import java.util.*; import*; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.lang.ref.*; import*; import*; import*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.*; import javax.imageio.*; import java.math.*; import prophecy.common.image.ImageSurface; import prophecy.common.image.RGBImage; import prophecy.common.image.BWImage; public class main { // magic.jar static HashMap images = new HashMap(); static class FoundImg { Rectangle r; String imageID; FoundImg() {} FoundImg(Rectangle r, String imageID) { this.imageID = imageID; this.r = r;} } static List found = new ArrayList(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { BWImage big = shootScreenBW(); String patID = "#1004153"; // Search Button BWImage pat = loadBWImage(patID); int wp = pat.getWidth(), hp = pat.getHeight(); int w = big.getWidth(), h = big.getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < h-hp; y++) for (int x = 0; x < w-wp; x++) if (imagesSimilar(big, pat, x, y)) { print("Found at " + x + "/" + y); found.add(new FoundImg(new Rectangle(x, y, wp, hp), patID)); x += wp-1; } } static boolean imagesSimilar(BWImage big, BWImage pat, int x, int y) { int wp = pat.getWidth(), hp = pat.getHeight(); int w = big.getWidth(), h = big.getHeight(); for (int yy = 0; yy < hp; yy++) for (int xx = 0; xx < wp; xx++) if (big.getPixel(x+xx, y+yy) != pat.getPixel(xx, yy)) return false; return true; } static float imageSimilarity(BWImage big, BWImage pat, int x, int y, float max) { int wp = pat.getWidth(), hp = pat.getHeight(); int w = big.getWidth(), h = big.getHeight(); float diff = 0; for (int yy = 0; yy < hp; yy++) for (int xx = 0; xx < wp; xx++) { diff += abs(big.getPixel(x+xx, y+yy)-pat.getPixel(xx, yy)); if (diff >= max) return diff; } return diff; } static volatile StringBuffer local_log = new StringBuffer(); // not redirected static volatile StringBuffer print_log = local_log; // might be redirected, e.g. to main bot // in bytes - will cut to half that static volatile int print_log_max = 1024*1024; static volatile int local_log_max = 100*1024; //static int print_maxLineLength = 0; // 0 = unset static boolean print_silent; // total mute if set static void print() { print(""); } // slightly overblown signature to return original object... static A print(A o) { if (print_silent) return o; String s = String.valueOf(o) + "\n"; // TODO if (print_maxLineLength != 0) StringBuffer loc = local_log; StringBuffer buf = print_log; int loc_max = print_log_max; if (buf != loc && buf != null) { print_append(buf, s, print_log_max); loc_max = local_log_max; } if (loc != null) print_append(loc, s, loc_max); System.out.print(s); return o; } static void print(long l) { print(String.valueOf(l)); } static void print(char c) { print(String.valueOf(c)); } static void print_append(StringBuffer buf, String s, int max) { synchronized(buf) { buf.append(s); max /= 2; if (buf.length() > max) try { int newLength = max/2; int ofs = buf.length()-newLength; String newString = buf.substring(ofs); buf.setLength(0); buf.append("[...] ").append(newString); } catch (Exception e) { buf.setLength(0); } } } static float abs(float f) { return Math.abs(f); } static BWImage shootScreenBW() { return new BWImage(shootScreen2()); } static BWImage loadBWImage(String snippetIDOrURL) { return new BWImage(loadBufferedImage(snippetIDOrURL)); } static boolean loadBufferedImage_useImageCache = true; static BufferedImage loadBufferedImage(String snippetIDOrURL) { try { if (isURL(snippetIDOrURL)) return URL(snippetIDOrURL)); if (!isSnippetID(snippetIDOrURL)) throw fail("Not a URL or snippet ID: " + snippetIDOrURL); String snippetID = "" + parseSnippetID(snippetIDOrURL); try { // TODO: androidify File dir = new File(System.getProperty("user.home"), ".tinybrain/image-cache"); if (loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) { dir.mkdirs(); File file = new File(dir, snippetID + ".png"); if (file.exists() && file.length() != 0) try { return; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); // fall back to loading from sourceforge } } String imageURL = snippetImageURL(snippetID); System.err.println("Loading image: " + imageURL); BufferedImage image = URL(imageURL)); if (loadBufferedImage_useImageCache) { File tempFile = new File(dir, snippetID + ".tmp." + System.currentTimeMillis()); ImageIO.write(image, "png", tempFile); tempFile.renameTo(new File(dir, snippetID + ".png")); //"Cached image."); } //"Loaded image."); return image; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } catch (Throwable __e) { throw __e instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) __e : new RuntimeException(__e); }} static BufferedImage loadBufferedImage(File file) { try { return; } catch (Throwable __e) { throw __e instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) __e : new RuntimeException(__e); }} static BufferedImage shootScreen2() { try { Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); Rectangle screenRectangle = new Rectangle(screenSize); Robot robot = new Robot(); return robot.createScreenCapture(screenRectangle); } catch (Throwable __e) { throw __e instanceof RuntimeException ? (RuntimeException) __e : new RuntimeException(__e); }} static RuntimeException fail() { throw new RuntimeException("fail"); } static RuntimeException fail(Object msg) { throw new RuntimeException(String.valueOf(msg)); } static RuntimeException fail(String msg) { throw new RuntimeException(unnull(msg)); } // disabled for now to shorten some programs /*static RuntimeException fail(S msg, O... args) { throw new RuntimeException(format(msg, args)); }*/ public static long parseSnippetID(String snippetID) { long id = Long.parseLong(shortenSnippetID(snippetID)); if (id == 0) throw fail("0 is not a snippet ID"); return id; } static boolean isURL(String s) { return s.startsWith("http://") || s.startsWith("https://"); } static String snippetImageURL(String snippetID) { long id = parseSnippetID(snippetID); String url; if (id == 1000010 || id == 1000012) url = "" + id; else url = "" + id + "&contentType=image/png"; return url; } public static boolean isSnippetID(String s) { try { parseSnippetID(s); return true; } catch (RuntimeException e) { return false; } } static String unnull(String s) { return s == null ? "" : s; } static List unnull(List l) { return l == null ? emptyList() : l; } static Iterable unnull(Iterable i) { return i == null ? emptyList() : i; } static Object[] unnull(Object[] a) { return a == null ? new Object[0] : a; } static BitSet unnull(BitSet b) { return b == null ? new BitSet() : b; } static String shortenSnippetID(String snippetID) { if (snippetID.startsWith("#")) snippetID = snippetID.substring(1); String httpBlaBla = ""; if (snippetID.startsWith(httpBlaBla)) snippetID = snippetID.substring(httpBlaBla.length()); return "" + parseLong(snippetID); } static List emptyList() { return new ArrayList(); //ret Collections.emptyList(); } static long parseLong(String s) { if (s == null) return 0; return Long.parseLong(dropSuffix("L", s)); } static long parseLong(Object s) { return Long.parseLong((String) s); } static String dropSuffix(String suffix, String s) { return s.endsWith(suffix) ? s.substring(0, l(s)-l(suffix)) : s; } static int l(Object[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(boolean[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(byte[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(int[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(float[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(char[] a) { return a == null ? 0 : a.length; } static int l(Collection c) { return c == null ? 0 : c.size(); } static int l(Map m) { return m == null ? 0 : m.size(); } static int l(CharSequence s) { return s == null ? 0 : s.length(); } static int l(Object o) { return l((List) o); // incomplete } }