Download Jar. Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (15494L/111K).
!7 //static TimedCache<L<MediumPost>> mediumPostsCache = new TimedCache(60); static volatile L<MediumPost> mediumPosts; static volatile long numComputers; static new ThreadLocal<S> visitor; sbool getMediumPosts; p { doEveryStartingNow(60000, f update); } svoid update { numComputers = numComputers(); pcall { if (getMediumPosts) mediumPosts = getMediumPosts("stefanreich"); } } html { S originalURI = uri; uri = dropSuffix("/", uri); print("html starting, uri=" + uri + ", domain=" + domain()); S vis = registerVisitor(); visitor.set(dropIncluding(vis, "<br>")); S domain = domain(); if (swic(domain, "nootrobox.")) ret hrefresh(""); if (eq(domain, "")) ret hrefresh(""); //ret hrefresh([["%231004373"%2C+10%29%3B+++%2F%2F+10+seconds+of+applause%21%0A%7D]]); if (swic(domain, "smartbotschat.")) ret hrefresh(""); if (swic(domain, "pixelboys.")) ret hrefresh(""); if (eq(uri, "/chat")) ret callHtmlMethod(getBot(#1008998), originalURI, params); if (eq(uri, "/goodies") || empty(uri) && eqic(domain, "")) { new L<S> l; for (S s : toLinesFullTrim(loadSnippet("#1004044"))) { if (s.startsWith("*")) l.add(dropPrefixTrim("*", s)); else { S s2 = dropPrefixSuffixTrim("<pre>", "</pre>", s); if (neq(s, s2)) appendToLast(l, "\n<pre style='margin-left: 50px'>" + dynamize(s2) + "</pre>"); else appendToLast(l, s); } } S liStyle = "margin-bottom:0.2em"; ret hmobilefix () /*+ ahref(snippetLink("#1004132"), himg(snippetImgLink("#1004415"), "width", 300, "style", "border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 5px; float: right; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px", "title", "JavaX Screenshot"))*/ + p(ahref("", "<< back") ) + htitle_h1("JavaX Goodies!") + ul(l, null, "style", liStyle) + p(b(">> " + targetBlank("", "Get started here!"), "style", "font-size: 2em")) + ul(ll([[ Note: JavaX favors on-the-server development, and also public development (because both makes the world better).]], [[Thus, the preferred way to make your first program is to just ]] + targetBlank("", "get a log-in") + " and " + targetBlank("", "create your program here") + ".", [[After hitting "Create snippet", you can immediately run the program in your local ]] + ahref("", "x30.jar") + [[ (it will automatically show on top of the list) or ]] + targetBlank("", "in the app") + ".", [[In case of any question, or if you want "private" development: I am ]] + ahref("", "always glad to help") + "!"), null, "style", liStyle) + p(ahref("", "Privacy Policy")) + visitorsChart("float: right; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px"); } // Serve landing page if (eq(uri, "/buy")) ret callHtmlMethod(getBot("#1005215"), uri, params); // Load stuff L<MediumPost> mediumPosts = main.mediumPosts; mediumPosts = concatLists(mediumPosts, ll( new MediumPost("The A.I. Super-Database", ""), )); if (eq(uri, "/more")) ret htitle("Making Robots That Talk (Stefan Reich)") + htotalcenter( h1("Welcome To The Advent Of A.I.!") + h3("Stuff is happening.") + p("JavaX begins to think about itself (and everything else!). :)") + p(youtubeEmbed( //"fCvxu5f4PeA" //"tbHenhl-QTY" //"WMJLcRNPUnI" //"etSXjcQntIg" //"zFV71gvzGqk" // me! "YCBt-JggF2c" //, 600, 350)) , 400, 250)) /* + p(himg("", "alt", "JavaX-Bert!")) + p(b("^^ That is " + rawLink("goodies", bertName()) + ". He is always where the sun is shining. ™")) */ + pJavaXInstallations() //+ p(targetBlank(rawBotLink("#1003081"), htmlencode("[>> Chat! <<]"))) + p(ahref("/buy", "Buy an AI :)")) + p(b(ahref("", "LATEST CODE") + " | " + ahref("", "SLIDES"))) + p(hsmall(visitor.get())) + p(b(ahref("", "On"))) + p(b(join("<br>", map(func(MediumPost p) { ahref(p.url, htmlencode(p.title)) }, mediumPosts))), "style", "font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 140%") + p(ahref("", "[more...]")) + p(b(ahref("", "Download JavaX! [PC]") + " " + ahref("", "[Get Java First]")) + "<br>" + ahref("", b("Download JavaX! [Android]")) + " " + ahref("", "[bypass play store]") + "<br>" + b(ahref(rawLink("goodies"), "JavaX Goodies!")) + "<br>" + b(ahref("", "Code Database"))) + p(b("Some Screenshots.")) + bigScreenshot("#1004809", "#1004778", "A Simple Expert System") + bigScreenshot("#1004649", "#1004648", "Learning To Read") + bigScreenshot("#1004530", "#1004528") + p("[Thanks to the great " + targetBlank("", "Dedexer") + " by " + targetBlank("", "Gabor Paller") + "!]") // + bigScreenshot("#1004294", "#1004284", "") + h3("More