import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import java.util.concurrent.locks.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.math.*; import x30_pkg.x30_util; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.VF1; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.l; import static; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.indexOf; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.getOpt; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.setOpt; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.callOpt; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.newWeakHashMap; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.newDangerousWeakHashMap; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.get; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.get_raw; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.assertTrue; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.isHeadless; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.isAndroid; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.isTrue; import static x30_pkg.x30_util.asList; import x30_pkg.x30_util.DynamicObject; import loadableUtils.utils; import static loadableUtils.utils._threadInfo; import static loadableUtils.utils._threadInheritInfo; import static loadableUtils.utils._threadInfo_addMakerAndRetriever; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_currentModule; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_current_mandatory; import static loadableUtils.utils.match; import static loadableUtils.utils.getOpt_raw; import static loadableUtils.utils.setOpt_raw; import static loadableUtils.utils.getField; import static loadableUtils.utils.fieldType; import static loadableUtils.utils.format3; import static loadableUtils.utils.vm_generalIdentityHashSet; import static loadableUtils.utils.vm_generalHashMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.vm_generalWeakSubMap; import static loadableUtils.utils.bindToComponent; import static loadableUtils.utils.struct; import static loadableUtils.utils.structure; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadPage; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadPage_utf8; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadPageSilentlyWithTimeout; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadPageSilently; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadSnippet; import static loadableUtils.utils.loadSnippetQuietly; import static loadableUtils.utils.sendToLocalBot; import static loadableUtils.utils.componentPopupMenu; import static loadableUtils.utils.componentPopupMenu_top; import static loadableUtils.utils.componentPopupMenu_getEvent; import static loadableUtils.utils.componentPopupMenu_initForComponent; import static loadableUtils.utils.listPopupMenu; import static loadableUtils.utils.tablePopupMenu; import static loadableUtils.utils.sexyTableWithoutDrag; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_current_generic; import static loadableUtils.utils.dm_current_mandatory_generic; import static loadableUtils.utils.cset; import static loadableUtils.utils.DynamicObject_loading; import static loadableUtils.utils.concepts_unlisted; import static loadableUtils.utils.makePopupMenuConditional; import static loadableUtils.utils.makeConceptsTable_idWidth; import static loadableUtils.utils.showConceptsTable_afterUpdate; import static loadableUtils.utils.dynamicObjectIsLoading; import loadableUtils.utils.F0; import loadableUtils.utils.F1; import loadableUtils.utils.IF1; import loadableUtils.utils.Matches; import loadableUtils.utils.BetterLabel; import loadableUtils.utils.SingleComponentPanel; import loadableUtils.utils.Snippet; import loadableUtils.utils.Q; import loadableUtils.utils.ImageSurface; import loadableUtils.utils.structure_Data; import loadableUtils.utils.RGBImage; import loadableUtils.utils.RGB; import loadableUtils.utils.BWImage; import loadableUtils.utils.MakesBufferedImage; import loadableUtils.utils.Concept; import loadableUtils.utils.Concepts; import loadableUtils.utils.IConceptIndex; import loadableUtils.utils.IFieldIndex; import loadableUtils.utils.Derefable; import loadableUtils.utils.ImageSurfaceSelector; import loadableUtils.utils.SimpleCRUD; import loadableUtils.utils.PersistableThrowable; import loadableUtils.utils.DynModule; import loadableUtils.utils.DynPrintLog; import loadableUtils.utils.DynObjectTable; import loadableUtils.utils.DynImageSurface; import loadableUtils.utils.DynCalculatedList; import loadableUtils.utils.Rect; import loadableUtils.utils.Pt; import java.text.NumberFormat; import*; import; import; import javax.imageio.metadata.*; import*; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; class main { public static class John extends DynPrintLog { public transient ReadingComprehensionTest test; public static boolean _switchableField_text = true; public String text = "\r\n \r\n Hi! Nice to meet you! My name is John Smith. I am 19 and a student in college. I go to college in New York. My favorite courses are Geometry, French, and History. English is my hardest course. My professors are very friendly and smart. It’s my second year in college now. I love it!\r\n \r\n I live in a big house on Ivy Street. It’s near the college campus. I share the house with three other students. Their names are Bill, Tony, and Paul. We help each other with homework. On the weekend, we play football together.\r\n \r\n I have a younger brother. He just started high school. He is 14 and lives with my parents. They live on Mulberry Street in Boston. Sometimes they visit me in New York. I am happy when they visit. My Mom always brings me sweets and candy when they come. I really miss them, too! \r\n \r\n Question 1:\r\n Where does John Smith go to college?\r\n 1 Berlin 2 Boston\r\n 3 New York 4 Paris\r\n \r\n Question 2:\r\n What is John Smith’s hardest course?\r\n 1 Art 2 English\r\n 3 Math 4 French\r\n \r\n Question 3:\r\n Who shares a house with John Smith?\r\n 1 Anna, Margaret, and Tanya 2 Bill, John, and Tom\r\n 3 Frank, Tony, and Mike 4 Bill, Tony, and Paul\r\n \r\n Question 4:\r\n How old is John Smith’s younger brother?\r\n 1 fourteen 2 eleven\r\n 3 seven 4 thirteen\r\n \r\n Question 5:\r\n What does John Smith’s Mom bring him when they visit?\r\n 1 Candy and ice cream 2 Fruits and vegetables\r\n 3 Sweets and candy 4 Flowers and coffee\r\n\r\n "; public void start() { super.start(); startThread("Start", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { AutoCloseable __7 = enter(); try { test = ai_parseReadingComprehensionTest_v1(text, "printText", false); List sentences = switcheroo_iToSpeakersName(test.sentences); pnl(sentences); Set brw = ai_backReferencingWords(); FullPhraseCache nounStash = fullPhraseCache(ai_nounsAndNounPhrases()); for (String s : sentences) { List tok = wordTok(s); List indices = indicesOfCodeTokensContainedInSet(tok, brw); List nounIndices = fullPhraseCache_intRanges(nounStash, tok); List nouns = map_curry("joinSubList_intRange", tok, nounIndices); print(sfu(nouns) + " | " + sfu(getIndices(tok, indices)) + " | " + s); } for (String s : sentences) { } } finally { _close(__7); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "AutoCloseable __7 = enter(); try { \r\n test = ai_parseReadingComprehensionT..."; } }); } } public static boolean _moduleClass_John; public static Object callF(Object f, Object... args) { try { if (f instanceof String) return callMC((String) f, args); return x30_util.callF(f, args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static A callF(F0 f) { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } public static B callF(F1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } public static B callF(IF1 f, A a) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } public static C callF(F2 f, A a, B b) { return f == null ? null : f.get(a, b); } public static void callF(VF1 f, A a) { if (f != null) f.get(a); } public static Object callMC(String method, Object... args) { return call(mc(), method, args); } public static Object call(Object o) { return callF(o); } public static Object call(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return call_withVarargs(o, method, args); } public static void _onLoad_initUtils() { utils.__javax = javax(); } public static void _onLoad_defaultClassFinder() { setDefaultClassFinder(new F1() { public Class get(String name) { try { Class c = findClass_fullName(name); if (c != null) return c; if (startsWith(name, "main$")) return loadableUtils.utils.findClass_fullName("loadableUtils.utils" + substring(name, 4)); return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Class c = findClass_fullName(name);\r\n if (c != null) ret c;\r\n if (start..."; } }); } public static String programID() { return getProgramID(); } public static String programID(Object o) { return getProgramID(o); } public static volatile StringBuffer local_log = new StringBuffer(); public static volatile Appendable print_log = local_log; public static volatile int print_log_max = 1024 * 1024; public static volatile int local_log_max = 100 * 1024; public static boolean print_silent; public static Object print_byThread_lock = new Object(); public static volatile ThreadLocal print_byThread; public static volatile Object print_allThreads; public static volatile Object print_preprocess; public static void print() { print(""); } public static A print(String s, A o) { print((endsWithLetterOrDigit(s) ? s + ": " : s) + o); return o; } public static A print(A o) { ping_okInCleanUp(); if (print_silent) return o; String s = String.valueOf(o) + "\n"; print_noNewLine(s); return o; } public static void print_noNewLine(String s) { Object f = getThreadLocal(print_byThread_dontCreate()); if (f == null) f = print_allThreads; if (f != null) if (isFalse(f instanceof F1 ? ((F1) f).get(s) : callF(f, s))) return; print_raw(s); } public static void print_raw(String s) { if (print_preprocess != null) s = (String) callF(print_preprocess, s); s = fixNewLines(s); Appendable loc = local_log; Appendable buf = print_log; int loc_max = print_log_max; if (buf != loc && buf != null) { print_append(buf, s, print_log_max); loc_max = local_log_max; } if (loc != null) print_append(loc, s, loc_max); System.out.print(s); } public static AutoCloseable tempInterceptPrintIfNotIntercepted(F1 f) { return print_byThread().get() == null ? tempInterceptPrint(f) : null; } public static Thread startThread(Object runnable) { return startThread(defaultThreadName(), runnable); } public static Thread startThread(String name, Object runnable) { runnable = wrapAsActivity(runnable); return startThread(newThread(toRunnable(runnable), name)); } public static Thread startThread(Thread t) { _registerThread(t); t.start(); return t; } public static ReadingComprehensionTest ai_parseReadingComprehensionTest_v1(String rawText, Object... __) { boolean printText = optPar("printText", __, true); ReadingComprehensionTest test = new ReadingComprehensionTest(); List paragraphs = pnlStructIf(printText, paragraphsTokC(rawText)); List isQ = map(rcurry_swic("Question"), paragraphs); int idx = falsesFollowedByTrues_changeIndex_assertNotNull(isQ); List textPart = takeFirst_clone(paragraphs, idx); List questionsPart = sublist(paragraphs, idx); if (isPreciseMultiDashesHeading(first(textPart))) popFirst(textPart); test.text = joinWithEmptyLines(textPart); test.sentences = pnlIf(printText, sentences(test.text)); for (String s : questionsPart) { List lines = tlft(s); assertEquals(4, l(lines)); assertStartsWith(first(lines), "Question "); String q = second(lines); List answersOnLine = regexpGroups("^1(.+)2(.+)$", third(lines)); assertNempty(answersOnLine); List answersOnLine2 = regexpGroups("^3(.+)4(.+)$", last(lines)); assertNempty(answersOnLine2); List answers = trimAll(concatLists(answersOnLine, answersOnLine2)); add(test.questions, nu(ReadingComprehensionTest.Question.class, "question", q, "answers", answers)); print(q); printStruct(answers); } return test; } public static List switcheroo_iToSpeakersName(List sentences) { String name = firstMatchesX_rest("My name is ...", sentences); if (empty(name)) throw fail("Can't find out speaker's name:\n" + lines(sentences)); return map_curry("switcheroo_iToName", curly(name), sentences); } public static A pnl(String prefix, A l) { printNumberedLines(prefix, l); return l; } public static A pnl(A l) { printNumberedLines(l); return l; } public static void pnl(Map map) { printNumberedLines(map); } public static void pnl(Object[] a) { printNumberedLines(a); } public static void pnl(String s) { printNumberedLines(lines(s)); } public static Set ai_backReferencingWords() { return mechSetCI(mechLanguagePrefix() + "Backreferencing words"); } public static FullPhraseCache fullPhraseCache(Iterable phrases) { return makeFullPhraseCache(phrases); } public static FullPhraseCache fullPhraseCache(String... phrases) { return makeFullPhraseCache(phrases); } public static Set ai_nounsAndNounPhrases() { return mergeCISets(ai_nouns(), ai_nounPhrases()); } public static List wordTok(String s) { return javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cached(s); } public static List indicesOfCodeTokensContainedInSet(List tok, Set set) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (nempty(set)) for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) if (set.contains(tok.get(i))) l.add(i); return l; } public static List fullPhraseCache_intRanges(FullPhraseCache cache, List tok) { if (cache == null) return null; List ranges = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { int j = fullPhraseCache_longestPhraseLength(cache, tok, i); if (j > i) { ranges.add(intRange(i, j - 1)); i = j - 2; } } return ranges; } public static List map_curry(Object f, Object arg, Iterable l) { return map(curry(f, arg), l); } public static String joinSubList_intRange(List l, IntRange r) { return r == null ? null : joinSubList(l, r.start, r.end); } public static String sfu(Object o) { return structureForUser(o); } public static List getIndices(List l, List indices) { return listGetMulti(l, indices); } public static void _close(AutoCloseable c) { if (c != null) try { c.close(); } catch (Throwable e) { if (c instanceof return; else throw rethrow(e); } } public static RuntimeException rethrow(Throwable t) { if (t instanceof Error) _handleError((Error) t); throw t instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) t : new RuntimeException(t); } public static RuntimeException rethrow(String msg, Throwable t) { throw new RuntimeException(msg, t); } public static Class mc() { return main.class; } public static Object call_withVarargs(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findStaticMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, null, args); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } { if (!(isStaticMethod(m))) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, null, newArgs); } throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found"); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(method, args); if (me != null) return invokeMethod(me, o, args); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) methodSearch: for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(m.isVarArgs())) continue; } Object[] newArgs = massageArgsForVarArgsCall(m, args); if (newArgs != null) return invokeMethod(m, o, newArgs); } throw fail("Method " + c.getName() + "." + method + "(" + joinWithComma(classNames(args)) + ") not found"); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Class javax() { return getJavaX(); } public static void setDefaultClassFinder(Object cf) { _defaultClassFinder_value = cf; } public static HashMap findClass_fullName_cache = new HashMap(); public static Class findClass_fullName(String name) { synchronized (findClass_fullName_cache) { if (findClass_fullName_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_fullName_cache.get(name); Class c; try { c = Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_fullName_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } public static boolean startsWith(String a, String b) { return a != null && a.startsWith(b); } public static boolean startsWith(String a, char c) { return nemptyString(a) && a.charAt(0) == c; } public static boolean startsWith(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!startsWith(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] { substring(a, strL(b)) }; return true; } public static boolean startsWith(List a, List b) { if (a == null || listL(b) > listL(a)) return false; for (int i = 0; i < listL(b); i++) if (neq(a.get(i), b.get(i))) return false; return true; } public static String substring(String s, int x) { return substring(s, x, strL(s)); } public static String substring(String s, int x, int y) { if (s == null) return null; if (x < 0) x = 0; if (x >= s.length()) return ""; if (y < x) y = x; if (y > s.length()) y = s.length(); return s.substring(x, y); } public static String substring(String s, IntRange r) { return r == null ? null : substring(s, r.start, r.end); } public static Object _defaultClassFinder_value = defaultDefaultClassFinder(); public static Object _defaultClassFinder() { return _defaultClassFinder_value; } public static String programID; public static String getProgramID() { return nempty(programID) ? formatSnippetIDOpt(programID) : "?"; } public static String getProgramID(Class c) { String id = (String) getOpt(c, "programID"); if (nempty(id)) return formatSnippetID(id); return "?"; } public static String getProgramID(Object o) { return getProgramID(getMainClass(o)); } public static boolean endsWithLetterOrDigit(String s) { return s != null && s.length() > 0 && Character.isLetterOrDigit(s.charAt(s.length() - 1)); } public static void ping_okInCleanUp() { if (ping_pauseAll || ping_anyActions) ping_impl(true); } public static Object getThreadLocal(Object o, String name) { ThreadLocal t = (ThreadLocal) (getOpt(o, name)); return t != null ? t.get() : null; } public static A getThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl) { return tl == null ? null : tl.get(); } public static ThreadLocal print_byThread_dontCreate() { return print_byThread; } public static boolean isFalse(Object o) { return eq(false, o); } public static String fixNewLines(String s) { int i = indexOf(s, '\r'); if (i < 0) return s; int l = s.length(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(l); out.append(s, 0, i); for (; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c != '\r') out.append(c); else { out.append('\n'); if (i + 1 < l && s.charAt(i + 1) == '\n') ++i; } } return out.toString(); } public static void print_append(Appendable _buf, String s, int max) { try { synchronized (_buf) { _buf.append(s); if (!(_buf instanceof StringBuilder)) return; StringBuilder buf = (StringBuilder) _buf; max /= 2; if (buf.length() > max) try { int newLength = max / 2; int ofs = buf.length() - newLength; String newString = buf.substring(ofs); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("[...] ").append(newString); } catch (Exception e) { buf.setLength(0); } } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static ThreadLocal print_byThread() { synchronized (print_byThread_lock) { if (print_byThread == null) print_byThread = new ThreadLocal(); } return print_byThread; } public static AutoCloseable tempInterceptPrint(F1 f) { return tempSetThreadLocal(print_byThread(), f); } public static String defaultThreadName_name; public static String defaultThreadName() { if (defaultThreadName_name == null) defaultThreadName_name = "A thread by " + programID(); return defaultThreadName_name; } public static Runnable wrapAsActivity(Object r) { return toRunnable(r); } public static Thread newThread(Object runnable) { return new Thread(_topLevelErrorHandling(toRunnable(runnable))); } public static Thread newThread(Object runnable, String name) { if (name == null) name = defaultThreadName(); return new Thread(_topLevelErrorHandling(toRunnable(runnable)), name); } public static Thread newThread(String name, Object runnable) { return newThread(runnable, name); } public static Runnable toRunnable(final Object o) { if (o instanceof Runnable) return (Runnable) o; return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { callF(o); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(o)"; } }; } public static Map _registerThread_threads; public static Object _onRegisterThread; public static Thread _registerThread(Thread t) { if (_registerThread_threads == null) _registerThread_threads = newWeakHashMap(); _registerThread_threads.put(t, true); vm_generalWeakSubMap("thread2mc").put(t, weakRef(mc())); callF(_onRegisterThread, t); return t; } public static void _registerThread() { _registerThread(Thread.currentThread()); } public static A optPar(ThreadLocal tl, A defaultValue) { A a = tl.get(); if (a != null) { tl.set(null); return a; } return defaultValue; } public static A optPar(ThreadLocal tl) { return optPar(tl, null); } public static Object optPar(Object[] params, String name) { return optParam(params, name); } public static Object optPar(String name, Object[] params) { return optParam(params, name); } public static Object optPar(String name, Map params) { return optParam(name, params); } public static A optPar(Object[] params, String name, A defaultValue) { return optParam(params, name, defaultValue); } public static A optPar(String name, Object[] params, A defaultValue) { return optParam(params, name, defaultValue); } public static > B pnlStructIf(boolean print, B l) { if (print) pnlStruct(l); return l; } public static List paragraphsTokC(String s) { return codeTokens(paragraphsTok(s)); } public static List map(Iterable l, Object f) { return map(f, l); } public static List map(Object f, Iterable l) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } public static List map(Iterable l, F1 f) { return map(f, l); } public static List map(F1 f, Iterable l) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(callF(f, o)); return x; } public static List map(IF1 f, Iterable l) { return map(l, f); } public static List map(Iterable l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } public static List map(IF1 f, A[] l) { return map(l, f); } public static List map(A[] l, IF1 f) { List x = emptyList(l); if (l != null) for (A o : l) x.add(f.get(o)); return x; } public static List map(Object f, Object[] l) { return map(f, asList(l)); } public static List map(Object[] l, Object f) { return map(f, l); } public static List map(Object f, Map map) { return map(map, f); } public static List map(Map map, Object f) { List x = new ArrayList(); if (map != null) for (Object _e : map.entrySet()) { Map.Entry e = (Map.Entry) _e; x.add(callF(f, e.getKey(), e.getValue())); } return x; } public static IF1 rcurry_swic(String b) { return (IF1) s -> swic(s, b); } public static int falsesFollowedByTrues_changeIndex_assertNotNull(List l) { int i = 0, n = l(l); while (i < n && isFalse(l.get(i))) ++i; for (int j = i; j < n; j++) if (!isTrue(l.get(i))) throw fail("Not a false/true list: " + l); return i; } public static List takeFirst_clone(List l, int n) { return cloneSubList(l, 0, n); } public static List takeFirst_clone(int n, List l) { return takeFirst_clone(l, n); } public static List takeFirst_clone(int n, Iterable i) { List l = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = i.iterator(); for (int _repeat_67 = 0; _repeat_67 < n; _repeat_67++) { if (it.hasNext()) l.add(; else break; } return l; } public static List sublist(List l, int startIndex) { return subList(l, startIndex); } public static List sublist(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { return subList(l, startIndex, endIndex); } public static List sublist(List l, IntRange r) { return subList(l, r); } public static boolean isPreciseMultiDashesHeading(String s) { List l = tlft(s); return l(l) == 2 && l(first(l)) == l(second(l)) && isMultipleDashesLine(second(l)); } public static Object first(Object list) { return first((Iterable) list); } public static A first(List list) { return empty(list) ? null : list.get(0); } public static A first(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length == 0 ? null : bla[0]; } public static A first(IterableIterator i) { return first((Iterator) i); } public static A first(Iterator i) { return i == null || !i.hasNext() ? null :; } public static A first(Iterable i) { if (i == null) return null; Iterator it = i.iterator(); return it.hasNext() ? : null; } public static Character first(String s) { return empty(s) ? null : s.charAt(0); } public static A first(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.a; } public static A popFirst(List l) { if (empty(l)) return null; A a = first(l); l.remove(0); return a; } public static A popFirst(Collection l) { if (empty(l)) return null; A a = first(l); l.remove(a); return a; } public static String joinWithEmptyLines(List l) { return join("\n\n", map("rtrim", l)); } public static String joinWithEmptyLines(String... l) { return joinWithEmptyLines(asList(l)); } public static > B pnlIf(boolean print, B l) { if (print) pnl(l); return l; } public static List sentences(String s) { return splitIntoSentences_np(s); } public static List tlft(String s) { return toLinesFullTrim(s); } public static List tlft(File f) { return toLinesFullTrim(f); } public static A assertEquals(Object x, A y) { return assertEquals(null, x, y); } public static A assertEquals(String msg, Object x, A y) { if (assertVerbose()) return assertEqualsVerbose(msg, x, y); if (!(x == null ? y == null : x.equals(y))) throw fail((msg != null ? msg + ": " : "") + y + " != " + x); return y; } public static void assertStartsWith(List a, List b) { if (!startsWith(a, b)) throw fail(a + " does not start with " + b); } public static void assertStartsWith(String a, String b) { if (!startsWith(a, b)) throw fail(quote(a) + " does not start with " + quote(b)); } public static A second(List l) { return get(l, 1); } public static A second(Iterable l) { if (l == null) return null; Iterator it = iterator(l); if (!it.hasNext()) return null;; return it.hasNext() ? : null; } public static A second(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length <= 1 ? null : bla[1]; } public static B second(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.b; } public static List regexpGroups(String pat, String s) { return regexpFirstGroups(pat, s); } public static A third(List l) { return _get(l, 2); } public static A third(Iterable l) { if (l == null) return null; Iterator it = iterator(l); for (int _repeat_88 = 0; _repeat_88 < 2; _repeat_88++) { if (!it.hasNext()) return null;; } return it.hasNext() ? : null; } public static A third(A[] bla) { return bla == null || bla.length <= 2 ? null : bla[2]; } public static A assertNempty(A a) { return assertNempty("empty", a); } public static A assertNempty(String msg, A a) { if (empty(a)) throw fail(msg + ": " + a); return a; } public static A last(List l) { return empty(l) ? null : l.get(l.size() - 1); } public static char last(String s) { return empty(s) ? '#' : s.charAt(l(s) - 1); } public static int last(int[] a) { return l(a) != 0 ? a[l(a) - 1] : 0; } public static A last(A[] a) { return l(a) != 0 ? a[l(a) - 1] : null; } public static A last(Iterator it) { A a = null; while (it.hasNext()) { ping(); a =; } return a; } public static List trimAll(Collection l) { List l2 = new ArrayList(); if (l != null) for (String s : l) l2.add(trim(s)); return l2; } public static List concatLists(Collection... lists) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (lists != null) for (Collection list : lists) if (list != null) l.addAll(list); return l; } public static List concatLists(Collection> lists) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (lists != null) for (Collection list : lists) if (list != null) l.addAll(list); return l; } public static void add(BitSet bs, int i) { bs.set(i); } public static boolean add(Collection c, A a) { return c != null && c.add(a); } public static void add(Container c, Component x) { addToContainer(c, x); } public static A nu(Class c, Object... values) { A a = nuObject(c); setAll(a, values); return a; } public static A printStruct(String prefix, A a) { printStructure(prefix, a); return a; } public static A printStruct(A a) { printStructure(a); return a; } public static String firstMatchesX_rest(String pat, Iterable l) { Matches m = new Matches(); for (String s : unnull(l)) if (matchX(pat, s, m)) return; return null; } public static boolean empty(Collection c) { return c == null || c.isEmpty(); } public static boolean empty(CharSequence s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } public static boolean empty(Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); } public static boolean empty(Object[] o) { return o == null || o.length == 0; } public static boolean empty(Object o) { if (o instanceof Collection) return empty((Collection) o); if (o instanceof String) return empty((String) o); if (o instanceof Map) return empty((Map) o); if (o instanceof Object[]) return empty((Object[]) o); if (o instanceof byte[]) return empty((byte[]) o); if (o == null) return true; throw fail("unknown type for 'empty': " + getType(o)); } public static boolean empty(float[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } public static boolean empty(int[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } public static boolean empty(long[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } public static boolean empty(byte[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } public static boolean empty(File f) { return getFileSize(f) == 0; } public static String lines(Iterable lines) { return fromLines(lines); } public static String lines(Object[] lines) { return fromLines(asList(lines)); } public static List lines(String s) { return toLines(s); } public static String switcheroo_iToName(String name, String s) { Map map = combinedMechMapForCurrentLanguages("Switcheroo I -> $name"); map = mapValues(map, x -> replaceIC(x, "$name", name)); return translateUsingWordTree(s, mapToWordTree(map)); } public static String curly(String s) { return optionalCurlyBrace(s); } public static void printNumberedLines(Map map) { printNumberedLines(mapToLines(map)); } public static A printNumberedLines(A l) { int i = 0; if (l != null) for (Object a : l) print((++i) + ". " + str(a)); return l; } public static A printNumberedLines(String prefix, A l) { int i = 0; if (l != null) for (Object a : l) print(prefix + (++i) + ". " + str(a)); return l; } public static void printNumberedLines(Object[] l) { printNumberedLines(asList(l)); } public static void printNumberedLines(Object o) { printNumberedLines(lines(str(o))); } public static TreeSet mechSetCI(String name) { return mechCISet(name); } public static String mechLanguagePrefix() { return ai_mechLanguagePrefix(); } public static FullPhraseCache makeFullPhraseCache(Iterable phrases) { FullPhraseCache cache = new FullPhraseCache(); if (phrases != null) for (String s : phrases) cache.add(s); return cache; } public static FullPhraseCache makeFullPhraseCache(String... phrases) { return makeFullPhraseCache(asList(phrases)); } public static Set mergeCISets(Collection... l) { return joinCISets(l); } public static Set ai_nouns() { return mechCISet("Nouns"); } public static Set ai_nounPhrases() { return mechSetCI(mechLanguagePrefix() + "Noun phrases"); } public static Map> javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cached_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(100); public static List javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cached(String s) { List tok = javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cached_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cached_cache.put(s, tok = javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets(s)); return tok; } public static boolean nempty(Collection c) { return !empty(c); } public static boolean nempty(CharSequence s) { return !empty(s); } public static boolean nempty(Object[] o) { return !empty(o); } public static boolean nempty(byte[] o) { return !empty(o); } public static boolean nempty(int[] o) { return !empty(o); } public static boolean nempty(Map m) { return !empty(m); } public static boolean nempty(Iterator i) { return i != null && i.hasNext(); } public static boolean nempty(Object o) { return !empty(o); } public static int fullPhraseCache_longestPhraseLength(FullPhraseCache cache, List tok) { return fullPhraseCache_longestPhraseLength(cache, tok, 1); } public static int fullPhraseCache_longestPhraseLength(FullPhraseCache cache, List tok, int idx) { if (cache == null || tok == null) return -1; int longest = -1; if (nempty(cache.phrases)) longest = idx; while (idx < l(tok) - 1) { cache = mapGet(cache.byFirstWord, tok.get(idx)); if (cache == null) break; idx += 2; if (nempty(cache.phrases)) longest = idx; } return longest; } public static int fullPhraseCache_longestPhraseLength(FullPhraseCache cache, String s) { if (cache == null || s == null) return -1; return fullPhraseCache_longestPhraseLength(cache, javaTokNPunctuation_cached(s)); } public static IntRange intRange(int start, int end) { return new IntRange(start, end); } public static Object curry(final Object f, final Object arg) { int n = numberOfFunctionArguments(f); if (n == 0) throw fail("function takes no arguments"); if (n == 1) return new F0() { public Object get() { return callF(f, arg); } public String toString() { return "curry(" + f + ", " + sfu(arg) + ")"; } }; if (n == 2) return new F1() { public Object get(Object a) { return callF(f, arg, a); } public String toString() { return "curry(" + f + ", " + sfu(arg) + ")"; } }; throw todo("currying a function with " + n + "arguments"); } public static String joinSubList(List l, int i, int j) { return join(subList(l, i, j)); } public static String joinSubList(List l, int i) { return join(subList(l, i)); } public static String joinSubList(List l, IntRange r) { return r == null ? null : joinSubList(l, r.start, r.end); } public static String structureForUser(Object o) { return beautifyStructure(struct_noStringSharing(o)); } public static List listGetMulti(final List l, List indices) { return map(indices, new F1() { public A get(Integer i) { try { return _get(l, i); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_get(l, i)"; } }); } public static void _handleError(Error e) { call(javax(), "_handleError", e); } public static final Map callOpt_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); public static Object callOpt_cached(Object o, String methodName, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) o; _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args); if (me == null || (me.