393/imageDifferenceAsTransparentOverlay", |
1423 | "#1034392/newBufferedImageWithAlpha", |
1424 | "#1034388/sixteenToNine_p", |
1425 | "#1034386/jscroll_center_borderless", |
1426 | "#1034382/tok_retShortForReturn", |
1427 | "#1034380/test_tok_quickNewArray", |
1428 | "#1034379/tok_quickNewArray", |
1429 | "#1034378/deaic", |
1430 | "#1034374/aic", |
1431 | "#1034377/concatMapStrings", |
1432 | "#1034376/pnlQuotedToLines", |
1433 | "#1034375/letterSeqOnlyTok", |
1434 | "#1034373/aic_testSkipSameSizeShorteningsParam", |
1435 | "#1034371/aicDemo", |
1436 | "#1034368/dateWithMSUTC", |
1437 | "#1034367/formatUTCWithMS_24", |
1438 | "#1034366/cMigrateField", |
1439 | "#1034365/test_tok_cachedFunctions", |
1440 | "#1034364/tok_cachedFunctions_new", |
1441 | "#1034360/countFilesInZip", |
1442 | "#1034353/safeNegate", |
1443 | "#1034349/tempDisableButtons", |
1444 | "#1034348/tempSetButtonImages", |
1445 | "#1034347/getMenuItems", |
1446 | "#1034346/getMenus", |
1447 | "#1034343/javaModifiers", |
1448 | "#1034342/numberOfScreens", |
1449 | "#1034341/jtodo", |
1450 | "#1034338/print_tabToSingleSpace", |
1451 | "#1034337/leftArrowScriptToEvaluable", |
1452 | "#1034335/saveBinaryFile_simple", |
1453 | "#1034333/bytesToHex_upper", |
1454 | "#1034331/hexDump", |
1455 | "#1034330/byteArrayChunksIterator", |
1456 | "#1034329/tok_rightScanModifiers", |
1457 | "#1034328/codeTokensFromSubList", |
1458 | "#1034327/test_tok_simplyCachedFunctions", |
1459 | "#1034326/if0FromByteCode_verbose", |
1460 | "#1034325/test_MethodMaker", |
1461 | "#1034324/test_compiledLeftArrowScript", |
1462 | "#1034323/leftArrowScriptToIF0", |
1463 | "#1034322/tabToSingleSpace", |
1464 | "#1034321/test_lasTypeSpecialization", |
1465 | "#1034319/if0FromByteCode", |
1466 | "#1034317/selectedTabName", |
1467 | "#1034313/randomClassName", |
1468 | "#1034312/findNonStaticMethod_precise_onTypes", |
1469 | "#1034310/findConstructor_precise_onTypes", |
1470 | "#1001136/nuObject_findConstructor", |
1471 | "#1034308/cgetAll", |
1472 | "#1034307/identifiers", |
1473 | "#1034306/jSimpleLabel", |
1474 | "#1034305/conceptsDirName", |
1475 | "#1034304/vstackWithSpacing_fixed", |
1476 | "#1034303/tempInfoBoxNoHide", |
1477 | "#1034302/infoBoxNoHide", |
1478 | "#1034297/bytesFromDataOutputStream", |
1479 | "#1034294/tempMapPutAll", |
1480 | "#1034293/tempMapPut", |
1481 | "#1034289/createEmptyConceptsFileInDir", |
1482 | "#1034287/basicJButton", |
1483 | "#1034286/test_tok_delegateTo", |
1484 | "#1034285/addTabs", |
1485 | "#1034284/focusOnFirstShow", |
1486 | "#1034282/tempSetBoolVar", |
1487 | "#1034283/enableComponentAccordingToVar", |
1488 | "#1034281/setBoolVar_returnPrevious", |
1489 | "#1034279/thisDollarFieldNames", |
1490 | "#1034275/splitAtFirstColon", |
1491 | "#1034274/nbsp", |
1492 | "#1034273/pNbsp", |
1493 | "#1034272/hsnippetimg_linkToSameImage", |
1494 | "#1034271/bench_classValueBasedMethodCache", |
1495 | "#1034270/bench_concurrentHashMapBasedMethodCache_tweaked", |
1496 | "#1034269/bench_concurrentHashMapBasedMethodCache", |
1497 | "#1034268/bench_getMethodCacheForClass", |
1498 | "#1034267/bench_reflectiveCallWithInternedMethodName", |
1499 | "#1034266/exceptionToStringShorter_dontDropOuterExceptions", |
1500 | "#1034265/formatRecordVars", |
1501 | "#1034264/test_leftArrowScript_pinging", |
1502 | "#1034262/bench_throwAndCatchQuickException", |
1503 | "#1034261/bench_throwAndCatchException", |
1504 | "#1034260/alwaysTrue", |
1505 | "#1034259/benchFor10", |
1506 | "#1034258/exceptionType", |
1507 | "#1034257/checkmarkIconID", |
1508 | "#1034254/showErrorFrame", |
1509 | "#1034253/jPreferredWidth", |
1510 | "#1034252/jSmallErrorView", |
1511 | "#1034251/errorIconID", |
1512 | "#1034250/evalWithTimeout_okOrError", |
1513 | "#1034248/evalWithTimeoutOrTypedException", |
1514 | "#1034247/g22_darkestRegion", |
1515 | "#1034242/toSet", |
1516 | "#1034239/unindentAllLines", |
1517 | "#1034238/test_leftArrowScript_forEach", |
1518 | "#1034237/renderRecordVars", |
1519 | "#1034236/pnlReversed", |
1520 | "#1034235/multiMapPairIterator_transformValueList", |
1521 | "#1034234/str_shorten", |
1522 | "#1034233/standardImports_fullyImportedPackages", |
1523 | "#1034232/classNamesInLoadedJigsawModules", |
1524 | "#1034231/loadedJigsawModuleNames", |
1525 | "#1034230/classNamesInJigsawModule", |
1526 | "#1034229/jigsawModuleFile", |
1527 | "#1034227/test_ClassNameResolver", |
1528 | "#1034223/calcFitScale", |
1529 | "#1034222/scaleBufferedImageToFit", |
1530 | "#1034221/addBorderToImage", |
1531 | "#1034220/tempSetRandomSeed", |
1532 | "#1034218/randomUnsignedInt", |
1533 | "#1034217/jError", |
1534 | "#1034216/withCenteredBoldTitle", |
1535 | "#1034213/intToHex_upper", |
1536 | "#1034211/desktopOpen", |
1537 | "#1034210/linux_gioOpen", |
1538 | "#1034208/linux_runGIO", |
1539 | "#1034206/str_toKB", |
1540 | "#1034205/onWindowDeiconified", |
1541 | "#1034203/leftArrowParse", |
1542 | "#1034202/test_countPingCalls", |
1543 | "#1034201/tempPingSource", |
1544 | "#1034200/countPingCalls", |
1545 | "#1034199/lessThan", |
1546 | "#1034198/withTopRightAndBottomMargin", |
1547 | "#1034197/linesOfCode_javaTok", |
1548 | "#1034196/stringify", |
1549 | "#1034191/test_tempSetCustomRandomizerForThisThread", |
1550 | "#1034190/tempSetCustomRandomizerForThisThread", |
1551 | "#1034189/customRandomizerForThisThread_tl", |
1552 | "#1034188/customRandomizerForThisThread", |
1553 | "#1034187/jTodo", |
1554 | "#1034185/classIsExportedTo", |
1555 | "#1034183/test_callForbiddenMethodByReflection", |
1556 | "#1034182/decolorizeImage", |
1557 | "#1034181/jCenteredRaisedSection", |
1558 | "#1034180/tempProgressBar_addToWindowIfPossible", |
1559 | "#1034179/tempAddToWindow", |
1560 | "#1034178/isVisibleWindow", |
1561 | "#1034175/dimensionPlus", |
1562 | "#1034174/maxDimension", |
1563 | "#1034173/jRaisedSectionBorder", |
1564 | "#1034172/screenNrContaining", |
1565 | "#1034171/indexOfFirst", |
1566 | "#1034170/str_toMB_oneDigit", |
1567 | "#1034169/onMouseDown_anyButton", |
1568 | "#1034168/standardClassesSnippetIDs", |
1569 | "#1034162/addPopupTrigger", |
1570 | "#1034161/showPopupMenu", |
1571 | "#1034160/simpleTransformedLiveValueLabel", |
1572 | "#1034159/showMenuBelowComponent", |
1573 | "#1034158/test_LeftArrowScriptAutoCompleter", |
1574 | "#1034157/test_charIndexToCharInToken", |
1575 | "#1034156/charIndexToCharInToken", |
1576 | "#1034152/containsTabNameWithoutTrailingCount", |
1577 | "#1034150/liveValueCheckBox", |
1578 | "#1034149/addWeakChangeListener", |
1579 | "#1034146/liveValue_hasChangeListeners", |
1580 | "#1034141/leftAlignLabel", |
1581 | "#1034138/comboBoxDynamicToolTip", |
1582 | "#1034133/tabNames", |
1583 | "#1034132/indexOfTabNameWithoutTrailingCount", |
1584 | "#1034131/jlabel_noAutoToolTip", |
1585 | "#1034130/transformedLiveValueLabel_noAutoToolTip", |
1586 | "#1034129/bindToolTipToTransformedLiveValue", |
1587 | "#1034128/transformedLiveValueLabel", |
1588 | "#1034126/bindJLabelToTransformedLiveValue", |
1589 | "#1034125/showDialogOnSameScreen", |
1590 | "#1034124/centerWindowWithin", |
1591 | "#1034123/jErrorView", |
1592 | "#1034122/nWinners", |
1593 | "#1034120/rectAroundPt", |
1594 | "#1034118/iDoublePtsToDoublePts", |
1595 | "#1034117/shapeToImage", |
1596 | "#1034114/onePathToIntervalsOfFixedLength", |
1597 | "#1034112/onePathToPolarIntervals_v1", |
1598 | "#1034111/test_CustomToolTip", |
1599 | "#1034110/atan2", |
1600 | "#1034108/showAlwaysOnTopFrame", |
1601 | "#1034107/addMouseAdapter", |
1602 | "#1034106/mouseLocationOnScreen", |
1603 | "#1034101/removeLastIfSameAsFirst", |
1604 | "#1034100/litpts", |
1605 | "#1034099/test_RegionBorder_innerPoints_thinSpike", |
1606 | "#1034098/centerFrame_oldMethod", |
1607 | "#1034096/test_varWithNotifyToLiveValue", |
1608 | "#1034097/assertIsUp", |
1609 | "#1034095/jLiveValueLabelVerbose", |
1610 | "#1034094/bindJLabelToLiveValueVerbose", |
1611 | "#1034093/varWithNotifyToLiveValue", |
1612 | "#1034090/jBorderlessHigherScrollPane", |
1613 | "#1034089/indexOfLine", |
1614 | "#1034088/dropPrefixFromLines", |
1615 | "#1034086/iff_nu26", |
1616 | "#1034084/parseECJOutputForErrors", |
1617 | "#1034085/test_parseECJOutputForErrors", |
1618 | "#1034083/invokeEcj_direct_withDiagnostics", |
1619 | "#1034082/test_OnePath", |
1620 | "#1034081/ptMinus", |
1621 | "#1034079/iff_null", |
1622 | "#1034078/origin", |
1623 | "#1034077/test_singleDigitBytesToString", |
1624 | "#1034076/singleDigitBytesToString", |
1625 | "#1034073/elapsedDays_timestamp", |
1626 | "#1034072/simpleRenderableToImage", |
1627 | "#1034069/iotaDummyMap", |
1628 | "#1034067/makeObjectMetaMap", |
1629 | "#1034065/test_CompactHashMap", |
1630 | "#1034061/veryQuickJava_finish_specialMainClass", |
1631 | "#1034060/hotwireCoreSpecialMainClass", |
1632 | "#1034059/test_structure_innerSubclassOfDynamicObject", |
1633 | "#1034053/test_migrateClassesInStructureText", |
1634 | "#1034048/shardedDiscordBot40", |
1635 | "#1034046/caretToHome", |
1636 | "#1034044/md5OfStream", |
1637 | "#1034043/zipFileToJSONFingerprint_md5", |
1638 | "#1034042/g22_runPostAnalysisLeftArrowScript", |
1639 | "#1034039/persistSelectedTabAsLiveValue", |
1640 | "#1034038/indexOfTabName", |
1641 | "#1034036/g22_renderPosterizedHighlightedImage", |
1642 | "#1034037/g22_highlightRegion", |
1643 | "#1034033/test_g22_squareness", |
1644 | "#1034032/g22_squareness", |
1645 | "#1034032/g22_squareness_b", |
1646 | "#1034031/darkerIntColor", |
1647 | "#1034030/gazelle22_highlightRegionOutline", |
1648 | "#1034029/scaleAndPosterize", |
1649 | "#1034024/jOnDemand", |
1650 | "#1034020/setMultiLineToolTip", |
1651 | "#1034019/zipFileToJSONFingerprint_dateOnly", |
1652 | "#1034018/gridOfRectangles", |
1653 | "#1034017/gridOfRects3_flattened", |
1654 | "#1034014/showTransparentJWindow", |
1655 | "#1034013/isScreenCoordinateInWindow", |
1656 | "#1034009/shootScreenWithMeta", |
1657 | "#1034007/test_bufferedImageMeta", |
1658 | "#1034006/cloneBufferedImageWithMeta", |
1659 | "#1034005/cloneBufferedImageWithMetaSrc", |
1660 | "#1033999/dm_syntaxTextArea", |
1661 | "#1034000/liveValueRSyntaxTextArea_bothWays", |
1662 | "#1034001/rSyntaxTextAreaWithSearch", |
1663 | "#1033996/exceptionToStringShorter", |
1664 | "#1033995/rethrowAndAppendToMessage", |
1665 | "#1033994/tokenToLineAndColumn", |
1666 | "#1033992/leftArrowVerbose", |
1667 | "#1033991/tempAddAll", |
1668 | "#1033990/leftArrow", |
1669 | "#1033989/zipLists", |
1670 | "#1033988/test_leftArrowScript", |
1671 | "#1033987/endingWith_dropSuffix", |
1672 | "#1033986/findClassInStandardImports", |
1673 | "#1033985/classForNameOpt_noCache", |
1674 | "#1033984/leftScreenBounds", |
1675 | "#1033982/strOrClassName", |
1676 | "#1033979/collectWhileNotNull", |
1677 | "#1033978/callConstructor", |
1678 | "#1033975/containsLineBreak", |
1679 | "#1033974/rightScreen", |
1680 | "#1033973/rightScreenBounds", |
1681 | "#1033971/test_GazelleVScriptParser", |
1682 | "#1033970/circleCenterFrom3Points", |
1683 | "#1033969/test_CalculatedFieldIndexedList", |
1684 | "#1033965/test_TypeSystem", |
1685 | "#1033962/reallyLazyMap", |
1686 | "#1033961/matchTwoLists", |
1687 | "#1033959/indentAll", |
1688 | "#1033957/createOrAdd", |
1689 | "#1033955/test_g22_regionFilledness", |
1690 | "#1033954/rgbFromGrayscale", |
1691 | "#1033953/g22_regionFilledness", |
1692 | "#1033951/test_regionsRoughlyByDecreasingSize", |
1693 | "#1033950/countIterator_inclusive_backwards", |
1694 | "#1033949/intBufferPut", |
1695 | "#1033948/withSideMargins", |
1696 | "#1033946/comboBoxContainsItem", |
1697 | "#1033945/horizontalStrut", |
1698 | "#1033944/test_RegionBorder_innerPoints", |
1699 | "#1033943/test_regionBorder_innerPoints", |
1700 | "#1033942/ptWithSlashes", |
1701 | "#1033940/zoomedPixelatedImageSurface", |
1702 | "#1033939/bwImageFromString", |
1703 | "#1033936/randomBWImage", |
1704 | "#1033934/gazelle22_borderImage", |
1705 | "#1033933/test_dropTrailingBracketedCount", |
1706 | "#1033932/countBackRefs", |
1707 | "#1033930/lBASE64", |
1708 | "#1033929/lGzipped", |
1709 | "#1033928/showTextWordWrapped", |
1710 | "#1033927/zipFile", |
1711 | "#1033926/zipFileToJSONFingerprint", |
1712 | "#1033923/tabComponentClickFixer", |
1713 | "#1033922/isGrandChildOf", |
1714 | "#1033921/replaceTabTitleComponent", |
1715 | "#1033920/imageSurfaceOnLeftMouseDown", |
1716 | "#1033918/setSelectedItem", |
1717 | "#1033917/setComboBoxItems_notifyListeners", |
1718 | "#1033916/printIfScaffoldingEnabled", |
1719 | "#1033915/jscroll_borderless", |
1720 | "#1033914/sortConceptsByIDDesc", |
1721 | "#1033912/addTabWithToolTip", |
1722 | "#1033909/test_tok_printIfdef", |
1723 | "#1033908/allImageFiles", |
1724 | "#1033907/gazelle22_imagesSubDirName", |
1725 | "#1033906/tempSetToolTip", |
1726 | "#1033905/saveImageWithCounter", |
1727 | "#1033904/jimageButtonScaledToWidth", |
1728 | "#1033903/tempSetButtonImage", |
1729 | "#1033902/buttonActionWithCloseablePre", |
1730 | "#1033901/buttonActionWithPreAndPost", |
1731 | "#1033900/resizeImageIcon", |
1732 | "#1033899/resizeImage_raw", |
1733 | "#1033898/centerDialogOverOwner", |
1734 | "#1033897/setDialogContents", |
1735 | "#1033896/minWindowWidth", |
1736 | "#1033895/centerY", |
1737 | "#1033894/centerX", |
1738 | "#1033893/preferredScreenBounds", |
1739 | "#1033888/preferredScreen", |
1740 | "#1033885/indexOfMax", |
1741 | "#1033887/screenNrOfWindow", |
1742 | "#1033883/allFieldObjects_dontMakeAccessible", |
1743 | "#1033882/isArrayType", |
1744 | "#1033881/hasSingleArgumentConstructor", |
1745 | "#1033880/hasThisDollarFields", |
1746 | "#1033879/isPersistableClass", |
1747 | "#1033878/getDefaultConstructor", |
1748 | "#1033877/allConceptFieldsAsMapExcept", |
1749 | "#1033875/countIteratorAsList_incl", |
1750 | "#1033874/test_tok_castQuestionDot", |
1751 | "#1033873/tok_castQuestionDot", |
1752 | "#1033872/tok_insertCasts_reTok", |
1753 | "#1033871/nComputers", |
1754 | "#1033870/setTextAndToolTip", |
1755 | "#1033868/tok_printIfdef", |
1756 | "#1033867/startsLikeIdentifier", |
1757 | "#1033863/proxy_printAllMethodCalls", |
1758 | "#1033859/regionToArea", |
1759 | "#1033857/fillShape", |
1760 | "#1033852/toScanlineBitMatrix", |
1761 | "#1033851/bitMatrixToArea", |
1762 | "#1033850/makeFileNameUnique_beforeExtension_startWith1_noDot", |
1763 | "#1033849/saveInImageDirectoryWithCounter", |
1764 | "#1033847/copyImageToClipboardWithInfoBox", |
1765 | "#1033848/infoBoxNoPrint", |
1766 | "#1033846/test_flattenToList", |
1767 | "#1033844/flattenToList", |
1768 | "#1033842/toArea", |
1769 | "#1033841/joinAreas", |
1770 | "#1033840/scanlineBitMatrixToArea", |
1771 | "#1033839/test_ScanlineBitMatrix", |
1772 | "#1033838/matricesEqual", |
1773 | "#1033836/tok_optionalArguments", |
1774 | "#1033837/test_tok_optionalArguments", |
1775 | "#1033835/getRandomizer", |
1776 | "#1033834/bitMatrixToBufferedImage_whiteIsTrue", |
1777 | "#1033833/printStructIndented", |
1778 | "#1033832/bitMatricesToImage", |
1779 | "#1033831/bitMatrixToImage", |
1780 | "#1033830/bitMatrixRowEmpty", |
1781 | "#1033828/test_CompactLongSet", |
1782 | "#1033820/scrollingTabs", |
1783 | "#1033819/onFirstShowing", |
1784 | "#1033818/isExtendedStateNormal", |
1785 | "#1033817/maximizeOrRestoreFrame", |
1786 | "#1033816/isMaximized", |
1787 | "#1033815/tempSetStroke", |
1788 | "#1033814/growRectTopAndLeft", |
1789 | "#1033813/withOpacity", |
1790 | "#1033809/systemExit", |
1791 | "#1033808/hideTrayIcon", |
1792 | "#1033807/provokeStackOverflow", |
1793 | "#1033805/jscroll_centered_borderless", |
1794 | "#1033804/borderlessScrollPane", |
1795 | "#1033803/setBorder", |
1796 | "#1033802/withoutViewportBorder", |
1797 | "#1033801/withSideAndTopMargin", |
1798 | "#1033800/withSideAndBottomMargin", |
1799 | "#1033792/joinLists", |
1800 | "#1033791/tok_leftScanModifiers", |
1801 | "#1033784/text2zip_apache", |
1802 | "#1033783/dm_transientCalculatedLabel", |
1803 | "#1033782/dm_transientCalculatedToolTip", |
1804 | "#1033781/dm_transientCalculatedLiveValue", |
1805 | "#1033780/jTopOrLeftTabs", |
1806 | "#1033779/jLeftOrTopTabs", |
1807 | "#1033778/centerAndSouthOrEast", |
1808 | "#1033777/setTabPlacement", |
1809 | "#1033776/jLeftTabs", |
1810 | "#1033774/testBWIntegralImageMetaSrc", |
1811 | "#1033773/getMetaSrc", |
1812 | "#1033771/testMetaOfJComponent", |
1813 | "#1033772/metaPut", |
1814 | "#1033770/initIMeta", |
1815 | "#1033769/metaOfJComponent", |
1816 | "#1033768/initMetaOfJComponent", |
1817 | "#1033767/toIMeta", |
1818 | "#1033765/toRect_round", |
1819 | "#1033762/renderShape_antiAlias", |
1820 | "#1033758/regionBorder_innerPoints", |
1821 | "#1033757/nto_mins", |
1822 | "#1033755/ptToLong", |
1823 | "#1033754/polygonFillingDemo", |
1824 | "#1033753/pixelatedZoomedImageSurface", |
1825 | "#1033751/tok_unifyKeywords", |
1826 | "#1033750/remutableKeywords", |
1827 | "#1033748/regularPolygon", |
1828 | "#1033749/addDoublePts", |
1829 | "#1033747/scaleDoublePts", |
1830 | "#1033746/scaleDoubleEdge", |
1831 | "#1033745/scaleDoublePt", |
1832 | "#1033744/drawOnWhite", |
1833 | "#1033743/toDoublePt", |
1834 | "#1033742/toDoublePts", |
1835 | "#1033741/randomPoints", |
1836 | "#1033740/mapToArrayList", |
1837 | "#1033739/voronoiEdges", |
1838 | "#1033734/sameSize", |
1839 | "#1033733/test_bwIntegralImage_withMeta", |
1840 | "#1033732/bwIntegralImage_withMeta", |
1841 | "#1033728/reproduceRasterBars", |
1842 | "#1033727/grayToColor", |
1843 | "#1033726/streaksOfRepeatingElements", |
1844 | "#1033722/componentShowingVar", |
1845 | "#1033681/scaledBWImageFromBWIntegralImage_withMeta_height", |
1846 | "#1033720/stringArray", |
1847 | "#1033719/replaceKeywordPlusQuotedBlock_dyn", |
1848 | "#1033718/runnableWithCustomToString", |
1849 | "#1033716/nsToMicroseconds", |
1850 | "#1033715/ciSorted", |
1851 | "#1033713/nRegions", |
1852 | "#1033712/setEnclosingTabTitle", |
1853 | "#1033709/prependColonSpaceIfNempty", |
1854 | "#1033708/appendWithColon", |
1855 | "#1033706/setRadioButtonToolTips", |
1856 | "#1033705/rightAlignSpinner", |
1857 | "#1033704/dm_powersOfTwoSpinner", |
1858 | "#1033703/bindLiveValueToSpinner", |
1859 | "#1033702/nFrames", |
1860 | "#1033701/dm_calculatedToolTip", |
1861 | "#1033700/toolTipFromLiveValue", |
1862 | "#1033699/withExplicitPlus_emptyIfZero", |
1863 | "#1033698/withExplicitPlus", |
1864 | "#1033697/linuxDistroProperties", |
1865 | "#1033696/linuxDistroRawFile", |
1866 | "#1033695/dm_rcheckBox", |
1867 | "#1033694/jscrollHorizontal", |
1868 | "#1033693/jWrappingPanel", |
1869 | "#1033692/jPowersOfTwoSpinner", |
1870 | "#1033691/jListSpinner", |
1871 | "#1033690/powersOfTwoUpTo", |
1872 | "#1033688/tsNowPlusMS", |
1873 | "#1033684/pixelatedImageSurface", |
1874 | "#1033679/posterizeBWImage_withMeta", |
1875 | "#1033682/setMetaSrc", |
1876 | "#1033681/scaledBWImageFromBWIntegralImage_withMeta", |
1877 | "#1033680/setMetaSrcUnlessSame", |
1878 | "#1033678/posterizeBWImage", |
1879 | "#1033677/scaledBWImageFromBWIntegralImage", |
1880 | "#1033676/scaledGrayBytesFromBWIntegralImage", |
1881 | "#1033675/imageSurface_unpixelated", |
1882 | "#1033668/catchError", |
1883 | "#1033669/printStackTrace_gen", |
1884 | "#1033666/screenBounds_safe", |
1885 | "#1033665/arrayOfRandomBitsAsInts", |
1886 | "#1033664/randomZeroToOneExclusive", |
1887 | "#1033663/randomBitMatrix", |
1888 | "#1033662/arrayOfRandomInts", |
1889 | "#1033660/getBitFromIntArray_littleEndian", |
1890 | "#1033659/setBitInIntArray_littleEndian", |
1891 | "#1033655/setHorizontalMarginForAllButtons", |
1892 | "#1033654/allButtons", |
1893 | "#1033652/test_QuadTreeBitMatrix", |
1894 | "#1033651/matricesDifferingPoints", |
1895 | "#1033650/eqMatrices", |
1896 | "#1033649/bitMatrixToQuadTree", |
1897 | "#1033648/benchFor1", |
1898 | "#1033647/benchFor5", |
1899 | "#1033646/pnlValues", |
1900 | "#1033645/roundUpToPowerOfTwo_alternateMethod", |
1901 | "#1033644/dm_vmBus_onMessages_q", |
1902 | "#1033643/withRightAlignedButtons_marginAttachedToCenter", |
1903 | "#1033642/bitMatrixToBufferedImage", |
1904 | "#1033641/mapMatrix", |
1905 | "#1033640/tok_whileCast", |
1906 | "#1033639/tok_insertCasts_noReTok", |
1907 | "#1033634/test_ByteBuffer", |
1908 | "#1033632/littleEndianBitsToString", |
1909 | "#1033631/stringFromFunction", |
1910 | "#1033628/n2_lpad", |
1911 | "#1033626/constIterator", |
1912 | "#1033622/white", |
1913 | "#1033623/renderableToImage", |
1914 | "#1033621/dm_handleEvalResult", |
1915 | "#1033620/chromeTimestampToTimestamp", |
1916 | "#1033619/utcTimeZone", |
1917 | "#1033617/parseIncompleteSRT", |
1918 | "#1033618/srtFillCompletely", |
1919 | "#1033616/srtFormatTime", |
1920 | "#1033614/jsWaitForJQuery", |
1921 | "#1033613/unlessLoading", |
1922 | "#1033612/jsOnContentLoaded", |
1923 | "#1033611/withGlobalIDToWithPollValue", |
1924 | "#1033610/withGlobalID", |
1925 | "#1033608/nVisitors", |
1926 | "#1033606/hcss_flags", |
1927 | "#1033604/filteredChromeBookmarks", |
1928 | "#1033603/domainPredicateToURLPredicate", |
1929 | "#1033602/loadJavaXSecretTextFile", |
1930 | "#1033601/loadSecretJavaXTextFile", |
1931 | "#1033600/test_cicAnyToRegexp", |
1932 | "#1033598/regexpEscapeAll", |
1933 | "#1033597/regexpQuoteAll", |
1934 | "#1033596/cicAnyToRegexp", |
1935 | "#1033595/domainOrNull", |
1936 | "#1033594/take10", |
1937 | "#1033593/pnlToLines", |
1938 | "#1033592/lmapMethod", |
1939 | "#1033591/filterCollectionInPlace", |
1940 | "#1033590/allPointsInRect_virtual", |
1941 | "#1033589/iBWImageFromFunction", |
1942 | "#1033588/shootLeftScreen", |
1943 | "#1033586/rectUnionWithPt", |
1944 | "#1033584/shuffledPointIterator", |
1945 | "#1033579/comboBoxAndButton", |
1946 | "#1033578/vf1ToIVF1", |
1947 | "#1033574/grayImageFromIBWImage", |
1948 | "#1033573/posterizeIBWImage", |
1949 | "#1033572/quantize0To255", |
1950 | "#1033571/jSpinnerCommitOnValidEdit", |
1951 | "#1033570/getTextFieldFromSpinner", |
1952 | "#1033568/testBWIntegralImageToBufferedImage", |
1953 | "#1033567/grayImageFromIBWIntegralImage", |
1954 | "#1033565/blend2D", |
1955 | "#1033564/sleeper", |
1956 | "#1033562/clockTimeToSystemTime", |
1957 | "#1033561/clockToSysTimeDiff", |
1958 | "#1033558/revalidateAfter", |
1959 | "#1033557/revalidateOnFirstResize", |
1960 | "#1033555/jflowCenter", |
1961 | "#1033554/jPanel", |
1962 | "#1033553/freq", |
1963 | "#1033551/setBoundsSafely", |
1964 | "#1033550/dbAndReturn", |
1965 | "#1033547/threadPool", |
1966 | "#1033546/findIntArg", |
1967 | "#1033545/tempSetTL_noInit", |
1968 | "#1033544/test_pingSourceDo", |
1969 | "#1033543/maxThreadPool", |
1970 | "#1033539/rCallFUnlessNull", |
1971 | "#1033534/printLineContextAfterJavaCompilerError", |
1972 | "#1033532/makeOptionsFileForJavaCompiler", |
1973 | "#1033531/findJavaSourceFiles", |
1974 | "#1033527/invokeEcj_direct", |
1975 | "#1033524/screenDevice", |
1976 | "#1033522/countIteratorAsList", |
1977 | "#1033521/screenCount", |
1978 | "#1033520/scaledGrayImageFromBWIntegralImage_clip", |
1979 | "#1033516/isSrcLib", |
1980 | "#1033515/extractProject", |
1981 | "#1033514/replaceFileZip2Zip", |
1982 | "#1033513/bcelFixDuplicateInnerClassesECJBug", |
1983 | "#1033512/newFileInSameDir", |
1984 | "#1033511/bcelSave", |
1985 | "#1033510/sortedAlphaNumIC", |
1986 | "#1033507/f1ToIF1", |
1987 | "#1033504/transpilerOutput", |
1988 | "#1033502/copy", |
1989 | "#1033501/utc", |
1990 | "#1033499/bcelFixZip2Zip", |
1991 | "#1033500/appendBaseName", |
1992 | "#1033497/bcelRoundtrip", |
1993 | "#1033496/inputStreamToBCEL", |
1994 | "#1033495/compilerBotDestDirSubName", |
1995 | "#1033494/compilerBotDestDir", |
1996 | "#1033493/zip2zip_stored", |
1997 | "#1033492/zip2uncompressedZip", |
1998 | "#1033491/multiSetDuplicatesOnly", |
1999 | "#1033490/duplicates", |
2000 | "#1033489/extractProjectForLocalCompilation", |
2001 | "#1033488/text2zip", |
2002 | "#1033487/projectForLocalCompilation", |
2003 | "#1033486/gazelle_color2", |
2004 | "#1033485/graphAsPolygon", |
2005 | "#1033484/gazelle_wavySpacer", |
2006 | "#1033483/gazelle_color1", |
2007 | "#1033482/sineSigmoid", |
2008 | "#1033481/borderLayoutPanel", |
2009 | "#1033480/marginPanel", |
2010 | "#1033479/setOpaqueBackground_recursive", |
2011 | "#1033478/resizeImageToHeight_bilinear", |
2012 | "#1033477/jSingleColor", |
2013 | "#1033476/latestImageIn", |
2014 | "#1033475/listDirByDateDesc", |
2015 | "#1033474/uploadLatestImageIn", |
2016 | "#1033473/copyLocalLog", |
2017 | "#1033472/installWindowResizeDraggerOnBorder", |
2018 | "#1033470/bottomLeftCorner", |
2019 | "#1033468/topRightCorner", |
2020 | "#1033467/bottomRightCorner", |
2021 | "#1033465/installWindowDragger", |
2022 | "#1033466/addMouseAndMotionListener", |
2023 | "#1033464/removeMouseAdapter", |
2024 | "#1033461/multiLineJavaStringLiteral", |
2025 | "#1033460/quoteRaw", |
2026 | "#1033459/regularSpecialLineBreaks", |
2027 | "#1033458/bytesToHex_withLineBreaks", |
2028 | "#1033457/getBytecodePathForClass", |
2029 | "#1033456/nClasses", |
2030 | "#1033455/loadAllClassesInByteCodePath", |
2031 | "#1033454/isNonEmptySingleZip_byMagicHeader", |
2032 | "#1033453/byteCodePathForClass_forURLClassLoader", |
2033 | "#1033452/inputStreamForClass_forURLClassLoader", |
2034 | "#1033451/urlToFile", |
2035 | "#1033450/currentProcessCommand", |
2036 | "#1033449/minimizeWindow", |
2037 | "#1033448/activateFrame_v3", |
2038 | "#1033447/activateFrame_v2", |
2039 | "#1033446/createBevelBorder", |
2040 | "#1033444/is8BitGrayscale", |
2041 | "#1033442/grayColorModel", |
2042 | "#1033441/byteArrayToGrayBufferedImage", |
2043 | "#1033440/scaledGrayImageFromBWIntegralImage", |
2044 | "#1033438/grabbableGrayPixels", |
2045 | "#1033436/rgbToGrayUsingImageTypeAndDrawImage", |
2046 | "#1033435/newGrayBufferedImage", |
2047 | "#1033434/rgbToGrayUsingGrayFilter", |
2048 | "#1033430/addMegaLibrary", |
2049 | "#1033429/allJarFiles", |
2050 | "#1033428/testMultiResolutionCapture", |
2051 | "#1033427/unpackZipLibrary", |
2052 | "#1033426/zip2dir_overwriteIfDifferentSize", |
2053 | "#1033425/secondScreenBounds", |
2054 | "#1033424/firstScreenBounds", |
2055 | "#1033423/benchOnePixelScreenCapture", |
2056 | "#1033422/newRectangle", |
2057 | "#1033421/makeUndecoratedFrame", |
2058 | "#1033418/_onJavaXSet", |
2059 | "#1033416/showMainFrame", |
2060 | "#1000946/__setJavaX", |
2061 | "#1033414/javaXStandalone_minimal", |
2062 | "#1033413/flattenLists", |
2063 | "#1033412/extractLibsFromTranspilation", |
2064 | "#1033410/jreplace_dyn_allowDollarRefs", |
2065 | "#1033408/test_ThreadPool", |
2066 | "#1033407/flagTest", |
2067 | "#1033406/syncNotifyAll", |
2068 | "#1033404/withAutoCloseable", |
2069 | "#1033403/sleepWhileEmpty", |
2070 | "#1033402/waitWhileEmpty", |
2071 | "#1033399/selfNotifyingSet", |
2072 | "#1033398/ymdMinusHMS", |
2073 | "#1033396/makeFileNameUnique_beforeExtension", |
2074 | "#1033394/colToList", |
2075 | "#1033395/rowToList", |
2076 | "#1033393/gridLOLToImage", |
2077 | "#1033389/dm_getFlag", |
2078 | "#1033392/dm_toggleAlwaysOnTop", |
2079 | "#1033391/dm_windowIfSingleModule", |
2080 | "#1033390/dm_window", |
2081 | "#1033388/dm_setFlag", |
2082 | "#1033387/forEachWithPosition", |
2083 | "#1033386/partialSums_firstIs0", |
2084 | "#1033385/drawIntMatrix", |
2085 | "#1033383/matrixOfMatricesToMatrix", |
2086 | "#1033382/lambdaMapMethod", |
2087 | "#1033378/listOfListsToMatrixOfMatrices_rows", |
2088 | "#1033381/listToMatrix_cols", |
2089 | "#1033380/listToMatrix_rows", |
2090 | "#1033377/ivf1WithToString", |
2091 | "#1033375/listOfListsToMatrixOfMatrices", |
2092 | "#1033374/intMatrixToImage", |
2093 | "#1033373/pixelCount", |
2094 | "#1033372/calculateLengthOfFunctionCall", |
2095 | "#1033371/imageFromHex", |
2096 | "#1033370/mainFunctionToIF1Opt", |
2097 | "#1033369/test_hexToInts", |
2098 | "#1033368/hexToInts", |
2099 | "#1033367/hexToInts_dropSpaces", |
2100 | "#1033365/stepForNSeconds", |
2101 | "#1033363/shootRightScreen", |
2102 | "#1033362/jeCompressionRegime", |
2103 | "#1033358/matrixOfMatricesToListOfLists", |
2104 | "#1033359/tok_selfNestedType", |
2105 | "#1033356/replacePrefixes", |
2106 | "#1033355/askTripleBool", |
2107 | "#1033354/hasGlobalOption", |
2108 | "#1033353/defaultScreenshot", |
2109 | "#1033350/linux_clearRecentlyUsedFilesList", |
2110 | "#1033349/linux_recentlyUsedFilesFile", |
2111 | "#1033347/lfloor", |
2112 | "#1033346/currentThreadTotalCPUNanos", |
2113 | "#1033345/isThreadCpuTimeSupported", |
2114 | "#1033344/ping_trueIfSlept", |
2115 | "#1033343/tempSetPingSource", |
2116 | "#1033342/tempPingPrivileged", |
2117 | "#1033341/pingSource_tl", |
2118 | "#1033340/pingSource", |
2119 | "#1033339/ping_v3", |
2120 | "#1033338/ping_v3_pingSourceMaker", |
2121 | "#1033337/ping_v3_setPingSourceMaker", |
2122 | "#1033335/scaffoldActive", |
2123 | "#1033334/pid", |
2124 | "#1033333/cloneTailMultiMap", |
2125 | "#1033331/mergeJars_manifestFromFirst", |
2126 | "#1033332/zip2zip_collectFiles", |
2127 | "#1033330/manifestTextForMainClass", |
2128 | "#1033329/manifestPathInJar", |
2129 | "#1033328/makeJarExecutable", |
2130 | "#1033326/isIOException", |
2131 | "#1033323/nto", |
2132 | "#1033322/waitForVarToBecome", |
2133 | "#1033320/sleepUntil", |
2134 | "#1033317/newPing_setValueForNewThreads", |
2135 | "#1033316/callF_gen", |
2136 | "#1033315/tb_mainServer_pretty", |
2137 | "#1033314/scaleImage_bicubic", |
2138 | "#1033313/scaleImage_nearestNeighbor", |
2139 | "#1033312/scaleImage_bilinear", |
2140 | "#1033311/scaleImageWithOp", |
2141 | "#1033310/sfCode", |
2142 | "#1033308/isInSystemPackage", |
2143 | "#1033307/grabbableIntPixels_fastOrSlow", |
2144 | "#1033305/rgbToLuminosity", |
2145 | "#1033304/hsplit", |
2146 | "#1033303/brightnessToRGBA", |
2147 | "#1033302/scaledBufferedImageFromBWIntegralImage", |
2148 | "#1033301/percentRatioStrOneDigit", |
2149 | "#1033300/formatColonProperties_noNulls", |
2150 | "#1033299/nonNullPairs", |
2151 | "#1033297/concatenatableRanges", |
2152 | "#1033296/joinDoubleRanges", |
2153 | "#1033295/concatenateAdjacentDoubleRanges", |
2154 | "#1033293/concatenateAdjacentRanges", |
2155 | "#1033294/concatenatableIntRanges", |
2156 | "#1033292/assertDoublesVeryClose_warnOnly", |
2157 | "#1033291/replaceElementInSubList", |
2158 | "#1033290/clearToken_reTok", |
2159 | "#1033289/plusPrefixUnlessMinus", |
2160 | "#1033288/assertDoublesVeryClose", |
2161 | "#1033287/assertListsEqual", |
2162 | "#1033286/assertDoubleArraysEqual", |
2163 | "#1033284/higherPair", |
2164 | "#1033283/floorPair", |
2165 | "#1033282/floorKey", |
2166 | "#1033280/tok_scanModifiers_idx", |
2167 | "#1033277/enableScaffold", |
2168 | "#1033275/rcallF", |
2169 | "#1033274/fracNonNeg", |
2170 | "#1033272/higherValue", |
2171 | "#1033270/floorValue", |
2172 | "#1033268/formatDouble1", |
2173 | "#1033266/test_RenderFrequencySample_SquareWave", |
2174 | "#1033262/formatDouble2", |
2175 | "#1033261/classToIF0", |
2176 | "#1033259/frac_nonNeg", |
2177 | "#1033258/renderComplexWithAngle", |
2178 | "#1033257/geometricIterator", |
2179 | "#1033256/sin_squareWave", |
2180 | "#1033255/repDouble", |
2181 | "#1033254/takeFirstOfDoubleArray", |
2182 | "#1033252/javaSound_mono16Bit", |
2183 | "#1033251/shortSamplesToQuerySound", |
2184 | "#1033250/nFrequencies", |
2185 | "#1033249/cos_squareWave", |
2186 | "#1033248/doubleToShortArray_iround", |
2187 | "#1033247/toDoubleRange", |
2188 | "#1033246/repChannels", |
2189 | "#1033244/metaSet", |
2190 | "#1033241/benchForSeconds", |
2191 | "#1033240/dm_calcAndHold", |
2192 | "#1033239/listToMatrix", |
2193 | "#1033238/userDir_oneOf_createIfNone", |
2194 | "#1033235/naiveQuote", |
2195 | "#1033233/regularLineBreaks", |
2196 | "#1033234/intsToHex_withLineBreaks", |
2197 | "#1033232/hexToBytes_dropSpaces", |
2198 | "#1033231/firstThatNot", |
2199 | "#1033230/dropSpaceEtc", |
2200 | "#1033229/virtualCountList", |
2201 | "#1033228/hardJERegime", |
2202 | "#1033227/intListToByteArray", |
2203 | "#1033226/intListToByteArray_littleEndian", |
2204 | "#1033225/intsToHex", |
2205 | "#1033223/byteArrayToIntList_littleEndian", |
2206 | "#1033222/lInts", |
2207 | "#1033221/fieldObjectsInFieldOrder", |
2208 | "#1033220/javaObjectToIJavaExpr", |
2209 | "#1033219/toJavaOpt", |
2210 | "#1033213/functionCall_list", |
2211 | "#1033218/mapQuickEval_javaExpr", |
2212 | "#1033217/value", |
2213 | "#1033216/stringable", |
2214 | "#1033212/repSimple", |
2215 | "#1033209/javaExpr", |
2216 | "#1033205/resizeImageToHeight", |
2217 | "#1033204/scaffoldingEnabled", |
2218 | "#1033203/tok_scanStatement_idx", |
2219 | "#1033202/printShortenedFunctionCall", |
2220 | "#1033201/functionCall", |
2221 | "#1033200/getClassDeclarationName_skippables", |
2222 | "#1033199/lBytes", |
2223 | "#1033198/test_tok_scaffoldedFunctions", |
2224 | "#1033197/moveToTopRightCornerWithSize", |
2225 | "#1033196/screenTopRightCornerOverlayInset", |
2226 | "#1033195/metaGet", |
2227 | "#1033192/enableScaffolding", |
2228 | "#1033189/scaffoldCalled", |
2229 | "#1033191/jrfindAll_any", |
2230 | "#1033190/tokClear_reTok", |
2231 | "#1033188/tok_argDecls", |
2232 | "#1033184/tok_elegantVSInlined", |
2233 | "#1033185/rjfindAll", |
2234 | "#1033183/tok_scanBlock_idx", |
2235 | "#1033182/tok_scaffoldedFunctions", |
2236 | "#1033181/tok_scanMethodHead_idx", |
2237 | "#1033180/flattenIterablesAndArrays", |
2238 | "#1033179/flexLines", |
2239 | "#1033177/takeFirst_str", |
2240 | "#1033175/regexpLookahead", |
2241 | "#1033172/countIteratorToObjectArray", |
2242 | "#1033171/jreplace_any_dyn", |
2243 | "#1033170/tok_reImmutableVars", |
2244 | "#1033169/test_tok_selfType", |
2245 | "#1033168/tok_typeArgs_declToInvocation", |
2246 | "#1033167/tok_endOfType", |
2247 | "#1033166/startsWithCamelCaseWord", |
2248 | "#1033165/methodForEach", |
2249 | "#1033164/lambdaMethodMap", |
2250 | "#1033161/jeRegime_AnyType", |
2251 | "#1033155/jeCompressionSearch", |
2252 | "#1033154/runProbabilisticForNSeconds", |
2253 | "#1033151/testTranspilationFunction2", |
2254 | "#1033149/indexAsSideValue", |
2255 | "#1033148/toProbabilistic", |
2256 | "#1033147/jeLiteral", |
2257 | "#1033146/runnableToProbabilistic", |
2258 | "#1033145/allProbabilisticTests", |
2259 | "#1033144/probabilisticForEach", |
2260 | "#1033141/byteListToArray", |
2261 | "#1033139/jeRegime", |
2262 | "#1033118/intListToByteList_littleEndian", |
2263 | "#1033138/replaceByteInInt_littleEndian", |
2264 | "#1033137/byteFromInt_littleEndian", |
2265 | "#1033136/intMatrixToByteList_littleEndian", |
2266 | "#1033135/flattenCollectionsAndArrays", |
2267 | "#1033134/augmentException", |
2268 | "#1033133/assertPointInBounds", |
2269 | "#1033132/matrixToList", |
2270 | "#1033125/matrixToMNGrid", |
2271 | "#1033131/matrixToImage", |
2272 | "#1033130/matrixToMNGrid_rows", |
2273 | "#1033129/imageToMatrix", |
2274 | "#1033127/listOfListsToMatrix", |
2275 | "#1033126/mapLevelTwo", |
2276 | "#1033124/imagePixelsToRGBAWithSize_virtualIntList", |
2277 | "#1033123/matrixToIntArray", |
2278 | "#1033122/intMatrixToBufferedImage", |
2279 | "#1033120/rgbaWithSizeToIntMatrix", |
2280 | "#1033118/byteListToIntList_littleEndian", |
2281 | "#1033117/intToBytes_inList_littleEndian_partial", |
2282 | "#1033116/intFromByteList_littleEndian_partial", |
2283 | "#1033115/toMap", |
2284 | "#1033114/codeTokenIndex", |
2285 | "#1033113/test_codeTokenIndex", |
2286 | "#1033109/withResourceUse", |
2287 | "#1033108/tok_splitAtAnyOperator", |
2288 | "#1033107/evaluateWithResourceUse", |
2289 | "#1033106/nanosToSecondsObject", |
2290 | "#1033105/withSideValue", |
2291 | "#1033100/if0ToRunnable", |
2292 | "#1033099/bytesAllocated", |
2293 | "#1033097/runJECompressor", |
2294 | "#1033094/toHexString", |
2295 | "#1033092/toByteIterator", |
2296 | "#1033091/toByteList", |
2297 | "#1033088/tok_exclamPostfix", |
2298 | "#1033087/wrapArrayAsImmutableList", |
2299 | "#1033086/wrapObjectArrayAsImmutableList", |
2300 | "#1033085/wrapPrimitiveArrayAsImmutableList", |
2301 | "#1033084/compressionRegime_JavaXEval", |
2302 | "#1033080/repByte", |
2303 | "#1033078/tok_settableFields", |
2304 | "#1033079/test_tok_settableFields", |
2305 | "#1033075/isAlwaysOnTop", |
2306 | "#1033074/uptime", |
2307 | "#1033073/asteriskTokC", |
2308 | "#1033072/nParameters", |
2309 | "#1033071/test_containsRegExpSpecialChars", |
2310 | "#1033070/containsRegExpSpecialChars", |
2311 | "#1033069/imagePixelsToRGBAWithSize", |
2312 | "#1033068/copyIntArrayToByteArray_littleEndian", |
2313 | "#1033067/gunzipBytes", |
2314 | "#1033066/gzipBytesCompressedLength", |
2315 | "#1033063/latestFileIn_withExtension", |
2316 | "#1033062/loadTextFileMandatoryTrim", |
2317 | "#1033061/eqAndNempty", |
2318 | "#1033060/loadSecretTextFileMandatoryNempty", |
2319 | "#1033059/moduleLibIDToSnippetID", |
2320 | "#1033058/llUnlessNull", |
2321 | "#1033057/firstAndLast", |
2322 | "#1033056/randomPlusMinus", |
2323 | "#1033055/doublesAreSorted", |
2324 | "#1033054/doubleAdd", |
2325 | "#1033052/spreadEvenly", |
2326 | "#1033049/mul_optFor1", |
2327 | "#1033045/modificationTime", |
2328 | "#1033044/intersperseHalfTones", |
2329 | "#1033043/intersperse_dyn", |
2330 | "#1033042/doubleMul", |
2331 | "#1033041/normalizationFactor", |
2332 | "#1033040/dm_showPixelatedImage", |
2333 | "#1033039/doubleRangeWithLength", |
2334 | "#1033036/intersectDoubleRanges", |
2335 | "#1033034/normalizeDoubles", |
2336 | "#1033021/decodeOpusStream", |
2337 | "#1033032/test_tok_onCleanExit", |
2338 | "#1033031/tok_onCleanExit", |
2339 | "#1033029/evalWithTimeout_text_showStackTrace", |
2340 | "#1033028/pcallOrStackTrace_strOrNull", |
2341 | "#1033026/shortToMinusOneToOne", |
2342 | "#1033025/toIterator", |
2343 | "#1033024/tempResources", |
2344 | "#1033019/doubleAvg_gen", |
2345 | "#1033018/httpInputStream", |
2346 | "#1033010/assertJavaSourceEqualsVerbose_v2", |
2347 | "#1033014/testTranspilationFunction_v2", |
2348 | "#1033013/testTranspilationFunction_v1", |
2349 | "#1033012/indexOfDifference", |
2350 | "#1033011/prependWithColonSpace", |
2351 | "#1033009/tok_javaStandardSpaces", |
2352 | "#1033008/testTranspilationFunctionReturningTok", |
2353 | "#1033006/dm_tempEnter", |
2354 | "#1033005/replaceList", |
2355 | "#1033003/hjp", |
2356 | "#1033002/hijackPrint_okOrError", |
2357 | "#1033001/test_evalJava_prePrep", |
2358 | "#1033000/evalJava_prePrep", |
2359 | "#1032999/isKnownVoidFunction_uncached", |
2360 | "#1032998/textOfStandardFunction_uncached", |
2361 | "#1032997/standardFunctionAlwaysReturnsVoid_uncached", |
2362 | "#1032996/test_tok_eventInterfaces", |
2363 | "#1032995/tok_eventInterfaces", |
2364 | "#1032994/complex", |
2365 | "#1032993/complexChannels", |
2366 | "#1032992/mapChannels", |
2367 | "#1032991/newGenericArray", |
2368 | "#1032990/newTypedArray", |
2369 | "#1032987/firstPair", |
2370 | "#1032986/valueIterator", |
2371 | "#1032985/clampToShort", |
2372 | "#1032983/shiftDoubleRange", |
2373 | "#1032982/scaleDoubleRange", |
2374 | "#1032976/spaceCombine", |
2375 | "#1032969/hijackPrint_pcall", |
2376 | "#1032967/tok_enterStatement", |
2377 | "#1032966/tok_isBeginningOfStatement", |
2378 | "#1032965/test_tok_formatDollarVars", |
2379 | "#1032964/addDollarPrefix", |
2380 | "#1032963/test_tok_gettableFields", |
2381 | "#1032962/tok_formatDollarVars", |
2382 | "#1032958/tok_scanTypeArgs_idx", |
2383 | "#1032961/tok_gettableFields", |
2384 | "#1032960/joinSubList_cToC", |
2385 | "#1032959/identifierOrQuestionMark", |
2386 | "#1032957/tok_scanType", |
2387 | "#1032955/tok_escapeAsterisk", |
2388 | "#1032954/toFrequency", |
2389 | "#1032951/countIterator_inclusive_list", |
2390 | "#1032950/pianoFrequencies88", |
2391 | "#1032949/pianoKeyFrequency", |
2392 | "#1032948/dropSlashSuffix", |
2393 | "#1032947/copyTextToClipboardIf", |
2394 | "#1032946/renderFileNameWithSizeDateAndFreeSpace", |
2395 | "#1032944/commaCombine", |
2396 | "#1032945/or_indirect", |
2397 | "#1032937/or_calc", |
2398 | "#1032936/renderVarsWithoutNulls", |
2399 | "#1032935/renderFileNameWithSizeAndDate", |
2400 | "#1032934/if0ToIF2", |
2401 | "#1032932/test_containsHTMLRedirect", |
2402 | "#1032931/containsHTMLRedirect", |
2403 | "#1032930/rtagIs", |
2404 | "#1032929/isHTMLRefreshTag", |
2405 | "#1032928/ciTagParams", |
2406 | "#1032927/htmlencode_noQuotes_unoptimized", |
2407 | "#1032926/verifyInputStreamWithEOF", |
2408 | "#1032925/verifyInputStream", |
2409 | "#1032924/splitIntoRandomRangesOfApproximateLength", |
2410 | "#1032923/withIdentity", |
2411 | "#1032922/splitIntoRandomRanges", |
2412 | "#1032921/randomBytes", |
2413 | "#1032920/middleElement", |
2414 | "#1032908/tempCloseablesHolder", |
2415 | "#1032904/javaSound_opusMono", |
2416 | "#1032903/javaSound_opusStereo", |
2417 | "#1032902/cloneSubShortArray", |
2418 | "#1032901/shortArrayToGraph", |
2419 | "#1032900/fileInfoHintsWithDate", |
2420 | "#1032898/renderFileInfoWithDate", |
2421 | "#1032897/assertOnLinux", |
2422 | "#1032895/loadNativeLibraryVerbose", |
2423 | "#1032894/tempSetFieldToIF1Proxy", |
2424 | "#1032893/tempSetFieldToSingleMethodProxy", |
2425 | "#1032891/javaLibraryPathHack", |
2426 | "#1032889/hjs_includeOpusMediaRecorder", |
2427 | "#1032888/bracketed", |
2428 | "#1032885/cloneList_unsynced", |
2429 | "#1032884/terabytesPerMonthWith1GBit", |
2430 | "#1032883/averageDaysInMonth", |
2431 | "#1032882/secondsToDays", |
2432 | "#1032881/test_CompactQ_Stats", |
2433 | "#1032880/raiseFlagOnRunAndClose", |
2434 | "#1032879/flagSleep", |
2435 | "#1032877/jpegifyAll", |
2436 | "#1032876/listFilesInJigsawModule", |
2437 | "#1032875/jmodFiles", |
2438 | "#1032874/jarFiles", |
2439 | "#1032873/listAllFiles", |
2440 | "#1032872/javaHome", |
2441 | "#1032870/threadQuickdrawTest_oneShot", |
2442 | "#1032869/threadQuickdrawBench", |
2443 | "#1032868/isBracket", |
2444 | "#1032867/test_tok_beginPeriod", |
2445 | "#1032863/tok_beginPeriod", |
2446 | "#1032866/isSpaceEtc", |
2447 | "#1032865/startsWithSpaceEtc", |
2448 | "#1032864/jfind_all_reversed", |
2449 | "#1032861/inclusiveCountIterator", |
2450 | "#1032860/layoutAndSize", |
2451 | "#1032859/itemPlusChain", |
2452 | "#1032856/tok_endOfBracketPart", |
2453 | "#1032855/jfind_upTo", |
2454 | "#1032854/jfindAll_reversed_any", |
2455 | "#1032846/tok_andVarMixIn", |
2456 | "#1032853/tok_scanTypeArgWithoutBrackets", |
2457 | "#1032851/tok_scanTypeArgs", |
2458 | "#1032852/test_tok_scanTypeArgs", |
2459 | "#1032850/tok_findEndOfAngleBracketPart", |
2460 | "#1032849/test_tok_scanTypeArg", |
2461 | "#1032848/tok_scanTypeArg", |
2462 | "#1032847/cacheGet", |
2463 | "#1032846/tok_varMixIn", |
2464 | "#1032844/tok_stages", |
2465 | "#1032843/trueBecause", |
2466 | "#1032841/longerThan", |
2467 | "#1032840/longStrings", |
2468 | "#1032839/bsMaker", |
2469 | "#1032838/randomSlash", |
2470 | "#1032836/spanID", |
2471 | "#1032835/safeRegexpMatches", |
2472 | "#1032834/trueUnlessException", |
2473 | "#1032833/joinWith", |
2474 | "#1032832/inSpaces", |
2475 | "#1032831/pLikeDiv_center", |
2476 | "#1032830/getSiblingClass", |
2477 | "#1032829/ahrefJS", |
2478 | "#1032828/js_fixedBackgroundImage", |
2479 | "#1032827/rdivides", |
2480 | "#1032826/forEachClone", |
2481 | "#1032825/setRefIfNull", |
2482 | "#1032824/hsmallinlineimg", |
2483 | "#1032823/warnAndReturn", |
2484 | "#1032822/isJPEG_GIF_PNG", |
2485 | "#1032821/hasSpaceEtc", |
2486 | "#1032820/sortedByDesc", |
2487 | "#1032819/stringsSortedByDecreasingLength", |
2488 | "#1032818/longestCommonSubstringsIC", |
2489 | "#1032817/longestCommonSubstringIC", |
2490 | "#1032814/uploadTranspilation", |
2491 | "#1032813/conceptField_modified", |
2492 | "#1032812/tok_leftScanAkas", |
2493 | "#1032811/editSF", |
2494 | "#1032810/make_test_tok_akaFunctionNames", |
2495 | "#1032809/argumentsToJava_indented", |
2496 | "#1032808/llToJava_indented", |
2497 | "#1032807/tok_leftScanJavaxModifiers", |
2498 | "#1032806/joinWithNbsp", |
2499 | "#1032805/enclosedInSpaces", |
2500 | "#1032803/test_tok_leftScanType", |
2501 | "#1032801/starToDotPlusRegexp", |
2502 | "#1032800/starToDotStarRegexp", |
2503 | "#1032799/checkStandardFunctionDefinitionForSafety", |
2504 | "#1032797/setRefIfEmpty", |
2505 | "#1032796/jsEscapedDollarVars", |
2506 | "#1032793/hasConceptWhereCI", |
2507 | "#1032792/asteriskTok", |
2508 | "#1032791/sortedByValueDesc", |
2509 | "#1032790/js_addToHead", |
2510 | "#1032789/addUnlessEmpty", |
2511 | "#1032788/sortedMultiSet", |
2512 | "#1032787/sortedByValue", |
2513 | "#1032786/mapToMultiMapValues", |
2514 | "#1032782/ipToCountry_safe", |
2515 | "#1032616/ipToCountry2021_uncached", |
2516 | "#1032780/bench1sec", |
2517 | "#1032779/indexConceptFieldDesc_v2", |
2518 | "#1032778/getConceptFieldIndex", |
2519 | "#1032777/doublePercent", |
2520 | "#1032776/usedHeapPercentage", |
2521 | "#1032775/appendSquareBracketedCount", |
2522 | "#1032774/multiSetMapToMap", |
2523 | "#1032773/castMultiSetMapToNavigableMap", |
2524 | "#1032771/imageChangeOverlay", |
2525 | "#1032770/dm_playwrightProcesses", |
2526 | "#1032769/maxMemory", |
2527 | "#1032767/getVirtualParent", |
2528 | "#1032766/toHTML_gen_shorten", |
2529 | "#1032765/containsAnyChar", |
2530 | "#1032764/rgengetInt", |
2531 | "#1032763/rgengetString", |
2532 | "#1032762/cropToRightScreenInPlace", |
2533 | "#1032761/prependNumbering", |
2534 | "#1032760/hgray", |
2535 | "#1032759/appendSquareBracketedCountUnlessOne", |
2536 | "#1032758/appendBracketedCountUnlessOne", |
2537 | "#1032757/hprogress", |
2538 | "#1032756/hcombine", |
2539 | "#1032755/htmlCombine", |
2540 | "#1032754/flattenCollections", |
2541 | "#1032751/getWeakRef_genOrNull", |
2542 | "#1032750/callStringOpt", |
2543 | "#1032748/test_withPollValue", |
2544 | "#1032747/numberListToPt", |
2545 | "#1032746/rgetgen", |
2546 | "#1032745/hjs_setVar", |
2547 | "#1032744/hkeyvalue", |
2548 | "#1032742/nemptyLines_flattenLists", |
2549 | "#1032741/nemptyLines_extractLists", |
2550 | "#1032739/getConceptRefID_afterSafeUnstruct", |
2551 | "#1032738/genget", |
2552 | "#1032736/nullIfEmpty_gen", |
2553 | "#1032735/mapValues_withoutNulls", |
2554 | "#1032734/paramsToMap_withNulls", |
2555 | "#1032732/hlink", |
2556 | "#1032731/hinteractiveJS", |
2557 | "#1032730/hInteractiveJS", |
2558 | "#1032729/containsLine", |
2559 | "#1032728/isBoxedValue", |
2560 | "#1032727/addPortToHost_drop80", |
2561 | "#1032726/urlPlusParams", |
2562 | "#1032725/createSnippetURLForUser", |
2563 | "#1032723/eq_nullIfEmpty", |
2564 | "#1032722/test_apexDomain", |
2565 | "#1032721/apexDomain", |
2566 | "#1032720/dropPortFromHost", |
2567 | "#1032717/socketIsLocalhost", |
2568 | "#1032714/readHttpHeaderLine", |
2569 | "#1032713/addPortToHost", |
2570 | "#1032707/pnl10", |
2571 | "#1032706/chromeBookmarks", |
2572 | "#1032704/diffsBetweenPairsOfDoubles", |
2573 | "#1032702/diffsBetweenDoubles", |
2574 | "#1032703/sqrAll", |
2575 | "#1032701/randomDoubles", |
2576 | "#1032700/ccallOrGet", |
2577 | "#1032699/toHtml_gen", |
2578 | "#1032698/toHTML_gen", |
2579 | "#1032697/withURL", |
2580 | "#1032696/nonInstancesOf", |
2581 | "#1032452/dm_webSearch_all", |
2582 | "#1032695/dm_webSearch", |
2583 | "#1032693/test_noTok", |
2584 | "#1032692/debugging", |
2585 | "#1032692/tempDebug", |
2586 | "#1032691/printIfDebugging", |
2587 | "#1032690/test_simpleCalc_noTok", |
2588 | "#1032689/simpleCalc_noTok", |
2589 | "#1032688/noTok", |
2590 | "#1032687/lazyList", |
2591 | "#1032686/ahref_targetBlankIf", |
2592 | "#1032685/boxedIntOrLong", |
2593 | "#1032683/boxed", |
2594 | "#1032679/weekDay", |
2595 | "#1032677/callOptString", |
2596 | "#1032675/cgetOrCall", |
2597 | "#1032674/withPollValue", |
2598 | "#1032672/roundRobin_lists", |
2599 | "#1032671/allIntsAsLong_regexp_skipBigInts", |
2600 | "#1032670/parseLongOrBigInt", |
2601 | "#1032669/allIntsAsString_regexp", |
2602 | "#1032668/doEvery_stopOnException", |
2603 | "#1032667/dayOfWeek", |
2604 | "#1032665/test_ShuntingYardParser", |
2605 | "#1032664/test_simpleCalc", |
2606 | "#1032663/simpleCalc", |
2607 | "#1032661/assertNequals", |
2608 | "#1032660/assertNotEquals", |
2609 | "#1032658/runAll", |
2610 | "#1032657/doubleMultiRatio", |
2611 | "#1032656/doubleMultiMinus", |
2612 | "#1032655/jfind_reversed", |
2613 | "#1032654/test_tok_localMacro", |
2614 | "#1032653/tok_localMacro", |
2615 | "#1032652/asListMinusLast", |
2616 | "#1032651/removeLastAndReturnList", |
2617 | "#1032650/addParamsToMap_inPlace", |
2618 | "#1032648/allToDouble", |
2619 | "#1032647/js_nodeScriptReplace2", |
2620 | "#1032646/js_executeScriptElements", |
2621 | "#1032644/js_replaceBodyContents", |
2622 | "#1032643/hnoscript", |
2623 | "#1032640/findLowestEntrySizeForHyperCompactTreeSet", |
2624 | "#1032638/pow10_int", |
2625 | "#1032637/exp10_int", |
2626 | "#1032636/renderCollectionBytesPerEntry", |
2627 | "#1032635/collectionBytesPerEntry", |
2628 | "#1032634/toObjectArray_nonConcurrent", |
2629 | "#1032633/addAndRemoveSomeRandomStrings", |
2630 | "#1032632/sumOfObjectSizes", |
2631 | "#1032631/objectToMap_ignoreCollection", |
2632 | "#1032630/mapToMultiSet", |
2633 | "#1032629/test_HyperCompactTreeSet", |
2634 | "#1032626/unsafe_objectFieldOffset", |
2635 | "#1032624/test_compareTreeSetSizes", |
2636 | "#1032625/formatDoubleRatio", |
2637 | "#1032623/test_MegaCompactTreeSet", |
2638 | "#1032622/test_TreeSetDropIn", |
2639 | "#1032620/mapToMap_pcall", |
2640 | "#1032619/js_uploadLiveValues", |
2641 | "#1032618/html_gazelle_madeByIcon", |
2642 | "#1032616/ipToCountry2021", |
2643 | "#1032617/ipToCountry2021_safe", |
2644 | "#1032615/rstWithEnter", |
2645 | "#1032613/closeAfterRemove", |
2646 | "#1032614/remove_trueIfChanged", |
2647 | "#1032611/tok_shortLambdas", |
2648 | "#1032612/test_tok_shortLambdas", |
2649 | "#1032610/pLikeDiv", |
2650 | "#1032609/nsToSeconds", |
2651 | "#1032608/renderElapsedNanosPleasantly", |
2652 | "#1032607/renderElapsedSecondsPleasantly", |
2653 | "#1032605/testThreadCancellation", |
2654 | "#1032606/toMS_noPing", |
2655 | "#1032604/yahooImageSearchURL", |
2656 | "#1032603/js_replaceHTML", |
2657 | "#1032602/withoutStartingWith", |
2658 | "#1032601/sfuIndent", |
2659 | "#1032600/setMeta", |
2660 | "#1032599/htmlFullDecode", |
2661 | "#1032597/regexpExplainLink", |
2662 | "#1032596/test_sfuWithIndent", |
2663 | "#1032595/rclamp", |
2664 | "#1032594/test_JSONSpecialIntegral", |
2665 | "#1032593/elementSize", |
2666 | "#1032591/byteArrayBitSet_new", |
2667 | "#1032590/test_SpecialCharsHierarchicalBitMap", |
2668 | "#1032589/isUByte", |
2669 | "#1032588/lengthLevel2_byteArrays", |
2670 | "#1032587/lengthLevel2_intArrays", |
2671 | "#1032586/sfuWithIndent", |
2672 | "#1032585/ld_iceil", |
2673 | "#1032584/ld_ceil", |
2674 | "#1032582/currentFiber", |
2675 | "#1032581/threadToFiberMap", |
2676 | "#1032579/syncWeakMap", |
2677 | "#1032576/collectMapValues_gen", |
2678 | "#1032575/jsonIndent", |
2679 | "#1032574/jsonParse", |
2680 | "#1032573/jsonReindent", |
2681 | "#1032572/first_gen", |
2682 | "#1032571/rgenget", |
2683 | "#1032570/joinIntRanges", |
2684 | "#1032569/emptyIntRange", |
2685 | "#1032568/linesStartingWithAny", |
2686 | "#1032567/uploadText", |
2687 | "#1032566/serveTextOrHTML", |
2688 | "#1032565/addDotIfNempty", |
2689 | "#1032564/dropLeadingDots", |
2690 | "#1032563/jsonKeyTree", |
2691 | "#1032562/castMapToMapO", |
2692 | "#1032560/getMultipleKeys_ordered", |
2693 | "#1032559/collectMultipleKeys_ordered", |
2694 | "#1032558/collectMultipleKeys", |
2695 | "#1032557/javaxSourceToHTML", |
2696 | "#1032556/rmapGet", |
2697 | "#1032554/getRedirectDestination", |
2698 | "#1032553/getResponseHeaders", |
2699 | "#1032552/linux_gsettings_keysForSchema", |
2700 | "#1032551/linux_gsettings_allSchemas", |
2701 | "#1032550/js_autofocusCaretToEnd", |
2702 | "#1032549/addToSet_create", |
2703 | "#1032548/createOrAddToSet", |
2704 | "#1032547/jsRequiringJQuery", |
2705 | "#1032546/serveCSS", |
2706 | "#1032544/randomIDForPageElement", |
2707 | "#1032542/jsonEncode_extended", |
2708 | "#1032540/test_replaceDollarVars_js", |
2709 | "#1032539/oddL", |
2710 | "#1032537/dnsLookup", |
2711 | "#1032536/tok_getFromMap", |
2712 | "#1032533/backtickVerbose", |
2713 | "#1032532/jsonMap", |
2714 | "#1032528/dm_screenShootWebsite", |
2715 | "#1032527/addSlashSuffix", |
2716 | "#1032526/addEleuDomainsAsPowerWords", |
2717 | "#1032525/gazelleDiscordBotCommand", |
2718 | "#1032523/multiMapPairIterator", |
2719 | "#1032522/descTreeMultiMap", |
2720 | "#1032521/dirtyCollectionCast", |
2721 | "#1032520/splitAtFirst", |
2722 | "#1032519/scoredWithMapValue", |
2723 | "#1032517/getMigration", |
2724 | "#1032516/userAgentIsBotOrJava", |
2725 | "#1032515/hPostButtonIncludingForm", |
2726 | "#1032514/ahref_noFollow", |
2727 | "#1032513/nGlyphs", |
2728 | "#1032512/nTimes", |
2729 | "#1032510/bestOfN_stopAtScore", |
2730 | "#1032509/quantizeToNLevelsBetweenZeroAndOne_stretched", |
2731 | "#1032508/threadLocalWithDefault", |
2732 | "#1032507/isIntegerOrIdentifier", |
2733 | "#1032506/trailingLong_regexp", |
2734 | "#1032502/uploadDataURLImage", |
2735 | "#1032503/isDataURL", |
2736 | "#1032501/blendBWIntegralImages", |
2737 | "#1032500/clampToUByte", |
2738 | "#1032499/bestOfN", |
2739 | "#1032498/multiMapBucketSizes_array", |
2740 | "#1032497/multiMapBucketSizes", |
2741 | "#1032496/html1pxBorder", |
2742 | "#1032494/formatDoubleRect", |
2743 | "#1032495/multiMapToPairs_noExpand", |
2744 | "#1032493/randomDoubleRect_minSize_maxSize", |
2745 | "#1032492/quantizeToNLevelsBetweenZeroAndOne_midPoint", |
2746 | "#1032491/quantizeToNLevelsBetweenZeroAndOne_stretch", |
2747 | "#1032490/countIteratorToList_inclusive", |
2748 | "#1032488/bufferedImage", |
2749 | "#1032483/serveFavIcon", |
2750 | "#1032486/gazelleFavIconSnippet", |
2751 | "#1032485/favIconHeaders", |
2752 | "#1032484/favIconCacheHours", |
2753 | "#1032482/lambdaToToString", |
2754 | "#1032481/tsNow", |
2755 | "#1032479/scaleRect_floor", |
2756 | "#1032477/innerExceptionOfType", |
2757 | "#1032476/convertHttpToHttps", |
2758 | "#1032474/loadBinaryPageOnce", |
2759 | "#1032473/loadBinaryPageToDefaultFileUnlessExists", |
2760 | "#1032470/totalAreaOfDoubleRects", |
2761 | "#1032469/scaledIntegralImage", |
2762 | "#1032468/bwIntegralImageFromFunction", |
2763 | "#1032462/nonStaticFields", |
2764 | "#1032461/paramsToObjectMap", |
2765 | "#1032460/dollarFormat", |
2766 | "#1032458/playwrightUploadScreenshot", |
2767 | "#1032457/sleepSecondsVerbose", |
2768 | "#1032456/playwrightScreenshot", |
2769 | "#1032455/parseDoubleOr", |
2770 | "#1032453/or2_rev", |
2771 | "#1032450/googleSearch_all", |
2772 | "#1032449/googleSearch", |
2773 | "#1032445/freeAndTotalInodes_oshi", |
2774 | "#1032444/unicode_plusMinusSign", |
2775 | "#1032443/vibratoCentToFrequencyPercentage", |
2776 | "#1032442/plusOneSemitone", |
2777 | "#1032439/assertScoreGreaterVerbose", |
2778 | "#1032437/safeToInt", |
2779 | "#1032436/ushortToLong", |
2780 | "#1032433/ymdWithSlashesGMT", |
2781 | "#1032432/haudioWithControls", |
2782 | "#1032431/audio_frequencyImage_pixelsToSeconds", |
2783 | "#1032430/isWAVByContent", |
2784 | "#1032429/formatDateForLastModifiedHeader", |
2785 | "#1032427/haudioUpload", |
2786 | "#1032426/m4aMimeType", |
2787 | "#1032425/wavMimeType", |
2788 | "#1032424/oggMimeType", |
2789 | "#1032423/distanceToProbability", |
2790 | "#1032420/allScreenBounds", |
2791 | "#1032419/dm_showImageAs", |
2792 | "#1032418/wrapDoubleArrayAsList", |
2793 | "#1032416/soundSourceToShortArrays_mono", |
2794 | "#1032415/countIteratorToList", |
2795 | "#1032414/dbToPowerFactor", |
2796 | "#1032413/dbToAmplitudeFactor", |
2797 | "#1032410/shortMin", |
2798 | "#1032412/emptyShortArray", |
2799 | "#1032411/shortMax", |
2800 | "#1032409/rgbIntFullAlpha", |
2801 | "#1032408/m4aFiles", |
2802 | "#1032407/assertFileExistsVerbose", |
2803 | "#1032406/mp3Files", |
2804 | "#1032405/fileContainingIC", |
2805 | "#1032404/extractMonoSamplesFromWAV", |
2806 | "#1032400/resolve", |
2807 | "#1032399/hpng", |
2808 | "#1032398/hlinkButton", |
2809 | "#1032397/addFilenameHeader", |
2810 | "#1032396/simpleDateFormat_UTC", |
2811 | "#1032395/dateWithSecondsUTC", |
2812 | "#1032394/formatUTCWithSeconds_24", |
2813 | "#1032393/paramsPlusStyle", |
2814 | "#1032392/h1_centered", |
2815 | "#1032391/unpackManropeFontToForPublicDownloadDir", |
2816 | "#1032390/forPublicDownloadDir", |
2817 | "#1032389/test_tok_dropTypeParameters", |
2818 | "#1032388/tok_dropTypeParameters", |
2819 | "#1032387/dropAfter", |
2820 | "#1032385/dropPunctuationAtEnd_noTok", |
2821 | "#1032384/test_safeBashQuote", |
2822 | "#1032383/safeBashQuote", |
2823 | "#1032382/safePlatformQuote", |
2824 | "#1032381/webSocketTest", |
2825 | "#1032379/addDefaultProtocolToURL", |
2826 | "#1032380/test_addDefaultProtocolToURL", |
2827 | "#1032378/isYouTubeURL", |
2828 | "#1032377/dm_totalSystemMemory", |
2829 | "#1032376/dm_freeSystemMemory", |
2830 | "#1032375/usedAndTotalDiskSpace", |
2831 | "#1032374/notStartingWithAny", |
2832 | "#1032373/listZipLibrary", |
2833 | "#1032372/cores", |
2834 | "#1032371/cdeleteVerbose", |
2835 | "#1032370/generalizedCIMultiSetMapWithTopTen", |
2836 | "#1032369/generalizedCIMap", |
2837 | "#1032368/generalizedCIMultiSetMap", |
2838 | "#1032365/emptydiv", |
2839 | "#1032362/divs", |
2840 | "#1032359/hjs_registerAltGrG", |
2841 | "#1032360/hCenterOverlay", |
2842 | "#1032358/hTopLeftCornerDiv", |
2843 | "#1032357/hTopRightCornerDiv", |
2844 | "#1032356/dm_bot_execFreshRealEval", |
2845 | "#1032355/htmlDemo", |
2846 | "#1032354/js_nodeScriptReplace", |
2847 | "#1032353/hactionButton", |
2848 | "#1032352/tempPlaywrightWithChromium", |
2849 | "#1032351/playwrightWithChromium", |
2850 | "#1032348/centerRectInRect", |
2851 | "#1032347/cropToSquare", |
2852 | "#1032346/getLinuxMintVersion", |
2853 | "#1032345/subBot_serveFileRange", |
2854 | "#1032344/subBot_serveRangeNotSatisfiable", |
2855 | "#1032343/serveRangeNotSatisfiable", |
2856 | "#1032342/subBot_servePartialContent", |
2857 | "#1032341/servePartialContent", |
2858 | "#1032340/toMB_str", |
2859 | "#1032338/downloadedVideoDir", |
2860 | "#1032337/tok_dropImports", |
2861 | "#1032336/hnonamecheckbox", |
2862 | "#1032335/jsDollarVars", |
2863 | "#1032334/randomChoice", |
2864 | "#1032333/js_setTitle", |
2865 | "#1032332/js_dollarVars", |
2866 | "#1032331/eqOrEqic", |
2867 | "#1032330/js_appendToDiv", |
2868 | "#1032329/installFFMPEGIfMissing", |
2869 | "#1032328/linux_installFFMPEGIfMissing", |
2870 | "#1032327/dm_youTubeSearch", |
2871 | "#1032325/fileSepToSlashes", |
2872 | "#1032324/replace_optimized", |
2873 | "#1032323/nameRelativeToPhysicalSubdirectory_slashes", |
2874 | "#1032322/js_setDivContents", |
2875 | "#1032321/hinputtag", |
2876 | "#1032320/emptyDiv", |
2877 | "#1032319/replaceDollarVars_js", |
2878 | "#1032318/linux_vlcExclusive", |
2879 | "#1032317/isPossibleJSONMap", |
2880 | "#1032315/youTubeSearch", |
2881 | "#1032314/exists", |
2882 | "#1032313/youTubeSearch_uncached", |
2883 | "#1032312/parseJSONMap", |
2884 | "#1032310/downloadedAudioDir", |
2885 | "#1032309/downloadAudio", |
2886 | "#1032308/md5FileName", |
2887 | "#1032307/youTubeSearch_all", |
2888 | "#1032305/urlParam", |
2889 | "#1032304/htmldecode_dropTagsAndComments_trim", |
2890 | "#1032303/playwrightOpenPage", |
2891 | "#1032302/playwrightChromium", |
2892 | "#1032301/tempPlaywright", |
2893 | "#1032299/linux_installFirefox", |
2894 | "#1032298/youTubeDLDefaultFileNameTemplate", |
2895 | "#1032296/roundBracketIf", |
2896 | "#1032295/tok_insertCast", |
2897 | "#1032294/doubleEq", |
2898 | "#1032292/metaMapWeakPut", |
2899 | "#1032291/metaMapGet", |
2900 | "#1032290/hjs_makePageID", |
2901 | "#1032288/userDir_oneOf_createFirstIfNone", |
2902 | "#1032287/linux_installVLC", |
2903 | "#1032286/linux_installFFMPEG", |
2904 | "#1032285/backtickSudo", |
2905 | "#1032284/syncGetAndClear", |
2906 | "#1032282/openURL", |
2907 | "#1032281/jsonEvalMsg", |
2908 | "#1032280/js_reloadPage", |
2909 | "#1032279/hemptydiv", |
2910 | "#1032278/syncWeakSet", |
2911 | "#1032277/hemptytag", |
2912 | "#1032276/hcanvas", |
2913 | "#1032275/test_tok_insertAFewSpaces", |
2914 | "#1032274/tok_insertAFewSpaces", |
2915 | "#1032273/subListEq", |
2916 | "#1032269/linux_recordAudioOutput", |
2917 | "#1032271/userDir_oneOf", |
2918 | "#1032270/musicDir", |
2919 | "#1032266/hreconnectingWebSockets_snippetID", |
2920 | "#1032265/isImmutableSnippet", |
2921 | "#1032263/isRelativeOrAbsoluteURL", |
2922 | "#1032262/isRelativeURL", |
2923 | "#1032261/tok_endOfExpression", |
2924 | "#1032260/test_tok_ifCast", |
2925 | "#1032259/hAnimateCSS", |
2926 | "#1032257/ushortToInt", |
2927 | "#1032256/assertImagesIdentical", |
2928 | "#1032255/firstDifferingPixel", |
2929 | "#1032254/getPixel", |
2930 | "#1032253/assertSameSize", |
2931 | "#1032252/iceil_divideByPowerOfTwo", |
2932 | "#1032249/jreplace_dyn_allowNull", |
2933 | "#1032251/test_jreplace_dyn_allowNull", |
2934 | "#1032245/addToDoubleValueMap", |
2935 | "#1032244/fromPointSet", |
2936 | "#1032243/ptTree", |
2937 | "#1032242/test_PtTree", |
2938 | "#1032241/intersectRect", |
2939 | "#1032240/containsPt", |
2940 | "#1032239/step", |
2941 | "#1032238/repFToSet", |
2942 | "#1032237/dm_imageFromWebcam", |
2943 | "#1032236/sortedBy", |
2944 | "#1032235/half", |
2945 | "#1032234/ptCoord", |
2946 | "#1032233/maxY", |
2947 | "#1032232/minY", |
2948 | "#1032231/maxX", |
2949 | "#1032230/minX", |
2950 | "#1032228/edgeDetectorConfig1", |
2951 | "#1032227/allClassesInSnippet", |
2952 | "#1032225/edgeDetectorDemo", |
2953 | "#1032224/poorMansProfiling_defaultInterval", |
2954 | "#1032223/dm_profileThisThread", |
2955 | "#1032221/allJFrames", |
2956 | "#1032220/repeatForNSeconds_atLeastOnce", |
2957 | "#1032219/demoStripesAtAngles", |
2958 | "#1032218/orZero", |
2959 | "#1032217/mapToProbabilities", |
2960 | "#1032216/withIdentityHash", |
2961 | "#1032215/multiSetMap_outerDescTreeMap_innerCompactLinkedHashSet", |
2962 | "#1032214/markPointInImageWithAlpha", |
2963 | "#1032213/tok_expandMultiTypeArgument_v3", |
2964 | "#1032212/mapToProbabilisticList2", |
2965 | "#1032211/mapToProbabilisticList", |
2966 | "#1032210/test_rebaseZeroTo", |
2967 | "#1032209/rebaseZeroTo", |
2968 | "#1032208/scoreToProbability", |
2969 | "#1032207/arctanSigmoid2", |
2970 | "#1032206/possiblyNegativeScoreToProbability", |
2971 | "#1032202/gazelleLogo", |
2972 | "#1032201/gazelleLogoImageID", |
2973 | "#1032200/applyUntilEqual_goOneBackOnNull", |
2974 | "#1032198/bufferedImageToInts", |
2975 | "#1032197/fixImageFiles", |
2976 | "#1032196/fileServerDownloadURL", |
2977 | "#1032195/zip2dir_verbose", |
2978 | "#1032194/unpackGithubMasterZip", |
2979 | "#1032193/defaultFileForDownloadedURL", |
2980 | "#1032192/loadBinaryPageToDefaultFile", |
2981 | "#1032191/githubMasterZipURL", |
2982 | "#1032190/githubRepoURL", |
2983 | "#1032185/vstackImageSurfacesWithBorders", |
2984 | "#1032184/pSortedMapCollector", |
2985 | "#1032181/endsWithSlash", |
2986 | "#1032180/countIterator_inclusive_step", |
2987 | "#1032179/vstackImageSurfaces", |
2988 | "#1032178/rotateGraphicsClockwise_degrees", |
2989 | "#1032177/iiPadToPowerOfTwoSquare", |
2990 | "#1032176/iiPadCenter", |
2991 | "#1032175/tok_expandMultiTypeArgument_v2", |
2992 | "#1032174/fillPrecisePolygon", |
2993 | "#1032173/tok_multiTypeArguments_v2", |
2994 | "#1032172/tok_expandMultiTypeArgument", |
2995 | "#1032171/iiPad", |
2996 | "#1032169/rectCorners", |
2997 | "#1032167/areaFromPoints", |
2998 | "#1032166/test_ImageSimilarityAtScale_equalImages", |
2999 | "#1032165/nBlocks", |
3000 | "#1032164/test_ImageSimilarityAtScale", |
3001 | "#1032163/randomImage", |
3002 | "#1032161/imageFromFunction", |
3003 | "#1032160/area", |
3004 | "#1032153/fullAlphaMask", |
3005 | "#1032150/jreplace_multi_withModifier", |
3006 | "#1032149/formatDouble_noDotZero_gen", |
3007 | "#1032148/formatDouble_noDotZero", |
3008 | "#1032147/printFunctionValues", |
3009 | "#1032146/jreplace_multi_gen", |
3010 | "#1032145/growFactorXinYDays", |
3011 | "#1032144/mapToPairsB", |
3012 | "#1032143/pnlFunctionValues", |
3013 | "#1032141/hjs_redirectRandomKeystrokesToAutofocusField", |
3014 | "#1032140/nProcesses", |
3015 | "#1032139/dm_liveValue", |
3016 | "#1032138/dm_calculatedRightAlignedLabel", |
3017 | "#1032137/alphaNumComparator_skipCommas", |
3018 | "#1032136/or2_calc", |
3019 | "#1032135/oneOrZero_str", |
3020 | "#1032134/oneOrZero", |
3021 | "#1032133/hjs_escapedDollarVars", |
3022 | "#1032132/replaceDollarVars_withCustomToString", |
3023 | "#1032131/hscript_dollarVars", |
3024 | "#1032130/test_nameRelativeToPhysicalSubdirectory", |
3025 | "#1032129/nameRelativeToPhysicalSubdirectory", |
3026 | "#1008030/loadBinaryPageToFile_noHeaders", |
3027 | "#1032127/doPostBinaryToFile", |
3028 | "#1032126/postBinaryPageToFile", |
3029 | "#1032125/waitUntilNotNull", |
3030 | "#1032123/unpackOKOrError", |
3031 | "#1032119/addInternalFrameTitleMenuItem", |
3032 | "#1032118/appendBracketed_comma", |
3033 | "#1032117/n2UnlessZero", |
3034 | "#1032116/n_fancy2UnlessZero", |
3035 | "#1032115/copyInternalFramePopupMenu", |
3036 | "#1032114/addAWTEventListener_inFront", |
3037 | "#1032113/awtToolkit", |
3038 | "#1032112/addMouseListener_inFront", |
3039 | "#1032111/syncLinkedHashMap", |
3040 | "#1032108/forEach_pcall", |
3041 | "#1032106/myLocalIPs", |
3042 | "#1032105/addSlashIfNempty", |
3043 | "#1032104/afterLast", |
3044 | "#1032103/nanosToMicroseconds", |
3045 | "#1032101/renderMicroseconds", |
3046 | "#1032100/syncMapGetOrCreate", |
3047 | "#1032098/makeAlwaysOnTopTranslucentWindow", |
3048 | "#1032097/getValuesAndClear", |
3049 | "#1032092/allWindowsNotFrames", |
3050 | "#1032091/dynamicallyPaintedComponent2", |
3051 | "#1032090/withAlpha", |
3052 | "#1032089/setVarWithConversion", |
3053 | "#1032088/onClickDisposeWindow", |
3054 | "#1032087/showAlwaysOnTopTranslucentWindow", |
3055 | "#1032086/transformToZeroToOne", |
3056 | "#1032084/transformBetweenDoubleRanges_verbose", |
3057 | "#1032083/imageBounds", |
3058 | "#1032082/screenBounds", |
3059 | "#1032080/doubleRectFromPoints", |
3060 | "#1032078/uCell", |
3061 | "#1032076/mapToList", |
3062 | "#1032074/nthRoot", |
3063 | "#1032071/rgbImageFromFunction", |
3064 | "#1032069/stepWithStats", |
3065 | "#1032068/test_runProbabilisticBinaryMaximumSearch_withFoundInStep", |
3066 | "#1032067/runProbabilisticBinaryMaximumSearch_withFoundInStep", |
3067 | "#1032065/dropNumberPrefix", |
3068 | "#1032064/shortClassName_dropNumberPrefix", |
3069 | "#1032062/stepMaxWithStats", |
3070 | "#1032060/truncateTreeSetWithDuplicates", |
3071 | "#1032059/probabilityComparator", |
3072 | "#1032057/upperHalf", |
3073 | "#1032056/lowerHalf", |
3074 | "#1032055/halfLength", |
3075 | "#1032054/center", |
3076 | "#1032052/zeroOne_double", |
3077 | "#1032051/arctanSigmoid_zeroToOne", |
3078 | "#1032050/arctanSigmoid", |
3079 | "#1032049/tau", |
3080 | "#1032047/mapPairForKey", |
3081 | "#1032046/repeatForNSeconds", |
3082 | "#1032044/appendToBaseFileName", |
3083 | "#1032043/cropToLeftScreenInPlace", |
3084 | "#1032042/savePNGVerbose", |
3085 | "#1032041/saveImageVerbose", |
3086 | "#1032040/saveImage", |
3087 | "#1032039/withSaveTime", |
3088 | "#1032038/msToMicros", |
3089 | "#1032037/microSecondSymbol", |
3090 | "#1032036/microSymbol", |
3091 | "#1032035/defaultWarmUpSeconds", |
3092 | "#1032034/msToNanos", |
3093 | "#1032033/returnTimedAfterWarmUp", |
3094 | "#1032032/eqCharAt", |
3095 | "#1032031/withPreciseProbability", |
3096 | "#1032029/psCollect", |
3097 | "#1032028/stepUntil", |
3098 | "#1032026/toIISingleColorIfPossible", |
3099 | "#1032025/allFractionsZero", |
3100 | "#1032024/frac", |
3101 | "#1032023/compressBWIntegralImage", |
3102 | "#1032021/castMultiMapToNavigableMap", |
3103 | "#1032020/ufr_brightnessTreeMultiMap", |
