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< > BotCompany Repo | #1004336 // Big Collector - collects all dialogs on the system (and updates when they change)

JavaX source code [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

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sclass Post extends ELPost {
  Dialog dialog;
  *() {}
  *(ELPost p, Dialog *dialog) {
    copyFields(p, this);

sclass Dialog {
  File file;
  long modified, fileSize;
  S dialog, progID;
  L<Post> log;

static L<Dialog> dialogs = synchroList();
static MultiMap<S, Post> lowerCaseIndex = new MultiMap(true);

p {
  print("Updating every 10 seconds, full scan every 5 minutes.");
  thread "Big Collector Updater" {
    int counter = 0;
    while licensed {
      pcall {
        if (counter++ >= 5*60/10) {
          print("Full scan.");
          counter = 0;
        } else {
          int n = loadChangedLogs();
          /*if (n != 0)
            print(n(n, "log") + " updated");*/
  makeBot("Big Collector.");

svoid loadAll {
  long time = now();
  for (File f : allEventLogs())
  done("Loaded " + n(l(dialogs), "dialog") + ", " + n(numberOfLines(), "line"), time);

ssvoid loadLog(File f) {
  pcall {
    File dialogDir = f.getParentFile();
    S dialog = dialogDir.getName();
    S progID = dialogDir.getParentFile().getName();
    if (!isSnippetID(progID)) {
      if (!isSnippetID(dialog)) ret;
      progID = dialog;
      dialog = "_";
    progID = formatSnippetID(progID);
    print("Loading dialog: " + progID + " / " + dialog);
    final new Dialog d;
    d.file = f;
    d.modified = f.lastModified();
    d.fileSize = f.length();
    d.dialog = dialog;
    d.progID = progID;
    pcall {
      d.log = map(func(ELPost p) { new Post(p, d) }, scanEventLogForPosts(f));

static void unindexDialog(Dialog d) {
  for (Post post : d.log)
    lowerCaseIndex.remove(toLower(post.text), post);

static void indexDialog(Dialog d) {
  for (Post post : d.log)
    lowerCaseIndex.put(toLower(post.text), post);

synchronized svoid addDialog(Dialog d) {
  for (Dialog old : getWhere(dialogs, "dialog", d.dialog, "progID", d.progID)) {

static int numberOfLines() {
  int n = 0;
  for (Dialog d : dialogs) {
    n += l(d.log);
  ret n;

static int loadChangedLogs() {
  int n = 0;
  for (Dialog d : cloneList(dialogs))
    if (d.file.length() != d.fileSize) {
  ret n;

synchronized answer {
  if "load all dialogs" {
    ret "ok";
  if "load dialog * in *" {
    File f = getProgramFile(m.unq(1), m.unq(0));
    if (!f.exists()) ret format("not found: *", f);
    ret "OK";
  if "* posts that swic *" {
    final S pat = m.unq(1);
    L<Post> l = concatValues(keysStartingWith(pat, (TreeMap);
    if (eq(m.unq(0), "find"))
      ret structure(map("formatPost", l));
    else if (eq(m.unq(0), "count"))
      ret lstr(l);
  if "* posts that * *" {
    final S pat = m.unq(1);
    final O pred = makePred(m.unq(1), m.unq(2));
    if (pred != null)
      if (eq(m.unq(0), "count"))
        ret str(countPosts(pred));
      else if (eq(m.unq(0), "find"))
        ret structure(findPosts(pred));

static O makePred(S a, final S pat) {
  if (eq(a, "swic"))
    ret func(ELPost p) { swic(p.text, pat) };
  if (eq(a, "containsIgnoreCase"))
    ret func(ELPost p) { containsIgnoreCase(p.text, pat) };
  if (eq(a, "match"))
    ret func(ELPost p) { match(pat, p.text) };
  if (eq(a, "jmatch"))
    ret func(ELPost p) { jmatch(pat, p.text) };

static L<Map> findPosts(O pred) {
  new L<Map> posts;
  for (final Dialog d : cloneList(dialogs)) {
    L<Post> filtered = filter(pred, d.log);
    for (Post p : filtered)
  ret posts;

static Map formatPost(Post p) {
  ret litorderedmap("text", p.text, "prog", p.dialog.progID, "dialog", p.dialog.dialog,
    "time", p.chatTime);

static int countPosts(O pred) {
  int n = 0;
  for (final Dialog d : cloneList(dialogs))
    n += nfilter(pred, d.log);
  ret n;

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Snippet ID: #1004336
Snippet name: Big Collector - collects all dialogs on the system (and updates when they change)
Eternal ID of this version: #1004336/1
Text MD5: 50bbc5472acff09bd8a87ff3cca9528c
Transpilation MD5: d8226cafaa0ce8d796f57dbc68431a70
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX source code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-08-14 16:39:11
Source code size: 4214 bytes / 180 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 549 / 668
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