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) return null; return invokeMethod(me, null, args); } else { Class c = o.getClass(); _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(c); Method me = cache.findMethod(methodName, args); if (me == null) return null; return invokeMethod(me, o, args); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static _MethodCache callOpt_getCache(Class c) { synchronized (callOpt_cache) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_cache.get(c); if (cache == null) callOpt_cache.put(c, cache = new _MethodCache(c)); return cache; } } public static Object invokeMethod(Method m, Object o, Object... args) { try { try { return m.invoke(o, args); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { throw rethrow(getExceptionCause(e)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage() + " - was calling: " + m + ", args: " + joinWithSpace(classNames(args))); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean isStaticMethod(Method m) { return methodIsStatic(m); } public static Object[] massageArgsForVarArgsCall(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); int n = types.length - 1, nArgs = args.length; if (nArgs < n) return null; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], types[i])) return null; Class varArgType = types[n].getComponentType(); for (int i = n; i < nArgs; i++) if (!argumentCompatibleWithType(args[i], varArgType)) return null; Object[] newArgs = new Object[n + 1]; arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, n); Object[] varArgs = arrayOfType(varArgType, nArgs - n); arraycopy(args, n, varArgs, 0, nArgs - n); newArgs[n] = varArgs; return newArgs; } public static String joinWithComma(Collection c) { return join(", ", c); } public static String joinWithComma(String... c) { return join(", ", c); } public static String joinWithComma(Pair p) { return p == null ? "" : joinWithComma(str(p.a), str(p.b)); } public static List classNames(Collection l) { return getClassNames(l); } public static List classNames(Object[] l) { return getClassNames(Arrays.asList(l)); } public static Class __javax; public static Class getJavaX() { try { return __javax; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean nemptyString(String s) { return s != null && s.length() > 0; } public static int strL(String s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } public static int listL(Collection l) { return l == null ? 0 : l.size(); } public static boolean neq(Object a, Object b) { return !eq(a, b); } public static Object defaultDefaultClassFinder() { return new F1() { public Class get(String name) { try { Class c = findClass_fullName(name); if (c != null) return c; if (startsWith(name, "loadableUtils.utils$")) return findClass_fullName("main" + substring(name, 19)); return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "Class c = findClass_fullName(name);\r\n if (c != null) ret c;\r\n if (start..."; } }; } public static String formatSnippetIDOpt(String s) { return isSnippetID(s) ? formatSnippetID(s) : s; } public static String formatSnippetID(String id) { return "#" + parseSnippetID(id); } public static String formatSnippetID(long id) { return "#" + id; } public static Class getMainClass() { return mc(); } public static Class getMainClass(Object o) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class && eq(((Class) o).getName(), "x30")) return (Class) o; return (o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass()).getClassLoader().loadClass("main"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static volatile boolean ping_pauseAll; public static int ping_sleep = 100; public static volatile boolean ping_anyActions; public static Map ping_actions = newWeakHashMap(); public static ThreadLocal ping_isCleanUpThread = new ThreadLocal(); public static boolean ping() { if (ping_pauseAll || ping_anyActions) ping_impl(true); return true; } public static boolean ping_impl(boolean okInCleanUp) { try { if (ping_pauseAll && !isAWTThread()) { do Thread.sleep(ping_sleep); while (ping_pauseAll); return true; } if (ping_anyActions) { if (!okInCleanUp && !isTrue(ping_isCleanUpThread.get())) failIfUnlicensed(); Object action = null; synchronized (ping_actions) { if (!ping_actions.isEmpty()) { action = ping_actions.get(currentThread()); if (action instanceof Runnable) ping_actions.remove(currentThread()); if (ping_actions.isEmpty()) ping_anyActions = false; } } if (action instanceof Runnable) ((Runnable) action).run(); else if (eq(action, "cancelled")) throw fail("Thread cancelled."); } return false; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean eq(Object a, Object b) { return a == null ? b == null : a == b || b != null && a.equals(b); } public static AutoCloseable tempSetThreadLocal(final ThreadLocal tl, A a) { if (tl == null) return null; final A prev = setThreadLocal(tl, a); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "tl.set(prev);"; } public void close() throws Exception { tl.set(prev); } }; } public static Runnable _topLevelErrorHandling(final Runnable runnable) { final Object info = _threadInfo(); return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { try { _threadInheritInfo(info);; } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcall {\r\n _threadInheritInfo(info);\r\n;\r\n }"; } }; } public static WeakReference weakRef(A a) { return newWeakReference(a); } public static A optParam(ThreadLocal tl, A defaultValue) { return optPar(tl, defaultValue); } public static A optParam(ThreadLocal tl) { return optPar(tl); } public static Object optParam(String name, Map params) { return mapGet(params, name); } public static A optParam(Object[] opt, String name, A defaultValue) { int n = l(opt); if (n == 1 && opt[0] instanceof Map) { Map map = (Map) (opt[0]); return map.containsKey(name) ? (A) map.get(name) : defaultValue; } if (!even(l(opt))) throw fail("Odd parameter length"); for (int i = 0; i < l(opt); i += 2) if (eq(opt[i], name)) return (A) opt[i + 1]; return defaultValue; } public static Object optParam(Object[] opt, String name) { return optParam(opt, name, null); } public static void pnlStruct(Object o) { if (o instanceof Collection) pnlStruct(((Collection) o)); else if (o instanceof Map) pnlStruct(((Map) o)); else if (o != null) pnlStruct(ll(o)); } public static > B pnlStruct(B l) { pnlStruct((Iterable) l); return l; } public static Iterable pnlStruct(Iterable l) { int i = 0; if (l != null) for (A a : l) print((++i) + ". " + struct_noStringSharing(a)); return l; } public static A[] pnlStruct(A[] l) { pnlStruct(asList(l)); return l; } public static Map pnlStruct(Map map) { pnl(map(map, new F2() { public Object get(A a, B b) { try { return sfu(a) + " = " + sfu(b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "sfu(a) + \" = \" + sfu(b)"; } })); return map; } public static List codeTokens(List tok) { return codeTokensOnly(tok); } public static List paragraphsTok(String s) { ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s == null ? 0 : s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < l && isSpace(s.charAt(i))) ++i; tok.add(substring(s, 0, i)); while (true) { IntRange r = tok_findNextEmptyLineWhitespace(s, i); if (r == null) break; tok.add(substring(s, i, r.start)); tok.add(substring(s, r)); i = r.end; } if (i < l) { int l2 = l; while (l2 > i + 1 && isSpace(s.charAt(l2 - 1))) --l2; tok.add(substring(s, i, l2)); tok.add(substring(s, l2)); } return tok; } public static ArrayList emptyList() { return new ArrayList(); } public static ArrayList emptyList(int capacity) { return new ArrayList(max(0, capacity)); } public static ArrayList emptyList(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? emptyList(((Collection) l).size()) : emptyList(); } public static ArrayList emptyList(Object[] l) { return emptyList(l(l)); } public static ArrayList emptyList(Class c) { return new ArrayList(); } public static boolean swic(String a, String b) { return startsWithIgnoreCase(a, b); } public static boolean swic(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!swic(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] { substring(a, l(b)) }; return true; } public static List cloneSubList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { return newSubList(l, startIndex, endIndex); } public static List cloneSubList(List l, int startIndex) { return newSubList(l, startIndex); } public static List subList(List l, int startIndex) { return subList(l, startIndex, l(l)); } public static List subList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (l == null) return null; int n = l(l); startIndex = Math.max(0, startIndex); endIndex = Math.min(n, endIndex); if (startIndex >= endIndex) return ll(); if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == n) return l; return l.subList(startIndex, endIndex); } public static List subList(List l, IntRange r) { return subList(l, r.start, r.end); } public static boolean isMultipleDashesLine(String s) { s = trim(s); return l(s) > 1 && allCharactersAre(s, '-'); } public static String join(String glue, Iterable strings) { if (strings == null) return ""; if (strings instanceof Collection) { if (((Collection) strings).size() == 1) return str(first(((Collection) strings))); } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Iterator i = strings.iterator(); if (i.hasNext()) { buf.append(; while (i.hasNext()) buf.append(glue).append(; } return buf.toString(); } public static String join(String glue, String... strings) { return join(glue, Arrays.asList(strings)); } public static String join(Iterable strings) { return join("", strings); } public static String join(Iterable strings, String glue) { return join(glue, strings); } public static String join(String[] strings) { return join("", strings); } public static String join(String glue, Pair p) { return p == null ? "" : str(p.a) + glue + str(p.b); } public static String rtrim(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int i = s.length(); while (i > 0 && " \t\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(i - 1)) >= 0) --i; return i < s.length() ? s.substring(0, i) : s; } public static List splitIntoSentences_np(String s) { return map("dropDotAtEnd", splitIntoSentences_v3(s)); } public static List toLinesFullTrim(String s) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (String line : toLines(s)) if (nempty(line = trim(line))) l.add(line); return l; } public static List toLinesFullTrim(File f) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (String line : linesFromFile(f)) if (nempty(line = trim(line))) l.add(line); return l; } public static ThreadLocal assertVerbose_value = new ThreadLocal(); public static void assertVerbose(boolean b) { assertVerbose_value.set(b); } public static boolean assertVerbose() { return isTrue(assertVerbose_value.get()); } public static A assertEqualsVerbose(Object x, A y) { assertEqualsVerbose((String) null, x, y); return y; } public static A assertEqualsVerbose(String msg, Object x, A y) { if (!eq(x, y)) { throw fail((msg != null ? msg + ": " : "") + (y) + " != " + (x)); } else print("OK: " + (x)); return y; } public static String quote(Object o) { if (o == null) return "null"; return quote(str(o)); } public static String quote(String s) { if (s == null) return "null"; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder((int) (l(s) * 1.5 + 2)); quote_impl(s, out); return out.toString(); } public static void quote_impl(String s, StringBuilder out) { out.append('"'); int l = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < l; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\\' || c == '"') out.append('\\').append(c); else if (c == '\r') out.append("\\r"); else if (c == '\n') out.append("\\n"); else if (c == '\0') out.append("\\0"); else out.append(c); } out.append('"'); } public static Iterator iterator(Iterable c) { return c == null ? emptyIterator() : c.iterator(); } public static List regexpFirstGroups(String pat, String s) { if (s == null) return null; Matcher m = regexp(pat, s); return m.find() ? regexpGetGroups(m) : null; } public static A _get(List l, int idx) { return l != null && idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l.get(idx) : null; } public static Object _get(Object o, String field) { return get(o, field); } public static Object _get(String field, Object o) { return get(o, field); } public static A _get(A[] l, int idx) { return idx >= 0 && idx < l(l) ? l[idx] : null; } public static String trim(String s) { return s == null ? null : s.trim(); } public static String trim(StringBuilder buf) { return buf.toString().trim(); } public static String trim(StringBuffer buf) { return buf.toString().trim(); } public static void addToContainer(final Container a, final Component b) { if (a != null && b != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { a.add(b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "a.add(b);"; } }); } } public static Object nuObject(String className, Object... args) { try { return nuObject(classForName(className), args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static A nuObject(Class c, Object... args) { try { if (args.length == 0) return nuObjectWithoutArguments(c); Constructor m = nuObject_findConstructor(c, args); m.setAccessible(true); return (A) m.newInstance(args); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Constructor nuObject_findConstructor(Class c, Object... args) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (!nuObject_checkArgs(m.getParameterTypes(), args, false)) continue; return m; } throw fail("Constructor " + c.getName() + getClasses(args) + " not found" + (args.length == 0 && (c.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) == 0 ? " - hint: it's a non-static class!" : "")); } public static boolean nuObject_checkArgs(Class[] types, Object[] args, boolean debug) { if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + args[i] + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } return true; } public static A setAll(A o, Map fields) { if (fields == null) return o; for (String field : keys(fields)) set(o, field, fields.get(field)); return o; } public static A setAll(A o, Object... values) { failIfOddCount(values); for (int i = 0; i + 1 < l(values); i += 2) { String field = (String) values[i]; Object value = values[i + 1]; set(o, field, value); } return o; } public static void printStructure(String prefix, Object o) { if (endsWithLetter(prefix)) prefix += ": "; print(prefix + structureForUser(o)); } public static void printStructure(Object o) { print(structureForUser(o)); } public static String unnull(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s; } public static Collection unnull(Collection l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } public static List unnull(List l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } public static Map unnull(Map l) { return l == null ? emptyMap() : l; } public static Iterable unnull(Iterable i) { return i == null ? emptyList() : i; } public static A[] unnull(A[] a) { return a == null ? (A[]) new Object[0] : a; } public static BitSet unnull(BitSet b) { return b == null ? new BitSet() : b; } public static Pt unnull(Pt p) { return p == null ? new Pt() : p; } public static Pair unnull(Pair p) { return p != null ? p : new Pair(null, null); } public static boolean matchX(String pat, String s) { return matchX(pat, s, null); } public static boolean matchX(String pat, String s, Matches m) { if (endsWith(pat, "...")) { pat = dropSuffixTrim("...", pat); if (startsWith(pat, "...")) return find3(dropPrefixTrim("...", pat), s, m); else return matchStart(pat, s, m); } if (startsWith(pat, "...")) return matchEndX(pat, s, m); return match(pat, s, m); } public static String getType(Object o) { return getClassName(o); } public static long getFileSize(String path) { return path == null ? 0 : new File(path).length(); } public static long getFileSize(File f) { return f == null ? 0 : f.length(); } public static String fromLines(Iterable lines) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (lines != null) for (Object line : lines) buf.append(str(line)).append('\n'); return buf.toString(); } public static String fromLines(String... lines) { return fromLines(asList(lines)); } public static IterableIterator toLines(File f) { return linesFromFile(f); } public static List toLines(String s) { List lines = new ArrayList(); if (s == null) return lines; int start = 0; while (true) { int i = toLines_nextLineBreak(s, start); if (i < 0) { if (s.length() > start) lines.add(s.substring(start)); break; } lines.add(s.substring(start, i)); if (s.charAt(i) == '\r' && i + 1 < s.length() && s.charAt(i + 1) == '\n') i += 2; else ++i; start = i; } return lines; } public static int toLines_nextLineBreak(String s, int start) { for (int i = start; i < s.length(); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') return i; } return -1; } public static Map combinedMechMapForCurrentLanguages(String listName) { List> maps = new ArrayList(); for (String lang : ai_languages()) maps.add(mechMap((eqic(lang, "english") ? "" : lang + " | ") + listName)); return joinMaps_conservative_lhm(maps); } public static Map mapValues(Object func, Map map) { Map m = similarEmptyMap(map); for (Object key : keys(map)) m.put(key, callF(func, map.get(key))); return m; } public static Map mapValues(Map map, IF1 f) { return mapValues(f, map); } public static Map mapValues(Map map, Object func) { return mapValues(func, map); } public static List replaceIC(List l, String a, String b) { List l2 = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) { String s = l.get(i); l2.add(eqic(s, a) ? b : s); } return l2; } public static String replaceIC(String s, String a, String b) { return s.replaceAll("(?i)" + patternQuote(a), quoteReplacement(b)); } public static boolean translateUsingWordTree_debug; public static boolean translateUsingWordTree_printReplacements; public static String translateUsingWordTree(String input, Map tree) { return join(translateUsingWordTree(javaTok(input), tree)); } public static List translateUsingWordTree(List tok, Map tree) { for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); ) i = translateUsingWordTree_scanFrom(tok, i, tree); return tok; } public static int translateUsingWordTree_scanFrom(List tok, int i, Map tree) { int j = i; String best = null; int bestIndex = 0; while (true) { if (j > i) { String def = (String) (tree.get("")); if (def != null) { best = def; bestIndex = j; } } if (j >= l(tok)) break; Object t = tree.get(tok.get(j)); if (translateUsingWordTree_debug) print(i + "-" + j + " / " + joinSubList(tok, i, j + 1) + " => " + sfu(t)); if (t == null) break; if (t instanceof String) { int k = j + 2; if (translateUsingWordTree_printReplacements) print("translateUsingWordTree: replacing " + sfu(subList(tok, i, k - 1) + " with " + quote(t))); replaceTokens(tok, i, k - 1, (String) t); return k; } tree = (Map) t; j += 2; } if (best != null) { int k = bestIndex; replaceTokens(tok, i, k - 1, best); return k; } return i + 2; } public static String translateUsingWordTree(Map tree, String input) { return translateUsingWordTree(input, tree); } public static Map mapToWordTree(Map map) { Map tree = ciMap(); { final Map __113 = unnull(map); for (String key : keys(__113)) { String value = __113.get(key); wordTreeAdd(tree, javaTokC(key), value); } } return simplifyWordTree(tree); } public static String optionalCurlyBrace(String s) { return isCurlyBraced(s) ? s : curlyBrace(s); } public static List mapToLines(Map map) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object key : keys(map)) l.add(str(key) + " = " + str(map.get(key))); return l; } public static String mapToLines(Map map, Object f) { return lines(map(map, f)); } public static String mapToLines(Object f, Map map) { return lines(map(map, f)); } public static String mapToLines(Object f, Iterable l) { return lines(map(f, l)); } public static String str(Object o) { return o == null ? "null" : o.toString(); } public static String str(char[] c) { return new String(c); } public static MechListDependentCaches> mechCISet_cache = new MechListDependentCaches(new F1>() { public TreeSet get(String text) { try { return asCISet(tlft(text)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "asCISet(tlft(text))"; } }); public static TreeSet mechCISet(String name) { return mechCISet_cache.get(name); } public static String ai_mechLanguagePrefix() { String l = ai_language(); return eqic(l, "English") ? "" : l + " | "; } public static Set joinCISets(Collection... l) { Set set = ciSet(); for (Collection o : l) if (o != null) set.addAll(o); return set; } public static Map synchronizedMRUCache(int maxSize) { return synchroMap(new MRUCache(maxSize)); } public static Map> javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); public static List javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets(String s) { List tok = javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_cache.put(s, tok = javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_uncached(s)); return tok; } public static List javaTokNPunctuationWithBrackets_uncached(String s) { return tok_combineRoundOrCurlyBrackets_keep(javaTokNPunctuation_bracketsInC(s)); } public static B mapGet(Map map, A a) { return map == null || a == null ? null : map.get(a); } public static B mapGet(A a, Map map) { return map == null || a == null ? null : map.get(a); } public static Map> javaTokNPunctuation_cached_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(defaultTokenizerCacheSize()); public static List javaTokNPunctuation_cached(String s) { List tok = javaTokNPunctuation_cached_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTokNPunctuation_cached_cache.put(s, tok = javaTokNPunctuation(s)); return tok; } public static int numberOfFunctionArguments(Object f) { if (f instanceof F0) return 0; if (f instanceof F1) return 1; if (f instanceof F2) return 2; if (f instanceof VF1) return 1; if (f instanceof VF2) return 2; if (f instanceof String) return numberOfMethodArguments(mc(), (String) f); return numberOfMethodArguments(f, "get"); } public static RuntimeException todo() { throw new RuntimeException("TODO"); } public static RuntimeException todo(String msg) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + msg); } public static String beautifyStructure(String s) { List tok = javaTok(s); structure_addTokenMarkers(tok); jreplace(tok, "lhm", ""); return join(tok); } public static String struct_noStringSharing(Object o) { structure_Data d = new structure_Data(); d.noStringSharing = true; return structure(o, d); } public static Throwable getExceptionCause(Throwable e) { Throwable c = e.getCause(); return c != null ? c : e; } public static String joinWithSpace(Collection c) { return join(" ", c); } public static String joinWithSpace(String... c) { return join(" ", c); } public static boolean methodIsStatic(Method m) { return (m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) != 0; } public static boolean argumentCompatibleWithType(Object arg, Class type) { return arg == null ? !type.isPrimitive() : isInstanceX(type, arg); } public static void arraycopy(Object[] a, Object[] b) { if (a != null && b != null) arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, min(a.length, b.length)); } public static void arraycopy(Object src, int srcPos, Object dest, int destPos, int n) { if (n != 0) System.arraycopy(src, srcPos, dest, destPos, n); } public static A[] arrayOfType(Class type, int n) { return makeArray(type, n); } public static A[] arrayOfType(int n, Class type) { return arrayOfType(type, n); } public static List getClassNames(Collection l) { List out = new ArrayList(); if (l != null) for (Object o : l) out.add(o == null ? null : getClassName(o)); return out; } public static boolean isSnippetID(String s) { try { parseSnippetID(s); return true; } catch (RuntimeException e) { return false; } } public static long parseSnippetID(String snippetID) { long id = Long.parseLong(shortenSnippetID(snippetID)); if (id == 0) throw fail("0 is not a snippet ID"); return id; } public static boolean isAWTThread() { if (isAndroid()) return false; if (isHeadless()) return false; return isAWTThread_awt(); } public static boolean isAWTThread_awt() { return SwingUtilities.isEventDispatchThread(); } public static void failIfUnlicensed() { assertTrue("license off", licensed()); } public static Thread currentThread() { return Thread.currentThread(); } public static A setThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl, A value) { if (tl == null) return null; A old = tl.get(); tl.set(value); return old; } public static volatile PersistableThrowable _handleException_lastException; public static List _handleException_onException = synchroList(ll("printStackTrace2")); public static void _handleException(Throwable e) { _handleException_lastException = persistableThrowable(e); Throwable e2 = innerException(e); if (e2.getClass() == RuntimeException.class && eq(e2.getMessage(), "Thread cancelled.") || e2 instanceof InterruptedException) return; for (Object f : cloneList(_handleException_onException)) try { callF(f, e); } catch (Throwable e3) { printStackTrace2(e3); } } public static WeakReference newWeakReference(A a) { return a == null ? null : new WeakReference(a); } public static boolean even(int i) { return (i & 1) == 0; } public static boolean even(long i) { return (i & 1) == 0; } public static List ll(A... a) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length); if (a != null) for (A x : a) l.add(x); return l; } public static List codeTokensOnly(List tok) { int n = tok.size(); List l = emptyList(n / 2); for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) l.add(tok.get(i)); return l; } public static boolean isSpace(char c) { return " \t\r\n".indexOf(c) >= 0; } public static IntRange tok_findNextEmptyLineWhitespace(String s, int i) { char c; int k = i, l = l(s); while (k < l) { int j = k, breaks = 0; while (j < l && isSpace(c = s.charAt(j))) { ++j; if (c == '\n') ++breaks; } if (breaks >= 2) return intRange(k, j); while (j < l && !isSpace(s.charAt(j))) ++j; k = j; } return null; } public static int max(int a, int b) { return Math.max(a, b); } public static int max(int a, int b, int c) { return max(max(a, b), c); } public static long max(int a, long b) { return Math.max((long) a, b); } public static long max(long a, long b) { return Math.max(a, b); } public static double max(int a, double b) { return Math.max((double) a, b); } public static float max(float a, float b) { return Math.max(a, b); } public static double max(double a, double b) { return Math.max(a, b); } public static int max(Collection c) { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int i : c) x = max(x, i); return x; } public static double max(double[] c) { if (c.length == 0) return Double.MIN_VALUE; double x = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]); return x; } public static float max(float[] c) { if (c.length == 0) return Float.MAX_VALUE; float x = c[0]; for (int i = 1; i < c.length; i++) x = Math.max(x, c[i]); return x; } public static byte max(byte[] c) { byte x = -128; for (byte d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } public static short max(short[] c) { short x = -0x8000; for (short d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } public static int max(int[] c) { int x = Integer.MIN_VALUE; for (int d : c) if (d > x) x = d; return x; } public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return regionMatchesIC(a, 0, b, 0, b.length()); } public static List newSubList(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { return cloneList(subList(l, startIndex, endIndex)); } public static List newSubList(List l, int startIndex) { return cloneList(subList(l, startIndex)); } public static boolean allCharactersAre(String s, char c) { int n = l(s); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (s.charAt(i) != c) return false; return true; } public static String dropDotAtEnd(String s) { return dropSuffix(".", s); } public static List splitIntoSentences_v3(String s) { return empty(s) ? (List) ll() : splitIntoSentences_v2_tok(tok_joinEllipsis_flex(joinBrackets(javaTok(s)))); } public static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromFile(File f) { try { if (!f.exists()) return emptyCloseableIterableIterator(); if (ewic(f.getName(), ".gz")) return linesFromReader(utf8bufferedReader(newGZIPInputStream(f))); return linesFromReader(utf8bufferedReader(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Iterator emptyIterator() { return Collections.emptyIterator(); } public static Matcher regexp(String pat, String s) { return regexp(compileRegexp(pat), unnull(s)); } public static Matcher regexp(Pattern pat, String s) { return pat.matcher(unnull(s)); } public static Pattern regexp(String pat) { return compileRegexp(pat); } public static List regexpGetGroups(Matcher matcher) { int n = matcher.groupCount(); List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) l.add(; return l; } public static List regexpGetGroups(String pat, String s) { Matcher m = regexpMatcher(pat, s); if (m.find()) return regexpGetGroups(m); return null; } public static Object swing(Object f) { return swingAndWait(f); } public static A swing(F0 f) { return (A) swingAndWait(f); } public static Map classForName_cache = synchroHashMap(); public static Class classForName(String name) { try { Class c = classForName_cache.get(name); if (c == null) classForName_cache.put(name, c = Class.forName(name)); return c; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Map nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache = newDangerousWeakHashMap(); public static Object nuObjectWithoutArguments(String className) { try { return nuObjectWithoutArguments(classForName(className)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static A nuObjectWithoutArguments(Class c) { try { if (nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache == null) return (A) nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(c).newInstance(); Constructor m = nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache.get(c); if (m == null) nuObjectWithoutArguments_cache.put(c, m = nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(c)); return (A) m.newInstance(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Constructor nuObjectWithoutArguments_findConstructor(Class c) { for (Constructor m : c.getDeclaredConstructors()) if (empty(m.getParameterTypes())) { m.setAccessible(true); return m; } throw fail("No default constructor found in " + c.getName()); } public static List getClasses(Object[] array) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : array) l.add(_getClass(o)); return l; } public static boolean isInstanceX(Class type, Object arg) { if (type == boolean.class) return arg instanceof Boolean; if (type == int.class) return arg instanceof Integer; if (type == long.class) return arg instanceof Long; if (type == float.class) return arg instanceof Float; if (type == short.class) return arg instanceof Short; if (type == char.class) return arg instanceof Character; if (type == byte.class) return arg instanceof Byte; if (type == double.class) return arg instanceof Double; return type.isInstance(arg); } public static Set keys(Map map) { return map == null ? new HashSet() : map.keySet(); } public static Set keys(Object map) { return keys((Map) map); } public static A set(A o, String field, Object value) { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) set((Class) o, field, value); else try { Field f = set_findField(o.getClass(), field); f.setAccessible(true); smartSet(f, o, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } return o; } public static void set(Class c, String field, Object value) { if (c == null) return; try { Field f = set_findStaticField(c, field); f.setAccessible(true); smartSet(f, null, value); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static Field set_findStaticField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field) && (f.getModifiers() & java.lang.reflect.Modifier.STATIC) != 0) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Static field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } public static Field set_findField(Class c, String field) { Class _c = c; do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) if (f.getName().equals(field)) return f; _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); throw new RuntimeException("Field '" + field + "' not found in " + c.getName()); } public static void failIfOddCount(Object... list) { if (odd(l(list))) throw fail("Odd list size: " + list); } public static boolean endsWithLetter(String s) { return nempty(s) && isLetter(last(s)); } public static Map emptyMap() { return new HashMap(); } public static boolean endsWith(String a, String b) { return a != null && a.endsWith(b); } public static boolean endsWith(String a, char c) { return nempty(a) && lastChar(a) == c; } public static boolean endsWith(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!endsWith(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] { dropLast(l(b), a) }; return true; } public static String dropSuffixTrim(String suffix, String s) { return dropSuffixAndTrim(suffix, s); } public static boolean dropSuffixTrim(String suffix, String s, Matches m) { if (!endsWith(s, suffix)) return false; m.m = new String[] { dropLast(l(suffix), s) }; return true; } public static boolean find3(String pat, String s) { return find3(pat, s, null); } public static boolean find3(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { return find3(pat, parse3(s), matches); } public static boolean find3(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { List tokpat = parse3(pat); String[] m = find2(tokpat, toks); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) matches.m = m; return true; } public static String dropPrefixTrim(String prefix, String s) { return trim(dropPrefix(prefix, s)); } public static boolean matchStart(String pat, String s) { return matchStart(pat, s, null); } public static boolean matchStart(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (s == null) return false; return matchStart(pat, parse3_cachedInput(s), matches); } public static boolean matchStart(String pat, List toks, Matches matches) { if (toks == null) return false; List tokpat = parse3_cachedPattern(pat); if (toks.size() < tokpat.size()) return false; String[] m = match2(tokpat, toks.subList(0, tokpat.size())); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) { matches.m = new String[m.length + 1]; arraycopy(m, matches.m); matches.m[m.length] = joinSubList(toks, tokpat.size(), toks.size()); } return true; } public static boolean matchEndX(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { return matchEnd(dropPrefix("...", pat), s, matches); } public static String getClassName(Object o) { return o == null ? "null" : o instanceof Class ? ((Class) o).getName() : o.getClass().getName(); } public static ThreadLocal> ai_languages_value = new ThreadLocal(); public static Set ai_languages() { Set set = ai_languages_value.get(); if (nempty(set)) return set; return litciset(ai_language()); } public static void _onLoad_ai_languages() { _threadInfo_addMakerAndRetriever(new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { mapPut(map, "ai_languages_value", ai_languages_value.get()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "mapPut(map, 'ai_languages_value, ai_languages_value!)"; } }, new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { ai_setLanguages((Set) map.get("ai_languages_value")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ai_setLanguages((Set) map.get('ai_languages_value))"; } }); } public static Map mechMap(String listName) { return mechMapCI(listName); } public static boolean eqic(String a, String b) { if ((a == null) != (b == null)) return false; if (a == null) return true; return a.equalsIgnoreCase(b); } public static boolean eqic(char a, char b) { if (a == b) return true; char u1 = Character.toUpperCase(a); char u2 = Character.toUpperCase(b); if (u1 == u2) return true; return Character.toLowerCase(u1) == Character.toLowerCase(u2); } public static Map joinMaps_conservative_lhm(List> maps) { if (empty(maps)) return null; if (l(maps) == 1) return first(maps); LinkedHashMap out = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Map map : maps) putAll(out, map); return out; } public static Map similarEmptyMap(Map m) { if (m instanceof TreeMap) return new TreeMap(((TreeMap) m).comparator()); if (m instanceof LinkedHashMap) return new LinkedHashMap(); return new HashMap(); } public static String patternQuote(String s) { return s.length() == 0 ? "" : Pattern.quote(s); } public static String quoteReplacement(String s) { return Matcher.quoteReplacement(s); } public static int javaTok_n, javaTok_elements; public static boolean javaTok_opt; public static List javaTok(String s) { ++javaTok_n; ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s == null ? 