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< > BotCompany Repo | #1000693 // Resolve includes

JavaX translator [tags: use-pretranspiled]

Libraryless. Click here for Pure Java version (212L/2K/7K).

import javax.imageio.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.*;

public class main {
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    String s = loadMainJava();
    // process include statements
    Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\n\\s*!include (#\\d+)").matcher(s);
    StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
    while (m.find()) {
      String includedSrc = loadSnippet(;
      m.appendReplacement(buf, m.quoteReplacement("\n" + includedSrc));
    s = buf.toString();

 static String mainJava;
  static String loadMainJava() throws IOException {
    if (mainJava != null) return mainJava;
    return loadTextFile("input/", "");

  static void saveMainJava(String s) throws IOException {
    if (mainJava != null)
      mainJava = s;
      saveTextFile("output/", s);
  static boolean preferCached = false;

  public static String loadSnippet(String snippetID) throws IOException {
    return loadSnippet(parseSnippetID(snippetID), preferCached);

  public static String loadSnippet(String snippetID, boolean preferCached) throws IOException {
    return loadSnippet(parseSnippetID(snippetID), preferCached);

  public static long parseSnippetID(String snippetID) {
    return Long.parseLong(shortenSnippetID(snippetID));

  private static String shortenSnippetID(String snippetID) {
    if (snippetID.startsWith("#"))
      snippetID = snippetID.substring(1);
    String httpBlaBla = "";
    if (snippetID.startsWith(httpBlaBla))
      snippetID = snippetID.substring(httpBlaBla.length());
    return snippetID;

  public static boolean isSnippetID(String snippetID) {
    snippetID = shortenSnippetID(snippetID);
    return isInteger(snippetID) && Long.parseLong(snippetID) != 0;

  public static boolean isInteger(String s) {
    return Pattern.matches("\\-?\\d+", s);

  public static String loadSnippet(long snippetID, boolean preferCached) throws IOException {
    if (preferCached) {
      String text = DiskSnippetCache_get(snippetID);
      if (text != null)
        return text;

    String text;
    try {
      URL url = new URL("" + snippetID);
      text = loadPage(url);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      throw new IOException("Snippet #" + snippetID + " not found or not public");

    try {
      DiskSnippetCache_put(snippetID, text);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("Minor warning: Couldn't save snippet to cache ("  + DiskSnippetCache_getDir() + ")");

    return text;

  static File DiskSnippetCache_dir;

  public static void initDiskSnippetCache(File dir) {
    DiskSnippetCache_dir = dir;

  public static synchronized String DiskSnippetCache_get(long snippetID) throws IOException {
    return loadTextFile(DiskSnippetCache_getFile(snippetID).getPath(), null);

  private static File DiskSnippetCache_getFile(long snippetID) {
    return new File(DiskSnippetCache_dir, "" + snippetID);

  public static synchronized void DiskSnippetCache_put(long snippetID, String snippet) throws IOException {
    saveTextFile(DiskSnippetCache_getFile(snippetID).getPath(), snippet);

  public static File DiskSnippetCache_getDir() {
    return DiskSnippetCache_dir;

  public static void initSnippetCache() {
    if (DiskSnippetCache_dir == null)
      initDiskSnippetCache(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".tinybrain/snippet-cache"));

  /** writes safely (to temp file, then rename) */
  public static void saveTextFile(String fileName, String contents) throws IOException {
    File file = new File(fileName);
    File parentFile = file.getParentFile();
    if (parentFile != null)
    String tempFileName = fileName + "_temp";
    FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFileName);
    OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "UTF-8");
    PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter);
    if (file.exists() && !file.delete())
      throw new IOException("Can't delete " + fileName);

    if (!new File(tempFileName).renameTo(file))
      throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFileName + " to " + fileName);

  public static String loadTextFile(String fileName, String defaultContents) throws IOException {
    if (!new File(fileName).exists())
      return defaultContents;

    FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(fileName);
    InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, "UTF-8");
    return loadTextFile(inputStreamReader);

  public static String loadTextFile(Reader reader) throws IOException {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    try {
      BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader);
      String line;
      while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null)
    } finally {
    return builder.length() == 0 ? "" : builder.substring(0, builder.length()-1);

  public static String loadPage(String url) throws IOException {
    if (url.indexOf("://") < 0)
      url = "http://" + url;
    return loadPage(new URL(url));
  public static String loadPage(URL url) throws IOException {
    System.out.println("Loading: " + url.toExternalForm());
    URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
    return loadPage(con, url);

  public static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url) throws IOException {
    String contentType = con.getContentType();
    if (contentType == null)
      throw new IOException("Page could not be read: " + url);
    //"Content-Type: " + contentType);
    String charset = loadPage_guessCharset(contentType);
    Reader r = new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream(), charset);
    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
    while (true) {
      int ch =;
      if (ch < 0)
      //"Chars read: " + buf.length());
      buf.append((char) ch);
    return buf.toString();
  static String loadPage_guessCharset(String contentType) {
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile("text/html;\\s+charset=([^\\s]+)\\s*");
    Matcher m = p.matcher(contentType);
    /* If Content-Type doesn't match this pre-conception, choose default and hope for the best. */
    return m.matches() ? : "ISO-8859-1";


Author comment

Began life as a copy of #636

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Travelled to 18 computer(s): aoiabmzegqzx, bhatertpkbcr, cahelewubzku, cbybwowwnfue, cfunsshuasjs, gwrvuhgaqvyk, ishqpsrjomds, jlatgrcjtklg, jtubtzbbkimh, lpdgvwnxivlt, mqqgnosmbjvj, onxytkatvevr, pyentgdyhuwx, pzhvpgtvlbxg, teubizvjbppd, tslmcundralx, tvejysmllsmz, vouqrxazstgt

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Snippet ID: #1000693
Snippet name: Resolve includes
Eternal ID of this version: #1000693/1
Text MD5: 61d7e3b032bbd86dab622235c1b8dd4e
Transpilation MD5: 61d7e3b032bbd86dab622235c1b8dd4e
Author: stefan
Type: JavaX translator
Public (visible to everyone): Yes
Archived (hidden from active list): No
Created/modified: 2016-01-21 03:00:55
Source code size: 7117 bytes / 212 lines
Pitched / IR pitched: No / No
Views / Downloads: 755 / 5290
Referenced in: [show references]