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< > BotCompany Repo | #1002774 // class Native (include)

JavaX fragment (include)

// class for linking Java methods to NL
static class Native {
  Lisp snl;
  SNLMatches m;
  SNLMatches trans;
  boolean printExceptions;
  int exceptions;
  L<S> ins, strings;
  *() {} // good to have
  *(Lisp *snl) {}
  // assume it's a Lisp structure from another bot -
  // restructure to import it
  /* *(O o) {
    snl = (Lisp) restructure(o);
  *(S s) { snl = snlToTree(s); }

  boolean match(S pat) {
    m = new SNLMatches;
    trans = new SNLMatches;
    Lisp tree = snlToTree_cached(pat);
    ins = new L;
    strings = new L;
    tree = findInVariables(tree, ins, strings);
    //print("tree now: " + tree);
    if (!snlMatch2(tree, snl, trans))
      ret false;
    for (S in : ins)
      if (get(in) == null)
        ret false;
    for (S string : strings)
      if (get(string) == null || !get(string).isEmpty())
        ret false;
    ret true;
  Lisp findInVariables(Lisp tree, L<S> ins, L<S> strings) {
    if (tree == null) ret tree;

    if (tree.isEmpty()) {
      if (tree.head.startsWith("in S ")) {
        S var = dropPrefix("in S ", tree.head);
        if (startsWithUpperCase(var)) {
          if (!strings.contains(var))
          ret lisp(var);
      if (tree.head.startsWith("in ")) {
        S var = dropPrefix("in ", tree.head);
        if (startsWithUpperCase(var)) {
          if (!ins.contains(var))
          ret lisp(var);
      ret tree;
    } else {
      // recurse
      Lisp lisp = new Lisp(tree.head);
      for (Lisp child : tree)
        lisp.add(findInVariables(child, ins, strings));
      ret lisp;
  Lisp get(S var) {
    Lisp val = trans.get(var);
    if (!isVar(val)) ret val;
    ret getOuter(val.raw());
  // if only one in var
  Lisp get() {
    ret get(anyInVar());

  // ditto  
  S str() {
    ret str(anyInVar());
  S anyInVar() {
    if (!empty(ins)) ret first(ins);
    ret first(strings);
  boolean isVar(Lisp l) {
    ret l != null && l.isEmpty() && startsWithUpperCase(l.raw());
  // called from outside native
  Lisp getOuter(S var) {
    ret m.get(var);
  // called from inside native
  S str(S var) {
    Lisp val = get(var);
    if (val == null) fail("variable " + quote(var) + " not set");
    if (!val.isEmpty()) fail("variable " + quote(var) + " not a string: " + struct(val));
    ret unquote(val.raw());
  S strOuter(S var) {
    Lisp val = getOuter(var);
    if (val == null) fail("variable " + quote(var) + " not set");
    if (!val.isEmpty()) fail("variable " + quote(var) + " not a string: " + struct(val));
    ret unquote(val.raw());
  // may throw an exception if variable problem (already set to different value)
  void set(S var, O val) {
    if (val instanceof List) val = structure(val); // TODO
    Lisp lisp = val instanceof Lisp ? (Lisp) val : lisp(quote(main.str(val)));
    Lisp outer = trans.get(var);
    if (isVar(outer)) {
      if (!m.put(trans.raw(var), lisp))
    } else
      if (!eq(lisp, outer)) {
        //print("neq " + lisp + " != " + outer);
  boolean callExternal(O bot) {
    try {
      O copy = newObject(main.getClass(bot, "main$Native"), quickExport(snl, bot));
      //O copy = quickExport(this, bot);
      if (!isTrue(callOpt(bot, "yo", copy)))
        ret false;
      m = (SNLMatches) quickImport(main.get(copy, "m"));
      ret true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      ret false;
  boolean callExternal(Method yo) {
    try {
      Class c = yo.getDeclaringClass();
      //print("Declaring class: " + c + " (" + identityHashCode(c) + ")");
      O copy = newObject(main.getClass(c, "main$Native"), quickExport(snl, c));
      if (!isTrue(yo.invoke(null, copy)))
        ret false;
      m = (SNLMatches) quickImport(main.get(copy, "m"));
      ret true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      ret false;
  void handle(Throwable t) {
    if (printExceptions)

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Snippet ID: #1002774
Snippet name: class Native (include)
Eternal ID of this version: #1002774/4
Text MD5: f5482417f092686a9e48129c662587da
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2018-05-02 09:08:32
Source code size: 4310 bytes / 169 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 778 / 1939
Version history: 3 change(s)
Referenced in: #1003872 - Integrating #759 in One Program
#1003874 - Backup of #759 Before Integration
#1004091 - 759 with new loadClasses (spike)
#1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)
#3000238 - Answer for stefanreich (>> t power bot)
#3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)