0 : s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j + 1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j + 1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i + 1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i + 1); if (c == '\'' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(d) && i + 2 < l && "'\\".indexOf(s.charAt(i + 2)) < 0) { j += 2; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) ++j; } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { int c2 = s.charAt(j); if (c2 == opener || c2 == '\n' && opener == '\'') { ++j; break; } else if (c2 == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || s.charAt(j) == '\'')); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 1 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i + 2 < l && s.charAt(i + 2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 2 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j + 3, l); } else ++j; tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); javaTok_elements += tok.size(); return tok; } public static List javaTok(List tok) { return javaTokWithExisting(join(tok), tok); } public static void replaceTokens(List tok, int i, int j, String s) { clearAllTokens(subList(tok, i, j)); tok.set(i, s); } public static void replaceTokens(List tok, String s) { clearAllTokens(tok); tok.set(0, s); } public static TreeMap ciMap() { return caseInsensitiveMap(); } public static void wordTreeAdd(Map tree, List words, String value) { for (String word : words) { Object child = tree.get(word); Map subTree; if (child instanceof Map) tree = (Map) child; else { tree.put(word, subTree = ciMap()); if (child != null) subTree.put("", child); tree = subTree; } } tree.put("", value); } public static List javaTokC(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int l = s.length(); ArrayList tok = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j + 1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j + 1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i + 1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i + 1); if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener || s.charAt(j) == '\n') { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 1 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i + 2 < l && s.charAt(i + 2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 2 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j + 3, l); } else ++j; tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); i = j; } return tok; } public static Map simplifyWordTree(Map tree) { if (tree == null) return null; return (Map) simplifyWordTree_impl(tree, true); } public static Object simplifyWordTree_impl(Object tree, boolean keepAsMap) { if (tree instanceof String) return tree; Map m = (Map) tree; if (!keepAsMap && l(m) == 1 && eq(firstKey(m), "")) return (String) firstValue(m); Map map = similarEmptyMap(m); for (String key : keys(m)) { Object value = m.get(key); map.put(key, simplifyWordTree_impl(value, false)); } return map; } public static boolean isCurlyBraced(String s) { List tok = tok_combineCurlyBrackets_keep(javaTok(s)); return l(tok) == 3 && startsWithAndEndsWith(tok.get(1), "{", "}"); } public static String curlyBrace(String s) { return "{" + s + "}"; } public static TreeSet asCISet(Iterable c) { return toCaseInsensitiveSet(c); } public static TreeSet asCISet(String... x) { return toCaseInsensitiveSet(x); } public static String ai_language() { return or2(ai_setLanguage_value.get(), "English"); } public static TreeSet ciSet() { return caseInsensitiveSet(); } public static Map synchroMap() { return synchroHashMap(); } public static Map synchroMap(Map map) { return Collections.synchronizedMap(map); } public static List tok_combineRoundOrCurlyBrackets_keep(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && eqOneOf(t, "{", "(")) { int j = findEndOfBracketPart(tok, i); l.add(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); i = j - 1; } else l.add(t); } return l; } public static List javaTokNPunctuation_bracketsInC(String s) { List tok = javaTok(s); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { int j = i; String t; char c; while (j < l(tok) && l(t = tok.get(j)) == 1 && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(c = t.charAt(0)) && "{}()".indexOf(c) < 0) j += 2; if (j > i) replaceSubList(tok, i - 1, j, ll(joinSubList(tok, i - 1, j))); } return tok; } public static int defaultTokenizerCacheSize() { return 1000; } public static List javaTokNPunctuation(String s) { List tok = javaTok(s); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { int j = i; String t; while (j < l(tok) && l(t = tok.get(j)) == 1 && !Character.isLetterOrDigit(t.charAt(0))) j += 2; if (j > i) replaceSubList(tok, i - 1, j, ll(joinSubList(tok, i - 1, j))); } return tok; } public static int numberOfMethodArguments(Object o, String method) { Class c; boolean mustBeStatic = false; if (o instanceof Class) { c = (Class) o; mustBeStatic = true; } else c = o.getClass(); Class _c = c; int n = -1; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!m.getName().equals(method)) continue; if (mustBeStatic && !methodIsStatic(m)) continue; int nn = l(m.getParameterTypes()); if (n == -1) n = nn; else if (n != nn) throw fail("Variable number of method arguments: " + _c + "." + method); } c = c.getSuperclass(); } if (n == -1) throw fail("Method not found: " + _c + "." + method); return n; } public static String structure_addTokenMarkers(String s) { return join(structure_addTokenMarkers(javaTok(s))); } public static List structure_addTokenMarkers(List tok) { TreeSet refs = new TreeSet(); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.startsWith("t") && isInteger(t.substring(1))) refs.add(parseInt(t.substring(1))); } if (empty(refs)) return tok; for (int i : refs) { int idx = i * 2 + 1; String t = ""; if (endsWithLetterOrDigit(tok.get(idx - 1))) t = " "; tok.set(idx, t + "m" + i + " " + tok.get(idx)); } return tok; } public static String jreplace(String s, String in, String out) { return jreplace(s, in, out, null); } public static String jreplace(String s, String in, String out, Object condition) { List tok = javaTok(s); return jreplace(tok, in, out, condition) ? join(tok) : s; } public static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out) { return jreplace(tok, in, out, false, true, null); } public static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out, Object condition) { return jreplace(tok, in, out, false, true, condition); } public static boolean jreplace(List tok, String in, String out, boolean ignoreCase, boolean reTok, Object condition) { String[] toks = javaTokForJFind_array(in); int lTokin = toks.length * 2 + 1; boolean anyChange = false; int i = -1; for (int n = 0; n < 10000; n++) { i = findCodeTokens(tok, i + 1, ignoreCase, toks, condition); if (i < 0) return anyChange; List subList = tok.subList(i - 1, i + lTokin - 1); String expansion = jreplaceExpandRefs(out, subList); int end = i + lTokin - 2; clearAllTokens(tok, i, end); tok.set(i, expansion); if (reTok) reTok(tok, i, end); i = end; anyChange = true; } throw fail("woot? 10000! " + quote(in) + " => " + quote(out)); } public static boolean jreplace_debug; public static int min(int a, int b) { return Math.min(a, b); } public static long min(long a, long b) { return Math.min(a, b); } public static float min(float a, float b) { return Math.min(a, b); } public static float min(float a, float b, float c) { return min(min(a, b), c); } public static double min(double a, double b) { return Math.min(a, b); } public static double min(double[] c) { double x = Double.MAX_VALUE; for (double d : c) x = Math.min(x, d); return x; } public static float min(float[] c) { float x = Float.MAX_VALUE; for (float d : c) x = Math.min(x, d); return x; } public static byte min(byte[] c) { byte x = 127; for (byte d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } public static short min(short[] c) { short x = 0x7FFF; for (short d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } public static int min(int[] c) { int x = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int d : c) if (d < x) x = d; return x; } public static A[] makeArray(Class type, int n) { return (A[]) Array.newInstance(type, n); } public static Throwable printStackTrace2(Throwable e) { print(getStackTrace2(e)); return e; } public static void printStackTrace2() { printStackTrace2(new Throwable()); } public static void printStackTrace2(String msg) { printStackTrace2(new Throwable(msg)); } public static ThreadLocal ai_setLanguage_value = new ThreadLocal(); public static void ai_setLanguage(String language) { ai_setLanguage_value.set(language); } public static void _onLoad_ai_setLanguage() { _threadInfo_addMakerAndRetriever(new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { mapPut(map, "ai_setLanguage_value", ai_setLanguage_value.get()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "mapPut(map, 'ai_setLanguage_value, ai_setLanguage_value!)"; } }, new VF1() { public void get(Map map) { try { ai_setLanguage((String) map.get("ai_setLanguage_value")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ai_setLanguage((S) map.get('ai_setLanguage_value))"; } }); } public static String shortenSnippetID(String snippetID) { if (snippetID.startsWith("#")) snippetID = snippetID.substring(1); String httpBlaBla = ""; if (snippetID.startsWith(httpBlaBla)) snippetID = snippetID.substring(httpBlaBla.length()); return "" + parseLong(snippetID); } public static volatile boolean licensed_yes = true; public static boolean licensed() { if (!licensed_yes) return false; ping_okInCleanUp(); return true; } public static void licensed_off() { licensed_yes = false; } public static List synchroList() { return Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); } public static List synchroList(List l) { return Collections.synchronizedList(l); } public static PersistableThrowable persistableThrowable(Throwable e) { return e == null ? null : new PersistableThrowable(e); } public static Throwable innerException(Throwable e) { return getInnerException(e); } public static ArrayList cloneList(Iterable l) { return l instanceof Collection ? cloneList((Collection) l) : asList(l); } public static ArrayList cloneList(Collection l) { if (l == null) return new ArrayList(); synchronized (collectionMutex(l)) { return new ArrayList(l); } } public static boolean regionMatchesIC(String a, int offsetA, String b, int offsetB, int len) { return a != null && a.regionMatches(true, offsetA, b, offsetB, len); } public static String dropSuffix(String suffix, String s) { return s.endsWith(suffix) ? s.substring(0, l(s) - l(suffix)) : s; } public static List splitIntoSentences_v2(String s) { return splitIntoSentences_v2_tok(nlTok3(s)); } public static List splitIntoSentences_v2_tok(List s) { int i = 0; List l = new ArrayList(); while (i < l(s)) { int j; if (emptyAfterTrim(s.get(i)) && isRoundBracketed(get(s, i + 1))) j = i + 2; else j = smartIndexOfAny(s, i, ".", "?", "!") + 1; addIfNempty(l, trimJoinSubList(s, i, j)); i = j; } return l; } public static List tok_joinEllipsis_flex(List tok) { for (int i = 1; i + 4 < l(tok); i += 2) if (allEq(".", get(tok, i), get(tok, i + 2), get(tok, i + 4))) { removeSubList(tok, i + 1, i + 5); tok.set(i, "..."); } return tok; } public static List joinBrackets(List tok) { List t = new ArrayList(); Map map = getBracketMap(tok); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { Integer dest = map.get(i); if (dest != null) { t.add(join(subList(tok, i, dest + 1))); i = dest; } else t.add(tok.get(i)); } return t; } public static CloseableIterableIterator emptyCloseableIterableIterator_instance = new CloseableIterableIterator() { public Object next() { throw fail(); } public boolean hasNext() { return false; } }; public static CloseableIterableIterator emptyCloseableIterableIterator() { return emptyCloseableIterableIterator_instance; } public static boolean ewic(String a, String b) { return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b); } public static boolean ewic(String a, String b, Matches m) { return endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b, m); } public static CloseableIterableIterator linesFromReader(Reader r) { final BufferedReader br = bufferedReader(r); return iteratorFromFunction_f0_autoCloseable(new F0() { public String get() { try { return readLineFromReaderWithClose(br); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret readLineFromReaderWithClose(br);"; } }, _wrapIOCloseable(r)); } public static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(InputStream in) { try { return bufferedReader(_registerIOWrap(new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF-8"), in)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static BufferedReader utf8bufferedReader(File f) { try { return utf8bufferedReader(newFileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(File f) { return gzInputStream(f); } public static GZIPInputStream newGZIPInputStream(InputStream in) { return gzInputStream(in); } public static Map compileRegexp_cache = syncMRUCache(10); public static java.util.regex.Pattern compileRegexp(String pat) { java.util.regex.Pattern p = compileRegexp_cache.get(pat); if (p == null) { compileRegexp_cache.put(pat, p = java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(pat)); } return p; } public static Matcher regexpMatcher(String pat, String s) { return compileRegexp(pat).matcher(unnull(s)); } public static void swingAndWait(Runnable r) { try { if (isAWTThread()); else EventQueue.invokeAndWait(addThreadInfoToRunnable(r)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Object swingAndWait(final Object f) { if (isAWTThread()) return callF(f); else { final Var result = new Var(); swingAndWait(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { result.set(callF(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "result.set(callF(f));"; } }); return result.get(); } } public static Map synchroHashMap() { return Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()); } public static Class _getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public static Class _getClass(Object o) { return o == null ? null : o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); } public static Class _getClass(Object realm, String name) { try { return getClass(realm).getClassLoader().loadClass(classNameToVM(name)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public static void smartSet(Field f, Object o, Object value) throws Exception { try { f.set(o, value); } catch (Exception e) { Class type = f.getType(); if (type == int.class && value instanceof Long) value = ((Long) value).intValue(); if (type == LinkedHashMap.class && value instanceof Map) { f.set(o, asLinkedHashMap((Map) value)); return; } try { if (f.getType() == Concept.Ref.class) { f.set(o, ((Concept) o).new Ref((Concept) value)); return; } if (o instanceof Concept.Ref) { f.set(o, ((Concept.Ref) o).get()); return; } } catch (Throwable _e) { } throw e; } } public static boolean odd(int i) { return (i & 1) != 0; } public static boolean odd(long i) { return (i & 1) != 0; } public static boolean odd(BigInteger i) { return odd(toInt(i)); } public static boolean isLetter(char c) { return Character.isLetter(c); } public static char lastChar(String s) { return empty(s) ? '\0' : s.charAt(l(s) - 1); } public static String[] dropLast(String[] a, int n) { n = Math.min(n, a.length); String[] b = new String[a.length - n]; System.arraycopy(a, 0, b, 0, b.length); return b; } public static List dropLast(List l) { return subList(l, 0, l(l) - 1); } public static List dropLast(int n, List l) { return subList(l, 0, l(l) - n); } public static List dropLast(Iterable l) { return dropLast(asList(l)); } public static String dropLast(String s) { return substring(s, 0, l(s) - 1); } public static String dropLast(String s, int n) { return substring(s, 0, l(s) - n); } public static String dropLast(int n, String s) { return dropLast(s, n); } public static String dropSuffixAndTrim(String suffix, String s) { return trim(dropSuffix(suffix, s)); } public static List parse3(String s) { return dropPunctuation(javaTokPlusPeriod(s)); } public static String[] find2(List pat, List tok) { for (int idx = 0; idx < tok.size(); idx += 2) { String[] result = find2(pat, tok, idx); if (result != null) return result; } return null; } public static String[] find2(List pat, List tok, int idx) { if (idx + pat.size() > tok.size()) return null; List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < pat.size(); i += 2) { String p = pat.get(i), t = tok.get(idx + i); if (eq(p, "*")) result.add(t); else if (!p.equalsIgnoreCase(t)) return null; } return toStringArray(result); } public static String dropPrefix(String prefix, String s) { return s == null ? null : s.startsWith(prefix) ? s.substring(l(prefix)) : s; } public static Map> parse3_cachedInput_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); public static List parse3_cachedInput(String s) { List tok = parse3_cachedInput_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) parse3_cachedInput_cache.put(s, tok = parse3(s)); return tok; } public static Map> parse3_cachedPattern_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); public static synchronized List parse3_cachedPattern(String s) { List tok = parse3_cachedPattern_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) parse3_cachedPattern_cache.put(s, tok = parse3(s)); return tok; } public static String[] match2(List pat, List tok) { int i = pat.indexOf("..."); if (i < 0) return match2_match(pat, tok); pat = new ArrayList(pat); pat.set(i, "*"); while (pat.size() < tok.size()) { pat.add(i, "*"); pat.add(i + 1, ""); } return match2_match(pat, tok); } public static String[] match2_match(List pat, List tok) { List result = new ArrayList(); if (pat.size() != tok.size()) { return null; } for (int i = 1; i < pat.size(); i += 2) { String p = pat.get(i), t = tok.get(i); if (eq(p, "*")) result.add(t); else if (!equalsIgnoreCase(unquote(p), unquote(t))) return null; } return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); } public static boolean matchEnd(String pat, String s) { return matchEnd(pat, s, null); } public static boolean matchEnd(String pat, String s, Matches matches) { if (s == null) return false; List tokpat = parse3(pat), toks = parse3(s); if (toks.size() < tokpat.size()) return false; String[] m = match2(tokpat, takeLast(l(tokpat), toks)); if (m == null) return false; if (matches != null) { matches.m = new String[m.length + 1]; arraycopy(m, matches.m); matches.m[m.length] = join(dropLast(l(tokpat), toks)); } return true; } public static TreeSet litciset(String... items) { TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet(); for (String a : items) set.add(a); return set; } public static void mapPut(Map map, A key, B value) { if (map != null && key != null && value != null) map.put(key, value); } public static AutoCloseable ai_setLanguages(String... languages) { return ai_setLanguages(asCISet(languages)); } public static AutoCloseable ai_setLanguages(Collection languages) { Set oldValue = ai_languages_value.get(); ai_languages_value.set(asCISet(languages)); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "ai_languages_value.set(oldValue);"; } public void close() throws Exception { ai_languages_value.set(oldValue); } }; } public static Map>> mechMapCI_cache = synchroMap(); public static Map mechMapCI(String listName) { Pair> p = mechMapCI_cache.get(listName); String text = mechList_raw(listName); if (p != null && eq(p.a, text)) return p.b; String parsing = first(mechList_opt(listName + " | Parsing")); Map map; if (parsing == null) map = parseDoubleArrowMapCI(tlft(text)); else map = asCIMap((Map) callAndMake(parsing, text)); p = pair(text, map); mechMapCI_cache.put(listName, p); return p.b; } public static String asString(Object o) { return o == null ? null : o.toString(); } public static Map putAll(Map a, Map b) { if (a != null) a.putAll(b); return a; } public static String javaTok_substringN(String s, int i, int j) { if (i == j) return ""; if (j == i + 1 && s.charAt(i) == ' ') return " "; return s.substring(i, j); } public static String javaTok_substringC(String s, int i, int j) { return s.substring(i, j); } public static List javaTokWithExisting(String s, List existing) { ++javaTok_n; int nExisting = javaTok_opt && existing != null ? existing.size() : 0; ArrayList tok = existing != null ? new ArrayList(nExisting) : new ArrayList(); int l = s.length(); int i = 0, n = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c, d; while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); d = j + 1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(j + 1); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (c == '/' && d == '*') { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (c == '/' && d == '/') { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } if (n < nExisting && javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(existing.get(n), s, i, j)) tok.add(existing.get(n)); else tok.add(javaTok_substringN(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); d = i + 1 >= l ? '\0' : s.charAt(i + 1); if (c == '\'' && Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(d) && i + 2 < l && "'\\".indexOf(s.charAt(i + 2)) < 0) { j += 2; while (j < l && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j))) ++j; } else if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener) { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || "'".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) >= 0)); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) { do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); if (j < l && s.charAt(j) == 'L') ++j; } else if (c == '[' && d == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 1 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (c == '[' && d == '=' && i + 2 < l && s.charAt(i + 2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 2 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j + 3, l); } else ++j; if (n < nExisting && javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(existing.get(n), s, i, j)) tok.add(existing.get(n)); else tok.add(javaTok_substringC(s, i, j)); ++n; i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); javaTok_elements += tok.size(); return tok; } public static boolean javaTokWithExisting_isCopyable(String t, String s, int i, int j) { return t.length() == j - i && s.regionMatches(i, t, 0, j - i); } public static void clearAllTokens(List tok) { for (int i = 0; i < tok.size(); i++) tok.set(i, ""); } public static void clearAllTokens(List tok, int i, int j) { for (; i < j; i++) tok.set(i, ""); } public static TreeMap caseInsensitiveMap() { return new TreeMap(caseInsensitiveComparator()); } public static A firstKey(Map map) { return first(keys(map)); } public static B firstValue(Map map) { return first(values(map)); } public static List tok_combineCurlyBrackets_keep(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(tok); i++) { String t = tok.get(i); if (odd(i) && eq(t, "{")) { int j = findEndOfCurlyBracketPart(tok, i); l.add(joinSubList(tok, i, j)); i = j - 1; } else l.add(t); } return l; } public static boolean startsWithAndEndsWith(String s, String prefix, String suffix) { return startsWith(s, prefix) && endsWith(s, suffix); } public static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet(Iterable c) { if (isCISet(c)) return (TreeSet) c; TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet(); addAll(set, c); return set; } public static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet(String... x) { TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet(); addAll(set, x); return set; } public static String or2(String a, String b) { return nempty(a) ? a : b; } public static String or2(String a, String b, String c) { return or2(or2(a, b), c); } public static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet() { return caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); } public static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet(Collection c) { return caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(c); } public static boolean eqOneOf(Object o, Object... l) { for (Object x : l) if (eq(o, x)) return true; return false; } public static int findEndOfBracketPart(List cnc, int i) { int j = i + 2, level = 1; while (j < cnc.size()) { if (eqOneOf(cnc.get(j), "{", "(")) ++level; else if (eqOneOf(cnc.get(j), "}", ")")) --level; if (level == 0) return j + 1; ++j; } return cnc.size(); } public static List replaceSubList(List l, List x, List y) { return replaceSublist(l, x, y); } public static List replaceSubList(List l, int fromIndex, int toIndex, List y) { return replaceSublist(l, fromIndex, toIndex, y); } public static boolean isInteger(String s) { int n = l(s); if (n == 0) return false; int i = 0; if (s.charAt(0) == '-') if (++i >= n) return false; while (i < n) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c < '0' || c > '9') return false; ++i; } return true; } public static int parseInt(String s) { return empty(s) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(s); } public static int parseInt(char c) { return Integer.parseInt(str(c)); } public static Map javaTokForJFind_array_cache = synchronizedMRUCache(1000); public static String[] javaTokForJFind_array(String s) { String[] tok = javaTokForJFind_array_cache.get(s); if (tok == null) javaTokForJFind_array_cache.put(s, tok = codeTokensAsStringArray(jfind_preprocess(javaTok(s)))); return tok; } public static int findCodeTokens(List tok, String... tokens) { return findCodeTokens(tok, 1, false, tokens); } public static int findCodeTokens(List tok, boolean ignoreCase, String... tokens) { return findCodeTokens(tok, 1, ignoreCase, tokens); } public static int findCodeTokens(List tok, int startIdx, boolean ignoreCase, String... tokens) { return findCodeTokens(tok, startIdx, ignoreCase, tokens, null); } public static HashSet findCodeTokens_specials = lithashset("*", "", "", "", "\\*"); public static boolean findCodeTokens_debug; public static int findCodeTokens_indexed, findCodeTokens_unindexed; public static int findCodeTokens_bails, findCodeTokens_nonbails; public static int findCodeTokens(List tok, int startIdx, boolean ignoreCase, String[] tokens, Object condition) { if (findCodeTokens_debug) { if (eq(getClassName(tok), "main$IndexedList2")) findCodeTokens_indexed++; else findCodeTokens_unindexed++; } int end = tok.size() - tokens.length * 2 + 2, nTokens = tokens.length; int i = startIdx | 1; String firstToken = tokens[0]; if (!ignoreCase && !findCodeTokens_specials.contains(firstToken)) { while (i < end && !firstToken.equals(tok.get(i))) i += 2; } outer: for (; i < end; i += 2) { for (int j = 0; j < nTokens; j++) { String p = tokens[j], t = tok.get(i + j * 2); boolean match; if (eq(p, "*")) match = true; else if (eq(p, "")) match = isQuoted(t); else if (eq(p, "")) match = isIdentifier(t); else if (eq(p, "")) match = isInteger(t); else if (eq(p, "\\*")) match = eq("*", t); else match = ignoreCase ? eqic(p, t) : eq(p, t); if (!match) continue outer; } if (condition == null || checkTokCondition(condition, tok, i - 1)) return i; } return -1; } public static String jreplaceExpandRefs(String s, List tokref) { List tok = javaTok(s); for (int i = 1; i < l(tok); i += 2) { if (tok.get(i).startsWith("$") && isInteger(tok.get(i).substring(1))) { String x = tokref.get(-1 + parseInt(tok.get(i).substring(1)) * 2); tok.set(i, x); } } return join(tok); } public static List reTok(List tok) { replaceCollection(tok, javaTok(tok)); return tok; } public static List reTok(List tok, int i) { return reTok(tok, i, i + 1); } public static List reTok(List tok, int i, int j) { i = i & ~1; j = j | 1; List t = javaTok(join(subList(tok, i, j))); replaceListPart(tok, i, j, t); return tok; } public static List reTok(List tok, IntRange r) { if (r != null) reTok(tok, r.start, r.end); return tok; } public static Map parseDoubleLeftArrowMapCI_tlft(String s) { return parseDoubleLeftArrowMapCI(tlft(s)); } public static String getStackTrace2(Throwable e) { return hideCredentials(getStackTrace(unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps(e)) + replacePrefix("java.lang.RuntimeException: ", "FAIL: ", hideCredentials(str(innerException2(e)))) + "\n"); } public static long parseLong(String s) { if (s == null) return 0; return Long.parseLong(dropSuffix("L", s)); } public static long parseLong(Object s) { return Long.parseLong((String) s); } public static Throwable getInnerException(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; while (e.getCause() != null) e = e.getCause(); return e; } public static Throwable getInnerException(Runnable r) { return getInnerException(getException(r)); } public static Object collectionMutex(Object o) { String c = className(o); if (eq(c, "java.util.TreeMap$KeySet")) c = className(o = getOpt(o, "m")); else if (eq(c, "java.util.HashMap$KeySet")) c = className(o = get_raw(o, "this$0")); if (eqOneOf(c, "java.util.TreeMap$AscendingSubMap", "java.util.TreeMap$DescendingSubMap")) c = className(o = get_raw(o, "m")); return o; } public static List nlTok3(String s) { List tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c; String cc; while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); cc = s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (cc.equals("/*")) { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (cc.equals("//")) { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); cc = s.substring(i, Math.min(i + 2, l)); if (c == '“' || c == '”') c = '"'; if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { char _c = s.charAt(j); if (_c == '“' || _c == '”') _c = '"'; if (_c == opener) { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } if (j - 1 >= i + 1) { tok.add(opener + s.substring(i + 1, j - 1) + opener); i = j; continue; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)))); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else if (cc.equals("[[")) { do ++j; while (j + 1 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (cc.equals("[=") && i + 2 < l && s.charAt(i + 2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 2 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j + 3, l); } else if (s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 3, l)).equals("...")) j += 3; else if (c == '$' || c == '#') do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else ++j; tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } public static boolean emptyAfterTrim(String s) { return empty(trim(s)); } public static boolean isRoundBracketed(String s) { return startsWith(s, "(") && endsWith(s, ")"); } public static int smartIndexOfAny(List l, int i, A... x) { while (i < l(l)) if (eqOneOf(l.get(i), x)) return i; else ++i; return l(l); } public static int smartIndexOfAny(List l, A... x) { return smartIndexOfAny(l, 0, x); } public static void addIfNempty(Collection l, String s) { if (nempty(s)) l.add(s); } public static void addIfNempty(Collection l, Map m) { if (nempty(m)) l.add(m); } public static void addIfNempty(Collection l, Collection c) { if (nempty(c)) l.add(c); } public static String trimJoinSubList(List l, int i, int j) { return trim(join(subList(l, i, j))); } public static String trimJoinSubList(List l, int i) { return trim(join(subList(l, i))); } public static boolean allEq(Object o, Object... l) { for (Object x : l) if (neq(x, o)) return false; return true; } public static void removeSubList(List l, int from, int to) { if (l != null) subList(l, from, to).clear(); } public static void removeSubList(List l, int from) { if (l != null) subList(l, from).clear(); } public static Map getBracketMap(List tok) { return getBracketMap(tok, getBracketMap_opening, getBracketMap_closing); } public static Map getBracketMap(List tok, Collection opening, Collection closing) { return getBracketMap(tok, opening, closing, 0, l(tok)); } public static Map getBracketMap(List tok, Collection opening, Collection closing, int from, int to) { TreeMap map = new TreeMap(); List stack = new ArrayList(); for (int i = from | 1; i < to; i += 2) { if (opening.contains(tok.get(i))) stack.add(i); else if (closing.contains(tok.get(i))) { if (!empty(stack)) map.put(liftLast(stack), i); } } return map; } public static Set getBracketMap_opening = lithashset("{", "("); public static Set getBracketMap_closing = lithashset("}", ")"); public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { int la = l(a), lb = l(b); return la >= lb && regionMatchesIC(a, la - lb, b, 0, lb); } public static boolean endsWithIgnoreCase(String a, String b, Matches m) { if (!endsWithIgnoreCase(a, b)) return false; m.m = new String[] { substring(a, 0, l(a) - l(b)) }; return true; } public static BufferedReader bufferedReader(Reader r) { return r instanceof BufferedReader ? (BufferedReader) r : _registerIOWrap(new BufferedReader(r), r); } public static CloseableIterableIterator iteratorFromFunction_f0_autoCloseable(final F0 f, final AutoCloseable closeable) { class IFF2 extends CloseableIterableIterator { public A a; public boolean done; public boolean hasNext() { getNext(); return !done; } public A next() { getNext(); if (done) throw fail(); A _a = a; a = null; return _a; } public void getNext() { if (done || a != null) return; a = f.get(); done = a == null; } public void close() throws Exception { if (closeable != null) closeable.close(); } } ; return new IFF2(); } public static String readLineFromReaderWithClose(BufferedReader r) { try { String s = r.readLine(); if (s == null) r.close(); return s; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static AutoCloseable _wrapIOCloseable(final AutoCloseable c) { return c == null ? null : new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "c.close();\r\n _registerIO(c, null, false);"; } public void close() throws Exception { c.close(); _registerIO(c, null, false); } }; } public static A _registerIOWrap(A wrapper, Object wrapped) { return wrapper; } public static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(File path) throws IOException { return newFileInputStream(path.getPath()); } public static FileInputStream newFileInputStream(String path) throws IOException { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream(path); _registerIO(f, path, true); return f; } public static int gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize = 65536; public static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f) { try { return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(File f, int bufferSize) { try { return gzInputStream(new FileInputStream(f), bufferSize); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in) { return gzInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize); } public static GZIPInputStream gzInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize) { try { return _registerIOWrap(new GZIPInputStream(in, gzInputStream_defaultBufferSize), in); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Map syncMRUCache(int size) { return synchroMap(new MRUCache(size)); } public static Runnable addThreadInfoToRunnable(final Object r) { final Object info = _threadInfo(); return info == null ? asRunnable(r) : new Runnable() { public void run() { try { _inheritThreadInfo(info); callF(r); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "_inheritThreadInfo(info); callF(r);"; } }; } public static Class getClass(String name) { try { return Class.forName(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } public static Class getClass(Object o) { return o instanceof Class ? (Class) o : o.getClass(); } public static Class getClass(Object realm, String name) { try { try { return getClass(realm).getClassLoader().loadClass(classNameToVM(name)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String classNameToVM(String name) { return name.replace(".", "$"); } public static LinkedHashMap asLinkedHashMap(Map map) { if (map instanceof LinkedHashMap) return (LinkedHashMap) map; LinkedHashMap m = new LinkedHashMap(); if (map != null) synchronized (collectionMutex(map)) { m.putAll(map); } return m; } public static int toInt(Object o) { if (o == null) return 0; if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).intValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseInt((String) o); throw fail("woot not int: " + getClassName(o)); } public static int toInt(long l) { if (l != (int) l) throw fail("Too large for int: " + l); return (int) l; } public static List dropPunctuation_keep = ll("*", "<", ">"); public static List dropPunctuation(List tok) { tok = new ArrayList(tok); for (int i = 1; i < tok.size(); i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.length() == 1 && !Character.isLetter(t.charAt(0)) && !Character.isDigit(t.charAt(0)) && !dropPunctuation_keep.contains(t)) { tok.set(i - 1, tok.get(i - 1) + tok.get(i + 1)); tok.remove(i); tok.remove(i); i -= 2; } } return tok; } public static String dropPunctuation(String s) { return join(dropPunctuation(nlTok(s))); } public static List javaTokPlusPeriod(String s) { List tok = new ArrayList(); int l = s.length(); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c; String cc; while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); cc = s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (cc.equals("/*")) { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (cc.equals("//")) { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); cc = s.substring(i, Math.min(i + 2, l)); if (c == (char) 0x201C || c == (char) 0x201D) c = '"'; if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { char _c = s.charAt(j); if (_c == (char) 0x201C || _c == (char) 0x201D) _c = '"'; if (_c == opener) { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } if (j - 1 >= i + 1) { tok.add(opener + s.substring(i + 1, j - 1) + opener); i = j; continue; } } else if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && (Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(j)) || s.charAt(j) == '\'')); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else if (cc.equals("[[")) { do ++j; while (j + 1 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 2).equals("]]")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (cc.equals("[=") && i + 2 < l && s.charAt(i + 2) == '[') { do ++j; while (j + 2 < l && !s.substring(j, j + 3).equals("]=]")); j = Math.min(j + 3, l); } else if (s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 3, l)).equals("...")) j += 3; else if (c == '$' || c == '#') do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else ++j; tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } public static String[] toStringArray(Collection c) { String[] a = new String[l(c)]; Iterator it = c.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < l(a); i++) a[i] =; return a; } public static String[] toStringArray(Object o) { if (o instanceof String[]) return (String[]) o; else if (o instanceof Collection) return toStringArray((Collection) o); else throw fail("Not a collection or array: " + getClassName(o)); } public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String a, String b) { return eqic(a, b); } public static boolean equalsIgnoreCase(char a, char b) { return eqic(a, b); } public static String unquote(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (startsWith(s, '[')) { int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; if (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '[') { String m = s.substring(1, i); if (s.endsWith("]" + m + "]")) return s.substring(i + 1, s.length() - i - 1); } } if (s.length() > 1) { char c = s.charAt(0); if (c == '\"' || c == '\'') { int l = endsWith(s, c) ? s.length() - 1 : s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(l - 1); for (int i = 1; i < l; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == '\\') { char nextChar = (i == l - 1) ? '\\' : s.charAt(i + 1); if (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '7') { String code = "" + nextChar; i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; if ((i < l - 1) && s.charAt(i + 1) >= '0' && s.charAt(i + 1) <= '7') { code += s.charAt(i + 1); i++; } } sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(code, 8)); continue; } switch(nextChar) { case '\"': ch = '\"'; break; case '\\': ch = '\\'; break; case 'b': ch = '\b'; break; case 'f': ch = '\f'; break; case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 'r': ch = '\r'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '\'': ch = '\''; break; case 'u': if (i >= l - 5) { ch = 'u'; break; } int code = Integer.parseInt("" + s.charAt(i + 2) + s.charAt(i + 3) + s.charAt(i + 4) + s.charAt(i + 5), 16); sb.append(Character.toChars(code)); i += 5; continue; default: ch = nextChar; } i++; } sb.append(ch); } return sb.toString(); } } return s; } public static List takeLast(List l, int n) { return newSubList(l, l(l) - n); } public static List takeLast(int n, List l) { return takeLast(l, n); } public static String takeLast(int n, String s) { return substring(s, l(s) - n); } public static String takeLast(String s, int n) { return substring(s, l(s) - n); } public static TreeSet treeSet() { return new TreeSet(); } public static ExpiringMap2 mechList_raw_cache = new ExpiringMap2(10000).setMap(ciMap()); public static Lock mechList_raw_lock = lock(); public static int mechList_raw_timeout = 60000; public static String mechList_raw(String name) { try { Lock __279 = mechList_raw_lock; lock(__279); try { if (empty(name)) return ""; String src = mechList_raw_cache.get(name); if (src != null) return src; src = mechList_raw_fresh(name); if (src != null) mechList_raw_cache.put(name, src); return src; } finally { unlock(__279); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static VF2 mechList_raw_listener = new VF2() { public void get(String msg, Object arg) { try { if (eq(msg, "mechChange") && arg instanceof String) { mechList_raw_cache.remove((String) arg); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (eq(msg, 'mechChange) && arg instanceof S) {\r\n //print(\"Got change noti..."; } }; public static void _onLoad_mechList_raw() { add(vm_busListeners_live(), mechList_raw_listener); } public static void cleanMeUp_mechList_raw() { remove(vm_busListeners_live(), mechList_raw_listener); } public static List mechList_opt(String name) { return mechList_opt_tlft(name); } public static Map parseDoubleArrowMapCI(List l) { return parseDoubleArrowMap((Map) ciMap(), l); } public static TreeMap asCIMap(Map map) { return asCaseInsensitiveMap(map); } public static Object callAndMake(String functionName, Object... args) { return callAndMake_orDirect(functionName, args); } public static Pair pair(A a, B b) { return new Pair(a, b); } public static Pair pair(A a) { return new Pair(a, a); } public static Comparator caseInsensitiveComparator() { return betterCIComparator(); } public static Collection values(Map map) { return map == null ? emptyList() : map.values(); } public static int findEndOfCurlyBracketPart(List cnc, int i) { int j = i + 2, level = 1; while (j < cnc.size()) { if (eq(cnc.get(j), "{")) ++level; else if (eq(cnc.get(j), "}")) --level; if (level == 0) return j + 1; ++j; } return cnc.size(); } public static boolean isCISet(Iterable l) { return l instanceof TreeSet && ((TreeSet) l).comparator() == caseInsensitiveComparator(); } public static void addAll(Collection c, Iterable b) { if (c != null && b != null) for (A a : b) c.add(a); } public static boolean addAll(Collection c, Collection b) { return c != null && b != null && c.addAll(b); } public static boolean addAll(Collection c, B... b) { return c != null && c.addAll(Arrays.asList(b)); } public static Map addAll(Map a, Map b) { if (a != null) a.putAll(b); return a; } public static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet() { return new TreeSet(caseInsensitiveComparator()); } public static TreeSet caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(Collection c) { return toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(c); } public static List replaceSublist(List l, List x, List y) { if (x == null) return l; int i = 0; while (true) { i = indexOfSubList(l, x, i); if (i < 0) break; removeSubList(l, i, i + l(x)); l.addAll(i, y); i += l(y); } return l; } public static List replaceSublist(List l, int fromIndex, int toIndex, List y) { removeSubList(l, fromIndex, toIndex); l.addAll(fromIndex, y); return l; } public static List replaceSublist(List l, IntRange r, List y) { return replaceSublist(l, r.start, r.end, y); } public static String[] codeTokensAsStringArray(List tok) { int n = max(0, (l(tok) - 1) / 2); String[] out = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i] = tok.get(i * 2 + 1); return out; } public static int jfind(String s, String in) { return jfind(javaTok(s), in); } public static int jfind(List tok, String in) { return jfind(tok, 1, in); } public static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String in) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, in, null); } public static int jfind(List tok, String in, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, 1, in, condition); } public static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String in, Object condition) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, javaTokForJFind_array(in), condition); } public static int jfind(List tok, List tokin) { return jfind(tok, 1, tokin); } public static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, List tokin) { return jfind(tok, startIdx, tokin, null); } public static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, String[] tokinC, Object condition) { return findCodeTokens(tok, startIdx, false, tokinC, condition); } public static int jfind(List tok, int startIdx, List tokin, Object condition) { return findCodeTokens(tok, startIdx, false, codeTokensAsStringArray(tokin), condition); } public static List jfind_preprocess(List tok) { for (String type : litlist("quoted", "id", "int")) replaceSublist(tok, ll("<", "", type, "", ">"), ll("<" + type + ">")); replaceSublist(tok, ll("\\", "", "*"), ll("\\*")); return tok; } public static HashSet lithashset(A... items) { HashSet set = new HashSet(); for (A a : items) set.add(a); return set; } public static boolean isQuoted(String s) { if (isNormalQuoted(s)) return true; return isMultilineQuoted(s); } public static boolean isIdentifier(String s) { return isJavaIdentifier(s); } public static boolean checkTokCondition(Object condition, List tok, int i) { if (condition instanceof TokCondition) return ((TokCondition) condition).get(tok, i); return checkCondition(condition, tok, i); } public static void replaceCollection(Collection dest, Collection src) { dest.clear(); dest.addAll(src); } public static void replaceListPart(List l, int i, int j, List l2) { int j2 = i + l(l2); if (j2 == j) { copyListPart(l2, 0, l, i, l(l2)); return; } l.subList(i, j).clear(); l.addAll(i, l2); } public static Map parseDoubleLeftArrowMapCI(List l) { return parseDoubleLeftArrowMap((Map) ciMap(), l); } public static String hideCredentials(URL url) { return url == null ? null : hideCredentials(str(url)); } public static String hideCredentials(String url) { try { if (startsWithOneOf(url, "http://", "https://") && isAGIBlueDomain(hostNameFromURL(url))) return url; } catch (Throwable e) { print("HideCredentials", e); } return url.replaceAll("([&?])(_pass|key)=[^&\\s\"]*", "$1$2="); } public static String hideCredentials(Object o) { return hideCredentials(str(o)); } public static String getStackTrace(Throwable throwable) { lastException(throwable); return getStackTrace_noRecord(throwable); } public static String getStackTrace_noRecord(Throwable throwable) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); throwable.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer)); return hideCredentials(writer.toString()); } public static String getStackTrace() { return getStackTrace_noRecord(new Throwable()); } public static Throwable unwrapTrivialExceptionWraps(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return e; while (e.getClass() == RuntimeException.class && e.getCause() != null && eq(e.getMessage(), str(e.getCause()))) e = e.getCause(); return e; } public static String replacePrefix(String prefix, String replacement, String s) { if (!startsWith(s, prefix)) return s; return replacement + substring(s, l(prefix)); } public static Throwable innerException2(Throwable e) { if (e == null) return null; while (empty(e.getMessage()) && e.getCause() != null) e = e.getCause(); return e; } public static Throwable getException(Runnable r) { try { callF(r); return null; } catch (Throwable e) { return e; } } public static String className(Object o) { return getClassName(o); } public static A liftLast(List l) { if (l.isEmpty()) return null; int i = l(l) - 1; A a = l.get(i); l.remove(i); return a; } public static void _registerIO(Object object, String path, boolean opened) { } public static Runnable asRunnable(Object o) { return toRunnable(o); } public static void _inheritThreadInfo(Object info) { _threadInheritInfo(info); } public static List nlTok(String s) { return javaTokPlusPeriod(s); } public static void lock(Lock lock) { try { ping(); if (lock == null) return; try { lock.lockInterruptibly(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { print("Locking interrupted! I probably deadlocked, oops."); printStackTrace(e); rethrow(e); } ping(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static void lock(Lock lock, String msg) { print("Locking: " + msg); lock(lock); } public static void lock(Lock lock, String msg, long timeout) { print("Locking: " + msg); lockOrFail(lock, timeout); } public static ReentrantLock lock() { return fairLock(); } public static String mechList_raw_fresh(String name) { return mechList_opt_raw_fresh(name); } public static void unlock(Lock lock, String msg) { if (lock == null) return; print("Unlocking: " + msg); lock.unlock(); } public static void unlock(Lock lock) { if (lock == null) return; lock.unlock(); } public static Set vm_busListeners_live_cache; public static Set vm_busListeners_live() { if (vm_busListeners_live_cache == null) vm_busListeners_live_cache = vm_busListeners_live_load(); return vm_busListeners_live_cache; } public static Set vm_busListeners_live_load() { return vm_generalIdentityHashSet("busListeners"); } public static void remove(List l, int i) { if (l != null && i >= 0 && i < l(l)) l.remove(i); } public static void remove(Collection l, A a) { if (l != null) l.remove(a); } public static List mechList_opt_tlft(String name) { return mechList_opt_tlft_cached(name); } public static Map parseDoubleArrowMap(Map map, List l) { for (String s : l) { List x = splitAtDoubleArrow_bothDirections(s); if (l(x) == 2) map.put(first(x), second(x)); } return map; } public static TreeMap asCaseInsensitiveMap(Map map) { if (isCIMap(map)) return (TreeMap) map; TreeMap m = ciMap(); m.putAll(map); return m; } public static Object callAndMake_orDirect(String functionName, List args) { return callAndMake_orDirect(functionName, toObjectArray(args)); } public static Object callAndMake_orDirect(String functionName, Object... args) { if (functionName == null) return null; if (hasMethod(mc(), functionName, args)) return callMC(functionName, args); else return makeAndCall_cached(functionName, args); } public static betterCIComparator_C betterCIComparator_instance; public static betterCIComparator_C betterCIComparator() { if (betterCIComparator_instance == null) betterCIComparator_instance = new betterCIComparator_C(); return betterCIComparator_instance; } public static class betterCIComparator_C implements Comparator { public int compare(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null) return s2 == null ? 0 : -1; if (s2 == null) return 1; int n1 = s1.length(); int n2 = s2.length(); int min = Math.min(n1, n2); for (int i = 0; i < min; i++) { char c1 = s1.charAt(i); char c2 = s2.charAt(i); if (c1 != c2) { c1 = Character.toUpperCase(c1); c2 = Character.toUpperCase(c2); if (c1 != c2) { c1 = Character.toLowerCase(c1); c2 = Character.toLowerCase(c2); if (c1 != c2) { return c1 - c2; } } } } return n1 - n2; } } public static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(Iterable c) { if (isCISet(c)) return (TreeSet) c; TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); addAll(set, c); return set; } public static TreeSet toCaseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(String... x) { TreeSet set = caseInsensitiveSet_treeSet(); addAll(set, x); return set; } public static int indexOfSubList(List x, List y) { return indexOfSubList(x, y, 0); } public static int indexOfSubList(List x, List y, int i) { outer: for (; i + l(y) <= l(x); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < l(y); j++) if (neq(x.get(i + j), y.get(j))) continue outer; return i; } return -1; } public static int indexOfSubList(List x, A[] y, int i) { outer: for (; i + l(y) <= l(x); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < l(y); j++) if (neq(x.get(i + j), y[j])) continue outer; return i; } return -1; } public static ArrayList litlist(A... a) { ArrayList l = new ArrayList(a.length); for (A x : a) l.add(x); return l; } public static boolean isNormalQuoted(String s) { int l = l(s); if (!(l >= 2 && s.charAt(0) == '"' && lastChar(s) == '"')) return false; int j = 1; while (j < l) if (s.charAt(j) == '"') return j == l - 1; else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; return false; } public static boolean isMultilineQuoted(String s) { if (!startsWith(s, "[")) return false; int i = 1; while (i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '=') ++i; return i < s.length() && s.charAt(i) == '['; } public static boolean isJavaIdentifier(String s) { if (empty(s) || !Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(s.charAt(0))) return false; for (int i = 1; i < s.length(); i++) if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } public static boolean checkCondition(Object condition, Object... args) { return isTrue(callF(condition, args)); } public static boolean checkCondition(IF1 condition, A arg) { return isTrue(callF(condition, arg)); } public static void copyListPart(List a, int i1, List b, int i2, int n) { if (a == null || b == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) b.set(i2 + i, a.get(i1 + i)); } public static Map parseDoubleLeftArrowMap(Map map, List l) { for (String s : l) { List x = splitAtDoubleLeftArrow(s); if (l(x) == 2) map.put(second(x), first(x)); } return map; } public static boolean startsWithOneOf(String s, String... l) { for (String x : l) if (startsWith(s, x)) return true; return false; } public static boolean isAGIBlueDomain(String domain) { return domainIsUnder(domain, theAGIBlueDomain()); } public static String hostNameFromURL(String url) { try { return new URL(url).getHost(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static volatile PersistableThrowable lastException_lastException; public static PersistableThrowable lastException() { return lastException_lastException; } public static void lastException(Throwable e) { lastException_lastException = persistableThrowable(e); } public static Throwable printStackTrace(Throwable e) { print(getStackTrace(e)); return e; } public static void printStackTrace() { printStackTrace(new Throwable()); } public static void printStackTrace(String msg) { printStackTrace(new Throwable(msg)); } public static void printStackTrace(String msg, Throwable e) { printStackTrace(new Throwable(msg, e)); } public static void lockOrFail(Lock lock, long timeout) { try { ping(); if (!lock.tryLock(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { String s = "Couldn't acquire lock after " + timeout + " ms."; if (lock instanceof ReentrantLock) { ReentrantLock l = (ReentrantLock) lock; s += " Hold count: " + l.getHoldCount() + ", owner: " + call(l, "getOwner"); } throw fail(s); } ping(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static ReentrantLock fairLock() { return new ReentrantLock(true); } public static String mechList_opt_raw_fresh(String name) { Object readMode = mechMode().readMode; if (readMode instanceof File) { String md5Name = uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(upper(name)); return loadTextFileFromZipFile((File) readMode, md5Name); } boolean useLocal = false, useRemote = true; if (eq(readMode, "mergeLocalAndRemote")) useLocal = true; else if (eq(readMode, "local")) { useLocal = true; useRemote = false; } String s = ""; if (useRemote) { if (eq(mechMode().readMode, "localCopies")) s = unnull(loadTextFile(remoteMechListMirrorFile(name))); else s = serverMechList_raw_fresh(name, true); } if (useLocal) s = appendNewLineIfNempty(s) + localMechList_opt_raw_fresh(name); return s; } public static Map>> mechList_opt_tlft_cached_cache = ciMap(); public static Lock mechList_opt_tlft_cached_lock = lock(); public static List mechList_opt_tlft_cached(String name) { MechListDependentCache> listCache; { Lock __354 = mechList_opt_tlft_cached_lock; lock(__354); try { listCache = mechList_opt_tlft_cached_cache.get(name); if (listCache == null) mechList_opt_tlft_cached_cache.put(name, listCache = new MechListDependentCache(name, new F1>() { public List get(String x) { try { return tlft(x); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "tlft(x)"; } })); } finally { unlock(__354); } } return listCache.get(); } public static List splitAtDoubleArrow_bothDirections(String s) { return splitAtDoubleArrow_bothDirections(javaTok(s)); } public static List splitAtDoubleArrow_bothDirections(List tok) { List l = splitAtDoubleArrow(tok); if (l(l) != 2) l = reversedList(splitAtDoubleLeftArrow(tok)); return l; } public static boolean isCIMap(Map m) { return m instanceof TreeMap && ((TreeMap) m).comparator() == caseInsensitiveComparator(); } public static Object[] toObjectArray(Collection c) { List l = asList(c); return l.toArray(new Object[l.size()]); } public static boolean hasMethod(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return findMethod_cached(o, method, args) != null; } public static ThreadLocal makeAndCall_initChild = new ThreadLocal(); public static Object makeAndCall_cached(String functionName, Object... args) { Class c = loadFunctions_cached(functionName); AutoCloseable closer = (AutoCloseable) (callF(makeAndCall_initChild.get(), c)); AutoCloseable __361 = closer; try { return preciseCall(c, functionName, args); } finally { _close(__361); } } public static List splitAtDoubleLeftArrow(String s) { return splitAtDoubleLeftArrow(javaTok(s)); } public static List splitAtDoubleLeftArrow(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l(tok)) { int j = indexOfSubList(tok, ll("<", "", "="), i); if (i >= l(tok)) break; if (j < 0) j = l(tok); l.add(trimJoin(tok.subList(i, j))); i = j + 3; } return l; } public static boolean domainIsUnder(String domain, String mainDomain) { return eqic(domain, mainDomain) || ewic(domain, "." + mainDomain); } public static String theAGIBlueDomain() { return ""; } public static MechMode mechMode_value = new MechMode(); public static MechMode mechMode() { return mechMode_value; } public static String uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(String fullName) { return uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(fullName, md5(fullName)); } public static String uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(String fullName, String md5) { return takeFirst(80 - 33, fileNameEncode(fullName)) + " - " + md5; } public static String upper(String s) { return s == null ? null : s.toUpperCase(); } public static char upper(char c) { return Character.toUpperCase(c); } public static String loadTextFileFromZipFile(File inZip, String fileName) { try { if (!fileExists(inZip)) return null; try { ZipFile zip = new ZipFile(inZip); try { return loadTextFileFromZipFile(zip, fileName); } finally { _close(zip); } } catch (Throwable e) { throw fail(f2s(inZip), e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadTextFileFromZipFile(ZipFile zip, String fileName) { try { ZipEntry entry = zip.getEntry(fileName); if (entry == null) return null; InputStream fin = zip.getInputStream(entry); try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); copyStream(fin, baos); return fromUTF8(baos.toByteArray()); } finally { _close(fin); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadTextFile(String fileName) { return loadTextFile(fileName, null); } public static String loadTextFile(File f, String defaultContents) { try { checkFileNotTooBigToRead(f); if (f == null || !f.exists()) return defaultContents; FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(f); InputStreamReader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(fileInputStream, "UTF-8"); return loadTextFile(inputStreamReader); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadTextFile(File fileName) { return loadTextFile(fileName, null); } public static String loadTextFile(String fileName, String defaultContents) { return fileName == null ? defaultContents : loadTextFile(newFile(fileName), defaultContents); } public static String loadTextFile(Reader reader) throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); try { char[] buffer = new char[1024]; int n; while (-1 != (n = builder.append(buffer, 0, n); } finally { reader.close(); } return str(builder); } public static File remoteMechListMirrorFile(String listName) { return newFile(remoteMechListMirrorsDir(), uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(upper(listName))); } public static boolean serverMechList_raw_fresh_verbose; public static String serverMechList_raw_fresh(String name) { return serverMechList_raw_fresh(name, false); } public static String serverMechList_raw_fresh(String name, boolean opt) { Lock __381 = downloadLock(); lock(__381); try { String text = null; try { text = loadTextFile(remoteMechListMirrorFile(name)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } Object[] params = muricaCredentialsPlus("md5", md5OrNull(text), "l", l(text), "opt", opt ? 1 : 0, "withStatus", 1); String url = "" + urlencode(name); String page = postPageSilently(url, params); Map map = jsonDecodeMap(page); boolean same = eq(map.get("Same"), true); boolean appended = eq(map.get("Appended"), true); saveTextFile(remoteMechListMirrorMetaFile(name), struct(getMultipleKeys(map, "Name", "Status"))); if (!same) { if (appended) text += (String) map.get("Text"); else text = (String) map.get("Text"); saveTextFile(remoteMechListMirrorFile(name), text); File nameFile = remoteMechListMirrorNameFile(name); if (!fileExists(nameFile)) { String actualName = or((String) map.get("Name"), name); saveTextFile(nameFile, actualName); } } if (serverMechList_raw_fresh_verbose) print("Mech list " + name + ": " + (appended ? "appended" : same ? "same" : "downloaded") + ": " + n2(countLines(text), "line")); if (!same) vmBus_send("remoteMechListMirrorChanged", name); return text; } finally { unlock(__381); } } public static String appendNewLineIfNempty(String s) { return empty(s) ? "" : s + "\n"; } public static String localMechList_opt_raw_fresh(String name) { return unnull(loadTextFile(localMechListFile(name))); } public static List splitAtDoubleArrow(String s) { return splitAtDoubleArrow(javaTok(s)); } public static List splitAtDoubleArrow(List tok) { List l = new ArrayList(); int i = 0; while (i < l(tok)) { int j = indexOfSubList(tok, splitAtDoubleArrow_tok(), i); if (i >= l(tok)) break; if (j < 0) j = l(tok); l.add(trimJoin(tok.subList(i, j))); i = j + 3; } return l; } public static List reversedList(Collection l) { List x = cloneList(l); Collections.reverse(x); return x; } public static Method findMethod_cached(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o == null) return null; if (o instanceof Class) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(((Class) o)); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) if (isStaticMethod(m) && findMethod_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return m; return null; } else { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(o.getClass()); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) if (findMethod_checkArgs(m, args, false)) return m; return null; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static HashMap, Class> loadFunctions_cache = new HashMap(); public static Lock loadFunctions_cached_lock = lock(); public static boolean loadFunctions_preferDiskCache; public static Class loadFunctions_cached(String... functions) { return loadFunctions_cached(asList(functions)); } public static Class loadFunctions_cached(Collection functions) { TreeSet functionSet = new TreeSet(functions); Lock __387 = loadFunctions_cached_lock; lock(__387); try { Class c = loadFunctions_cache.get(functionSet); if (c != null) return c; String cached = getTranspiledStandardFunctionsIfCached(functionSet); String transpilation = null; if (cached != null && (loadFunctions_preferDiskCache || standardFunctionsCacheUpToDate(functionSet))) transpilation = cached; if (transpilation != null) { print("Loading " + joinWithPlus(functionSet)); c = veryQuickJava_finish(transpilation, emptyList()); } if (c == null) c = loadFunctions(functionSet); loadFunctions_cache.put(functionSet, c); assertNotNull(loadFunctions_cache.get(functionSet)); return c; } finally { unlock(__387); } } public static void loadFunctions_cached_clearCache() { Lock __388 = loadFunctions_cached_lock; lock(__388); try { loadFunctions_cache.clear(); } finally { unlock(__388); } } public static void _onLoad_loadFunctions_cached() { ownResource(vmBus_onMessage("refreshedTranspiler", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { loadFunctions_clearCache(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "loadFunctions_clearCache();"; } })); } public static boolean preciseCall_debug; public static Object preciseCall(Object o, String method, Object... args) { try { if (o instanceof Class) { _MethodCache cache = callOpt_getCache(((Class) o)); List methods = cache.cache.get(method); Lowest best = new Lowest(); if (methods != null) for (Method m : methods) { { if (!