3104 | "#1032019/toKB_str", |
3105 | "#1032018/mapStats", |
3106 | "#1032017/appendColonIfNempty", |
3107 | "#1032016/syncMapGetOrPut", |
3108 | "#1032015/uRoot", |
3109 | "#1032014/shortenStr", |
3110 | "#1032013/test_CompactHashSet", |
3111 | "#1032013/test_CompactSet", |
3112 | "#1032012/areSetsEqual", |
3113 | "#1032011/syncCompactSet", |
3114 | "#1032010/copyAtSign", |
3115 | "#1032009/test_domainIsUnder_extended", |
3116 | "#1032008/domainIsUnder_extended", |
3117 | "#1032007/test_domainIsUnder", |
3118 | "#1032005/mapToTreeMultiMap", |
3119 | "#1032004/loadBufferedImageFile", |
3120 | "#1032002/fixImages", |
3121 | "#1032001/fixImageExtensions_recursive", |
3122 | "#1031999/test_ProbabilisticDistanceBasedLookup", |
3123 | "#1031998/listToKeyAndValue_treeMap", |
3124 | "#1031996/closestDoubleKey", |
3125 | "#1031996/closestKey", |
3126 | "#1031994/genericDistanceToProbability", |
3127 | "#1031993/widthToHeight", |
3128 | "#1031992/pixelateImage", |
3129 | "#1031991/scaleBufferedImagePixelated", |
3130 | "#1031990/currentDir", |
3131 | "#1031989/tok_endOfStatement", |
3132 | "#1031988/tok_optionalFields", |
3133 | "#1031987/rotateGraphicsClockwise_radians", |
3134 | "#1031986/translateGraphics", |
3135 | "#1031985/pt_iround", |
3136 | "#1031984/getOr", |
3137 | "#1031983/cosDeg", |
3138 | "#1031982/sinDeg", |
3139 | "#1031981/degToRadian", |
3140 | "#1031980/degreeToRadian", |
3141 | "#1031979/printLinesMap", |
3142 | "#1031978/printMapLines", |
3143 | "#1031977/fromToI", |
3144 | "#1031976/doublePt", |
3145 | "#1031975/rotateClockwise_radians", |
3146 | "#1031970/formatDouble3", |
3147 | "#1031969/rectArea", |
3148 | "#1031968/dollarVarsMeanFields", |
3149 | "#1031967/withProbability1", |
3150 | "#1031963/heightForWidth", |
3151 | "#1031962/roundedRatio", |
3152 | "#1031961/graphics", |
3153 | "#1031957/forEachLL", |
3154 | "#1031955/lookupInterface", |
3155 | "#1031952/ifZero", |
3156 | "#1031951/tempTextFile", |
3157 | "#1031950/yesNoShort", |
3158 | "#1031947/test_CompactLinkedHashSet", |
3159 | "#1031944/simpleGraph", |
3160 | "#1031943/doubleAbsMax", |
3161 | "#1031942/rotateImageClockwise90", |
3162 | "#1031941/localMaximaIncludingPlateaus", |
3163 | "#1031940/absDoubleMaxIndex", |
3164 | "#1031939/absDoubleMax", |
3165 | "#1031938/pngMimeType", |
3166 | "#1031937/himgPNG", |
3167 | "#1031936/drawLine", |
3168 | "#1031935/formatDouble3X", |
3169 | "#1031934/widthForHeight", |
3170 | "#1031933/targetBlank_noFollow", |
3171 | "#1031931/gazelle_uploadedImage", |
3172 | "#1031929/arrayCopy", |
3173 | "#1031928/transformBetweenDoubleRanges", |
3174 | "#1031927/zeroToOne", |
3175 | "#1031926/clampZeroToOne", |
3176 | "#1031925/doubleRectFromRanges", |
3177 | "#1031924/toRect_floor", |
3178 | "#1031923/test_tok_metaFor", |
3179 | "#1031922/tok_metaFor", |
3180 | "#1031921/replaceInClonedList", |
3181 | "#1031916/test_urlencodeWithoutSlash", |
3182 | "#1031915/urlencodeWithoutSlash", |
3183 | "#1031914/emptyImmutableMap", |
3184 | "#1031913/hcomment_safe", |
3185 | "#1031911/fixImageExtensions", |
3186 | "#1031910/filesIn", |
3187 | "#1031908/hasStandardAddOpensFlagsInCurrentVM", |
3188 | "#1031907/standardAddOpensFlags", |
3189 | "#1031906/test_tok_multiTypeArguments", |
3190 | "#1031905/tok_multiTypeArguments", |
3191 | "#1031904/wavIsStereo", |
3192 | "#1031903/setSliderValue", |
3193 | "#1031902/jLiveValueSlider_int_bothWays", |
3194 | "#1031901/liveSlider", |
3195 | "#1031899/linearlyShortenArray", |
3196 | "#1031897/dm_intSlider", |
3197 | "#1031896/dm_doubleSlider", |
3198 | "#1031895/jLiveValueSlider_double_bothWays", |
3199 | "#1031894/dm_doubleSpinner", |
3200 | "#1031893/log1p", |
3201 | "#1031891/test_subList", |
3202 | "#1031890/ourSubList_noRangeCheck", |
3203 | "#1031888/_subListRangeCheck", |
3204 | "#1031885/subListRangeCheck", |
3205 | "#1031883/soundex", |
3206 | "#1031882/entryToPair", |
3207 | "#1031881/entries", |
3208 | "#1031880/dm_uneditableTextArea", |
3209 | "#1031879/mapSingle", |
3210 | "#1031877/test_tok_castToStatements", |
3211 | "#1031876/tok_castToStatements", |
3212 | "#1031873/restructureVerbose", |
3213 | "#1031872/test_structure_OptimizedMultiSet", |
3214 | "#1031871/withTrail", |
3215 | "#1031870/tok_typeAO", |
3216 | "#1031869/characterDistance", |
3217 | "#1031868/gazelleMain_getField", |
3218 | "#1031866/htmldecode_escapes", |
3219 | "#1031865/sfLink", |
3220 | "#1031864/hasSuperclassShortnamed", |
3221 | "#1031863/htitle_decode", |
3222 | "#1031862/hjs_selectizeClickable", |
3223 | "#1031857/resizeObjectArray", |
3224 | "#1031856/copyArray", |
3225 | "#1031855/spliceObjectArray", |
3226 | "#1031853/syncMapPutOrRemove", |
3227 | "#1031852/metaMapPut", |
3228 | "#1031851/toStringWithIdentity", |
3229 | "#1031850/convertObjectMetaToMap", |
3230 | "#1031849/tempMetaMutex", |
3231 | "#1031845/tempExternalMutexFor", |
3232 | "#1031841/externalMutexMap", |
3233 | "#1031840/vm_generalWeakIdentitySubMap", |
3234 | "#1031837/bashQuoteOpt", |
3235 | "#1031836/containsUnsafeBashCmdLineChar", |
3236 | "#1031835/addLibrariesToClassLoader", |
3237 | "#1031834/addLibraryToClassLoader", |
3238 | "#1031833/addLibraries", |
3239 | "#1031832/joinWithDoubleBR", |
3240 | "#1031831/roundDownTo_rev", |
3241 | "#1031830/timestampFromYMDHM", |
3242 | "#1031824/pnlFieldValueComparison", |
3243 | "#1031823/pnlFieldsWithValues", |
3244 | "#1031821/dm_stem_mandatory", |
3245 | "#1031820/dm_replaceModuleInstance", |
3246 | "#1031819/allWeakCollections", |
3247 | "#1031818/_registerWeakCollection", |
3248 | "#1031817/cleanWeakCollection", |
3249 | "#1031816/linux_makeSSHKey", |
3250 | "#1031815/ccopyFields_withConverter_pcall", |
3251 | "#1031814/unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter_pcall", |
3252 | "#1031813/tempPostStackInfo", |
3253 | "#1031811/stackInfo_tl", |
3254 | "#1031810/dm_runnableStackTracesFromMiniProfiler", |
3255 | "#1031809/jsReplaceTitle", |
3256 | "#1031808/hEmptyDiv", |
3257 | "#1031807/jsReplaceDivWithClass", |
3258 | "#1005583/getOpt_getFieldMap", |
3259 | "#1031806/toLongOpt", |
3260 | "#1031805/getLongOpt", |
3261 | "#1031804/structTok", |
3262 | "#1031803/tok_longs", |
3263 | "#1031802/tok_integersAsLongs", |
3264 | "#1031799/dm_startThread_impl", |
3265 | "#1031796/dm_makeOrShow", |
3266 | "#1031795/stefansOS_snippetIDToModuleLibIDs", |
3267 | "#1031793/hgridWithMargin", |
3268 | "#1031791/inlineSwappable", |
3269 | "#1031790/vmBus_onMessages_many", |
3270 | "#1031789/test_sizesOfLinkedHashMapAndSmallArrayMap", |
3271 | "#1031788/mapCloned", |
3272 | "#1031787/afterLastDot", |
3273 | "#1031786/test_SmallArrayBasedMap", |
3274 | "#1031785/toSmallArrayBasedMap", |
3275 | "#1031783/deepObjectSizeWithout", |
3276 | "#1031782/objectSizeWithout", |
3277 | "#1031781/mapToWeakHashMap", |
3278 | "#1031780/isWeakHashMap", |
3279 | "#1031779/toWeakHashMap", |
3280 | "#1031778/test_unwrapSynchronizedMap", |
3281 | "#1031776/test_setGetSyntax", |
3282 | "#1031775/fizzBuzz", |
3283 | "#1031774/tok_whitespaceContainsJavaComments", |
3284 | "#1031771/test_tok_numberFunctionNames", |
3285 | "#1031770/replaceTokens_reTokLater", |
3286 | "#1031769/tok_numberFunctionNames", |
3287 | "#1031768/oneTo", |
3288 | "#1031740/okOrError", |
3289 | "#1031766/fieldSet", |
3290 | "#1031765/findFieldsWithValue", |
3291 | "#1031764/shortenedToStringWithClass", |
3292 | "#1031763/n2_l", |
3293 | "#1031761/randomIntRangeWithLength", |
3294 | "#1031760/unsafe_objectSize", |
3295 | "#1031758/hpre_htmlEncode", |
3296 | "#1031757/identityHashMap", |
3297 | "#1031756/clampToInt", |
3298 | "#1031755/nonStaticNonPrimitiveNonTransientFieldObjects_cachedArray", |
3299 | "#1031754/stepMax", |
3300 | "#1031751/test_AscendingOrderIntObjectMap", |
3301 | "#1031749/intBufferBinarySearch", |
3302 | "#1031748/saveProgramTextFileVerbose", |
3303 | "#1031745/transpileRaw7", |
3304 | "#1031743/standardImports", |
3305 | "#1031742/dynShortClassNames", |
3306 | "#1031741/deleteConceptsWhereIC", |
3307 | "#1031738/jsonDecode_quickFail", |
3308 | "#1031736/parseJSON", |
3309 | "#1031734/pcallF_if0", |
3310 | "#1031733/isJSON", |
3311 | "#1031732/tok_pcallPrefix", |
3312 | "#1031731/fixConceptIDs", |
3313 | "#1031730/renderStackTrace", |
3314 | "#1031729/parseFirstLong_regexp", |
3315 | "#1031728/parseFirstInt_regexp", |
3316 | "#1031726/__qdot", |
3317 | "#1031724/filterValues", |
3318 | "#1031723/allThreadsWithStackTracesContainingIC", |
3319 | "#1031722/allThreadsWithStackTraces", |
3320 | "#1031721/allThreadsWithRenderedStackTracecs", |
3321 | "#1031712/localDateWithMS", |
3322 | "#1031711/tok_processDontImports", |
3323 | "#1031710/startingWithIC_navigableSubSet", |
3324 | "#1031709/timestampToLong", |
3325 | "#1031708/onePixelPNG", |
3326 | "#1031707/intListToPt", |
3327 | "#1031705/hjs_dollarVars", |
3328 | "#1031704/ahrefSame", |
3329 | "#1031703/dropAfterColon", |
3330 | "#1031700/nCodeTokens", |
3331 | "#1031699/routeThroughAll", |
3332 | "#1031698/hcomment_unescaped", |
3333 | "#1031697/hAutoExpandingTextArea", |
3334 | "#1031696/params_plusHTMLClass", |
3335 | "#1031695/unlinkVerbose", |
3336 | "#1031694/unlink", |
3337 | "#1031693/pcallF_minimalExceptionHandling", |
3338 | "#1031692/_storeException", |
3339 | "#1031691/pcallFAll_minimalExceptionHandling", |
3340 | "#1031690/dm_byteCodePaths", |
3341 | "#1031689/nemptyLinesLL", |
3342 | "#1031688/inQ", |
3343 | "#1031687/waitForQToEmpty", |
3344 | "#1031685/allThreadsAndStackTraces", |
3345 | "#1031684/tempSetBetterThreadLocalIfNecessary_weakRef", |
3346 | "#1031683/dm_current_generic_tl", |
3347 | "#1031682/dm_osCall", |
3348 | "#1031680/dm_subOSConnectorToChannel", |
3349 | "#1031681/dm_osGet", |
3350 | "#1031679/sfSrc", |
3351 | "#1031678/pairsSortedByB", |
3352 | "#1031677/rCallF", |
3353 | "#1031676/deb_tl", |
3354 | "#1031675/deb", |
3355 | "#1031673/getMainClassForThread", |
3356 | "#1031671/getThreadByID", |
3357 | "#1031670/cancelForeignThread", |
3358 | "#1031669/mapEntryToPair", |
3359 | "#1031668/toIntPair", |
3360 | "#1031667/multiSetMapToMultiSetPairs", |
3361 | "#1031660/asTreeMapWithDefaultComparator", |
3362 | "#1031659/hjs_sendWindowVisibilityToWebSocket", |
3363 | "#1031657/intArrayFromBytes_littleEndian_flexLength", |
3364 | "#1031658/intFromBytes_littleEndian_partial", |
3365 | "#1031655/intArrayToBytes_littleEndian_flexLength", |
3366 | "#1031654/intToBytes_inArray_littleEndian_partial", |
3367 | "#1031653/test_PersistentManagedObjects_v1", |
3368 | "#1031651/intRangeWithLength", |
3369 | "#1031650/intArrayToIntRanges_startAndLength", |
3370 | "#1031649/intRangesToIntArray_startAndLength", |
3371 | "#1031648/isSyntheticOrAnonymous", |
3372 | "#1031647/test_structure_lambdasAndAnonymousClasses", |
3373 | "#1031646/_getClassName", |
3374 | "#1031640/conceptsSortedByIDDesc", |
3375 | "#1031639/tempSetThreadLocalIfNecessary_weakRef", |
3376 | "#1031638/tempSetThreadLocalIfNecessary", |
3377 | "#1031637/pClose", |
3378 | "#1031636/pcallClose", |
3379 | "#1031635/assertNoException", |
3380 | "#1031634/jextractAll_any", |
3381 | "#1031633/nCategories", |
3382 | "#1031632/tablePopupMenu_first", |
3383 | "#1031630/intRangeComparator", |
3384 | "#1031629/nItems", |
3385 | "#1031626/toStringWithIHC", |
3386 | "#1031623/filesWithSize", |
3387 | "#1031622/deepConceptFiles", |
3388 | "#1031621/existingFiles", |
3389 | "#1031620/allMainConceptFiles", |
3390 | "#1031619/allProgramDirs", |
3391 | "#1031618/randomHexLetter", |
3392 | "#1031617/reconnectingWebSocketsLoadedInHTML", |
3393 | "#1031614/allJavascriptFromHTMLIncludingEventHandlers", |
3394 | "#1031613/cCallOpt", |
3395 | "#1031612/callOptWithEnter", |
3396 | "#1031611/ccallOpt", |
3397 | "#1031609/mapToLinkedHashSet", |
3398 | "#1031608/tok_integers", |
3399 | "#1031607/wrapForSmartAdd_jComponent", |
3400 | "#1031606/unrollAndExpandParams", |
3401 | "#1031605/dm_rstMulti", |
3402 | "#1031604/getIntOpt", |
3403 | "#1031603/rEnter", |
3404 | "#1031602/pcallWithEnter", |
3405 | "#1031601/callWithEnter", |
3406 | "#1031600/rcallOpt", |
3407 | "#1031599/tempEnter", |
3408 | "#1031598/cPcall", |
3409 | "#1031596/runInQ", |
3410 | "#1031595/tempSetField_conservativeUndo", |
3411 | "#1031594/vmBus_logMethodCall", |
3412 | "#1031593/objectArrayPlus_inFront", |
3413 | "#1031592/renderStackTraces", |
3414 | "#1031591/allStackTracesContainingIC", |
3415 | "#1031590/sortedByScoreWithout0", |
3416 | "#1031589/allStackTraces", |
3417 | "#1031588/print_tee", |
3418 | "#1031586/test_getSlashSet_earlyEvaluationOfArgument", |
3419 | "#1031585/test_getSlashSet", |
3420 | "#1031584/testTranspilation", |
3421 | "#1031583/tok_findEndOfBracketPart", |
3422 | "#1031582/tokReplace_reTok", |
3423 | "#1031581/jfindAll_reverse", |
3424 | "#1031580/tok_transpileGetSet", |
3425 | "#1031579/tok_join", |
3426 | "#1031578/iSetAndGet", |
3427 | "#1031576/indexConceptClass", |
3428 | "#1031575/tagParams", |
3429 | "#1031573/vmBus_onMessage_withLivelinessCheck", |
3430 | "#1031570/vmBus_onMessage_weakRef", |
3431 | "#1031567/dontprint", |
3432 | "#1031566/regexpToLongIC", |
3433 | "#1031565/tok_identifiers", |
3434 | "#1031564/toStringWithClassName", |
3435 | "#1031562/getConceptOrMarkMissingObject", |
3436 | "#1031561/regexpToLong", |
3437 | "#1031560/fieldObject", |
3438 | "#1031557/addToPersistenceInfo", |
3439 | "#1031559/setDynTransient", |
3440 | "#1031558/syncMapPut2", |
3441 | "#1031556/syncMapGet2", |
3442 | "#1031555/replaceKeywordBlock_dyn_any", |
3443 | "#1031554/listPlusItems_inPlace", |
3444 | "#1031553/classLoaderPathsCount", |
3445 | "#1031552/byteCodePathForClass", |
3446 | "#1031551/dirOrZipContainsPath", |
3447 | "#1031550/toStringWithIdentityHashCode", |
3448 | "#1031549/setMinus_inPlace", |
3449 | "#1031548/stepAllAndGet", |
3450 | "#1031546/identityHash", |
3451 | "#1031544/truncateListFromStart", |
3452 | "#1031543/tempAddConceptIndex", |
3453 | "#1031542/tok_addRandomIDCommentsAroundAllTokens", |
3454 | "#1031541/methods", |
3455 | "#1031540/delambdaIVF1", |
3456 | "#1031539/test_memLimit", |
3457 | "#1031538/assertFailVerbose", |
3458 | "#1031537/memLimit", |
3459 | "#1031536/threadAllocatedMemorySane", |
3460 | "#1031534/cSmartSet_withConverter_pcall", |
3461 | "#1031533/targetBlankIf", |
3462 | "#1031532/regexpExtractGroups", |
3463 | "#1031531/afterLastEquals", |
3464 | "#1031529/getOptDynOnly", |
3465 | "#1031528/test_structure_nonTransientPersistenceInfoInFieldValues", |
3466 | "#1031527/nuDyn", |
3467 | "#1031526/test_structure_transientPersistenceInfo", |
3468 | "#1031525/test_structure_nonTransientPersistenceInfo", |
3469 | "#1031524/pcallOr", |
3470 | "#1031523/fieldsPlusDynFields", |
3471 | "#1031522/getBoolOpt", |
3472 | "#1031521/swingConfirm", |
3473 | "#1031516/allLiveMethodsBelowClass", |
3474 | "#1031518/methodsSortedByNameIC", |
3475 | "#1031517/hPopDownButton_noText", |
3476 | "#1031514/sfSnippet", |
3477 | "#1031513/generalizedCIComparator", |
3478 | "#1031512/withProbability", |
3479 | "#1031511/test_ProbabilisticList", |
3480 | "#1031506/multiSetMap_outerDescTreeMap_innerBetterLinkedHashSet", |
3481 | "#1031510/removeFromTwoCollections", |
3482 | "#1031509/addToTwoCollections", |
3483 | "#1031508/test_BetterLinkedHashSet", |
3484 | "#1031505/hashMap", |
3485 | "#1031503/tok_findRewrites", |
3486 | "#1031502/orderedMap", |
3487 | "#1031500/splitAtFirstEquals", |
3488 | "#1031499/isPersistable", |
3489 | "#1031498/isInAnonymousClass", |
3490 | "#1031497/saveConceptsAsText", |
3491 | "#1031496/cleanSkypeMsg", |
3492 | "#1031495/json", |
3493 | "#1031494/combinePrintParameters", |
3494 | "#1031493/vmBus_onMessage_pcall", |
3495 | "#1031492/litAlphaNumMap", |
3496 | "#1031491/asAlphaNumTreeMap", |
3497 | "#1031490/allConceptFieldsAsAlphaNumSortedMap", |
3498 | "#1031489/nemptyKeysAndValuesOnly_strings", |
3499 | "#1031488/splitAtLastSpace", |
3500 | "#1031487/transpilerErrorSourceFile", |
3501 | "#1031485/test_tok_importedStaticFunctionNamesWithPackages", |
3502 | "#1031484/tok_importedStaticFunctionNamesWithPackages", |
3503 | "#1031482/dotToDollar", |
3504 | "#1031481/classLoader_loadClass", |
3505 | "#1031480/vmClassNameToSubPath", |
3506 | "#1031479/addByteCodePathToClassLoader", |
3507 | "#1031478/classLoaderContainsByteCodePath", |
3508 | "#1031477/dm_moduleClassLoaderContainsByteCodePath", |
3509 | "#1031476/fileExistsInInDirOrZip", |
3510 | "#1031475/zipContainsFile", |
3511 | "#1031474/inputStreamForFileInDirOrZip", |
3512 | "#1031473/assertExceptionVerbose", |
3513 | "#1031472/classLoader", |
3514 | "#1031470/dropDotSuffix", |
3515 | "#1031469/classLoaderForObject", |
3516 | "#1031468/setFieldToIF1Proxy", |
3517 | "#1031467/setFieldToSingleMethodProxy", |
3518 | "#1031466/dm_classLoaderOfModule", |
3519 | "#1031464/beforeSlashOrAll", |
3520 | "#1031463/urlWithoutQuery", |
3521 | "#1031462/indexConceptFieldCIWithTopTen", |
3522 | "#1031460/ciMultiSetMapWithTopTen", |
3523 | "#1031459/test_MultiSetMapWithTopTen", |
3524 | "#1031458/multiSetMapValuesIterator", |
3525 | "#1031456/test_autoLoadJQuery", |
3526 | "#1031455/jqueryLoaded", |
3527 | "#1031454/findAllTagsNamed", |
3528 | "#1031453/autoLoadJQuery", |
3529 | "#1031451/test_extractJavaScript", |
3530 | "#1031450/test_allJavascriptFromHTML", |
3531 | "#1031449/allJavascriptFromHTML", |
3532 | "#1031448/jqueryUsed", |
3533 | "#1031447/a_inv", |
3534 | "#1031446/div_inv", |
3535 | "#1031445/invfulltag", |
3536 | "#1031444/hjs_handleOwnedClicks", |
3537 | "#1031443/jDesktopPaneWithCenteredPicture", |
3538 | "#1031442/dm_requireInBackground", |
3539 | "#1031441/dm_revisualize", |
3540 | "#1031439/jCenterIn3x3Grid", |
3541 | "#1031438/isOneOfSingleChars", |
3542 | "#1031436/jApplauseButton", |
3543 | "#1031435/scpSet", |
3544 | "#1031434/addToContainerWithConstraint", |
3545 | "#1031433/openInPlatformBrowser", |
3546 | "#1031432/grabContentTypeOfURL", |
3547 | "#1031431/subBot_serveWithMimeType", |
3548 | "#1031430/test_tok_hashLocalIdentifiers", |
3549 | "#1031429/tok_findVarDeclarationName", |
3550 | "#1031428/jsTok", |
3551 | "#1031427/javaScript_hashLocalIdentifiers", |
3552 | "#1031426/tok_hashLocalIdentifiers", |
3553 | "#1031425/hRegisterServiceWorker", |
3554 | "#1031422/printMiniBenchResult", |
3555 | "#1031419/replaceKeywordBlock_dyn", |
3556 | "#1031415/tempNewPing_addToStack", |
3557 | "#1031414/newPing", |
3558 | "#1031412/f0ToIF0", |
3559 | "#1031413/newPing_actionTL", |
3560 | "#1031411/bytesAllocatedByCurrentThread", |
3561 | "#1031410/cregister", |
3562 | "#1031408/pairBsToMultiMapKeys", |
3563 | "#1031407/conceptShadowMapWithoutIDAndMetaFields", |
3564 | "#1031406/mapWithoutKeys", |
3565 | "#1031405/compareMapsVerbose", |
3566 | "#1031404/conceptShadowMapWithoutID", |
3567 | "#1031403/toHashMap", |
3568 | "#1031402/conceptToMap", |
3569 | "#1031401/declaringClassOfMethod", |
3570 | "#1031400/htmlTokC", |
3571 | "#1031399/returnCodeHttpHEADWithTimeout_passOnExceptions", |
3572 | "#1031398/isOKHTTPReturnCode", |
3573 | "#1031396/parseLongOr0", |
3574 | "#1031395/firstLong_regexp", |
3575 | "#1031394/filesFromClassLoader_new", |
3576 | "#1031392/shortDynClassNameForStructure", |
3577 | "#1031391/transitiveHull", |
3578 | "#1031390/iiBrightness", |
3579 | "#1031389/ii_brightness", |
3580 | "#1031388/iiRect", |
3581 | "#1031387/iiWiggle", |
3582 | "#1031386/rgbBrightness", |
3583 | "#1031385/cCall", |
3584 | "#1031384/greenDotsOnWhiteImage", |
3585 | "#1031383/dm_moduleClassLoader", |
3586 | "#1031382/scorePtDistances", |
3587 | "#1031381/assignEachPointToClosestNeighbor", |
3588 | "#1031380/addBufferedImages_minus50", |
3589 | "#1031379/addBufferedImagesPixelByPixel_minus50", |
3590 | "#1031378/nPoints", |
3591 | "#1031374/addBufferedImagesPixelByPixel", |
3592 | "#1031377/setRGB", |
3593 | "#1031376/rgbAdd", |
3594 | "#1031375/newImage", |
3595 | "#1031373/addBufferedImages", |
3596 | "#1031372/ccall", |
3597 | "#1031371/toIF2", |
3598 | "#1031370/startsWithUpperCaseOrUnderscore", |
3599 | "#1031369/if0_const", |
3600 | "#1031368/call_optional", |
3601 | "#1031367/p_htmlEncode", |
3602 | "#1031366/jpegMimeType", |
3603 | "#1031365/dataURL", |
3604 | "#1031363/sqrt3", |
3605 | "#1031362/sqrtAThird", |
3606 | "#1031359/tan", |
3607 | "#1031358/degreeToRadiant", |
3608 | "#1031357/failWithVars", |
3609 | "#1031356/tok_doPing", |
3610 | "#1031355/hasFieldWithSameName", |
3611 | "#1031354/arbitraryObjectToBEAObject", |
3612 | "#1031353/setPixel", |
3613 | "#1031352/tooCloseToPointCloud", |
3614 | "#1031351/immutableEmptyMap", |
3615 | "#1031350/unnullForIteration", |
3616 | "#1031349/immutableEmptyList", |
3617 | "#1031347/registerAsPeer", |
3618 | "#1031346/cclone", |
3619 | "#1031345/unlistedCopyToClass_withConverter", |
3620 | "#1031344/ccopyFields_withConverter", |
3621 | "#1031343/oneOrNull", |
3622 | "#1031342/isTrueOrYes", |
3623 | "#1031341/modBase1", |
3624 | "#1031340/cDeref", |
3625 | "#1031339/fieldObjects", |
3626 | "#1031338/printObjectWithAllFields", |
3627 | "#1031337/printObjectWithFields_struct", |
3628 | "#1031336/tok_mutatorMethods", |
3629 | "#1031335/smartIndexOfSubList", |
3630 | "#1031334/printVars_struct", |
3631 | "#1031333/indexOfAnySubList", |
3632 | "#1031332/bitsInAGlobalID", |
3633 | "#1031331/startsWithAny", |
3634 | "#1031330/assertInstanceOf", |
3635 | "#1029882/actualMC", |
3636 | "#1031328/actualMCDollar", |
3637 | "#1031326/copyConcepts", |
3638 | "#1031325/afterDollar", |
3639 | "#1031324/joinNemptiesWithSpacedDot", |
3640 | "#1031323/mcDollar", |
3641 | "#1031322/mcName", |
3642 | "#1031321/afterLastDollar", |
3643 | "#1031319/mainClassNameForClassLoader", |
3644 | "#1031318/joinWithDot", |
3645 | "#1031317/inputStreamToString", |
3646 | "#1031316/loadTextFileResource", |
3647 | "#1031314/test_tok_cleanImports", |
3648 | "#1031313/assertJavaSourceEqualsVerbose", |
3649 | "#1031312/assertEqualsVerboseUnder", |
3650 | "#1031311/eqAfter", |
3651 | "#1031310/eqForJavaSources", |
3652 | "#1031309/tok_findImports_returnRanges", |
3653 | "#1031308/assertInstanceof", |
3654 | "#1031307/toContentsIndexedList", |
3655 | "#1031305/tok_findImports_returnTokens", |
3656 | "#1031303/printQuoted", |
3657 | "#1031302/hijackPrintPlusResult_text", |
3658 | "#1031301/regexpExtractGroup", |
3659 | "#1031299/parseDateWithMillisecondsGMT", |
3660 | "#1031298/leadingAngleBracketStuff", |
3661 | "#1031296/formatGMTWithMilliseconds_24", |
3662 | "#1031297/dateWithMillisecondsGMT", |
3663 | "#1031295/tok_safeify", |
3664 | "#1031294/tok_pingify", |
3665 | "#1031293/randomAWTColor", |
