[the text of [theory tennis]] is "if [user says [$first $last is a tennis player]] and [memorize [$first $last is supposedly a tennis player]] then [say [ah, so $first $last must be a fit guy!]]" ! ``` Starting on goal: [think [user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]]] and [say $x] Goal arity 3: [think [user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]]] and [say $x] nextSolution Got clause: _1 and _2 Clause unifies to: [think [user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]]] and [say $x] gdash: think [user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]] Goal arity 2: think [user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]] Got clause: think _7 Clause unifies to: think [user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?]] Clause is native. gdash: say $x Goal arity 2: say $x Got clause: say [it's _21 !] Clause unifies to: say [it's _21 !] gdash: user says [_22 * _23] Goal arity 3: user says [_22 * _23] Got clause: say [_53 is _54 !] Clause unifies to: say [_53 is _54 !] gdash: user says _55 Goal arity 3: user says _55 Got clause: user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] Clause unifies to: user says [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] gdash: rew ! [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is _53 ?] Goal arity 5: rew ! [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is _53 ?] Got clause: rew ! _115 to _116 Clause unifies to: rew ! [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is _53 ?] gdash: rew [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is _53 ?] Goal arity 4: rew [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is _53 ?] Got clause: rew _180 to _181 Clause unifies to: rew [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is _53 ?] gdash: rewrite [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to _182 Goal arity 4: rewrite [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to _182 Got clause: rewrite [what is the _219 of _220 ?] to [what is [the _219 of _220] ?] Clause unifies to: rewrite [what is the text of [theory tennis] ?] to [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] gdash: rew [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] to [what is _53 ?] Goal arity 4: rew [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] to [what is _53 ?] Got clause: rew _284 to _285 Clause unifies to: rew [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] to [what is _53 ?] gdash: rewrite [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] to _286 Goal arity 4: rewrite [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] to _286 Got clause: rew _379 to _379 Clause unifies to: rew [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] to [what is [the text of [theory tennis]] ?] gdash: ?? "!"("5") Goal arity 1: ?? "!"("5") cut -1. Prolog$Goal(car=l("!", "5"), cdr=Prolog$Goal(car=l("[]", Prolog$Var(id=53L, instance=l("[]", "the", Prolog$Var(id=219L, instance=l("text")), "of", Prolog$Var(id=220L, instance=l("[]", "theory", "tennis")))), "is", Prolog$Var(id=54L, instance=r11)))) Goal arity 3: [the text of [theory tennis]] is _54 Got clause: [the _386 of _387] is _388 Clause unifies to: [the text of [theory tennis]] is _54 gdash: the text of [theory tennis] is _54 Goal arity 6: the text of [theory tennis] is _54 Got clause: the text of [theory _404] is _405 Clause unifies to: the text of [theory tennis] is _54 gdash: _54 = text of theory tennis Goal arity 6: _54 = text of theory tennis Got clause: _411 = text of theory _412 Clause unifies to: _54 = text of theory tennis Clause is native. gdash: - SUCCESS! solution found in step 232 UserVarMap goal: "[]"("[]"(think, "[]"(user, says, "[]"(what, is, the, text, of, "[]"(theory, tennis), "?"))), and, "[]"(say, "[]"("[]"(the, text, of, "[]"(theory, tennis)), is, "\"if [user says [$first $last is a tennis player]] and [memorize [$first $last is supposedly a tennis player]] then [say [ah, so $first $last must be a fit guy!]]\"", "!"))) UserVarMap var "[]"("[]"(the, text, of, "[]"(theory, tennis)), is, "\"if [user says [$first $last is a tennis player]] and [memorize [$first $last is supposedly a tennis player]] then [say [ah, so $first $last must be a fit guy!]]\"", "!") ok: true```