(isStaticMethod(m))) continue; } int score = methodApplicabilityScore(m, args); if (score < Integer.MAX_VALUE) { if (preciseCall_debug) print("Method score: " + m + " " + score); best.put(m, score); } } Method m = best.get(); if (m != null) return invokeMethod(m, null, args); return call_withVarargs(((Class) o), method, args); } else throw todo(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String trimJoin(List s) { return trim(join(s)); } public static String md5(String text) { try { if (text == null) return "-"; return bytesToHex(md5_impl(toUtf8(text))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String md5(byte[] data) { if (data == null) return "-"; return bytesToHex(md5_impl(data)); } public static byte[] md5_impl(byte[] data) { try { return MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5").digest(data); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String md5(File file) { return md5OfFile(file); } public static List takeFirst(List l, int n) { return l(l) <= n ? l : newSubListOrSame(l, 0, n); } public static List takeFirst(int n, List l) { return takeFirst(l, n); } public static String takeFirst(int n, String s) { return substring(s, 0, n); } public static String takeFirst(String s, int n) { return substring(s, 0, n); } public static List takeFirst(int n, Iterable i) { List l = new ArrayList(); Iterator it = i.iterator(); for (int _repeat_399 = 0; _repeat_399 < n; _repeat_399++) { if (it.hasNext()) l.add(; else break; } return l; } public static String fileNameEncode_safeChars = " ()[]#,!"; public static String fileNameEncode(String s) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = l(s); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (contains(fileNameEncode_safeChars, c)) buf.append(c); else buf.append(urlencode(str(c))); } return str(buf); } public static boolean fileExists(String path) { return path != null && new File(path).exists(); } public static boolean fileExists(File f) { return f != null && f.exists(); } public static String f2s(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.getAbsolutePath(); } public static String f2s(java.nio.file.Path p) { return p == null ? null : f2s(p.toFile()); } public static void copyStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) { try { byte[] buf = new byte[65536]; while (true) { int n =; if (n <= 0) return; out.write(buf, 0, n); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String fromUTF8(byte[] bytes) { return fromUtf8(bytes); } public static ThreadLocal> checkFileNotTooBigToRead_tl = new ThreadLocal(); public static void checkFileNotTooBigToRead(File f) { callF(checkFileNotTooBigToRead_tl.get(), f); } public static File newFile(File base, String... names) { for (String name : names) base = new File(base, name); return base; } public static File newFile(String name) { return name == null ? null : new File(name); } public static File remoteMechListMirrorsDir() { return javaxDataDir("Remote Mech Lists"); } public static Lock downloadLock_lock = fairLock(); public static Lock downloadLock() { return downloadLock_lock; } public static Object[] muricaCredentialsPlus(Object... params) { return concatArrays(muricaCredentials(), params); } public static String md5OrNull(String s) { return s == null ? null : md5(s); } public static String urlencode(String x) { try { return URLEncoder.encode(unnull(x), "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static String postPageSilently(String url, Object... params) { return doPostSilently(litmap(params), url); } public static Map jsonDecodeMap(String s) { Object o = jsonDecode(s); if (o instanceof List && empty((List) o)) return new HashMap(); if (o instanceof Map) return (Map) o; else throw fail("Not a JSON map: " + s); } public static File saveTextFile(String fileName, String contents) throws IOException { CriticalAction action = beginCriticalAction("Saving file " + fileName + " (" + l(contents) + " chars)"); try { File file = new File(fileName); mkdirsForFile(file); String tempFileName = fileName + "_temp"; File tempFile = new File(tempFileName); if (contents != null) { if (tempFile.exists()) try { String saveName = tempFileName + ".saved." + now(); copyFile(tempFile, new File(saveName)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath()); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(fileOutputStream, "UTF-8"); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter); printWriter.print(contents); printWriter.close(); } if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + fileName); if (contents != null) if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFile + " to " + file); vmBus_send("wroteFile", file); return file; } finally { action.done(); } } public static File saveTextFile(File fileName, String contents) { try { saveTextFile(fileName.getPath(), contents); return fileName; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File remoteMechListMirrorMetaFile(String listName) { return javaxDataDir("Remote Mech Lists/" + uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(upper(listName)) + ".meta"); } public static Map getMultipleKeys(Map map, A... keys) { Map map2 = similarEmptyMap(map); if (map != null) for (A key : keys) map2.put(key, map.get(key)); return map2; } public static File remoteMechListMirrorNameFile(String listName) { return javaxDataDir("Remote Mech Lists/" + uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(upper(listName)) + ".name"); } public static A or(A a, A b) { return a != null ? a : b; } public static String n2(long l) { return formatWithThousands(l); } public static String n2(Collection l) { return n2(l(l)); } public static String n2(double l, String singular) { return n2(l, singular, singular + "s"); } public static String n2(double l, String singular, String plural) { if (fraction(l) == 0) return n2((long) l, singular, plural); else return l + " " + plural; } public static String n2(long l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, plural); } public static String n2(long l, String singular) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, singular + "s"); } public static String n2(Collection l, String singular) { return n2(l(l), singular); } public static String n2(Collection l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l, singular, plural); } public static String n2(Map m, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(m, singular, plural); } public static String n2(Map m, String singular) { return n2(l(m), singular); } public static String n2(Object[] a, String singular) { return n2(l(a), singular); } public static String n2(Object[] a, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(a, singular, plural); } public static int countLines(String s) { return l(toLines(s)); } public static void vmBus_send(String msg, Object... args) { Object arg = vmBus_wrapArgs(args); pcallFAll(vm_busListeners_live(), msg, arg); pcallFAll(vm_busListenersByMessage_live().get(msg), msg, arg); } public static void vmBus_send(String msg) { vmBus_send(msg, (Object) null); } public static File localMechListFile(String listName) { return newFile(localMechListsDir(), uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(listName) + ".text"); } public static List splitAtDoubleArrow_tok; public static List splitAtDoubleArrow_tok() { if (splitAtDoubleArrow_tok == null) splitAtDoubleArrow_tok = ll("=", "", ">"); return splitAtDoubleArrow_tok; } public static Method findMethod(Object o, String method, Object... args) { return findMethod_cached(o, method, args); } public static boolean findMethod_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) { if (debug) System.out.println("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + args[i] + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } return true; } public static String getTranspiledStandardFunctionsIfCached(TreeSet functionSet) { try { File f = transpiledStandardFunctions_file(functionSet); return loadTextFile(f); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } public static boolean standardFunctionsCacheUpToDate(TreeSet functionSet) { File f = transpiledStandardFunctions_file(functionSet); long date = recommendedTranspilationDateForStandardFunctions(functionSet); return date != 0 && f.lastModified() >= date; } public static String joinWithPlus(Collection c) { return join("+", c); } public static String joinWithPlus(String... c) { return join("+", c); } public static Class veryQuickJava_finish(String src, List libs) { libs = cloneList(libs); src = findTranslators2(src, libs); String dehlibs = join(" ", libs); File bytecode = null; try { bytecode = javaCompile_overInternalBot(src, dehlibs); } catch (Throwable _e) { print("Was compiling: " + src + "\n"); throw rethrow(_e); } return hotwireCore(concatLists(ll(bytecode), loadLibraries(libs))); } public static boolean loadFunctions_debug; public static Object loadFunctions_veryQuickJava; public static Class loadFunctions(String... functions) { return loadFunctions(asList(functions)); } public static Class loadFunctions(Collection functions) { print("Compiling " + joinWithPlus(functions)); TreeSet functionSet = new TreeSet(functions); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : functionSet) buf.append("please include function " + assertIdentifier(s) + ".\n"); long time = sysNow(); Class c; if (loadFunctions_veryQuickJava != null) c = (Class) callF(loadFunctions_veryQuickJava, str(buf)); else { veryQuickJava_transpiled.set(""); c = veryQuickJava(str(buf)); saveTranspiledStandardFunctions(functionSet, getAndClearThreadLocal(veryQuickJava_transpiled)); } if (loadFunctions_debug) done2_always(time, "loadFunctions: " + join(" ", functions)); return c; } public static A assertNotNull(A a) { assertTrue(a != null); return a; } public static A assertNotNull(String msg, A a) { assertTrue(msg, a != null); return a; } public static void ownResource(AutoCloseable c) { _registerAutoCloseable(c); } public static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(final String msg, final VF1 onMessage) { Map map = vm_busListenersByMessage_live(); synchronized (map) { Set listeners = map.get(msg); if (listeners == null) map.put(msg, listeners = syncIdentityHashSet()); return tempAdd(listeners, new VF2() { public void get(String _msg, Object arg) { try { callF(onMessage, arg); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, arg)"; } }); } } public static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(String msg, final VF2 onMessage) { return vmBus_onMessage(msg, new VF1() { public void get(Object[] o) { try { callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "callF(onMessage, first(o), second(o));"; } }); } public static AutoCloseable vmBus_onMessage(String msg, Runnable onMessage) { return vmBus_onMessage(msg, runnableToVF1(onMessage)); } public static void loadFunctions_clearCache() { callOptMC("loadFunctions_cached_clearCache"); } public static int methodApplicabilityScore(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; int score = 0; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Object a = args[i]; Class c = types[i]; if (a == null) ++score; else if (c == a.getClass()) { } else if (isInstanceX(c, a)) ++score; else return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } return score; } public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToHex(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public static String bytesToHex(byte[] bytes, int ofs, int len) { StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(len * 2); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { String s = "0" + Integer.toHexString(bytes[ofs + i]); stringBuilder.append(s.substring(s.length() - 2, s.length())); } return stringBuilder.toString(); } public static byte[] toUtf8(String s) { try { return s.getBytes("UTF-8"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean md5OfFile_verbose; public static String md5OfFile(String path) { return md5OfFile(newFile(path)); } public static String md5OfFile(File f) { try { if (!f.exists()) return "-"; if (md5OfFile_verbose) print("Getting MD5 of " + f); MessageDigest md5 = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(f); try { byte[] buf = new byte[65536]; int l; while (true) { l =; if (l <= 0) break; md5.update(buf, 0, l); } return bytesToHex(md5.digest()); } finally { _close(in); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static List newSubListOrSame(List l, int startIndex) { return newSubListOrSame(l, startIndex, l(l)); } public static List newSubListOrSame(List l, int startIndex, int endIndex) { if (l == null) return null; int n = l(l); startIndex = max(0, startIndex); endIndex = min(n, endIndex); if (startIndex >= endIndex) return ll(); if (startIndex == 0 && endIndex == n) return l; return cloneList(l.subList(startIndex, endIndex)); } public static List newSubListOrSame(List l, IntRange r) { return newSubListOrSame(l, r.start, r.end); } public static boolean contains(Collection c, Object o) { return c != null && c.contains(o); } public static boolean contains(Object[] x, Object o) { if (x != null) for (Object a : x) if (eq(a, o)) return true; return false; } public static boolean contains(String s, char c) { return s != null && s.indexOf(c) >= 0; } public static boolean contains(String s, String b) { return s != null && s.indexOf(b) >= 0; } public static boolean contains(BitSet bs, int i) { return bs != null && bs.get(i); } public static String fromUtf8(byte[] bytes) { try { return bytes == null ? null : new String(bytes, "UTF-8"); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File javaxDataDir_dir; public static File javaxDataDir() { return javaxDataDir_dir != null ? javaxDataDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Data"); } public static File javaxDataDir(String... subs) { return newFile(javaxDataDir(), subs); } public static Object[] concatArrays(Object[]... arrays) { int l = 0; for (Object[] a : arrays) l += l(a); Object[] x = new Object[l]; int i = 0; for (Object[] a : arrays) if (a != null) { System.arraycopy(a, 0, x, i, l(a)); i += l(a); } return x; } public static Object[] muricaCredentials() { String pass = muricaPassword(); return nempty(pass) ? new Object[] { "_pass", pass } : new Object[0]; } public static String doPostSilently(Map urlParameters, String url) { return doPostSilently(makePostData(urlParameters), url); } public static String doPostSilently(String urlParameters, String url) { doPost_silently.set(true); return doPost(urlParameters, url); } public static HashMap litmap(Object... x) { HashMap map = new HashMap(); litmap_impl(map, x); return map; } public static void litmap_impl(Map map, Object... x) { for (int i = 0; i < x.length - 1; i += 2) if (x[i + 1] != null) map.put(x[i], x[i + 1]); } public static boolean jsonDecode_useOrderedMaps = true; public static Object jsonDecode(final String text) { final List tok = jsonTok(text); if (l(tok) == 1) return null; class Y { public int i = 1; public Object parse() { String t = tok.get(i); if (t.startsWith("\"")) { String s = unquote(tok.get(i)); i += 2; return s; } if (t.equals("{")) return parseMap(); if (t.equals("[")) return this.parseList(); if (t.equals("null")) { i += 2; return null; } if (t.equals("false")) { i += 2; return false; } if (t.equals("true")) { i += 2; return true; } boolean minus = false; if (t.equals("-")) { minus = true; i += 2; t = get(tok, i); } if (isInteger(t)) { i += 2; if (eq(get(tok, i), ".")) { String x = t + "." + get(tok, i + 2); i += 4; double d = parseDouble(x); if (minus) d = -d; return d; } else { long l = parseLong(t); if (minus) l = -l; return l != (int) l ? new Long(l) : new Integer((int) l); } } throw new RuntimeException("Unknown token " + (i + 1) + ": " + t + ": " + text); } public Object parseList() { consume("["); List list = new ArrayList(); while (!tok.get(i).equals("]")) { list.add(parse()); if (tok.get(i).equals(",")) i += 2; } consume("]"); return list; } public Object parseMap() { consume("{"); Map map = jsonDecode_useOrderedMaps ? new LinkedHashMap() : new TreeMap(); while (!tok.get(i).equals("}")) { String key = unquote(tok.get(i)); i += 2; consume(":"); Object value = parse(); map.put(key, value); if (tok.get(i).equals(",")) i += 2; } consume("}"); return map; } public void consume(String s) { if (!tok.get(i).equals(s)) { String prevToken = i - 2 >= 0 ? tok.get(i - 2) : ""; String nextTokens = join(tok.subList(i, Math.min(i + 4, tok.size()))); throw fail(quote(s) + " expected: " + prevToken + " " + nextTokens + " (" + i + "/" + tok.size() + ")"); } i += 2; } } return new Y().parse(); } public static List beginCriticalAction_inFlight = synchroList(); public static class CriticalAction { public String description; public CriticalAction() { } public CriticalAction(String description) { this.description = description; } public void done() { beginCriticalAction_inFlight.remove(this); } } public static CriticalAction beginCriticalAction(String description) { ping(); CriticalAction c = new CriticalAction(description); beginCriticalAction_inFlight.add(c); return c; } public static void cleanMeUp_beginCriticalAction() { int n = 0; while (nempty(beginCriticalAction_inFlight)) { int m = l(beginCriticalAction_inFlight); if (m != n) { n = m; try { print("Waiting for " + n2(n, "critical actions") + ": " + join(", ", collect(beginCriticalAction_inFlight, "description"))); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } sleepInCleanUp(10); } } public static File mkdirsForFile(File file) { File dir = file.getParentFile(); if (dir != null) { dir.mkdirs(); if (!dir.isDirectory()) if (dir.isFile()) throw fail("Please delete the file " + f2s(dir) + " - it is supposed to be a directory!"); else throw fail("Unknown IO exception during mkdirs of " + f2s(file)); } return file; } public static String mkdirsForFile(String path) { mkdirsForFile(new File(path)); return path; } public static long now_virtualTime; public static long now() { return now_virtualTime != 0 ? now_virtualTime : System.currentTimeMillis(); } public static void copyFile(File src, File dest) { try { FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(src.getPath()); FileOutputStream outputStream = newFileOutputStream(dest.getPath()); try { copyStream(inputStream, outputStream); inputStream.close(); } finally { outputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(File path) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path.getPath()); } public static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(String path) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path, false); } public static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(File path, boolean append) throws IOException { return newFileOutputStream(path.getPath(), append); } public static FileOutputStream newFileOutputStream(String path, boolean append) throws IOException { mkdirsForFile(path); FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(path, append); _registerIO(f, path, true); return f; } public static String formatWithThousands(long l) { return formatWithThousandsSeparator(l); } public static double fraction(double d) { return d % 1; } public static String n_fancy2(long l, String singular, String plural) { return formatWithThousandsSeparator(l) + " " + trim(l == 1 ? singular : plural); } public static String n_fancy2(Collection l, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(l), singular, plural); } public static String n_fancy2(Map m, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(m), singular, plural); } public static String n_fancy2(Object[] a, String singular, String plural) { return n_fancy2(l(a), singular, plural); } public static Object vmBus_wrapArgs(Object... args) { return empty(args) ? null : l(args) == 1 ? args[0] : args; } public static void pcallFAll(Collection l, Object... args) { if (l != null) for (Object f : cloneList(l)) pcallF(f, args); } public static void pcallFAll(Iterator it, Object... args) { while (it.hasNext()) pcallF(, args); } public static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; public static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live() { if (vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache == null) vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache = vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load(); return vm_busListenersByMessage_live_cache; } public static Map vm_busListenersByMessage_live_load() { return vm_generalHashMap("busListenersByMessage"); } public static File localMechListsDir() { return javaxDataDir("Mech Lists"); } public static File transpiledStandardFunctions_file(TreeSet functionSet) { String name = uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(join("+", functionSet)); File dir = javaxCachesDir("Transpiled Standard Functions"); saveTextFileUnlessExists(newFile(dir, name + ".functions"), lines(functionSet)); return newFile(dir, name + ".java"); } public static long recommendedTranspilationDateForStandardFunctions(Collection sfNames) { long date = 0; for (String name : sfNames) { long d = recommendedTranspilationDateForStandardFunction(name); if (d == 0) return 0; date = max(date, d); } return date; } public static String findTranslators2(String src, List libsOut) { return join(findTranslators2(javaTok(src), libsOut)); } public static List findTranslators2(List tok, List libsOut) { int i; while ((i = jfind(tok, "!")) >= 0) { setAdd(libsOut, tok.get(i + 2)); clearTokens(tok, i, i + 3); } return tok; } public static File javaCompile_overInternalBot(String src) { return javaCompile_overInternalBot(src, ""); } public static synchronized File javaCompile_overInternalBot(String src, String dehlibs) { return CompilerBot.compile(src, dehlibs); } public static Class hotwireCore(List files) { try { JavaXClassLoader classLoader = hotwire_makeClassLoader(files); Class theClass = classLoader.loadClass("main"); setOpt(theClass, "__javax", getJavaX()); if (getOpt(theClass, "programID") == null) setOpt(theClass, "programID", "#3999999"); if (!_inCore()) hotwire_copyOver(theClass); return theClass; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static List loadLibraries(List snippetIDs) { return map("loadLibrary", snippetIDs); } public static String assertIdentifier(String s) { return assertIsIdentifier(s); } public static String assertIdentifier(String msg, String s) { return assertIsIdentifier(msg, s); } public static long sysNow() { ping(); return System.nanoTime() / 1000000; } public static Class veryQuickJava(CharSequence mainJava) { return veryQuickJava3(str(mainJava)); } public static void saveTranspiledStandardFunctions(TreeSet functionSet, String transpiledSrc) { try { saveTextFile(transpiledStandardFunctions_file(functionSet), transpiledSrc); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } public static A getAndClearThreadLocal(ThreadLocal tl) { A a = tl.get(); tl.set(null); return a; } public static long done2_always(long startTime, String desc) { long time = sysNow() - startTime; print(desc + " [" + time + " ms]"); return time; } public static long done2_always(String desc, long startTime) { return done2_always(startTime, desc); } public static long done2_always(long startTime) { return done2_always(startTime, ""); } public static Set _registerAutoCloseable_set = synchroHashSet(); public static void _registerAutoCloseable(AutoCloseable c) { addIfNotNull(_registerAutoCloseable_set, c); } public static void cleanMeUp__registerAutoCloseable() { closeAutoCloseables(getAndClearList(_registerAutoCloseable_set)); } public static Set syncIdentityHashSet() { return (Set) synchronizedSet(identityHashSet()); } public static AutoCloseable tempAdd(final Collection l, final A a) { if (l == null || l.contains(a)) return null; l.add(a); return new AutoCloseable() { public String toString() { return "l.remove(a);"; } public void close() throws Exception { l.remove(a); } }; } public static VF1 runnableToVF1(final Runnable r) { return r == null ? null : new VF1() { public void get(A a) { try {; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return ""; } }; } public static Object callOptMC(String method, Object... args) { return callOpt(mc(), method, args); } public static File loadLibrary(String snippetID) { return loadBinarySnippet(snippetID); } public static String _userHome; public static String userHome() { if (_userHome == null) return actualUserHome(); return _userHome; } public static File userHome(String path) { return new File(userDir(), path); } public static volatile boolean muricaPassword_pretendNotAuthed; public static String muricaPassword() { if (muricaPassword_pretendNotAuthed) return null; return trim(loadTextFile(muricaPasswordFile())); } public static String makePostData(Map map) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) { String key = (String) (e.getKey()); Object val = e.getValue(); if (val != null) { String value = str(val); l.add(urlencode(key) + "=" + urlencode((value))); } } return join("&", l); } public static String makePostData(Object... params) { return makePostData(litorderedmap(params)); } public static ThreadLocal doPost_silently = new ThreadLocal(); public static ThreadLocal doPost_timeout = new ThreadLocal(); public static ThreadLocal> doPost_extraHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); public static String doPost(Map urlParameters, String url) { return doPost(makePostData(urlParameters), url); } public static String doPost(String urlParameters, String url) { try { URL _url = new URL(url); ping(); return doPost(urlParameters, _url.openConnection(), _url); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String doPost(String urlParameters, URLConnection conn, URL url) { try { boolean silently = isTrue(optParam(doPost_silently)); Long timeout = optParam(doPost_timeout); Map extraHeaders = optPar(doPost_extraHeaders); setHeaders(conn); for (String key : keys(extraHeaders)) conn.setRequestProperty(key, extraHeaders.get(key)); int l = lUtf8(urlParameters); if (!silently) print("Sending POST request: " + hideCredentials(url) + " (" + l + " bytes)"); if (timeout != null) setURLConnectionTimeouts(conn, timeout); ((HttpURLConnection) conn).setRequestMethod("POST"); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", str(l)); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8"); writer.write(urlParameters); writer.flush(); String contents = loadPage_utf8(conn, url, false); writer.close(); return contents; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static List jsonTok(String s) { List tok = new ArrayList(); int l = l(s); int i = 0; while (i < l) { int j = i; char c; String cc; while (j < l) { c = s.charAt(j); cc = s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)); if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n') ++j; else if (cc.equals("/*")) { do ++j; while (j < l && !s.substring(j, Math.min(j + 2, l)).equals("*/")); j = Math.min(j + 2, l); } else if (cc.equals("//")) { do ++j; while (j < l && "\r\n".indexOf(s.charAt(j)) < 0); } else break; } tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; if (i >= l) break; c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\'' || c == '"') { char opener = c; ++j; while (j < l) { if (s.charAt(j) == opener) { ++j; break; } else if (s.charAt(j) == '\\' && j + 1 < l) j += 2; else ++j; } } else if (Character.isLetter(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isLetter(s.charAt(j))); else if (Character.isDigit(c)) do ++j; while (j < l && Character.isDigit(s.charAt(j))); else ++j; tok.add(s.substring(i, j)); i = j; } if ((tok.size() % 2) == 0) tok.add(""); return tok; } public static double parseDouble(String s) { return Double.parseDouble(s); } public static List collect(Collection c, String field) { return collectField(c, field); } public static List collect(String field, Collection c) { return collectField(c, field); } public static void sleepInCleanUp(long ms) { try { if (ms < 0) return; Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String formatWithThousandsSeparator(long l) { return NumberFormat.getInstance(new Locale("en_US")).format(l); } public static Object pcallF(Object f, Object... args) { return pcallFunction(f, args); } public static A pcallF(F0 f) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } public static B pcallF(F1 f, A a) { try { return f == null ? null : f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } public static void pcallF(VF1 f, A a) { try { if (f != null) f.get(a); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } public static File javaxCachesDir_dir; public static File javaxCachesDir() { return javaxCachesDir_dir != null ? javaxCachesDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Caches"); } public static File javaxCachesDir(String sub) { return newFile(javaxCachesDir(), sub); } public static void saveTextFileUnlessExists(File f, String contents) { if (f != null && !f.exists()) saveTextFile(f, contents); } public static long recommendedTranspilationDateForStandardFunction(String sfName) { return toLong(mechMap("Recommended SF Transpilation Date").get(sfName)); } public static boolean setAdd(Collection c, A a) { if (c == null || c.contains(a)) return false; c.add(a); return true; } public static void clearTokens(List tok) { clearAllTokens(tok); } public static void clearTokens(List tok, int i, int j) { clearAllTokens(tok, i, j); } public static void clearTokens(List tok, IntRange r) { clearAllTokens(tok, r.start, r.end); } public static JavaXClassLoader hotwire_makeClassLoader(List files) { Collection toShare = hotwire_classesToShare(); return nempty(toShare) ? new JavaXClassLoaderWithParent2(null, files, myClassLoader(), cloneList(toShare)) : new JavaXClassLoader(null, files); } public static boolean _inCore() { return false; } public static List hotwire_copyOver_after = synchroList(); public static void hotwire_copyOver(Class c) { for (String field : ll("print_log", "print_silent", "androidContext", "_userHome")) setOptIfNotNull(c, field, getOpt(mc(), field)); setOptIfNotNull(c, "mainBot", getMainBot()); setOpt(c, "creator_class", new WeakReference(mc())); pcallFAll(hotwire_copyOver_after, c); } public static String assertIsIdentifier(String s) { if (!isIdentifier(s)) throw fail("Not an identifier: " + quote(s)); return s; } public static String assertIsIdentifier(String msg, String s) { if (!isIdentifier(s)) throw fail(msg + " - Not an identifier: " + quote(s)); return s; } public static boolean veryQuickJava_silent = true; public static boolean veryQuickJava_useCompilerBot = true; public static ThreadLocal veryQuickJava_transpiled = new ThreadLocal(); public static Object veryQuickJava3_cacheFunction; public static Class veryQuickJava3(String mainJava) { return veryQuickJava3(mainJava, emptyList()); } public static Class veryQuickJava3(String mainJava, List libs) { Class c = (Class) (callF(veryQuickJava3_cacheFunction, mainJava, libs)); if (c != null) return c; transpileRaw_silent = veryQuickJava_silent; String src = transpileRaw(mainJava); if (veryQuickJava_transpiled.get() != null) veryQuickJava_transpiled.set(src); return veryQuickJava_finish(src, libs); } public static Set synchroHashSet() { return Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet()); } public static void addIfNotNull(Collection l, A a) { if (a != null && l != null) l.add(a); } public static void closeAutoCloseables(Collection l) { if (l != null) for (AutoCloseable c : l) { try { c.close(); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } } public static List getAndClearList(Collection l) { if (l == null) return emptyList(); synchronized (collectionMutex(l)) { List out = cloneList(l); l.clear(); return out; } } public static Set synchronizedSet() { return synchroHashSet(); } public static Set synchronizedSet(Set set) { return Collections.synchronizedSet(set); } public static Set identityHashSet() { return Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap()); } public static File loadBinarySnippet(String snippetID) { try { IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.loadLibrary(snippetID); long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); if (isImageServerSnippet(id)) return loadImageAsFile(snippetID); File f = DiskSnippetCache_getLibrary(id); if (fileSize(f) == 0) f = loadDataSnippetToFile(snippetID); return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String actualUserHome_value; public static String actualUserHome() { if (actualUserHome_value == null) { if (isAndroid()) actualUserHome_value = "/storage/emulated/0/"; else actualUserHome_value = System.getProperty("user.home"); } return actualUserHome_value; } public static File actualUserHome(String sub) { return newFile(new File(actualUserHome()), sub); } public static File userDir() { return new File(userHome()); } public static File userDir(String path) { return new File(userHome(), path); } public static File muricaPasswordFile() { return new File(javaxSecretDir(), "murica/muricaPasswordFile"); } public static LinkedHashMap litorderedmap(Object... x) { LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap(); litmap_impl(map, x); return map; } public static void setHeaders(URLConnection con) throws IOException { String computerID = getComputerID_quick(); if (computerID != null) try { con.setRequestProperty("X-ComputerID", computerID); con.setRequestProperty("X-OS", System.getProperty("") + " " + System.getProperty("os.version")); } catch (Throwable e) { } } public static int lUtf8(String s) { return l(utf8(s)); } public static URLConnection setURLConnectionTimeouts(URLConnection con, long timeout) { con.setConnectTimeout(toInt(timeout)); con.setReadTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getConnectTimeout() != timeout || con.getReadTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: Timeouts not set by JDK."); return con; } public static List collectField(Collection c, String field) { List l = new ArrayList(); if (c != null) for (Object a : c) l.add(getOpt(a, field)); return l; } public static List collectField(String field, Collection c) { return collectField(c, field); } public static Object pcallFunction(Object f, Object... args) { try { return callFunction(f, args); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } return null; } public static long toLong(Object o) { if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).longValue(); if (o instanceof String) return parseLong((String) o); return 0; } public static Set hotwire_classesToShare = synchroSet(); public static Set hotwire_classesToShare() { return hotwire_classesToShare; } public static ClassLoader myClassLoader() { return _getClass(mc()).getClassLoader(); } public static void setOptIfNotNull(Object o, String field, Object value) { if (value != null) setOpt(o, field, value); } public static Object mainBot; public static Object getMainBot() { return mainBot; } public static boolean transpileRaw_silent = true; public static boolean transpileRaw_useDiskCache; public static Class transpileRaw_trans; public static boolean transpileRaw_verySilent; public static boolean transpileRaw_dontCopyFromCreator; public static Lock transpileRaw_lock = lock(); public static String transpileRaw(String mainJava) { return transpileRaw(mainJava, false, transpileRaw_useDiskCache); } public static String transpileRaw(String mainJava, boolean fragment) { return transpileRaw(mainJava, fragment, transpileRaw_useDiskCache); } public static String transpileRaw(String mainJava, boolean fragment, boolean useDiskCache) { mainJava = dropTranslators(mainJava); if (!transpileRaw_dontCopyFromCreator) transpileRaw_copyFromCreator(); Lock __598 = transpileRaw_lock; lock(__598); try { File cacheFile = null; if (useDiskCache) { cacheFile = new File(javaxCodeDir(), "Transpilations/" + uniqueFileNameUsingMD5_80_v2(mainJava) + ".java"); { String _a_602 = loadTextFile(cacheFile); if (!empty(_a_602)) return _a_602; } } { AutoCloseable __600 = tempShowLoadingAnimation("Transpiling..."); try { transpileRaw_translator(); setOpt(transpileRaw_trans, "localStuffOnly", fragment); set(transpileRaw_trans, "mainJava", mainJava); set(transpileRaw_trans, "print_byThread", print_byThread); if (!transpileRaw_verySilent) { print("Running translator " + getOpt(transpileRaw_trans, "programID")); if (!transpileRaw_silent) { print("Translator ID: " + systemHashCode(transpileRaw_trans) + ", print_byThread=" + getTL((ThreadLocal) getOpt(transpileRaw_trans, "print_byThread"))); call(transpileRaw_trans, "print", "test"); } } callMain(transpileRaw_trans); String main = (String) (get(transpileRaw_trans, "mainJava")); if (useDiskCache) { saveTextFile(new File(cacheFile.getPath() + "x"), mainJava); saveTextFile(cacheFile, main); } return main; } finally { _close(__600); } } } finally { unlock(__598); } } public static Class transpileRaw_translator() { if (transpileRaw_trans == null) { transpileRaw_trans = hotwireSharingLibraries_silently(defaultJavaXTranslatorID()); makeDependent(transpileRaw_trans); } setOpt(transpileRaw_trans, "print_silent", transpileRaw_silent); return