static L gazelle_getChildren_withContinuations(GazelleTree tree, O... _) { L l = gazelle_getChildren(tree, _); new Matches m; bool changes = false; for i over l: { GazelleTree t = l.get(i); if (eq(l.lineType, 'instruction) && match("continue with line * of rule * without variables", t.line, m)) { S ruleID = $2; RuleEngine2.Rule rule = t.ctx.engine.getRule(ruleID); if (rule == null) { print("Follow-up rule not found: " + ruleID); continue with l.remove(i--); } set changes; = rule; = parseInt($1)-1; // TODO: remainingConditions? if (! { t.line = rule.out; t.lineType = rule.outType; } gazelle_addPredictionToTreeNode(t); } if (changes) gazelle_sortChildren(l); ret l; }