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< > BotCompany Repo | #1001296 // MultiMap - synchronized multi-map data structure (Key => L<Value>)

JavaX fragment (include) [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Transpiled version (9189L) is out of date.

// records its full size (total value count) in a field now
sclass MultiMap<A,B> is IMultiMap<A, B> {
  Map<A, L<B>> data = new HashMap<A, L<B>>();
  int fullSize;
  MultiMap() {}
  MultiMap(bool useTreeMap) { if (useTreeMap) data = new TreeMap; }
  MultiMap(MultiMap<A, B> map) { putAll(map); }
  *(Map<A, L<B>> *data) {}

  void put(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) {
    L<B> list = data.get(key);
    if (list == null)
      data.put(key, list = _makeEmptyList());

  void add(A key, B value) { put(key, value); }

  void addAll(A key, Collection<B> values) { putAll(key, values); }
  void addAllIfNotThere(A key, Collection<B> values) { synchronized(data) {
    for (B value : values)
      setPut(key, value);
  void setPut(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) {
    if (!containsPair(key, value))
      put(key, value);
  boolean containsPair(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) {
    ret get(key).contains(value);
  void putAll(Cl<A> keys, B value) { synchronized(data) {
    fOr (A key : keys)
      put(key, value);

  void putAll(A key, Collection<B> values) { synchronized(data) {
    if (nempty(values)) getActual(key).addAll(values);

  void putAll(Iterable<Pair<A, B>> pairs) { synchronized(data) {
    fOr (Pair<A, B> p : pairs)
      put(p.a, p.b);
  void removeAll(A key, Cl<B> values) { synchronized(data) {
    for (B value : values)
      remove(key, value);
  public L<B> get(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    List<B> list = data.get(key);
    return list == null ? Collections.<B> emptyList() : list;
  L<B> getOpt(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    ret data.get(key);

  L<B> getAndClear(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    L<B> l = cloneList(data.get(key));
    ret l;
  // returns actual mutable live list
  // creates the list if not there
  List<B> getActual(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    List<B> list = data.get(key);
    if (list == null)
      data.put(key, list = _makeEmptyList());
    ret list;
  void clean(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    L<B> list = data.get(key);
    if (list != null && list.isEmpty()) {
      fullSize -= l(list);

  public Set<A> keySet aka keys() { synchronized(data) {
    return data.keySet();

  void remove(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    fullSize -= l(this.getOpt(key));
  void removePair aka remove(Pair<A, B> p) {
    if (p != null) remove(p.a, p.b);

  void remove(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) {
    L<B> list = data.get(key);
    if (list != null) {
      if (list.remove(value))
      if (list.isEmpty())

  void clear() { synchronized(data) {

  boolean containsKey(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    return data.containsKey(key);

  B getFirst(A key) { synchronized(data) {
    L<B> list = get(key);
    return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);
  void addAll(MultiMap<A, B> map) { putAll(map); }
  void putAll(MultiMap<A, B> map) { synchronized(data) {
    for (A key : map.keySet())
      putAll(key, map.get(key));
  void putAll(Map<A, B> map) { synchronized(data) {
    if (map != null) for (Map.Entry<A, B> e : map.entrySet())
      put(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
  public int keysSize aka keyCount() { synchronized(data) { ret l(data); }}
  public int size aka fullSize() { synchronized(data) {
    ret fullSize;
  // expensive operation
  L<A> reverseGet(B b) { synchronized(data) {
    new L<A> l;
    for (A key : data.keySet())
      if (data.get(key).contains(b))
    ret l;
  Map<A, L<B>> asMap() { synchronized(data) {
    ret cloneMap(data);
  public bool isEmpty() { synchronized(data) { ret data.isEmpty(); }}
  // override in subclasses
  L<B> _makeEmptyList() {
    ret new ArrayList;
  // returns live lists
  Collection<L<B>> allLists() {
    synchronized(data) {
      ret new L(data.values());
  Cl<L<B>> values() { ret allLists(); }
  L<B> allValues() {
    ret concatLists(data.values());
  O mutex() { ret data; }
  toString { ret "mm" + str(data); }
  Map<A, L<B>> innerMap() { ret data; }

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Snippet ID: #1001296
Snippet name: MultiMap - synchronized multi-map data structure (Key => L<Value>)
Eternal ID of this version: #1001296/43
Text MD5: a12d6efef1915b5bd527470b5160ce37
Author: stefan
Category: javax
Type: JavaX fragment (include)
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2023-02-14 12:46:34
Source code size: 4496 bytes / 179 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 1138 / 9124
Version history: 42 change(s)
Referenced in: #1001294 - Leo Bot
#1001370 - (JavaX)
#1001508 - Singular & plural (v3)
#1001509 - Rules & statements (include)
#1001600 - (JavaX)
#1003872 - Integrating #759 in One Program
#1003874 - Backup of #759 Before Integration
#1004091 - 759 with new loadClasses (spike)
#1004305 - (JavaX)
#1006723 - Higher-Level-Transpiled #759 Spike [old]
#1006724 - Backup of #759 before switching to higher-level-translation
#1007595 - "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #752) [dev., broken]
#1010083 - Backup of "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7)
#1010084 - Speeding up "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7)
#1010087 - Speeding up "Super-Edgy" JavaX Translator (Extension of #7) 2
#1012280 - SmallestListMultiMap - very space-saving MultiMap
#1024456 - MultiSetMap - synchronized MultiMap with a Set as value structure
#1032497 - multiMapBucketSizes
#1034167 - Standard Classes + Interfaces (LIVE, continuation of #1003674)
#3000382 - Answer for ferdie (>> t = 1, f = 0)