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< > BotCompany Repo | #1005157 // LMath (learner)

JavaX fragment (include)

// math operations.
// input: L<S> (list of numbers)
// output: S (number)
static class LMath extends LearnerImpl {
  static boolean debug;
  String allOperations = "+ - * /";
  new (Tree)Set<String> possibleOperations;
  LMath() {
    possibleOperations.addAll(Arrays.asList(allOperations.split(" +")));
  public void processInOut(Object _in, Object _out) {
    List in = (List) _in;
    String out = (String) _out;
    BigInteger[] inNumbers = makeBigIntArray(in);
    BigInteger[] outNumbers = new BigInteger[] {bigint(out)};
    findOperation(inNumbers, outNumbers);
    if (debug)
      System.out.println("Operations: " + possibleOperations);
  public void findOperation(BigInteger[] in, BigInteger[] out) {
    filterOperations(in, out);
    if (possibleOperations.isEmpty())
  public void filterOperations(BigInteger[] in, BigInteger[] out) {
    for (Iterator<String> i = possibleOperations.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      String op =;
      BigInteger[] out2 = doOperation(op, in);
      if (out2 == null || !arraysEqual(out, out2))
        i.remove(); // keep only matching operations
  public BigInteger[] doOperation(String op, BigInteger[] in) {
    op = op.intern();
    try {
      if (in.length == 2) {
        BigInteger a = in[0], b = in[1], x = null;
        if (op == "+")
          x = a.add(b);
        else if (op == "-")
          x = a.subtract(b);
        else if (op == "*")
          x = a.multiply(b);
        else if (op == "/")
          x = a.divide(b);
        return x != null ? new BigInteger[] {x} : null;
      return null;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      return null;
  public String processIn(Object _in) {
    L<S> in = cast _in;
    String op = possibleOperations.iterator().next();
    if (debug)
      System.out.println("op: " + op);
    BigInteger[] inNumbers = makeBigIntArray(in);
    BigInteger[] outNumbers = doOperation(op, inNumbers);
    return outNumbers[0].toString();
  String BI = BigInteger.class.getName();
  public void toJava(Code code) {
    String op = possibleOperations.iterator().next();
    String a = "new " + BI + "((String) " + code.list() + ".get(0))";
    String b = "new " + BI + "((String) " + code.list() + ".get(1))";
    if (op.equals("+"))
      code.assign(a + ".add(" + b + ").toString()");

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Snippet ID: #1005157
Snippet name: LMath (learner)
Eternal ID of this version: #1005157/1
Text MD5: 72df02fc94077c63162800b4ca6cace1
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-10-17 02:06:06
Source code size: 2484 bytes / 80 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 474 / 842
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