Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (4772L/27K).
ifdef scrot // Use program "scrot" to make full-screen screenshots (on Linux); prevents the bug // (Bug might be fixed now, so disabling.) static bool shootScreen_useScrot = false; endifdef static BufferedImage shootScreen2() { ret shootScreen2(screenRectangle()); } static BufferedImage shootScreen2(Rectangle area) ctex { ping(); ifdef scrot if (shootScreen_useScrot && eq(area, screenRectangle())) { if (!isOnPATH("scrot")) shootScreen2_fallback(); if (shootScreen_useScrot) { S filename = "screenshot-" + randomID(12) + ".png"; File f = linux_fileInRamDisk(filename); if (f == null) f = prepareProgramFile(filename); try { S cmd = "scrot " + bashQuote(f); S out = backtick(cmd); if (f.exists()) ret loadPNG(f); shootScreen2_fallback(); } catch e { print(e); shootScreen2_fallback(); } finally { f.delete(); } } } endifdef return new Robot().createScreenCapture(area); } static BufferedImage shootScreen2(Rect area) { ret shootScreen2(area.getRectangle()); } static BufferedImage shootScreen2(int x, int y, int w, int h) { ret shootScreen2(new Rectangle(x, y, w, h)); } // internal ifdef scrot static void shootScreen2_fallback() { if (shootScreen_useScrot) { if (isLinux()) print("Scrot failed. Reverting to internal screenshots."); shootScreen_useScrot = false; } } endifdef
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