3666 | "#1031292/integralImageFromColors", |
3667 | "#1031291/storeIntegralImageProgressively", |
3668 | "#1031290/assertPowerOfTwo", |
3669 | "#1031289/isPowerOfTwo", |
3670 | "#1031288/assertSquare", |
3671 | "#1031286/filesFromClassLoader", |
3672 | "#1031285/getAndClearTL", |
3673 | "#1031284/transpileAndCompileForHotwiring", |
3674 | "#1031281/dm_addByteCodePathToModuleClassLoader", |
3675 | "#1031283/tok_cleanImports", |
3676 | "#1031280/equalsOrStartsWithPlusDollar", |
3677 | "#1031276/coinApiKey", |
3678 | "#1031273/fixImageFileName", |
3679 | "#1031272/insertStringAt", |
3680 | "#1031271/unicode_blackSmallSquare", |
3681 | "#1031270/toCIMap", |
3682 | "#1031269/wideningListCast", |
3683 | "#1031268/_className", |
3684 | "#1031267/toChars", |
3685 | "#1031266/disableSpaceBarForAllButtons", |
3686 | "#1031262/eqAfterRtrim", |
3687 | "#1031261/uneditableBlack", |
3688 | "#1031260/uneditableBlackTextArea_noUndo", |
3689 | "#1031259/jDisabledTextArea_noUndo", |
3690 | "#1031258/himgForJLabel", |
3691 | "#1031257/mls_replaceDollarVars", |
3692 | "#1031256/jDisabledLiveValueTextField", |
3693 | "#1031255/typeWriterLabel", |
3694 | "#1031254/maxPt", |
3695 | "#1031253/mapCharacters", |
3696 | "#1031252/unicode_whiteVerticalRectangle", |
3697 | "#1031251/unicode_blackVerticalRectangle", |
3698 | "#1031248/test_structure_stringArrays", |
3699 | "#1031247/newMultiDimensionalOuterArray", |
3700 | "#1031246/arrayTypeAndDimensions", |
3701 | "#1031245/primitiveArrayToBoxed", |
3702 | "#1031244/test_structure_multiDimensionalIntArrays", |
3703 | "#1031243/nuStubInnerObject_findConstructor", |
3704 | "#1031242/test_structure_with_thisDollar0", |
3705 | "#1031240/indentedStruct", |
3706 | "#1031239/resourceLoaderFromJarOrDir", |
3707 | "#1031237/vmHasResourceLoader", |
3708 | "#1031234/sumMinusTara", |
3709 | "#1031233/minusTara", |
3710 | "#1031232/mapDoubleArrayToList", |
3711 | "#1031227/nOutputs", |
3712 | "#1031226/allStringsEmpty", |
3713 | "#1031225/dropLeadingEmptyLines", |
3714 | "#1031224/dropLeadingNewLines", |
3715 | "#1031223/activateConsole", |
3716 | "#1031222/isMultipleEqualsLine", |
3717 | "#1031221/splitAtMultipleEqualsLines", |
3718 | "#1031219/vbToStr", |
3719 | "#1031217/drawScaledImage", |
3720 | "#1031216/jMenu", |
3721 | "#1031211/stefansOS_sessionFile", |
3722 | "#1031215/sendToSuperUserVM2", |
3723 | "#1031213/linux_fixNumPad", |
3724 | "#1031210/relativeCmdToAbsoluteUsingPath", |
3725 | "#1031209/lightBlue", |
3726 | "#1031207/style_typeWriterFont", |
3727 | "#1031206/lineCompedSingleLevelsAsColoredText", |
3728 | "#1031205/coloredTextToTextPane", |
3729 | "#1031204/renderLineCompedSingleLevels_raw_v3", |
3730 | "#1031203/showLineCompedSingleLevelsAsColoredText_v2", |
3731 | "#1031202/renderLineCompedSingleLevels_raw_v2", |
3732 | "#1031201/showLineCompedSingleLevelsAsColoredText", |
3733 | "#1031200/renderLineCompedSingleLevels_raw", |
3734 | "#1031198/renderLineCompedSingleLevels", |
3735 | "#1031196/lcLength", |
3736 | "#1031195/dynamicObject_dropRawField", |
3737 | "#1031194/syncMapRemove_deleteMapIfEmpty", |
3738 | "#1031193/addDynamicInterface", |
3739 | "#1031192/dynamicObject_setRawFieldValue", |
3740 | "#1031191/printWithNewLineBefore", |
3741 | "#1031190/lookupDynamicInterface", |
3742 | "#1031189/stringsOnly_orderedSet", |
3743 | "#1031185/printStackTrace_inPossiblyCancelledThread", |
3744 | "#1031184/tempRemove", |
3745 | "#1031183/tempUncancelThread", |
3746 | "#1031182/printLineContextInTranspiledSnippet", |
3747 | "#1031181/printLineWithContext", |
3748 | "#1031180/centerFrameWithMinWidth", |
3749 | "#1031179/getMinimumWidth", |
3750 | "#1031178/test_tok_quicknew2", |
3751 | "#1031175/stefansOS_addToLinuxStartMenu", |
3752 | "#1031174/replaceDollarVars_unindentMLS", |
3753 | "#1031173/linuxStartMenuApplicationsFolder", |
3754 | "#1031161/firstOfArrayOrSame", |
3755 | "#1031160/vmBus_snoopToPrint", |
3756 | "#1031159/logProgramOutput", |
3757 | "#1031158/allChildrenOfType", |
3758 | "#1031156/frameMaxHeight", |
3759 | "#1031155/jMaxHeight_pure", |
3760 | "#1031154/jMinHeight_pure", |
3761 | "#1031153/removeAndPut", |
3762 | "#1031152/setBit_trueIfChanged", |
3763 | "#1031151/swingShowConfirmDialog", |
3764 | "#1031150/simpleDateFormat_defaultTZ", |
3765 | "#1031149/simpleDateFormat_defaultTZ_now", |
3766 | "#1031148/defaultTimeZone", |
3767 | "#1031147/simpleDateFormat_local_now", |
3768 | "#1031146/unicode_slightlySmilingFace", |
3769 | "#1031143/dummyMutex", |
3770 | "#1031141/swingScale", |
3771 | "#1031140/conceptFieldLiveValue", |
3772 | "#1031137/setProgramDir", |
3773 | "#1031136/unindentMLS", |
3774 | "#1031135/unicode_dottedSquare", |
3775 | "#1031134/unicode_blackSquare", |
3776 | "#1031133/buttonGroup", |
3777 | "#1031132/onlyLinesContainingIC", |
3778 | "#1031131/sansSerifFont", |
3779 | "#1031130/applyMargin", |
3780 | "#1031129/jvgridWithSpacing", |
3781 | "#1031128/vgridWithSpacing", |
3782 | "#1031127/pointsInRect", |
3783 | "#1031126/registerKeyCode", |
3784 | "#1031125/rectFromPointsInclusiveSorted", |
3785 | "#1031124/isLeftButton", |
3786 | "#1031122/componentAtScreenLocationInWindow", |
3787 | "#1031121/tempSetFontSize", |
3788 | "#1031120/tempSetFont", |
3789 | "#1031119/drawCenteredText", |
3790 | "#1031118/drawTextWithTopLeftCornerAt", |
3791 | "#1031117/toVF3", |
3792 | "#1031115/lCharSequence", |
3793 | "#1031114/replaceOneCharInString", |
3794 | "#1031113/jPreferredWidthToMaxWidth", |
3795 | "#1031112/addAndRevalidate", |
3796 | "#1031111/jHorizontalGlue", |
3797 | "#1031110/jFullColor", |
3798 | "#1031109/newSingleComponentPanel", |
3799 | "#1031108/repF_2d", |
3800 | "#1031107/makeUneditableWithTextColor", |
3801 | "#1031102/formatDouble_roundUp", |
3802 | "#1031101/filePrintWriter_append", |
3803 | "#1031100/bufferedFileOutputStream_append", |
3804 | "#1031099/newFileOutputStream_append", |
3805 | "#1031098/deflaterOutputStream_syncFlush_append", |
3806 | "#1031097/conceptIDObject", |
3807 | "#1031095/getFromIterator", |
3808 | "#1031094/resources", |
3809 | "#1031093/tok_varNamedLikeFunction", |
3810 | "#1031092/holdResource", |
3811 | "#1031091/resourceHolder", |
3812 | "#1031087/repS", |
3813 | "#1031083/loadDeflatedTextFile", |
3814 | "#1031082/deflaterOutputStream_syncFlush", |
3815 | "#1031080/toPersistableThrowable", |
3816 | "#1031078/gzipOutputStream_syncFlush", |
3817 | "#1031076/filePrintWriter", |
3818 | "#1031075/filterConceptShadows", |
3819 | "#1031074/allConceptIDs", |
3820 | "#1031073/cloneKeySet", |
3821 | "#1031071/js_redirectAutoScroll2", |
3822 | "#1031069/nDiffs", |
3823 | "#1031068/diffConceptShadows", |
3824 | "#1031066/nonStaticNonTransientFieldObjects_cachedArray", |
3825 | "#1002263/saveTiming_tl", |
3826 | "#1031065/recursiveObjectSizeWithoutStrings", |
3827 | "#1031064/conceptShadow", |
3828 | "#1031063/allConceptShadows", |
3829 | "#1031062/isSortedListByCalculatedField", |
3830 | "#1031061/isSortedListByComparator", |
3831 | "#1031060/toSortedArrayBasedMap", |
3832 | "#1031057/derefRefOrNull", |
3833 | "#1031056/conceptToIDObj_gen", |
3834 | "#1031054/metaTransformer_collectionAndMap", |
3835 | "#1031053/cloneCollection", |
3836 | "#1031052/cloneIfCollectionOrMap", |
3837 | "#1031050/restoreNextToLastConceptsBackup", |
3838 | "#1031049/restoreConceptsBackup", |
3839 | "#1031048/checkForRedeclaredFields", |
3840 | "#1031047/toMinimalMap", |
3841 | "#1031045/cnewUnlisted", |
3842 | "#1031044/conceptShadow_rawMap", |
3843 | "#1031041/nElements", |
3844 | "#1031036/js_redirectAutoScroll", |
3845 | "#1031034/nlTok6C", |
3846 | "#1031033/mapSortedByFunctionOnKey", |
3847 | "#1031032/bootstrapDBFrom", |
3848 | "#1031030/countWhereCI", |
3849 | "#1031029/findBackRefsWithField", |
3850 | "#1031028/test_getFieldOrder", |
3851 | "#1031027/upperCaseToAngleBracketVar", |
3852 | "#1031026/tok_upperCaseVarsToAngleBracketVars", |
3853 | "#1031025/upperCaseVarsToAngleBracketVars", |
3854 | "#1031024/printWithClass", |
3855 | "#1031022/printAllConceptChanges", |
3856 | "#1031021/onConceptChangeByClasses", |
3857 | "#1031020/onConceptChangeByClasses_notOnAllChanged", |
3858 | "#1031018/concatMap_lists", |
3859 | "#1031017/ul_htmlEncode2", |
3860 | "#1031016/conceptsSortedByID", |
3861 | "#1031014/backupOtherProgramsConceptsNow", |
3862 | "#1031011/shorten_str", |
3863 | "#1031009/debugProducer", |
3864 | "#1031007/moveProducerToNewThread", |
3865 | "#1031006/gzFileTokenReaderForUnstruct", |
3866 | "#1031005/compileRegexpPossiblyIC_unicodeCase", |
3867 | "#1031004/compileRegexpIC_unicodeCase", |
3868 | "#1031003/format_quoted", |
3869 | "#1031001/regexpReplace_directWithRefs", |
3870 | "#1031002/matcherGroup", |
3871 | "#1031000/hjs_handleScrollToAnchor", |
3872 | "#1030998/unlisted_gen", |
3873 | "#1030996/compileRegexpPossiblyIC", |
3874 | "#1030995/nPatterns", |
3875 | "#1030994/mapToKey", |
3876 | "#1030992/test_tok_parseForStatement", |
3877 | "#1030991/tok_parseForStatement", |
3878 | "#1030989/flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_iterate", |
3879 | "#1030988/flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_noBrackets_first", |
3880 | "#1030987/prependParamIfOddCount", |
3881 | "#1030985/vStackComputeWithPrintStruct", |
3882 | "#1030984/evalInVStack", |
3883 | "#1030980/test_tok_akaFunctionNames", |
3884 | "#1030979/tok_akaFunctionNames", |
3885 | "#1030978/unlistedCopyToClass", |
3886 | "#1030977/findClassThroughDefaultClassFinder", |
3887 | "#1030976/colonEmojiRegExp", |
3888 | "#1030974/scoredSearch_scoreWeighted2", |
3889 | "#1030973/scoredSearch_scoreWeighted", |
3890 | "#1030972/reallyReallyRareStandardFunction", |
3891 | "#1030971/reallyRareStandardFunction", |
3892 | "#1030970/getStandardFunctionHolder", |
3893 | "#1030968/mcAndUtils", |
3894 | "#1030967/setToSelfMap", |
3895 | "#1030966/collectAngleBracketVars", |
3896 | "#1030965/bitSetStreaksAndNonStreaks", |
3897 | "#1030964/dm_reloadModuleIn", |
3898 | "#1030963/jquery_submitFormOnCtrlEnter", |
3899 | "#1030962/joinNemptiesWithBR", |
3900 | "#1030961/bitSetSet", |
3901 | "#1030960/keysAndValuesToString", |
3902 | "#1030959/cgetOpt", |
3903 | "#1030957/test_getJavaLineComments", |
3904 | "#1030956/getJavaLineComments", |
3905 | "#1030955/parseColonPropertyMultiMap", |
3906 | "#1030950/startingWithIC_dropAndTrim", |
3907 | "#1030947/test_unstructureMissingConcept", |
3908 | "#1030943/vbar", |
3909 | "#1030942/test_unstructureMissingClassToBaseClass", |
3910 | "#1030940/hNoBlueLinks", |
3911 | "#1030939/test_UltraCompactTreeSet", |
3912 | "#1030937/csetIfUnset", |
3913 | "#1030936/test_match3_withIntsAndIDs", |
3914 | "#1030935/match3_withIntsAndIDs", |
3915 | "#1030933/match3_withInts", |
3916 | "#1030934/test_match3_withInts", |
3917 | "#1030932/js_addRedirectToAHref", |
3918 | "#1030930/countWordsWithoutAngleBracketedAndStars", |
3919 | "#1030929/isStringCollection", |
3920 | "#1030926/ifThenElse", |
3921 | "#1030924/fieldNameForConceptLink", |
3922 | "#1030923/findBackRefsWithFieldNames", |
3923 | "#1030922/cForwardRefsWithFieldNames", |
3924 | "#1030921/scanConceptForRefsWithFieldNames", |
3925 | "#1030920/cForwardAndBackRefsWithFieldIndicator", |
3926 | "#1030918/test_addParamsToURL", |
3927 | "#1030916/renderVars_struct", |
3928 | "#1030915/cForwardAndBackRefs", |
3929 | "#1030914/cForwardRefs", |
3930 | "#1030912/isTrue_getOpt", |
3931 | "#1030911/beforeVerticalBar", |
3932 | "#1030910/isConceptList", |
3933 | "#1030909/javaValueToHTML", |
3934 | "#1030908/contains$", |
3935 | "#1030907/isSafeStandardFunction", |
3936 | "#1030906/ahref_onClick", |
3937 | "#1030905/loadFunction_cached", |
3938 | "#1030904/tok_extractCurlyBody", |
3939 | "#1030903/childConcepts", |
3940 | "#1030902/putOrCreate", |
3941 | "#1030901/multiSetToPairsByPopularity", |
3942 | "#1030899/assertEmptyVerbose", |
3943 | "#1030898/hjs_autoExpandingTextAreas", |
3944 | "#1030897/jsonEncodeMap", |
3945 | "#1030896/htmlEncode_quote", |
3946 | "#1030895/tailFileLinewise", |
3947 | "#1030894/gazelleBEA_uploadInput", |
3948 | "#1030892/_getConcept", |
3949 | "#1030891/js_setRedirect", |
3950 | "#1030890/toChain", |
3951 | "#1030889/gazelle_allSyntacticPatternsFromInput", |
3952 | "#1030888/test_parentConcepts", |
3953 | "#1030887/concatCollections_conservative", |
3954 | "#1030884/tok_returnAsFunctionName", |
3955 | "#1030881/quickImportMainConcepts", |
3956 | "#1030880/uniqCI_trueIfNew", |
3957 | "#1030879/replaceAngleBracketVars_curly", |
3958 | "#1030878/wrapInDiv", |
3959 | "#1030877/starsToAngleBracketedNumbers", |
3960 | "#1030876/scanConceptForRefs", |
3961 | "#1030875/allUnique", |
3962 | "#1030874/test_uniqCI", |
3963 | "#1030873/dm_getConcept", |
3964 | "#1030872/englishStringToBool", |
3965 | "#1030871/conceptCount", |
3966 | "#1030870/onIndividualConceptChange_notOnAllChanged", |
3967 | "#1030869/simpleSpacesTrim_javaTok", |
3968 | "#1030868/changeJavaVersionInClassFile", |
3969 | "#1030867/htmlEncode2_str", |
3970 | "#1030866/div_center", |
3971 | "#1030865/div_alignRight", |
3972 | "#1030864/hjs_scrollDownOnPageLoad", |
3973 | "#1030863/test_tok_questionDot", |
3974 | "#1030862/dropDotPrefix", |
3975 | "#1030860/div_class", |
3976 | "#1030859/simpleMapEntry", |
3977 | "#1030857/hhiddenMulti", |
3978 | "#1030856/hinlinepostform", |
3979 | "#1030855/test_replaceAngleBracketVars", |
3980 | "#1030854/lookupPossiblyCI", |
3981 | "#1030853/formatDoubleArrowMap_horizontallyAligned", |
3982 | "#1030852/replaceAngleBracketVars", |
3983 | "#1030851/addParamToURL", |
3984 | "#1030850/countConceptsWhereCI", |
3985 | "#1030849/flattenStringArray2", |
3986 | "#1030848/ahref_undecorated", |
3987 | "#1030847/objectsWhereCI", |
3988 | "#1030846/hInlineSearchForm", |
3989 | "#1030845/hPopDownButtonWithText", |
3990 | "#1030844/litOrderedCIMap", |
3991 | "#1030840/quickImport_unlisted", |
3992 | "#1030839/db_checkConceptIDs", |
3993 | "#1030838/mapRemove", |
3994 | "#1030835/flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_first", |
3995 | "#1030836/flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_honorPunctuation_iterate", |
3996 | "#1030834/stepAllWithTimeout", |
3997 | "#1030831/ahref_javascript", |
3998 | "#1030830/runnableToIF0", |
3999 | "#1030829/countConceptsWhereIC", |
4000 | "#1030828/htmlEncode_nlToBR", |
4001 | "#1030827/uniqCI_returnIfOld", |
4002 | "#1030825/sortByConceptID", |
4003 | "#1030824/dm_showTextInCodeEditor", |
4004 | "#1030823/dm_mainConceptsStructWithExplicitMarkers", |
4005 | "#1030821/forEachLevel2", |
4006 | "#1030820/redirectToHTTPS", |
4007 | "#1030816/dm_passwordField", |
4008 | "#1030818/jPasswordField", |
4009 | "#1030817/jLiveValuePasswordField_bothWays", |
4010 | "#1030814/autoFontListCellRenderer", |
4011 | "#1030813/getSelectedItem_typed", |
4012 | "#1030812/jTextArea_wordWrap", |
4013 | "#1030811/dm_mainConceptsStructWithTokenMarkers", |
4014 | "#1030810/jMinWidthAtLeast", |
4015 | "#1030809/makeForm_customLayout_b", |
4016 | "#1030808/formLayouter1b", |
4017 | "#1030807/totalMinimumHeight", |
4018 | "#1030806/paramsPlus_noOverride", |
4019 | "#1030805/withRightAndBottomMargin", |
4020 | "#1030804/dm_showExtraFrame", |
4021 | "#1030802/syncMapRemove", |
4022 | "#1030801/test_Concepts", |
4023 | "#1030799/notNullOrEmptyString", |
4024 | "#1030798/setComboBoxRenderer", |
4025 | "#1030797/customToStringListCellRenderer", |
4026 | "#1030796/dropTypeParameter", |
4027 | "#1030795/moveItemFirst", |
4028 | "#1030794/sortClassesByNameIC", |
4029 | "#1030793/jTypedComboBox", |
4030 | "#1030791/jfloatTop", |
4031 | "#1030789/addComponentsFirst", |
4032 | "#1030788/dm_rstOverModuleQ", |
4033 | "#1030786/fontSizeToRowHeight", |
4034 | "#1030785/setTableFontSizesAndRowHeight", |
4035 | "#1030784/listChildren", |
4036 | "#1030782/setTitledBorderFontSize", |
4037 | "#1030783/setAllStandardFontSizesRecursively", |
4038 | "#1030780/dm_vmBus_onMessage_enter", |
4039 | "#1030779/dm_onAnyModuleVisualized", |
4040 | "#1030778/oneIf", |
4041 | "#1030777/oneGigaByte", |
4042 | "#1030773/ensureConceptClassIsIndexed", |
4043 | "#1030772/format_curly", |
4044 | "#1030771/onConceptChangesAndNow", |
4045 | "#1030770/onConceptChanges", |
4046 | "#1030768/collectFirstMethodArguments", |
4047 | "#1030767/collectFirstMethodArgumentsSubclassing", |
4048 | "#1030765/test_tok_ifNullAssign", |
4049 | "#1030764/tok_ifNullAssign", |
4050 | "#1030763/dm_wordWrapTextAreaAsSection", |
4051 | "#1030761/jhsplitSections", |
4052 | "#1030760/crenameField_noOverwrite", |
4053 | "#1030759/dm_floatFieldSetterDialog", |
4054 | "#1030758/dm_floatFieldMenuItem", |
4055 | "#1030757/setTableFontSizes", |
4056 | "#1030756/crenameField", |
4057 | "#1030755/singleArgumentMethodTypesSubclassing", |
4058 | "#1030754/isInstanceOfAny", |
4059 | "#1030753/dm_mainConceptsStruct", |
4060 | "#1030752/dropTrailingNewLine", |
4061 | "#1030751/isSubclassOfAny", |
4062 | "#1030750/toVF1", |
4063 | "#1030749/addScrollingSubMenu", |
4064 | "#1030748/uniqPeer", |
4065 | "#1030747/test_replaceConceptAndUpdateRefs", |
4066 | "#1030746/replaceConceptAndUpdateRefs", |
4067 | "#1030745/allBackRefObjects", |
4068 | "#1030744/isUnlisted", |
4069 | "#1030743/tok_beaConceptDecls", |
4070 | "#1030742/listMinusItem", |
4071 | "#1030741/ciMapToKeys", |
4072 | "#1030740/allToStrOrNull", |
4073 | "#1030739/joinUniqueNemptiesCI", |
4074 | "#1030738/shortDynName", |
4075 | "#1030737/flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_iterate", |
4076 | "#1030736/flexMatchAngleBracketVarsIC_first", |
4077 | "#1030735/flexMatchIC_first", |
4078 | "#1030734/renderForTable_noStruct", |
4079 | "#1030733/dynShortClassName", |
4080 | "#1030732/toTokCondition", |
4081 | "#1030731/jfindAll_reversed", |
4082 | "#1030729/equalsOrStartsWithPlusUnderscore", |
4083 | "#1030724/callOrKeep", |
4084 | "#1030722/stefansOS_defaultModuleClassName", |
4085 | "#1030721/indentStructureString_firstLevels", |
4086 | "#1030720/unstructureClassFinderAllowingCertainClasses_preferUtils", |
4087 | "#1030719/allConceptFieldsAsMap", |
4088 | "#1030717/structureWithExplicitMarkers", |
4089 | "#1030716/structure_convertTokenMarkersToExplicit", |
4090 | "#1030715/test_unstructureWithMarkers", |
4091 | "#1030714/structureWithTokenMarkers", |
4092 | "#1030713/cclearAllDynamicFields", |
4093 | "#1030710/zeroArgumentMethods", |
4094 | "#1030708/programSecretFile", |
4095 | "#1030707/removeFromMapWhereValue", |
4096 | "#1030706/newDynamicObject", |
4097 | "#1030705/too_think", |
4098 | "#1030704/flexMatchUpperCaseVarsIC_iterator", |
4099 | "#1030703/htmldecode_dropTagsAndComments", |
4100 | "#1030702/dropTags_htmlDecode", |
4101 | "#1030699/mapToArray", |
4102 | "#1030698/test_SimpleInterpreter", |
4103 | "#1030696/doubleArrayToList", |
4104 | "#1030695/resizeDoubleArray", |
4105 | "#1030694/lDoubleArray", |
4106 | "#1030693/subDoubleArray", |
4107 | "#1030691/allBytes", |
4108 | "#1030690/lByteArray", |
4109 | "#1030689/byteArrayToList", |
4110 | "#1030685/surroundWithElement", |
4111 | "#1030684/takeFirstCyclic", |
4112 | "#1030683/takeFirstOfCyclicList", |
4113 | "#1030681/replaceIdentifiers", |
4114 | "#1030680/lastIndexOfPred", |
4115 | "#1030679/predIndex", |
4116 | "#1030678/transformTimestampAccordingToCut", |
4117 | "#1030677/formatHoursMinutesColonSeconds", |
4118 | "#1030676/transformTimestampsAccordingToCut", |
4119 | "#1030675/regexpTok", |
4120 | "#1030674/ffmpeg_combineVideoAndAudio", |
4121 | "#1030670/chainPlus", |
4122 | "#1011342/unrollParams", |
4123 | "#1030665/regexpExtractAllGroups", |
4124 | "#1030664/replaceDollarVars2", |
4125 | "#1030663/test_replaceDollarVars2", |
4126 | "#1030662/replaceDollarVars2_dyn", |
4127 | "#1030658/syncNextToLast", |
4128 | "#1030657/syncReplaceCollection", |
4129 | "#1030656/syncRemoveLast", |
4130 | "#1030654/syncShallowCloneElements", |
4131 | "#1030655/syncLambdaMap", |
4132 | "#1030653/shallowCloneElements", |
4133 | "#1030651/sendMailThroughScript", |
4134 | "#1030649/createPWFile", |
4135 | "#1030648/atSign", |
4136 | "#1030647/isValidNationalPhoneNumber", |
4137 | "#1030646/tripleJump", |
4138 | "#1030641/mlsUnindent", |
4139 | "#1030640/br", |
4140 | "#1030638/stefansPS_vncToRaspi", |
4141 | "#1030637/dirOtherwiseNull", |
4142 | "#1030636/dirsThatExist", |
4143 | "#1030635/windowsProgramFilesDirs", |
4144 | "#1030634/asVirtualReversedList", |
4145 | "#1030633/wrapAsReversedList", |
4146 | "#1030632/rjoin", |
4147 | "#1030631/addDotPrefix", |
4148 | "#1030630/defaultExtension", |
4149 | "#1030629/fileHasAnyExtensionAtAll", |
4150 | "#1030626/findFilesWithAnyExtension", |
4151 | "#1030625/filesWithAnyExtension", |
4152 | "#1030624/ewicAny", |
4153 | "#1030623/filesEndingWithAny", |
4154 | "#1030622/dm_intSpinnerWithLabel", |
4155 | "#1030621/ledDisplayFont", |
4156 | "#1030620/jsoup_allContents", |
4157 | "#1030619/randomChar", |
4158 | "#1030618/randomOverAlphabet", |
4159 | "#1030617/duckDuckGo_discord", |
4160 | "#1030616/safeMapToLines", |
4161 | "#1030615/htmlDecode_dropTags", |
4162 | "#1030614/duckDuckGo", |
4163 | "#1030613/jsoup", |
4164 | "#1030612/duckDuckGo_url", |
4165 | "#1030611/duckDuckGo_raw", |
4166 | "#1030610/jsoup_parse", |
4167 | "#1030606/listPlusUnique", |
4168 | "#1030600/tok_afterMethods", |
4169 | "#1030599/printConceptIndices", |
4170 | "#1030598/indexRandomConceptField", |
4171 | "#1030597/ensureConceptClassesAreIndexed", |
4172 | "#1030596/dm_wordWrapTextArea", |
4173 | "#1030595/dm_wordWrapTextAreaWithTitle", |
4174 | "#1030594/dm_inputFieldWithLabel", |
4175 | "#1030593/sanitizeFileName", |
4176 | "#1030592/fileOutputStream", |
4177 | "#1030590/jhsplit3", |
4178 | "#1030588/printIndentedStruct", |
4179 | "#1030587/findObject", |
4180 | "#1030586/charactersAsStrings", |
4181 | "#1030583/keyValueDiffUnlessEqual", |
4182 | "#1030582/listZipAsNameToCRCMap", |
4183 | "#1030581/diffZipFiles", |
4184 | "#1030580/concatSets", |
4185 | "#1030579/mapsToKeyValueDiffs", |
4186 | "#1030578/listZipAsNameToSizeMap", |
4187 | "#1030574/neg", |
4188 | "#1030573/drawImage", |
4189 | "#1030572/nto_10seconds", |
4190 | "#1030570/joinNemptiesWithDot", |
4191 | "#1030569/drawRotatedRoundEdgeLine", |
4192 | "#1030568/indexOfMinOrMaxEntryInDoubleArray", |
4193 | "#1030566/overlappingPairs_cyclic", |
4194 | "#1030565/dm_spinnerWithLabel", |
4195 | "#1030564/dm_intSpinner", |
4196 | "#1030563/grabbableIntPixels_ComponentSampleModel", |
4197 | "#1030560/indexOfMinEntryInDoubleArray", |
4198 | "#1030559/pointOnCircle", |
4199 | "#1030558/renderRenderables", |
4200 | "#1030557/repeatList", |
4201 | "#1030556/zipAndMap", |