screenshots") + p(screenshotLin2("#1004618", "#1004616") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004555", "#1004552") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004494", "#1004361") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004359", "#1004353") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004330", "#1003779") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004280", "#1004032") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004267", "#1003779") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004135", "#1004132") + " " + screenshotLin2("#1004090", "#1004068") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003815", "#1003881") + " " + screenshotLink("#1004089", "#1004088") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003695", "#1003697") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003678", "#1003681") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003634", "#1003650") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003509", "#1003514") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003494", "#1003504") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003486", "#1003487") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003417", "#1003470") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003417", "#1003428") + " " + screenshotLink("#1003406", "#1003392")) + p(b("Latest Video")) + youtubeEmbed("gf7eaIWvnp8"/*"j1wbwdGrBes"*//*"HWs9F5-egOI"*/) // ("Z1dWiMPyvgQ") + p(ahref(rawBotLink("#1003220"), "Company") + " | " + ahref("", "Articles") + " | " + ahref("", "Mail") //+ " | " + ahref(rawBotLink("#1003081"), "Chat") + " | " + ahref("/buy", "Buy an AI :)") ) + p(targetBlank("", "Making Chatbots from English Dialog") + "<br><br>" + targetBlank("", "A Music Player In JavaX: 178 Lines")) //+ p(visitor.get()) + p("Status: " + b("Offering Free Robots For Every Purpose")) + p(b("Music.") + "<br>" + join("<br>", map(func(S v) { youtubeEmbed(v, 300, 100) }, splitAtSpace( "hxfE_-hqCE0 K8qNkFXfvIE 0FCo8vGUKuE Dd8WjeK8riE Xg1lfnyYJpc wNS-mrZvcOg KfvoR6aqcws tZB1sHlB554 zZwJL1J53LU YsTzN1_a5rg BBpGVZ4yMiE gdPwF2oMsdw")))) // 98bgS9AuFe4 FjlPtUaXcvg ); if (eq(uri, "/ever-easier")) ret page_everEasier(); if (eq(uri, "/watch")) ret page_watch(); if (eq(uri, "/explodingWindow")) ret page_explodingWindow(); if (eq(uri, "/automaticScreenshots")) ret page_automaticScreenshot(); if (eq(uri, "/editor")) ret page_editor(); if (eq(uri, "/gc")) ret page_gc(); if (eq(uri, "/dynamicButtons")) ret page_dynamicButtons(); if (eq(uri, "/screenshots")) ret page_screenshots(); if (eq(uri, "/pastLives")) ret page_pastLives(); if (eq(uri, "/screenLens")) ret page_screenLens(); if (eq(uri, "/new")) ret page_new(); // main page //ret callHtmlMethod(getBot(#1008998), originalURI, params); /*ret htitle("") + hfullcenter(p("Let's start again.") + p(ahref("", "Chat")) + p(" ") + embedYoutubeWithoutLink("0EoOVvGV_aQ", 250, 150));*/ /*if (!subBot_isHttps_defaultToTrue()) ret hrefresh("" + originalURI + htmlQuery(dropNanohttpdParams(params)));*/ if (subBot_isHttps() || neqic(domain, "")) ret hrefresh("" + originalURI + htmlQuery(dropNanohttpdParams(params))); //ret callHtmlMethod(getBot(#1013826), originalURI, params); //ret hrefresh(""); ret hrefresh(""); } static S page_everEasier() { print("html ever-easier"); S code = hHiliteJava([[ p-awt { final new ImageSurface is; showFrame(jscroll(is)); jHandleFileDrop(is, voidfunc(File f) { is.setImage(loadBufferedImage(f)) }); } ]], "text-align: left; width: 400px"); ret htitle("Ever Easier Programming | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( h1("Welcome To Ever-Easier-Programming!", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 50px") + p(b("Today: Making an image surface in " + ahref("", "JavaX") + " that you can drag image files into. " + ahref(snippetLink("#1006022"), "Full program."))) + code + p(" ") + hr() + mediumPosts() + p(youtubeEmbed("YCBt-JggF2c", 400, 250)) + p(ahref(rawLink("more"), "[More]") + " " + ahref("", "[Mail]")) + p(hsmall(visitor.get())) ); } static S rest() { ret or2(pJavaXInstallations(), p(" ")) + p(hsmall(visitor.get())) + hr() + mediumPosts() + p(ahref(rawLink("more"), "[More]") + " " + ahref("", "[Mail]")) + p(b("Other Popular Videos.")) + p(b(ahref(youtubeLink("kTFS3V4PnQM"), "Perfect Java Garbage Collection"))); } static S mediumPosts() { ret p(b(ahref("", "On"))) + mediumPosts2(); } static S mediumPosts2() { ret p(b(join("<br>", map(func(MediumPost p) { ahref(p.url, htmlencode(p.title)) }, mediumPosts))), "style", "font-size: 1.5em; line-height: 140%"); } static S page_watch() { ret htitle("Let Your Computer Watch You! | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( h1("Let Your Computer Watch You!", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 50px") + p(himg("")) + p(targetBlank("", "Program.") + " " + ahref("", "Install.") + " " + targetBlank("", "Java 8.")) + p(b("FAQ: ") + "Does this program send any information to a server?