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816 | <small>80 out of 90 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
817 | <a href="/user/ur5215955/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTYzMjA0NTcwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTg2NDY0MjE@._V1._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
818 | <h2>Beautifully Crafted Silence</h2> |
819 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="8/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/80.gif"><br> |
820 | <b>Author:</b> |
821 | <a href="/user/ur5215955/">Michael Aronson (Mikehoop3)</a> <small>from United States</small><br> |
822 | <small>4 June 2006</small><br> |
823 | |
824 | </div> |
825 | <p> |
826 | I think there is a lot to be said about experimental film. I saw the |
827 | film on the beach at Cannes, and for all I know, the guys could have |
828 | been sitting next to me. In a search for a human existence, two robots |
829 | wander somewhat endlessly until they finally find a way to end it all. |
830 | The film is making a remarkable statement on today's world. It raises |
831 | so many great questions, and the only problem is that sitting through |
832 | two hours of wandering characters takes an audiences expectations to |
833 | another level. Fellini was able to allow his characters to roam, but in |
834 | that wandering so much happened, and his characters were intellectually |
835 | credible. In the case of Electroma, the lack of events is very |
836 | anti-film. Everything which they have done with this film leaves the |
837 | audience questioning, why? We love films because of what happens in |
838 | them, not because of what doesn't happen. I think that Daft Punk's |
839 | attempt to find something else in this medium is quite brilliant, yet |
840 | it falls short of entertainment. The visual means in which they reached |
841 | certain points was incredible, but finding a way through the monotony |
842 | was difficult for some. The ending was fantastic though, and I wish |
843 | they push the limits even more in their next take on film.<br><br>We are all robots who sculpt our own plastic faces. We are all |
844 | wandering robots with no place to fit in. Maybe I am analyzing too |
845 | much, but to go to such realms with out symbolism in some higher |
846 | meaning would be a waste. Perhaps that is what they were out to do. |
847 | Perhaps they were just creating a (beautiful) moving painting. Maybe |
848 | just messing with our heads. Regardless, they were up to something, and |
849 | we will just have to see what comes next to see whether or not they're |
850 | full of it.<br><br>I do give them credit for the silence. It spoke louder than any music |
851 | they've ever written. |
852 | </p> |
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880 | <hr noshade="1" size="1" align="center"> |
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882 | <div> |
883 | <small>64 out of 78 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
884 | <a href="/user/ur5211436/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2NDEyMjYyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM3MDk0OQ@@._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
885 | <h2>Silent Shout!</h2> |
886 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="10/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/100.gif"><br> |
887 | <b>Author:</b> |
888 | <a href="/user/ur5211436/"> (Canadarm)</a> <small>from Stockholm, Sweden</small><br> |
889 | <small>23 November 2006</small><br> |
890 | |
891 | </div> |
892 | <p> |
893 | I saw Daft Punk's Electroma late last night at the Stockholm |
894 | Filmfestival. This was right after seeing Gondry's "The Science of |
895 | Sleep" which was brilliant! This evening turned out to be a great |
896 | french evening.. Even though I have always been a big fan of Daft |
897 | Punk's music, especially their live performances, I didn't really think |
898 | that I would enjoy Electroma that much, but I was wrong! I was really |
899 | touched by this story of two Robots (the members in daft punk) trying |
900 | to become human. The theme is similar to that of their latest album |
901 | "Human After All". It reminded me of Kubrick/Spielberg's "A.I", but |
902 | Electroma is much more symbolical and humans play a less important |
903 | role. The movie depicts the robots desire to be unique and human, and |
904 | just like "Stalker" and other Tarkovsky movies the scenes are very long |
905 | and for the most part there is no music just background noise, this |
906 | made me really get into the movie. The whole movie is fantastic but the |
907 | high rating is mostly due to the ending which is crazy good! I don't |
908 | know if Daft Punk's robot-era is over after this movie, but I'm looking |
909 | forward to seeing more stuff from them.<br><br>This is probably a movie that many people might find boring because it |
910 | is a very silent and slow movie (heard a guy in front of me snoring..) |