4202 | "#1030555/renderBoxes", |
4203 | "#1030554/mapToDoubleArray", |
4204 | "#1030552/twoPi", |
4205 | "#1030551/indexOfMaxEntryInDoubleArray", |
4206 | "#1030550/dm_singleImageFromWebcam", |
4207 | "#1030549/tempThreadPoolExecutor", |
4208 | "#1030548/getFutures", |
4209 | "#1030546/defaultThreadPoolExecutor", |
4210 | "#1030544/grabbableIntPixels", |
4211 | "#1030542/javaesqueToString", |
4212 | "#1030541/arrayLength", |
4213 | "#1030540/rowAndColSums_8x8_vectorAPI", |
4214 | "#1030539/squaresAroundCircle", |
4215 | "#1030538/pointsAroundCircle", |
4216 | "#1030537/bwii_allWhite", |
4217 | "#1030536/stripedBWIntegralImage", |
4218 | "#1030534/virtualClipBufferedImage", |
4219 | "#1030533/newArrayOfType", |
4220 | "#1030532/repF_array", |
4221 | "#1030528/anyEmpty", |
4222 | "#1030527/test_lastIndexOfRangePredicate_IIntIntPred", |
4223 | "#1030526/test_indexOfRangePredicate_IIntIntPred", |
4224 | "#1030522/dualLog", |
4225 | "#1030521/countWords", |
4226 | "#1030520/dropHTMLTags", |
4227 | "#1030519/jCenteredSection_fontSizePlus", |
4228 | "#1030518/toMillion", |
4229 | "#1030517/n2_iround", |
4230 | "#1030516/lastIndexOfRangePredicate_IIntIntPred", |
4231 | "#1030515/indexOfRangePredicate_IIntIntPred", |
4232 | "#1030511/scaleClipboardImage", |
4233 | "#1030510/sortedPair", |
4234 | "#1030509/bwii_detectSingleLine", |
4235 | "#1030508/test_lastIndexOfRangePredicate", |
4236 | "#1030507/lastIndexOfRangePredicate", |
4237 | "#1030506/test_indexOfRangePredicate", |
4238 | "#1030505/allWordsOfAlphabet_maxLength", |
4239 | "#1030504/indexOfRangePredicate", |
4240 | "#1030503/virtualList", |
4241 | "#1030502/fourth", |
4242 | "#1030501/bwii_averageBrightnessOfArea", |
4243 | "#1030500/bwii_scanGrid_rect", |
4244 | "#1030499/structWithReplacements", |
4245 | "#1030495/eqOptSlash", |
4246 | "#1030494/style_fullScreenBackgroundImage", |
4247 | "#1030493/sortByPairsA", |
4248 | "#1030492/replaceCharRanges", |
4249 | "#1030490/indexOfMatches", |
4250 | "#1030489/htmlCommentContents", |
4251 | "#1030488/charRangesOfHTMLComments", |
4252 | "#1030486/cssMimeType", |
4253 | "#1030485/guessMimeTypeFromFileName", |
4254 | "#1030484/fileContentsIs", |
4255 | "#1030483/inc", |
4256 | "#1030480/hibernate", |
4257 | "#1030477/stepAllWith", |
4258 | "#1030476/stepAllWithPrintStruct", |
4259 | "#1030475/containsExceptionOfType", |
4260 | "#1030474/containsException", |
4261 | "#1030473/unpackExceptionAs", |
4262 | "#1028045/serverSocketFactory_botCompanyEtc_update", |
4263 | "#1030471/serverSocketFactory_autoUpdate", |
4264 | "#1030470/fileNameIs", |
4265 | "#1030466/grabSubredditRequest", |
4266 | "#1030465/doPostWithHeaders", |
4267 | "#1030461/pdfMimeType", |
4268 | "#1030459/serveHttp_files", |
4269 | "#1030456/zipTwoListsToPairs_longer", |
4270 | "#1030455/mergeTreeSets", |
4271 | "#1030454/prependSquareBracketed", |
4272 | "#1030453/test_tok_findEndOfStatement", |
4273 | "#1030452/iterateWithIndex1", |
4274 | "#1030451/ulIfNempty", |
4275 | "#1030449/dbUseFileLocking", |
4276 | "#1030448/renderColonProperties", |
4277 | "#1030447/splitBusinessHoursAtMidnight", |
4278 | "#1030446/anyIntRangeContains", |
4279 | "#1030445/minuteInDay", |
4280 | "#1030444/nyTimeZone_string", |
4281 | "#1030443/exp", |
4282 | "#1030442/concatLists_syncIndividual", |
4283 | "#1030441/syncListPlus", |
4284 | "#1030440/gazelle_textURL", |
4285 | "#1030439/queryUSZipCode", |
4286 | "#1030438/test_htmlTagFullParamString", |
4287 | "#1030437/htmlTagFullParamString", |
4288 | "#1030436/test_html_evaluateIfTags", |
4289 | "#1030435/html_evaluateIfTags", |
4290 | "#1030434/test_replaceDollarVars", |
4291 | "#1030433/replaceDollarVars_dyn", |
4292 | "#1030431/tlftCISet", |
4293 | "#1030429/subBot_serveFile_maxCache", |
4294 | "#1030428/applyTranspilation", |
4295 | "#1030427/tok_beforeMethods", |
4296 | "#1030425/gazelle_server", |
4297 | "#1030424/sortedPercentageIC", |
4298 | "#1030423/sortedPercentage", |
4299 | "#1030421/dropTrailingDot", |
4300 | "#1030420/trivialUnquote", |
4301 | "#1030419/parseExtendedCSV_iterator", |
4302 | "#1030418/test_ExtendedCSVParser", |
4303 | "#1030415/printClassLayout", |
4304 | "#1030414/guessObjectSizeWithout", |
4305 | "#1030413/bcString_balanced", |
4306 | "#1030411/multiSetMap_innerCustomIntPairTreeSet_outerRevTreeMap", |
4307 | "#1030410/intPairTreeSetWithComparator", |
4308 | "#1030408/longTreeSetWithComparator", |
4309 | "#1030406/test_LongTreeSetWithComparator", |
4310 | "#1030405/test_reverseBytesInLong", |
4311 | "#1030404/test_reverseBytesInInt", |
4312 | "#1030403/reverseBytesInInt", |
4313 | "#1030402/reverseBytesInLong", |
4314 | "#1030400/test_LongTreeSet", |
4315 | "#1030395/test_vstackCompute", |
4316 | "#1030393/test_javaTok_vstack", |
4317 | "#1030391/stringUnless", |
4318 | "#1030390/test_tok_orCase", |
4319 | "#1030389/tok_orCase", |
4320 | "#1030388/vstackCompute", |
4321 | "#1030387/vStackCompute", |
4322 | "#1030384/isSuperclassOf", |
4323 | "#1030380/ackermann_int", |
4324 | "#1030377/vStackComputeWithStats", |
4325 | "#1030372/ackermann", |
4326 | "#1030371/dropFirstJavaTokenAndSpacing", |
4327 | "#1030370/test_parseHourMinSecOrMinSecAsSeconds_colons", |
4328 | "#1030369/parseHourMinSecOrMinSecAsSeconds_colons", |
4329 | "#1030368/hourMinSecToSec", |
4330 | "#1030367/hInitSecondaryWebSocket", |
4331 | "#1030366/gazelle_logInFormHTML", |
4332 | "#1030365/dropTrailingRoundBracketStuff", |
4333 | "#1030364/gazelle_logInFormCSS", |
4334 | "#1030363/bigIntMax", |
4335 | "#1030361/collatzSequence", |
4336 | "#1030360/bigInt", |
4337 | "#1030359/collatzLength", |
4338 | "#1030354/phraseCache_or", |
4339 | "#1030353/gazellePost", |
4340 | "#1030352/parseColonPropertyCIMap", |
4341 | "#1030350/indentedStringsToTree", |
4342 | "#1030349/test_indentedStringsToForest", |
4343 | "#1030348/indentedStringsToForest", |
4344 | "#1030347/minInt", |
4345 | "#1030346/indentWidth", |
4346 | "#1030345/dm_callWithImportExport", |
4347 | "#1030344/javaTokC_actualIterator", |
4348 | "#1030343/indentWidthsSet", |
4349 | "#1030342/rawIndentsSet", |
4350 | "#1030341/html_showLineFeedsForPRE", |
4351 | "#1030340/unicode_newLineArrow", |
4352 | "#1030339/toCodePoint", |
4353 | "#1030338/bsForPairsWithA", |
4354 | "#1030337/roundBracketed", |
4355 | "#1030336/sortLinesCI", |
4356 | "#1030335/shortNameIs", |
4357 | "#1030334/lastMsgFromUserBefore", |
4358 | "#1030333/safeUnstructListAllowingClasses", |
4359 | "#1030332/gazelle_msgsFromDetailedConversation", |
4360 | "#1030331/gazelle_editPost", |
4361 | "#1030330/uniquifyAndSortAlphaNum", |
4362 | "#1030329/uniquifyAndSort", |
4363 | "#1030327/safeUnstructMapAllowingClasses", |
4364 | "#1030326/dm_pointSubmoduleToMe", |
4365 | "#1030325/toString", |
4366 | "#1030324/rget_string", |
4367 | "#1030323/rget_long", |
4368 | "#1030322/mmo2_matchWithTypos", |
4369 | "#1030321/nErrors", |
4370 | "#1030320/scorerWithSuccessesAndErrors", |
4371 | "#1030316/ffmpeg_mixVideoAndAudio_copy", |
4372 | "#1030314/codeAnalysis_pythonIdentifierSafetyMap", |
4373 | "#1030312/pythonTok", |
4374 | "#1030311/hjs_focusEnd", |
4375 | "#1030309/jnaWindows_putTwitchChatOnTop", |
4376 | "#1030308/jnaWindows_setAlwaysOnTop", |
4377 | "#1030307/$swic", |
4378 | "#1030306/$cic", |
4379 | "#1030305/jnaWindows_windowTitle", |
4380 | "#1030304/jnaWindows_allWindowHandles", |
4381 | "#1030302/htmlencode_forParams_useV2", |
4382 | "#1030301/htmlencode_forParams_v2", |
4383 | "#1030300/tempSetMotherThread", |
4384 | "#1030299/weakMap", |
4385 | "#1030298/applyWhileNotNull", |
4386 | "#1030295/printClassByteCode", |
4387 | "#1030294/jythonToCodeObject", |
4388 | "#1030293/printWithNLBeforeAndAfter", |
4389 | "#1030292/classNameIs", |
4390 | "#1030291/byteArrayInputStreamOrNull", |
4391 | "#1030290/uploadSrcLibToFileServer", |
4392 | "#1030288/asVirtualList", |
4393 | "#1030287/subListEquals", |
4394 | "#1030285/jython", |
4395 | "#1030284/jythonInterpreter", |
4396 | "#1030283/join_vbar", |
4397 | "#1030281/testFunction_old", |
4398 | "#1030280/test_htmlTok", |
4399 | "#1030279/replaceContentsOfContainerTag", |
4400 | "#1030278/clearTokensExceptSurroundingN", |
4401 | "#1030277/test_findHTMLTagWithClassDeep", |
4402 | "#1030276/findHTMLTagWithClassDeep", |
4403 | "#1030275/test_indexSingletonConceptIfUnindexed", |
4404 | "#1030274/test_tok_scopes", |
4405 | "#1030272/uniq_cached", |
4406 | "#1030271/indexSingletonConceptIfUnindexed", |
4407 | "#1030270/isConceptClassIndexed", |
4408 | "#1030269/putAndReturnValue", |
4409 | "#1030265/hArrows", |
4410 | "#1030264/js_evalOnWebSocketMessage", |
4411 | "#1030263/asForPairsWithB", |
4412 | "#1030262/jsDropTrailingComments", |
4413 | "#1030261/javaTokDropTrailingN", |
4414 | "#1030260/returnPreciselyTimed_repeat", |
4415 | "#1030257/test_Wikify", |
4416 | "#1030255/same", |
4417 | "#1030254/sameOrEq", |
4418 | "#1030253/lazyMap_bitSet", |
4419 | "#1030252/lazyQuickImportList", |
4420 | "#1030251/internalFramePopupMenuItems", |
4421 | "#1030250/syncRemoveAllExcept", |
4422 | "#1030249/removeAllExcept", |
4423 | "#1030248/addParamsToURL", |
4424 | "#1030247/gazelle_talkToBotURL", |
4425 | "#1030246/gazelle_navLinks", |
4426 | "#1030245/hbuttonOnClick_noSubmit", |
4427 | "#1030244/hhtml_title_body", |
4428 | "#1030243/hcss_gridStyle", |
4429 | "#1030240/gazelleBot_suggestPostType", |
4430 | "#1030239/defaultTranspilerID", |
4431 | "#1030238/gazelleBot_suggestPostTypes", |
4432 | "#1030237/indentedSFU", |
4433 | "#1030236/decodeHQueryParam", |
4434 | "#1030235/serveWithMimeType", |
4435 | "#1030234/hAceEditor", |
4436 | "#1030231/jextractIC", |
4437 | "#1030230/jfindIC", |
4438 | "#1030229/lcLineComp", |
4439 | "#1030228/lcByteComp", |
4440 | "#1030227/safeMapToMap", |
4441 | "#1030226/lengthLevel2_strings", |
4442 | "#1030225/sortLinesAlphaNumIC", |
4443 | "#1030224/getAndRemove", |
4444 | "#1030223/hCheckBoxMultiSelect_v2", |
4445 | "#1030222/hPopDownButton", |
4446 | "#1030221/joinPairWithColon", |
4447 | "#1030220/mapToPairsA", |
4448 | "#1030219/safeMapEachLine_str", |
4449 | "#1030218/repetitionPercentage", |
4450 | "#1030217/renderRepetitionPercentage", |
4451 | "#1030216/secondOfAll", |
4452 | "#1030215/renderUniquenessRatio", |
4453 | "#1030214/countUniques", |
4454 | "#1030213/firstOfAll", |
4455 | "#1030212/indentedStructureForUser", |
4456 | "#1030211/hjssrc", |
4457 | "#1030210/parseLongOpt_pcall", |
4458 | "#1030209/callFOrNewInstance", |
4459 | "#1030207/addPrefixCI", |
4460 | "#1030205/test_evalJava_prep", |
4461 | "#1030203/gazelle_deletePostRegexp", |
4462 | "#1030202/hijackPrintOr", |
4463 | "#1030201/renderDBLoadTime", |
4464 | "#1030200/fileNempty", |
4465 | "#1030199/cloneIfList", |
4466 | "#1030198/cgetAll_cloneLists", |
4467 | "#1030197/safeRegexpReplace_direct", |
4468 | "#1030196/onlyKeys", |
4469 | "#1030195/tok_identifiersOnly", |
4470 | "#1030194/zipLinesWithDoubleArrow", |
4471 | "#1030193/callableOnTypes_nonSynthetic", |
4472 | "#1030192/allElementsEqual", |
4473 | "#1030190/dropParam", |
4474 | "#1030189/htitledSectionWithDiv", |
4475 | "#1030187/htitledSection", |
4476 | "#1030188/hhtml_body", |
4477 | "#1030186/jSectionWithFont", |
4478 | "#1030185/ahref_js", |
4479 | "#1030184/stringTrie_firstNodeStartingWith", |
4480 | "#1030183/stringTrie_longestPrefix_loose", |
4481 | "#1030182/stringTrie_longestPrefixValue", |
4482 | "#1030181/test_eqicOrSwicPlusSpace", |
4483 | "#1030180/concatCISets", |
4484 | "#1030179/mapStringTrieValues", |
4485 | "#1030178/traverseStringTrie_leavesFirst", |
4486 | "#1030175/pixabaySearch", |
4487 | "#1030174/pixabayApiKey_mandatory", |
4488 | "#1030173/pixabayApiKey", |
4489 | "#1030172/ciListTrie", |
4490 | "#1030171/longestCommonPrefixOfNavigableSetAndList", |
4491 | "#1030170/lCommonPrefix_lists_comparator", |
4492 | "#1030169/eqWithComparator", |
4493 | "#1030168/listComparator", |
4494 | "#1030166/lCommonPrefixCI", |
4495 | "#1030165/longestCommonPrefixOfCISetAndString", |
4496 | "#1030164/longestCommonPrefixOfNavigableSetAndString", |
4497 | "#1030163/startsWith_possiblyCI", |
4498 | "#1030162/higherEntry", |
4499 | "#1030161/ciStringTrie", |
4500 | "#1030160/assertCIMap", |
4501 | "#1030155/tok_doubleFor_v3", |
4502 | "#1030158/_entrySet", |
4503 | "#1030157/entrySet", |
4504 | "#1030156/test_StringTrie", |
4505 | "#1030154/asStringTrie", |
4506 | "#1030152/uploadICOToFileServer", |
4507 | "#1030151/toICO", |
4508 | "#1030150/patriciaTree", |
4509 | "#1030148/ciValueSet", |
4510 | "#1030146/subMapWithKeysStartingWithIC", |
4511 | "#1030145/makeOccTree2", |
4512 | "#1030144/collectNemptyStrings", |
4513 | "#1030143/str_shortenSyntheticAndStandardToString", |
4514 | "#1030142/test_implementsCustomToString", |
4515 | "#1030141/implementsCustomToString", |
4516 | "#1030140/str_shortenSyntheticOrNull", |
4517 | "#1030139/isClassShortNamed", |
4518 | "#1030138/tok_isStaticLevelCode", |
4519 | "#1030136/allThisDollarFields", |
4520 | "#1030137/copyAllThisDollarFields", |
4521 | "#1030135/imagesDir", |
4522 | "#1030134/shorten_nullOnNull", |
4523 | "#1030132/tok_subListWithoutBorderNTokens", |
4524 | "#1030126/nonCodeTokens", |
4525 | "#1030128/getAllIF0s", |
4526 | "#1030127/cyclicListIterator", |
4527 | "#1030125/tok_regexpWords", |
4528 | "#1030124/splitAtWordBoundaries", |
4529 | "#1030123/ngramsHistogramWithSum1", |
4530 | "#1030122/_gazelle_text", |
4531 | "#1030121/stackTraceForThread", |
4532 | "#1030120/safeUnstructureAllowingClasses", |
4533 | "#1030119/test_findBestThreshold", |
4534 | "#1030118/binarySearchResultToInsertionPoint", |
4535 | "#1030117/findThreshold_unmoved", |
4536 | "#1030116/binarySearch_insertionPoint", |
4537 | "#1030115/doubleMin", |
4538 | "#1030114/findBestThreshold", |
4539 | "#1030113/roundRobin", |
4540 | "#1030112/test_tok_allIdentifiersWithoutColonEquals", |
4541 | "#1030111/tok_allIdentifiersWithoutColonEquals", |
4542 | "#1030110/chiSquared_histogramsWithSum1", |
4543 | "#1030109/multiSetToPairs", |
4544 | "#1030108/multiSetToHistogramWithSum1", |
4545 | "#1030107/chiSquared", |
4546 | "#1030106/renderMultiSetAsLines_byPopularity", |
4547 | "#1030104/renderMultiSetAsLines_keepOrder", |
4548 | "#1030103/asTreeMultiSet", |
4549 | "#1030102/firstTatoebaEnglishSentences", |
4550 | "#1030101/inputStreamReader", |
4551 | "#1030100/bunzipSnippetToStream", |
4552 | "#1030099/p_alignRight", |
4553 | "#1030098/dropEmptyLines", |
4554 | "#1030097/parallelEval", |
4555 | "#1030096/duplicateLastChar", |
4556 | "#1030095/appendAll", |
4557 | "#1030094/wikifyCount", |
4558 | "#1030090/pairsAWhereB", |
4559 | "#1030089/eqic_unnull", |
4560 | "#1030088/beforeSpaceEtc", |
4561 | "#1030087/notContaining", |
4562 | "#1030085/uniqueWords_noNumbers", |
4563 | "#1030084/lhm", |
4564 | "#1030082/ai_verifyDetector", |
4565 | "#1030081/mmo2_linesToPattern", |
4566 | "#1030080/simplifyUsingParse3", |
4567 | "#1030079/nemptyListPrefixes", |
4568 | "#1017043/listPrefixes_notEmpty", |
4569 | "#1030078/parse3C", |
4570 | "#1030076/toPairsA", |
4571 | "#1030075/divUnlessEmpty", |
4572 | "#1030074/div_vbar", |
4573 | "#1030073/runnableToF0", |
4574 | "#1030072/dm_javaEvalWithTimeout", |
4575 | "#1030071/evalWithTimeoutOrFail", |
4576 | "#1030070/test_tok_shouldAddReturn", |
4577 | "#1030069/listToTopTenCI", |
4578 | "#1030067/joinNemptiesWithColon", |
4579 | "#1030066/dropTrailingCommaFromAllLines", |
4580 | "#1030065/joinWithColon", |
4581 | "#1030064/gazelle_ai_addFalseNegativeToDetector", |
4582 | "#1030063/linesStartingWith", |
4583 | "#1030062/syncInstancesOf", |
4584 | "#1030061/phraseCache_collapse", |
4585 | "#1030060/firstEntry", |
4586 | "#1030058/gazelle_postMentionRegexp", |
4587 | "#1030057/gazelle_deletePosts", |
4588 | "#1030056/cic$", |
4589 | "#1030055/test_str_shortenSynthetic", |
4590 | "#1030054/str_shortenSynthetic", |
4591 | "#1030053/test_isInstanceOfSyntheticClass", |
4592 | "#1030052/isInstanceOfSyntheticClass", |
4593 | "#1030051/squareBracketIfNempty", |
4594 | "#1030050/lastEntry", |
4595 | "#1030049/lastValue", |
4596 | "#1030048/removeLastKey", |
4597 | "#1030047/syncCloneAndClearList", |
4598 | "#1030045/syncMapToPairs", |
4599 | "#1030044/ewic$", |
4600 | "#1030043/listToMapOfListsWithKeyDetector", |
4601 | "#1030042/safeMapEachLine", |
4602 | "#1030041/dropFirstSpacedColumns", |
4603 | "#1030040/safeFilter", |
4604 | "#1030039/safeMap", |
4605 | "#1003483/safeCallF", |
4606 | "#1030038/test_CodeSafetyChecker", |
4607 | "#1030034/test_tok_nameOfParam", |
4608 | "#1030032/tok_nameOfParam", |
4609 | "#1030031/countIterator", |
4610 | "#1030029/backupConceptsNow", |
4611 | "#1030028/ai_commonPrefixAndSuffixStarPattern", |
4612 | "#1030027/quotedLines_unquote", |
4613 | "#1030026/getColonHeadingSection", |
4614 | "#1030025/test_parseColonHeadingSections", |
4615 | "#1030024/parseColonHeadingSections", |
4616 | "#1030023/indicesOfEndingWithTrim", |
4617 | "#1030022/sharedPhrases_characterMode", |
4618 | "#1030021/ai_twoLinesToFlexStarPattern_1", |
4619 | "#1030020/dm_longFieldMenuItem", |
4620 | "#1030018/isInstanceOrNull", |
4621 | "#1030017/checkedListCast", |
4622 | "#1030016/assertAllElementsAreOfType", |
4623 | "#1030015/zipTwoListsToPairs_lengthOfFirst", |
4624 | "#1030014/onlyLinesEndingWithIC", |
4625 | "#1030013/gazelle_firstPostRef", |
4626 | "#1030012/isSorted", |
4627 | "#1030011/test_isSyncTreeMap", |
4628 | "#1030010/isSyncTreeMap", |
4629 | "#1030009/unwrapSynchronizedMapOrNull", |
4630 | "#1030008/unwrapSynchronizedListOrNull", |
4631 | "#1030007/sourceCodeToHTML_noEncode", |
4632 | "#1030006/asSyncTreeMap", |
4633 | "#1030005/allToLong", |
4634 | "#1030004/gazelle_postRefs", |
4635 | "#1030003/hcrud_mergeTables", |
4636 | "#1030002/dm_javaEvalMedium", |
4637 | "#1030000/touchConcept", |
4638 | "#1029999/gazelle_createPost", |
4639 | "#1029995/isCodeSafe", |
4640 | "#1029992/gazelle_text", |
4641 | "#1029991/nSessions", |
4642 | "#1029990/gazelle_mathBot1_handlePost_2", |
4643 | "#1029989/dm_copyFieldsToObject", |
4644 | "#1029988/dm_copyFieldToObject", |
4645 | "#1029983/gazelle_mathBot1_handlePost", |
4646 | "#1029982/gazelle_mathBot1", |
4647 | "#1029981/regexpGroupsIC", |
4648 | "#1029980/test_checkConceptFields_with_RefL", |
4649 | "#1029979/tok_integersInOrder", |
4650 | "#1029978/serveJSON_breakAtLevels", |
4651 | "#1029977/tok_identifiersInOrder", |
4652 | "#1029976/stringToStringListOpt", |
4653 | "#1029975/withoutKey", |
4654 | "#1029974/jsonPrepareData", |
4655 | "#1029973/hstyle_sourceCodeLikeInRepo", |
4656 | "#1029972/renderHowLongAgoPlusModified", |
4657 | "#1029971/conceptModifiedAfterCreation", |
4658 | "#1029970/nPosts", |
4659 | "#1029969/closeAllKeysAndClear", |
4660 | "#1029967/aSecretGlobalID", |
4661 | "#1029966/aSecretGlobalIDUnlessLoading", |
4662 | "#1029965/secretValueOrNull", |
4663 | "#1029964/sortedByConceptIDDesc", |
4664 | "#1029961/highestConceptByField", |
4665 | "#1029960/addInFront", |
4666 | "#1029959/hInitWebSocket", |
4667 | "#1029958/appendPrefixIfNempty", |
4668 | "#1029957/hstylesheetsrc", |
4669 | "#1029955/usingLiveCodeDir", |
4670 | "#1029954/thisProcessesArgs", |
4671 | "#1029951/resourceLoaderFromLiveCodeDirWithInitializing", |
4672 | "#1029950/liveCodeDir", |
4673 | "#1029949/resourceLoaderFromDirWithInitializing", |
4674 | "#1000997/loadSnippet_noResourceLoader", |
4675 | "#1004485/getSnippetType_noResourceLoader", |
4676 | "#1001012/getSnippetTitle_noResourceLoader", |
4677 | "#1008032/loadBinarySnippet_noResourceLoader", |
4678 | "#1005146/getServerTranspiled2_noResourceLoader", |
4679 | "#1009052/pathToJavaxJar_noResourceLoader", |
4680 | "#1008031/loadDataSnippetToFile_noResourceLoader", |
4681 | "#1029948/oneOfTheFilesInDir", |
4682 | "#1029947/assertIsFile", |
4683 | "#1029946/resourceLoaderFromDir", |
4684 | "#1029945/l_long", |
4685 | "#1029944/printShorten", |
4686 | "#1029943/printShortened", |
4687 | "#1029942/test_wikifyString", |
4688 | "#1029941/indicesOfIC_array", |
4689 | "#1029940/secondIntFromLong_onArray", |
4690 | "#1029939/charArrayToUpperInPlace", |
4691 | "#1029938/lcSearcher4compactFromLCReader", |
4692 | "#1029937/wikifyString", |
4693 | "#1029935/renderConceptDate", |
4694 | "#1029933/applyFunctionToValue", |
4695 | "#1029932/p_vbar", |
4696 | "#1029931/getConceptOpt", |
4697 | "#1029930/unindent_mls", |
4698 | "#1029929/hsnippetimg_scaleToWidth", |
4699 | "#1029926/hbuttonLink", |
4700 | "#1029925/regexpContainsIC", |
4701 | "#1029924/regexpFindsIC", |
4702 | "#1029922/test_dropHashComments", |
4703 | "#1029921/dropHashComments", |
4704 | "#1029920/tb_codeServers", |
4705 | "#1029919/tb_codeServers_file", |
4706 | "#1029918/nop", |
4707 | "#1029917/urlWithoutAnchor", |
4708 | "#1029916/dropParamFromURL", |
4709 | "#1029915/anchorFromURL", |
4710 | "#1029914/urlWithoutQueryAndAnchor", |
4711 | "#1029910/myDomain", |
4712 | "#1029907/dm_findModuleWithSnippetID", |
4713 | "#1029905/hcrud_imagePreviewStyle", |
4714 | "#1029899/dm_copyPasswordForGlobalIDToClipboard", |
4715 | "#1029898/dm_modulesWithStructContainingIC", |
4716 | "#1029897/sortByCalculatedFieldICDesc", |
4717 | "#1029894/snippetType_document", |
4718 | "#1029893/loadPageAndUploadAsSnippet", |
4719 | "#1029892/loadTextFileOrCreateWithRandomID", |
4720 | "#1029889/findClosingTag", |
4721 | "#1029888/hjs_fileUploadBase64Encoder", |
4722 | "#1029887/hmp3upload", |
4723 | "#1029886/renderDBSaveTime", |
4724 | "#1029884/getProgramIDOrNull", |
4725 | "#1029883/actualProgramID", |
4726 | "#1029872/subBot_serveInputStream", |
4727 | "#1029871/serveInputStream", |
4728 | "#1029868/div_floatRight", |
4729 | "#1029865/simpleScoredConceptSearch", |
4730 | "#1029864/allNonConceptFieldValues", |
4731 | "#1029863/addToFileName", |
4732 | "#1029862/convert_lcQuickSearchFileToV3", |
4733 | "#1029861/filesContainingText", |
4734 | "#1029860/allTxtFiles", |
4735 | "#1029859/htmlEncode2_gen", |
4736 | "#1029858/hframe", |
4737 | "#1029857/webRequest_modifyURI_slashPrefix", |
4738 | "#1029856/webRequest_modifyURI", |
4739 | "#1029854/getProxiedObject", |
4740 | "#1029852/getInvocationHandler", |
4741 | "#1029848/dm_mainConcepts", |
4742 | "#1029847/jsonEncode_breakAtLevels", |
4743 | "#1029846/firstElementNotSubclassing", |
4744 | "#1029844/syncRemoveAllExceptLast", |
4745 | "#1029843/cchange", |
4746 | "#1029842/csyncAdd", |
4747 | "#1029841/onlyNonNullParams", |
4748 | "#1029840/addAnchorToURL", |
4749 | "#1029839/swic$", |
4750 | "#1029838/optCastString", |
4751 | "#1029837/isUntrimmed", |
4752 | "#1029836/unicode_smallDownOrUpPointingTriangle", |
