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< > BotCompany Repo | #1003533 // class DialogOptimizer

JavaX fragment (include)

sclass DialogOptimizer {
  OccTree2 tree, botTree;
  bool walkTree_debug;
  bool useAdapter = true;
  O engine;

  *(S theme, S engineID) {
    engine = run(engineID);
    L<Dialog> dialogs = loadDialogs(theme);
    callOpt(mc(), "expandDialogs", dialogs); // hmm.
    expandEllipsis(tree = makeOccTree(dialogs));
    expandEllipsis(botTree = makeOccTree(withoutSecretDialogs(dialogs)));
    print("Tree size: " + tree.size() + ", bot tree size: " + botTree.size());
    //walkTree_debug = true;
    try {
    } catch e {
      print("Engine not working, abort.");
    print("Tree walked! " + inputFed + " -> " + outputGot);
    int origSize = botTree.size()-1;
    print("Engine works! Trying to shrink the tree.");
    while (canShrinkTree()) {
      print("Tree shrunk, trying it again.");
    int newSize = botTree.size()-1;
    if (newSize < origSize) {
      long percent = newSize == 0 ? 9999 : round(origSize*100.0/newSize-100);
      print("Done shrinking tree (" + origSize + " -> " + newSize + " entries - " + percent + "% shrinkage!)");
    } else
      print("Tree unshrinkable.");
  int inputFed, outputGot;
  bool canShrinkTree() {
    L<OccTree2> leaves = botTree.allLeaves();
    print("Leaves found: " + l(leaves));
    bool anyChange = false;
    for (OccTree2 leaf : leaves) {
      print("Trying to remove leaf: " + leaf.e + " (level " + leaf.level() + ")");
      Reattach reattach = removeLeaf(leaf);
      if (canWalkTree()) {
        print("Leaf removed successfully!");
        anyChange = true;
      } else
    ret anyChange;
  class Reattach {
    OccTree2 node, leaf;
    int idx;
    void reattach() {
      leaf.parent = node;, leaf);
  Reattach removeLeaf(OccTree2 leaf) {
    new Reattach r;
    r.leaf = leaf;
    r.node = leaf.parent;
    r.idx =;;
    leaf.parent = null;
    ret r;
  bool canWalkTree() {
    ret canWalkTree(tree, makeBot());
  bool canWalkTree(OccTree2 tree, O bot) {
    try { walkTree(tree, bot); true; } catch e {
      if (walkTree_debug)
      ret false;
  void walkTree() {
    walkTree(tree, makeBot());
  L<S> statesToIgnore = ll("good", "bad", "end");
  void walkTree(OccTree2 tree, O bot) {
    if (tree.isLeaf())
      for (E e : tree.followUpKeys()) {
        if (!contains(statesToIgnore, e.state)) {
          bool input = isInput(e);
          if (walkTree_debug)
            print((input ? "FEED " : "CHECK ") + structure(e));
          if (input) {
            feed(bot, e);
          } else
            checkOutput(e, getOutput(bot), bot);
          walkTree(tree.followUp(e), bot);
          if (walkTree_debug)
            print("Rewind " + structure(e));
  void rewind(O bot) {
    call(bot, "rewind"); // rewind one step
  void feed(O bot, E e) {
    call(bot, "take", quickExport(e, bot));
  E getOutput(O bot) {
    E e = cast quickImport(call(bot, "getSingleOutput"));
    if (e != null) ++outputGot;
    ret e;
  void checkOutput(E e, E output, O bot) {
    //if (e.state() && matchStart("result is", e.text())) ret;
    //assertEquals(e, output);
    if (neq(e, output)) {
      print(callOpt(bot, "thoughts"));
      fail("Bot fail: Expected " + e + ", got: " + output);
  // should match isCommand() in LooseBot
  bool isInput(E e) {
    ret e.q()
      || e.state() && matchStart("result is ", e.text());

  O makeBot() {
    setOpt(engine, "botTree", quickExport(botTree, engine));
    ret callF(get(engine, "makeBot"));

Author comment

Began life as a copy of #1003500

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Travelled to 14 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, onxytkatvevr, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1003533
Snippet name: class DialogOptimizer
Eternal ID of this version: #1003533/1
Text MD5: 9fd2542732e528af4a88979f8f0f1c96
Author: stefan
Category: javax / talking robots
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-07-19 18:05:18
Source code size: 4212 bytes / 158 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 455 / 820
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