911 | but give it a chance... The french are not as stupid as the look! <br><br>oh and the music is not daft punk, but I heard some Brian Eno and |
912 | Curtis Mayfield, overall the music choices were excellent! Merci;) |
913 | </p> |
914 | |
915 | <div class="yn" id="ynd_1527868"> |
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940 | |
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944 | <small>43 out of 49 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
945 | <a href="/user/ur1770421/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2NDEyMjYyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM3MDk0OQ@@._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
946 | <h2>Daft is deft</h2> |
947 | |
948 | <b>Author:</b> |
949 | <a href="/user/ur1770421/">soccergoon13 (soccergoon13@hotmail.com)</a> <small>from United States</small><br> |
950 | <small>1 April 2007</small><br> |
951 | |
952 | </div> |
953 | <p> |
954 | If you're a fan of Daft Punk you aren't automatically going to like |
955 | this movie. And if you're not a fan of Daft Punk you aren't |
956 | automatically going to dislike it. No music by Daft Punk. No dialog or |
957 | flashing helmet text. Ambient sound. And Curtis Mayfield.<br><br>Electroma plays like a festival art film, yet it's more accessible to |
958 | the audience than the "Cremaster" movies and more thoughtful and varied |
959 | than "Zidane". In essence, the movie comprises five set pieces. It |
960 | opens with a drive through the desert, then a town. The second set |
961 | involves becoming human. They then re-enter the robot world in a |
962 | Frankenstein-esquire reversal, playing off of Icarus. The fourth part |
963 | brings the sad realization of returning to robotic roots. Fifth, they |
964 | walk through a desert, which comprises the longest part of the film.<br><br>I recommend it for the art-house/festival crowd. No dialog, an atypical |
965 | plot-line, and lengthy sweeping pans will certainly turn away some |
966 | fans. It is pretentious to a degree, I won't deny it, but compared to |
967 | Cremaster (an unfair comparison, yes, but it's the most widely seen), |
968 | Electroma doesn't require pre-emptive knowledge for the deciphering of |
969 | the symbols, which tells you what you're watching. You can absorb it |
970 | without extreme cerebral input.<br><br>It's slow. Like Tarkovsky or Herzog. Don't expect hyperactive techno |
971 | robots.<br><br>You'll be hard-pressed to find this film, as Daft Punk does not intend |
972 | to ever release this film on DVD. See it at a festival or snag a |
973 | bootleg. It's worth the time. |
974 | </p> |
975 | |
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1000 | </div> |
1001 | |
1002 | <hr noshade="1" size="1" width="50%" align="center"> |
1003 | |
1004 | <div> |
1005 | <small>29 out of 35 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
1006 | <a href="/user/ur5704354/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2NDEyMjYyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM3MDk0OQ@@._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
1007 | <h2>A visually hypnotic and surprisingly touching film by electronic music legends!..not for the attention challenged.</h2> |
1008 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="10/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/100.gif"><br> |
1009 | <b>Author:</b> |
1010 | <a href="/user/ur5704354/">alisoncolegrooveq</a> <small>from Australia</small><br> |
1011 | <small>25 July 2007</small><br> |
1012 | |
1013 | </div> |
1014 | <p> |
1015 | It doesn't bother me in the slightest whether people think this film |
1016 | references others or not. That's irrelevant because it just works - |
1017 | it's delightfully simple, beautifully shot, visually arresting and |
1018 | surprisingly poetic.<br><br>Part of the charm of this film is both the fun (the makeover) and then |
1019 | the quite moving climax in the desert. It works against all your |
1020 | expectations of Daft Punk (and their music) and in many ways this is |
1021 | what makes this also quite special. The choice of music is sublime, and |
1022 | the pace itself becomes quite hypnotic. In fact the pace seems to be |
1023 | one thing that people use to critique this film as though it's somehow |
1024 | pretentious..which itself is an absurd and dimwitted comment really, |
1025 | because the playful charm of the silent characters themselves is |
1026 | anything but pretentious. Hell, if that's pretentious, the world needs |
1027 | a lot more of it because we are drowning in the bile spewing from the |
1028 | Hollywood trough.<br><br>As an older Daft Punk fan, probably more in tune with their own age and |
1029 | tastes i loved this film. Also worth a mention that there's a very |
1030 | Kubrick-esquire 2001 look to one scene (thumbs up there!)<br><br>Ignore the doubters. Sit back and immerse yourself in Electroma. In |
1031 | time this will definitely considered a classic concept film by one of |
1032 | the more innovative electronic artists of our age.<br><br>Human After All |
