import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.math.*; class main { final static class IntegralImage { final int w, h; // 3 ints per pixel final int[] data; /* *(BufferedImage img) { w = img.getWidth(); h = img.getHeight(); if (longMul(w, h) > 8000000) fail("Image too big: " + w + "*" + h); int[] pixels = pixelsOfBufferedImage(img); */ IntegralImage(int w, int h, int[] pixels) { this.h = h; this.w = w; data = new int[w * h * 3]; int i = 0, j = 0, sumR = 0, sumG = 0, sumB = 0; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int rgb = pixels[j++]; data[i++] = (sumR += (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF); data[i++] = (sumG += (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF); data[i++] = (sumB += rgb & 0xFF); } for (int y = 1; y < h; y++) { sumR = sumG = sumB = 0; for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) { int rgb = pixels[j++]; sumR += (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF; sumG += (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF; sumB += rgb & 0xFF; data[i] = sumR + data[i - w * 3]; data[i + 1] = sumG + data[i - w * 3 + 1]; data[i + 2] = sumB + data[i - w * 3 + 2]; i += 3; } } } // gets the integral value at x/y for given RGB channel public double getIntegralValue(int x, int y, int channel) { return x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h ? 0 : data[(y * w + x) * 3 + channel]; } // gets sum of the 3 channels public double getIntegralValue(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= w || y >= h) return 0; int i = (y * w + x) * 3; return data[i] + data[i + 1] + data[i + 2]; } double averageBrightness() { return doubleRatio(getIntegralValue(w - 1, h - 1), w * h * 3 * 255.0); } public String toString() { return "IntegralImage " + w + "*" + h + ", brightness: " + this.averageBrightness(); } // public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() { ret integralImageToBufferedImage(this); } public int getWidth() { return w; } public int getHeight() { return h; } double rectSum(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int channel) { double bottomLeft = getIntegralValue(x1 - 1, y2 - 1, channel); double bottomRight = getIntegralValue(x2 - 1, y2 - 1, channel); double topLeft = getIntegralValue(x1 - 1, y1 - 1, channel); double topRight = getIntegralValue(x2 - 1, y1 - 1, channel); return bottomRight + topLeft - topRight - bottomLeft; } double rectSum(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { double bottomLeft = getIntegralValue(x1 - 1, y2 - 1); double bottomRight = getIntegralValue(x2 - 1, y2 - 1); double topLeft = getIntegralValue(x1 - 1, y1 - 1); double topRight = getIntegralValue(x2 - 1, y1 - 1); return bottomRight + topLeft - topRight - bottomLeft; } } static double doubleRatio(double x, double y) { return y == 0 ? 0 : x / y; } }