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static S renderConcept(Concept.Ref ref) { ret renderConcept(ref.get()); } static S renderConcept(Concept c) { if (c == null) ret "null"; new StringBuilder buf; buf.append( + " " + shortDynamicClassName(c)); for (S field : conceptFields(c)) { O val = cget(c, field); if (val != null) { if (eq(val, Bool.FALSE) && isPrimitiveBoolField(c, field)) continue; buf.append(" " + field + "="); buf.append(renderConcept_short(c, val)); } } ret str(buf); } // renders a value in a concept sS renderConcept_short(Concept c, O val) { if (val instanceof Concept) ret shortDynamicClassName(val) + ((Concept) val).id; else if (val instanceof Concept.RefL) ret squareBracket(joinWithComma(lmap(v -> renderConcept_short(c, v), (L) val))); else { new structure_Data data; data.seen.put(c, 0); // for ConceptInList et al ret struct(val, data); } }
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Snippet ID: | #1005264 |
Snippet name: | renderConcept |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1005264/5 |
Text MD5: | 5c16efbfbf0dd163051640c40b135143 |
Transpilation MD5: | df57a978eb99542d1d459c4055dc7ce5 |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax / concepts / gui |
Type: | JavaX fragment (include) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2020-08-28 13:30:44 |
Source code size: | 937 bytes / 31 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 686 / 759 |
Version history: | 4 change(s) |
Referenced in: | #1006654 - Standard functions list 2 (LIVE, continuation of #761) |