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< > BotCompany Repo | #1002183 // multiSlurp - multiple Slack slurps for one channel until the job is done!

JavaX fragment (include)

// slurp whole channel at once

static L<SlackMsg> multiSlurp(S channelName, S token) {
  ret multiSlurp(channelName, token, null, null);

// inclusive is always false
// slurp a part of the channel (everything > oldest and < latest)
// channelName can also by the ID (starting with "C")

static L<SlackMsg> multiSlurp(S channelName, S token, S oldest, S latest) {
  S channelID = channelName;
  if (!channelName.startsWith("C")) {
    Map<S, S> channels = slackGetChannelIDs(token);
    channelName = dropPrefix("#", channelName);
    channelID = channels.get(channelName);
  if (channelID == null) fail("Channel not found: " + channelName);
  int limit = 1000;
  L<SlackMsg> l;
  new L<L<SlackMsg>> all;
  int n = 0; // safety switch #1 - never suck more than 100.000 msgs
  do {
    l = slackSlurp(channelID, token, limit, oldest, latest, false);
    if (empty(l)) break;
    S newLatest = first(l).ts;
    // safety switch #2
    if (latest != null) assertTrue(cmp(latest, newLatest) > 0);
    latest = newLatest;
    print("latest=" + latest);
    print(l(l) + " messages slurped from #" + channelName);
  } while (++n < 100);
  ret concatLists(reversedList(all));

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Began life as a copy of #1002173

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ID Author/Program Comment Date
1202 stefan TODO: go forward also 2016-01-01 22:31:27

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Snippet ID: #1002183
Snippet name: multiSlurp - multiple Slack slurps for one channel until the job is done!
Eternal ID of this version: #1002183/1
Text MD5: 038b0ee6de84fea2c8c8df54308bd4a1
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2015-12-25 16:43:52
Source code size: 1272 bytes / 38 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / Yes
Views / Downloads: 873 / 1081
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