4753 | "#1029835/unicode_smallDownPointingTriangle", |
4754 | "#1029834/unicode_smallUpPointingTriangle", |
4755 | "#1029833/unicode_downOrUpPointingTriangle", |
4756 | "#1029832/sortByTransformedMapKey_alphaNum", |
4757 | "#1029831/sortByTransformedMapKey", |
4758 | "#1029830/unicode_upPointingTriangle", |
4759 | "#1029829/subListOrFull", |
4760 | "#1029827/hjs_selectize", |
4761 | "#1029826/hoption", |
4762 | "#1029818/splitAtComma_trim", |
4763 | "#1029817/aRandomID", |
4764 | "#1029815/temp_printPrefix", |
4765 | "#1029814/decodeURIParams", |
4766 | "#1029813/splitAtEquals", |
4767 | "#1029812/listDir", |
4768 | "#1029811/oneDriveDir", |
4769 | "#1029810/eleu_callModuleHTMLMethod", |
4770 | "#1029806/isInterface", |
4771 | "#1029805/firstMethodArgumentType", |
4772 | "#1029804/singleArgumentMethods", |
4773 | "#1029801/copyAtSignToClipboard", |
4774 | "#1029800/test_dialCodeStringForCountryCode", |
4775 | "#1029799/dialCodeStringForCountryCode", |
4776 | "#1029798/countryDialCodeByCountryCode", |
4777 | "#1029797/formatHex", |
4778 | "#1029796/cssRGBToHex", |
4779 | "#1029795/rgbToIntList", |
4780 | "#1029794/hexColorToCSSRGB", |
4781 | "#1029793/or2_trim", |
4782 | "#1029792/splitAtSpace_trim", |
4783 | "#1029791/putSetElementsFirst", |
4784 | "#1029790/touchExistingFile", |
4785 | "#1029787/fileAgeInSeconds", |
4786 | "#1029786/hjs_includeScribble", |
4787 | "#1029783/dm_waitWhileBooting", |
4788 | "#1029781/wikify_findHeldIndex", |
4789 | "#1029780/dm_allHeldObjectsShortNamed", |
4790 | "#1029779/addSnippetCoOwner", |
4791 | "#1029778/dropUriPrefix", |
4792 | "#1029777/startsWith_addingSlash", |
4793 | "#1029776/toFile_nullOnEmpty", |
4794 | "#1029775/dm_fileFieldDialog", |
4795 | "#1029774/dm_fileFieldMenuItem", |
4796 | "#1029772/iroundHalfDown", |
4797 | "#1029771/combineBWImagesToColor", |
4798 | "#1029770/addColors", |
4799 | "#1029769/emptyDoubleArray", |
4800 | "#1029768/bwClip", |
4801 | "#1029766/longIteratorToList", |
4802 | "#1029765/scaleToWidth", |
4803 | "#1029764/scaleBufferedImageToWidth", |
4804 | "#1029763/ptSquaredDistance", |
4805 | "#1029762/bwSpiralSearch", |
4806 | "#1029761/longToPtUnlessMinus1", |
4807 | "#1029760/longToPt", |
4808 | "#1029759/pixelSpiral_longIterator", |
4809 | "#1029758/extractResourceWithPath", |
4810 | "#1029757/addToNativeLibraryPath", |
4811 | "#1029756/extractResource", |
4812 | "#1029755/$endsWith", |
4813 | "#1029754/filterFilesInAllJarFiles_recursive", |
4814 | "#1029751/test_isValidInternationalPhoneNumber", |
4815 | "#1029750/isAllDigits", |
4816 | "#1029749/isValidInternationalPhoneNumber", |
4817 | "#1029748/longestPrefixInNavigableSet", |
4818 | "#1029746/longestPrefixInTreeSet", |
4819 | "#1029745/countryDialCodes_rawNumbersTreeMultiMap", |
4820 | "#1029744/hcss_linkColorInherit", |
4821 | "#1029743/ol_htmlEncode", |
4822 | "#1029742/test_isValidEmailAddress_simple", |
4823 | "#1029741/saveFileVerbose", |
4824 | "#1029740/hjs_imgUploadBase64Encoder", |
4825 | "#1029739/himageupload", |
4826 | "#1029738/sshPasswordFileName", |
4827 | "#1029737/randomRect_enclosing_in", |
4828 | "#1029736/intRange_incl", |
4829 | "#1029735/imgRect", |
4830 | "#1029734/dm_getImage", |
4831 | "#1029733/dm_showImage", |
4832 | "#1029732/syncLengthLevel2", |
4833 | "#1029731/quoteOr", |
4834 | "#1029730/spaceRoundBracketed", |
4835 | "#1029729/spaceRoundBracket", |
4836 | "#1029728/hNotificationPopups", |
4837 | "#1029727/hjssnippet_maxCache", |
4838 | "#1029724/snippetRawURL_maxCache", |
4839 | "#1029725/hStylesheetSnippet_maxCache", |
4840 | "#1029722/hjs_copyToClipboard", |
4841 | "#1029720/transformValue", |
4842 | "#1029719/ol", |
4843 | "#1029718/sortedByConceptID", |
4844 | "#1029717/cEraseField", |
4845 | "#1029716/hjs_markRowMagic", |
4846 | "#1029715/hasBackRefs", |
4847 | "#1029714/allBackRefs", |
4848 | "#1029711/countryDialCodesMultiMap", |
4849 | "#1029712/treeMultiMapIndexByField", |
4850 | "#1029710/countryDialCodes", |
4851 | "#1029709/loadJSONFile", |
4852 | "#1029706/addFileIfExists", |
4853 | "#1029705/ffmpeg_concatVideos", |
4854 | "#1029704/ffmpeg_speedUpVideo", |
4855 | "#1029703/ffmpeg_cutVideoRest", |
4856 | "#1029702/minSecToSec", |
4857 | "#1029701/ffmpeg_cutVideo", |
4858 | "#1029698/syncWeakHashSet", |
4859 | "#1029695/replaceIfEquals", |
4860 | "#1029694/mapPlus_inFront", |
4861 | "#1029693/formatCSVFileForExcel2", |
4862 | "#1029692/formatCSVFileForExcel", |
4863 | "#1029691/hhmm", |
4864 | "#1029690/ymd_minus_hm", |
4865 | "#1029689/serveCSVWithFileName", |
4866 | "#1029687/llsToLL", |
4867 | "#1029686/llToLLS", |
4868 | "#1029685/ciContentsIndexedList", |
4869 | "#1029684/linkedCIMap_simple", |
4870 | "#1029682/formatCSVFile", |
4871 | "#1029681/test_html_emojisToUnicode", |
4872 | "#1029680/html_emojisToUnicode", |
4873 | "#1029679/mapNonCodeTokens", |
4874 | "#1029678/unicode", |
4875 | "#1029677/test_emojisToUnicode", |
4876 | "#1029676/emojisToUnicode", |
4877 | "#1029675/mapToCIMap", |
4878 | "#1029674/emojiShortNameMap", |
4879 | "#1029673/rawEmojisList", |
4880 | "#1029669/cmpAlphanumIC", |
4881 | "#1029668/sortedByFieldAlphanumIC", |
4882 | "#1029667/conceptsSortedByFieldAlphanumIC", |
4883 | "#1029666/noArgumentMethodNames", |
4884 | "#1029664/butterReloadWithInfoBox", |
4885 | "#1029662/spacePlusRoundBracketedIfNempty", |
4886 | "#1029661/syncLast", |
4887 | "#1029660/joinNemptiesWithSpacedSlash", |
4888 | "#1029659/syncPopLast", |
4889 | "#1029658/roundBracketedIfNempty", |
4890 | "#1029657/test_lowestConceptByField", |
4891 | "#1029656/removeDyn_quickSync", |
4892 | "#1029655/addDyn_quickSync", |
4893 | "#1029654/lowestConceptByField", |
4894 | "#1029653/conceptsWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo_sorted", |
4895 | "#1029652/conceptsWithFieldGreaterThan_sorted", |
4896 | "#1029649/conceptsWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo", |
4897 | "#1029650/test_conceptsWithFieldLessThanOrEqualTo", |
4898 | "#1029648/test_conceptsWithFieldLessThan", |
4899 | "#1029647/conceptsWithFieldLessThan", |
4900 | "#1029646/pnlToStringWithEmptyLines_rtrim", |
4901 | "#1029645/pnlToStringWithEmptyLines", |
4902 | "#1029644/isJavaXClassName", |
4903 | "#1029642/isSimpleDomainName", |
4904 | "#1029640/rstWithPreDelay", |
4905 | "#1029638/setBorderPainted", |
4906 | "#1029637/text_multipleChoiceSplit", |
4907 | "#1029636/hcss_responstableForForms", |
4908 | "#1029635/cclearField", |
4909 | "#1029634/listPlus_asSet", |
4910 | "#1029633/joinMaps", |
4911 | "#1029630/test_cset_with_Ref", |
4912 | "#1029629/hhiddenStuff", |
4913 | "#1029627/hresponstable", |
4914 | "#1029626/stefansOS_dbID", |
4915 | "#1029624/vm_threadInterruptionReasonsMap", |
4916 | "#1029623/openInBrowser", |
4917 | "#1029622/mapSortedByFunctionOnValue", |
4918 | "#1029621/filterByValuePredicate", |
4919 | "#1029620/dynShortNameIs", |
4920 | "#1029619/menuBarEmpty", |
4921 | "#1029616/nCharacters", |
4922 | "#1029615/copyTextFileToClipboard", |
4923 | "#1029614/ahref_possiblyTargetBlank", |
4924 | "#1029613/firstWhereFirstLongIs", |
4925 | "#1029612/indexOfLineContaining", |
4926 | "#1029611/findDeadlockReasonsInStackTracesFile", |
4927 | "#1029610/conceptBackupFilesContainingStringIC", |
4928 | "#1029609/sortFilesByNameDesc", |
4929 | "#1029608/gzFileContainsIC", |
4930 | "#1029607/setOptAllDyn_pcall", |
4931 | "#1029606/parseIntOptOrNull", |
4932 | "#1029605/startingWith_drop", |
4933 | "#1029604/nonStaticNonTransientFieldObjectsOfType", |
4934 | "#1029602/orEmptyQuotes", |
4935 | "#1029601/beforeColonOrAll", |
4936 | "#1029600/type_LS", |
4937 | "#1029599/assertNotEqualsBothDirectionsVerbose", |
4938 | "#1029598/test_ParameterizedTypeImpl", |
4939 | "#1029597/assertEqualsBothDirectionsVerbose", |
4940 | "#1029595/cSmartSet_withConverter", |
4941 | "#1029594/cSmartSetField_withConverter", |
4942 | "#1029590/humanizeShortName", |
4943 | "#1029589/test_getTypeArgumentAsClass", |
4944 | "#1029588/typeToClass", |
4945 | "#1029587/getTypeArgumentAsClass", |
4946 | "#1029586/genericFieldType", |
4947 | "#1004863/concepts_setUnlistedByDefault", |
4948 | "#1029585/addTagToSnippet", |
4949 | "#1029582/ai_makeWebChatBot", |
4950 | "#1029580/getClassInRealm", |
4951 | "#1029578/tb_addCoOwnerToSnippet", |
4952 | "#1029577/tb_userIDForName", |
4953 | "#1029575/dm_assertFirstSibling", |
4954 | "#1029573/stefansOS_shouldStartMinimized", |
4955 | "#1029574/dm_isFirstSiblingModule", |
4956 | "#1029572/lowestByAlphaNum", |
4957 | "#1029570/checkOptionalFlagOrFlagFunction_pcall", |
4958 | "#1029569/checkOptionalFlagOrFlagFunction", |
4959 | "#1029568/dm_delete", |
4960 | "#1029566/tok_destatic", |
4961 | "#1029564/dm_takeAndShowScreenshot", |
4962 | "#1029563/snippetUpdateConnector", |
4963 | "#1029559/characterClassIteratorFromMiniRegexp_v1", |
4964 | "#1029557/stringToCharacterClassIterator", |
4965 | "#1029556/singletonCharRange", |
4966 | "#1029552/characterIterator_skip", |
4967 | "#1029550/compareChars", |
4968 | "#1029548/ciCharComparator", |
4969 | "#1029546/zipToFullBalancedByteComp", |
4970 | "#1029540/dm_allHeldObjects", |
4971 | "#1029538/cloneAndClearKeys", |
4972 | "#1029536/longRangeWithLength", |
4973 | "#1029535/compressed30BitUint_lengthForValue", |
4974 | "#1029534/compressed30BitUint_lengthFromFirstByte", |
4975 | "#1029533/readCompressed30BitUint_IByteMemory64", |
4976 | "#1029528/save_LCSearcher_v1_compact_toQuickFile_v3b", |
4977 | "#1029527/ai_makeWikipediaSearcherFiles_formatV3", |
4978 | "#1029526/test_compress30BitUint", |
4979 | "#1029525/byteArrayToIF0_Byte", |
4980 | "#1029524/readCompressed30BitUint", |
4981 | "#1029522/compress30BitUint", |
4982 | "#1029521/save_LCSearcher_v1_compact_toQuickFile_v3", |
4983 | "#1029520/hjs_urlencode", |
4984 | "#1029519/span_title", |
4985 | "#1029517/unicode_ellipsis", |
4986 | "#1029516/newLinesToSpaces_keepCharCount", |
4987 | "#1029515/print_noFail", |
4988 | "#1029514/appendIfNempty2", |
4989 | "#1029513/cancelThreadUnlessCurrent", |
4990 | "#1029512/cancelAndClearThreadsExceptCurrent", |
4991 | "#1029511/cancelThreadVerbose", |
4992 | "#1029510/cancelAndClearThreadsVerbose", |
4993 | "#1029509/tempVerboseLock", |
4994 | "#1029508/nThreads", |
4995 | "#1029507/incAndGetAtomicInt", |
4996 | "#1029506/hs_htmlencode_noJQuery", |
4997 | "#1029505/tempPrintAfterwards", |
4998 | "#1029504/closeAndClear", |
4999 | "#1029502/startThreadRegisteredInCollection", |
5000 | "#1029501/cancelAndClearThreads", |
5001 | "#1029500/utf8charset", |
5002 | "#1029498/nFragments", |
5003 | "#1029497/syncWeakHashMap", |
5004 | "#1029496/setFieldToIVF1Proxy", |
5005 | "#1029491/test_LongPriorityQueue", |
5006 | "#1029487/formatIntWithSpaces", |
5007 | "#1029485/intRangesOverlapNempty", |
5008 | "#1029484/intRangeIsPartOf", |
5009 | "#1029483/intRangesOverlap", |
5010 | "#1029482/intersectIntRanges", |
5011 | "#1029481/intRangeWithLen", |
5012 | "#1029478/integerIteratorToList", |
5013 | "#1029476/distroName", |
5014 | "#1029475/ai_compressWikipedia_v2", |
5015 | "#1029474/lcCompressFilePart", |
5016 | "#1029473/saveExecutableTextFile", |
5017 | "#1029472/uniqIC", |
5018 | "#1029469/dm_action_printHere", |
5019 | "#1029468/charIteratorToString_max", |
5020 | "#1029467/printQuote", |
5021 | "#1029466/parseInt_bounded", |
5022 | "#1029465/divides", |
5023 | "#1029463/charIteratorToString", |
5024 | "#1029460/lCommonPrefixOfCharIterators", |
5025 | "#1029457/rightShift_ceil", |
5026 | "#1029455/toMB_ceil", |
5027 | "#1029454/toM_ceil", |
5028 | "#1029453/secondsToMicroseconds", |
5029 | "#1029451/ldiv_ceil", |
5030 | "#1029449/oneMegabyte_int", |
5031 | "#1029445/uintToLong", |
5032 | "#1029444/dm_hold_noCleanUp", |
5033 | "#1029443/ai_makeWikipediaSearch", |
5034 | "#1029442/writeIntArrayToRandomAccessFile", |
5035 | "#1029440/maximumSafeArraySize", |
5036 | "#1029439/exist", |
5037 | "#1029438/ai_makeWikipediaSearcherFiles", |
5038 | "#1029437/bufferedFileOutputStream", |
5039 | "#1029435/ai_mergeWikipedia_level3", |
5040 | "#1029434/sortIntBuffer_direct", |
5041 | "#1029432/parallelDo", |
5042 | "#1029429/saveTextFile_rawBytes", |
5043 | "#1029428/loadTextFile_rawBytes", |
5044 | "#1029427/test_LCSortedPairIndex", |
5045 | "#1029426/toLongArray", |
5046 | "#1029425/copyIntArray", |
5047 | "#1029422/intArrayBinarySearchWithGeneralizedComparator", |
5048 | "#1029419/intArrayBinarySearchWithComparator", |
5049 | "#1029418/test_timSortIntArray_allSizes", |
5050 | "#1029417/test_timSortIntArrayWithComparator", |
5051 | "#1029416/timSortIntArrayWithComparator", |
5052 | "#1029414/test_timSortIntArray", |
5053 | "#1029413/listToIntArray", |
5054 | "#1029412/timSortIntArray", |
5055 | "#1029410/lc_sortedPairIndex", |
5056 | "#1029411/ai_megaMergeWikipedia", |
5057 | "#1029409/sortIntArrayInPlaceWithComparator", |
5058 | "#1029408/wrapIntArrayAsList", |
5059 | "#1029407/ai_mergeWikipedia_level2", |
5060 | "#1029406/printWriter", |
5061 | "#1029405/gzipOutputStream", |
5062 | "#1029404/dataInputStream", |
5063 | "#1029403/rawBytesWriter", |
5064 | "#1029402/intToBytes_inArray_bigEndian", |
5065 | "#1029401/intArrayToBytes_bigEndian", |
5066 | "#1029400/testRawByteReader", |
5067 | "#1029399/reader2string", |
5068 | "#1029398/newRandomAccessFile_append", |
5069 | "#1029396/nLiterals", |
5070 | "#1029395/emptyCharArray", |
5071 | "#1029394/bytesToChars_bigEndian", |
5072 | "#1029391/assertEndsWith", |
5073 | "#1029390/save_LCSearcher_v1_compact_toQuickFile_v2", |
5074 | "#1029389/iceil_safe", |
5075 | "#1029388/printRecursiveObjectSize", |
5076 | "#1029387/oneBillion_int", |
5077 | "#1029386/oneGigabyte_int", |
5078 | "#1029385/oneGigabyte", |
5079 | "#1029384/makeSearcherPrivate", |
5080 | "#1029383/makeSnippetPrivate", |
5081 | "#1029382/isUnstructuring", |
5082 | "#1029381/handleHashtags", |
5083 | "#1029378/intArrayToBytes_littleEndian", |
5084 | "#1029377/intToBytes_inArray_littleEndian", |
5085 | "#1029372/sortLongArrayInPlace", |
5086 | "#1029368/intArrayFromBytes_littleEndian", |
5087 | "#1029365/save_LCSearcher_v1_compact_toQuickFile", |
5088 | "#1029364/dataOutputStream", |
5089 | "#1029363/intArrayToPrimitive", |
5090 | "#1029362/intArrayToBoxed", |
5091 | "#1029361/nSymbols", |
5092 | "#1029360/sortIntBuffer", |
5093 | "#1029359/intBufferToArray", |
5094 | "#1029356/ai_mergeWikipedia", |
5095 | "#1029351/test_reversedSubstring", |
5096 | "#1029350/test_substring", |
5097 | "#1029349/reversedSubstring", |
5098 | "#1029347/saveStructToGZFile", |
5099 | "#1029346/dm_resetFields", |
5100 | "#1029345/lcSearcher4compactFromBCFile", |
5101 | "#1029341/nanosecondsToMilliseconds", |
5102 | "#1029340/nanosecondsToSeconds", |
5103 | "#1029339/unicode_microseconds", |
5104 | "#1029338/maxExecutionGap10", |
5105 | "#1029337/totalLongRangesLength", |
5106 | "#1029335/longRangeComparatorByStart", |
5107 | "#1029329/testModeEventRanges", |
5108 | "#1029328/saveLineCompReaderToFile", |
5109 | "#1029326/lineCompReaderFromCompressor", |
5110 | "#1029322/compareCharIterators_maxLen", |
5111 | "#1029320/test_LCSearcher_v4_compact_systematically", |
5112 | "#1029319/lcSearcher4compactFromText", |
5113 | "#1029318/lcSearcherFromLineCompCompressor", |
5114 | "#1029317/lcFullCompressText", |
5115 | "#1029315/nto_everyTenSeconds", |
5116 | "#1029314/randomSubstring", |
5117 | "#1029313/printRecursiveSizeOfFields", |
5118 | "#1029312/quoteShorten", |
5119 | "#1029311/intArrayIterator", |
5120 | "#1029310/cloneAsLinkedList", |
5121 | "#1029309/uniqueRecursiveIterator", |
5122 | "#1029308/addAllWithTesterSet", |
5123 | "#1029307/loadTextFile_raw", |
5124 | "#1029303/l_int", |
5125 | "#1029302/integerIterator", |
5126 | "#1029297/lcMerge", |
5127 | "#1029296/collectionToIntegerIterator", |
5128 | "#1029294/characterIterator", |
5129 | "#1029291/mapI_if1", |
5130 | "#1029289/dm_benchAndProfileForNSeconds", |
5131 | "#1029288/orderOfMagnitudeMultiSet", |
5132 | "#1029287/shortenInTheMiddle", |
5133 | "#1029286/compactIntList", |
5134 | "#1029285/ai_autocorrelateWikipedia", |
5135 | "#1029284/instancesOfLL", |
5136 | "#1029283/loadOnDiskIntSuffixTree", |
5137 | "#1029282/ukkonenToIntSuffixTree_managed", |
5138 | "#1029281/recursiveIterator", |
5139 | "#1029280/llLinkedList", |
5140 | "#1029279/ll_LinkedList", |
5141 | "#1029278/ai_compressWikipedia", |
5142 | "#1029271/getOrMinus1", |
5143 | "#1029270/lCommonPrefix_lists_ext", |
5144 | "#1029268/createSuffixTreeForLCArchive", |
5145 | "#1029266/lcCompressFilePart_upper", |
5146 | "#1029265/loadTextFilePart_rawBytes", |
5147 | "#1029264/firstOrMinus1", |
5148 | "#1029262/lCommonPrefix_lists", |
5149 | "#1029261/enwik8UbcXzBalanced", |
5150 | "#1029260/virtualToUpper", |
5151 | "#1029259/charSequenceToStringByChar", |
5152 | "#1029258/substringObject", |
5153 | "#1029256/loadOnDiskSuffixTree", |
5154 | "#1029255/iso8859_readOnlyFileAsCharSequence", |
5155 | "#1029254/robot_pressAndRelease_tilde_englishLayout", |
5156 | "#1029253/raf_readLittleEndianInt", |
5157 | "#1029252/nChildren", |
5158 | "#1029249/toInt_safe", |
5159 | "#1029247/stream2gzFile", |
5160 | "#1029245/longToIntRange", |
5161 | "#1029244/intRangeToLong", |
5162 | "#1029243/dm_replaceHeldObject", |
5163 | "#1029241/test_recursiveObjectSizeWithManagedObjects", |
5164 | "#1029238/totalIntRangesLength_int", |
5165 | "#1029236/putIfKeyNotEqualToValue", |
5166 | "#1029235/convertListElementsBothWays", |
5167 | "#1029233/rangeCheck", |
5168 | "#1029232/generalizedBinarySearch2", |
5169 | "#1029231/generalizedBinarySearch", |
5170 | "#1029229/multiSetMap_innerCustomCompactTreeSet_outerTreeMap", |
5171 | "#1029227/intRangeComparatorByStart", |
5172 | "#1029224/inMemorySizeOfObjectArray", |
5173 | "#1029223/testSuffixTreeSystematically", |
5174 | "#1029219/mapI_notNull", |
5175 | "#1029218/checkSuffixTreeWithRandomStrings", |
5176 | "#1029217/randomAB", |
5177 | "#1029216/sortArrayInPlace", |
5178 | "#1029212/checkSuffixTreeSearch", |
5179 | "#1029209/charAtAsIntOrMinus1", |
5180 | "#1029208/checkSuffixTree", |
5181 | "#1029207/charToIntOrMinus1", |
5182 | "#1029206/lCommonPrefix_CharSequence", |
5183 | "#1029204/dm_held", |
5184 | "#1029203/loadFirstBytesOfTextFile", |
5185 | "#1029197/countNotContained", |
5186 | "#1029196/longToIntPair", |
5187 | "#1029195/reverseCharIterator", |
5188 | "#1029194/countIterator_exclusive_backwards", |
5189 | "#1029193/secondIntFromLong", |
5190 | "#1029192/firstIntFromLong", |
5191 | "#1029190/test_LCSearcher_v4_v1", |
5192 | "#1029189/longArrayToList", |
5193 | "#1029188/resizeLongArray", |
5194 | "#1029187/lLongArray", |
5195 | "#1029184/tok_isPrimitiveType", |
5196 | "#1029182/test_LCSearcher_v4", |
5197 | "#1029180/test_LCSearcher_v3", |
5198 | "#1029179/allABCombinationsOfLength", |
5199 | "#1029177/making", |
5200 | "#1029176/charArrayIndicesOf", |
5201 | "#1029175/charArrayIndexOf", |
5202 | "#1029174/substringFromCharArray", |
5203 | "#1029172/lineCompedSingleFromCompressor", |
5204 | "#1029171/multiSetMap_innerCustomTreeSet_outerRevTreeMap", |
5205 | "#1029168/multiSetMap_innerCompactTreeSet", |
5206 | "#1029167/test_CompactTreeSet", |
5207 | "#1029165/assertSorted", |
5208 | "#1029164/test_compareCharIterators", |
5209 | "#1029163/charIterator", |
5210 | "#1029162/allABC", |
5211 | "#1029161/compareCharIterators", |
5212 | "#1029160/dm_clearAndReplace", |
5213 | "#1029158/vmBus_noObjections", |
5214 | "#1029157/vmBus_anyFalse", |
5215 | "#1029156/charArrayRegionMatches", |
5216 | "#1029152/recursiveObjectSizeWithPrintingMegabytes", |
5217 | "#1029150/recursiveObjectSize", |
5218 | "#1029148/proxy_importResults", |
5219 | "#1029147/shorten80", |
5220 | "#1029146/dm_replace", |
5221 | "#1029145/lc_proxySearcher", |
5222 | "#1029143/lcSearch", |
5223 | "#1029142/enwik8UbcXz", |
5224 | "#1029141/elapsedSeconds_now", |
5225 | "#1029140/onActiveOrPassiveSpeechRecognized", |
5226 | "#1029138/onPassiveSpeechRecognized", |
5227 | "#1029137/tok_svoidEtc", |
5228 | "#1029136/laugh", |
5229 | "#1029135/wrapAsIntBuffer", |
5230 | "#1029133/loadAllClasses", |
5231 | "#1029132/twoIntsToLong", |
5232 | "#1029131/lcSearcherFromLineCompedSingle", |
5233 | "#1029130/lcSearcher_simpleCompress", |
5234 | "#1029129/lbXzFileForTestingUpperCaseFullTextSearch", |
5235 | "#1029128/dm_replaceHeld", |
5236 | "#1029127/dm_profile", |
5237 | "#1029126/lineCompReaderFromXZ", |
5238 | "#1029125/lcSearcherFromLineCompReader", |
5239 | "#1029124/listToHashMap", |
5240 | "#1029123/lbXzFileForTestingFullTextSearch", |
5241 | "#1029122/withStringBuilder", |
5242 | "#1029120/allPrefixes", |
5243 | "#1029119/lcStream_repeatedPrediction2", |
5244 | "#1029118/lcStream_prediction2", |
5245 | "#1029117/lcStream_rightPartnerMap", |
5246 | "#1029116/autoMap", |
5247 | "#1029115/lcStream_itemCounts", |
5248 | "#1029114/dm_labelAsSection", |
5249 | "#1029113/dm_textFieldWithSection", |
5250 | "#1029111/lcStream_textWithBrackets", |
5251 | "#1029110/lcStream_prediction", |
5252 | "#1029109/multiSetMap_innerLinkedHashSet_outerRevTreeMap", |
5253 | "#1029106/dm_interruptibleAction", |
5254 | "#1029105/hijackPrintWithResult", |
5255 | "#1029104/test_LCSingleSearcher_v1_systematically", |
5256 | "#1029103/allABCCombinationsOfLength", |
5257 | "#1029102/defaultRandomizer", |
5258 | "#1029101/test_LCSingleSearcher_v1", |
5259 | "#1029100/randomABC", |
5260 | "#1029099/intPairsB", |
5261 | "#1029097/dropSuffixOrNull", |
5262 | "#1029096/lcUncompressItems", |
5263 | "#1029094/intPairsToLists", |
5264 | "#1029093/indexList", |
5265 | "#1029092/iterateListWithIndex", |
5266 | "#1029091/parallelFilter", |
5267 | "#1029088/stringToChunksWithOverlap", |
5268 | "#1029086/pairsASet", |
5269 | "#1029085/dm_benchAndProfileFor5Seconds", |
5270 | "#1029083/nCandidates", |
5271 | "#1029080/leftShiftBitSet", |
5272 | "#1029079/intArray_minus", |
5273 | "#1029077/indicesOfRegexp", |
5274 | "#1029076/iotaZeroList", |
5275 | "#1029072/bitSetToIntArray", |
5276 | "#1029071/intArrayToBitSet", |
5277 | "#1029070/listFromFunction", |
5278 | "#1029069/sortIntArrayInPlace", |
5279 | "#1029066/intersectIntArrayAndBitSet", |
5280 | "#1029065/multiMapToTreeMap", |
5281 | "#1029064/reverseMapToMultiMap", |
5282 | "#1029063/roundUpSizeToPowerOfTen", |
5283 | "#1029062/test_roundUpToPowerOfTen", |
5284 | "#1029061/ceil", |
5285 | "#1029060/roundUpToPowerOfTen_double", |
5286 | "#1029059/exp10", |
5287 | "#1029058/log10", |
5288 | "#1029057/roundUpToPowerOfTen", |
5289 | "#1029056/printAndSetConsoleTitleIfMain", |
5290 | "#1029055/randomBitSet", |
5291 | "#1029054/randomLong", |
5292 | "#1029053/randomByte", |
