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< > BotCompany Repo | #1005487 // Parse Sentence Multi 3, unrollOptions [works]

JavaX source code [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

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concept Imperative {
  new Ref v; // verb
  new Ref o; // object
  sS _fieldOrder = "v o";

concept Measurement {
  new Ref x; // e.g. "all"
  new Ref y; // e.g. "programs"

concept Addition {
  new Ref x; // e.g. "programs"
  new Ref prep; // preposition, e.g. "with"
  new Ref z; // e.g. "a large number of files"
  sS _fieldOrder = "x prep z";

p {
  testParse([[Find all programs with a file called "concepts.structure"]]);

sbool properSentence(Concept c) {
  if (!c << Imperative || neq(c/Imperative.v, cstr("find"))) false;
  c = c/Imperative.o!;
  ret matchCstr("all programs with a file called *", c);
  //if (!c << Measurement || neq(c/Measurement.x, cstr("all"))) false;
  //c = c/Measurement.y;

!include #1005497 // testParse + parseToOptions using unrollOptions

static void parse(S s, Collector<Concept> out) {
  new Matches m;
  if (flexMatchStartIC(ll("find"), s, m))
    ret if out.add(cnew(Imperative,
      v := cstr($1),
      o := parseToOptions($2)));

  if (flexMatchStartIC(ll("all", "a"), s, m))
    ret if out.add(cnew(Measurement,
      x := cstr($1),
      y := parseToOptions($2)));

  for (S prep : ll("called", "with"))
    if (flexMatchIC("* \*prep*/ *", s, m))
      ret if out.add(cnew(Addition,
        x := parseToOptions($1),
        prep : = cstr(prep),
        z := parseToOptions($2)));

  out.add(cstr(s)); // default

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1005485

Possible shortening:

"(find) *"  => Imperative
"(all|a) *" => Measurement
"* (called|with) *" => Addition

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Snippet ID: #1005487
Snippet name: Parse Sentence Multi 3, unrollOptions [works]
Eternal ID of this version: #1005487/1
Text MD5: f9a20dabb2ee9ca0d8267be1b7e2141f
Transpilation MD5: 04cb194aabbeecbc73d472fb9e634acf
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX source code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-11-23 22:42:47
Source code size: 1456 bytes / 60 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 414 / 448
Referenced in: [show references]