transpileRaw_trans; } public static void transpileRaw_copyFromCreator() { Lock __599 = transpileRaw_lock; lock(__599); try { if (transpileRaw_trans != null) return; Object c = creator(); if (c == null) return; Class trans = (Class) (getOpt(c, "transpileRaw_trans")); Lock lock = (Lock) (getOpt(c, "transpileRaw_lock")); if (trans != null && lock != null) { print("Using creator's transpiler: " + getProgramID(c) + " => " + programID()); transpileRaw_lock = lock; transpileRaw_trans = trans; } } finally { unlock(__599); } } public static void cleanMeUp_transpileRaw() { transpileRaw_trans = null; } public static IResourceLoader vm_getResourceLoader() { return proxy(IResourceLoader.class, vm_generalMap_get("_officialResourceLoader")); } public static boolean isImageServerSnippet(long id) { return id >= 1100000 && id < 1200000; } public static File loadImageAsFile(String snippetIDOrURL) { try { if (isURL(snippetIDOrURL)) throw fail("not implemented"); if (!isSnippetID(snippetIDOrURL)) throw fail("Not a URL or snippet ID: " + snippetIDOrURL); String snippetID = "" + parseSnippetID(snippetIDOrURL); File file = imageSnippetCacheFile(snippetID); if (fileSize(file) > 0) return file; String imageURL = snippetImageURL_noHttps(snippetID); System.err.println("Loading image: " + imageURL); byte[] data = loadBinaryPage(imageURL); saveBinaryFile(file, data); return file; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File DiskSnippetCache_file(long snippetID) { return new File(getGlobalCache(), "data_" + snippetID + ".jar"); } public static File DiskSnippetCache_getLibrary(long snippetID) throws IOException { File file = DiskSnippetCache_file(snippetID); return file.exists() ? file : null; } public static void DiskSnippetCache_putLibrary(long snippetID, byte[] data) throws IOException { saveBinaryFile(DiskSnippetCache_file(snippetID), data); } public static byte[] loadDataSnippetImpl(String snippetID) throws IOException { byte[] data; try { URL url = new URL(dataSnippetLink(snippetID)); print("Loading library: " + hideCredentials(url)); try { data = loadBinaryPage(url.openConnection()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { data = null; } if (data == null || data.length == 0) { url = new URL("" + parseSnippetID(snippetID)); print("Loading library: " + hideCredentials(url)); data = loadBinaryPage(url.openConnection()); } print("Bytes loaded: " + data.length); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException("Binary snippet #" + snippetID + " not found or not public"); } return data; } public static long fileSize(String path) { return getFileSize(path); } public static long fileSize(File f) { return getFileSize(f); } public static File loadDataSnippetToFile(String snippetID) { try { snippetID = fsI(snippetID); IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.loadLibrary(snippetID); File f = DiskSnippetCache_file(parseSnippetID(snippetID)); List urlsTried = new ArrayList(); List errors = new ArrayList(); try { URL url = addAndReturn(urlsTried, new URL(dataSnippetLink(snippetID))); print("Loading library: " + hideCredentials(url)); try { loadBinaryPageToFile(openConnection(url), f); if (fileSize(f) == 0) throw fail(); } catch (Throwable e) { errors.add(e); url = addAndReturn(urlsTried, new URL("" + psI(snippetID))); print("Trying other server: " + hideCredentials(url)); loadBinaryPageToFile(openConnection(url), f); print("Got bytes: " + fileSize(f)); } if (fileSize(f) == 0) throw fail(); System.err.println("Bytes loaded: " + fileSize(f)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); errors.add(e); throw fail("Binary snippet " + snippetID + " not found or not public. URLs tried: " + allToString(urlsTried) + ", errors: " + allToString(errors)); } return f; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File javaxSecretDir_dir; public static File javaxSecretDir() { return javaxSecretDir_dir != null ? javaxSecretDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Secret"); } public static File javaxSecretDir(String sub) { return newFile(javaxSecretDir(), sub); } public static String getComputerID_quick() { return computerID(); } public static byte[] utf8(String s) { return toUtf8(s); } public static Object callFunction(Object f, Object... args) { return callF(f, args); } public static Set synchroSet() { return synchroHashSet(); } public static Set synchroSet(Set set) { return Collections.synchronizedSet(set); } public static String dropTranslators(String src) { return findTranslators2(src, null); } public static List dropTranslators(List tok) { return findTranslators2(tok, null); } public static File javaxCodeDir_dir; public static File javaxCodeDir() { return javaxCodeDir_dir != null ? javaxCodeDir_dir : new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Code"); } public static File javaxCodeDir(String sub) { return newFile(javaxCodeDir(), sub); } public static AutoCloseable tempShowLoadingAnimation() { return tempShowLoadingAnimation("Hold on user..."); } public static AutoCloseable tempShowLoadingAnimation(String text) { try { return tempDisposeWindow(showAnimationInTopRightCorner("#1003543", text)); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } public static int systemHashCode(Object o) { return identityHashCode(o); } public static Object getTL(Object o, String name) { return getThreadLocal(o, name); } public static A getTL(ThreadLocal tl) { return getThreadLocal(tl); } public static A callMain(A c, String... args) { callOpt(c, "main", new Object[] { args }); return c; } public static void callMain() { callMain(mc()); } public static Class hotwireSharingLibraries_silently(String progID) { AutoCloseable __636 = tempSetThreadLocal(loadPage_silent, true); try { return hotwireSharingLibraries(progID); } finally { _close(__636); } } public static String defaultJavaXTranslatorID_value = "#759"; public static String defaultJavaXTranslatorID() { return defaultJavaXTranslatorID_value; } public static Object makeDependent_postProcess; public static void makeDependent(Object c) { if (c == null) return; assertTrue("Not a class", c instanceof Class); dependentClasses(); hotwire_classes.add(new WeakReference(c)); Object local_log = getOpt(mc(), "local_log"); if (local_log != null) setOpt(c, "local_log", local_log); Object print_byThread = getOpt(mc(), "print_byThread"); if (print_byThread != null) setOpt(c, "print_byThread", print_byThread); callF(makeDependent_postProcess, c); } public static WeakReference creator_class; public static Object creator() { return creator_class == null ? null : creator_class.get(); } public static boolean loadBufferedImage_useImageCache = true; public static BufferedImage loadBufferedImage(String snippetIDOrURLOrFile) { try { ping(); if (snippetIDOrURLOrFile == null) return null; if (isURL(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)) return imageIO_readURL(snippetIDOrURLOrFile); if (isAbsolutePath(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)) return loadBufferedImage(new File(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)); if (!isSnippetID(snippetIDOrURLOrFile)) throw fail("Not a URL or snippet ID or file: " + snippetIDOrURLOrFile); String snippetID = "" + parseSnippetID(snippetIDOrURLOrFile); IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return loadBufferedImage(rl.loadLibrary(snippetID)); File dir = imageSnippetsCacheDir(); if (loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) { dir.mkdirs(); File file = new File(dir, snippetID + ".png"); if (file.exists() && file.length() != 0) try { return; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String imageURL = snippetImageURL_http(snippetID); print("Loading image: " + imageURL); BufferedImage image = imageIO_readURL(imageURL); if (loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) { File tempFile = new File(dir, snippetID + ".tmp." + System.currentTimeMillis()); ImageIO.write(image, "png", tempFile); tempFile.renameTo(new File(dir, snippetID + ".png")); } return image; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static BufferedImage loadBufferedImage(File file) { try { return file.isFile() ? : null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static A proxy(Class intrface, final Object target) { if (target == null) return null; if (isInstance(intrface, target)) return (A) target; return (A) java.lang.reflect.Proxy.newProxyInstance(intrface.getClassLoader(), new Class[] { intrface }, new InvocationHandler() { public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) { return call(target, method.getName(), unnull(args)); } }); } public static A proxy(Object target, Class intrface) { return proxy(intrface, target); } public static Object vm_generalMap_get(Object key) { return vm_generalMap().get(key); } public static boolean isURL(String s) { return startsWithOneOf(s, "http://", "https://", "file:"); } public static File imageSnippetCacheFile(String snippetID) { File dir = imageSnippetsCacheDir(); if (!loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) return null; return new File(dir, parseSnippetID(snippetID) + ".png"); } public static String snippetImageURL_noHttps(String snippetID) { return snippetImageURL_noHttps(snippetID, "png"); } public static String snippetImageURL_noHttps(String snippetID, String contentType) { return snippetImageURL(snippetID, contentType).replace("", "").replace("", ""); } public static ThreadLocal>> loadBinaryPage_responseHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); public static ThreadLocal> loadBinaryPage_extraHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); public static byte[] loadBinaryPage(String url) { try { print("Loading " + url); return loadBinaryPage(loadPage_openConnection(new URL(url))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static byte[] loadBinaryPage(URLConnection con) { try { Map extraHeaders = getAndClearThreadLocal(loadBinaryPage_extraHeaders); setHeaders(con); for (String key : keys(extraHeaders)) con.setRequestProperty(key, extraHeaders.get(key)); return loadBinaryPage_noHeaders(con); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static byte[] loadBinaryPage_noHeaders(URLConnection con) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream inputStream = con.getInputStream(); loadBinaryPage_responseHeaders.set(con.getHeaderFields()); long len = 0; try { len = con.getContentLength(); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.write(ch); if (++n % 100000 == 0) println(" " + n + (len != 0 ? "/" + len : "") + " bytes loaded."); } inputStream.close(); return buf.toByteArray(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static byte[] saveBinaryFile(String fileName, byte[] contents) { try { File file = new File(fileName); File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) parentFile.mkdirs(); String tempFileName = fileName + "_temp"; FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFileName); fileOutputStream.write(contents); fileOutputStream.close(); if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + fileName); if (!new File(tempFileName).renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFileName + " to " + fileName); vmBus_send("wroteFile", file); return contents; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static byte[] saveBinaryFile(File fileName, byte[] contents) { return saveBinaryFile(fileName.getPath(), contents); } public static File getGlobalCache() { File file = new File(javaxCachesDir(), "Binary Snippets"); file.mkdirs(); return file; } public static String dataSnippetLink(String snippetID) { long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); if (id >= 1100000 && id < 1200000) return imageServerURL() + id; if (id >= 1400000 && id < 1500000) return "" + id + "?_pass=" + muricaPassword(); if (id >= 1200000 && id < 1300000) { String pw = muricaPassword(); if (empty(pw)) throw fail("Please set 'murica password by running #1008829"); return "" + id + "?_pass=" + pw; } else return "" + id + "&contentType=application/binary"; } public static String fsI(String id) { return formatSnippetID(id); } public static String fsI(long id) { return formatSnippetID(id); } public static A addAndReturn(Collection c, A a) { if (c != null) c.add(a); return a; } public static void loadBinaryPageToFile(String url, File file) { try { print("Loading " + url); loadBinaryPageToFile(openConnection(new URL(url)), file); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static void loadBinaryPageToFile(URLConnection con, File file) { try { setHeaders(con); loadBinaryPageToFile_noHeaders(con, file); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static void loadBinaryPageToFile_noHeaders(URLConnection con, File file) { try { File ftemp = new File(f2s(file) + "_temp"); FileOutputStream buf = newFileOutputStream(mkdirsFor(ftemp)); try { InputStream inputStream = con.getInputStream(); long len = 0; try { len = con.getContentLength(); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } String pat = " {*}" + (len != 0 ? "/" + len : "") + " bytes loaded."; copyStreamWithPrints(inputStream, buf, pat); inputStream.close(); buf.close(); file.delete(); renameFile_assertTrue(ftemp, file); } finally { if (buf != null) buf.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static URLConnection openConnection(String url) { try { return openConnection(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static URLConnection openConnection(URL url) { try { ping(); callOpt(javax(), "recordOpenURLConnection", str(url)); return url.openConnection(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static long psI(String snippetID) { return parseSnippetID(snippetID); } public static List allToString(Iterable c) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : unnull(c)) l.add(str(o)); return l; } public static List allToString(Object[] c) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object o : unnull(c)) l.add(str(o)); return l; } public static String _computerID; public static Lock computerID_lock = lock(); public static String computerID() { if (_computerID == null) { Lock __675 = computerID_lock; lock(__675); try { if (_computerID != null) return _computerID; File file = computerIDFile(); _computerID = loadTextFile(file.getPath()); if (_computerID == null) { _computerID = loadTextFile(userDir(".tinybrain/computer-id")); if (_computerID == null) _computerID = makeRandomID(12, new SecureRandom()); saveTextFile(file, _computerID); } } finally { unlock(__675); } } return _computerID; } public static AutoCloseable tempDisposeWindow(final Window w) { return new AutoCloseable() { public void close() { disposeWindow(w); } }; } public static boolean showAnimationInTopRightCorner_alwaysOnTop = true; public static boolean showAnimationInTopRightCorner_on = true; public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(String imageID, String text) { if (isHeadless() || !showAnimationInTopRightCorner_on) return null; return showAnimationInTopRightCorner(imageIcon(imageID), text); } public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(final Image image, final String text) { if (image == null || isHeadless() || !showAnimationInTopRightCorner_on) return null; return showAnimationInTopRightCorner(imageIcon(image), text); } public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(final ImageIcon imageIcon, final String text) { if (isHeadless() || !showAnimationInTopRightCorner_on) return null; return (JWindow) swingAndWait(new F0() { public Object get() { try { JLabel label = new JLabel(imageIcon); if (nempty(text)) { label.setText(text); label.setVerticalTextPosition(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); label.setHorizontalTextPosition(SwingConstants.CENTER); } final JWindow window = showInTopRightCorner(label); onClick(label, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { window.dispose(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "window.dispose()"; } }); if (showAnimationInTopRightCorner_alwaysOnTop) window.setAlwaysOnTop(true); return window; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JLabel label = new JLabel(imageIcon);\r\n if (nempty(text)) {\r\n label.s..."; } }); } public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(final String imageID) { return showAnimationInTopRightCorner(imageID, ""); } public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(String imageID, double seconds) { return showAnimationInTopRightCorner(imageID, "", seconds); } public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(String imageID, String text, double seconds) { if (isHeadless()) return null; return disposeWindowAfter(iround(seconds * 1000), showAnimationInTopRightCorner(imageID, text)); } public static JWindow showAnimationInTopRightCorner(BufferedImage img, String text, double seconds) { return disposeWindowAfter(iround(seconds * 1000), showAnimationInTopRightCorner(img, text)); } public static int identityHashCode(Object o) { return System.identityHashCode(o); } public static Class hotwireSharingLibraries(String progID) { try { Pair p = CompilerBot.compileSnippet2(progID); File jar = p.a; assertTrue(f2s(jar), jar.isFile()); List files = ll(jar); String dehlibs = unnull(loadTextFileFromZip(jar, "libraries")); List myLibraries = myLibraryFiles(); Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("\\d+").matcher(dehlibs); while (matcher.find()) { String libID =; File lib = loadLibrary(libID); if (myLibraries.contains(lib)) { } else { files.add(lib); } } JavaXClassLoaderWithParent classLoader = new JavaXClassLoaderWithParent(progID, files, myClassLoader()); return hotwire_finish(classLoader, progID, p.b); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static List dependentClasses() { return cleanUpAndGetWeakReferencesList(hotwire_classes); } public static List> hotwire_classes = synchroList(); public static Class hotwireDependent(String src) { Class c = hotwire(src); makeDependent(c); return c; } public static BufferedImage imageIO_readURL(String url) { try { if (startsWith(url, "https:")) disableCertificateValidation(); return URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean isAbsolutePath(String s) { return s != null && new File(s).isAbsolute(); } public static boolean isAbsolutePath(File f) { return f != null && f.isAbsolute(); } public static File imageSnippetsCacheDir() { return javaxCachesDir("Image-Snippets"); } public static String snippetImageURL_http(String snippetID) { return snippetImageURL_http(snippetID, "png"); } public static String snippetImageURL_http(String snippetID, String contentType) { return replacePrefix("https://", "http://", snippetImageURL(snippetID, contentType)).replace(":8443", ":8080"); } public static boolean isInstance(Class type, Object arg) { return type.isInstance(arg); } public static Map vm_generalMap_map; public static Map vm_generalMap() { if (vm_generalMap_map == null) vm_generalMap_map = (Map) get(javax(), "generalMap"); return vm_generalMap_map; } public static String snippetImageURL(String snippetID) { return snippetImageURL(snippetID, "png"); } public static String snippetImageURL(String snippetID, String contentType) { if (isURL(snippetID)) return snippetID; long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); String url; if (id == 1000010 || id == 1000012) url = "" + id; else if (isImageServerSnippet(id)) url = imageServerLink(id); else url = "" + id; return url; } public static int loadPage_defaultTimeout = 60000; public static ThreadLocal loadPage_charset = new ThreadLocal(); public static boolean loadPage_allowGzip = true, loadPage_debug; public static boolean loadPage_anonymous; public static int loadPage_verboseness = 100000; public static int loadPage_retries = 1; public static ThreadLocal loadPage_silent = new ThreadLocal(); public static volatile int loadPage_forcedTimeout; public static ThreadLocal loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread = new ThreadLocal(); public static ThreadLocal>> loadPage_responseHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); public static ThreadLocal> loadPage_extraHeaders = new ThreadLocal(); public static String loadPageSilently(String url) { try { return loadPageSilently(new URL(loadPage_preprocess(url))); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadPageSilently(URL url) { try { if (url.getProtocol().equals("https")) disableCertificateValidation(); if (!networkAllowanceTest(str(url))) throw fail("Not allowed: " + url); IOException e = null; for (int tries = 0; tries < loadPage_retries; tries++) try { URLConnection con = loadPage_openConnection(url); return loadPage(con, url); } catch (IOException _e) { e = _e; if (loadPageThroughProxy_enabled) { print("Trying proxy because of: " + e); try { return loadPageThroughProxy(str(url)); } catch (Throwable e2) { print(" " + exceptionToStringShort(e2)); } } else if (loadPage_debug) print(exceptionToStringShort(e)); if (tries < loadPage_retries - 1) sleepSeconds(1); } throw e; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadPage_preprocess(String url) { if (url.startsWith("tb/")) url = tb_mainServer() + "/" + url; if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) url = "http://" + url; return url; } public static String loadPage(String url) { try { url = loadPage_preprocess(url); if (!isTrue(loadPage_silent.get())) printWithTime("Loading: " + hideCredentials(url)); return loadPageSilently(new URL(url)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String loadPage(URL url) { return loadPage(url.toExternalForm()); } public static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url) throws IOException { return loadPage(con, url, true); } public static String loadPage(URLConnection con, URL url, boolean addHeaders) throws IOException { Map extraHeaders = getAndClearThreadLocal(loadPage_extraHeaders); if (addHeaders) try { if (!loadPage_anonymous) setHeaders(con); if (loadPage_allowGzip) con.setRequestProperty("Accept-Encoding", "gzip"); con.setRequestProperty("X-No-Cookies", "1"); for (String key : keys(extraHeaders)) con.setRequestProperty(key, extraHeaders.get(key)); } catch (Throwable e) { } vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").put(currentThread(), con); loadPage_responseHeaders.set(con.getHeaderFields()); InputStream in = null; try { in = urlConnection_getInputStream(con); if (loadPage_debug) print("Put stream in map: " + currentThread()); String contentType = con.getContentType(); if (contentType == null) { throw new IOException("Page could not be read: " + hideCredentials(url)); } String charset = loadPage_charset == null ? null : loadPage_charset.get(); if (charset == null) charset = loadPage_guessCharset(contentType); if ("gzip".equals(con.getContentEncoding())) { if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage: Using gzip."); in = newGZIPInputStream(in); } Reader r; try { r = new InputStreamReader(in, unquote(charset)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { print(toHex(utf8(charset))); throw e; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.append((char) ch); ++n; if ((n % loadPage_verboseness) == 0) print(" " + n + " chars read"); } return buf.toString(); } finally { if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage done"); vm_generalSubMap("URLConnection per thread").remove(currentThread()); if (in != null) in.close(); } } public static String loadPage_guessCharset(String contentType) { Matcher m = regexpMatcher("text/[a-z]+;\\s*charset=([^\\s]+)\\s*", contentType); String match = m.matches() ? : null; if (loadPage_debug) print("loadPage: contentType=" + contentType + ", match: " + match); return or(match, "UTF-8"); } public static URLConnection loadPage_openConnection(URL url) { URLConnection con = openConnection(url); int timeout = toInt(loadPage_forcedTimeout_byThread.get()); if (timeout == 0) timeout = loadPage_forcedTimeout; if (timeout != 0) setURLConnectionTimeouts(con, loadPage_forcedTimeout); else setURLConnectionDefaultTimeouts(con, loadPage_defaultTimeout); return con; } public static A println(A a) { return print(a); } public static String imageServerURL() { return or2(trim(loadTextFile(javaxDataDir("image-server-url.txt"))), ""); } public static File mkdirsFor(File file) { return mkdirsForFile(file); } public static void copyStreamWithPrints(InputStream in, OutputStream out, String pat) { try { byte[] buf = new byte[65536]; int total = 0; while (true) { int n =; if (n <= 0) return; out.write(buf, 0, n); if ((total + n) / 100000 > total / 100000) print(pat.replace("{*}", str(roundDownTo(total, 100000)))); total += n; } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static void renameFile_assertTrue(File a, File b) { try { if (!a.exists()) throw fail("Source file not found: " + f2s(a)); if (b.exists()) throw fail("Target file exists: " + f2s(b)); mkdirsForFile(b); if (!a.renameTo(b)) throw fail("Can't rename " + f2s(a) + " to " + f2s(b)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File computerIDFile() { return javaxDataDir("Basic Info/computer-id.txt"); } public static String makeRandomID(int length) { return makeRandomID(length, defaultRandomGenerator()); } public static String makeRandomID(int length, Random random) { char[] id = new char[length]; for (int i = 0; i < id.length; i++) id[i] = (char) ((int) 'a' + random.nextInt(26)); return new String(id); } public static void disposeWindow(final Window window) { if (window != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { window.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(window, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); myFrames_list.remove(window); window.dispose(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "window.dispatchEvent(new WindowEvent(window, WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING)); //..."; } }); } } public static void disposeWindow(final Component c) { disposeWindow(getWindow(c)); } public static void disposeWindow(Object o) { if (o != null) disposeWindow(((Component) o)); } public static void disposeWindow() { disposeWindow(heldInstance(Component.class)); } public static int imageIcon_cacheSize = 10; public static boolean imageIcon_verbose; public static Map imageIcon_cache; public static Lock imageIcon_lock = lock(); public static ThreadLocal imageIcon_fixGIF = new ThreadLocal(); public static ImageIcon imageIcon(String imageID) { try { if (imageID == null) return null; Lock __723 = imageIcon_lock; lock(__723); try { if (imageIcon_cache == null) imageIcon_cache = new MRUCache(imageIcon_cacheSize); imageID = fsI(imageID); ImageIcon ii = imageIcon_cache.get(imageID); if (ii == null) { if (imageIcon_verbose) print("Loading image icon: " + imageID); File f = loadBinarySnippet(imageID); Boolean b = imageIcon_fixGIF.get(); if (!isFalse(b)) ii = new ImageIcon(loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs(f)); else ii = new ImageIcon(f.toURI().toURL()); } else imageIcon_cache.remove(imageID); imageIcon_cache.put(imageID, ii); return ii; } finally { unlock(__723); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static ImageIcon imageIcon(File f) { try { return new ImageIcon(f.toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static ImageIcon imageIcon(Image img) { return new ImageIcon(img); } public static ImageIcon imageIcon(RGBImage img) { return imageIcon(img.getBufferedImage()); } public static JWindow showInTopRightCorner(Component c) { JWindow w = new JWindow(); w.add(c); w.pack(); moveToTopRightCorner(w); w.setVisible(true); return w; } public static A onClick(final A c, final Object runnable) { if (c != null) { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { callF(runnable, e); } }); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "c.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {\r\n public void mouseClicked(MouseEv..."; } }); } return c; } public static void onClick(JButton btn, final Object runnable) { onEnter(btn, runnable); } public static A disposeWindowAfter(int delay, final A w) { if (w != null) swingLater(delay, new Runnable() { public void run() { try { w.dispose(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "w.dispose();"; } }); return w; } public static A disposeWindowAfter(A w, double seconds) { return disposeWindowAfter(toMS_int(seconds), w); } public static A disposeWindowAfter(double seconds, A w) { return disposeWindowAfter(w, seconds); } public static int iround(double d) { return (int) Math.round(d); } public static int iround(Number n) { return iround(toDouble(n)); } public static String loadTextFileFromZip(File inZip, String fileName) { return loadTextFileFromZipFile(inZip, fileName); } public static List myLibraryFiles() { return (List) get(myClassLoader(), "files"); } public static Class hotwire_finish(ClassLoader classLoader, String progID, String javaSource) { return hotwire_finish(classLoader, progID, javaSource, "main"); } public static Class hotwire_finish(ClassLoader classLoader, String progID, String javaSource, String mainClass) { try { Class theClass = classLoader.loadClass(mainClass); Class j = getJavaX(); setOpt(theClass, "myJavaSource_code", javaSource); synchronized (j) { call(j, "setVars", theClass, progID); callOpt(j, "addInstance", progID, theClass); } hotwire_copyOver(theClass); return theClass; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static List cleanUpAndGetWeakReferencesList(List> l) { if (l == null) return null; synchronized (l) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < l(l); i++) { A a = l.get(i).get(); if (a == null) l.remove(i--); else out.add(a); } return out; } } public static Map myFrames_list = weakHashMap(); public static List myFrames() { return swing(new F0>() { public List get() { try { return keysList(myFrames_list); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "ret keysList(myFrames_list);"; } }); } public static Class hotwire(String src) { assertFalse(_inCore()); Class j = getJavaX(); if (isAndroid()) { synchronized (j) { List libraries = new ArrayList(); File srcDir = (File) call(j, "transpileMain", src, libraries); if (srcDir == null) throw fail("transpileMain returned null (src=" + quote(src) + ")"); Object androidContext = get(j, "androidContext"); return (Class) call(j, "loadx2android", srcDir, src); } } else { Class c = (Class) (call(j, "hotwire", src)); hotwire_copyOver(c); return c; } } public static volatile boolean disableCertificateValidation_attempted; public static void disableCertificateValidation() { try { if (disableCertificateValidation_attempted) return; disableCertificateValidation_attempted = true; try { TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() { public X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() { return new X509Certificate[0]; } public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { } public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] certs, String authType) { } } }; HostnameVerifier hv = new HostnameVerifier() { public boolean verify(String hostname, SSLSession session) { return true; } }; SSLContext sc = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL"); sc.init(null, trustAllCerts, new SecureRandom()); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultSSLSocketFactory(sc.getSocketFactory()); HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(hv); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String imageServerLink(String md5OrID) { if (possibleMD5(md5OrID)) return "" + md5OrID; return imageServerLink(parseSnippetID(md5OrID)); } public static String imageServerLink(long id) { return "" + id; } public static boolean networkAllowanceTest(String url) { return isAllowed("networkAllowanceTest", url); } public static final boolean loadPageThroughProxy_enabled = false; public static String loadPageThroughProxy(String url) { return null; } public static String exceptionToStringShort(Throwable e) { lastException(e); e = getInnerException(e); String msg = hideCredentials(unnull(e.getMessage())); if (msg.indexOf("Error") < 0 && msg.indexOf("Exception") < 0) return baseClassName(e) + prependIfNempty(": ", msg); else return msg; } public static void sleepSeconds(double s) { if (s > 0) sleep(round(s * 1000)); } public static String tb_mainServer_default = ""; public static Object tb_mainServer_override; public static String tb_mainServer() { if (tb_mainServer_override != null) return (String) callF(tb_mainServer_override); return trim(loadTextFile(tb_mainServer_file(), tb_mainServer_default)); } public static File tb_mainServer_file() { return getProgramFile("#1001638", "mainserver.txt"); } public static boolean tb_mainServer_isDefault() { return eq(tb_mainServer(), tb_mainServer_default); } public static A printWithTime(A a) { print(hmsWithColons() + ": " + a); return a; } public static Map vm_generalSubMap(Object name) { synchronized (get(javax(), "generalMap")) { Map map = (Map) (vm_generalMap_get(name)); if (map == null) vm_generalMap_put(name, map = synchroMap()); return map; } } public static InputStream urlConnection_getInputStream(URLConnection con) throws IOException { UnknownHostException lastException = null; for (int _repeat_765 = 0; _repeat_765 < 2; _repeat_765++) { try { if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection) if (((HttpURLConnection) con).getResponseCode() == 500) throw new IOException(joinNemptiesWithColonSpace("Server code 500", tryToReadErrorStreamFromURLConnection(((HttpURLConnection) con)))); return con.getInputStream(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { lastException = e; print("Retrying because of: " + e); continue; } } throw lastException; } public static String toHex(byte[] bytes) { return bytesToHex(bytes); } public static String toHex(byte[] bytes, int ofs, int len) { return bytesToHex(bytes, ofs, len); } public static URLConnection setURLConnectionDefaultTimeouts(URLConnection con, long timeout) { if (con.getConnectTimeout() == 0) { con.setConnectTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getConnectTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: URL connect timeout not set by JDK."); } if (con.getReadTimeout() == 0) { con.setReadTimeout(toInt(timeout)); if (con.getReadTimeout() != timeout) print("Warning: URL read timeout not set by JDK."); } return con; } public static int roundDownTo(int x, int n) { return x / n * n; } public static long roundDownTo(long x, long n) { return x / n * n; } public static Random defaultRandomGenerator() { return ThreadLocalRandom.current(); } public static Window getWindow(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Component)) return null; Component c = (Component) o; while (c != null) { if (c instanceof Window) return (Window) c; c = c.getParent(); } return null; } public static A heldInstance(Class c) { List l = holdInstance_l.get(); for (int i = l(l) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Object o = l.get(i); if (isInstanceOf(o, c)) return (A) o; } throw fail("No instance of " + className(c) + " held"); } public static boolean loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug; public static ThreadLocal> loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_output = new ThreadLocal(); public static Image loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs(File file) { try { if (!file.exists()) return null; if (!isGIF(file)) return; if (loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug) print("loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs" + ": checking gif"); ImageReader reader = ImageIO.getImageReadersByFormatName("gif").next(); reader.setInput(ImageIO.createImageInputStream(file)); int numImages = reader.getNumImages(true); IIOMetadata imageMetaData = reader.getImageMetadata(0); String metaFormatName = imageMetaData.getNativeMetadataFormatName(); boolean foundBug = false; for (int i = 0; i < numImages && !foundBug; i++) { IIOMetadataNode root = (IIOMetadataNode) reader.getImageMetadata(i).getAsTree(metaFormatName); int nNodes = root.getLength(); for (int j = 0; j < nNodes; j++) { org.w3c.dom.Node node = root.item(j); if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("GraphicControlExtension")) { String delay = ((IIOMetadataNode) node).getAttribute("delayTime"); if (Integer.parseInt(delay) == 0) { foundBug = true; } break; } } } if (loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug) print("loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs" + ": " + f2s(file) + " foundBug=" + foundBug); Image image; if (!foundBug) { image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(f2s(file)); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream baoStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); { ImageOutputStream ios = ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(baoStream); try { ImageWriter writer = ImageIO.getImageWriter(reader); writer.setOutput(ios); writer.prepareWriteSequence(null); for (int i = 0; i < numImages; i++) { BufferedImage frameIn =; IIOMetadataNode root = (IIOMetadataNode) reader.getImageMetadata(i).getAsTree(metaFormatName); int nNodes = root.getLength(); for (int j = 0; j < nNodes; j++) { org.w3c.dom.Node node = root.item(j); if (node.getNodeName().equalsIgnoreCase("GraphicControlExtension")) { String delay = ((IIOMetadataNode) node).getAttribute("delayTime"); if (Integer.parseInt(delay) == 0) { ((IIOMetadataNode) node).setAttribute("delayTime", "10"); } break; } } IIOMetadata metadata = writer.getDefaultImageMetadata(new ImageTypeSpecifier(frameIn), null); metadata.setFromTree(metadata.getNativeMetadataFormatName(), root); IIOImage frameOut = new IIOImage(frameIn, null, metadata); writer.writeToSequence(frameOut, writer.getDefaultWriteParam()); } writer.endWriteSequence(); } finally { _close(ios); } } byte[] data = baoStream.toByteArray(); setVar(loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_output.get(), data); if (loadBufferedImageFixingGIFs_debug) print("Data size: " + l(data)); image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(data); } return image; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static int moveToTopRightCorner_inset = 20; public static A moveToTopRightCorner(A a) { return moveToTopRightCorner(moveToTopRightCorner_inset, moveToTopRightCorner_inset, a); } public static A moveToTopRightCorner(int insetX, int insetY, A a) { Window w = getWindow(a); if (w != null) w.setLocation(getScreenSize().width - w.getWidth() - insetX, insetY); return a; } public static JTextField onEnter(final JTextField tf, final Object action) { if (action == null || tf == null) return tf; tf.