Compile Error. ---------- 1. ERROR in /home/stefan/.javax/1513273258546/ (at line 158) String a = l.get(i), b = l.get(i+1), c = l.get(i+2); ^^^^^^^^ Type mismatch: cannot convert from BigInteger to String ---------- 2. ERROR in /home/stefan/.javax/1513273258546/ (at line 158) String a = l.get(i), b = l.get(i+1), c = l.get(i+2); ^^^^^^^^^^ Type mismatch: cannot convert from BigInteger to String ---------- 3. ERROR in /home/stefan/.javax/1513273258546/ (at line 158) String a = l.get(i), b = l.get(i+1), c = l.get(i+2); ^^^^^^^^^^ Type mismatch: cannot convert from BigInteger to String ---------- 4. ERROR in /home/stefan/.javax/1513273258546/ (at line 159) if (eq(plus(a, 1), b) && eq(plus(a, 2), c)) ^^^^ The method plus(BigInteger, BigInteger) in the type main is not applicable for the arguments (String, int) ---------- 5. ERROR in /home/stefan/.javax/1513273258546/ (at line 159) if (eq(plus(a, 1), b) && eq(plus(a, 2), c)) ^^^^ The method plus(BigInteger, BigInteger) in the type main is not applicable for the arguments (String, int) ---------- 5 problems (5 errors) java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException