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< > BotCompany Repo | #1003133 // GenOpt pre 1

JavaX source code [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (984L/7K/24K).


static final int gridSize = 10;
static int steps = 10; // steps limit

sinterface Make {
  X make();

asclass X {
  abstract Move get();

asclass SelfMade extends X implements Make {
  public X make() { start(); ret this; }
  void start() {} // override me

asclass Move {

sclass ClearFixed extends Move {
  int i;
  *() {}
  *(int *i) {}

sclass Grid {
  int val = (1 << gridSize)-1;
  bool cleared() { ret val == 0; }
  void clear(int i) {
    if (i >= 0 && i < gridSize)
      val &= ~(1 << i);
  int remaining() { ret countBits(val); }

static L<Make> pool;

p {
  pool = new L;
  new Best<Make> best;
  while (licensed()) {
    new HashMap<Make, Number> scores;
    for (Make maker : pool) {
      int score = play(maker.make());
      scores.put(maker, score);
      best.put(maker, score);
    Make winner = lowest(scores);
    print("Best score: " + scores.get(winner) + " - " + structure(winner) + ", all time: " + best.score);

// collects LOWEST score
sclass Best<A> {
  A best;
  int score;
  void put(A a, int score) {
    if (best == null || score < this.score) {
      best = a;
      this.score = score;
  A get() { ret best; }

static int play(X x) {
  new Grid g;
  int i = 0;
  while (i++ < steps && move(x, g) && !g.cleared()) {}
  ret /*i +*/ g.remaining();

// false = x exited
static bool move(X x, Grid g) {
  Move m = x.get();
  if (m == null)
    ret false;
  ClearFixed cf = cast m;
  ret true;


sclass C1 extends SelfMade {
  L<Integer> positions;
  int i;
  *() {}
  *(L<Integer> *positions) {}
  *(int... l) { positions = asList(l); }
  void start() { i = 0; }
  Move get() {
    if (i >= l(positions)) ret null;
    ret new ClearFixed(positions.get(i++));

// updatePool

static void updatePool() {
  if (random(2) == 0)
    pool.add(new C1(random(gridSize), random(gridSize)));
    pool.add(new C1(random(gridSize), random(gridSize), random(gridSize)));

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Snippet ID: #1003133
Snippet name: GenOpt pre 1
Eternal ID of this version: #1003133/1
Text MD5: 2528815b5b3bc573e96b9e71a25dba7e
Transpilation MD5: fcc4a8da247fe0822648f2f3224e3a0c
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX source code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-05-14 00:23:16
Source code size: 2195 bytes / 119 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 603 / 679
Referenced in: #1003138 - GenOpt 1 (Sorting)