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { tf.selectAll(); callF(action); } catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); } } }); return tf; } public static JButton onEnter(JButton btn, final Object action) { if (action == null || btn == null) return btn; btn.addActionListener(actionListener(action)); return btn; } public static JList onEnter(JList list, Object action) { list.addKeyListener(enterKeyListener(rCallOnSelectedListItem(list, action))); return list; } public static JComboBox onEnter(final JComboBox cb, final Object action) { { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { if (cb.isEditable()) { JTextField text = (JTextField) cb.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); onEnter(text, action); } else { cb.getInputMap().put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ENTER"), "enter"); cb.getActionMap().put("enter", abstractAction("", new Runnable() { public void run() { try { cb.hidePopup(); callF(action); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "cb.hidePopup(); callF(action);"; } })); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "if (cb.isEditable()) {\r\n JTextField text = (JTextField) cb.getEditor().g..."; } }); } return cb; } public static JTable onEnter(final JTable table, final Object action) { table.getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), "Enter"); table.getActionMap().put("Enter", new AbstractAction() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { callF(action, table.getSelectedRow()); } }); return table; } public static JTextField onEnter(Object action, JTextField tf) { return onEnter(tf, action); } public static void swingLater(long delay, final Object r) { javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer(toInt(delay), actionListener(wrapAsActivity(r))); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start(); } public static void swingLater(Object r) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(toRunnable(r)); } public static int toMS_int(double seconds) { return toInt_checked((long) (seconds * 1000)); } public static double toDouble(Object o) { if (o instanceof Number) return ((Number) o).doubleValue(); if (o instanceof BigInteger) return ((BigInteger) o).doubleValue(); if (o == null) return 0.0; throw fail(o); } public static ThreadLocal> holdInstance_l = new ThreadLocal(); public static AutoCloseable holdInstance(Object o) { if (o == null) return null; listThreadLocalAdd(holdInstance_l, o); return new AutoCloseable() { public void close() { listThreadLocalPopLast(holdInstance_l); } }; } public static Map weakHashMap() { return newWeakHashMap(); } public static List keysList(Map map) { return cloneListSynchronizingOn(keys(map), map); } public static void assertFalse(Object o) { if (!(eq(o, false))) throw fail(str(o)); } public static boolean assertFalse(boolean b) { if (b) throw fail("oops"); return b; } public static boolean assertFalse(String msg, boolean b) { if (b) throw fail(msg); return b; } public static boolean possibleMD5(String s) { return isMD5(s); } public static volatile Object isAllowed_function; public static volatile boolean isAllowed_all = true; public static boolean isAllowed(String askingMethod, Object... args) { Object f = vm_generalMap_get("isAllowed_function"); if (f != null && !isTrue(callF(f, askingMethod, args))) return false; return isAllowed_all || isTrue(callF(isAllowed_function, askingMethod, args)); } public static String baseClassName(String className) { return substring(className, className.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); } public static String baseClassName(Object o) { return baseClassName(getClassName(o)); } public static String prependIfNempty(String prefix, String s) { return empty(s) ? s : prefix + s; } public static volatile boolean sleep_noSleep; public static void sleep(long ms) { ping(); if (ms < 0) return; if (isAWTThread() && ms > 100) throw fail("Should not sleep on AWT thread"); try { Thread.sleep(ms); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void sleep() { try { if (sleep_noSleep) throw fail("nosleep"); print("Sleeping."); sleepQuietly(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static long round(double d) { return Math.round(d); } public static File getProgramFile(String progID, String fileName) { if (new File(fileName).isAbsolute()) return new File(fileName); return new File(getProgramDir(progID), fileName); } public static File getProgramFile(String fileName) { return getProgramFile(getProgramID(), fileName); } public static String hmsWithColons() { return hmsWithColons(now()); } public static String hmsWithColons(long time) { return new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss").format(time); } public static Object vm_generalMap_put(Object key, Object value) { return mapPutOrRemove(vm_generalMap(), key, value); } public static String joinNemptiesWithColonSpace(String... strings) { return joinNempties(": ", strings); } public static String joinNemptiesWithColonSpace(Collection strings) { return joinNempties(": ", strings); } public static String tryToReadErrorStreamFromURLConnection(URLConnection conn) { try { if (conn instanceof HttpURLConnection) return stream2string(((HttpURLConnection) conn).getErrorStream()); return null; } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } public static boolean isInstanceOf(Object o, Class type) { return type.isInstance(o); } public static byte[] isGIF_magic = bytesFromHex("47494638"); public static boolean isGIF(byte[] data) { return byteArrayStartsWith(data, isGIF_magic); } public static boolean isGIF(File f) { return isGIF(loadBeginningOfBinaryFile(f, l(isGIF_magic))); } public static void setVar(IVar v, A value) { if (v != null) v.set(value); } public static Dimension getScreenSize() { return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); } public static void messageBox(final String msg) { if (headless()) print(msg); else { swing(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, "JavaX", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, msg, \"JavaX\", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MES..."; } }); } } public static void messageBox(Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); messageBox(hideCredentials(innerException2(e))); } public static ActionListener actionListener(final Object runnable) { return actionListener(runnable, null); } public static ActionListener actionListener(final Object runnable, final Object instanceToHold) { if (runnable instanceof ActionListener) return (ActionListener) runnable; final Object info = _threadInfo(); return new java.awt.event.ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent _evt) { try { _threadInheritInfo(info); AutoCloseable __828 = holdInstance(instanceToHold); try { callF(runnable); } finally { _close(__828); } } catch (Throwable __e) { messageBox(__e); } } }; } public static KeyListener enterKeyListener(final Object action) { return new KeyAdapter() { public void keyPressed(KeyEvent ke) { if (ke.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_ENTER) pcallF(action); } }; } public static Runnable rCallOnSelectedListItem(final JList list, final Object action) { return new Runnable() { public void run() { try { pcallF(action, getSelectedItem(list)); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public String toString() { return "pcallF(action, getSelectedItem(list))"; } }; } public static AbstractAction abstractAction(String name, final Object runnable) { return new AbstractAction(name) { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { pcallF(runnable); } }; } public static int toInt_checked(long l) { if (l != (int) l) throw fail("Too large for int: " + l); return (int) l; } public static void listThreadLocalAdd(ThreadLocal> tl, A a) { List l = tl.get(); if (l == null) tl.set(l = new ArrayList()); l.add(a); } public static A listThreadLocalPopLast(ThreadLocal> tl) { List l = tl.get(); if (l == null) return null; A a = popLast(l); if (empty(l)) tl.set(null); return a; } public static ArrayList cloneListSynchronizingOn(Collection l, Object mutex) { if (l == null) return new ArrayList(); synchronized (mutex) { return new ArrayList(l); } } public static boolean isMD5(String s) { return l(s) == 32 && isLowerHexString(s); } public static Object sleepQuietly_monitor = new Object(); public static void sleepQuietly() { try { assertFalse(isAWTThread()); synchronized (sleepQuietly_monitor) { sleepQuietly_monitor.wait(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File getProgramDir() { return programDir(); } public static File getProgramDir(String snippetID) { return programDir(snippetID); } public static B mapPutOrRemove(Map map, A key, B value) { if (map != null && key != null) if (value != null) return map.put(key, value); else return map.remove(key); return null; } public static String joinNempties(String sep, String... strings) { return joinStrings(sep, strings); } public static String joinNempties(String sep, Collection strings) { return joinStrings(sep, strings); } public static String stream2string(InputStream in) { return utf8streamToString(in); } public static byte[] bytesFromHex(String s) { return hexToBytes(s); } public static boolean byteArrayStartsWith(byte[] a, byte[] b) { if (a == null || b == null) return false; if (a.length < b.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) if (a[i] != b[i]) return false; return true; } public static byte[] loadBeginningOfBinaryFile(File file, int maxBytes) { return loadBinaryFilePart(file, 0, maxBytes); } public static boolean headless() { return isHeadless(); } public static String getSelectedItem(JList l) { return (String) l.getSelectedValue(); } public static String getSelectedItem(JComboBox cb) { return strOrNull(cb.getSelectedItem()); } public static A popLast(List l) { return liftLast(l); } public static boolean isLowerHexString(String s) { for (int i = 0; i < l(s); i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9' || c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { } else return false; } return true; } public static File programDir_mine; public static File programDir() { return programDir(getProgramID()); } public static File programDir(String snippetID) { boolean me = sameSnippetID(snippetID, programID()); if (programDir_mine != null && me) return programDir_mine; File dir = new File(javaxDataDir(), formatSnippetIDOpt(snippetID)); if (me) { String c = caseID(); if (nempty(c)) dir = newFile(dir, c); } return dir; } public static File programDir(String snippetID, String subPath) { return new File(programDir(snippetID), subPath); } public static String joinStrings(String sep, String... strings) { return joinStrings(sep, Arrays.asList(strings)); } public static String joinStrings(String sep, Collection strings) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (String s : unnull(strings)) if (nempty(s)) { if (nempty(buf)) buf.append(sep); buf.append(s); } return str(buf); } public static String utf8streamToString(InputStream in) { return readerToString(utf8bufferedReader(in)); } public static byte[] hexToBytes(String s) { if (odd(l(s))) throw fail("Hex string has odd length: " + quote(shorten(10, s))); int n = l(s) / 2; byte[] bytes = new byte[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int a = parseHexChar(s.charAt(i * 2)); int b = parseHexChar(s.charAt(i * 2 + 1)); if (a < 0 || b < 0) throw fail("Bad hex byte: " + quote(substring(s, i * 2, i * 2 + 2)) + " at " + i * 2 + "/" + l(s)); bytes[i] = (byte) ((a << 4) | b); } return bytes; } public static byte[] loadBinaryFilePart(File file, long start, long end) { try { RandomAccessFile raf = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r"); int n = toInt(min(raf.length(), end - start)); byte[] buffer = new byte[n]; try {; raf.readFully(buffer, 0, n); return buffer; } finally { raf.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String strOrNull(Object o) { return o == null ? null : str(o); } public static boolean sameSnippetID(String a, String b) { if (!isSnippetID(a) || !isSnippetID(b)) return false; return parseSnippetID(a) == parseSnippetID(b); } public static volatile String caseID_caseID; public static String caseID() { return caseID_caseID; } public static void caseID(String id) { caseID_caseID = id; } public static String readerToString(Reader r) { try { try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); int n = 0; while (true) { int ch =; if (ch < 0) break; buf.append((char) ch); ++n; } return buf.toString(); } finally { r.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static int shorten_default = 100; public static String shorten(String s) { return shorten(s, shorten_default); } public static String shorten(String s, int max) { return shorten(s, max, "..."); } public static String shorten(String s, int max, String shortener) { if (s == null) return ""; if (max < 0) return s; return s.length() <= max ? s : substring(s, 0, min(s.length(), max - l(shortener))) + shortener; } public static String shorten(int max, String s) { return shorten(s, max); } public static int parseHexChar(char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') return charDiff(c, '0'); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') return charDiff(c, 'a') + 10; if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') return charDiff(c, 'A') + 10; return -1; } public static int charDiff(char a, char b) { return (int) a - (int) b; } public static int charDiff(String a, char b) { return charDiff(stringToChar(a), b); } public static char stringToChar(String s) { if (l(s) != 1) throw fail("bad stringToChar: " + s); return firstChar(s); } public static char firstChar(String s) { return s.charAt(0); } public static final class _MethodCache { public final Class c; public final HashMap> cache = new HashMap(); public _MethodCache(Class c) { this.c = c; _init(); } public void _init() { Class _c = c; while (_c != null) { for (Method m : _c.getDeclaredMethods()) if (!reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) multiMapPut(cache, m.getName(), makeAccessible(m)); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } for (Class intf : allInterfacesImplementedBy(c)) for (Method m : intf.getDeclaredMethods()) if (m.isDefault() && !reflection_isForbiddenMethod(m)) multiMapPut(cache, m.getName(), makeAccessible(m)); } public Method findMethod(String method, Object[] args) { try { List m = cache.get(method); if (m == null) return null; int n = m.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method me = m.get(i); if (call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return me; } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public Method findStaticMethod(String method, Object[] args) { try { List m = cache.get(method); if (m == null) return null; int n = m.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Method me = m.get(i); if (isStaticMethod(me) && call_checkArgs(me, args, false)) return me; } return null; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } } public abstract static class VF2 { public abstract void get(A a, B b); } public static class JavaXClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { public String progID; public List files; public Set triedToLoad = synchroSet(); public Set loadedClasses = synchroSet(); public boolean retired; public Object retiredMarker; public JavaXClassLoader(String progID, List files) { this(progID, files, getSystemClassLoader()); } public JavaXClassLoader(String progID, List files, ClassLoader parent) { super(new URL[0], parent); this.progID = progID; this.files = files; { try { for (File f : files) addURL(f.toURI().toURL()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } fixACCInClassLoader(this); } public Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { boolean triedBefore = !triedToLoad.add(name); try { Class c = super.findClass(name); loadedClasses.add(c); if (eq(name, "main")) callOpt(javax(), "registerAMainClass", c); return c; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ClassNotFoundException("Class " + name + " not found in " + joinWithComma(map("f2s", files)) + " (progID=" + progID + ")" + (triedBefore ? ", tried to load before" : ""), e); } } public String toString() { return "JavaXClassLoader[" + systemHashCodeHex(this) + "] - " + progID; } } public static class Var implements IVar { public Var() { } public Var(A v) { this.v = v; } public A v; public synchronized void set(A a) { if (v != a) { v = a; notifyAll(); } } public synchronized A get() { return v; } public synchronized boolean has() { return v != null; } public synchronized void clear() { v = null; } public String toString() { return str(get()); } } public static class MechListDependentCache extends Cache { public String listName, lastListContents; public MechListDependentCache() { } public MechListDependentCache(String listName, Object maker) { this.maker = maker; this.listName = listName; } public A make() { return (A) callF(maker, lastListContents); } public A get() { if (hasLock(lock)) return value; { String listContents = mL_raw(listName); Lock __904 = lock; lock(__904); try { if (!eqOrSame(listContents, lastListContents)) clear(); lastListContents = listContents; } finally { unlock(__904); } } return super.get(); } } public static class JavaXClassLoaderWithParent extends JavaXClassLoader { public ClassLoader virtualParent; public JavaXClassLoaderWithParent(String progID, List files, ClassLoader virtualParent) { super(progID, files); this.virtualParent = virtualParent; } public Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (virtualParent != null && !eq(name, "main") && !name.startsWith("main$")) { try { return virtualParent.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } return super.findClass(name); } } public static final class IntRange { public int start, end; public IntRange() { } public IntRange(int start, int end) { this.end = end; this.start = start; } public boolean equals(Object o) { return stdEq2(this, o); } public int hashCode() { return stdHash2(this); } public int length() { return end - start; } public static String _fieldOrder = "start end"; public String toString() { return "[" + start + ";" + end + "]"; } } public abstract static class TokCondition { public abstract boolean get(List tok, int i); } public static class FullPhraseCache { public List> phrases; public Map byFirstWord; public Map byFirstWord_init() { if (byFirstWord == null) byFirstWord = ciMap(); return byFirstWord; } public void add(String phrase) { List tok = javaTokNPunctuation_cached(phrase); if (l(tok) == 1) return; add(tok, 1); } public void add(List tok, int idx) { if (idx >= l(tok) - 1) { phrases = createOrAddToList(phrases, tok); return; } FullPhraseCache subCache = getOrCreate(byFirstWord_init(), tok.get(idx), FullPhraseCache.class); subCache.add(tok, idx + 2); } } public abstract static class IterableIterator implements Iterator, Iterable { public Iterator iterator() { return this; } public void remove() { unsupportedOperation(); } } public abstract static class F2 { public abstract C get(A a, B b); } public static class MechListDependentCaches { public Map> byList = ciMap(); public Object maker; public transient Lock lock = lock(); public MechListDependentCaches(Object maker) { this.maker = maker; } public A get(String name) { MechListDependentCache listCache; { Lock __468 = lock; lock(__468); try { listCache = byList.get(name); if (listCache == null) byList.put(name, listCache = new MechListDependentCache(name, maker)); } finally { unlock(__468); } } return listCache.get(); } } public static class MRUCache extends LinkedHashMap { public int maxSize = 10; public MRUCache() { } public MRUCache(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; } public boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) { return size() > maxSize; } } public abstract static class CloseableIterableIterator extends IterableIterator implements AutoCloseable { public void close() throws Exception { } } public static class ExpiringMap2 extends AbstractMap { public Map> byKey = new HashMap(); public PriorityBlockingQueue> queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue(); public long standardExpiryTime; public boolean renewOnOverwrite = true, renewOnGet; public Object onChange; public ExpiringMap2() { } public ExpiringMap2(long standardExpiryTime) { this.standardExpiryTime = standardExpiryTime; } public ExpiringMap2(long standardExpiryTime, Object onChange) { this.onChange = onChange; this.standardExpiryTime = standardExpiryTime; } public synchronized boolean clean() { boolean changes = false; Pair p; while ((p = queue.peek()) != null && sysTime() >= p.a) { p = queue.poll(); Pair v = byKey.get(p.b); if (v != null) { byKey.remove(p.b); changes = true; change(); } } return changes; } public void change() { callF(onChange); } public synchronized B put(A a, B b) { clean(); long timeout = sysTime() + standardExpiryTime; Pair p = byKey.get(a); if (p != null && renewOnOverwrite) queue.remove(new Pair(p.a, a)); byKey.put(a, pair(timeout, b)); change(); if (p == null || renewOnOverwrite) queue.add(new Pair(timeout, a)); return pairB(p); } public synchronized B remove(Object a) { clean(); Pair p = byKey.get(a); if (p == null) return null; queue.remove(new Pair(p.a, a)); byKey.remove(a); change(); return p.b; } public synchronized B get(Object a) { clean(); Pair p = byKey.get(a); if (renewOnGet && p != null) { queue.remove(new Pair(p.a, a)); long timeout = sysTime() + standardExpiryTime; byKey.put((A) a, pair(timeout, p.b)); queue.add(new Pair(timeout, a)); } return pairB(p); } public synchronized Set> entrySet() { clean(); return synchronizedSet(mapValues("pairB", byKey).entrySet()); } public synchronized Set keySet() { clean(); return synchronizedSet(byKey.keySet()); } public synchronized int size() { clean(); return byKey.size(); } public void setStandardExpiryTime(long ms) { standardExpiryTime = ms; } public synchronized ExpiringMap2 setMap(Map innerMap) { byKey = innerMap; return this; } } public static class JavaXClassLoaderWithParent2 extends JavaXClassLoader { public ClassLoader virtualParent; public List classesToSkip; public JavaXClassLoaderWithParent2(String progID, List files, ClassLoader virtualParent, List classesToSkip) { super(progID, files); this.virtualParent = virtualParent; this.classesToSkip = classesToSkip; } public Class findClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException { if (shouldDelegate(name)) { Class c = virtualParent.loadClass(name); if (c != null) return c; } return super.findClass(name); } public boolean shouldDelegate(String name) { for (String s : classesToSkip) if (eq(name, s) || startsWith(name, s + "$")) return true; return false; } } public static class ReadingComprehensionTest { public static class Question { public String question; public List answers; } public List questions = new ArrayList(); public String text; public List sentences; } public static class Lowest { public A best; public double score; public transient Object onChange; public synchronized boolean isNewBest(double score) { return best == null || score < this.score; } public synchronized double bestScore() { return best == null ? Double.NaN : score; } public double score() { return bestScore(); } public synchronized float floatScore() { return best == null ? Float.NaN : (float) score; } public synchronized float floatScoreOr(float defaultValue) { return best == null ? defaultValue : (float) score; } public boolean put(A a, double score) { boolean change = false; synchronized (this) { if (a != null && isNewBest(score)) { best = a; this.score = score; change = true; } } if (change) pcallF(onChange); return change; } public synchronized A get() { return best; } public synchronized boolean has() { return best != null; } } public static interface IResourceLoader { public String loadSnippet(String snippetID); public String getTranspiled(String snippetID); public int getSnippetType(String snippetID); public String getSnippetTitle(String snippetID); public File loadLibrary(String snippetID); public File pathToJavaXJar(); public File getSnippetJar(String snippetID, String transpiledSrc); } public static interface IVar { public void set(A a); public A get(); public boolean has(); public void clear(); } public static class MechMode { public Object readMode; public Object writeMode; public MechMode() { } public MechMode(Object readMode, Object writeMode) { this.writeMode = writeMode; this.readMode = readMode; } public String toString() { return "MechMode(" + readMode + ", " + writeMode + ")"; } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof MechMode)) return false; MechMode x = (MechMode) o; return eq(readMode, x.readMode) && eq(writeMode, x.writeMode); } public int hashCode() { int h = -866263200; h = h * 2 + _hashCode(readMode); h = h * 2 + _hashCode(writeMode); return h; } } public static class CompilerBot { public static boolean verbose; public static File compileSnippet(String snippetID) { return compileSnippet(snippetID, ""); } public static Pair compileSnippet2(String snippetID) { return compileSnippet2(snippetID, ""); } public static File compileSnippet(String snippetID, String javaTarget) { return compileSnippet2(snippetID, javaTarget).a; } public static Pair compileSnippet2(String snippetID, String javaTarget) { String transpiledSrc = getServerTranspiled2(snippetID); int i = transpiledSrc.indexOf('\n'); String libs = transpiledSrc.substring(0, Math.max(0, i)); if (verbose) print("Compiling snippet: " + snippetID + ". Libs: " + libs); transpiledSrc = transpiledSrc.substring(i + 1); return pair(compile(transpiledSrc, libs, javaTarget, snippetID), transpiledSrc); } public static File compile(String src) { return compile(src, ""); } public static File compile(String src, String libs) { return compile(src, libs, null); } public static File compile(String src, String dehlibs, String javaTarget) { return compile(src, dehlibs, javaTarget, null); } public static File compile(String src, String dehlibs, String javaTarget, String progID) { if (verbose) print("Compiling " + l(src) + " chars"); String md5 = md5(dehlibs + "\n" + src + "\n" + progID); File jar = getJarFile(md5); if (jar == null || jar.length() <= 22) { List mainClass = findMainClass(javaTok(src)); boolean canRename = mainClass != null && useDummyMainClasses() && isSnippetID(progID) && !tok_classHasModifier(mainClass, "public"); if (verbose) print("useRenaming: " + useDummyMainClasses() + ", canRename: " + canRename + ", progID: " + progID); javaCompileToJar_optionalRename(src, dehlibs, jar, canRename ? progID : null, progID); } else { if (verbose) print("Getting classes from cache (" + jar.getAbsolutePath() + ", " + jar.length() + " bytes)"); touchFile(jar); } return jar; } public static File getJarFile(String md5) { assertTrue(isMD5(md5)); return new File(getCacheProgramDir("#1002203"), md5 + ".jar"); } } public static class Pair implements Comparable> { public A a; public B b; public Pair() { } public Pair(A a, B b) { this.b = b; this.a = a; } public int hashCode() { return hashCodeFor(a) + 2 * hashCodeFor(b); } public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (!(o instanceof Pair)) return false; Pair t = (Pair) o; return eq(a, t.a) && eq(b, t.b); } public String toString() { return "<" + a + ", " + b + ">"; } public int compareTo(Pair p) { if (p == null) return 1; int i = ((Comparable) a).compareTo(p.a); if (i != 0) return i; return ((Comparable) b).compareTo(p.b); } } public static class Cache { public Object maker; public A value; public long loaded; public static boolean debug; public long changeCount; public Lock lock = lock(); public Cache() { } public Cache(Object maker) { this.maker = maker; } public A get() { if (hasLock(lock)) return value; Lock __929 = lock; lock(__929); try { if (loaded == 0) { value = make(); changeCount++; loaded = sysNow(); } return value; } finally { unlock(__929); } } public void clear() { Lock __930 = lock; lock(__930); try { if (debug && loaded != 0) print("Clearing cache"); value = null; changeCount++; loaded = 0; } finally { unlock(__930); } } public void clear(double seconds) { Lock __931 = lock; lock(__931); try { if (seconds != 0 && loaded != 0 && sysNow() >= loaded + seconds * 1000) clear(); } finally { unlock(__931); } } public void set(A a) { Lock __932 = lock; lock(__932); try { value = a; ++changeCount; loaded = sysNow(); } finally { unlock(__932); } } public A make() { return (A) callF(maker); } } public static B pairB(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.b; } public static boolean reflection_isForbiddenMethod(Method m) { return m.getDeclaringClass() == Object.class && eqOneOf(m.getName(), "finalize", "clone", "registerNatives"); } public static void multiMapPut(Map> map, A a, B b) { List l = map.get(a); if (l == null) map.put(a, l = new ArrayList()); l.add(b); } public static Field makeAccessible(Field f) { f.setAccessible(true); return f; } public static Method makeAccessible(Method m) { m.setAccessible(true); return m; } public static Set allInterfacesImplementedBy(Class c) { if (c == null) return null; HashSet set = new HashSet(); allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(c, set); return set; } public static void allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(Class c, Set set) { if (c.isInterface() && !set.add(c)) return; do { for (Class intf : c.getInterfaces()) allInterfacesImplementedBy_find(intf, set); } while ((c = c.getSuperclass()) != null); } public static boolean call_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args, boolean debug) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) { if (debug) print("Bad parameter length: " + args.length + " vs " + types.length); return false; } for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { Object arg = args[i]; if (!(arg == null ? !types[i].isPrimitive() : isInstanceX(types[i], arg))) { if (debug) print("Bad parameter " + i + ": " + arg + " vs " + types[i]); return false; } } return true; } public static Method findStaticMethod(Class c, String method, Object... args) { Class _c = c; while (c != null) { for (Method m : c.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (!m.getName().equals(method)) continue; if ((m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0 || !findStaticMethod_checkArgs(m, args)) continue; return m; } c = c.getSuperclass(); } return null; } public static boolean findStaticMethod_checkArgs(Method m, Object[] args) { Class[] types = m.getParameterTypes(); if (types.length != args.length) return false; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) if (!