import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.text.*;
import javax.swing.table.*;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import javax.imageio.*;
import java.math.*;
// see
class main {
static class HLeftCenterRight implements IFieldsToList{
static final String _fieldOrder = "left center right";
String left;
String center;
String right;
HLeftCenterRight() {}
HLeftCenterRight(String left, String center, String right) {
this.right = right; = center;
this.left = left;}
public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + left + ", " + center + ", " + right + ")"; }
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof HLeftCenterRight)) return false;
HLeftCenterRight __1 = (HLeftCenterRight) o;
return eq(left, __1.left) && eq(center, && eq(right, __1.right);
public int hashCode() {
int h = -2051727656;
h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(left));
h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(center));
h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(right));
return h;
public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {left, center, right}; }
String headStuff() {
return hcss("\r\n .util-lcr {\r\n text-align: center;\r\n margin: 0 auto;\r\n width: 100%;\r\n position: relative;\r\n }\r\n \r\n .util-lcr-left, .util-lcr-right {\r\n position: absolute;\r\n top: 0;\r\n height: 100%;\r\n }\r\n \r\n .util-lcr-left {\r\n left: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(-100%)\r\n }\r\n \r\n .util-lcr-center {\r\n position: relative;\r\n display: inline-block;\r\n z-index: 2;\r\n }\r\n \r\n .util-lcr-right {\r\n right: 0;\r\n transform: translateX(100%)\r\n }\r\n ");
String get() {
return div_class(".util-lcr",
div_class(".util-lcr-left", left),
div_class(".util-lcr-right", right)));
static String shortClassName(Object o) {
if (o == null) return null;
Class c = o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass();
String name = c.getName();
return shortenClassName(name);
static boolean eq(Object a, Object b) {
return a == b || a != null && b != null && a.equals(b);
static int boostHashCombine(int a, int b) {
return a ^ (b + 0x9e3779b9 + (a << 6) + (a >> 2));
static int _hashCode(Object a) {
return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode();
static String hcss(Object contents) {
return htag("style", contents);
static String div_class(String className, Object contents, Object... __) {
return div(contents, paramsPlus(__, "class" , dropDotPrefix(className)));
static String div_class(String className) {
return div_class(className, "");
static String linesLL(Object... x) {
return lines(ll(x));
static String unnull(String s) {
return s == null ? "" : s;
static Collection unnull(Collection l) {
return l == null ? emptyList() : l;
static List unnull(List l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; }
static int[] unnull(int[] l) { return l == null ? emptyIntArray() : l; }
static char[] unnull(char[] l) { return l == null ? emptyCharArray() : l; }
static double[] unnull(double[] l) { return l == null ? emptyDoubleArray() : l; }
static Map unnull(Map l) {
return l == null ? emptyMap() : l;
static Iterable unnull(Iterable i) {
return i == null ? emptyList() : i;
static A[] unnull(A[] a) {
return a == null ? (A[]) emptyObjectArray() : a;
static BitSet unnull(BitSet b) {
return b == null ? new BitSet() : b;
//ifclass Symbol
static Pair unnull(Pair p) {
return p != null ? p : new Pair(null, null);
static long unnull(Long l) { return l == null ? 0L : l; }
static String shortenClassName(String name) {
if (name == null) return null;
int i = lastIndexOf(name, "$");
if (i < 0) i = lastIndexOf(name, ".");
return i < 0 ? name : substring(name, i+1);
static String str(Object o) {
return o == null ? "null" : o.toString();
static String str(char[] c) {
return new String(c);
static String htag(String tag) {
return htag(tag, "");
static String htag(String tag, Object contents, Object... params) {
String openingTag = hopeningTag(tag, params);
String s = str(contents);
if (empty(s) && neqic(tag, "script"))
return dropLast(openingTag) + "/>";
return openingTag + s + "" + tag + ">";
static String div(Object contents, Object... params) {
return hfulltag("div", contents, params);
static String div() {
return div("");
static BigInteger div(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) {
return a.divide(b);
static BigInteger div(BigInteger a, int b) {
return a.divide(bigint(b));
static Object[] paramsPlus(Object[] a1, Object... a2) {
if (a2 == null) return a1;
if (a1 == null) return a2;
if (l(a1) == 1 && a1[0] instanceof Map)
return new Object[] { mapPlus((Map) a1[0], a2) };
Map map = paramsToOrderedMap(a1);
int n = l(a2);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) {
Object key = a2[i];
if (key != null) map.put(key, a2[i+1]);
return mapToParams(map);
static Object[] paramsPlus(Map a1, Object... a2) {
return paramsPlus(new Object[] {a1}, a2);
static String dropDotPrefix(String s) {
return dropPrefix(".", s);
static String lines(Iterable lines) { return fromLines(lines); }
static String lines(Object[] lines) { return fromLines(asList(lines)); }
static List lines(String s) { return toLines(s); }
static List ll(A... a) {
ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length);
if (a != null) for (A x : a) l.add(x);
return l;
static ArrayList emptyList() {
return new ArrayList();
//ret Collections.emptyList();
static ArrayList emptyList(int capacity) {
return new ArrayList(max(0, capacity));
// Try to match capacity
static ArrayList emptyList(Iterable l) {
return l instanceof Collection ? emptyList(((Collection) l).size()) : emptyList();
static ArrayList emptyList(Object[] l) {
return emptyList(l(l));
// get correct type at once
static ArrayList emptyList(Class c) {
return new ArrayList();
static int[] emptyIntArray_a = new int[0];
static int[] emptyIntArray() { return emptyIntArray_a; }
static char[] emptyCharArray = new char[0];
static char[] emptyCharArray() { return emptyCharArray; }
static double[] emptyDoubleArray = new double[0];
static double[] emptyDoubleArray() { return emptyDoubleArray; }
static Map emptyMap() {
return new HashMap();
static Object[] emptyObjectArray_a = new Object[0];
static Object[] emptyObjectArray() { return emptyObjectArray_a; }
static int lastIndexOf(String a, String b) {
return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.lastIndexOf(b);
static int lastIndexOf(String a, char b) {
return a == null ? -1 : a.lastIndexOf(b);
// starts searching from i-1
static int lastIndexOf(List l, int i, A a) {
if (l == null) return -1;
for (i = min(l(l), i)-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (eq(l.get(i), a))
return i;
return -1;
static int lastIndexOf(List l, A a) {
if (l == null) return -1;
for (int i = l(l)-1; i >= 0; i--)
if (eq(l.get(i), a))
return i;
return -1;
static String substring(String s, int x) {
return substring(s, x, strL(s));
static String substring(String s, int x, int y) {
if (s == null) return null;
if (x < 0) x = 0;
int n = s.length();
if (y < x) y = x;
if (y > n) y = n;
if (x >= y) return "";
return s.substring(x, y);
// convenience method for quickly dropping a prefix
static String substring(String s, CharSequence l) {
return substring(s, l(l));
static String hopeningTag(String tag, Map params) {
return hopeningTag(tag, mapToParams(params));
static String hopeningTag(String tag, Object... params) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
buf.append("<" + tag);
params = unrollParams(params);
for (int i = 0; i < l(params); i += 2) {
String name = (String) get(params, i);
Object val = get(params, i+1);
if (nempty(name) && val != null) {
if (val == html_valueLessParam())
buf.append(" " + name);
else {
String s = str(val);
if (!empty(s))
buf.append(" " + name + "=" + htmlQuote(s));
return str(buf);
static boolean empty(Collection c) { return c == null || c.isEmpty(); }
static boolean empty(Iterable c) { return c == null || !c.iterator().hasNext(); }
static boolean empty(CharSequence s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; }
static boolean empty(Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); }
static boolean empty(Object[] o) { return o == null || o.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Collection) return empty((Collection) o);
if (o instanceof String) return empty((String) o);
if (o instanceof Map) return empty((Map) o);
if (o instanceof Object[]) return empty((Object[]) o);
if (o instanceof byte[]) return empty((byte[]) o);
if (o == null) return true;
throw fail("unknown type for 'empty': " + getType(o));
static boolean empty(Iterator i) { return i == null || !i.hasNext(); }
static boolean empty(double[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(float[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(int[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(long[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(byte[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(short[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; }
static boolean empty(File f) { return getFileSize(f) == 0; }
static boolean neqic(String a, String b) {
return !eqic(a, b);
static boolean neqic(char a, char b) {
return !eqic(a, b);
static A[] dropLast(A[] a) { return dropLast(a, 1); }
static A[] dropLast(A[] a, int n) {
if (a == null) return null;
n = Math.min(n, a.length);
A[] b = arrayOfSameType(a, a.length-n);
System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, b.length);
return b;
static List dropLast(List l) {
return subList(l, 0, l(l)-1);
static List dropLast(int n, List l) {
return subList(l, 0, l(l)-n);
static List dropLast(Iterable l) {
return dropLast(asList(l));
static String dropLast(String s) {
return substring(s, 0, l(s)-1);
static String dropLast(String s, int n) {
return substring(s, 0, l(s)-n);
static String dropLast(int n, String s) {
return dropLast(s, n);
static String hfulltag(String tag) {
return hfulltag(tag, "");
static String hfulltag(String tag, Object contents, Object... params) {
return hopeningTag(tag, params) + str(contents) + "" + tag + ">";
static BigInteger bigint(String s) {
return new BigInteger(s);
static BigInteger bigint(long l) {
return BigInteger.valueOf(l);
static int l(Object[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(boolean[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(byte[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(short[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(long[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(int[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(float[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(double[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(char[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; }
static int l(Collection c) { return c == null ? 0 : c.size(); }
static int l(Iterator i) { return iteratorCount_int_close(i); } // consumes the iterator && closes it if possible
static int l(Map m) { return m == null ? 0 : m.size(); }
static int l(CharSequence s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); }
static long l(File f) { return f == null ? 0 : f.length(); }
static int l(Object o) {
return o == null ? 0
: o instanceof String ? l((String) o)
: o instanceof Map ? l((Map) o)
: o instanceof Collection ? l((Collection) o)
: o instanceof Object[] ? l((Object[]) o)
: o instanceof boolean[] ? l((boolean[]) o)
: o instanceof byte[] ? l((byte[]) o)
: o instanceof char[] ? l((char[]) o)
: o instanceof short[] ? l((short[]) o)
: o instanceof int[] ? l((int[]) o)
: o instanceof float[] ? l((float[]) o)
: o instanceof double[] ? l((double[]) o)
: o instanceof long[] ? l((long[]) o)
: (Integer) call(o, "size");
static Map mapPlus(Map m, Object... data) {
m = cloneMap(m);
litmap_impl(m, data);
return m;
static Object[] assertEvenLength(Object[] a) {
return a;
static LinkedHashMap paramsToOrderedMap(Object... params) {
return asLinkedHashMap(paramsToMap(params));
static Object[] mapToParams(Map map) {
return mapToObjectArray(map);
static String dropPrefix(String prefix, String s) {
return s == null ? null : s.startsWith(prefix) ? s.substring(l(prefix)) : s;
// usually L
static String fromLines(Iterable lines) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (lines != null)
for (Object line : lines)
return buf.toString();
static String fromLines(String... lines) {
return fromLines(asList(lines));
// unclear semantics as to whether return null on null
static ArrayList asList(A[] a) {
return a == null ? new ArrayList() : new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(a));
static ArrayList asList(int[] a) {
if (a == null) return null;
ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length);
for (int i : a) l.add(i);
return l;
static ArrayList asList(long[] a) {
if (a == null) return null;
ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length);
for (long i : a) l.add(i);
return l;
static ArrayList asList(float[] a) {
if (a == null) return null;
ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length);
for (float i : a) l.add(i);
return l;
static ArrayList asList(double[] a) {
if (a == null) return null;
ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length);
for (double i : a) l.add(i);
return l;
static ArrayList asList(Iterable s) {
if (s instanceof ArrayList) return (ArrayList) s;
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
if (s != null)
for (A a : s)
return l;
static ArrayList asList(Enumeration e) {
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
if (e != null)
while (e.hasMoreElements())
return l;
static IterableIterator toLines(File f) {
return linesFromFile(f);
static List toLines(String s) {
List lines = new ArrayList();
if (s == null) return lines;
int start = 0;
while (true) {
int i = toLines_nextLineBreak(s, start);
if (i < 0) {
if (s.length() > start) lines.add(s.substring(start));
lines.add(s.substring(start, i));
if (s.charAt(i) == '\r' && i+1 < s.length() && s.charAt(i+1) == '\n')
i += 2;
start = i;
return lines;
static int toLines_nextLineBreak(String s, int start) {
int n = s.length();
for (int i = start; i < n; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
return i;
return -1;
static int max(int a, int b) { return Math.max(a, b); }
static int max(int a, int b, int c) { return max(max(a, b), c); }
static long max(int a, long b) { return Math.max((long) a, b); }
static long max(long a, long b) { return Math.max(a, b); }
static double max(int a, double b) { return Math.max((double) a, b); }
static float max(float a, float b) { return Math.max(a, b); }
static double max(double a, double b) { return Math.max(a, b); }
static int max(Collection c) {
int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i : c) x = max(x, i);
return x;
static double max(double[] c) {
if (c.length == 0) return Double.MIN_VALUE;
double x = c[0];
for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]);
return x;
static float max(float[] c) {
if (c.length == 0) return Float.MAX_VALUE;
float x = c[0];
for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]);
return x;
static byte max(byte[] c) {
byte x = -128;
for (byte d : c) if (d > x) x = d;
return x;
static short max(short[] c) {
short x = -0x8000;
for (short d : c) if (d > x) x = d;
return x;
static int max(int[] c) {
int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
for (int d : c) if (d > x) x = d;
return x;
static int min(int a, int b) {
return Math.min(a, b);
static long min(long a, long b) {
return Math.min(a, b);
static float min(float a, float b) { return Math.min(a, b); }
static float min(float a, float b, float c) { return min(min(a, b), c); }
static double min(double a, double b) {
return Math.min(a, b);
static double min(double[] c) {
double x = Double.MAX_VALUE;
for (double d : c) x = Math.min(x, d);
return x;
static float min(float[] c) {
float x = Float.MAX_VALUE;
for (float d : c) x = Math.min(x, d);
return x;
static byte min(byte[] c) {
byte x = 127;
for (byte d : c) if (d < x) x = d;
return x;
static short min(short[] c) {
short x = 0x7FFF;
for (short d : c) if (d < x) x = d;
return x;
static int min(int[] c) {
int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (int d : c) if (d < x) x = d;
return x;
static int strL(String s) {
return s == null ? 0 : s.length();
static Object[] unrollParams(Object[] params) {
if (l(params) == 1 && params[0] instanceof Map)
return mapToParams((Map) params[0]);
return params;
// get purpose 1: access a list/array/map (safer version of x.get(y))
static A get(List l, int idx) {
return l != null && idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l.get(idx) : null;
// seems to conflict with other signatures
/*static B get(Map map, A key) {
ret map != null ? map.get(key) : null;
static A get(A[] l, int idx) {
return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : null;
// default to false
static boolean get(boolean[] l, int idx) {
return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : false;
// get purpose 2: access a field by reflection or a map
static Object get(Object o, String field) {
try {
if (o == null) return null;
if (o instanceof Class) return get((Class) o, field);
if (o instanceof Map)
return ((Map) o).get(field);
Field f = getOpt_findField(o.getClass(), field);
if (f != null) {
return f.get(o);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw asRuntimeException(e);
throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + o.getClass().getName());
static Object get_raw(String field, Object o) {
return get_raw(o, field);
static Object get_raw(Object o, String field) { try {
if (o == null) return null;
Field f = get_findField(o.getClass(), field);
return f.get(o);
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static Object get(Class c, String field) {
try {
Field f = get_findStaticField(c, field);
return f.get(null);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
static Field get_findStaticField(Class> c, String field) {
Class _c = c;
do {
for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields())
if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0)
return f;
_c = _c.getSuperclass();
} while (_c != null);
throw new RuntimeException("Static field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName());
static Field get_findField(Class> c, String field) {
Class _c = c;
do {
for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields())
if (f.getName().equals(field))
return f;
_c = _c.getSuperclass();
} while (_c != null);
throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName());
static Object get(String field, Object o) {
return get(o, field);
static boolean nempty(Collection c) {
return !empty(c);
static boolean nempty(CharSequence s) {
return !empty(s);
static boolean nempty(Object[] o) { return !empty(o); }
static boolean nempty(byte[] o) { return !empty(o); }
static boolean nempty(int[] o) { return !empty(o); }
static boolean nempty(Map m) {
return !empty(m);
static boolean nempty(Iterator i) {
return i != null && i.hasNext();
static boolean nempty(Object o) { return !empty(o); }
static Object html_valueLessParam_cache;
static Object html_valueLessParam() { if (html_valueLessParam_cache == null) html_valueLessParam_cache = html_valueLessParam_load(); return html_valueLessParam_cache; }
static Object html_valueLessParam_load() {
return new Object();
static String htmlQuote(String s) {
return "\"" + htmlencode_forParams(s) + "\"";
static RuntimeException fail() { throw new RuntimeException("fail"); }
static RuntimeException fail(Throwable e) { throw asRuntimeException(e); }
static RuntimeException fail(Object msg) { throw new RuntimeException(String.valueOf(msg)); }
static RuntimeException fail(String msg) { throw new RuntimeException(msg == null ? "" : msg); }
static RuntimeException fail(String msg, Throwable innerException) { throw new RuntimeException(msg, innerException); }
static String getType(Object o) {
return getClassName(o);
static long getFileSize(String path) {
return path == null ? 0 : new File(path).length();
static long getFileSize(File f) {
return f == null ? 0 : f.length();
static boolean eqic(String a, String b) {
if ((a == null) != (b == null)) return false;
if (a == null) return true;
return a.equalsIgnoreCase(b);
static boolean eqic(char a, char b) {
if (a == b) return true;
char u1 = Character.toUpperCase(a);
char u2 = Character.toUpperCase(b);
if (u1 == u2) return true;
return Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2);
static A[] arrayOfSameType(A[] a, int n) {
return newObjectArrayOfSameType(a, n);
static List subList(List l, int startIndex) {
return subList(l, startIndex, l(l));
static List subList(int startIndex, int endIndex, List l) {
return subList(l, startIndex, endIndex);
static List subList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
if (l == null) return null;
int n = l(l);
startIndex = Math.max(0, startIndex);
endIndex = Math.min(n, endIndex);
if (startIndex >= endIndex) return ll();
if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == n) return l;
return l.subList(startIndex, endIndex);
static int iteratorCount_int_close(Iterator i) { try {
int n = 0;
if (i != null) while (i.hasNext()) {; ++n; }
if (i instanceof AutoCloseable) ((AutoCloseable) i).close();
return n;
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static Object call(Object o) {
return callF(o);
// varargs assignment fixer for a single string array argument
static Object call(Object o, String method, String[] arg) {
return call(o, method, new Object[] {arg});
static Object call(Object o, String method, Object... args) {
//ret call_cached(o, method, args);
return call_withVarargs(o, method, args);
static Map cloneMap(Map map) {
if (map == null) return new HashMap();
// assume mutex is equal to map
synchronized(map) {
return map instanceof TreeMap ? new TreeMap((TreeMap) map) // copies comparator
: map instanceof LinkedHashMap ? new LinkedHashMap(map)
: new HashMap(map);
static List cloneMap(Iterable l, IF1 f) {
List x = emptyList(l);
if (l != null) for (A o : cloneList(l))
return x;
static HashMap litmap(Object... x) {
HashMap map = new HashMap();
litmap_impl(map, x);
return map;
static void litmap_impl(Map map, Object... x) {
if (x != null) for (int i = 0; i < x.length-1; i += 2)
if (x[i+1] != null)
map.put(x[i], x[i+1]);
static void assertTrue(Object o) {
if (!(eq(o, true) /*|| isTrue(pcallF(o))*/))
throw fail(str(o));
static boolean assertTrue(String msg, boolean b) {
if (!b)
throw fail(msg);
return b;
static boolean assertTrue(boolean b) {
if (!b)
throw fail("oops");
return b;
static boolean even(int i) {
return (i & 1) == 0;
static boolean even(long i) {
return (i & 1) == 0;
static boolean even(BigInteger n) {
return even(n.intValue());
static LinkedHashMap asLinkedHashMap(Map map) {
if (map instanceof LinkedHashMap) return (LinkedHashMap) map;
LinkedHashMap m = new LinkedHashMap();
if (map != null) synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) {
return m;
static Map paramsToMap(Object... params) {
int n = l(params);
if (l(params) == 1 && params[0] instanceof Map) return (Map) params[0];
LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap();
for (int i = 0; i+1 < n; i += 2)
mapPut(map, params[i], params[i+1]);
return map;
static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Map map) {
List l = new ArrayList();
for (Object o : keys(map)) {
return toObjectArray(l);
static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Object f, Collection l) {
int n = l(l);
Object[] array = new Object[n];
if (n != 0) {
Iterator it = iterator(l);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i] = callF(f,;
return array;
static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Object f, Object[] l) {
int n = l(l);
Object[] array = new Object[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i] = callF(f, l[i]);
return array;
static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Collection l, IF1 f) {
return mapToObjectArray(f, l);
static Object[] mapToObjectArray(A[] l, IF1 f) {
return mapToObjectArray(f, l);
static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromFile(File f) { try {
if (!f.exists()) return emptyCloseableIterableIterator();
if (ewic(f.getName(), ".gz"))
return linesFromReader(utf8bufferedReader(newGZIPInputStream(f)));
return linesFromReader(utf8bufferedReader(f));
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromFile(String path) {
return linesFromFile(newFile(path));
static Field getOpt_findField(Class> c, String field) {
Class _c = c;
do {
for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields())
if (f.getName().equals(field))
return f;
_c = _c.getSuperclass();
} while (_c != null);
return null;
static Field makeAccessible(Field f) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
// Note: The error reporting only works with Java VM option --illegal-access=deny
vmBus_send("makeAccessible_error",e, f);
return f;
static Method makeAccessible(Method m) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
vmBus_send("makeAccessible_error",e, m);
return m;
static Constructor makeAccessible(Constructor c) {
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
vmBus_send("makeAccessible_error",e, c);
return c;
static RuntimeException asRuntimeException(Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof Error)
_handleError((Error) t);
return t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t);
static RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof Error)
_handleError((Error) t);
throw t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t);
static RuntimeException rethrow(String msg, Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(msg, t);
// this should be on by default now I think, but it may break
// legacy code...
static ThreadLocal htmlencode_forParams_useV2 = new ThreadLocal();
static String htmlencode_forParams(String s) {
if (s == null) return "";
if (isTrue(htmlencode_forParams_useV2.get()))
return htmlencode_forParams_v2(s);
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(Math.max(16, s.length()));
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c > 127 || c == '"' || c == '<' || c == '>') {
out.append((int) c);
} else
return out.toString();
static String getClassName(Object o) {
return o == null ? "null" : o instanceof Class ? ((Class) o).getName() : o.getClass().getName();
static String asString(Object o) {
return o == null ? null : o.toString();
static A[] newObjectArrayOfSameType(A[] a, int n) {
return (A[]) Array.newInstance(a.getClass().getComponentType(), n);
static Map> callF_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap();
static A callF(F0 f) {
return f == null ? null : f.get();
static B callF(F1 f, A a) {
return f == null ? null : f.get(a);
static B callF(IF1 f, A a) {
return f == null ? null : f.get(a);
static void callF(VF1 f, A a) {
if (f != null) f.get(a);
static Object callF(Object f, Object... args) {
if (f instanceof String)
return callMCWithVarArgs((String) f, args); // possible SLOWDOWN over callMC
return safeCallF(f, args);
static Object safeCallF(Object f, Object... args) {
if (f instanceof Runnable) {
((Runnable) f).run();
return null;
if (f == null) return null;
Class c = f.getClass();
ArrayList methods;
synchronized(callF_cache) {
methods = callF_cache.get(c);
if (methods == null)
methods = callF_makeCache(c);
int n = l(methods);
if (n == 0) {
throw fail("No get method in " + getClassName(c));
if (n == 1) return invokeMethod(methods.get(0), f, args);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Method m = methods.get(i);
if (call_checkArgs(m, args, false))
return invokeMethod(m, f, args);
throw fail("No matching get method in " + getClassName(c));
// used internally
static ArrayList callF_makeCache(Class c) {
ArrayList l = new ArrayList();
Class _c = c;
do {
for (Method m : _c.getDeclaredMethods())
if (m.getName().equals("get")) {
if (!l.isEmpty()) break;
_c = _c.getSuperclass();
} while (_c != null);
callF_cache.put(c, l);
return l;
static Object call_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try {
if (o == null) return null;
if (o instanceof Class) {
Class c = (Class) o;
_MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c);
Method me = cache.findStaticMethod(method, args);
if (me != null)
return invokeMethod(me, null, args);
// try varargs
List methods = cache.cache.get(method);
if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) {
{ if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; }
{ if (!(isStaticMethod(m))) continue; }
Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args);
if (newArgs != null)
return invokeMethod(m, null, newArgs);
throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found");
} else {
Class c = o.getClass();
_MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c);
Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args);
if (me != null)
return invokeMethod(me, o, args);
// try varargs
List methods = cache.cache.get(method);
if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) {
{ if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; }
Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args);
if (newArgs != null)
return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs);
throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found");
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static ArrayList cloneList(Iterable l) {
return l instanceof Collection ? cloneList((Collection) l) : asList(l);
static ArrayList cloneList(Collection l) {
if (l == null) return new ArrayList();
synchronized(collectionMutex(l)) {
return new ArrayList(l);
static Object collectionMutex(List l) {
return l;
static Object collectionMutex(Object o) {
if (o instanceof List) return o;
String c = className(o);
if (eq(c, "java.util.TreeMap$KeySet"))
c = className(o = getOpt(o, "m"));
else if (eq(c, "java.util.HashMap$KeySet"))
c = className(o = get_raw(o, "this$0"));
if (eqOneOf(c, "java.util.TreeMap$AscendingSubMap", "java.util.TreeMap$DescendingSubMap"))
c = className(o = get_raw(o, "m"));
return o;
static void mapPut(Map map, A key, B value) {
if (map != null && key != null && value != null) map.put(key, value);
static void mapPut(Map map, Pair p) {
if (map != null && p != null) map.put(p.a, p.b);
static Set keys(Map map) {
return map == null ? new HashSet() : map.keySet();
// convenience shortcut for keys_gen
static Set keys(Object map) {
return keys((Map) map);
static Object[] toObjectArray(Collection c) {
List l = asList(c);
return l.toArray(new Object[l.size()]);
static Iterator iterator(Iterable c) {
return c == null ? emptyIterator() : c.iterator();
static CloseableIterableIterator emptyCloseableIterableIterator_instance = new CloseableIterableIterator() {
public Object next() { throw fail(); }
public boolean hasNext() { return false; }
static CloseableIterableIterator emptyCloseableIterableIterator() {
return emptyCloseableIterableIterator_instance;
static boolean ewic(String a, String b) {
return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b);
static boolean ewic(String a, String b, Matches m) {
return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b, m);
static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromReader(Reader r) {
final BufferedReader br = bufferedReader(r);
return iteratorFromFunction_f0_autoCloseable(new F0() { public String get() { try { return readLineFromReaderWithClose(br); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
public String toString() { return "ret readLineFromReaderWithClose(br);"; }}, _wrapIOCloseable(r));
static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(InputStream in) { try {
return bufferedReader(_registerIOWrap(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"), in));
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(File f) { try {
return utf8bufferedReader(newFileInputStream(f));
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(File f) {
return gzInputStream(f);
static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(InputStream in) {
return gzInputStream(in);
static File newFile(File base, String... names) {
for (String name : names) base = new File(base, name);
return base;
static File newFile(String name) {
return name == null ? null : new File(name);
static File newFile(String base, String... names) {
return newFile(newFile(base), names);
static void vmBus_send(String msg, Object... args) {
Object arg = vmBus_wrapArgs(args);
pcallFAll(vm_busListeners_live(), msg, arg);
pcallFAll(vm_busListenersByMessage_live().get(msg), msg, arg);
static void vmBus_send(String msg) {
vmBus_send(msg, (Object) null);
static void _handleError(Error e) {
call(javax(), "_handleError", e);
static boolean isTrue(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean) o).booleanValue();
if (o == null) return false;
if (o instanceof ThreadLocal) // TODO: remove this
return isTrue(((ThreadLocal) o).get());
throw fail(getClassName(o));
static boolean isTrue(Boolean b) {
return b != null && b.booleanValue();
static String htmlencode_forParams_v2(String s) {
if (s == null) return "";
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(Math.max(16, s.length()));
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
if (c > 127 || c == '"' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&') {
out.append((int) c);
} else
return out.toString();
static Map newDangerousWeakHashMap() {
return _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap()));
// initFunction: voidfunc(Map) - is called initially, and after clearing the map
static Map newDangerousWeakHashMap(Object initFunction) {
return _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap()), initFunction);
static Object callMCWithVarArgs(String method, Object... args) {
return call_withVarargs(mc(), method, args);
static Object invokeMethod(Method m, Object o, Object... args) { try {
try {
return m.invoke(o, args);
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
throw rethrow(getExceptionCause(e));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage() + " - was calling: " + m + ", args: " + joinWithSpace(classNames(args)));
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static boolean call_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) {
Class>[] types = m.getParameterTypes();
if (types.length != args.length) {
if (debug)
print("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length);
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
Object arg = args[i];
if (!(arg == null ? !types[i].isPrimitive()
: isInstanceX(types[i], arg))) {
if (debug)
print("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + arg + " vs " + types[i]);
return false;
return true;
static final Map callOpt_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap();
static Object callOpt_cached(Object o, String methodName, Object... args) { try {
if (o == null) return null;
if (o instanceof Class) {
Class c = (Class) o;
_MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c);
// TODO: (super-rare) case where method exists static and non-static
// with different args
Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args);
if (me == null || (me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null;
return invokeMethod(me, null, args);
} else {
Class c = o.getClass();
_MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c);
Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args);
if (me == null) return null;
return invokeMethod(me, o, args);
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static _MethodCache callOpt_getCache(Class c) {
synchronized(callOpt_cache) {
_MethodCache cache = callOpt_cache.get(c);
if (cache == null)
callOpt_cache.put(c, cache = new _MethodCache(c));
return cache;
static boolean isStaticMethod(Method m) {
return methodIsStatic(m);
static Object[] massageArgsForVarArgsCall(Method m, Object[] args) {
Class>[] types = m.getParameterTypes();
int n = types.length-1, nArgs = args.length;
if (nArgs < n) return null;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], types[i]))
return null;
Class varArgType = types[n].getComponentType();
for (int i = n; i < nArgs; i++)
if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], varArgType))
return null;
Object[] newArgs = new Object[n+1];
arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, n);
Object[] varArgs = arrayOfType(varArgType, nArgs-n);
arraycopy(args, n, varArgs, 0, nArgs-n);
newArgs[n] = varArgs;
return newArgs;
static String joinWithComma(Collection c) {
return join(", ", c);
static String joinWithComma(String... c) {
return join(", ", c);
static String joinWithComma(Pair p) {
return p == null ? "" : joinWithComma(str(p.a), str(p.b));
static List classNames(Collection l) {
return getClassNames(l);
static List classNames(Object[] l) {
return getClassNames(Arrays.asList(l));
static String className(Object o) {
return getClassName(o);
static Object getOpt(Object o, String field) {
return getOpt_cached(o, field);
static Object getOpt(String field, Object o) {
return getOpt_cached(o, field);
static Object getOpt_raw(Object o, String field) { try {
Field f = getOpt_findField(o.getClass(), field);
if (f == null) return null;
return f.get(o);
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
// access of static fields is not yet optimized
static Object getOpt(Class c, String field) { try {
if (c == null) return null;
Field f = getOpt_findStaticField(c, field);
if (f == null) return null;
return f.get(null);
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static Field getOpt_findStaticField(Class> c, String field) {
Class _c = c;
do {
for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields())
if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0)
return f;
_c = _c.getSuperclass();
} while (_c != null);
return null;
static boolean eqOneOf(Object o, Object... l) {
for (Object x : l) if (eq(o, x)) return true; return false;
static Iterator emptyIterator() {
return Collections.emptyIterator();
static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b) {
int la = l(a), lb = l(b);
return la >= lb && regionMatchesIC(a, la-lb, b, 0, lb);
static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b, Matches m) {
if (!endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b)) return false;
if (m != null)
m.m = new String[] { substring(a, 0, l(a)-l(b)) };
return true;
static BufferedReader bufferedReader(Reader r) { return bufferedReader(r, 8192); }
static BufferedReader bufferedReader(Reader r, int bufSize) {
return r instanceof BufferedReader ? (BufferedReader) r : _registerIOWrap(new BufferedReader(r, bufSize), r);
static CloseableIterableIterator iteratorFromFunction_f0_autoCloseable(final F0 f, final AutoCloseable closeable) {
class IFF2 extends CloseableIterableIterator {
A a;
boolean done = false;
public boolean hasNext() {
return !done;
public A next() {
if (done) throw fail();
A _a = a;
a = null;
return _a;
void getNext() {
if (done || a != null) return;
a = f.get();
done = a == null;
public void close() throws Exception {
if (closeable != null) closeable.close();
return new IFF2();
static String readLineFromReaderWithClose(BufferedReader r) { try {
String s = r.readLine();
if (s == null) r.close();
return s;
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static AutoCloseable _wrapIOCloseable(final AutoCloseable c) {
return c == null ? null : new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "c.close();\r\n _registerIO(c, null, false);"; } public void close() throws Exception { c.close();
_registerIO(c, null, false);
static A _registerIOWrap(A wrapper, Object wrapped) {
return wrapper;
static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(File path) throws IOException {
return newFileInputStream(path.getPath());
static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(String path) throws IOException {
FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(path);
_registerIO(f, path, true);
return f;
static int gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize = 65536;
static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f) { try {
return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f));
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f, int bufferSize) { try {
return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f), bufferSize);
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in) {
return gzInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize);
static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize) { try {
return _registerIOWrap(new GZIPInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize), in);
} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } }
static Object vmBus_wrapArgs(Object... args) {
return empty(args) ? null
: l(args) == 1 ? args[0]
: args;
static void pcallFAll(Collection l, Object... args) {
if (l != null) for (Object f : cloneList(l)) pcallF(f, args);
static void pcallFAll(Iterator it, Object... args) {
while (it.hasNext()) pcallF(, args);
static Set vm_busListeners_live_cache;
static Set vm_busListeners_live() { if (vm_busListeners_live_cache == null) vm_busListeners_live_cache = vm_busListeners_live_load(); return vm_busListeners_live_cache; }
static Set vm_busListeners_live_load() {
return vm_generalIdentityHashSet("busListeners");
static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache;
static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live() { if (vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache == null) vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache = vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load(); return vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; }
static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load() {
return vm_generalHashMap("busListenersByMessage");
static Class javax() {
return getJavaX();
static List _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList;
static A _registerDangerousWeakMap(A map) {
return _registerDangerousWeakMap(map, null);
static A _registerDangerousWeakMap(A map, Object init) {
callF(init, map);
if (init instanceof String) {
final String f = (String) init;
init = new VF1