1033 | </p> |
1034 | |
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1060 | |
1061 | <hr noshade="1" size="1" width="50%" align="center"> |
1062 | |
1063 | <div> |
1064 | <small>17 out of 19 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
1065 | <a href="/user/ur2206551/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjAxNjM3OTkwM15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNTU1NDg1MDE@._V1._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
1066 | <h2>A focused, if magpie-like sci-fi meditation</h2> |
1067 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="7/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/70.gif"><br> |
1068 | <b>Author:</b> |
1069 | <a href="/user/ur2206551/">Framescourer</a> <small>from London, UK</small><br> |
1070 | <small>6 August 2007</small><br> |
1071 | |
1072 | </div> |
1073 | <p> |
1074 | A spellbinding, if not entirely original sci-fi/art-house featurette. |
1075 | The story concerns two youthful robot outsiders trying to find their |
1076 | place and purpose in their world. There is no dialogue.<br><br>Electroma is less experimental than you might expect. There is a strong |
1077 | narrative, albeit played out in a sequence of echt-music video stylised |
1078 | set-pieces. This could well be a 'Directors' Label Movie' for all that |
1079 | one can see the imprint of Michel Gondry (prosthetic/robot helmets, |
1080 | large heads), Spike Jonze (suburban humour and the final pyroshot) and |
1081 | Chris Cunningham (bleached white soulbernetics and horroroticism). |
1082 | Indeed, a 'Chris Cunningham' is credited as the steadicam operator...<br><br>Much though I enjoyed this game of spot the director however, it's |
1083 | important to try and assess the film on its own merits. Daft Punk's own |
1084 | music doesn't feature. Their technical contribution is to DJ the |
1085 | soundtrack, filling the gap between dialogue and narrative. The music's |
1086 | fairly effective in telling the story of the two characters, if - like |
1087 | the metaphors of the episodes - a little contrived. Above all I enjoyed |
1088 | the cinematography, the loving filming of the sub-Walkabout journey |
1089 | across the Californian desert. The costume and studio lighting design |
1090 | is also of a premium standard. With this attention to detail and the |
1091 | rigorous, trance-like rhythm of the film one might profitably compare |
1092 | Electroma with 2001: A Space Odyssey. It certainly deserves it. 7/10 |
1093 | </p> |
1094 | |
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1120 | |
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1123 | <div> |
1124 | <small>8 out of 9 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
1125 | <a href="/user/ur1404497/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2NDEyMjYyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM3MDk0OQ@@._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
1126 | <h2>Destined for a mild cult following</h2> |
1127 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="7/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/70.gif"><br> |
1128 | <b>Author:</b> |
1129 | <a href="/user/ur1404497/">Samantha</a> <small>from New York</small><br> |
1130 | <small>18 May 2008</small><br> |
1131 | |
1132 | </div> |
1133 | <p> |
1134 | If anything, Electroma should be taken just like any other |
1135 | experimental, art-house cinema film. This is borderline impossible when |
1136 | it's not just Electroma, but "Daft Punk's" Electroma, the tag line is |
1137 | "It's a Daft Punk vision" and you've got the Daft Punk logo emblazoned |
1138 | on the back of the two protagonists' jackets. For this, I feel like the |
1139 | film falters from a bit of ego, but just think how much worse it |
1140 | would've been if they'd used their own music.<br><br>That being said, as a so-called art-house picture, Electroma is okay. |
1141 | There isn't much plot to follow and the "HUMAN" license plate is about |
1142 | as trite as calling this an interpretation of the difficulties of |
1143 | fitting into society, but in terms of something to look at, it's really |
1144 | really gorgeous. Considering Bangalter had little to no experience in |
1145 | cinematography prior to this, he's done a fantastic job. Each shot is |
1146 | quite beautiful in its own way, aesthetically speaking, particularly |
1147 | the final one.<br><br>What I'm trying to say is, don't go into Electroma expecting |
1148 | brilliance, because it isn't. Take it for what it is: a mildly |
1149 | pretentious if not borderline dull, yet visually stunning piece of |
1150 | celluloid. It's ripe for interpretation (or none at all) which will |
1151 | grant it some sort of cult following. Hopefully a midnight-film of |
1152 | sorts.<br><br>P.S. The soundtrack they did choose complements the film perfectly. And |
1153 | if "the" notorious desert close-up scene doesn't get this passed around |
1154 | film circles for years to come, I don't know what will. |