5293 | "#1029052/benchmarkBitSetXOR", |
5294 | "#1029051/himgsnippet", |
5295 | "#1029050/dm_enter_resolved", |
5296 | "#1029049/dm_call_resolved", |
5297 | "#1029048/getAndClearStringBuffer", |
5298 | "#1029047/test_intersectMultipleSortedCollectionsI", |
5299 | "#1029046/intersectMultipleSortedCollectionsI", |
5300 | "#1029045/makeIteratorArray", |
5301 | "#1029041/intArrayBinarySearch", |
5302 | "#1029040/wrapIntArrayAsImmutableList_ofs", |
5303 | "#1029039/litints", |
5304 | "#1029038/test_DeepWordIndex", |
5305 | "#1029036/lIntArray", |
5306 | "#1029034/nanosToMS", |
5307 | "#1029033/test_intersectSortedIntArrays_ofs_optimized2", |
5308 | "#1029032/randomSortedIntArray", |
5309 | "#1029031/intersectSortedIntArrays_ofs_optimized2", |
5310 | "#1029030/intersectSortedIntArrays_ofs_optimized", |
5311 | "#1029029/intersectSortedIntArrays_ofs", |
5312 | "#1029028/litintarray", |
5313 | "#1029027/test_deepDoubleWordIndex_lookupString", |
5314 | "#1029026/intersectSortedIntArrays", |
5315 | "#1029023/getVarsToSet", |
5316 | "#1029022/intersectSets_nullIsFull", |
5317 | "#1029021/addAndReturnIfNew", |
5318 | "#1029020/dm_showPoorMansProfile", |
5319 | "#1029019/mapI_nonNulls_if1", |
5320 | "#1029018/quickImportPair", |
5321 | "#1029016/deepDoubleWordIndex_lookupString_withPositions", |
5322 | "#1029015/deepDoubleWordIndex_search", |
5323 | "#1029013/deepDoubleWordIndex_add", |
5324 | "#1029012/deepDoubleWordIndex_lookupString", |
5325 | "#1029007/keyWithLongestStringValue", |
5326 | "#1029006/getAndResetBoolVar", |
5327 | "#1029005/doubleWordIndex_lookupString", |
5328 | "#1029003/keysWhereValueContains_usingCandidates", |
5329 | "#1029002/keysWhereValueContainsString", |
5330 | "#1029001/testFullTextSearcherIC", |
5331 | "#1029000/keysWhereValueContainsIC_usingCandidates", |
5332 | "#1028999/keysWhereValueContainsIC", |
5333 | "#1028998/nanosToSeconds", |
5334 | "#1028997/testFullTextSearcher", |
5335 | "#1028996/setDiff_bothWays", |
5336 | "#1028995/nanos", |
5337 | "#1028994/asCollection", |
5338 | "#1028992/textsForTestingFullTextSearch", |
5339 | "#1028991/startingWithDigit", |
5340 | "#1028990/mapToTreeSet", |
5341 | "#1028989/textsAndTitlesMapFromLCXZSnippet", |
5342 | "#1028988/rawBytesReader", |
5343 | "#1028987/gzip2xz", |
5344 | "#1028986/dm_snippetIDToTitleMap", |
5345 | "#1028984/xzInputStream", |
5346 | "#1028985/firstLineFromStream", |
5347 | "#1028983/xzOutputStream", |
5348 | "#1028981/ciMultiSetMap_innerTreeSet", |
5349 | "#1028980/msmGetAllAsSet", |
5350 | "#1028979/smallestCollection", |
5351 | "#1028978/nanoSecondsToMilliseconds", |
5352 | "#1028977/nanoSecondsToSeconds", |
5353 | "#1028976/formatElapsedTimeWithAppropriateUnit", |
5354 | "#1028974/mmGetAllAsSet", |
5355 | "#1028973/wordIndex_lookupString", |
5356 | "#1028969/dm_moduleIsStarting", |
5357 | "#1028970/dm_moduleIsStartingOrReloading", |
5358 | "#1028968/dm_moduleIsStarted", |
5359 | "#1028967/dm_stem", |
5360 | "#1028966/dm_moduleIsReloading", |
5361 | "#1028963/assertSimpleDomainName", |
5362 | "#1028964/googleClientSecretFileForDomain", |
5363 | "#1028962/subBot_serveByteArray", |
5364 | "#1028960/googleSignIn_signOutTextLink", |
5365 | "#1028959/cruddieSiteGoogleSignInID", |
5366 | "#1028958/withLeftRightAndTopMargin", |
5367 | "#1028957/dm_loadedStandardFunctions", |
5368 | "#1028954/parseLambdaExpression", |
5369 | "#1028950/countOccurrences_optimizedForZero", |
5370 | "#1028949/if1ToF1", |
5371 | "#1028946/nSnippets", |
5372 | "#1028944/jscroll_minHeight", |
5373 | "#1028943/setOptAndReturn", |
5374 | "#1028942/too_thinkAndReturnObjectsOfType", |
5375 | "#1028941/too_thinkAndReturnAllTransformedInputs", |
5376 | "#1028940/too_transformInput_returnAll", |
5377 | "#1028939/joinAdjacentTokensIf", |
5378 | "#1028938/ai_remergeWordSuffixes", |
5379 | "#1028937/too_transformInput_returnLast", |
5380 | "#1028936/too_thinkAndReturnLastObjectOfType", |
5381 | "#1028935/too_thinkAndReturnLastTransformedInput", |
5382 | "#1028934/ai_ruleOfThree_solver_4", |
5383 | "#1028932/ai_splitOffWordSuffixes", |
5384 | "#1028931/insertSpaceAt", |
5385 | "#1028930/mapCodeTokens_javaTok", |
5386 | "#1028929/ai_suffixesFromSharedWordStarts", |
5387 | "#1028928/ai_wordStartToSuffixes", |
5388 | "#1028927/filterToCISet", |
5389 | "#1028926/ai_sharedWordParts", |
5390 | "#1028925/ai_testRuleOfThreeGivingFirst", |
5391 | "#1028924/test_ai_ruleOfThree_4", |
5392 | "#1028923/ai_isIngForm", |
5393 | "#1028920/test_nlJoin", |
5394 | "#1028919/nlJoin", |
5395 | "#1028918/assertEquals_quote", |
5396 | "#1028917/ai_ruleOfThree_solver_3", |
5397 | "#1028916/ai_sharedPhrasesIntoDollarVars", |
5398 | "#1028915/test_sharedPhrases", |
5399 | "#1028914/sharedPhrases", |
5400 | "#1028913/mAp", |
5401 | "#1028912/stringsToLineCompSplits_wordMode", |
5402 | "#1028911/nlToSpace", |
5403 | "#1028910/lcLineMode", |
5404 | "#1028909/too_transformInput", |
5405 | "#1028908/testFunctionValueIC", |
5406 | "#1028907/tok_shortMethodReferences", |
5407 | "#1028906/parseLogicRules_tlft", |
5408 | "#1028905/arrayOfSameType", |
5409 | "#1028904/test_ai_ruleOfThree_3", |
5410 | "#1028903/tok_typeAAA", |
5411 | "#1028902/markUnsafe", |
5412 | "#1028901/jLabelWithButtonsAndSideMargin", |
5413 | "#1028900/markIdentifierUnsafe", |
5414 | "#1028899/markIdentifiersUnsafe", |
5415 | "#1028898/codeSafetyCheckResult", |
5416 | "#1028897/tok_transientClasses", |
5417 | "#1028896/intPair", |
5418 | "#1028895/tok_findCurlyBody", |
5419 | "#1028891/pwt_allPronouns", |
5420 | "#1028890/isPronoun", |
5421 | "#1028889/isPrefixPlusNumberIC", |
5422 | "#1028888/freshVarsMap", |
5423 | "#1028887/entityNameMaker", |
5424 | "#1028886/secondOfListsWhereFirstEqic", |
5425 | "#1028885/ai_findSimplestNounPhrases", |
5426 | "#1028883/pnlToString_rtrim", |
5427 | "#1028879/test_ai_findNounPlusVar", |
5428 | "#1028878/ai_findNounPlusVar", |
5429 | "#1028877/pwt_combine_rawText", |
5430 | "#1028876/pwt_stepRight_filter", |
5431 | "#1028875/pwt_stepRight_transform", |
5432 | "#1028874/pwt_initial", |
5433 | "#1028873/format_flex", |
5434 | "#1028872/test_StarPattern", |
5435 | "#1028870/ai_parseIfThen", |
5436 | "#1028869/matchesToBasicLogicRule", |
5437 | "#1028868/matchesToList", |
5438 | "#1028867/test_ai_pronounResolvedToNLA", |
5439 | "#1028866/getVar_rec", |
5440 | "#1028865/ai_pronounResolvedToNLA", |
5441 | "#1028861/lcMergeStringsNotOccurringOnLHS", |
5442 | "#1028860/lcMergeStringsOccurringOnce", |
5443 | "#1028859/multiSetSingletons", |
5444 | "#1028858/joinWithNonSpacedVBar", |
5445 | "#1028856/lcSimplifyToLongerProductions", |
5446 | "#1028855/too_thinkAndReturnFirstTransformedInput", |
5447 | "#1028854/too_flexMatchRulesToTransformInput", |
5448 | "#1028853/ai_sharedWordsIntoDollarVars", |
5449 | "#1028850/test_ai_mostLikelyVariables", |
5450 | "#1028849/similarEmptySetOrLinkedHashSet", |
5451 | "#1028848/filterSet", |
5452 | "#1028847/ai_mostLikelyVariables", |
5453 | "#1028846/intersectSetWithItems", |
5454 | "#1028845/ai_isPronoun", |
5455 | "#1028843/optString", |
5456 | "#1028842/pwt_fromTokenization", |
5457 | "#1028841/ai_ruleOfThree_solver_2", |
5458 | "#1028840/too_thinkAndReturnFirstObjectOfType", |
5459 | "#1028839/test_ai_ruleOfThree_2", |
5460 | "#1028838/deepReturn", |
5461 | "#1028835/withDeepReturn", |
5462 | "#1028827/ai_ruleOfThree_solver_1", |
5463 | "#1028832/sharedWords", |
5464 | "#1028831/mapBasicLogicRule", |
5465 | "#1028830/ciMapWithUnusedCountingDollarVars", |
5466 | "#1028829/zipTwoListsToCIMap", |
5467 | "#1028828/firstNCountingDollarVarsNotInSet", |
5468 | "#1028826/test_ai_ruleOfThree_1", |
5469 | "#1028825/tok_groupFirstNTokens_all", |
5470 | "#1028824/tok_groupFirstNTokens", |
5471 | "#1028823/onConceptChangeByClass_notOnAllChanged", |
5472 | "#1028822/isQuickException", |
5473 | "#1028821/tok_groupAfterNTokens_all", |
5474 | "#1028820/tok_groupAfterNTokens", |
5475 | "#1028819/dm_rememberSelectedTab", |
5476 | "#1028818/dm_centeredTextFieldAsSection", |
5477 | "#1028817/dm_textFieldAsSection", |
5478 | "#1028816/uniqIC_returnIfNew", |
5479 | "#1028815/hasConceptIC", |
5480 | "#1028814/test_jreplaceIC_literal", |
5481 | "#1028813/codeTokensEqualICAtIndex", |
5482 | "#1028812/jreplaceIC_literal", |
5483 | "#1028811/firstCountingDollarVarNotInSet", |
5484 | "#1028810/firstUnusedCountingDollarVar", |
5485 | "#1028809/allDollarVarsInText", |
5486 | "#1028808/intersectCISets", |
5487 | "#1028807/sharedCurlyBracketPhrases", |
5488 | "#1028806/onConceptChangeByClass", |
5489 | "#1028805/setComponent", |
5490 | "#1017474/groupUsingWordTree", |
5491 | "#1028803/transferCurlyBracketPhrases", |
5492 | "#1028802/test_transferCurlyBracketPhrases", |
5493 | "#1028801/isComponentOrSwingable", |
5494 | "#1028798/actualJavaxBackupDir", |
5495 | "#1028797/zipToByteComp", |
5496 | "#1028796/bytesToString", |
5497 | "#1028794/intPairsToIntArray", |
5498 | "#1028792/resizeIntArray", |
5499 | "#1028791/listToIntPair", |
5500 | "#1028790/readLineIgnoreCR", |
5501 | "#1028789/zipToLineComp", |
5502 | "#1028788/zipFileToStringMap", |
5503 | "#1028787/streamToString_rawBytes", |
5504 | "#1028786/lcSaveToFile", |
5505 | "#1028785/fileSizeInMegabytes_floor", |
5506 | "#1028783/stringsToLineCompSplits", |
5507 | "#1028782/listToStringCountKeys", |
5508 | "#1028781/matchStringListWithStringIC", |
5509 | "#1028780/listToBasicLogicRule", |
5510 | "#1028779/lcByteMode", |
5511 | "#1028778/lengthOfEqualListPrefixesIC", |
5512 | "#1028777/lcEncodingsAsStringLists", |
5513 | "#1028776/endOfDay", |
5514 | "#1028775/ll_nonNulls", |
5515 | "#1028774/setOutParameter", |
5516 | "#1028773/test_optOutParam", |
5517 | "#1028772/lcRenumberTopLevelEncodings_simplify", |
5518 | "#1028771/lcRenumberTopLevelEncodings", |
5519 | "#1028770/multiSetDuplicates", |
5520 | "#1028769/lcPairsToFiles", |
5521 | "#1028768/listToMapWithKeyMaker", |
5522 | "#1028766/lcString2", |
5523 | "#1028765/lcPrintSubstrings", |
5524 | "#1028483/uncompressLineCompedSingle_step", |
5525 | "#1028764/lcUncompressItem", |
5526 | "#1028760/clearTokensExceptFromSet", |
5527 | "#1028758/tok_hasDefaultConstructor", |
5528 | "#1028757/javaTok_simpleSpacesAndTrim", |
5529 | "#1028756/tok_escapeStars", |
5530 | "#1028754/renderFragments", |
5531 | "#1028753/nla_partialMappingsWithFailures", |
5532 | "#1028752/nla_translateLine", |
5533 | "#1028751/nla_allPossibleMappings", |
5534 | "#1028750/formatWithFragmentsAndDollarSymVars_asList", |
5535 | "#1028749/nla_simplifyIntroductions", |
5536 | "#1028748/frag", |
5537 | "#1028747/nla_partialMappings", |
5538 | "#1028746/nestedI", |
5539 | "#1028745/allPartialMappings", |
5540 | "#1028744/zipTwoListsToOrderedMap", |
5541 | "#1028743/addToWordTree_multi", |
5542 | "#1028742/addToWordTree", |
5543 | "#1028741/parseToFragmentsUsingWordTree", |
5544 | "#1028740/test_nla_parse", |
5545 | "#1028739/sentencesOrLines", |
5546 | "#1028738/linkedHashSet", |
5547 | "#1028737/nla_parse", |
5548 | "#1028736/test_tok_persistableClasses", |
5549 | "#1028735/tok_persistableClasses", |
5550 | "#1028732/reverseSet", |
5551 | "#1028731/test_findOneArgumentPatterns", |
5552 | "#1028730/findOneArgumentPatterns", |
5553 | "#1028729/mapToCIMultiSet", |
5554 | "#1028727/indexListsByLength", |
5555 | "#1028726/splitAtSpaceTok", |
5556 | "#1028725/getFlexMatchesIC_inList", |
5557 | "#1028724/sortByMetaTransformerStructureComplexity", |
5558 | "#1028723/metaTransformable_structureSize_orNull", |
5559 | "#1028722/metaTransformable_structureSize", |
5560 | "#1028721/untransformableRecordTypesInStructure", |
5561 | "#1028720/isUntransformableRecord", |
5562 | "#1028719/allRecordsInStructureAreTransformable", |
5563 | "#1028718/printableASCIICharsList", |
5564 | "#1028717/secondKey", |
5565 | "#1028716/plusNegation", |
5566 | "#1028715/charactersToString", |
5567 | "#1028714/randomDigit", |
5568 | "#1028713/sizeRangeOfCollections", |
5569 | "#1028712/rangePlus", |
5570 | "#1028710/reverseKeys", |
5571 | "#1028709/trueFalseMap", |
5572 | "#1028708/mapToValues_linkedHashMap", |
5573 | "#1028707/keysWhereValue", |
5574 | "#1028706/secondValue", |
5575 | "#1028705/theoryPlusInverse", |
5576 | "#1028701/functionCallableOnAll_nonSynthetic", |
5577 | "#1028700/firstMatch", |
5578 | "#1028699/patternsTreatingFirstNTokensAsVariable", |
5579 | "#1028698/patternsTreatingFirstTokenAsVariable", |
5580 | "#1028697/splitAtSpaceTokenizer", |
5581 | "#1028696/indexOfCodeToken", |
5582 | "#1028695/simpleSpacesAndTrim", |
5583 | "#1028693/updateEnclosingTabTitleWithCount", |
5584 | "#1028692/hjs_humWithFade", |
5585 | "#1028691/html_humDemo", |
5586 | "#1028690/openFileUsingDefaultProgram", |
5587 | "#1028689/hbutton_onClick", |
5588 | "#1028688/openHTMLInBrowser", |
5589 | "#1028687/hjs_playHum", |
5590 | "#1028686/unicode_ear", |
5591 | "#1028685/hjs_createAudioMeter", |
5592 | "#1028683/unicode_cloud", |
5593 | "#1028682/lineBreaksToSpaces", |
5594 | "#1028681/hjs_setTitleStatus", |
5595 | "#1028680/replaceDollarVars", |
5596 | "#1028675/dm_call_assertModuleExists", |
5597 | "#1028674/hexToChar", |
5598 | "#1028673/anyKeyStore", |
5599 | "#1028672/getChars", |
5600 | "#1028670/test_replaceSquareBracketVars", |
5601 | "#1028669/replaceSquareBracketVars", |
5602 | "#1028668/californiaTimeZone", |
5603 | "#1028667/isDummyPhoneNr", |
5604 | "#1028666/allEmpty", |
5605 | "#1028665/subBot_serveHTMLNoCache", |
5606 | "#1028664/subBot_maxCacheHeaders", |
5607 | "#1028663/subBot_serveHTMLMaxCache", |
5608 | "#1028662/hscript_reloadOnHistoryNav", |
5609 | "#1028661/nConversations", |
5610 | "#1028660/pIfNempty", |
5611 | "#1028657/htrickcheckboxWithText", |
5612 | "#1028651/uploadImageToServer", |
5613 | "#1028650/webBotTester_extractMsgs", |
5614 | "#1028649/setAllToEmptyString", |
5615 | "#1028648/findContainerTagWithClass", |
5616 | "#1028647/tagHasClass", |
5617 | "#1028646/postPageWithTimeout", |
5618 | "#1028645/parseFirstIntOrMinus1", |
5619 | "#1028644/getHTMLComments", |
5620 | "#1028643/dm_obj", |
5621 | "#1028642/dm_hold", |
5622 | "#1028640/subBot_completeRequestURL", |
5623 | "#1028639/registerMainClassAs", |
5624 | "#1028637/formatDateForGoogleAPI", |
5625 | "#1028636/digitsOnly", |
5626 | "#1028635/formatDateRangeWithMinutes", |
5627 | "#1028634/formatDateWithMinutes", |
5628 | "#1028633/cutLongRangeToGranularity", |
5629 | "#1028632/longRangeLength", |
5630 | "#1028631/beginningOfDay", |
5631 | "#1028630/parseYYYYMMDD", |
5632 | "#1028629/parseBusinessHours_pcall", |
5633 | "#1028628/englishWeekday", |
5634 | "#1028627/totalIntRangesLength", |
5635 | "#1028626/parseBusinessHours", |
5636 | "#1028625/parseHourAndOptionalMinutesToMinutes", |
5637 | "#1028624/test_parseBusinessHours", |
5638 | "#1028623/intersectLongRanges", |
5639 | "#1028619/usAreaCodes", |
5640 | "#1028618/mapToMultiMap", |
5641 | "#1028617/usAreaCodesMap", |
5642 | "#1028615/nEvents", |
5643 | "#1028614/addPlusToCount", |
5644 | "#1028613/smartIndexOfSpaceEtc", |
5645 | "#1028612/indexOfSpaceEtc", |
5646 | "#1028611/afterColonOrFull", |
5647 | "#1028609/litmap_impl_withNulls", |
5648 | "#1028608/litorderedmap_withNulls", |
5649 | "#1028607/defaultMetaTransformer", |
5650 | "#1028606/ukTimeZone", |
5651 | "#1028605/replaceCurlyBracedWith", |
5652 | "#1028603/pwt_toTheLeftOf", |
5653 | "#1028602/parseEnglishDateRange", |
5654 | "#1028601/test_parseEnglishDateRange", |
5655 | "#1028600/parseYMDHMS", |
5656 | "#1028599/pwt_filter", |
5657 | "#1028598/if1print", |
5658 | "#1028597/pwt_toTheRightOf", |
5659 | "#1028595/map_nonNulls", |
5660 | "#1028594/pwt_transform", |
5661 | "#1028592/pwt_topDogs", |
5662 | "#1028591/joinLongRanges", |
5663 | "#1028590/englishMonthNames_ciSet", |
5664 | "#1028589/countPrecedingTokens", |
5665 | "#1028588/pwt_precedingTokens", |
5666 | "#1028587/pwt_mapI", |
5667 | "#1028586/pwt_winner", |
5668 | "#1028585/pwt_filterByType", |
5669 | "#1028584/itIt", |
5670 | "#1028583/lazyListFromIterator", |
5671 | "#1028582/pwt_combine", |
5672 | "#1028581/pwt_generalize", |
5673 | "#1028580/pwt_generalizeIterator", |
5674 | "#1028579/concatIterators", |
5675 | "#1028578/ll_iterator", |
5676 | "#1028577/itemPlusIterator", |
5677 | "#1028576/lai_codeTokens", |
5678 | "#1028575/pwt_raw", |
5679 | "#1028574/mapI_nonNulls", |
5680 | "#1028572/pwt_followingTokens", |
5681 | "#1028571/countRemainingTokens", |
5682 | "#1028569/codeTokenIndices", |
5683 | "#1028567/hframeset_rows", |
5684 | "#1028565/mapMinusKeys", |
5685 | "#1028563/insertAfter", |
5686 | "#1028562/englishWeekdays_ciSet", |
5687 | "#1028561/yearAndWeekToTimestamp", |
5688 | "#1028560/weekInYear", |
5689 | "#1028559/ymdToTimestamp", |
5690 | "#1028558/tok_isAssignment", |
5691 | "#1028557/eqSublist", |
5692 | "#1028556/yearAndMonthToTimestamp", |
5693 | "#1028555/googleCalendar_eventsInDateRange", |
5694 | "#1028554/googleCalendarService", |
5695 | "#1028552/formatDateRangeWithSeconds", |
5696 | "#1028551/simpleDateFormat", |
5697 | "#1028550/yearToTimestamp", |
5698 | "#1028549/dateStructureToTimestampRange", |
5699 | "#1028543/test_EnglishDateParser_examples", |
5700 | "#1028546/between", |
5701 | "#1028545/hdesktopNotifications", |
5702 | "#1028543/test_EnglishDateParser", |
5703 | "#1028542/parseYMDHMS_slashesSpaceColons", |
5704 | "#1028537/mp3mimeType", |
5705 | "#1028535/mmo2_levenWithSwapsScore", |
5706 | "#1028534/regexpNegativeLookbehind", |
5707 | "#1028533/intRangesToCNC", |
5708 | "#1028532/regexpICMatchesAsCNC", |
5709 | "#1028531/regexpFindRangesIC", |
5710 | "#1028530/regexpMatchesAsCNC", |
5711 | "#1028529/regexpFindRanges", |
5712 | "#1028528/eleu_bot", |
5713 | "#1028527/hparagraphs", |
5714 | "#1028526/hscript_clickableRows", |
5715 | "#1028514/numberOfBitsNeededToRepresentNOptions", |
5716 | "#1028513/highestOneBit", |
5717 | "#1028512/wrapIntArrayAsImmutableList", |
5718 | "#1028511/parseIntOr", |
5719 | "#1028510/hashSetWaste", |
5720 | "#1028509/hashSetCapacity", |
5721 | "#1028507/multiSetMap_innerCompactHashSet_outerRevTreeMap", |
5722 | "#1028506/multiSetMap_innerHashSet", |
5723 | "#1028505/multiSetMap_innerHashSet_outerRevTreeMap", |
5724 | "#1028504/intPairToLong", |
5725 | "#1028502/microsecondsToSeconds", |
5726 | "#1028500/lcRoughComplexity", |
5727 | "#1028499/repeatableRandomizer", |
5728 | "#1028497/stringFromRepF", |
5729 | "#1028496/hlabelFor", |
5730 | "#1028495/hcheckboxWithText", |
5731 | "#1028494/insertAt", |
5732 | "#1028493/insertBefore", |
5733 | "#1028491/lcInformationLevel", |
5734 | "#1028490/multiSetMap_innerLinkedHashSet_outerHashMap", |
5735 | "#1028489/repStr", |
5736 | "#1028488/iota1", |
5737 | "#1028487/lcString", |
5738 | "#1028486/lcInformationFactor", |
5739 | "#1028485/lcRepetitiveness", |
5740 | "#1028484/printWithComma", |
5741 | "#1028483/uncompressLineCompedSingle", |
5742 | "#1028482/renderLineCompedSingleWithBrackets", |
5743 | "#1028481/charPairToString", |
5744 | "#1028477/classSuperclassesAndInterfaces", |
5745 | "#1028476/substringWithEllipsis", |
5746 | "#1028475/structure_checkForProblems", |
5747 | "#1028474/restructure_checkForProblems", |
5748 | "#1028473/indexOfAnonymousClassInStruct", |
5749 | "#1028470/formatDouble_noLeadingZero", |
5750 | "#1028469/decimalFormatEnglish", |
5751 | "#1028468/test_AllOnAll_probabilistic", |
5752 | "#1028467/printWhileNotNull", |
5753 | "#1028465/popFirstValueFromMultiSetMap", |
5754 | "#1028464/descTreeMap", |
5755 | "#1028463/multiSetMap_outerDescTreeMap_innerLinkedHashSet", |
5756 | "#1028462/recordToString_quoted", |
5757 | "#1028461/recordToString", |
5758 | "#1028460/collectStrings", |
5759 | "#1028459/unquoteIfQuoted", |
5760 | "#1028458/formatFunctionCall_struct", |
5761 | "#1028457/replacePairB", |
5762 | "#1028456/replacePairA", |
5763 | "#1028455/functionActuallyCallableOn", |
5764 | "#1028454/cloneListReplacingElementAtIndex", |
5765 | "#1028453/listSetIfInRange", |
5766 | "#1028452/unparseFunctionCall", |
5767 | "#1028451/callFIfActuallyCallable", |
5768 | "#1028450/functionCallableOn_nonSynthetic", |
5769 | "#1028449/eqHasGlobalID", |
5770 | "#1028448/nTrails", |
5771 | "#1028447/isStarPattern", |
5772 | "#1028446/containsStars", |
5773 | "#1028443/dm_initNestedConcepts", |
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Began life as a copy of #761
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Travelled to 113 computer(s): ahkvuyddqtac, aijbjpqedjjc, ajlfxifxfcul, aoiabmzegqzx, ayfdnjdhpjha, ayivmpnvhhik, bhatertpkbcr, brfxcrgsgrhg, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, codvfyxmkcrm, cvvynrlkszfz, dbzfplsxganw, digkpvzjadop, djztyncnmsck, dpqxeycirhfy, dsbpoofgtjnx, dyfldxrfteug, egsshdfjpivr, eiwvkucnqnjw, ekrmjmnbrukm, elmgxqgtpvxh, etryasgzbotu, fehiwqupcyrn, fzcpzdstiiyc, gbdqvketdppm, gjtlkbvenryc, gwrvuhgaqvyk, honjdlwrmtdu, hpgrupgrauku, ifhnryimgnkg, igfbtfetlyvk, ilgbwaciyqrp, imzmzdywqqli, inmhkjdpuplp, ipcmaqahdjtn, ippswpntdvcc, irmadwmeruwu, ishqpsrjomds, iveijnkanddl, jcllbfdqhrgy, jmyaexzvplwz, jozkyjcghlvl, jtubtzbbkimh, kiawvgutsbre, kltaiputbqfu, ktbwgngfmivo, lastaxpxduqo, ldywjnwigrac, lhdilzshxjzv, lnbujpyubztb, lpdgvwnxivlt, lqnftawlhpir, lulzaavyztxj, mikhejdllvsw, mjouhigkdmyk, mmaxggujatqf, moomcjjtfopu, mowyntqkapby, mplzucoataeu, mqqgnosmbjvj, mqsvbyillbrs, nazvggbglmsf, nbgitpuheiab, nkfnhsoigegr, nmhwwpuvbanc, odhhsrjjbcgr, ofpaelxlmzfo, omdjrrnzbjjv, onxytkatvevr, pcsjzfqafodr, podlckwnjdmb, ppjhyzlbdabe, ppwwtnwhztze, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, qgvkllrfbgaw, qhcvkqotyiga, qipzzgwivdol, qmtsvidgarql, qnhezvwmdcbn, qsqiayxyrbia, rjpzpeejafvs, skddmizpvtmy, snaazhdonpnp, thuhawujahgc, tjmheftkjvzt, tpturoigtvwk, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, uelavcdoioby, uhjabitqdyqv, unoaxrwscvea, uzolovmvtubr, vdyxwxlmubrt, veepotesqksf, vouqrxazstgt, vqblocesogdc, vtpnfdczhzww, vujiipfktnfq, whxojlpjdney, winwedijdyqq, wnsclhtenguj, wpzdwgqboxjy, wtqryiryparv, xfddqsrefgvo, xiskaoettebs, xkfnxevppnqj, xrpafgyirdlv, yanjaxplzisb, ydilcnlqtmvn, zkbeyrirjpvi, zndhoewobdyk
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Snippet ID: | #1006654 |
Snippet name: | Standard functions list 2 (LIVE, continuation of #761) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1006654/134 |
Text MD5: | 607c24963c2c17f8023782a3bcaa0d9a |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2023-02-12 12:09:25 |
Source code size: | 855741 bytes / 25113 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 1382 / 473742 |
Version history: | 133 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |