import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.math.*; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import javax.swing.undo.UndoManager; import javax.swing.event.AncestorListener; import javax.swing.event.AncestorEvent; import javax.swing.Timer; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.text.*; import java.awt.geom.*; import javax.imageio.metadata.*; import*; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.awt.datatransfer.*; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException; class main { static class Named extends Concept { String name; public String toString() { return shortDynClassName(this) + " " + quote(name); } } static class BotName extends Named {} // e.g. for finding the module in Cruddie static class Cmd extends ConceptWithGlobalID { String patterns; // for mmo_parsePattern String exampleInputs; // line-separated String cmd; // a star pattern recognized by the backend String questionsForArguments; // line-separated String conditions; int index; boolean autoGenerated = false; List translatableFields() { return splitAtSpace("patterns exampleInputs cmd questionsForArguments"); } static String importableFields() { return "cmd conditions exampleInputs globalID index patterns questionsForArguments"; } transient MMOPattern parsedPattern; void change() { parsedPattern = null; super.change(); } MMOPattern parsedPattern() { if (parsedPattern == null) parsedPattern = mmo_parsePattern(patterns); return parsedPattern; } static String _fieldOrder = "autoGenerated exampleInputs patterns cmd questionsForArguments conditions"; } static class Replacement extends Concept { String in, out; // word to replace and which word to replace it with String except; // IDs of Cmd concepts to skip static String _fieldOrder = "in out except"; } static class Mishearing extends Concept { String in, out; } // main class abstract static class DynChatBotFrontend extends DynCRUD { DynChatBotFrontend() { super(Cmd.class); } static boolean _switchableField_backendModuleID = true; String backendModuleID; static boolean _switchableField_baseThingName = true; String baseThingName = "$thing"; Object currentAttractor; transient CRUD replacementsCRUD; transient CRUD mishearingsCRUD; transient JTabbedPane tabs; transient long lastAccessed = sysNow(); transient Set currentActivities = syncSet(); transient boolean deleting = false; class HandleArgument implements IF1 { String cmd; List argQuestions; List arguments = new ArrayList(); HandleArgument() {} HandleArgument(String cmd, List argQuestions) { this.argQuestions = argQuestions; this.cmd = cmd;} // process an argument public String get(String arg) { arguments.add(arg); if (l(arguments) >= countAsteriskTokens(cmd)) return sendToBackend(format_quoteAll(cmd, asObjectArray(arguments))); else return handleQuestionWithArguments(this); } String currentQuestion() { return or2(_get(argQuestions, l(arguments)), "Need argument"); } } class Cancel implements Runnable { public void run() { setField("currentAttractor" , null); }} class UndoHandler implements IF1 { public String get(Boolean yes) { if (!yes) return "OK"; // user said no return (String) sendToBackend("undo"); } } void start() { cc = dm_handleCaseIDField(); super.start(); dm_watchFieldAndNow("backendModuleID",new Runnable() { public void run() { try { updateModuleName(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "updateModuleName();"; }}); crud.multiLineFields = litset("exampleInputs", "questionsForArguments"); crud.sorter = new F1, List>() { public List get(Collection l) { try { return sortByField("index",l); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "sortByField index(l)"; }}; crud.formFixer = 48; replacementsCRUD = new CRUD(cc, Replacement.class); mishearingsCRUD = new CRUD(cc, Mishearing.class); dm_vmBus_onMessage_q("objectTypesChanged",(module, names) -> { if (dm_isSame(module, backend())) importReplacements(); }); } void importReplacements() { List names = (List) (dm_call(backend(), "objectTypes")); print("Got names: " + names); if (names != null) { deleteConcepts(cc, Replacement.class); for (String name : names) if (neqic(name, baseThingName)) cnew(cc, Replacement.class, "in" , baseThingName, "out" , name); } applyReplacements(); } String handleCommand(Cmd cmd) { if (cmd == null) return null; print("handleCommand " + cmd.cmd); if (match("undo after confirm", cmd.cmd)) { Object undo = dm_call(backend(), "lastUndo"); if (undo == null) return "Nothing to undo"; WaitForAnswer_YesNo attractor = new WaitForAnswer_YesNo(); attractor.question = "Undo " + undo + "?"; setField("currentAttractor" , attractor); print("Set attractor to: " + attractor); attractor.processAnswer = new UndoHandler(); attractor.cancelSilently = new Cancel(); return attractor.question; } if (hasAsteriskTokens(cmd.cmd)) return handleQuestionWithArguments( new HandleArgument(cmd.cmd, tlft(cmd.questionsForArguments))); else return sendToBackend(cmd.cmd); } String handleQuestionWithArguments(HandleArgument handler) { WaitForName attractor = new WaitForName(); attractor.question = handler.currentQuestion(); setField("currentAttractor" , attractor); print("Set attractor to: " + attractor); attractor.processName = handler; attractor.cancelSilently = new Cancel(); return attractor.question; } String sendToBackend(String cmd) { return (String) dm_call(backend(), "answer", cmd); } String backend() { return backendModuleID; } public JComponent visualize() { JComponent mainCRUD = super.visualize(); addComponents(crud.buttons, jbutton("Talk to me", runnableThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { talkToMe(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "talkToMe();"; }})), jPopDownButton_noText(popDownButtonParams())); return tabs = jtabs( "Commands" , mainCRUD, "Replacements" , replacementsCRUD.visualize(), "Mishearings" , mishearingsCRUD.visualize()); } Object[] popDownButtonParams() { return litobjectarray( "Apply replacements", runnableThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { applyReplacements(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "applyReplacements();"; }}), "Import replacements", runnableThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { importReplacements(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "importReplacements();"; }}), "Consistency check", runnableThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { consistencyCheck(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "consistencyCheck();"; }}), "Import commands from snippet...", runnableThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { importCmdsFromSnippet(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "importCmdsFromSnippet();"; }})); } void talkToMe() { AutoCloseable __3 = enter(); try { dm_showConversationPopupForModule(); } finally { _close(__3); }} void consistencyCheck() { AutoCloseable __4 = enter(); try { reindex(); List cmds = list(Cmd.class); List errors = mmo_consistencyCheck( map(cmds, cmd -> pair(cmd.exampleInputs, cmd.patterns))); if (empty(errors)) infoBox("No consistency problems"); else dm_showText(n2(errors, "consistency problem"), lines(errors)); } finally { _close(__4); }} void reindex() { int index = 1; for (Cmd cmd : conceptsSortedByFields(cc, Cmd.class, "autoGenerated", "index")) cset(cmd, "index" , index++); } void applyReplacements() { deleteConceptsWhere(cc, Cmd.class, "autoGenerated" , true); for (Cmd cmd : list(Cmd.class)) for (Replacement r : list(Replacement.class)) { if (jcontains(r.except, str( continue; Map map = litcimap(, r.out, plural(, plural(r.out)); Cmd cmd2 = shallowCloneUnlisted(cmd); cset(cmd2, "autoGenerated" , true, "globalID" , aGlobalIDObject()); for (String field : cmd.translatableFields()) cset(cmd2, field, fixAOrAn(replacePhrases(map, getString(cmd, field)))); if (anyFieldsDifferent(cmd, cmd2, cmd.translatableFields())) registerConcept(cc, cmd2); } consistencyCheck(); } boolean unloadBackendTooWhenUnloaded() { return true; } // API // for initial fill of translation table. probably doesn't catch many patterns usually void copyCommandsFromBackend() { for (String cmd : allIfQuotedPatterns(loadSnippet(beforeSlash(dm_moduleLibID(backend()))))) uniqConcept("cmd", cmd); } String preprocess(String s) { String s1 = s; s = replacePhrases(fieldToFieldIndexCI("in", "out", list(Mishearing.class)), s); if (neq(s, s1)) print("Corrected to: " + s); return s; } String answer(String s) { if (deleting) throw fail("Deleting module"); touch(); AutoCloseable __5 = tempAfterwards(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { touch(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "touch();"; }}); try { AutoCloseable __6 = tempAddToCollection(currentActivities, new Var("Answering: " + s)); try { // abusing Var to allow duplicates s = preprocess(s); if (currentAttractor != null) { print("Sending to attractor " + currentAttractor + ": " + s); String a = strOrNull(call(currentAttractor, "answer", s)); if (a != null) { print("Attractor said: " + a); return a; } } { String a = answer_other(s); if (a != null) return a; } { String a = answer_cmds(s); if (a != null) return a; } { String a = sendToBackend(s); if (a != null) return a; } return answer_other_lowPrio(s); } finally { _close(__6); }} finally { _close(__5); }} // overridable String answer_other(String s) { return null; } // overridable String answer_other_lowPrio(String s) { return null; } // returns null iff not handled String answer_cmds(String s) { List cmds = filter(conceptsSortedByField(cc, Cmd.class, "index"), c -> nempty(c.patterns) && checkCondition(c)); Cmd cmd = mmo_matchMultiWithTypos(1, cmds, c -> c.parsedPattern(), s); if (cmd != null) return unnull(handleCommand(cmd)); return null; } boolean checkCondition(Cmd cmd) { return true; } // e.g. from snippet #1027616 void importCmds(String src) { List l = dynShortNamed("Cmd",safeUnstructList(src)); int imported = 0; for (Object o : l) { String id = getString("globalID",o); if (empty(id)) continue; ++imported; GlobalID globalID = new GlobalID(id); Cmd cmd = uniq_sync(cc, Cmd.class, "globalID", globalID); for (String field : splitAtSpace(Cmd.importableFields())) cSmartSet(cmd, field, getOpt(o, field)); } topLeftInfoBox("Imported/updated " + nEntries(imported)); if (imported != 0) importReplacements(); } void importCmdsFromSnippet(String snippetID) { print("Importing cmds from " + snippetID); importCmds(loadSnippet(snippetID)); } // import if we have no cmds yet void importCmdsFromSnippetIfEmpty(String snippetID) { if (conceptCount() == 0) importCmdsFromSnippet(snippetID); } void importCmdsFromSnippet() { AutoCloseable __7 = enter(); try { selectSnippetID("Commands to import", new VF1() { public void get(String a) { try { importCmdsFromSnippet(a) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "importCmdsFromSnippet(a)"; }}); } finally { _close(__7); }} void connectToBackend(String backendModuleID) { setField("backendModuleID", backendModuleID); } void setBotName(String name) { cset(uniq(cc, BotName.class), "name", name); updateModuleName(); } // may return null or empty string String botName() { return getString("name",conceptWhere(cc, BotName.class)); } String getBotName() { return botName(); } void updateModuleName() { AutoCloseable __8 = enter(); try { String name = botName(); if (empty(name)) name = dm_moduleName(backend()); dm_setModuleName("Frontend for " + name); } finally { _close(__8); }} void touch() { setField("lastAccessed" , sysNow()); } void deleteYourself() { setField("deleting" , true); if (unloadBackendTooWhenUnloaded()) { print("Deleting backend " + backendModuleID); dm_deleteModule(backendModuleID); } dm_deleteModule(); } } static String shortDynClassName(Object o) { return shortDynamicClassName(o); } static String quote(Object o) { if (o == null) return "null"; return quote(str(o)); } static String quote(String s) { if (s == null) return "null"; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder((int) (l(s)*1.5+2)); quote_impl(s, out); return out.toString(); } static void quote_impl(String s, StringBuilder out) { out.append('"'); int l = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' || c == '"') out.append('\\').append(c); else if (c == '\r') out.append("\\r"); else if (c == '\n') out.append("\\n"); else if (c == '\0') out.append("\\0"); else out.append(c); } out.append('"'); } static List splitAtSpace(String s) { return empty(s) ? emptyList() : asList(s.split("\\s+")); } // s = e.g. "(what, give) + (mrnuke, mrnuke's, mr + (nuke, nuke's)) + (url, address)" static MMOPattern mmo_parsePattern(String s) { s = trim(tok_deRoundBracket(trim(s))); List tok = javaTokWithBrackets(s); List l = tok_splitAtComma(tok); if (l(l) > 1) return new MMOPattern.Or(lambdaMap(__34 -> mmo_parsePattern(__34),l)); l = tok_splitAtPlus(s); if (l(l) > 1) return new MMOPattern.And(lambdaMap(__35 -> mmo_parsePattern(__35),l)); if (startsWith(s, "!")) return new MMOPattern.Not(mmo_parsePattern(dropFirst(s))); return new MMOPattern.Phrase(unquote(s), isQuoted(s)); } static long sysNow() { ping(); return System.nanoTime()/1000000; } static Set syncSet() { return synchroHashSet(); } static Set syncSet(Collection l) { return addAllAndReturnCollection(synchroHashSet(), l); } static int l(Object[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(boolean[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(byte[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(short[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(long[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(int[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(float[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(double[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(char[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(Collection c) { return c == null ? 0 : c.size(); } static int l(Iterator i) { return iteratorCount_int_close(i); } // consumes the iterator && closes it if possible static int l(Map m) { return m == null ? 0 : m.size(); } static int l(CharSequence s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } static long l(File f) { return f == null ? 0 : f.length(); } static int l(Object o) { return o == null ? 0 : o instanceof String ? l((String) o) : o instanceof Map ? l((Map) o) : o instanceof Collection ? l((Collection) o) : o instanceof Object[] ? l((Object[]) o) : o instanceof boolean[] ? l((boolean[]) o) : o instanceof byte[] ? l((byte[]) o) : o instanceof char[] ? l((char[]) o) : o instanceof short[] ? l((short[]) o) : o instanceof int[] ? l((int[]) o) : o instanceof float[] ? l((float[]) o) : o instanceof double[] ? l((double[]) o) : o instanceof long[] ? l((long[]) o) : (Integer) call(o, "size"); } static int l(MultiSet ms) { return ms == null ? 0 : ms.size(); } static int countAsteriskTokens(List tok) { int count = 0, n = l(tok); for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) if (eq(tok.get(i), "*")) ++count; return count; } static int countAsteriskTokens(String s) { return countOccurrences("*", javaTokC(s)); } static String format_quoteAll(String pat, Object... args) { if (args.length == 0) return pat; List tok = javaTok(pat); int argidx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) if (tok.get(i).equals("*")) tok.set(i, quote(argidx < args.length ? args[argidx++] : "null")); return join(tok); } static Object[] asObjectArray(Collection l) { return toObjectArray(l); } static String or2(String a, String b) { return nempty(a) ? a : b; } static String or2(String a, String b, String c) { return or2(or2(a, b), c); } static A _get(List l, int idx) { return l != null && idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l.get(idx) : null; } static Object _get(Object o, String field) { return get(o, field); } static Object _get(String field, Object o) { return get(o, field); } static A _get(A[] l, int idx) { return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : null; } static Concepts dm_handleCaseIDField() { Object mod = dm_current_generic_mandatory(); dm_reloadOnFieldChange("caseID"); String caseID = (String) (dm_get(mod, "caseID")); print("Case ID: " + caseID); Pair p = persistentConcepts(programID(), caseID); dm_ownResource(p.b); return p.a; } static void dm_watchFieldAndNow(String field, Runnable onChange) { dm_watchField(field, onChange); dm_q(onChange); } static RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Error) _handleError((Error) t); throw t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t); } static RuntimeException rethrow(String msg, Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } static HashSet litset(A... items) { return lithashset(items); } // get purpose 1: access a list/array/map (safer version of x.get(y)) static A get(List l, int idx) { return l != null && idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l.get(idx) : null; } // seems to conflict with other signatures /*static B get(Map map, A key) { ret map != null ? map.get(key) : null; }*/ static A get(A[] l, int idx) { return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : null; } // default to false static boolean get(boolean[] l, int idx) { return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : false; } // get purpose 2: access a field by reflection or a map static Object get(Object o, String field) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) return get((Class) o, field); if (o instanceof Map) return ((Map) o).get(field); Field f = getOpt_findField(o.getClass(), field); if (f != null) { makeAccessible(f); return f.get(o); } if (o instanceof DynamicObject) return ((DynamicObject) o).fieldValues.get(field); } catch (Exception e) { throw asRuntimeException(e); } throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + o.getClass().getName()); } static Object get_raw(String field, Object o) { return get_raw(o, field); } static Object get_raw(Object o, String field) { try { if (o == null) return null; Field f = get_findField(o.getClass(), field); makeAccessible(f); return f.get(o); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object get(Class c, String field) { try { Field f = get_findStaticField(c, field); makeAccessible(f); return f.get(null); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Field get_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Static field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static Field get_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static Object get(String field, Object o) { return get(o, field); } static List sortByField(Collection c, final String field) { return sortedByField(c, field); } static List sortByField(String field, Collection c) { return sortedByField(field, c); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final VF1 onMessage) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(final A a) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage, a); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, a);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage, a);"; }}); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final IVF1 onMessage) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(final A a) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage, a); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, a);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage, a);"; }}); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final IVF2 onMessage) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF2() { public void get(A a, B b) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage, a, b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, a, b);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage, a, b);"; }}); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final IVF3 onMessage) { DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF3() { public void get(A a, B b, C c) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage, a, b, c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, a, b, c);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage, a, b, c);"; }}); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final VF2 onMessage) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF2() { public void get(final A a, final B b) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage, a, b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, a, b);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage, a, b);"; }}); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final VF3 onMessage) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF3() { public void get(final A a, final B b, final C c) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage, a, b, c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, a, b, c);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage, a, b, c);"; }}); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage_q(final String msg, final Runnable onMessage) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); return dm_vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(final A a) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(onMessage); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(onMessage);"; }}); } static boolean dm_isSame(Object mod1, Object mod2) { return dm_sameModule(mod1, mod2); } static Object dm_call(Object moduleOrID, String method, Object... args) { Object mod = dm_getModule(moduleOrID); if (mod == null) return null; AutoCloseable __1 = dm_enter(mod); try { return call_withVarargs(mod, method, args); } finally { _close(__1); }} static volatile StringBuffer local_log = new StringBuffer(); // not redirected static volatile Appendable print_log = local_log; // might be redirected, e.g. to main bot // in bytes - will cut to half that static volatile int print_log_max = 1024*1024; static volatile int local_log_max = 100*1024; static boolean print_silent = false; // total mute if set static Object print_byThread_lock = new Object(); static volatile ThreadLocal print_byThread; // special handling by thread - prefers F1 static volatile Object print_allThreads; static volatile Object print_preprocess; static void print() { print(""); } static A print(String s, A o) { print((endsWithLetterOrDigit(s) ? s + ": " : s) + o); return o; } // slightly overblown signature to return original object... static A print(A o) { ping_okInCleanUp(); if (print_silent) return o; String s = String.valueOf(o) + "\n"; print_noNewLine(s); return o; } static void print_noNewLine(String s) { Object f = getThreadLocal(print_byThread_dontCreate()); if (f == null) f = print_allThreads; if (f != null) // We do need the general callF machinery here as print_byThread is sometimes shared between modules if (isFalse( f instanceof F1 ? ((F1) f).get(s) : callF(f, s))) return; print_raw(s); } static void print_raw(String s) { if (print_preprocess != null) s = (String) callF(print_preprocess, s); s = fixNewLines(s); Appendable loc = local_log; Appendable buf = print_log; int loc_max = print_log_max; if (buf != loc && buf != null) { print_append(buf, s, print_log_max); loc_max = local_log_max; } if (loc != null) print_append(loc, s, loc_max); System.out.print(s); } static void print_autoRotate() { } static void deleteConcepts(List conceptsOrIDs) { db_mainConcepts().deleteConcepts(conceptsOrIDs); } static List deleteConcepts(Class c, Object... params) { return deleteConcepts(db_mainConcepts(), c, params); } static List deleteConcepts(Concepts cc, Class c, Object... params) { List l = asList(findConceptsWhere(cc, c, params)); deleteConcepts(l); return l; } static boolean neqic(String a, String b) { return !eqic(a, b); } static boolean neqic(char a, char b) { return !eqic(a, b); } static Concept cnew(String name, Object... values) { Class cc = findClass(name); Concept c = cc != null ? nuObject(cc) : new Concept(name); csetAll(c, values); return c; } static Concept cnew(Concepts concepts, String name, Object... values) { Class cc = findClass(name); concepts_unlisted.set(true); Concept c; try { c = cc != null ? nuObject(cc) : new Concept(name); } finally { concepts_unlisted.set(null); } concepts.register(c); csetAll(c, values); return c; } static A cnew(Class cc, Object... values) { A c = nuObject(cc); csetAll(c, values); return c; } static A cnew(Concepts concepts, Class cc, Object... values) { concepts_unlisted.set(true); A c; try { c = nuObject(cc); } finally { concepts_unlisted.set(null); } concepts.register(c); csetAll(c, values); return c; } static boolean match(String pat, String s) { return match3(pat, s); } static boolean match(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { return match3(pat, s, matches); } static boolean match(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { return match3(pat, toks, matches); } static boolean hasAsteriskTokens(String s) { return contains(javaTokC_iterator(s), "*"); } static List tlft(String s) { return toLinesFullTrim(s); } static List tlft(File f) { return toLinesFullTrim(f); } static A addComponents(final A c, final Collection components) { if (nempty(components)) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (Component comp : components) c.add(comp); revalidate(c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "for (Component comp : components)\r\n c.add(comp);\r\n revalidate(c);"; }}); } return c; } static A addComponents(final A c, Component... components) { return addComponents(c, asList(components)); } static JButton jbutton(String text, Object action) { return newButton(text, action); } // button without action static JButton jbutton(String text) { return newButton(text, null); } /*static JButton jbutton(BufferedImage img, O action) { ret setButtonImage(img, jbutton("", action)); }*/ static JButton jbutton(Action action) { return swingNu(JButton.class, action); } static Runnable runnableThread(final Runnable r) { return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { startThread(r) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "startThread(r)"; }}; } // menuParams: text, Runnable, ... // also: position := 'left/'center/'right static JButton jPopDownButton_noText(final Object... menuParams) { return toolTip("Additional commands", jPopDownButton("", menuParams)); } // x = names and components interleaving. // or just components. // or just names. // also, first element can be index of tab to open at start // also, SUPER short demo syntax: jtabs(3) // also, you can pass a Collection containing the elements static JTabbedPane jtabs(Object... x) { return fillJTabs(swingNu(JTabbedPane.class), x); } static Object[] litobjectarray(Object... l) { return litObjectArray(l); } static void dm_showConversationPopupForModule() { dm_showConversationPopupForModule(dm_current_generic()); } static void dm_showConversationPopupForModule(Object mod) { String moduleID = dm_moduleID(mod); if (moduleID != null) dm_showModuleWithParams("#1027446/ConvoPopupSingleModule", "forModuleID" , moduleID); } static void _close(AutoCloseable c) { if (c != null) try { c.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { // Some classes stupidly throw an exception on double-closing if (c instanceof return; else throw rethrow(e); } } static List list(Class type) { return db_mainConcepts().list(type); } static List list(Concepts concepts, Class type) { return concepts.list(type); } static List list(String type) { return db_mainConcepts().list(type); } static List list(Concepts concepts, String type) { return concepts.list(type); } static class MMOConsistencyError implements IFieldsToList{ static final String _fieldOrder = "idx error"; int idx; String error; MMOConsistencyError() {} MMOConsistencyError(int idx, String error) { this.error = error; this.idx = idx;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + idx + ", " + error + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof MMOConsistencyError)) return false; MMOConsistencyError x = (MMOConsistencyError) o; return eq(idx, x.idx) && eq(error, x.error); } public int hashCode() { int h = 925582239; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(idx)); h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(error)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {idx, error}; } } // items: pairs of example inputs (line-separated) + pattern static List mmo_consistencyCheck(List> items) { List errors = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(items); i++) mmo_checkLocalConsistency(i, items.get(i), errors); return errors; } static void mmo_checkLocalConsistency(int idx, Pair qa, List errors) { List questions = tlft(qa.a); for (String q : questions) if (!mmo_match_parsedPattern(qa.b, q)) errors.add(new MMOConsistencyError(idx, "Example " + quote(q) + " not matched by patterns " + quote(qa.b))); } static void mmo_checkGlobalConsistency(int idx, Pair qa, List> items, List errors) { List questions = tlft(qa.a); for (String q : tlft(qa.a)) { int idxFound = mmo_indexOfFirstMatch(q, pairsB_lazy(items)); if (idxFound >= 0 && idxFound != idx) errors.add(new MMOConsistencyError(idx, "Example " + quote(q) + " (index " + (idx+1) + ") shadowed by patterns " + quote(items.get(idxFound).b) + " (item " + (idxFound+1) + ")")); } } static List map(Iterable l, Object f) { return map(f, l); } static List map(Object f, Iterable l) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } static List map(Iterable l, F1 f) { return map(f, l); } static List map(F1 f, Iterable l) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } static List map(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return map(l, f); } static List map(Iterable l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } static List map(IF1 f, A[] l) { return map(l, f); } static List map(A[] l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } static List map(Object f, Object[] l) { return map(f, asList(l)); } static List map(Object[] l, Object f) { return map(f, l); } static List map(Object f, Map map) { return map(map, f); } // map: func(key, value) -> list element static List map(Map map, Object f) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (map != null) for (Object _e : map.entrySet()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) _e; x.add(callF(f, e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } return x; } static List map(Map map, IF2 f) { return map(map, (Object) f); } static Pair pair(A a, B b) { return new Pair(a, b); } static Pair pair(A a) { return new Pair(a, a); } static boolean empty(Collection c) { return c == null || c.isEmpty(); } static boolean empty(CharSequence s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } static boolean empty(Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); } static boolean empty(Object[] o) { return o == null || o.length == 0; } static boolean empty(Object o) { if (o instanceof Collection) return empty((Collection) o); if (o instanceof String) return empty((String) o); if (o instanceof Map) return empty((Map) o); if (o instanceof Object[]) return empty((Object[]) o); if (o instanceof byte[]) return empty((byte[]) o); if (o == null) return true; throw fail("unknown type for 'empty': " + getType(o)); } static boolean empty(Iterator i) { return i == null || !i.hasNext(); } static boolean empty(double[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(float[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(int[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(long[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(byte[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(short[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean empty(MultiSet ms) { return ms == null || ms.isEmpty(); } static boolean empty(File f) { return getFileSize(f) == 0; } static JWindow infoBox(String text) { return infoMessage(text); } static JWindow infoBox(String text, double seconds) { return infoMessage(text, seconds); } static JWindow infoBox(Throwable e) { return infoMessage(e); } static String dm_showText(String text) { return dm_showNewModuleWithFields("#1016122/TextArea", "text", text); } static String dm_showText(String title, String text) { String mod = dm_showText(text); dm_setModuleName(mod, title); return mod; } // convenience synonym for dm_showLines static String dm_showText(Iterable l) { return dm_showLines(l); } static String n2(long l) { return formatWithThousands(l); } static String n2(Collection l) { return n2(l(l)); } static String n2(Map map) { return n2(l(map)); } static String n2(double l, String singular) { return n2(l, singular, singular + "s"); } static String n2(double l, String singular, String plural) { if (fraction(l) == 0) return n2((long) l, singular, plural); else return l + " " + plural; } static String n2(long l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, plural); } static String n2(long l, String singular) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, singular + "s"); } static String n2(Collection l, String singular) { return n2(l(l), singular); } static String n2(Collection l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, plural); } static String n2(Map m, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(m, singular, plural); } static String n2(Map m, String singular) { return n2(l(m), singular); } static String n2(Object[] a, String singular) { return n2(l(a), singular); } static String n2(Object[] a, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(a, singular, plural); } static String n2(MultiSet ms, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(ms, singular, plural); } static String lines(Iterable lines) { return fromLines(lines); } static String lines(Object[] lines) { return fromLines(asList(lines)); } static List lines(String s) { return toLines(s); } static Collection conceptsSortedByFields(Class c, String... fields) { return conceptsSortedByFields(db_mainConcepts(), c, fields); } static Collection conceptsSortedByFields(Concepts concepts, Class c, String... fields) { return sortedByFields(concepts.list(c), fields); } // returns number of changes static int cset(Concept c, Object... values) { try { if (c == null) return 0; warnIfOddCount(values = expandParams(c.getClass(), values)); int changes = 0; for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(values); i += 2) if (_csetField(c, (String) values[i], values[i+1])) ++changes; return changes; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int cset(Iterable l, Object... values) { int changes = 0; for (Concept c : unnull(l)) changes += cset(c, values); return changes; } static List deleteConceptsWhere(Class c, Object... params) { return deleteConcepts(c, params); } static List deleteConceptsWhere(Concepts cc, Class c, Object... params) { return deleteConcepts(cc, c, params); } static boolean jcontains(String s, String pat) { return jfind(s, pat) >= 0; } static boolean jcontains(List tok, String pat) { return jfind(tok, pat) >= 0; } static boolean jcontains(List tok, String pat, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, pat, condition) >= 0; } static String str(Object o) { return o == null ? "null" : o.toString(); } static String str(char[] c) { return new String(c); } static TreeMap litcimap(Object... x) { return litCIMap(x); } static String plural(String s) { return getPlural(s); } static A shallowCloneUnlisted(Class c, Object o) { return shallowCloneToUnlistedConcept(c, o); } static A shallowCloneUnlisted(A o) { return shallowCloneToUnlistedConcept(o); } static GlobalID aGlobalIDObject() { return aGlobalIDObj(); } static String fixAOrAn(String s) { return aToAn(anToA(s)); } static String replacePhrases(String s, Map map) { return translateUsingPhraseMap(s, map); } static String replacePhrases(Map map, String s) { return replacePhrases(s, map); } static String getString(Map map, Object key) { return map == null ? null : (String) map.get(key); } static String getString(List l, int idx) { return (String) get(l, idx); } static String getString(Object o, Object key) { if (o instanceof Map) return getString((Map) o, key); if (key instanceof String) return (String) getOpt(o, (String) key); throw fail("Not a string key: " + getClassName(key)); } static String getString(String key, Object o) { return getString(o, (Object) key); } static boolean anyFieldsDifferent(Object a, Object b, Iterable fields) { if (fields != null) for (String field : fields) if (neq(getOpt(a, field), getOpt(b, field))) return true; return false; } static void registerConcept(Concept c) { db_mainConcepts().register(c); } static void registerConcept(Concepts cc, Concept c) { cc.register(c); } static List allIfQuotedPatterns(String s) { return map("firstQuoted",jextractAll("if ", s)); } static boolean preferCached = false; static boolean loadSnippet_debug = false; static ThreadLocal loadSnippet_silent = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal loadSnippet_publicOnly = new ThreadLocal(); static int loadSnippet_timeout = 30000; static String loadSnippet(Snippet s) { return loadSnippet(; } static String loadSnippet(String snippetID) { try { if (snippetID == null) return null; return loadSnippet(parseSnippetID(snippetID), preferCached); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String loadSnippet(String snippetID, boolean preferCached) throws IOException { return loadSnippet(parseSnippetID(snippetID), preferCached); } static IF1 loadSnippet; static String loadSnippet(long snippetID) { return loadSnippet != null ? loadSnippet.get(snippetID) : loadSnippet_base(snippetID); } final static String loadSnippet_fallback(IF1 _f, long snippetID) { return _f != null ? _f.get(snippetID) : loadSnippet_base(snippetID); } static String loadSnippet_base(long snippetID) { try { return loadSnippet(snippetID, preferCached); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String loadSnippet(long snippetID, boolean preferCached) throws IOException { String text; if (isLocalSnippetID(snippetID)) return loadLocalSnippet(snippetID); IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.loadSnippet(fsI(snippetID)); // boss bot disabled for now for shorter transpilations /*text = getSnippetFromBossBot(snippetID); if (text != null) return text;*/ initSnippetCache(); text = DiskSnippetCache_get(snippetID); if (preferCached && text != null) return text; try { if (loadSnippet_debug && text != null) System.err.println("md5: " + md5(text)); String url = tb_mainServer() + "/getraw.php?id=" + snippetID + "&utf8=1"; if (nempty(text)) url += "&md5=" + md5(text); if (!isTrue(loadSnippet_publicOnly.get())) url += standardCredentials(); String text2 = loadSnippet_loadFromServer(url); boolean same = eq(text2, "==*#*=="); if (loadSnippet_debug) print("loadSnippet: same=" + same); if (!same) text = text2; } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new IOException("Snippet #" + snippetID + " not found or not public"); } try { initSnippetCache(); DiskSnippetCache_put(snippetID, text); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Minor warning: Couldn't save snippet to cache (" + DiskSnippetCache_getDir() + ")"); } return text; } static File DiskSnippetCache_dir; public static void initDiskSnippetCache(File dir) { DiskSnippetCache_dir = dir; dir.mkdirs(); } public static synchronized String DiskSnippetCache_get(long snippetID) throws IOException { return loadTextFile(DiskSnippetCache_getFile(snippetID).getPath(), null); } private static File DiskSnippetCache_getFile(long snippetID) { return new File(DiskSnippetCache_dir, "" + snippetID); } public static synchronized void DiskSnippetCache_put(long snippetID, String snippet) throws IOException { saveTextFile(DiskSnippetCache_getFile(snippetID).getPath(), snippet); } public static File DiskSnippetCache_getDir() { return DiskSnippetCache_dir; } public static void initSnippetCache() { if (DiskSnippetCache_dir == null) initDiskSnippetCache(getGlobalCache()); } static String loadSnippet_loadFromServer(String url) { Integer oldTimeout = setThreadLocal(loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread, loadSnippet_timeout); try { return isTrue(loadSnippet_silent.get()) ? loadPageSilently(url) : loadPage(url); } finally { loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread.set(oldTimeout); } } static String beforeSlash(String s) { return takeFirst(indexOf(s, '/'), s); } static String dm_moduleLibID() { return programID() + "/" + shortClassName(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static String dm_moduleLibID(Object mod) { if (mod == null) return null; mod = dm_getModule(mod); if (hasSuperclassShortNamed(mod, "DynModule")) return programID(mod) + "/" + shortClassName(mod); return null; } static Map fieldToFieldIndexCI(final String fieldA, final String fieldB, Iterable l) { return pairsToCIMap((List) collectTwoFieldsAsPair(fieldA, fieldB, l)); } static boolean neq(Object a, Object b) { return !eq(a, b); } static RuntimeException fail() { throw new RuntimeException("fail"); } static RuntimeException fail(Throwable e) { throw asRuntimeException(e); } static RuntimeException fail(Object msg) { throw new RuntimeException(String.valueOf(msg)); } static RuntimeException fail(String msg) { throw new RuntimeException(msg == null ? "" : msg); } static RuntimeException fail(String msg, Throwable innerException) { throw new RuntimeException(msg, innerException); } static AutoCloseable tempAfterwards(final Object r) { return new AutoCloseable() { public void close() { callF(r); } }; } static AutoCloseable tempAddToCollection(Collection l, A a) { return tempAdd(l, a); } static String strOrNull(Object o) { return o == null ? null : str(o); } static Object call(Object o) { return callF(o); } // varargs assignment fixer for a single string array argument static Object call(Object o, String method, String[] arg) { return call(o, method, new Object[] {arg}); } static Object call(Object o, String method, Object... args) { //ret call_cached(o, method, args); return call_withVarargs(o, method, args); } static List filter(Iterable c, Object pred) { if (pred instanceof F1) return filter(c, (F1) pred); List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (Object o : c) if (isTrue(callF(pred, o))) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(Object pred, Iterable c) { return filter(c, pred); } static List filter(Iterable c, F1 pred) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (B o : c) if (pred.get(o)) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(F1 pred, Iterable c) { return filter(c, pred); } //ifclass IF1 static List filter(Iterable c, IF1 pred) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (B o : c) if (pred.get(o)) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(B[] c, IF1 pred) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (B o : c) if (pred.get(o)) x.add(o); return x; } static List filter(IF1 pred, Iterable c) { return filter(c, pred); } //endif static boolean conceptsSortedByField_verbose = false; static Collection conceptsSortedByField(Class c, String field) { return conceptsSortedByField(db_mainConcepts(), c, field); } static Collection conceptsSortedByField(Concepts concepts, Class c, String field) { // indexed IFieldIndex index = concepts.getFieldIndex(c, field); if (index instanceof ConceptFieldIndexDesc) return reverseInPlace(asList(((ConceptFieldIndexDesc) index).objectIterator())); // sort manually if (conceptsSortedByField_verbose) print("conceptsSortedByField_verbose: Manual sort of " + c + " for " + field); return sortedByField(field, concepts.list(c)); } static boolean nempty(Collection c) { return !empty(c); } static boolean nempty(CharSequence s) { return !empty(s); } static boolean nempty(Object[] o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean nempty(byte[] o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean nempty(int[] o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean nempty(Map m) { return !empty(m); } static boolean nempty(Iterator i) { return i != null && i.hasNext(); } static boolean nempty(Object o) { return !empty(o); } static boolean checkCondition(Object condition, Object... args) { return isTrue(callF(condition, args)); } static boolean checkCondition(IF1 condition, A arg) { return isTrue(callF(condition, arg)); } static A mmo_matchMultiWithTypos(int maxTypos, Collection entries, IF1 entryToPattern, String s) { for (A a : unnull(entries)) if (mmo_match_parsedPattern(entryToPattern.get(a), s)) return a; Lowest best = new Lowest(); for (A a : entries) lowestPut(best, a, mmo_levenWithSwapsScore_parsedPattern(entryToPattern.get(a), s)); if (!best.has()) return null; if (best.score() > maxTypos) return null; return best.get(); } static String unnull(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s; } static Collection unnull(Collection l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } static List unnull(List l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } static Map unnull(Map l) { return l == null ? emptyMap() : l; } static Iterable unnull(Iterable i) { return i == null ? emptyList() : i; } static A[] unnull(A[] a) { return a == null ? (A[]) emptyObjectArray() : a; } static BitSet unnull(BitSet b) { return b == null ? new BitSet() : b; } static Pt unnull(Pt p) { return p == null ? new Pt() : p; } //ifclass Symbol static Pair unnull(Pair p) { return p != null ? p : new Pair(null, null); } static List dynShortNamed(String name, Iterable l) { return filter(l, o -> eq(dynShortName(o), name)); } static List safeUnstructList(String s) { return safeUnstructureList(s); } static A uniq_sync(final Class c, final Object... params) { return uniq(c, params); } static A uniq_sync(Concepts concepts, Class c, final Object... params) { return uniq(concepts, c, params); } // returns number of changes static int cSmartSet(Concept c, Object... values) { try { if (c == null) return 0; warnIfOddCount(values = expandParams(c.getClass(), values)); int changes = 0; for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(values); i += 2) if (_cSmartSetField(c, (String) values[i], values[i+1])) ++changes; return changes; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object getOpt(Object o, String field) { return getOpt_cached(o, field); } static Object getOpt(String field, Object o) { return getOpt_cached(o, field); } static Object getOpt_raw(Object o, String field) { try { Field f = getOpt_findField(o.getClass(), field); if (f == null) return null; makeAccessible(f); return f.get(o); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // access of static fields is not yet optimized static Object getOpt(Class c, String field) { try { if (c == null) return null; Field f = getOpt_findStaticField(c, field); if (f == null) return null; makeAccessible(f); return f.get(null); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Field getOpt_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static JWindow topLeftInfoBox(String text) { return infoBoxTopLeftCorner(text); } static JWindow topLeftInfoBox(String text, double seconds) { return infoBoxTopLeftCorner(text, seconds); } static JWindow topLeftInfoBox(Throwable e) { return infoBoxTopLeftCorner(e); } static String nEntries(long n) { return n2(n, "entry", "entries"); } static String nEntries(Collection l) { return nEntries(l(l)); } static String nEntries(Map map) { return nEntries(l(map)); } static void selectSnippetID(final VF1 onSelect) { new SnippetSelectForm(onSelect).go(); } static void selectSnippetID(String title, final VF1 onSelect) { SnippetSelectForm form = new SnippetSelectForm(onSelect); form.go(); possiblyInternalFrameTitle(form.frame, title); } static A uniq(Class c, Object... params) { return uniqueConcept(c, params); } static A uniq(Concepts cc, Class c, Object... params) { return uniqueConcept(cc, c, params); } static A conceptWhere(Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptWhere(c, params); } static A conceptWhere(Concepts cc, Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptWhere(cc, c, params); } static String dm_moduleName() { return dm_moduleName(assertNotNull(dm_current_generic())); } static String dm_moduleName(Object module) { return (String) callOpt(dm_getStem(module), "moduleName"); } static void dm_setModuleName(Object module, String name) { dm_callModule(module, "setModuleName", name); } static void dm_setModuleName(String name) { dm_setModuleName(dm_current_mandatory_generic(), name); } static void dm_deleteModule(Object module) { if (dm_isMe(module)) dm_deleteModuleInBackground(); else { Object stem = dm_getStem(module); if (stem != null) callCreator("deleteModule", stem); } } static void dm_deleteModule() { dm_deleteModule(dm_current_generic()); } static AutoCloseable tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted(F1 f) { return print_byThread().get() == null ? tempInterceptPrint(f) : null; } static String shortDynamicClassName(Object o) { if (o instanceof DynamicObject && ((DynamicObject) o).className != null) return ((DynamicObject) o).className; return shortClassName(o); } static ArrayList emptyList() { return new ArrayList(); //ret Collections.emptyList(); } static ArrayList emptyList(int capacity) { return new ArrayList(max(0, capacity)); } // Try to match capacity static ArrayList emptyList(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? emptyList(((Collection) l).size()) : emptyList(); } static ArrayList emptyList(Object[] l) { return emptyList(l(l)); } // get correct type at once static ArrayList emptyList(Class c) { return new ArrayList(); } // unclear semantics as to whether return null on null static ArrayList asList(A[] a) { return a == null ? new ArrayList() : new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(a)); } static ArrayList asList(int[] a) { if (a == null) return null; ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length); for (int i : a) l.add(i); return l; } static ArrayList asList(float[] a) { if (a == null) return null; ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length); for (float i : a) l.add(i); return l; } static ArrayList asList(double[] a) { if (a == null) return null; ArrayList l = emptyList(a.length); for (double i : a) l.add(i); return l; } static ArrayList asList(Iterable s) { if (s instanceof ArrayList) return (ArrayList) s; ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); if (s != null) for (A a : s) l.add(a); return l; } static ArrayList asList(Producer p) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); A a; if (p != null) while ((a = != null) l.add(a); return l; } static ArrayList asList(Enumeration e) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); if (e != null) while (e.hasMoreElements()) l.add(e.nextElement()); return l; } static String trim(String s) { return s == null ? null : s.trim(); } static String trim(StringBuilder buf) { return buf.toString().trim(); } static String trim(StringBuffer buf) { return buf.toString().trim(); } static String tok_deRoundBracket(String s) { return tok_isRoundBracketed(s) ? join(dropFirstThreeAndLastThree(javaTok(s))) : s; } static List javaTokWithBrackets(String s) { return javaTokPlusBrackets(s); } static List tok_splitAtComma(String s) { return tok_splitAtComma(javaTok(s)); } static List tok_splitAtComma(List tok) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { int j = smartIndexOf(tok, ",", i); out.add(joinSubList(tok, i+1, j-1)); i = j; } return out; } static List lambdaMap(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return map(l, f); } static List lambdaMap(IF1 f, A[] l) { return map(l, f); } static List tok_splitAtPlus(String s) { return tok_splitAtPlus(javaTokWithAllBrackets_cached(s)); } static List tok_splitAtPlus(List tok) { return splitAtTokens(tok, "+"); } static boolean startsWith(String a, String b) { return a != null && a.startsWith(b); } static boolean startsWith(String a, char c) { return nemptyString(a) && a.charAt(0) == c; } static boolean startsWith(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!startsWith(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] {substring(a, strL(b))}; return true; } static boolean startsWith(List a, List b) { if (a == null || listL(b) > listL(a)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < listL(b); i++) if (neq(a.get(i), b.get(i))) return false; return true; } static String[] dropFirst(int n, String[] a) { return drop(n, a); } static String[] dropFirst(String[] a) { return drop(1, a); } static Object[] dropFirst(Object[] a) { return drop(1, a); } static List dropFirst(List l) { return dropFirst(1, l); } static List dropFirst(int n, Iterable i) { return dropFirst(n, toList(i)); } static List dropFirst(Iterable i) { return dropFirst(toList(i)); } static List dropFirst(int n, List l) { return n <= 0 ? l : new ArrayList(l.subList(Math.min(n, l.size()), l.size())); } static List dropFirst(List l, int n) { return dropFirst(n, l); } static String dropFirst(int n, String s) { return substring(s, n); } static String dropFirst(String s, int n) { return substring(s, n); } static String dropFirst(String s) { return substring(s, 1); } static String unquote(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (startsWith(s, '[')) { int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '[') { String m = s.substring(1, i); if (s.endsWith("]" + m + "]")) return s.substring(i+1, s.length()-i-1); } } if (s.length() > 1) { char c = s.charAt(0); if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { int l = endsWith(s, c) ? s.length()-1 : s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(l-1); for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { char nextChar = (i == l - 1) ? '\\' : s.charAt(i + 1); // Octal escape? if (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '7') { String code = "" + nextChar; i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; } } sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(code, 8)); continue; } switch (nextChar) { case '\"': ch = '\"'; break; case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '\'': ch = '\''; break; // Hex Unicode: u???? case 'u': if (i >= l - 5) { ch = 'u'; break; } int code = Integer.parseInt( "" + s.charAt(i + 2) + s.charAt(i + 3) + s.charAt(i + 4) + s.charAt(i + 5), 16); sb.append(Character.toChars(code)); i += 5; continue; default: ch = nextChar; // added by Stefan } i++; } sb.append(ch); } return sb.toString(); } } return s; // not quoted - return original } // supports the usual quotings (", variable length double brackets) except ' quoting static boolean isQuoted(String s) { if (isNormalQuoted(s)) return true; // use the exact version return isMultilineQuoted(s); } //sbool ping_actions_shareable = true; static volatile boolean ping_pauseAll = false; static int ping_sleep = 100; // poll pauseAll flag every 100 static volatile boolean ping_anyActions = false; static Map ping_actions = newWeakHashMap(); static ThreadLocal ping_isCleanUpThread = new ThreadLocal(); // always returns true static boolean ping() { if (ping_pauseAll || ping_anyActions) ping_impl(true /* XXX */); //ifndef LeanMode ping_impl(); endifndef return true; } // returns true when it slept static boolean ping_impl(boolean okInCleanUp) { try { if (ping_pauseAll && !isAWTThread()) { do Thread.sleep(ping_sleep); while (ping_pauseAll); return true; } if (ping_anyActions) { // don't allow sharing ping_actions if (!okInCleanUp && !isTrue(ping_isCleanUpThread.get())) failIfUnlicensed(); Object action = null; synchronized(ping_actions) { if (!ping_actions.isEmpty()) { action = ping_actions.get(currentThread()); if (action instanceof Runnable) ping_actions.remove(currentThread()); if (ping_actions.isEmpty()) ping_anyActions = false; } } if (action instanceof Runnable) ((Runnable) action).run(); else if (eq(action, "cancelled")) throw fail("Thread cancelled."); } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Set synchroHashSet() { return Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); } static > B addAllAndReturnCollection(B c, Collection b) { if (c != null && b != null) c.addAll(b); return c; } static int iteratorCount_int_close(Iterator i) { try { int n = 0; if (i != null) while (i.hasNext()) {; ++n; } if (i instanceof AutoCloseable) ((AutoCloseable) i).close(); return n; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean eq(Object a, Object b) { return a == b || a != null && b != null && a.equals(b); } static int countOccurrences(Iterable c, A x) { int n = 0; if (c != null) for (Object o : c) if (eq(x, o)) ++n; return n; } static int countOccurrences(A x, Iterable c) { return countOccurrences(c, x); } static List javaTokC(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int l = s.length(); ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener || s.charAt(j) == '\n') { // end at \n to not propagate unclosed string literal errors ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else ++j; tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); i = j; } return tok; } // TODO: extended multi-line strings static int javaTok_n, javaTok_elements; static boolean javaTok_opt = false; static List javaTok(String s) { ++javaTok_n; ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s == null ? 0 : s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace // Special JavaX syntax: 'identifier if (c == '\'' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(d) && i+2 < l && "'\\".indexOf(s.charAt(i+2)) < 0) { j += 2; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) ++j; } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { int c2 = s.charAt(j); if (c2 == opener || c2 == '\n' && opener == '\'') { // allow multi-line strings, but not for ' ++j; break; } else if (c2 == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || s.charAt(j) == '\'')); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else ++j; tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); javaTok_elements += tok.size(); return tok; } static List javaTok(List tok) { return javaTokWithExisting(join(tok), tok); } public static String join(String glue, Iterable strings) { if (strings == null) return ""; if (strings instanceof Collection) { if (((Collection) strings).size() == 1) return str(first(((Collection) strings))); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Iterator i = strings.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { buf.append(; while (i.hasNext()) buf.append(glue).append(; } return buf.toString(); } public static String join(String glue, String... strings) { return join(glue, Arrays.asList(strings)); } static String join(Iterable strings) { return join("", strings); } static String join(Iterable strings, String glue) { return join(glue, strings); } public static String join(String[] strings) { return join("", strings); } static String join(String glue, Pair p) { return p == null ? "" : str(p.a) + glue + str(p.b); } static Object[] toObjectArray(Collection c) { List l = asList(c); return l.toArray(new Object[l.size()]); } static Object dm_current_generic_mandatory() { return dm_current_mandatory_generic(); } static void dm_reloadOnFieldChange(String... fields) { for (String field : unnull(fields)) dm_onFieldChange(field, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { dm_reloadModule(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "dm_reloadModule();"; }}); } static volatile String caseID_caseID; static String caseID() { return caseID_caseID; } static void caseID(String id) { caseID_caseID = id; } static Object dm_get(Object moduleOrID, String field) { return get(dm_getModule(moduleOrID), field); } static Object dm_get(String field, long moduleID) { return dm_get(moduleID, field); } static Pair persistentConcepts(String dbProgramID, String caseID) { Concepts cc = newConceptsWithClassFinder(dbProgramID + (nempty(caseID) ? "/" + caseID : "")); String botName = botNameForConcepts(cc); try { ensureDBNotRunning(botName); } catch (Throwable _e) { cc.dontSave = true; // SAFETY throw rethrow(_e); } cc.persist(); return pair(cc, combineAutoCloseables(cc, methodsBot2(botName, cc, db_standardExposedMethods(), cc.lock))); } static String programID() { return getProgramID(); } static String programID(Object o) { return getProgramID(o); } static A dm_ownResource(A resource) { dm_currentModuleMandatory().ownResource(resource); return resource; } static void dm_watchField(String field, Runnable onChange) { new Dyn_FieldWatcher(dm_current_mandatory(), field, onChange); } static Q dm_q() { return dm_current_mandatory().q(); } static void dm_q(Runnable r) { dm_inQ(r); } static void dm_q(DynModule module, Runnable r) { module.q().add(r); } static A dm_q(IF0 f) { return dm_evalInQ(if0ToF0(f)); } static void _handleError(Error e) { call(javax(), "_handleError", e); } static HashSet lithashset(A... items) { HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (A a : items) set.add(a); return set; } static Field getOpt_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static Field makeAccessible(Field f) { try { f.setAccessible(true); } catch (Throwable e) { // Note: The error reporting only works with Java VM option --illegal-access=deny vmBus_send("makeAccessible_error",e, f); } return f; } static Method makeAccessible(Method m) { try { m.setAccessible(true); } catch (Throwable e) { vmBus_send("makeAccessible_error",e, m); } return m; } static Constructor makeAccessible(Constructor c) { try { c.setAccessible(true); } catch (Throwable e) { vmBus_send("makeAccessible_error",e, c); } return c; } static RuntimeException asRuntimeException(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Error) _handleError((Error) t); return t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t); } static List sortedByField(Collection c, final String field) { List l = new ArrayList(c); sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return cmp(getOpt(a, field), getOpt(b, field)); } }); return l; } static List sortedByField(String field, Collection c) { return sortedByField(c, field); } static DynModule dm_current_mandatory() { return assertNotNull("No module set!", dm_currentModule()); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage(final String msg, final VF1 onMessage) { return dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage(msg, onMessage)); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage(final String msg, final IVF1 onMessage) { return dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage(msg, ivf1ToVF1(onMessage))); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage(final String msg, final IVF2 onMessage) { return dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage(msg, ivf2ToVF2(onMessage))); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage(String msg, final VF2 onMessage) { return dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage(msg, onMessage)); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage(String msg, final VF3 onMessage) { return dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage(msg, onMessage)); } static AutoCloseable dm_vmBus_onMessage(String msg, Runnable onMessage) { return dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage(msg, onMessage)); } static Map> callF_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static A callF(F0 f) { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } static B callF(F1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } static A callF(IF0 f) { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } static B callF(IF1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } static C callF(F2 f, A a, B b) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a, b); } static C callF(IF2 f, A a, B b) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a, b); } static void callF(VF1 f, A a) { if (f != null) f.get(a); } static Object callF(Object f, Object... args) { try { if (f instanceof String) return callMCWithVarArgs((String) f, args); // possible SLOWDOWN over callMC if (f instanceof Runnable) { ((Runnable) f).run(); return null; } if (f == null) return null; Class c = f.getClass(); ArrayList methods; synchronized(callF_cache) { methods = callF_cache.get(c); if (methods == null) methods = callF_makeCache(c); } int n = l(methods); if (n == 0) { throw fail("No get method in " + getClassName(c)); } if (n == 1) return invokeMethod(methods.get(0), f, args); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method m = methods.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return invokeMethod(m, f, args); } throw fail("No matching get method in " + getClassName(c)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // used internally static ArrayList callF_makeCache(Class c) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(); Class _c = c; do { for (Method m : _c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals("get")) { makeAccessible(m); l.add(m); } if (!l.isEmpty()) break; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); callF_cache.put(c, l); return l; } static boolean dm_sameModule(Object mod1, Object mod2) { return dm_getModule(mod1) == dm_getModule(mod2); } static Object dm_getModule(Object moduleOrID) { if (moduleOrID == null || eq(moduleOrID, "")) return null; if (isString(moduleOrID) && isIdentifier(((String) moduleOrID))) return dm_getService(((String) moduleOrID)); if (isStringOrIntOrLong(moduleOrID)) return dm_callOS("getDynModuleByID", str(moduleOrID)); return dm_resolveModule(moduleOrID); } static AutoCloseable dm_enter(Object mod) { return (AutoCloseable) callOpt(dm_getModule(mod), "enter"); } static Object call_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findStaticMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, null, args); // try varargs List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } { if (!(isStaticMethod(m))) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, null, newArgs); } throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found"); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, o, args); // try varargs List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs); } throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found"); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean endsWithLetterOrDigit(String s) { return s != null && s.length() > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(s.length()-1)); } static void ping_okInCleanUp() { if (ping_pauseAll || ping_anyActions) ping_impl(true); } // this syntax should be removed... static Object getThreadLocal(Object o, String name) { ThreadLocal t = (ThreadLocal) (getOpt(o, name)); return t != null ? t.get() : null; } static A getThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl) { return tl == null ? null : tl.get(); } static A getThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl, A defaultValue) { return or(getThreadLocal(tl), defaultValue); } static ThreadLocal print_byThread_dontCreate() { return print_byThread; } static boolean isFalse(Object o) { return eq(false, o); } static String fixNewLines(String s) { int i = indexOf(s, '\r'); if (i < 0) return s; int l = s.length(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(l); out.append(s, 0, i); for (; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c != '\r') out.append(c); else { out.append('\n'); if (i+1 < l && s.charAt(i+1) == '\n') ++i; } } return out.toString(); } static void print_append(Appendable buf, String s, int max) { try { synchronized(buf) { buf.append(s); if (buf instanceof StringBuffer) rotateStringBuffer(((StringBuffer) buf), max); else if (buf instanceof StringBuilder) rotateStringBuilder(((StringBuilder) buf), max); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static volatile Concepts mainConcepts; // Where we create new concepts static Concepts db_mainConcepts() { if (mainConcepts == null) mainConcepts = newConceptsWithClassFinder(getDBProgramID()); return mainConcepts; } static Collection findConceptsWhere(Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptsWhere(db_mainConcepts(), c, params); } static Collection findConceptsWhere(String c, Object... params) { return findConceptsWhere(db_mainConcepts(), c, params); } static Collection findConceptsWhere(Concepts concepts, Class c, Object... params) { params = expandParams(c, params); // indexed if (concepts.fieldIndices != null) for (int i = 0; i < l(params); i += 2) { IFieldIndex index = concepts.getFieldIndex(c, (String) params[i]); if (index != null) { Collection rawList = index.getAll(params[i+1]); params = dropEntryFromParams(params, i); if (params == null) return rawList; List l = new ArrayList(); for (A x : rawList) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) l.add(x); return l; } } // table scan return filterConcepts(concepts.list(c), params); } static Collection findConceptsWhere(Concepts concepts, String c, Object... params) { return filterConcepts(concepts.list(c), params); } static boolean eqic(String a, String b) { if ((a == null) != (b == null)) return false; if (a == null) return true; return a.equalsIgnoreCase(b); } static boolean eqic(char a, char b) { if (a == b) return true; char u1 = Character.toUpperCase(a); char u2 = Character.toUpperCase(b); if (u1 == u2) return true; return Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2); } static HashMap findClass_cache = new HashMap(); // currently finds only inner classes of class "main" // returns null on not found // this is the simple version that is not case-tolerant static Class findClass(String name) { synchronized(findClass_cache) { if (findClass_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_cache.get(name); if (!isJavaIdentifier(name)) return null; Class c; try { c = Class.forName("main$" + name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } static Object nuObject(String className, Object... args) { try { return nuObject(classForName(className), args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // too ambiguous - maybe need to fix some callers /*static O nuObject(O realm, S className, O... args) { ret nuObject(_getClass(realm, className), args); }*/ static A nuObject(Class c, Object... args) { try { if (args.length == 0) return nuObjectWithoutArguments(c); // cached! Constructor m = nuObject_findConstructor(c, args); makeAccessible(m); return (A) m.newInstance(args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Constructor nuObject_findConstructor(Class c, Object... args) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (!nuObject_checkArgs(m.getParameterTypes(), args, false)) continue; return m; } throw fail("Constructor " + c.getName() + getClasses(args) + " not found" + (args.length == 0 && (c.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) == 0 ? " - hint: it's a non-static class!" : "")); } static boolean nuObject_checkArgs(Class[] types, Object[] args, boolean debug) { if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + args[i] + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } return true; } static int csetAll(Concept c, Object... values) { return cset(c, values); } static int csetAll(Iterable l, Object... values) { int n = 0; for (Concept c : unnull(l)) n += cset(c, values); return n; } static boolean match3(String pat, String s) { return match3(pat, s, null); } static boolean match3(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (pat == null || s == null) return false; return match3(pat, parse3_cachedInput(s), matches); } static boolean match3(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { List tokpat = parse3_cachedPattern(pat); return match3(tokpat, toks, matches); } static boolean match3(List tokpat, List toks, Matches matches) { String[] m = match2(tokpat, toks); //print(structure(tokpat) + " on " + structure(toks) + " => " + structure(m)); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) matches.m = m; return true; } static boolean contains(Collection c, Object o) { return c != null && c.contains(o); } static boolean contains(Object[] x, Object o) { if (x != null) for (Object a : x) if (eq(a, o)) return true; return false; } static boolean contains(String s, char c) { return s != null && s.indexOf(c) >= 0; } static boolean contains(String s, String b) { return s != null && s.indexOf(b) >= 0; } static boolean contains(BitSet bs, int i) { return bs != null && bs.get(i); } static boolean contains(Producer p, A a) { if (p != null && a != null) while (true) { A x =; if (x == null) break; if (eq(x, a)) return true; } return false; } static Producer javaTokC_iterator(final String s) { return new Producer() { final int l = s.length(); int i = 0; public String next() { if (i >= l) return null; int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } i = j; if (i >= l) return null; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener || s.charAt(j) == '\n') { // end at \n to not propagate unclosed string literal errors ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else ++j; String t = quickSubstring(s, i, j); i = j; return t; } }; } static List toLinesFullTrim(String s) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (String line : toLines(s)) if (nempty(line = trim(line))) l.add(line); return l; } static List toLinesFullTrim(File f) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (String line : linesFromFile(f)) if (nempty(line = trim(line))) l.add(line); return l; } static Object swing(Object f) { return swingAndWait(f); } static A swing(F0 f) { return (A) swingAndWait(f); } static A swing(IF0 f) { return (A) swingAndWait(f); } static A revalidate(final A c) { if (c == null || !c.isShowing()) return c; { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // magic combo to actually relayout and repaint c.revalidate(); c.repaint(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "// magic combo to actually relayout and repaint\r\n c.revalidate();\r\n c.r..."; }}); } return c; } static void revalidate(JFrame f) { revalidate((Component) f); } static void revalidate(JInternalFrame f) { revalidate((Component) f); } static boolean newButton_autoToolTip = true; // action can be Runnable or a function name static JButton newButton(final String text, final Object action) { return swing(new F0() { public JButton get() { try { String text2 = dropPrefix("[disabled] ", text); final JButton btn = new JButton(text2); if (l(text2) < l(text)) btn.setEnabled(false); if (newButton_autoToolTip) { btn.setToolTipText(btn.getText()); //onChangeAndNow(btn, r { btn.setToolTipText(btn.getText()) }); } // submitButtonOnEnter(btn); // test this first if (action != null) btn.addActionListener(actionListener(action, btn)); return btn; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "S text2 = dropPrefix(\"[disabled] \", text);\r\n final JButton btn = new JButt..."; }}); } static A swingNu(final Class c, final Object... args) { return swingConstruct(c, args); } static Thread startThread(Object runnable) { return startThread(defaultThreadName(), runnable); } static Thread startThread(String name, Object runnable) { runnable = wrapAsActivity(runnable); return startThread(newThread(toRunnable(runnable), name)); } static Thread startThread(Thread t) { _registerThread(t); t.start(); return t; } static A toolTip(A c, final Object toolTip) { return setToolTipText(c, toolTip); } static A toolTip(Object toolTip, A c) { return setToolTipText(toolTip, c); } // menuParams: text, Runnable, ... // also: position := 'left/'center/'right static JButton jPopDownButton(String text, final Object... menuParams) { return jbutton((empty(text) ? "" : text + " ") + unicode_downPointingTriangle(), new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); int emptyCount = menu.getComponentCount(); String position = (String) (optPar_ignoreOddLength("position",menuParams)); // TODO: this fails when you include a separator without a following null fillJPopupMenu(menu, paramsWithout(menuParams, "position")); if (menu.getComponentCount() != emptyCount) { JButton btn = heldInstance(JButton.class); int x = 0; if (eq(position, "center")) x = (btn.getWidth()-getPreferredWidth(menu))/2; else if (eq(position, "right")) x = btn.getWidth()-getPreferredWidth(menu);, x, btn.getHeight()); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "new JPopupMenu menu;\r\n int emptyCount = menu.getComponentCount();\r\n Str..."; }}); } // x = names and components interleaving. // or just components. // or just names. // also, first element can be index of tab to open at start // also, SUPER short demo syntax: jtabs(3) // also, you can pass a Collection containing the elements static JTabbedPane fillJTabs(final JTabbedPane tabs, final Object... _x) { if (tabs != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { clearTabs(tabs); Object[] x = flattenArray2(_x); int idx = 0; if (get(x, 0) instanceof Integer) { idx = asInt(get(x, 0)); x = dropFirst(x); if (empty(x)) { x = arrayrep(null, idx); idx = 0; } } int n = 0; for (int i = 0; i < l(x); i++) { ++n; if (x[i] instanceof Component) tabs.addTab("Tab " + n, wrap((Component) x[i])); else { String name = str(or(x[i], "Tab " + n)); Component c; if (get(x, i+1) instanceof Component) c = (Component) get(x, ++i); else c = new JPanel(); tabs.addTab(name, wrap(c)); } } if (idx != 0) tabs.setSelectedIndex(min(tabs.getTabCount()-1, idx)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "clearTabs(tabs);\r\n Object[] x = flattenArray2(_x);\r\n ifdef fillJTabs_de..."; }}); } return tabs; } static Object[] litObjectArray(Object... l) { return l; } // named like this for historic reasons static InheritableThreadLocal dm_currentModule_value = new InheritableThreadLocal(); static Object dm_current_generic() { return getWeakRef(dm_currentModule_value.get()); } // prevent memory leak static void cleanMeUp_dm_current_generic() { dm_currentModule_value = new InheritableThreadLocal(); } static String dm_moduleID(Object module) { return strOrNull(getOpt(dm_getStem(module), "id")); } static String dm_moduleID() { return dm_moduleID(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static String dm_showModuleWithParams(String moduleLibID, Object... params) { String moduleID = dm_makeModuleWithParams(moduleLibID, params); dm_showModule(moduleID); return moduleID; } static String shortClassName(Object o) { if (o == null) return null; Class c = o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); String name = c.getName(); return shortenClassName(name); } static int boostHashCombine(int a, int b) { return a ^ (b + 0x9e3779b9 + (a << 6) + (a >> 2)); } static int _hashCode(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } static boolean mmo_match_parsedPattern(MMOPattern pattern, String s) { String s2 = trim(s); if (pattern == null) return false; if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.Phrase) { String p = ((MMOPattern.Phrase) pattern).phrase; if (((MMOPattern.Phrase) pattern).quoted) return cicWithSmartWordBoundary(s2, p); return startsWith(p, "#") ? eqic(p, s2) : find3(p, s2); } if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.And) return all(((MMOPattern.And) pattern).l, pat -> mmo_match_parsedPattern(pat, s2)); if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.Or) return any(((MMOPattern.Or) pattern).l, pat -> mmo_match_parsedPattern(pat, s2)); if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.Not) return !mmo_match_parsedPattern(((MMOPattern.Not) pattern).p, s2); throw fail("what. " + pattern); } static boolean mmo_match_parsedPattern(String pattern, String s) { return mmo_match_parsedPattern(mmo_parsePattern_cached(pattern), s); } static int mmo_indexOfFirstMatch(String s, List patterns) { return indexOfPred(patterns, p -> mmo_match_parsedPattern(p, s)); } static List pairsB_lazy(List> l) { return lazyMap_lambda(__36 -> secondOfPair(__36),l); } static String getType(Object o) { return getClassName(o); } static long getFileSize(String path) { return path == null ? 0 : new File(path).length(); } static long getFileSize(File f) { return f == null ? 0 : f.length(); } static boolean infoMessage_alwaysOnTop = true; static double infoMessage_defaultTime = 5.0; // automatically switches to AWT thread for you static JWindow infoMessage(String text) { return infoMessage(text, infoMessage_defaultTime); } static JWindow infoMessage(final String text, final double seconds) { printHidingCredentials(text); return infoMessage_noprint(text, seconds); } static JWindow infoMessage_noprint(String text) { return infoMessage_noprint(text, infoMessage_defaultTime); } static JWindow infoMessage_noprint(final String _text, final double seconds) { final String text = hideCredentials(_text); if (empty(text)) return null; logQuotedWithDate(infoBoxesLogFile(), text); if (isHeadless()) return null; return (JWindow) swingAndWait(new F0() { public Object get() { try { final JWindow window = showWindow(infoMessage_makePanel(text)); window.setSize(300, 150); moveToTopRightCorner(window); if (infoMessage_alwaysOnTop) window.setAlwaysOnTop(true); window.setVisible(true); if (seconds != 0) disposeWindowAfter(iround(seconds*1000), window); return window; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final JWindow window = showWindow(infoMessage_makePanel(text));\r\n window.s..."; }}); } static JWindow infoMessage(Throwable e) { //showConsole(); printStackTrace(e); return infoMessage(exceptionToStringShort(e)); } static String dm_showNewModuleWithFields(String moduleLibID, Object... params) { return dm_showNewModuleWithParams(moduleLibID, params); } static String dm_showLines(Iterable l) { return dm_showText(lines(l)); } static String formatWithThousands(long l) { return formatWithThousandsSeparator(l); } static double fraction(double d) { return d % 1; } static String n_fancy2(long l, String singular, String plural) { return formatWithThousandsSeparator(l) + " " + trim(l == 1 ? singular : plural); } static String n_fancy2(Collection l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(l), singular, plural); } static String n_fancy2(Map m, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(m), singular, plural); } static String n_fancy2(Object[] a, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(a), singular, plural); } static String n_fancy2(MultiSet ms, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(ms), singular, plural); } // usually L static String fromLines(Iterable lines) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (lines != null) for (Object line : lines) buf.append(str(line)).append('\n'); return buf.toString(); } static String fromLines(String... lines) { return fromLines(asList(lines)); } static IterableIterator toLines(File f) { return linesFromFile(f); } static List toLines(String s) { List lines = new ArrayList(); if (s == null) return lines; int start = 0; while (true) { int i = toLines_nextLineBreak(s, start); if (i < 0) { if (s.length() > start) lines.add(s.substring(start)); break; } lines.add(s.substring(start, i)); if (s.charAt(i) == '\r' && i+1 < s.length() && s.charAt(i+1) == '\n') i += 2; else ++i; start = i; } return lines; } static int toLines_nextLineBreak(String s, int start) { int n = s.length(); for (int i = start; i < n; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') return i; } return -1; } static List sortedByFields(Collection c, final String... fields) { List l = new ArrayList(c); sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { for (String field : fields) { int x = cmp(getOpt(a, field), getOpt(b, field)); if (x != 0) return x; } return 0; } }); return l; } static void warnIfOddCount(Object... list) { if (odd(l(list))) printStackTrace("Odd list size: " + list); } static Object[] expandParams(Class c, Object[] params) { if (l(params) == 1) params = new Object[] { singleFieldName(c), params[0] }; else warnIfOddCount(params); return params; } // returns true if change static boolean _csetField(Concept c, String field, Object value) { try { Field f = setOpt_findField(c.getClass(), field); //print("cset: " + + " " + field + " " + struct(value) + " " + f); if (value instanceof RC) value = c._concepts.getConcept((RC) value); value = deref(value); if (value instanceof String && l((String) value) >= concepts_internStringsLongerThan) value = intern((String) value); if (f == null) { // TODO: keep ref if it exists c.fieldValues = syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap(c.fieldValues, assertIdentifier(field), value instanceof Concept ? Ref((Concept) value) : value); c.change(); } else if (isSubtypeOf(f.getType(), Concept.Ref.class)) { ((Concept.Ref) f.get(c)).set((Concept) derefRef(value)); c.change(); return true; } else { Object old = f.get(c); if (neq(value, old)) { f.set(c, value); if (!isTransient(f)) c.change(); return true; } } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int jfind(String s, String in) { return jfind(javaTok(s), in); } static int jfind(List tok, String in) { return jfind(tok, 1, in); } static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String in) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, in, null); } static int jfind(List tok, String in, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, 1, in, condition); } static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String in, Object condition) { //LS tokin = jfind_preprocess(javaTok(in)); return jfind(tok, startIdx, javaTokForJFind_array(in), condition); } // assumes you preprocessed tokin static int jfind(List tok, List tokin) { return jfind(tok, 1, tokin); } static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, List tokin) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, tokin, null); } static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String[] tokinC, Object condition) { return findCodeTokens(tok, startIdx, false, tokinC, condition); } static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, List tokin, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, codeTokensAsStringArray(tokin), condition); } static List jfind_preprocess(List tok) { for (String type : litlist("quoted", "id", "int")) replaceSublist(tok, ll("<", "", type, "", ">"), ll("<" + type + ">")); replaceSublist(tok, ll("\\", "", "*"), ll("\\*")); return tok; } static TreeMap litCIMap(Object... x) { TreeMap map = caseInsensitiveMap(); litmap_impl(map, x); return map; } static List getPlural_specials = ll("sheep", "fish"); static String getPlural(String s) { if (containsIgnoreCase(getPlural_specials, s)) return s; if (ewic(s, "y")) return dropSuffixIgnoreCase("y", s) + "ies"; if (ewicOneOf(s, "ss", "ch")) return s + "es"; if (ewic(s, "s")) return s; return s + "s"; } static A shallowCloneToUnlistedConcept(Class c, Object o) { if (o == null) return null; A cc = unlisted(c); copyFields(o, cc, conceptFields(c)); return cc; } static A shallowCloneToUnlistedConcept(A o) { return o == null ? null : (A) shallowCloneToUnlistedConcept(getClass(o), o); } static GlobalID aGlobalIDObj() { return asGlobalID(randomID(16)); } static GlobalID aGlobalIDObj(Random random) { return asGlobalID(randomID(random, 16)); } static String aToAn(String s) { return jreplaceIC(s, "a", "an", new Object() { boolean get(List tok, int i) { String w = _get(tok, i+3); if (w == null) return false; w = toLower(unquote(w)); if (empty(w)) return false; if (startsWith(w, "x ")) return true; // what? return contains("aeiou", w.charAt(0)); // rough } }); } static String anToA(String s) { return jreplaceIC(s, "an ", "a $2"); } static String translateUsingPhraseMap(String s, Map map) { return translateUsingWordTree(s, mapToWordTree(map)); } static List translateUsingPhraseMap(List tok, Map map) { return translateUsingWordTree(tok, mapToWordTree(map)); } static String getClassName(Object o) { return o == null ? "null" : o instanceof Class ? ((Class) o).getName() : o.getClass().getName(); } static String firstQuoted(Collection l) { if (l != null) for (String s : l) if (isQuoted(s)) return s; return null; } static String firstQuoted(String s) { return firstQuotedToken(s); } static List jextractAll(String pat, String s) { return jextractAll(pat, javaTok(s)); } static List jextractAll(String pat, List tok) { List tokpat = javaTok(pat); jfind_preprocess(tokpat); return map(jfindAll(tok, tokpat), i -> joinSubList(tok, i, i+l(tokpat)-2)); } public static long parseSnippetID(String snippetID) { long id = Long.parseLong(shortenSnippetID(snippetID)); if (id == 0) throw fail("0 is not a snippet ID"); return id; } static boolean isLocalSnippetID(String snippetID) { return isSnippetID(snippetID) && isLocalSnippetID(psI(snippetID)); } static boolean isLocalSnippetID(long snippetID) { return snippetID >= 1000 && snippetID <= 9999; } static String loadLocalSnippet(String snippetID) { return loadLocalSnippet(psI(snippetID)); } static String loadLocalSnippet(long snippetID) { return loadTextFile(localSnippetFile(snippetID)); } static IResourceLoader vm_getResourceLoader() { return proxy(IResourceLoader.class, vm_generalMap_get("_officialResourceLoader")); } static String fsI(String id) { return formatSnippetID(id); } static String fsI(long id) { return formatSnippetID(id); } static String md5(String text) { try { if (text == null) return "-"; return bytesToHex(md5_impl(toUtf8(text))); // maybe different than the way PHP does it... } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String md5(byte[] data) { if (data == null) return "-"; return bytesToHex(md5_impl(data)); } static byte[] md5_impl(byte[] data) { try { return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(data); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String md5(File file) { return md5OfFile(file); } static String tb_mainServer_default = ""; static Object tb_mainServer_override; // func -> S static String tb_mainServer() { if (tb_mainServer_override != null) return (String) callF(tb_mainServer_override); return trim(loadTextFile(tb_mainServer_file(), tb_mainServer_default)); } static File tb_mainServer_file() { return getProgramFile("#1001638", "mainserver.txt"); } static boolean tb_mainServer_isDefault() { return eq(tb_mainServer(), tb_mainServer_default); } static boolean isTrue(Object o) { if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) o).booleanValue(); if (o == null) return false; if (o instanceof ThreadLocal) // TODO: remove this return isTrue(((ThreadLocal) o).get()); throw fail(getClassName(o)); } static String standardCredentials() { String user = standardCredentialsUser(); String pass = standardCredentialsPass(); if (nempty(user) && nempty(pass)) return "&_user=" + urlencode(user) + "&_pass=" + urlencode(pass); return ""; } static String loadTextFile(String fileName) { return loadTextFile(fileName, null); } static String loadTextFile(File f, String defaultContents) { try { checkFileNotTooBigToRead(f); if (f == null || !f.exists()) return defaultContents; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(f); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, "UTF-8"); return loadTextFile(inputStreamReader); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadTextFile(File fileName) { return loadTextFile(fileName, null); } static String loadTextFile(String fileName, String defaultContents) { return fileName == null ? defaultContents : loadTextFile(newFile(fileName), defaultContents); } static String loadTextFile(Reader reader) throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { char[] buffer = new char[1024]; int n; while (-1 != (n = builder.append(buffer, 0, n); } finally { reader.close(); } return str(builder); } /** writes safely (to temp file, then rename) */ static File saveTextFile(String fileName, String contents) throws IOException { CriticalAction action = beginCriticalAction("Saving file " + fileName + " (" + l(contents) + " chars)"); try { File file = new File(fileName); mkdirsForFile(file); String tempFileName = fileName + "_temp"; File tempFile = new File(tempFileName); if (contents != null) { if (tempFile.exists()) try { String saveName = tempFileName + ".saved." + now(); copyFile(tempFile, new File(saveName)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath()); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "UTF-8"); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter); printWriter.print(contents); printWriter.close(); } if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + fileName); if (contents != null) if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFile + " to " + file); vmBus_send("wroteFile", file); return file; } finally { action.done(); } } static File saveTextFile(File fileName, String contents) { try { saveTextFile(fileName.getPath(), contents); return fileName; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static File getGlobalCache() { File file = new File(javaxCachesDir(), "Binary Snippets"); file.mkdirs(); return file; } static A setThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl, A value) { if (tl == null) return null; A old = tl.get(); tl.set(value); return old; } static int loadPage_defaultTimeout = 60000; static ThreadLocal loadPage_charset = new ThreadLocal(); static boolean loadPage_allowGzip = true, loadPage_debug; static boolean loadPage_anonymous = false; // don't send computer ID static int loadPage_verboseness = 100000; static int loadPage_retries = 1; //60; // seconds static ThreadLocal loadPage_silent = new ThreadLocal(); static volatile int loadPage_forcedTimeout; // ms static ThreadLocal loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread = new ThreadLocal(); // ms static ThreadLocal>> loadPage_responseHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal> loadPage_extraHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal loadPage_sizeLimit = new ThreadLocal(); public static String loadPageSilently(String url) { try { return loadPageSilently(new URL(loadPage_preprocess(url))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadPageSilently(URL url) { try { if (!networkAllowanceTest(str(url))) throw fail("Not allowed: " + url); IOException e = null; for (int tries = 0; tries < loadPage_retries; tries++) try { URLConnection con = loadPage_openConnection(url); return loadPage(con, url); } catch (IOException _e) { e = _e; if (loadPageThroughProxy_enabled) { print("Trying proxy because of: " + e); try { return loadPageThroughProxy(str(url)); } catch (Throwable e2) { print(" " + exceptionToStringShort(e2)); } } else if (loadPage_debug) print(exceptionToStringShort(e)); if (tries < loadPage_retries-1) sleepSeconds(1); } throw e; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String loadPage_preprocess(String url) { if (url.startsWith("tb/")) // don't think we use this anymore url = tb_mainServer() + "/" + url; if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) url = "http://" + url; return url; } static String loadPage(String url) { try { url = loadPage_preprocess(url); if (!isTrue(loadPage_silent.get())) printWithTime("Loading: " + hideCredentials(url)); return loadPageSilently(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String loadPage(URL url) { return loadPage(url.toExternalForm()); } static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url) throws IOException { return loadPage(con, url, true); } static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url, boolean addHeaders) throws IOException { Map extraHeaders = getAndClearThreadLocal(loadPage_extraHeaders); Long limit = optPar(loadPage_sizeLimit); if (addHeaders) try { if (!loadPage_anonymous) setHeaders(con); if (loadPage_allowGzip) con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); con.setRequestProperty("X-No-Cookies", "1"); for (String key : keys(extraHeaders)) con.setRequestProperty(key, extraHeaders.get(key)); } catch (Throwable e) {} // fails if within doPost vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").put(currentThread(), con); loadPage_responseHeaders.set(con.getHeaderFields()); InputStream in = null; try { in = urlConnection_getInputStream(con); //vm_generalSubMap("InputStream per thread").put(currentThread(), in); if (loadPage_debug) print("Put stream in map: " + currentThread()); String contentType = con.getContentType(); if (contentType == null) { //printStruct("Headers: ", con.getHeaderFields()); throw new IOException("Page could not be read: " + hideCredentials(url)); } //print("Content-Type: " + contentType); String charset = loadPage_charset == null ? null : loadPage_charset.get(); if (charset == null) charset = loadPage_guessCharset(contentType); if ("gzip".equals(con.getContentEncoding())) { if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage: Using gzip."); in = newGZIPInputStream(in); } Reader r; try { r = new InputStreamReader(in, unquote(charset)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { print(toHex(utf8(charset))); throw e; } boolean silent = isTrue(loadPage_silent.get()); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; while (limit == null || n < limit) { ping(); int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.append((char) ch); ++n; if (!silent && (n % loadPage_verboseness) == 0) print(" " + n + " chars read"); } return buf.toString(); } finally { if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage done"); //vm_generalSubMap("InputStream per thread").remove(currentThread()); vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").remove(currentThread()); if (in != null) in.close(); } } static String loadPage_guessCharset(String contentType) { Matcher m = regexpMatcher("text/[a-z]+;\\s*charset=([^\\s]+)\\s*", contentType); String match = m.matches() ? : null; if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage: contentType=" + contentType + ", match: " + match); /* If Content-Type doesn't match this pre-conception, choose default and hope for the best. */ //return or(match, "ISO-8859-1"); return or(match, "UTF-8"); } static URLConnection loadPage_openConnection(URL url) { URLConnection con = openConnection(url); int timeout = toInt(loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread.get()); if (timeout == 0) timeout = loadPage_forcedTimeout; if (timeout != 0) setURLConnectionTimeouts(con, loadPage_forcedTimeout); else setURLConnectionDefaultTimeouts(con, loadPage_defaultTimeout); return con; } static List takeFirst(List l, int n) { return l(l) <= n ? l : newSubListOrSame(l, 0, n); } static List takeFirst(int n, List l) { return takeFirst(l, n); } static String takeFirst(int n, String s) { return substring(s, 0, n); } static String takeFirst(String s, int n) { return substring(s, 0, n); } static List takeFirst(int n, Iterable i) { if (i == null) return null; List l = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = i.iterator(); for (int _repeat_0 = 0; _repeat_0 < n; _repeat_0++) { if (it.hasNext()) l.add(; else break; } return l; } static int indexOf(List l, A a, int startIndex) { if (l == null) return -1; int n = l(l); for (int i = startIndex; i < n; i++) if (eq(l.get(i), a)) return i; return -1; } static int indexOf(List l, int startIndex, A a) { return indexOf(l, a, startIndex); } static int indexOf(List l, A a) { if (l == null) return -1; return l.indexOf(a); } static int indexOf(String a, String b) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b); } static int indexOf(String a, String b, int i) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, i); } static int indexOf(String a, char b) { return a == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b); } static int indexOf(String a, int i, char b) { return indexOf(a, b, i); } static int indexOf(String a, char b, int i) { return a == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, i); } static int indexOf(String a, int i, String b) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.indexOf(b, i); } static int indexOf(A[] x, A a) { int n = l(x); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (eq(x[i], a)) return i; return -1; } static Object dm_current_mandatory_generic() { return assertNotNull("No module set", dm_current_generic()); } static boolean hasSuperclassShortNamed(Object o, String name) { Class c = _getClass(o); while (c != null) if (shortClassNameIs(c, name)) return true; else c = c.getSuperclass(); return false; } static Map pairsToCIMap(Collection> l) { Map map = ciMap(); if (l != null) for (Pair p : l) map.put(p.a, p.b); return map; } static List> collectTwoFieldsAsPair(final String fieldA, final String fieldB, Iterable l) { return map(l, new F1>() { public Pair get(Object c) { try { return pair(getOpt(c, fieldA), getOpt(c, fieldB)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pair(getOpt(c, fieldA), getOpt(c, fieldB))"; }}); } static AutoCloseable tempAdd(final Collection l, final A a) { if (l == null || l.contains(a)) return null; l.add(a); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "l.remove(a);"; } public void close() throws Exception { l.remove(a); }}; } static List reverseInPlace(List l) { return reverseList(l); } static void lowestPut(Lowest best, A a, Integer score) { if (best != null && a != null && score != null) best.put(a, score); } // potentially slow (not using levenLimited) // returns edit distance or null if no match at all static Integer mmo_levenWithSwapsScore_parsedPattern(MMOPattern pattern, String s) { String s2 = trim(s); if (pattern == null) return null; if (startsWith(s2, "#")) return null; // hashtags not handled here if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.Phrase) { if (((MMOPattern.Phrase) pattern).quoted) return mmo_match_parsedPattern(((MMOPattern.Phrase) pattern), s2) ? (Integer) 0 : null; String p = ((MMOPattern.Phrase) pattern).phrase; if (startsWith(p, "#")) return null; // hashtags not handled here if (endsWith(p, "!")) return find3(p, s) ? 0 : null; else return find3_levenWithSwapsDistance(p, s2); } if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.And) { int score = 0; for (MMOPattern pat : ((MMOPattern.And) pattern).l) { Integer score2 = mmo_levenWithSwapsScore_parsedPattern(pat, s2); if (score2 == null) return null; score += score2; } return score; } if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.Or) { Integer min = null; for (MMOPattern pat : ((MMOPattern.Or) pattern).l) min = min_withNull(min, mmo_levenWithSwapsScore_parsedPattern(pat, s2)); return min; } // not clauses are not checked for typos if (pattern instanceof MMOPattern.Not) return mmo_match_parsedPattern(pattern, s2) ? 0 : null; throw fail("what. " + pattern); } static Integer mmo_levenWithSwapsScore_parsedPattern(String pattern, String s) { return mmo_levenWithSwapsScore_parsedPattern(mmo_parsePattern(pattern), s); } static Map emptyMap() { return new HashMap(); } static Object[] emptyObjectArray_a = new Object[0]; static Object[] emptyObjectArray() { return emptyObjectArray_a; } static String dynShortName(Object o) { return shortDynamicClassName(o); } static List safeUnstructureList(String s) { return (List) safeUnstructure(s); } // returns true if change static boolean _cSmartSetField(Concept c, String field, Object value) { try { Field f = setOpt_findField(c.getClass(), field); if (f != null && value != null) { Class type = primitiveToBoxedTypeOpt(f.getType()); // int magic if (type == Integer.class && !(value instanceof Integer)) { if (!setField_trueIfChanged(f, c, toInt(trimIfString(value)))) return false; if (!isTransient(f)) c.change(); return true; } // bool magic if (type == Boolean.class && value instanceof String) return _csetField(c, field, eqicOneOf((String) value, "1", "true")); // GlobalID magic if (type == GlobalID.class && value instanceof String) return _csetField(c, field, new GlobalID((String) value)); } return _csetField(c, field, value); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } //static final Map> getOpt_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(f getOpt_special_init); static class getOpt_Map extends WeakHashMap { getOpt_Map() { if (getOpt_special == null) getOpt_special = new HashMap(); clear(); } public void clear() { super.clear(); //print("getOpt clear"); put(Class.class, getOpt_special); put(String.class, getOpt_special); } } static final Map> getOpt_cache = _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new getOpt_Map())); //static final Map> getOpt_cache = _registerWeakMap(synchroMap(new getOpt_Map)); static HashMap getOpt_special; // just a marker /*static void getOpt_special_init(Map map) { map.put(Class.class, getOpt_special); map.put(S.class, getOpt_special); }*/ static Object getOpt_cached(Object o, String field) { try { if (o == null) return null; Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } if (map == getOpt_special) { if (o instanceof Class) return getOpt((Class) o, field); /*if (o instanceof S) ret getOpt(getBot((S) o), field);*/ if (o instanceof Map) return ((Map) o).get(field); } Field f = map.get(field); if (f != null) return f.get(o); if (o instanceof DynamicObject) return mapGet2(((DynamicObject) o).fieldValues, field); return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // used internally - we are in synchronized block static HashMap getOpt_makeCache(Class c) { HashMap map; if (isSubtypeOf(c, Map.class)) map = getOpt_special; else { map = new HashMap(); if (!reflection_classesNotToScan().contains(c.getName())) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) { makeAccessible(f); String name = f.getName(); if (!map.containsKey(name)) map.put(name, f); } _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); } } if (getOpt_cache != null) getOpt_cache.put(c, map); return map; } static JWindow infoBoxTopLeftCorner(String text) { return moveToTopLeftCorner(infoBox(text)); } static JWindow infoBoxTopLeftCorner(String text, double seconds) { return moveToTopLeftCorner(infoBox(text, seconds)); } static JWindow infoBoxTopLeftCorner(Throwable e) { return moveToTopLeftCorner(infoBox(e)); } static A possiblyInternalFrameTitle(A c, String title) { JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); if (f != null) internalFrameTitle(f, title); else frameTitle(getFrame(c), title); return c; } static String possiblyInternalFrameTitle(Component c) { JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); return f != null ? internalFrameTitle(f) : frameTitle(getFrame(c)); } static A uniqueConcept(Class c, Object... params) { return uniqueConcept(db_mainConcepts(), c, params); } static A uniqueConcept(Concepts cc, Class c, Object... params) { AutoCloseable __1 = tempDBLock(cc); try { params = expandParams(c, params); A x = findConceptWhere(cc, c, params); if (x == null) { x = unlisted(c); csetAll(x, params); cc.register(x); } return x; } finally { _close(__1); }} // TODO: if field is a Ref<>, you can thoretically use findBackRefs static A findConceptWhere(Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptWhere(db_mainConcepts(), c, params); } static A findConceptWhere(Concepts concepts, Class c, Object... params) { params = expandParams(c, params); // indexed if (concepts.fieldIndices != null) for (int i = 0; i < l(params); i += 2) { IFieldIndex index = concepts.getFieldIndex(c, (String) params[i]); if (index != null) { for (A x : index.getAll(params[i+1])) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) return x; return null; } } // table scan for (A x : concepts.list(c)) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) return x; return null; } static Concept findConceptWhere(Concepts concepts, String c, Object... params) { for (Concept x : concepts.list(c)) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) return x; return null; } static A assertNotNull(A a) { assertTrue(a != null); return a; } static A assertNotNull(String msg, A a) { assertTrue(msg, a != null); return a; } static Object callOpt(Object o) { return callF(o); } static A callOpt(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return (A) callOpt_withVarargs(o, method, args); } static Object dm_getStem(Object moduleOrID) { if (isString(moduleOrID) && isIdentifier(((String) moduleOrID))) moduleOrID = dm_getService(((String) moduleOrID)); if (isStringOrIntOrLong(moduleOrID)) return dm_getStemByID(moduleOrID); return or(getOpt(dm_getModule(moduleOrID), "_host"), moduleOrID); } static Object dm_callModule(Object moduleOrID, String method, Object... args) { Object mod = dm_getModule(moduleOrID); if (mod == null) return null; AutoCloseable __1 = dm_enter(mod); try { return call(mod, method, args); } finally { _close(__1); }} static boolean dm_isMe(Object mod) { return dm_getModule(mod) == dm_current_mandatory_generic(); } static void dm_deleteModuleInBackground(Object module) { dm_callOS("deleteModuleInBackground", dm_getStem(module)); } static void dm_deleteModuleInBackground() { dm_deleteModuleInBackground(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static Object callCreator(String functionName, Object... args) { return call(creator(), functionName, args); } static ThreadLocal print_byThread() { synchronized(print_byThread_lock) { if (print_byThread == null) print_byThread = new ThreadLocal(); } return print_byThread; } // f can return false to suppress regular printing // call print_raw within f to actually print something static AutoCloseable tempInterceptPrint(F1 f) { return tempSetThreadLocal(print_byThread(), f); } static int max(int a, int b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static int max(int a, int b, int c) { return max(max(a, b), c); } static long max(int a, long b) { return Math.max((long) a, b); } static long max(long a, long b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static double max(int a, double b) { return Math.max((double) a, b); } static float max(float a, float b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static double max(double a, double b) { return Math.max(a, b); } static int max(Collection c) { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i : c) x = max(x, i); return x; } static double max(double[] c) { if (c.length == 0) return Double.MIN_VALUE; double x = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]); return x; } static float max(float[] c) { if (c.length == 0) return Float.MAX_VALUE; float x = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]); return x; } static byte max(byte[] c) { byte x = -128; for (byte d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } static short max(short[] c) { short x = -0x8000; for (short d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } static int max(int[] c) { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } static boolean tok_isRoundBracketed(String s) { List tok = tok_combineRoundBrackets_keep(javaTok(s)); return l(tok) == 3 && startsWithAndEndsWith(tok.get(1), "(", ")"); } static List dropFirstThreeAndLastThree(List l) { return dropFirstAndLast(3, l); } static List javaTokPlusBrackets(String s) { return tok_combineRoundOrCurlyBrackets_keep(javaTok(s)); } // returns l(s) if not found static int smartIndexOf(String s, String sub, int i) { if (s == null) return 0; i = s.indexOf(sub, min(i, l(s))); return i >= 0 ? i : l(s); } static int smartIndexOf(String s, int i, char c) { return smartIndexOf(s, c, i); } static int smartIndexOf(String s, char c, int i) { if (s == null) return 0; i = s.indexOf(c, min(i, l(s))); return i >= 0 ? i : l(s); } static int smartIndexOf(String s, String sub) { return smartIndexOf(s, sub, 0); } static int smartIndexOf(String s, char c) { return smartIndexOf(s, c, 0); } static int smartIndexOf(List l, A sub) { return smartIndexOf(l, sub, 0); } static int smartIndexOf(List l, int start, A sub) { return smartIndexOf(l, sub, start); } static int smartIndexOf(List l, A sub, int start) { int i = indexOf(l, sub, start); return i < 0 ? l(l) : i; } static String joinSubList(List l, int i, int j) { return join(subList(l, i, j)); } static String joinSubList(List l, int i) { return join(subList(l, i)); } static Map> javaTokWithAllBrackets_cached_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(defaultTokenizerCacheSize()); static List javaTokWithAllBrackets_cached(String s) { List tok = javaTokWithAllBrackets_cached_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTokWithAllBrackets_cached_cache.put(s, tok = javaTokWithAllBrackets(s)); return tok; } static List splitAtTokens(String s, List tokens) { return splitAtTokens(javaTok(s), tokens); } static List splitAtTokens(List tok, List tokens) { List l = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l(tok)) { int j = indexOfSubList(tok, tokens, i); if (i >= l(tok)) break; if (j < 0) j = l(tok); l.add(trimJoin(tok.subList(i, j))); i = j+l(tokens); } return l; } static List splitAtTokens(List tok, String... tokens) { List l = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l(tok)) { int j = indexOfSubList(tok, tokens, i); if (i >= l(tok)) break; if (j < 0) j = l(tok); l.add(trimJoin(tok.subList(i, j))); i = j+l(tokens); } return l; } static boolean nemptyString(String s) { return s != null && s.length() > 0; } static String substring(String s, int x) { return substring(s, x, strL(s)); } static String substring(String s, int x, int y) { if (s == null) return null; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x >= s.length()) return ""; if (y < x) y = x; if (y > s.length()) y = s.length(); return s.substring(x, y); } // convenience method for quickly dropping a prefix static String substring(String s, CharSequence l) { return substring(s, l(l)); } static int strL(String s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } static int listL(Collection l) { return l == null ? 0 : l.size(); } static String[] drop(int n, String[] a) { n = Math.min(n, a.length); String[] b = new String[a.length-n]; System.arraycopy(a, n, b, 0, b.length); return b; } static Object[] drop(int n, Object[] a) { n = Math.min(n, a.length); Object[] b = new Object[a.length-n]; System.arraycopy(a, n, b, 0, b.length); return b; } static ArrayList toList(A[] a) { return asList(a); } static ArrayList toList(int[] a) { return asList(a); } static ArrayList toList(Set s) { return asList(s); } static ArrayList toList(Iterable s) { return asList(s); } static boolean endsWith(String a, String b) { return a != null && a.endsWith(b); } static boolean endsWith(String a, char c) { return nempty(a) && lastChar(a) == c; } static boolean endsWith(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!endsWith(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] {dropLast(l(b), a)}; return true; } static boolean isNormalQuoted(String s) { int l = l(s); if (!(l >= 2 && s.charAt(0) == '"' && lastChar(s) == '"')) return false; int j = 1; while (j < l) if (s.charAt(j) == '"') return j == l-1; else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; return false; } static boolean isMultilineQuoted(String s) { if (!startsWith(s, "[")) return false; int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; return i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '['; } static Map newWeakHashMap() { return _registerWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap())); } // TODO: test if android complains about this static boolean isAWTThread() { if (isAndroid()) return false; if (isHeadless()) return false; return isAWTThread_awt(); } static boolean isAWTThread_awt() { return SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); } static void failIfUnlicensed() { assertTrue("license off", licensed()); } static Thread currentThread() { return Thread.currentThread(); } static String javaTok_substringC(String s, int i, int j) { return s.substring(i, j); } static String javaTok_substringN(String s, int i, int j) { if (i == j) return ""; if (j == i+1 && s.charAt(i) == ' ') return " "; return s.substring(i, j); } static List javaTokWithExisting(String s, List existing) { ++javaTok_n; int nExisting = javaTok_opt && existing != null ? existing.size() : 0; ArrayList tok = existing != null ? new ArrayList(nExisting) : new ArrayList(); int l = s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } if (n < nExisting && javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(existing.get(n), s, i, j)) tok.add(existing.get(n)); else tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace // Special JavaX syntax: 'identifier if (c == '\'' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(d) && i+2 < l && "'\\".indexOf(s.charAt(i+2)) < 0) { j += 2; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) ++j; } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener /*|| s.charAt(j) == '\n'*/) { // allow multi-line strings ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else ++j; if (n < nExisting && javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(existing.get(n), s, i, j)) tok.add(existing.get(n)); else tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); javaTok_elements += tok.size(); return tok; } static boolean javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(String t, String s, int i, int j) { return t.length() == j-i && s.regionMatches(i, t, 0, j-i); // << could be left out, but that's brave } static Object first(Object list) { return first((Iterable) list); } static A first(List list) { return empty(list) ? null : list.get(0); } static A first(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length == 0 ? null : bla[0]; } static A first(IterableIterator i) { return first((Iterator) i); } static A first(Iterator i) { return i == null || !i.hasNext() ? null :; } static A first(Iterable i) { if (i == null) return null; Iterator it = i.iterator(); return it.hasNext() ? : null; } static Character first(String s) { return empty(s) ? null : s.charAt(0); } static A first(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.a; } static Byte first(byte[] l) { return empty(l) ? null : l[0]; } static void dm_onFieldChange(String field, Runnable onChange) { dm_watchField(field, onChange); } static void dm_reloadModule(Object module) { dm_reloadModuleInBackground(module); } static void dm_reloadModule() { dm_reloadModuleInBackground(); } static Concepts newConceptsWithClassFinder(String progID) { Concepts cc = new Concepts(progID); cc.classFinder = _defaultClassFinder(); return cc; } static String botNameForConcepts(Concepts concepts) { String home = userHome(); String name = dbBotName(concepts.programID); if (neq(home, actualUserHome())) name += " " + quote(home); return name + "."; } static void ensureDBNotRunning(String name) { if (hasBot(name)) { try { String framesBot = dropSuffix(".", name) + " Frames"; print("Trying to activate frames of running DB: " + framesBot); if (isOK(sendOpt(framesBot, "activate frames")) && isMainProgram()) cleanKill(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } throw fail("Already running: " + name); } } static void ensureDBNotRunning() { ensureDBNotRunning(dbBotStandardName()); } static AutoCloseable combineAutoCloseables(final AutoCloseable a, final AutoCloseable b) { return a == null ? b : b == null ? a : new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "a.close(); b.close();"; } public void close() throws Exception { a.close(); b.close(); }}; } static AutoCloseable combineAutoCloseables(AutoCloseable a, AutoCloseable b, AutoCloseable c, AutoCloseable... more) { return combineAutoCloseables(concatLists(ll(a, b, c), asList(more))); } static AutoCloseable combineAutoCloseables(Iterable l) { return foldl(new F2() { public AutoCloseable get(AutoCloseable a, AutoCloseable b) { try { return combineAutoCloseables(a,b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "combineAutoCloseables(a,b)"; }}, null, l); } static Android3 methodsBot2(String name, final Object receiver, final List exposedMethods) { return methodsBot2(name, receiver, exposedMethods, null); } static Android3 methodsBot2(String name, final Object receiver, final List exposedMethods, final Lock lock) { Android3 android = new Android3(); android.greeting = name; android.console = false; android.responder = new Responder() { String answer(String s, List history) { return exposeMethods2(receiver, s, exposedMethods, lock); } }; return makeBot(android); } static List db_standardExposedMethods_list = ll("xlist", "xnew", "xset", "xdelete", "xget", "xclass", "xfullgrab", "xshutdown", "xchangeCount", "xcount"); static List db_standardExposedMethods() { return db_standardExposedMethods_list; } static String programID; static String getProgramID() { return nempty(programID) ? formatSnippetIDOpt(programID) : "?"; } // TODO: ask JavaX instead static String getProgramID(Class c) { String id = (String) getOpt(c, "programID"); if (nempty(id)) return formatSnippetID(id); return "?"; } static String getProgramID(Object o) { return getProgramID(getMainClass(o)); } static DynModule dm_currentModuleMandatory() { return dm_current_mandatory(); } static void dm_inQ(Runnable r) { dm_q().add(r); } static A dm_evalInQ(F0 f) { return dm_evalInQ(dm_current_mandatory(), f); } static A dm_evalInQ(IF0 f) { return dm_evalInQ(dm_current_mandatory(), if0ToF0(f)); } static A dm_evalInQ(DynModule module, F0 f) { return evalInQ(module.q(), f); } static F0 if0ToF0(IF0 f) { return f == null ? null : new F0() { public A get() { try { return f.get(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret f.get();"; }}; } static Class javax() { return getJavaX(); } static void vmBus_send(String msg, Object... args) { Object arg = vmBus_wrapArgs(args); pcallFAll(vm_busListeners_live(), msg, arg); pcallFAll(vm_busListenersByMessage_live().get(msg), msg, arg); } static void vmBus_send(String msg) { vmBus_send(msg, (Object) null); } static void sort(T[] a, Comparator c) { Arrays.sort(a, c); } static void sort(T[] a) { Arrays.sort(a); } static void sort(int[] a) { if (a != null) Arrays.sort(a); } static void sort(List a, Comparator c) { Collections.sort(a, c); } static void sort(List a) { Collections.sort(a); } static int cmp(Number a, Number b) { return a == null ? b == null ? 0 : -1 : cmp(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()); } static int cmp(double a, double b) { return a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1; } static int cmp(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) return b == null ? 0 : -1; if (b == null) return 1; return ((Comparable) a).compareTo(b); } static DynModule dm_currentModule() { return (DynModule) dm_current_generic(); } static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(final String msg, final VF1 onMessage) { Map map = vm_busListenersByMessage_live(); synchronized(map) { Set listeners = map.get(msg); if (listeners == null) map.put(msg, listeners = syncIdentityHashSet()); // We're technically violating the one-synchronized-object-per-thread rule, // but it should be OK here. // TODO: remove empty sets from map return tempAdd(listeners, new VF2() { public void get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { callF(onMessage, arg) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, arg)"; }}); } } static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(String msg, final VF2 onMessage) { return vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(Object[] o) { try { callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o));"; }}); } static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(String msg, final IVF2 onMessage) { return vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(Object[] o) { try { callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o));"; }}); } static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(String msg, final VF3 onMessage) { return vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(Object[] o) { try { callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o), third(o)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o), third(o));"; }}); } static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(String msg, Runnable onMessage) { return vmBus_onMessage(msg, runnableToVF1(onMessage)); } static VF1 ivf1ToVF1(IVF1 f) { return f == null ? null : new VF1() { public void get(A a) { try { f.get(a) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "f.get(a)"; }}; } static VF2 ivf2ToVF2(IVF2 f) { return f == null ? null : new VF2() { public void get(A a, B b) { try { f.get(a, b) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "f.get(a, b)"; }}; } static Map newDangerousWeakHashMap() { return _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap())); } // initFunction: voidfunc(Map) - is called initially, and after clearing the map static Map newDangerousWeakHashMap(Object initFunction) { return _registerDangerousWeakMap(synchroMap(new WeakHashMap()), initFunction); } static Object callMCWithVarArgs(String method, Object... args) { return call_withVarargs(mc(), method, args); } static Object invokeMethod(Method m, Object o, Object... args) { try { try { return m.invoke(o, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw rethrow(getExceptionCause(e)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage() + " - was calling: " + m + ", args: " + joinWithSpace(classNames(args))); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean call_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) print("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; if (!(arg == null ? !types[i].isPrimitive() : isInstanceX(types[i], arg))) { if (debug) print("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + arg + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } } return true; } static boolean isString(Object o) { return o instanceof String; } static boolean isIdentifier(String s) { return isJavaIdentifier(s); } static Object dm_getService(String serviceName) { return empty(serviceName) ? null : dm_getModule(vmBus_query(assertIdentifier(serviceName))); } static boolean isStringOrIntOrLong(Object o) { return o instanceof String || o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Long; } static Object dm_callOS(String functionName, Object... args) { return call(dm_os(), functionName, args); } static Object dm_resolveModule(Object moduleOrStem) { return dm_callOS("resolveModule", moduleOrStem); } static final Map callOpt_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Object callOpt_cached(Object o, String methodName, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); // TODO: (super-rare) case where method exists static and non-static // with different args Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args); if (me == null || (me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null; return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args); if (me == null) return null; return invokeMethod(me, o, args); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static _MethodCache callOpt_getCache(Class c) { synchronized(callOpt_cache) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_cache.get(c); if (cache == null) callOpt_cache.put(c, cache = new _MethodCache(c)); return cache; } } static boolean isStaticMethod(Method m) { return methodIsStatic(m); } static Object[] massageArgsForVarArgsCall(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); int n = types.length-1, nArgs = args.length; if (nArgs < n) return null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], types[i])) return null; Class varArgType = types[n].getComponentType(); for (int i = n; i < nArgs; i++) if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], varArgType)) return null; Object[] newArgs = new Object[n+1]; arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, n); Object[] varArgs = arrayOfType(varArgType, nArgs-n); arraycopy(args, n, varArgs, 0, nArgs-n); newArgs[n] = varArgs; return newArgs; } static String joinWithComma(Collection c) { return join(", ", c); } static String joinWithComma(String... c) { return join(", ", c); } static String joinWithComma(Pair p) { return p == null ? "" : joinWithComma(str(p.a), str(p.b)); } static List classNames(Collection l) { return getClassNames(l); } static List classNames(Object[] l) { return getClassNames(Arrays.asList(l)); } static A or(A a, A b) { return a != null ? a : b; } static void rotateStringBuffer(StringBuffer buf, int max) { try { if (buf == null) return; synchronized(buf) { if (buf.length() <= max) return; try { int newLength = max/2; int ofs = buf.length()-newLength; String newString = buf.substring(ofs); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("[...] ").append(newString); } catch (Exception e) { buf.setLength(0); } buf.trimToSize(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void rotateStringBuilder(StringBuilder buf, int max) { try { if (buf == null) return; synchronized(buf) { if (buf.length() <= max) return; try { int newLength = max/2; int ofs = buf.length()-newLength; String newString = buf.substring(ofs); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("[...] ").append(newString); } catch (Exception e) { buf.setLength(0); } buf.trimToSize(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String getDBProgramID_id; static String getDBProgramID() { return nempty(getDBProgramID_id) ? getDBProgramID_id : programIDWithCase(); } static Object[] dropEntryFromParams(Object[] params, int i) { int n = l(params); if (i < 0 || i >= n) return params; if (n == 2) return null; Object[] p = new Object[n-2]; System.arraycopy(params, 0, p, 0, i); System.arraycopy(params, i+2, p, i, n-i-2); return p; } static boolean checkConceptFields(Concept x, Object... data) { for (int i = 0; i < l(data); i += 2) if (neq(cget(x, (String) data[i]), deref(data[i+1]))) return false; return true; } static List filterConcepts(List list, Object... params) { if (empty(params)) return list; List l = new ArrayList(); for (A x : list) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) l.add(x); return l; } static String asString(Object o) { return o == null ? null : o.toString(); } static boolean isJavaIdentifier(String s) { if (empty(s) || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) return false; for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } static Map classForName_cache = synchroHashMap(); static Class classForName(String name) { try { if (classForName_cache == null) return Class.forName(name); // in class init Class c = classForName_cache.get(name); if (c == null) classForName_cache.put(name, c = Class.forName(name)); return c; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Object nuObjectWithoutArguments(String className) { try { return nuObjectWithoutArguments(classForName(className)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static A nuObjectWithoutArguments(Class c) { try { if (nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache == null) // in class init return (A) nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(c).newInstance(); Constructor m = nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache.get(c); if (m == null) nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache.put(c, m = nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(c)); return (A) m.newInstance(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Constructor nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(Class c) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) if (empty(m.getParameterTypes())) { makeAccessible(m); return m; } throw fail("No default constructor found in " + c.getName()); } static List getClasses(Object[] array) { List l = emptyList(l(array)); for (Object o : array) l.add(_getClass(o)); return l; } static boolean isInstanceX(Class type, Object arg) { if (type == boolean.class) return arg instanceof Boolean; if (type == int.class) return arg instanceof Integer; if (type == long.class) return arg instanceof Long; if (type == float.class) return arg instanceof Float; if (type == short.class) return arg instanceof Short; if (type == char.class) return arg instanceof Character; if (type == byte.class) return arg instanceof Byte; if (type == double.class) return arg instanceof Double; return type.isInstance(arg); } static Map> parse3_cachedInput_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); static List parse3_cachedInput(String s) { List tok = parse3_cachedInput_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) parse3_cachedInput_cache.put(s, tok = parse3(s)); return tok; } static Map> parse3_cachedPattern_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); static synchronized List parse3_cachedPattern(String s) { List tok = parse3_cachedPattern_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) parse3_cachedPattern_cache.put(s, tok = parse3(s)); return tok; } // match2 matches multiple "*" (matches a single token) wildcards and zero or one "..." wildcards (matches multiple tokens) static String[] match2(List pat, List tok) { // standard case (no ...) int i = pat.indexOf("..."); if (i < 0) return match2_match(pat, tok); pat = new ArrayList(pat); // We're modifying it, so copy first pat.set(i, "*"); while (pat.size() < tok.size()) { pat.add(i, "*"); pat.add(i+1, ""); // doesn't matter } return match2_match(pat, tok); } static String[] match2_match(List pat, List tok) { List result = new ArrayList(); if (pat.size() != tok.size()) { return null; } for (int i = 1; i < pat.size(); i += 2) { String p = pat.get(i), t = tok.get(i); if (eq(p, "*")) result.add(t); else if (!equalsIgnoreCase(unquote(p), unquote(t))) // bold change - match quoted and unquoted now. TODO: should remove return null; } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } static String quickSubstring(String s, int i, int j) { if (i == j) return ""; return s.substring(i, j); } static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromFile(File f) { try { if (!f.exists()) return emptyCloseableIterableIterator(); if (ewic(f.getName(), ".gz")) return linesFromReader(utf8bufferedReader(newGZIPInputStream(f))); return linesFromReader(utf8bufferedReader(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromFile(String path) { return linesFromFile(newFile(path)); } static void swingAndWait(Runnable r) { try { if (isAWTThread()); else EventQueue.invokeAndWait(addThreadInfoToRunnable(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object swingAndWait(final Object f) { if (isAWTThread()) return callF(f); else { final Var result = new Var(); swingAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { result.set(callF(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "result.set(callF(f));"; }}); return result.get(); } } static String dropPrefix(String prefix, String s) { return s == null ? null : s.startsWith(prefix) ? s.substring(l(prefix)) : s; } static ActionListener actionListener(final Object runnable) { return actionListener(runnable, null); } static ActionListener actionListener(final Object runnable, final Object instanceToHold) { if (runnable instanceof ActionListener) return (ActionListener) runnable; final Object info = _threadInfo(); return new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { _threadInheritInfo(info); AutoCloseable __1 = holdInstance(instanceToHold); try { callF(runnable); } finally { _close(__1); }} catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); }}}; } static A swingConstruct(final Class c, final Object... args) { return swing(new F0() { public A get() { try { return nuObject(c, args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret nuObject(c, args);"; }}); } static String defaultThreadName_name; static String defaultThreadName() { if (defaultThreadName_name == null) defaultThreadName_name = "A thread by " + programID(); return defaultThreadName_name; } static Runnable wrapAsActivity(Object r) { return toRunnable(r); } // runnable = Runnable or String (method name) static Thread newThread(Object runnable) { return new Thread(_topLevelErrorHandling(toRunnable(runnable))); } static Thread newThread(Object runnable, String name) { if (name == null) name = defaultThreadName(); return new Thread(_topLevelErrorHandling(toRunnable(runnable)), name); } static Thread newThread(String name, Object runnable) { return newThread(runnable, name); } static Runnable toRunnable(final Object o) { if (o instanceof Runnable) return (Runnable) o; return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(o) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(o)"; }}; } static Map _registerThread_threads; static Object _onRegisterThread; // voidfunc(Thread) static Thread _registerThread(Thread t) { if (_registerThread_threads == null) _registerThread_threads = newWeakHashMap(); _registerThread_threads.put(t, true); vm_generalWeakSubMap("thread2mc").put(t, weakRef(mc())); callF(_onRegisterThread, t); return t; } static void _registerThread() { _registerThread(Thread.currentThread()); } static A setToolTipText(final A c, final Object toolTip) { if (c == null) return null; { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { String s = nullIfEmpty(str(toolTip)); if (neq(s, c.getToolTipText())) c.setToolTipText(s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "String s = nullIfEmpty(str(toolTip));\r\n if (neq(s, c.getToolTipText()))\r\n ..."; }}); } return c; } static A setToolTipText(Object toolTip, A c) { return setToolTipText(c, toolTip); } static String unicode_downPointingTriangle() { return charToString(0x25BC); } // now also takes a map as single array entry static A optPar_ignoreOddLength(Object[] opt, String name, A defaultValue) { int n = l(opt); if (n == 1 && opt[0] instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) (opt[0]); return map.containsKey(name) ? (A) map.get(name) : defaultValue; } for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(opt); i += 2) if (eq(opt[i], name)) return (A) opt[i+1]; return defaultValue; } static Object optPar_ignoreOddLength(Object[] opt, String name) { return optPar_ignoreOddLength(opt, name, null); } static Object optPar_ignoreOddLength(String name, Object[] params) { return optPar_ignoreOddLength(params, name); } static void fillJPopupMenu(JPopupMenu m, Object... x) { if (x == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < l(x); i++) { Object o = x[i], y = get(x, i+1); if (o instanceof IVF1) callF(o, m); else if (o instanceof List) fillJPopupMenu(m, asArray((List) o)); else if (isMenuSeparatorIndicator(o)) m.addSeparator(); else if (o instanceof LiveValue && ((LiveValue) o).getType() == String.class && isRunnableX(y)) { final LiveValue lv = (LiveValue) o; final JMenuItem mi = jmenuItem("", y); bindLiveValueListenerToComponent(mi, lv, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { String s = lv.get(); if (isCurlyBracketed(s)) { setEnabled(mi, false); s = unCurlyBracket(s); } else setEnabled(mi, true); setText(mi, s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "String s = lv.get();\r\n if (isCurlyBracketed(s)) {\r\n setEnable..."; }}); m.add(mi); } else if (o instanceof String && isRunnableX(y)) { m.add(jmenuItem((String) o, y)); ++i; } else if (o instanceof JMenuItem) m.add((JMenuItem) o); // "call" might use wrong method else if (o instanceof String || o instanceof Action || o instanceof Component) call(m, "add", o); else if (o != null) print("Unknown menu item: " + o); } } static Object[] paramsWithout(Object[] a1, Object... keys) { if (l(a1) == 1 && a1[0] instanceof Map) return new Object[] { mapMinus((Map) a1[0], keys) }; Set set = lithashset(keys); List l = new ArrayList(); int n = l(a1); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) if (i == n-1) l.add(a1[i]); else if (!set.contains(a1[i])) { l.add(a1[i]); l.add(a1[i+1]); } return toObjectArray(l); } static A heldInstance(Class c) { List l = holdInstance_l.get(); for (int i = l(l)-1; i >= 0; i--) { Object o = l.get(i); if (isInstanceOf(o, c)) return (A) o; } throw fail("No instance of " + className(c) + " held"); } static int getPreferredWidth(Component c) { return preferredWidth(c); } static void clearTabs(final JTabbedPane tabs) { if (tabs != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { tabs.removeAll(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "tabs.removeAll();"; }}); } } static Object[] flattenArray2(Object... a) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (a != null) for (Object x : a) if (x instanceof Object[]) l.addAll(asList((Object[]) x)); else if (x instanceof Collection) l.addAll((Collection) x); else l.add(x); return asObjectArray(l); } static int asInt(Object o) { return toInt(o); } static Object[] arrayrep(Object a, int n) { return asArray(repeat(a, n)); } // c = Component or something implementing swing() static JComponent wrap(Object swingable) { return _recordNewSwingComponent(wrap_2(swingable)); } static JComponent wrap_2(Object swingable) { if (swingable == null) return null; JComponent c; if (swingable instanceof Component) c = componentToJComponent(((Component) swingable)); else c = componentToJComponent((Component) callOpt(swingable, "swing")); if (c instanceof JTable || c instanceof JList || c instanceof JTextArea || c instanceof JEditorPane || c instanceof JTextPane || c instanceof JTree) return jscroll(c); return c == null ? jlabel(str(swingable)) : c; } static int min(int a, int b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static long min(long a, long b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static float min(float a, float b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static float min(float a, float b, float c) { return min(min(a, b), c); } static double min(double a, double b) { return Math.min(a, b); } static double min(double[] c) { double x = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (double d : c) x = Math.min(x, d); return x; } static float min(float[] c) { float x = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (float d : c) x = Math.min(x, d); return x; } static byte min(byte[] c) { byte x = 127; for (byte d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } static short min(short[] c) { short x = 0x7FFF; for (short d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } static int min(int[] c) { int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } static A getWeakRef(Reference ref) { return ref == null ? null : ref.get(); } static String dm_makeModuleWithParams(String moduleLibID, Object... params) { String mod = dm_findModuleWithParams(moduleLibID, params); if (mod != null) return mod; return dm_makeNewModuleWithParams(moduleLibID, params); } static void dm_showModule(Object module) { Object stem = dm_getStem(module); if (stem != null/* && !dm_moduleIsPoppedOut(stem)*/) dm_callOS("showModule", stem); } static void dm_showModule() { dm_showModule(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static String shortenClassName(String name) { if (name == null) return null; int i = lastIndexOf(name, "$"); if (i < 0) i = lastIndexOf(name, "."); return i < 0 ? name : substring(name, i+1); } static boolean cicWithSmartWordBoundary(String a, String b) { return containsRegexpIC(a, phraseToRegExp(b)); } static boolean find3(String pat, String s) { return find3(pat, s, null); } static boolean find3(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { return find3(pat, parse3_cachedInput(s), matches); } static boolean find3(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { List tokpat = parse3_cachedPattern(pat); String[] m = find2(tokpat, toks); //print(structure(tokpat) + " on " + structure(toks) + " => " + structure(m)); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) matches.m = m; return true; } static boolean all(Object pred, Collection l) { if (l != null) for (Object o : l) if (!isTrue(callF(pred, o))) return false; return true; } static boolean all(Iterable l, IF1 f) { if (l != null) for (A a : l) if (!f.get(a)) return false; return true; } static boolean all(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return all(l, f); } static boolean any(Object pred, Iterable l) { if (l != null) for (A a : l) if (isTrue(callF(pred, a))) return true; return false; } static boolean any(IF1 pred, Iterable l) { return any((Object) pred, l); } static boolean any(Iterable l, IF1 pred) { return any(pred, l); } static Map mmo_parsePattern_cached_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); static MMOPattern mmo_parsePattern_cached(String s) { MMOPattern tok = mmo_parsePattern_cached_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) mmo_parsePattern_cached_cache.put(s, tok = mmo_parsePattern(s)); return tok; } static int indexOfPred(List l, Object pred) { for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) if (checkCondition(pred, l.get(i))) return i; return -1; } static int indexOfPred(List l, IF1 pred) { return indexOfPred(l, (Object) pred); } static List lazyMap_lambda(IF1 f, List l) { return lazyMap(l, f); } static B secondOfPair(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.b; } static A printHidingCredentials(A o) { print(hideCredentials(str(o))); return o; } static String hideCredentials(URL url) { return url == null ? null : hideCredentials(str(url)); } static String hideCredentials(String url) { try { if (startsWithOneOf(url, "http://", "https://") && isAGIBlueDomain(hostNameFromURL(url))) return url; } catch (Throwable e) { print("HideCredentials", e); } return url.replaceAll("([&?])(_pass|key|cookie)=[^&\\s\"]*", "$1$2="); } static String hideCredentials(Object o) { return hideCredentials(str(o)); } static void logQuotedWithDate(String s) { logQuotedWithTime(s); } static void logQuotedWithDate(String logFile, String s) { logQuotedWithTime(logFile, s); } static void logQuotedWithDate(File logFile, String s) { logQuotedWithTime(logFile, s); } static File infoBoxesLogFile() { return new File(javaxDataDir(), "Logs/infoBoxes.txt"); } static Boolean isHeadless_cache; static boolean isHeadless() { if (isHeadless_cache != null) return isHeadless_cache; if (isAndroid()) return isHeadless_cache = true; if (GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless()) return isHeadless_cache = true; // Also check if AWT actually works. // If DISPLAY variable is set but no X server up, this will notice. try { SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); return isHeadless_cache = false; } catch (Throwable e) { return isHeadless_cache = true; } } static JWindow showWindow(Component c) { JWindow w = new JWindow(); w.add(wrap(c)); return w; } static JPanel infoMessage_makePanel(String text) { final JTextArea ta = wrappedTextArea(text); onClick(ta, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { disposeWindow(ta) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "disposeWindow(ta)"; }}); int size = 14; if (l(text) <= 50) size *= 2; else if (l(text) < 100) size = iround(size*1.5); ta.setFont(typeWriterFont(size)); JScrollPane sp = jscroll(ta); return withMargin(sp); } static int moveToTopRightCorner_inset = 20; static A moveToTopRightCorner(A a) { return moveToTopRightCorner(moveToTopRightCorner_inset, moveToTopRightCorner_inset, a); } static A moveToTopRightCorner(int insetX, int insetY, A a) { Window w = getWindow(a); if (w != null) w.setLocation(getScreenSize().width-w.getWidth()-insetX, insetY); return a; } static A disposeWindowAfter(int delay, final A w) { if (w != null) swingLater(delay, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { w.dispose(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "w.dispose();"; }}); return w; } static A disposeWindowAfter(A w, double seconds) { return disposeWindowAfter(toMS_int(seconds), w); } static A disposeWindowAfter(double seconds, A w) { return disposeWindowAfter(w, seconds); } static int iround(double d) { return (int) Math.round(d); } static int iround(Number n) { return iround(toDouble(n)); } static A printStackTrace(A e) { // we go to system.out now - system.err is nonsense print(getStackTrace(e)); return e; } static void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(new Throwable()); } static void printStackTrace(String msg) { printStackTrace(new Throwable(msg)); } static void printStackTrace(String msg, Throwable e) { printStackTrace(new Throwable(msg, e)); } static String exceptionToStringShort(Throwable e) { lastException(e); e = getInnerException(e); String msg = hideCredentials(unnull(e.getMessage())); if (msg.indexOf("Error") < 0 && msg.indexOf("Exception") < 0) return baseClassName(e) + prependIfNempty(": ", msg); else return msg; } static String dm_showNewModuleWithParams(String moduleLibID, Object... params) { String moduleID = dm_makeNewModuleWithParams(moduleLibID, params); dm_showModule(moduleID); return moduleID; } static String formatWithThousandsSeparator(long l) { return NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("en_US")).format(l); } static boolean odd(int i) { return (i & 1) != 0; } static boolean odd(long i) { return (i & 1) != 0; } static boolean odd(BigInteger i) { return odd(toInt(i)); } static String singleFieldName(Class c) { Set l = listFields(c); if (l(l) != 1) throw fail("No single field found in " + c + " (have " + n(l(l), "fields") + ")"); return first(l); } static Field setOpt_findField(Class c, String field) { HashMap map; synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } return map.get(field); } static void setOpt(Object o, String field, Object value) { try { if (o == null) return; Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; if (getOpt_cache == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); // in class init else synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } if (map == getOpt_special) { if (o instanceof Class) { setOpt((Class) o, field, value); return; } // It's probably a subclass of Map. Use raw method setOpt_raw(o, field, value); return; } Field f = map.get(field); if (f != null) { smartSet(f, o, value); return; } // possible improvement: skip setAccessible if (o instanceof DynamicObject) setDyn(((DynamicObject) o), field, value); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void setOpt(Class c, String field, Object value) { if (c == null) return; try { Field f = setOpt_findStaticField(c, field); // TODO: optimize if (f != null) smartSet(f, null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Field setOpt_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) { makeAccessible(f); return f; } _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static Object deref(Object o) { if (o instanceof Derefable) o = ((Derefable) o).get(); return o; } static String intern(String s) { return fastIntern(s); } static LinkedHashMap syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap(LinkedHashMap map, A key, B value) { if (key != null) if (value != null) { if (map == null) map = new LinkedHashMap(); synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { map.put(key, value); } } else if (map != null) synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { map.remove(key); } return map; } static String assertIdentifier(String s) { return assertIsIdentifier(s); } static String assertIdentifier(String msg, String s) { return assertIsIdentifier(msg, s); } static boolean isSubtypeOf(Class a, Class b) { return b.isAssignableFrom(a); // << always hated that method, let's replace it! } static Object derefRef(Object o) { if (o instanceof Concept.Ref) o = ((Concept.Ref) o).get(); return o; } static boolean isTransient(Field f) { return (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.TRANSIENT) != 0; } static Map javaTokForJFind_array_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); static String[] javaTokForJFind_array(String s) { String[] tok = javaTokForJFind_array_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTokForJFind_array_cache.put(s, tok = codeTokensAsStringArray(jfind_preprocess(javaTok(s)))); return tok; } static int findCodeTokens(List tok, String... tokens) { return findCodeTokens(tok, 1, false, tokens); } static int findCodeTokens(List tok, boolean ignoreCase, String... tokens) { return findCodeTokens(tok, 1, ignoreCase, tokens); } static int findCodeTokens(List tok, int startIdx, boolean ignoreCase, String... tokens) { return findCodeTokens(tok, startIdx, ignoreCase, tokens, null); } static HashSet findCodeTokens_specials = lithashset("*", "", "", "", "\\*"); static int findCodeTokens_bails, findCodeTokens_nonbails; static interface findCodeTokens_Matcher { boolean get(String token); } static int findCodeTokens(List tok, int startIdx, boolean ignoreCase, String[] tokens, Object condition) { int end = tok.size()-tokens.length*2+2, nTokens = tokens.length; int i = startIdx | 1; // bail out early if first token not found (works great with IndexedList) String firstToken = tokens[0]; if (!ignoreCase && !findCodeTokens_specials.contains(firstToken)) { // quickly scan for first token while (i < end && !firstToken.equals(tok.get(i))) i += 2; } findCodeTokens_Matcher[] matchers = new findCodeTokens_Matcher[nTokens]; for (int j = 0; j < nTokens; j++) { String p = tokens[j]; findCodeTokens_Matcher matcher; if (p.equals("*")) matcher = t -> true; else if (p.equals("")) matcher = t -> isQuoted(t); else if (p.equals("")) matcher = t -> isIdentifier(t); else if (p.equals("")) matcher = t -> isInteger(t); else if (p.equals("\\*")) matcher = t -> t.equals("*"); else if (ignoreCase) matcher = t -> eqic(p, t); else matcher = t -> t.equals(p); matchers[j] = matcher; } outer: for (; i < end; i += 2) { for (int j = 0; j < nTokens; j++) if (!matchers[j].get(tok.get(i+j*2))) continue outer; if (condition == null || checkTokCondition(condition, tok, i-1)) // pass N index return i; } return -1; } static String[] codeTokensAsStringArray(List tok) { int n = max(0, (l(tok)-1)/2); String[] out = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i] = tok.get(i*2+1); return out; } static ArrayList litlist(A... a) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length); for (A x : a) l.add(x); return l; } // syntax 1: replace all occurrences of x in l with y static List replaceSublist(List l, List x, List y) { if (x == null) return l; int i = 0; while (true) { i = indexOfSubList(l, x, i); if (i < 0) break; replaceSublist(l, i, i+l(x), y); i += l(y); } return l; } // syntax 2: splice l at fromIndex-toIndex and replace middle part with y static List replaceSublist(List l, int fromIndex, int toIndex, List y) { int n = y.size(), toIndex_new = fromIndex+n; if (toIndex_new < toIndex) { removeSubList(l, toIndex_new, toIndex); copyListPart(y, 0, l, fromIndex, n); } else { copyListPart(y, 0, l, fromIndex, toIndex-fromIndex); if (toIndex_new > toIndex) l.addAll(toIndex, subList(y, toIndex-fromIndex)); } return l; } static List ll(A... a) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length); if (a != null) for (A x : a) l.add(x); return l; } static TreeMap caseInsensitiveMap() { return new TreeMap(caseInsensitiveComparator()); } static HashMap litmap(Object... x) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); litmap_impl(map, x); return map; } static void litmap_impl(Map map, Object... x) { if (x != null) for (int i = 0; i < x.length-1; i += 2) if (x[i+1] != null) map.put(x[i], x[i+1]); } static boolean containsIgnoreCase(Collection l, String s) { if (l != null) for (String x : l) if (eqic(x, s)) return true; return false; } static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String[] l, String s) { if (l != null) for (String x : l) if (eqic(x, s)) return true; return false; } static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String s, char c) { return indexOfIgnoreCase(s, String.valueOf(c)) >= 0; } static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return indexOfIgnoreCase(a, b) >= 0; } static boolean ewic(String a, String b) { return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b); } static boolean ewic(String a, String b, Matches m) { return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b, m); } static String dropSuffixIgnoreCase(String suffix, String s) { return ewic(s, suffix) ? s.substring(0, l(s)-l(suffix)) : s; } static boolean ewicOneOf(String s, String... l) { if (s != null) for (String x : l) if (ewic(s, x)) return true; return false; } // make concept instance that is not connected to DB static A unlisted(Class c, Object... args) { concepts_unlisted.set(true); try { return nuObject(c, args); } finally { concepts_unlisted.set(null); } } static A copyFields(Object x, A y, String... fields) { if (empty(fields)) { // assume we should copy all fields Map map = objectToMap(x); for (String field : map.keySet()) setOpt(y, field, map.get(field)); } else for (String field : fields) { Object o = getOpt(x, field); if (o != null) setOpt(y, field, o); } return y; } static A copyFields(Object x, A y, Collection fields) { return copyFields(x, y, asStringArray(fields)); } static String[] conceptFields_drop = {"className", "fieldValues", "id", "created", "_modified", "refs", "backRefs", "_concepts"}; static Set conceptFields(Concept c) { return setMinus(mergeSets(allNonStaticNonTransientFields(c), keys(c.fieldValues)), conceptFields_drop); } static Set conceptFields(Class c) { return setMinus(allNonStaticNonTransientFields(c), conceptFields_drop); } static Class getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } static Class getClass(Object o) { return o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); } static Class getClass(Object realm, String name) { try { try { return getClass(realm).getClassLoader().loadClass(classNameToVM(name)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static GlobalID asGlobalID(String id) { return id == null ? null : new GlobalID(id); } static int randomID_defaultLength = 12; static String randomID(int length) { return makeRandomID(length); } static String randomID(Random r, int length) { return makeRandomID(r, length); } static String randomID() { return randomID(randomID_defaultLength); } static String randomID(Random r) { return randomID(r, randomID_defaultLength); } static String jreplaceIC(String s, String in, String out) { List tok = javaTok(s); return jreplace(tok, in, out, true, false, null) ? join(tok) : s; } static String jreplaceIC(String s, String in, String out, Object condition) { List tok = javaTok(s); return jreplace(tok, in, out, true, false, condition) ? join(tok) : s; } static String toLower(String s) { return s == null ? null : s.toLowerCase(); } static char toLower(char c) { return Character.toLowerCase(c); } static boolean translateUsingWordTree_debug = false; static boolean translateUsingWordTree_printReplacements = false; static String translateUsingWordTree(String input, Map tree) { return empty(input) ? input : join(translateUsingWordTree(javaTok(input), tree)); } static List translateUsingWordTree(List tok, Map tree) { for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); ) i = translateUsingWordTree_scanFrom(tok, i, tree); return tok; } // returns index of first unreplaced token // every replacement ends up as a single token plus some "" static int translateUsingWordTree_scanFrom(List tok, int i, Map tree) { int j = i; String best = null; // best replacement found int bestIndex = 0; // till where to replace while (true) { if (j > i) { // no default in root! String def = (String) (tree.get("")); if (def != null) { best = def; bestIndex = j; //print("best solution: " + sfu(bestSolution)); } } if (j >= l(tok)) break; Object t = tree.get(tok.get(j)); if (translateUsingWordTree_debug) print(i + "-" + j + " / " + joinSubList(tok, i, j+1) + " => " + sfu(t)); if (t == null) break; if (t instanceof String) { int k = j+2; if (translateUsingWordTree_printReplacements) print("translateUsingWordTree: replacing " + sfu(subList(tok, i, k-1) + " with " + quote(t))); replaceTokens(tok, i, k-1, (String) t); return k; } tree = (Map) t; j += 2; } if (best != null) { int k = bestIndex; replaceTokens(tok, i, k-1, best); return k; } return i+2; } static String translateUsingWordTree(Map tree, String input) { return translateUsingWordTree(input, tree); } static Map mapToWordTree(Map map) { Map tree = ciMap(); { final Map __0 = unnull(map); for (String key : keys( __0)) { String value = __0.get(key); wordTreeAdd(tree, javaTokC(key), value); }} return simplifyWordTree(tree); } static String firstQuotedToken(String s) { for (String t : javaTok(s)) if (isQuoted(t)) return unquote(t); return null; } static List jfindAll(List tok, String pat) { return jfindAll(tok, jfind_preprocess(javaTok(pat))); } // tokPat must be jfind_preprocess'd static List jfindAll(List tok, List tokPat) { String[] toks = toStringArray(codeTokensOnly(tokPat)); int i = -1; List l = new ArrayList(); while ((i = findCodeTokens(tok, i+1, false, toks)) >= 0) l.add(i); return l; } static String shortenSnippetID(String snippetID) { if (snippetID.startsWith("#")) snippetID = snippetID.substring(1); String httpBlaBla = ""; if (snippetID.startsWith(httpBlaBla)) snippetID = snippetID.substring(httpBlaBla.length()); return "" + parseLong(snippetID); } public static boolean isSnippetID(String s) { try { parseSnippetID(s); return true; } catch (RuntimeException e) { return false; } } static long psI(String snippetID) { return parseSnippetID(snippetID); } static File localSnippetFile(long snippetID) { return localSnippetsDir(snippetID + ".text"); } static File localSnippetFile(String snippetID) { return localSnippetFile(parseSnippetID(snippetID)); } static A proxy(Class intrface, final Object target) { if (target == null) return null; if (isInstance(intrface, target)) return (A) target; return (A) java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(intrface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { intrface }, new InvocationHandler() { public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) { return call(target, method.getName(), unnull(args)); } }); } static A proxy(Object target, Class intrface) { return proxy(intrface, target); } static Object vm_generalMap_get(Object key) { return vm_generalMap().get(key); } static String formatSnippetID(String id) { return "#" + parseSnippetID(id); } static String formatSnippetID(long id) { return "#" + id; } public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToHex(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes, int ofs, int len) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(len*2); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String s = "0" + Integer.toHexString(bytes[ofs+i]); stringBuilder.append(s.substring(s.length()-2, s.length())); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } static byte[] toUtf8(String s) { try { return s.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean md5OfFile_verbose = false; static String md5OfFile(String path) { return md5OfFile(newFile(path)); } static String md5OfFile(File f) { try { if (!f.exists()) return "-"; if (md5OfFile_verbose) print("Getting MD5 of " + f); MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f); try { byte buf[] = new byte[65536]; int l; while (true) { l =; if (l <= 0) break; md5.update(buf, 0, l); } return bytesToHex(md5.digest()); } finally { _close(in); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static File getProgramFile(String progID, String fileName) { if (new File(fileName).isAbsolute()) return new File(fileName); return new File(getProgramDir(progID), fileName); } static File getProgramFile(String fileName) { return getProgramFile(getProgramID(), fileName); } static String standardCredentialsUser() { return trim(loadTextFile( oneOfTheFiles( javaxSecretDir("tinybrain-username"), userDir(".tinybrain/username")))); } static String standardCredentialsPass() { return trim(loadTextFile( oneOfTheFiles( javaxSecretDir("tinybrain-userpass"), userDir(".tinybrain/userpass")))); } static String urlencode(String x) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(unnull(x), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static ThreadLocal> checkFileNotTooBigToRead_tl = new ThreadLocal(); static void checkFileNotTooBigToRead(File f) { callF(checkFileNotTooBigToRead_tl.get(), f); } static File newFile(File base, String... names) { for (String name : names) base = new File(base, name); return base; } static File newFile(String name) { return name == null ? null : new File(name); } static File newFile(String base, String... names) { return newFile(newFile(base), names); } static List beginCriticalAction_inFlight = synchroList(); static class CriticalAction { String description; CriticalAction() {} CriticalAction(String description) { this.description = description;} void done() { beginCriticalAction_inFlight.remove(this); } } static CriticalAction beginCriticalAction(String description) { ping(); CriticalAction c = new CriticalAction(description); beginCriticalAction_inFlight.add(c); return c; } static void cleanMeUp_beginCriticalAction() { int n = 0; while (nempty(beginCriticalAction_inFlight)) { int m = l(beginCriticalAction_inFlight); if (m != n) { n = m; try { print("Waiting for " + n2(n, "critical actions") + ": " + join(", ", collect(beginCriticalAction_inFlight, "description"))); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } sleepInCleanUp(10); } } public static File mkdirsForFile(File file) { File dir = file.getParentFile(); if (dir != null) { // is null if file is in current dir dir.mkdirs(); if (!dir.isDirectory()) if (dir.isFile()) throw fail("Please delete the file " + f2s(dir) + " - it is supposed to be a directory!"); else throw fail("Unknown IO exception during mkdirs of " + f2s(file)); } return file; } public static String mkdirsForFile(String path) { mkdirsForFile(new File(path)); return path; } static long now_virtualTime; static long now() { return now_virtualTime != 0 ? now_virtualTime : System.currentTimeMillis(); } static File copyFile(File src, File dest) { try { FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(src.getPath()); FileOutputStream outputStream = newFileOutputStream(dest.getPath()); try { copyStream(inputStream, outputStream); inputStream.close(); } finally { outputStream.close(); } return dest; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(File path) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path.getPath()); } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(String path) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path, false); } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(File path, boolean append) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path.getPath(), append); } static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(String path, boolean append) throws IOException { mkdirsForFile(path); FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(path, append); _registerIO(f, path, true); return f; } static File javaxCachesDir_dir; // can be set to work on different base dir static File javaxCachesDir() { return javaxCachesDir_dir != null ? javaxCachesDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Caches"); } static File javaxCachesDir(String sub) { return newFile(javaxCachesDir(), sub); } static boolean networkAllowanceTest(String url) { return isAllowed("networkAllowanceTest", url); } static final boolean loadPageThroughProxy_enabled = false; static String loadPageThroughProxy(String url) { return null; } static void sleepSeconds(double s) { if (s > 0) sleep(round(s*1000)); } static A printWithTime(A a) { return printWithTime("", a); } static A printWithTime(String s, A a) { print(hmsWithColons() + ": " + s, a); return a; } static A getAndClearThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl) { A a = tl.get(); tl.set(null); return a; } static A optPar(ThreadLocal tl, A defaultValue) { A a = tl.get(); if (a != null) { tl.set(null); return a; } return defaultValue; } static A optPar(ThreadLocal tl) { return optPar(tl, null); } static Object optPar(Object[] params, String name) { return optParam(params, name); } static Object optPar(String name, Object[] params) { return optParam(params, name); } static Object optPar(String name, Map params) { return optParam(name, params); } static A optPar(Object[] params, String name, A defaultValue) { return optParam(params, name, defaultValue); } static A optPar(String name, Object[] params, A defaultValue) { return optParam(params, name, defaultValue); } static void setHeaders(URLConnection con) throws IOException { String computerID = getComputerID_quick(); if (computerID != null) try { con.setRequestProperty("X-ComputerID", computerID); con.setRequestProperty("X-OS", System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version")); } catch (Throwable e) { //printShortException(e); } } static Set keys(Map map) { return map == null ? new HashSet() : map.keySet(); } // convenience shortcut for keys_gen static Set keys(Object map) { return keys((Map) map); } static Set keys(MultiSet ms) { return ms.keySet(); } static Set keys(MultiSetMap mm) { return mm.keySet(); } static Map vm_generalSubMap(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Map map = (Map) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (map == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, map = synchroMap()); return map; } } static InputStream urlConnection_getInputStream(URLConnection con) throws IOException { UnknownHostException lastException = null; for (int _repeat_0 = 0; _repeat_0 < 2; _repeat_0++) { try { if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection) if (((HttpURLConnection) con).getResponseCode() == 500) throw new IOException(joinNemptiesWithColonSpace("Server code 500", tryToReadErrorStreamFromURLConnection(((HttpURLConnection) con)))); return con.getInputStream(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { lastException = e; print("Retrying because of: " + e); continue; } } throw lastException; } static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(File f) { return gzInputStream(f); } static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(InputStream in) { return gzInputStream(in); } static String toHex(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToHex(bytes); } static String toHex(byte[] bytes, int ofs, int len) { return bytesToHex(bytes, ofs, len); } static byte[] utf8(String s) { return toUtf8(s); } static Matcher regexpMatcher(String pat, String s) { return compileRegexp(pat).matcher(unnull(s)); } static URLConnection openConnection(String url) { try { return openConnection(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static URLConnection openConnection(URL url) { try { ping(); callOpt(javax(), "recordOpenURLConnection", str(url)); return url.openConnection(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int toInt(Object o) { if (o == null) return 0; if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).intValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseInt(((String) o)); if (o instanceof Boolean) return boolToInt(((Boolean) o)); throw fail("woot not int: " + getClassName(o)); } static int toInt(long l) { if (l != (int) l) throw fail("Too large for int: " + l); return (int) l; } static URLConnection setURLConnectionTimeouts(URLConnection con, long timeout) { con.setConnectTimeout(toInt(timeout)); con.setReadTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getConnectTimeout() != timeout || con.getReadTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: Timeouts not set by JDK."); return con; } static URLConnection setURLConnectionDefaultTimeouts(URLConnection con, long timeout) { if (con.getConnectTimeout() == 0) { con.setConnectTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getConnectTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: URL connect timeout not set by JDK."); } if (con.getReadTimeout() == 0) { con.setReadTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getReadTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: URL read timeout not set by JDK."); } return con; } static List newSubListOrSame(List l, int startIndex) { return newSubListOrSame(l, startIndex, l(l)); } static List newSubListOrSame(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (l == null) return null; int n = l(l); startIndex = max(0, startIndex); endIndex = min(n, endIndex); if (startIndex >= endIndex) return ll(); if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == n) return l; return cloneList(l.subList(startIndex, endIndex)); } static Class _getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; // could optimize this } } static Class _getClass(Object o) { return o == null ? null : o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); } static Class _getClass(Object realm, String name) { try { return getClass(realm).getClassLoader().loadClass(classNameToVM(name)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; // could optimize this } } static boolean shortClassNameIs(Object o, String name) { return eq(shortClassName(o), name); } static boolean shortClassNameIs(String name, Object o) { return shortClassNameIs(o, name); } static TreeMap ciMap() { return caseInsensitiveMap(); } static List reverseList(List l) { Collections.reverse(l); return l; } static Integer find3_levenWithSwapsDistance(String pat, String input) { List tokPat = parse3_cachedPattern(pat); List tok = parse3_cachedInput(input); int end = tok.size()-tokPat.size()+1; Integer min = null; for (int idx = 0; idx < end; idx += 2) { int score = 0; for (int i = 1; i < tokPat.size(); i += 2) { String p = tokPat.get(i), t = tok.get(idx+i); score += levenWithSwapsIC(p, t); } min = min_withNull(min, score); } return min; } static Integer min_withNull(Integer a, Integer b) { return a == null ? b : b == null ? a : (Integer) min(a, b); } static Object safeUnstructure(String s) { return unstructure(s, true); } static Class primitiveToBoxedTypeOpt(Class type) { return or(primitiveToBoxedType(type), type); } static boolean setField_trueIfChanged(Field f, Object o, Object value) { try { if (eq(f.get(o), value)) return false; f.set(o, value); return true; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object trimIfString(Object o) { return o instanceof String ? trim((String) o) : o; } static boolean eqicOneOf(String s, String... l) { for (String x : l) if (eqic(s, x)) return true; return false; } static void clear(Collection c) { if (c != null) c.clear(); } static void clear(Map map) { if (map != null) map.clear(); } static void put(Map map, A a, B b) { if (map != null) map.put(a, b); } static void put(List l, int i, A a) { if (l != null && i >= 0 && i < l(l)) l.set(i, a); } static List _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList; static A _registerDangerousWeakMap(A map) { return _registerDangerousWeakMap(map, null); } static A _registerDangerousWeakMap(A map, Object init) { callF(init, map); if (init instanceof String) { final String f = (String) init; init = new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { callMC(f, map) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callMC(f, map)"; }}; } if (javax() == null) { // We're in class init if (_registerDangerousWeakMap_preList == null) _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList = synchroList(); _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList.add(pair(map, init)); return map; } call(javax(), "_registerDangerousWeakMap", map, init); return map; } static void _onLoad_registerDangerousWeakMap() { assertNotNull(javax()); if (_registerDangerousWeakMap_preList == null) return; for (Pair p : _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList) _registerDangerousWeakMap(p.a, p.b); _registerDangerousWeakMap_preList = null; } static Map synchroMap() { return synchroHashMap(); } static Map synchroMap(Map map) { return Collections.synchronizedMap(map); } static B mapGet2(Map map, A a) { return map == null ? null : map.get(a); } static B mapGet2(A a, Map map) { return map == null ? null : map.get(a); } static Set reflection_classesNotToScan_value = litset( "jdk.internal.loader.URLClassPath" ); static Set reflection_classesNotToScan() { return reflection_classesNotToScan_value; } static int moveToTopLeftCorner_inset = 20; static A moveToTopLeftCorner(A c) { Window w = getWindow(c); if (w != null) w.setLocation(moveToTopLeftCorner_inset, moveToTopLeftCorner_inset); return c; } static JInternalFrame getInternalFrame(final Object _o) { return _o == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public JInternalFrame get() { try { Object o = _o; if (o instanceof ButtonGroup) o = first(buttonsInGroup((ButtonGroup) o)); if (!(o instanceof Component)) return null; Component c = (Component) o; while (c != null) { if (c instanceof JInternalFrame) return (JInternalFrame) c; c = c.getParent(); } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "O o = _o;\r\n if (o instanceof ButtonGroup) o = first(buttonsInGroup((Button..."; }}); } static A internalFrameTitle(A c, final String title) { final JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); if (f != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { f.setTitle(unnull(title)); toolTip(getInternalFrameTitlePaneComponent(f), title); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "f.setTitle(unnull(title));\r\n toolTip(getInternalFrameTitlePaneComponent(f)..."; }}); } return c; } static A internalFrameTitle(String title, A c) { return internalFrameTitle(c, title); } static String internalFrameTitle(Component c) { final JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); return f == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public String get() { try { return f.getTitle(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret f.getTitle();"; }}); } static A frameTitle(A c, String title) { return setFrameTitle(c, title); } static A frameTitle(String title, A c) { return setFrameTitle(c, title); } static String frameTitle(Component c) { return getFrameTitle(c); } static JFrame getFrame(final Object _o) { return swing(new F0() { public JFrame get() { try { Object o = _o; if (o instanceof ButtonGroup) o = first(buttonsInGroup((ButtonGroup) o)); if (!(o instanceof Component)) return null; Component c = (Component) o; while (c != null) { if (c instanceof JFrame) return (JFrame) c; c = c.getParent(); } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "O o = _o;\r\n if (o instanceof ButtonGroup) o = first(buttonsInGroup((Button..."; }}); } static AutoCloseable tempDBLock(Concepts concepts) { return tempLock(concepts.lock); // NO null propagation this time } static AutoCloseable tempDBLock() { return tempDBLock(db_mainConcepts()); } static void assertTrue(Object o) { if (!(eq(o, true) /*|| isTrue(pcallF(o))*/)) throw fail(str(o)); } static boolean assertTrue(String msg, boolean b) { if (!b) throw fail(msg); return b; } static boolean assertTrue(boolean b) { if (!b) throw fail("oops"); return b; } static Object callOpt_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me == null) { // TODO: varargs return null; } if ((me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null; return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, o, args); // try varargs List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs); } return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object dm_getStemByID(Object id) { return dm_callOS("getModuleByID", str(id)); } static WeakReference creator_class; static Object creator() { return creator_class == null ? null : creator_class.get(); } static ThreadLocal> holdInstance_l = new ThreadLocal(); static AutoCloseable holdInstance(Object o) { if (o == null) return null; listThreadLocalAdd(holdInstance_l, o); return new AutoCloseable() { public void close() { listThreadLocalPopLast(holdInstance_l); } }; } static AutoCloseable tempSetThreadLocal(final ThreadLocal tl, A a) { if (tl == null) return null; final A prev = setThreadLocal(tl, a); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "tl.set(prev);"; } public void close() throws Exception { tl.set(prev); }}; } static List tok_combineRoundBrackets_keep(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && eq(t, "(")) { int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i); l.add(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); i = j-1; } else l.add(t); } return l; } static boolean startsWithAndEndsWith(String s, String prefix, String suffix) { return startsWith(s, prefix) && endsWith(s, suffix); } static List dropFirstAndLast(int n, List l) { return cloneSubList(l, n, l(l)-n); } static List dropFirstAndLast(int m, int n, List l) { return cloneSubList(l, m, l(l)-n); } static List dropFirstAndLast(List l) { return dropFirstAndLast(1, l); } static String dropFirstAndLast(String s) { return substring(s, 1, l(s)-1); } static List tok_combineRoundOrCurlyBrackets_keep(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && eqOneOf(t, "{", "(")) { int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i); l.add(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); i = j-1; } else l.add(t); } return l; } static List subList(List l, int startIndex) { return subList(l, startIndex, l(l)); } static List subList(int startIndex, int endIndex, List l) { return subList(l, startIndex, endIndex); } static List subList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (l == null) return null; int n = l(l); startIndex = Math.max(0, startIndex); endIndex = Math.min(n, endIndex); if (startIndex >= endIndex) return ll(); if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == n) return l; return l.subList(startIndex, endIndex); } static Map synchronizedMRUCache(int maxSize) { return synchroMap(new MRUCache(maxSize)); } static int defaultTokenizerCacheSize() { return 1000; } static List javaTokWithAllBrackets(String s) { return javaTokPlusBrackets2(s); } static int indexOfSubList(List x, List y) { return indexOfSubList(x, y, 0); } static int indexOfSubList(List x, List y, int i) { outer: for (; i+l(y) <= l(x); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < l(y); j++) if (neq(x.get(i+j), y.get(j))) continue outer; return i; } return -1; } static int indexOfSubList(List x, A[] y, int i) { outer: for (; i+l(y) <= l(x); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < l(y); j++) if (neq(x.get(i+j), y[j])) continue outer; return i; } return -1; } static String trimJoin(List s) { return trim(join(s)); } static char lastChar(String s) { return empty(s) ? '\0' : s.charAt(l(s)-1); } static String[] dropLast(String[] a, int n) { n = Math.min(n, a.length); String[] b = new String[a.length-n]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, b.length); return b; } static List dropLast(List l) { return subList(l, 0, l(l)-1); } static List dropLast(int n, List l) { return subList(l, 0, l(l)-n); } static List dropLast(Iterable l) { return dropLast(asList(l)); } static String dropLast(String s) { return substring(s, 0, l(s)-1); } static String dropLast(String s, int n) { return substring(s, 0, l(s)-n); } static String dropLast(int n, String s) { return dropLast(s, n); } static List _registerWeakMap_preList; static A _registerWeakMap(A map) { if (javax() == null) { // We're in class init if (_registerWeakMap_preList == null) _registerWeakMap_preList = synchroList(); _registerWeakMap_preList.add(map); return map; } try { call(javax(), "_registerWeakMap", map); } catch (Throwable e) { printException(e); print("Upgrade JavaX!!"); } return map; } static void _onLoad_registerWeakMap() { assertNotNull(javax()); if (_registerWeakMap_preList == null) return; for (Object o : _registerWeakMap_preList) _registerWeakMap(o); _registerWeakMap_preList = null; } static int isAndroid_flag; static boolean isAndroid() { if (isAndroid_flag == 0) isAndroid_flag = System.getProperty("java.vendor").toLowerCase().indexOf("android") >= 0 ? 1 : -1; return isAndroid_flag > 0; } static volatile boolean licensed_yes = true; static boolean licensed() { if (!licensed_yes) return false; ping_okInCleanUp(); return true; } static void licensed_off() { licensed_yes = false; } static void dm_reloadModuleInBackground(Object module) { dm_callOS("reloadModuleInBackground", dm_getStem(module)); } static void dm_reloadModuleInBackground() { dm_reloadModuleInBackground(dm_current_mandatory_generic()); } static Object _defaultClassFinder_value = defaultDefaultClassFinder(); static Object _defaultClassFinder() { return _defaultClassFinder_value; } static String _userHome; static String userHome() { if (_userHome == null) return actualUserHome(); return _userHome; } static File userHome(String path) { return new File(userDir(), path); } static String dbBotName(String progIDWithCase) { return fsI_flex(progIDWithCase) + " Concepts"; } static String actualUserHome_value; static String actualUserHome() { if (actualUserHome_value == null) { if (isAndroid()) actualUserHome_value = "/storage/emulated/0/"; else actualUserHome_value = System.getProperty("user.home"); } return actualUserHome_value; } static File actualUserHome(String sub) { return newFile(new File(actualUserHome()), sub); } static boolean hasBot(String searchPattern) { try { DialogIO io = findBot(searchPattern); if (io != null) { io.close(); return true; } else return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String dropSuffix(String suffix, String s) { return s.endsWith(suffix) ? s.substring(0, l(s)-l(suffix)) : s; } static boolean isOK(String s) { s = trim(s); return swic(s, "ok ") || eqic(s, "ok") || matchStart("ok", s); } static String sendOpt(String bot, String text, Object... args) { return sendToLocalBotOpt(bot, text, args); } static boolean isMainProgram() { return creator() == null; } static void cleanKill() { cleanKillVM(); } static volatile PersistableThrowable _handleException_lastException; static List _handleException_onException = synchroList(ll("printStackTrace2")); static void _handleException(Throwable e) { _handleException_lastException = persistableThrowable(e); Throwable e2 = innerException(e); if (e2.getClass() == RuntimeException.class && eq(e2.getMessage(), "Thread cancelled.") || e2 instanceof InterruptedException) return; for (Object f : cloneList(_handleException_onException)) try { callF(f, e); } catch (Throwable e3) { printStackTrace2(e3); // not using pcall here - it could lead to endless loops } } static String dbBotStandardName() { String home = userHome(); String name = dbBotName(getDBProgramID()); if (neq(home, actualUserHome())) name += " " + quote(home); return name + "."; } static List concatLists(Iterable... lists) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (lists != null) for (Iterable list : lists) addAll(l, list); return l; } static List concatLists(Collection> lists) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (lists != null) for (Iterable list : lists) addAll(l, list); return l; } static A foldl(F2 f, A seed, Iterable l) { A a = seed; if (l != null) for(B b : l) a = callF(f, a, b); return a; } static A foldl(F2 f, A seed, B[] l) { A a = seed; if (l != null) for(B b : l) a = callF(f, a, b); return a; } static A foldl(Object f, A seed, B[] l) { A a = seed; if (l != null) for(B b : l) a = (A) callF(f, a, b); return a; } static boolean exposeMethods2_debug = false; static String exposeMethods2(Object receiver, String s, List methodNames) { return exposeMethods2(receiver, s, methodNames, null); } static String exposeMethods2(Object receiver, String s, List methodNames, Lock lock) { Matches m = new Matches(); if (exposeMethods2_debug) print("Received: " + s); if (match("call *", s, m)) { List l; if (isIdentifier(m.unq(0))) l = ll(m.unq(0)); else l = (List) unstructure(m.unq(0)); // we used to have safeUnstructure here String method = getString(l, 0); if (!contains(methodNames, method)) throw fail("Method not allowed: " + method); if (lock != null) lock.lock(); try { if (exposeMethods2_debug) print("Calling: " + method); Object o = call(receiver, method, asObjectArray(subList(l, 1))); if (exposeMethods2_debug) print("Got: " + getClassName(o)); return ok2(structure(o)); } finally { if (lock != null) lock.unlock(); } } if (match("list methods", s)) return ok2(structure(methodNames)); return null; } static int makeBot(String greeting) { return makeAndroid3(greeting).port; } static Android3 makeBot(Android3 a) { makeAndroid3(a); return a; } static Android3 makeBot(String greeting, Object responder) { Android3 a = new Android3(greeting); a.responder = makeResponder(responder); makeBot(a); return a; } static Android3 makeBot() { return makeAndroid3(defaultBotName()); } static String formatSnippetIDOpt(String s) { return isSnippetID(s) ? formatSnippetID(s) : s; } static Class getMainClass() { return mc(); } static Class getMainClass(Object o) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class && eq(((Class) o).getName(), "x30")) return (Class) o; return (o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass()).getClassLoader().loadClass("main"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static A evalInQ(Q q, final F0 f) { if (isInQ(q)) return callF(f); final Var> var = new Var(); q.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { try { var.set(main. eitherA(callF(f))); } catch (Throwable e) { var.set(main. eitherB(e)); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "try {\r\n var.set(main. eitherA(callF(f)));\r\n } catch (Th..."; }}); return returnOrThrow_either(waitForVarToBeNotNull(var)); } static Class __javax; static Class getJavaX() { try { return __javax; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object vmBus_wrapArgs(Object... args) { return empty(args) ? null : l(args) == 1 ? args[0] : args; } static void pcallFAll(Collection l, Object... args) { if (l != null) for (Object f : cloneList(l)) pcallF(f, args); } static void pcallFAll(Iterator it, Object... args) { while (it.hasNext()) pcallF(, args); } static Set vm_busListeners_live_cache; static Set vm_busListeners_live() { if (vm_busListeners_live_cache == null) vm_busListeners_live_cache = vm_busListeners_live_load(); return vm_busListeners_live_cache; } static Set vm_busListeners_live_load() { return vm_generalIdentityHashSet("busListeners"); } static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live() { if (vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache == null) vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache = vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load(); return vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; } static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load() { return vm_generalHashMap("busListenersByMessage"); } static Set syncIdentityHashSet() { return (Set) synchronizedSet(identityHashSet()); } static A second(List l) { return get(l, 1); } static A second(Iterable l) { if (l == null) return null; Iterator it = iterator(l); if (!it.hasNext()) return null;; return it.hasNext() ? : null; } static A second(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length <= 1 ? null : bla[1]; } static B second(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.b; } static A second(Producer p) { if (p == null) return null; if ( == null) return null; return; } static char second(String s) { return charAt(s, 1); } static B second(Either e) { return e == null ? null : e.bOpt(); } static A third(List l) { return _get(l, 2); } static A third(Iterable l) { if (l == null) return null; Iterator it = iterator(l); for (int _repeat_0 = 0; _repeat_0 < 2; _repeat_0++) { if (!it.hasNext()) return null;; } return it.hasNext() ? : null; } static A third(Producer p) { if (p == null) return null; for (int _repeat_1 = 0; _repeat_1 < 2; _repeat_1++) { if ( == null) return null; } return; } static A third(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length <= 2 ? null : bla[2]; } static A last(List l) { return empty(l) ? null : l.get(l.size()-1); } static char last(String s) { return empty(s) ? '#' : s.charAt(l(s)-1); } static int last(int[] a) { return l(a) != 0 ? a[l(a)-1] : 0; } static double last(double[] a) { return l(a) != 0 ? a[l(a)-1] : 0; } static A last(A[] a) { return l(a) != 0 ? a[l(a)-1] : null; } static A last(Iterator it) { A a = null; while (it.hasNext()) { ping(); a =; } return a; } static A last(Collection l) { if (l == null) return null; Iterator it = iterator(l); A a = null; while (it.hasNext()) { ping(); a =; } return a; } static A last(SortedSet l) { return l == null ? null : l.last(); } static VF1 runnableToVF1(final Runnable r) { return r == null ? null : new VF1() { public void get(A a) { try { ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return ""; }}; } static Class mc() { return main.class; } static Throwable getExceptionCause(Throwable e) { Throwable c = e.getCause(); return c != null ? c : e; } static String joinWithSpace(Iterable c) { return join(" ", c); } static String joinWithSpace(String... c) { return join(" ", c); } static Object vmBus_query(String msg, Object... args) { Object arg = vmBus_wrapArgs(args); { Object __1= pcallFAll_returnFirstNotNull(vm_busListeners_live(), msg, arg); if (__1 != null) return __1; } return pcallFAll_returnFirstNotNull(vm_busListenersByMessage_live().get(msg), msg, arg); } static Object vmBus_query(String msg) { return vmBus_query(msg, (Object) null); } static Object dm_os() { { Object __1= vm_generalMap_get("stefansOS"); if (__1 != null) return __1; } return creator(); } static boolean methodIsStatic(Method m) { return (m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0; } static boolean argumentCompatibleWithType(Object arg, Class type) { return arg == null ? !type.isPrimitive() : isInstanceX(type, arg); } static void arraycopy(Object[] a, Object[] b) { if (a != null && b != null) arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, min(a.length, b.length)); } static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int n) { if (n != 0) System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, n); } static A[] arrayOfType(Class type, int n) { return makeArray(type, n); } static A[] arrayOfType(int n, Class type) { return arrayOfType(type, n); } static List getClassNames(Collection l) { List out = new ArrayList(); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) out.add(o == null ? null : getClassName(o)); return out; } static String programIDWithCase() { return nempty(caseID()) ? programID() + "/" + quoteUnlessIdentifierOrInteger(caseID()) : programID(); } // magic cast static A cget(Object c, String field) { Object o = getOpt(c, field); if (o instanceof Concept.Ref) return (A) ((Concept.Ref) o).get(); return (A) o; } static A cget(String field, Object c) { return cget(c, field); } static Map synchroHashMap() { return Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); } static List parse3(String s) { return dropPunctuation(javaTokPlusPeriod(s)); } static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return eqic(a, b); } static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(char a, char b) { return eqic(a, b); } static CloseableIterableIterator emptyCloseableIterableIterator_instance = new CloseableIterableIterator() { public Object next() { throw fail(); } public boolean hasNext() { return false; } }; static CloseableIterableIterator emptyCloseableIterableIterator() { return emptyCloseableIterableIterator_instance; } static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromReader(Reader r) { final BufferedReader br = bufferedReader(r); return iteratorFromFunction_f0_autoCloseable(new F0() { public String get() { try { return readLineFromReaderWithClose(br); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret readLineFromReaderWithClose(br);"; }}, _wrapIOCloseable(r)); } static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(InputStream in) { try { return bufferedReader(_registerIOWrap(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"), in)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(File f) { try { return utf8bufferedReader(newFileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Runnable addThreadInfoToRunnable(final Object r) { final Object info = _threadInfo(); return info == null ? asRunnable(r) : new Runnable() { public void run() { try { _inheritThreadInfo(info); callF(r); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_inheritThreadInfo(info); callF(r);"; }}; } static List> _threadInfo_makers = synchroList(); static Object _threadInfo() { if (empty(_threadInfo_makers)) return null; HashMap map = new HashMap(); pcallFAll(_threadInfo_makers, map); return map; } static List> _threadInheritInfo_retrievers = synchroList(); static void _threadInheritInfo(Object info) { if (info == null) return; pcallFAll(_threadInheritInfo_retrievers, (Map) info); } static void messageBox(final String msg) { if (headless()) print(msg); else { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "JavaX", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, \"JavaX\", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MES..."; }}); } } static void messageBox(Throwable e) { //showConsole(); printStackTrace(e); messageBox(hideCredentials(innerException2(e))); } static Runnable _topLevelErrorHandling(final Runnable runnable) { final Object info = _threadInfo(); return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { try { _threadInheritInfo(info);; } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcall {\r\n _threadInheritInfo(info);\r\n;\r\n }"; }}; } static Map vm_generalWeakSubMap(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Map map = (Map) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (map == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, map = newWeakMap()); return map; } } static WeakReference weakRef(A a) { return newWeakReference(a); } static String nullIfEmpty(String s) { return isEmpty(s) ? null : s; } static Map nullIfEmpty(Map map) { return isEmpty(map) ? null : map; } static List nullIfEmpty(List l) { return isEmpty(l) ? null : l; } static String charToString(char c) { return String.valueOf(c); } static String charToString(int c) { return String.valueOf((char) c); } static Object[] asArray(List l) { return toObjectArray(l); } static A[] asArray(Class type, List l) { return (A[]) l.toArray((Object[]) Array.newInstance(type, l.size())); } static boolean isMenuSeparatorIndicator(Object o) { return eqOneOf(o, "***", "---", "===", ""); } static boolean isRunnableX(Object o) { if (o == null) return false; if (o instanceof String) return hasMethod(mc(), (String) o); return o instanceof Runnable || hasMethod(o, "get"); } static boolean jmenuItem_newThreads = false; static JMenuItem jmenuItem(final String text) { return jMenuItem(text, null); } static JMenuItem jmenuItem(final String text, final Object r) { return swing(new F0() { public JMenuItem get() { try { Pair p = jmenu_autoMnemonic(dropPrefix("[disabled] ", text)); JMenuItem mi = new JMenuItem(p.a); if (startsWith(text, "[disabled] ")) disableMenuItem(mi); if (p.b != 0) mi.setMnemonic(p.b); mi.addActionListener(jmenuItem_newThreads ? actionListenerInNewThread(r) : actionListener(r)); return mi; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Pair p = jmenu_autoMnemonic(dropPrefix(\"[disabled] \", text));\r\n JM..."; }}); } static A bindLiveValueListenerToComponent(A component, final LiveValue lv, final Runnable listener) { if (lv != null) bindToComponent(component, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { lv.onChangeAndNow(listener); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ifdef bindLiveValueListenerToComponent_debug\r\n print(\"bindLiveValueL..."; }}, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { lv.removeOnChangeListener(listener) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "lv.removeOnChangeListener(listener)"; }}); return component; } static boolean isCurlyBracketed(String s) { return isCurlyBraced(s); } static A setEnabled(A c, boolean enable) { if (c != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.setEnabled(enable); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.setEnabled(enable);"; }}); } return c; } static A setEnabled(boolean enable, A c) { return setEnabled(c, enable); } static String unCurlyBracket(String s) { return tok_unCurlyBracket(s); } static boolean setText_opt = true; // optimize by calling getText first static A setText(A c, Object text) { setText((JComponent) c, text); return c; } static A setText(final A c, Object text) { // only for editable combo boxes at this point final String s = strUnnull(text); { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.getEditor().setItem(s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.getEditor().setItem(s);"; }}); } return c; } static void setText(JLabel c, Object text) { setText((JComponent) c, text); } static JButton setText(JButton c, Object text) { setText((JComponent) c, jlabel_textAsHTML_center_ifNeeded(strUnnull(text))); return c; } static A setText(final A c, Object text) { if (c == null) return null; final String s = strUnnull(text); { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!setText_opt || neq(callOpt(c, "getText"), s)) call(c, "setText", s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (!setText_opt || neq(callOpt(c, \"getText\"), s))\r\n call(c, \"setText\", s);"; }}); } return c; } static Map mapMinus(Map map, Object... keys) { if (empty(keys)) return map; Map m2 = cloneMap(map); for (Object key : keys) m2.remove(key); return m2; } static boolean isInstanceOf(Object o, Class type) { return type.isInstance(o); } static String className(Object o) { return getClassName(o); } static int preferredWidth(Component c) { return c == null ? 0 : getPreferredSize(c).width; } static String repeat(char c, int n) { n = Math.max(n, 0); char[] chars = new char[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) chars[i] = c; return new String(chars); } static List repeat(A a, int n) { n = Math.max(n, 0); List l = new ArrayList(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) l.add(a); return l; } static List repeat(int n, A a) { return repeat(a, n); } static A _recordNewSwingComponent(A c) { if (c != null) callF((Object) vm_generalMap_get("newSwingComponentRegistry"), (Object) c); return c; } static JComponent componentToJComponent(Component c) { if (c instanceof JComponent) return (JComponent) c; if (c instanceof JFrame) return ((JFrame) c).getRootPane(); if (c == null) return null; throw fail("boohoo " + getClassName(c)); } static JScrollPane jscroll(final Component c) { return swing(new F0() { public JScrollPane get() { try { return new JScrollPane(c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret new JScrollPane(c);"; }}); } static JLabel jlabel(final String text) { return swingConstruct(BetterLabel.class, text); } static JLabel jlabel() { return jlabel(" "); } static String dm_findModuleWithParams(String moduleLibID, Object... params) { return firstThat(dm_modulesWithLibID(moduleLibID), mod -> checkFields(dm_mod(mod), params)); } static String dm_makeNewModuleWithParams(String moduleLibID, Object... params) { return (String) dm_callOS("makeNewModule", moduleLibID, false, "beforeStart" , new VF1() { public void get(Object mod) { try { print("Got module: " + dm_mod(mod)); dm_call(mod, "setFields", params); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "print(\"Got module: \" + dm_mod(mod));\r\n dm_call(mod, 'setFields, params);"; }}); } static int lastIndexOf(String a, String b) { return a == null || b == null ? -1 : a.lastIndexOf(b); } static int lastIndexOf(String a, char b) { return a == null ? -1 : a.lastIndexOf(b); } // starts searching from i-1 static int lastIndexOf(List l, int i, A a) { if (l == null) return -1; for (i = min(l(l), i)-1; i >= 0; i--) if (eq(l.get(i), a)) return i; return -1; } static boolean containsRegexpIC(String s, String pat) { return compileRegexpIC(pat).matcher(s).find(); } static String phraseToRegExp(String b) { return (startsWithLetterOrDigit(b) ? "\\b" : "") + regexpQuote(b) + (endsWithLetterOrDigit(b) ? "\\b" : ""); } // We dropped the "***" support here (use match3 for that) static String[] find2(List pat, List tok) { for (int idx = 0; idx < tok.size(); idx += 2) { // TODO: subtract pat size from end index String[] result = find2(pat, tok, idx); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } static String[] find2(List pat, List tok, int idx) { if (idx+pat.size() > tok.size()) return null; List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < pat.size(); i += 2) { String p = pat.get(i), t = tok.get(idx+i); if (eq(p, "*")) result.add(t); else if (!p.equalsIgnoreCase(t)) return null; } return toStringArray(result); } static List lazyMap(final Object f, final List l) { return lazilyMap(f, l); } static List lazyMap(List l, IF1 f) { return lazilyMap(f, l); } static boolean startsWithOneOf(String s, String... l) { for (String x : l) if (startsWith(s, x)) return true; return false; } static boolean startsWithOneOf(String s, Matches m, String... l) { for (String x : l) if (startsWith(s, x, m)) return true; return false; } static boolean isAGIBlueDomain(String domain) { return domainIsUnder(domain, theAGIBlueDomain()); } static String hostNameFromURL(String url) { try { return new URL(url).getHost(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void logQuotedWithTime(String s) { logQuotedWithTime(standardLogFile(), s); } static void logQuotedWithTime(File logFile, String s) { logQuoted(logFile, logQuotedWithTime_format(s)); } static void logQuotedWithTime(String logFile, String s) { logQuoted(logFile, logQuotedWithTime_format(s)); } static String logQuotedWithTime_format(String s) { return /*formatGMTWithDate_24*/(now()) + " " + s; } static File javaxDataDir_dir; // can be set to work on different base dir static File javaxDataDir() { return javaxDataDir_dir != null ? javaxDataDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Data"); } static File javaxDataDir(String... subs) { return newFile(javaxDataDir(), subs); } static JTextArea wrappedTextArea(final JTextArea ta) { enableWordWrapForTextArea(ta); return ta; } static JTextArea wrappedTextArea() { return wrappedTextArea(jtextarea()); } static JTextArea wrappedTextArea(String text) { JTextArea ta = wrappedTextArea(); setText(ta, text); return ta; } static A onClick(final A c, final Object runnable) { if (c != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { callF(runnable, e); } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {\r\n public void mouseClicked(MouseEv..."; }}); } return c; } // re-interpreted for buttons static void onClick(JButton btn, final Object runnable) { onEnter(btn, runnable); } static void disposeWindow(final Window window) { if (window != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { window.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(window, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); // call listeners myFrames_list.remove(window); window.dispose(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "window.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(window, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); //..."; }}); } } static void disposeWindow(final Component c) { disposeWindow(getWindow(c)); } static void disposeWindow(Object o) { if (o != null) disposeWindow(((Component) o)); } static void disposeWindow() { disposeWindow(heldInstance(Component.class)); } static Font typeWriterFont() { return typeWriterFont(iround(14*getSwingFontScale())); } static Font typeWriterFont(int size) { return new Font("Courier", Font.PLAIN, size); } static int withMargin_defaultWidth = 6; static JPanel withMargin(Component c) { return withMargin(withMargin_defaultWidth, c); } static JPanel withMargin(int w, Component c) { return withMargin(w, w, c); } static JPanel withMargin(int w, int h, Component c) { return withMargin(w, h, w, h, c); } static JPanel withMargin(final int top, final int left, final int bottom, final int right, final Component c) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(top, left, bottom, right)); p.add(c); return p; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n p.setBorder(BorderFactory.creat..."; }}); } static Window getWindow(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Component)) return null; Component c = (Component) o; while (c != null) { if (c instanceof Window) return (Window) c; c = c.getParent(); } return null; } static Dimension getScreenSize() { return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); } static void swingLater(long delay, final Object r) { javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer(toInt(delay), actionListener(wrapAsActivity(r))); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } static void swingLater(Object r) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(toRunnable(r)); } static int toMS_int(double seconds) { return toInt_checked((long) (seconds*1000)); } static double toDouble(Object o) { if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).doubleValue(); if (o instanceof BigInteger) return ((BigInteger) o).doubleValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseDouble(((String) o)); if (o == null) return 0.0; throw fail(o); } static String getStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { lastException(throwable); return getStackTrace_noRecord(throwable); } static String getStackTrace_noRecord(Throwable throwable) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)); return hideCredentials(writer.toString()); } static String getStackTrace() { return getStackTrace_noRecord(new Throwable()); } // PersistableThrowable doesn't hold GC-disturbing class references in backtrace static volatile PersistableThrowable lastException_lastException; static PersistableThrowable lastException() { return lastException_lastException; } static void lastException(Throwable e) { lastException_lastException = persistableThrowable(e); } static Throwable getInnerException(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; while (e.getCause() != null) e = e.getCause(); return e; } static Throwable getInnerException(Runnable r) { return getInnerException(getException(r)); } static String baseClassName(String className) { return substring(className, className.lastIndexOf('.')+1); } static String baseClassName(Object o) { return baseClassName(getClassName(o)); } static String prependIfNempty(String prefix, String s) { return empty(s) ? s : prefix + s; } // This is for main classes that are all static. // (We don't go to base classes.) static Set listFields(Object c) { TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(); for (Field f : _getClass(c).getDeclaredFields()) fields.add(f.getName()); return fields; } static String n(long l, String name) { return l + " " + trim(l == 1 ? singular(name) : getPlural(name)); } static String n(Collection l, String name) { return n(l(l), name); } static String n(Map m, String name) { return n(l(m), name); } static String n(Object[] a, String name) { return n(l(a), name); } static String n(MultiSet ms, String name) { return n(l(ms), name); } static void setOpt_raw(Object o, String field, Object value) { try { if (o == null) return; if (o instanceof Class) setOpt_raw((Class) o, field, value); else { Field f = setOpt_raw_findField(o.getClass(), field); if (f != null) { makeAccessible(f); smartSet(f, o, value); } } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void setOpt_raw(Class c, String field, Object value) { try { if (c == null) return; Field f = setOpt_raw_findStaticField(c, field); if (f != null) { makeAccessible(f); smartSet(f, null, value); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Field setOpt_raw_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static Field setOpt_raw_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return null; } static void smartSet(Field f, Object o, Object value) throws Exception { try { f.set(o, value); } catch (Exception e) { Class type = f.getType(); // take care of common case (long to int) if (type == int.class && value instanceof Long) value = ((Long) value).intValue(); if (type == LinkedHashMap.class && value instanceof Map) { f.set(o, asLinkedHashMap((Map) value)); return; } try { if (f.getType() == Concept.Ref.class) { f.set(o, ((Concept) o).new Ref((Concept) value)); return; } if (o instanceof Concept.Ref) { f.set(o, ((Concept.Ref) o).get()); return; } } catch (Throwable _e) {} throw e; } } static A setDyn(A o, String key, Object value) { if (o == null) return o; setDynObjectValue(o, key, value); return o; } static Method fastIntern_method; static String fastIntern(String s) { try { if (s == null) return null; if (fastIntern_method == null) { fastIntern_method = findMethodNamed(javax(), "internPerProgram"); if (fastIntern_method == null) upgradeJavaXAndRestart(); } return (String) fastIntern_method.invoke(null, s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object collectionMutex(List l) { return l; } static Object collectionMutex(Object o) { if (o instanceof List) return o; String c = className(o); if (eq(c, "java.util.TreeMap$KeySet")) c = className(o = getOpt(o, "m")); else if (eq(c, "java.util.HashMap$KeySet")) c = className(o = get_raw(o, "this$0")); if (eqOneOf(c, "java.util.TreeMap$AscendingSubMap", "java.util.TreeMap$DescendingSubMap")) c = className(o = get_raw(o, "m")); return o; } static String assertIsIdentifier(String s) { if (!isIdentifier(s)) throw fail("Not an identifier: " + quote(s)); return s; } static String assertIsIdentifier(String msg, String s) { if (!isIdentifier(s)) throw fail(msg + " - Not an identifier: " + quote(s)); return s; } static boolean isInteger(String s) { int n = l(s); if (n == 0) return false; int i = 0; if (s.charAt(0) == '-') if (++i >= n) return false; while (i < n) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; ++i; } return true; } static boolean checkTokCondition(Object condition, List tok, int i) { if (condition instanceof TokCondition) return ((TokCondition) condition).get(tok, i); return checkCondition(condition, tok, i); } static void removeSubList(List l, int from, int to) { if (l != null) subList(l, from, to).clear(); } static void removeSubList(List l, int from) { if (l != null) subList(l, from).clear(); } static void copyListPart(List a, int i1, List b, int i2, int n) { if (a == null || b == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) b.set(i2+i, a.get(i1+i)); } static Comparator caseInsensitiveComparator() { return betterCIComparator(); } // works on lists and strings and null static int indexOfIgnoreCase(List a, String b) { return indexOfIgnoreCase(a, b, 0); } static int indexOfIgnoreCase(List a, String b, int i) { int n = a == null ? 0 : a.size(); for (; i < n; i++) if (eqic(a.get(i), b)) return i; return -1; } static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return indexOfIgnoreCase_manual(a, b); /*Matcher m = Pattern.compile(b, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE + Pattern.LITERAL).matcher(a); if (m.find()) return m.start(); else ret -1;*/ } static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { int la = l(a), lb = l(b); return la >= lb && regionMatchesIC(a, la-lb, b, 0, lb); } static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] { substring(a, 0, l(a)-l(b)) }; return true; } // o is either a map already (string->object) or an arbitrary object, // in which case its fields are converted into a map. static Map objectToMap(Object o) { try { if (o instanceof Map) return (Map) o; TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); Class c = o.getClass(); while (c != Object.class) { Field[] fields = c.getDeclaredFields(); for (final Field field : fields) { if ((field.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0) continue; field.setAccessible(true); final Object value = field.get(o); if (value != null) map.put(field.getName(), value); } c = c.getSuperclass(); } // XXX NEW - hopefully this doesn't break anything if (o instanceof DynamicObject) map.putAll(((DynamicObject) o).fieldValues); return map; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // same for a collection (convert each element) static List> objectToMap(Iterable l) { if (l == null) return null; List x = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : l) x.add(objectToMap(o)); return x; } static String[] asStringArray(Collection c) { return toStringArray(c); } static String[] asStringArray(Object o) { return toStringArray(o); } static Set setMinus(Set set, Object... stuff) { Set s2 = cloneSet(set); for (Object o : stuff) s2.remove(o); return s2; } static Set mergeSets(Set... l) { return joinSets(l); } static Set allNonStaticNonTransientFields(Object o) { TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(); Class _c = _getClass(o); do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if ((f.getModifiers() & (Modifier.STATIC|Modifier.TRANSIENT)) == 0) fields.add(f.getName()); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return fields; } static String classNameToVM(String name) { return name.replace(".", "$"); } static String makeRandomID(int length) { return makeRandomID(length, defaultRandomGenerator()); } static String makeRandomID(int length, Random random) { char[] id = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) id[i] = (char) ((int) 'a' + random.nextInt(26)); return new String(id); } static String makeRandomID(Random r, int length) { return makeRandomID(length, r); } static String jreplace(String s, String in, String out) { return jreplace(s, in, out, null); } static String jreplace(String s, String in, String out, Object condition) { List tok = javaTok(s); return jreplace(tok, in, out, condition) ? join(tok) : s; } // leaves tok properly tokenized // returns true iff anything was replaced static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out) { return jreplace(tok, in, out, false, true, null); } static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out, Object condition) { return jreplace(tok, in, out, false, true, condition); } static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out, IF2, Integer, Boolean> condition) { return jreplace(tok, in, out, (Object) condition); } static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out, boolean ignoreCase, boolean reTok, Object condition) { String[] toks = javaTokForJFind_array(in); int lTokin = toks.length*2+1; boolean anyChange = false; int i = -1; for (int n = 0; n < 10000; n++) { // TODO: don't need this check anymore i = findCodeTokens(tok, i+1, ignoreCase, toks, condition); if (i < 0) return anyChange; List subList = tok.subList(i-1, i+lTokin-1); // N to N String expansion = jreplaceExpandRefs(out, subList); int end = i+lTokin-2; clearAllTokens(tok, i, end); // C to C tok.set(i, expansion); if (reTok) // would this ever be false?? reTok(tok, i, end); i = end; anyChange = true; } throw fail("woot? 10000! " + quote(in) + " => " + quote(out)); } static boolean jreplace_debug = false; static String sfu(Object o) { return structureForUser(o); } static void replaceTokens(List tok, int i, int j, String s) { clearAllTokens(tok, i+1, j); tok.set(i, s); } static void replaceTokens(List tok, String s) { clearAllTokens(tok, 1, l(tok)); tok.set(0, s); } static void wordTreeAdd(Map tree, List words, String value) { for (String word : words) { Object child = tree.get(word); Map subTree; if (child instanceof Map) tree = (Map) child; else { tree.put(word, subTree = ciMap()); if (child != null) subTree.put("", child); tree = subTree; } } tree.put("", value); } static Map simplifyWordTree(Map tree) { if (tree == null) return null; return (Map) simplifyWordTree_impl(tree, true); } static Object simplifyWordTree_impl(Object tree, boolean keepAsMap) { if (tree instanceof String) return tree; Map m = (Map) tree; if (!keepAsMap && l(m) == 1 && eq(firstKey(m), "")) return (String) firstValue(m); Map map = similarEmptyMap(m); for (String key : keys( m)) { Object value = m.get(key); map.put(key, simplifyWordTree_impl(value, false)); } return map; } static String[] toStringArray(Collection c) { String[] a = new String[l(c)]; Iterator it = c.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < l(a); i++) a[i] =; return a; } static String[] toStringArray(Object o) { if (o instanceof String[]) return (String[]) o; else if (o instanceof Collection) return toStringArray((Collection) o); else throw fail("Not a collection or array: " + getClassName(o)); } static List codeTokensOnly(List tok) { int n = tok.size(); List l = emptyList(n/2); for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) l.add(tok.get(i)); return l; } static long parseLong(String s) { if (empty(s)) return 0; return Long.parseLong(dropSuffix("L", s)); } static long parseLong(Object s) { return Long.parseLong((String) s); } static File localSnippetsDir() { return javaxDataDir("Personal Programs"); } static File localSnippetsDir(String sub) { return newFile(localSnippetsDir(), sub); } static boolean isInstance(Class type, Object arg) { return type.isInstance(arg); } static Map vm_generalMap_map; static Map vm_generalMap() { if (vm_generalMap_map == null) vm_generalMap_map = (Map) get(javax(), "generalMap"); return vm_generalMap_map; } static File getProgramDir() { return programDir(); } static File getProgramDir(String snippetID) { return programDir(snippetID); } static File oneOfTheFiles(String... paths) { if (paths != null) for (String path : paths) if (fileExists(path)) return newFile(path); return null; } static File oneOfTheFiles(File... files) { if (files != null) for (File f : files) if (fileExists(f)) return f; return null; } static File javaxSecretDir_dir; // can be set to work on different base dir static File javaxSecretDir() { return javaxSecretDir_dir != null ? javaxSecretDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Secret"); } static File javaxSecretDir(String sub) { return newFile(javaxSecretDir(), sub); } static File userDir() { return new File(userHome()); } static File userDir(String path) { return new File(userHome(), path); } static List synchroList() { return Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); } static List synchroList(List l) { return Collections.synchronizedList(l); } static List collect(Iterable c, String field) { return collectField(c, field); } static List collect(String field, Iterable c) { return collectField(c, field); } /*ifclass Concept static L collect(Class c, S field) { ret collect(list(c), field); } endif TODO: make translator ignore stuff in ifclass until resolved */ static void sleepInCleanUp(long ms) { try { if (ms < 0) return; Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String f2s(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.getAbsolutePath(); } static String f2s(String s) { return f2s(newFile(s)); } static String f2s(java.nio.file.Path p) { return p == null ? null : f2s(p.toFile()); } static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) { try { byte[] buf = new byte[65536]; while (true) { int n =; if (n <= 0) return; out.write(buf, 0, n); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void _registerIO(Object object, String path, boolean opened) { } static volatile Object isAllowed_function; // func(S, O[]) -> bool static volatile boolean isAllowed_all = true; static boolean isAllowed(String askingMethod, Object... args) { // check on VM level Object f = vm_generalMap_get("isAllowed_function"); if (f != null && !isTrue(callF(f, askingMethod, args))) return false; // check locally return isAllowed_all || isTrue(callF(isAllowed_function, askingMethod, args)); } static volatile boolean sleep_noSleep = false; static void sleep(long ms) { ping(); if (ms < 0) return; // allow spin locks if (isAWTThread() && ms > 100) throw fail("Should not sleep on AWT thread"); try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static void sleep() { try { if (sleep_noSleep) throw fail("nosleep"); print("Sleeping."); sleepQuietly(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static long round(double d) { return Math.round(d); } static String hmsWithColons() { return hmsWithColons(now()); } static String hmsWithColons(long time) { return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(time); } static A optParam(ThreadLocal tl, A defaultValue) { return optPar(tl, defaultValue); } static A optParam(ThreadLocal tl) { return optPar(tl); } static Object optParam(String name, Map params) { return mapGet(params, name); } // now also takes a map as single array entry static A optParam(Object[] opt, String name, A defaultValue) { int n = l(opt); if (n == 1 && opt[0] instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) (opt[0]); return map.containsKey(name) ? (A) map.get(name) : defaultValue; } if (!even(l(opt))) throw fail("Odd parameter length"); for (int i = 0; i < l(opt); i += 2) if (eq(opt[i], name)) return (A) opt[i+1]; return defaultValue; } static Object optParam(Object[] opt, String name) { return optParam(opt, name, null); } static Object optParam(String name, Object[] params) { return optParam(params, name); } static String getComputerID_quick() { return computerID(); } static Object vm_generalMap_put(Object key, Object value) { return mapPutOrRemove(vm_generalMap(), key, value); } static String joinNemptiesWithColonSpace(String... strings) { return joinNempties(": ", strings); } static String joinNemptiesWithColonSpace(Collection strings) { return joinNempties(": ", strings); } static String tryToReadErrorStreamFromURLConnection(URLConnection conn) { try { if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) return stream2string(((HttpURLConnection) conn).getErrorStream()); // TODO: ensure some max length return null; } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static int gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize = 65536; static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f) { try { return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f, int bufferSize) { try { return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f), bufferSize); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in) { return gzInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize); } static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize) { try { return _registerIOWrap(new GZIPInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize), in); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map compileRegexp_cache = syncMRUCache(10); static java.util.regex.Pattern compileRegexp(String pat) { java.util.regex.Pattern p = compileRegexp_cache.get(pat); if (p == null) { compileRegexp_cache.put(pat, p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(pat)); } return p; } static int parseInt(String s) { return emptyString(s) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(s); } static int parseInt(char c) { return Integer.parseInt(str(c)); } static int boolToInt(boolean b) { return b ? 1 : 0; } static ArrayList cloneList(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? cloneList((Collection) l) : asList(l); } static ArrayList cloneList(Collection l) { if (l == null) return new ArrayList(); synchronized(collectionMutex(l)) { return new ArrayList(l); } } static int levenWithSwapsIC(String s, String t) { // degenerate cases if (s.equals(t)) return 0; int ls = s.length(), lt = t.length(); if (ls == 0) return lt; if (lt == 0) return ls; int[] vx = new int[lt + 1]; int[] v0 = new int[lt + 1]; int[] v1 = new int[lt + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < v0.length; i++) v0[i] = i; for (int i = 0; i < ls; i++) { v1[0] = i + 1; for (int j = 0; j < lt; j++) { int cost = equalsIgnoreCase(s.charAt(i), t.charAt(j)) ? 0 : 1; int d = min3( v1[j] + 1, // delete v0[j + 1] + 1, // insert v0[j] + cost); // edit if (i > 0 && j > 0 && equalsIgnoreCase(s.charAt(i), t.charAt(j-1)) && equalsIgnoreCase(s.charAt(i-1), t.charAt(j))) d = min(d, vx[j-1] + 1); // transposition v1[j + 1] = d; } // rotate arrays int[] v = vx; vx = v0; v0 = v1; v1 = v; } return v0[lt]; } static Object unstructure(String text) { return unstructure(text, false); } static Object unstructure(String text, final boolean allDynamic) { return unstructure(text, allDynamic, null); } static int structure_internStringsLongerThan = 50; static int unstructure_unquoteBufSize = 100; static int unstructure_tokrefs; // stats abstract static class unstructure_Receiver { abstract void set(Object o); } // classFinder: func(name) -> class (optional) static Object unstructure(String text, boolean allDynamic, Object classFinder) { if (text == null) return null; return unstructure_tok(javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(text), allDynamic, classFinder); } static Object unstructure_reader(BufferedReader reader) { return unstructure_tok(javaTokC_noMLS_onReader(reader), false, null); } static Object unstructure_tok(final Producer tok, final boolean allDynamic, final Object _classFinder) { final boolean debug = unstructure_debug; final class X { int i = -1; final Object classFinder = _classFinder != null ? _classFinder : _defaultClassFinder(); HashMap refs = new HashMap(); HashMap tokrefs = new HashMap(); HashSet concepts = new HashSet(); HashMap classesMap = new HashMap(); List stack = new ArrayList(); String curT; char[] unquoteBuf = new char[unstructure_unquoteBufSize]; Class findAClass(String fullClassName) { return classFinder != null ? (Class) callF(classFinder, fullClassName) : findClass_fullName(fullClassName); } String unquote(String s) { return unquoteUsingCharArray(s, unquoteBuf); } // look at current token String t() { return curT; } // get current token, move to next String tpp() { String t = curT; consume(); return t; } void parse(final unstructure_Receiver out) { String t = t(); int refID = 0; if (structure_isMarker(t, 0, l(t))) { refID = parseInt(t.substring(1)); consume(); } final int _refID = refID; // if (debug) print("parse: " + quote(t)); final int tokIndex = i; parse_inner(refID, tokIndex, new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { if (_refID != 0) refs.put(_refID, o); if (o != null) tokrefs.put(tokIndex, o); out.set(o); } }); } void parse_inner(int refID, int tokIndex, final unstructure_Receiver out) { String t = t(); // if (debug) print("parse_inner: " + quote(t)); Class c = classesMap.get(t); if (c == null) { if (t.startsWith("\"")) { String s = internIfLongerThan(unquote(tpp()), structure_internStringsLongerThan); out.set(s); return; } if (t.startsWith("'")) { out.set(unquoteCharacter(tpp())); return; } if (t.equals("bigint")) { out.set(parseBigInt()); return; } if (t.equals("d")) { out.set(parseDouble()); return; } if (t.equals("fl")) { out.set(parseFloat()); return; } if (t.equals("sh")) { consume(); t = tpp(); if (t.equals("-")) { t = tpp(); out.set((short) (-parseInt(t))); return; } out.set((short) parseInt(t)); return; } if (t.equals("-")) { consume(); t = tpp(); out.set(isLongConstant(t) ? (Object) (-parseLong(t)) : (Object) (-parseInt(t))); return; } if (isInteger(t) || isLongConstant(t)) { consume(); //if (debug) print("isLongConstant " + quote(t) + " => " + isLongConstant(t)); if (isLongConstant(t)) { out.set(parseLong(t)); return; } long l = parseLong(t); boolean isInt = l == (int) l; out.set(isInt ? (Object) Integer.valueOf((int) l) : (Object) Long.valueOf(l)); return; } if (t.equals("false") || t.equals("f")) { consume(); out.set(false); return; } if (t.equals("true") || t.equals("t")) { consume(); out.set(true); return; } if (t.equals("-")) { consume(); t = tpp(); out.set(isLongConstant(t) ? (Object) (-parseLong(t)) : (Object) (-parseInt(t))); return; } if (isInteger(t) || isLongConstant(t)) { consume(); //if (debug) print("isLongConstant " + quote(t) + " => " + isLongConstant(t)); if (isLongConstant(t)) { out.set(parseLong(t)); return; } long l = parseLong(t); boolean isInt = l == (int) l; out.set(isInt ? (Object) Integer.valueOf((int) l) : (Object) Long.valueOf(l)); return; } if (t.equals("File")) { consume(); File f = new File(unquote(tpp())); out.set(f); return; } if (t.startsWith("r") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) { consume(); int ref = Integer.parseInt(t.substring(1)); Object o = refs.get(ref); if (o == null) throw fail("unsatisfied back reference " + ref); out.set(o); return; } if (t.startsWith("t") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) { consume(); int ref = Integer.parseInt(t.substring(1)); Object o = tokrefs.get(ref); if (o == null) throw fail("unsatisfied token reference " + ref + " at " + tokIndex); out.set(o); return; } if (t.equals("hashset")) { parseHashSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("lhs")) { parseLinkedHashSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("treeset")) { parseTreeSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("ciset")) { parseCISet(out); return; } if (eqOneOf(t, "hashmap", "hm")) { consume(); parseMap(new HashMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("lhm")) { consume(); parseMap(new LinkedHashMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("tm")) { consume(); parseMap(new TreeMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("cimap")) { consume(); parseMap(ciMap(), out); return; } if (t.equals("ll")) { consume(); { parseList(new LinkedList(), out); return; } } if (t.equals("syncLL")) { // legacy consume(); { parseList(synchroLinkedList(), out); return; } } if (t.equals("sync")) { consume(); { parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object value) { if (value instanceof Map) { // Java 7 if (value instanceof NavigableMap) { out.set(Collections.synchronizedNavigableMap((NavigableMap) value)); return; } if (value instanceof SortedMap) { out.set(Collections.synchronizedSortedMap((SortedMap) value)); return; } { out.set(Collections.synchronizedMap((Map) value)); return; } } else { out.set(Collections.synchronizedList((List) value)); return; } } }); return; } } if (t.equals("{")) { parseMap(out); return; } if (t.equals("[")) { this.parseList(new ArrayList(), out); return; } if (t.equals("bitset")) { parseBitSet(out); return; } if (t.equals("array") || t.equals("intarray") || t.equals("dblarray")) { parseArray(out); return; } if (t.equals("ba")) { consume(); String hex = unquote(tpp()); out.set(hexToBytes(hex)); return; } if (t.equals("boolarray")) { consume(); int n = parseInt(tpp()); String hex = unquote(tpp()); out.set(boolArrayFromBytes(hexToBytes(hex), n)); return; } if (t.equals("class")) { out.set(parseClass()); return; } if (t.equals("l")) { parseLisp(out); return; } if (t.equals("null")) { consume(); out.set(null); return; } if (eq(t, "c")) { consume(); t = t(); assertTrue(isJavaIdentifier(t)); concepts.add(t); } // custom deserialization (new static method method) if (eq(t, "cu")) { consume(); t = tpp(); assertTrue(isJavaIdentifier(t)); String fullClassName = "main$" + t; Class _c = findAClass(fullClassName); if (_c == null) throw fail("Class not found: " + fullClassName); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object value) { out.set(call(_c, "_deserialize", value)); } }); return; } } if (eq(t, "j")) { consume("j"); out.set(parseJava()); return; } if (c == null && !isJavaIdentifier(t)) throw new RuntimeException("Unknown token " + (i+1) + ": " + quote(t)); // any other class name (or package name) consume(); String className, fullClassName; // Is it a package name? if (eq(t(), ".")) { consume(); className = fullClassName = t + "." + assertIdentifier(tpp()); } else { className = t; fullClassName = "main$" + t; } if (c == null) { // First, find class if (allDynamic) c = null; else c = findAClass(fullClassName); if (c != null) classesMap.put(className, c); } // Check if it has an outer reference boolean hasBracket = eq(t(), "("); if (hasBracket) consume(); boolean hasOuter = hasBracket && eq(t(), "this$1"); DynamicObject dO = null; Object o = null; final String thingName = t; if (c != null) { o = hasOuter ? nuStubInnerObject(c, classFinder) : nuEmptyObject(c); if (o instanceof DynamicObject) dO = (DynamicObject) o; } else { if (concepts.contains(t) && (c = findAClass("main$Concept")) != null) o = dO = (DynamicObject) nuEmptyObject(c); else dO = new DynamicObject(); dO.className = className; } // Save in references list early because contents of object // might link back to main object if (refID != 0) refs.put(refID, o != null ? o : dO); tokrefs.put(tokIndex, o != null ? o : dO); // NOW parse the fields! final LinkedHashMap fields = new LinkedHashMap(); // preserve order final Object _o = o; final DynamicObject _dO = dO; if (hasBracket) { stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); if (eq(t(), ")")) { consume(")"); objRead(_o, _dO, fields, hasOuter); out.set(_o != null ? _o : _dO); } else { final String key = unquote(tpp()); String t = tpp(); if (!eq(t, "=")) throw fail("= expected, got " + t + " after " + quote(key) + " in object " + thingName /*+ " " + sfu(fields)*/); stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object value) { fields.put(key, value); /*ifdef unstructure_debug print("Got field value " + value + ", next token: " + t()); endifdef*/ //if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ifdef unstructure_debug\r\n print(\"in object values, token: \" + t())..."; }}); } else { objRead(o, dO, fields, hasOuter); out.set(o != null ? o : dO); } } void objRead(Object o, DynamicObject dO, Map fields, boolean hasOuter) { if (o != null) { if (dO != null) { setOptAllDyn(dO, fields); } else { setOptAll_pcall(o, fields); } if (hasOuter) fixOuterRefs(o); } else for (Map.Entry e : fields.entrySet()) setDynObjectValue(dO, intern(e.getKey()), e.getValue()); if (o != null) pcallOpt_noArgs(o, "_doneLoading"); } void parseSet(final Set set, final unstructure_Receiver out) { this.parseList(new ArrayList(), new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { set.addAll((List) o); out.set(set); } }); } void parseLisp(final unstructure_Receiver out) { throw fail("class Lisp not included"); } void parseBitSet(final unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("bitset"); consume("{"); final BitSet bs = new BitSet(); stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), "}")) { consume("}"); out.set(bs); } else { stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { bs.set((Integer) o); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \"}\")) {\r\n consume(\"}\");\r\n out.set(bs);\r\n ..."; }}); } void parseList(final List list, final unstructure_Receiver out) { tokrefs.put(i, list); consume("["); stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), "]")) { consume(); out.set(list); } else { stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { //if (debug) print("List element type: " + getClassName(o)); list.add(o); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \"]\")) {\r\n consume();\r\n ifdef unstructure_debug\r..."; }}); } void parseArray(final unstructure_Receiver out) { final String type = tpp(); consume("{"); final List list = new ArrayList(); stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (eq(t(), "}")) { consume("}"); out.set( type.equals("intarray") ? toIntArray(list) : type.equals("dblarray") ? toDoubleArray(list) : list.toArray()); } else { stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { list.add(o); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(t(), \"}\")) {\r\n consume(\"}\");\r\n out.set(\r\n ..."; }}); } Object parseClass() { consume("class"); consume("("); String name = unquote(tpp()); consume(")"); Class c = allDynamic ? null : findAClass(name); if (c != null) return c; DynamicObject dO = new DynamicObject(); dO.className = "java.lang.Class"; name = dropPrefix("main$", name); dO.fieldValues.put("name", name); return dO; } Object parseBigInt() { consume("bigint"); consume("("); String val = tpp(); if (eq(val, "-")) val = "-" + tpp(); consume(")"); return new BigInteger(val); } Object parseDouble() { consume("d"); consume("("); String val = unquote(tpp()); consume(")"); return Double.parseDouble(val); } Object parseFloat() { consume("fl"); String val; if (eq(t(), "(")) { consume("("); val = unquote(tpp()); consume(")"); } else { val = unquote(tpp()); } return Float.parseFloat(val); } void parseHashSet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("hashset"); parseSet(new HashSet(), out); } void parseLinkedHashSet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("lhs"); parseSet(new LinkedHashSet(), out); } void parseTreeSet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("treeset"); parseSet(new TreeSet(), out); } void parseCISet(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("ciset"); parseSet(ciSet(), out); } void parseMap(unstructure_Receiver out) { parseMap(new TreeMap(), out); } Object parseJava() { String j = unquote(tpp()); Matches m = new Matches(); if (jmatch("java.awt.Color[r=*,g=*,b=*]", j, m)) return nuObject("java.awt.Color", parseInt(m.unq(0)), parseInt(m.unq(1)), parseInt(m.unq(2))); else { warn("Unknown Java object: " + j); return null; } } void parseMap(final Map map, final unstructure_Receiver out) { consume("{"); stack.add(new Runnable() { boolean v = false; Object key; public void run() { if (v) { v = false; stack.add(this); if (!eq(tpp(), "=")) throw fail("= expected, got " + t() + " in map of size " + l(map)); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object value) { map.put(key, value); if (eq(t(), ",")) consume(); } }); } else { if (eq(t(), "}")) { consume("}"); out.set(map); } else { v = true; stack.add(this); parse(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { key = o; } }); } } // if v else } // run() }); } /*void parseSub(unstructure_Receiver out) { int n = l(stack); parse(out); while (l(stack) > n) stack }*/ void consume() { curT =; ++i; } void consume(String s) { if (!eq(t(), s)) { /*S prevToken = i-1 >= 0 ? tok.get(i-1) : ""; S nextTokens = join(tok.subList(i, Math.min(i+2, tok.size()))); fail(quote(s) + " expected: " + prevToken + " " + nextTokens + " (" + i + "/" + tok.size() + ")");*/ throw fail(quote(s) + " expected, got " + quote(t())); } consume(); } // outer wrapper function getting first token and unwinding the stack void parse_initial(unstructure_Receiver out) { consume(); // get first token parse(out); while (nempty(stack)) popLast(stack).run(); } } ThreadLocal tlLoading = dynamicObjectIsLoading_threadLocal(); Boolean b = tlLoading.get(); tlLoading.set(true); try { final Var v = new Var(); X x = new X(); x.parse_initial(new unstructure_Receiver() { void set(Object o) { v.set(o); } }); unstructure_tokrefs = x.tokrefs.size(); return v.get(); } finally { tlLoading.set(b); } } static boolean unstructure_debug = false; static Class primitiveToBoxedType(Class type) { if (type == boolean.class) return Boolean.class; if (type == int.class) return Integer.class; if (type == long.class) return Long.class; if (type == float.class) return Float.class; if (type == short.class) return Short.class; if (type == char.class) return Character.class; if (type == byte.class) return Byte.class; if (type == double.class) return Double.class; return null; } static HashMap> callMC_cache = new HashMap(); static String callMC_key; static Method callMC_value; // varargs assignment fixer for a single string array argument static Object callMC(String method, String[] arg) { return callMC(method, new Object[] {arg}); } static Object callMC(String method, Object... args) { try { Method me; if (callMC_cache == null) callMC_cache = new HashMap(); // initializer time workaround synchronized(callMC_cache) { me = method == callMC_key ? callMC_value : null; } if (me != null) try { return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't call " + me + " with arguments " + classNames(args), e); } List m; synchronized(callMC_cache) { m = callMC_cache.get(method); } if (m == null) { if (callMC_cache.isEmpty()) { callMC_makeCache(); m = callMC_cache.get(method); } if (m == null) throw fail("Method named " + method + " not found in main"); } int n = m.size(); if (n == 1) { me = m.get(0); synchronized(callMC_cache) { callMC_key = method; callMC_value = me; } try { return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Can't call " + me + " with arguments " + classNames(args), e); } } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { me = m.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } throw fail("No method called " + method + " with arguments (" + joinWithComma(getClasses(args)) + ") found in main"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void callMC_makeCache() { synchronized(callMC_cache) { callMC_cache.clear(); Class _c = (Class) mc(), c = _c; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if ((m.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) { makeAccessible(m); multiMapPut(callMC_cache, m.getName(), m); } c = c.getSuperclass(); } } } static List buttonsInGroup(ButtonGroup g) { if (g == null) return ll(); return asList(g.getElements()); } static JComponent getInternalFrameTitlePaneComponent(JInternalFrame f) { return (JComponent) childWithClassNameEndingWith(f, "InternalFrameTitlePane"); } static A setFrameTitle(A c, final String title) { final Frame f = getAWTFrame(c); if (f != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { f.setTitle(title); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "f.setTitle(title);"; }}); } return c; } static A setFrameTitle(String title, A c) { return setFrameTitle(c, title); } // magically find a field called "frame" in main class :-) static JFrame setFrameTitle(String title) { Object f = getOpt(mc(), "frame"); if (f instanceof JFrame) return setFrameTitle((JFrame) f, title); return null; } static String getFrameTitle(Component c) { JFrame f = getFrame(c); return f == null ? null : f.getTitle(); } static AutoCloseable tempLock(final Lock lock) { if (lock == null) return null; lock(lock); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "unlock(lock);"; } public void close() throws Exception { unlock(lock); }}; } static Throwable printStackTrace2(Throwable e) { // we go to system.out now - system.err is nonsense print(getStackTrace2(e)); return e; } static void printStackTrace2() { printStackTrace2(new Throwable()); } static void printStackTrace2(String msg) { printStackTrace2(new Throwable(msg)); } static Map myFrames_list = weakHashMap(); static List myFrames() { return swing(new F0>() { public List get() { try { return keysList(myFrames_list); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret keysList(myFrames_list);"; }}); } static void listThreadLocalAdd(ThreadLocal> tl, A a) { List l = tl.get(); if (l == null) tl.set(l = new ArrayList()); l.add(a); } static A listThreadLocalPopLast(ThreadLocal> tl) { List l = tl.get(); if (l == null) return null; A a = popLast(l); if (empty(l)) tl.set(null); return a; } // i must point at the (possibly imaginary) opening bracket (any of the 2 types, not type parameters) // index returned is index of closing bracket + 1 static int findEndOfBracketPart(List cnc, int i) { int j = i+2, level = 1; while (j < cnc.size()) { if (eqOneOf(cnc.get(j), "{", "(")) ++level; else if (eqOneOf(cnc.get(j), "}", ")")) --level; if (level == 0) return j+1; ++j; } return cnc.size(); } static List cloneSubList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { return newSubList(l, startIndex, endIndex); } static List cloneSubList(List l, int startIndex) { return newSubList(l, startIndex); } static boolean eqOneOf(Object o, Object... l) { for (Object x : l) if (eq(o, x)) return true; return false; } static List javaTokPlusBrackets2(String s) { return tok_combineRoundCurlySquareBrackets_keep(javaTok(s)); } static A printException(A e) { printStackTrace(e); return e; } static Object defaultDefaultClassFinder() { return new F1() { public Class get(String name) { Class c = findClass_fullName(name); if (c != null) return c; if (name.startsWith("loadableUtils.utils$")) return findClass_fullName("main" + name.substring(19)); return null; } }; } static String fsI_flex(String s) { return startsWithDigit(s) ? "#" + s : s; } static Map findBot_cache = synchroHashMap(); static int findBot_timeout = 5000; static DialogIO findBot(String searchPattern) { // first split off sub-bot suffix String subBot = null; int i = searchPattern.indexOf('/'); if (i >= 0 && (isJavaIdentifier(searchPattern.substring(0, i)) || isInteger(searchPattern.substring(0, i)))) { subBot = searchPattern.substring(i+1); searchPattern = searchPattern.substring(0, i); if (!isInteger(searchPattern)) searchPattern = "Multi-Port at " + searchPattern + "."; } // assume it's a port if it's an integer if (isInteger(searchPattern)) return talkToSubBot(subBot, talkTo(parseInt(searchPattern))); if (eq(searchPattern, "remote")) return talkToSubBot(subBot, talkTo("", 4999)); Integer port = findBot_cache.get(searchPattern); if (port != null) try { DialogIO io = talkTo("localhost", port); io.waitForLine(/*findBot_timeout*/); // TODO: implement String line = io.readLineNoBlock(); if (indexOfIgnoreCase(line, searchPattern) == 0) { call(io, "pushback", line); // put hello string back in return talkToSubBot(subBot, io); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } List bots = quickBotScan(); // find top-level bots for (ProgramScan.Program p : bots) { if (indexOfIgnoreCase(p.helloString, searchPattern) == 0) { // strict matching - start of hello string only, but case-insensitive findBot_cache.put(searchPattern, p.port); return talkToSubBot(subBot, talkTo("localhost", p.port)); } } // find sub-bots for (ProgramScan.Program p : bots) { String botName = firstPartOfHelloString(p.helloString); boolean isVM = startsWithIgnoreCase(p.helloString, "This is a JavaX VM."); boolean shouldRecurse = startsWithIgnoreCase(botName, "Multi-Port") || isVM; if (shouldRecurse) try { Map subBots = (Map) unstructure(sendToLocalBotQuietly(p.port, "list bots")); for (Number vport : subBots.keySet()) { String name = subBots.get(vport); if (startsWithIgnoreCase(name, searchPattern)) return talkToSubBot(vport.longValue(), talkTo("localhost", p.port)); } } catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); } } return null; } static boolean swic(String a, String b) { return startsWithIgnoreCase(a, b); } static boolean swic(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!swic(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] {substring(a, l(b))}; return true; } static boolean matchStart(String pat, String s) { return matchStart(pat, s, null); } // matches are as you expect, plus an extra item for the rest string static boolean matchStart(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (s == null) return false; return matchStart(pat, parse3_cachedInput(s), matches); } static boolean matchStart(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { if (toks == null) return false; List tokpat = parse3_cachedPattern(pat); if (toks.size() < tokpat.size()) return false; String[] m = match2(tokpat, toks.subList(0, tokpat.size())); //print(structure(tokpat) + " on " + structure(toks) + " => " + structure(m)); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) { matches.m = new String[m.length+1]; arraycopy(m, matches.m); matches.m[m.length] = joinSubList(toks, tokpat.size(), toks.size()); // for } return true; } static String sendToLocalBotOpt(String bot, String text, Object... args) { if (bot == null) return null; text = format(text, args); DialogIO channel = findBot(bot); try { if (channel == null) { print(quote(bot) + " not found, skipping send: " + quote(text)); return null; } try { channel.readLine(); print(shorten(bot + "> " + text, 200)); channel.sendLine(text); String s = channel.readLine(); print(shorten(bot + "< " + s, 200)); return s; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } finally { _close(channel); }} static void cleanKillVM() { try { ping(); assertNotOnAWTThread(); cleanKillVM_noSleep(); Object o = new Object(); synchronized(o) { o.wait(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void cleanKillVM_noSleep() { call(getJavaX(), "cleanKill"); } static PersistableThrowable persistableThrowable(Throwable e) { return e == null ? null : new PersistableThrowable(e); } static Throwable innerException(Throwable e) { return getInnerException(e); } static void addAll(Collection c, Iterable b) { if (c != null && b != null) for (A a : b) c.add(a); } static boolean addAll(Collection c, Collection b) { return c != null && b != null && c.addAll(b); } static boolean addAll(Collection c, B... b) { return c != null && c.addAll(Arrays.asList(b)); } static Map addAll(Map a, Map b) { if (a != null) a.putAll(b); return a; } static String ok2(String s) { return "ok " + s; } static boolean structure_showTiming, structure_checkTokenCount; static String structure(Object o) { return structure(o, new structure_Data()); } static String structure(Object o, structure_Data d) { StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); d.out = new PrintWriter(sw); structure_go(o, d); String s = str(sw); if (structure_checkTokenCount) { print("token count=" + d.n); assertEquals("token count", l(javaTokC(s)), d.n); } return s; } static void structure_go(Object o, structure_Data d) { structure_1(o, d); while (nempty(d.stack)) popLast(d.stack).run(); } static void structureToPrintWriter(Object o, PrintWriter out) { structure_Data d = new structure_Data(); d.out = out; structure_go(o, d); } // leave to false, unless unstructure() breaks static boolean structure_allowShortening = false; // info on how to serialize objects of a certain class static class structure_ClassInfo { List fields; Method customSerializer; boolean special, nullInstances; } static class structure_Data { PrintWriter out; int stringSizeLimit; int shareStringsLongerThan = 20; boolean noStringSharing = false; IdentityHashMap seen = new IdentityHashMap(); //new BitSet refd; HashMap strings = new HashMap(); HashSet concepts = new HashSet(); HashMap infoByClass = new HashMap(); HashMap persistenceInfo = new HashMap(); int n; // token count List stack = new ArrayList(); // append single token structure_Data append(String token) { out.print(token); ++n; return this; } structure_Data append(int i) { out.print(i); ++n; return this; } // append multiple tokens structure_Data append(String token, int tokCount) { out.print(token); n += tokCount; return this; } // extend last token structure_Data app(String token) { out.print(token); return this; } structure_Data app(int i) { out.print(i); return this; } } static void structure_1(final Object o, final structure_Data d) { try { if (o == null) { d.append("null"); return; } Class c = o.getClass(); boolean concept = false; concept = o instanceof Concept; structure_ClassInfo info = d.infoByClass.get(c); if (info == null) { d.infoByClass.put(c, info = new structure_ClassInfo()); if ((info.customSerializer = findMethodNamed(c, "_serialize")) != null) info.special = true; } List lFields = info.fields; if (lFields == null) { // these are never back-referenced (for readability) if (o instanceof Number) { PrintWriter out = d.out; if (o instanceof Integer) { int i = ((Integer) o).intValue(); out.print(i); d.n += i < 0 ? 2 : 1; return; } if (o instanceof Long) { long l = ((Long) o).longValue(); out.print(l); out.print("L"); d.n += l < 0 ? 2 : 1; return; } if (o instanceof Short) { short s = ((Short) o).shortValue(); d.append("sh "); out.print(s); d.n += s < 0 ? 2 : 1; return; } if (o instanceof Float) { d.append("fl ", 2); quoteToPrintWriter(str(o), out); return; } if (o instanceof Double) { d.append("d(", 3); quoteToPrintWriter(str(o), out); d.append(")"); return; } if (o instanceof BigInteger) { out.print("bigint("); out.print(o); out.print(")"); d.n += ((BigInteger) o).signum() < 0 ? 5 : 4; return; } } if (o instanceof Boolean) { d.append(((Boolean) o).booleanValue() ? "t" : "f"); return; } if (o instanceof Character) { d.append(quoteCharacter((Character) o)); return; } if (o instanceof File) { d.append("File ").append(quote(((File) o).getPath())); return; } // referencable objects follow Integer ref = d.seen.get(o); if (o instanceof String && ref == null) ref = d.strings.get((String) o); if (ref != null) { /*d.refd.set(ref);*/ d.append("t").app(ref); return; } if (!(o instanceof String)) d.seen.put(o, d.n); // record token number else { String s = d.stringSizeLimit != 0 ? shorten((String) o, d.stringSizeLimit) : (String) o; if (!d.noStringSharing) { if (d.shareStringsLongerThan == Integer.MAX_VALUE) d.seen.put(o, d.n); if (l(s) >= d.shareStringsLongerThan) d.strings.put(s, d.n); } quoteToPrintWriter(s, d.out); d.n++; return; } if (o instanceof Set) { /*O set2 = unwrapSynchronizedSet(o); if (set2 != o) { d.append("sync"); o = set2; } TODO */ if (((Set) o) instanceof TreeSet) { d.append(isCISet_gen(((Set) o)) ? "ciset" : "treeset"); structure_1(new ArrayList(((Set) o)), d); return; } // assume it's a HashSet or LinkedHashSet d.append(((Set) o) instanceof LinkedHashSet ? "lhs" : "hashset"); structure_1(new ArrayList(((Set) o)), d); return; } String name = c.getName(); if (o instanceof Collection && !startsWith(name, "main$") /* && neq(name, "main$Concept$RefL") */) { // it's a list if (name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedList") || name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList")) { d.append("sync "); { structure_1(unwrapSynchronizedList(((List) o)), d); return; } } else if (name.equals("java.util.LinkedList")) d.append("ll"); d.append("["); final int l = d.n; final Iterator it = ((Collection) o).iterator(); d.stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!it.hasNext()) d.append("]"); else { d.stack.add(this); if (d.n != l) d.append(", "); structure_1(, d); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (!it.hasNext())\r\n d.append(\"]\");\r\n else {\r\n d.sta..."; }}); return; } if (o instanceof Map && !startsWith(name, "main$")) { if (o instanceof LinkedHashMap) d.append("lhm"); else if (o instanceof HashMap) d.append("hm"); else if (o instanceof TreeMap) d.append(isCIMap_gen(((TreeMap) o)) ? "cimap" : "tm"); else if (name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap") || name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedSortedMap") || name.equals("java.util.Collections$SynchronizedNavigableMap")) { d.append("sync "); { structure_1(unwrapSynchronizedMap(((Map) o)), d); return; } } d.append("{"); final int l = d.n; final Iterator it = ((Map) o).entrySet().iterator(); d.stack.add(new Runnable() { boolean v = false; Map.Entry e; public void run() { if (v) { d.append("="); v = false; d.stack.add(this); structure_1(e.getValue(), d); } else { if (!it.hasNext()) d.append("}"); else { e = (Map.Entry); v = true; d.stack.add(this); if (d.n != l) d.append(", "); structure_1(e.getKey(), d); } } } }); return; } if (c.isArray()) { if (o instanceof byte[]) { d.append("ba ").append(quote(bytesToHex((byte[]) o))); return; } final int n = Array.getLength(o); if (o instanceof boolean[]) { String hex = boolArrayToHex((boolean[]) o); int i = l(hex); while (i > 0 && hex.charAt(i-1) == '0' && hex.charAt(i-2) == '0') i -= 2; d.append("boolarray ").append(n).app(" ").append(quote(substring(hex, 0, i))); return; } String atype = "array"/*, sep = ", "*/; // sep is not used yet if (o instanceof int[]) { //ret "intarray " + quote(intArrayToHex((int[]) o)); atype = "intarray"; //sep = " "; } else if (o instanceof double[]) { atype = "dblarray"; //sep = " "; } d.append(atype).append("{"); d.stack.add(new Runnable() { int i; public void run() { if (i >= n) d.append("}"); else { d.stack.add(this); if (i > 0) d.append(", "); structure_1(Array.get(o, i++), d); } } }); return; } if (o instanceof Class) { d.append("class(", 2).append(quote(((Class) o).getName())).append(")"); return; } if (o instanceof Throwable) { d.append("exception(", 2).append(quote(((Throwable) o).getMessage())).append(")"); return; } if (o instanceof BitSet) { BitSet bs = (BitSet) o; d.append("bitset{", 2); int l = d.n; for (int i = bs.nextSetBit(0); i >= 0; i = bs.nextSetBit(i+1)) { if (d.n != l) d.append(", "); d.append(i); } d.append("}"); return; } // Need more cases? This should cover all library classes... if (name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("javax.")) { d.append("j ").append(quote(str(o))); return; // Hm. this is not unstructure-able } /*if (name.equals("main$Lisp")) { fail("lisp not supported right now"); }*/ if (info.special) { if (info.customSerializer != null) { // custom serialization (_serialize method) Object o2 = invokeMethod(info.customSerializer, o); d.append("cu "); String shortName = dropPrefix("main$", name); d.append(shortName); d.out.append(' '); structure_1(o2, d); return; } else if (info.nullInstances) { d.append("null"); return; } else throw fail("unknown special type"); } String dynName = shortDynamicClassName(o); if (concept && !d.concepts.contains(dynName)) { d.concepts.add(dynName); d.append("c "); } // serialize an object with fields. // first, collect all fields and values in fv. TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(new Comparator() { public int compare(Field a, Field b) { return stdcompare(a.getName(), b.getName()); } }); Class cc = c; while (cc != Object.class) { for (Field field : getDeclaredFields_cached(cc)) { String fieldName = field.getName(); if (fieldName.equals("_persistenceInfo")) d.persistenceInfo.put(c, field); if ((field.getModifiers() & (java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC | java.lang.reflect.Modifier.TRANSIENT)) != 0) continue; fields.add(field); // put special cases here...? } cc = cc.getSuperclass(); } // TODO: S fieldOrder = getOpt(c, "_fieldOrder"); lFields = asList(fields); // Render this$1 first because unstructure needs it for constructor call. int n = l(lFields); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Field f = lFields.get(i); if (f.getName().equals("this$1")) { lFields.remove(i); lFields.add(0, f); break; } } info.fields = lFields; } // << if (lFields == null) else { // ref handling for lFields != null Integer ref = d.seen.get(o); if (ref != null) { /*d.refd.set(ref);*/ d.append("t").app(ref); return; } d.seen.put(o, d.n); // record token number } Field persistenceInfoField = (Field) (d.persistenceInfo.get(c)); Map persistenceInfo = persistenceInfoField == null ? null : (Map) persistenceInfoField.get(o); LinkedHashMap fv = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Field f : lFields) { Object value; try { value = f.get(o); } catch (Exception e) { value = "?"; } if (value != null && (persistenceInfo == null || !Boolean.FALSE.equals(persistenceInfo.get(f.getName())))) fv.put(f.getName(), value); } String name = c.getName(); String shortName = dropPrefix("main$", name); if (startsWithDigit(shortName)) shortName = name; // for anonymous classes // Now we have fields & values. Process fieldValues if it's a DynamicObject. // omit field "className" if equal to class's name if (concept && eq(fv.get("className"), shortName)) fv.remove("className"); if (o instanceof DynamicObject) { putAll(fv, (Map) fv.get("fieldValues")); fv.remove("fieldValues"); shortName = shortDynamicClassName(o); fv.remove("className"); } String singleField = fv.size() == 1 ? first(fv.keySet()) : null; d.append(shortName); d.n += countDots(shortName)*2; // correct token count final int l = d.n; final Iterator it = fv.entrySet().iterator(); d.stack.add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (!it.hasNext()) { if (d.n != l) d.append(")"); } else { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry); d.append(d.n == l ? "(" : ", "); d.append((String) e.getKey()).append("="); d.stack.add(this); structure_1(e.getValue(), d); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (!it.hasNext()) {\r\n if (d.n != l)\r\n d.append(\")\");\r\n } else..."; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // An "Android" is a program that accepts text questions (on console or TCP) and outputs one response text per question //please include function myJavaSource. // for getting my known commands static boolean makeAndroid3_disable = false; // disable all android making static class Android3 implements AutoCloseable { String greeting; boolean publicOverride = false; // optionally set this in client int startPort = 5000; // optionally set this in client Responder responder; boolean console = true; boolean quiet = false; // no messages on console boolean daemon = false; boolean incomingSilent = false; int incomingPrintLimit = 200; boolean useMultiPort = true; boolean recordHistory = false; boolean verbose = false; int answerPrintLimit = 500; boolean newLineAboveAnswer, newLineBelowAnswer; // set by system int port; long vport; DialogHandler handler; ServerSocket server; Android3(String greeting) { this.greeting = greeting;} Android3() {} public void close() { dispose(); } synchronized void dispose() { if (server != null) { try { server.close(); } catch (IOException e) { print("[internal] " + e); } server = null; } if (vport != 0) { try { print("Disposing " + this); removeFromMultiPort(vport); vport = 0; } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } public String toString() { return "Bot: " + greeting + " [vport " + vport + "]"; } } static abstract class Responder { abstract String answer(String s, List history); } static Android3 makeAndroid3(final String greeting) { return makeAndroid3(new Android3(greeting)); } static Android3 makeAndroid3(final String greeting, Responder responder) { Android3 android = new Android3(greeting); android.responder = responder; return makeAndroid3(android); } static Android3 makeAndroid3(final Android3 a) { if (makeAndroid3_disable) return a; if (a.responder == null) a.responder = new Responder() { String answer(String s, List history) { return callStaticAnswerMethod(s, history); } }; if (!a.quiet) print("[bot] " + a.greeting); if (a.console && (readLine_noReadLine || makeAndroid3_consoleInUse())) a.console = false; record(a); if (a.useMultiPort) a.vport = addToMultiPort(a.greeting, makeAndroid3_verboseResponder(a)); if (a.console) makeAndroid3_handleConsole(a); if (a.useMultiPort) return a; a.handler = makeAndroid3_makeDialogHandler(a); if (a.quiet) startDialogServer_quiet.set(true); try { a.port = a.daemon ? startDialogServerOnPortAboveDaemon(a.startPort, a.handler) : startDialogServerOnPortAbove(a.startPort, a.handler); } finally { startDialogServer_quiet.set(null); } a.server = startDialogServer_serverSocket; return a; } static void makeAndroid3_handleConsole(final Android3 a) { // Console handling stuff if (!a.quiet) print("You may also type on this console."); { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { List history = new ArrayList(); while (licensed()) { String line; try { line = readLine(); } catch (Throwable e) { print(getInnerMessage(e)); break; } if (line == null) break; /*if (eq(line, "bye")) { print("> bye stranger"); history = new ArrayList(); } else*/ { history.add(line); history.add(makeAndroid3_getAnswer(line, history, a)); // prints answer on console too } } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "List history = new ArrayList();\r\n while (licensed()) {\r\n Stri..."; }}); } } static DialogHandler makeAndroid3_makeDialogHandler(final Android3 a) { return new DialogHandler() { public void run(final DialogIO io) { if (!a.publicOverride && !(publicCommOn() || io.isLocalConnection())) { io.sendLine("Sorry, not allowed"); return; } String dialogID = randomID(8); io.sendLine(a.greeting + " / Your ID: " + dialogID); List history = new ArrayList(); while (io.isStillConnected()) { if (io.waitForLine()) { final String line = io.readLineNoBlock(); String s = dialogID + " at " + now() + ": " + quote(line); if (!a.incomingSilent) print(shorten(s, a.incomingPrintLimit)); if (eq(line, "bye")) { io.sendLine("bye stranger"); return; } Matches m = new Matches(); if (a.recordHistory) history.add(line); String answer; if (match3("this is a continuation of talk *", s, m) || match3("hello bot! this is a continuation of talk *", s, m)) { dialogID = unquote(m.m[0]); answer = "ok"; } else try { makeAndroid3_io.set(io); answer = makeAndroid3_getAnswer(line, history, a); } finally { makeAndroid3_io.set(null); } if (a.recordHistory) history.add(answer); io.sendLine(answer); //appendToLog(logFile, s); } } }}; } static String makeAndroid3_getAnswer(String line, List history, Android3 a) { String answer, originalAnswer; try { originalAnswer = a.responder.answer(line, history); answer = makeAndroid3_fallback(line, history, originalAnswer); } catch (Throwable e) { e = getInnerException(e); printStackTrace(e); originalAnswer = answer = e.toString(); } if (!a.incomingSilent) { if (originalAnswer == null) originalAnswer = "?"; if (a.newLineAboveAnswer) print(); print(">" + dropFirst(indentx(2, shorten(rtrim(originalAnswer), a.answerPrintLimit)))); if (a.newLineBelowAnswer) print(); } return answer; } static String makeAndroid3_fallback(String s, List history, String answer) { // Now we only do the safe thing instead of VM inspection - give out our process ID if (answer == null && match3("what is your pid", s)) return getPID(); if (answer == null && match3("what is your program id", s)) // should be fairly safe, right? return getProgramID(); if (match3("get injection id", s)) return getInjectionID(); if (answer == null) answer = "?"; if (answer.indexOf('\n') >= 0 || answer.indexOf('\r') >= 0) answer = quote(answer); return answer; } static boolean makeAndroid3_consoleInUse() { if (isTrue(vm_generalMap_get("consoleInUse"))) return true; for (Object o : record_list) if (o instanceof Android3 && ((Android3) o).console) return true; return false; } static Responder makeAndroid3_verboseResponder(final Android3 a) { return new Responder() { String answer(String s, List history) { if (a.verbose) print("> " + shorten(s, a.incomingPrintLimit)); String answer = a.responder.answer(s, history); if (a.verbose) print("< " + shorten(answer, a.incomingPrintLimit)); return answer; } }; } static ThreadLocal makeAndroid3_io = new ThreadLocal(); static Android3 makeAndroid3() { return makeAndroid3(getProgramTitle() + "."); } static String makeResponder_callAnswerMethod(Object bot, String s, List history) { String answer = (String) callOpt(bot, "answer", s, history); if (answer == null) answer = (String) callOpt(bot, "answer", s); return answer; } static Responder makeResponder(final Object bot) { if (bot instanceof Responder) return (Responder) bot; if (bot instanceof String) { String f = (String) bot; return new Responder() { String answer(String s, List history) { String answer = (String) callOptMC((String) bot, s, history); if (answer == null) answer = (String) callOptMC((String) bot, s); return answer; } }; } return new Responder() { String answer(String s, List history) { return makeResponder_callAnswerMethod(bot, s, history); } }; } static String defaultBotName() { return getProgramTitle() + "."; } static boolean isInQ(Q q) { return q != null && isCurrentThread(q.rst.thread); } static Either eitherA(A a) { return new Either(1, a); } static Either eitherB(B b) { return new Either(2, b); } static A returnOrThrow_either(Either e) { if (isEitherB(e)) throw rethrow(e.b()); return eitherAOpt(e); } static A waitForVarToBeNotNull(Var v) { try { synchronized(v) { while (!v.has()) v.wait(); return v.get(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Object pcallF(Object f, Object... args) { return pcallFunction(f, args); } static A pcallF(F0 f) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static B pcallF(F1 f, A a) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static void pcallF(VF1 f, A a) { try { if (f != null) f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } static Set vm_generalIdentityHashSet(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Set set = (Set) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (set == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, set = syncIdentityHashSet()); return set; } } static Map vm_generalHashMap(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Map m = (Map) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (m == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, m = syncHashMap()); return m; } } static Set synchronizedSet() { return synchroHashSet(); } static Set synchronizedSet(Set set) { return Collections.synchronizedSet(set); } static Set identityHashSet() { return Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap()); } static Iterator iterator(Iterable c) { return c == null ? emptyIterator() : c.iterator(); } static char charAt(String s, int i) { return s != null && i >= 0 && i < s.length() ? s.charAt(i) : '\0'; } static Object pcallFAll_returnFirstNotNull(Collection l, Object... args) { if (l != null) for (Object f : cloneList(l)) { Object __1= pcallF(f, args); if (__1 != null) return __1; } return null; } static Object pcallFAll_returnFirstNotNull(Iterator it, Object... args) { while (it.hasNext()) { Object __2= pcallF(, args); if (__2 != null) return __2; } return null; } static A[] makeArray(Class type, int n) { return (A[]) Array.newInstance(type, n); } static String quoteUnlessIdentifierOrInteger(String s) { return quoteIfNotIdentifierOrInteger(s); } static List dropPunctuation_keep = ll("*", "<", ">"); static List dropPunctuation(List tok) { tok = new ArrayList(tok); for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.length() == 1 && !Character.isLetter(t.charAt(0)) && !Character.isDigit(t.charAt(0)) && !dropPunctuation_keep.contains(t)) { tok.set(i-1, tok.get(i-1) + tok.get(i+1)); tok.remove(i); tok.remove(i); i -= 2; } } return tok; } static String dropPunctuation(String s) { return join(dropPunctuation(nlTok(s))); } // This is made for NL parsing. // It's javaTok extended with "..." token, "$n" and "#n" and // special quotes (which are converted to normal ones). static List javaTokPlusPeriod(String s) { List tok = new ArrayList(); if (s == null) return tok; int l = s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c; String cc; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); cc = s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (cc.equals("/*")) { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (cc.equals("//")) { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); cc = s.substring(i, Math.min(i+2, l)); // scan for non-whitespace if (c == (char) 0x201C || c == (char) 0x201D) c = '"'; // normalize quotes if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { char _c = s.charAt(j); if (_c == (char) 0x201C || _c == (char) 0x201D) _c = '"'; // normalize quotes if (_c == opener) { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } if (j-1 >= i+1) { tok.add(opener + s.substring(i+1, j-1) + opener); i = j; continue; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || s.charAt(j) == '\'')); // for things like "this one's" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else if (cc.equals("[[")) { do ++j; while (j+1 < l && !s.substring(j, j+2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (cc.equals("[=") && i+2 < l && s.charAt(i+2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j+2 < l && !s.substring(j, j+3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else if (s.substring(j, Math.min(j+3, l)).equals("...")) j += 3; else if (c == '$' || c == '#') do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else ++j; tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } static BufferedReader bufferedReader(Reader r) { return r instanceof BufferedReader ? (BufferedReader) r : _registerIOWrap(new BufferedReader(r), r); } static CloseableIterableIterator iteratorFromFunction_f0_autoCloseable(final F0 f, final AutoCloseable closeable) { class IFF2 extends CloseableIterableIterator { A a; boolean done = false; public boolean hasNext() { getNext(); return !done; } public A next() { getNext(); if (done) throw fail(); A _a = a; a = null; return _a; } void getNext() { if (done || a != null) return; a = f.get(); done = a == null; } public void close() throws Exception { if (closeable != null) closeable.close(); } }; return new IFF2(); } static String readLineFromReaderWithClose(BufferedReader r) { try { String s = r.readLine(); if (s == null) r.close(); return s; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static AutoCloseable _wrapIOCloseable(final AutoCloseable c) { return c == null ? null : new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "c.close();\r\n _registerIO(c, null, false);"; } public void close() throws Exception { c.close(); _registerIO(c, null, false); }}; } static A _registerIOWrap(A wrapper, Object wrapped) { return wrapper; } static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(File path) throws IOException { return newFileInputStream(path.getPath()); } static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(String path) throws IOException { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(path); _registerIO(f, path, true); return f; } static Runnable asRunnable(Object o) { return toRunnable(o); } static void _inheritThreadInfo(Object info) { _threadInheritInfo(info); } static boolean headless() { return isHeadless(); } static Throwable innerException2(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; while (empty(e.getMessage()) && e.getCause() != null) e = e.getCause(); return e; } static Map newWeakMap() { return newWeakHashMap(); } static WeakReference newWeakReference(A a) { return a == null ? null : new WeakReference(a); } static boolean isEmpty(Collection c) { return c == null || c.isEmpty(); } static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } static boolean isEmpty(Object[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean isEmpty(byte[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } static boolean isEmpty(Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); } static boolean hasMethod(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return findMethod_cached(o, method, args) != null; } static JMenuItem jMenuItem(final String text) { return jmenuItem(text); } static JMenuItem jMenuItem(String text, Object r) { return jmenuItem(text, r); } static Pair jmenu_autoMnemonic(String s) { int i = indexOf(s, '&'); if (i >= 0 && i < l(s) && isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(i+1))) return pair(substring(s, 0, i) + substring(s, i+1), (int) s.charAt(i+1)); return pair(s, 0); } static JMenuItem disableMenuItem(final JMenuItem mi) { if (mi != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { mi.setEnabled(false); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "mi.setEnabled(false);"; }}); } return mi; } static ActionListener actionListenerInNewThread(final Object runnable) { return actionListenerInNewThread(runnable, null); } static ActionListener actionListenerInNewThread(final Object runnable, final Object instanceToHold) { if (runnable instanceof ActionListener) return (ActionListener) runnable; return new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { startThread("Action Listener", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __1 = holdInstance(instanceToHold); try { callF(runnable); } finally { _close(__1); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "AutoCloseable __1 = holdInstance(instanceToHold); try {\r\n callF(runnable..."; }}); } catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); }}}; } static A bindToComponent(final A component, final Runnable onShow, final Runnable onUnShow) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final Var < Boolean > flag = new Var<>(false); component.addAncestorListener(new AncestorListener() { public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent event) { if (flag.get()) print("Warning: bindToComponent logic failure"); flag.set(true); pcallF(onShow); } public void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent event) { if (!flag.get()) print("Warning: bindToComponent logic failure"); flag.set(false); pcallF(onUnShow); } public void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent event) { } }); if (component.isShowing()) { // Hopefully this matches the AncestorListener logic flag.set(true); pcallF(onShow); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final Var flag = new(false);\r\n component.addAncestorListener(new ..."; }}); } return component; } static A bindToComponent(A component, Runnable onShow) { return bindToComponent(component, onShow, null); } static boolean isCurlyBraced(String s) { List tok = tok_combineCurlyBrackets_keep(javaTok(s)); return l(tok) == 3 && startsWithAndEndsWith(tok.get(1), "{", "}"); } static String tok_unCurlyBracket(String s) { return isCurlyBraced(s) ? join(dropFirstThreeAndLastThree(javaTok(s))) : s; } static String strUnnull(Object o) { return o == null ? "" : str(o); } static String jlabel_textAsHTML_center_ifNeeded(String text) { if (swic(text, "") && ewic(text, "")) return text; if (!containsNewLines(text)) return text; return jlabel_textAsHTML_center(text); } static Map cloneMap(Map map) { if (map == null) return new HashMap(); // assume mutex is equal to map synchronized(map) { return map instanceof TreeMap ? new TreeMap((TreeMap) map) // copies comparator : map instanceof LinkedHashMap ? new LinkedHashMap(map) : new HashMap(map); } } static List cloneMap(Iterable l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : cloneList(l)) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } static Dimension getPreferredSize(final Component c) { return c == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public Dimension get() { try { return c.getPreferredSize(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret c.getPreferredSize();"; }}); } static A firstThat(Iterable l, Object pred) { if (l != null) for (A a : l) if (checkCondition(pred, a)) return a; return null; } static A firstThat(Iterable l, IF1 pred) { return firstThat(l, (Object) pred); } static A firstThat(IF1 pred, Iterable l) { return firstThat(l, pred); } static List dm_modulesWithLibID(final String moduleLibID) { return filter(dm_moduleIDs() , new F1() { public Boolean get(String m) { try { return eq(dm_moduleLibID(m), moduleLibID); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "eq(dm_moduleLibID(m), moduleLibID)"; }}); } static boolean checkFields(Object x, Object... data) { for (int i = 0; i < l(data); i += 2) if (neq(getOpt(x, (String) data[i]), data[i+1])) return false; return true; } static Object dm_mod(Object moduleOrID) { return dm_getModule(moduleOrID); } static Map compileRegexpIC_cache = syncMRUCache(10); static java.util.regex.Pattern compileRegexpIC(String pat) { java.util.regex.Pattern p = compileRegexpIC_cache.get(pat); if (p == null) { try { compileRegexpIC_cache.put(pat, p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(pat, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE)); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw rethrow(wrapPatternSyntaxException(e)); } } return p; } static boolean startsWithLetterOrDigit(String s) { return nempty(s) && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(0)); } static String regexpQuote(String s) { return s.length() == 0 ? "" : Pattern.quote(s); } static List lazilyMap(final Object f, final List l) { return new RandomAccessAbstractList() { final int size = l(l); HashMap data = new HashMap(); public int size() { return size; } public Object get(int i) { if (data.containsKey(i)) return data.get(i); Object o = callF(f, l.get(i)); data.put(i, o); return o; } }; } static boolean domainIsUnder(String domain, String mainDomain) { return eqic(domain, mainDomain) || ewic(domain, "." + mainDomain); } static String theAGIBlueDomain() { return ""; } static File standardLogFile() { return getProgramFile("log"); } static void logQuoted(String logFile, String line) { logQuoted(getProgramFile(logFile), line); } static void logQuoted(File logFile, String line) { appendToFile(logFile, quote(line) + "\n"); } static void enableWordWrapForTextArea(JTextArea ta) { enableWordWrapForTextArea(ta, true); } static void enableWordWrapForTextArea(JTextArea ta, boolean enabled) { if (ta != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ta.setLineWrap(enabled); ta.setWrapStyleWord(true); // Haven't found a way to reliable enable word-wrapping for // an already visible text area //revalidate(enclosingScrollPane(ta)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ta.setLineWrap(enabled);\r\n ta.setWrapStyleWord(true);\r\n // Haven't foun..."; }}); } } static JTextArea jtextarea() { return jTextArea(); } static JTextArea jtextarea(String text) { return jTextArea(text); } static JTextField onEnter(final JTextField tf, final Object action) { if (action == null || tf == null) return tf; tf.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { tf.selectAll(); callF(action); } catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); }}}); return tf; } static JButton onEnter(JButton btn, final Object action) { if (action == null || btn == null) return btn; btn.addActionListener(actionListener(action)); return btn; } static JList onEnter(JList list, Object action) { list.addKeyListener(enterKeyListener(rCallOnSelectedListItem(list, action))); return list; } static JComboBox onEnter(final JComboBox cb, final Object action) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (cb.isEditable()) { JTextField text = (JTextField) cb.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); onEnter(text, action); } else { cb.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER"), "enter"); cb.getActionMap().put("enter", abstractAction("", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cb.hidePopup(); callF(action); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "cb.hidePopup(); callF(action);"; }})); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (cb.isEditable()) {\r\n JTextField text = (JTextField) cb.getEditor().g..."; }}); } return cb; } static JTable onEnter(final JTable table, final Object action) { table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), "Enter"); table.getActionMap().put("Enter", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { callF(action, table.getSelectedRow()); } }); return table; } /*static JTextArea onEnter(final JTextArea ta, fO action) { addKeyListener(ta, enterKeyListener(action)); ret ta; }*/ static JTextField onEnter(Object action, JTextField tf) { return onEnter(tf, action); } static float getSwingFontScale() { return or((Float) vm_generalMap_get("swingFontScale_value"), 1f); } static int toInt_checked(long l) { if (l != (int) l) throw fail("Too large for int: " + l); return (int) l; } static double parseDouble(String s) { return Double.parseDouble(s); } static Throwable getException(Runnable r) { try { callF(r); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } } static Map singular_specials = litmap( "children", "child", "images", "image", "chess", "chess"); static Set singular_specials2 = litciset("time", "machine", "line", "rule"); static String singular(String s) { if (s == null) return null; { String __1 = singular_specials.get(s); if (!empty(__1)) return __1; } //try answer hippoSingulars().get(lower(s)); if (singular_specials2.contains(dropSuffix("s", afterLastSpace(s)))) return dropSuffix("s", s); if (s.endsWith("ness")) return s; if (s.endsWith("ges")) return dropSuffix("s", s); if (endsWith(s, "bases")) return dropLast(s); s = dropSuffix("es", s); s = dropSuffix("s", s); return s; } static LinkedHashMap asLinkedHashMap(Map map) { if (map instanceof LinkedHashMap) return (LinkedHashMap) map; LinkedHashMap m = new LinkedHashMap(); if (map != null) synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { m.putAll(map); } return m; } static void setDynObjectValue(DynamicObject o, String field, Object value) { o.fieldValues = syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap(o.fieldValues, field, value); } // This is a bit rough... finds static and non-static methods. static Method findMethodNamed(Object obj, String method) { if (obj == null) return null; if (obj instanceof Class) return findMethodNamed((Class) obj, method); return findMethodNamed(obj.getClass(), method); } static Method findMethodNamed(Class c, String method) { while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getName().equals(method)) { makeAccessible(m); return m; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } return null; } static void upgradeJavaXAndRestart() { run("#1001639"); restart(); sleep(); } static betterCIComparator_C betterCIComparator_instance; static betterCIComparator_C betterCIComparator() { if (betterCIComparator_instance == null) betterCIComparator_instance = new betterCIComparator_C(); return betterCIComparator_instance; } static class betterCIComparator_C implements Comparator { public int compare(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null) return s2 == null ? 0 : -1; if (s2 == null) return 1; int n1 = s1.length(); int n2 = s2.length(); int min = Math.min(n1, n2); for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { char c1 = s1.charAt(i); char c2 = s2.charAt(i); if (c1 != c2) { c1 = Character.toUpperCase(c1); c2 = Character.toUpperCase(c2); if (c1 != c2) { c1 = Character.toLowerCase(c1); c2 = Character.toLowerCase(c2); if (c1 != c2) { // No overflow because of numeric promotion return c1 - c2; } } } } return n1 - n2; } } static int indexOfIgnoreCase_manual(String a, String b) { int la = strL(a), lb = strL(b); if (la < lb) return -1; int n = la-lb; loop: for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < lb; j++) { char c1 = a.charAt(i+j), c2 = b.charAt(j); if (!eqic(c1, c2)) continue loop; } return i; } return -1; } static boolean regionMatchesIC(String a, int offsetA, String b, int offsetB, int len) { return a != null && a.regionMatches(true, offsetA, b, offsetB, len); } // TODO: does not detect set type (hash/tree) when it's synchronized static Set cloneSet(Set set) { if (set == null) return new HashSet(); synchronized(collectionMutex(set)) { Set s = similarEmptySet(set); s.addAll(set); return s; } } static Set joinSets(Set... l) { TreeSet set = new TreeSet(); for (Set o : l) if (o != null) set.addAll(o); return set; } static Random defaultRandomGenerator() { return ThreadLocalRandom.current(); } // "$1" is first code token, "$2" second code token etc. static String jreplaceExpandRefs(String s, List tokref) { if (!contains(s, '$')) return s; List tok = javaTok(s); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.startsWith("$") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) { String x = tokref.get(-1+parseInt(t.substring(1))*2); tok.set(i, x); } else if (t.equals("\\")) { tok.set(i, ""); i += 2; } } return join(tok); } static void clearAllTokens(List tok) { for (int i = 0; i < tok.size(); i++) tok.set(i, ""); } static void clearAllTokens(List tok, int i, int j) { for (; i < j; i++) tok.set(i, ""); } static List reTok(List tok) { replaceCollection(tok, javaTok(tok)); return tok; } static List reTok(List tok, int i) { return reTok(tok, i, i+1); } static List reTok(List tok, int i, int j) { // extend i to an "N" token // and j to "C" (so j-1 is an "N" token) i = max(i & ~1, 0); j = min(l(tok), j | 1); if (i >= j) return tok; List t = javaTok(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); replaceListPart(tok, i, j, t); // fallback to safety // reTok(tok); return tok; } static String structureForUser(Object o) { return beautifyStructure(struct_noStringSharing(o)); } static A firstKey(Map map) { return first(keys(map)); } static A firstKey(MultiSetMap map) { return map == null ? null : firstKey(; } static B firstValue(Map map) { return first(values(map)); } static B firstValue(MultiSetMap map) { return map == null ? null : first(firstValue(; } static Map similarEmptyMap(Map m) { if (m instanceof TreeMap) return new TreeMap(((TreeMap) m).comparator()); if (m instanceof LinkedHashMap) return new LinkedHashMap(); // default to a hash map return new HashMap(); } static File programDir_mine; // set this to relocate program's data static File programDir() { return programDir(getProgramID()); } static File programDir(String snippetID) { boolean me = sameSnippetID(snippetID, programID()); if (programDir_mine != null && me) return programDir_mine; File dir = new File(javaxDataDir(), formatSnippetIDOpt(snippetID)); if (me) { String c = caseID(); if (nempty(c)) dir = newFile(dir, c); } return dir; } static File programDir(String snippetID, String subPath) { return new File(programDir(snippetID), subPath); } static boolean fileExists(String path) { return path != null && new File(path).exists(); } static boolean fileExists(File f) { return f != null && f.exists(); } static List collectField(Iterable c, String field) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (Object a : c) l.add(getOpt(a, field)); return l; } static List collectField(String field, Iterable c) { return collectField(c, field); } static Object sleepQuietly_monitor = new Object(); static void sleepQuietly() { try { assertFalse(isAWTThread()); synchronized(sleepQuietly_monitor) { sleepQuietly_monitor.wait(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static B mapGet(Map map, A a) { return map == null || a == null ? null : map.get(a); } static B mapGet(A a, Map map) { return map == null || a == null ? null : map.get(a); } static boolean even(int i) { return (i & 1) == 0; } static boolean even(long i) { return (i & 1) == 0; } static String _computerID; static Lock computerID_lock = lock(); public static String computerID() { if (_computerID == null) { Lock __0 = computerID_lock; lock(__0); try { if (_computerID != null) return _computerID; File file = computerIDFile(); _computerID = loadTextFile(file.getPath()); if (_computerID == null) { // legacy load _computerID = loadTextFile(userDir(".tinybrain/computer-id")); if (_computerID == null) _computerID = makeRandomID(12, new SecureRandom()); saveTextFile(file, _computerID); } } finally { unlock(__0); } } return _computerID; } static B mapPutOrRemove(Map map, A key, B value) { if (map != null && key != null) if (value != null) return map.put(key, value); else return map.remove(key); return null; } static String joinNempties(String sep, String... strings) { return joinStrings(sep, strings); } static String joinNempties(String sep, Collection strings) { return joinStrings(sep, strings); } static String stream2string(InputStream in) { return utf8streamToString(in); } static Map syncMRUCache(int size) { return synchroMap(new MRUCache(size)); } static boolean emptyString(String s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } static int min3(int a, int b, int c) { return min(min(a, b), c); } static double min3(double a, double b, double c) { return min(min(a, b), c); } static Producer javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(final String s) { return javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(s, 0); } static Producer javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(final String s, final int startIndex) { return new Producer() { final int l = s.length(); int i = startIndex; public String next() { if (i >= l) return null; int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } i = j; if (i >= l) return null; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener || s.charAt(j) == '\n') { // end at \n to not propagate unclosed string literal errors ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else ++j; String t = quickSubstring(s, i, j); i = j; return t; } }; } static Producer javaTokC_noMLS_onReader(final BufferedReader r) { final class X implements Producer { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); // stores from "i" char c, d, e = 'x'; // just not '\0' X() { // fill c, d and e nc(); nc(); nc(); } // get next character(s) into c, d and e void nc() { try { c = d; d = e; if (e == '\0') return; int i =; e = i < 0 ? '\0' : i == '\0' ? '_' // shouldn't happen anymore : (char) i; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } void ncSave() { if (c != '\0') { buf.append(c); nc(); } } public String next() { // scan for whitespace while (c != '\0') { if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') nc(); else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do nc(); while (c != '\0' && !(c == '*' && d == '/')); nc(); nc(); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do nc(); while (c != '\0' && "\r\n".indexOf(c) < 0); } else break; } if (c == '\0') return null; // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ncSave(); while (c != '\0') { if (c == opener || c == '\n') { // end at \n to not propagate unclosed string literal errors ncSave(); break; } else if (c == '\\') { ncSave(); ncSave(); } else ncSave(); } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ncSave(); while (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) || c == '\''); // for stuff like "don't" else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ncSave(); while (Character.isDigit(c)); if (c == 'L') ncSave(); // Long constants like 1L } else ncSave(); String t = buf.toString(); buf.setLength(0); return t; } } return new X(); } static HashMap findClass_fullName_cache = new HashMap(); // returns null on not found // this is the simple version that is not case-tolerant static Class findClass_fullName(String name) { synchronized(findClass_fullName_cache) { if (findClass_fullName_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_fullName_cache.get(name); Class c; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_fullName_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } static String unquoteUsingCharArray(String s, char[] buf) { if (s == null) return null; if (startsWith(s, '[')) { int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '[') { String m = s.substring(1, i); if (s.endsWith("]" + m + "]")) return s.substring(i+1, s.length()-i-1); } } if (s.length() > 1) { char c = s.charAt(0); if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { int l = endsWith(s, c) ? s.length()-1 : s.length(); if (l > buf.length) return unquote(s); // fallback int n = 0; for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { char nextChar = (i == l - 1) ? '\\' : s.charAt(i + 1); // Octal escape? if (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '7') { String code = "" + nextChar; i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; } } buf[n++] = (char) Integer.parseInt(code, 8); continue; } switch (nextChar) { case '\"': ch = '\"'; break; case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '\'': ch = '\''; break; // Hex Unicode: u???? case 'u': if (i >= l - 5) { ch = 'u'; break; } int code = Integer.parseInt( "" + s.charAt(i + 2) + s.charAt(i + 3) + s.charAt(i + 4) + s.charAt(i + 5), 16); char[] x = Character.toChars(code); int lx = x.length; for (int j = 0; j < lx; j++) buf[n++] = x[j]; i += 5; continue; default: ch = nextChar; // added by Stefan } i++; } buf[n++] = ch; } return new String(buf, 0, n); } } return s; // not quoted - return original } static boolean structure_isMarker(String s, int i, int j) { if (i >= j) return false; if (s.charAt(i) != 'm') return false; ++i; while (i < j) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; ++i; } return true; } static String internIfLongerThan(String s, int l) { return s == null ? null : l(s) >= l ? intern(s) : s; } static char unquoteCharacter(String s) { assertTrue(s.startsWith("'") && s.length() > 1); return unquote("\"" + s.substring(1, s.endsWith("'") ? s.length()-1 : s.length()) + "\"").charAt(0); } static BigInteger parseBigInt(String s) { return new BigInteger(s); } static float parseFloat(String s) { return Float.parseFloat(s); } static boolean isLongConstant(String s) { if (!s.endsWith("L")) return false; s = s.substring(0, l(s)-1); return isInteger(s); } static List parseList(String s) { return (List) safeUnstructure(s); } static List synchroLinkedList() { return Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList()); } static byte[] hexToBytes(String s) { if (odd(l(s))) throw fail("Hex string has odd length: " + quote(shorten(10, s))); int n = l(s) / 2; byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int a = parseHexChar(s.charAt(i*2)); int b = parseHexChar(s.charAt(i*2+1)); if (a < 0 || b < 0) throw fail("Bad hex byte: " + quote(substring(s, i*2, i*2+2)) + " at " + i*2 + "/" + l(s)); bytes[i] = (byte) ((a << 4) | b); } return bytes; } static boolean[] boolArrayFromBytes(byte[] a, int n) { boolean[] b = new boolean[n]; int m = min(n, l(a)*8); for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) b[i] = (a[i/8] & 1 << (i & 7)) != 0; return b; } static A nuStubInnerObject(Class c) { return nuStubInnerObject(c, null); } static A nuStubInnerObject(Class c, Object classFinder) { try { Class outerType = getOuterClass(c, classFinder); Constructor m = c.getDeclaredConstructor(outerType); makeAccessible(m); return (A) m.newInstance(new Object[] {null}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map nuEmptyObject_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static A nuEmptyObject(Class c) { try { Constructor ctr; synchronized(nuEmptyObject_cache) { ctr = nuEmptyObject_cache.get(c); if (ctr == null) { nuEmptyObject_cache.put(c, ctr = nuEmptyObject_findConstructor(c)); makeAccessible(ctr); } } try { return (A) ctr.newInstance(); } catch (InstantiationException e) { if (empty(e.getMessage())) if ((c.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0) throw fail("Can't instantiate abstract class " + className(c), e); else throw fail("Can't instantiate " + className(c), e); else throw rethrow(e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Constructor nuEmptyObject_findConstructor(Class c) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) if (m.getParameterTypes().length == 0) return m; throw fail("No default constructor declared in " + c.getName()); } static void setOptAllDyn(DynamicObject o, Map fields) { if (fields == null) return; HashMap fieldMap = instanceFieldsMap(o); for (Map.Entry e : fields.entrySet()) { String field = e.getKey(); Object val = e.getValue(); boolean has = fieldMap.containsKey(field); if (has) setOpt(o, field, val); else { o.fieldValues = syncMapPut2_createLinkedHashMap(o.fieldValues, intern(field), val); } } } static void setOptAll_pcall(Object o, Map fields) { if (fields == null) return; for (String field : keys(fields)) try { setOpt(o, field, fields.get(field)); } catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); } } static void setOptAll_pcall(Object o, Object... values) { //values = expandParams(c.getClass(), values); warnIfOddCount(values); for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(values); i += 2) { String field = (String) values[i]; Object value = values[i+1]; try { setOpt(o, field, value); } catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); } } } static void fixOuterRefs(Object o) { try { if (o == null) return; Field[] l = thisDollarOneFields(o.getClass()); if (l.length <= 1) return; Object father = null; for (Field f : l) { father = f.get(o); if (father != null) break; } if (father == null) return; for (Field f : l) f.set(o, father); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void pcallOpt_noArgs(Object o, String method) { try { callOpt_noArgs(o, method); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } static int[] toIntArray(Collection l) { int[] a = new int[l(l)]; int i = 0; if (a.length != 0) for (int x : l) a[i++] = x; return a; } static double[] toDoubleArray(Collection l) { double[] a = new double[l(l)]; int i = 0; if (a.length != 0) for (double x : l) a[i++] = x; return a; } static TreeSet ciSet() { return caseInsensitiveSet(); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, String s) { return jmatch(pat, s, null); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (s == null) return false; return jmatch(pat, javaTok(s), matches); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, List toks) { return jmatch(pat, toks, null); } static boolean jmatch(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { List tokpat = javaTok(pat); String[] m = match2(tokpat, toks); //print(structure(tokpat) + " on " + structure(toks) + " => " + structure(m)); if (m == null) return false; else { if (matches != null) matches.m = m; return true; } } static boolean warn_on = true; static ThreadLocal> warn_warnings = new ThreadLocal(); static void warn(String s) { if (warn_on) print("Warning: " + s); } static void warn(String s, List warnings) { warn(s); if (warnings != null) warnings.add(s); addToCollection(warn_warnings.get(), s); } static A popLast(List l) { return liftLast(l); } static List popLast(int n, List l) { return liftLast(n, l); } static ThreadLocal dynamicObjectIsLoading_threadLocal() { return DynamicObject_loading; } static void multiMapPut(Map> map, A a, B b) { List l = map.get(a); if (l == null) map.put(a, l = new ArrayList()); l.add(b); } static Component childWithClassNameEndingWith(Component c, String suffix) { if (endsWith(className(c), suffix)) return c; Component x; for (Component comp : getComponents(c)) if ((x = childWithClassNameEndingWith(comp, suffix)) != null) return x; return null; } static Frame getAWTFrame(final Object _o) { return swing(new F0() { public Frame get() { try { Object o = _o; /* ifdef HaveProcessing if (o instanceof PApplet) o = ((PApplet) o).getSurface(); endifdef */ if (o instanceof ButtonGroup) o = first(buttonsInGroup((ButtonGroup) o)); if (!(o instanceof Component)) return null; Component c = (Component) o; while (c != null) { if (c instanceof Frame) return (Frame) c; c = c.getParent(); } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "O o = _o;\r\n /*\r\n ifdef HaveProcessing\r\n if (o instanceof PApplet) ..."; }}); } static void lock(Lock lock) { try { ping(); if (lock == null) return; try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { print("Locking interrupted! I probably deadlocked, oops."); printStackTrace(e); rethrow(e); } ping(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void lock(Lock lock, String msg) { print("Locking: " + msg); lock(lock); } static void lock(Lock lock, String msg, long timeout) { print("Locking: " + msg); lockOrFail(lock, timeout); } static ReentrantLock lock() { return fairLock(); } static void unlock(Lock lock, String msg) { if (lock == null) return; print("Unlocking: " + msg); lock.unlock(); } static void unlock(Lock lock) { if (lock == null) return; lock.unlock(); } static String getStackTrace2(Throwable e) { return hideCredentials(getStackTrace(unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps(e)) + replacePrefix("java.lang.RuntimeException: ", "FAIL: ", hideCredentials(str(innerException2(e)))) + "\n"); } static Map weakHashMap() { return newWeakHashMap(); } static List keysList(Map map) { return cloneListSynchronizingOn(keys(map), map); } static List keysList(MultiSet ms) { return ms == null ? null : keysList(; } static List newSubList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { return cloneList(subList(l, startIndex, endIndex)); } static List newSubList(List l, int startIndex) { return cloneList(subList(l, startIndex)); } static List tok_combineRoundCurlySquareBrackets_keep(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && eqOneOf(t, "{", "(", "[")) { int j = findEndOfBracketPart2(tok, i); l.add(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); i = j-1; } else l.add(t); } return l; } static boolean startsWithDigit(String s) { return nempty(s) && isDigit(s.charAt(0)); } static DialogIO talkToSubBot(final long vport, final DialogIO io) { return talkToSubBot(String.valueOf(vport), io); } static DialogIO talkToSubBot(final String subBot, final DialogIO io) { if (subBot == null) return io; return new talkToSubBot_IO(subBot, io); } static class talkToSubBot_IO extends DialogIO { String subBot; DialogIO io; talkToSubBot_IO(String subBot, DialogIO io) { = io; this.subBot = subBot;} // delegate all but sendLine boolean isStillConnected() { return io.isStillConnected(); } String readLineImpl() { return io.readLineImpl(); } boolean isLocalConnection() { return io.isLocalConnection(); } Socket getSocket() { return io.getSocket(); } public void close() { try { io.close(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } void sendLine(String line) { io.sendLine(format3("please forward to bot *: *", subBot, line)); } } static DialogIO talkTo(int port) { return talkTo("localhost", port); } static int talkTo_defaultTimeout = 10000; // This is the CONNECT timeout static int talkTo_timeoutForReads = 0; // Timeout waiting for answers (0 = no timeout) static ThreadLocal> talkTo_byThread = new ThreadLocal(); static DialogIO talkTo(String ip, int port) { try { String full = ip + ":" + port; Map map = talkTo_byThread.get(); if (map != null && map.containsKey(full)) return map.get(full); if (isLocalhost(ip) && port == vmPort()) return talkToThisVM(); return new talkTo_IO(ip, port); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static class talkTo_IO extends DialogIO { String ip; int port; Socket s; Writer w; BufferedReader in; talkTo_IO(String ip, int port) { this.port = port; this.ip = ip; try { s = new Socket(); try { if (talkTo_timeoutForReads != 0) s.setSoTimeout(talkTo_timeoutForReads); s.connect(new InetSocketAddress(ip, port), talkTo_defaultTimeout); } catch (Throwable e) { throw fail("Tried talking to " + ip + ":" + port, e); } w = new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"); in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } boolean isLocalConnection() { return s.getInetAddress().isLoopbackAddress(); } boolean isStillConnected() { return !(eos || s.isClosed()); } void sendLine(String line) { try { Lock __0 = lock; lock(__0); try { w.write(line + "\n"); w.flush(); } finally { unlock(__0); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } String readLineImpl() { try { return in.readLine(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void close() { try { if (!noClose) s.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // whatever } } Socket getSocket() { return s; } } static List quickBotScan() { return ProgramScan.quickBotScan(); } static List quickBotScan(int[] preferredPorts) { return ProgramScan.quickBotScan(preferredPorts); } static List quickBotScan(String searchPattern) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (ProgramScan.Program p : ProgramScan.quickBotScan()) if (indexOfIgnoreCase(p.helloString, searchPattern) == 0) l.add(p); return l; } static String firstPartOfHelloString(String s) { int i = s.lastIndexOf('/'); return i < 0 ? s : rtrim(s.substring(0, i)); } static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return regionMatchesIC(a, 0, b, 0, b.length()); } static String sendToLocalBotQuietly(String bot, String text, Object... args) { text = format3(text, args); DialogIO channel = newFindBot2(bot); try { if (channel == null) throw fail(quote(bot) + " not found"); try { channel.readLine(); channel.sendLine(text); String s = channel.readLine(); return s; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } finally { _close(channel); }} static String sendToLocalBotQuietly(int port, String text, Object... args) { text = format3(text, args); DialogIO channel = talkTo(port); try { try { channel.readLine(); channel.sendLine(text); String s = channel.readLine(); return s; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } finally { _close(channel); }} static String format(String pat, Object... args) { return format3(pat, args); } static int shorten_default = 100; static String shorten(String s) { return shorten(s, shorten_default); } static String shorten(String s, int max) { return shorten(s, max, "..."); } static String shorten(String s, int max, String shortener) { if (s == null) return ""; if (max < 0) return s; return s.length() <= max ? s : substring(s, 0, min(s.length(), max-l(shortener))) + shortener; } static String shorten(int max, String s) { return shorten(s, max); } static void assertNotOnAWTThread() { assertFalse("Can't do this in AWT thread", isAWTThread()); } static A assertEquals(Object x, A y) { return assertEquals(null, x, y); } static A assertEquals(String msg, Object x, A y) { if (assertVerbose()) return assertEqualsVerbose(msg, x, y); if (!(x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y))) throw fail((msg != null ? msg + ": " : "") + y + " != " + x); return y; } static void quoteToPrintWriter(String s, PrintWriter out) { if (s == null) { out.print("null"); return; } out.print('"'); int l = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' || c == '"') { out.print('\\'); out.print(c); } else if (c == '\r') out.print("\\r"); else if (c == '\n') out.print("\\n"); else if (c == '\0') out.print("\\0"); else out.print(c); } out.print('"'); } static String quoteCharacter(char c) { if (c == '\'') return "'\\''"; if (c == '\\') return "'\\\\'"; if (c == '\r') return "'\\r'"; if (c == '\n') return "'\\n'"; if (c == '\t') return "'\\t'"; return "'" + c + "'"; } static boolean isCISet_gen(Iterable l) { return l instanceof TreeSet && className(((TreeSet) l).comparator()).contains("CIComp"); } static List unwrapSynchronizedList(List l) { if (eqOneOf(className(l), "java.util.Collections$SynchronizedList", "java.util.Collections$SynchronizedRandomAccessList")) return (List) get_raw(l, "list"); return l; } static boolean isCIMap_gen(Map map) { return map instanceof TreeMap && className(((TreeMap) map).comparator()).contains("CIComp"); } static Map unwrapSynchronizedMap(Map map) { if (eqOneOf(className(map), "java.util.Collections$SynchronizedMap", "java.util.Collections$SynchronizedSortedMap", "java.util.Collections$SynchronizedNavigableMap")) return (Map) get_raw(map, "m"); return map; } static String boolArrayToHex(boolean[] a) { return bytesToHex(boolArrayToBytes(a)); } static Iterator emptyIterator() { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } static int stdcompare(Number a, Number b) { return cmp(a, b); } static int stdcompare(String a, String b) { return cmp(a, b); } static int stdcompare(long a, long b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } static int stdcompare(Object a, Object b) { return cmp(a, b); } static Map getDeclaredFields_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Field[] getDeclaredFields_cached(Class c) { Field[] fields; synchronized(getDeclaredFields_cache) { fields = getDeclaredFields_cache.get(c); if (fields == null) { getDeclaredFields_cache.put(c, fields = c.getDeclaredFields()); for (Field f : fields) makeAccessible(f); } } return fields; } static Map putAll(Map a, Map b) { if (a != null && b != null) a.putAll(b); return a; } static int countDots(String s) { int n = l(s), count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (s.charAt(i) == '.') ++count; return count; } static void removeFromMultiPort(long vport) { if (vport == 0) return; for (Object port : getMultiPorts()) call(port, "removePort", vport); } static String callStaticAnswerMethod(List bots, String s) { for (Object c : bots) try { String answer = callStaticAnswerMethod(c, s); if (!empty(answer)) return answer; } catch (Throwable e) { print("Error calling " + getProgramID(c)); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } static String callStaticAnswerMethod(Object c, String s) { String answer = (String) callOpt(c, "answer", s, litlist(s)); if (answer == null) answer = (String) callOpt(c, "answer", s); return emptyToNull(answer); } static String callStaticAnswerMethod(String s) { return callStaticAnswerMethod(mc(), s); } static String callStaticAnswerMethod(String s, List history) { return callStaticAnswerMethod(mc(), s, history); } static String callStaticAnswerMethod(Object c, String s, List history) { String answer = (String) callOpt(c, "answer", s, history); if (answer == null) answer = (String) callOpt(c, "answer", s); return emptyToNull(answer); } static List record_list = synchroList(); static void record(Object o) { record_list.add(o); } static Object addToMultiPort_responder; static long addToMultiPort(final String botName) { return addToMultiPort(botName, new Object() { public String answer(String s, List history) { String answer = (String) (callOpt(getMainClass(), "answer", s, history)); if (answer != null) return answer; answer = (String) callOpt(getMainClass(), "answer", s); if (answer != null) return answer; if (match3("get injection id", s)) return getInjectionID(); return null; } }); } static long addToMultiPort(final String botName, final Object responder) { //print(botName); addToMultiPort_responder = responder; startMultiPort(); List ports = getMultiPorts(); if (ports == null) return 0; if (ports.isEmpty()) throw fail("No multiports!"); if (ports.size() > 1) print("Multiple multi-ports. Using last one."); Object port = last(ports); Object responder2 = new Object() { public String answer(String s, List history) { if (match3("get injection id", s)) return getInjectionID(); if (match3("your name", s)) return botName; return (String) call(responder, "answer", s, history); } }; record(responder2); return (Long) call(port, "addResponder", botName, responder2); } static AtomicInteger dialogServer_clients = new AtomicInteger(); static boolean dialogServer_printConnects = false; static ThreadLocal startDialogServer_quiet = new ThreadLocal(); static Set dialogServer_knownClients = synchroTreeSet(); static int startDialogServerOnPortAbove(int port, DialogHandler handler) { while (!forbiddenPort(port) && !startDialogServerIfPortAvailable(port, handler)) ++port; return port; } static int startDialogServerOnPortAboveDaemon(int port, DialogHandler handler) { while (!forbiddenPort(port) && !startDialogServerIfPortAvailable(port, handler, true)) ++port; return port; } static void startDialogServer(int port, DialogHandler handler) { if (!startDialogServerIfPortAvailable(port, handler)) throw fail("Can't start dialog server on port " + port); } static boolean startDialogServerIfPortAvailable(int port, final DialogHandler handler) { return startDialogServerIfPortAvailable(port, handler, false); } static ServerSocket startDialogServer_serverSocket; static boolean startDialogServerIfPortAvailable(int port, final DialogHandler handler, boolean daemon) { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; try { serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port); } catch (IOException e) { // probably the port number is used - let's assume there already is a chat server. return false; } final ServerSocket _serverSocket = serverSocket; startDialogServer_serverSocket = serverSocket; Thread thread = new Thread("Socket accept port " + port) { public void run() { try { while (true) { try { final Socket s = _serverSocket.accept(); String client = s.getInetAddress().toString(); if (!dialogServer_knownClients.contains(client) && neq(client, "/")) { print("connect from " + client + " - clients: " + dialogServer_clients.incrementAndGet()); dialogServer_knownClients.add(client); } String threadName = "Handling client " + s.getInetAddress(); Thread t2 = new Thread(threadName) { public void run() { try { final Writer w = new OutputStreamWriter(s.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"); final BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); DialogIO io = new DialogIO() { // This should be the same as #1001076 (talkTo) boolean isLocalConnection() { return s.getInetAddress().isLoopbackAddress(); } boolean isStillConnected() { return !(eos || s.isClosed()); } void sendLine(String line) { try { w.write(line + "\n"); w.flush(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } String readLineImpl() { try { return in.readLine(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void close() { try { s.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // whatever } } Socket getSocket() { return s; } }; try {; } finally { if (!io.noClose) s.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { print("[internal] " + e); } finally { //print("client disconnect - " + dialogServer_clients.decrementAndGet() + " remaining"); } } }; // Thread t2 t2.setDaemon(true); // ? t2.start(); } catch (SocketTimeoutException e) { } } } catch (IOException e) { print("[internal] " + e); } }}; if (daemon) thread.setDaemon(true); thread.start(); if (!isTrue(getAndClearThreadLocal(startDialogServer_quiet))) print("Dialog server on port " + port + " started."); return true; } static volatile boolean readLine_noReadLine = false; static String readLine_lastInput; static String readLine_prefix = "[] "; static String readLine() { if (readLine_noReadLine) return null; String s = readLineHidden(); if (s != null) { readLine_lastInput = s; print(readLine_prefix + s); } return s; } static String getInnerMessage(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; return getInnerException(e).getMessage(); } static boolean publicCommOn() { return "1".equals(loadTextFile(new File(userHome(), ".javax/public-communication"))); } static String indentx(String s) { return indentx(indent_default, s); } static String indentx(int n, String s) { return dropSuffix(repeat(' ', n), indent(n, s)); } static String indentx(String indent, String s) { return dropSuffix(indent, indent(indent, s)); } public static String rtrim(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int i = s.length(); while (i > 0 && " \t\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(i-1)) >= 0) --i; return i < s.length() ? s.substring(0, i) : s; } static String processID_cached; // try to get our current process ID static String getPID() { if (processID_cached == null) { String name = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName(); processID_cached = name.replaceAll("@.*", ""); } return processID_cached; } static String getInjectionID() { return (String) call(getJavaX(), "getInjectionID", getMainClass()); } static String getProgramTitle() { return getProgramName(); } static Object callOptMC(String method, Object... args) { return callOpt(mc(), method, args); } static boolean isCurrentThread(Thread t) { return t != null && t == currentThread(); } static boolean isEitherB(Either e) { return eitherIsB(e); } static A eitherAOpt(Either e) { return e != null && e.isA() ? e.a() : null; } static Object pcallFunction(Object f, Object... args) { try { return callFunction(f, args); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return null; } static Map syncHashMap() { return synchroHashMap(); } static String quoteIfNotIdentifierOrInteger(String s) { if (s == null) return null; return isJavaIdentifier(s) || isInteger(s) ? s : quote(s); } static List nlTok(String s) { return javaTokPlusPeriod(s); } static Method findMethod_cached(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(((Class) o)); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) if (isStaticMethod(m) && findMethod_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return m; return null; } else { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(o.getClass()); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) if (findMethod_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return m; return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean isLetterOrDigit(char c) { return Character.isLetterOrDigit(c); } static List tok_combineCurlyBrackets_keep(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && eq(t, "{")) { int j = findEndOfCurlyBracketPart(tok, i); l.add(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); i = j-1; } else l.add(t); } return l; } static boolean containsNewLines(String s) { return containsNewLine(s); } static String jlabel_textAsHTML_center(String text) { return "
" + replace(htmlencode(text), "\n", "
") + "
"; } static List dm_moduleIDs() { return dm_listModuleIDs(); } static RuntimeException wrapPatternSyntaxException(PatternSyntaxException e) { if (e == null) return null; String pat = e.getPattern(); int i = e.getIndex(); return new RuntimeException("Regular expression error between " + multiLineQuoteWithSpaces(substring(pat, 0, i)) + " and " + multiLineQuoteWithSpaces(substring(pat, i)) + " - " + e.getMessage()); } static Lock appendToFile_lock = lock(); static boolean appendToFile_keepOpen = false; static HashMap appendToFile_writers = new HashMap(); static void appendToFile(String path, String s) { try { Lock __0 = appendToFile_lock; lock(__0); try { // Let's just generally synchronize this to be safe. mkdirsForFile(new File(path)); path = getCanonicalPath(path); Writer writer = appendToFile_writers.get(path); if (writer == null) { //print("[Logging to " + path + "]"); writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter( newFileOutputStream(path, true), "UTF-8")); if (appendToFile_keepOpen) appendToFile_writers.put(path, writer); } writer.write(s); if (!appendToFile_keepOpen) writer.close(); } finally { unlock(__0); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void appendToFile(File path, String s) { if (path != null) appendToFile(path.getPath(), s); } static void cleanMeUp_appendToFile() { AutoCloseable __3 = tempCleaningUp(); try { Lock __1 = appendToFile_lock; lock(__1); try { closeAllWriters(values(appendToFile_writers)); appendToFile_writers.clear(); } finally { unlock(__1); } } finally { _close(__3); }} static JTextArea jTextArea() { return jTextArea(""); } static JTextArea jTextArea(final String text) { return jTextAreaWithUndo(text); } static KeyListener enterKeyListener(final Object action) { return new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) pcallF(action); } }; } static Runnable rCallOnSelectedListItem(final JList list, final Object action) { return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { pcallF(action, getSelectedItem(list)) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcallF(action, getSelectedItem(list))"; }}; } static AbstractAction abstractAction(String name, final Object runnable) { return new AbstractAction(name) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { pcallF(runnable); } }; } static TreeSet litciset(String... items) { TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet(); for (String a : items) set.add(a); return set; } static String afterLastSpace(String s) { return s == null ? null : substring(s, s.lastIndexOf(' ')+1); } static Class run(String progID, String... args) { Class main = hotwire(progID); callMain(main, args); return main; } static void restart() { Object j = getJavaX(); call(j, "cleanRestart", get(j, "fullArgs")); } static Set similarEmptySet(Collection m) { if (m instanceof TreeSet) return new TreeSet(((TreeSet) m).comparator()); if (m instanceof LinkedHashSet) return new LinkedHashSet(); return new HashSet(); } static Set similarEmptySet(Map m) { if (m instanceof TreeMap) return new TreeSet(((TreeMap) m).comparator()); if (m instanceof LinkedHashMap) return new LinkedHashSet(); return new HashSet(); } static void replaceCollection(Collection dest, Collection src) { if (dest == src) return; dest.clear(); dest.addAll(src); } static void replaceListPart(List l, int i, int j, List l2) { replaceSublist(l, i, j, l2); } static String beautifyStructure(String s) { List tok = javaTokForStructure(s); structure_addTokenMarkers(tok); jreplace(tok, "lhm", ""); return join(tok); } static String struct_noStringSharing(Object o) { structure_Data d = new structure_Data(); d.noStringSharing = true; return structure(o, d); } static Collection values(Map map) { return map == null ? emptyList() : map.values(); } // convenience shortcut for values_gen static Collection values(Object map) { return values((Map) map); } static boolean sameSnippetID(String a, String b) { if (!isSnippetID(a) || !isSnippetID(b)) return false; return parseSnippetID(a) == parseSnippetID(b); } static void assertFalse(Object o) { if (!(eq(o, false) /*|| isFalse(pcallF(o))*/)) throw fail(str(o)); } static boolean assertFalse(boolean b) { if (b) throw fail("oops"); return b; } static boolean assertFalse(String msg, boolean b) { if (b) throw fail(msg); return b; } static File computerIDFile() { return javaxDataDir("Basic Info/computer-id.txt"); } static String joinStrings(String sep, String... strings) { return joinStrings(sep, Arrays.asList(strings)); } static String joinStrings(String sep, Collection strings) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : unnull(strings)) if (nempty(s)) { if (nempty(buf)) buf.append(sep); buf.append(s); } return str(buf); } static String utf8streamToString(InputStream in) { return readerToString(utf8bufferedReader(in)); } static int parseHexChar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return charDiff(c, '0'); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return charDiff(c, 'a')+10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return charDiff(c, 'A')+10; return -1; } static Class getOuterClass(Class c) { return getOuterClass(c, null); } static Class getOuterClass(Class c, Object classFinder) { try { String s = c.getName(); int i = s.lastIndexOf('$'); String name = substring(s, 0, i); if (classFinder != null) return (Class) callF(classFinder, name); return Class.forName(name); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static HashMap instanceFieldsMap(Object o) { Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; synchronized(getOpt_cache) { map = getOpt_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = getOpt_makeCache(c); } return map; } static Map thisDollarOneFields_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Field[] thisDollarOneFields(Class c) { synchronized(thisDollarOneFields_cache) { Field[] l = thisDollarOneFields_cache.get(c); if (l == null) thisDollarOneFields_cache.put(c, l = thisDollarOneFields_uncached(c)); return l; } } static Field[] thisDollarOneFields_uncached(Class c) { List fields = new ArrayList(); do { for (Field f : c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals("this$1")) fields.add(makeAccessible(f)); c = c.getSuperclass(); } while (c != null); return toArray(new Field[l(fields)], fields); } static Map> callOpt_noArgs_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); static Object callOpt_noArgs(Object o, String method) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) return callOpt(o, method); // not optimized Class c = o.getClass(); HashMap map; synchronized(callOpt_noArgs_cache) { map = callOpt_noArgs_cache.get(c); if (map == null) map = callOpt_noArgs_makeCache(c); } Method m = map.get(method); return m != null ? m.invoke(o) : null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // used internally - we are in synchronized block static HashMap callOpt_noArgs_makeCache(Class c) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); Class _c = c; do { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && !reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) { makeAccessible(m); String name = m.getName(); if (!map.containsKey(name)) map.put(name, m); } _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); callOpt_noArgs_cache.put(c, map); return map; } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet() { return caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet(Collection c) { return caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(c); } static boolean addToCollection(Collection c, A a) { return c != null && c.add(a); } static A liftLast(List l) { if (empty(l)) return null; int i = l(l)-1; A a = l.get(i); l.remove(i); return a; } static List liftLast(int n, List l) { int i = l(l)-n; List part = cloneSubList(l, i); removeSubList(l, i); return part; } static List getComponents(final Component c) { return !(c instanceof Container) ? emptyList() : asList(swing(new F0() { public Component[] get() { try { return ((Container) c).getComponents(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret ((Container) c).getComponents();"; }})); } static void lockOrFail(Lock lock, long timeout) { try { ping(); if (!lock.tryLock(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { String s = "Couldn't acquire lock after " + timeout + " ms."; if (lock instanceof ReentrantLock) { ReentrantLock l = (ReentrantLock) lock; s += " Hold count: " + l.getHoldCount() + ", owner: " + call(l, "getOwner"); } throw fail(s); } ping(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static ReentrantLock fairLock() { return new ReentrantLock(true); } static Throwable unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return e; while (e.getClass() == RuntimeException.class && e.getCause() != null && eq(e.getMessage(), str(e.getCause()))) e = e.getCause(); return e; } static String replacePrefix(String prefix, String replacement, String s) { if (!startsWith(s, prefix)) return s; return replacement + substring(s, l(prefix)); } static ArrayList cloneListSynchronizingOn(Collection l, Object mutex) { if (l == null) return new ArrayList(); synchronized(mutex) { return new ArrayList(l); } } // i must point at the (possibly imaginary) opening bracket (any of the 3 types, not type parameters) // index returned is index of closing bracket + 1 static int findEndOfBracketPart2(List cnc, int i) { int j = i+2, level = 1; while (j < cnc.size()) { if (eqOneOf(cnc.get(j), "{", "(", "[")) ++level; else if (eqOneOf(cnc.get(j), "}", ")", "]")) --level; if (level == 0) return j+1; ++j; } return cnc.size(); } static boolean isDigit(char c) { return Character.isDigit(c); } static String format3(String pat, Object... args) { if (args.length == 0) return pat; List tok = javaTokPlusPeriod(pat); int argidx = 0; for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) if (tok.get(i).equals("*")) tok.set(i, format3_formatArg(argidx < args.length ? args[argidx++] : "null")); return join(tok); } static String format3_formatArg(Object arg) { if (arg == null) return "null"; if (arg instanceof String) { String s = (String) arg; return isIdentifier(s) || isNonNegativeInteger(s) ? s : quote(s); } if (arg instanceof Integer || arg instanceof Long) return String.valueOf(arg); return quote(structure(arg)); } static boolean isLocalhost(String ip) { return isLoopbackIP(ip) || eqic(ip, "localhost"); } static int vmPort() { return myVMPort(); } static DialogIO talkToThisVM() { return new talkToThisVM_IO(); } static class talkToThisVM_IO extends DialogIO { List answers = ll(thisVMGreeting()); boolean isLocalConnection() { return true; } boolean isStillConnected() { return true; } int getPort() { return vmPort(); } void sendLine(String line) { answers.add(or2(sendToThisVM_newThread(line), "?")); } String readLineImpl() { try { return popFirst(answers); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void close() {} Socket getSocket() { return null; } } static Map newFindBot2_cache = synchroHashMap(); static boolean newFindBot2_verbose = false; static DialogIO newFindBot2(String name) { Integer port = newFindBot2_cache.get(name); if (port != null) { if (newFindBot2_verbose) print("newFindBot2: testing " + name + " => " + port); DialogIO io = talkTo(port); String q = format("has bot *", name); String s = io.ask(q); if (match("yes", s)) { io = talkToSubBot(name, io); call(io, "pushback", "?"); // put some hello string in (yes, this should be improved.) return io; } // bot not there anymore - remove cache entry newFindBot2_cache.remove(name); if (newFindBot2_verbose) print("newFindBot2: dropping " + name + " => " + port); } DialogIO io = findBot(name); if (io != null) { newFindBot2_cache.put(name, io.getPort()); if (newFindBot2_verbose) print("newFindBot2: remembering " + name + " => " + port); } return io; } static ThreadLocal assertVerbose_value = new ThreadLocal(); static void assertVerbose(boolean b) { assertVerbose_value.set(b); } static boolean assertVerbose() { return isTrue(assertVerbose_value.get()); } static A assertEqualsVerbose(Object x, A y) { assertEqualsVerbose((String) null, x, y); return y; } // x = expected, y = actual static A assertEqualsVerbose(String msg, Object x, A y) { if (!eq(x, y)) { throw fail((msg != null ? msg + ": " : "") + "expected: "+ x + ", got: " + y); } else print("OK" + (empty(msg) ? "" : " " + msg) + ": " + /*sfu*/(x)); return y; } static byte[] boolArrayToBytes(boolean[] a) { byte[] b = new byte[(l(a)+7)/8]; for (int i = 0; i < l(a); i++) if (a[i]) b[i/8] |= 1 << (i & 7); return b; } static List getMultiPorts() { return (List) callOpt(getJavaX(), "getMultiPorts"); } static String emptyToNull(String s) { return eq(s, "") ? null : s; } static Map emptyToNull(Map map) { return empty(map) ? null : map; } // start multi-port if none exists in current VM. static void startMultiPort() { List mp = getMultiPorts(); if (mp != null && mp.isEmpty()) { nohupJavax("#1001639"); throw fail("Upgrading JavaX, please restart this program afterwards."); //callMain(hotwire("#1001672")); } } static Set synchroTreeSet() { return Collections.synchronizedSet(new TreeSet()); } static Set synchroTreeSet(TreeSet set) { return Collections.synchronizedSet(set); } static boolean forbiddenPort(int port) { return port == 5037; // adb } static String readLineHidden() { try { if (get(javax(), "readLine_reader") == null) set(javax(), "readLine_reader" , new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(, "UTF-8"))); try { return ((BufferedReader) get(javax(), "readLine_reader")).readLine(); } finally { consoleClearInput(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int indent_default = 2; static String indent(int indent) { return repeat(' ', indent); } static String indent(int indent, String s) { return indent(repeat(' ', indent), s); } static String indent(String indent, String s) { return indent + s.replace("\n", "\n" + indent); } static String indent(String s) { return indent(indent_default, s); } static List indent(String indent, List lines) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (lines != null) for (String s : lines) l.add(indent + s); return l; } static String getProgramName_cache; static String getProgramName() { Lock __0 = downloadLock(); lock(__0); try { if (getProgramName_cache == null) getProgramName_cache = getSnippetTitleOpt(programID()); return getProgramName_cache; } finally { unlock(__0); } } static void _onLoad_getProgramName() { { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { getProgramName(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "getProgramName();"; }}); } } static boolean eitherIsB(Either e) { return e != null && e.isB(); } static Object callFunction(Object f, Object... args) { return callF(f, args); } static Method findMethod(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return findMethod_cached(o, method, args); } static boolean findMethod_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + args[i] + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } return true; } // i must point at the (possibly imaginary) opening bracket // index returned is index of closing bracket + 1 static int findEndOfCurlyBracketPart(List cnc, int i) { int j = i+2, level = 1; while (j < cnc.size()) { if (eq(cnc.get(j), "{")) ++level; else if (eq(cnc.get(j), "}")) --level; if (level == 0) return j+1; ++j; } return cnc.size(); } static boolean containsNewLine(String s) { return contains(s, '\n'); // screw \r, nobody needs it } static List replace(List l, A a, A b) { for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) if (eq(l.get(i), a)) l.set(i, b); return l; } static List replace(A a, A b, List l) { return replace(l, a, b); } static String replace(String s, String a, String b) { return s == null ? null : a == null || b == null ? s : s.replace(a, b); } static String replace(String s, char a, char b) { return s == null ? null : s.replace(a, b); } static String htmlencode(Object o) { return htmlencode(str(o)); } static String htmlencode(String s) { if (s == null) return ""; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(Math.max(16, s.length())); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c > 127 || c == '"' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '&') { int cp = s.codePointAt(i); out.append("&#x"); out.append(intToHex_flexLength(cp)); out.append(';'); i += Character.charCount(cp)-1; } else out.append(c); } return out.toString(); } static List dm_listModuleIDs() { return map("dm_moduleID",dm_listStems()); } static String multiLineQuoteWithSpaces(String s) { return multiLineQuote(" " + s + " "); } static String getCanonicalPath(File f) { try { return f == null ? null : f.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String getCanonicalPath(String path) { return getCanonicalPath(newFile(path)); } static AutoCloseable tempCleaningUp() { return tempSetTL(ping_isCleanUpThread, true); } static void closeAllWriters(Collection l) { for (Writer w : unnull(l)) { try { w.close(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } static JTextArea jTextAreaWithUndo() { return jTextAreaWithUndo(""); } static JTextArea jTextAreaWithUndo(final String text) { return jenableUndoRedo(swingNu(JTextArea.class, text)); } static String getSelectedItem(JList l) { return (String) l.getSelectedValue(); } static String getSelectedItem(JComboBox cb) { return strOrNull(cb.getSelectedItem()); } static TreeSet treeSet() { return new TreeSet(); } static Class hotwire(String src) { assertFalse(_inCore()); Class j = getJavaX(); if (isAndroid()) { synchronized(j) { // hopefully this goes well... List libraries = new ArrayList(); File srcDir = (File) call(j, "transpileMain", src, libraries); if (srcDir == null) throw fail("transpileMain returned null (src=" + quote(src) + ")"); Object androidContext = get(j, "androidContext"); return (Class) call(j, "loadx2android", srcDir, src); } } else { Class c = (Class) (call(j, "hotwire", src)); hotwire_copyOver(c); return c; } } static A callMain(A c, String... args) { callOpt(c, "main", new Object[] {args}); return c; } static void callMain() { callMain(mc()); } static List javaTokForStructure(String s) { return javaTok_noMLS(s); } static String structure_addTokenMarkers(String s) { return join(structure_addTokenMarkers(javaTokForStructure(s))); } static List structure_addTokenMarkers(List tok) { // find references TreeSet refs = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.startsWith("t") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) refs.add(parseInt(t.substring(1))); } if (empty(refs)) return tok; // add markers for (int i : refs) { int idx = i*2+1; if (idx >= l(tok)) continue; // broken structure String t = ""; if (endsWithLetterOrDigit(tok.get(idx-1))) t = " "; tok.set(idx, t + "m" + i + " " + tok.get(idx)); } return tok; } static String readerToString(Reader r) { try { try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.append((char) ch); ++n; //if ((n % loadPage_verboseness) == 0) print(" " + n + " chars read"); } return buf.toString(); } finally { r.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int charDiff(char a, char b) { return (int) a-(int) b; } static int charDiff(String a, char b) { return charDiff(stringToChar(a), b); } static Object[] toArray(Collection c) { return toObjectArray(c); } static A[] toArray(Iterable c, Class type) { A[] a = arrayOfType(l(c), type); if (a.length == 0) return a; asList(c).toArray(a); return a; } // array must have correct length and will be filled static A[] toArray(A[] array, Collection c) { if (array == null || c == null) return null; asList(c).toArray(array); return array; } static boolean reflection_isForbiddenMethod(Method m) { return m.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class && eqOneOf(m.getName(), "finalize", "clone", "registerNatives"); } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet() { return new TreeSet(caseInsensitiveComparator()); } static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(Collection c) { return toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(c); } static boolean isNonNegativeInteger(String s) { int n = l(s); if (n == 0) return false; int i = 0; while (i < n) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; ++i; } return true; } static boolean isLoopbackIP(String ip) { return eq(ip, ""); } static int myVMPort() { List records = (List) (get(getJavaX(), "record_list")); Object android = last(records); return or0((Integer) get(android, "port")); } static String thisVMGreeting() { List record_list = (List) (get(getJavaX(), "record_list")); Object android = first(record_list); // Should be of class Android3 return getString(android, "greeting"); } static String sendToThisVM_newThread(String s, Object... args) { final String _s = format(s, args); try { return (String) evalInNewThread(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return callStaticAnswerMethod(getJavaX(), _s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret callStaticAnswerMethod(getJavaX(), _s);"; }}); } catch (Throwable e) { e = getInnerException(e); printStackTrace(e); return str(e); } } static A popFirst(List l) { if (empty(l)) return null; A a = first(l); l.remove(0); return a; } static A popFirst(Collection l) { if (empty(l)) return null; A a = first(l); l.remove(a); return a; } static List popFirst(int n, List l) { List part = cloneSubList(l, 0, n); removeSubList(l, 0, n); return part; } static void nohupJavax(final String javaxargs) { { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { call(hotwireOnce("#1008562"), "nohupJavax", javaxargs); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "call(hotwireOnce(\"#1008562\"), \"nohupJavax\", javaxargs);"; }}); } } static void nohupJavax(final String javaxargs, final String vmArgs) { { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { call(hotwireOnce("#1008562"), "nohupJavax", javaxargs, vmArgs); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "call(hotwireOnce(\"#1008562\"), \"nohupJavax\", javaxargs, vmArgs);"; }}); } } static A set(A o, String field, Object value) { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) set((Class) o, field, value); else try { Field f = set_findField(o.getClass(), field); makeAccessible(f); smartSet(f, o, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return o; } static void set(Class c, String field, Object value) { if (c == null) return; try { Field f = set_findStaticField(c, field); makeAccessible(f); smartSet(f, null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } static Field set_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Static field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static Field set_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } static void consoleClearInput() { consoleSetInput(""); } static Lock downloadLock_lock = fairLock(); static Lock downloadLock() { return downloadLock_lock; } static String getSnippetTitleOpt(String s) { return isSnippetID(s) ? getSnippetTitle(s) : s; } static String intToHex_flexLength(int i) { return Integer.toHexString(i); } static List dm_listStems() { return (List) dm_callOS("onModules"); } static String multiLineQuote(String s) { for (int i = 0; ; i++) { String closer = "]" + rep('=', i) + "]"; if (!contains(s, closer)) return "[" + rep('=', i) + "[" + s + closer; } } static AutoCloseable tempSetTL(ThreadLocal tl, A a) { return tempSetThreadLocal(tl, a); } static A jenableUndoRedo(final A textcomp) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final UndoManager undo = new UndoManager(); vm_generalWeakSet("Undo Managers").add(undo); textcomp.getDocument().addUndoableEditListener(new UndoableEditListener() { public void undoableEditHappened(UndoableEditEvent evt) { undo.addEdit(evt.getEdit()); } }); textcomp.getActionMap().put("Undo", abstractAction("Undo", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (undo.canUndo()) undo.undo() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (undo.canUndo()) undo.undo()"; }})); textcomp.getActionMap().put("Redo", abstractAction("Redo", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (undo.canRedo()) undo.redo() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (undo.canRedo()) undo.redo()"; }})); textcomp.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control Z"), "Undo"); textcomp.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("control Y"), "Redo"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final new UndoManager undo;\r\n vm_generalWeakSet(\"Undo Managers\").add(undo)..."; }}); } return textcomp; } static boolean _inCore() { return false; } static List hotwire_copyOver_after = synchroList(); static void hotwire_copyOver(Class c) { // TODO: make a mechanism for making such "inheritable" fields for (String field : ll("print_log", "print_silent", "androidContext", "_userHome")) setOptIfNotNull(c, field, getOpt(mc(), field)); setOptIfNotNull(c, "mainBot" , getMainBot()); setOpt(c, "creator_class" , new WeakReference(mc())); pcallFAll(hotwire_copyOver_after, c); } static List javaTok_noMLS(String s) { ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s == null ? 0 : s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; // scan for whitespace while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j+1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j+2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j+2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i+1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i+1); // scan for non-whitespace if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { int c2 = s.charAt(j); if (c2 == opener || c2 == '\n' && opener == '\'') { // allow multi-line strings, but not for ' ++j; break; } else if (c2 == '\\' && j+1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; // Long constants like 1L } else ++j; tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } static char stringToChar(String s) { if (l(s) != 1) throw fail("bad stringToChar: " + s); return firstChar(s); } static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(Iterable c) { if (isCISet(c)) return (TreeSet) c; TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); addAll(set, c); return set; } static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(String... x) { TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); addAll(set, x); return set; } static int or0(Integer i) { return i == null ? 0 : i; } static long or0(Long l) { return l == null ? 0L : l; } static double or0(Double d) { return d == null ? 0.0 : d; } static Object evalInNewThread(final Object f) { final Flag flag = new Flag(); final Var var = new Var(); final Var exception = new Var(); { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { try { var.set(callF(f)); } catch (Throwable e) { exception.set(e); } flag.raise(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "try {\r\n var.set(callF(f));\r\n } catch (Throwable e) {\r\n exception..."; }}); } flag.waitUntilUp(); if (exception.has()) throw rethrow(exception.get()); return var.get(); } static Class hotwireOnce(String programID) { return hotwireCached(programID, false); } static void consoleSetInput(final String text) { if (headless()) return; setTextAndSelectAll(consoleInputField(), text); focusConsole(); } static String getSnippetTitle(String id) { try { if (id == null) return null; if (!isSnippetID(id)) return "?"; IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.getSnippetTitle(id); if (isLocalSnippetID(id)) return localSnippetTitle(id); long parsedID = parseSnippetID(id); String url; if (isImageServerSnippet(parsedID)) url = imageServerURL() + "title/" + parsedID + muricaCredentialsQuery(); else if (isGeneralFileServerSnippet(parsedID)) url = "" + parsedID; else url = tb_mainServer() + "/tb-int/getfield.php?id=" + parsedID + "&field=title" + standardCredentials_noCookies(); String title = trim(loadPageSilently(url)); if (title != null) try { saveTextFileIfChanged(snippetTitle_cacheFile(id), title); } catch (Throwable __e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(__e)); } return or(title, "?"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String getSnippetTitle(long id) { return getSnippetTitle(fsI(id)); } static String rep(int n, char c) { return repeat(c, n); } static String rep(char c, int n) { return repeat(c, n); } static List rep(A a, int n) { return repeat(a, n); } static List rep(int n, A a) { return repeat(n, a); } static Set vm_generalWeakSet(Object name) { synchronized(get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Set set = (Set) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (set == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, set = newWeakHashSet()); return set; } } static void setOptIfNotNull(Object o, String field, Object value) { if (value != null) setOpt(o, field, value); } static Object mainBot; static Object getMainBot() { return mainBot; } static char firstChar(String s) { return s.charAt(0); } static boolean isCISet(Iterable l) { return l instanceof TreeSet && ((TreeSet) l).comparator() == caseInsensitiveComparator(); } static TreeMap hotwireCached_cache = new TreeMap(); static Lock hotwireCached_lock = lock(); static Class hotwireCached(String programID) { return hotwireCached(programID, true); } static Class hotwireCached(String programID, boolean runMain) { return hotwireCached(programID, runMain, false); } static Class hotwireCached(String programID, boolean runMain, boolean dependent) { Lock __0 = hotwireCached_lock; lock(__0); try { programID = formatSnippetID(programID); Class c = hotwireCached_cache.get(programID); if (c == null) { c = hotwire(programID); if (dependent) makeDependent(c); if (runMain) callMain(c); hotwireCached_cache.put(programID, c); } return c; } finally { unlock(__0); } } static JTextField setTextAndSelectAll(final JTextField tf, final String text) { if (tf != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { tf.setText(text); tf.selectAll(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "tf.setText(text);\r\n tf.selectAll();"; }}); } return tf; } static JTextField consoleInputField() { Object console = get(getJavaX(), "console"); return (JTextField) getOpt(console, "tfInput"); } static void focusConsole(String s) { setConsoleInput(s); focusConsole(); } static void focusConsole() { JComponent tf = consoleInputFieldOrComboBox(); if (tf != null) { //print("Focusing console"); tf.requestFocus(); } } static String localSnippetTitle(String snippetID) { if (!isLocalSnippetID(snippetID)) return null; File f = localSnippetFile(snippetID); if (!f.exists()) return null; return or2(getFileInfoField(dropExtension(f), "Title"), "Unnamed"); } static boolean isImageServerSnippet(long id) { return id >= 1100000 && id < 1200000; } static String imageServerURL() { return or2(trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("image-server-url.txt"))), ""); } static String muricaCredentialsQuery() { return htmlQuery(muricaCredentials()); } static boolean isGeneralFileServerSnippet(long id) { return id >= 1400000 && id < 1500000; } static String standardCredentials_noCookies() { return standardCredentials() + "&noCookies=1"; } static boolean saveTextFileIfChanged(File f, String contents) { return saveTextFileIfDifferent(f, contents); } static File snippetTitle_cacheFile(String snippetID) { return javaxCachesDir("Snippet Titles/" + psI(snippetID)); } static Set newWeakHashSet() { return synchroWeakHashSet(); } static Object makeDependent_postProcess; static void makeDependent(Object c) { if (c == null) return; assertTrue("Not a class", c instanceof Class); dependentClasses(); // cleans up the list hotwire_classes.add(new WeakReference(c)); Object local_log = getOpt(mc(), "local_log"); if (local_log != null) setOpt(c, "local_log", local_log); /*if (isTrue(getOpt(c, 'ping_actions_shareable))) setOpt(c, +ping_actions);*/ Object print_byThread = getOpt(mc(), "print_byThread"); if (print_byThread != null) setOpt(c, "print_byThread", print_byThread); callF(makeDependent_postProcess, c); } static void setConsoleInput(String text) { consoleSetInput(text); } static JComponent consoleInputFieldOrComboBox() { Object console = get(getJavaX(), "console"); JComboBox cb = (JComboBox) (getOpt(console, "cbInput")); if (cb != null) return cb; return (JTextField) getOpt(console, "tfInput"); } static String getFileInfoField(File f, String field) { return getOneLineFileInfoField(f, field); } static File dropExtension(File f) { return f == null ? null : fileInSameDir(f, dropExtension(f.getName())); } static String dropExtension(String s) { return takeFirst(s, smartLastIndexOf(s, '.')); } static String htmlQuery(Map params) { return empty(params) ? "" : "?" + makePostData(params); } static String htmlQuery(Object... data) { return empty(data) ? "" : "?" + makePostData(data); } static Object[] muricaCredentials() { String pass = muricaPassword(); return nempty(pass) ? new Object[] {"_pass", pass } : new Object[0]; } static boolean saveTextFileIfDifferent(File f, String contents) { if (eq(loadTextFile(f), contents)) return false; // TODO: optimize { saveTextFile(f, contents); return true; } } static Set synchroWeakHashSet() { return Collections.newSetFromMap((Map) newWeakHashMap()); } static List dependentClasses() { return cleanUpAndGetWeakReferencesList(hotwire_classes); } static String getOneLineFileInfoField(File f, String field) { File infoFile = associatedInfosFile(f); List lines = lines(loadTextFile(infoFile)); return firstStartingWithIC_drop(lines, field + ": "); } static File fileInSameDir(File f, String newName) { return newFile(parentFile(f), newName); } static int smartLastIndexOf(String s, char c) { if (s == null) return 0; int i = s.lastIndexOf(c); return i >= 0 ? i : l(s); } static String makePostData(Map map) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) { String key = (String) (e.getKey()); Object val = e.getValue(); if (val != null) { String value = str(val); if (nempty(buf)) buf.append("&"); buf.append(urlencode(key)).append("=").append(urlencode(/*escapeMultichars*/(value))); } } return str(buf); } static String makePostData(Object... params) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = l(params); for (int i = 0; i+1 < n; i += 2) { String key = (String) (params[i]); Object val = params[i+1]; if (val != null) { String value = str(val); if (nempty(buf)) buf.append("&"); buf.append(urlencode(key)).append("=").append(urlencode(/*escapeMultichars*/(value))); } } return str(buf); } static volatile boolean muricaPassword_pretendNotAuthed = false; static String muricaPassword() { if (muricaPassword_pretendNotAuthed) return null; return trim(loadTextFile(muricaPasswordFile())); } static List> hotwire_classes = synchroList(); static Class hotwireDependent(String src) { Class c = hotwire(src); makeDependent(c); return c; } static List cleanUpAndGetWeakReferencesList(List> l) { if (l == null) return null; synchronized(l) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) { A a = l.get(i).get(); if (a == null) l.remove(i--); else out.add(a); } return out; } } static File associatedInfosFile(File f) { return replaceExtension(f, ".infos"); } static String firstStartingWithIC_drop(Collection l, final String prefix) { for (String s : unnull(l)) if (swic(s, prefix)) return substring(s, l(prefix)); return null; } static String firstStartingWithIC_drop(String prefix, Collection l) { return firstStartingWithIC_drop(l, prefix); } static File parentFile(File f) { return dirOfFile(f); } static File muricaPasswordFile() { return new File(javaxSecretDir(), "murica/muricaPasswordFile"); } static File replaceExtension(File f, String extOld, String extNew) { return newFile(replaceExtension(f2s(f), extOld, extNew)); } static File replaceExtension(File f, String extNew) { return replaceExtension(f, fileExtension(f), extNew); } static String replaceExtension(String s, String extOld, String extNew) { s = dropSuffixIC(addPrefixOptIfNempty(".", extOld), s); return s + addPrefixOptIfNempty(".", extNew); } static String replaceExtension(String name, String extNew) { return replaceExtension(name, fileExtension(name), extNew); } static File dirOfFile(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.getParentFile(); } static String fileExtension(File f) { if (f == null) return null; return fileExtension(f.getName()); } static String fileExtension(String s) { return substring(s, smartLastIndexOf(s, '.')); } static String dropSuffixIC(String suffix, String s) { return s == null ? null : ewic(s, suffix) ? s.substring(0, l(s)-l(suffix)) : s; } static String addPrefixOptIfNempty(String prefix, String s) { return addPrefixIfNotEmpty2(prefix, s); } static String addPrefixIfNotEmpty2(String prefix, String s) { return empty(s) ? "" : addPrefix(prefix, s); } static String addPrefix(String prefix, String s) { return s.startsWith(prefix) ? s : prefix + s; } // immutable, has strong refs final static class _MethodCache { final Class c; final HashMap> cache = new HashMap(); _MethodCache(Class c) { this.c = c; _init(); } void _init() { Class _c = c; while (_c != null) { for (Method m : _c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (!isAbstract(m) && !reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) multiMapPut(cache, m.getName(), makeAccessible(m)); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } // add default methods - this might lead to a duplication // because the overridden method is also added, but it's not // a problem except for minimal performance loss. for (Class intf : allInterfacesImplementedBy(c)) for (Method m : intf.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.isDefault() && !reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) multiMapPut(cache, m.getName(), makeAccessible(m)); } // Returns only matching methods Method findMethod(String method, Object[] args) { try { List m = cache.get(method); if (m == null) return null; int n = m.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method me = m.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return me; } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } Method findStaticMethod(String method, Object[] args) { try { List m = cache.get(method); if (m == null) return null; int n = m.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method me = m.get(i); if (isStaticMethod(me) && call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return me; } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } }static abstract class VF1 implements IVF1 { public abstract void get(A a); }static abstract class VF3 { abstract void get(A a, B b, C c); }static abstract class VF2 { abstract void get(A a, B b); }static class ConceptWithGlobalID extends Concept implements IHasGlobalID { GlobalID globalID = aGlobalIDObjUnlessLoading(); public GlobalID globalID() { return globalID; } public String globalIDStr() { return strOrNull(globalID); } String prependGlobalID(String s) { return globalID == null ? s : "[" + globalID + "] " + s; } }static class Matches { String[] m; Matches() {} Matches(String... m) { this.m = m;} String get(int i) { return i < m.length ? m[i] : null; } String unq(int i) { return unquote(get(i)); } String tlc(int i) { return unq(i).toLowerCase(); } boolean bool(int i) { return "true".equals(unq(i)); } String rest() { return m[m.length-1]; } // for matchStart int psi(int i) { return Integer.parseInt(unq(i)); } public String toString() { return "Matches(" + joinWithComma(quoteAll(asList(m))) + ")"; } public int hashCode() { return _hashCode(toList(m)); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return o instanceof Matches && arraysEqual(m, ((Matches) o).m); } } static class Var implements IVar { Var() {} Var(A v) { this.v = v;} A v; // you can access this directly if you use one thread public synchronized void set(A a) { if (v != a) { v = a; notifyAll(); } } public synchronized A get() { return v; } public synchronized boolean has() { return v != null; } public synchronized void clear() { v = null; } public String toString() { return str(get()); } }static class WaitForAnswer_YesNo { String question; IF1 answer; String answer(String s) { return answer != null ? answer.get(s) : answer_base(s); } final String answer_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : answer_base(s); } String answer_base(String s) { if (isCancelCommand(s)) return cancel(); if (isYes(s)) { cancelSilently(); return processAnswer(true); } if (match("no", s)) { cancelSilently(); return processAnswer(false); } return otherInput(s); } IF1 isYes; boolean isYes(String s) { return isYes != null ? isYes.get(s) : isYes_base(s); } final boolean isYes_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : isYes_base(s); } boolean isYes_base(String s) { return main.isYes(s); } IF1 isNo; boolean isNo(String s) { return isNo != null ? isNo.get(s) : isNo_base(s); } final boolean isNo_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : isNo_base(s); } boolean isNo_base(String s) { return main.isNo(s); } IF1 otherInput; String otherInput(String s) { return otherInput != null ? otherInput.get(s) : otherInput_base(s); } final String otherInput_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : otherInput_base(s); } String otherInput_base(String s) { return "I don't understand. Yes or no?"; } IF1 processAnswer; String processAnswer(boolean yes) { return processAnswer != null ? processAnswer.get(yes) : processAnswer_base(yes); } final String processAnswer_fallback(IF1 _f, boolean yes) { return _f != null ? _f.get(yes) : processAnswer_base(yes); } String processAnswer_base(boolean yes) { return "You said " + yesNo_short(yes); } IF1 isCancelCommand; boolean isCancelCommand(String s) { return isCancelCommand != null ? isCancelCommand.get(s) : isCancelCommand_base(s); } final boolean isCancelCommand_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : isCancelCommand_base(s); } boolean isCancelCommand_base(String s) { return match("cancel", s); } Runnable cancelSilently; void cancelSilently() { if (cancelSilently != null); else cancelSilently_base(); } final void cancelSilently_fallback(Runnable _f) { if (_f != null); else cancelSilently_base(); } void cancelSilently_base() { print("Cancelling"); } IF0 cancel; String cancel() { return cancel != null ? cancel.get() : cancel_base(); } final String cancel_fallback(IF0 _f) { return _f != null ? _f.get() : cancel_base(); } String cancel_base() { cancelSilently(); return "Action cancelled"; } }static abstract class TokCondition { abstract boolean get(List tok, int i); // i = N Index }static abstract class LiveValue { abstract Class getType(); abstract A get(); abstract void onChange(Runnable l); abstract void removeOnChangeListener(Runnable l); void onChangeAndNow(Runnable l) { onChange(l); callF(l); } }static class Dyn_FieldWatcher { DynModule module; String field; Object value; Runnable action; transient IF1 cloneValue; Object cloneValue(Object o) { return cloneValue != null ? cloneValue.get(o) : cloneValue_base(o); } final Object cloneValue_fallback(IF1 _f, Object o) { return _f != null ? _f.get(o) : cloneValue_base(o); } Object cloneValue_base(Object o) { return o; } Dyn_FieldWatcher(DynModule module, String field, Runnable action) { this(module, field, action, null); } Dyn_FieldWatcher(DynModule module, String field, Runnable action, IF1 cloneValue) { this.cloneValue = cloneValue; this.action = action; this.field = field; this.module = module; value = cloneValue(get(module, field)); // Let's do both for safety module.onChange(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { check(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "check();"; }}); module.onFieldChange(new VF1() { public void get(String f) { try { if (eq(f, field)) check(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(f, field))\r\n check();"; }}); } void check() { Object newValue = cloneValue(get(module, field)); if (eq(value, newValue)) return; value = newValue; dm_q(module, action); } }static class GlobalID implements Comparable { // We need 76 bits for 26^16 IDs long a; // lower 64 bits int b; // 76-64=12 higher bits; could be short. change to short when unstructure() is smarter GlobalID() {} GlobalID(String id) { assertGlobalID(id); BigInteger value = bigint(0); for (int i = 0; i < l(id); i++) value = plus(mul(value, 26), charDiff(id.charAt(i), 'a')); a = value.longValue(); value = value.shiftRight(64); b = value.shortValue(); } public String toString() { BigInteger value = bigint(b); value = value.shiftLeft(32); value = plus(value, (a >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); value = value.shiftLeft(32); value = plus(value, a & 0xFFFFFFFFL); return bigintToGlobalID(value); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof GlobalID)) return false; return ((GlobalID) o).a == a && ((GlobalID) o).b == b; } public int hashCode() { return (int) a; } // matches ID's lexical ordering public int compareTo(GlobalID id) { int diff = b-id.b; return diff != 0 ? diff : Long.compareUnsigned(a, id.a); } }static class Q implements AutoCloseable { String name = "Unnamed Queue"; List q = synchroLinkedList(); ReliableSingleThread rst = new ReliableSingleThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { _run() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_run()"; }}); volatile boolean retired = false; Q() {} Q(String name) { = name;} void add(Runnable r) { q.add(r); _trigger(); } void addInFront(Runnable r) { q.add(0, r); _trigger(); } void _trigger() { = name; rst.go(); } void add(Object r) { add(toRunnable(r)); } void _run() { Runnable r; while (licensed() && !retired && (r = syncPopFirst(q)) != null) { try {; } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } } public void close() { retired = true; } // TODO: interrupt thread void done() {} // legacy function boolean isEmpty() { return q.isEmpty(); } int size() { return q.size(); } Object mutex() { return q; } // clients can synchronize on this List snapshot() { return cloneList(q); } }static class SnippetSelectForm { VF1 onSelected; String snippetTitle; String forceType; JDesktopPane desktop = mainDesktopPane(); Container frame; JList list; JTextField tfCmd; JLabel status; JButton btnReload, btnRun, btnClear, btnOK; String submittedInput; volatile boolean searching = false; long lastSearch; // time of last search int searchDelay = 100; int maxResults = 100; int autoResearchInterval = 30000; // 30 secs List actionHistory = synchroList(); SnippetSelectForm() {} SnippetSelectForm(VF1 onSelected) { this.onSelected = onSelected;} void go() { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { frame = showFramePossiblyInternal(desktop, "Select Snippet - " + programTitle()); list = new JList(); onDoubleClickAndEnter(list, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ok() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ok()"; }}); ActionListener go = new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { tfCmd.selectAll(); search(true); } catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); }}}; btnReload = new JButton(isWindows() ? "Reload" : "\u27F3"); btnReload.addActionListener(go); btnClear = new JButton("X"); btnClear.setToolTipText("Show latest"); btnClear.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { tfCmd.setText(""); } catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); }}}); tfCmd = new JTextField(); btnOK = listDependentButton(list, "OK", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ok(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ok();"; }}); JPanel controls = jflow(btnClear, btnReload, btnOK); JPanel north = centerAndEast( withLabel("Search term:", tfCmd), controls); status = new JLabel(" "); JPanel panel = northCenterAndSouth(north, list, status); onEnter(tfCmd, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ok(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ok();"; }}); if (frame instanceof JFrame) onWindowActivated((JFrame) frame, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { search(false) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "search(false)"; }}); installTimer(tfCmd, new Runnable() { String lastContents; boolean autoSearchOn = true; public void run() { String text = getInput(); if (text.equals(lastContents)) { if (now() > lastSearch + autoResearchInterval || (!text.equals(submittedInput) && autoSearchOn && !searching)) search(false); } else lastContents = text; } }, searchDelay); frame.add(panel); frame.setBounds(100, 100, 500, 400); search(false); focusLater(tfCmd); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "frame = showFramePossiblyInternal(desktop, \"Select Snippet - \" + programTitle..."; }}); } String getInput() { return tfCmd.getText().trim(); } void search(String cmd, final boolean requestFocus) { try { searching = true; try { status("Searching " + quote(cmd) + "..."); if (empty(cmd)) cmd = "_"; if (nempty(forceType)) cmd += " type:" + forceType; //if (cbAll.isSelected()) //cmd += " type:runnable"; List l = tbSearch_url(tb_mainServer() + "/tb/search.php?q=" + urlencode(cmd) + "&limit=" + maxResults + "&sort=modified" + standardCredentials()); final DefaultListModel model = new DefaultListModel(); for (Snippet s : l) model.addElement( + " - " + s.title); swingLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { list.setModel(model); if (model.size() != 0) list.setSelectedIndex(0); status("Found " + model.size() + (model.size() == maxResults ? "+" : "") + " snippet(s)."); if (requestFocus) tfCmd.requestFocus(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "list.setModel(model);\r\n if (model.size() != 0) list.setSelectedIndex(0..."; }}); } finally { searching = false; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } void status(final String s) { swingLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { status.setText(s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "status.setText(s);"; }}); } void search(final boolean requestFocus) { submittedInput = getInput(); lastSearch = now(); final String cmd = submittedInput; actionHistory.add(format3("*: Searching *", now(), cmd)); { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { search(cmd, requestFocus); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "search(cmd, requestFocus);"; }}); } } void ok() { final String s = getSelectedItem(list); final int i = indexOf(s, " - "); if (i < 0) return; snippetTitle = substring(s, i+3); { startThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { disposePossiblyInternalFrame(frame); try { AutoCloseable __1 = holdInstance(SnippetSelectForm.this); try { callF(onSelected, takeFirst(s, i)); } finally { _close(__1); }} catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "disposePossiblyInternalFrame(frame);\r\n try {\r\n AutoCloseable __1..."; }}); } } }final static class ConceptFieldIndexDesc implements IConceptIndex, IFieldIndex, IConceptCounter { Class cc; String field; HashMap objectToValue = new HashMap(); MultiSetMap valueToObject; ConceptFieldIndexDesc() { valueToObject = treeMultiSetMap(reverseOrder()); } ConceptFieldIndexDesc(Class cc, String field) { this(mainConcepts, cc, field); } ConceptFieldIndexDesc(Concepts concepts, Class cc, String field) { this(); this.field = field; = cc; concepts.addConceptIndex(this); for (A c : list(concepts, cc)) updateImpl(c); concepts.addFieldIndex(cc, field, this); } public void update(Concept c) { if (!isInstance(cc, c)) return; updateImpl(c); } synchronized void updateImpl(Concept c) { Val newValue = (Val) (cget(c, field)); Val oldValue = objectToValue.get(c); if (newValue == null || newValue != oldValue) { valueToObject.remove(oldValue, (A) c); valueToObject.put(newValue, (A) c); objectToValue.put((A) c, newValue); } } public synchronized void remove(Concept c) { if (!isInstance(cc, c)) return; Val value = (Val) (cget(c, field)); objectToValue.remove(c); valueToObject.remove(value, (A) c); } synchronized A get(Val value) { return valueToObject.getFirst(value); } public synchronized Collection getAll(Val value) { return valueToObject.get(value); } public synchronized List allValues() { return cloneKeys_noSync(; } IterableIterator objectIterator() { return navigableMultiSetMapValuesIterator_concurrent(valueToObject, this); } public synchronized MultiSet allValues_multiSet() { return multiSetMapToMultiSet(valueToObject); } public Class conceptClass() { return cc; } public int countConcepts() { return l(objectToValue); } public Collection allConcepts() { return (Collection) keys(objectToValue); } Object mutex() { return this; } synchronized Collection objectsWithValueGreaterThan(Object value) { SortedMap> subMap = ((SortedMap>); return concatLists(values(subMap)); } }static class Lowest { A best; double score; transient Object onChange; synchronized boolean isNewBest(double score) { return best == null || score < this.score; } synchronized double bestScore() { return best == null ? Double.NaN : score; } double score() { return bestScore(); } synchronized float floatScore() { return best == null ? Float.NaN : (float) score; } synchronized float floatScoreOr(float defaultValue) { return best == null ? defaultValue : (float) score; } boolean put(A a, double score) { boolean change = false; synchronized(this) { if (a != null && isNewBest(score)) { best = a; this.score = score; change = true; } } if (change) pcallF(onChange); return change; } synchronized void clear() { best = null; score = 0; } synchronized A get() { return best; } synchronized boolean has() { return best != null; } synchronized Pair pair() { return best == null ? null : new Pair(best, bestScore()); } }static interface IResourceLoader { String loadSnippet(String snippetID); String getTranspiled(String snippetID); // with libs int getSnippetType(String snippetID); String getSnippetTitle(String snippetID); File loadLibrary(String snippetID); File pathToJavaXJar(); File getSnippetJar(String snippetID, String transpiledSrc); } abstract static class DynCRUD extends DynModule { static boolean _switchableField_caseID = true; String caseID; transient Concepts cc = db_mainConcepts(); transient Class conceptClass; transient SimpleCRUD crud; transient boolean addCountToName = true, addCountToName_installed; void start_DynCRUD() { // set flag to save space if (cc == db_mainConcepts()) dbWithCase(caseID); // So we can do stuff in overridden start methods crud = makeCRUD(); // so we can customize early if (addCountToName) addCountToName(); } public JComponent visualize() { if (crud == null) start_DynCRUD(); makeConceptsTable_idWidth = 0; showConceptsTable_afterUpdate.set(new VF1() { public void get(JTable t) { try { int n = tableColumnCount(t); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) setColumnName(t, i, i == 0 ? "" : humanizeFormLabel(getColumnName(t, i))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "int n = tableColumnCount(t);\r\n for i to n:\r\n setColumnName(t, i, i ==..."; }}); return withMargin(crud.make_dontStartBots()); } SimpleCRUD makeCRUD() { return new SimpleCRUD(cc, conceptClass); } JTable table() { return crud == null ? null : crud.table; } A selected() { return crud == null ? null : crud.selectedConcept(); } void addButton(JComponent button) { if (crud != null) addComponent(crud.buttons, button); } void addButton(String name, Object action) { addButton(jbutton(name, action)); } void addSelectionDependentButton(String name, Object action) { addButton(tableDependentButton(table(), name, action)); } void makeSortable() { // broken? addRowSorter(table()); rowSorter_setComparatorForAllColumns(table(), alphaNumComparator()); } String searchTerm() { return crud == null || crud.tableSearcher == null ? null : gtt(crud.tableSearcher.tfInput); } void addCountToName() { if (addCountToName_installed) return; addCountToName_installed = true; onConceptChangeAndNow(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __51 = enter(); try { setModuleName(dm_originalModuleName() + " (" + conceptCount() + ")") ; } finally { _close(__51); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp enter(); setModuleName(dm_originalModuleName() + \" (\" + conceptCount() ..."; }}); } Concepts conceptsObject() { return crud.concepts; } // overwrite for compact modules to work List list(Class c) { return conceptsObject().list(c); } // API List concepts() { AutoCloseable __52 = enter(); try { return list(conceptClass); } finally { _close(__52); }} List data() { return concepts(); } List list() { return concepts(); } List conceptsOfType(String type) { AutoCloseable __53 = enter(); try { return conceptsObject().list(type); } finally { _close(__53); }} // TODO: use index List conceptsOfTypeWhere(String type, Object[] params) { AutoCloseable __54 = enter(); try { return filterConcepts(conceptsOfType(type), params); } finally { _close(__54); }} int conceptCount() { AutoCloseable __55 = enter(); try { return countConcepts(cc, conceptClass); } finally { _close(__55); }} void deleteAll() { AutoCloseable __56 = enter(); try { deleteConcepts(cc, conceptClass); } finally { _close(__56); }} void addDialog() { AutoCloseable __57 = enter(); try { crud.newConcept(); } finally { _close(__57); }} A uniqConcept(Object... params) { return uniq_sync(cc, conceptClass, params); } Pair uniqConcept2(Object... params) { return uniq2_sync(cc, conceptClass, params); } int cset(Concept c, Object... values) { return _cset(c, values); } DynCRUD() {} DynCRUD(Class conceptClass) { this.conceptClass = conceptClass;} void start() { try { super.start(); start_DynCRUD(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } }static class Either { byte which; Object value; Either() {} Either(int which, Object value) { this.which = (byte) which; this.value = value; } boolean isA() { return which == 1; } boolean isB() { return which == 2; } A a() { if (which != 1) _failMe(); return (A) value; } B b() { if (which != 2) _failMe(); return (B) value; } A aOpt() { return which != 1 ? null : (A) value; } B bOpt() { return which != 2 ? null : (B) value; } void _failMe() { throw fail("Either object is of wrong type: " + shortClassName(value)); } public String toString() { return "Either" + (isA() ? "A" : "B") + "(" + value + ")"; } }static class MMOPattern { static class Phrase extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ String phrase; boolean quoted = false; Phrase() {} Phrase(String phrase, boolean quoted) { this.quoted = quoted; this.phrase = phrase;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + phrase + ", " + quoted + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Phrase)) return false; Phrase x = (Phrase) o; return eq(phrase, x.phrase) && eq(quoted, x.quoted); } public int hashCode() { int h = -1905095975; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(phrase)); h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(quoted)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {phrase, quoted}; } } static class And extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ List l; And() {} And(List l) { this.l = l;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + l + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof And)) return false; And x = (And) o; return eq(l, x.l); } public int hashCode() { int h = 65975; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(l)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {l}; } } static class Or extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ List l; Or() {} Or(List l) { this.l = l;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + l + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Or)) return false; Or x = (Or) o; return eq(l, x.l); } public int hashCode() { int h = 2563; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(l)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {l}; } } static class Not extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ MMOPattern p; Not() {} Not(MMOPattern p) { this.p = p;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + p + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Not)) return false; Not x = (Not) o; return eq(p, x.p); } public int hashCode() { int h = 78515; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(p)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {p}; } } // v2 patterns static class Weighted extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ static final String _fieldOrder = "weight p"; double weight; MMOPattern p; Weighted() {} Weighted(double weight, MMOPattern p) { this.p = p; this.weight = weight;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + weight + ", " + p + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Weighted)) return false; Weighted x = (Weighted) o; return eq(weight, x.weight) && eq(p, x.p); } public int hashCode() { int h = -446368457; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(weight)); h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(p)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {weight, p}; } } static class StartOfLine extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ MMOPattern p; StartOfLine() {} StartOfLine(MMOPattern p) { this.p = p;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + p + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof StartOfLine)) return false; StartOfLine x = (StartOfLine) o; return eq(p, x.p); } public int hashCode() { int h = -326863539; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(p)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {p}; } } static class EndOfLine extends MMOPattern implements IFieldsToList{ MMOPattern p; EndOfLine() {} EndOfLine(MMOPattern p) { this.p = p;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + p + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof EndOfLine)) return false; EndOfLine x = (EndOfLine) o; return eq(p, x.p); } public int hashCode() { int h = -810372346; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(p)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {p}; } } }static abstract class DynModule { // we really shouldn't have used up these variable names // (subclasses can't overload them due to how the persistence works) String name, toolTip; // module name, module tool tip in task bar PersistableThrowable _error; Map> mechLists; Map _persistenceInfo; transient Object _host; transient Map timers = newWeakHashMap(); // all kinds of resources actually; value is closer helper transient Set _resources = synchroHashSet(); transient Lock lock; // set by stem transient boolean persistOnChangedField = true; transient int changeCount; transient Object changeCountSync = new Object(); transient List onChange; transient List onTransientChange; transient boolean verboseTimers = false; transient ReliableSingleThread rstUpdate; transient Set componentFieldsToKeep; transient Map transientGeneralMap = synchroHashMap(); transient Q q; // module command queue transient List onFieldChange; // also for non-persistent fields. L transient boolean _hasPreviousBounds = false; transient StringBuffer _printLog = new StringBuffer(); transient boolean deleted = false; DynModule() { dm_initErrorHandling(); setMainDesktopPane((JDesktopPane) getCreatorOpt("desktop")); } boolean isVisible() { return isTrue(getOpt(_host, "visible")); } String moduleName() { return name; } void setModuleName(String name) { String oldName =; if (!eq(name, oldName)) { setField("name", name); possiblyInternalFrameTitle(vis(), name); vmBus_send("moduleNameChange", this, oldName, name); } } void setModuleToolTip(String toolTip) { this.toolTip = toolTip; } JComponent vis() { return (JComponent) getOpt(_host, "vis"); } A ownResource(A a) { if (a != null) _resources.add(a); return a; } A ownTimer(A timer) { if (timer instanceof AutoCloseable) ownResource((AutoCloseable) timer); ownTimer(timer, "cancelTimerOrInterruptThread"); return timer; } void ownTimer(Object timer, Object closerHelper) { timers.put(timer, closerHelper); } void singleTimer(java.util.Timer timer) { stopAllTimers(); ownTimer(timer); } void stopAllTimers() { for (AutoCloseable resource : getAndClearList(_resources)) { if (verboseTimers) print("Releasing resource: " + resource); try { resource.close(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } { final Map __0 = getAndClearMap(timers); for (Object timer : keys( __0)) { Object closerHelper = __0.get(timer); if (verboseTimers) print("Stopping timer: " + closerHelper + " / " + timer); pcallFInRealOrMyMC(this, closerHelper, timer); }} } boolean isDeleted() { return deleted; } void cleanMeUp_dynModule() { deleted = true; stopAllTimers(); } void persistMe() { synchronized(changeCountSync) { ++changeCount; } pcallFAll(onChange); callOpt(_host, "_change"); updateMe(); } void fireChangeWithoutPersisting() { pcallFAll(onChange); } void fireTransientChange() { pcallFAll(onTransientChange); } void _change() { persistMe(); } void change() { persistMe(); } void updateMe() { rstUpdate().trigger(); } void changeAndUpdate() { _change(); updateMe(); } boolean setField(String name, Object value) { AutoCloseable __5 = enter(); try { { // lock lock; // this leads to too many problems try { // some really weird classes fail on equals() (BCEL JavaClass, I'm looking at you) if (eq(get(this, name), value)) return false; } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } set(this, name, value); } // releasing lock before calling _change()! pcallFAll(onFieldChange, name); if (persistOnChangedField //&& !isTransientField(this, name) && !isFalse(mapGet(_persistenceInfo, name))) _change(); return true; } finally { _close(__5); }} A setFieldAndReturn(String name, A value) { setField(name, value); return value; } boolean setFields(Object... params) { boolean change = false; for (int i = 0; i < l(params); i += 2) if (setField((String) params[i], params[i+1])) change = true; return change; } void start() { _hasPreviousBounds = dm_getBounds() != null; if (hasMethod_onTypes(this, "onTopInput", String.class)) dm_onTopInput_q(new VF1() { public void get(String s) { try { call(module(), "onTopInput", s) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "call(module(), 'onTopInput, s)"; }}); } void revisualize() { call(creator(), "revisualizeModule", _host); } AutoCloseable enter() { AutoCloseable c = tempSetThreadLocal(dm_currentModule_value, new WeakReference(this)); final Object realMC = getMainClass(this); if (printToModule()) c = combineAutoCloseables(c, tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted(_printToModuleInterceptor())); if (realMC != mc()) { if (printToModule()) c = combineAutoCloseables(c, (AutoCloseable) callOpt(realMC, "tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted", _printToModuleInterceptor())); else c = combineAutoCloseables(c, tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted(new F1() { public Boolean get(String s) { try { { call(realMC, "print", s); return false; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret false with call(realMC, 'print, s);"; }})); c = combineAutoCloseables(c, tempSetTL(realMC_tl(), realMC)); } return c; } F1 _printToModuleInterceptor() { return new F1() { public Boolean get(String s) { try { if (print_preprocess != null) s = (String) callF(print_preprocess, s); s = fixNewLines(s); Appendable loc = _printLog; Appendable buf = print_log; int loc_max = print_log_max; if (buf != loc && buf != null) { print_append(buf, s, print_log_max); loc_max = local_log_max; } if (loc != null) print_append(loc, s, loc_max); System.out.print(s); return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (print_preprocess != null) s = (S) callF(print_preprocess, s);\r\n s = ..."; }}; } boolean printToModule() { return true; } // on by default now AutoCloseable enterAndLock() { return combineAutoCloseables(enter(), tempLock(lock)); } boolean setError(Throwable e) { setField("_error" , persistableThrowable(e)); return true; } void clearError() { setField("_error" , null); } void onChange(Runnable r) { Lock __1 = lock; lock(__1); try { if (onChange == null) onChange = synchroList(); addIfNotThere(onChange, r); } finally { unlock(__1); } } void onFieldChange(VF1 r) { Lock __2 = lock; lock(__2); try { if (onFieldChange == null) onFieldChange = synchroList(); addIfNotThere(onFieldChange, r); } finally { unlock(__2); } } void onChangeAndNow(Runnable r) { onChange(r); callF(r); } // forward to main class void onChangeAndNow(JComponent c, Object r) { onUpdateAndNow(c, r); } /*static*/ A onChange(A tc, Object r) { onUpdate(tc, r); return tc; } void update() {} void unvisualize() { zeroAllFieldsOfTypeExcept(this, Component.class, componentFieldsToKeep); } // return L (legacy) // or litobjectarray(text, Runnable, text, Runnable, ...) Object menuItems() { return null; } void enhanceFrame(Container f) { Object items = menuItems(); if (items instanceof Object[]) items = paramsToAbstractActions((Object[]) items); internalFramePopupMenuFromActions_threaded(f, (List) items); String switchableFields = (String) (callOpt(this, "switchableFields")); Set set = asLinkedHashSet(splitAtSpace(switchableFields)); Matches m = new Matches(); for (String field : allFields(this)) if (startsWith(field, "_switchableField_", m)) set.add(; for (String field : set) { Class type = fieldType(this, field); if (eq(boolean.class, type)) dm_boolFieldMenuItem(f, field); else if (eq(int.class, type)) dm_intFieldMenuItem(f, field); else if (eq(double.class, type)) dm_doubleFieldMenuItem(f, field); else if (eq(String.class, type)) dm_stringFieldMenuItem(f, field); } } // assume this is called in start(), so no locking ReliableSingleThread rstUpdate() { if (rstUpdate == null) rstUpdate = dm_rst(this, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __6 = enter(); try { update(); } finally { _close(__6); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp enter(); update();"; }}); return rstUpdate; } Q q() { AutoCloseable __7 = enter(); try { if (q == null) { Lock __3 = lock; lock(__3); try { if (q == null) q = dm_startQ(); } finally { unlock(__3); } } return q; } finally { _close(__7); }} A withUpdate(A a) { rstUpdate().trigger(); return a; } DynModule module() { return this; } DynModule me() { return this; } JComponent visualize() { return dm_noVisualisation(); } String programTitle_cache; String programTitle() { if (programTitle_cache == null) programTitle_cache = snippetTitle(programID(mainClass(this))); return programTitle_cache; } // field must be non-transient void doPersist(String field) { _persistenceInfo = mapMinus(_persistenceInfo, field); } void dontPersist(String field) { _persistenceInfo = mapPlus(_persistenceInfo, "field" , false); } Appendable _actualPrintLog() { return printToModule() ? _printLog : print_log; } } static void _registerTimer(java.util.Timer timer) { _registerTimer_original(timer); dm_currentModule().ownTimer(timer); } /* TODO: thread {} should enter the module svoid _onLoad_moduleThreadInfo { _threadInfo_addMakerAndRetriever( voidfunc(Map map) { mapPut(map, dm_current := dm_currentModule()) }, voidfunc(Map map) { dm_enter((S) map.get('dm_current)) }); } */ static class Pair implements Comparable> { A a; B b; Pair() {} Pair(A a, B b) { this.b = b; this.a = a;} public int hashCode() { return hashCodeFor(a) + 2*hashCodeFor(b); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Pair)) return false; Pair t = (Pair) o; return eq(a, t.a) && eq(b, t.b); } public String toString() { return "<" + a + ", " + b + ">"; } public int compareTo(Pair p) { if (p == null) return 1; int i = ((Comparable) a).compareTo(p.a); if (i != 0) return i; return ((Comparable) b).compareTo(p.b); } }// for an example, see #1027660 static class CRUD { CRUD() {} CRUD(Class conceptClass) { this.conceptClass = conceptClass;} CRUD(Concepts cc, Class conceptClass) { this.conceptClass = conceptClass; = cc;} static boolean _switchableField_caseID = true; String caseID; transient Concepts cc = db_mainConcepts(); transient Class conceptClass; transient SimpleCRUD crud; transient boolean addCountToName = true, addCountToName_installed; void start_DynCRUD() { // set flag to save space if (cc == db_mainConcepts()) dbWithCase(caseID); // So we can do stuff in overridden start methods crud = makeCRUD(); // so we can customize early if (addCountToName) addCountToName(); } public JComponent visualize() { if (crud == null) start_DynCRUD(); makeConceptsTable_idWidth = 0; showConceptsTable_afterUpdate.set(new VF1() { public void get(JTable t) { try { int n = tableColumnCount(t); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) setColumnName(t, i, i == 0 ? "" : humanizeFormLabel(getColumnName(t, i))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "int n = tableColumnCount(t);\r\n for i to n:\r\n setColumnName(t, i, i ==..."; }}); return withMargin(crud.make_dontStartBots()); } SimpleCRUD makeCRUD() { return new SimpleCRUD(cc, conceptClass); } JTable table() { return crud == null ? null : crud.table; } A selected() { return crud == null ? null : crud.selectedConcept(); } void addButton(JComponent button) { if (crud != null) addComponent(crud.buttons, button); } void addButton(String name, Object action) { addButton(jbutton(name, action)); } void addSelectionDependentButton(String name, Object action) { addButton(tableDependentButton(table(), name, action)); } void makeSortable() { // broken? addRowSorter(table()); rowSorter_setComparatorForAllColumns(table(), alphaNumComparator()); } String searchTerm() { return crud == null || crud.tableSearcher == null ? null : gtt(crud.tableSearcher.tfInput); } void addCountToName() { if (addCountToName_installed) return; addCountToName_installed = true; onConceptChangeAndNow(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __61 = enter(); try { setModuleName(dm_originalModuleName() + " (" + conceptCount() + ")") ; } finally { _close(__61); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp enter(); setModuleName(dm_originalModuleName() + \" (\" + conceptCount() ..."; }}); } Concepts conceptsObject() { return crud.concepts; } // overwrite for compact modules to work List list(Class c) { return conceptsObject().list(c); } // API List concepts() { AutoCloseable __62 = enter(); try { return list(conceptClass); } finally { _close(__62); }} List data() { return concepts(); } List list() { return concepts(); } List conceptsOfType(String type) { AutoCloseable __63 = enter(); try { return conceptsObject().list(type); } finally { _close(__63); }} // TODO: use index List conceptsOfTypeWhere(String type, Object[] params) { AutoCloseable __64 = enter(); try { return filterConcepts(conceptsOfType(type), params); } finally { _close(__64); }} int conceptCount() { AutoCloseable __65 = enter(); try { return countConcepts(cc, conceptClass); } finally { _close(__65); }} void deleteAll() { AutoCloseable __66 = enter(); try { deleteConcepts(cc, conceptClass); } finally { _close(__66); }} void addDialog() { AutoCloseable __67 = enter(); try { crud.newConcept(); } finally { _close(__67); }} A uniqConcept(Object... params) { return uniq_sync(cc, conceptClass, params); } Pair uniqConcept2(Object... params) { return uniq2_sync(cc, conceptClass, params); } int cset(Concept c, Object... values) { return _cset(c, values); } transient IF0 enter; AutoCloseable enter() { return enter != null ? enter.get() : enter_base(); } final AutoCloseable enter_fallback(IF0 _f) { return _f != null ? _f.get() : enter_base(); } AutoCloseable enter_base() { return null; } transient IVF1 setModuleName; void setModuleName(String name) { if (setModuleName != null) setModuleName.get(name); else setModuleName_base(name); } final void setModuleName_fallback(IVF1 _f, String name) { if (_f != null) _f.get(name); else setModuleName_base(name); } void setModuleName_base(String name) {} }static class ProgramScan { static int threads = isWindows() ? 500 : 10; static int timeout = 5000; // hmm... static String ip = ""; // This range is not used anymore anyway static int quickScanFrom = 10000, quickScanTo = 10999; static int maxNumberOfVMs_android = 4; // Android will always only have one if we don't screw up static int maxNumberOfVMs_nonAndroid = 50; // 100; static int maxNumberOfVMs; static boolean verbose = false; static class Program { int port; String helloString; Program(int port, String helloString) { this.helloString = helloString; this.port = port;} } static List scan() { try { return scan(1, 65535); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static List scan(int fromPort, int toPort) { return scan(fromPort, toPort, new int[0]); } static List scan(int fromPort, int toPort, int[] preferredPorts) { try { Set preferredPortsSet = new HashSet(asList(preferredPorts)); int scanSize = toPort-fromPort+1; String name = toPort < 10000 ? "bot" : "program"; int threads = isWindows() ? min(500, scanSize) : min(scanSize, 10); final ExecutorService es = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads); if (verbose) print(firstToUpper(name) + "-scanning " + ip + " with timeout " + timeout + " ms in " + threads + " threads."); startTiming(); List> futures = new ArrayList(); List ports = new ArrayList(); for (int port : preferredPorts) { futures.add(checkPort(es, ip, port, timeout)); ports.add(port); } for (int port = fromPort; port <= toPort; port++) if (!preferredPortsSet.contains(port) && !forbiddenPort(port)) { futures.add(checkPort(es, ip, port, timeout)); ports.add(port); } es.shutdown(); List programs = new ArrayList(); long time = now(); int i = 0; for (final Future f : futures) { if (verbose) print("Waiting for port " + get(ports, i++) + " at time " + (now()-time)); Program p = f.get(); if (p != null) programs.add(p); } //stopTiming("Port Scan " + scanSize + ", " + n(threads, "threads") + ": ", 250); if (verbose) print("Found " + programs.size() + " " + name + "(s) on " + ip); return programs; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Future checkPort(final ExecutorService es, final String ip, final int port, final int timeout) { return es.submit(new Callable() { @Override public Program call() { try { Socket socket = new Socket(); try { socket.setSoTimeout(timeout); socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(ip, port), timeout); //if (verbose) print("Connected to " + ip + ":" + port); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream(), "UTF-8")); String hello = or(in.readLine(), "?"); return new Program(port, hello); } finally { socket.close(); } } catch (Exception ex) { return null; } } }); } static List quickScan() { return scan(quickScanFrom, quickScanTo); } static List quickBotScan() { return quickBotScan(new int[0]); } static List quickBotScan(int[] preferredPorts) { if (maxNumberOfVMs == 0) maxNumberOfVMs = isAndroid() ? maxNumberOfVMs_android : maxNumberOfVMs_nonAndroid; return scan(4999, 5000+maxNumberOfVMs-1, preferredPorts); } }static abstract class DialogIO implements AutoCloseable { String line; boolean eos, loud, noClose; Lock lock = lock(); abstract String readLineImpl(); abstract boolean isStillConnected(); abstract void sendLine(String line); abstract boolean isLocalConnection(); abstract Socket getSocket(); int getPort() { Socket s = getSocket(); return s == null ? 0 : s.getPort(); } boolean helloRead = false; int shortenOutputTo = 500; String readLineNoBlock() { String l = line; line = null; return l; } boolean waitForLine() { try { ping(); if (line != null) return true; //print("Readline"); line = readLineImpl(); //print("Readline done: " + line); if (line == null) eos = true; return line != null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } String readLine() { waitForLine(); helloRead = true; return readLineNoBlock(); } String ask(String s, Object... args) { if (loud) return askLoudly(s, args); if (!helloRead) readLine(); if (args.length != 0) s = format3(s, args); sendLine(s); return readLine(); } String askLoudly(String s, Object... args) { if (!helloRead) readLine(); if (args.length != 0) s = format3(s, args); print("> " + shorten(s, shortenOutputTo)); sendLine(s); String answer = readLine(); print("< " + shorten(answer, shortenOutputTo)); return answer; } void pushback(String l) { if (line != null) throw fail(); line = l; helloRead = false; } } static abstract class DialogHandler { abstract void run(DialogIO io); }static abstract class F0 { abstract A get(); }static abstract class F1 { abstract B get(A a); }// you still need to implement hasNext() and next() static abstract class IterableIterator implements Iterator, Iterable { public Iterator iterator() { return this; } public void remove() { unsupportedOperation(); } }static abstract class F2 { abstract C get(A a, B b); }abstract static class RandomAccessAbstractList extends AbstractList implements RandomAccess { }/** this class is fully thread-safe */ static class Flag implements Runnable { private boolean up = false; /** returns true if flag was down before (i.e. flag was actually raised right now) */ public synchronized boolean raise() { if (!up) { up = true; notifyAll(); return true; } else return false; } public synchronized void waitUntilUp() { while (!up) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public synchronized void waitUntilUp(long timeout) { if (!up) { try { wait(timeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } public synchronized boolean isUp() { return up; } boolean get() { return isUp(); } public String toString() { return isUp() ? "up" : "down"; } // currently does a semi-active wait with latency = 50 ms public void waitForThisOr(Flag otherFlag) { try { while (!isUp() && !otherFlag.isUp()) Thread.sleep(50); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public void run() { raise(); } }static class WaitForName { String question; IF1 answer; String answer(String s) { return answer != null ? answer.get(s) : answer_base(s); } final String answer_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : answer_base(s); } String answer_base(String s) { if (isCancelCommand(s)) return cancel(); String name = nameFromInput(s); if (name != null) { cancelSilently(); print("Processing name: " + quote(name)); return processName(s); } return otherInput(s); } IF1 nameFromInput; String nameFromInput(String s) { return nameFromInput != null ? nameFromInput.get(s) : nameFromInput_base(s); } final String nameFromInput_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : nameFromInput_base(s); } String nameFromInput_base(String s) { return s; } IF1 otherInput; String otherInput(String s) { return otherInput != null ? otherInput.get(s) : otherInput_base(s); } final String otherInput_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : otherInput_base(s); } String otherInput_base(String s) { return "I don't understand. " + question; } IF1 processName; String processName(String name) { return processName != null ? processName.get(name) : processName_base(name); } final String processName_fallback(IF1 _f, String name) { return _f != null ? _f.get(name) : processName_base(name); } String processName_base(String name) { return "You said: " + name; } IF1 isCancelCommand; boolean isCancelCommand(String s) { return isCancelCommand != null ? isCancelCommand.get(s) : isCancelCommand_base(s); } final boolean isCancelCommand_fallback(IF1 _f, String s) { return _f != null ? _f.get(s) : isCancelCommand_base(s); } boolean isCancelCommand_base(String s) { return match("cancel", s); } Runnable cancelSilently; void cancelSilently() { if (cancelSilently != null); else cancelSilently_base(); } final void cancelSilently_fallback(Runnable _f) { if (_f != null); else cancelSilently_base(); } void cancelSilently_base() { print("Cancelling"); } IF0 cancel; String cancel() { return cancel != null ? cancel.get() : cancel_base(); } final String cancel_fallback(IF0 _f) { return _f != null ? _f.get() : cancel_base(); } String cancel_base() { cancelSilently(); return "Action cancelled"; } }static class BetterLabel extends JLabel { boolean autoToolTip = true; BetterLabel() { // Listeners given out to componentPopupMenu must not directly // reference the outer object (-> weak map problem). final WeakReference < BetterLabel > me = new WeakReference<>(this); componentPopupMenu(this, BetterLabel_menuItems(me)); } BetterLabel(String text) { this(); this.setText(text); } public void setText(String text) { super.setText(text); if (autoToolTip) if (!swic(text, "")) // HTML labels make super-huge, confusing tool tips setToolTipText(nullIfEmpty(text)); } } // moved outside of class for GC reasons (see above) static VF1 BetterLabel_menuItems(final WeakReference me) { return new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { addMenuItem(menu, "Copy text to clipboard", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { copyTextToClipboard(me.get().getText()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "copyTextToClipboard(me.get().getText());"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItem(menu, \"Copy text to clipboard\", r {\r\n copyTextToClipboard(me..."; }}; }// A concept should be an object, not just a string. // Functions that should always be there for child processes: static int concepts_internStringsLongerThan = 10; static ThreadLocal concepts_unlisted = new ThreadLocal(); static interface Derefable { Concept get(); } static interface IConceptIndex { void update(Concept c); // also for adding void remove(Concept c); } static interface IFieldIndex { Collection getAll(Val val); List allValues(); // returns a cloned list MultiSet allValues_multiSet(); } // Approach to persisting the Concepts object itself (in normal // DB operation, this is not done): For simplification, speed and // compactness, we make almost all the fields transient and store only // the concepts and the idCounter. To unstructure the Concepts object, // use unstructureConcepts() or postUnstructureConcepts(), then // re-set up any indices, listeners etc. static class Concepts implements AutoCloseable { Map concepts = synchroTreeMap(); HashMap perClassData; Map miscMap; // set to "-" for non-persistent (possibly not implemented) // also, can include a case ID ("#123/1") // TODO: have an actual directory instead transient String programID; long idCounter; transient volatile long changes, changesWritten, lastChange; transient volatile java.util.Timer autoSaver; transient volatile boolean dontSave = false; transient volatile boolean savingConcepts, noXFullGrab; transient boolean vmBusSend = true; transient boolean initialSave = true; // set to false to avoid initial useless saving transient int autoSaveInterval = -1000; // 1 second + wait logic transient boolean useGZIP = true, quietSave; transient ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(true); transient ReentrantLock saverLock = new ReentrantLock(true); transient long lastSaveTook, lastSaveWas; transient float maxAutoSavePercentage = 10; transient List conceptIndices; transient Map, Map> fieldIndices; transient Map, Map> ciFieldIndices; transient List saveActions = synchroList(); transient Object classFinder = _defaultClassFinder(); transient List onAllChanged = synchroList(); // list of runnables transient Object saveWrapper; // VF1, to profile saving Concepts() {} Concepts(String programID) { this.programID = programID;} synchronized long internalID() { do { ++idCounter; } while (hasConcept(idCounter)); return idCounter; } synchronized HashMap perClassData () { if (perClassData == null) perClassData = new HashMap(); return perClassData; } void initProgramID() { if (programID == null) programID = getDBProgramID(); } // Now tries to load from bot first, then go to disk. Concepts load() { return load(false); } Concepts safeLoad() { return load(true); } Concepts load(boolean allDynamic) { initProgramID(); try { if (tryToGrab(allDynamic)) return this; } catch (Throwable e) { if (!exceptionMessageContains(e, "no xfullgrab")) printShortException(e); print("xfullgrab failed - loading DB of " + programID + " from disk"); } return loadFromDisk(allDynamic); } Concepts loadFromDisk() { return loadFromDisk(false); } Concepts loadFromDisk(boolean allDynamic) { if (nempty(concepts)) clearConcepts(); //DynamicObject_loading.set(true); // now done in unstructure() //try { // minimal crash recovery restoreLatestBackupIfConceptsFileEmpty(programID, "doIt" , true); long time = now(); Map _concepts = concepts; // empty map readLocally2_allDynamic.set(allDynamic); AutoCloseable __2 = tempSetTL(readLocally2_classFinder, classFinder); try { readLocally2(this, programID, "concepts"); Map __concepts = concepts; concepts = _concepts; concepts.putAll(__concepts); int l = readLocally_stringLength; int tokrefs = unstructure_tokrefs; assignConceptsToUs(); done("Loaded " + n(l(concepts), "concepts"), time); try { if (fileSize(getProgramFile(programID, "idCounter.structure")) != 0) readLocally2(this, programID, "idCounter"); else calcIdCounter(); } catch (Throwable e) { _handleException(e); calcIdCounter(); } /*} finally { DynamicObject_loading.set(null); }*/ if (initialSave) allChanged(); return this; } finally { _close(__2); }} Concepts loadConcepts() { return load(); } boolean tryToGrab(boolean allDynamic) { if (sameSnippetID(programID, getDBProgramID())) return false; RemoteDB db = connectToDBOpt(programID); try { if (db != null) { loadGrab(db.fullgrab(), allDynamic); return true; } return false; } finally { _close(db); }} Concepts load(String grab) { return loadGrab(grab, false); } Concepts safeLoad(String grab) { return loadGrab(grab, true); } Concepts loadGrab(String grab, boolean allDynamic) { clearConcepts(); DynamicObject_loading.set(true); try { Map map = (Map) unstructure(grab, allDynamic, classFinder); concepts.putAll(map); assignConceptsToUs(); for (long l : map.keySet()) idCounter = max(idCounter, l); } finally { DynamicObject_loading.set(null); } allChanged(); return this; } void assignConceptsToUs() { // fix unstructure bugs for (Pair p: mapToPairs((Map) (Map) concepts)) if (!(p.b instanceof Concept)) { print("DROPPING non-existant concept " + p.a + ": " + dynShortName(p.b)); concepts.remove(p.a); } for (Concept c : values(concepts)) c._concepts = this; for (Concept c : values(concepts)) callOpt_noArgs(c, "_doneLoading2"); // doneLoading2 is called on all concepts after all concepts are loaded } String progID() { return programID == null ? getDBProgramID() : programID; } Concept getConcept(String id) { return empty(id) ? null : getConcept(parseLong(id)); } Concept getConcept(long id) { return (Concept) concepts.get((long) id); } Concept getConcept(RC ref) { return ref == null ? null : getConcept(ref.longID()); } boolean hasConcept(long id) { return concepts.containsKey((long) id); } void deleteConcept(long id) { Concept c = getConcept(id); if (c == null) print("Concept " + id + " not found"); else c.delete(); } void calcIdCounter() { long id_ = 0; for (long id : keys(concepts)) id_ = max(id_, id); idCounter = id_+1; saveLocally2(this, programID, "idCounter"); } void saveConceptsIfDirty() { saveConcepts(); } void save() { saveConcepts(); } void saveConcepts() { if (dontSave) return; initProgramID(); saverLock.lock(); savingConcepts = true; long start = now(), time; try { String s = null; //synchronized(main.class) { long _changes = changes; if (_changes == changesWritten) return; final File f = getProgramFile(programID, useGZIP ? "concepts.structure.gz" : "concepts.structure"); lock.lock(); long fullTime = now(); try { saveLocally2(this, programID, "idCounter"); if (useGZIP) { callRunnableWithWrapper(saveWrapper, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { saveGZStructureToFile(f, cloneMap(concepts)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "saveGZStructureToFile(f, cloneMap(concepts));"; }}); getProgramFile(programID, "concepts.structure").delete(); } else s = fullStructure(); } finally { lock.unlock(); } while (nempty(saveActions)) pcallF(popFirst(saveActions)); changesWritten = _changes; // only update when structure didn't fail if (!useGZIP) { time = now()-start; if (!quietSave) print("Saving " + toM(l(s)) + "M chars (" /*+ changesWritten + ", "*/ + time + " ms)"); start = now(); saveTextFile(f, javaTokWordWrap(s)); getProgramFile(programID, "concepts.structure.gz").delete(); } copyFile(f, getProgramFile(programID, "backups/concepts.structure" + (useGZIP ? ".gz" : "") + ".backup" + ymd() + "-" + formatInt(hours(), 2))); time = now()-start; if (!quietSave) print(programID + ": Saved " + toK(f.length()) + " K, " + n(concepts, "concepts") + " (" + time + " ms)"); lastSaveWas = fullTime; lastSaveTook = now()-fullTime; } finally { savingConcepts = false; saverLock.unlock(); } } void _autoSaveConcepts() { if (autoSaveInterval < 0 && maxAutoSavePercentage != 0) { long pivotTime = Math.round(lastSaveWas+lastSaveTook*100.0/maxAutoSavePercentage); if (now() < pivotTime) { //print("Skipping auto-save (last save took " + lastSaveTook + ")"); return; } } try { saveConcepts(); } catch (Throwable e) { print("Concept save failed, will try again: " + e); } } String fullStructure() { return structure(cloneMap(concepts)); } void clearConcepts() { concepts.clear(); allChanged(); } void allChanged() { synchronized(this) { ++changes; lastChange = sysNow(); } if (vmBusSend) vmBus_send("conceptsChanged", this); pcallFAll(onAllChanged); } // auto-save every second if dirty synchronized void autoSaveConcepts() { if (autoSaver == null) { if (isTransient()) throw fail("Can't persist transient database"); autoSaver = doEvery_daemon(abs(autoSaveInterval), new Runnable() { public void run() { try { _autoSaveConcepts() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_autoSaveConcepts()"; }}); // print("Installed auto-saver (" + autoSaveInterval + " ms, " + progID() + ")"); } } public void close() { cleanMeUp(); } void cleanMeUp() { boolean shouldSave = autoSaver != null; if (autoSaver != null) { autoSaver.cancel(); autoSaver = null; } while (savingConcepts) sleepInCleanUp(10); if (shouldSave) saveConceptsIfDirty(); } Map getIDsAndNames() { Map map = new HashMap(); Map cloned = cloneMap(concepts); for (long id : keys(cloned)) map.put(id, cloned.get(id).className); return map; } void deleteConcepts(List l) { if (l != null) for (Object o : cloneList(l)) if (o instanceof Long) { Concept c = concepts.get(o); if (c != null) c.delete(); } else if (o instanceof Concept) ((Concept) o).delete(); else warn("Can't delete " + getClassName(o)); } A conceptOfType(Class type) { IConceptCounter counter = conceptCounterForClass(type); if (counter != null) return (A) first(counter.allConcepts()); return firstOfType(allConcepts(), type); } List conceptsOfType(Class type) { IConceptCounter counter = conceptCounterForClass(type); if (counter != null) return (List) cloneList(counter.allConcepts()); return filterByType(allConcepts(), type); } List listConcepts(Class type) { return conceptsOfType(type); } List list(Class type) { return conceptsOfType(type); } // TODO: would be better to make this Cl (indices may return sets) List list(String type) { return conceptsOfType(type); } List conceptsOfType(String type) { return filterByDynamicType(allConcepts(), "main$" + type); } boolean hasConceptOfType(Class type) { return hasType(allConcepts(), type); } void persistConcepts() { loadConcepts(); autoSaveConcepts(); } // We love synonyms void conceptPersistence() { persistConcepts(); } Concepts persist() { persistConcepts(); return this; } void persist(Integer interval) { if (interval != null) autoSaveInterval = interval; persist(); } // Runs r if there is no concept of that type A ensureHas(Class c, Runnable r) { A a = conceptOfType(c); if (a == null) {; a = conceptOfType(c); if (a == null) throw fail("Concept not made by " + r + ": " + shortClassName(c)); } return a; } // Ensures that every concept of type c1 is ref'd by a concept of // type c2. // Type of func: voidfunc(concept) void ensureHas(Class c1, Class c2, Object func) { for (Concept a : conceptsOfType(c1)) { Concept b = findBackRef(a, c2); if (b == null) { callF(func, a); b = findBackRef(a, c2); if (b == null) throw fail("Concept not made by " + func + ": " + shortClassName(c2)); } } } // Type of func: voidfunc(concept) void forEvery(Class type, Object func) { for (Concept c : conceptsOfType(type)) callF(func, c); } int deleteAll(Class type) { List l = (List) conceptsOfType(type); for (Concept c : l) c.delete(); return l(l); } Collection allConcepts() { synchronized(concepts) { return new ArrayList(values(concepts)); } } IConceptCounter conceptCounterForClass(Class c) { for (IFieldIndex idx : values(mapGet(fieldIndices, c))) if (idx instanceof IConceptCounter) return ((IConceptCounter) idx); for (IFieldIndex idx : values(mapGet(ciFieldIndices, c))) if (idx instanceof IConceptCounter) return ((IConceptCounter) idx); return null; } int countConcepts(Class c, Object... params) { if (empty(params)) { IConceptCounter counter = conceptCounterForClass(c); if (counter != null) return counter.countConcepts(); return l(list(c)); } int n = 0; for (A x : list(c)) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) ++n; return n; } int countConcepts(String c, Object... params) { if (empty(params)) return l(list(c)); int n = 0; for (Concept x : list(c)) if (checkConceptFields(x, params)) ++n; return n; } int countConcepts() { return l(concepts); } synchronized void addConceptIndex(IConceptIndex index) { if (conceptIndices == null) conceptIndices = new ArrayList(); conceptIndices.add(index); } synchronized void removeConceptIndex(IConceptIndex index) { if (conceptIndices == null) return; conceptIndices.remove(index); if (empty(conceptIndices)) conceptIndices = null; } synchronized void addFieldIndex(Class c, String field, IFieldIndex index) { if (fieldIndices == null) fieldIndices = new HashMap(); Map map = fieldIndices.get(c); if (map == null) fieldIndices.put(c, map = new HashMap()); map.put(field, index); } synchronized IFieldIndex getFieldIndex(Class c, String field) { if (fieldIndices == null) return null; Map map = fieldIndices.get(c); return map == null ? null : map.get(field); } synchronized void addCIFieldIndex(Class c, String field, IFieldIndex index) { if (ciFieldIndices == null) ciFieldIndices = new HashMap(); Map map = ciFieldIndices.get(c); if (map == null) ciFieldIndices.put(c, map = new HashMap()); map.put(field, index); } synchronized IFieldIndex getCIFieldIndex(Class c, String field) { if (ciFieldIndices == null) return null; Map map = ciFieldIndices.get(c); return map == null ? null : map.get(field); } // inter-process methods RC xnew(String name, Object... values) { return new RC(cnew(name, values)); } void xset(long id, String field, Object value) { xset(new RC(id), field, value); } void xset(RC c, String field, Object value) { if (value instanceof RC) value = getConcept((RC) value); cset(getConcept(c), field, value); } Object xget(long id, String field) { return xget(new RC(id), field); } Object xget(RC c, String field) { return xgetPost(cget(getConcept(c), field)); } Object xgetPost(Object o) { o = deref(o); if (o instanceof Concept) return new RC((Concept) o); return o; } void xdelete(long id) { xdelete(new RC(id)); } void xdelete(RC c) { getConcept(c).delete(); } void xdelete(List l) { for (RC c : l) xdelete(c); } List xlist() { return map("toPassRef", allConcepts()); } List xlist(String className) { return map("toPassRef", conceptsOfType(className)); } boolean isTransient() { return eq(programID, "-"); } String xfullgrab() { if (noXFullGrab) throw fail("no xfullgrab (DB too large)"); Lock __0 = lock(); lock(__0); try { if (changes == changesWritten && !isTransient()) return loadConceptsStructure(programID); return fullStructure(); } finally { unlock(__0); } } /* dev. Either xfullgrabGZipped() { lock lock(); if (changes == changesWritten && !isTransient()) ret loadConceptsStructure(programID); ret fullStructure(); }*/ void xshutdown() { // Killing whole VM if someone wants this DB to shut down cleanKillVM(); } long xchangeCount() { return changes; } int xcount() { return countConcepts(); } void register(Concept c) { if (c._concepts == this) return; if (c._concepts != null) throw fail("Can't re-register"); c._concepts = this; = internalID(); c.created = now(); concepts.put((long), c); c.change(); } void registerKeepingID(Concept c) { if (c._concepts == this) return; if (c._concepts != null) throw fail("Can't re-register"); c._concepts = this; concepts.put((long), c); c.change(); } void conceptChanged(Concept c) { allChanged(); if (conceptIndices != null) for (IConceptIndex index : conceptIndices) index.update(c); } boolean hasUnsavedData() { return changes != changesWritten || savingConcepts; } } // end of Concepts static class Concept extends DynamicObject { transient Concepts _concepts; // Where we belong long id; long created, _modified; List refs; List backRefs; // used only internally (cnew) Concept(String className) { super(className); _created(); } Concept() { if (!_loading()) { //className = shortClassName(this); // XXX - necessary? //print("New concept of type " + className); _created(); } } Concept(boolean unlisted) { if (!unlisted) _created(); } public String toString() { return shortDynamicClassName(this) + " " + id; } static boolean loading() { return _loading(); } static boolean _loading() { return dynamicObjectIsLoading(); } void _created() { if (!eq(concepts_unlisted.get(), true)) db_mainConcepts().register(this); } /*void put(S field, O value) { fieldValues.put(field, value); change(); } O get(S field) { ret fieldValues.get(field); }*/ class Ref { A value; Ref() { if (!dynamicObjectIsLoading()) refs = addDyn(refs, this); } Ref(A value) { this.value = value; refs = addDyn(refs, this); index(); } // get owning concept (source) Concept concept() { return Concept.this; } // get target A get() { return value; } boolean has() { return value != null; } void set(A a) { if (a == value) return; unindex(); value = a; index(); } void set(Ref ref) { set(ref.get()); } void clear() { set((A) null); } // TODO: sync all the indexing and unindexing!? void index() { if (value != null) value._addBackRef(this); change(); } void unindex() { if (value != null) value._removeBackRef(this); } void change() { Concept.this.change(); } } class RefL extends AbstractList { List> l = new ArrayList(); public A set(int i, A o) { A prev = l.get(i).get(); l.get(i).set(o); return prev; } public void add(int i, A o) { l.add(i, new Ref(o)); } public A get(int i) { return l.get(i).get(); } public A remove(int i) { return l.remove(i).get(); } public int size() { return l.size(); } public boolean contains(Object o) { if (o instanceof Concept) for (Ref r : l) if (eq(r.get(), o)) return true; return super.contains(o); } } void delete() { //name = "[defunct " + name + "]"; //defunct = true; //energy = 0; // clean refs for (Ref r : unnull(refs)) r.unindex(); refs = null; // set back refs to null for (Ref r : cloneList(backRefs)) r.set((Concept) null); backRefs = null; if (_concepts != null) { _concepts.concepts.remove((long) id); _concepts.allChanged(); if (_concepts.conceptIndices != null) for (IConceptIndex index : _concepts.conceptIndices) index.remove(this); _concepts = null; } id = 0; } BaseXRef export() { return new BaseXRef(_concepts.progID(), id); } // notice system of a change in this object void change() { _modified = now(); _change_withoutUpdatingModifiedField(); } void _change_withoutUpdatingModifiedField() { if (_concepts != null) _concepts.conceptChanged(this); } void _change() { change(); } String _programID() { return _concepts == null ? getDBProgramID() : _concepts.progID(); } // overridable void _addBackRef(Concept.Ref ref) { backRefs = addDyn(backRefs, ref); } void _removeBackRef(Concept.Ref ref) { backRefs = removeDyn(backRefs, ref); } // convenience methods void _setField(String field, Object value) { cset(this, field, value); } void _setFields(Object... values) { cset(this, values); } Concepts concepts() { return _concepts; } boolean isDeleted() { return id == 0; } } // end of Concept // remote reference (for inter-process communication or // external databases). Formerly "PassRef". // prepared for string ids if we do them later static class RC { transient Object owner; String id; RC() {} // make serialisation happy RC(long id) { = str(id); } RC(Object owner, long id) { = str(id); this.owner = owner; } RC(Concept c) { this(; } long longID() { return parseLong(id); } public String toString() { return id; } transient RemoteDB db; String getString(String field) { return db.xS(this, field); } Object get(String field) { return db.xget(this, field); } void set(String field, Object value) { db.xset(this, field, value); } } // Reference to a concept in another program static class BaseXRef { String programID; long id; BaseXRef() {} BaseXRef(String programID, long id) { = id; this.programID = programID;} public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof BaseXRef)) return false; BaseXRef r = (BaseXRef) o; return eq(programID, r.programID) && eq(id,; } public int hashCode() { return programID.hashCode() + (int) id; } } // BaseXRef as a concept static class XRef extends Concept { BaseXRef ref; XRef() {} XRef(BaseXRef ref) { this.ref = ref; _doneLoading2(); } // after we have been added to concepts void _doneLoading2() { getIndex().put(ref, this); } HashMap getIndex() { return getXRefIndex(_concepts); } } static synchronized HashMap getXRefIndex(Concepts concepts) { HashMap cache = (HashMap) concepts.perClassData().get(XRef.class); if (cache == null) concepts.perClassData.put(XRef.class, cache = new HashMap()); return cache; } // uses mainConcepts static XRef lookupOrCreateXRef(BaseXRef ref) { XRef xref = getXRefIndex(db_mainConcepts()).get(ref); if (xref == null) xref = new XRef(ref); return xref; } // define standard concept functions to use main concepts static void cleanMeUp_concepts() { if (db_mainConcepts() != null) db_mainConcepts().cleanMeUp(); // mainConcepts = null; // TODO } static void loadAndAutoSaveConcepts() { db_mainConcepts().persist(); } static void loadAndAutoSaveConcepts(int interval) { db_mainConcepts().persist(interval); } static RC toPassRef(Concept c) { return new RC(c); } // so we can instantiate the program to run as a bare DB bot static class MRUCache extends LinkedHashMap { int maxSize = 10; MRUCache() {} MRUCache(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize;} protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > maxSize; } Object _serialize() { return ll(maxSize, cloneLinkedHashMap(this)); } static MRUCache _deserialize(List l) { MRUCache m = new MRUCache(); m.maxSize = (int) first(l); m.putAll((LinkedHashMap) second(l)); return m; } }static interface IF0 { A get(); }static abstract class CloseableIterableIterator extends IterableIterator implements AutoCloseable { public void close() throws Exception {} }static interface IFieldsToList { Object[] _fieldsToList(); }static interface IF2 { C get(A a, B b); }static interface Producer { public A next(); // null when end }static ThreadLocal DynamicObject_loading = new ThreadLocal(); static class DynamicObject { String className; // just the name, without the "main$" LinkedHashMap fieldValues; DynamicObject() {} // className = just the name, without the "main$" DynamicObject(String className) { this.className = className;} Map _map() { return fieldValues; } public String toString() { return getClass() == DynamicObject.class ? "dyn " + className : super.toString(); } }static interface IF1 { B get(A a); }static interface IVF3 { void get(A a, B b, C c); }static class PersistableThrowable { String className; String msg; String stacktrace; PersistableThrowable() {} PersistableThrowable(Throwable e) { if (e == null) className = "Crazy Null Error"; else { className = getClassName(e).replace('/', '.'); msg = e.getMessage(); stacktrace = getStackTrace_noRecord(e); } } public String toString() { return nempty(msg) ? className + ": " + msg : className; } }static interface IVF1 { void get(A a); }static interface IVF2 { void get(A a, B b); } static class Not implements IFieldsToList, Transformable, Visitable{ A a; Not() {} Not(A a) { this.a = a;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + a + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Not)) return false; Not x = (Not) o; return eq(a, x.a); } public int hashCode() { int h = 78515; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(a)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {a}; } public Object transformUsing(IF1 f) { return new Not((A) f.get(a)); } public void visitUsing(IVF1 f) { f.get(a); } }static interface IHasGlobalID { public GlobalID globalID(); }// uses hash sets as inner sets unless subclassed // uses a hash map as the outer map by default static class MultiSetMap { Map> data = new HashMap>(); int size; MultiSetMap() {} MultiSetMap(boolean useTreeMap) { if (useTreeMap) data = new TreeMap(); } MultiSetMap(MultiSetMap map) { putAll(map); } MultiSetMap(Map> data) { = data;} void put(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) { Set set = data.get(key); if (set == null) data.put(key, set = _makeEmptySet()); set.add(value); ++size; }} void add(A key, B value) { put(key, value); } void addAll(A key, Collection values) { synchronized(data) { putAll(key, values); }} void addAllIfNotThere(A key, Collection values) { synchronized(data) { for (B value : values) setPut(key, value); }} void setPut(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) { if (!containsPair(key, value)) put(key, value); }} boolean containsPair(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) { return get(key).contains(value); }} void putAll(A key, Collection values) { synchronized(data) { for (B value : values) put(key, value); }} void removeAll(A key, Collection values) { synchronized(data) { for (B value : values) remove(key, value); }} Set get(A key) { synchronized(data) { Set set = data.get(key); return set == null ? Collections. emptySet() : set; }} // returns actual mutable live set // creates the set if not there Set getActual(A key) { synchronized(data) { Set set = data.get(key); if (set == null) data.put(key, set = _makeEmptySet()); return set; }} // TODO: this looks unnecessary void clean(A key) { synchronized(data) { Set list = data.get(key); if (list != null && list.isEmpty()) data.remove(key); }} Set keySet() { synchronized(data) { return data.keySet(); }} Set keys() { synchronized(data) { return data.keySet(); }} void remove(A key) { synchronized(data) { size -= l(data.get(key)); data.remove(key); }} void remove(A key, B value) { synchronized(data) { Set set = data.get(key); if (set != null) { if (set.remove(value)) { --size; if (set.isEmpty()) data.remove(key); } } }} void clear() { synchronized(data) { data.clear(); size = 0; }} boolean containsKey(A key) { synchronized(data) { return data.containsKey(key); }} B getFirst(A key) { synchronized(data) { return first(get(key)); }} void addAll(MultiSetMap map) { putAll(map); } void putAll(MultiSetMap map) { synchronized(data) { for (A key : map.keySet()) putAll(key, map.get(key)); }} void putAll(Map map) { synchronized(data) { if (map != null) for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); }} int keysSize() { synchronized(data) { return l(data); }} // full size int size() { synchronized(data) { return size; }} // count values for key int getSize(A key) { return l(data.get(key)); } int count(A key) { return getSize(key); } // expensive operation Set reverseGet(B b) { synchronized(data) { Set l = new HashSet(); for (A key : data.keySet()) if (data.get(key).contains(b)) l.add(key); return l; }} Map> asMap() { synchronized(data) { return cloneMap(data); }} boolean isEmpty() { synchronized(data) { return data.isEmpty(); }} // override in subclasses Set _makeEmptySet() { return new HashSet(); } Collection> allLists() { synchronized(data) { return new HashSet(data.values()); } } List allValues() { return concatLists(values(data)); } Object mutex() { return data; } public String toString() { return "mm" + str(data); } Pair firstEntry() { if (empty(data)) return null; Map.Entry> entry = data.entrySet().iterator().next(); return pair(entry.getKey(), first(entry.getValue())); } }static class And implements IFieldsToList, Transformable, Visitable{ A a; A b; And() {} And(A a, A b) { this.b = b; this.a = a;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + a + ", " + b + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof And)) return false; And x = (And) o; return eq(a, x.a) && eq(b, x.b); } public int hashCode() { int h = 65975; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(a)); h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(b)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {a, b}; } public Object transformUsing(IF1 f) { return new And((A) f.get(a), (A) f.get(b)); } public void visitUsing(IVF1 f) { f.get(a); f.get(b); } }static interface IConceptCounter { Class conceptClass(); int countConcepts(); Collection allConcepts(); }static class ReliableSingleThread implements Runnable { Object runnable; boolean trigger = false; Thread thread; String name = "Single Thread"; F0 enter; // optional ownership marker, e.g. for DynModules ReliableSingleThread(Object runnable) { this.runnable = runnable;} void trigger() { go(); } synchronized void go() { trigger = true; if (!running()) { AutoCloseable __1 = callF(enter); try { thread = startThread(name, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __2 = callF(enter); try { _run(); } finally { _close(__2); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp callF(enter);\r\n _run();"; }}); } finally { _close(__1); }} } public void run() { go(); } void get() { go(); } // so you can use the ! syntax synchronized boolean running() { return thread != null; } // use only if this is the last time you trigger this void triggerAndWait() { trigger(); while (running()) sleep(1); } void _run() { while (licensed()) { synchronized(this) { if (!trigger) { thread = null; break; } trigger = false; } pcallF(runnable); } } synchronized void cancel() { cancelAndInterruptThread(thread); thread = null; } synchronized boolean triggered() { return trigger; } void cleanMeUp() { cancel(); } }static class Snippet { String id, title, md5, type, text; Snippet() {} Snippet(String id, String title) { this.title = title; = id;} Snippet(String id, String title, String md5) { this.md5 = md5; this.title = title; = id;} public String toString() { return id + " - " + title; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } }// uses HashMap by default static class MultiSet { Map map = new HashMap(); int size; // now maintaining a size counter MultiSet(boolean useTreeMap) { if (useTreeMap) map = new TreeMap(); } MultiSet() {} MultiSet(Iterable c) { addAll(c); } MultiSet(MultiSet ms) { synchronized(ms) { for (A a : ms.keySet()) add(a, ms.get(a)); }} // returns new count synchronized int add(A key) { return add(key, 1); } synchronized void addAll(Iterable c) { if (c != null) for (A a : c) add(a); } synchronized void addAll(MultiSet ms) { for (A a : ms.keySet()) add(a, ms.get(a)); } synchronized int add(A key, int count) { if (count <= 0) return 0; // don't calculate return value in this case size += count; if (map.containsKey(key)) map.put(key, count += map.get(key)); else map.put(key, count); return count; } synchronized int get(A key) { Integer i = map.get(key); return i != null ? i : 0; } synchronized boolean contains(A key) { return map.containsKey(key); } synchronized void remove(A key) { Integer i = map.get(key); if (i != null) { --size; if (i > 1) map.put(key, i - 1); else map.remove(key); } } synchronized List topTen() { return getTopTen(); } synchronized List getTopTen() { return getTopTen(10); } synchronized List getTopTen(int maxSize) { List list = getSortedListDescending(); return list.size() > maxSize ? list.subList(0, maxSize) : list; } synchronized List highestFirst() { return getSortedListDescending(); } synchronized List lowestFirst() { return reversedList(getSortedListDescending()); } synchronized List getSortedListDescending() { List list = new ArrayList(map.keySet()); Collections.sort(list, new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return map.get(b).compareTo(map.get(a)); } }); return list; } synchronized int getNumberOfUniqueElements() { return map.size(); } synchronized int uniqueSize() { return map.size(); } synchronized Set asSet() { return map.keySet(); } synchronized NavigableSet navigableSet() { return navigableKeys((NavigableMap) map); } synchronized Set keySet() { return map.keySet(); } synchronized A getMostPopularEntry() { int max = 0; A a = null; for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue() > max) { max = entry.getValue(); a = entry.getKey(); } } return a; } synchronized void removeAll(A key) { size -= get(key); map.remove(key); } synchronized int size() { return size; } synchronized MultiSet mergeWith(MultiSet set) { MultiSet result = new MultiSet(); for (A a : set.asSet()) { result.add(a, set.get(a)); } return result; } synchronized boolean isEmpty() { return map.isEmpty(); } synchronized public String toString() { // hmm. sync this? return str(map); } synchronized void clear() { map.clear(); size = 0; } synchronized Map asMap() { return cloneMap(map); } }static interface IVar extends IF0 { void set(A a); A get(); default boolean has() { return get() != null; } default void clear() { set(null); } }static class RemoteDB implements AutoCloseable { DialogIO db; String name; // s = bot name or snippet ID RemoteDB(String s) { this(s, false); } RemoteDB(String s, boolean autoStart) { name = s; if (isSnippetID(s)) name = dbBotName(s); db = findBot(name); if (db == null) if (autoStart) { nohupJavax(fsI(s)); waitForBotStartUp(name); assertNotNull("Weird problem", db = findBot(s)); } else throw fail("DB " + s + " not running"); } boolean functional() { return db != null; } // now always true List list() { return adopt((List) rpc(db, "xlist")); } List list(String className) { return adopt((List) rpc(db, "xlist", className)); } List xlist() { return list(); } List xlist(String className) { return list(className); } // adopt is an internal method List adopt(List l) { if (l != null) for (RC rc : l) adopt(rc); return l; } RC adopt(RC rc) { if (rc != null) rc.db = this; return rc; } Object adopt(Object o) { if (o instanceof RC) return adopt((RC) o); return o; } String xclass(RC o) { return (String) rpc(db, "xclass", o); } Object xget(RC o, String field) { return adopt(rpc(db, "xget", o, field)); } String xS(RC o, String field) { return (String) xget(o, field); } RC xgetref(RC o, String field) { return adopt((RC) xget(o, field)); } void xset(RC o, String field, Object value) { rpc(db, "xset", o, field, value); } RC uniq(String className) { RC ref = first(list(className)); if (ref == null) ref = xnew(className); return ref; } RC xuniq(String className) { return uniq(className); } RC xnew(String className, Object... values) { return adopt((RC) rpc(db, "xnew", className, values)); } void xdelete(RC o) { rpc(db, "xdelete", o); } void xdelete(List l) { rpc(db, "xdelete", l); } public void close() { _close(db); } String fullgrab() { return (String) rpc(db, "xfullgrab"); } String xfullgrab() { return fullgrab(); } void xshutdown() { rpc(db, "xshutdown"); } long xchangeCount() { return (long) rpc(db, "xchangeCount"); } int xcount() { return (int) rpc(db, "xcount"); } void reconnect() { close(); db = findBot(name); } RC rc(long id) { return new RC(this, id); } } static interface Visitable { void visitUsing(IVF1 f); } static interface Transformable { Object transformUsing(IF1 f); } static List myInnerClasses_list=litlist( null, "Derefable", "MultiSetMap", "Var", "WaitForAnswer_YesNo", "talkToThisVM_IO", "IFieldIndex", "Str", "DynChatBotFrontend", "ConceptFieldIndexDesc", "Cmd", "DynModule", "FixedRateTimer", "Status", "CRUD", "Rect", "Pt", "AbstractLayoutManager", "IterableIterator", "betterCIComparator_C", "RemoteDB", "MakesBufferedImage", "ScannedBot", "Concepts", "RC", "XRef", "CloseableIterableIterator", "PNGFile", "getOpt_Map", "IFieldsToList", "structure_Data", "IVar", "ConceptWithGlobalID", "Matches", "TableWithTooltips", "Dyn_FieldWatcher", "Q", "CriticalAction", "SnippetSelectForm", "IResourceLoader", "Either", "MultiSet", "Named", "DialogIO", "SimpleCRUD", "IConceptCounter", "BetterLabel", "MRUCache", "componentPopupMenu_Adapter", "AlphanumComparator", "PersistableThrowable", "talkToSubBot_IO", "Scored", "RGBImage", "SmartTimerTask", "Responder", "VF1", "VF3", "VF2", "TableSearcher", "Visitable", "TokCondition", "RightAlignedLine", "GlobalID", "findCodeTokens_Matcher", "ReliableSingleThread", "BotName", "Mishearing", "Concept", "AutoComboBox", "ProgramScan", "F0", "F1", "Snippet", "F2", "RandomAccessAbstractList", "RGB", "Flag", "unstructure_Receiver", "IF0", "Not", "IHasGlobalID", "BaseXRef", "MMOConsistencyError", "IF2", "Producer", "IF1", "And", "IVF3", "IVF1", "tablePopupMenu_Maker", "IVF2", "_MethodCache", "talkTo_IO", "structure_ClassInfo", "LiveValue", "LetterLayout", "DialogHandler", "Lowest", "DynCRUD", "MMOPattern", "Pair", "Transformable", "Replacement", "WaitForName", "TransferableImage", "DynamicObject", "IConceptIndex", "Android3"); static List myInnerClasses() { return myInnerClasses_list; } static void cancelTimerOrInterruptThread(Object timer) { if (timer instanceof Thread && !(timer instanceof AutoCloseable)) // AutoCloseable takes precedence interruptThread((Thread) timer); else cancelTimer(timer); } static Lock dbLock() { return db_mainConcepts().lock; } static boolean bareDBMode_on = false; static void bareDBMode() { bareDBMode(null); // default autoSaveInterval } static void bareDBMode(Integer autoSaveInterval) { bareDBMode_on = true; conceptsAndBot(autoSaveInterval); } static boolean isAbstract(Class c) { return (c.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0; } static boolean isAbstract(Method m) { return (m.getModifiers() & Modifier.ABSTRACT) != 0; } static Set allInterfacesImplementedBy(Class c) { if (c == null) return null; HashSet set = new HashSet(); allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(c, set); return set; } static void allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(Class c, Set set) { if (c.isInterface() && !set.add(c)) return; do { for (Class intf : c.getInterfaces()) allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(intf, set); } while ((c = c.getSuperclass()) != null); } static Method findStaticMethod(Class c, String method, Object... args) { Class _c = c; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!m.getName().equals(method)) continue; if ((m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 || !findStaticMethod_checkArgs(m, args)) continue; return m; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } return null; } static boolean findStaticMethod_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) return false; return true; } static List quoteAll(Collection l) { List x = new ArrayList(); for (String s : l) x.add(quote(s)); return x; } static boolean arraysEqual(Object[] a, Object[] b) { if (a.length != b.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (neq(a[i], b[i])) return false; return true; } static List isYes_yesses = litlist("y", "yes", "yeah", "y", "yup", "yo", "corect", "sure", "ok", "afirmative"); // << collapsed words, so "corect" means "correct" static boolean isYes(String s) { return isYes_yesses.contains(collapseWord(toLowerCase(get(parse3(s), 1)))); } static List isNo_noes = litlist("n", "no", "nope", "nay", "nah", "nein", "njet", "nee", "nö", "niemals"); static boolean isNo(String s) { return isNo_noes.contains(collapseWord(toLowerCase(get(parse3(s), 1)))); } static String yesNo_short(boolean b) { return b ? "yes" : "no"; } static A onChange(A spinner, Object r) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { spinner.addChangeListener(changeListener(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "spinner.addChangeListener(changeListener(r));"; }}); } return spinner; } static A onChange(A b, Object r) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { b.addItemListener(itemListener(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "b.addItemListener(itemListener(r));"; }}); } return b; } static void onChange(JTextComponent tc, Object r) { onUpdate(tc, r); } static A onChange(A slider, final Object r) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { slider.addChangeListener(changeListener(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "slider.addChangeListener(changeListener(r));"; }}); } return slider; } static JComboBox onChange(Object r, JComboBox cb) { return onChange(cb, r); } static JComboBox onChange(JComboBox cb, final Object r) { if (isEditableComboBox(cb)) onChange(textFieldFromComboBox(cb), r); else onSelectedItem(cb, new VF1() { public void get(String s) { try { callF(r) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(r)"; }}); return cb; } static String assertGlobalID(String s) { return assertPossibleGlobalID(s); } static BigInteger bigint(String s) { return new BigInteger(s); } static BigInteger bigint(long l) { return BigInteger.valueOf(l); } static BigInteger plus(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { return a.add(b); } static BigInteger plus(BigInteger a, long b) { return a.add(bigint(b)); } static BigInteger mul(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { return a.multiply(b); } static BigInteger mul(BigInteger a, long b) { return a.multiply(bigint(b)); } static String bigintToGlobalID(BigInteger value) { char[] buf = new char[16]; for (int i = 16-1; i >= 0; i--) { buf[i] = charPlus('a', mod(value, 26).intValue()); value = div(value, 26); } return str(buf); } static Class _run(String progID, String... args) { Class main = hotwire(progID); callMain(main, args); return main; } static void add(BitSet bs, int i) { bs.set(i); } static boolean add(Collection c, A a) { return c != null && c.add(a); } static void add(Container c, Component x) { addToContainer(c, x); } static A syncPopFirst(List l) { if (empty(l)) return null; synchronized(l) { A a = first(l); l.remove(0); return a; } } static JDesktopPane mainDesktopPane_value; static JDesktopPane mainDesktopPane() { return mainDesktopPane_value; } static Container showFramePossiblyInternal(JDesktopPane desktop, String title) { if (desktop == null) return showFrame(title); return showInternalFrame(desktop, title, null); } static String programTitle() { return getProgramName(); } static void onDoubleClickAndEnter(JTable table, Object runnable) { onDoubleClickOrEnter(table, runnable); } static void onDoubleClickAndEnter(JList list, Object runnable) { onDoubleClickOrEnter(list, runnable); } static String ok(Object o) { return format("ok *", o); } // returns snippet IDs static List search(String query) { String page = loadPage(tb_mainServer() + "/tb/search.php?q=" + urlencode(query)); Matcher m = Pattern.compile(">(#\\d+) - (.*?)
").matcher(page); List results = new ArrayList(); while (m.find()) results.add(; return results; } public static boolean isWindows() { return System.getProperty("").contains("Windows"); } static JButton listDependentButton(JList l, String text, Object action) { return listDependButton(l, jbutton(text, action)); } static JPanel jflow(Object... components) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout()); smartAdd(panel, components); return panel; } static JPanel centerAndEast(final Component c, final Component e) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, wrap(c)); panel.add(BorderLayout.EAST, wrap(e)); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n panel.add(BorderLayout.CENT..."; }}); } public static JComponent withLabel(String label, JComponent component) { return westAndCenter(jlabel(label + " "), component); } static JPanel northCenterAndSouth(Component n, Component c, Component s) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, wrap(n)); panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, wrap(c)); panel.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, wrap(s)); return panel; } static A onWindowActivated(final A w, final Object r) { if (w != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { w.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { pcallF(r); } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "w.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter {\r\n public void windowActivated(Wi..."; }}); } return w; } // first delay = delay static Timer installTimer(JComponent component, Object r, long delay) { return installTimer(component, r, delay, delay); } // first delay = delay static Timer installTimer(RootPaneContainer frame, long delay, Object r) { return installTimer(frame.getRootPane(), r, delay, delay); } // first delay = delay static Timer installTimer(JComponent component, long delay, Object r) { return installTimer(component, r, delay, delay); } static Timer installTimer(JComponent component, long delay, long firstDelay, Object r) { return installTimer(component, r, delay, firstDelay); } static Timer installTimer(final JComponent component, final Object r, final long delay, final long firstDelay) { return installTimer(component, r, delay, firstDelay, true); } static Timer installTimer(final JComponent component, final Object r, final long delay, final long firstDelay, final boolean repeats) { if (component == null) return null; return (Timer) swingAndWait(new F0() { public Object get() { try { final Var timer = new Var(); timer.set(new Timer(toInt(delay), new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { AutoCloseable __1 = tempActivity(r); try { try { if (!allPaused()) if (isFalse(callF(r))) cancelTimer(timer.get()); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } finally { _close(__1); }} catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); }}})); timer.get().setInitialDelay(toInt(firstDelay)); timer.get().setRepeats(repeats); bindTimerToComponent(timer.get(), component); return timer.get(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final new Var timer;\r\n timer.set(new Timer(toInt(delay), actionList..."; }}); } static Timer installTimer(RootPaneContainer frame, long delay, long firstDelay, Object r) { return installTimer(frame.getRootPane(), delay, firstDelay, r); } static A focusLater(final A a) { awtLater(100, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { a.requestFocus() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "a.requestFocus()"; }}); return a; } static Map status_map; // key = dialog id static abstract class Status { abstract String answer(String s); } // get status static synchronized Status status() { status_load(); return status_map.get(getDialogID()); } static void status_load() { if (status_map == null) { status_map = new TreeMap(); load("status_map"); } } // set status static synchronized void status(Status s) { status_load(); if (s == null) status_map.remove(getDialogID()); else status_map.put(getDialogID(), s); save("status_map"); } static String status_answer(String s) { Status status = status(); if (status != null) return status.answer(s); return null; } static int tbSearch_defaultMax = 3; static ThreadLocal tbSearch_quick = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal tbSearch_html = new ThreadLocal(); static List tbSearch(String query) { return tbSearch(tbSearch_defaultMax, query); } static List tbSearch(int max, String query) { boolean quick = isTrue(getAndClearThreadLocal(tbSearch_quick)); String url = tb_mainServer() + "/tb/search.php?q=" + urlencode(query) + "&limit=" + max + (quick ? "&quick=1" : "") + standardCredentials(); return tbSearch_url(url); } static List tbSearch_url(String url) { String page = loadPage(url); if (eq(tbSearch_html.get(), "want")) tbSearch_html.set(page); Matcher m = Pattern.compile(">(#\\d+) - (.*?)
").matcher(page); List results = new ArrayList(); while (m.find()) results.add(new Snippet(, htmldecode(dropTags(, null)); // no md5 for now return results; } static void disposePossiblyInternalFrame(Component c) { Container f = (Container) (getPossiblyInternalFrame(c)); if (f instanceof JInternalFrame) disposeInternalFrame((JInternalFrame) f); else if (f instanceof Window) disposeWindow(f); } static MultiSetMap treeMultiSetMap() { return new MultiSetMap(true); } static MultiSetMap treeMultiSetMap(Comparator comparator) { return new MultiSetMap(new TreeMap>(comparator)); } static Comparator reverseOrder() { return new Comparator() { public int compare(Object a, Object b) { return cmp(b, a); } }; } static List getAll(Map map, Collection l) { return lookupAllOpt(map, l); } static List getAll(Collection l, Map map) { return lookupAllOpt(map, l); } static List cloneKeys_noSync(Map map) { return cloneList_noSync(keys(map)); } static IterableIterator navigableMultiSetMapValuesIterator_concurrent(final MultiSetMap mm) { return navigableMultiSetMapValuesIterator_concurrent(mm,; } static IterableIterator navigableMultiSetMapValuesIterator_concurrent(final MultiSetMap mm, Object mutex) { return iteratorFromFunction(new F0() { Iterator> it = concurrentlyIterateValues((NavigableMap), mutex); Iterator it2; public B get() { while (it2 == null || !it2.hasNext()) { if (!it.hasNext()) return null; it2 = iterator(asList(; } return; } }); } static MultiSet multiSetMapToMultiSet(MultiSetMap mm) { MultiSet ms = new MultiSet(); for (A a : keys(mm)) ms.add(a, l(mm.get(a))); return ms; } static Collection allConcepts() { return db_mainConcepts().allConcepts(); } static Collection allConcepts(Concepts concepts) { return concepts.allConcepts(); } static float score(Scored s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.score(); } static File loadLibrary(String snippetID) { return loadBinarySnippet(snippetID); } static String b(Object contents, Object... params) { return tag("b", contents, params); } static boolean isA(Either e) { return eitherIsA(e); } static Flag dm_initErrorHandling_flag = new Flag(); static void dm_initErrorHandling() { raiseFlagAndDo(dm_initErrorHandling_flag, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { _handleException_addHandler("dm_initErrorHandling_handler"); assertNull(_onRegisterThread); _onRegisterThread = new VF1() { public void get(Thread t) { try { DynModule m = dm_currentModule(); if (m == null) printStackTrace("New thread made outside of a module"); else m.ownTimer(t); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "DynModule m = dm_currentModule();\r\n if (m == null) printStackTrace(\"New ..."; }}; _threadInfo_makers.add(new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { mapPut(map, "dm_currentModule_value", dm_currentModule()) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "mapPut(map, 'dm_currentModule_value, dm_currentModule())"; }}); _threadInheritInfo_retrievers.add(new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { Object mod = map.get("dm_currentModule_value"); if (mod instanceof DynModule) dm_currentModule_value.set(new WeakReference((DynModule) mod)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "O mod = map.get('dm_currentModule_value);\r\n if (mod instanceof DynModule..."; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_handleException_addHandler(f dm_initErrorHandling_handler);\r\n \r\n asser..."; }}); } static void dm_initErrorHandling_handler(Throwable e) { DynModule m = dm_currentModule(); if (m == null) print("Weird: Error outside of module"); else m.setField("_error" , persistableThrowable(e)); } static void setMainDesktopPane(JDesktopPane desktop) { mainDesktopPane_value = desktop; } static A getCreatorOpt(String field) { return (A) getOpt(creator(), field); } static void ownResource(AutoCloseable c) { _registerAutoCloseable(c); } static List getAndClearList(Collection l) { if (l == null) return emptyList(); synchronized(collectionMutex(l)) { List out = cloneList(l); l.clear(); return out; } } static Map getAndClearMap(Map map) { if (map == null) return emptyMap(); synchronized(collectionMutex(map)) { Map out = cloneMap(map); map.clear(); return out; } } static Object pcallFInRealOrMyMC(final Object realm, final Object f, final Object... args) { try { return callFInRealOrMyMC(realm, f, args); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return null; } static A pcallFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, F0 f) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static B pcallFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, F1 f, A a) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static Rect dm_getBounds(Object module) { return shallowCloneToClass(Rect.class,call(dm_getStem(module), "getFrameRect")); } static Rect dm_getBounds() { return dm_getBounds(dm_current_generic()); } static boolean hasMethod_onTypes(Object o, String method, Class... argTypes) { return findMethod_precise_onTypes(o, method, argTypes) != null; } static void dm_onTopInput_q(final VF1 r) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); dm_onTopInput(new VF1() { public void get(final String s) { try { m.q().add(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(r, s); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(r, s);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "switch to m.q();\r\n callF(r, s);"; }}); } static ThreadLocal realMC_tl_tl = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal realMC_tl() { return realMC_tl_tl; } static boolean addIfNotThere(Collection c, A a) { return setAdd(c, a); } // action = runnable or method name static void onUpdateAndNow(JComponent c, final Object r) { onUpdate(c, r); callF(r); } static void onUpdateAndNow(List l, Object r) { for (JComponent c : l) onUpdate(c, r); callF(r); } // action = runnable or method name static void onUpdate(JComponent c, final Object r) { if (c instanceof JTextComponent) ((JTextComponent) c).getDocument().addDocumentListener(new DocumentListener() { public void insertUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { call(r); } public void removeUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { call(r); } public void changedUpdate(DocumentEvent e) { call(r); } }); else if (c instanceof ItemSelectable) // JCheckBox and others ((ItemSelectable) c).addItemListener(new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { call(r); } }); else print("Warning: onUpdate doesn't know " + getClassName(c)); } static void onUpdate(List l, Object r) { for (JComponent c : l) onUpdate(c, r); } static void zeroAllFieldsOfTypeExcept(Object o, Class type, String... exceptions) { zeroAllFieldsOfTypeExcept(o, type, asSet(exceptions)); } static void zeroAllFieldsOfTypeExcept(Object o, Class type, Collection exceptions) { Set set = asSet(exceptions); for (String field : allFields(o)) if (!set.contains(field) && instanceOf(getOpt(o, field), type)) set(o, field, null); } static List paramsToAbstractActions(Object... params) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i+1 < l(params); i += 2) { String text = (String) (params[i]); Runnable action = (Runnable) (params[i+1]); if (nempty(text)) l.add(abstractAction(text, action)); } return l; } static void internalFramePopupMenuFromActions_threaded(Container f, List actions) { if (!(f instanceof JInternalFrame)) return; for (final AbstractAction a : unnull(actions)) if (a != null) internalFramePopupMenuItem(((JInternalFrame) f), str(a.getValue(Action.NAME)), runnableThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callAction(a) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callAction(a)"; }})); } static LinkedHashSet asLinkedHashSet(A[] array) { LinkedHashSet set = new LinkedHashSet(); for (A o : array) if (o != null) set.add(o); return set; } static LinkedHashSet asLinkedHashSet(Collection l) { if (l instanceof LinkedHashSet) return (LinkedHashSet) l; LinkedHashSet set = new LinkedHashSet(); for (A o : l) if (o != null) set.add(o); return set; } static Set allFields(Object o) { TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(); Class _c = _getClass(o); do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) fields.add(f.getName()); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return fields; } static Class fieldType(Object o, String field) { Field f = getField(o, field); return f == null ? null : f.getType(); } static void dm_boolFieldMenuItem(Container frame, final String field, final Object... __) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); final String humanized = humanizeFormLabel(field); internalFrameTitlePopupMenu(((JInternalFrame) frame), new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { menu.add(jCheckBoxMenuItem(humanized, (boolean) _get(m, field), new VF1() { public void get(Boolean b) { try { m.setField(field, b); callF(optPar(__, "onSet")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "m.setField(field, b);\r\n callF(optPar(_, 'onSet));"; }})); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "menu.add(jCheckBoxMenuItem(humanized, (bool) _get(m, field), voidfunc(bool b)..."; }}); } static void dm_intFieldMenuItem(Container frame, final String field, final Object... __) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); final String humanized = humanizeFormLabel(field); internalFramePopupMenuItem(((JInternalFrame) frame), humanizeFormLabel(field) + "...", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final JTextField tf = jtextfield(get(m, field)); showFormTitled(or2(stringOptPar(__, "formTitle"), "Set " + humanized), humanized + ":", tf, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { m.setField(field, parseInt(gtt(tf))); callF(optPar(__, "onSet")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "m.setField(field, parseInt(gtt(tf)));\r\n callF(optPar(__, \"onSet\"));"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final JTextField tf = jtextfield(get(m, field));\r\n showFormTitled(or2(stri..."; }}); } static void dm_doubleFieldMenuItem(Container frame, final String field, final Object... __) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); internalFramePopupMenuItem(((JInternalFrame) frame), humanizeFormLabel(field) + "...", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __1 = m.enter(); try { dm_doubleFieldSetterDialog(field, __); } finally { _close(__1); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp m.enter();\r\n dm_doubleFieldSetterDialog(field, __);"; }}); } static void dm_stringFieldMenuItem(Container frame, final String field, final Object... __) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); internalFramePopupMenuItem(((JInternalFrame) frame), humanizeFormLabel(field) + "...", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __1 = m.enter(); try { dm_stringFieldDialog(field, __); } finally { _close(__1); }} catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "temp m.enter();\r\n dm_stringFieldDialog(field, __);"; }}); } static ReliableSingleThread dm_rst(Runnable r) { return dm_rst(dm_current_mandatory(), r); } static ReliableSingleThread dm_rst(DynModule mod, Runnable r) { return dm_rst(mod, new ReliableSingleThread(r)); } static ReliableSingleThread dm_rst(DynModule mod, ReliableSingleThread rst) { rst.enter = dm_rEnter(mod); return rst; } static Q dm_startQ() { return dm_ownQ(startQ()); } static Q dm_startQ(String name) { return dm_ownQ(startQ(name)); } static JComponent dm_noVisualisation() { return setToolTip("Module has no visualization", jimage("#1101480")); } static String snippetTitle(String id) { return getSnippetTitle(id); } static String snippetTitle(long id) { return getSnippetTitle(id); } static Class mainClass() { return getMainClass(); } static Class mainClass(Object o) { return getMainClass(o); } static Map mapPlus(Map m, Object... data) { m = cloneMap(m); litmap_impl(m, data); return m; } static Set _registerTimer_list = newWeakHashSet(); static void _registerTimer_original(java.util.Timer timer) { _registerTimer_list.add(timer); } static void cleanMeUp__registerTimer() { cancelTimers(getAndClearList(_registerTimer_list)); } static int hashCodeFor(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } static String firstToUpper(String s) { if (empty(s)) return s; return Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1); } static long stopTiming_defaultMin = 10; static long startTiming_startTime; static void startTiming() { startTiming_startTime = now(); } static void stopTiming() { stopTiming(null); } static void stopTiming(String text) { stopTiming(text, stopTiming_defaultMin); } static void stopTiming(String text, long minToPrint) { long time = now()-startTiming_startTime; if (time >= minToPrint) { text = or2(text, "Time: "); print(text + time + " ms"); } } static UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedOperation() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } static ThreadLocal componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent; static void componentPopupMenu_init() { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent == null) componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent = (ThreadLocal) vm_generalMap_get("mouseEvent"); if (componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent == null) vm_generalMap_put("componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent" , componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent = new ThreadLocal()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent == null)\r\n componentPopupMenu_mouseEve..."; }}); } } // menuMaker = voidfunc(JPopupMenu) static void componentPopupMenu(final JComponent component, final Object menuMaker) { if (component == null || menuMaker == null) return; { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Object adapter = componentPopupMenu_initForComponent(component); ((List) _get(adapter, "maker")).add(menuMaker); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Object adapter = componentPopupMenu_initForComponent(component);\r\n ((List)..."; }}); } } static Object componentPopupMenu_initForComponent(final JComponent component) { return component == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public Object get() { try { componentPopupMenu_init(); Object adapter = findComponentPopupMenuListener_gen(component); if (adapter == null) { componentPopupMenu_Adapter a = new componentPopupMenu_Adapter(); component.addMouseListener(a); adapter = a; } return adapter; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "componentPopupMenu_init();\r\n O adapter = findComponentPopupMenuListener_ge..."; }}); } static class componentPopupMenu_Adapter extends MouseAdapter { List maker = new ArrayList(); boolean internalFrameLeftButtonMagic = false; Point pressedAt; public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { displayMenu(e); pressedAt = internalFrameLeftButtonMagic && e.getClickCount() == 1 && internalFrameActive(e.getComponent()) ? e.getLocationOnScreen() : null; } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { // TODO: show a little less often on left mouse click if (internalFrameLeftButtonMagic && eq(pressedAt, e.getLocationOnScreen())) displayMenu2(e); else displayMenu(e); } void displayMenu(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof JInternalFrame) return; if (e.isPopupTrigger()) displayMenu2(e); } void displayMenu2(MouseEvent e) { JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); int emptyCount = menu.getComponentCount(); AutoCloseable __1 = tempSetTL(componentPopupMenu_mouseEvent, e); try { for (Object menuMaker : maker) pcallF(menuMaker, menu); vmBus_send("showingPopupMenu", e.getComponent(), menu); // show menu if any items in it if (menu.getComponentCount() != emptyCount), e.getX(), e.getY()); } finally { _close(__1); }} } static void addMenuItem(JPopupMenu menu, String text, Object action) { menu.add(jmenuItem(text, action)); } static void addMenuItem(JPopupMenu menu, JMenuItem menuItem) { menu.add(menuItem); } static void addMenuItem(JMenu menu, String text, Object action) { menu.add(jmenuItem(text, action)); } static void addMenuItem(Menu menu, String text, Object action) { menu.add(menuItem(text, action)); } static void addMenuItem(JMenu menu, JMenuItem menuItem) { menu.add(menuItem); } static String copyTextToClipboard(Object _text) { String text = str(_text); StringSelection selection = new StringSelection(text); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(selection, selection); vmBus_send("newClipboardContents", text); return text; } static NavigableMap synchroTreeMap() { return Collections.synchronizedNavigableMap(new TreeMap()); } static boolean hasConcept(Class c, Object... params) { return findConceptWhere(c, params) != null; } static Object load(String varName) { readLocally(varName); return get(mc(), varName); } static Object load(String progID, String varName) { readLocally(progID, varName); return get(mc(), varName); } static boolean exceptionMessageContains(Throwable e, String s) { return cic(getInnerMessage(e), s); } static void printShortException(Throwable e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(e)); } static void printShortException(String s, Throwable e) { print(s, exceptionToStringShort(e)); } static void clearConcepts() { db_mainConcepts().clearConcepts(); } static void clearConcepts(Concepts concepts) { concepts.clearConcepts(); } static void restoreLatestBackupIfConceptsFileEmpty(String dbID, Object... __) { boolean doIt = boolPar("doIt",__); File file = conceptsFile(dbID); if (fileExists(file) && fileSize(file) == 0) { print(file + " corrupted, trying to restore"); File backup = lastThat(__72 -> fileNotEmpty(__72),sortByFileName(conceptBackupFiles(dbID))); if (backup == null) { print("No usable backup found :("); return; } String msg = "RESTORING: " + backup; File log = javaxDataDir("db-restores.log"); if (doIt) logQuotedWithTime(log, msg); print(stringIf(!doIt, "[would be] ") + msg); if (doIt) { clearConceptsOf(dbID); copyFile(backup, file); print(msg = "DB RESTORED!"); if (doIt) logQuotedWithTime(log, msg); } } } static void readLocally(String progID, String varNames) { readLocally2(mc(), progID, varNames); } static void readLocally(String varNames) { readLocally2(mc(), programID(), varNames); } static void readLocally2(Object obj, String varNames) { readLocally2(obj, programID(), varNames); } static int readLocally_stringLength; static ThreadLocal readLocally2_allDynamic = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal readLocally2_classFinder = new ThreadLocal(); // read a string variable from standard storage // does not overwrite variable contents if there is no file static void readLocally2(Object obj, String progID, String varNames) { try { boolean allDynamic = isTrue(getAndClearThreadLocal(readLocally2_allDynamic)); for (String variableName : javaTokC(varNames)) { File textFile = new File(programDir(progID), variableName + ".text"); String value = loadTextFile(textFile); if (value != null) set(main.class, variableName, value); else { File structureFile = new File(programDir(progID), variableName + ".structure"); value = loadTextFile(structureFile); if (value == null) { File structureGZFile = new File(programDir(progID), variableName + ".structure.gz"); if (!structureGZFile.isFile()) return; //value = loadGZTextFile(structureGZFile); InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(structureGZFile); try { GZIPInputStream gis = newGZIPInputStream(fis); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(gis, "UTF-8"); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(reader); //O o = unstructure_reader(bufferedReader); Object o = unstructure_tok(javaTokC_noMLS_onReader(bufferedReader), allDynamic, readLocally2_classFinder.get()); readLocally_set(obj, variableName, o); return; } finally { _close(fis); }} readLocally_stringLength = l(value); if (nempty(value)) readLocally_set(obj, variableName, unstructure(value, allDynamic, readLocally2_classFinder.get())); } } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void readLocally_set(Object c, String varName, Object value) { Object oldValue = get(c, varName); if (oldValue instanceof List && !(oldValue instanceof ArrayList) && value != null) { // Assume it's a synchroList. value = synchroList((List) value); } set(c, varName, value); } static int done_minPrint = 10; static long done(long startTime, String desc) { long time = now()-startTime; if (time >= done_minPrint) print(desc + " [" + time + " ms]"); return time; } static long done(String desc, long startTime) { return done(startTime, desc); } static long done(long startTime) { return done(startTime, ""); } static long fileSize(String path) { return getFileSize(path); } static long fileSize(File f) { return getFileSize(f); } static RemoteDB connectToDBOpt(String dbNameOrID) { try { return new RemoteDB(dbNameOrID); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } static List> mapToPairs(Map map) { List> l = new ArrayList(); if (map != null) for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) l.add(pair(e.getKey(), e.getValue())); return l; } static Concept getConcept(long id) { return db_mainConcepts().getConcept(id); } static Concept getConcept(Concepts concepts, long id) { return concepts.getConcept(id); } static A getConcept(Class cc, long id) { return getConcept(db_mainConcepts(), cc, id); } static A getConcept(Concepts concepts, Class cc, long id) { Concept c = concepts.getConcept(id); if (c == null) return null; if (!isInstance(cc, c)) throw fail("Can't convert concept: " + getClassName(c) + " -> " + getClassName(cc) + " (" + id + ")"); return (A) c; } static void saveLocally(String variableName) { saveLocally(programID(), variableName); } static void saveLocally(String progID, String variableName) { saveLocally2(mc(), progID, variableName); } static void saveLocally2(Object obj, String variableName) { saveLocally2(obj, programID(), variableName); } static void saveLocally2(Object obj, String progID, String variableName) { Lock __0 = saveLock(); lock(__0); try { File textFile = new File(programDir(progID), variableName + ".text"); File structureFile = new File(programDir(progID), variableName + ".structure"); Object x = get(obj, variableName); if (x == null) { textFile.delete(); structureFile.delete(); } else if (x instanceof String) { saveTextFile(textFile, (String) x); structureFile.delete(); } else { saveTextFile(structureFile, javaTokWordWrap(structure(x))); textFile.delete(); } } finally { unlock(__0); } } // wrapper: VF1 or null static void callRunnableWithWrapper(Object wrapper, Runnable r) { if (wrapper == null) callF(r); else callF(wrapper, r); } static void saveGZStructureToFile(String file, Object o) { saveGZStructureToFile(getProgramFile(file), o); } static void saveGZStructureToFile(File file, Object o) { try { File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) parentFile.mkdirs(); File tempFile = tempFileFor(file); if (tempFile.exists()) try { String saveName = tempFile.getPath() + ".saved." + now(); copyFile(tempFile, new File(saveName)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath()); try { GZIPOutputStream gos = new GZIPOutputStream(fileOutputStream); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(gos, "UTF-8"); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter); structureToPrintWriter(o, printWriter); printWriter.close(); gos.close(); fileOutputStream.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { fileOutputStream.close(); tempFile.delete(); throw rethrow(e); } if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + file.getPath()); if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFile + " to " + file); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static long toM(long l) { return (l+1024*1024-1)/(1024*1024); } static String toM(long l, int digits) { return formatDouble(toM_double(l), digits); } static String javaTokWordWrap(String s) { return javaTokWordWrap(120, s); } // TODO: complete trimming static String javaTokWordWrap(int cols, String s) { int col = 0; List tok = javaTok(s); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && col >= cols && !containsNewLine(t)) tok.set(i, t = rtrimSpaces(t) + "\n"); int idx = t.lastIndexOf('\n'); if (idx >= 0) col = l(t)-(idx+1); else col += l(t); } return join(tok); } static String ymd() { return ymd(now()); } static String ymd(long now) { return year(now) + formatInt(month(now), 2) + formatInt(dayOfMonth(now), 2); } static String ymd(long now, TimeZone tz) { return year(now, tz) + formatInt(month(now, tz), 2) + formatInt(dayOfMonth(now, tz), 2); } static String formatInt(int i, int digits) { return padLeft(str(i), '0', digits); } static String formatInt(long l, int digits) { return padLeft(str(l), '0', digits); } static int hours() { return hours(java.util.Calendar.getInstance()); } static int hours(java.util.Calendar c) { return c.get(java.util.Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); } static int hours(long time) { return hours(calendarFromTime(time)); } static int hours(long time, TimeZone tz) { return hours(calendarFromTime(time, tz)); } static long toK(long l) { return (l+1023)/1024; } // firstDelay = delay static FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(long delay, final Object r) { return doEvery_daemon(delay, delay, r); } static FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(long delay, long firstDelay, final Object r) { FixedRateTimer timer = new FixedRateTimer(true); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(smartTimerTask(r, timer, delay), firstDelay, delay); return timer; } static FixedRateTimer doEvery_daemon(double delaySeconds, final Object r) { return doEvery_daemon(toMS(delaySeconds), r); } static float abs(float f) { return Math.abs(f); } static int abs(int i) { return Math.abs(i); } static double abs(double d) { return Math.abs(d); } static A firstOfType(Collection c, Class type) { for (Object x : c) if (isInstanceX(type, x)) return (A) x; return null; } static List conceptsOfType(String type) { return db_mainConcepts().conceptsOfType(type); } static List filterByType(Iterable c, Class type) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (Object x : c) if (isInstanceX(type, x)) l.add((A) x); return l; } static List filterByType(Object[] c, Class type) { return filterByType(asList(c), type); } static List filterByType(Class type, Iterable c) { return filterByType(c, type); } static List filterByDynamicType(Collection c, String type) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (A x : c) if (eq(dynamicClassName(x), type)) l.add(x); return l; } static boolean hasType(Collection c, Class type) { for (Object x : c) if (isInstanceX(type, x)) return true; return false; } static A findBackRef(Concept c, Class type) { for (Concept.Ref r : c.backRefs) if (instanceOf(r.concept(), type)) return (A) r.concept(); return null; } static A findBackRef(Class type, Concept c) { return findBackRef(c, type); } static String loadConceptsStructure(String progID) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(getProgramFile(progID, "concepts.structure")); } static String loadConceptsStructure() { return loadConceptsStructure(dbProgramID()); } static int countConcepts(Concepts concepts, Class c, Object... params) { return concepts.countConcepts(c, params); } static int countConcepts(Class c, Object... params) { return db_mainConcepts().countConcepts(c, params); } static int countConcepts() { return db_mainConcepts().countConcepts(); } static int countConcepts(String className) { return db_mainConcepts().countConcepts(className); } static int countConcepts(Concepts concepts, String className) { return concepts.countConcepts(className); } static int countConcepts(Concepts concepts) { return concepts.countConcepts(); } static boolean dynamicObjectIsLoading() { return isTrue(getThreadLocal(DynamicObject_loading)); } static List addDyn(List l, A a) { if (l == null) l = new ArrayList(); l.add(a); return l; } static Str concept(String name) { for (Str s : list(Str.class)) if (eqic(, name) || containsIgnoreCase(s.otherNames, name)) return s; return new Str(name); } static void change() { //mainConcepts.allChanged(); // safe version for now cause function is sometimes included unnecessarily (e.g. by EGDiff) callOpt(getOptMC("mainConcepts"), "allChanged"); } static List removeDyn(List l, A a) { if (l == null) return null; l.remove(a); return empty(l) ? null : l; } static LinkedHashMap cloneLinkedHashMap(Map map) { return map == null ? new LinkedHashMap() : new LinkedHashMap(map); } static void remove(List l, int i) { if (l != null && i >= 0 && i < l(l)) l.remove(i); } static void remove(Collection l, A a) { if (l != null) l.remove(a); } static Set emptySet() { return new HashSet(); } static Set keySet(Map map) { return map == null ? new HashSet() : map.keySet(); } static Set keySet(Object map) { return keys((Map) map); } static Set keySet(MultiSet ms) { return ms.keySet(); } static A reverseGet(List l, int idx) { if (l == null || idx < 0) return null; int n = l(l); return idx < n ? l.get(n-1-idx) : null; } static void cancelAndInterruptThread(Thread t) { if (t == null) return; cancelThread(t); t.interrupt(); } static boolean stdEq2(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) return b == null; if (b == null) return false; if (a.getClass() != b.getClass()) return false; for (String field : allFields(a)) if (neq(getOpt(a, field), getOpt(b, field))) return false; return true; } static int stdHash2(Object a) { if (a == null) return 0; return stdHash(a, toStringArray(allFields(a))); } static List reversedList(Collection l) { List x = cloneList(l); Collections.reverse(x); return x; } static Set asSet(Object[] array) { HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (Object o : array) if (o != null) set.add(o); return set; } static Set asSet(String[] array) { TreeSet set = new TreeSet(); for (String o : array) if (o != null) set.add(o); return set; } static Set asSet(Iterable l) { if (l instanceof Set) return (Set) l; HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (A o : unnull(l)) if (o != null) set.add(o); return set; } static NavigableSet navigableKeys(NavigableMap map) { return map == null ? new TreeSet() : map.navigableKeySet(); } static NavigableSet navigableKeys(MultiSet ms) { return ((NavigableMap); } static long waitForBotStartUp_timeoutSeconds = 60; // returns address or fails static String waitForBotStartUp(String botName) { for (int i = 0; i < waitForBotStartUp_timeoutSeconds; i++) { sleepSeconds(i == 0 ? 0 : 1); String addr = getBotAddress(botName); if (addr != null) return addr; } throw fail("Bot not found: " + quote(botName)); } static Object rpc(String botName, String method, Object... args) { return unstructure_matchOK2OrFail( sendToLocalBot(botName, rpc_makeCall(method, args))); } static Object rpc(DialogIO bot, String method, Object... args) { return unstructure_matchOK2OrFail( bot.ask(rpc_makeCall(method, args))); } static String rpc_makeCall(String method, Object... args) { if (empty(args)) return "call " + method; return format("call *", concatLists((List) ll(method), asList(args))); } static void close(AutoCloseable c) { _close(c); } static Object _onAWTEnter_f; static AutoCloseable _onAWTEnter() { return (AutoCloseable) callF(_onAWTEnter_f); } static void interruptThread(Thread t) { if (t == null) return; t.interrupt(); URLConnection c = (URLConnection) (vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").get(t)); if (c != null) { try { print("Closing URLConnection of interrupted thread."); call(c, "disconnect"); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } static void cancelTimer(javax.swing.Timer timer) { if (timer != null) timer.stop(); } static void cancelTimer(java.util.Timer timer) { if (timer != null) timer.cancel(); } static void cancelTimer(Object o) { if (o instanceof java.util.Timer) cancelTimer((java.util.Timer) o); else if (o instanceof javax.swing.Timer) cancelTimer((javax.swing.Timer) o); else if (o instanceof AutoCloseable) { try { ((AutoCloseable) o).close(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } volatile static boolean conceptsAndBot_running = false; static boolean conceptsAndBot_thinOnStart = true; static void conceptsAndBot() { conceptsAndBot(null); } static void conceptsAndBot(Integer autoSaveInterval) { if (conceptsAndBot_running) return; conceptsAndBot_running = true; try { ensureDBNotRunning(dbBotStandardName()); } catch (Throwable _e) { db_mainConcepts().dontSave = true; // SAFETY throw rethrow(_e); } db_mainConcepts().persist(autoSaveInterval); dbBot(); if (conceptsAndBot_thinOnStart) { try { thinAProgramsBackups(getDBProgramID(), true); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } static String collapseWord(String s) { if (s == null) return ""; StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) if (i == 0 || !charactersEqualIC(s.charAt(i), s.charAt(i-1))) buf.append(s.charAt(i)); return buf.toString(); } static List toLowerCase(List strings) { List x = new ArrayList(); for (String s : strings) x.add(s.toLowerCase()); return x; } static String[] toLowerCase(String[] strings) { String[] x = new String[l(strings)]; for (int i = 0; i < l(strings); i++) x[i] = strings[i].toLowerCase(); return x; } static String toLowerCase(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s.toLowerCase(); } static ChangeListener changeListener(final Object r) { return new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { pcallF(r); } }; } static ItemListener itemListener(final Object r) { return new ItemListener() { public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) { pcallF(r); } }; } static boolean isEditableComboBox(final JComboBox cb) { return cb != null && swing(new F0() { public Boolean get() { try { return cb.isEditable(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret cb.isEditable();"; }}); } static JTextField textFieldFromComboBox(JComboBox cb) { return (JTextField) cb.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); } static JComboBox onSelectedItem(final JComboBox cb, final VF1 f) { addActionListener(cb, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { pcallF(f, selectedItem(cb)) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcallF(f, selectedItem(cb))"; }}); return cb; } static String assertPossibleGlobalID(String s) { if (!possibleGlobalID(s)) throw fail("Not an acceptable global ID: " + s); return s; } static char charPlus(char a, int b) { return (char) (((int) a) + b); } // better modulo that gives positive numbers always static int mod(int n, int m) { return (n % m + m) % m; } static long mod(long n, long m) { return (n % m + m) % m; } static BigInteger mod(BigInteger n, int m) { return n.mod(bigint(m)); } static double mod(double n, double m) { return (n % m + m) % m; } static String div(Object contents, Object... params) { return hfulltag("div", contents, params); } static BigInteger div(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { return a.divide(b); } static BigInteger div(BigInteger a, int b) { return a.divide(bigint(b)); } static void addToContainer(final Container a, final Component b) { if (a != null && b != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { a.add(b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "a.add(b);"; }}); } } static JFrame showFrame() { return makeFrame(); } static JFrame showFrame(Object content) { return makeFrame(content); } static JFrame showFrame(String title) { return makeFrame(title); } static JFrame showFrame(String title, Object content) { return makeFrame(title, content); } static JFrame showFrame(final JFrame f) { if (f != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (frameTooSmall(f)) frameStandardSize(f); if (!f.isVisible()) f.setVisible(true); // XXX if (f.getState() == Frame.ICONIFIED) f.setState(Frame.NORMAL); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (frameTooSmall(f)) frameStandardSize(f);\r\n if (!f.isVisible()) f.setVis..."; }}); } return f; } // make or update frame static JFrame showFrame(String title, Object content, JFrame frame) { if (frame == null) return showFrame(title, content); else { frame.setTitle(title); setFrameContents(frame, content); return frame; } } static JInternalFrame showInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, x, y, w, h); } static JInternalFrame showInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, Component contents) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, x, y, w, h, contents); } static JInternalFrame showInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, Rect r, Component contents) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, r, contents); } static JInternalFrame showInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final Component contents) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, contents); } static JInternalFrame showInternalFrame(JDesktopPane desktop, String title) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title); } static JTable onDoubleClickOrEnter(final JTable table, final Object runnable) { onDoubleClick(table, runnable); onEnter(table, runnable); return table; } static JList onDoubleClickOrEnter(final JList list, final Object runnable) { onDoubleClick(list, runnable); onEnter(list, runnable); return list; } static JTable onDoubleClickOrEnter(Object runnable, JTable table) { return onDoubleClickOrEnter(table, runnable); } static JButton listDependButton(JList tbl, JButton button) { listDependButtons(tbl, ll(button)); return button; } static JPanel smartAdd(JPanel panel, List parts) { for (Object o : parts) addToContainer(panel, wrapForSmartAdd(o)); return panel; } static JPanel smartAdd(JPanel panel, Object... parts) { return smartAdd(panel, asList(parts)); } static JPanel westAndCenter(final Component w, final Component c) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(BorderLayout.WEST, wrap(w)); panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, wrap(c)); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n panel.add(BorderLayout.WEST..."; }}); } static AutoCloseable tempActivity(Object r) { return null; } static boolean allPaused() { return ping_pauseAll; } static void bindTimerToComponent(final Timer timer, JFrame f) { bindTimerToComponent(timer, f.getRootPane()); } static void bindTimerToComponent(final Timer timer, JComponent c) { if (c.isShowing()) timer.start(); c.addAncestorListener(new AncestorListener() { public void ancestorAdded(AncestorEvent event) { timer.start(); } public void ancestorRemoved(AncestorEvent event) { timer.stop(); } public void ancestorMoved(AncestorEvent event) { } }); } // independent timer static void awtLater(int delay, final Object r) { swingLater(delay, r); } static void awtLater(Object r) { swingLater(r); } // dependent timer (runs only when component is visible) static void awtLater(JComponent component, int delay, Object r) { installTimer(component, r, delay, delay, false); } static void awtLater(JFrame frame, int delay, Object r) { awtLater(frame.getRootPane(), delay, r); } static String getDialogID() { return (String) callOpt(getMainBot(), "getDialogID"); } static void save(String varName) { saveLocally(varName); } static void save(String progID, String varName) { saveLocally(progID, varName); } static String htmldecode(final String input) { if (input == null) return null; final int MIN_ESCAPE = 2; final int MAX_ESCAPE = 6; StringWriter writer = null; int len = input.length(); int i = 1; int st = 0; while (true) { // look for '&' while (i < len && input.charAt(i-1) != '&') i++; if (i >= len) break; // found '&', look for ';' int j = i; while (j < len && j < i + MAX_ESCAPE + 1 && input.charAt(j) != ';') j++; if (j == len || j < i + MIN_ESCAPE || j == i + MAX_ESCAPE + 1) { i++; continue; } // found escape if (input.charAt(i) == '#') { // numeric escape int k = i + 1; int radix = 10; final char firstChar = input.charAt(k); if (firstChar == 'x' || firstChar == 'X') { k++; radix = 16; } try { int entityValue = Integer.parseInt(input.substring(k, j), radix); if (writer == null) writer = new StringWriter(input.length()); writer.append(input.substring(st, i - 1)); if (entityValue > 0xFFFF) { final char[] chrs = Character.toChars(entityValue); writer.write(chrs[0]); writer.write(chrs[1]); } else { writer.write(entityValue); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { i++; continue; } } else { // named escape CharSequence value = htmldecode_lookupMap.get(input.substring(i, j)); if (value == null) { i++; continue; } if (writer == null) writer = new StringWriter(input.length()); writer.append(input.substring(st, i - 1)); writer.append(value); } // skip escape st = j + 1; i = st; } if (writer != null) { writer.append(input.substring(st, len)); return writer.toString(); } return input; } private static final String[][] htmldecode_ESCAPES = { {"\"", "quot"}, // " - double-quote {"&", "amp"}, // & - ampersand {"<", "lt"}, // < - less-than {">", "gt"}, // > - greater-than // Mapping to escape ISO-8859-1 characters to their named HTML 3.x equivalents. {"\u00A0", "nbsp"}, // non-breaking space {"\u00A1", "iexcl"}, // inverted exclamation mark {"\u00A2", "cent"}, // cent sign {"\u00A3", "pound"}, // pound sign {"\u00A4", "curren"}, // currency sign {"\u00A5", "yen"}, // yen sign = yuan sign {"\u00A6", "brvbar"}, // broken bar = broken vertical bar {"\u00A7", "sect"}, // section sign {"\u00A8", "uml"}, // diaeresis = spacing diaeresis {"\u00A9", "copy"}, // copyright sign {"\u00AA", "ordf"}, // feminine ordinal indicator {"\u00AB", "laquo"}, // left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet {"\u00AC", "not"}, // not sign {"\u00AD", "shy"}, // soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen {"\u00AE", "reg"}, // registered trademark sign {"\u00AF", "macr"}, // macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar {"\u00B0", "deg"}, // degree sign {"\u00B1", "plusmn"}, // plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign {"\u00B2", "sup2"}, // superscript two = superscript digit two = squared {"\u00B3", "sup3"}, // superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed {"\u00B4", "acute"}, // acute accent = spacing acute {"\u00B5", "micro"}, // micro sign {"\u00B6", "para"}, // pilcrow sign = paragraph sign {"\u00B7", "middot"}, // middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot {"\u00B8", "cedil"}, // cedilla = spacing cedilla {"\u00B9", "sup1"}, // superscript one = superscript digit one {"\u00BA", "ordm"}, // masculine ordinal indicator {"\u00BB", "raquo"}, // right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet {"\u00BC", "frac14"}, // vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter {"\u00BD", "frac12"}, // vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half {"\u00BE", "frac34"}, // vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters {"\u00BF", "iquest"}, // inverted question mark = turned question mark {"\u00C0", "Agrave"}, // ? - uppercase A, grave accent {"\u00C1", "Aacute"}, // ? - uppercase A, acute accent {"\u00C2", "Acirc"}, // ? - uppercase A, circumflex accent {"\u00C3", "Atilde"}, // ? - uppercase A, tilde {"\u00C4", "Auml"}, // ? - uppercase A, umlaut {"\u00C5", "Aring"}, // ? - uppercase A, ring {"\u00C6", "AElig"}, // ? - uppercase AE {"\u00C7", "Ccedil"}, // ? - uppercase C, cedilla {"\u00C8", "Egrave"}, // ? - uppercase E, grave accent {"\u00C9", "Eacute"}, // ? - uppercase E, acute accent {"\u00CA", "Ecirc"}, // ? - uppercase E, circumflex accent {"\u00CB", "Euml"}, // ? - uppercase E, umlaut {"\u00CC", "Igrave"}, // ? - uppercase I, grave accent {"\u00CD", "Iacute"}, // ? - uppercase I, acute accent {"\u00CE", "Icirc"}, // ? - uppercase I, circumflex accent {"\u00CF", "Iuml"}, // ? - uppercase I, umlaut {"\u00D0", "ETH"}, // ? - uppercase Eth, Icelandic {"\u00D1", "Ntilde"}, // ? - uppercase N, tilde {"\u00D2", "Ograve"}, // ? - uppercase O, grave accent {"\u00D3", "Oacute"}, // ? - uppercase O, acute accent {"\u00D4", "Ocirc"}, // ? - uppercase O, circumflex accent {"\u00D5", "Otilde"}, // ? - uppercase O, tilde {"\u00D6", "Ouml"}, // ? - uppercase O, umlaut {"\u00D7", "times"}, // multiplication sign {"\u00D8", "Oslash"}, // ? - uppercase O, slash {"\u00D9", "Ugrave"}, // ? - uppercase U, grave accent {"\u00DA", "Uacute"}, // ? - uppercase U, acute accent {"\u00DB", "Ucirc"}, // ? - uppercase U, circumflex accent {"\u00DC", "Uuml"}, // ? - uppercase U, umlaut {"\u00DD", "Yacute"}, // ? - uppercase Y, acute accent {"\u00DE", "THORN"}, // ? - uppercase THORN, Icelandic {"\u00DF", "szlig"}, // ? - lowercase sharps, German {"\u00E0", "agrave"}, // ? - lowercase a, grave accent {"\u00E1", "aacute"}, // ? - lowercase a, acute accent {"\u00E2", "acirc"}, // ? - lowercase a, circumflex accent {"\u00E3", "atilde"}, // ? - lowercase a, tilde {"\u00E4", "auml"}, // ? - lowercase a, umlaut {"\u00E5", "aring"}, // ? - lowercase a, ring {"\u00E6", "aelig"}, // ? - lowercase ae {"\u00E7", "ccedil"}, // ? - lowercase c, cedilla {"\u00E8", "egrave"}, // ? - lowercase e, grave accent {"\u00E9", "eacute"}, // ? - lowercase e, acute accent {"\u00EA", "ecirc"}, // ? - lowercase e, circumflex accent {"\u00EB", "euml"}, // ? - lowercase e, umlaut {"\u00EC", "igrave"}, // ? - lowercase i, grave accent {"\u00ED", "iacute"}, // ? - lowercase i, acute accent {"\u00EE", "icirc"}, // ? - lowercase i, circumflex accent {"\u00EF", "iuml"}, // ? - lowercase i, umlaut {"\u00F0", "eth"}, // ? - lowercase eth, Icelandic {"\u00F1", "ntilde"}, // ? - lowercase n, tilde {"\u00F2", "ograve"}, // ? - lowercase o, grave accent {"\u00F3", "oacute"}, // ? - lowercase o, acute accent {"\u00F4", "ocirc"}, // ? - lowercase o, circumflex accent {"\u00F5", "otilde"}, // ? - lowercase o, tilde {"\u00F6", "ouml"}, // ? - lowercase o, umlaut {"\u00F7", "divide"}, // division sign {"\u00F8", "oslash"}, // ? - lowercase o, slash {"\u00F9", "ugrave"}, // ? - lowercase u, grave accent {"\u00FA", "uacute"}, // ? - lowercase u, acute accent {"\u00FB", "ucirc"}, // ? - lowercase u, circumflex accent {"\u00FC", "uuml"}, // ? - lowercase u, umlaut {"\u00FD", "yacute"}, // ? - lowercase y, acute accent {"\u00FE", "thorn"}, // ? - lowercase thorn, Icelandic {"\u00FF", "yuml"}, // ? - lowercase y, umlaut {"\u2013", "ndash"}, {"\u2018", "lsquo"}, {"\u2019", "rsquo"}, {"\u201D", "rdquo"}, {"\u201C", "ldquo"}, {"\u2014", "mdash"}, {"'", "apos"}, // the controversial (but who cares!) ' // }; private static final HashMap htmldecode_lookupMap; static { htmldecode_lookupMap = new HashMap(); for (final CharSequence[] seq : htmldecode_ESCAPES) htmldecode_lookupMap.put(seq[1].toString(), seq[0]); } static String dropTags(String html) { return dropAllTags(html); } static List dropTags(List tok) { return dropAllTags(tok); } static RootPaneContainer getPossiblyInternalFrame(Component c) { JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); if (f != null) return f; return optCast(RootPaneContainer.class, getWindow(c)); } static void disposeInternalFrame(Component c) { final JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); if (f != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { f.dispose(); setOpt(f, "lastFocusOwner" , null); // Help GC } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "f.dispose();\r\n setOpt(f, lastFocusOwner := null); // Help GC"; }}); } } static List lookupAllOpt(Map map, Collection l) { List out = new ArrayList(); if (l != null) for (A a : l) addIfNotNull(out, map.get(a)); return out; } static List lookupAllOpt(Collection l, Map map) { return lookupAllOpt(map, l); } static ArrayList cloneList_noSync(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? cloneList_noSync((Collection) l) : asList(l); } static ArrayList cloneList_noSync(Collection l) { if (l == null) return new ArrayList(); return new ArrayList(l); } // f: func -> A (stream ends when f returns null) static IterableIterator iteratorFromFunction(final Object f) { class IFF extends IterableIterator { A a; boolean done = false; public boolean hasNext() { getNext(); return !done; } public A next() { getNext(); if (done) throw fail(); A _a = a; a = null; return _a; } void getNext() { if (done || a != null) return; a = (A) callF(f); done = a == null; } }; return new IFF(); } // optimized version for F0 argument static IterableIterator iteratorFromFunction(final F0 f) { return iteratorFromFunction_f0(f); } // iterate safely (& quickly) in the face of concurrent modifications static IterableIterator concurrentlyIterateValues(NavigableMap map) { return concurrentlyIterateValues(map, map); } static IterableIterator concurrentlyIterateValues(final NavigableMap map, Object mutex) { return iteratorFromFunction(new F0() { Iterator it = keys(map).iterator(); A key; B get() { synchronized(mutex) { try { if (!it.hasNext()) return null; return map.get(key =; } catch (ConcurrentModificationException e) { print("Re-iterating"); it = map.tailMap(key, false).keySet().iterator(); if (!it.hasNext()) return null; return map.get(key =; // Can't throw another exception } } } }); } static File loadBinarySnippet(String snippetID) { try { IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.loadLibrary(snippetID); long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); if (isImageServerSnippet(id)) return loadImageAsFile(snippetID); File f = DiskSnippetCache_getLibrary(id); if (fileSize(f) == 0) f = loadDataSnippetToFile(snippetID); return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String tag(String tag) { return htag(tag); } static String tag(String tag, Object contents, Object... params) { return htag(tag, str(contents), params); } static String tag(String tag, StringBuilder contents, Object... params) { return htag(tag, contents, params); } static String tag(String tag, StringBuffer contents, Object... params) { return htag(tag, contents, params); } static boolean eitherIsA(Either e) { return e != null && e.isA(); } static void raiseFlagAndDo(Flag flag, Runnable r) { if (flag.raise()) callF(r); } static void _handleException_addHandler(Object handler) { addIfNotThere(_handleException_onException, handler); } static A assertNull(A a) { assertTrue(a == null); return a; } static A assertNull(String msg, A a) { assertTrue(msg, a == null); return a; } static void mapPut(Map map, A key, B value) { if (map != null && key != null && value != null) map.put(key, value); } static void mapPut(Map map, Pair p) { if (map != null && p != null) map.put(p.a, p.b); } static Set _registerAutoCloseable_set = synchroHashSet(); static void _registerAutoCloseable(AutoCloseable c) { addIfNotNull(_registerAutoCloseable_set, c); } static void cleanMeUp__registerAutoCloseable() { closeAutoCloseables(getAndClearList(_registerAutoCloseable_set)); } static A callFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, F0 f) { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } static B callFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, F1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } static C callFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, F2 f, A a, B b) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a, b); } static void callFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, VF1 f, A a) { if (f != null) f.get(a); } static Object callFInRealOrMyMC(Object realm, Object f, Object... args) { if (f instanceof String) { Class mc = getMainClass(realm); if (hasMethod(mc, ((String) f), args)) return call(mc, ((String) f), args); } return callF(f, args); } static A shallowCloneToClass(Class c, Object o) { if (o == null) return null; A a = nuInstance(c); copyFields(o, a); return a; } static Method findMethod_precise_onTypes(Object o, String method, Class... argTypes) { try { if (o instanceof Class) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(((Class) o)); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); Lowest best = new Lowest(); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(isStaticMethod(m))) continue; } int score = methodApplicabilityScore_onTypes(m, argTypes); if (score < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { /*if (preciseCall_debug) print("Method score: " + m + " " + score);*/ best.put(m, score); } } return best.get(); } if (o == null) return null; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(o.getClass()); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); Lowest best = new Lowest(); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) { int score = methodApplicabilityScore_onTypes(m, argTypes); if (score < Integer.MAX_VALUE) best.put(m, score); } return best.get(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void dm_onTopInput(final VF1 r) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage("topInput", new VF1() { public void get(final String s) { try { m.enter(); callF(r, s) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "m.enter();\r\n callF(r, s)"; }})); } static void dm_onTopInput(final Runnable r) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); dm_ownResource(vmBus_onMessage("topInput", new VF1() { public void get(final String s) { try { m.enter(); callF(r) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "m.enter();\r\n callF(r)"; }})); } static boolean setAdd(Collection c, A a) { if (c == null || c.contains(a)) return false; c.add(a); return true; } // not a very good one static boolean instanceOf(Object o, String className) { if (o == null) return false; String c = o.getClass().getName(); return eq(c, className) || eq(c, "main$" + className); } // better static boolean instanceOf(Object o, Class c) { if (c == null) return false; return c.isInstance(o); } static boolean instanceOf(Class c, Object o) { return instanceOf(o, c); } static void internalFramePopupMenuItem(Container f, final String name, final Object action) { internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(((JInternalFrame) f), name, action); } static void callAction(Action a) { if (a != null) a.actionPerformed(null); } static Field getField(Object o, String field) { if (o == null) return null; return setOpt_findField(_getClass(o), field); } static Map humanizeFormLabel_replacements = litmap("id" , "ID", "md5" , "MD5"); static String humanizeFormLabel(String s) { if (containsSpace(s)) return s; return firstToUpper( joinWithSpace(replaceElementsUsingMap(splitCamelCase(s), humanizeFormLabel_replacements)).replace("I D", "ID") ); } // menuMaker = voidfunc(JPopupMenu) static void internalFrameTitlePopupMenu(final JInternalFrame f, final Object... params) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Object menuMaker; if (l(params) == 1 && !(params[0] instanceof JMenu)) menuMaker = params[0]; else menuMaker = new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { addMenuItems(menu, params) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItems(menu, params)"; }}; Component titleComponent = getInternalFrameTitlePaneComponent(f); if (!(titleComponent instanceof JComponent)) print("Can't add internal frame title popup menu!"); else { componentPopupMenu((JComponent) titleComponent, menuMaker); setOpt(componentPopupMenu_initForComponent((JComponent) titleComponent), "internalFrameLeftButtonMagic" , isTrue(vm_generalMap_get("internalFramePopupOnLeftButton"))); } // Also add to the frame so we can show the items e.g. in a JFrame menu componentPopupMenu(f, menuMaker); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Object menuMaker;\r\n if (l(params) == 1 && !(params[0] instanceof JMenu))\r\n..."; }}); } } // r : runnable or voidfunc(bool) static JCheckBoxMenuItem jCheckBoxMenuItem(String text, boolean checked, final Object r) { final JCheckBoxMenuItem mi = new JCheckBoxMenuItem(text, checked); addActionListener(mi, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(r, isChecked(mi)) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(r, isChecked(mi))"; }}); return mi; } static JTextField jtextfield() { return jTextField(); } static JTextField jtextfield(String text) { return jTextField(text); } static JTextField jtextfield(Object o) { return jTextField(o); } static int showForm_defaultGap = 4; static int showForm_gapBetweenColumns = 10; static JPanel showFormTitled(final String title, final Object... _parts) { JDesktopPane desktop = mainDesktopPane(); if (desktop != null) return showInternalFrameFormTitled(desktop, title, _parts); return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { final Var frame = new Var(); JPanel panel = showForm_makePanel(false, _parts); frame.set(showForm_makeFrame(title, panel)); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final new Var frame;\r\n JPanel panel = showForm_makePanel(false, _p..."; }}); } static JPanel showForm_makePanel(Boolean internalFrame, Object... _parts) { List out = showForm_arrange1(showForm_makeComponents(internalFrame, _parts)); return vstackWithSpacing(out, showForm_defaultGap); } static String stringOptPar(Object[] params, String name) { return (String) optPar(params, name); } static String gtt(JTextComponent c) { return getTextTrim(c); } static String gtt(JComboBox cb) { return getTextTrim(cb); } static void dm_doubleFieldSetterDialog(String field, Object... __) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); final String humanized = humanizeFormLabel(field); final JTextField tf = jtextfield(get(m, field)); showFormTitled(or2(stringOptPar(__, "formTitle"), "Set " + humanized), humanized + ":", tf, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { m.setField(field, parseDouble(gtt(tf))); callF(optPar(__, "onSet")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "m.setField(field, parseDouble(gtt(tf)));\r\n callF(optPar(__, \"onSet\"));"; }}); } static void dm_stringFieldDialog(final String field, final Object... __) { final DynModule m = dm_current_mandatory(); final String humanized = humanizeFormLabel(field); final JTextField tf = jtextfield(get(m, field)); showFormTitled(or2(stringOptPar(__, "formTitle"), "Set " + humanized), humanized + ":", tf, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { m.setField(field, gtt(tf)); callF(optPar(__, "onSet")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "m.setField(field, gtt(tf));\r\n callF(optPar(__, \"onSet\"));"; }}); } static F0 dm_rEnter(final DynModule mod) { return mod == null ? null : new F0() { public AutoCloseable get() { try { return mod.enter(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret mod.enter();"; }}; } static Q dm_ownQ(Q q) { q.rst.enter = dm_rEnter(dm_current_mandatory()); dm_ownResource(q); return q; } static Q startQ() { return new Q(); } static Q startQ(String name) { return new Q(name); } static A setToolTip(A c, Object toolTip) { return setToolTipText(c, toolTip); } static A setToolTip(Object toolTip, A c) { return setToolTipText(c, toolTip); } static void setToolTip(TrayIcon trayIcon, String toolTip) { setTrayIconToolTip(trayIcon, toolTip); } static JLabel jimage(Image img) { return jImageLabel(img); } static JLabel jimage(String imageID) { return jImageLabel(imageID); } static void cancelTimers(Collection timers) { for (Object timer : timers) cancelTimer(timer); } static Object findComponentPopupMenuListener_gen(final JComponent c) { return c == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return firstWithClassShortNamed("componentPopupMenu_Adapter", c.getMouseListeners()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret firstWithClassShortNamed('componentPopupMenu_Adapter, c.getMouseListeners..."; }}); } static boolean internalFrameActive(Component c) { final JInternalFrame f = getInternalFrame(c); return f != null && swing(new F0() { public Boolean get() { try { return f.isSelected(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret f.isSelected();"; }}); } static MenuItem menuItem(String text, final Object r) { MenuItem mi = new MenuItem(text); mi.addActionListener(actionListener(r)); return mi; } static boolean cic(Collection l, String s) { return containsIgnoreCase(l, s); } static boolean cic(String[] l, String s) { return containsIgnoreCase(l, s); } static boolean cic(String s, char c) { return containsIgnoreCase(s, c); } static boolean cic(String a, String b) { return containsIgnoreCase(a, b); } static boolean boolPar(ThreadLocal tl) { return boolOptParam(tl); } // defaults to false static boolean boolPar(Object[] __, String name) { return boolOptParam(__, name); } static boolean boolPar(String name, Object[] __) { return boolOptParam(__, name); } static boolean boolPar(String name, Map __) { return boolOptParam(name, __); } static boolean boolPar(String name, Object[] params, boolean defaultValue) { return optParam(params, name, defaultValue); } static File conceptsFile(String progID) { return getProgramFile(progID, conceptsFileName()); } static File conceptsFile() { return conceptsFile(dbProgramID()); } static A lastThat(List l, Object pred) { for (int i = l(l)-1; i >= 0; i--) { A a = l.get(i); if (checkCondition(pred, a)) return a; } return null; } static A lastThat(Object pred, List l) { return lastThat(l, pred); } static A lastThat(IF1 pred, List l) { return lastThat((Object) pred, l); } static A lastThat(List l, IF1 pred) { return lastThat(pred, l); } static boolean fileNotEmpty(File f) { return isFile(f) && fileSize(f) > 0; } static List sortByFileName(List l) { return sortFilesByName(l); } static List conceptBackupFiles(String progID) { String regexp = "^(.*)\\.backup(20\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)$"; File dir = programDir(progID); List l = new ArrayList(); for (File f : listFilesNotDirs(dir, newFile(dir, "backups"))) { String s = f.getName(); String originalName = regexpFirstGroup(regexp, s); { if (!(eq(originalName, "concepts.structure.gz"))) continue; } l.add(f); } return l; } static String stringIf(boolean b, String s) { return stringIfTrue(b, s); } static void clearConceptsOf(String progID) { getProgramFile(progID, "concepts.structure").delete(); getProgramFile(progID, "concepts.structure.gz").delete(); getProgramFile(progID, "idCounter.structure").delete(); } static Lock saveLock_lock = fairLock(); static Lock saveLock() { return saveLock_lock; } static File tempFileFor(File f) { return new File(f.getPath() + "_temp"); } static String formatDouble(double d, int digits) { String format = digits <= 0 ? "0" : "0." + rep(digits, '#'); return decimalFormatEnglish(format, d); } static double toM_double(long l) { return l/(1024*1024.0); } public static String rtrimSpaces(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int i = s.length(); while (i > 0 && " \t".indexOf(s.charAt(i-1)) >= 0) --i; return i < s.length() ? s.substring(0, i) : s; } static int year() { return localYear(); } static int year(long now) { return localYear(now); } static int year(long now, TimeZone tz) { return parseInt(simpleDateFormat("y", tz).format(now)); } static int month() { return localMonth(); } static int month(long now) { return localMonth(now); } static int month(long now, TimeZone tz) { return parseInt(simpleDateFormat("M", tz).format(now)); } static int dayOfMonth() { return localDayOfMonth(); } static int dayOfMonth(long now) { return localDayOfMonth(now); } static int dayOfMonth(long now, TimeZone tz) { return parseInt(simpleDateFormat("d", tz).format(now)); } static String padLeft(String s, char c, int n) { return rep(c, n-l(s)) + s; } // default to space static String padLeft(String s, int n) { return padLeft(s, ' ', n); } static java.util.Calendar calendarFromTime(long time, TimeZone tz) { java.util.Calendar c = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(tz); c.setTimeInMillis(time); return c; } static java.util.Calendar calendarFromTime(long time) { java.util.Calendar c = java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTimeInMillis(time); return c; } // r may return false to cancel timer static TimerTask smartTimerTask(Object r, java.util.Timer timer, long delay) { return new SmartTimerTask(r, timer, delay, _threadInfo()); } static class SmartTimerTask extends TimerTask implements IFieldsToList{ Object r; java.util.Timer timer; long delay; Object threadInfo; SmartTimerTask(Object r, java.util.Timer timer, long delay, Object threadInfo) { this.threadInfo = threadInfo; this.delay = delay; this.timer = timer; this.r = r;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + r + ", " + timer + ", " + delay + ", " + threadInfo + ")"; }public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {r, timer, delay, threadInfo}; } long lastRun; public void run() { if (!licensed()) timer.cancel(); else { _threadInheritInfo(threadInfo); AutoCloseable __1 = tempActivity(r); try { lastRun = fixTimestamp(lastRun); long now = now(); if (now >= lastRun + delay*0.9) { lastRun = now; if (eq(false, pcallF(r))) timer.cancel(); } } finally { _close(__1); }} } } static long toMS(double seconds) { return (long) (seconds*1000); } static String dynamicClassName(Object o) { if (o instanceof DynamicObject && ((DynamicObject) o).className != null) return "main$" + ((DynamicObject) o).className; return className(o); } static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(String fileName) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(fileName, null); } static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(String fileName, String defaultContents) { File gz = new File(fileName + ".gz"); return gz.exists() ? loadGZTextFile(gz) : loadTextFile(fileName, defaultContents); } static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(File fileName) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(fileName, null); } static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(File fileName, String defaultContents) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(fileName.getPath(), defaultContents); } static String dbProgramID() { return getDBProgramID(); } static Object getOptMC(String field) { return getOpt(mc(), field); } static void cancelThread(Thread t) { if (t == null) return; ping(); /*O mc = getWeakRef((WeakReference) vm_generalWeakSubMap("thread2mc").get(t)); ifdef cancelThread_verbose print("cancelThread: mc=" + mc); endifdef if (mc != null) { Map ping_actions = cast get(mc, 'ping_actions); synchronized(ping_actions) { ping_actions.put(t, "cancelled"); set(mc, ping_anyActions := true); } } else*/ synchronized(ping_actions) { ping_actions.put(t, "cancelled"); ping_anyActions = true; } } static int stdHash(Object a, String... fields) { if (a == null) return 0; int hash = getClassName(a).hashCode(); for (String field : fields) hash = boostHashCombine(hash, hashCode(getOpt(a, field))); return hash; } static String getBotAddress(String bot) { List l = fullBotScan(bot); return empty(l) ? null : first(l).address; } static Object unstructure_matchOK2OrFail(String s) { if (swic(s, "ok ")) return unstructure_startingAtIndex(s, 3); else throw fail(s); } static String sendToLocalBot(String bot, String text, Object... args) { text = format3(text, args); DialogIO channel = findBot(bot); try { if (channel == null) throw fail(quote(bot) + " not found"); try { channel.readLine(); print(bot + "> " + shorten(text, 80)); channel.sendLine(text); String s = channel.readLine(); print(bot + "< " + shorten(s, 80)); return s; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } finally { _close(channel); }} static String sendToLocalBot(int port, String text, Object... args) { text = format3(text, args); DialogIO channel = talkTo(port); try { try { channel.readLine(); print(port + "> " + shorten(text, 80)); channel.sendLine(text); String s = channel.readLine(); print(port + "< " + shorten(s, 80)); return s; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } finally { _close(channel); }} static volatile Android3 dbBot_instance; static Android3 dbBot() { return dbBot(dbBotStandardName()); } static Android3 dbBot(String name) { ensureDBNotRunning(name); return dbBot_instance = methodsBot2(name, assertNotNull(db_mainConcepts()), db_standardExposedMethods(), db_mainConcepts().lock); } static void thinAProgramsBackups(String progID, boolean doIt) { List files = new ArrayList(); Map ageMap = new HashMap(); java.util.regex.Pattern pat = regexp("^(.*)\\.backup(20\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)$"); //print("Processing backups of program " + progID); File dir = programDir(progID); for (File f : listFilesNotDirs(dir, newFile(dir, "backups"))) { String s = f.getName(); java.util.regex.Matcher matcher = pat.matcher(s); { if (!(matcher.find())) continue; } String originalName =; { if (!(eq(originalName, "concepts.structure.gz"))) continue; } //print("Found backup: " + sfu(matcherGroups(matcher))); int year = matcherInt(matcher, 2); int month = matcherInt(matcher, 3); int day = matcherInt(matcher, 4); int hour = matcherInt(matcher, 5); long time = timestampFromYMDH(year, month, day, hour); double age = ((now()-time)/1000.0/60/60/24); //print("Age: " + age + " days"); ageMap.put(f, age); files.add(f); } int numDeleted = 0; sortByMap_inPlace(files, ageMap); double lastAge = -1; for (File f : files) { double age = ageMap.get(f); if (!thinAProgramsBackups_shouldKeep(age, lastAge)) { //print("Deleting: " + f); ++numDeleted; if (doIt) { print("Deleting: " + f); f.delete(); } } else { //print("Keeping: " + f); lastAge = age; } } if (numDeleted != 0) print((doIt ? "Deleted: " : "Would delete: ") + n(numDeleted, "file")); } // age = age in days static boolean thinAProgramsBackups_shouldKeep(double age, double lastAge) { return defaultAgeBasedBackupRetentionStrategy_shouldKeep(age, lastAge); } static boolean charactersEqualIC(char c1, char c2) { if (c1 == c2) return true; char u1 = Character.toUpperCase(c1); char u2 = Character.toUpperCase(c2); if (u1 == u2) return true; return Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2); } static void addActionListener(JTextField tf, final Runnable action) { onEnter(tf, action); } static void addActionListener(final JComboBox cb, final Runnable action) { if (cb != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cb.addActionListener(actionListener(action)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "cb.addActionListener(actionListener(action));"; }}); } } static void addActionListener(final AbstractButton b, final Runnable action) { if (b != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { b.addActionListener(actionListener(action)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "b.addActionListener(actionListener(action));"; }}); } } static String selectedItem(JList l) { return getSelectedItem(l); } static String selectedItem(JComboBox cb) { return getSelectedItem(cb); } static boolean possibleGlobalID(String s) { return l(s) == globalIDLength() && allLowerCaseCharacters(s); } static String hfulltag(String tag) { return hfulltag(tag, ""); } static String hfulltag(String tag, Object contents, Object... params) { return hopeningTag(tag, params) + str(contents) + ""; } static String makeFrame_defaultIcon; static boolean makeFrame_hideConsole = false; static ThreadLocal> makeFrame_post = new ThreadLocal(); static JFrame makeFrame() { return makeFrame((Component) null); } static JFrame makeFrame(Object content) { return makeFrame(programTitle(), content); } static JFrame makeFrame(String title) { return makeFrame(title, null); } static JFrame makeFrame(String title, Object content) { return makeFrame(title, content, true); } static JFrame makeFrame(final String title, final Object content, final boolean showIt) { final VF1 post = optParam(makeFrame_post); return swing(new F0() { public JFrame get() { try { if (getFrame(content) != null) return getFrame(setFrameTitle((Component) content, title)); final JFrame frame = new JFrame(title); if (makeFrame_defaultIcon != null) setFrameIconLater(frame, makeFrame_defaultIcon); _initFrame(frame); Component wrapped = wrap(content); if (wrapped != null) frame.getContentPane().add(wrapped); frame.setBounds(defaultNewFrameBounds()); callF(post, frame); if (showIt) frame.setVisible(true); //callOpt(content, "requestFocus"); //exitOnFrameClose(frame); if (showIt && makeFrame_hideConsole) { hideConsole(); makeFrame_hideConsole = false; } return frame; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (getFrame(content) != null)\r\n ret getFrame(setFrameTitle((Component) ..."; }}); } static boolean frameTooSmall(JFrame frame) { return frame.getWidth() < 100 || frame.getHeight() < 50; } static void frameStandardSize(JFrame frame) { frame.setBounds(300, 100, 500, 400); } static void setFrameContents(final Component c, final Object contents) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JFrame frame = getFrame(c); if (frame == null) return; frame.getContentPane().removeAll(); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); frame.getContentPane().add(wrap(contents)); revalidate(frame); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JFrame frame = getFrame(c);\r\n if (frame == null) return;\r\n frame.getContent..."; }}); } static ThreadLocal addInternalFrame_dontSelect = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal addInternalFrame_layer = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal addInternalFrame_toBack = new ThreadLocal(); static JInternalFrame addInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, x, y, w, h, null); } static JInternalFrame addInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final Component contents) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, rect(x, y, w, h), contents); } static JInternalFrame addInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final Component contents) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, null, contents); } static JInternalFrame addInternalFrame(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final Rect r, final Component contents) { final boolean dontSelect = isTrue(optParam(addInternalFrame_dontSelect)); final boolean toBack = isTrue(optParam(addInternalFrame_toBack)); final Integer layer = optParam(addInternalFrame_layer); return swing(new F0() { public JInternalFrame get() { try { JInternalFrame frame; if (contents instanceof JInternalFrame) frame = (JInternalFrame) contents; else { frame = jInternalFrame(title); setInternalFrameContents(frame, contents); } frame.setVisible(true); desktop.add(frame, layer); if (r != null) setBounds(frame, r); else internalFrameDefaultPosition(frame); if (dontSelect) if (toBack) frame.toBack(); else frame.toFront(); else frame.setSelected(true); return fixInternalFrame(frame); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JInternalFrame frame;\r\n if (contents instanceof JInternalFrame)\r\n fra..."; }}); } static JInternalFrame addInternalFrame(JDesktopPane desktop, String title) { return addInternalFrame(desktop, title, jpanel()); } // runnable can be a func(O o) {} receving the selected item static JList onDoubleClick(final JList list, final Object runnable) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { list.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getClickCount() == 2) { int idx = list.locationToIndex(evt.getPoint()); Object item = list.getModel().getElementAt(idx); list.setSelectedIndex(idx); callF(runnable, item); } } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "list.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {\r\n public void mouseClicked(Mous..."; }}); } return list; } // runnable can be a func(O o) {} receving the selected row index static JTable onDoubleClick(final JTable table, final Object runnable) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getClickCount() == 2) { int idx = table.rowAtPoint(evt.getPoint()); table.setRowSelectionInterval(idx, idx); callF(runnable, idx); } } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {\r\n public void mouseClicked(Mou..."; }}); } return table; } // other components get the pointer position // only reacts on left button static void onDoubleClick(final JComponent c, final Object runnable) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) { if (evt.getButton() == 1 && evt.getClickCount() == 2) callF(runnable, evt.getPoint()); } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {\r\n public void mouseClicked(MouseEv..."; }}); } } static void listDependButtons(final JList list, final List buttons) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (Component c : buttons) if (c instanceof JButton) { final JButton b = (JButton) c; list.addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { b.setEnabled(list.getSelectedIndex() >= 0); } }); b.setEnabled(list.getSelectedIndex() >= 0); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "for (Component c : buttons)\r\n if (c instanceof JButton) {\r\n final JBu..."; }}); } static Component wrapForSmartAdd(Object o) { if (o == null) return jpanel(); if (o instanceof String) return jlabel((String) o); return wrap(o); } // tok should be the output of htmlcoarsetok static List dropAllTags(List tok) { List list = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && t.startsWith("<")) { list.set(list.size()-1, list.get(list.size()-1) + tok.get(i+1)); ++i; } else list.add(t); } return list; } // alternatively, call this convenient function static String dropAllTags(String html) { return join(dropAllTags(htmlcoarsetok(html))); } static A optCast(Class c, Object o) { return isInstance(c, o) ? (A) o : null; } static boolean addIfNotNull(Collection l, A a) { return a != null && l != null & l.add(a); } static void addIfNotNull(MultiSet ms, A a) { if (a != null && ms != null) ms.add(a); } static IterableIterator iteratorFromFunction_f0(final F0 f) { class IFF2 extends IterableIterator { A a; boolean done = false; public boolean hasNext() { getNext(); return !done; } public A next() { getNext(); if (done) throw fail(); A _a = a; a = null; return _a; } void getNext() { if (done || a != null) return; a = f.get(); done = a == null; } }; return new IFF2(); } static File loadImageAsFile(String snippetIDOrURL) { try { if (isURL(snippetIDOrURL)) throw fail("not implemented"); if (!isSnippetID(snippetIDOrURL)) throw fail("Not a URL or snippet ID: " + snippetIDOrURL); String snippetID = "" + parseSnippetID(snippetIDOrURL); File file = imageSnippetCacheFile(snippetID); if (fileSize(file) > 0) return file; String imageURL = snippetImageURL_noHttps(snippetID); System.err.println("Loading image: " + imageURL); byte[] data = loadBinaryPage(imageURL); saveBinaryFile(file, data); return file; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // If you change this, also change DiskSnippetCache_fileToLibID static File DiskSnippetCache_file(long snippetID) { return new File(getGlobalCache(), "data_" + snippetID + ".jar"); } // Data files are immutable, use centralized cache public static File DiskSnippetCache_getLibrary(long snippetID) throws IOException { File file = DiskSnippetCache_file(snippetID); return file.exists() ? file : null; } public static void DiskSnippetCache_putLibrary(long snippetID, byte[] data) throws IOException { saveBinaryFile(DiskSnippetCache_file(snippetID), data); } static byte[] loadDataSnippetImpl(String snippetID) throws IOException { byte[] data; try { URL url = new URL(dataSnippetLink(snippetID)); print("Loading library: " + hideCredentials(url)); try { data = loadBinaryPage(url.openConnection()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { data = null; } if (data == null || data.length == 0) { url = new URL(tb_mainServer() + "/blobs/" + parseSnippetID(snippetID)); print("Loading library: " + hideCredentials(url)); data = loadBinaryPage(url.openConnection()); } print("Bytes loaded: " + data.length); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException("Binary snippet #" + snippetID + " not found or not public"); } return data; } static File loadDataSnippetToFile(String snippetID) { try { snippetID = fsI(snippetID); IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.loadLibrary(snippetID); File f = DiskSnippetCache_file(parseSnippetID(snippetID)); List urlsTried = new ArrayList(); List errors = new ArrayList(); try { URL url = addAndReturn(urlsTried, new URL(dataSnippetLink(snippetID))); print("Loading library: " + hideCredentials(url)); try { loadBinaryPageToFile(openConnection(url), f); if (fileSize(f) == 0) throw fail(); } catch (Throwable e) { errors.add(e); url = addAndReturn(urlsTried, new URL(tb_mainServer() + "/blobs/" + psI(snippetID))); print(e); print("Trying other server: " + hideCredentials(url)); loadBinaryPageToFile(openConnection(url), f); print("Got bytes: " + fileSize(f)); } // TODO: check if we hit the "LOADING" message if (fileSize(f) == 0) throw fail(); System.err.println("Bytes loaded: " + fileSize(f)); } catch (Throwable e) { //printStackTrace(e); errors.add(e); throw fail("Binary snippet " + snippetID + " not found or not public. URLs tried: " + allToString(urlsTried) + ", errors: " + allToString(errors)); } return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static String htag(String tag) { return htag(tag, ""); } static String htag(String tag, Object contents, Object... params) { String openingTag = hopeningTag(tag, params); String s = str(contents); if (empty(s) && neqic(tag, "script")) return dropLast(openingTag) + "/>"; return openingTag + s + ""; } static void closeAutoCloseables(Collection l) { if (l != null) for (AutoCloseable c : l) { try { c.close(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } static A nuInstance(Class c) { return nuEmptyObject(c); } // return Int.MAX_VALUE if not applicable // Lower score is better static int methodApplicabilityScore_onTypes(Method m, Class[] argTypes) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != argTypes.length) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; int score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Class a = argTypes[i]; Class c = types[i]; if (c == a) {} // perfect match else if (isSubclassOf(a, c)) ++score; else return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return score; } static void internalFrameTitlePopupMenuItem(JInternalFrame f, final String name, final Object action) { internalFrameTitlePopupMenu(f, new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { addMenuItem(menu, name, action) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItem(menu, name, action)"; }}); } static boolean containsSpace(String s) { return containsSpaces(s); } static List replaceElementsUsingMap(Iterable l, final Map map) { return map(l, new F1() { public A get(A a) { try { return getOrKeep(map, a); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "getOrKeep(map, a)"; }}); } static List splitCamelCase(String s) { return ai_splitCamelCase(s); } static void addMenuItems(JMenu m, Object... x) { fillJMenu(m, x); } static void addMenuItems(JPopupMenu m, Object... x) { fillJPopupMenu(m, x); } static boolean isChecked(final JCheckBox checkBox) { return checkBox != null && (boolean) swing(new F0() { public Boolean get() { try { return checkBox.isSelected(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret checkBox.isSelected();"; }}); } static boolean isChecked(final JCheckBoxMenuItem mi) { return mi != null && (boolean) swing(new F0() { public Boolean get() { try { return mi.isSelected(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret mi.isSelected();"; }}); } static JTextField jTextField() { return jTextField(""); } static JTextField jTextField(final String text) { return swing(new F0() { public JTextField get() { try { JTextField tf = new JTextField(unnull(text)); standardTextFieldPopupMenu(tf); jenableUndoRedo(tf); tf.selectAll(); return tf; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JTextField tf = new JTextField(unnull(text));\r\n standardTextFieldPopupMenu..."; }}); } static JTextField jTextField(Object o) { return jTextField(strOrEmpty(o)); } static JPanel showInternalFrameFormTitled(final JDesktopPane desktop, final String title, final Object... _parts) { JPanel panel = showForm_makePanel(true, _parts); showForm_makeInternalFrame(desktop, title, panel); return panel; } static JFrame showForm_makeFrame(String title, JPanel panel) { return handleEscapeKey(minFrameWidth(showPackedFrame(title, withMargin(panel)), 400)); } static List showForm_arrange1(List> l) { int minW = showForm_leftWidth(l); List out = new ArrayList(); for (List row : l) out.add(westAndCenter(withRightMargin(showForm_gapBetweenColumns, jMinWidth(minW, first(row))), second(row))); return out; } static List> showForm_makeComponents(final Boolean internalFrame, Object... _parts) { List> l = new ArrayList(); List parts = asList(_parts); JButton submitButton = null; for (int i = 0; i < l(parts); i++) { final Object o = parts.get(i), next = get(parts, i+1); if (o instanceof String && next instanceof Component) setComponentID((Component) next, (String) o); if (o instanceof Component || o instanceof String || next instanceof Component) { // smartAdd accepts strings l.add(mapLL("wrapForSmartAdd", o == null ? new JPanel() : o instanceof String ? humanizeFormLabel((String) o) : o, next)); if (next instanceof JButton && submitButton == null) submitButton = (JButton) next; i++; } else if (isRunnable(o)) l.add(mapLL("wrapForSmartAdd",null, submitButton = jbutton(showFormSubmitButtonName(), new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Object result = call(o); if (neq(Boolean.FALSE, result)) { if (isTrue(internalFrame)) disposeInternalFrame(heldInstance(JButton.class)); else if (isFalse(internalFrame)) disposeFrame(heldInstance(JButton.class)); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Object result = call(o);\r\n if (neq(Boolean.FALSE, result)) {\r\n ..."; }}))); else print("showForm: Unknown element type: " + getClassName(o)); } if (submitButton != null) { final JButton _submitButton = submitButton; onEnterInAllTextFields(concatLists(l), new Runnable() { public void run() { try { clickButton(_submitButton) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "clickButton(_submitButton)"; }}); } // massage labels for (List row : l) { JComponent left = first(row); if (left instanceof JLabel) makeBold((JLabel) left).setVerticalAlignment(JLabel.TOP); } return l; } static int vstackWithSpacing_default = 10; static JPanel vstackWithSpacing(final List parts) { return vstackWithSpacing(parts, vstackWithSpacing_default); } static JPanel vstackWithSpacing(final List parts, final int spacing) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints(); gbc.weightx = 1; gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.HORIZONTAL; gbc.gridwidth = GridBagConstraints.REMAINDER; gbc.insets = new Insets(spacing/2, 0, spacing/2, 0); // well... smartAddWithLayout(panel, gbc, toObjectArray(nonNulls(parts))); //gbc = (GridBagConstraints) gbc.clone(); //gbc.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH; gbc.weighty = 1; gbc.insets = new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0); panel.add(jrigid(), gbc); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout);\r\n new GridBagConstraints gbc..."; }}); } static JPanel vstackWithSpacing(Component... parts) { return vstackWithSpacing(asList(parts), vstackWithSpacing_default); } static JPanel vstackWithSpacing(int spacing, Component... parts) { return vstackWithSpacing(asList(parts), spacing); } static String getTextTrim(JTextComponent c) { return trim(getText(c)); } // tested for editable combo box - returns the contents of text field static String getTextTrim(JComboBox cb) { return trim(getText(cb)); } static String getTextTrim(JComponent c) { if (c instanceof JLabel) return trim(((JLabel) c).getText()); if (c instanceof JComboBox) return getTextTrim((JComboBox) c); return getTextTrim((JTextComponent) c); } static void setTrayIconToolTip(TrayIcon trayIcon, String toolTip) { if (trayIcon != null) trayIcon.setToolTip(toolTip); } static JLabel jImageLabel(Image img) { return swingNu(JLabel.class, imageIcon(img)); } static JLabel jImageLabel(javax.swing.Icon icon) { return swingNu(JLabel.class, icon); } static JLabel jImageLabel(String imageID) { return jImageLabel(imageIcon(imageID)); } static JLabel jImageLabel(String text, String imageID) { final JLabel l = swingNu(JLabel.class, text, imageIcon(imageID), JLabel.CENTER); { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { l.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); l.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "l.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM);\r\n l.setHorizontalTextPos..."; }}); } return l; } static A firstWithClassShortNamed(String shortName, Iterable l) { if (l != null) for (A o : l) if (eq(shortClassName(o), shortName)) return o; return null; } static A firstWithClassShortNamed(String shortName, A[] l) { if (l != null) for (A o : l) if (eq(shortClassName(o), shortName)) return o; return null; } static boolean boolOptParam(ThreadLocal tl) { return isTrue(optPar(tl)); } // defaults to false static boolean boolOptParam(Object[] __, String name) { return isTrue(optParam(__, name)); } static boolean boolOptParam(String name, Object[] __) { return boolOptParam(__, name); } static boolean boolOptParam(String name, Map __) { return isTrue(optPar(name, __)); } static String conceptsFileName() { return "concepts.structure.gz"; } static boolean isFile(File f) { return f != null && f.isFile(); } static boolean isFile(String path) { return isFile(newFile(path)); } static List sortFilesByName(List l) { sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(File a, File b) { return stdcompare(a.getName(), b.getName()); } }); return l; } static List listFilesNotDirs(String dir) { return listFilesOnly(dir); } static List listFilesNotDirs(File... dirs) { return listFilesOnly(dirs); } static String regexpFirstGroup(String pat, String s) { Matcher m = regexpMatcher(pat, s); if (m.find()) return; else return null; } static String stringIfTrue(boolean b, String s) { return b ? s : ""; } static String decimalFormatEnglish(String format, double d) { return new java.text.DecimalFormat(format, new java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.ENGLISH)).format(d); } static int localYear() { return localYear(now()); } static int localYear(long time) { return parseInt(simpleDateFormat_local("yyyy").format(time)); } static java.text.SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat(String format, TimeZone timeZone) { java.text.SimpleDateFormat sdf = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat(format); sdf.setTimeZone(timeZone); return sdf; } static int localMonth(long time) { return parseInt(simpleDateFormat_local("MM").format(time)); } static int localMonth() { return localMonth(now()); } static int localDayOfMonth(long time) { return parseInt(simpleDateFormat_local("dd").format(time)); } static int localDayOfMonth() { return localDayOfMonth(now()); } static long fixTimestamp(long timestamp) { return timestamp > now() ? 0 : timestamp; } static String loadGZTextFile(File file) { try { if (!file.isFile()) return null; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); GZIPInputStream gis = newGZIPInputStream(fis); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len; while((len = != -1){ baos.write(buffer, 0, len); } } finally { fis.close(); } baos.close(); return fromUtf8(baos.toByteArray()); // TODO: use a Reader } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int hashCode(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } static class ScannedBot implements IFieldsToList{ static final String _fieldOrder = "helloString address"; String helloString; String address; ScannedBot() {} ScannedBot(String helloString, String address) { this.address = address; this.helloString = helloString;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + helloString + ", " + address + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof ScannedBot)) return false; ScannedBot x = (ScannedBot) o; return eq(helloString, x.helloString) && eq(address, x.address); } public int hashCode() { int h = 1660478935; h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(helloString)); h = boostHashCombine(h, _hashCode(address)); return h; } public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {helloString, address}; } } static List fullBotScan() { return fullBotScan(""); } static List fullBotScan(String searchPattern) { List bots = new ArrayList(); for (ProgramScan.Program p : quickBotScan()) { String botName = firstPartOfHelloString(p.helloString); boolean isVM = startsWithIgnoreCase(p.helloString, "This is a JavaX VM."); boolean shouldRecurse = swic(botName, "Multi-Port") || isVM; if (swic(botName, searchPattern)) bots.add(new ScannedBot(botName, "" + p.port)); if (shouldRecurse) try { Map subBots = (Map) unstructure(sendToLocalBotQuietly(p.port, "list bots")); for (Number vport : subBots.keySet()) { botName = subBots.get(vport); if (swic(botName, searchPattern)) bots.add(new ScannedBot(botName, p.port + "/" + vport)); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return bots; } static Object unstructure_startingAtIndex(String s, int i) { return unstructure_tok(javaTokC_noMLS_iterator(s, i), false, null); } static boolean loadBufferedImage_useImageCache = true; static BufferedImage loadBufferedImage(String snippetIDOrURLOrFile) { try { ping(); if (snippetIDOrURLOrFile == null) return null; if (isURL(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)) return imageIO_readURL(snippetIDOrURLOrFile); if (isAbsolutePath(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)) return loadBufferedImage(new File(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)); if (!isSnippetID(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)) throw fail("Not a URL or snippet ID or file: " + snippetIDOrURLOrFile); String snippetID = "" + parseSnippetID(snippetIDOrURLOrFile); IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return loadBufferedImage(rl.loadLibrary(snippetID)); File dir = imageSnippetsCacheDir(); if (loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) { dir.mkdirs(); File file = new File(dir, snippetID + ".png"); if (file.exists() && file.length() != 0) try { return; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); // fall back to loading from sourceforge } } String imageURL = snippetImageURL_http(snippetID); print("Loading image: " + imageURL); BufferedImage image = imageIO_readURL(imageURL); if (loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) { File tempFile = new File(dir, snippetID + ".tmp." + System.currentTimeMillis()); ImageIO.write(image, "png", tempFile); tempFile.renameTo(new File(dir, snippetID + ".png")); //"Cached image."); } //"Loaded image."); return image; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static BufferedImage loadBufferedImage(File file) { try { return file.isFile() ? : null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Matcher regexp(String pat, String s) { return regexp(compileRegexp(pat), unnull(s)); } static Matcher regexp(java.util.regex.Pattern pat, String s) { return pat.matcher(unnull(s)); } static java.util.regex.Pattern regexp(String pat) { return compileRegexp(pat); } static int matcherInt(Matcher m, int i) { return parseInt(; } // month = 1 to 12 static long timestampFromYMDH(int y, int m, int d, int h) { return new GregorianCalendar(y, m-1, d, h, 0).getTimeInMillis(); } static List sortByMap_inPlace(List l, Map map) { sort(l, mapComparator(map)); return l; } // age = age in days, lastAge = age of last (more recent) file kept (also in days) static boolean defaultAgeBasedBackupRetentionStrategy_shouldKeep(double age, double lastAge) { if (age <= 0.5) return true; // keep all backups of last 12 hours if (age <= 7 && age >= lastAge+1) return true; // keep every daily backup from this week if (age <= 28 && age >= lastAge+7) return true; // weekly backups for 3 more weeks if (age >= lastAge+365.0/12) return true; // after 4 weeks, switch to monthly (roundabout) return false; } static int globalIDLength() { return 16; } static boolean allLowerCaseCharacters(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) if (Character.getType(s.charAt(i)) != Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER) return false; return true; } static String hopeningTag(String tag, Map params) { return hopeningTag(tag, mapToParams(params)); } static String hopeningTag(String tag, Object... params) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("<" + tag); for (int i = 0; i < l(params); i += 2) { String name = (String) get(params, i); Object val = get(params, i+1); if (nempty(name) && val != null) { if (val == html_valueLessParam()) buf.append(" " + name); else { String s = str(val); if (!empty(s)) buf.append(" " + name + "=" + htmlQuote(s)); } } } buf.append(">"); return str(buf); } static JFrame setFrameIconLater(Component c, final String imageID) { final JFrame frame = getFrame(c); if (frame != null) startThread("Loading Icon", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final Image i = imageIcon(or2(imageID, "#1005557")).getImage(); swingLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { frame.setIconImage(i); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "frame.setIconImage(i);"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final Image i = imageIcon(or2(imageID, \"#1005557\")).getImage();\r\n swingL..."; }}); return frame; } static void _initFrame(JFrame f) { myFrames_list.put(f, Boolean.TRUE); standardTitlePopupMenu(f); } static Rectangle defaultNewFrameBounds_r = new Rectangle(300, 100, 500, 400); static Rectangle defaultNewFrameBounds() { return swing(new F0() { public Rectangle get() { try { defaultNewFrameBounds_r.translate(60, 20); if (!screenRectangle().contains(defaultNewFrameBounds_r)) defaultNewFrameBounds_r.setLocation(30+random(30), 20+random(20)); return new Rectangle(defaultNewFrameBounds_r); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "defaultNewFrameBounds_r.translate(60, 20);\r\n if (!screenRectangle().contai..."; }}); } static void hideConsole() { final JFrame frame = consoleFrame(); if (frame != null) { autoVMExit(); swingLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { frame.setVisible(false); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "frame.setVisible(false);"; }}); } } static Rect rect(int x, int y, int w, int h) { return new Rect(x, y, w, h); } static boolean jInternalFrame_iconifiable = true; static JInternalFrame jInternalFrame() { return jInternalFrame(""); } static JInternalFrame jInternalFrame(final String title) { return swing(new F0() { public JInternalFrame get() { try { JInternalFrame f = new JInternalFrame(title, true, true, true, jInternalFrame_iconifiable); f.setVisible(true); return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JInternalFrame f = new JInternalFrame(title, true, true, true, jInternalFrame..."; }}); } static void setInternalFrameContents(final Component c, final Object contents) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JInternalFrame frame = getInternalFrame(c); if (frame == null) return; frame.getContentPane().removeAll(); frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout()); if (contents != null) frame.getContentPane().add(wrap(contents)); revalidate(frame); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JInternalFrame frame = getInternalFrame(c);\r\n if (frame == null) return;\r\n..."; }}); } } static A setBounds(final int x, final int y, final int w, final int h, final A a) { if (a != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { a.setBounds(x, y, w, h); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "a.setBounds(x, y, w, h);"; }}); } return a; } static A setBounds(A a, Rect r) { if (a != null && r != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { a.setBounds(toRectangle(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "a.setBounds(toRectangle(r));"; }}); } return a; } static A setBounds(Rect r, A a) { return setBounds(a, r); } static A setBounds(A a, int x, int y, int w, int h) { return setBounds(x, y, w, h, a); } static void internalFrameDefaultPosition(JInternalFrame f) { f.setSize(500, 300); centerInternalFrame(f); } static int fixInternalFrame_borderTopLeft = 0; static int fixInternalFrame_borderBottomRight = 40; // for title bar static JInternalFrame fixInternalFrame(final JInternalFrame f) { return swing(new F0() { public JInternalFrame get() { try { Container c = f.getParent(); if (c == null) return f; Rect r = toRect(f.getBounds()); int a = fixInternalFrame_borderTopLeft, b = fixInternalFrame_borderBottomRight; Rect outer = new Rect(a, a, c.getWidth()-b, c.getHeight()-b); if (!rectContains(outer, r)) f.setLocation( max(a, min(r.x, outer.x2())), max(a, min(r.y, outer.y2()))); if (r.w > c.getWidth() || r.h > c.getHeight()) f.setSize(c.getWidth()-a, c.getHeight()-a); return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Container c = f.getParent();\r\n if (c == null) ret f;\r\n Rect r = toRect(..."; }}); } static JPanel jpanel(LayoutManager layout) { return swingNu(JPanel.class, layout); } static JPanel jpanel() { return swingNu(JPanel.class); } // TODO: process CDATA, scripts static List htmlcoarsetok(String s) { List tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s == null ? 0 : s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c; // scan for non-tags while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) != '<') // regular character ++j; else if (s.substring(j, Math.min(j+4, l)).equals("")); j = Math.min(j+3, l); } else // it's a tag break; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); // scan for tags if (c == '<') { ++j; while (j < l && s.charAt(j) != '>') ++j; // TODO: strings? if (j < l) ++j; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } static boolean isURL(String s) { return startsWithOneOf(s, "http://", "https://", "file:"); } static File imageSnippetCacheFile(String snippetID) { File dir = imageSnippetsCacheDir(); if (!loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) return null; return new File(dir, parseSnippetID(snippetID) + ".png"); } static String snippetImageURL_noHttps(String snippetID) { return snippetImageURL_noHttps(snippetID, "png"); } static String snippetImageURL_noHttps(String snippetID, String contentType) { return snippetImageURL(snippetID, contentType) .replace("", "") .replace("", ""); } static ThreadLocal>> loadBinaryPage_responseHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal> loadBinaryPage_extraHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); static byte[] loadBinaryPage(String url) { try { print("Loading " + url); return loadBinaryPage(loadPage_openConnection(new URL(url))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static byte[] loadBinaryPage(URLConnection con) { try { Map extraHeaders = getAndClearThreadLocal(loadBinaryPage_extraHeaders); setHeaders(con); for (String key : keys(extraHeaders)) con.setRequestProperty(key, extraHeaders.get(key)); return loadBinaryPage_noHeaders(con); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static byte[] loadBinaryPage_noHeaders(URLConnection con) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream inputStream = con.getInputStream(); loadBinaryPage_responseHeaders.set(con.getHeaderFields()); long len = 0; try { len = con.getContentLength/*Long*/(); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.write(ch); if (++n % 100000 == 0) println(" " + n + (len != 0 ? "/" + len : "") + " bytes loaded."); } inputStream.close(); return buf.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } /** writes safely (to temp file, then rename) */ public static byte[] saveBinaryFile(String fileName, byte[] contents) { try { File file = new File(fileName); File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) parentFile.mkdirs(); String tempFileName = fileName + "_temp"; FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFileName); fileOutputStream.write(contents); fileOutputStream.close(); if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + fileName); if (!new File(tempFileName).renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFileName + " to " + fileName); vmBus_send("wroteFile", file); return contents; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static byte[] saveBinaryFile(File fileName, byte[] contents) { return saveBinaryFile(fileName.getPath(), contents); } static String dataSnippetLink(String snippetID) { long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); if (id >= 1100000 && id < 1200000) return imageServerURL() + id; if (id >= 1200000 && id < 1300000) { // Woody files, actually String pw = muricaPassword(); if (empty(pw)) throw fail("Please set 'murica password by running #1008829"); return "" + id + "?_pass=" + pw; // XXX, although it typically gets hidden when printing } return fileServerURL() + "/" + id /*+ "?_pass=" + muricaPassword()*/; } static A addAndReturn(Collection c, A a) { if (c != null) c.add(a); return a; } static void loadBinaryPageToFile(String url, File file) { try { print("Loading " + url); loadBinaryPageToFile(openConnection(new URL(url)), file); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void loadBinaryPageToFile(URLConnection con, File file) { try { setHeaders(con); loadBinaryPageToFile_noHeaders(con, file); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void loadBinaryPageToFile_noHeaders(URLConnection con, File file) { try { File ftemp = new File(f2s(file) + "_temp"); FileOutputStream buf = newFileOutputStream(mkdirsFor(ftemp)); try { InputStream inputStream = con.getInputStream(); long len = 0; try { len = con.getContentLength/*Long*/(); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } String pat = " {*}" + (len != 0 ? "/" + len : "") + " bytes loaded."; copyStreamWithPrints(inputStream, buf, pat); inputStream.close(); buf.close(); file.delete(); renameFile_assertTrue(ftemp, file); } finally { if (buf != null) buf.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static List allToString(Iterable c) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : unnull(c)) l.add(str(o)); return l; } static List allToString(Object[] c) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : unnull(c)) l.add(str(o)); return l; } static boolean isSubclassOf(Class a, Class b) { return isSubclass(a, b); } static boolean containsSpaces(String s) { return indexOf(s, ' ') >= 0; } static A getOrKeep(Map map, A a) { if (map == null) return a; A v = map.get(a); return v != null ? v : a; } static List ai_splitCamelCase(String s) { int j = 0; List l = new ArrayList(); // new addition if (isAllUpperCase(s)) { l.add(s); return l; } for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) if (i > j && isUpperCaseLetter(s.charAt(i))) { l.add(substring(s, j, i)); j = i; } if (j < l(s)) l.add(substring(s, j)); return l; } static void fillJMenu(final JMenu m, Object... x) { //ifdef fillJMenu_debug //print("fillJMenu " + m); //endifdef if (x == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < l(x); i++) { Object o = x[i], y = get(x, i+1); if (o instanceof List) fillJMenu(m, asArray((List) o)); else if (isMenuSeparatorIndicator(o)) { if (menuItemCount(m) != 0) // auto-skip separator if at top m.addSeparator(); } else if (o instanceof LiveValue && ((LiveValue) o).getType() == String.class && isRunnableX(y)) { final LiveValue lv = (LiveValue) o; final JMenuItem mi = jmenuItem(or2(unCurlyBracket(lv.get()), "..."), y); bindLiveValueListenerToComponent(mi, lv, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { String s = lv.get(); if (isCurlyBracketed(s)) { setEnabled(mi, false); s = unCurlyBracket(s); } else setEnabled(mi, true); setText(mi, s); revalidate(m); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "String s = lv.get();\r\n if (isCurlyBracketed(s)) {\r\n setEnable..."; }}); print("bound live value " + lv + " to menu item " + mi); m.add(mi); ++i; } else if (o instanceof String && isRunnableX(y)) { m.add(jmenuItem((String) o, y)); ++i; } else if (o instanceof JMenuItem) m.add((JMenuItem) o); // "call" might use wrong method else if (o instanceof String || o instanceof Action || o instanceof Component) call(m, "add", o); else if (o == null && y instanceof Runnable) ++i; // text == null => disabled item else print("Unknown menu item: " + o); } } static JTextField standardTextFieldPopupMenu(final JTextField tf) { final WeakReference ref = weakRef(tf); componentPopupMenuItem(tf, "Copy text to clipboard", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { copyTextToClipboard(ref.get().getText()) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "copyTextToClipboard(ref.get().getText())"; }}); componentPopupMenuItem(tf, "Paste", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { ref.get().paste() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ref.get().paste()"; }}); return tf; } static String strOrEmpty(Object o) { return o == null ? "" : str(o); } static JInternalFrame showForm_makeInternalFrame(JDesktopPane desktop, String title, JPanel panel) { JInternalFrame f = addInternalFrame(desktop, title, withMargin(panel)); minInternalFrameWidth(f, 400); packInternalFrameVertically(f); centerInternalFrame(f); // TODO: handleEscapeKey(f); return f; } static JFrame handleEscapeKey(final JFrame frame) { KeyStroke stroke = KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0); frame.getRootPane().registerKeyboardAction(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { frame.dispose(); } }, stroke, JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); return frame; } static JFrame minFrameWidth(JFrame frame, int w) { if (frame != null && frame.getWidth() < w) frame.setSize(w, frame.getHeight()); return frame; } static JFrame minFrameWidth(int w, JFrame frame) { return minFrameWidth(frame, w); } static JFrame showPackedFrame(String title, Component contents) { return packFrame(showFrame(title, contents)); } static JFrame showPackedFrame(Component contents) { return packFrame(showFrame(contents)); } static int showForm_leftWidth(List> l) { int minW = 0; for (List row : l) minW = max(minW, getMinimumSize(first(row)).width); return minW; } static int withRightMargin_defaultWidth = 6; static JPanel withRightMargin(Component c) { return withRightMargin(withRightMargin_defaultWidth, c); } static JPanel withRightMargin(final int w, final Component c) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, 0, w)); p.add(c); return p; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n p.setBorder(BorderFactory.creat..."; }}); } static A jMinWidth(final int w, final A c) { if (c == null) return null; return swing(new F0() { public A get() { try { Dimension size = c.getMinimumSize(); c.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(/*max(w, size.width) ??? */w, size.height)); return jPreferWidth(w, c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Dimension size = c.getMinimumSize();\r\n c.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(/*ma..."; }}); } static void setComponentID(Component c, String id) { if (c != null) componentID_map.put(c, id); } static List mapLL(Object f, Object... data) { return map(f, ll(data)); } static boolean isRunnable(Object o) { return o instanceof Runnable || hasMethod(o, "get"); } static String showFormSubmitButtonName() { return "Submit"; } static void disposeFrame(final Component c) { disposeWindow(c); } static void onEnterInAllTextFields(JComponent c, Object action) { if (action == null) return; for (Component tf : allChildren(c)) onEnterIfTextField(tf, action); } static void onEnterInAllTextFields(List c, Object action) { for (Object o : unnull(c)) if (o instanceof JComponent) onEnterInAllTextFields((JComponent) o, action); } static void clickButton(final JButton b) { if (b != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (b.isEnabled()) b.doClick(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (b.isEnabled())\r\n b.doClick();"; }}); } } static A makeBold(final A c) { if (c != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.setFont(c.getFont().deriveFont(java.awt.Font.BOLD)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.setFont(c.getFont().deriveFont(java.awt.Font.BOLD));"; }}); } return c; } static JPanel smartAddWithLayout(JPanel panel, Object layout, List parts) { for (Object o : parts) panel.add(wrapForSmartAdd(o), layout); return panel; } static JPanel smartAddWithLayout(JPanel panel, Object layout, Object... parts) { return smartAddWithLayout(panel, layout, asList(flattenArray2(parts))); } static List nonNulls(List l) { return withoutNulls(l); } static List nonNulls(A[] l) { return withoutNulls(l); } static Map nonNulls(Map map) { return withoutNulls(map); } static Component jrigid() { return javax.swing.Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0, 0)); } static String getText(final AbstractButton c) { return c == null ? "" : (String) swingAndWait(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return c.getText(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret c.getText();"; }}); } static String getText(final JTextComponent c) { return c == null ? "" : (String) swingAndWait(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return c.getText(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret c.getText();"; }}); } static String getText(final JLabel l) { return l == null ? "" : (String) swingAndWait(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return l.getText(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret l.getText();"; }}); } // returns the contents of text field for editable combo box static String getText(final JComboBox cb) { if (cb == null) return null; if (isEditableComboBox(cb)) return unnull((String) cb.getEditor().getItem()); else return str(cb.getSelectedItem()); } static int imageIcon_cacheSize = 10; static boolean imageIcon_verbose = false; static Map imageIcon_cache; static Lock imageIcon_lock = lock(); static ThreadLocal imageIcon_fixGIF = new ThreadLocal(); // not going through BufferedImage preserves animations static ImageIcon imageIcon(String imageID) { try { if (imageID == null) return null; Lock __0 = imageIcon_lock; lock(__0); try { if (imageIcon_cache == null) imageIcon_cache = new MRUCache(imageIcon_cacheSize); imageID = fsI(imageID); ImageIcon ii = imageIcon_cache.get(imageID); if (ii == null) { if (imageIcon_verbose) print("Loading image icon: " + imageID); File f = loadBinarySnippet(imageID); Boolean b = imageIcon_fixGIF.get(); if (!isFalse(b)) ii = new ImageIcon(loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs(f)); else ii = new ImageIcon(f.toURI().toURL()); } else imageIcon_cache.remove(imageID); // move to front of cache on access imageIcon_cache.put(imageID, ii); return ii; } finally { unlock(__0); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // doesn't fix GIFs static ImageIcon imageIcon(File f) { try { return new ImageIcon(f.toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static ImageIcon imageIcon(Image img) { return new ImageIcon(img); } static ImageIcon imageIcon(RGBImage img) { return imageIcon(img.getBufferedImage()); } static List listFilesOnly(String dir) { return listFilesOnly(new File(dir)); } static List listFilesOnly(File... dirs) { return concatMap(rcurry("listFilesWithSuffix", ""), dirs); } static SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat_local(String format) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); sdf.setTimeZone(localTimeZone()); return sdf; } static String fromUtf8(byte[] bytes) { try { return bytes == null ? null : new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Map componentID_map = weakHashMap(); static String componentID(Component c) { return c == null ? null : componentID_map.get(c); } static List listFilesWithSuffix(File dir, String suffix) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (File f : listFiles(dir)) if (!f.isDirectory() && (empty(suffix) || endsWithIgnoreCase(f.getName(), suffix))) l.add(f); return l; } static BufferedImage imageIO_readURL(String url) { try { return URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean isAbsolutePath(String s) { return s != null && new File(s).isAbsolute(); } static boolean isAbsolutePath(File f) { return f != null && f.isAbsolute(); } static File imageSnippetsCacheDir() { return javaxCachesDir("Image-Snippets"); } static String snippetImageURL_http(String snippetID) { return snippetImageURL_http(snippetID, "png"); } static String snippetImageURL_http(String snippetID, String contentType) { return replacePrefix("https://", "http://", snippetImageURL(snippetID, contentType)).replace(":8443", ":8080"); } static Comparator mapComparator(final Map map) { return new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return cmp(map.get(a), map.get(b)); } }; } static Object[] mapToParams(Map map) { return mapToObjectArray(map); } static Object html_valueLessParam_cache; static Object html_valueLessParam() { if (html_valueLessParam_cache == null) html_valueLessParam_cache = html_valueLessParam_load(); return html_valueLessParam_cache; } static Object html_valueLessParam_load() { return new Object(); } static String htmlQuote(String s) { return "\"" + htmlencode_forParams(s) + "\""; } static void standardTitlePopupMenu(final JFrame frame) { // standard right-click behavior on titles if (!isSubstanceLAF()) return; titlePopupMenu(frame, new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { boolean alwaysOnTop = frame.isAlwaysOnTop(); menu.add(jmenuItem("Restart Program", "restart")); menu.add(jmenuItem("Duplicate Program", "duplicateThisProgram")); menu.add(jmenuItem("Show Console", "showConsole")); menu.add(jCheckBoxMenuItem("Always On Top", alwaysOnTop, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { toggleAlwaysOnTop(frame) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "toggleAlwaysOnTop(frame)"; }})); /*ifndef standardTitlePopupMenu_noShootWindow { menu.add(jMenuItem("Shoot Window", r { shootWindowGUI_external(frame, 500) })); } endifndef*/ //addMenuItem(menu, "Bigger fonts", f swingBiggerFonts); //addMenuItem(menu, "Smaller fonts", f swingSmallerFonts); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "bool alwaysOnTop = frame.isAlwaysOnTop();\r\n ifndef standardTitlePopupMenu_..."; }}); } static Rectangle screenRectangle() { return new Rectangle(Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize()); } static Rectangle screenRectangle(GraphicsDevice device) { if (device == null) return null; DisplayMode mode = device.getDisplayMode(); return new Rectangle(0, 0, mode.getWidth(), mode.getHeight()); } static Random random_random = new Random(); static int random(int n) { return random(random_random, n); } static int random(Random r, int n) { return n <= 0 ? 0 : r.nextInt(n); } static double random(double max) { return random()*max; } static double random() { return random_random.nextInt(100001)/100000.0; } static double random(double min, double max) { return min+random()*(max-min); } // min <= value < max static int random(int min, int max) { return min+random(max-min); } static int random(Random r, int min, int max) { return min+random(r, max-min); } static A random(List l) { return oneOf(l); } static A random(Collection c) { if (c instanceof List) return random((List) c); int i = random(l(c)); return collectionGet(c, i); } static JFrame consoleFrame() { return (JFrame) getOpt(get(getJavaX(), "console"), "frame"); } static void autoVMExit() { call(getJavaX(), "autoVMExit"); } static Rectangle toRectangle(Rect r) { return r == null ? null : r.getRectangle(); } static JInternalFrame centerInternalFrame(final JInternalFrame f) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Container c = f.getParent(); if (c != null) { //print("Container type: " + className(c) + ", bounds: " + c.getBounds()); f.setLocation((c.getWidth()-f.getWidth())/2, (c.getHeight()-f.getHeight())/2); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Container c = f.getParent();\r\n if (c != null) {\r\n //print(\"Container ..."; }}); } return f; } static JInternalFrame centerInternalFrame(final int w, final int h, final JInternalFrame f) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { f.setSize(w, h); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "f.setSize(w, h);"; }}); } return centerInternalFrame(f); } static Rect toRect(Rectangle r) { return r == null ? null : new Rect(r); } static Rect toRect(RectangularShape r) { return r == null ? null : toRect(r.getBounds()); } static Rect toRect(Rect r) { return r; } static boolean rectContains(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, Pt p) { return p.x >= x1 && p.y >= y1 && p.x < x1+w && p.y < y1+h; } static boolean rectContains(Rect a, Rect b) { return b.x >= a.x && b.y >= a.y && b.x2() <= a.x2() && b.y2() <= a.y2(); } static boolean rectContains(Rect a, int x, int y) { return a != null && a.contains(x, y); } static String snippetImageURL(long snippetID) { return snippetImageURL(fsI(snippetID)); } static String snippetImageURL(String snippetID) { return snippetImageURL(snippetID, "png"); } static String snippetImageURL(String snippetID, String contentType) { if (snippetID == null || isURL(snippetID)) return snippetID; long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); String url; if (isImageServerSnippet(id)) url = imageServerLink(id); else //url = "" + id + "&contentType=image/" + contentType; url = "" + id; return url; } static A println(A a) { return print(a); } static String fileServerURL() { return ""; } public static File mkdirsFor(File file) { return mkdirsForFile(file); } static void copyStreamWithPrints(InputStream in, OutputStream out, String pat) { try { byte[] buf = new byte[65536]; int total = 0; while (true) { int n =; if (n <= 0) return; out.write(buf, 0, n); if ((total+n)/100000 > total/100000) print(pat.replace("{*}", str(roundDownTo(100000, total)))); total += n; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void renameFile_assertTrue(File a, File b) { try { if (!a.exists()) throw fail("Source file not found: " + f2s(a)); if (b.exists()) throw fail("Target file exists: " + f2s(b)); mkdirsForFile(b); if (!a.renameTo(b)) throw fail("Can't rename " + f2s(a) + " to " + f2s(b)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean isSubclass(Class a, Class b) { return a != null && b != null && b.isAssignableFrom(a); } static boolean isAllUpperCase(String s) { return hasLettersAllUpperCase(s); } static boolean isUpperCaseLetter(char c) { return Character.isUpperCase(c); } static int menuItemCount(JMenu menu) { return menu == null ? 0 : swing(() -> menu.getItemCount()); } static A componentPopupMenuItem(A c, final String name, final Object action) { componentPopupMenu(c, new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { addMenuItem(menu, name, action); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItem(menu, name, action);"; }}); return c; } static void componentPopupMenuItem(JComponent c, final JMenuItem menuItem) { componentPopupMenu(c, new VF1() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu) { try { addMenuItem(menu, menuItem); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItem(menu, menuItem);"; }}); } static JInternalFrame minInternalFrameWidth(final JInternalFrame frame, final int w) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (frame != null && frame.getWidth() < w) frame.setSize(w, frame.getHeight()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (frame != null && frame.getWidth() < w)\r\n frame.setSize(w, frame.getH..."; }}); } return frame; } static JInternalFrame minInternalFrameWidth(int w, JInternalFrame frame) { return minInternalFrameWidth(frame, w); } static A packInternalFrameVertically(A c) { return packInternalFrameVertically(-1, c); } static A packInternalFrameVertically(int width, A c) { final JInternalFrame win = getInternalFrame(c); if (win == null) return c; final int w = width < 0 ? win.getWidth() : width; { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { win.pack(); win.setSize(w, win.getHeight()); fixInternalFrame(win); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "win.pack();\r\n win.setSize(w, win.getHeight());\r\n fixInternalFrame(win);"; }}); } return c; } static int packFrame_minw = 150, packFrame_minh = 50; static A packFrame(final A c) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Window w = getWindow(c); if (w != null) { w.pack(); int maxW = getScreenWidth()-50, maxH = getScreenHeight()-50; w.setSize( min(maxW, max(w.getWidth(), packFrame_minw)), min(maxH, max(w.getHeight(), packFrame_minh))); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Window w = getWindow(c);\r\n if (w != null) {\r\n w.pack();\r\n int ma..."; }}); } return c; } static JFrame packFrame(ButtonGroup g) { return packFrame(getFrame(g)); } static Dimension getMinimumSize(final Component c) { return c == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public Dimension get() { try { return c.getMinimumSize(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret c.getMinimumSize();"; }}); } static A jPreferWidth(int w, A c) { Dimension size = c.getPreferredSize(); c.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(/*max(w, size.width) ??? */w, size.height)); return c; } static List allChildren(Component c) { return childrenOfType(c, Component.class); } static void onEnterIfTextField(Component c, Object action) { if (action == null) return; if (c instanceof JTextField) onEnter((JTextField) c, action); else if (c instanceof JComboBox) onEnter((JComboBox) c, action); } static List withoutNulls(List l) { if (!containsNulls(l)) return l; List l2 = new ArrayList(); for (A a : l) if (a != null) l2.add(a); return l2; } static Map withoutNulls(Map map) { Map map2 = similarEmptyMap(map); for (A a : keys(map)) if (a != null) { B b = map.get(a); if (b != null) map2.put(a, b); } return map2; } static List withoutNulls(A[] l) { List l2 = new ArrayList(); if (l != null) for (A a : l) if (a != null) l2.add(a); return l2; } static boolean loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug = false; static ThreadLocal> loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_output = new ThreadLocal(); static Image loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs(File file) { try { if (!file.exists()) return null; // Load anything but GIF the normal way if (!isGIF(file)) return; if (loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug) print("loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs" + ": checking gif"); // Get GIF reader ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("gif").next(); // Give it the stream to decode from reader.setInput(ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file)); int numImages = reader.getNumImages(true); // Get 'metaFormatName'. Need first frame for that. IIOMetadata imageMetaData = reader.getImageMetadata(0); String metaFormatName = imageMetaData.getNativeMetadataFormatName(); // Find out if GIF is bugged boolean foundBug = false; for (int i = 0; i < numImages && !foundBug; i++) { // Get metadata IIOMetadataNode root = (IIOMetadataNode)reader.getImageMetadata(i).getAsTree(metaFormatName); // Find GraphicControlExtension node int nNodes = root.getLength(); for (int j = 0; j < nNodes; j++) { org.w3c.dom.Node node = root.item(j); if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("GraphicControlExtension")) { // Get delay value String delay = ((IIOMetadataNode)node).getAttribute("delayTime"); // Check if delay is bugged if (Integer.parseInt(delay) == 0) { foundBug = true; } break; } } } if (loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug) print("loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs" + ": " + f2s(file) + " foundBug=" + foundBug); // Load non-bugged GIF the normal way Image image; if (!foundBug) { image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(f2s(file)); } else { // Prepare streams for image encoding ByteArrayOutputStream baoStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); { ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baoStream); try { // Get GIF writer that's compatible with reader ImageWriter writer = ImageIO.getImageWriter(reader); // Give it the stream to encode to writer.setOutput(ios); writer.prepareWriteSequence(null); for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { // Get input image BufferedImage frameIn =; // Get input metadata IIOMetadataNode root = (IIOMetadataNode)reader.getImageMetadata(i).getAsTree(metaFormatName); // Find GraphicControlExtension node int nNodes = root.getLength(); for (int j = 0; j < nNodes; j++) { org.w3c.dom.Node node = root.item(j); if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("GraphicControlExtension")) { // Get delay value String delay = ((IIOMetadataNode)node).getAttribute("delayTime"); // Check if delay is bugged if (Integer.parseInt(delay) == 0) { // Overwrite with a valid delay value ((IIOMetadataNode)node).setAttribute("delayTime", "10"); } break; } } // Create output metadata IIOMetadata metadata = writer.getDefaultImageMetadata(new ImageTypeSpecifier(frameIn), null); // Copy metadata to output metadata metadata.setFromTree(metadata.getNativeMetadataFormatName(), root); // Create output image IIOImage frameOut = new IIOImage(frameIn, null, metadata); // Encode output image writer.writeToSequence(frameOut, writer.getDefaultWriteParam()); } writer.endWriteSequence(); } finally { _close(ios); }} // Create image using encoded data byte[] data = baoStream.toByteArray(); setVar(loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_output.get(), data); if (loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug) print("Data size: " + l(data)); image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(data); } return image; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // f must return a list static List concatMap(Object f, Iterable l) { return concatLists(map(f, l)); } static List concatMap(Iterable l, Object f) { return concatMap(f, l); } static List concatMap(Object f, Object[] l) { return concatLists(map(f, l)); } static List concatMap(Object[] l, Object f) { return concatMap(f, l); } static > List concatMap(Iterable l, IF1 f) { return concatMap(l, (Object) f); } static > List concatMap(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return concatMap(l, f); } static Object rcurry(final Object f, final Object arg) { int n = numberOfFunctionArguments(f); if (n == 0) throw fail("function takes no arguments"); if (n == 1) return new F0() { Object get() { return callF(f, arg); } }; if (n == 2) return new F1() { Object get(Object a) { return callF(f, a, arg); } }; throw todo("currying a function with " + n + "arguments"); } static TimeZone localTimeZone() { return getTimeZone(standardTimeZone()); // TimeZone.getDefault()? } static void duplicateThisProgram() { nohupJavax(trim(programID() + " " + smartJoin((String[]) get(getJavaX(), "fullArgs")))); } static void showConsole() { callOpt(get(javax(), "console"), "showConsole"); } static File[] listFiles(File dir) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); return files == null ? new File[0] : files; } static File[] listFiles(String dir) { return listFiles(new File(dir)); } static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Map map) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : keys(map)) { l.add(o); l.add(map.get(o)); } return toObjectArray(l); } static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Object f, Collection l) { int n = l(l); Object[] array = new Object[n]; if (n != 0) { Iterator it = iterator(l); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) array[i] = callF(f,; } return array; } static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Object f, Object[] l) { int n = l(l); Object[] array = new Object[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) array[i] = callF(f, l[i]); return array; } static Object[] mapToObjectArray(Collection l, IF1 f) { return mapToObjectArray(f, l); } static String htmlencode_forParams(String s) { if (s == null) return ""; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(Math.max(16, s.length())); for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); /*if (c >= 0x100) out.append("&#x").append(charToHex(c)).append(';'); else*/ if (c > 127 || c == '"' || c == '<' || c == '>') { out.append("&#"); out.append((int) c); out.append(';'); } else out.append(c); } return out.toString(); } static boolean isSubstanceLAF() { return substanceLookAndFeelEnabled(); } // menuMaker = voidfunc(JPopupMenu) // return true if menu could be added static boolean titlePopupMenu(final Component c, final Object menuMaker) { JComponent titleBar = getTitlePaneComponent(getPossiblyInternalFrame(c)); if (titleBar == null) { print("Can't add title right click!"); return false; } else { componentPopupMenu(titleBar, menuMaker); return true; } } static void toggleAlwaysOnTop(JFrame frame) { frame.setAlwaysOnTop(!frame.isAlwaysOnTop()); } static A oneOf(List l) { return empty(l) ? null : l.get(new Random().nextInt(l.size())); } static char oneOf(String s) { return empty(s) ? '?' : s.charAt(random(l(s))); } static String oneOf(String... l) { return oneOf(asList(l)); } static A collectionGet(Collection c, int idx) { if (c == null || idx < 0 || idx >= l(c)) return null; if (c instanceof List) return listGet((List) c, idx); Iterator it = c.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < idx; i++) if (it.hasNext()); else return null; return it.hasNext() ? : null; } static String imageServerLink(String md5OrID) { if (possibleMD5(md5OrID)) return "" + md5OrID; return imageServerLink(parseSnippetID(md5OrID)); } static String imageServerLink(long id) { return "" + id; } static int roundDownTo(int n, int x) { return x/n*n; } static long roundDownTo(long n, long x) { return x/n*n; } static boolean hasLettersAllUpperCase(String s) { return hasLetters(s) && !containsLowerCase(s); } static int getScreenWidth() { return getScreenSize().width; } static int getScreenHeight() { return getScreenSize().height; } static List childrenOfType(Component c, Class theClass) { List l = new ArrayList(); scanForComponents(c, theClass, l); return l; } static List childrenOfType(Class theClass, Component c) { return childrenOfType(c, theClass); } static boolean containsNulls(Collection c) { return contains(c, null); } static byte[] isGIF_magic = bytesFromHex("47494638"); // Actual signature is longer, but we're lazy static boolean isGIF(byte[] data) { return byteArrayStartsWith(data, isGIF_magic); } static boolean isGIF(File f) { return isGIF(loadBeginningOfBinaryFile(f, l(isGIF_magic))); } static void setVar(IVar v, A value) { if (v != null) v.set(value); } static int numberOfFunctionArguments(Object f) { if (f instanceof F0) return 0; if (f instanceof F1) return 1; if (f instanceof F2) return 2; if (f instanceof VF1) return 1; if (f instanceof VF2) return 2; if (f instanceof VF3) return 3; if (f instanceof String) return numberOfMethodArguments(mc(), (String) f); return numberOfMethodArguments(f, "get"); } static RuntimeException todo() { throw new RuntimeException("TODO"); } static RuntimeException todo(Object msg) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + msg); } static TimeZone getTimeZone(String name) { return TimeZone.getTimeZone(name); } static String standardTimeZone_name = "Europe/Berlin"; static String standardTimeZone() { return standardTimeZone_name; } // Try to get the quoting right... static String smartJoin(String[] args) { if (empty(args)) return ""; if (args.length == 1) return args[0]; String[] a = new String[args.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) a[i] = !isJavaIdentifier(args[i]) && !isQuoted(args[i]) ? quote(args[i]) : args[i]; return join(" ", a); } static String smartJoin(List args) { return smartJoin(toStringArray(args)); } static boolean substanceLookAndFeelEnabled() { return startsWith(getLookAndFeel(), "org.pushingpixels."); } static JComponent getTitlePaneComponent(RootPaneContainer window) { if (window instanceof JInternalFrame) return getInternalFrameTitlePaneComponent((JInternalFrame) window); if (!substanceLookAndFeelEnabled() || window == null) return null; JRootPane rootPane = window.getRootPane(); if (rootPane != null) { Object /*SubstanceRootPaneUI*/ ui = rootPane.getUI(); return (JComponent) call(ui, "getTitlePane"); } return null; } static A listGet(List l, int idx) { return l != null && idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l.get(idx) : null; } static boolean possibleMD5(String s) { return isMD5(s); } static boolean hasLetters(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) if (Character.isLetter(s.charAt(i))) return true; return false; } static boolean containsLowerCase(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) if (isLowerCase(s.charAt(i))) return true; return false; } static void scanForComponents(final Component c, final Class theClass, final List l) { if (theClass.isInstance(c)) l.add((A) c); if (c instanceof Container) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (Component comp : ((Container) c).getComponents()) scanForComponents(comp, theClass, l); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "for (Component comp : ((Container) c).getComponents())\r\n scanForComponen..."; }}); } } static byte[] bytesFromHex(String s) { return hexToBytes(s); } static boolean byteArrayStartsWith(byte[] a, byte[] b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length < b.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; return true; } static byte[] loadBeginningOfBinaryFile(File file, int maxBytes) { return loadBinaryFilePart(file, 0, maxBytes); } static int numberOfMethodArguments(Object o, String method) { Class c; boolean mustBeStatic = false; if (o instanceof Class) { c = (Class) o; mustBeStatic = true; } else c = o.getClass(); Class _c = c; int n = -1; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!m.getName().equals(method)) continue; if (mustBeStatic && !methodIsStatic(m)) continue; int nn = l(m.getParameterTypes()); if (n == -1) n = nn; else if (n != nn) throw fail("Variable number of method arguments: " + _c + "." + method); } c = c.getSuperclass(); } if (n == -1) throw fail("Method not found: " + _c + "." + method); return n; } static String getLookAndFeel() { return getClassName(UIManager.getLookAndFeel()); } static boolean isMD5(String s) { return l(s) == 32 && isLowerHexString(s); } static boolean isLowerCase(char c) { return Character.isLowerCase(c); } static byte[] loadBinaryFilePart(File file, long start, long end) { try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); int n = toInt(min(raf.length(), end-start)); byte[] buffer = new byte[n]; try {; raf.readFully(buffer, 0, n); return buffer; } finally { raf.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static boolean isLowerHexString(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { // ok } else return false; } return true; } static class Str extends Concept { String name; List otherNames = new ArrayList(); Str() {} Str(String name) { = name;} public String toString() { return name; } }static class Rect { int x, y, w, h; Rect() {} Rect(Rectangle r) { x = r.x; y = r.y; w = r.width; h = r.height; } Rect(int x, int y, int w, int h) { this.h = h; this.w = w; this.y = y; this.x = x;} Rect(Pt p, int w, int h) { this.h = h; this.w = w; x = p.x; y = p.y; } Rect(Rect r) { x = r.x; y = r.y; w = r.w; h = r.h; } Rectangle getRectangle() { return new Rectangle(x, y, w, h); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } public String toString() { return x + "," + y + " / " + w + "," + h; } int x2() { return x + w; } int y2() { return y + h; } boolean contains(Pt p) { return contains(p.x, p.y); } boolean contains(int _x, int _y) { return _x >= x && _y >= y && _x < x+w && _y < y+h; } boolean empty() { return w <= 0 || h <= 0; } }static class Pt { int x, y; Pt() {} Pt(Point p) { x = p.x; y = p.y; } Pt(int x, int y) { this.y = y; this.x = x;} Point getPoint() { return new Point(x, y); } public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } public String toString() { return x + ", " + y; } }static boolean SimpleCRUD_searcher = true; static class SimpleCRUD { Class cc; JTable table; JPanel buttons, panel; Object renderer; // optional, func(A) -> Map Object sorter; // optional, func(Cl) -> Cl String hID = "ID"; Set excludeFieldsFromEditing; String modifiedField; // field to hold last-modified timestamp TableSearcher tableSearcher; Set multiLineFields; // string fields that should be shown as text areas Concepts concepts; Set dontDuplicateFields; boolean latestFirst = false; int formFixer = 12; // stupid value to make submit button appear SimpleCRUD(Class cc) { this(db_mainConcepts(), cc); } SimpleCRUD(Concepts concepts, Class cc) { = cc; this.concepts = concepts;} SimpleCRUD show(String frameTitle) { make(); showFrame(frameTitle, panel); return this; } SimpleCRUD show() { return show(plural(shortClassName(cc))); } SimpleCRUD showMaximized() { show(); maximizeFrame(panel); return this; } JPanel makePanel() { return make(); } JPanel make() { db(); framesBot(); return make_dontStartBots(); } JPanel make_dontStartBots() { // next line not in swing part to allow passing arguments // from outside like showConceptsTable_afterUpdate AutoCloseable __1 = tempSetTL(showConceptsTable_concepts, concepts); try { AutoCloseable __2 = tempSetTL(showConceptsTable_latestFirst, latestFirst); try { AutoCloseable __3 = tempSetTL(showConceptsTable_sorter, sorter); try { table = makeConceptsTable(cc, wrapRenderer(renderer)); { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { buttons = jRightAlignedLine( jbutton("Add...", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { newConcept() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "newConcept()"; }}), tableDependButton(table, jbutton("Edit", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { editConcept(selectedConcept()) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "editConcept(selectedConcept())"; }})), tableDependButton(table, jbutton("Delete", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final List l = selectedConcepts(); withDBLock(concepts, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (A c : l) c.delete() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "for (A c : l) c.delete()"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final List l = selectedConcepts();\r\n withDBLock(concepts, r { for..."; }})), tableDependButton(table, jbutton("Duplicate...", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { duplicateConcept(selectedConcept()) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "duplicateConcept(selectedConcept())"; }}))); if (SimpleCRUD_searcher) { tableSearcher = tableWithSearcher2(table, "withMargin" , true); panel = centerAndSouthWithMargin(tableSearcher.panel, withBottomMargin(buttons)); } else panel = centerAndSouthWithMargin(table, withBottomMargin(buttons)); Object fEdit = new VF1() { public void get(Integer row) { try { editConcept((A) concepts.getConcept(toLong(getTableCell(table, row, 0)))) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "editConcept((A) concepts.getConcept(toLong(getTableCell(table, row, 0))))"; }}; tablePopupMenuItem(table, "Edit...", fEdit); onDoubleClick(table, fEdit); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "buttons = jRightAlignedLine(\r\n jbutton(\"Add...\", r { newConcept() }),\r..."; }}); } return panel; } finally { _close(__3); }} finally { _close(__2); }} finally { _close(__1); }} Object wrapRenderer(final Object renderer) { return renderer == null ? null : new F1() { public Object get(A a) { try { return putAll(litorderedmap(hID, str(, (Map) callF(renderer, a)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "putAll(litorderedmap(hID, str(, (Map) callF(renderer, a))"; }}; } void newConcept() { duplicateConcept(null); } void duplicateConcept(A oldConcept) { final A c = unlisted(cc); ccopyFieldsExcept(oldConcept, c, dontDuplicateFields); final Map map = makeComponents(c); Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { concepts.register(c); saveData(c, map); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "concepts.register(c);\r\n saveData(c, map);"; }}; AutoCloseable __4 = tempSetMCOpt("formLayouter1_fixer2" , formFixer); try { showFormTitled2("New " + shortClassName(cc), arrayPlus(mapToObjectArray(map), r)); } finally { _close(__4); }} void editConcept(final A c) { if (c == null) return; final Map map = makeComponents(c); Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() { try { saveData(c, map) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "saveData(c, map)"; }}; AutoCloseable __5 = tempSetMCOpt("formLayouter1_fixer2" , formFixer); try { showFormTitled2("Edit " + shortClassName(cc) + " #" +, arrayPlus(mapToObjectArray(map), r)); } finally { _close(__5); }} A selectedConcept() { return (A) concepts.getConcept(toLong(selectedTableCell(table, 0))); } A selected() { return selectedConcept(); } int indexOfConcept(final A c) { if (c == null) return -1; return swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { int n = tableRowCount(table); for (int row = 0; row < n; row++) if (toLong(getTableCell(table, row, 0)) == return row; return -1; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "int n = tableRowCount(table);\r\n for row to n:\r\n if (toLong(getTab..."; }}); } List selectedConcepts() { int[] rows = table.getSelectedRows(); List l = new ArrayList(); for (int row : rows) l.add((A) concepts.getConcept(toLong(getTableCell(table, row, 0)))); return l; } Map makeComponents(A c) { Map map = litorderedmap(); makeComponents(c, map); return map; } JComponent fieldComponent(A c, String field) { Class type = getFieldType(cc, field); Object value = getOpt(c, field); //print("Field type: " + field + " => " + type); if (type == boolean.class) return jCenteredCheckBox(isTrue(value)); else if (contains(multiLineFields, field)) return typeWriterTextArea((String) value); else if (isSubtype(type, Concept.class)) return jcomboboxFromConcepts_str(concepts, type, (Concept) value); else try { return autoComboBox(structureOrText_crud(value), new TreeSet(map("structureOrText_crud",collect(list(concepts, cc), field)))); } catch (Throwable e) { printException(e); return jTextField(structureOrText_crud(value)); } } void saveComponent(A c, String field, JComponent comp) { comp = unwrap(comp); if (comp instanceof JTextComponent) cset(c, field, convertToField(trimIf(!(comp instanceof JTextArea), getText((JTextComponent) comp)), cc, field)); else if (comp instanceof JComboBox) { String text = getTextTrim(((JComboBox) comp)); if (isSubtype(fieldType(c, field), Concept.class)) cset(c, field, getConcept(concepts, parseFirstLong(text))); else cset(c, field, convertToField(text, cc, field)); } else if (comp instanceof JCheckBox) cset(c, field, isChecked((JCheckBox) comp)); } List fields() { if (excludeFieldsFromEditing != null && modifiedField != null) excludeFieldsFromEditing.add(modifiedField); return listWithoutSet(filter(conceptFieldsInOrder(cc) , new F1() { public Boolean get(String field) { try { return fieldType(cc, field) != Concept.Ref.class; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "fieldType(cc, field) != Concept.Ref.class"; }}), excludeFieldsFromEditing); } void excludeFieldsFromEditing(String... fields) { excludeFieldsFromEditing = setPlus(excludeFieldsFromEditing, fields); } // override the following two methods to customize edit window void makeComponents(A c, Map map) { for (String field : fields()) map.put(field, fieldComponent(c, field)); } void saveData(A c, Map components) { for (String field : keys(components)) saveComponent(c, field, components.get(field)); if (modifiedField != null) cset(c, modifiedField, now()); } }static class Scored extends Var { float score; Scored() {} Scored(A a, float score) { super(a); this.score = score; } Scored(A a, double score) { super(a); this.score = (float) score; } float score() { return score; } public String toString() { return toIntPercent(score) + "%: " + str(get()); } }static class FixedRateTimer extends java.util.Timer { FixedRateTimer() { this(false); } FixedRateTimer(boolean daemon) { this(defaultTimerName(), daemon); } FixedRateTimer(String name) { this(name, false); } FixedRateTimer(String name, boolean daemon) { super(name, daemon); _registerTimer(this); } List entries = synchroList(); static class Entry implements IFieldsToList{ TimerTask task; long firstTime; long period; Entry() {} Entry(TimerTask task, long firstTime, long period) { this.period = period; this.firstTime = firstTime; this.task = task;} public String toString() { return shortClassName(this) + "(" + task + ", " + firstTime + ", " + period + ")"; }public Object[] _fieldsToList() { return new Object[] {task, firstTime, period}; } } // Note: not all methods overridden; only use these ones public void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) { entries.add(new Entry(task, now()+delay, period)); super.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, delay, period); } public void cancel() { entries.clear(); super.cancel(); } public int purge() { entries.clear(); return super.purge(); } FixedRateTimer changeRate(int newPeriod) { Object r = ((SmartTimerTask) first(entries).task).r; cancel(); return doEvery(newPeriod, r); } } static String structureOrText_crud(Object o) { if (o == null) return ""; if (o instanceof Long) return str(o); // avoid the "L" if (o instanceof File) return ((File) o).getAbsolutePath(); return str(o); } static GlobalID aGlobalIDObjUnlessLoading() { return dynamicObjectIsLoading() ? null : aGlobalIDObj(); } static void dbWithCase(String caseID) { caseID(caseID); db(); } static int tableColumnCount(JTable table) { return tableNumColumns(table); } static void setColumnName(final JTable table, final int idx, final String name) { if (table != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (table.getColumnCount() > idx) table.getColumnModel().getColumn(idx).setHeaderValue(name); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (table.getColumnCount() > idx)\r\n table.getColumnModel().getColumn(idx..."; }}); } } static String getColumnName(final JTable table, final int idx) { return table == null ? null : swing(new F0() { public String get() { try { return table.getColumnCount() <= idx ? null : str(table.getColumnModel().getColumn(idx).getHeaderValue()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret table.getColumnCount() <= idx ? null\r\n : str(table.getColumnModel()...."; }}); } static A addComponent(final A c, final Component component) { if (component != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.add(component); revalidate(c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.add(component);\r\n revalidate(c);"; }}); } return c; } static JButton tableDependentButton(JTable tbl, String text, Object action) { return tableDependButton(tbl, jbutton(text, action)); } static JTable addRowSorter(final JTable table) { if (table != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { table.setRowSorter(new TableRowSorter(table.getModel())); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "table.setRowSorter(new TableRowSorter(table.getModel()));"; }}); } return table; } // params: column index, Comparator, column index, Comparator, ... static void rowSorter_setComparatorForAllColumns(JTable table, final Comparator comparator) { if (table == null) return; setTableModel_fixSorter.put(table, new VF2() { public void get(JTable table, RowSorter sorter) { try { if (sorter instanceof TableRowSorter) { int n = tableColumnCount(table); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ((TableRowSorter) sorter).setComparator(i, comparator); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (sorter cast TableRowSorter) {\r\n int n = tableColumnCount(table);\r\n ..."; }}); } static AlphanumComparator alphaNumComparator_instance; static Comparator alphaNumComparator() { if (alphaNumComparator_instance == null) alphaNumComparator_instance = new AlphanumComparator(); return alphaNumComparator_instance; } static void onConceptChangeAndNow(Runnable r) { onConceptsChangeAndNow(r); } static String dm_originalModuleName() { return dm_originalModuleName(assertNotNull(dm_current())); } static String dm_originalModuleName(Object module) { return (String) callOpt(dm_getStem(module), "originalModuleName"); } static Pair uniq2_sync(Class c, final Object... params) { return uniq2(c, params); } static Pair uniq2_sync(Concepts cc, Class c, final Object... params) { return uniq2(cc, c, params); } // returns number of changes static int _cset(Concept c, Object... values) { return cset(c, values); } static A maximizeFrame(A c) { JFrame f = swing(new F0() { public JFrame get() { try { JFrame f = getFrame(c); if (f != null) f.setExtendedState(JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH); return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JFrame f = getFrame(c);\r\n if (f != null)\r\n f.setExtendedState(JFrame...."; }}); // wait until frame is actually maximized so // we can add components based on correct size if (f != null && !isAWTThread()) { Dimension d = maximumWindowBounds().getSize(); long start = sysNow(); while (licensed()) { try { if (f.getWidth() >= d.getWidth()-100 && f.getHeight() >= d.getHeight()-100) break; if (sysNow() >= start+100) { warn("maximizeFrame timeout"); break; } } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } sleep(1); } } return c; } static void db() { conceptsAndBot(); } // use -10000 for 10 seconds plus slowdown logic static void db(Integer autoSaveInterval) { conceptsAndBot(autoSaveInterval); } static volatile boolean framesBot_has = false; static Android3 framesBot() { if (framesBot_has) return null; framesBot_has = true; Android3 android = new Android3(); android.greeting = programIDPlusHome() + " Frames."; android.console = false; android.responder = new Responder() { String answer(String s, List history) { if (match("activate frames", s)) { swingLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { // prevent blocking when called from same program's AWT thread activateMyFrames(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "// prevent blocking when called from same program's AWT thread\r\n act..."; }}); return "OK, activating " + programName(); } return null; } }; return makeBot(android); } // optional parameters static ThreadLocal> showConceptsTable_dropFields = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal showConceptsTable_postProcess = new ThreadLocal(); // func(L) -> L static ThreadLocal showConceptsTable_afterUpdate = new ThreadLocal(); // voidfunc(JTable) static ThreadLocal showConceptsTable_concepts = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal showConceptsTable_latestFirst = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal showConceptsTable_sorter = new ThreadLocal(); // func(Cl) -> Cl static int makeConceptsTable_idWidth = 50; static JTable showConceptsTable(Class c) { JTable table = makeConceptsTable(c); showFrame(plural(shortClassName(c)), table); return table; } static JTable makeConceptsTable(final Class c) { List dropFields = getAndClearThreadLocal(showConceptsTable_dropFields); final Object pp = getAndClearThreadLocal(showConceptsTable_postProcess); final Object afterUpdate = optParam(showConceptsTable_afterUpdate); final Concepts concepts = optParam(showConceptsTable_concepts, db_mainConcepts()); final boolean latestFirst = boolParam(showConceptsTable_latestFirst); Object sorter = optParam(showConceptsTable_sorter); final List fields = listMinusList(concatLists(ll("id"), conceptFieldsInOrder(c)), dropFields); final JTable table = sexyTable(); tablePopupMenu(table, new VF2() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu, final Integer row) { try { addMenuItem(menu, "Delete", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final long id = toLong(getTableCell(table, row, 0)); deleteConcept_sync(concepts, id); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final long id = toLong(getTableCell(table, row, 0));\r\n deleteConcept_syn..."; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItem(menu, \"Delete\", r {\r\n final long id = toLong(getTableCell(ta..."; }}); AutoCloseable __1 = tempSetTL(awtOnConceptChanges_concepts, concepts); try { awtOnConceptChanges(table, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { //print("Updating concept table"); List data = new ArrayList(); Collection l = list(concepts, c); if (sorter != null) l = (Collection) callF(sorter, l); for (Concept cc : l) data.add(map(new F1() { public Object get(String field) { try { return renderForTable(cget(cc, field)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "renderForTable(cget(cc, field))"; }}, fields)); if (latestFirst) reverseInPlace(data); data = (List) postProcess(pp, data); fillTableWithData(table, data, map("humanizeFormLabel",fields)); if (table.getColumnCount() > 0) table.getColumnModel().getColumn(0).setMaxWidth(makeConceptsTable_idWidth); pcallF(afterUpdate, table); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "//print(\"Updating concept table\");\r\n new List data;\r\n Collection<..."; }}, true); return table; } finally { _close(__1); }} // renderer takes a concept and makes a map for display static JTable makeConceptsTable(final Class cClass, final Object renderer) { if (renderer == null) return makeConceptsTable(cClass); final Object pp = optParam(showConceptsTable_postProcess); final Object afterUpdate = optParam(showConceptsTable_afterUpdate); final Concepts concepts = optParam(showConceptsTable_concepts, db_mainConcepts()); final boolean latestFirst = boolParam(showConceptsTable_latestFirst); Object sorter = optParam(showConceptsTable_sorter); final JTable table = sexyTable(); AutoCloseable __2 = tempSetTL(awtOnConceptChanges_concepts, concepts); try { awtOnConceptChanges(table, 1000, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { List data = new ArrayList(); Collection l = list(concepts, cClass); if (sorter != null) l = (Collection) callF(sorter, l); for (A c : l) addIfNotNull(data, (Map) pcallF(renderer, c)); if (latestFirst) reverseInPlace(data); data = (List) postProcess(pp, data); dataToTable_uneditable(data, table); pcallF(afterUpdate, table); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "new List data;\r\n Collection l = list(concepts, cClass);\r\n if (s..."; }}); return table; } finally { _close(__2); }} static JTable showConceptsTable(final Class c, final Object f) { JTable table = makeConceptsTable(c, f); showFrame(plural(shortClassName(c)), table); return table; } static JTable showConceptsTable(String title, Class cClass, Object f) { return setFrameTitle(title, showConceptsTable(cClass, f)); } static JPanel jRightAlignedLine(Component... components) { return jrightAlignedLine(components); } static JPanel jRightAlignedLine(List components) { return jrightAlignedLine(components); } static JButton tableDependButton(JTable tbl, JButton b) { tableDependButtons(tbl, ll(b)); return b; } static JButton tableDependButton(JTable tbl, String text, Object action) { return tableDependButton(tbl, jbutton(text, action)); } static A selectedConcept(JTable table, Class cc) { return (A) getConcept(toLong(selectedTableCell(table, 0))); } static Object withDBLock(Object r) { Lock __0 = db_mainConcepts().lock; lock(__0); try { return callF(r); } finally { unlock(__0); } } static A withDBLock(F0 r) { return (A) withDBLock((Object) r); } static Object withDBLock(Concepts concepts, Object r) { Lock __1 = concepts.lock; lock(__1); try { return callF(r); } finally { unlock(__1); } } static A withDBLock(Concepts concepts, F0 r) { return (A) withDBLock(concepts, (Object) r); } static class TableSearcher { JTable table; JTextField tfInput; JComponent searchPanel, panel; F2 rowTester; List rowIndices; String input() { return gtt(tfInput); } } static TableSearcher tableWithSearcher2(final JTable t, Object... __) { final TableSearcher s = new TableSearcher(); final boolean precise = true; s.table = t; s.tfInput = jtextfield(); s.rowTester = new F2() { public Boolean get(String pat, Map row) { try { return anyValueContainsIgnoreCase(row, pat); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "anyValueContainsIgnoreCase(row, pat)"; }}; onUpdate(s.tfInput, new Runnable() { List lastFiltered, lastOriginal; public void run() { String pat = s.input(); List> data = rawTableData(t); if (eq(lastFiltered, data)) data = lastOriginal; //print("Searching " + n(l(data), "entry")); List data2 = new ArrayList(); List rowIndices = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(data); i++) { Map map = data.get(i); if (isTrue(callF(s.rowTester, pat, map))) { data2.add(map); rowIndices.add(i); } } //print("Found " + n(l(data2), "entry")); lastFiltered = data2; lastOriginal = data; dataToTable(t, data2); if (precise) lastFiltered = rawTableData(t); s.rowIndices = rowIndices; } }); s.searchPanel = withLabel("Search:", s.tfInput); JComponent top = s.searchPanel; s.panel = boolOptPar(__, "withMargin") ? northAndCenterWithMargin(top, t) : northAndCenter(top, t); return s; } static JPanel centerAndSouthWithMargin(Component c, Component s) { return centerAndSouth(c, withTopMargin(s)); } static int withBottomMargin_defaultWidth = 6; static JPanel withBottomMargin(Component c) { return withBottomMargin(withBottomMargin_defaultWidth, c); } static JPanel withBottomMargin(final int w, final Component c) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(0, 0, w, 0)); p.add(c); return p; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n p.setBorder(BorderFactory.creat..."; }}); } static long toLong(Object o) { if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).longValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseLong((String) o); return 0; } static Object getTableCell(JTable tbl, int row, int col) { if (row >= 0 && row < tbl.getModel().getRowCount()) return tbl.getModel().getValueAt(row, col); return null; } // action: voidfunc(int row) static void tablePopupMenuItem(final JTable table, final String name, final Object action) { tablePopupMenu(table, new VF2() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu, final Integer row) { try { addMenuItem(menu, name, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { pcallF(action, row) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcallF(action, row)"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "addMenuItem(menu, name, r { pcallF(action, row) });"; }}); } static LinkedHashMap litorderedmap(Object... x) { LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(); litmap_impl(map, x); return map; } static A ccopyFieldsExcept(Concept x, A y, Set dontCopyFields) { if (x == null || y == null) return y; return ccopyFields2(x, y, setMinusSet(conceptFields(x), dontCopyFields)); } static AutoCloseable tempSetMCOpt(final String field, Object value) { final Object oldValue = getMCOpt(field); setMCOpt(field, value); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "setMCOpt(field, oldValue);"; } public void close() throws Exception { setMCOpt(field, oldValue); }}; } static JPanel showFormTitled2(String title, Object... parts) { return showFormTitled_customLayout(formLayouter1(), title, parts); } // one array plus more elements static Object[] arrayPlus(Object[] a1, Object... a2) { return concatArrays(a1, a2); } static Object selectedTableCell(JTable t, int col) { return getTableCell(t, selectedTableRow(t), col); } static Object selectedTableCell(final JTable t) { return swing(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return selectedTableCell(t, t.getSelectedColumn()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret selectedTableCell(t, t.getSelectedColumn());"; }}); } static Object selectedTableCell(final JTable t, final String colName) { return swing(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return selectedTableCell(t, tableColumnViewIndex(t, colName)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret selectedTableCell(t, tableColumnViewIndex(t, colName));"; }}); } static int tableRowCount(JTable table) { return tableRows(table); } static Class getFieldType(Object o, String field) { return fieldType(o, field); } static JCheckBox jCenteredCheckBox() { return centerCheckBox(new JCheckBox()); } static JCheckBox jCenteredCheckBox(boolean checked) { return centerCheckBox(new JCheckBox("", checked)); } static JCheckBox jCenteredCheckBox(String text, boolean checked) { return centerCheckBox(new JCheckBox(text, checked)); } static JCheckBox jCenteredCheckBox(String text) { return centerCheckBox(new JCheckBox(text)); } static JCheckBox jCenteredCheckBox(String text, boolean checked, final Object onChange) { return centerCheckBox(jCheckBox(text, checked, onChange)); } // onChange can be a Runnable or a voidfunc(bool) static JCheckBox jCenteredCheckBox(boolean checked, final Object onChange) { return centerCheckBox(jCheckBox(checked, onChange)); } static JTextArea typeWriterTextArea() { return newTypeWriterTextArea(); } static JTextArea typeWriterTextArea(String text) { return newTypeWriterTextArea(text); } static boolean isSubtype(Class a, Class b) { return isSubclass(a, b); } static JComboBox jcomboboxFromConcepts_str(Class cc) { return jcomboboxFromConcepts_str(db_mainConcepts(), cc); } static JComboBox jcomboboxFromConcepts_str(Concepts concepts, Class cc) { return jcomboboxFromConcepts_str(concepts, cc, null); } static JComboBox jcomboboxFromConcepts_str(Concepts concepts, Class cc, Concept selected) { List items = ll(""); String selectedItem = null; for (Concept c : list(concepts, cc)) { String item = + " - " + c; if (c == selected) selectedItem = item; items.add(item); } return jcombobox(items, selectedItem); } static AutoComboBox autoComboBox() { return autoComboBox(new ArrayList()); } static AutoComboBox autoComboBox(final Collection items) { return swing(new F0() { public AutoComboBox get() { try { AutoComboBox cb = new AutoComboBox(); cb.setKeyWord(items); return cb; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "new AutoComboBox cb;\r\n cb.setKeyWord(items);\r\n ret cb;"; }}); } static AutoComboBox autoComboBox(String value, Collection items) { return setText(autoComboBox(items), value); } static JComponent unwrap(JComponent c) { return c instanceof JScrollPane ? unwrapScrollPane((JScrollPane) c) : c; } static Object convertToField(Object o, Class c, String field) { Field f = setOpt_findField(c, field); if (f == null) return o; Class t = f.getType(); if (t == Long.class || t == long.class) return toLong(o); else if (t == Integer.class || t == int.class) return toInt(o); else if (t == Float.class || t == float.class) return toFloat(o); else if (t == Double.class || t == double.class) return toDouble(o); else if (t == String.class) return o instanceof String ? (String) o : str(o); else if (t == File.class) { if (o instanceof String) return new File((String) o).getAbsoluteFile(); } else if (t == GlobalID.class && o instanceof String) return new GlobalID((String) o); return o; } static String trimIf(boolean b, String s) { return b ? trim(s) : s; } static long parseFirstLong(String s) { return parseLong(jextract("", s)); } static void cUpdatePNGFile(Concept c, String field, BufferedImage image, boolean deleteOldFile) { PNGFile png = (PNGFile) (cget(c, field)); if (image == null && png != null) cset(c, field, null); else if (image != null && (png == null || !imagesIdentical(png.getImage(), image))) { if (png != null && deleteOldFile) png.delete(); cset(c, field, new PNGFile(image)); } } static Set fields(Object c) { return listFields(c); } static List listWithoutSet(Collection l, Collection stuff) { return listMinusSet(l, stuff); } static List conceptFieldsInOrder(Concept c) { return conceptFieldsInOrder(c.getClass()); } static List conceptFieldsInOrder(Class c) { String order = toStringOpt(getOpt(c, "_fieldOrder")); Set set = asTreeSet(conceptFields(c)); if (order == null) return asList(set); List fields = splitAtSpace(order); setAddAll(fields, set); return fields; } static Set setPlus(Collection l, A... more) { Set set = similarEmptySet(l); addAll(set, l); for (A a : more) set.add(a); return set; } static int toIntPercent(double ratio) { return roundToInt(ratio*100); } // when used with map function static int toIntPercent(float ratio) { return toIntPercent((double) ratio); } static String defaultTimerName_name; static String defaultTimerName() { if (defaultTimerName_name == null) defaultTimerName_name = "A timer by " + programID(); return defaultTimerName_name; } // firstDelay = delay static FixedRateTimer doEvery(long delay, final Object r) { return doEvery(delay, delay, r); } static FixedRateTimer doEvery(long delay, long firstDelay, final Object r) { FixedRateTimer timer = new FixedRateTimer(shorten(programID() + ": " + r, 80)); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(smartTimerTask(r, timer, toInt(delay)), toInt(firstDelay), toInt(delay)); return vmBus_timerStarted(timer); } // reversed argument order for fun static FixedRateTimer doEvery(double initialSeconds, double delaySeconds, final Object r) { return doEvery(toMS(delaySeconds), toMS(initialSeconds), r); } static FixedRateTimer doEvery(double delaySeconds, final Object r) { return doEvery(toMS(delaySeconds), r); } static Map> setTableModel_after = weakHashMap(); static Map> setTableModel_fixSorter = weakHashMap(); static void setTableModel(final JTable table, final TableModel model) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { Map widths = tableColumnWidthsByName(table); int[] i = table.getSelectedRows(); TableRowSorter sorter = model.getColumnCount() == tableColumnCount(table) ? (TableRowSorter) table.getRowSorter() : null; List sortKeys = sorter == null ? null : sorter.getSortKeys(); table.setModel(model); int n = model.getRowCount(); ListSelectionModel sel = table.getSelectionModel(); for (int j = 0; j < i.length; j++) if (i[j] < n) sel.addSelectionInterval(i[j], i[j]); tableSetColumnPreferredWidths(table, widths); if (sorter != null) { sorter.setModel(model); callF(setTableModel_fixSorter.get(table), table, sorter); //print("Keeping sorter: " + sorter + " Sort keys: " + sortKeys); if (sortKeys != null) sorter.setSortKeys(sortKeys); } table.setRowSorter(sorter); callF(setTableModel_after.get(table), table); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Map widths = tableColumnWidthsByName(table);\r\n int[] i = ..."; }}); } } static int tableNumColumns(final JTable table) { return swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { return table.getColumnCount(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret table.getColumnCount();"; }}); } static void onConceptsChangeAndNow(Runnable r) { onConceptsChange(r); callF(r); } static DynModule dm_current() { return dm_currentModule(); } static Pair uniq2(Class c, Object... params) { return uniq2(db_mainConcepts(), c, params); } static Pair uniq2(Concepts cc, Class c, Object... params) { AutoCloseable __1 = tempDBLock(cc); try { params = expandParams(c, params); A x = findConceptWhere(cc, c, params); if (x == null) { x = unlisted(c); csetAll(x, params); cc.register(x); return pair(x, true); } return pair(x, false); } finally { _close(__1); }} static Rectangle maximumWindowBounds() { return maxWindowBounds(); } static String programIDPlusHome() { return programIDPlusHome(programID(), userHomeIfNotActual()); } static String programIDPlusHome(String programID, File home) { return programIDPlusHome(programID, f2s(home)); } static String programIDPlusHome(String programID, String home) { if (home != null) programID += " " + quote(home); return programID; } static List activateMyFrames() { final List l = myFrames(); { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (JFrame f : l) activateFrame(f); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "for (JFrame f : l)\r\n activateFrame(f);"; }}); } return l; } static String programName() { return getProgramName(); } static boolean boolParam(ThreadLocal tl) { return boolOptParam(tl); } // defaults to false static boolean boolParam(Object[] __, String name) { return boolOptParam(__, name); } static boolean boolParam(String name, Object[] __) { return boolOptParam(name, __); } static List listMinusList(Collection l, Collection stuff) { if (empty(stuff) && l instanceof List) return (List) l; List l2 = cloneList(l); for (Object o : stuff) l2.remove(o); return l2; } static boolean sexyTable_drag = false; static JTable sexyTable() { final JTable table = sexyTableWithoutDrag(); if (sexyTable_drag) tableEnableTextDrag(table); // TODO: seems to interfere with double clicks return table; } static class tablePopupMenu_Maker { List menuMakers = new ArrayList(); } static Map tablePopupMenu_map = newWeakHashMap(); static ThreadLocal tablePopupMenu_mouseEvent = new ThreadLocal(); static ThreadLocal tablePopupMenu_first = new ThreadLocal(); // menuMaker = voidfunc(JPopupMenu, int row) static void tablePopupMenu(final JTable table, final Object menuMaker) { final boolean first = isTrue(getAndClearThreadLocal(tablePopupMenu_first)); { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { tablePopupMenu_Maker maker = tablePopupMenu_map.get(table); if (maker == null) { tablePopupMenu_map.put(table, maker = new tablePopupMenu_Maker()); final tablePopupMenu_Maker _maker = maker; table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { displayMenu(e); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { displayMenu(e); } void displayMenu(MouseEvent e) { if (!e.isPopupTrigger()) return; JPopupMenu menu = new JPopupMenu(); int row = table.rowAtPoint(e.getPoint()); if (table.getSelectedRowCount() < 2) table.setRowSelectionInterval(row, row); int modelRow = convertTableRowToModel(table, row); int emptyCount = menu.getComponentCount(); tablePopupMenu_mouseEvent.set(e); for (Object menuMaker : _maker.menuMakers) pcallF(menuMaker, menu, modelRow); vmBus_send("showingPopupMenu", table, menu); // show menu if any items in it if (menu.getComponentCount() != emptyCount), e.getX(), e.getY()); } }); } if (first) maker.menuMakers.add(0, menuMaker); else maker.menuMakers.add(menuMaker); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "tablePopupMenu_Maker maker = tablePopupMenu_map.get(table);\r\n if (maker ==..."; }}); } } static void deleteConcept_sync(long id) { deleteConcept_sync(db_mainConcepts(), id); } static void deleteConcept_sync(Concepts concepts, long id) { withDBLock(concepts, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { concepts.deleteConcept(id) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "concepts.deleteConcept(id)"; }}); } static void deleteConcept_sync(Concept c) { if (c != null) withDBLock(c._concepts, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.delete() ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.delete()"; }}); } static void deleteConcept_sync(Concept.Ref ref) { if (ref != null) deleteConcept_sync(ref.get()); } static int awtOnConceptChanges_defaultDelay = 1000; static ThreadLocal awtOnConceptChanges_concepts = new ThreadLocal(); static void awtOnConceptChanges(Component component, Object runnable) { awtOnConceptChanges(componentToJComponent(component), runnable, true); } static void awtOnConceptChanges(JComponent component, final Object runnable, boolean runOnFirstTime) { awtOnConceptChanges(component, awtOnConceptChanges_defaultDelay, 0, runnable, runOnFirstTime); } static void awtOnConceptChanges(JComponent component, int delay, final Object runnable) { awtOnConceptChanges(component, delay, delay, runnable); } static void awtOnConceptChanges(JComponent component, int delay, int firstDelay, Object runnable) { awtOnConceptChanges(component, delay, firstDelay, runnable, true); } static boolean awtOnConceptChanges_debug = false; static void awtOnConceptChanges(JComponent component, int delay, int firstDelay, final Object runnable, final boolean runOnFirstTime) { final Concepts concepts = or(awtOnConceptChanges_concepts.get(), db_mainConcepts()); installTimer(component, delay, firstDelay, new Runnable() { long c = runOnFirstTime ? -1 : concepts.changes; public void run() { long _c = concepts.changes; if (awtOnConceptChanges_debug) print("awtOnConceptChanges: " + _c + " / " + c); if (_c != c) { c = _c; call(runnable); } } }); } static Object renderForTable(Object o) { { Object __1= toBufferedImageOpt(o); if (__1 != null) return __1; } if (o instanceof String && containsNewLine((String) o)) return escapeNewLines((String) o); return o; } static A postProcess(Object f, A a) { return callPostProcessor(f, a); } static void fillTableWithData(final JTable table, List rows, List colNames) { fillTableWithData(table, rows, toStringArray(colNames)); } // thread-safe static void fillTableWithData(final JTable table, List rows, String... colNames) { final DefaultTableModel model = fillTableWithData_makeModel(rows, colNames); // TODO: keep model if columns identical? setTableModel(table, model); } static DefaultTableModel fillTableWithData_makeModel(List rows, String... colNames) { Pair p = fillTableWithData_makeData(rows, colNames); return new DefaultTableModel(p.a, p.b) { public Class getColumnClass(int column) { return or(_getClass(getValueAt(0, column)), String.class); } public boolean isCellEditable(int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { return false; } }; } static JTable dataToTable_uneditable(Object data, final JTable table) { return dataToTable_uneditable(table, data); } static JTable dataToTable_uneditable(final JTable table, final Object data) { if (table != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { dataToTable(table, data, true); makeTableUneditable(table); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "dataToTable(table, data, true);\r\n makeTableUneditable(table);"; }}); } return table; } static JTable dataToTable_uneditable(final Object data) { return dataToTable_uneditable(showTable(), data); } static JTable dataToTable_uneditable(Object data, String title) { return dataToTable_uneditable(showTable(title), data); } static JPanel jrightAlignedLine(final Component... components) { return swing(new F0() { public RightAlignedLine get() { try { return new RightAlignedLine(components); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret RightAlignedLine(components);"; }}); } static JPanel jrightAlignedLine(List components) { return jrightAlignedLine(asArray(Component.class, components)); } static void tableDependButtons(final JTable table, List buttons) { for (Component c : buttons) if (c instanceof JButton) { final JButton b = (JButton) c; table.getSelectionModel().addListSelectionListener(new ListSelectionListener() { public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent e) { b.setEnabled(table.getSelectedRow() >= 0); } }); b.setEnabled(table.getSelectedRow() >= 0); } } static boolean anyValueContainsIgnoreCase(Map map, String pat) { for (Object val : values(map)) if (val instanceof String && containsIgnoreCase((String) val, pat)) return true; return false; } static List> rawTableData(JTable t) { int n = tableRows(t); List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) l.add(rawTableLineAsMap(t, i)); return l; } static JTable dataToTable(Object data) { return dataToTable(showTable(), data); } static JTable dataToTable(Object data, String title) { return dataToTable(showTable(title), data); } static JTable dataToTable(JTable table, Object data) { return dataToTable(table, data, false); } // "now" is ignored now static JTable dataToTable(JTable table, Object data, boolean now) { List rows = new ArrayList(); List cols = new ArrayList(); if (data instanceof List) { for (Object x : (List) data) { try { rows.add(dataToTable_makeRow(x, cols)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); }} } else if (data instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) data; for (Object key : map.keySet()) { Object value = map.get(key); rows.add(litlist(structureOrTextForUser(key), structureOrTextForUser(value))); } } else if (data != null) print("Unknown data type: " + data); fillTableWithData(table, rows, cols); return table; } static boolean boolOptPar(ThreadLocal tl) { return boolOptParam(tl); } // defaults to false static boolean boolOptPar(Object[] __, String name) { return boolOptParam(__, name); } static boolean boolOptPar(String name, Object[] __) { return boolOptParam(__, name); } static JPanel northAndCenterWithMargin(Component n, Component c) { return northAndCenter(withBottomMargin(n), c); } static JPanel northAndCenter(Component n, Component c) { return centerAndNorth(c, n); } static JPanel centerAndSouth(final Component c, final Component s) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, wrap(c)); if (s != null) panel.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, wrap(s)); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n panel.add(BorderLayout.CENT..."; }}); } static int withTopMargin_defaultWidth = 6; static JPanel withTopMargin(Component c) { return withTopMargin(withTopMargin_defaultWidth, c); } static JPanel withTopMargin(final int w, final Component c) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(w, 0, 0, 0)); p.add(c); return p; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel p = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n p.setBorder(BorderFactory.creat..."; }}); } static A ccopyFields2(Concept x, A y, Iterable fields) { if (x == null || y == null) return y; for (String field : unnull(fields)) { Object o = cget(x, field); if (o != null) cset(y, field, o); } return y; } static Set setMinusSet(Set l, Collection stuff) { if (empty(stuff)) return l; Set set = asSet(stuff); Set l2 = similarEmptySet(l); for (A a : l) if (!set.contains(a)) l2.add(a); return l2; } static Set setMinusSet(Collection l, Collection stuff) { return setMinusSet(asSet(l), stuff); } static Object getMCOpt(String field) { return getOptMC(field); } static void setMCOpt(String field, Object value) { setOptMC(field, value); } static JPanel showFormTitled_customLayout(final F1 layouter, final String title, final Object... parts) { return showFormTitled_customArrangement(false, new F1, JPanel>() { public JPanel get(List components) { try { return customLayoutPanel(layouter, components); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "customLayoutPanel(layouter, components)"; }}, title, parts); } static int formLayouter1_yPlus = 5; // make higher (bug fixing) static int formLayouter1_fixer2 = 0; static F1 formLayouter1() { final int yplus = formLayouter1_yPlus, fixer2 = formLayouter1_fixer2; return new F1() { public Dimension get(Container parent) { try { List l = getComponents(parent); BitSet bigOnes = new BitSet(); for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) if (containsATextArea(l.get(i))) add(bigOnes, i); int nBigOnes = bigOnes.cardinality(); int mandatoryHeight = totalPreferredHeight(listWithoutIndicesInBitSet(l, bigOnes)); int gap = 4, outerSpacing = 5; Dimension size = parent.getSize(); int gapsAndMargins = outerSpacing*2-(l(l)-1)*gap; int totalSpace = size.height-gapsAndMargins-fixer2; int liberalSpace = totalSpace-mandatoryHeight; double perBigOne = doubleRatio(liberalSpace, nBigOnes); double y = outerSpacing; for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) { Component c = l.get(i); boolean big = contains(bigOnes, i); double h = big ? perBigOne : c.getPreferredSize().height; int actualY = iround(y); c.setBounds(10, actualY, size.width-outerSpacing*2, iround(y+h)-actualY); y += h+gap; } // return preferred size Dimension pref = componentsBoundingSize(parent, outerSpacing); if (parent.getHeight() == 0) // pre-showing - maybe we should always do this pref.height = totalPreferredHeight(l)+gapsAndMargins+yplus; return pref; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "L l = getComponents(parent);\r\n new BitSet bigOnes;\r\n for i o..."; }}; } static Object[] concatArrays(Object[]... arrays) { int l = 0; for (Object[] a : arrays) l += l(a); Object[] x = new Object[l]; int i = 0; for (Object[] a : arrays) if (a != null) { System.arraycopy(a, 0, x, i, l(a)); i += l(a); } return x; } static int selectedTableRow(final JTable t) { return t == null ? -1 : swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { return t.getSelectedRow(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret t.getSelectedRow();"; }}); } static int tableColumnViewIndex(final JTable t, final String colName) { return swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { return t.convertColumnIndexToView(t.getColumn(colName).getModelIndex()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret t.convertColumnIndexToView(t.getColumn(colName).getModelIndex());"; }}); } static int tableRows(JTable table) { return (int) swingCall(table, "getRowCount"); } static JCheckBox centerCheckBox(JCheckBox cb) { return setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.CENTER, cb); } static JCheckBox jCheckBox() { return swingNu(JCheckBox.class); } static JCheckBox jCheckBox(boolean checked) { return swingNu(JCheckBox.class, "", checked); } static JCheckBox jCheckBox(String text, boolean checked) { return swingNu(JCheckBox.class, text, checked); } static JCheckBox jCheckBox(String text) { return swingNu(JCheckBox.class, text); } static JCheckBox jCheckBox(String text, boolean checked, final Object onChange) { JCheckBox cb = jCheckBox(checked, onChange); cb.setText(text); return cb; } // onChange can be a Runnable or a voidfunc(bool) static JCheckBox jCheckBox(boolean checked, final Object onChange) { final JCheckBox cb = jCheckBox(checked); cb.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() { public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e) { pcallF(onChange, cb.isSelected()); } }); return cb; } static JTextArea newTypeWriterTextArea() { return newTypeWriterTextArea(""); } static JTextArea newTypeWriterTextArea(String text) { return setFont(jTextArea(text), typeWriterFont()); } static JComboBox jcombobox(final String... items) { return swing(new F0() { public JComboBox get() { try { return new JComboBox(items); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret new JComboBox(items);"; }}); } static JComboBox jcombobox(Collection items) { return jcombobox(toStringArray(items)); } static JComboBox jcombobox(Collection items, String selectedItem) { return selectItem(selectedItem, jcombobox(items)); } static JComponent unwrapScrollPane(JScrollPane sp) { return sp == null ? null : (JComponent) sp.getViewport().getView(); } static float toFloat(Object o) { if (o == null) return 0f; if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).floatValue(); if (o instanceof Boolean) return ((Boolean) o).booleanValue() ? 1f : 0f; throw fail("Not convertible to float: " + _getClass(o)); } // returns from C to C static String jextract(String pat, String s) { return jextract(pat, javaTok(s)); } static String jextract(String pat, List tok) { List tokpat = javaTok(pat); jfind_preprocess(tokpat); int i = jfind(tok, tokpat); if (i < 0) return null; int j = i + l(tokpat) - 2; return joinSubList(tok, i, j); } static boolean imagesIdentical(BufferedImage img1, BufferedImage img2) { if (img1 == null) return img2 == null; if (img2 == null) return false; int w = img1.getWidth(), h = img1.getHeight(); if (w != img2.getWidth() || h != img2.getHeight()) return false; for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) if (img1.getRGB(x, y) != img2.getRGB(x, y)) return false; return true; } static List listMinusSet(Iterable l, Collection stuff) { if (l == null) return null; if (empty(stuff)) return asList(l); Set set = asSet(stuff); List l2 = new ArrayList(); for (A a : l) if (!set.contains(a)) l2.add(a); return l2; } static List listMinusSet(Iterable l, Collection stuff, Collection stuff2) { return listMinusSet(listMinusSet(l, stuff), stuff2); } static String toStringOpt(Object o) { return o instanceof String ? ((String) o) : null; } static TreeSet asTreeSet(Collection set) { return set == null ? null : set instanceof TreeSet ? (TreeSet) set : new TreeSet(set); } static void setAddAll(Collection a, Collection b) { for (A x : b) setAdd(a, x); } static int roundToInt(double d) { return (int) Math.round(d); } static A vmBus_timerStarted(A timer) { vmBus_send("timerStarted",timer, costCenter()); return timer; } static Map tableColumnWidthsByName(JTable table) { TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); if (tcm == null) return null; int n = tcm.getColumnCount(); TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TableColumn tc = tcm.getColumn(i); map.put(str(tc.getHeaderValue()), tc.getWidth()); } return map; } static boolean tableSetColumnPreferredWidths_debug = false; static void tableSetColumnPreferredWidths(final JTable table, final Map widths) { if (table == null || widths == null) return; { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { try { TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel(); int n = tcm.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TableColumn tc = tcm.getColumn(i); Integer w = widths.get(str(tc.getHeaderValue())); if (w != null) { tc.setPreferredWidth(w); if (tableSetColumnPreferredWidths_debug) print("Setting preferred width of column " + i + " to " + w); } } } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcall {\r\n TableColumnModel tcm = table.getColumnModel();\r\n int n = tcm...."; }}); } } static void tableSetColumnPreferredWidths(JTable table, Object... widths) { tableSetColumnPreferredWidths(table, litorderedmap(widths)); } static void onConceptsChange(Runnable r) { onConceptsChange(db_mainConcepts(), r); } static void onConceptsChange(Concepts cc, Runnable r) { cc.addConceptIndex(simpleConceptIndex(r)); cc.onAllChanged.add(r); } static Rectangle maxWindowBounds() { return GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getMaximumWindowBounds(); } static String userHomeIfNotActual() { String home = userHome(); return eq(home, actualUserHome()) ? null : home; } static boolean activateFrame(final Component c, Object... __) { return swing(new F0() { public Boolean get() { try { Frame f = getAWTFrame(c); if (f == null) return false; if (!f.isVisible()) f.setVisible(true); boolean windowsHack = optPar("windowsHack",__, true); boolean iconified = f.getState() == Frame.ICONIFIED; boolean maximize = boolPar("maximize",__); if (iconified) f.setState(maximize ? Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH : Frame.NORMAL); // My glorious Windows hack // See: if (windowsHack && !iconified && isWindows()) { boolean fullscreen = f.getExtendedState() == Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH; f.setExtendedState(JFrame.ICONIFIED); f.setExtendedState(fullscreen ? JFrame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH : JFrame.NORMAL); } f.toFront(); return true; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Frame f = getAWTFrame(c);\r\n if (f == null) false;\r\n if (!f.isVisible())..."; }}); } static JTable sexyTableWithoutDrag() { final JTable table = tableWithToolTips(); tablePopupMenu(table, sexyTableWithoutDrag_popupMenuMaker(table)); // Disable Ctrl+PageUp and Ctrl+PageDown table.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); //table.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); /*table.registerKeyboardAction( null, KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT );*/ table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_FOCUSED) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW) .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); ((InputMap) UIManager.get("Table.ancestorInputMap")).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP, InputEvent.CTRL_MASK), "none"); return table; } static VF2 sexyTableWithoutDrag_popupMenuMaker(JTable t) { final WeakReference ref = weakRef(t); return new VF2() { public void get(JPopupMenu menu, Integer row) { try { final JTable table = ref.get(); final String item = first(getTableLine(table, row)); MouseEvent e = tablePopupMenu_mouseEvent.get(); final int col = table.columnAtPoint(e.getPoint()); final Object value = table.getModel().getValueAt(row, col); //print("Cell type: " + getClassName(value)); if (value instanceof ImageIcon) { addMenuItem(menu, "Copy image to clipboard", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { copyImageToClipboard(((ImageIcon) value).getImage()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "copyImageToClipboard(((ImageIcon) value).getImage());"; }}); } else { final String text = str(value); addMenuItem(menu, "Copy text to clipboard", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { copyTextToClipboard(text); print("Copied text to clipboard: " + quote(text)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "copyTextToClipboard(text);\r\n print(\"Copied text to clipboard: \" + quot..."; }}); } addMenuItem(menu, "Set row height...", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { final JTextField tf = jTextField(table.getRowHeight()); showTitledForm("Set row height", "Pixels", tf, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { table.setRowHeight(parseInt(trim(tf.getText()))) ; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "table.setRowHeight(parseInt(trim(tf.getText())))"; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final JTextField tf = jTextField(table.getRowHeight());\r\n showTitledForm..."; }}); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "final JTable table = ref!;\r\n final S item = first(getTableLine(table, row)..."; }}; } static void tableEnableTextDrag(final JTable table) { TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() { @Override public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) { return COPY; } @Override protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) { //print("Row/Column: " + table.getSelectedRow() + " / " + table.getSelectedColumn()); Object o = selectedTableCell(table); //print("Value: " + o); return new StringSelection(str(o)); } }; tableEnableDrag(table, th); } static int convertTableRowToModel(final JTable t, final int viewRow) { return t == null || viewRow < 0 ? -1 : swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { return t.convertRowIndexToModel(viewRow); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret t.convertRowIndexToModel(viewRow);"; }}); } static BufferedImage toBufferedImageOpt(Object o) { if (o instanceof BufferedImage) return (BufferedImage) o; if (o instanceof MakesBufferedImage) return ((MakesBufferedImage) o).getBufferedImage(); if (o instanceof File) if (isImageFile(((File) o))) return loadImage2(((File) o)); String c = getClassName(o); // Keep this because it also works on imported objects if (eqOneOf(c, "main$BWImage", "main$RGBImage")) return (BufferedImage) call(o, "getBufferedImage"); if (eq(c, "main$PNGFile")) return (BufferedImage) call(o, "getImage"); return null; } static String escapeNewLines(String s) { return s == null ? null : fixNewLines(s).replace("\n", " | "); } static A callPostProcessor(Object f, A a) { return f == null ? a : (A) callF(f, a); } static Pair fillTableWithData_makeData(List rows, List colNames) { return fillTableWithData_makeData(rows, asStringArray(colNames)); } static Pair fillTableWithData_makeData(List rows, String... colNames) { Object[][] data = new Object[rows.size()][]; int w = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { List l = rows.get(i); Object[] r = new Object[l.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) { Object o = l.get(j); if (o instanceof BufferedImage) o = imageIcon((BufferedImage) o); if (o instanceof RGBImage) o = imageIcon((RGBImage) o); r[j] = o; } data[i] = r; w = Math.max(w, l.size()); } Object[] columnNames = new Object[w]; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) columnNames[i] = i < l(colNames) ? colNames[i] : "?"; return pair(data, columnNames); } static void makeTableUneditable(JTable table) { for (int c = 0; c < table.getColumnCount(); c++) { Class col_class = table.getColumnClass(c); //O ed = table.getDefaultEditor(col_class); //print("Column " + c + " class: " + col_class + " editor: " + ed); table.setDefaultEditor(col_class, null); // remove editor } } static boolean showTable_searcher = true; static JTable showTable(Object data) { return dataToTable_uneditable(data); } static JTable showTable(String title, Object data) { return showTable(data, title); } static JTable showTable(Object data, String title) { return dataToTable_uneditable(data, title); } static JTable showTable(JTable table, Object data) { return showTable(table, data, autoFrameTitle()); } static JTable showTable(Object data, JTable table) { return showTable(table, data); } static JTable showTable(JTable table, Object data, String title) { if (table == null) table = showTable(data, title); else { setFrameTitle(table, title); dataToTable_uneditable(table, data); } return table; } static JTable showTable() { return showTable(new ArrayList>(), new ArrayList()); } static JTable showTable(String title) { return showTable(new ArrayList>(), new ArrayList(), title); } static JTable showTable(List> rows, List cols) { return showTable(rows, cols, autoFrameTitle()); } static JTable showTable(List> rows, List cols, String title) { JTable tbl = sexyTable(); fillTableWithStrings(tbl, rows, cols); showFrame(title, tbl); return tbl; } static Map rawTableLineAsMap(JTable tbl, int row) { if (row >= 0 && row < tbl.getModel().getRowCount()) { Map map = litorderedmap(); // keep order of columns for (int i = 0; i < tbl.getModel().getColumnCount(); i++) mapPut(map, tbl.getModel().getColumnName(i), tbl.getModel().getValueAt(row, i)); return map; } return null; } static void dataToTable_dynSet(List l, int i, Object s) { while (i >= l.size()) l.add(""); l.set(i, s); } static List dataToTable_makeRow(Object x, List cols) { if (instanceOf(x, "DynamicObject")) x = get_raw(x, "fieldValues"); if (x instanceof Map) { Map m = (Map) x; List row = new ArrayList(); for (Object _field : keysWithoutHidden(m)) { String field = (String) _field; Object value = m.get(field); int col = cols.indexOf(field); if (col < 0) { cols.add(field); col = cols.size()-1; } dataToTable_dynSet(row, col, dataToTable_wrapValue(value)); } return row; } return litlist(structureOrText(x)); } static Object dataToTable_wrapValue(Object o) { if (o instanceof BufferedImage) return o; if (o instanceof MakesBufferedImage) return ((MakesBufferedImage) o).getBufferedImage(); if (o instanceof RGBImage) return o; // huh? if (o instanceof Boolean) return o; return structureOrTextForUser(o); } static String structureOrTextForUser(Object o) { return o == null ? "" : o instanceof String ? (String) o : structureForUser(o); } static JPanel centerAndNorth(final Component c, final Component n) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, wrap(c)); panel.add(BorderLayout.NORTH, wrap(n)); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout);\r\n panel.add(BorderLayout.CENT..."; }}); } static void setOptMC(String field, Object value) { setOpt(mc(), field, value); } static JPanel showFormTitled_customArrangement(final boolean internalFrame, final F1, JPanel> arrange, final String title, final Object... _parts) { return swing(new F0() { public JPanel get() { try { List out = showForm_arrange1(showForm_makeComponents(internalFrame, _parts)); JPanel panel = callF(arrange, out); showForm_makeFrame(title, panel); return panel; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "L out = showForm_arrange1(showForm_makeComponents(internalFrame, ..."; }}); } // layouter: voidfunc(Container) or func(Container) -> Dimension // (return value is preferred size) static JPanel customLayoutPanel(final Object layouter) { return jpanel(layoutManagerFromFunction(layouter)); } static JPanel customLayoutPanel(final Object layouter, final List components) { return addAllComponents(customLayoutPanel(layouter), components); } static boolean containsATextArea(Component c) { return childOfType(c, JTextArea.class) != null; } static int totalPreferredHeight(List l) { int h = 0; for (Component c : unnull(l)) h += c.getPreferredSize().height; return h; } static List listWithoutIndicesInBitSet(List l, BitSet bs) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) if (!bs.get(i)) out.add(l.get(i)); return out; } static double doubleRatio(double x, double y) { return y == 0 ? 0 : x/y; } static Dimension componentsBoundingSize(Container container, int insetBottomRight) { Rectangle r = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); for (Component c : container.getComponents()) r = rectangleUnion(r, c.getBounds()); return new Dimension(r.x+r.width+insetBottomRight, r.y+r.height+insetBottomRight); } static Object swingCall(final Object o, final String method, final Object... args) { return swing(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return call(o, method, args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret call(o, method, args);"; }}); } static A setHorizontalAlignment(final int pos, final A a) { swingCall(a, "setHorizontalAlignment", pos); return a; } static A setHorizontalAlignment(final int pos, final A a) { swingCall(a, "setHorizontalAlignment", pos); return a; } static A setHorizontalAlignment(final int pos, final A a) { swingCall(a, "setHorizontalAlignment", pos); return a; } static A setFont(final Font font, final A a) { if (a != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { a.setFont(font); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "a.setFont(font);"; }}); } return a; } static A setFont(A a, Font font) { return setFont(font, a); } static A setFont(final String fontID, float fontSize, final A a) { return setFont(loadFont_cached(fontID, fontSize), a); } static JComboBox selectItem(final String item, final JComboBox cb) { if (cb != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cb.setSelectedItem(item); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "cb.setSelectedItem(item);"; }}); } return cb; } static JComboBox selectItem(final JComboBox cb, final String item) { return selectItem(item, cb); } static JList selectItem(JList list, A item) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { selectRow(list, jlist_indexOf(list, item)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "selectRow(list, jlist_indexOf(list, item));"; }}); } return list; } static Object costCenter() { return mc(); } static IConceptIndex simpleConceptIndex(final Runnable r) { return new IConceptIndex() { public void update(Concept c) { pcallF(r); } public void remove(Concept c) { pcallF(r); } }; } static TableWithTooltips tableWithToolTips() { return tableWithTooltips(); } static List getTableLine(JTable tbl, int row) { if (row >= 0 && row < tbl.getModel().getRowCount()) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < tbl.getModel().getColumnCount(); i++) l.add(String.valueOf(tbl.getModel().getValueAt(row, i))); return l; } return null; } static void copyImageToClipboard(Image img) { TransferableImage trans = new TransferableImage(img); Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents( trans, null); vmBus_send("newClipboardContents", img); print("Copied image to clipboard (" + img.getWidth(null) + "*" + img.getHeight(null) + " px)"); } static JComponent showTitledForm(String title, Object... _parts) { return showFormTitled(title, _parts); } static void tableEnableDrag(final JTable table, TransferHandler th) { if (table.getDragEnabled()) { print("Table drag already enabled"); return; } table.setDragEnabled(true); table.setTransferHandler(th); table.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { if (e.getButton() == 1 && e.getClickCount() == 1) table.getTransferHandler().exportAsDrag(table, e, TransferHandler.COPY); } }); } static boolean isImageFile(File f) { return isImageFileName(fileName(f)); } static BufferedImage loadImage2(String snippetIDOrURL) { return loadBufferedImage(snippetIDOrURL); } static BufferedImage loadImage2(File file) { return loadBufferedImage(file); } static String autoFrameTitle_value; static String autoFrameTitle() { return autoFrameTitle_value != null ? autoFrameTitle_value : getProgramTitle(); } static void autoFrameTitle(Component c) { setFrameTitle(getFrame(c), autoFrameTitle()); } static void fillTableWithStrings(final JTable table, List> rows, List colNames) { fillTableWithStrings(table, rows, toStringArray(colNames)); } // thread-safe static void fillTableWithStrings(final JTable table, List> rows, String... colNames) { final DefaultTableModel model = fillTableWithStrings_makeModel(rows, colNames); swingNowOrLater(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { setTableModel(table, model); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "setTableModel(table, model);"; }}); } static DefaultTableModel fillTableWithStrings_makeModel(List> rows, String... colNames) { Object[][] data = new Object[rows.size()][]; int w = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { List l = rows.get(i); Object[] r = new Object[l.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < l.size(); j++) r[j] = l.get(j); data[i] = r; w = Math.max(w, l.size()); } Object[] columnNames = new Object[w]; for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) columnNames[i] = i < l(colNames) ? colNames[i] : "?"; return new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); } static List keysWithoutHidden(Map map) { return filter(keys(map) , new F1() { public Boolean get(Object o) { try { return !eq(o, "[hidden]") && !isStringStartingWith(o, "[hidden] "); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "!eq(o, \"[hidden]\") && !isStringStartingWith(o, \"[hidden] \")"; }}); } static String structureOrText(Object o) { return o instanceof String ? (String) o : structure(o); } // layouter: voidfunc(Container) or func(Container) -> Dimension // (return value is preferred size) static LayoutManager layoutManagerFromFunction(final Object layouter) { return new AbstractLayoutManager() { public void layoutContainer(Container parent) { Dimension size = (Dimension) (pcallF(layouter, parent)); if (size != null) preferredSize = size; } }; } static A addAllComponents(final A c, final List components) { if (nempty(components)) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { for (Component x : components) c.add(x); revalidate(c); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "for (Component x : components)\r\n c.add(x);\r\n revalidate(c);"; }}); } return c; } static A childOfType(Component c, Class theClass) { return first(childrenOfType(c, theClass)); } static A childOfType(Class theClass, Component c) { return childOfType(c, theClass); } static Rectangle rectangleUnion(Rectangle a, Rectangle b) { return a == null ? b : b == null ? a : a.union(b); } static Map loadFont_cached_cache = new HashMap(); static synchronized Font loadFont_cached(String snippetID) { try { snippetID = formatSnippetID(snippetID); Font f = loadFont_cached_cache.get(snippetID); if (f == null) loadFont_cached_cache.put(snippetID, f = loadFont(snippetID, 12f)); return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static synchronized Font loadFont_cached(String snippetID, float size) { try { return loadFont_cached(snippetID).deriveFont(size); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void selectRow(final JTable table, final int i) { if (table != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (i >= 0 && i < table.getRowCount()) { table.setRowSelectionInterval(i, i); scrollRowToVisible(table, i); } else table.clearSelection(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (i >= 0 && i < table.getRowCount()) {\r\n table.setRowSelectionInterval..."; }}); } } static void selectRow(final JList list, final int i) { if (list != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (i >= 0 && i < listRowCount(list)) list.setSelectedIndex(i); else list.clearSelection(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (i >= 0 && i < listRowCount(list))\r\n list.setSelectedIndex(i);\r\n e..."; }}); } } static int jlist_indexOf(JList list, A item) { return swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { ListModel model = list.getModel(); int n = model.getSize(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (eq(model.getElementAt(i), item)) return i; return -1; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ListModel model = list.getModel();\r\n int n = model.getSize();\r\n for ..."; }}); } static TableWithTooltips tableWithTooltips() { return (TableWithTooltips) swing(new F0() { public Object get() { try { return new TableWithTooltips(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret new TableWithTooltips;"; }}); } static class TableWithTooltips extends JTable { public String getToolTipText(MouseEvent e) { String tip = null; Point p = e.getPoint(); int rowIndex = rowAtPoint(p); int colIndex = columnAtPoint(p); try { return str(getValueAt(rowIndex, colIndex)); } catch (Throwable _e) { return null; } } } static boolean isImageFileName(String s) { return eqicOneOf(fileExtension(s), ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif"); } static String fileName(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.getName(); } static void swingNowOrLater(Runnable r) { if (isAWTThread()); else swingLater(r); } static boolean isStringStartingWith(Object o, String prefix) { return o instanceof String && ((String) o).startsWith(prefix); } static Font loadFont(String snippetID) { try { return loadFont(snippetID, 12f); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Font loadFont(InputStream in) { try { return Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, in); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Font loadFont(String snippetID, float fontSize) { return loadFont(loadLibrary(snippetID), fontSize); } static Font loadFont(File f, float fontSize) { try { return Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, f).deriveFont(fontSize); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static Font loadFont(InputStream in, float fontSize) { try { return Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, in).deriveFont(fontSize); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static void scrollRowToVisible(JTable t, int rowIndex) { int colIndex = 0; if (!(t.getParent() instanceof JViewport)) return; JViewport viewport = (JViewport) t.getParent(); Rectangle rect = t.getCellRect(rowIndex, colIndex, true); Rectangle viewRect = viewport.getViewRect(); int x = viewRect.x; int y = viewRect.y; if (rect.x >= viewRect.x && rect.x <= (viewRect.x + viewRect.width - rect.width)){ } else if (rect.x < viewRect.x){ x = rect.x; } else if (rect.x > (viewRect.x + viewRect.width - rect.width)) { x = rect.x - viewRect.width + rect.width; } if (rect.y >= viewRect.y && rect.y <= (viewRect.y + viewRect.height - rect.height)){ } else if (rect.y < viewRect.y){ y = rect.y; } else if (rect.y > (viewRect.y + viewRect.height - rect.height)){ y = rect.y - viewRect.height + rect.height; } viewport.setViewPosition(new Point(x,y)); } static int listRowCount(JList list) { return list == null ? 0 : swing(new F0() { public Integer get() { try { return list.getModel().getSize(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret list.getModel().getSize();"; }}); } static class TransferableImage implements Transferable { Image i; TransferableImage(Image i) { this.i = i;} public Object getTransferData( DataFlavor flavor ) throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException { if ( flavor.equals( DataFlavor.imageFlavor ) && i != null ) { return i; } else { throw new UnsupportedFlavorException( flavor ); } } public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() { DataFlavor[] flavors = new DataFlavor[ 1 ]; flavors[ 0 ] = DataFlavor.imageFlavor; return flavors; } public boolean isDataFlavorSupported( DataFlavor flavor ) { DataFlavor[] flavors = getTransferDataFlavors(); for ( int i = 0; i < flavors.length; i++ ) { if ( flavor.equals( flavors[ i ] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } }static class AutoComboBox extends JComboBox { String keyWord[] = {"item1", "item2", "item3"}; Vector myVector = new Vector(); boolean acceptOnTab = false; // don't work so good AutoComboBox() { setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(myVector)); setSelectedIndex(-1); setEditable(true); JTextField text = (JTextField) this.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); text.setFocusable(true); text.setText(""); text.addKeyListener(new ComboListener(this, myVector)); if (acceptOnTab) text.setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled(false); setMyVector(); } /** * set the item list of the AutoComboBox * @param keyWord an String array */ void setKeyWord(String[] keyWord) { this.keyWord = keyWord; setMyVector(); } void setKeyWord(Collection keyWord) { setKeyWord(toStringArray(keyWord)); } private void setMyVector() { copyArrayToVector(keyWord, myVector); } class ComboListener extends KeyAdapter { JComboBox cb; Vector vector; ComboListener(JComboBox cb, Vector vector) { this.vector = vector; this.cb = cb;} public void /*keyReleased*/keyPressed(KeyEvent key) { if (key.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) return; if (key.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE) { cb.hidePopup(); return; } if (acceptOnTab && key.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB /*&& key.getModifiers() == 0*/) { _print("Have tab event (modifiers=" + key.getModifiers() + ")"); if ((key.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) == 0 && cb.isPopupVisible()) { cb.setSelectedIndex(0); // accept item cb.hidePopup(); } else // standard tab behavior swing_standardTabBehavior(key); return; } JTextField tf = (JTextField) (cb.getEditor().getEditorComponent()); if (tf.getCaretPosition() != l(tf.getText())) return; String text = ((JTextField) key.getSource()).getText(); Vector list = getFilteredList(text); if (nempty(list)) { cb.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(list)); cb.setSelectedIndex(-1); tf.setText(text); // necessary? cb.showPopup(); } else cb.hidePopup(); } public Vector getFilteredList(String text) { return new Vector(scoredSearch(text, vector)); } } }static class PNGFile extends Concept { String pngPath; // program ID + "/" + file name Rect r; // optional, rectangle that was shot PNGFile() {} // for persistance PNGFile(String pngPath) { this.pngPath = pngPath;} PNGFile(RGBImage img) { this(img.getBufferedImage()); } File pngFile() { if (pngPath == null) { pngPath = _programID() + "/" + id + ".png"; change(); } return prepareFile(new File(javaxDataDir(), pngPath)); } PNGFile(BufferedImage img) { savePNG(pngFile(), img); } BufferedImage loadImage() { return loadImage2(pngFile()); } BufferedImage getImage() { return loadImage(); } BufferedImage getImageSafe() { try { return loadImage(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return null; } String md5() { try { return md5OfBufferedImage(getImage()); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return "-"; } boolean hasImage() { return pngFile().exists(); } } /* * The Alphanum Algorithm is an improved sorting algorithm for strings * containing numbers. Instead of sorting numbers in ASCII order like * a standard sort, this algorithm sorts numbers in numeric order. * * The Alphanum Algorithm is discussed at * * Released under the MIT License - * * Copyright 2007-2017 David Koelle * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /** * This is an updated version with enhancements made by Daniel Migowski, * Andre Bogus, and David Koelle. Updated by David Koelle in 2017. */ static class AlphanumComparator implements Comparator { boolean ignoreCase = false; private final boolean isDigit(char ch) { return ((ch >= 48) && (ch <= 57)); } /** Length of string is passed in for improved efficiency (only need to calculate it once) **/ private final String getChunk(String s, int slength, int marker) { StringBuilder chunk = new StringBuilder(); char c = s.charAt(marker); chunk.append(c); marker++; if (isDigit(c)) while (marker < slength) { c = s.charAt(marker); if (!isDigit(c)) break; chunk.append(c); marker++; } else while (marker < slength) { c = s.charAt(marker); if (isDigit(c)) break; chunk.append(c); marker++; } return chunk.toString(); } public int compare(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null) return s2 == null ? 0 : -1; if (s2 == null) return 1; int thisMarker = 0; int thatMarker = 0; int s1Length = s1.length(); int s2Length = s2.length(); while (thisMarker < s1Length && thatMarker < s2Length) { String thisChunk = getChunk(s1, s1Length, thisMarker); thisMarker += thisChunk.length(); String thatChunk = getChunk(s2, s2Length, thatMarker); thatMarker += thatChunk.length(); // If both chunks contain numeric characters, sort them numerically int result = 0; if (isDigit(thisChunk.charAt(0)) && isDigit(thatChunk.charAt(0))) { // Simple chunk comparison by length. int thisChunkLength = thisChunk.length(); result = thisChunkLength - thatChunk.length(); // If equal, the first different number counts if (result == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < thisChunkLength; i++) { result = thisChunk.charAt(i) - thatChunk.charAt(i); if (result != 0) { return result; } } } } else { result = thisChunk.compareTo(thatChunk); } if (result != 0) return result; } return s1Length - s2Length; } }abstract static class AbstractLayoutManager implements LayoutManager { Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(100, 100); public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) {} public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) {} public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { layoutContainer(parent); //print("preferredSize: " + preferredSize + " (parent size: " + jGetSize(parent) + ")"); return preferredSize; } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { //print("minimumLayoutSize"); return new Dimension(10, 10); } }static interface MakesBufferedImage { BufferedImage getBufferedImage(); int getWidth(); int getHeight(); }static class RightAlignedLine extends JPanel { RightAlignedLine(Component... components) { setLayout(LetterLayout.rightAlignedRow()); for (Component component : components) add(component); } public void add(String text) { add(new JLabel(text)); } } static class LetterLayout implements LayoutManager { private String[] lines; private Map map = new TreeMap(); private RC[] rows; private RC[] cols; private Cell[][] cells; private int spacingX = 10, spacingY = 10; private int insetTop, insetBottom, insetLeft, insetRight; private int template; private boolean formWideLeftSide, formWideRightSide; private static final int STALACTITE = 1, LEFT_ALIGNED_ROW = 2, CENTERED_ROW = 3, FORM = 4, RIGHT_ALIGNED_ROW = 5; private boolean debug = false; public void setLeftBorder(int border) { insetLeft = border; } public void setRightBorder(int border) { insetRight = border; } public static JComponent withBorder(JComponent component, int border) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(new LetterLayout("C").setBorder(border)); panel.add("C", component); return panel; } public static JPanel panel(String... lines) { return new JPanel(new LetterLayout(lines)); } public static JPanel stalactitePanel() { return new JPanel(stalactite()); } static class DummyComponent extends JComponent { } /** * info about one matrix cell */ static class Cell { boolean aux = false; // part of a larger cell, but not top-left corner int minWidth, minHeight; Component component; int colspan, rowspan; double weightX, weightY; } /** * info about one matrix row / column */ static class RC { int min; double weightSum; int start; int minEnd; } private LetterLayout(int template) { this.template = template; } public LetterLayout(String... lines) { this.lines = lines; } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component component) { map.values().remove(component); } public void layoutContainer(Container container) { prepareLayout(container); // do layout if (debug) System.out.println("Container size: " + container.getSize()); Insets insets = getInsets(container); for (int r = 0; r < rows.length; r++) { for (int i = 0; i < cols.length;) { Cell cell = cells[i][r]; if (cell.aux) ++i; else { if (cell.component != null) { int x1 = cols[i].start; int y1 = rows[r].start; int x2 = i + cell.colspan < cols.length ? cols[i + cell.colspan].start - spacingX : container.getWidth() - insets.right; int y2 = r + cell.rowspan < rows.length ? rows[r + cell.rowspan].start - spacingY : container.getHeight() - insets.bottom; if (debug) System.out.println("Layouting ("+i+", "+r+", " + cell.component.getClass().getName() + "): "+x1+" "+y1+" "+x2+" "+y2); cell.component.setBounds(x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1); } i += cells[i][r].colspan; } } } } private void prepareLayout(Container container) { applyTemplate(container); int numRows = lines.length, numCols = lines[0].length(); for (int i = 1; i < numRows; i++) if (lines[i].length() != numCols) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Lines have varying length"); cells = new Cell[numCols][numRows]; rows = new RC[numRows]; cols = new RC[numCols]; for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) rows[r] = new RC(); for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) cols[i] = new RC(); for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) cells[i][r] = new Cell(); // define cells for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) { String line = lines[r]; for (int i = 0; i < numCols;) { Cell cell = cells[i][r]; if (cell.aux) { ++i; continue; } char ch = line.charAt(i); int iNext = i; do ++iNext; while (iNext < numCols && ch == line.charAt(iNext)); int rNext = r; do ++rNext; while (rNext < numRows && ch == lines[rNext].charAt(i)); cell.weightX = numCols == 1 || iNext > i + 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0; cell.weightY = numRows == 1 || rNext > r + 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0; Component c = map.get(String.valueOf(ch)); cell.component = c; if (c != null) { cell.minWidth = c.getMinimumSize().width + spacingX; cell.minHeight = getMinimumHeight(c) + spacingY; } cell.colspan = iNext - i; cell.rowspan = rNext - r; if (cell.colspan == 1) cols[i].min = Math.max(cols[i].min, cell.minWidth); if (cell.rowspan == 1) rows[r].min = Math.max(rows[r].min, cell.minHeight); for (int r2 = r; r2 < rNext; r2++) for (int i2 = i; i2 < iNext; i2++) if (r2 != r || i2 != i) cells[i2][r2].aux = true; i = iNext; } } // determine minStarts, weightSums while (true) { for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { int minStart = i == 0 ? 0 : cols[i - 1].minEnd; double weightStart = i == 0 ? 0.0 : cols[i - 1].weightSum; for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) { Cell cell = cells[i][r]; if (!cell.aux) { RC rc = cols[i + cell.colspan - 1]; rc.minEnd = Math.max(rc.minEnd, minStart + cell.minWidth); rc.weightSum = Math.max(rc.weightSum, weightStart + cell.weightX); } } } for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) { int minStart = r == 0 ? 0 : rows[r - 1].minEnd; double weightStart = r == 0 ? 0.0 : rows[r - 1].weightSum; for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) { Cell cell = cells[i][r]; if (!cell.aux) { RC rc = rows[r + cell.rowspan - 1]; rc.minEnd = Math.max(rc.minEnd, minStart + cell.minHeight); rc.weightSum = Math.max(rc.weightSum, weightStart + cell.weightY); } } } if (allWeightsZero(cols)) { for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) cells[i][r].weightX = 1.0; continue; } if (allWeightsZero(rows)) { for (int r = 0; r < numRows; r++) for (int i = 0; i < numCols; i++) cells[i][r].weightY = 1.0; continue; } break; } // determine row, col starts Insets insets = getInsets(container); determineStarts(cols, insets.left, container.getWidth() - insets.left - insets.right + spacingX, spacingX); determineStarts(rows,, container.getHeight() - - insets.bottom + spacingY, spacingY); } private boolean allWeightsZero(RC[] rcs) { for (int i = 0; i < rcs.length; i++) if (rcs[i].weightSum != 0.0) return false; return true; } private static int getMinimumHeight(Component c) { /*if (c instanceof JTextArea) { return (int) ((JTextArea) c).getUI().getRootView((JTextArea) c).getPreferredSpan(javax.swing.text.View.Y_AXIS); }*/ return c.getMinimumSize().height; } private void applyTemplate(Container container) { if (template == STALACTITE) { Component[] components = container.getComponents(); lines = new String[components.length + 2]; map.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { String s = String.valueOf(makeIndexChar(i)); map.put(s, components[i]); lines[i] = s; } lines[components.length] = lines[components.length + 1] = " "; } else if (template == FORM) { /* old method of calculating numRows: int numRows = 0; for (String key : map.keySet()) { if (key.length() == 1) numRows = Math.max(numRows, Character.toLowerCase(key.charAt(0))-'a'); }*/ Component[] components = container.getComponents(); int numRows = components.length/2; lines = new String[numRows+2]; map.clear(); for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) { String lower = String.valueOf(makeIndexChar(row)); String upper = String.valueOf(makeAlternateIndexChar(row)); Component rightComponent = components[row * 2 + 1]; if (rightComponent instanceof DummyComponent) upper = lower; lines[row] = (formWideLeftSide ? lower + lower : lower) + (formWideRightSide ? upper + upper : upper); map.put(lower, components[row*2]); if (!(rightComponent instanceof DummyComponent)) map.put(upper, rightComponent); } lines[numRows] = lines[numRows+1] = (formWideLeftSide ? " " : " ") + (formWideRightSide ? " " : " "); } else if (template == LEFT_ALIGNED_ROW) { lines = new String[] { makeSingleRow(container) + RIGHT_CHAR + RIGHT_CHAR }; } else if (template == CENTERED_ROW) { lines = new String[] { "" + LEFT_CHAR + LEFT_CHAR + makeSingleRow(container) + RIGHT_CHAR + RIGHT_CHAR }; } else if (template == RIGHT_ALIGNED_ROW) { lines = new String[] { "" + LEFT_CHAR + LEFT_CHAR + makeSingleRow(container) }; } } private String makeSingleRow(Container container) { Component[] components = container.getComponents(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); map.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) { String s = String.valueOf(makeAlternateIndexChar(i)); map.put(s, components[i]); buf.append(s); } return buf.toString(); } private static void determineStarts(RC[] rcs, int start, int totalSize, int spacing) { int minTotal = rcs[rcs.length - 1].minEnd; double weightSum = rcs[rcs.length - 1].weightSum; //System.out.println("totalSize="+totalSize+",minTotal="+minTotal+",weightSum="+weightSum); int spare = (int) ((totalSize - minTotal) / (weightSum == 0.0 ? 1.0 : weightSum)); int x = start, minSum = 0; double prevWeightSum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < rcs.length; i++) { int width = rcs[i].minEnd - minSum + (int) ((rcs[i].weightSum - prevWeightSum) * spare) - spacing; //System.out.println("i="+i+",prevws="+prevWeightSum+",ws="+rcs[i].weightSum+",min="+rcs[i].min+",width="+width); rcs[i].start = x; x += width + spacing; prevWeightSum = rcs[i].weightSum; minSum = rcs[i].minEnd; } } public void addLayoutComponent(String s, Component component) { map.put(s, component); } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container container) { prepareLayout(container); Insets insets = getInsets(container); Dimension result = new Dimension( insets.left + cols[cols.length - 1].minEnd + insets.right - spacingX, + rows[rows.length - 1].minEnd + insets.bottom - spacingY); return result; } private Insets getInsets(Container container) { Insets insets = container.getInsets(); return new Insets( + insetTop, insets.left + insetLeft, insets.bottom + insetBottom, insets.right + insetRight); } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container container) { return minimumLayoutSize(container); } public LetterLayout setSpacing(int x, int y) { spacingX = x; spacingY = y; return this; } public LetterLayout setSpacing(int spacing) { return setSpacing(spacing, spacing); } public LetterLayout setBorder(int top, int left, int bottom, int right) { insetTop = top; insetLeft = left; insetBottom = bottom; insetRight = right; return this; } public LetterLayout setBorder(int inset) { return setBorder(inset, inset, inset, inset); } public LetterLayout setTopBorder(int inset) { insetTop = inset; return this; } /** * layout components from top to bottom; add components without letters! */ public static LetterLayout stalactite() { return new LetterLayout(STALACTITE); } /** * layout components from left to right; add components without letters! */ public static LetterLayout leftAlignedRow() { return new LetterLayout(LEFT_ALIGNED_ROW); } public static LetterLayout leftAlignedRow(int spacing) { return leftAlignedRow().setSpacing(spacing); } /** * layout components from left to right, center in container; add components without letters! */ public static LetterLayout centeredRow() { return new LetterLayout(CENTERED_ROW); } public static LetterLayout rightAlignedRow() { return new LetterLayout(RIGHT_ALIGNED_ROW); } public static JPanel rightAlignedRowPanel(JComponent... components) { return makePanel(new LetterLayout(RIGHT_ALIGNED_ROW), components); } private static JPanel makePanel(LetterLayout letterLayout, JComponent[] components) { JPanel panel = new JPanel(letterLayout); for (JComponent component : components) { panel.add(component); } return panel; } /** * layout components from top to bottom; two components per row */ public static LetterLayout form() { LetterLayout letterLayout = new LetterLayout(FORM); letterLayout.formWideLeftSide = true; letterLayout.formWideRightSide = true; return letterLayout; } /** * layout components from top to bottom; two components per row * left column is small, right column is wide */ public static LetterLayout formWideRightSide() { LetterLayout letterLayout = new LetterLayout(FORM); letterLayout.formWideRightSide = true; return letterLayout; } public static Component getDummyComponent() { return new DummyComponent(); } public static JPanel newPanel(String... lines) { return new JPanel(new LetterLayout(lines)); } public boolean isDebug() { return debug; } public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } public static char makeIndexChar(int idx) { return (char) ('a' + idx*2); } public static char makeAlternateIndexChar(int idx) { return (char) ('b' + idx*2); } public static char LEFT_CHAR = ',', RIGHT_CHAR = '.'; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println((int) makeIndexChar(0)); System.out.println((int) makeAlternateIndexChar(0)); System.out.println((int) makeIndexChar(32000)); System.out.println((int) makeAlternateIndexChar(32000)); System.out.println((int) LEFT_CHAR); System.out.println((int) RIGHT_CHAR); } } static void setSelectedIndex(final JList l, final int i) { if (l != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { l.setSelectedIndex(i); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "l.setSelectedIndex(i);"; }}); } } static void setSelectedIndex(final JComboBox cb, final int i) { if (cb != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cb.setSelectedIndex(i); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "cb.setSelectedIndex(i);"; }}); } } static void copyArrayToVector(Object[] array, Vector v) { v.clear(); v.addAll(toList(array)); } static A _print(String s, A a) { return print(s, a); } static A _print(A a) { return print(a); } static void _print() { print(); } static void swing_standardTabBehavior(KeyEvent key) { if ((key.getModifiers() & ActionEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusPreviousComponent(); else KeyboardFocusManager.getCurrentKeyboardFocusManager().focusNextComponent(); } static List scoredSearch(String query, Iterable data) { Map scores = new HashMap(); List prepared = scoredSearch_prepare(query); for (String s : data) { int score = scoredSearch_score(s, prepared); if (score != 0) scores.put(s, score); } return keysSortedByValuesDesc(scores); } static File prepareFile(File file) { return mkdirsForFile(file); } static void savePNG(BufferedImage img, File file) { try { File tempFile = new File(file.getPath() + "_temp"); CriticalAction ca = beginCriticalAction("Save " + f2s(file)); try { ImageIO.write(img, "png", mkdirsFor(tempFile)); file.delete(); tempFile.renameTo(file); } finally { ca.done(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } // gotta love convenience & program-smartness static void savePNG(File file, BufferedImage img) { savePNG(img, file); } static void savePNG(File file, RGBImage img) { savePNG(file, img.getBufferedImage()); } static RGBImage loadImage(String snippetIDOrURL) { return new RGBImage(loadBufferedImage(snippetIDOrURL)); } static RGBImage loadImage(File f) { return new RGBImage(loadBufferedImage(f)); } static String md5OfBufferedImage(BufferedImage img) { return img == null ? null : rgbMD5(new RGBImage(img)); } static List scoredSearch_prepare(String query) { return map("replacePlusWithSpace",splitAtSpace(query)); } static int scoredSearch_score(Iterable l, List words) { int score = 0; if (l != null) for (String s : l) score += scoredSearch_score(s, words); return score; } static int scoredSearch_score(String s, List words) { int score = 0; if (nempty(s)) for (String word : words) score += scoredSearch_score_single(s, word); return score; } static int scoredSearch_score(String s, String query) { return scoredSearch_score(s, scoredSearch_prepare(query)); } static List keysSortedByValuesDesc(final Map map) { List l = new ArrayList(map.keySet()); sort(l, mapComparatorDesc(map)); return l; } static String rgbMD5(RGBImage img) { return md5OfRGBImage(img); } static String replacePlusWithSpace(String s) { return replace(s, '+', ' '); } static int scoredSearch_score_single(String s, String query) { int i = indexOfIC_underscore(s, query); if (i < 0) return 0; if (i > 0) return 1; return l(s) == l(query) ? 3 : 2; } static Comparator mapComparatorDesc(final Map map) { return new Comparator() { public int compare(A a, A b) { return cmp(map.get(b), map.get(a)); } }; } static String md5OfRGBImage(RGBImage img) { try { MessageDigest m = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); m.update(intToBytes(img.getWidth())); int[] pixels = img.getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < l(pixels); i++) m.update(intToBytes(pixels[i])); return bytesToHex(m.digest()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } static int indexOfIC_underscore(String a, String b) { int la = l(a), lb = l(b); if (la < lb) return -1; int n = la-lb; elsewhere: for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < lb; j++) { char c2 = b.charAt(j); if (c2 == '_' || eqic(c2, a.charAt(i+j))) { /* matching char */ } else continue elsewhere; } return i; } return -1; } static byte[] intToBytes(int i) { return new byte[] { (byte) (i >>> 24), (byte) (i >>> 16), (byte) (i >>> 8), (byte) i}; } static class RGBImage implements MakesBufferedImage { transient BufferedImage bufferedImage; File file; int width, height; int[] pixels; RGBImage() {} RGBImage(BufferedImage image) { this(image, null); } RGBImage(BufferedImage image, File file) { this.file = file; bufferedImage = image; width = image.getWidth(); height = image.getHeight(); pixels = new int[width*height]; PixelGrabber pixelGrabber = new PixelGrabber(image, 0, 0, width, height, pixels, 0, width); try { if (!pixelGrabber.grabPixels()) throw new RuntimeException("Could not grab pixels"); cleanPixels(); // set upper byte to 0 } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** We assume it's a file name to load from */ RGBImage(String file) throws IOException { this(new File(file)); } RGBImage(Dimension size, Color color) { this(size.width, size.height, color); } RGBImage(Dimension size, RGB color) { this(size.width, size.height, color); } private void cleanPixels() { for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) pixels[i] &= 0xFFFFFF; } RGBImage(int width, int height, int[] pixels) { this.width = width; this.height = height; this.pixels = pixels; } RGBImage(int w, int h, RGB[] pixels) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.pixels = asInts(pixels); } public static int[] asInts(RGB[] pixels) { int[] ints = new int[pixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) ints[i] = pixels[i] == null ? 0 : pixels[i].getColor().getRGB(); return ints; } public RGBImage(int w, int h) { this(w, h,; } RGBImage(int w, int h, RGB rgb) { this.width = w; this.height = h; this.pixels = new int[w*h]; int col = rgb.asInt(); if (col != 0) for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) pixels[i] = col; } RGBImage(RGBImage image) { this(image.width, image.height, copyPixels(image.pixels)); } RGBImage(int width, int height, Color color) { this(width, height, new RGB(color)); } RGBImage(File file) throws IOException { this(; } RGBImage(MakesBufferedImage img) { this(toBufferedImage(img)); } private static int[] copyPixels(int[] pixels) { int[] copy = new int[pixels.length]; System.arraycopy(pixels, 0, copy, 0, pixels.length); return copy; } public int getIntPixel(int x, int y) { if (inRange(x, y)) return pixels[y * width + x]; else return 0xFFFFFF; } public static RGB asRGB(int packed) { int r = (packed >> 16) & 0xFF; int g = (packed >> 8) & 0xFF; int b = packed & 0xFF; return new RGB(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f); } public RGB getRGB(int x, int y) { if (inRange(x, y)) return asRGB(pixels[y * width + x]); else return new RGB(0xFFFFFF); } /** alias of getRGB - I kept typing getPixel instead of getRGB all the time, so I finally created it */ RGB getPixel(int x, int y) { return getRGB(x, y); } RGB getPixel(Pt p) { return getPixel(p.x, p.y); } public int getWidth() { return width; } public int getHeight() { return height; } int w() { return width; } int h() { return height; } /** Attention: cached, i.e. does not change when image itself changes */ /** @NotNull */ public BufferedImage getBufferedImage() { if (bufferedImage == null) { bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); //bufferedImage.setData(Raster.createRaster(new SampleModel())); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) bufferedImage.setRGB(x, y, pixels[y*width+x]); } return bufferedImage; } RGBImage clip(Rect r) { return r == null ? null : clip(r.getRectangle()); } RGBImage clip(Rectangle r) { r = fixClipRect(r); if (r.x == 0 && r.y == 0 && r.width == width && r.height == height) return this; int[] newPixels; try { newPixels = new int[r.width*r.height]; } catch (RuntimeException e) { System.out.println(r); throw e; } for (int y = 0; y < r.height; y++) { System.arraycopy(pixels, (y+r.y)*width+r.x, newPixels, y*r.width, r.width); } return new RGBImage(r.width, r.height, newPixels); } private Rectangle fixClipRect(Rectangle r) { r = r.intersection(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height)); if (r.isEmpty()) r = new Rectangle(r.x, r.y, 0, 0); return r; } public File getFile() { return file; } /** can now also do GIF (not just JPEG) */ public static RGBImage load(String fileName) { return load(new File(fileName)); } /** can now also do GIF (not just JPEG) */ public static RGBImage load(File file) { try { BufferedImage bufferedImage =; return new RGBImage(bufferedImage); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public int getInt(int x, int y) { return pixels[y * width + x]; } public void save(File file) throws IOException { String name = file.getName().toLowerCase(); String type; if (name.endsWith(".png")) type = "png"; else if (name.endsWith(".jpg") || name.endsWith(".jpeg")) type = "jpeg"; else throw new IOException("Unknown image extension: " + name); javax.imageio.ImageIO.write(getBufferedImage(), type, file); } public static RGBImage dummyImage() { return new RGBImage(1, 1, new int[] {0xFFFFFF}); } public int[] getPixels() { return pixels; } void setPixel(int x, int y, int r, int g, int b) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = (limitToUByte(r) << 16) | (limitToUByte(g) << 8) | limitToUByte(b); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, RGB rgb) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = rgb.asInt(); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, Color color) { setPixel(x, y, new RGB(color)); } void setInt(int x, int y, int rgb) { setPixel(x, y, rgb); } public void setPixel(int x, int y, int rgb) { if (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height) pixels[y*width+x] = rgb; } void setPixel(Pt p, RGB rgb) { setPixel(p.x, p.y, rgb); } void setPixel(Pt p, Color color) { setPixel(p.x, p.y, color); } public RGBImage copy() { return new RGBImage(this); } public boolean inRange(int x, int y) { return x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < width && y < height; } public Dimension getSize() { return new Dimension(width, height); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; RGBImage rgbImage = (RGBImage) o; if (height != rgbImage.height) return false; if (width != rgbImage.width) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(pixels, rgbImage.pixels)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = width; result = 31 * result + height; result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(pixels); return result; } public String getHex(int x, int y) { return getPixel(x, y).getHexString(); } public RGBImage clip(int x, int y, int width, int height) { return clip(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)); } public RGBImage clipLine(int y) { return clip(0, y, width, 1); } public int numPixels() { return width*height; } void uncacheBufferedImage() { bufferedImage = null; } } static class RGB { public float r, g, b; // can't be final cause persistence RGB() {} public RGB(float r, float g, float b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } public RGB(double r, double g, double b) { this.r = (float) r; this.g = (float) g; this.b = (float) b; } public RGB(int rgb) { this(new Color(rgb)); } public RGB(double brightness) { this.r = this.g = this.b = max(0f, min(1f, (float) brightness)); } public RGB(Color color) { this.r = color.getRed()/255f; this.g = color.getGreen()/255f; this.b = color.getBlue()/255f; } public RGB(String hex) { int i = l(hex)-6; r = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i, i+2), 16)/255f; g = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i+2, i+4), 16)/255f; b = Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i+4, i+6), 16)/255f; } public float getComponent(int i) { return i == 0 ? r : i == 1 ? g : b; } public Color getColor() { return new Color(r, g, b); } public static RGB newSafe(float r, float g, float b) { return new RGB(Math.max(0, Math.min(1, r)), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, g)), Math.max(0, Math.min(1, b))); } int asInt() { return getColor().getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF; } int getInt() { return getColor().getRGB() & 0xFFFFFF; } public float getBrightness() { return (r+g+b)/3.0f; } public String getHexString() { return Integer.toHexString(asInt() | 0xFF000000).substring(2).toUpperCase(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof RGB)) return false; RGB rgb = (RGB) o; if (, b) != 0) return false; if (, g) != 0) return false; if (, r) != 0) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = (r != +0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(r) : 0); result = 31 * result + (g != +0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(g) : 0); result = 31 * result + (b != +0.0f ? Float.floatToIntBits(b) : 0); return result; } public boolean isBlack() { return r == 0f && g == 0f && b == 0f; } public boolean isWhite() { return r == 1f && g == 1f && b == 1f; } public String toString() { return getHexString(); } int redInt() { return iround(r*255); } int greenInt() { return iround(g*255); } int blueInt() { return iround(b*255); } } static BufferedImage toBufferedImage(Object o) { return toBufferedImageOpt(o); } static boolean inRange(int x, int n) { return x >= 0 && x < n; } static boolean inRange(int x, int a, int b) { return x >= a && x < b; } static int limitToUByte(int i) { return max(0, min(255, i)); } }