1155 | </p> |
1156 | |
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1182 | |
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1184 | |
1185 | <div> |
1186 | <small>8 out of 10 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
1187 | <a href="/user/ur7781677/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2NDEyMjYyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM3MDk0OQ@@._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
1188 | <h2>Brilliant</h2> |
1189 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="9/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/90.gif"><br> |
1190 | <b>Author:</b> |
1191 | <a href="/user/ur7781677/">Fayt08</a> <small>from United States</small><br> |
1192 | <small>9 June 2007</small><br> |
1193 | <p><b>*** This review may contain spoilers ***</b></p> |
1194 | |
1195 | </div> |
1196 | <p> |
1197 | This movie I think does a great job of showing what it is like to (in |
1198 | this world)find a way to express yourself. After doing a lot of after |
1199 | thought of this movie I came to think that is what they wanted you to |
1200 | see over all. The movie, which is very unconventional can be very |
1201 | unsettling to other people who aren't very open minded, and if you |
1202 | notice in the movie the hero robots were seen as the same.<br><br>In my life experience i would say that if i showed this to a certain |
1203 | group of people i know (very closed minded) they would have a very |
1204 | negative response to it.There negative response would be seen as a kind |
1205 | of attack at the film makers, not having the ability to accept this |
1206 | kind of difference there minds would chase it to the end and hope that |
1207 | nothing like this would ever be made again because it would be seen as |
1208 | different.<br><br>On the other hand someone as open minded as myself would look at this |
1209 | movie as a sort of life story, the frustration of wanting to be |
1210 | different and never truly fitting in and in turn ending at a point |
1211 | early on like so many of wanting to end there own life, never being |
1212 | completely able to do it them selves, either having someone else |
1213 | helping them "self destruct" or as the second robot did having bring |
1214 | themselves by creating there own destructions indirectly.<br><br>Daft Punk must have noted in this story about the deaths of young |
1215 | artists who never felt they fit in and ending there lives young, like |
1216 | Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and so many others do to there own |
1217 | frustration.<br><br>I saw the car ride at the beginning as a kind shot to the people of |
1218 | hey, were cool were different were gonna change things here, and the |
1219 | people did nothing and ignored them almost completely as the one robot |
1220 | with the newspaper glanced at them then looked away. They decided they |
1221 | needed to change there image even more to be noticed. Then when they |
1222 | entered the town and felt full confident in there new appearance they |
1223 | seemed to be fine, and as they noticed the townspeople despise there |
1224 | appearance it made them feel like idiots and made them feel disgusted |
1225 | with themselves. After running from those who feared change, which i |
1226 | thought was ironic as the townspeople all seemed to be some |
1227 | artistically devoid town. They felt that they too were ridiculous when |
1228 | they finally shed there self expression in the bathroom. After which |
1229 | they felt as outcasts of the world, constantly walking nowhere feeling |
1230 | as though they were missing something, when they truly were only |
1231 | missing themselves which they could no longer find.<br><br>After feeling that there was no hope left there only decision was that |
1232 | they should kill themselves because there were none like them, and that |
1233 | they would never be able to find themselves again. Each death is |
1234 | unique, the first death of the self destruction was a quick way out, an |
1235 | overdose maybe, or fast suicide. The other death was the fire which |
1236 | could be seen as anger, or even mental insanity building leading to a |
1237 | final death and a complete darkness.<br><br>I don't know thats what i saw, I may be wrong but thats what this movie |
1238 | told me, you could pick at it in an ignorant way, saying director did |
1239 | this effect and music that, and location this, and film era that, but i |
1240 | think they wanted you to truly look past that and find its true |
1241 | meaning. |
1242 | </p> |
1243 | |
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1273 | <small>5 out of 5 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
1274 | <a href="/user/ur22684129/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjI2NDEyMjYyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzM3MDk0OQ@@._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
1275 | <h2>Rather Unexpected</h2> |