(args[i] == null || isInstanceX(types[i], args[i]))) return false; return true; } public static void fixACCInClassLoader(Object o) { try { AccessControlContext acc = vm_globalACC(); if (acc != null) replaceACCInClassLoader(o, acc); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } public static HashMap findClass_cache = new HashMap(); public static Class findClass(String name) { synchronized (findClass_cache) { if (findClass_cache.containsKey(name)) return findClass_cache.get(name); if (!isJavaIdentifier(name)) return null; Class c; try { c = Class.forName("main$" + name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { c = null; } findClass_cache.put(name, c); return c; } } public static String systemHashCodeHex(Object o) { return intToHex(identityHashCode(o)); } public static boolean hasLock(Lock lock) { return ((ReentrantLock) lock).isHeldByCurrentThread(); } public static String mL_raw(String name) { return mechList_raw(name); } public static boolean eqOrSame(Object a, Object b) { return a == null ? b == null : a == b || b != null && a.equals(b); } public static void clear(Collection c) { if (c != null) c.clear(); } public static boolean stdEq2(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) return b == null; if (b == null) return false; if (a.getClass() != b.getClass()) return false; for (String field : allFields(a)) if (neq(getOpt(a, field), getOpt(b, field))) return false; return true; } public static int stdHash2(Object a) { if (a == null) return 0; return stdHash(a, toStringArray(allFields(a))); } public static List createOrAddToList(List l, A a) { return addDyn(l, a); } public static B getOrCreate(Map map, A key, Class c) { try { B b = map.get(key); if (b == null) map.put(key, b = c.newInstance()); return b; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static B getOrCreate(Map map, A key, Object f) { try { B b = map.get(key); if (b == null) map.put(key, b = (B) callF(f)); return b; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static B getOrCreate(Class c, Map map, A key) { return getOrCreate(map, key, c); } public static UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedOperation() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public static long sysTime() { return sysNow(); } public static void change() { callOpt(getOptMC("mainConcepts"), "allChanged"); } public static void put(Map map, A a, B b) { if (map != null) map.put(a, b); } public static void put(List l, int i, A a) { if (l != null && i >= 0 && i < l(l)) l.set(i, a); } public static Set keySet(Map map) { return map == null ? new HashSet() : map.keySet(); } public static Set keySet(Object map) { return keys((Map) map); } public static int _hashCode(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } public static boolean getServerTranspiled2_allowLocalFallback = true, getServerTranspiled2_localFallbackVerbose = true; public static String getServerTranspiled2(String id) { IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.getTranspiled(id); String transpiled = loadCachedTranspilation(id); String md5 = null; if (machineIsOffline() || isOfflineMode() || isLocalSnippet(id)) return transpiled; if (transpiled != null) md5 = md5(transpiled); String transpiledSrc; try { transpiledSrc = getServerTranspiled(formatSnippetID(id), md5); } catch (Throwable e) { if (!getServerTranspiled2_allowLocalFallback) rethrow(e); printExceptionShort(e); if (getServerTranspiled2_localFallbackVerbose) print("Fallback to local code"); return transpiled; } if (eq(transpiledSrc, "SAME")) { if (!isTrue(loadPage_silent.get())) print("SAME"); return transpiled; } return transpiledSrc; } public static List findMainClass(List tok) { for (List c : reversedList(allClasses(tok))) { String name = getClassDeclarationName(c); if (eq(name, "main") || name.startsWith("x")) return c; } return findBlock("m {", tok); } public static boolean useDummyMainClasses() { return true; } public static boolean tok_classHasModifier(List classDecl, String modifier) { if (classDecl == null) return false; int i = classDecl.indexOf("class"); return subList(classDecl, 0, i).contains(modifier); } public static boolean javaCompileToJar_useRAMDisk; public static File javaCompileToJar_optionalRename(String src, File destJar, String progIDForRename) { return javaCompileToJar_optionalRename(src, "", destJar, progIDForRename); } public static synchronized File javaCompileToJar_optionalRename(String src, String dehlibs, File destJar, String progIDForRename) { return javaCompileToJar_optionalRename(src, dehlibs, destJar, progIDForRename, null); } public static synchronized File javaCompileToJar_optionalRename(String src, String dehlibs, File destJar, String progIDForRename, String progID) { String javaTarget = null; String dummyClass = "main"; if (progIDForRename != null) { dummyClass = dummyMainClassName(progIDForRename); src += "\nclass " + dummyClass + "{}"; } String md5 = md5(src); File jar = destJar; Class j = getJavaX(); if (javaTarget != null) setOpt(j, "javaTarget", javaTarget); File srcDir = tempDir(); String className = "main"; String fileName = dummyClass + ".java"; List tok = javaTok(src); String packageName = tok_packageName(tok); if (packageName != null) fileName = packageName.replace(".", "/") + "/" + tok_firstClassName(tok) + ".java"; File mainJava = new File(srcDir, fileName); saveTextFile(mainJava, src); File classesDir = javaCompileToJar_useRAMDisk ? tempDirPossiblyInRAMDisk() : tempDir(); try { List libraries = new ArrayList(); Matcher m = Pattern.compile("\\d+").matcher(dehlibs); while (m.find()) { String libID =; assertTrue(isSnippetID(libID)); libraries.add(loadLibraryOrSrcLib(libID)); } libraries.add(pathToJavaxJar()); String compilerOutput; try { compilerOutput = (String) call(j, "compileJava", srcDir, libraries, classesDir); } catch (Throwable e) { compilerOutput = (String) get(getJavaX(), "javaCompilerOutput"); String msg = cleanJavaCompilerOutput(compilerOutput); if (neqic(e.getMessage(), "Java compiler returned errors.") || empty(msg)) msg = appendWithNewLine(msg, str(e)); printStackTrace(e); throw fail(msg); } compilerOutput = cleanJavaCompilerOutput("Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM"); if (nempty(compilerOutput)) { print("Compiler said: " + compilerOutput); } if (!anyFileWithExtensionInDir(classesDir, ".class")) throw fail("No classes generated"); saveTextFile(new File(classesDir, ""), src); if (nempty(dehlibs)) saveTextFile(new File(classesDir, "libraries"), dehlibs); saveTextFile(new File(classesDir, "progID"), progID); dir2zip_recurse_verbose = false; int n = dir2zip_recurse(classesDir, jar); return jar; } finally { if (isInRAMDisk(classesDir)) deleteDirectory(classesDir); } } public static void touchFile(File file) { try { closeRandomAccessFile(newRandomAccessFile(mkdirsForFile(file), "rw")); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File getCacheProgramDir() { return getCacheProgramDir(getProgramID()); } public static File getCacheProgramDir(String snippetID) { return new File(userHome(), "JavaX-Caches/" + formatSnippetIDOpt(snippetID)); } public static int hashCodeFor(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } public static AccessControlContext vm_globalACC() { return (AccessControlContext) vm_generalMap_get("Global ACC"); } public static void replaceACCInClassLoader(Object o, AccessControlContext newACC) { ClassLoader cl = getClassLoaderOrSame(o); if (cl instanceof URLClassLoader) { try { setOpt(cl, "acc", newACC); try { setOpt((Object) getOpt(cl, "ucp"), "acc", newACC); } catch (Throwable e) { printShortException("replaceACCInClassLoader: ", e); if (java10OrHigher()) if (addDefaultVMOption("--add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED")) print("Please restart the OS"); } } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } } public static String intToHex(int i) { return bytesToHex(intToBytes(i)); } public static Set allFields(Object o) { TreeSet fields = new TreeSet(); Class _c = _getClass(o); do { for (Field f : _c.getDeclaredFields()) fields.add(f.getName()); _c = _c.getSuperclass(); } while (_c != null); return fields; } public static int stdHash(Object a, String... fields) { if (a == null) return 0; int hash = getClassName(a).hashCode(); for (String field : fields) hash = hash * 2 + hashCode(getOpt(a, field)); return hash; } public static List addDyn(List l, A a) { if (l == null) l = new ArrayList(); l.add(a); return l; } public static Object getOptMC(String field) { return getOpt(mc(), field); } public static String loadCachedTranspilation(String id) { try { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(getCachedTranspilationFile(id)); } catch (Throwable __e) { return null; } } public static boolean machineIsOffline() { return isFalse(callF(vmGeneralMap_get("areWeOnline"))); } public static boolean isOfflineMode() { return eq("1", trim(loadProgramTextFile("#1005806", "offline-mode"))); } public static boolean isLocalSnippet(String snippetID) { return isLocalSnippetID(snippetID); } public static boolean isLocalSnippet(long snippetID) { return isLocalSnippetID(snippetID); } public static String getServerTranspiled(String snippetID) { return getServerTranspiled(snippetID, null); } public static String getServerTranspiled(String snippetID, String expectedMD5) { try { long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); String text = loadPage_utf8(tb_mainServer() + "/tb-int/get-transpiled.php?raw=1&withlibs=1&id=" + id + "&utf8=1" + (l(expectedMD5) > 1 ? "&md5=" + urlencode(expectedMD5) : "") + standardCredentials()); if (nempty(text) && neq(text, "SAME")) saveTranspiledCode(snippetID, text); return text; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static void printExceptionShort(Throwable e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(e)); } public static HashSet allClasses_keywords = lithashset("class", "interface", "enum", "sclass", "sinterface", "record", "srecord"); public static List> allClasses(List tok) { List> l = new ArrayList(); int n = tok.size(); HashSet _allClasses_keywords = allClasses_keywords; for (int i = 1; i < n; i += 2) { String t = tok.get(i); if ("{".equals(t)) i = findEndOfBlock(tok, i) - 1; else if (_allClasses_keywords.contains(t) && !eqGetOneOf(tok, i - 2, ".", "include")) { int j = i; while (j < n && !tok.get(j).equals("{")) j += 2; j = findEndOfBlock(tok, j) + 1; i = leftScanModifiers(tok, i); l.add(tok.subList(i - 1, Math.min(n, j))); i = j - 2; } } return l; } public static List> allClasses(String text) { return allClasses(javaTok(text)); } public static String getClassDeclarationName(List tok) { if (tok != null) for (int i = 1; i + 2 < tok.size(); i += 2) if (allClasses_keywords.contains(tok.get(i)) && isIdentifier(tok.get(i + 2))) { if (eqGet(tok, i + 2, "noeq")) i += 2; return tok.get(i + 2); } return null; } public static List findBlock(String pat, List tok) { List tokpat = javaTok(pat); int i = findCodeTokens(tok, toStringArray(codeTokensOnly(tokpat))); if (i < 0) return null; int bracketIdx = i + tokpat.size() - 3; assertEquals("{", tok.get(bracketIdx)); int endIdx = findEndOfBlock(tok, bracketIdx); return subList(tok, i - 1, endIdx + 1); } public static String dummyMainClassName(String progID) { return "m" + psI(progID); } public static File tempDir() { return makeTempDir(); } public static String tok_packageName(List tok) { int i = jfind(tok, "package"); if (i < 0) return ""; i += 2; int j = jfind(tok, i, ";"); if (j < 0) return ""; return join(codeTokensOnly(subList(tok, i - 1, j))); } public static String tok_firstClassName(List tok) { int i = jfind(tok, "class "); return i < 0 ? null : tok.get(i + 2); } public static File tempDirPossiblyInRAMDisk() { File f = linux_fileInRamDisk(aGlobalID()); if (f != null) { f.mkdirs(); return f; } return makeTempDir(); } public static boolean loadLibraryOrSrcLib_srcLibsEnabled = true; public static File loadLibraryOrSrcLib(String snippetID) { try { long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); boolean srcLib = loadLibraryOrSrcLib_srcLibsEnabled && isMarkedAsSrcLib(snippetID); if (srcLib) return pairA(hotwire_compile(snippetID)); File f = DiskSnippetCache_getLibrary(id); if (fileSize(f) != 0) return f; try { return loadDataSnippetToFile(snippetID); } catch (Throwable e) { if (loadLibraryOrSrcLib_srcLibsEnabled && nempty(loadSnippet(snippetID))) { markAsSrcLib(snippetID); return pairA(hotwire_compile(snippetID)); } throw rethrow(e); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File pathToJavaxJar() { try { IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return rl.pathToJavaXJar(); int x = latestInstalledJavaX(); File xfile = new File(userHome(), ".javax/x" + Math.max(x, 30) + ".jar"); if (!xfile.isFile()) { print("Saving " + f2s(xfile)); String url = ""; byte[] data = loadBinaryPage(url); if (data.length < 1000000) throw fail("Could not load " + url); saveBinaryFile(xfile.getPath(), data); } return xfile; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static String cleanJavaCompilerOutput(String s) { return dropPrefixTrim("Annotation processing got disabled, since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM", s); } public static boolean neqic(String a, String b) { return !eqic(a, b); } public static String appendWithNewLine(String a, String b) { if (empty(b)) return a; if (empty(a)) return b; return addSuffix(a, "\n") + b; } public static boolean anyFileWithExtensionInDir(File dir, String ext) { return nempty(filesWithExtension(ext, findAllFiles_noDirs(dir))); } public static boolean dir2zip_recurse_verbose; public static int dir2zip_recurse(File inDir, File zip) { return dir2zip_recurse(inDir, zip, ""); } public static int dir2zip_recurse(File inDir, File zip, String outPrefix) { try { mkdirsForFile(zip); FileOutputStream fout = newFileOutputStream(zip); ZipOutputStream outZip = new ZipOutputStream(fout); try { return dir2zip_recurse(inDir, outZip, outPrefix, 0); } finally { outZip.close(); } } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static int dir2zip_recurse(File inDir, ZipOutputStream outZip) { return dir2zip_recurse(inDir, outZip, "", 0); } public static int dir2zip_recurse(File inDir, ZipOutputStream outZip, String outPrefix, int level) { try { if (++level >= 20) throw fail("woot? 20 levels in zip?"); List files = new ArrayList(); for (File f : listFiles(inDir)) files.add(f); int n = 0; sortFilesByName(files); for (File f : files) { if (f.isDirectory()) { print("dir2zip_recurse: Scanning " + f.getAbsolutePath()); n += dir2zip_recurse(f, outZip, outPrefix + f.getName() + "/", level); } else { if (dir2zip_recurse_verbose) print("Copying " + f.getName()); outZip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(outPrefix + f.getName())); InputStream fin = new FileInputStream(f); copyStream(fin, outZip); fin.close(); ++n; } } return n; } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean isInRAMDisk(File f) { return startsWith(f2s(f), "/dev/shm"); } public static void deleteDirectory(File dir) { deleteDirectory(dir, false, false); } public static void deleteDirectory(File dir, boolean verbose, boolean testRun) { deleteAllFilesInDirectory(dir, verbose, testRun); if (verbose) print((testRun ? "Would delete " : "Deleting ") + dir.getAbsolutePath()); if (!testRun) dir.delete(); } public static void closeRandomAccessFile(RandomAccessFile f) { if (f != null) try { f.close(); callJavaX("dropIO", f); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } } public static RandomAccessFile newRandomAccessFile(File path, String mode) throws IOException { boolean forWrite = mode.indexOf('w') >= 0; if (forWrite) mkdirsForFile(path); RandomAccessFile f = new RandomAccessFile(path, mode); callJavaX("registerIO", f, path, forWrite); return f; } public static ClassLoader getClassLoaderOrSame(Object o) { return o instanceof ClassLoader ? (ClassLoader) o : getClassLoader(o); } public static void printShortException(Throwable e) { print(exceptionToStringShort(e)); } public static void printShortException(String s, Throwable e) { print(s, exceptionToStringShort(e)); } public static boolean java10OrHigher() { return parseFirstInt(javaVersion()) >= 10; } public static boolean addDefaultVMOption(String option) { String s = defaultVMArgs(), old = s; if (!s.contains(option)) s = trim(s + " " + option); if (eq(old, s)) return false; { setDefaultVMArgs(s); return true; } } public static byte[] intToBytes(int i) { return new byte[] { (byte) (i >>> 24), (byte) (i >>> 16), (byte) (i >>> 8), (byte) i }; } public static int hashCode(Object a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.hashCode(); } public static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(String fileName) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(fileName, null); } public static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(String fileName, String defaultContents) { File gz = new File(fileName + ".gz"); return gz.exists() ? loadGZTextFile(gz) : loadTextFile(fileName, defaultContents); } public static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(File fileName) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(fileName, null); } public static String loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(File fileName, String defaultContents) { return loadTextFilePossiblyGZipped(fileName.getPath(), defaultContents); } public static File getCachedTranspilationFile(String id) { return newFile(getCodeProgramDir(id), "Transpilation"); } public static Object vmGeneralMap_get(Object key) { return vm_generalMap_get(key); } public static String loadProgramTextFile(String name) { return loadTextFile(getProgramFile(name)); } public static String loadProgramTextFile(String progID, String name) { return loadTextFile(getProgramFile(progID, name)); } public static String loadProgramTextFile(String progID, String name, String defaultText) { return loadTextFile(getProgramFile(progID, name), defaultText); } public static boolean isLocalSnippetID(String snippetID) { return isSnippetID(snippetID) && isLocalSnippetID(psI(snippetID)); } public static boolean isLocalSnippetID(long snippetID) { return snippetID >= 1000 && snippetID <= 9999; } public static String standardCredentials() { String user = standardCredentialsUser(); String pass = standardCredentialsPass(); if (nempty(user) && nempty(pass)) return "&_user=" + urlencode(user) + "&_pass=" + urlencode(pass); return ""; } public static void saveTranspiledCode(String progID, String code) { File dir = getCodeProgramDir(progID); new File(dir, "Transpilation").delete(); saveGZTextFile(new File(dir, "Transpilation.gz"), code); } public static int findEndOfBlock(List cnc, int i) { int j = i + 2, level = 1, n = cnc.size(); while (j < n) { String t = cnc.get(j); if ("{".equals(t)) ++level; else if ("}".equals(t)) --level; if (level == 0) return j + 1; j += 2; } return n; } public static boolean eqGetOneOf(List l, int i, A... options) { return eqOneOf(get(l, i), options); } public static int leftScanModifiers(List tok, int i) { List mod = getJavaModifiers(); while (i > 1 && mod.contains(tok.get(i - 2))) i -= 2; return i; } public static boolean eqGet(List l, int i, Object o) { return eq(get(l, i), o); } public static boolean eqGet(Map map, A key, Object o) { return eq(mapGet(map, key), o); } public static File makeTempDir() { return (File) call(getJavaX(), "TempDirMaker_make"); } public static File linux_fileInRamDisk(String name) { if (!isLinux()) return null; File dir = newFile("/dev/shm"); if (dir.isDirectory()) return newFile(dir, name); return null; } public static String aGlobalID() { return randomID(globalIDLength()); } public static boolean isMarkedAsSrcLib(String snippetID) { if (snippetID == null) return false; IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) return isJavaxCompilableSnippetType(rl.getSnippetType(snippetID)); return fileExists(javaxCodeDir("srclibs/" + psI(snippetID))); } public static A pairA(Pair p) { return p == null ? null : p.a; } public static Object hotwire_onCompile; public static boolean hotwire_serially; public static Lock hotwire_overInternalBot_lock = lock(); public static boolean hotwire_compileOnServer; public static Class hotwire_overInternalBot(String progID) { return hotwire_overInternalBot(progID, "main"); } public static Class hotwire_overInternalBot(String progID, String mainClass) { try { Pair p; try { p = hotwire_compile(progID); } catch (Throwable e) { throw rethrow("Error hotwiring " + progID, e); } File jar = p.a; assertTrue(jar.getAbsolutePath(), jar.isFile()); List files = hotwire_collectJars(jar); JavaXClassLoader classLoader = hotwire_makeClassLoader(files); classLoader.progID = progID; return hotwire_finish(classLoader, progID, p.b, mainClass); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static Pair hotwire_compile(String progID) { Pair p = hotwire_compileOnServer && !isLocalSnippetID(progID) ? compileSnippetThroughServer(progID) : CompilerBot.compileSnippet2(progID); Lock __1066 = hotwire_serially ? hotwire_overInternalBot_lock : null; lock(__1066); try { callF(hotwire_onCompile, p); return p; } finally { unlock(__1066); } } public static void markAsSrcLib(String snippetID) { saveTextFile(javaxCodeDir("srclibs/" + psI(snippetID)), ""); } public static int latestInstalledJavaX() { File[] files = new File(userHome(), ".javax").listFiles(); int v = 0; if (files != null) for (File f : files) { Matcher m = Pattern.compile("x(\\d\\d\\d?)\\.jar").matcher(f.getName()); if (m.matches()) v = Math.max(v, Integer.parseInt(; } return v; } public static String addSuffix(String s, String suffix) { return s == null || s.endsWith(suffix) ? s : s + suffix; } public static List filesWithExtension(String ext, List files) { return filesEndingWith(files, addPrefixIfNotEmpty2(".", ext)); } public static List findAllFiles_noDirs(List dirs) { return findAllFiles_noDirs(asObjectArray(dirs)); } public static List findAllFiles_noDirs(Object... dirs) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (Object dir : dirs) { if (dir instanceof String && ((String) dir).endsWith("/.")) { for (File f : listFiles(dropSuffix("/.", (String) dir))) if (f.isFile()) l.add(f); } else findAllFiles_noDirs_impl(toFile(dir), l); } return l; } public static void findAllFiles_noDirs_impl(File dir, List l) { for (File f : listFiles(dir)) { if (f.isDirectory()) findAllFiles_noDirs_impl(f, l); else l.add(f); } } public static File[] listFiles(File dir) { File[] files = dir.listFiles(); return files == null ? new File[0] : files; } public static File[] listFiles(String dir) { return listFiles(new File(dir)); } public static List sortFilesByName(List l) { sort(l, new Comparator() { public int compare(File a, File b) { return stdcompare(a.getName(), b.getName()); } }); return l; } public static int deleteAllFilesInDirectory_minPathLength = 10; public static void deleteAllFilesInDirectory(File dir) { deleteAllFilesInDirectory(dir, false, false); } public static void deleteAllFilesInDirectory(File dir, boolean verbose, boolean testRun) { dir = getCanonicalFile(dir); assertTrue(f2s(dir), l(f2s(dir)) >= deleteAllFilesInDirectory_minPathLength); File[] files = dir.listFiles(); if (files == null) return; for (File f : files) { if (!isSymLink(f) && f.isDirectory()) deleteDirectory(f, verbose, testRun); else { if (verbose) print((testRun ? "Would delete " : "Deleting ") + f.getAbsolutePath()); if (!testRun) f.delete(); } } } public static Object callJavaX(String method, Object... args) { return callOpt(getJavaX(), method, args); } public static ClassLoader getClassLoader(Object o) { return o == null ? null : _getClass(o).getClassLoader(); } public static int parseFirstInt(String s) { return parseInt(jextract("", s)); } public static String javaVersion() { return System.getProperty("java.version"); } public static String defaultVMArgs() { return javaxDefaultVMArgs(); } public static void setDefaultVMArgs(String args) { String oldArgs = javaxDefaultVMArgs(); args = trim(args); if (neq(unnull(oldArgs), unnull(args))) { print(); print("Changing default VM arguments from"); print(" " + oldArgs); print("to"); print(" " + args); print(); saveTextFile(javaxDataDir("default-vm-args"), nullIfEmpty(args)); } } public static String loadGZTextFile(File file) { try { if (!file.isFile()) return null; ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); GZIPInputStream gis = newGZIPInputStream(fis); try { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len; while ((len = != -1) { baos.write(buffer, 0, len); } } finally { fis.close(); } baos.close(); return fromUtf8(baos.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static File getCodeProgramDir() { return getCodeProgramDir(getProgramID()); } public static File getCodeProgramDir(String snippetID) { return new File(javaxCodeDir(), formatSnippetID(snippetID)); } public static File getCodeProgramDir(long snippetID) { return getCodeProgramDir(formatSnippetID(snippetID)); } public static String standardCredentialsUser() { return trim(loadTextFile(oneOfTheFiles(javaxSecretDir("tinybrain-username"), userDir(".tinybrain/username")))); } public static String standardCredentialsPass() { return trim(loadTextFile(oneOfTheFiles(javaxSecretDir("tinybrain-userpass"), userDir(".tinybrain/userpass")))); } public static void saveGZTextFile(File file, String contents) { try { File parentFile = file.getParentFile(); if (parentFile != null) parentFile.mkdirs(); String tempFileName = file.getPath() + "_temp"; File tempFile = new File(tempFileName); if (contents != null) { if (tempFile.exists()) try { String saveName = tempFileName + ".saved." + now(); copyFile(tempFile, new File(saveName)); } catch (Throwable e) { printStackTrace(e); } FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = newFileOutputStream(tempFile.getPath()); GZIPOutputStream gos = new GZIPOutputStream(fileOutputStream); OutputStreamWriter outputStreamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(gos, "UTF-8"); PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(outputStreamWriter); printWriter.print(contents); printWriter.close(); gos.close(); fileOutputStream.close(); } if (file.exists() && !file.delete()) throw new IOException("Can't delete " + file.getPath()); if (contents != null) if (!tempFile.renameTo(file)) throw new IOException("Can't rename " + tempFile + " to " + file); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static List getJavaModifiers_list = litlist("static", "abstract", "public", "private", "protected", "final", "native", "volatile", "synchronized", "transient"); public static List getJavaModifiers() { return getJavaModifiers_list; } public static Cache isLinux_cache = new Cache("isLinux_load"); public static boolean isLinux() { return isLinux_cache.get(); } public static Boolean isLinux_load() { return !isWindows() && !isMac() && !isAndroid(); } public static int randomID_defaultLength = 12; public static String randomID(int length) { return makeRandomID(length); } public static String randomID() { return randomID(randomID_defaultLength); } public static int globalIDLength() { return 16; } public static boolean isJavaxCompilableSnippetType(int type) { return isJavaxCompilableSnippetTypeExceptInclude(type) || type == javaxIncludeSnippetType(); } public static List hotwire_collectJars(File jar) { List libIDs = hotwire_libraryIDsFromJar_deleteJarOnFail(jar); List files = ll(jar); for (String libID : libIDs) files.add(loadLibraryOrSrcLib(libID)); return files; } public static Pair compileSnippetThroughServer(String progID) { String transpiledSrc = getServerTranspiled2(progID); String md5 = md5(transpiledSrc + "\n" + progID); File jar = CompilerBot.getJarFile(md5); if (jar == null || jar.length() <= 22) { byte[] jarData = null; boolean dontLoad = false; IResourceLoader rl = vm_getResourceLoader(); if (rl != null) { dontLoad = true; File jar2 = rl.getSnippetJar(progID, transpiledSrc); if (jar2 != null) return pair(jar2, transpiledSrc); } if (!dontLoad) { try { jarData = loadBinaryPage("" + psI(progID) + "?md5=" + md5(transpiledSrc)); } catch (Throwable __e) { _handleException(__e); } } if (!isJAR(jarData)) { if (jarData != null) { print(bytesToHex(takeFirstOfByteArray(8, jarData))); print("fallback to CompilerBot: " + fromUtf8(takeFirstOfByteArray(80, jarData))); } return CompilerBot.compileSnippet2(progID); } saveBinaryFile(jar, jarData); } return pair(jar, transpiledSrc); } public static List filesEndingWith(File dir, String suffix) { return listFilesWithSuffix(dir, suffix); } public static List filesEndingWith(List l, String suffix) { List out = new ArrayList(); for (File f : unnull(l)) if (!f.isDirectory() && (empty(suffix) || endsWithIgnoreCase(f.getName(), suffix))) out.add(f); return out; } public static String addPrefixIfNotEmpty2(String prefix, String s) { return empty(s) ? "" : addPrefix(prefix, s); } public static Object[] asObjectArray(List l) { return toObjectArray(l); } public static File toFile(Object o) { if (o instanceof File) return (File) o; if (o instanceof String) return new File((String) o); throw fail("Not a file: " + o); } public static void sort(T[] a, Comparator c) { Arrays.sort(a, c); } public static void sort(T[] a) { Arrays.sort(a); } public static void sort(List a, Comparator c) { Collections.sort(a, c); } public static void sort(List a) { Collections.sort(a); } public static int stdcompare(Number a, Number b) { return cmp(a, b); } public static int stdcompare(String a, String b) { return cmp(a, b); } public static int stdcompare(long a, long b) { return a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0; } public static int stdcompare(Object a, Object b) { return cmp(a, b); } public static File getCanonicalFile(File f) { try { return f == null ? null : f.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (Exception __e) { throw rethrow(__e); } } public static boolean isSymLink(File f) { return f != null && Files.isSymbolicLink(toPath(f)); } public static String jextract(String pat, String s) { return jextract(pat, javaTok(s)); } public static String jextract(String pat, List tok) { List tokpat = javaTok(pat); jfind_preprocess(tokpat); int i = jfind(tok, tokpat); if (i < 0) return null; int j = i + l(tokpat) - 2; return joinSubList(tok, i, j); } public static String javaxDefaultVMArgs() { File fileNew, fileOld; String text = loadTextFile(fileNew = javaxDataDir("default-vm-args")); if (text == null) { text = loadTextFile(fileOld = programFile("#1005850", "default-vm-args")); if (text != null) moveFile(fileOld, fileNew); } return trim(unnull(text)); } public static String nullIfEmpty(String s) { return isEmpty(s) ? null : s; } public static Map nullIfEmpty(Map map) { return isEmpty(map) ? null : map; } public static List nullIfEmpty(List l) { return isEmpty(l) ? null : l; } public static File oneOfTheFiles(String... paths) { if (paths != null) for (String path : paths) if (fileExists(path)) return newFile(path); return null; } public static File oneOfTheFiles(File... files) { if (files != null) for (File f : files) if (fileExists(f)) return f; return null; } public static boolean isWindows() { return System.getProperty("").contains("Windows"); } public static boolean isMac() { return System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().contains("mac"); } public static boolean isJavaxCompilableSnippetTypeExceptInclude(int type) { return isJavaxApplicationSnippetType(type) || isJavaxModuleSnippetType(type) || type == snippetType_dynModule(); } public static int javaxIncludeSnippetType() { return 42; } public static List hotwire_libraryIDsFromJar_deleteJarOnFail(File jar) { try { return hotwire_libraryIDsFromJar(jar); } catch (Throwable _e) { jar.delete(); throw rethrow(_e); } } public static byte[] isJAR_magic = bytesFromHex("504B0304"); public static boolean isJAR(byte[] data) { return byteArrayStartsWith(data, isJAR_magic); } public static boolean isJAR(File f) { return isJAR(loadBeginningOfBinaryFile(f, l(isJAR_magic))); } public static byte[] takeFirstOfByteArray(byte[] b, int n) { return subByteArray(b, 0, n); } public static byte[] takeFirstOfByteArray(int n, byte[] b) { return takeFirstOfByteArray(b, n); } public static List listFilesWithSuffix(File dir, String suffix) { List l = new ArrayList(); for (File f : listFiles(dir)) if (!f.isDirectory() && (empty(suffix) || endsWithIgnoreCase(f.getName(), suffix))) l.add(f); return l; } public static String addPrefix(String prefix, String s) { return s.startsWith(prefix) ? s : prefix + s; } public static int cmp(Number a, Number b) { return a == null ? b == null ? 0 : -1 : cmp(a.doubleValue(), b.doubleValue()); } public static int cmp(double a, double b) { return a < b ? -1 : a == b ? 0 : 1; } public static int cmp(Object a, Object b) { if (a == null) return b == null ? 0 : -1; if (b == null) return 1; return ((Comparable) a).compareTo(b); } public static Path toPath(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.toPath(); } public static File programFile(String name) { return prepareProgramFile(name); } public static File programFile(String progID, String name) { return prepareProgramFile(progID, name); } public static void moveFile(File a, File b) { if (!renameFile(a, b)) throw fail("File move failed: " + a + " to " + b); } public static boolean isEmpty(Collection c) { return c == null || c.isEmpty(); } public static boolean isEmpty(CharSequence s) { return s == null || s.length() == 0; } public static boolean isEmpty(Object[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } public static boolean isEmpty(byte[] a) { return a == null || a.length == 0; } public static boolean isEmpty(Map map) { return map == null || map.isEmpty(); } public static boolean isJavaxApplicationSnippetType(int type) { return type == snippetType_javaxSource() || type == snippetType_JavaXDesktop(); } public static boolean isJavaxModuleSnippetType(int type) { return type == snippetType_javaxModule() || type == snippetType_javaxDesktopModule(); } public static int snippetType_dynModule() { return 57; } public static List hotwire_libraryIDsFromJar(File jar) { String dehlibs = unnull(loadTextFileFromZip(jar, "libraries")); return regexpExtractAll("\\d+", dehlibs); } public static byte[] subByteArray(byte[] b, int start) { return subByteArray(b, start, l(b)); } public static byte[] subByteArray(byte[] b, int start, int end) { start = max(start, 0); end = min(end, l(b)); if (start == 0 && end == l(b)) return b; if (start >= end) return new byte[0]; byte[] x = new byte[end - start]; System.arraycopy(b, start, x, 0, end - start); return x; } public static File prepareProgramFile(String name) { return mkdirsForFile(getProgramFile(name)); } public static File prepareProgramFile(String progID, String name) { return mkdirsForFile(getProgramFile(progID, name)); } public static boolean renameFile(File a, File b) { mkdirsForFile(b); return a.renameTo(b); } public static boolean renameFile(File a, String newName) { return renameFile(a, fileInSameDir(a, newName)); } public static int snippetType_javaxSource() { return 34; } public static int snippetType_JavaXDesktop() { return 55; } public static int snippetType_javaxModule() { return 54; } public static int snippetType_javaxDesktopModule() { return 58; } public static List regexpExtractAll(String pat, String s) { if (s == null) return null; Matcher m = regexpMatcher(pat, s); List out = new ArrayList(); while (m.find()) out.add(; return out; } public static File fileInSameDir(File f, String newName) { return newFile(parentFile(f), newName); } public static File parentFile(File f) { return dirOfFile(f); } public static File dirOfFile(File f) { return f == null ? null : f.getParentFile(); } }