<br>" + b("Answer: No. ") + "If you want to share your trained fonts, there is another program for that.") + rest()); } static S page_explodingWindow() { ret htitle("Behold The Exploding Window! | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( h1("Behold The Exploding Window!", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + htableRaw2(ll(ll(himg("") + b("<br>(Original)"), himg("") + b("<br>(Exploded)"))), ll("cellspacing", 20), null, ll("align", "center")) + p("Tell me this ain't grand e.g. for finding scrollbars. It's " + ahref("", "automatic") + "!") + p(ahref("/watch", "Yesterday's news.")) + rest()); } static S page_automaticScreenshot() { S title = "Automatic Screenshots Of Windows"; S program = ""; ret htitle(title + " | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( h1(title, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(targetBlank(program, himg("")) + p(targetBlank(program, himg("")) + p("Tell me this ain't grand. " + targetBlank(program, "Program.") + " " + targetBlank("", "Program 2.") + " " + ahref("/explodingWindow", "Yesterday's news.")) + rest() + p(b("Music.")) + p(youtubeEmbed("V5AztWseIdU", 300, 100))); } static S page_editor() { S title = "Making A Text Editor In 100 Lines"; S program = ""; ret htitle(title + " | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( h1(title, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("8A-25E7T8pA")) + p("Tell me this ain't grand. " + targetBlank(program, "Program.") + " " + targetBlank("", "Program 2.") + " " + ahref("/automaticScreenshots", "Yesterday's news.")) + rest() + p(b("Music.")) + p(youtubeEmbed("zigwkEgKPAk", 300, 100))); } static S page_dynamicButtons() { S title = "Dynamic Buttons In " + ahref("", "JavaX!"); S program = ""; ret htitle(hTitleClean(title) + " | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( visitorsChart("float: left; margin-right: 20px") + youtubeLinkFloatRight() + h1(title, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(hHiliteJava([[ static JScrollPane scroller; p-substance { showFrame(scroller = new JScrollPane); scroller.setViewportView(vstack(jbutton("1"), jbutton("2"), jbutton("3"))); packFrame(scroller); awtLater(scroller, 5000, r { scroller.setViewportView(vstack(jbutton("7"), jbutton("2"), jbutton("4"), jbutton("6"), jbutton("hello!"))); }); }]], "text-align: left; width: 640px")) + p(b("Show some buttons, after 5 seconds show another set of buttons. All with a scrollbar.")) + p(targetBlank(program, "Program.")) + h1("Programs " + ahref("", "renaming themselves"), "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(hHiliteJava([[ renameProgram(dropStartingFromLast(getProgramTitle(), " - ") + " - last renamed " + ymd_hms()); ]], "text-align: left; width: 500px")) + p(targetBlank("", "Program.")) + p(b(ahref("/gc", "Yesterday's news."))) + rest() ); } static S page_screenshots() { S title = "Sharing Screenshots Between Windows & Linux In One Click"; ret htitle(hTitleClean(title) + " | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( visitorsChart("float: left; margin-right: 20px") + youtubeLinkFloatRight() + h1(title, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + bigScreenshot_noTitle(#1006485, #1005411) + p(b(ahref("/dynamicButtons", "Yesterday's news."))) + rest() ); } static S page_new() { S title = "A. I. For Everyone by Stefan Reich"; ret htitle(hTitleClean(title)) + hmobilefix() + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( visitorsChart("float: left; margin-right: 20px") + youtubeLinkFloatRight() + header("Welcome To The New AI!") + p(b(targetBlank("", "Meet-Up Apr 10, 2017"))) + p(ahref("", b("Intelligence Machine."))) + headerSmaller("A New Type Of Chess Engine") + p(youtubeEmbed("TBTXScYgSvg", 500, 500*9/16)) + mediumPosts2() /*+ headerSmaller("Is Donald a good person?") + p(youtubeEmbed("m4sqmHuJeC8", 400, 400*9/16))*/ + p(b(ahref("", "[JavaX]"))) + header("An Automatic Image Machine :)") + p(youtubeEmbed("EJ0gdYIcdUA", 