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< > BotCompany Repo | #1002861 // AI Management Bot

JavaX source code [tags: use-pretranspiled] - run with: x30.jar

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static boolean equipWithSigned = true; // add Stefan's signed theories to all AIs

static new Map<S, AI> aiMap;
static O prolog;

static class AI {
  S theory;
  boolean enabled;
  S icon;
  long iconFetched;
  *() {}
  *(S *theory) {}

p {

static S createAI(S name, S theory) {
  if (getTheory(theory) == null)
    ret format("Theory * not found", theory);
  AI ai = new AI(theory);
  ai.enabled = true;
  aiMap.put(name, ai);
  logStructure("log", litlist("add", name, ai));
  ret format("OK, AI * is created & enabled!", name);

synchronized answer { exceptionToUser {
  if "create ai * *" {
    S name = m.unq(0), theory = m.unq(1);
    ret createAI(name, theory);
  if "create ai *" {
    S name = m.unq(0);
    ret createAI(name, name);
  if "update ai * *" {
    S name = m.unq(0), theory = m.unq(1);
    if (getTheory(theory) == null)
      ret format("Theory * not found", theory);
    AI ai = lookupPossiblyIgnoreCase(aiMap, name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    ai.theory = theory;
    ret format("AI * updated to *", name, theory);
  if "disable ai *" {
    S name = m.unq(0);
    AI ai = lookupPossiblyIgnoreCase(aiMap, name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    if (!ai.enabled) ret "AI not enabled anyway";
    ai.enabled = false;
    ret "AI disabled.";
  if "enable ai *" {
    S name = m.unq(0);
    AI ai = lookupPossiblyIgnoreCase(aiMap, name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    if (ai.enabled) ret "AI already enabled";
    ai.enabled = true;
    ret "AI enabled.";
  if "rename ai * to *" {
    S name = m.unq(0), newName = m.unq(1);
    AI ai = lookupPossiblyIgnoreCase(aiMap, name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    name = reverseLookup(aiMap, ai);
    AI ai2 = lookupPossiblyIgnoreCase(aiMap, newName);
    if (ai2 != null)
      ret format("Target name * exists!", newName);
    aiMap.put(newName, ai);
    ret format("AI * renamed to *", name, newName);
  if "list ais" {
    ret slackSnippet(structureLines(aiMap));
  if "theory of *" {
    S name = m.unq(0);
    AI ai = lookupPossiblyIgnoreCase(aiMap, name);
    if (ai != null) {
      L<S> names = getTheoryNames(name, ai);
      new StringBuilder buf;
      for (S theory : names)
        buf.append(getTheory(theory) + "\n");
      ret reverseLookup(aiMap, ai) + " / " + quote(ai.theory) + "\n" + slackSnippet(buf);
  if "test ai * *" exceptionToUser {
    S name = m.unq(0), input = m.unq(1);
    AI ai = aiMap.get(name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    S answer = queryAI(name, input, nlParse(input), true);
    S x = answer + "\n" + slackSnippet((L) get(prolog, "log"));
    prolog = null;
    ret x;
  if "time ai * *" exceptionToUser {
    S name = m.unq(0), input = m.unq(1);
    AI ai = aiMap.get(name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    S answer;
    time {
      answer = queryAI(name, input, nlParse(input), false);
    S x = answer + "\n" + lastTiming() + " ms";
    prolog = null;
    ret x;
  if "ai program *" exceptionToUser {
    S name = m.unq(0);
    AI ai = aiMap.get(name);
    if (ai == null) ret format("AI * not found", name);
    makeProlog(name, ai, false);
    S x = cast call(prolog, "showProgram");
    prolog = null;
    ret x;
  // do the job
  Lisp input = null;
  for (S name : aiMap.keySet()) pcall {
    AI ai = aiMap.get(name);
    if (!ai.enabled) continue;
    if (input == null)
      input = nlParse(s);
    S answer = queryAI(name, s, input, false);
    prolog = null; // clean up prolog interpreter
    if (nempty(answer)) {
      callOpt(getMainBot(), "postAs", name);
      if ((ai.icon == null || ai.iconFetched < now()-(empty(ai.icon) ? 1 : 24)*60*60*1000) && canGetIcons()) {
        if (ai.icon == null) ai.icon = ""; // for safety if request fails
        ai.iconFetched = now();
        pcall { makeIcon(name, ai); }
      if (nempty(ai.icon))
        callOpt(getMainBot(), "botIcon", ai.icon);
      ret answer;

static boolean makeProlog(S name, AI ai, boolean logOn) {
  L<S> theoryNames = getTheoryNames(name, ai);
  if (empty(theoryNames)) ret false;
  prolog = call(prologBot(), "newProlog", theoryNames, logOn);
  ret true;

// input = nlParse(s)
static S queryAI(S name, S s, Lisp input, boolean logOn) {
  AI ai = aiMap.get(name);
  if (!makeProlog(name, ai, logOn)) ret null;
  set(prolog, "outTheory", name + ".data");
  //S in = "user says " + nlUnparse(input, false);
  /*call(prolog, "addClause", in);
  S question = "say $x";*/
  S question = "[think [user says " + nlUnparse(nlEscapeVariables(input), false) + "]] and [say $x]";
  Map<S, Lisp> solution = cast quickImport(call(prolog, "solve", question));
  if (solution != null) {
    print("SOLUTION: " + structure(solution));
    Lisp x = solution.get("$x");
    if (x != null)
      ret nlUnparse(x);
  ret null;

static L<S> getTheoryNames(S name, AI ai) {
  new L<S> l;
  l.add(name + ".data");
  if (equipWithSigned)
  S theory = getTheory(ai.theory);
  if (theory == null) ret litlist();
  // hack to make directly linked theories work
  L<S> tok = codeTokens(snlTok(theory));
  if (eq(get(tok, 0), "if") || eq(get(tok, 1), "if"))
  else {
    Lisp t = nlParse(theory);
    for (Lisp x : t.args)
      if (neq(x.head, ","))
  ret l;

static O prologBot() {
  ret getBot("#1002841");

static S getTheory(S name) {
  ret (S) callOpt(getBot("#1002762"), "getTheoryOpt", name);

static boolean canGetIcons() {
  ret getBot("#1002511") != null;

static void makeIcon(S name, AI ai) {
  print("Making icon for AI: " + name);
  S url = cast call(getBot("#1002511"), "findImageNoShorten", name);
  if (nempty(url)) ai.icon = url;

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Travelled to 13 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1002861
Snippet name: AI Management Bot
Eternal ID of this version: #1002861/1
Text MD5: 347152ec43829661ea31e0ef58587643
Transpilation MD5: 843488b0955b8e1f1488a67e3e79c0f1
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX source code
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-04-21 22:44:31
Source code size: 6353 bytes / 232 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 723 / 786
Referenced in: #3000238 - Answer for stefanreich (>> t power bot)
#3000369 - Answer for Stefan (>> list sub bots)
#3000376 - Answer for stefanreich (>> list sub bots)
#3000380 - Answer for stefanreich (>> list sub bots)
#3000381 - Answer for speedforce (>> list sub bots)
#3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)
#3000383 - Answer for funkoverflow (>> t=1, f=0 okay)