1276 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="9/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/90.gif"><br> |
1277 | <b>Author:</b> |
1278 | <a href="/user/ur22684129/">rob-tyler-631-892963</a> <small>from United Kingdom</small><br> |
1279 | <small>10 January 2010</small><br> |
1280 | <p><b>*** This review may contain spoilers ***</b></p> |
1281 | |
1282 | </div> |
1283 | <p> |
1284 | I was not sure what to expect from this film, a top music duo produce a |
1285 | film which looked rather egotistic yet i found once the 'experience' |
1286 | had begun i was transfixed and couldn't take my eyes from the screen.<br><br>The film shows a definitive post-modern aspect. Is it really a |
1287 | representation of how we all are indeed equal under the facade we |
1288 | present to the world all struggling to be unique and different, it's |
1289 | all been done before and nothing anyone does makes them different.<br><br>All in all the film was a new one on me. A silent film with beautiful |
1290 | scenes and themes. A definite recommendation but not preferably one i |
1291 | would put on to entertain guests! |
1292 | </p> |
1293 | |
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1323 | <small>5 out of 6 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
1324 | <a href="/user/ur29553178/"><img class="avatar" src="http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BOTc1NDE1MjI3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMTI1NjM3MjE@._V1._SX40_SY40_SS40_.jpg" height=${avatar.image.size} width=${avatar.image.size}></a> |
1325 | <h2>Kinda cool but a bit too slow in parts</h2> |
1326 | <img width="102" height="12" alt="6/10" src="http://i.media-imdb.com/images/showtimes/60.gif"><br> |
1327 | <b>Author:</b> |
1328 | <a href="/user/ur29553178/">robotbling</a> <small>from Canada</small><br> |
1329 | <small>4 December 2011</small><br> |
1330 | |
1331 | </div> |
1332 | <p> |
1333 | (www.plasticpals.com) Electroma is the story of two robots (Daft Punk) |
1334 | who break from the norm to express their inner individuality in a world |
1335 | populated by robots, with disastrous consequences. This is an |
1336 | experimental film with no dialog whatsoever, running a generous 74 |
1337 | minutes, and some people may feel it drags on a bit in parts. Even fans |
1338 | of Daft Punk may be left scratching their heads since it doesn't |
1339 | feature their music but, supposedly, it syncs up with their album Human |
1340 | After All ala Pink Floyd/Wizard of Oz. If you are not into experimental |
1341 | film you will probably much prefer their animated excursion, |
1342 | Interstella 5555, which I highly recommend.<br><br>I haven't tried synchronizing it to their album but I enjoyed it just |
1343 | fine, though it should be said I'm a fan of unusual movies. The |
1344 | photography is very professional considering they are amateur film |
1345 | makers, and there's enough here to keep your interest, all without the |
1346 | need for words. I hope they'll continue exploring their visual |
1347 | creativity through cinema in the future, and if it sounds like |
1348 | something you might enjoy, check it out. |
1349 | </p> |
1350 | |
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1380 | <small>6 out of 8 people found the following review useful:</small><br> |
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1382 | <h2>Arresting imagery if a bit thin</h2> |
1383 | |
1384 | <b>Author:</b> |
1385 | <a href="/user/ur6981752/">runamokprods</a> <small>from US</small><br> |
1386 | <small>29 September 2011</small><br> |
1387 | |
1388 | </div> |
1389 | <p> |
1390 | A bit pretentious, a bit obvious, overlong, even at 74 minutes (this |
1391 | would have been a brilliant 40 minute short), but still full of |
1392 | arresting images and surprisingly emotional moments. <br><br>Influenced heavily by Kubrick, Antonioni and most of the great 60s and |
1393 | 70s visualists, this is a wordless film about two robots who want to |
1394 | become human. The action is minimal. The opening drive through the |
1395 | desert alone takes a good 15 minutes. <br><br>But it's wonderfully shot, and the use of eclectic source music as |
1396 | score (Brian Eno, Curtis Mayfield, etc) is interesting, if sometimes a |
1397 | little too self-conscious or intrusive. <br><br>I doubt there are more layers to be found on repeated viewings, I think |
1398 | it is what it is: an experimental film more full of image than story or |
1399 | ideas. A 74 minute, interesting rock video.<br><br>But every time I'd head toward terminally bored, an image or feeling |
1400 | would reel me back in... |
1401 | </p> |
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Snippet ID: | #1004687 |
Snippet name: | Electroma |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1004687/1 |
Text MD5: | 0b381eb61651aa00441ebfa5e8215f4e |
Author: | stefan |
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Created/modified: | 2016-08-26 23:00:45 |
Source code size: | 103411 bytes / 1825 lines |
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