300, 200)) + header("Text Recognition As A Game") + p(youtubeEmbed("j2CSTPwunvs", 300, 200)) + header("A Telepathic Language For Computers") + p(youtubeEmbed("gTlgZkc95IU", 500, 350)) + header("More Dancing Numbers") + p(youtubeEmbed("douXXGMHbfA", 500, 350)) + p(ahref(youtubeLink("oY_K_QMbfvM"), "A Heart For Cute YouTubers :)")) + header("Reproducing Images Without Neural Networks") + p(youtubeEmbed("tgZbUJJTMqo", 500, 350)) + header("A. I. Games To Change The World / The Computer That Clicks Itself") + p(youtubeEmbed("1HLVUxrvwcc", 500, 350)) + header("JavaX: Create a tiled background in one line") + p(ahref("", himg(""))) + tag("tt", dynamize([[showFrame(jTiledBackground(#1006895, withMargin(vstack(jbutton("Yo"), jbutton("Mama!")))));]])) + header("2 New Games") + p(youtubeEmbed("T8UTAmqcv1Q", 500, 350)) + p(b(ahref("/screenLens", "Yesterday's news."))) + rest() ); } sS header(S s) { ret h1(s, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px"); } sS headerSmaller(S s) { ret h2(s, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px"); } static S page_screenLens() { S title = "A. I. For Everyone by Stefan Reich"; ret htitle(hTitleClean(title)) + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( visitorsChart("float: left; margin-right: 20px") + youtubeLinkFloatRight() + h1("2 New Games", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("T8UTAmqcv1Q", 500, 350)) + h1("A. I. Game Solved", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("AUjnnDakJhM", 500, 350)) + h1("A New A. I. Game!", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("OVBDsiQbWdQ", 500, 350)) + h1("How To Make Your Own Personal Assistant In 1 Minute ", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("LetUlRSi5QI", 400, 300)) + h1("Let Our A.I. Play A Simple Game! / Programming Challenge", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("PJC4ej5-PDo", 500, 350)) + h1("My Screen Lens Is Watching You!", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("nEeMH_HyTYE", 400, 300)) + h1("The Mystery", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("xhlMzQAaMjo", 300, 200)) + h1("Database Tutorial", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("ChHhPgKFYy0", 300, 200)) + p(b(ahref("/pastLives", "Yesterday's news."))) + rest() ); } static S page_pastLives() { S title = "The Truth About \"Past Lives\" + What Jesus Does Today"; ret htitle(hTitleClean(title) + " | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( visitorsChart("float: left; margin-right: 20px") + youtubeLinkFloatRight() + h1(title, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("2gh7KsJbWj4", 450, 300)) + h1("Database Tutorial", "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("ChHhPgKFYy0", 300, 200)) + p(b(ahref("/screenshots", "Yesterday's news."))) + rest() ); } static S page_gc() { S title = "Perfect Java Garbage Collection!"; S program = ""; S program2 = ""; ret htitle(title + " | Stefan Reich") + hmobilefix () + hGoogleFont("Nunito Sans:900") + hcenter2( h1(title, "style", "font-family: 'Nunito Sans', sans-serif; margin-bottom: 0px") + p(youtubeEmbed("kTFS3V4PnQM", 600, 400)) + p(b("Enjoy! ") + targetBlank(program, "Program.") + " " + targetBlank(program2, "Program 2.") + " " + ahref("/editor", "Yesterday's news.")) + rest() ); } static S pJavaXInstallations() { ret numComputers == 0 ? "" : p(ahref("", "JavaX") + " installations: " + b(targetBlank("", numComputers)) + " and counting!"); } static S visitorsChart(S style) { ret himg("", "width", "150", "height", "110", "style", "border: 2px solid black; border-radius: 5px; " + style); } static S youtubeLinkFloatRight() { ret div(targetBlank("", himg("", title := "YouTube", width := 57, height := 35, align := "absmiddle")), "style", "float: right"); } !include #1006016 // screenshotLink etc.
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Snippet ID: | #1003253 |
Snippet name: | New Homepage (LIVE) |
Eternal ID of this version: | #1003253/86 |
Text MD5: | eb632b2bd56d1713a97e9712dc6caefa |
Transpilation MD5: | 69f1011d292b73c4329063ec97b37e5a |
Author: | stefan |
Category: | javax |
Type: | JavaX source code (desktop) |
Public (visible to everyone): | Yes |
Archived (hidden from active list): | No |
Created/modified: | 2018-12-19 15:53:28 |
Source code size: | 24202 bytes / 574 lines |
Pitched / IR pitched: | No / No |
Views / Downloads: | 2239 / 10550 |
Version history: | 85 change(s) |
Referenced in: | [show references] |