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< > BotCompany Repo | #1004590 // Image Server [LIVE at]

JavaX source code (desktop) [tags: butter use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar - homepage

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static int id = 1100000;

concept ImageMeta {
  int imageID;
  bool pornFlag; // TODO: set
  S name;
  S md5; // md5 of RGBImage
  S format = "png";
  *() {}
  *(int *imageID, S *name) { _doneLoading(); change(); }
  void _doneLoading() {
    //print("_doneLoading " + imageID);
    metaMap.put(imageID, this);
  S mimeType() {
    ret "image/" + or2(format, "png");

static Map<Int, ImageMeta> metaMap = synchroMap();

p {
  indexConceptFieldIC(ImageMeta, 'name);
  indexConceptField(ImageMeta, 'imageID);
  for (ImageMeta meta)

svoid setMD5(ImageMeta meta) {
  if (nempty(meta.md5)) ret;
  S md5 = "error";
  pcall {
    md5 = md5OfRGBImage(new RGBImage(loadPNG(imageFile(meta.imageID))));
  cset(meta, +md5);

static File imagesDir() {
  ret prepareProgramDir("images");

synchronized html {
  print("image server uri: " + uri + ", https: " + subBot_isHttps());
  uri = dropPrefix("/", uri);
  new Matches m;
  if (eq(uri, "setp0rn")) {
    setPornFlag(parseInt(params.get("id")), true);
    ret "OK";

  if (eq(uri, "unp0rn")) {
    setPornFlag(parseInt(params.get("id")), false);
    ret "OK";

  bool p0rnOK = false;
  // TODO: should use uri2?
  if (uri.endsWith("p") && isInteger(dropLast(uri))) {
    p0rnOK = true;
    uri = dropLast(uri);
  S uri2 = dropAfterSlash(uri);
  if (eq(uri, "random-id")) ret random(list(ImageMeta)).imageID;
  if (eq(uri, "highest-id")) ret id-1;
  if (uri.startsWith("title/")) {
    int id = parseFirstInt(uri);
    ImageMeta meta = findConcept(ImageMeta, imageID := id);
    ret meta == null ? "" :;
  if (isInteger(uri2)) {
    // serve image
    int id = parseInt(uri2);
    File file = imageFile(id);
    ImageMeta meta = findConcept(ImageMeta, imageID := id);
    if (meta == null)
      ret subBot_serve404("Not found");
    if (!p0rnOK && isPornFlag(id))
      ret subBot_serve404("n0 p0rn");
    ret call(getMainBot(), "serveFile_maxCache", imageFile(meta.imageID), meta.mimeType());
  if (uri.startsWith("md5/")) {
    uri = dropPrefix("md5/", uri);
    bool jpg = uri.startsWith("jpg/");
    if (jpg) uri = dropPrefix("jpg/", uri);
    ImageMeta meta = findConcept(ImageMeta, md5 := uri);
    if (meta == null)
      ret "Not found";
    if (jpg && neq(meta.format, "jpeg"))
      ret call(getMainBot(), "serveByteArray_maxCache", toJPEG(imageFile(meta.imageID)), "image/jpeg");
    ret call(getMainBot(), "serveFile_maxCache", imageFile(meta.imageID), meta.mimeType());
  if (uri.startsWith("checkmd5/")) {
    uri = dropPrefix("checkmd5/", uri);
    ImageMeta meta = findConcept(ImageMeta, md5 := uri);
    ret meta == null ? "Not found" : str(meta.imageID);
  if (eq(uri, "upload") || swic(uri, "upload/")) {
    print("upload called.");
    S name = params.get("name");
    SS files = getUploadFiles();
    print("got files: " + l(files));
    int id;
    S data = params.get("data");
    if (data != null) {
      print("got data: " + l(data));
      id = newImageID();
      saveBinaryFile(imageFile(id), hexToBytes(data));
    } else {
      String tmpfile = files.get("thefile");
      String originalName = params.get("thefile");
      name = or2(name, originalName);
      File tmp = new File(tmpfile);
      long l = tmp.length();
      if (l == 0) ret "Empty file, exiting";
      id = newImageID();
      copyFile(tmp, imageFile(id));
    ImageMeta meta = cregister ImageMeta(id, unnull(name));
    byte[] bytes = loadBeginningOfBinaryFile(imageFile(id), 16);
    cset(meta, format := isJPEG(bytes) ? "jpeg" /* correct for mime type! */ : isPNG(bytes) ? "png" : null);
    S imageID = fsI(meta.imageID);
    ret htitle(imageID)
      + p(ahref(myLink_nonRaw("/"), "Home.") + " " + ahref(myLink_nonRaw("/uploadform"), "Upload more."))
      + "OK (ID=" + imageID + "):<br>" + himg(imageLink(id))
      + uploadForm();
  if (eq(uri, "uploadform"))
    ret htitle("Upload")
      + hmobilefix()
      + uploadForm();
  if (eqic(uri, "bot/list")) {
    bool withName = not0_gen(params.get('withName));
    bool withDate = not0_gen(params.get('withDate));
    Cl<S> names = subBot_paramsAsMultiMap().get('name);
    Cl<ImageMeta> l;
    if (empty(names)) l = list(ImageMeta);
    else l = (Set) concatListsAsSet(map(names, name -> conceptsWhereIC(ImageMeta, +name)));
    ret subBot_serveJSON(map(sortedByFieldDesc created(objectsWhere(l, pornFlag := false)), im -> {
      new LinkedHashMap<S, O> map;
      map.put(id := fsI(im.imageID));
      if (withName) map.put(name :=;
      if (withDate) map.put(uploaded := im.created);
      map.put(md5 := im.md5);
      ret map;
    } ));

  if (eq(uri, "")) {
    // list images
    L<Int> ids = collect imageID(conceptsWhere(ImageMeta, pornFlag := false));
    ret htitle("Image Server")
      + p(ahref(pageLink("/uploadform"), "Upload."))
      + p(n(ids, "N0n-p0rn image") + ":") + ul(map(ids, func(Int id) -> S {
      ImageMeta meta = metaMap.get(id);
      S title = or2(getString(meta, "name"), "Untitled");
      S linkText = "#" + id + " - " + htmlencode(title);
      S s = ahref(snippetImageURL(id), linkText);
      if (meta != null)
        s += " [md5: " + ahref(rawLink("md5/" + meta.md5), meta.md5) + "]";
      ret s;

  if (!webAuthed(params)) null;
  if (eq(uri, "setPornFlags")) {
    for (ImageMeta meta)
      if (isPornFlag(meta.imageID))
        cset(meta, pornFlag := true);
    ret "Yo";
  if (startsWith(uri, "delete/", m)) {
    S s =;
    ImageMeta meta = isMD5(s)
      ? findConcept(ImageMeta, md5 := s)
      : findConcept(ImageMeta, imageID := parseInt(s));
    if (meta == null) ret "Not found";
    ret "Deleted!";

static synchronized int newImageID() {
  while (imageFile(id).exists())
  int i = id++;
  ret i;

static File imageFile(ImageMeta meta) {
  ret meta == null ? null : imageFile(meta.imageID);

static File imageFile(int id) {
  ret new File(imagesDir(), id + ".png");

static void setPornFlag(int id, bool flag) {
  saveTextFile(new File(imagesDir(), id + ".p0rn"), flag ? "t" : null);

static bool isPornFlag(int id) {
  ret eq("t", readTextFile(new File(imagesDir(), id + ".p0rn")));

sS uploadForm() {
  ret huploadform(
      "Image file: " + hfileupload("accept", "image/png,image/jpeg,image/gif") + " "
    + "<br>"
    + "Optional name: " + hinputfield("name")
    + hsubmit(),
    "action", rawLink("upload"));

sS imageLink(long id) {
  //ret rawLink(str(id));
  ret "" + id;

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Snippet ID: #1004590
Snippet name: Image Server [LIVE at]
Eternal ID of this version: #1004590/62
Text MD5: 41925e01ee84e67d203ed37289494185
Transpilation MD5: 13107000cc64d1dfee79245a0a89a960
Author: stefan
Category: javax / networking
Type: JavaX source code (desktop)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2022-04-29 04:56:04
Source code size: 7055 bytes / 250 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 1290 / 18798
Version history: 61 change(s)
Referenced in: #1007510 - Intelligence Machine [no longer live]
#1007782 - Find latest drawing [web bot, dev.]
#1007909 - ImgServer 2
#1008005 - Intelligence Machine [LIVE at] backup
#1008823 - Woody File Server [web bot]
#1010165 - Local Image DB [OK]
#1013896 - Eleutheria Main for + Stefan's OS (LIVE)
#1024026 - Eleutheria Main for (backup without Stefan's OS)